IRC log for #asterisk on 20121101

00:01.11*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (~TriJetScu@2001:470:e97f:1003:215:5dff:fe07:4806)
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00:02.14[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer: that is still for basic DEVICE setup
00:02.32Brokedcomputerhahaha, as I said, like me giving you the bible and telling you to read it...
00:02.38[TK]D-Fenderpointing a device to * is pretty minimal.  PROCESSING a call is where the work is
00:02.44[TK]D-Fenderextensions.con <-
00:03.03[TK]D-FenderYou need JUST enough on basic device setup to get it so it CAN talk at all.
00:03.03BrokedcomputerIs that the header of the page for the table of contents?
00:03.13[TK]D-Fenderthen making it DO anything.... that is the dialplan
00:03.15BrokedcomputerI have absolutly no config yet
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00:11.42Brokedcomputer[TK]D-Fender - If you gave me a link to a page I should start at in that book online, I may just be able to get more out of your help, for now, your suggestions seem very distracting to me.
00:15.18[TK]D-Fenderthat does cover a chunk of the start
00:15.30BrokedcomputerThats what I am working on now,
00:16.25[TK]D-FenderThen chapter 6 <---
00:19.06BrokedcomputerOut of question, when I make a password for the phones Secret in Sip.conf, do I ever have to type that into the phone? Or how is that used?
00:20.38[TK]D-Fenderthat is a parameter in configuring it
00:20.45[TK]D-Fendernot "as you dial"
00:21.48*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
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00:22.30[TK]D-FenderNow just before you did any further, maybe you could give us an idea of what you want to have in  the end so we can make sure there aren't any "gotchas" waiting rather than find out after spending a lot of time on it....
00:23.37*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
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01:07.31*** join/#asterisk Brokedcomputer (~ce@
01:07.39BrokedcomputerThat was very strange. Sorry there [TK]D-Fender
01:08.06*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
01:08.08BrokedcomputerI lost all semblance of a DNS, it was very strange, and all I did was plug in the ethernet of my Cisco 7960 phone.
01:10.38*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
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01:32.01*** join/#asterisk K-Man`` (
01:32.46K-Man``hi all, i am trying to use the extenspy application on Asterisk but getting unexpected results. Can someone help? many thanks in advance
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01:56.42*** join/#asterisk chamm75 (
01:57.29chamm75Good evening. Does anyone have experience setting up SIP trunking with flowroute and a pfSense firewall?
01:57.41chamm75I'd be greatly appreciative for a little assistance.
02:01.22chamm75I've got to get this trunk up and running by tomorrow morning. I've been at it all day, but I'm clearly missing something.
02:01.43chamm75Or, I've got it set up exactly right, and it's not working for some other reason.
02:02.07*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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02:09.22chamm75Using Asterisk 1.8.11 behind a pfSense firewall. SIP trunk registers without error. I can dial the DID, and hear the IVR message, but it hangs up after 6.4 seconds every time. Asterisk gives the error: WARNING[1634]: chan_sip.c:3695 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call XXXXXXXXX_XXXXXXXX@ - no reply to our critical packet
02:09.48*** part/#asterisk K-Man`` (
02:10.01chamm75I sense that it has something to do with the media handoff, but I don't know why it's failing.
02:10.21*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
02:10.21WIMPyLooks like you aren't allowed to send a reply out to the internet.
02:10.23chamm75I've got RTP ports defined in the rtp.conf, and those ports are forwarded to the PBX
02:10.45chamm75I've got firewall rules allowing all LAN traffic outbound.
02:10.48WIMPyNope. That pure SIP, no media.
02:11.36chamm75Hmmm. Ok that's helpful.
02:12.02chamm75But that IP address isn't the flowroute SIP server.
02:12.09WIMPyMaybe you have nf_nat_sip loaded, mangling your packets.
02:12.11chamm75Does it have something to do with canreinvite settings?
02:12.41WIMPyThat doen;t do anything if you do IVR.
02:13.14chamm75I've googled that IP address, and several other web pages have people asking a similar question. I think it relates specifically to how flowroute handles SIP.
02:13.27chamm75The trunk is set up to
02:13.49chamm75Which resolves to
02:14.38chamm75Would you mind taking a look at a SIP debug file?
02:19.32*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
02:20.02WIMPyWow. 4 vias. Never seen such thing before. But I see you have NAT enabled. That might be an issue.
02:20.19chamm75I've tried disabling it. Same result.
02:20.30chamm75Times out, no response 6400ms
02:22.33chamm75flowroute has a really neat configurator that's supposed to write the PEER details. I've copied & pasted directly, as well as tried several modifications, including nat=no and canreinvite=yes.
02:22.46chamm75Outbound calls seem to work fine.
02:23.05chamm75Inbound call rings to the IVR, then immediately disconnects
02:23.36chamm75I'm confused about line 43.
02:24.17chamm75That RTP port is different every time, and it's not within the range that I've forwarded to my PBX
02:24.42chamm75But I believe you when you say it's not a media issue.
02:24.49ossipdo you know why Festival TTS stop reading text afeter a comma ','
02:25.09chamm75I'm sure it's related in some way to my firewall, but I'm struggling to figure out how.
02:25.29WIMPyyout RTP ports are defined in rtp. conf. The remote ports are random.
02:25.30chamm75I'm allowing all outbound traffic, automatically creating NAT rules.
02:25.48WIMPyBut lack of rtp activity gives you a different message.
02:26.06chamm75I've got 5060-5061 plus 16700-16899 forwarded to the PBX.
02:26.25chamm75(When the source IP address matches flowroute)
02:26.29WIMPyYou are not receiving a response to your SIP messages. It might be because they don't get to the peer.
02:27.41*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
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02:28.19WIMPyWhen you use nf_conntrack_sip you shouldn't need to forward RTP ports.
02:28.33chamm75Is it possible that this is entirely the fault of the trunk provider? I swear it worked fine for, like, a day.
02:28.57chamm75My firewall doesn't do any special SIP handling. (That's always been bad for me in the past)
02:29.22chamm75I've even tried specifying a different SIP port.
02:29.26WIMPyAs said above, nf_nat_sip will cause trouble.
02:29.32chamm75Same result.
02:30.27chamm75I do not have a nf_nat_sip in the config directory. Is there someplace I should be looking?
02:31.43chamm75Nope, not in there.
02:31.53chamm75lsmod | grep sip returns nothing.
02:32.14chamm75It's a pretty clean install of AsteriskNOW
02:32.38WIMPyOn the firewall.
02:33.06chamm75It's running BSD.
02:33.17chamm75pfSense, which is based on FreeBSD
02:33.37chamm75Fork of m0n0wall. I've used it for years, but haven't done SIP trunking through it.
02:33.39BrokedcomputerDoes asterisk have a TFTP server, or would we need to install one?
02:33.55WIMPyOk. Don't know what those features are called there.
02:34.02chamm75Many distributions of Asterisk have TFTP server
02:34.27BrokedcomputerCool thanks
02:35.46chamm75AFAIK, there is no SIP ALG mod included in pfSense.
02:36.53*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
02:37.01chamm75There is a SIP proxy module, sipproxd
02:37.19chamm75Maybe I should look at installing that. Maybe it'll handle something that the firewall isn't handling.
02:39.03chamm75Looks like maybe I should invest some time looking into that.
02:39.23chamm75Like I said, I swear this worked for a day.
02:42.55WIMPyThat might be overkill.
02:44.45chamm75I believe it's the BSD equivalent of nf_nat_sip
02:45.02chamm75In my previous experience, SIP algorithms have never been necessary.
02:45.17chamm75But I've never had this much trouble setting up a trunk, either.
02:45.19WIMPyA proxy is another application.
02:46.02*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
02:47.00chamm75Well, this goes back to, could this be a problem with the trunk provider? I can't imagine I'm the only person on Flowroute trying to use this configuration.
02:47.05chamm75But maybe I am...
02:48.01chamm75Also, siproxd is listed as BETA software. That's never a good sign.
02:48.38WIMPyDoes tat really mean anything?
02:49.04chamm75Seeing as how SNORT is listed as stable, and it's buggy as hell, not really.
02:49.51chamm75So... I need to be looking at SIP. I'm not sure what all the VIAs mean.
02:50.14ChannelZmeh. My Asterisk 11 install seems to have lost its console color.
02:50.26WIMPyI think that means lots of proxies.
02:50.36chamm75But you say that whatever is at isn't responding to my SIP packets.
02:51.50WIMPyThe PB has alreay expired. But That's not the IP I remember.
02:52.07carrarchamm75, why not move interface on the pbx to the DMZ so you don't have those issues?
02:52.15*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@gateway/shell/
02:52.18carrarmove a interface that is
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02:53.17chamm75Because the customer has only one public IP address.
02:53.24chamm75So I have to forward ports.
02:53.26*** part/#asterisk doulos1 (
02:56.18chamm75I just did a TCPdump on the Asterisk box itself, and I see two-way communication with that server.
02:56.38WIMPyYou're replying to
02:57.04chamm75Which is
02:57.19chamm75Honestly, I have no idea where the comes from.
02:57.35chamm75It's specified in the INVITE request
02:57.54chamm75I assume it's flowroute's equipment.
02:58.02carrarthat means flowroute is using level3 for sip
02:58.16chamm75But I do have a firewall rule allowing traffic from it.
02:58.16carrarwe'll for the RTP part
02:58.28WIMPyLooks like that IP is used for media.
02:58.31carrarmake sure your RTP is wide open
02:58.56chamm75The RTP ports specified in rtp.conf are wide open.
02:59.20chamm75Eventually, I'm going to have phones outside this firewall.
02:59.29carrarand wide open ipwise on the fw?
02:59.34chamm75If I can get the SIP trunk working. :-/
02:59.49chamm75the SIP port is only open to a whitelist
03:00.15carrarmake sure you are responding with the correct ip
03:00.19WIMPyThat might be a hint.
03:00.25chamm75which includes
03:00.36WIMPyMaybe theyuse different IPs. Have you checked for misses on the FW?
03:01.18BrokedcomputerHey Guys, I have configured the defaults of the extensions.conf and iax, and sip files, what do I need to do to get the Cisco 7960 IP phone to attach to the server?
03:01.29carrarbl, lunch
03:02.02WIMPyBrokedcomputer: defaults? And what firmware does your 7960 have? SIP or SCCP?
03:02.26BrokedcomputerI have previously had it set to SIP, but I am starting from scratch, and have the files needed for sip.
03:03.46*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
03:03.53chamm75Am I looking for blocked inbound connections on port 5060?
03:05.06chamm75Nope, nothing blocked.
03:05.47BrokedcomputerSorry, the defaults from this book, chapter 5&6
03:06.53*** join/#asterisk lanning (
03:10.18chamm75Does UDP traffic from a source port of 5300 mean anything?
03:10.35chamm75Some of that is getting blocked, but it's sourced from a 10.x.x.x network.
03:10.52WIMPyPossible. You don;t know what source port the peer uses.
03:11.18chamm75This port 5300 keeps showing up, though. To a different "random" port.
03:11.26chamm75I'll try allowing it temporarily.
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03:12.26WIMPyTo a random port does not sound like somethig you're looking for.
03:14.16chamm75That didnt' help. Still timing out.
03:14.25chamm75The firewall is passing all traffic.
03:16.18chamm75Does this offer any insight?
03:17.07chamm75This is killing me. :-/
03:17.33chamm75And flowroute support doesn't open until noon tomorrow, at which time I'll have a very pissed off customer.
03:21.03ossipIs it possible to use Festival TTS in early-media state?
03:21.05*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
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03:27.59chamm75Ah, well, thanks for the help WIMPy. It's much appreciated. I'm going to hack away for a bit longer, then go to bed. Sounds like a support call to the provider might be the only way to resolve this.
03:28.32chamm75I'm not convinced I'm doing anything wrong. :-) I've been at this for a little while, and while I'm not an expert, I'm not a novice, either.
03:29.07WIMPyMight help if you had an account with another ITSP to try.
03:30.07chamm75Yeah. I might be switching to another provider.
03:30.27chamm75Which is a shame, because the pricing model from flowroute is perfect for my customer.
03:30.41chamm75I don't know of any other providers that price that way.
03:30.52chamm75Flat rate, unlimited channels, pre-pay.
03:31.42chamm75All the other providers I checked out limited concurrent connections. Or had a monthly rate per channel.
03:32.02WIMPyMakes sense.
03:32.10chamm75My client has 11 months of complete downtime, where they might use 1-2 channels, then a month of chaos where they'll use 15 channels at once.
03:32.27chamm75Doesn't make sense for them to pay monthly for 15 channels for the other 11 months.
03:32.42chamm75So... I'll hope that flowroute support can do it.
03:33.02WIMPyIf they know when they need the extra channels, I don;t see the issue.
03:38.02*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
03:40.38chamm75I may look at alternate solutions if I can't get flowroute working.
03:41.16chamm75They do know when their busy time is, but if I'm not around, I don't know that they'll want to turn up/down 13 additional channels.
03:55.54*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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04:10.33fireman_biffMy dundi/iax2 calls are occasionally failing with iax cause code 50 (no authority found). The secret used by the calling PBX matches dundi/secret in the database of the called PBX, and the username used by the calling PBX exists in the iax config on the called PBX. What else should I check?
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07:22.24lkthomasguys, after enable snmp on res_snmp.conf, do I need to restart asterisk ?
07:27.08kaldemar"module reload" will probably do.
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07:44.33lkthomaskaldemar: it will not affect asterisk system right ?
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07:53.13kaldemarlkthomas: it will affect the snmp resource module and anything that may depend on it.
08:06.43lkthomasthis is stupid
08:06.48lkthomashow could I copy and paste like that
08:09.11lkthomasfound a workaround
08:17.38*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
08:22.10mirela666Does AsteriskGUI have own channel?
08:23.03mirela666aha found it - #asterisk-gui
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09:53.21sacoetzeehey everyone
10:02.20*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
10:02.51sacoetzeehaving an issue with a snom 370 and asterisk, where transfers are immediately bouncing back to the phone. I've reported on the snom forums too. Link to post info in pastebin
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10:29.07bulkorokwhen I use ReceivingFax, di I can force asterisk to send the T38 INVITE and not the sending side!?
10:29.39bulkorokit seems like fax receiving fails if the sender issues the T38 re-INVITE
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12:01.19mathibefore installing asterisk 11, shouldn't I uninstall my previous version? (10)
12:02.08bulkorokcheck configure --help for directory options... then you don't have to uninstall
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12:38.15Rumblesit took me 2 days but I finally got fax working over SIP lines!!! :D go fudge yourself 1840's technology
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12:46.40ghost75(13:38:28) Rumbles: it took me 2 days but I finally got fax working over SIP lines <- that is so complicated?
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12:52.02bulkorokI would carry the printed paper by feet than faxing them
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12:55.33ghost75still so many people use fax :<
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13:15.17kannanhello, I want to spawn an external script with System , but need to execute next priority immediately without waiting for the script to complete. the script is meant to interrupt the call after x seconds and will sleep until then
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13:15.42kannanwith System, it goes to next priority only after the script is completed
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13:16.48[TK]D-Fendercall it as a daemon then
13:16.55[TK]D-Fender& <-
13:17.28kannanoh ok thanks , will do
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13:58.19Kattydo you have espresso?!
13:58.20latvHi! is there any updated tutorial how to succeed with WebRTC call? most peoplewho try it, get "no protocols out of 'sip' supported" error or get silence
13:58.25Kattygo get some. NOA
14:01.14*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
14:01.31tonikaschHi, do you know whcich package is asterisk's file included in on openwrt?
14:01.44tonikasch(asterisk 1.8)
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14:24.38ghost75i have now included monitoring trunk delay time in nagios
14:25.10ghost75100ms is still ok time?
14:26.23ghost75is sip btw
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14:29.29[TK]D-FenderThat time is not a really valid metric.  that it's up at all or constant is the key
14:29.48ghost75not for me
14:32.38ghost75i get like 70ms average from isp
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14:35.15bombevany idea Directed Call Pickup  ** doesnt work when I try to pick up call with **<ext) it give me busy signal
14:35.53filelatv, the No protocols out of 'sip' supported has been fixed in SVN and I have seen no reports of silence
14:38.51latvfile, thanks, perhaps silence appears after patching asterisk with sipml5 patch. I personally didn't do it, only got No protocols out of 'sip' supported error with release tar.gz
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14:39.12fileI have never used the sipml5 patch for development, and it works fine with the latest Chrome Canary without it
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14:48.10gimp__hi all!
14:48.48[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Depends what you were loking at.
14:49.02[TK]D-FenderSIP QUALIFY (sip show peers) is rarely meaningful.
14:49.10[TK]D-FenderACTUAL ping may be more indicative.
14:49.18[TK]D-FenderThen again jitter/PL is far worse
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14:49.51[TK]D-Fenderbombev, Go look if your phone is even talking to your server for that request.  "sip set debug on" <---
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14:50.44gimp__i have a curious question regarding the Bridge application. i have successfully bridged 2 channels from a script which is executed from the dialplan. when user A does the bridge, the user B extension exits " exited non-zero on 'Bridge/SIP/ml-win-00000007<ZOMBIE>'".. and when either one press * to end the bridge, user B gets hangup while user A is still in the dialplan script. how can i keep the users online after the Bridge has finished?
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14:57.28NikezHey guys
14:57.32NikezIm kinda stuck here.
14:57.42NikezIt probably is a really noobish question..
14:58.20NikezHow do I enable calling from any number to any number? :P Let's say I have username 1000, friend has 1001.
14:58.30NikezI want to be able to call him
14:58.37kannanan external system script called with System in daemon mode works well. the script sleeps and then inteurrpts a conference (meetme); in order to stream a file thru AMI , is there a way to stream it into a meetme room ? or on the channels? is it enough to stream a file to one channel, will all the participants hear tyhe audio?
14:58.53Nikezor anyone for that matter, so it could be 1923 or whatever random number.
14:59.14*** join/#asterisk k610 (
15:00.03[TK]D-Fendermikthen make an extension that matches what they dail.
15:00.15[TK]D-FenderNikez, Chapter 6 : Dialplan Basics
15:00.16infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:00.25*** join/#asterisk j4m3s_ (~j4m3s_@pdpc/supporter/active/j4m3s)
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15:04.58gimp__Nikez, you use the dialplan wildcard digits to specify this, sich as . _ X Z N. its called extension patterns
15:08.52NikezThanks guys
15:08.55NikezI finally made it
15:10.31BrokedcomputerGood Morning guys,
15:11.49BrokedcomputerSo, I have the sip and sep files for my cisco 7960 and 7940, I was wondering if I could get some help making them work with the Asterisk server, I have an ftp server setup, and I am sure that I have the files in the right folder *I put them in both the ftp's root and sub folders* and now I am not sure how to configure them.
15:14.04gimp__Brokedcomputer, you probably need to define the sip phones in some profile in sip.conf, either by their static ip or by username+password and put them in a dialplan context
15:14.30BrokedcomputerAlright, that makes sense,
15:14.38QwellIt would help if the phones themselves were configured first.
15:14.55Brokedcomputerthat is also very sensible, :P
15:15.23BrokedcomputerI believe that is where I am at, needing to configure the phones, though the username and password in Sip.conf is also needed.
15:15.38BrokedcomputerNot sure exactly how to set that up, but I feel I may know where it goes.
15:15.43gimp__you should check ouit the documentation for the cisco phones
15:16.05gimp__or google found this for you
15:16.13BrokedcomputerI have been trying to read up on that, though, it has been very confusing...
15:16.36BrokedcomputerAlready had this open on my browser,
15:16.51BrokedcomputerGoogle didn't find it for me, I knew about it,
15:17.21gimp__i googled "cisco 7960 asterisk" there are several discussions on the topic
15:17.42BrokedcomputerYes, but I am not sure how to change concept into action on my setup.
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15:24.10BrokedcomputerWell let me ask this, where do I set the phones to be extensions for example 100 and 101? In extensions.conf or somewhere else? Otherwise I think I have the conf files ready... atleast I think so...
15:24.43gimp__user identities goes in sip.conf, dialplan extensions goes in extensions.conf
15:25.00BrokedcomputerAlright, I think I have that setup then
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15:25.33BrokedcomputerSo now I am trying to get the phone to pull its setup from the ftp, not sure that I have that setup right, the phone doesn't seem to want to pull?
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15:25.49[TK]D-FenderDid you test with your own FTP client?
15:25.57BrokedcomputerGood idea
15:26.12[TK]D-FenderYou sure the phone is configured for FTP?  By default is seems to be TFTP which is completely different
15:27.09BrokedcomputerWell, it did have ftp but another page to do with asterisk and Cisco told me to setup vsftpd
15:27.20Brokedcomputertftp I mean on the first part.
15:29.30[TK]D-FenderAs long as the phone is configured to match...
15:29.52[TK]D-FenderGo prove that it is indeed using FTP, and then prove that your server is in fact serving up the files
15:29.57Brokedcomputerhmm not sure if I need to add a port or something then, but ... I would rather do it the way the phone wants.
15:30.45BrokedcomputerIt says TFPT server address in the settings
15:31.26[TK]D-FenderAnd do you see an option to change that?
15:31.34BrokedcomputerOnly the address
15:32.56BrokedcomputerOk, I think the TFTP server is active now, the phone is looking for a file.
15:34.11*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
15:34.19kannancan we send an audio file into a meetme room, where the participants can all hear?
15:34.45kannancan an AMI script do this?
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15:37.36WIMPykannan: Not directely, but you might be able to originate a call in to the conference that does a playback.
15:37.57BrokedcomputerWhy do I get a -bash: sip: command not found ? Did I configure something wrong or miss a step?
15:37.59kannanWIMPy , like a LOCAL channel with originate?
15:38.27gimp__kannan: maybe have a look at ConfBridge, it allows to specify sounds for events such as user joined,left,kicked,muted and so on:
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15:38.52gimp__Brokedcomputer, because you should give astersik the commands, not the command prompt
15:38.53kannangimp__ ty, i will see it
15:38.58gimp__start asterisk with "sudo asterisk -r"
15:39.04BrokedcomputerOH hehe
15:39.43fireman_biffHow can I troubleshoot a non-PRI T1? With a PRI I would normally use "pri set debug on"... is there an equivalent for a non-PRI T1?
15:39.47BrokedcomputerAnd that tells me no such command
15:40.10WIMPyWhile speaking of ConfBridge... I noticed that the enter and leave sounds are played after the corresponding announcement. That doesn;t seem to make sense. Does anyone know if that is intended
15:40.17WIMPybehaviour or a bug?
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15:46.24fireman_biffOr is there a way to get debug info from dahdi?
15:49.00ghost75(15:49:16) [TK]D-Fender: SIP QUALIFY (sip show peers) is rarely meaningful. <- for me kind of is
15:49.19ghost75but i could also deploy a ping probe
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15:49.58[TK]D-Fenderghost75, that is Layer 7 and is often prioritized remarkably low.  Polycom's are over 70ms on LAN <---
15:50.19[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Hence whatever you get .... could mean precisely nothing as far as actual voice is concerned.
15:52.08ghost75great stuff, they block icmp response
15:54.25Kattyruns through
15:54.38Kattyruns back out
15:54.53BrokedcomputerI don't seem to have the default configs of asterisk, or any files for asterisk it seems?
15:55.21BrokedcomputerI installed AsteriskNOW without GUI, does that not have the example confs?
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15:55.56ghost75maybe freepbx is easier for you
15:56.31BrokedcomputerIt probably would be but I don't have any basis, since I am ok with Ubuntu I tried that, but there was no one that wanted to help me.
15:56.46latvfile, can you suggest a method to setup webrtc server and client inside natted network? i have a trouble that rtp going outside, most probably because of stun discovery
15:56.47Kattydances with [TK]D-Fender
15:56.51[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Most of the defaults are just conceptual samples anyway and not suggested for any kind of use.
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15:56.54BrokedcomputerI am now trying to do this with CLI, but its difficult to get help/
15:57.10[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Start your own from scratch.  Yuo need VERY little to be up and placing calls.
15:57.14BrokedcomputerFair enough, thought I can't at all find a asterisk.conf
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15:57.34ghost75i only know german tutorials
15:57.34[TK]D-Fender/etc/asterisk <---
15:57.35filelatv, the ICE candidates should have host as prioritized over outside if possible - nothing you can do to change that... it's part of the ICE negotiation
15:57.37[TK]D-FenderNothing there?
15:57.39BrokedcomputerThats all I am trying to do is setup ONE phone to make a test call to voice mail.
15:57.48BrokedcomputerNothing in there about asterisk.conf.
15:57.52gimp__Brokedcomputer, if you use ubuntu, install asterisk-config
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15:58.04[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN "ls -la /etc/asterisk"
15:58.15BrokedcomputerI am using Centos as that is what came with AsteriskNOW.
15:58.17infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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15:58.57wonderworldi am having a strange problem. asterisk suddenly stopped to accept REGISTERs. port 5060 seems to be blocked. even if i try to access it from localhost (nc 5060) i am unable to connect. iptables is not running. i didn't change the servers config and i don't know where to start fixing it...
15:59.28gimp__wonderworld, is asterisk running?
15:59.32wonderworldyes it is
15:59.38wonderworldi restarted it several times as well
15:59.47gimp__do /var/log/asterisk/messages have a clue?
15:59.54wonderworldwait, let me check
16:00.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: why u no dance wif me?!!?!
16:00.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: no snobs allowed!
16:00.27ghost75nc 5060 <- that will show refused anyway
16:01.15wonderworldohh, ok. so this might not be the best way to test it
16:01.33ghost75maybe its a problem on the router
16:01.40[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, I suggest you install the sample configs for now substituting the ones you are alrady doing on your own, but leaving the rest for now.
16:01.41ghost75i had that on openwrt
16:01.56wonderworldmessages shows nothing
16:01.56[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, they are all in the "config" folder in the * tarball.
16:02.09wonderworldcli with high verbosity shows nothing
16:02.14ghost75reboot router wonderworld
16:02.15gimp__wonderworld, if you run asterisk on localhost, it will occupy port 5060. the same port is used by the sip client so you cant run both on the same machine & ip
16:02.24BrokedcomputerI will check that out thanks [TK]D-Fender
16:02.27[TK]D-FenderKatty, Sure I'm be right over... I'll start walknig now.  See you in 2013!
16:02.45wonderworldghost75: it's a hosted server. no router i could access
16:02.47gimp__wonderworld, also if you behind a NAT you will need a stun server or something. try to get it working on the same LAN first
16:02.54wonderworldhow could i test the connection from local host
16:03.09wonderworldit used to work fine for just suddenly started
16:04.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: maybe you should take a plane.
16:04.20[TK]D-FenderKatty, Actually ... I have no passport... good thing I didn't make it to the border yet!
16:04.30tonikaschDo you know if is included by default in Asteisk 1.8.10? Or you have to install some other packages?
16:04.55[TK]D-Fendertonikasch, yes
16:05.22ghost75i found also its hard to troubleshoot sip connections if everything is blocked
16:05.37tonikasch[TK]D-Fender,  Ok, so it's a problem with openwrt, they don't include this file in the main package
16:05.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's ok. you shouldn't enter this country anyway
16:05.51wonderworldhmm. i guess i will reboot the server
16:06.04wonderworld"windows method" ;)
16:06.22[TK]D-FenderKatty, I'll let you know on say ...Nov 7th ;)
16:06.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: <3
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16:07.16[TK]D-FenderKatty, Or however long it takes the Supreme Court to assign a victor ;)
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16:08.43IceMan82Hello, does anyone have any experience with UniMRCP? I've been trying to integrate the bridge connector with asterisk for 2 days with no success.
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16:12.40Kattycarrar: ESPRESSO
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16:15.45gimp__i have a curious question regarding the Bridge application. i have successfully bridged 2 channels from a script which is executed from the dialplan. when user A does the bridge, the user B extension exits " exited non-zero on 'Bridge/SIP/ml-win-00000007<ZOMBIE>'".. and when either one press * to end the bridge, user B gets hangup while user A is still in the dialplan script. how can i keep the users online after the Bridge has finished?
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17:05.57Brokedcomputer[TK]D-Fender - So I have the sample scripts in that folder now, and I have duplicated Asterisk.conf and left it as is, could you help me set it up?
17:06.34[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't have to mess with asterisk.conf
17:06.52[TK]D-Fenderfirst see if your phone has registered to your SIP peer
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17:07.10BrokedcomputerI would need to restart my server to make the asterisk.conf enabled right?
17:07.24[TK]D-Fenderjust do "service asterisk restart"
17:07.28[TK]D-Fenderfrom OS CLI
17:07.29Brokedcomputer*This is a brand new file, asterisk in my setup didn't have it.
17:07.31Brokedcomputeroh ok
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17:07.52[TK]D-FenderAnd you'd better make sure that when you put configs there they went in with the right permissions...
17:08.00[TK]D-Fendershould be asterisk:asterisk for them
17:08.14BrokedcomputerOk its restarted.
17:08.23BrokedcomputerAnd the user and group is asterisk
17:08.46[TK]D-Fenderok, restart and do "sip show peers" to make sure * has even picked up your entires.  then "sip show peer THEPEER" for each and pastebin it
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17:09.42BrokedcomputerI don't think it has, I get that there is no such command.
17:10.44BrokedcomputerIs there a preferred way to install asterisk that I can start from again?
17:10.53[TK]D-Fendershow us
17:10.56BrokedcomputerSince I still know very little,
17:13.36[TK]D-FenderI don't see all the other sample files in your folder as per our previous discussions...
17:13.50BrokedcomputerSorry, I didn't update that list,
17:13.53[TK]D-FenderAnd specifically not asterisk.conf which even tells * where your MODULES are.
17:14.14[TK]D-Fendertrash all that old stuff and do not repaste.  All new. from here on.
17:14.44ghost75centos has asterisk 1.8 already in?
17:15.22BrokedcomputerHere is the latest list
17:16.01[TK]D-Fender-rwxrwxr-x  1 asterisk asterisk  1286 Nov 13  2009 modules.conf.sample
17:16.09[TK]D-Fenderneed this to be non-sample as well...
17:16.27[TK]D-Fenderjust rename them all to normal except for yuor own custom ones.
17:16.41[TK]D-Fenderthis will save the file-by-file failure this path is leading on...
17:16.42BrokedcomputerOh ok
17:17.10jeffspeffhaving an issue with paging now... using asterisk ver 11.0    it seems that it wants to use app_confbridge to mix the audio instead of app_meetme like i think it used to.
17:17.36kaldemarjeffspeff: that's a change made in 11.
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17:18.13jeffspeffkaldemar, is there any documentation for proper configuration of app_page for 11?
17:19.18fileyou can't configure app_page - there is nothing to configure, do you have a confbridge.conf?
17:19.37jeffspefffile, yes, that's what i'm using for conferencing
17:20.10filedid you remove the defaults?
17:20.18jeffspefffile, yes
17:20.33filethat would be why
17:21.09jeffspeffso, is it looking to use the default user or the default bridge?
17:21.15jeffspeffor both?
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17:29.57BrokedcomputerAlright there [TK]D-Fender
17:30.08BrokedcomputerDone that, and I restarted the server.
17:30.30BrokedcomputerYAY, sip show peers worked :P
17:30.51Brokedcomputeroops. :P
17:31.34kannanoriginate a local channel with AMI , to stream an audio file into a meetme room is working well. however, re-direct is causing the channels to hangup. i want to re-direct 1 participant to a IVR , out of the meetme, and hangup the other
17:32.36gimp__kannan,  ?
17:32.43Brokedcomputer <- this is the most recent test [TK]D-Fender
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17:33.36BrokedcomputerI really gotta remember to remove the old stuff, clear doesnt get rid of it..
17:34.02BrokedcomputerWhat you wanted to see is at the very bottom
17:35.16[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, (Unspecified) <- hasn't registered yet.
17:35.25BrokedcomputerYeah I saw that,
17:35.40BrokedcomputerHow do I fix that?
17:35.50[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Now we don't know if the phones are even configured right on their end.  so "sip set debug on" and restart a phone and see if a registration attempt comes in
17:36.40BrokedcomputerI almost garentee that its not configured right on the phone's side...
17:37.36Qwell<Qwell> It would help if the phones themselves were configured first.
17:37.40kannangimp__ , thanks
17:38.07kannanin re-direct thru AMI, we cannot use Asterisk variables ? even if global vars?
17:38.15BrokedcomputerIt doesnt seem to want to pull my configuration files from the tftp server, but I am not sure what I am missing, I have the sep and sip files in there, and the firmware.
17:38.32Brokedcomputerand I have named them with the mac addresses
17:38.37[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Last you mentioned was having the files in an FTP specific folder.
17:39.02[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, You should probably show ALL of that new setup and an attempt with a TFTP client to grab them to make sure it's even sane
17:39.06BrokedcomputerAh yes, I reenabled the tftp program and the phone see's the server, but can't find its files.
17:39.08jeffspefffile, adding the default_bridge made the conference work, but it shows the following errors in output
17:39.12[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Prove the lowest levels first
17:39.28BrokedcomputerOk, so I need a tftp client?
17:39.38filethat I don't know why it would immediately be doing that
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17:44.21BrokedcomputerHey [TK]D-Fender I got it, and it stated, 7blocks transferred in 1 second.
17:44.32BrokedcomputerI am using tftp32
17:44.48[TK]D-FenderSo you grabbed teh files OK?
17:45.44[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Ok, now we're down to misconfiguration of the files themselves or that the phone isn't pointing to it properly
17:45.51BrokedcomputerFair enough
17:46.17[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Ciscos have 2 different config file styles depending on what version of firmware you'er on.  I don't have direcet experience with that part however.
17:46.21Brokedcomputerwhen the phone loads up it says configuring VLAN, then goes to my router, then tries the tftp server
17:46.42BrokedcomputerBy IP address is what I mean when I say tries.
17:47.07fireman_biffIs there a "pri set debug on" equivalent for a non-PRI T1?
17:47.14BrokedcomputerIt loads the 803 firmware,
17:47.46BrokedcomputerSo I agree, I think its the settings in one of my files.
17:49.23[TK]D-FenderSounds like.
17:49.53[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, No traffic at all means that it isn't like a bad user/pass .. it's that in it's current state it isn't trying to contact the server at all (SIP)
17:50.08BrokedcomputerThat sounds right,
17:50.23BrokedcomputerSo do you have any experience to look at my sip settings in the files?
17:50.50[TK]D-FenderAs I said, no direct experience with Cisco configs....
17:51.11[TK]D-FenderAnyone else here able to help this fellow out with his Cisco configs?
17:51.31BrokedcomputerThanks for all your help though, got me places I wouldnt have been yet :p
17:51.40ghost75i only have cisco ata
17:51.41BrokedcomputerCould we setup a software sip phone for testing?
17:52.01BrokedcomputerWorry about the complexities of cisco later?
17:52.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:52.10QwellYou could, sure.
17:52.13BrokedcomputerI mean since we know the config files are loading :P
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17:52.25ghost75are cisco phones really different?
17:52.30BrokedcomputerNot sure,.
17:52.59ghost75you can even use some mobiles as sip client
17:53.11[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Of course you coudl test the * side with jsut a softphone.  Go for it
17:53.15BrokedcomputerId rather on my computer :P
17:53.30Brokedcomputerawesome, ... this is going to be interesting...
17:53.34infobot[~xlite] X-Lite is a free SIP soft-phone for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be downloaded from
17:53.43infobot[~zoiper] Zoiper (formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be found at
17:53.51[TK]D-Fender^ probably a better choice
17:54.00ghost75both free?
17:54.14drmessanoThe OLD X-Lite was pretty awesome for testing.  The new one sucks.  Zoiper is great
17:54.40drmessanoActually, the OLD, OLD, OLD X-Lite.  I think that was 3 OLDs ago
17:55.50jmetrothe 3cx softphone is pretty nice from what i've used.
17:55.57BrokedcomputerMy wife was distracting me, hadn't downloaded the x-lite yet, I will get zoiper
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17:56.26ghost75where are getting those softphones the phonebook from
17:56.43jmetroaw theres no ~3cx macro
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17:59.20BrokedcomputerWOW just got a HUGE bunch of text from the sip debug. :P
18:01.15*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
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18:02.16volga629Hello Everyone, res_rtp_asterisk.c: RTCP SR transmission error to ip:20403, rtcp halted Operation not permitted, what is mean ?
18:02.55BrokedcomputerHmmm how do I setup an extension for the software sip phone under extensions?
18:05.33BrokedcomputerI ask because I can see how to setup a hardware phone, but not a softphone?
18:07.07ghost75is the same i think
18:07.35BrokedcomputerI am just not sure how the mac address plays in though, is that my ethernet mac or some software number?
18:07.50ghost75you dont need
18:08.08Brokedcomputerin sip.conf I have this
18:08.21Brokedcomputerwhat goes in the [] brackets then?
18:08.28ghost75the extension
18:08.42BrokedcomputerSo 101?
18:09.03ghost75if 101 is your ext
18:10.01*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
18:11.51BrokedcomputerSo under extensions, do I need the ()'s? exten => 102,1,Dial(SIP/0019AA735FBA) ; Phone 3 - Software based Uber-Machine
18:14.11[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, yes
18:14.25BrokedcomputerSo what goes in there for a software sip phone?
18:15.03[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, you also don't have to name yuor peers like MAC addresses.  Some sample guides may show it like that because it is *a* concept that might be helpful for your lookups when configuring other things, but you could jsut as easily have named it [fred]
18:15.42jpsharpThe same.  Asterisk doesn't care if it is talking to a softphone, an IP phone, or a cow at the end of a tin can & strings.
18:15.45*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-oghlaqvhitbfgvzs)
18:17.02BrokedcomputerAHHHHHHH this makes more sense now. :)
18:19.35BrokedcomputerSo this is what you wanted to see all along in the one test,
18:21.53BrokedcomputerThis is what I am getting from the software phone,
18:23.50chris_nwonders how one assigns an ip to a cow at the end of a tin can & string
18:24.11chris_nand it is static or dhcp?
18:24.51[TK]D-FenderUS-AS-AD-01*CLI> sip show peer 102
18:24.54ghost75makes asterisk talk to cow
18:25.14[TK]D-FenderTo: "102"<sip:craig@;transport=UDP>
18:25.19jpsharpchris_n: ipv6
18:25.24[TK]D-FenderYour phone thinks its username is "craig"
18:25.47[TK]D-Fenderbut your sip.conf peer username well .. doesn't seem to be right...
18:25.47BrokedcomputerSO it should be 102?
18:26.23BrokedcomputerThis is the setting currently
18:26.25Brokedcomputer; define another device name using the same template
18:26.32[TK]D-FenderFor starters I'd remove defaultuser, and make it just [102] across the board
18:26.39[TK]D-FenderAnd ditch templates
18:26.47[TK]D-Fenderlike "(school-phone)
18:26.53*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
18:27.05[TK]D-Fenderjust do the parms direct in your peer.  Better to learn it explicit to start
18:27.05BrokedcomputerI don't belive I have a default user set?
18:27.16[TK]D-Fenderusername/defaultuser in the sip.conf entry
18:27.22[TK]D-FenderDef. Username: craig
18:28.19BrokedcomputerSo does default user override the 102 setting?
18:31.26BrokedcomputerAhhh so I changed the user name to 102 and it registered,
18:31.38Brokedcomputerthouhg, I still cannot make calls :P hahahhaa
18:34.15[TK]D-Fenderbaby steps, and you're working at it.  this is very good.
18:34.22[TK]D-Fendernow to look at a failed call.
18:34.32ghost75anyone knows how i could sort an php multiarray by a-z ?
18:34.58[TK]D-FenderAgain, * CLI + SIP DEBUG will tell you what entry it matches and show what it's trying to dial and in what context
18:39.52BrokedcomputerOk, I have two softphones setup to line 102, and 103,
18:40.27BrokedcomputerNow, I know that I have not done everything yet, is it possible to make a call between them, or do I need something else?
18:41.19BrokedcomputerAhhh sorry, I missed the look at a failed call part.
18:41.28BrokedcomputerI will post the cli
18:44.43[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, There is no call attempt in there
18:44.52Brokedcomputerhmm ok one moment
18:45.53BrokedcomputerShould be the last set in the paste, I am not sure where they start and end...
18:46.42BrokedcomputerFrom: "Craig"<sip:102@;transport=UDP>;tag=0b6d3e45
18:46.42BrokedcomputerTo: <sip:103@;transport=UDP>
18:46.53[TK]D-FenderBrokedcomputer, Looking for 103 in LocalSets (domain
18:47.12[TK]D-Fender[Nov  1 18:44:57] WARNING[18646]: chan_sip.c:5511 create_addr: No such host: softphone
18:47.21[TK]D-Fender"core set verbose 10"
18:47.23[TK]D-Fenderdo it again.
18:47.37[TK]D-FenderYou are missing basic verbose information which will show you dialplan execution there
18:47.57[TK]D-Fenderlooks like you're doing dial(SIP/softphone) in there
18:48.17[TK]D-FenderAnd that that peer HASN'T registered yet so * has no idea how to contact them.
18:48.37[TK]D-FenderOr... actually sorry, that it doesn't even exist as a sip.conf entry
18:48.46BrokedcomputerOh so I have the wrong name somewhere
18:51.34Brokedcomputer Fixed that, no audio though?
18:52.05[TK]D-FenderNow with SIP debug please...
18:53.36Brokedcomputer More info than I could copy?!
18:54.52[TK]D-Fenderyou copied your buffer BACk to CLI
18:55.03Brokedcomputer... sorry
18:55.53BrokedcomputerWhat was the command for setting debug to 10?
18:56.09*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
19:02.54Brokedcomputer <- found the setting, and did a sip show peer 102 just before I initiated the call. What do you think?
19:03.14[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
19:03.37[TK]D-Fenderthough this seems to say it all...
19:04.07[TK]D-Fenderyou need several settings for SIP to work where NAT is involved
19:04.13BrokedcomputerWhat is that IP?
19:04.25BrokedcomputerThats my external? Why is that in there?
19:04.44[TK]D-FenderYou are testing with a remote device, no?
19:04.58Brokedcomputerits local, along with all the systems
19:05.55*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:6ef0:49ff:fe50:659d)
19:08.14[TK]D-Fendernew call with SIP debug please
19:11.23BrokedcomputerIs there some setting in Zoiper that chooses the external IP?
19:11.43ghost75veronika is your wife?
19:13.23[TK]D-Fenderthat is not the complete call
19:14.25[TK]D-FenderSTILL not a complete call... or even part of one there
19:17.41BrokedcomputerCall started, somewhere in there,
19:18.23Brokedcomputer Call completed, though I am not sure where they meet up, I also have a middle portion while the call was in place if you need it.
19:19.53BrokedcomputerNot sure why it is using my external to register the phone. this is annoying.
19:20.47[TK]D-Fenderset_destination: set destination to
19:21.02[TK]D-FenderSeems that Zoiper is loking at your external interface a bit much...
19:21.10[TK]D-Fendermake sure your peers have "directmedia=no"
19:21.30Brokedcomputeris that in sip.cong?
19:21.37[TK]D-Fenderand "nat=yes" (just to lock them down even though they aren't
19:21.43[TK]D-FenderYes, this is kinda dirty...
19:21.48[TK]D-Fenderand yes, sip.conf
19:22.37BrokedcomputerShould I copy that to IAX as well?
19:27.17BrokedcomputerThis is what my sip.conf looks like
19:28.31Brokedcomputer... ... why is it looking at my external... :P hahahah this so strange. :P
19:34.17*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
19:35.45ghost75what is directmedia doing?
19:36.56ghost75that its forcing 1:1 connection without nat ?
19:37.46filestares at wall
19:38.48[TK]D-FenderbroHave you tested?
19:46.03jpsharpghost75: directmedia says the phones direct their RTP streams directly at each other, rather than using Asterisk as a middleman.  Directmedia does not work well when NAT is involved.
19:48.45*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
19:55.29ghost75jpsharp: is that related only to phones or also to peers ?
19:56.26[TK]D-Fenderphones vs peers" is not a proper use of terms
19:56.32[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP.
19:56.56[TK]D-FenderWrong IP's are wrong IP's.
20:01.12jpsharpghost75: sip endpoint to sip endpoint, whether the endpoints be a SIP phone on someone's desk, an ITSP, or an ipv6 based cow running a SIP stack.
20:01.42jpsharp200 MOOO!
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20:18.46Brokedcomputer[TK]D-Fender any idea's why its looking at my external instead of internal?
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20:22.37[TK]D-FenderI asked about your having tested with the new setup and didn't get debug to confirm
20:22.46[TK]D-Fenderunfortunately time is up on my side.  back later...
20:23.19philfryso i have a conference line and if i try to dial it while on a ivr it seems to try to use one of the ivr entries instead of going to the conference line
20:24.51philfryfor instance lets say one of the entries for the ivr is 1 and the conference line is 103 it will go to the ivr entry instead of the conference line
20:34.50ectospasmphilfry: pastebin your dialplan
20:34.52infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:37.51BrokedcomputerWell, Thanks for all the help guys, I do appreciate it, I need a break as well :P Gonna go play some games :P
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