IRC log for #asterisk on 20121030

00:01.57tm1000vite:  you can do that
00:02.44vitewill it look like my user @ myip addy?
00:03.13tm1000you'd have to set it up like a trunk
00:03.28tm1000thats if you want mapping
00:03.40tm1000if it was phone -> sip address then it would be user@ addy
00:05.09*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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00:09.14vitetm1000: but I don't have to pay any fee to create a sip server that can call other sip providers?
00:09.27tm1000no not providers
00:09.35vitesip end users
00:09.36tm1000if you wanted to call friends with other asterisk servers
00:09.51tm1000they'd have to setup a trunk for you to connect to
00:26.09*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
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00:36.31*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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01:09.19*** join/#asterisk snowhite (ae582831@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:09.24*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
01:09.47*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
01:09.56snowhiteHey everyone; I am trying Asterisk 1.8 CURL function and trying to send CLID Name but name consists of "Firstname Lastname" so there is a space
01:10.08snowhitehow can I send the space charecter?
01:10.13snowhiteor maybe replace it with "-"?
01:10.19ChainsawPresumably you HTTP-encode it with a %20?
01:11.33snowhitebut callerid variable has first name / lastname in one variable already
01:11.37Chainsaw(Which is the hexadecimal encoding for ASCII character 32, a space)
01:12.02ChainsawSo http-encode the variable contents before you send them?
01:12.12snowhiteso some string manipulation should happen
01:12.15snowhiteis there a function for that?
01:12.28ChainsawTry core show functions
01:12.32ChainsawAnd see if anything stands out to you.
01:12.32WIMPyOr just quote the string and let CURL handle it?
01:12.43ChainsawOr that, yes.
01:13.15snowhiteWIMPy - can you please explain what you mean by quote?
01:13.31Chainsaw"quote variable with spaces and other fiddly things"
01:13.42*** join/#asterisk micols (
01:13.50ChainsawInstead of quote%20variable%20with%20spaces%20and%20other%20fiddly%20things
01:14.01ChainsawAs WIMPy's version is easier to write, and to read.
01:14.14Chainsaw(Although the functional result should be identical after decoding)
01:14.49snowhitelet me show you my line and you will probably understand my issue better:
01:14.52snowhiteexten => s,n,Set(gcm_string=${CURL(http://www,${CALLERID(name))})
01:15.17snowhite${CALLERID(name)}     output is      "Firstname Lastname"
01:15.28snowhiteso there is already a space in that variable
01:15.36WIMPyThat comma looks bad.
01:15.56snowhiteif Firstname was in a separate variable from Lastname then I could use what you are suggesting with %20
01:16.10snowhitewhat comma?
01:16.17*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
01:16.25WIMPyAnd fails if someone has three names.
01:16.35WIMPyThe one between www and mydomain.
01:16.45snowhiteoh ; that's a typo
01:16.54WIMPythinks that func_curl should handle that.
01:17.12snowhitein 1.8.15
01:17.18snowhiteit only sends the lastname
01:17.21WIMPyBut many thinks don't work as I expect them to.
01:17.52snowhiteso can you think of another function that allows me to manipulate Callerid(name) string to remove spaces?
01:18.06WIMPyOnly the first would have seemed more likely to me.
01:18.28snowhiteyeah, I don't know why lastname comes but it's clearly the space issue
01:18.54snowhiteI'd rather not go out of dialplan to AGI or php scripts for this
01:20.09WIMPyUse the shell version of CURL or use REPLACE.
01:20.57snowhiteSHELL version creates other problems; like returns, timeout, etc...rather stay away from it
01:23.12*** join/#asterisk micols (
01:25.05snowhiteseems like not possible
01:25.55WIMPyOk, so I guess you have to use CUT.
01:26.10WIMPywould just go and use AGI.
01:26.54*** join/#asterisk creativx (
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01:31.14snowhitejust reading that
01:32.37*** join/#asterisk micols (
01:40.33snowhitespace character is not %20 in asterisk dialplan
01:40.39snowhitewhat would it be?
01:40.57voxterwhat do you mean, space character in dialplan?
01:42.04[TK]D-Fendersnowhite: put a literal space
01:42.21snowhiteI tried to no avail
01:42.45[TK]D-Fendersnowhite: And you should probably show us....
01:43.05snowhiteone sec; trying with " " now
01:43.31*** join/#asterisk droemel (
01:43.34[TK]D-FenderNo quotes
01:43.54[TK]D-FenderThe dialplan does not have "data types"
01:44.06WIMPyDialplan usually doesn;t like quotes very much, but I still don't understand the question.
01:44.24[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: He's screwing up his latest CUT attempt no doubt.
01:44.30[TK]D-Fenderawaits the backup
01:44.49[TK]D-Fenderalready has the list of usual suspects ready....
01:46.07*** join/#asterisk micols (
01:48.04snowhiteexten => s,n,Set(FirstName=${CUT($CALLERID(name), ,1)})                                               exten => s,n,Verbose(${FirstName})
01:48.29[TK]D-Fender$CALLERID(name) <-- no $
01:48.56WIMPyAnd no $ without {} anyway.
01:49.04[TK]D-FenderThat's not actually a valid format for any use....
01:50.27snowhiteops missed {}
01:51.40snowhiteand now: exten => s,n,Set(FirstName=${CUT(${CALLERID(name)}, ,1)})
01:52.45[TK]D-FenderNO $ <----------------
01:52.50[TK]D-FenderAND no {}
01:53.18[TK]D-FenderIt askes you to pass a varbale name (or function), not a "value"
01:53.35snowhiteright before CUT ?
01:56.13[TK]D-Fender[21:48][TK]D-Fender$CALLERID(name) <-- no $
01:56.23*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
01:57.26snowhite${ is needed before CUT
01:57.38snowhiteor else variable sets to = CUT(................
01:58.04[TK]D-Fenderbecause you are getting the result of the function as what to set the variable on the left of the "=" as
02:04.14[TK]D-FenderAND THEY'RE GONE
02:05.34*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
02:29.01*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
02:37.35*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:37.54SeRiwow nyc does not allow gas powered on any kind of gas generating back up generator?
02:39.25SeRiCC claims that due to sandy thei DC shut down because tehy do not have back up generators..... NYC City regulation...
02:40.07SeRiThat makes no sense
02:43.04SeRiwell I hope they all come back online ok.
02:48.28*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
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02:52.31*** join/#asterisk sertaconay (~sertacona@unaffiliated/sertaconay)
02:54.18*** join/#asterisk maxhbp204 (~chatzilla@
02:54.40maxhbp204Hi, i have installed asterisk 1.8-cert version, i have created 250 iax users, and i have done port forwarding 8080 to 4569 and rules are also ok, but i am not able register iax phone on server and it is also not showing any error, i have also put calltokenoptional= and requirecalltoken=no in general section as well, can anybody help me how can i enable registeration for iax? please
02:55.25WIMPyiax set debug on
02:55.58jpsharpWhy did you forward 8080 to 4569?  And did you tell your clients to register via port 8080?
02:56.53maxhbp204all requests are coming on 8080
02:57.34WIMPySo what dos Asterisk have to tell when you receive a registration attempt?
02:57.34jpsharpAnd you did forward UDP port 8080 and not just TCP port 8080?
02:57.56maxhbp204i have forwarded udp port only
02:58.12jpsharpjust checking the "is it plugged in" obvious questions.
02:58.32maxhbp2043    REDIRECT   udp  --             udp dpt:8080 redir ports 4569
02:58.48maxhbp204this way i have configured redirection for ports
02:59.34jpsharpWell, now is the time to kick on IAX debug and see what it sees coming in.
03:01.13maxhbp204is there any limit like on same time one registeration can happen?
03:01.28maxhbp204because i have seen one register request only on 8080 and then no any other came
03:01.51maxhbp204and in iax debug also it is having same way, one request logs are there only
03:01.52jpsharpNo, not really.  It'll process registrations as fast as it can.
03:03.57maxhbp204ok let me try iax debug and check it
03:05.06*** join/#asterisk bchia (
03:08.32maxhbp204one phone is registered now with 4569, although port forwarding is there, and i am getting voice cutting problem on iax channel, what might be the issue for voicecutting
03:09.02maxhbp204robotting sound and cutting voice occured
03:10.22jpsharpThat's usually indicative of network congestion or server lag.
03:11.08maxhbp204ok that might be network issue possibly
03:17.36*** join/#asterisk micols (
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04:04.14dandate2did anyone elses asterisk die when callcentric went down today?
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04:07.14jpsharpNot that I'm aware of.
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04:54.09rahailany one have implent asterisk with mvne provider
04:59.29*** join/#asterisk maxhbp204 (~chatzilla@
05:00.36maxhbp204hi, we are using iax on asterisk 1.8-cert, but we are getting robotic sound on playback of files and also in calls, can anybody help me for fixing this iax issue
05:07.47ChannelZwhat codec are the files in?
05:08.23ChannelZand what codec is being used in the call(s) in question?
05:11.34*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
05:16.21maxhbp204ulaw, ilbc, g729
05:16.43maxhbp204does it having any isp kind issues
05:18.36ChannelZwell it could but there's a lot of variables
05:19.27maxhbp204ok just for checking can you tell me some of them, so i can try it now
05:19.56ChannelZwell get rid of all the codecs and try just ulaw
05:20.13ChannelZBut your prompts might still sound like crap if you've only got gsm installed or something
05:21.30*** join/#asterisk oleslav (~astray@
05:21.43oleslavhi everybody!
05:22.14ChannelZPEOPLE HI!
05:22.40WIMPyFree dope?
05:23.25ChannelZNope. Name the reference!
05:23.35maxhbp204ok i will try with that thanks ChannelZ
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07:51.54krotoshi all guy
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08:08.56krotoshi all
08:15.07krotosgoood morning
08:22.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:22.50*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
08:33.12krotosi'm having some trouble with SPA3102, it does not sent the CID (from PSTN to VoIP) , but show me the DID
08:36.48*** join/#asterisk chris- (
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08:43.59chris-is there someone who was working with mysql or postsql on asterisk?
08:45.10infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:45.38chris-i have some problems to configure the voicemail
08:45.55chris-i get the following error if i start asterisk
08:46.00chris-[Oct 29 16:13:15] WARNING[16720] config.c: Realtime mapping for 'voicemail' found to engine 'pgsql', but the engine is not available
08:46.01chris-[Oct 29 16:13:15] NOTICE[16720] config.c: Registered Config Engine pgsql
08:46.35bulkorokodbc voicemail must be selected in make menuselect
08:47.34chris-thx, i will try it
08:47.45bulkorokI tried with mysql and it worked without problem
08:48.07chris-ok thx
08:48.46bulkorokI'd say the odbc dsn is not configured correctly
08:52.41kaldemarchris-: your warning is specifically because the config engine is not available yet. put "preload =>" in modules.conf.
08:57.25*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
09:00.23chris-i am afk now, thx for helping me
09:01.01tonikaschQwell, I think perhaps topic has an error.... Asterisk 10.9.0 (2012/10/08) <--- Shouldn't it be Asterisk 1.9.0 ?
09:03.10carrarWhy do you think that?
09:05.08carrarSomeone should let Digium know this
09:05.15carrarThey got the versioning all wrong
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09:05.49wdoekeslet's tell the thunderbird team too
09:06.16wdoekes <-- can't be right.. I used version 3 this year
09:06.42carrarPeople still use thunderbird?
09:06.57wdoekesthose that are not using gmail
09:07.01*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
09:07.07carrarPeople still use google!!>!>
09:07.35carrar<-- PINE
09:07.50carrarnever had a virus
09:08.00carrarin 20 some years
09:08.17*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
09:08.41carrarThose pine viruses are hard to get :)
09:10.20carrarone day I'll upgrade
09:10.24carrarnot in a hurry
09:11.05carrarSo far nothing in it I need
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09:36.14tonikaschHi, do you know how to dial an extension if phone is hang off for a certain amount of time?
09:37.53*** join/#asterisk brian98 (~brian98@
09:51.15*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:51.30ectospasmtonikasch: you mean like an immediate dial?  or if you dial a certain digit string you want the phone to send it onto Asterisk after a timeout?
09:52.10tonikaschectospasm, the first, to make a call when user has had the phone off for some seconds
09:53.21tonikaschwhen making a call, if user has not pressed any digit, to make call after some seconds
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09:57.44tonikaschso i guess a call upon some seconds from hookoff
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09:59.14kaldemartonikasch: "core show application RetryDial" <- is this what you're after?
09:59.23tonikaschi'll see
09:59.55tonikaschno, i guess not
10:00.25kaldemari'm having a hard time understanding what you want.
10:00.32*** part/#asterisk einstein123 (~msa@
10:01.40tonikaschi have an fxs-fxo interface attached to my router, so when i hang up the phone, without dialing any number in the phone, i want asterisk to dial the voicemail number if some seconds are passing
10:02.39kaldemaris that a real FXS or an ATA?
10:03.12tonikaschi guess it is an ata, i'me using channel lantiq
10:03.35kaldemarfrom asterisk's point of view it is then a VoIP device.
10:04.01tonikaschits device name is TAPI/1
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10:07.52tonikaschoh, so it's up to the "voip" device (the phone) to make it work
10:08.06kaldemarif it is a VoIP device.
10:08.23tonikaschit is an analog phone :$
10:09.08kaldemarif asterisk saw it as an FXS, you could configure immediate=yes for it in chan_dahdi.conf and make it enter the dialplan when the phone is put off-hook. then you could do what ever you want.
10:09.35kaldemarjust to make sure, how does the device communicate with asterisk?
10:09.52tonikaschthrough chan_lantiq
10:11.59chris-kaldemar: thx, its working now
10:13.52kaldemartonikasch: i have no idea about that one.
10:14.26tonikaschyes... that's the point, this channel is under heavy wip from openwrt devs
10:14.37tonikaschi guess i'll have to wait :)
10:14.42tonikaschthanks anyway
10:17.30WIMPytonikasch: Do you have any pointer where we can find out aobout it?
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10:25.26tonikaschWIMPy, sorry, about what?
10:25.50tonikaschabout channel lantiq?
10:27.32tonikaschbut I don't know if that is what you are searching for
10:27.45tonikaschand for now is down
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10:38.31hurdmanhave anyone ever had that sort of msg ?
10:38.32hurdman[Oct 29 11:39:22] WARNING[2146] chan_dahdi.c: Can't fix up channel from 148 to 151 because 151 is already in use
10:38.35hurdman[Oct 29 11:39:22] WARNING[2146] chan_dahdi.c: Hangup REQ on bad channel 0/27 on span 5
10:39.00hurdmani can"'t understand what does it mean, and it's the first time i have got that
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10:49.50tonikaschhurdman, perhaps take a look at
10:50.53tonikaschlast post
10:50.59tonikaschnot, the pre-last one
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11:18.10fredericveHi, my asterisk installation crashes (segfault) when I use the dial command on the console. I guess I'm missing some dependency. Anyone got an idea?
11:18.58Faustovfredericve: I suggest strace
11:19.07Faustovit will help you find out why
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11:24.20fredericvehmm any command that involves "console" seems to crash it
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11:31.29hurdmantonikasch: i'll test thanks !
11:36.46tonikaschhurdman, you are welcome
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14:30.32NovceGuruNice that Callcentric runs entirely out of one datacenter without a generator
14:31.51NovceGuruOk, so that was possibly dslreports FUD, they do have a generator at LGA11, but flooding has caused an evacuation and fuel supply to disappear
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15:16.16fredericveDoes anyone know which channel drivers or modules are required to be able to do testcalls from the console on asterisk 1.8?
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15:39.43gainhi all
15:40.53gainI've asterisk Asterisk 1.8 and I'm wondering if I need t38 if it's already in or if I've to install something more
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15:45.39[TK]D-Fendergain, * 1.8 supports T.38 in PASSTHROUGH only.  * 10 supports Gateway mode
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15:46.31gain[TK]D-Fender: I need to pass it to iaxmodem... is 1.8 enough?
15:47.12[TK]D-FenderIAXModem != T.38  That is IAX2.
15:47.24[TK]D-FenderT38modem is another product to look at
15:48.00gain[TK]D-Fender: thanks
15:48.38gain[TK]D-Fender: so 1.8 + T38modem + hylafax could be a solution?
15:49.58gain[TK]D-Fender: I've already connected my asterisk 1.8 to a innovaphone ip6000 voip gateway, and I can see it with sip show peers as registered
15:50.22gainbut I can't see any call incoming in cli with maximum verbosity...
15:50.30[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
15:50.31gaincan be a t38 problem?
15:51.56*** join/#asterisk mathi (
15:52.00gaincore show codecs donesn't list any t38... can be a problem?
15:52.10gainor I'm searching the wrong name?
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15:52.26[TK]D-FenderYou're looking for things that don't matter.
15:52.31[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-------------
15:52.44[TK]D-FenderT.38 isn't a codec ... it's a protocol.
15:53.07mathihow can I set LONG DTMF tones ?
15:59.13tm1000file:  there was something I was going to ask you. For motif. On the inbound context. If I don't want to have the extension be a catch all "s" what can I have it be to match? I tried my email address (user account for google voice) but that didn't match. I also tried phone number but that also didn't match
16:00.40gain[TK]D-Fender: can I manage different protocols? I need t38 and g711 too... is g711 a protocol for fax too? people I'm workin with make me confusing with codecs... :(
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16:01.57[TK]D-Fendergain, G.711 *is* a codec.
16:02.05[TK]D-Fendergain, You keep mixing apples & oranges
16:05.53fredericvegain: There is a T38 gateway patch available for asterisk 1.8 if you don't want to go to asterisk 10 or 11
16:06.09fredericveI would recommend asterisk 11 though
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16:09.10gain[TK]D-Fender: here the debug
16:09.23[TK]D-Fendergain, what you haven't done is tell us the details about your inbound call....
16:10.02[TK]D-Fendergain, there is no call attempt in that pastebin
16:11.25gainuh... so the problem is from the innovaphone?
16:11.43gainthat's all that appears when I try to call...
16:11.54*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
16:13.00[TK]D-Fenderthen you've set it up wrnog
16:14.43*** join/#asterisk Chex (
16:19.26gainmy asterisk has a sip trunk that receive calls from an innovaphone, that result registered
16:19.47gaini see it in sip show peers
16:20.14[TK]D-Fenderseeing it there means nothing
16:20.14gainwhen I make a call the innovaphone forwards it to me but all I can see is the log above
16:20.25[TK]D-FenderThre is no acll FROM it to your server
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16:20.54[TK]D-FenderThat is registration.  That is not a call.
16:22.25gainthanks I got it, I just want to know if there's anything I can check on my side (the asterisk side)
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16:35.37navaismohope people afected by Sandy are fine
16:36.06gainbob from other side (innovaphone side) say that could arrive faxes both from t38 and g711...
16:36.58[TK]D-FenderT.38 is a PROTOCOL, G.711 is a CODEC.  Stop mixing the two up.  And BOTH are negotiated over SIP.
16:37.09jblackgain: So, about codecs versus protocols.
16:37.29[TK]D-FenderAnd your Innovaphone ... IS NOT SENDING ANY CALL TO YOUR SERVER.
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16:38.23jblackgain: actually, you'd be better just googling the difference. I don't want to tell you something almost right.
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16:40.47WebSprocketWondering if anyone has had an exposure to a2billing, Im wondering how i turn off the balance and asking to dial number when calling from freepbx
16:41.13infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
16:41.54jblackA protocol like t.38 handles one part of your , while a codec handles a different part of your program. On defines the process of communication, and the other defines the actual data format. That make sense to you?
16:42.29jblackbleh. A protocol like t.38 handles one part of your problem, while a codec handles a different part of your problem. One defines the process of communication, and the other defines the data format. That make sense to you?
16:44.43*** part/#asterisk WebSprocket (
16:45.57gainjblack: y
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17:22.48danfromukHi. Why doesn't _9NNNNNNN match with 96603416 ? Is there a bug?
17:23.02jmetrodo 0's match n's
17:23.04QwellBecause N doesn't match 0
17:23.09Qwell(or 1)
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17:23.18danfromukAh. well spotted!
17:23.19jmetro9XXXX etc etc
17:23.29RumblesHi guys, I'm having some headaches with faxing, basically, 95% of inbound faxes fail and produce an almost empty tiff file (130-390 bits)
17:23.42RumblesI have tried logging a fax receipt to see if I can find anything more, but the file generated with verbose etc set to 10 was around 23MB (500k+ lines)
17:23.45QwellRumbles: welcome to the wonderful world of fax.
17:23.57Rumblescould kill the inventor of fax machines today
17:24.03Rumblesanyone know any good web pages or info for bug fixing fax?
17:24.14jmetrodeprecate fax, upgrade to email
17:24.21Rumblesnot an option :'(
17:24.29jmetroi know ._.
17:24.33QwellI replaced Fax with Google Wave.
17:24.51*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.9.0 (2012/10/08), (2012/10/08), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.13 (2012/10/09) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
17:24.57Rumblesunfortunately, there are some people who are still living in the 80s
17:24.59Qwelllooks at mjordan
17:25.18*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.0.0 (2012/10/30), 10.9.0 (2012/10/08), (2012/10/08), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.13 (2012/10/09) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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17:26.43Rumblesif anyone has any tips r.e. fax (I know, long shot) let me know via PM please, I'm going to go home and find a hole to crawl in to
17:27.04infobotrumour has it, fax is The honor of designing the first fax *service* in actual use goes to Giovanni Caselli, an Italian abbot, born in Siena in 1815, who turned his hand to science and was, by 1849, editing a scientific magazine. In 1856 he claimed that he  had developed a device, which he called a "pantelegraph," that could send facsimiles of images and text.  Napoleon III did not come up with the idea, he merely backed it.
17:27.14infoboti guess faxforasterisk is Digium's commercial Fax For Asterisk module is available at
17:27.17Qwellclose enough
17:28.54Rumblesthanks Qwell
17:28.58_Corey_Well, that bit of history certainly made my day
17:28.58Rumblesmade me smile at least
17:29.15Rumblesso it's not an 8-s technology, it's a 1800's technology
17:29.26fileDeath to Fax!
17:29.41hardwirespeaking of which.
17:29.52hardwireJust disabled the fax exten on my ivr trees.. wtf was it doing there
17:30.34hardwirealso.. grr.. there was an exten exten => _[a-z].,1,Goto(${EXTEN},1) in there.. and I have no idea why
17:30.48hardwiremay have been the day I decided to just have crack for lunch.
17:31.26hardwireall I know is.. a fax was detected. matched it.. looped it. pooped it.
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17:39.14friendhi. I'm new on Asterisk
17:39.16friendI'd like to play text from a remote URL using Festival TTS. How can I set it at the dialplan?
17:40.41*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
17:40.57friendthank you I'm looking
17:41.33kresp0short answer:
17:41.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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17:50.48friendMany thanks kresp0
17:50.51friendI didn't know all these books are available online as HTML
17:50.57friendvery useful
17:51.49kresp0nice to know :)
17:53.08kresp0btw, all the links I write before are part of the same book: The Book.
17:55.11jmetrothe definitive book - rawr
17:55.39[TK]D-FenderRumbles, You have not told us one thing about what you're using ... what is the call arriving on?  Precisely what are you using to receive it?
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18:12.01Russer, wait
18:12.28jpsharpsandy's not here, man.
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18:48.16rrittgarnLooking for an ITSP, specifically SIP trunking provider, anyone have any recommendations?
18:49.52rrittgarneverybody busy with the hurricane today?
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18:50.59jdoehow do I call an ael macro from a feature code? I tried "gosub(macroname,~~s~~,1)" but it doesn't seem to work (feature code triggers, but the sub never gets called)
18:51.42_Corey_rrittgarn: I'm in Philly and we escaped the majority of the precipitation, but the region has widespread power outages
18:52.13kresp0hi all,
18:52.14kresp0doing a dundi lookup, I get 2 diferent results from the same dundi UID when I should receive one.
18:52.14kresp0this is the response that I get to dundi lookup:
18:52.14kresp0and this is what the dundi debug says on the node that answer that query.
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18:53.34triode3anyone here using digium AEX808 cards on pots?
18:53.42kresp0i've double-checked dundi.conf and it should respond only with IP 10 (as seen on dundi debug), but for some reason I get 2 diferent responses from that dundi node
18:53.59infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
18:54.09*** join/#asterisk sertaconay (~sertacona@unaffiliated/sertaconay)
18:54.24bchiajdoe - macro and gosub are 2 different apps, if you post a dialplan snippet / cli output on pastebin we can help you debug
18:54.56kresp0ok, now i see that they are different dundi UID, they start and end with the same digits.. -.-
18:55.23WIMPykresp0: Did you build a loop?
18:55.45kresp0no, someone didnt configure their dundi.conf properly
18:56.09kresp0and they are using the example IP I put on the config templates
18:57.20kresp0I mean, the sample numbers, not the IP
18:57.34triode3I am using an AEX808 on pots. I can dial in, but when I dial out asterisk gives chanunavail. When I hook up a buttset I can dial out no problem. when I hook up the buttset and have asterisk dial, I hear a dialtone, asterisk dials, I get ringing, then asterisk hangs up. Any ideas?
18:58.13jdoebchia: not in ael they're not.
18:59.33jdoebchia: in a dialplan generated from ael macros get generated as gosubs.
18:59.46bchiagood call, I remember once upon a time gosub was implemented under the hood when you call macro in ael, but I'm not familiar with the current implementation
19:00.55jdoeme neither, I switched to this last night as an experiment... the only problem I've had so far is that my feature code doesn't work anymore.
19:01.09jdoeI could ... just write it in extensions.conf I guess, but that feels wrong.
19:01.56bchiaare you preceding the name with an ampersand?
19:02.57jdoeno, it's being called from features.conf
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19:03.11jdoeold behaviour was "flagcall => #9,self/both,Macro,flagcall"
19:03.24jdoewhich obviously doesn't work
19:03.30jdoenew attempt is "flagcall => #9,self/both,Gosub(flagcall,~~s~~,1)"
19:03.35jdoewhich isn't calling the sub
19:06.56QwellWhy the switch from , to ()?
19:08.19jdoeQwell: because as I understand it, otherwise I can only pass one argument to the app.
19:08.48jdoeI would assume the moh_class conflicts otherwise, but maybe it doesn't.
19:11.12*** join/#asterisk acidrye0n (
19:11.18QwellDo you have a context called flagcall?
19:14.01Qwelland the log says?
19:14.21jdoe[2012-10-30 18:46:41]     --  Feature Found: flagcall exten: flagcall
19:14.24jdoenothing else related.
19:15.03jdoewhich seems wrong, the exten is ~~s~~, the context is flagcall.
19:16.52Qwelland with debug enabled?
19:17.00*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
19:18.03jdoeas in "core set debug"? That's the only related line.
19:18.23QwellThere will be at least one more line with debug on.
19:18.26Qwell~asterisk debugging
19:18.33Qwell~debugging asterisk
19:18.36Qwellinfobot: I hate you.
19:18.36infobotYou hate you.?
19:19.24infobotcollectdebug is, like, a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
19:21.18jdoeverbosity is already 10, debug is set to 99. I didn't do a logger reload before, but did this time for fun.
19:21.21jdoethere was no extra line.
19:21.38jdoelemme change logger.conf too I guess.
19:21.42QwellTo what location is debug sent?
19:22.30jdoebefore? I was looking at the console.
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19:24.34jdoetailing the logfile created by the link above, I do get an extra line.
19:24.35jdoe[2012-10-30 19:23:04] DEBUG[26812] features.c: Feature interpret: chan=SIP/bbbb-00000027, peer=SIP/aaaa-00000028, code=#9, sense=2, features=18, dynamic=#flagcall
19:24.38jdoe[2012-10-30 19:23:04] VERBOSE[26812] features.c: [2012-10-30 19:23:04]     --  Feature Found: flagcall exten: flagcall
19:24.43jdoe... but nothing more about flagcall.
19:25.14QwellDid you read the giant IMPORTANT NOTE in features.conf?
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19:31.42rdeggesSup everyone.
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19:36.25jdoewonder why it was working before. And I guess I wonder if it's possible to do this now.
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19:47.01raubTrying to compile wanpipe in centos with astrisk already installed (and dahdi-linux dahdi-tools libpri). What is the path for dahdi that you need to feed wanpipe's config file?
19:47.10raubIt seems to want the source
19:47.40jdoeQwell: do you know when that might have changed? Poking through old issues (and people's config snippets), calling a macro (a real one, not a sub) appears to have been legit behaviour from feature codes before.
19:48.05raub(or zaptel path)
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20:17.14natschilHello. I'm tying to setup a system that allows people to call each other encryptedly from one computer to another. However, I've run into so many issues on the way, I thought to ask here what the simplest way to achieve this is. Most respectable sip clients support zrtp. Asterisk does not. Asterisk supports encrypted sip. Most sip clients do not, and I haven't gotten those who claim to support the feature to work (yet). Asterisk
20:17.15natschildoes encrypted IAX2. No siphone that is open source that I know of does. Clearly, there is a problem here. Ideally, I would like to simply use zrtp, and I cannot understand why asterisk blocks zrtp messages from passing through. Therefore: anybody have any thoughts on this?
20:17.16*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
20:18.48drmessanoYeah, Asterisk supports SRTP and not ZRTP.   Either someone needs to add SRTP support to an open source client, or someone needs to contribute code to asterisk for ZRTP
20:18.57drmessanoIt's really as simple as that
20:19.45drmessanoThe SRTP in Asterisk uses libsrtp and shouldn't be burden for anyone to implement.  Its really up to them
20:19.47mjordanmost SIP clients support SDES-SRTP
20:21.25drmessanoActually, linphone does SRTP.. and it's completely open sores
20:21.28drmessanoSo there ya go
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20:23.15natschildrmessano: thanks for the link to linphone, I dunno why searching for srtp in the ubuntu repos didn't come up with that.
20:23.29drmessanoI searched for open source sip srtp
20:23.32drmessanoOn google
20:23.58Qwellnatschil: Try searching for DNS.  Does that show every app that uses DNS?
20:24.04drmessanoYou're not going to find srtp in a search of the Ubuntu repos unless they advertise it in the tiny package description
20:24.11natschildrmessano: I tried searching for something similar, most of the hits I got was for software that was no longer being maintained
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20:25.05natschilbtw, anybody know why asterisk doesn't support pass through zrtp?
20:25.20natschilQwell: good point, though srtp is a lot more specific, given that lot of software phones do not support it.
20:25.31natschildrmessano: thanks for the link to linphone btw
20:25.38Qwellnatschil: drmessano gave you a very good reason why.
20:25.44drmessanosrtp is extremely common
20:26.00Qwell<drmessano> ... or someone needs to contribute code to asterisk for ZRTP
20:26.11natschilQwell: I believe that code exists, just not in the asterisk trunk
20:26.38QwellNobody said it didn't exist.
20:27.53natschilQwell: I never said anybody said it didn't exists
20:28.11drmessanoI dont ever see ZRTP as something Digium themselves would maintain, as its use with Asterisk is of a very limited and narrow scope.
20:28.33drmessanoSo someone would need to actively maintain it
20:28.34natschildrmessano: the nice thing with zrtp is that is a protocol for end to end encryption, and hence the server cannot see what is passing through
20:29.04natschildrmessano: with end to end encryption, I don't believe the server needs to do much other than pass on the packets. And asterisk is extremely good at passing on packets.
20:29.40drmessanonatschil:  I am very familiar with ZRTP.   I spent a good bit of time experimenting with PRZ's beta client years ago.  But ZRTP is not something I see being a good fit in Asterisk
20:29.49natschildrmessano: why?
20:30.27drmessanoBecause it doesnt have any sort of mass appeal.  It's a very niche feature that is likely to become very out of date as it passes from maintainer to maintainer
20:31.13natschildrmessano: If zrtp has no potential for widespread appeal, why do so many sip software clients support it?
20:31.28QwellBecause so many sip software clients support it.
20:33.29drmessanoSo if someone spent the time implementing ZRTP in Asterisk 12, you would see thousands and thousands implementing it?  Thousands and thousands of ASTERISK ADMINS would be out there implementing ZRTP for their end users?
20:34.10natschildrmessano: I cannot speak for anybody but myself, I would. But there's no point in having an argument. Thanks a lot for the pointer to linphone.
20:34.43drmessanoFreeSWITCH supports ZRTP.  Its more of a toy than Asterisk.  Maybe there should be a pointer to FS for ZRTP support
20:35.06natschildrmessano: maybe. I'll have a look at it.
20:39.31danfromukHi, we had a power failure in at our datacentre. There are two asterisk boxes for redundancy, however that didnt help because the power failure killed both. If I want to make asterisk redundant by installing a third in a separate datacentre, how can I failover calls to the third IP? Is srv dns any good for this purpose?
20:41.42*** join/#asterisk fprior (be0bbc86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:41.53jmetrowould you really need three over two? considering one failure killed both?
20:42.14drmessanoSRV DNS would work fine
20:42.49natschildrmessano: freeSWITCH and openbsd don't work well together. shit, just as I thought I had a solution.
20:44.32drmessanoIt looks as though there's a licensing agreement that would need to be in place for someone to even implement it
20:45.43drmessanoPlus, the guy on the home page at is whispering something into that cute girls ear, and its probably about his genitals.  I dont support that sort of behavior
20:48.40danfromukjmetro: 2 in the current datacentre which allows for maintenance and general onsite failures. a 3rd would be in a separate datacentre for major outages.
20:48.55_Corey_In think the VON Magazine shot also dates things a bit
20:49.14drmessano_Corey_:  I was going to say that too, but I didnt want to show my age around the 17 yr olds
20:49.50natschildrmessano: I saw the page, don't want to recompile asterisk. don't see how the picture is relevant.
20:50.16drmessanoOh, youre one of those then
20:50.41drmessanotry ./configure --with-sense-of-humor
20:51.01_Corey_drmessano: I am very much amused...
20:51.48drmessanonatschil Then I think if you want full ZRTP support in the next couple of years you should try FreeSWITCH.  The page there even points out that the patch they provide for Asterisk (1.4.23 GASP) only partially supports the feature set
20:52.11drmessanoor you could pay someone out the wazoo to code it.  Im sure someone would
20:53.18drmessanoI had a look at the patchfile and it's 10MB.. and only supports PART of the feature set?  I think someone is going to be writing a lot of code.
20:53.38*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
20:54.53natschildrmessano: If I wanted it that bad I would code it myself. I would use FreeSWITCH if I could, but quite frankly I am too frustrated with this whole thing even attempt to compile the thing on freebsd. I have no idea why the patch is 10MB.  However, I feel that the fact that asterisk doesn't even support pass-through zrtp (which should be trivial to implement, though I could be wrong) shows that it doesn't really care about privacy
20:54.54natschiland security. Of course, asterisk may not be about those things, so that's okay with me, just a bit annoying.
20:55.22natschilbut before I start a flamewar I'm going.
20:55.23*** part/#asterisk natschil (
20:55.33drmessanoNice troll and a part
20:55.54fpriorHi all; I'd like test WebRTC in Asterisk 11, following Wiki at I receive this error: ; any suggestion ?
20:56.00*** join/#asterisk enki (
20:56.05drmessanoI guess Asterisk doesnt care about security at all if it doesnt support ZRTP.  I almost couldnt type that sentence I was laughing so hard.
20:57.04enkiDoes Joshua Colp (Digium) hang out in here?
20:57.44newtonr-> file
20:58.48fileenki, hi
20:58.48_Corey_drmessano: Any response would have been pointless...  obviously supporting mainline security standards isn't enough to prove your security bona fides... you need to implement exotic shit
20:59.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:59.27filefprior, can you ensure that loaded before and tell me what distro version this is on?
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21:00.26drmessano_Corey_:  Obviously McDonalds doesn't care about staying in business because they dont offer meals with Iguana
21:01.11newtonrmmmm McIguana
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21:02.18fileenki, please speak in here
21:05.52fprior@file , reloaded both manually in that order ; Linux debian000 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Sun May 6 04:01:19 UTC 2012 i686 GNU/Linux;
21:06.22filefprior, by reload did you mean "unload" and then "load" of each?
21:06.30enkifile: I noticed you were working on my bug report (20216) and were running into an issue replicating it, so thought I would see if I could help.
21:06.51fprior@file , yes
21:08.05fileenki, I don't know of anything you could really help me with besides confirming the firewall question... it really does seem both from my code reading, testing, and feeling that it's environmental
21:08.54enkiwould it help if I let you on the box to see the problem in realtime where it's manifesting itself on?
21:09.23*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
21:09.28fileenki, yes
21:09.55enkithere is no hardware firewall in front of the box, as it's connected directly to the ISP demarc. There is an iptables based firewall running on the box itself, but I don't believe it's causing the issue. I emailed a developer who maintains it to see what he thought.
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21:10.56filethe only way Asterisk wouldn't be getting the media is 1. If it deadlocked or 2. Something is preventing it from being read in
21:11.00*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
21:11.10filewell, the only way it wouldn't show up if rtp set debug on was done
21:12.06filefprior, there seems to be some sort of issue with some systems where the code that makes the websocket support optional is not getting overridden by the real thing, so it doesn't work as expected
21:12.56wdoekesenki: do you have a timing source loaded?
21:19.26*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
21:21.12fprior@file , any suggestion ? test with other distro ? try another Howto ?
21:21.26filefprior, a Howto won't fix the bug - I personally use Ubuntu
21:21.30*** join/#asterisk Nivex (~kjotte@2001:470:8:64f::4)
21:22.39fileif you could please create an issue that would be great
21:23.02filespecify the exact version of Debian and the output of "gcc -v"
21:23.12fprior@file desktop or server ? have you test succesfully webrtc ?
21:23.21filefprior, server and yes
21:23.41fileI can call from my Windows laptop to Asterisk in Chrome Canary using WebRTC and sipml5, with no patches to Asterisk
21:26.22fprior@file, great. Ok, I'll try on Ubuntu server. were you at AstriCon ? several came back wanting to try WebRTC
21:26.51filefprior, I was - I gave a talk about it with Tim Panton and also spoke about it at the Asterisk 11 thingy
21:26.54mjordanfprior: he's the guy in the white hat.
21:27.11mjordanaka: the bowler.
21:28.28filewait what youtube
21:28.38fileoh, it's me!
21:28.45fileI don't want to watch that.
21:28.51*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
21:28.54mjordanits on the internets now
21:29.35fpriorah yes, I understand now. I'm the guy slightly taller than Matt
21:30.31mjordangiven my relative height, you've narrowed yourself to about 25% of the attendees :-)
21:31.07fileI describe myself as "awesome"
21:31.56fprioronly one of them spoke about chan_dongle
21:33.37fprior@mjordan I think seeing you among attendees
21:33.59mjordanfprior: ah ha!  You would be much taller than me :-)
21:34.19mjordannice talk btw - did you catch David's talk about libwat?
21:38.51fprior@mjordan unfortunately not, but I marked it; I'll see it online. content was something similar ?
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21:55.50jeffspeffjust a friendly reminder that tomorrow Codeweavers will be giving away their Cross-Over for linux and mac for 24hrs only
21:56.21*** part/#asterisk Nivex (~kjotte@2001:470:8:64f::4)
21:57.00jeffspeff  and
21:57.04drmessanoWhats funny is that when I follow the YouTube link, there's a sponsored video for "Hearty Beef Stew" at the top of the list
21:57.49slav3_kittenanyone here have a set of working configs for cisco 7940/7960 phones with sip images?
21:58.08mjordanfprior: somewhat, yes.  They developed a generic library for interfacing with GSM cards
21:58.10jeffspeffslav3_kitten, i think those configs are on voip-info
21:58.31*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
21:58.43slav3_kittenhmm i must have missed them. now i feel like a moron lol
21:59.07slav3_kittenthanks though jeffspeff
21:59.12jeffspefflol, they're generic for the 7900 series i believe
21:59.30*** join/#asterisk acidrye0n (
21:59.42jmetrohm.. any tips on installing app_konference for 1.8
21:59.48slav3_kittenyou'd think that... i still can't manage to get the 7911 i have working for the love of me. i have gotten the 7960 to kind of work
22:00.41jeffspeffslav3_kitten, cisco has been really pushing for their Unified Communications "experience"
22:00.53jeffspeffthey don't release working config files either
22:01.45slav3_kittenyea that's been my main problem which led to me getting frustrated enough to give up. but i already have the cisco phones, and inline power switch so if it's going to happen it's going to happen with those phones.
22:01.59jeffspeffa while back i was in the same boat with cisco phones, but actually had the money to pay for support. They kept transferring me between the UC TAC team and the Phone TAC team. both teams telling me that they didn't support what i was doing; which is fine and dandy, i just wanted more config files.
22:02.34jeffspeffi ended up emailing one of their supervisors the config files i was working with, and she called me back asking how i had obtained those files, because cisco doesn't release them to the public
22:03.24jeffspeffoh, and they pretended that those files didn't exist (until i provided them my copy) and then they pretended that nobody could provide the information i was asking for
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22:03.36slav3_kitteni like cisco products, but their support is a nightmare especially if you don't work for a large company
22:03.41*** part/#asterisk natschil (
22:04.12fprior@mjordan so, was an honor to have you among the participants
22:04.33jeffspeffslav3_kitten, that's just it. i do work for a large company, i'm my cisco id is registered as a channel partner and reseller and i was still treated like that
22:05.19jeffspeffi user their ASA devices for my network, but for phones i go with polycom. documented config files, and you don't have to pay subscriptions or anything to download newer firmware
22:08.31slav3_kittenyea if didn't have phones and i had a 802.3af poe switch i'd likely have gone polycom
22:08.56drmessanoThe cisco phones are great hardware.  It's getting them to actually work and supported well without using a Cisco Call Manager that's the issue
22:09.07slav3_kittenbut i've got 4 7940's 1 7960, a 7925(iirc wifi phone), and a 7911 or 7912 can't remember
22:09.19*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-eqgftdanvolejonr)
22:10.03drmessanoWe are a big Cisco partner, and I could have gotten Cisco phones for 50% of what I pay for Polycom... but not worth the hassle
22:10.06slav3_kittenand it's a home network so i don't really have the capital to do things right, i think i'm going to run asterisk form a netbook or old laptop in the network closet
22:10.17NovceGuruhaha lowering their porting fee to $10, wonder if it has anything to do with callcentric
22:10.22jmetrooh polycoms..
22:10.25drmessanoor Flowroute
22:10.37*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:10.43NovceGuruDid they crash out too with the nyc power issues?
22:10.48NovceGuruI don't have any clients with them
22:10.59NovceGuruor did they lower their fee too?
22:11.13drmessanoFlowroute lowered the fee a week or so ago
22:11.18drmessanoI suspect everyone else has
22:11.20NovceGuruI can't find anybody besides callcentric that can/will port out a 740-694-xxx number
22:11.36drmessanoCallcentric sucks balls
22:13.16drmessanoI heard that PBX In A Flash boxes were dying left and right during reboots and reload because they have iptables rules with Callcentric IPs in them, and iptables wouldn't load with them down
22:13.29drmessanoThat was pretty hilarious
22:21.30slav3_kittenspeaking of nyc. i've not heard from a number of friends that lived there
22:28.22jmetroour sip provider is in looking for a sip provider in the midwest suffice it to say.
22:32.42*** join/#asterisk natschil (
22:33.06[TK]D-Fenderheads out for the evening
22:33.38natschilDoes anybody know why I'm getting   == Problem setting up ssl connection: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0) every time my client (sflphone) tries to connect to asterisk over encrypted sip?
22:33.44slav3_kittenjmetro, i'm sure they will have it fixed in a bit
22:34.13natschilI've looked at the relevant source code, and it seems that the SSL_accept function of openssl isn't making the connection
22:34.47jmetroslav3_kiten well we didnt even know they were in the east coast until last night. and their backup system on the west coast is awful.
22:35.35natschillooks like it might be a bug in the way asterisk reports ssl bugs.
22:35.44natschilas that error string isn't very informative.
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22:48.58NovceGurujmetro: who are they?
22:49.02NovceGurudrmessano: that is quite hilarious
22:49.03*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
22:49.18NovceGuruapparently callcentric is not even in a datacenter?
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23:10.52paulcA friend of mine ported from their local cable co to Callcentric, then apparently they got hit with a denial of service attack and it didn't look too good
23:11.01paulc"Isn't yours down as well?" she asks
23:11.27paulc"uh, no - I don't use them" I reply... (because I didn't need 911 and she did)
23:11.51paulcthis was before it was mandated.. my current carrier now provides it so we're all good
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23:34.09jeffspeffanybody else using ver 11 ?
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23:41.55tonikaschnope, here using
23:42.10WIMPy"else"? Are you using it?
23:42.21jkatesusing 11.0  does anybody know how to debug motif?
23:43.05jkatesIe I have not motif commands like I have for other channels like sip
23:43.10WIMPyOh, so jeffspeff is not the only one.
23:43.50jeffspeffi was beginning to feel lonely
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23:44.30jeffspeffWIMPy, you toyed with 11 yet?
23:45.21jkatesoops no motif commands
23:45.35jkatesshould I have any motif commands?
23:45.53WIMPyjeffspeff: I've been on TRUNk for several months.
23:45.58fileI don't think I wrote any
23:46.01jeffspeffi migrated server hardware on saturday and decided to go ahead and upgrade from 10.7 to 11 while i was a it... whenever you start * or restart * it seems to take a bit for everything to load before it finally says * is ready
23:46.28*** join/#asterisk Leddy (
23:46.33jeffspeffdidn't have this "experience" on previous versions
23:47.32filejkates, that was to you
23:47.42WIMPyI find that it takes ling to stop.
23:48.00jeffspeffrunning 16gb ram, dual socket quad core xeon processors; 15k rpm scsci drives raid 5
23:48.18jeffspeffstopping doesn't seem to take as long as starting
23:48.30filejeffspeff, there's nothing explicit that would do that... you'd have to look at the log and which modules are taking awhile
23:48.48jeffspefffile, good idea. i'll check that out
23:49.15jeffspeffonce it's running, all is good
23:49.16filelike right now some ITSPs are down, so if you are using any that could contribute
23:50.03jeffspeffmine are hosted in dallas
23:50.47jeffspeffnot a big issue, just one of those things you notice different when you do an upgrade
23:51.33*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
23:54.30jeffspeffwhat kind of market do you think there is in the US for a multi-tenant * gui (windows app or web based)? like for service providers or something?
23:55.06jeffspeffand by gui i mean full fledged system that handles installation of server, configuration and end-user features
23:59.32*** join/#asterisk gg608f (

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