IRC log for #asterisk on 20121025

00:11.33*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
00:22.10*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
00:28.21*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
00:30.54*** join/#asterisk droemel (
00:30.57*** join/#asterisk tladuke (
00:31.54tladukeis there a way to not have to define every device in sip.conf? i want to base device names off mac addresses or IP address or hostnames...
00:33.02*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
00:33.12WIMPy1. no, 2. and 3. only if you don't need authentication.
00:34.18tladukei don't. or i can use the same password for everything. it's all on an isolated LAN
00:36.11tladukedoesn't this file get big if you have like a million customers?
00:38.39WIMPyIf you don't need auth, you don't need to define any peers. You can just dial the hostname or IP.
00:39.26WIMPyBut make sure noone untrusted has access to that LAN then.
00:39.38*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
00:42.21*** join/#asterisk unicron (
00:43.54*** join/#asterisk jrgill (~jrgill@unaffiliated/jrgill)
01:12.54tladukenow if i can just figure out no auth
01:13.08*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
01:15.35WIMPyenable guests
01:15.48fireman_biffHi, I'm using "Goto(from-internal-mycontext,5551234,1)" to connect inbound callers to an external number, and thats working fine. How can I redirect the caller to voicemail if the external number doesn't answer after 20 seconds? (asterisk 1.8)
01:16.37WIMPyYou need to do that after you Dial().
01:20.10fireman_biffk, thanks
01:21.09fireman_biffis the from-internal context in standard asterisk or is that added by freepbx?
01:21.40infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
01:22.03fireman_biffdoes that mean its not standard asterisk?
01:23.37WIMPyThere is no standard Asterisk Dialplan.
01:24.13fireman_biffcool, thanks
01:33.10*** join/#asterisk Slivka (~Slivka@
01:47.49*** join/#asterisk ironm (
01:51.50jeffspeffcan you use variables in a context name?
02:06.36WIMPyIn the definition probably not. In a Goto or the like, yes.
02:11.20*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:24.54*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
03:10.00*** join/#asterisk sustav (~vpp@
03:12.28rx4changehas anyone seen an issue with realtime voicemail when the database connection times out?
03:13.18*** join/#asterisk ledoktre (
03:15.10*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
03:20.07ledoktrehey guys quick question (elementry Im sure, but dont want to miss this).  When a call comes in, the person calling is the caller, i am the callee.  if I park the call, and then later pick it up, I assume I still am the callee, right?  I mean, I did dial the parked extension....   Just want to clarify.
03:27.53jpsharprx4change: Another guy in here earlier today was complaining about that.  Voicemails were getting eaten if there was a database problem.
03:29.26*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
03:29.39fling[Oct 25 10:20:53] NOTICE[5944]: chan_sip.c:20959 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'xxx' is now Lagged. (2124ms / 2000ms)
03:29.59flinghow to increase the timeout to 4000ms ? ^ I have a lot of this in the console
03:30.08*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
03:32.28*** join/#asterisk brdude (
03:32.35jpsharpSet qualify=4000 in the sip.conf entry for the device.
03:33.10jpsharpbut also, ask yourself, why is there a 4 second lag to your phones?  Are you running a secret moonbase?
03:33.19*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
03:33.58flingjpsharp: am I running a moon base? yes.
03:34.07flingjpsharp: thanks :D
03:36.30flingjpsharp: now I will not see the lag in my log when astronauts are downloading torrents :p
03:46.30jpsharpThree simple letter:  QOS :)
03:50.51*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
03:56.52*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
04:08.12*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
04:08.15cjhey folks
04:08.19cjanything new and exciting?
04:08.45cjSerajewelKS: how've you been, sir?
04:09.42cjcarrar: hey, my friend Rick might want to get set up with you guys
04:19.46*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
04:21.04*** join/#asterisk devCloud (
04:32.30cjshould I have them go through me, or do you want to go direct with them?  they're not multihomed, but they are directly connected to Island Network
04:33.58cjthey provide me a redundant wireless link for when hiccups
04:34.23cjI haven't gotten my HA scripts written yet, so it's currently a manual cut-over sort of thing.
04:34.46cjokay, back to trying to get this DSLAM set up...
04:35.41*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
04:38.45jpsharpI recommend a sledgehammer.
04:38.53ChannelZI wanna be
04:39.14ChannelZYou sledgehammer
04:39.38jpsharpinfobot: Yay, you're back!
04:40.59ChannelZgot his 'So' 25th Anniversary box set today
04:56.49*** join/#asterisk rroche (~rroche@
04:58.06rrocheHi I need to know the billableSeconds on  a bridged outbound call, is there a way to get those? since CDR isn't being called and Unlink doesn't show any data, Asterisk -V
04:58.36rrocheI meant fired, instead of called
05:03.08*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
05:25.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
05:32.37*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
05:53.28*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
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06:00.08cjI've been fired instead of called
06:00.23*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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06:04.35*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
06:06.20*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:08.17*** join/#asterisk iprouteth0 (~james@unaffiliated/iprouteth0)
06:08.28iprouteth0anyone manage to setup BLF on the digium phones yet?
06:08.39iprouteth0I've got it provisioning through DPMA so far
06:16.27*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
06:18.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:23.12*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
06:29.36flingjpsharp: Peer 'moonbase' is now Lagged. (5233ms / 4000ms) hehe
06:29.46*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:30.01*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:35.00*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
06:41.06*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
06:43.13*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
06:52.02*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
07:10.14*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (69ec5449@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:14.50*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
07:14.58din3shhey all
07:15.59din3shHas anyone been able to configure CallCompletionRequest in * 1.8?
07:27.01*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:30.56*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
07:34.47*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
07:35.24*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (~stock@
07:35.45*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:3cd9:850e:2f1b:c879)
07:41.13*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
07:44.20bombevhi any idea how to configure when extension not answer 10 seconds the call to be redirected to mobile phone?
07:45.10ChannelZjust use two sequential Dial()s, the first with a timeout
07:45.40din3shHas anyone been able to configure CallCompletionRequest in * 1.8?
07:48.09*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
07:49.21*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
07:49.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:56.27*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:06.18*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
08:12.53*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~noreply@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
08:15.53*** join/#asterisk barkbus (
08:19.05*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
08:29.03*** part/#asterisk barkbus (
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08:32.17*** part/#asterisk barkbus (
08:32.22*** join/#asterisk barkbus (
08:44.35carrarsounds good
09:15.25*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:16.49*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (~Sprocks@
09:17.09*** join/#asterisk n0nac (~canon999_@
09:22.06*** join/#asterisk krotos (
09:22.08krotoshi all
09:30.57krotosi'm using SMS cmd in asterisk for receive/send sms from and to sip phone that are capable to send sms. I've already set the sms service center
09:31.15krotosand created the relative exten in my dialplan. But, where i cand found the body of sms?
09:34.54Rumbleshmmmm, can anyone tell me more about this error when I'm trying to load the res_digium_phone module:
09:34.56Rumbles[2012-10-25 10:28:28] WARNING[29615]: loader.c:398 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_msg_alloc
09:35.34RumblesI've followed the guide on the digium website and found someone with a similar issue, but not the same, not sure what that error means though :/
09:36.12Rumblesdoes it mean asterisk is missing support for something the digium phones require?
09:36.44*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-ksicuzmoakhjnyfi)
09:42.45kaldemarRumbles: which guide?
09:43.57Rumbles1 sec
09:45.32Rumblesand from the mailing lists:
09:45.53kaldemardid you download the right version of the module?
09:45.55Rumblesthe first issue was that avahi wasn't up to date, so I updated it and hit that issue
09:47.05RumblesI believe so
09:47.20RumblesI downloaded res_digium_phone-1.8.11_1.3.0-x86_32.tar.gz
09:47.29kaldemaryou have 1.8.X version of asterisk, right?
09:47.52Rumblesuname -m shows i686 and using Asterisk
09:48.46Rumblesfrom the guide that looks like the right version, does that seem right for i686 ?
09:49.04din3shHas anyone been able to configure CallCompletionRequest in * 1.8?
09:51.23kaldemarRumbles: my guess is that your version of asterisk is not 1.8.x-digiumphone.
09:52.47kaldemarRumbles: regular 1.8 releases don't seem to support the digium phone module yet.
09:53.18kaldemardin3sh: maybe you should ask a precise question to get any answers.
09:53.41Rumblesso we have to install a complete different version of asterisk to make DPMA work?
09:54.24n0naci have some problems calls drop aftear 5 mins in or out calls , i have checked the RTP timeouts and sip config. and seems to be all ok, log shows thats was hangup, some one any idea
09:54.28kaldemarRumbles: seems so.
09:54.38*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
09:55.10Rumblesthanks though
09:55.18n0nacand i doesnt use NAT
09:57.14n0nacit starts when i upgraded from 1.6 to 1.8
10:00.15kaldemarRumbles: it's the "certified" version you need if you continue using 1.8.x.
10:02.10kaldemardin3sh: why are you giving _me_ that link?
10:02.11din3shCallCompletionRequest is described as a means of callback I suppose, asking if anyone got this working
10:02.23infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
10:02.43din3shis there another way to implement callback on busy/no answer?
10:03.10kaldemarwhat's wrong with that approach?
10:03.31*** join/#asterisk rbowles (
10:04.31din3shI tried, not working, maybe I am doing it wrong, thats why I asked if anyone here got it working
10:05.08infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:15.05hurdmanhello folks
10:17.28hurdman[TK]D-Fender: i have found my problem
10:17.49hurdmanarf not here ^^"
10:20.05*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
10:25.54*** join/#asterisk aberrios (~aberrios@
10:33.27*** join/#asterisk n0nac (~canon999_@
10:43.26jmls1I haven't got a grasp of groups. I need something simple, and for the life of me can't figure it out :)
10:44.06jmls1I have 2 inbound queues. I want to know the number of calls in each queue
10:45.08jmls1now, when the call is connected to an agent, I want to remove it from the inbound group
10:45.11jmls1how do I do that >
10:45.21kaldemarjmls1: you don't need groups for that. "core show function QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT"
10:47.13jmls1kaldemar: ah. the wrinkle is that I'm not actually usiung the Queue function :(
10:47.40kaldemarif you insist on using the group functions, set the group to something else in a subroutine that is executed with the gosub parameter for app Queue.
10:48.04jmls1See above: we're not using the queue function
10:48.06kaldemarare you implementing queue-like functionality in dialplan yourself?
10:48.24jmls1not in the dialplan - we're using jms to request an agent from our application
10:48.32kaldemarand then?
10:48.46jmls1get a message back that says "yes, connect to agent on sip/1234"
10:49.11jmls1which we then dial ..
10:49.40kaldemarDial has U() and M().
10:50.06jmls1yeah. I know. :) What I don't know is how to clear the channel from the group !
10:50.48kaldemarMASTER_CHANNEL will help you with setting variables for the calling channel.
10:51.37kaldemaryou just set the GROUP() value to something different from "inbound" or what ever you use.
10:52.39*** join/#asterisk sustav (~vpp@
10:53.25jmls1yeah - I know what my problem is. I'm trying to keep a count of inbound calls. inbound queue calls as separate group_counts
10:53.41jmls1so, I'm doing
10:54.38jmls1so I can say group_count(totalcalls) or  group_count(inboundcalls)
10:55.06*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
10:55.07jmls1and I was wanting to remove the queuewaiting group from the channel
10:55.20jmls1sorry, remove channel from queuewaiting group
10:55.26kaldemarjmls1: "Each channel can only be member of exactly one group per <category>."
10:56.00kaldemarif you do all those sets for a channel, the only group the channel is really in is totalcalls as it is the last set.
10:56.09jmls1bugger. yes. that's why I did it the other way round orginally
10:56.24jmls1sorry. I was looking at the dialplan test from today. I originally had
10:56.39*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
10:58.22jmls1so, if I set group(waiting)= would that remove the channel from the waiting category ?
10:58.40kaldemarso, when you have GROUP(queuewaiting)=queue1 set and wat to remove the channel from that group, do Set(GROUP(queuewaiting)=null) or something.
10:58.48kaldemarempty value might also do. test it.
11:02.38*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
11:04.20*** join/#asterisk VSpike (~johncc@
11:06.31VSpikeIf you have two SIP phones on a LAN using a single asterisk server, and one phone calls another, will the voice streams go direct between the phones or via the server?
11:07.48jmls1see, this is where I'm getting confused
11:08.13jmls1I have two calls: 1 on queue1 and 1 on queue2
11:08.13kaldemarVSpike: depends on your configuration.
11:08.33jmls1group_count(@waiting) only gives me a count of 1
11:08.51jmls1group_count(queue1@waiting) gives me a count of 1
11:09.07jmls1group_count(queue2@waiting) gives me a count of 1
11:09.18kaldemarjmls1: "uses the channel's current group if not specifed"
11:09.28kaldemarjmls1: core show function GROUP_COUNT"
11:09.55jmls1right, so how can I get a total count of the @waiting category ?
11:10.29jmls1group_count_match ...
11:10.33*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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11:11.33jmls1GROUP_MATCH_COUNT(*@waiting) ?
11:12.24jmls1Regex compile failed on: *#
11:12.29jmls1^Regex compile failed on: *
11:12.45jmls1what's the regex for "everything"
11:12.48kaldemartry .*
11:12.54VSpikekaldemar: right, fair enough. I have a more specific question. I'm looking at Switchvox appliances, and we have two offices, both with ISDN 30. They have suggested a single 305 appliance at one office and a gateway appliance (1G102F) at the other...
11:13.07jmls1looking better
11:13.43VSpikeI'm wondering if a phone in the office without the 305 makes a call, and that call goes via the ISDN in that same office, will the voice stream go over the inter-office link twice, or direct from phone to gateway?
11:14.00jmls1kaldemar: many many thanks
11:14.02VSpikeAFAICT all the appliances here are asterisk boxes at heart
11:16.30kaldemarVSpike: probably twice. that really depends on the network setup.
11:17.46VSpikeYes, that's probably not ideal. I think we'd better paying extra to have two small appliances, one in each location.
11:19.28kaldemarjmls1: np
11:19.50VSpikeThat's basically what we have now, except they are old servers running AsteriskNOW
11:20.02VSpikeThen we have an IAX trunk between the two sites
11:27.07*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
11:28.03LantiziaAny such thing as a T.38 proxy?  e.g. you're receiving a T.38 fax from your ITSP to Asterisk and you want to send it to both a peer registered to t38modem (for fax to email) and also to a T.38 aware ATA to a real fax
11:30.08*** join/#asterisk sertaconay (~sertacona@unaffiliated/sertaconay)
11:32.09*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:36.12*** join/#asterisk k610 (
11:52.12*** join/#asterisk hwt (
11:52.43hwtis there any way to set transport to TCP from an AGI app, and then just Dial/user@host:port with transport=tcp?
11:53.17hwtor do i need to have all SIP peers i need to talk to also defined in sip.conf?
11:53.39hwtmy plan is to do dynamic routing of calls based on data I get from a REST service.
11:56.03*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
11:56.48*** join/#asterisk w9sh (~chatzilla@
12:00.39kaldemarhwt: try Dial(SIP/username::::tcp@host)
12:01.54hwtkaldemar: wow, really? i can try it, but what's the logic?
12:02.56kaldemarthat's from the sample config.
12:02.57hwtkaldemar: aha. this was not documented on
12:03.47kaldemarit is not specific to Dial and voip-info is... not the best place to consider as documentation.
12:04.06hwtkaldemar: yeah, i know. should have just checked the sample config.
12:04.30hwtkaldemar: just curioust, is it also possible to set other sip peer stuff via the dialplan? for example nat=yes|no and dtmfmode?
12:04.49hwtkaldemar: actually, canreinvite=yes|no is most interesting, i guess. (proxy media or not)
12:05.31jmls1wouldn't it be nice if  WARNING[21616][C-00010b23]: app_dial.c:2433 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent) actually told you which device it was trying to dial so that you could find and fix it ?
12:05.52*** join/#asterisk aurs (
12:06.29kaldemarhwt: afaik, no.
12:07.05hwtah, shame. this is a bit of a weakness when using Ast as a B2BUA. especially compared to e.g. Sippy.
12:11.05*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
12:11.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:11.15*** join/#asterisk aboven (~aboven@
12:11.56jkroonhi all, is there any way to capture the "Name" portion of REGISTER request?
12:12.00abovenNo audio in early media, what can I do (asterisk 1.8) ?
12:12.17hwtjkroon: sure, just grab the SIP header?
12:12.41hwtjkroon: ${SIP_HEADER(from)}
12:13.11hwtaboven: nat=yes ?
12:13.23jkroonIt seems that a REGISTER request contains the actual endpoint being registered to in the To: field, I'd like to capture whatever is the name, eg:  To: "SomeName" <sip:123@server> <-- I want "SomeName" stored somewhere for later use...
12:14.05[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, No.
12:15.11hwtjkroon: should be the From AND To. but just grab it and parse out what you need.
12:17.01*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
12:18.25bombevI have problem with me follow me configuration, I set up my number 03341233345# into follow me list my cell phone rings and when i try pick ip the call, it hangs up
12:18.58bombevhere is the asterisk code
12:22.17*** join/#asterisk chris-NB (
12:23.10jkroonhwt, REGISTER never enters the dialplan.
12:23.21jkroon[TK]D-Fender, thanks.
12:23.35[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Correct...
12:24.48jkroon[TK]D-Fender, just trying to explain to hwt why his idea won't work.
12:25.02kaldemarjmls1: that would be a minor addition to app_dial.c
12:25.06[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Sad that you have to....
12:25.37hurdman[TK]D-Fender: perhaps found my bug between sandy bridge and digium card ... something with BUS speed and PCI-E version, after down to PCI-E v1 ( auto was v3 =) it's not perfect but better.
12:25.41hwtjkroon: yeah, sorry, i wasn't thinking clearly
12:26.01jkroonhwt, we all have our moments :p
12:26.32jkroon[TK]D-Fender, i have a client that want me to display the names configured on his phones on a page listing all registrations ...
12:26.41jkroongoing to all the phones to fetch the info is just stupid.
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12:27.05hurdmanjkroon: sip ?
12:27.49hwtjkroon: it's not pretty, but maybe you can do something with asterisk -rx "sip show users" and compare that to info from SIPPEER()?
12:28.29jkroonhurdman, yes.  hwt, unfortunately not, and it would be sip show peers actually.
12:28.37[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, I take the the phones are not centrally administered?
12:28.51jkroonbut the name (as per [TK]D-Fender) isn't stored for the peer anyway.
12:28.54hwtjkroon: um, yes, that's what i meant.
12:28.58jkroon[TK]D-Fender, distributed over the country.
12:29.12hurdmanjkroon: oui AMI ?
12:29.18jkroonand no, unfortunately not, nor can I enforce that.
12:29.19[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Yeah, with any luck multiple makes/models as well.. this is kinda dead...
12:29.58jkroon[TK]D-Fender, jip, mix with God-only knows what.  I think the crappiest one I've seen on here recently was an IPT100H phone.  Whatever that is.
12:30.08jkrooneven had user agent strings that just said "phone"
12:30.26[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, This is dead without hacking up chan_sip or shoving a proxy or something to capture it
12:30.47jkroonwould such a patch potentially be useful to others in your opinion?
12:31.48[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, We don't haev it yet and you're the first to mention it.
12:32.01jkroonie: probably a no :p
12:32.08[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Peopler tend to actually be in control of their environment so I suppose this isn't an issue for many
12:32.38jkroonrofl, my demarkation to the client is that SIP channel, so I control the environment on my side, but not the other side.
12:33.04jkroonnow i've got a reseller supporting some clients, and he'd like to be able to have that information.
12:33.24*** part/#asterisk jacekowski (
12:33.31jkroonwould be nice, but not the end of the world if I can't give that to him.
12:36.20*** join/#asterisk n0nac (
12:36.35*** join/#asterisk sustav (vpp@conference/digium/x-mgwewpqknumvgohe)
12:46.14n0nachwt: session-expires=refuse didnt helped was droped aftear duration=313
12:46.34hwtn0nac: i would set up an ngrep trace, or use sip debug in asterisk
12:46.44hwtn0nac: see if there is a BYE involved or if it's just the media "dying"
12:46.49n0nacyes it is
12:47.05n0nacso in log looks all normal
12:48.27*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
12:48.56hwtn0nac: and from the other side?
12:49.27hwtn0nac: if so, i would say definitely session timers.
12:51.20WIMPySession-timers seem to be evil.
12:52.20WIMPyjkroon: Did you spend time on that BRI issue or did you give up?
12:52.55hwtWIMPy: they are.
12:53.59WIMPyI have had random disconnects as well.
12:53.59jkroonWIMPy, client cancelled.
12:54.08jkroongot the machine in the office if you'd like to take a look.
12:55.11WIMPyjkroon: I'd surely like to find out what's going on there, but I think it's the external environment that's needed there.
12:56.08WIMPyMaybe I should just try to set up a test exnvironment with non syncronised lines and see if there is an issue when using dahdi then.
12:56.20hwtis it possible to set whether or not to relay media from the Ast diaplan?
12:56.46[TK]D-Fenderthat does not make sense.
12:56.52jkroonprobably going to do my "monkey" test on it a little laster ... basically loop ports 1 to port 3, and 2 to 4, then start one one side and keep looping the call until there are no more channels, then I can choose, immediately hang up or keep the call on echo.
12:57.02WIMPyI have just found out that Astribanks seem to require sunced lines even for BRIs.
12:58.11WIMPyI think the vendors need to clearly advise on that issue.
12:58.25jkroonspecifically on the B410P card?
12:58.32jkroonusing the DAHDI drivers?
12:59.20WIMPyNo. The card should handle it. But I didn;t get a clear answer to my question if it could depend on the driver. So a test might be a good idea.
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13:04.11n0nachwt: i have now set all timers to refuse session-timers=refuse , session-expires=refuse now drops at 6 mins :D
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13:13.55jkroonWIMPy, last you got?
13:17.32jkrooni saw your statement re also getting disconnects
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13:37.28troutowiquick question, will there be any patch updates to 11 rc2 once the final release is out?
13:37.46troutowimeeaning will there be an automated update for it
13:41.50[TK]D-FenderPatch should only take you from the release before...
13:42.21troutowiand [TK]D-Fender, so ive had more issues lol ^_^
13:42.46troutowijust compiling fresh from source with 18 or 10, and trying to start asterisk gives me the core dumps
13:45.38troutowitrying again with the dont_optimize flag set
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13:49.36troutowi[TK]D-Fender, so compiling with the dont_optimize flag allows /etc/init.d/asterisk run and start without core dumps
13:49.48troutowibut then the issue from yesterday arises
13:50.02troutowibut without that flag, nothing will start
13:50.43*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (
13:54.35jkroontroutowi, sounds like a buggy compiler
13:54.53troutowiim using whats given in ubuntu 12.04
13:55.24troutowiim running in KVM too fyi
13:55.33jkroongcc 4.7.2?  we ran the ACM ICPC contest on Sat using that and didn't see anything obvious.
13:55.55jkroonasterisk inside a VM? is that wise?
13:56.51troutowiwhat are your concerns with running in a VM?
14:03.10cuscolooking at why is it that I can hear the other party and talk to them, althoug my softphone still shows RINGING ?, they don't seem to be sending the 200 OK
14:04.04jkroontroutowi, timing usually, but i'll admit that recently it's been much better than a few years back.
14:04.10jkroonscheduling unpredictability.
14:05.14troutowiah ok, well we have been using asterisk for a few years on a VM without any issues. its just come to upgrading now, as we are on i think v1.6 atm, with an outdated distro
14:05.27troutowibut i just install gcc 4.7.2, and will report back
14:14.51troutowijkroon, it was in fact gcc :D
14:15.08troutowi12.04's provided gcc 4.6.3 has issues apparently
14:15.35troutowigrabbed a ppa and installed 4.7.2, compiled and all works
14:15.53troutowithanks for your help
14:17.21*** join/#asterisk krotos (
14:17.22krotoshi all
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14:18.00krotosi have an ivr for incoming call that choose to send a call on three different queue
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14:18.39krotosif i set'up an extension for pickup a call to an internal phone using Pickup cmd, not work. It' only work if the call is between two internal phone
14:18.57krotosthere is a way to pickup a call , without specifying the context?
14:20.53cuscokrotos: you ar asking how to do B when you want to do A, what is it that you wish to acomplish?
14:22.24jkroontroutowi, it's a pleasure.
14:51.28*** join/#asterisk egonzalez_ergio (~egonzalez@
14:51.36egonzalez_ergioHi to all.
14:51.36egonzalez_ergioI have a problem with asterisk+iamodem+hylafax. The system work great, I can send to a number and receive faxes without problem. But now I need to call a number, request signal to an human operator and then send the fax. How I can configure that?
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14:54.04[TK]D-Fenderdescribe the human part in better detail as well as what is initiating the call-out
15:05.23[TK]D-Fenderegonzalez_ergio, Who is "you" calling a number?  Be VERY specific about what is starting this process and where user invertntion exists on both ends.
15:07.18egonzalez_ergio[TK]D-Fender, ok: Me, human, dial a number with my ip phone. A human respond   in the other side.
15:07.42egonzalez_ergiothe other side respond using his standard fax machine
15:07.49egonzalez_ergiolike a normal phone
15:07.55egonzalez_ergiowhen I request signal
15:08.09egonzalez_ergiothis person push the standard button in his fax machine
15:08.39egonzalez_ergiois an old fashion fax machine
15:08.52[TK]D-Fenderegonzalez_ergio, yso you verbally ask the other person to start their receive processand then you want to finish by ending the voice call and sending the fax to the active channel?
15:09.34[TK]D-Fenderegonzalez_ergio, thats waht SendFax() is for.
15:09.52[TK]D-Fenderegonzalez_ergio, So go place your call then TRANSFER to an extension that calls SendFax for you.
15:10.25egonzalez_ergiothere are some example of configuration?
15:11.07*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
15:11.08jkroonegonzalez_ergio, no.
15:11.24jkroonwhy doesn't the person just hit the fax button when your fax machine hurts his/her ear?
15:12.12egonzalez_ergiojkroon, because here, in Argentina, the fax machine is used usualy in this way.
15:14.17egonzalez_ergiois in an internal used normaly like a phone. Or in rotative lines
15:14.40egonzalez_ergioin the 99% of cases the uses is like described
15:14.46jkrooneek.  that makes things hard.  [TK]D-Fender's suggestion is a good one, however, hylafax will try to dial the number using IAX over your ast box to transmit the fax, so I'm guessing what you should do then is ReceiveFAX() it to a file, then request a human to call the recipient of the fax and transfer that into a waiting SendFax().
15:14.56jkroonfugly but it may just actually work.
15:15.24[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, He's the sender
15:15.39jkroonperhaps after ReceiveFAX send an email or generate an automated call of sorts, so call origination here may help a lot.
15:15.48*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
15:15.58[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Ah, as a relay to Hylafax
15:16.03jkroon[TK]D-Fender, i know.  but his "normal" scenario is email? => hylafax =IAX=> asterisk => PSTN
15:16.06jkroon[TK]D-Fender, yes.
15:16.20[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, I suppose you could build a queueing system of sorts for that like "pick one to relay and even originate it out.
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15:17.32jkrooni would ReceiveFAX() on ast, so basically "steal" the fax, then after ReceiveFAX finished, orignate a call to the operator, once operator answers, ask them in a pre-recorded message to hold and ask for fax, then send the channel to the outbound, once other person answered, hang up, which then drops that end of the channel into the appropriate SendFAX
15:17.33egonzalez_ergionop, there are not a que, the fax must be sended inmediatly. I need to replate the nomal use in a machine-to-machine old normal fax
15:17.36[TK]D-Fenderegonzalez_ergio, Since you're the sender, what are you looking to use to do the actual send?
15:18.25jkroonok, re-reading that it's confusing ...
15:18.28[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, egonzalez_ergio : Alternative idea : PARK the call to an alternate parking lot and then have whatever you'd use to dial the fax out dial INTO the parking lot
15:18.51jkroonhmm, [TK]D-Fender didn't even think of that one.  Yea, that's a pretty good one.
15:19.21egonzalez_ergio[TK]D-Fender, like in a conference?
15:19.28[TK]D-FenderNo. like PARKING
15:19.30jkroonbut (even if egonzalez_ergio says otherwise) hylafax does internal queueing.
15:19.40jkroonegonzalez_ergio, core show application Park
15:20.07[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Depends as to what concurrency looks like, when he queus it up in there, etc...
15:20.19[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, HF does complicate this of course.
15:20.49jkroonwhich is why I'd probably rather go with the robot voice asking the operator to ask the other end for a fax before hanging up
15:21.22[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Nifty idea, by HF would probably give up long before that point...
15:21.45jkroon[TK]D-Fender, that's why you get HF out of the way by store-forwarding the fax with ReceiveFAX/SendFAS
15:22.47jkroonwhat will be the hardest part is to ensure the fax doesn't go lost, ie, keep on re-originating until such time as fax delivery was successful, or maximum number of tries got exceeded.
15:22.52[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Yeah I suppose that'd do... then again I'd like to think that HF could also just store as a file somewhere and call a triggered process and not go through any of the actual fax routines as it's all still internal.
15:23.02jkroonand a successful call originate in this case != successful transmission.
15:23.16[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Basically as a client-server interface for their clients is all... but not for any of the "dirty work"
15:23.30jkroon[TK]D-Fender, sure, it needs to generate a faxable tiff anyway.
15:24.10[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, which is where that would be taken as a unique file  with dest # and off it goes to Originate,
15:25.15jkroonwell, i have to make like a tree and leave.  thanks for the mental exercise.  chat again.  have a good day.
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15:45.42egonzalez_ergiothanks to all!
15:45.59egonzalez_ergioI'll try the park option, seems to be more simple
15:47.02*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (d51beb92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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15:53.44wonderworldwow, windows 8 launch presentation is boring
15:54.25aberriosneeds more cowbell
15:55.07wonderworldwould need Balmer on speed.
15:56.16cjwonderworld: you didn't have to say it twice
15:58.59*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
16:00.09wonderworldyes, there he is :)
16:00.10wotanskriegerhy folks
16:00.29wotanskriegerplease, anyone can help me? Just check it out:
16:01.40*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
16:02.18chuckfwotanskrieger: did you check the bios time?
16:03.45wotanskriegerchuckf: no, but I think there's not a delay on BIOS time.
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16:05.03chuckfThat's all I got then.
16:05.58wotanskriegerchuckf: do you know if dmidecode command also show BIOS time?
16:08.50wonderworldwotanskrieger: maybe this is the same problem?
16:09.33wotanskriegerhi wonderworld, thanks. I saw this link last night :)
16:09.35chuckfwotanskrieger: I've never used it
16:09.47wotanskriegerwonderworld: I'll try to use it again
16:10.18wotanskriegerchuckf: I think it solves and yes,  my BIOS time was delayed
16:10.29sekilanyone experienced issues with 1.8.x and sip session timers...I'm getting calls cut after 90+ secs
16:12.12chuckfwotanskrieger: glad that seems to have solved it for you
16:12.15*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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16:14.49wotanskriegerchuckf: I just set new time but I need to test it soon (5 PM). By the way, I hope you can help me again: Did Asterisk use only NTP service to synchronize you time? There is any internal component (.conf, agi rules script or someone else) which manager fusetime ?!
16:16.14*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
16:19.46danfromukHi, how do I go about diagnosing this: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2356 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from
16:20.09danfromukThe user is complaining about poor quality even though another PC on the same internet connection is working fine.
16:20.52sekildanfromuk: those are custom codecs numbers  ... > 96 I think
16:21.25danfromukcustom codec?
16:23.00danfromukThey are using 3cxphone. They can't get xlite to connect.
16:24.23sekildanfromuk:   RTP Dynamic Payload Numbers
16:24.38sekilthey should have a line with name in the sdp
16:25.38*** join/#asterisk Galen (
16:28.02danfromukI've not captured the sip packets yet. I just noticed the RTP notice in the CLI and realised that it may be the source of the user's sound issues.
16:29.56*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (~tim@2a01:9c41:ffff:30:4161:ef1f:c51c:47b5)
16:34.26gr0mitok, anyone got a worksround to this? I've got a customer who answeres a call, parks it, picks it up at a different extension, and then tries to transfer the cal using her snoml.  the transfer fails.
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16:48.25chuckfwotanskrieger: Asterisk is a hobby for me. I don't know enough to answer your question about what it uses for a timing source
16:49.10chuckfwotanskrieger: though judging by the problem you have, it uses more than NTP for its time source somewhere
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17:15.32krotoscusco: i need to have an extension to dial by a phone that allow me to pickup a call to another phone. I.e. An incoming call from pstn go to queue1. Queue 1 has phone P1,P2,P3 in ringall strategy
17:16.08krotosbut P1,P2,P3 ring without answer. Then a P6 Phone pickup the call directed to P1(or p2,or p3)
17:16.43krotosis this possible? or i'have to pickup the call directed to the queue?
17:33.27*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (~TriJetScu@2001:470:e97f:1000::1)
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17:40.34[TK]D-Fenderkrotos, Set a PICKUPGROUP
17:40.37*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~noreply@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
17:42.44SerajewelKScj: not bad, you?  you're the cj from #mono, yes?
17:57.30*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (
17:59.05krotos[TK]D-Fender: i've already setted the pickupgroup. After that i've to pickup the enteire group?
18:03.21[TK]D-FenderYou issue a pickup...
18:04.04*** join/#asterisk ankso (~nimda@
18:05.32krotosok, solved..
18:05.51krotosthankyou for your support, i've found the was my error
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18:11.21anksoDear all, i have a problem, i just made a yum update and i get continously this error when i run the command amportal start
18:11.29anksoany idea?
18:13.32anksoalso i take this error when i try amportal -rvv...
18:15.33navaismotry in the elastix channel
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19:01.06natschilHello. I'd like to replace skype with something open source. I've heard asterisk can be used to setup a voip server, however, I know very little about voip in general. Therefore, I would like to ask the following before starting with learning about asterisk etc... Is it possible to run a standalone asterisk server to which users can connect to on some arbitary port and call other users that are also connected to the server?
19:02.11WIMPyIf you want to learn about Asterisk, try the
19:02.14infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:11.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
19:11.17natschilWIMPy: thanks.
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19:16.31sherl0kHi all, anyone have experience with the getting DTMF tones to register correctly? I'm having trouble with my conference line and outside callers pressing keys on their phones.
19:17.16sherl0krunning FreePBX / Asterisk
19:17.43*** part/#asterisk ankso (~nimda@
19:20.03silverado|2Hi everyone. I really hope someone can help me here. I am running Fedora 18 and asterisk When I install asterisk it does not create the system asterisk user or the asterisk.ctl file. I have tried several methods but to no avail.
19:22.25chuckfsilverado|2: fedora 18 is still beta I think, you might want to file a bug report with them
19:22.48troutowi[TK]D-Fender, have u ever had issues with sip trunks registering?
19:23.40[TK]D-Fendertroutowi, Maybe we could move a few steps forward and you could chow us the probaly you are actually having....
19:23.57troutowifair enough
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19:31.00[TK]D-Fendertroutowi, This means enabling SIP DEBUG and actually LOOKING at the attempts...
19:31.04[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
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19:32.36silverado|2I always get Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?) even when root
19:33.27[TK]D-Fendersilverado|2, And is Asterisk even running?
19:33.34[TK]D-FenderIs the PID file where it's expected to be?
19:36.16silverado|2[TK]D-Fender, Yes, I have made sure several times
19:37.03[TK]D-Fendersilverado|2, Maybe you could show us...
19:37.08infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:42.29chuckfsilverado|2: PMing me will not help solve your issue. That you ahd it working at one time and then reformmatted, then trying two distros tells me you're doing something wrong
19:43.19*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
19:44.31danfromukHi, I'm struggling to locate the source in the dialplan thats dialling SIP/h which doesnt exist. Any ideas how I can debug it?
19:45.04danfromukIt occurs after hangup but it dials SIP/h and SIP/OTHER_ASTERISK_SERVER/h
19:45.18*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
19:49.51[TK]D-Fendertroutowi, If you're gong to mangle the evidence we aren't going to get very far
19:50.18troutowiwhat else do you want?
19:50.58[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, "source in dialplan"?  huh?
19:52.52danfromukI'm trying to figure out why SIP/h and SIP/OTHER_ASTERISK_SERVER/h is being dialled when a call is hung up or not answered
19:53.05danfromukThere are no options in the dial cmd
19:53.07[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, I'd start by looking at the call.......
19:54.31troutowi[TK]D-Fender, what is it you would like, my id and ip
19:54.47[TK]D-FenderI'd like to see that actual full SIP debug.
19:54.57troutowithat was the full debug...
19:55.59*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
20:00.20drmessanoIP and usernames are important to spot inconsistencies.  What you think is obvious and feel safe masking may be the very proof that you have a something misconfigured
20:00.54drmessanoYes, there are many cases of incorrectly placed IPs, IP addy's being fat fingered, usernames being fat fingered, etc
20:01.42*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
20:01.55troutowidrmessano, the ips and username are correct as i am literally copy and pasting from our old * server
20:03.30troutowithe same issue is happening on the old * server too... had to shut the old one down for a few hours, and upon reboot, trunk couldnt register.
20:03.37troutowibut im working with [TK]D-Fender on it
20:03.40drmessanoWe don't care or trust you.  If you're asking for outside help, then obviously what you have isn't working, and you don't know what isn't correct.
20:03.54troutowii understand
20:04.33*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
20:04.35drmessanoIt's common sense.. If you can't spot an error, and are asking for someone else to spot it, how can you logically trust anything in your configuration?
20:05.13troutowifor the configuration of other places yes ill agree, but in this case, the trunk info is correct
20:05.25drmessanoSo you say
20:06.59drmessano[TK]D-Fender, as much as he is very excitable, is more patient that I am about masked info.  He'll scream and demand it until some gets the idea and stops masking it.  I just simply refuse to work with someone who wants to play games
20:07.52troutowicool drmessano. but as i said, he is taking a look
20:08.40*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (chris@conference/digium/x-rzdzonlxznycozwg)
20:08.59drmessanoProblem solved then, I guess.  You got someone to look and didn't have to learn a lesson
20:09.18[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, He provided it quickly in private...
20:09.23[TK]D-FenderDidn't have to ask twice.
20:09.52drmessanoNot sure why he continued to argue the point then.  Nevermind
20:10.02*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
20:10.20troutowidrmessano, ur the one who kept at it, i told u right away he was looking at it
20:10.25troutowibut no biggie
20:11.42drmessanoYou didnt exactly elaborate and state you had provided the info
20:11.44drmessanoBut whatever
20:11.58[TK]D-FenderYeah, we're all good here.....
20:14.14drmessanoAnyone using Asterisk 11 and XMPP/Motif?
20:14.47drmessanoHaving an authentication issue
20:15.58drmessano"Waiting to Request TLS"
20:19.30cmendes0101Anyone have the url for asterisk 11? I didn't catch it on the slides at astricon
20:19.41kaldemardanfromuk: it's exten => .,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}) most likely. that's why you should not use "." as a pattern alone.
20:20.22kaldemarcmendes0101: url? for what? source package?
20:21.10cmendes0101I believe it was for the tar version of the source
20:21.26kaldemarcmendes0101: you'll find them all here, always:
20:21.37cmendes0101I could be wrong. They said they just put it online before the end chats
20:21.51kaldemarit's there.
20:22.13*** part/#asterisk navaismo (~Airo@
20:23.03cmendes0101kaldemar, Thanks
20:28.47[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBL
20:32.57sherl0kHi all, anyone have experience with the getting DTMF tones to register correctly? I'm having trouble with my conference line and outside callers pressing keys on their phones.
20:32.58sherl0krunning FreePBX / Asterisk
20:37.14sherl0ki've tried changing the dtmfmode, setting relaxedtmf, changing the order of codecs
20:37.19sherl0kgetting nowhere :/
20:38.04WIMPyHow do they reach you?
20:41.48*** join/#asterisk elshaa (
20:43.39sherl0kThey can dial into our office just fine, reaches the extension that points to an IVR
20:43.59sherl0kbut when they attempt to press a key that the IVR will redirect their call to, it isn't recognized
20:44.09sherl0kI've turned on DTMF debugging in the consoler
20:44.28sherl0kSome calls I'll see that the DTMF tone isn't long enough and the phone system will extend it automatically
20:44.50sherl0kOther cases though it just register at all
20:48.58elshaaI am running asterisk on a physical machine with a Sangoma card (E1). Would it be possible to virtualize it ? I have a doubt about how the virtual machine would use the physical Sangoma card...
20:50.24*** join/#asterisk egonzalez_ergio (~egonzalez@
20:50.37WIMPyelshaa: Ask Sangoma if teir dirvers can be used that way?
20:50.49*** part/#asterisk egonzalez_ergio (~egonzalez@
20:51.46*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (532ad2d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:51.52jpsharpDepends on if your virtual host can do direct PCI I/O.
20:54.10BorjaGVOHi everyone. How can I play part of a sound file for just 20 seconds (without editing the file)? The only sound-related cmd that I found that has a way to start/stop it is Playtone/StopPlaytone but as far as I read it doesn't play regular sound files. Any ideas of how to do this?
20:54.47WIMPyEdit the file.
20:55.23WIMPyOk, it's not entirely true. You could do it externally via AGI or AMI.
20:56.33BorjaGVOOk, but not with Asterisk dialplan...
20:57.07BorjaGVOI think this could be something to be's kind of useful...
20:57.54WIMPyI can't thnik of a use case. What do you want it for?
20:59.39BorjaGVOYeah, may be not that obvious...What I want to do is set a minimum time of 20 seconds for the queue. I mean, if a caller geets into the queue, the music must get played 20 seconds at its minimum, even if there are no agents available
21:00.10BorjaGVOThere is not such option, right?
21:00.55BorjaGVOThe way I was thinking of doing it is to play the song for 20 seconds and THEN putting the caller into the queue...
21:00.59WIMPyis not in to queues.
21:01.35WIMPyDoes the queue resume MOH where it was left?
21:02.40BorjaGVOit doesn't matter
21:03.33WIMPyIf it does you could just StartMusicOnHold() and then Wait(20).
21:06.03BorjaGVObut it wont stop until file ends, right?
21:06.37WIMPyThere's StopMusicOnHold() as well.
21:06.59WIMPyMaybe you don't even need that. I've never tried to use it.
21:07.18WIMPyBut it seems worth a try for what you want.
21:10.32BorjaGVOyes! of course it does..I didn't have notice about it...I'll give it a try. I think is just what I want!
21:13.40*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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21:23.13goddvahow does the autoconf/*.m4 files work? are they generated or are they "static"?
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22:06.38elshaaWIMPy: Ok, thanks, and sorry fordelay
22:07.07elshaajpsharp: The direct PCI I/O doesn't depend on the hypervisor only ? KVM in my case?
22:20.35*** join/#asterisk natschil (
22:20.46natschilHello. How do I change the SIP port that asterisk listens on?
22:20.54natschilI can't seem to find how to do that on the internet
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22:53.39*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
22:56.21jeffspeffok, trying to setup a sip trunk between 2 boxes. I'm setting the static host address on the sip accounts so they don't have to register. also setting them to qualify. But i can't get them to qualify. not seeing anything on either side. how do i set this up right?
23:07.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
23:12.12jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, so glad you joined
23:12.19jeffspeffok, trying to setup a sip trunk between 2 boxes. I'm setting the static host address on the sip accounts so they don't have to register. also setting them to qualify. But i can't get them to qualify. not seeing anything on either side. how do i set this up right?
23:14.14[TK]D-FenderIf you can't see anything then your networking is screwed up or are pointing a box in the wrong direction entirely
23:15.57jeffspeffmy sip provider has there setup this way, and i made these settings very similar to how i set them up
23:16.32jeffspeffjust a sip account, set name, port, host, allow, disallow, context, qualify
23:16.37[TK]D-FenderWhat does your "provider" have to do with YOUR two boxes talking between each other?
23:16.54jeffspeffnothing, but i'm trying to mimic same functionality
23:17.37jeffspeffwe don't register with sip to their system, i'm trying to figure out how this is done
23:18.02[TK]D-Fendermake a peer on each side.  place calls.  done
23:18.12[TK]D-Fendershow us actual ATTEMPTS
23:19.35jeffspeffok, made peers on both sides, when the call comes through from A to B it doesn't go to the configured context within B for the account, it goes to the default trash context specified in [general]
23:19.57jeffspeffwhen i do a sip show peers on either box, the peers show as unreachable
23:20.38[TK]D-Fenderwaits for story-time to finish
23:21.05jeffspeffthe call goes through, but not properly
23:21.54*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
23:23.03jeffspeff[Oct 25 13:27:00] NOTICE[10837]: chan_sip.c:23577 handle_request_invite: Call from 'TEST' ( to extension '8702155555' rejected because extension not found in context 'UNKNOWN-INBOUND'.
23:23.44[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Pastebin.  EVERYTHING.   And I'f not seeing those calls with SIP DEBUG enabled it isn't "everything"
23:27.14*** join/#asterisk elico (
23:28.54*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
23:31.12[TK]D-FenderFound peer 'TEST' for '2705649026' from
23:31.21[TK]D-FenderLooking for 8702155555 in UNKNOWN-INBOUND (domain
23:31.26[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
23:31.32[TK]D-FenderLooks cut & dry
23:31.53[TK]D-Fenderidentifies as a peer and then there is nothing to match what they dialed.
23:32.24*** join/#asterisk philfry (
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23:32.53philfryi'm running asterisk now and anytime i try to dial out using a SIP or IAX2 trunk i get unavail
23:33.11jeffspeffThe peer 'TEST' has a context of 'TEST-INBOUND' which is where it's call should go to. 'UNKNOWN-INBOUND' is set in [general]... plus the peers aren't qualify'ing
23:33.35[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Doesn't look like.  And *I* don't see it.....
23:34.47*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (tm1000@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe93:fa45)
23:35.09jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, how do i get them to qualify properly without doing a sip register?
23:35.14jeffspeffor can you even do that?
23:36.05jeffspeffphilfry, you might try #asterisknow channel
23:37.03[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Why are we jumping track?
23:37.19[TK]D-FenderRegistration has NOTHING to do with "qualify" working
23:38.24jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, much to my embarassment i had forgotten to do a sip reload and apply the changes that added the context to the TEST peer. so that works now
23:40.05WIMPyIs there a way to supply the soundfile containing the user name wehn joining a confbridge?
23:41.10philfrythis really isn't asterisk now specific
23:42.36WIMPyphilfry: Your question wasn;t specific in any way.
23:42.47infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:42.53[TK]D-Fenderphilfry: ^^^^^^^
23:43.00[TK]D-Fenderphilfry: SHOW us the failed call.
23:43.05philfrysure thing
23:43.26[TK]D-Fenderphilfry: with SIP DEBUG enabled if it's going out that way, IAX2 DEBUG enabled if the other
23:44.54*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
23:57.20philfryi took out the username in the iax registration

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