IRC log for #asterisk on 20121013

00:09.40alexturnerpabelanger: Unknown? Though this exact config was working on another install - totally confuzzled
00:13.18[TK]D-FenderFrom: ""<sip:unknown@>;tag=1837a804c6057ba6
00:13.42pabelangerFrom: ""<sip:unknown@>;tag=1837a804c6057ba6
00:13.46pabelangerya, that
00:13.51[TK]D-FenderEmpty "from" and that is a multi-port gateway that is not configured for usedID auth.
00:14.06[TK]D-FenderShould be type=friend, not "peer"
00:14.23[TK]D-FenderChange your types, and fix the basic auth on that port
00:24.26InHisNameI'm back now that kids are asleep. [TK]D-Fender:  I captured this just as you were leaving earlier.   here is the sip debug of registration attempts.
00:25.51[TK]D-FenderInHisName: EvERY provider (I counted at least 3) are timing out.  Serious networking issues.
00:27.38InHisNameyes, I know that.  Seems that asterisk cannot get ip addresses for its registrations.   BUT in linux, pings of names works just fine.   DNS working in linux but not with asterisk ?
00:28.27InHisNameI am probably missing fixing a setting change somewhere with asterisk.
00:29.13*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
00:30.13InHisNameWhat should be inside of dnsactual.conf file ?   I changed it to my current outside IP.   Maybe it wasn't quite that before and I wasn't paying close enough attention.
00:34.45*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
00:36.29*** join/#asterisk Johnny- (
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00:43.56*** mode/#asterisk [+o blitzrage] by ChanServ
00:46.28[TK]D-FenderInHisName: Do I know that the names it's resolving are WRONG?  Because it is coming up with them...
00:46.33*** join/#asterisk wudles (
00:46.34[TK]D-FenderThis soulds like you are being blocked
00:47.54InHisNameIs there something to do from linux command line to test to prove blocking or not ?
00:53.02InHisNameAlthough, I don't think I can blame the ISP, I suspect it is in my asterisk setup somewhere that is causing my grief.
01:01.31*** join/#asterisk raub (
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01:06.50[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:s@>
01:06.54[TK]D-Fenderis that your server IP?
01:07.11[TK]D-Fenderif so, it is sending to different WAN IP's for each host, so lookups seem to be doing their thing.
01:07.34[TK]D-FenderSo either you're sending the wrong IP (which I figure ONE of them should have ignored), or you are firewalled somewhere
01:07.51[TK]D-FenderSIP ALG, if not raw port
01:13.35[TK]D-Fenderheads out for the night
01:16.07*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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01:43.19*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
01:52.46alexturnerHey guys, any idea why I'm getting auth errors from my FXO gateway?
02:04.01*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (tm1000@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe93:fa45)
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02:21.53*** join/#asterisk Kevin` (
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02:36.41*** join/#asterisk Rahoul (~nicolas@
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02:53.23*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
03:25.44ChannelZalexturner: No matching peer for 'unknown' from ''
03:26.30ChannelZthe peer you showed (asuming that's what the FXO is supposed to be) is set to 'dynamic' but apparently hasn't registered such that Asterisk knows that IP belongs to it.
03:29.57alexturnerHmm i see
03:30.11alexturneri've registered the host in sip.conf
03:38.38*** join/#asterisk mokmeister (~mokmeiste@
04:22.39*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
04:30.42ChannelZdoes it have a static IP?  (should, it's LAN..)
04:32.30alexturneryeah it does, and i have set that accordingly
04:32.56alexturnerwell I'm running something simpler now
04:32.58alexturnerstill no luck
05:00.12*** part/#asterisk alexturner (
05:14.44*** join/#asterisk kasanop (
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08:31.49*** join/#asterisk oquidave (~oquidave@
08:32.01*** join/#asterisk onebitxajax (~onebitxaj@unaffiliated/onebitxajax)
08:32.05onebitxajaxhi to all
08:32.28onebitxajaxsip_budies is under sterisk or asteriskrealtime table?
08:32.44onebitxajaxi want to setup an asterisk realtime user
08:33.42onebitxajaxsome tutoriall create it under asterisk other under asteriskrealtime
08:50.03*** join/#asterisk oquidave (~oquidave@
08:51.16oquidavehello, am getting pbx.c:4235 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'DB_DELETE' for extension (subCountLoop, s, 2) the DB_DELETE function supported in asterisk 1.8?
08:51.45oquidaveDBdel and DBdeltree are working fine
08:52.32oquidavebut when i use DBdel, asaterisk tells me it's decaprecated!! yet when i use DB_DELETE, it says not such application!!
08:52.52kasanoponebitxajax: you can name the database whatever you want as long as you write the same database name in the "sippeers" string in extconfig.conf
08:53.24ChannelZoquidave: I'm thinking probably your syntax is wrong
08:53.32kasanopoquidave: DB_DELETE is not an application, it's a function
08:54.00oquidaveChannelZ: i've same=>n,DB_DELETE(test/count);
08:55.29ChannelZyeah.  As kasanop says, DB_DELETE is a function, not a dialplan application
08:56.11oquidaveChannelZ: that means i can't use it in the dialplan?
08:56.15ChannelZI think you could get away with NoOp(${DB_DELETE(test/count)})
08:56.32oquidaveor i've to to use it inside an application
08:56.43oquidaveChannelZ: okay
08:56.55ChannelZA function is sort of like a variable that can do things.
08:57.09ChannelZIn the sense of where it can be used, anyway.
08:57.23oquidaveChannelZ: but DBdel and DBdeltree are applications, right?bse they work
08:57.53ChannelZsee "core show applications" vs "core show functions"
08:58.24oquidaveChannelZ: that feels inconsistent to me!
08:58.29ChannelZNot really
08:59.00ChannelZFor the example you provided, there's no reason to use DB_DELETE - just use the application DBdel
08:59.48oquidaveChannelZ: but DBdel is decaprecated!
08:59.53ChannelZHowever, if you read the help for DB_DELETE, it returns the value of the key you are deleting, which might be useful in some other logic.
09:00.29ChannelZI was just making a distinction between functions and applications
09:01.29oquidaveChannelZ: okay thanks...meanwhile NoOp() is some sort of print application right
09:02.37ChannelZwell it literally means 'do nothing' but it will output to the console so it's often used as a sort of debug printf
09:03.15oquidaveChannelZ: great thanks again
09:03.24*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
09:03.36ChannelZYup have fun
09:05.21onebitxajaxkasanop: they don't appear in asterisk cli :/
09:05.33oquidaveso i should always use same=>n,NoOp(${DB_DELETE(test/count)}) instead of same=>n,DBdel(test/count);
09:06.27onebitxajaxplease can someone give a good guide to how can i setuo asterisk in realtime???
09:09.03ChannelZoquidave: you can use DBdel, just know that it will eventually go away and you'll have to update your dialplan if you upgrade Asterisk down the road.  It's in 10, not sure about 11.
09:10.04oquidaveChannelZ: noted!
09:15.05*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
09:28.45*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
09:59.21*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
10:36.19*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:42.13onebitxajaxkaldemar: i read and tried 5 tutorials without success
10:42.16onebitxajaxlet's try this one
10:42.43onebitxajaxkaldemar: dosen't work
10:43.00onebitxajaxkaldemar: either dosen't work
10:46.42kaldemaronebitxajax: the latter is infested with typos in meaningful parts. no wonder if it does not work.
10:47.21onebitxajaxkaldemar: i am with version Asterisk 1.4.19,
10:47.22kaldemarhas never seen so many ways to misspell "extension"
10:47.32kaldemaronebitxajax: that's something you should change.
10:47.56onebitxajaxkaldemar: what do you mean?
10:48.49kaldemaronebitxajax: 1.4.19 is ancient even in the 1.4 branch, and the whole branch has no support at all.
10:49.31onebitxajaxi already say to our client "format and reinstall a good centos version"
10:49.37onebitxajaxi don't want3
10:50.24kaldemaractually you shouldn't try with the link i gave you either, it is meant for 1.8.
10:51.47kaldemarthis is an older edition of the book for 1.4 versions (in case you make the bad decision to stick with 1.4.19):
10:56.59*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
11:03.51onebitxajaxkaldemar: is that possibile tu upgrade to new version manually?
11:05.34kaldemarthere are even precompiled binary packages if you don't want to compile from source.
11:09.52*** join/#asterisk funky1 (
11:11.15funky1hi all, i have a 3g usb modem huawei, that is unlocked and has voice function enabled, i use my phone sim in there, in windows and ubuntu i can make and receive calls, but on my asterisk machine i have trouble getting the modem to work properly, is there any way that i could run it in my ubuntu machine and register the modem as an extension within asterisk?
11:11.58funky1my asterisk machine is centos to be clear
11:24.31*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
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12:07.27dolcea-xoomHi guys
12:08.12dolcea-xoomIs there a way to use a bluetooth device with asterisk?
12:09.08WIMPyfunky1: That's not very helpfull for debugging. Do you need usb_modeswitch? Does that wotk on Centos?
12:09.16WIMPydolcea-xoom: chan_mobile
12:09.44WIMPydolcea-xoom: Or the other way?
12:10.21funky1WIMPy: no, i believe you only need usb_modeswitch when your modem is not recognized properly, what more can i past for debugging info?
12:10.33dolcea-xoomGoogling, thanks
12:11.28WIMPyfunky1: No, modeswitch is needed to to configure the stick to the correct function.
12:12.22funky1hm ok, i don't think i need it but let me read up on it to be sure
12:12.58WIMPyHave you tried to use it in other ways on the Centos box?
12:14.02cusco_using chan_dongle ?
12:14.26funky1modeswitch only switches when there is some storage or stuff like that on the stick,which i actually have but i have set that already before, so i don't need modeswitch (but have tried it anyways before)
12:14.42funky1i can communicate through minicom with the modem
12:14.52funky1tried chan_dongle trying to get that to work actually
12:14.58funky1but does not work
12:15.19WIMPyOk, if you can use minicom on that box, that's a good start.
12:16.17funky1so what now then?
12:17.07WIMPyIf the channel doesn't provide any debug, you have to ask a crystal ball :-(
12:17.32funky1i guess i'll have to
12:17.39WIMPyIsn't chan_dongle a fork of chan_datacard?
12:18.25WIMPyThat one did give me debug outpout.
12:18.30funky1is there any way that you might now where i could attach the usb 3g stick to a windows machine use there the windows mobile partner application with which i can make and receive calls and register that as an  extension in asterisk?
12:18.59WIMPyIf the application supports it...
12:19.14funky1i thought chan_datacard was old version, when using chan_dongle i see that it is trying to initializing the modem but fails and just gives error
12:19.32WIMPyWhat do you see?
12:19.44funky1is there a windows application that supports this that you know of? or linux application?
12:20.04WIMPyAsterisk :-)
12:22.21funky1thgouht i got a question about dongle.conf i have the imei and imsi of my device and when i specify those do i still need to specify /dev/ttyUSB0 for audio and the other for data?
12:23.03funky1in the conf it says i can omit those settings when i enter the imei and imsi but when i do that without the "/dev/" settings i see nothing about initializing the dongle
12:24.36funky1anything else for windows or linux so that i can just configure it as an extension and link to my main asterisk box
12:27.34WIMPyThat's not real debug. I used to see the complete communication.
12:31.32funky1debug is set to 9
12:32.55*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:35.51*** join/#asterisk devyll (~devyll@
12:36.44devyllhello guys. Can you tell me how to destroy (force to expire) a sip registration?
12:37.10kaldemarsip unregister
12:37.31devyllit's not an otion.. I have 1.4.25
12:38.32kaldemaroh well. then you're out of luck. consider upgrading.
12:56.03volga629Hello Everyone, channel.c:1498 __ast_queue_frame: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to what is mean ?
12:57.07volga629this is dial ext
13:05.04*** join/#asterisk slidesinger-lt (
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14:06.53onebitxajaxPackage asterisk requires
14:06.55onebitxajaxPackage urw-fonts requires chkfontpath
14:06.55onebitxajaxPackage urw-fonts requires mkfontdir
14:06.55onebitxajaxPackage urw-fonts requires mkfontscale
14:06.56onebitxajaxPackage system-config-keyboard requires firstboot
14:06.58onebitxajaxPackage system-config-keyboard requires gtk2 >= 2.6
14:07.01onebitxajaxPackage libmfcr2 requires
14:07.04onebitxajaxPackage libsupertone requires
14:07.11onebitxajaxcan someone help me with myupgrade
14:23.45*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
14:25.54*** join/#asterisk cusco (~tralala@2001:41d0:1:6caf::1)
14:33.25onebitxajaxis there any solution to update manually asterisk?
14:38.52cuscohow else would you update?
14:52.18onebitxajaxcusco: hw can i do it mnually, from source or from compilked rpm?
14:52.57fileraises eyebrow
14:53.34cuscohow did you install it last time?
14:54.47onebitxajaxcusco: i installed an iso with asterink in it
14:55.00cuscoow, is that asterisknow?
14:55.25onebitxajaxcusco: elastiks
14:55.46*** join/#asterisk coppice (
14:55.46cuscoyou should refer to #elastix for that
14:55.52onebitxajaxah ok
14:56.00cuscoelastix is based on asterisk, but not quite the same
14:56.11cuscoupgrading any way we would recommend could break your system
14:56.31onebitxajaxi don't understand
14:56.44onebitxajaxi tried everithingto make asterisk real time
14:56.50onebitxajaxbut i don't succed
14:56.56onebitxajaxi don't know what to do T-T
14:57.12cuscolooked at extconfig ?
14:57.45onebitxajaxcusco: do you have 10 min ute to help me with it?
14:57.50cuscoso... what backend are you trying?
14:58.24cuscokeep on asking and I'll help you as I see fit... lol
14:58.28onebitxajaxwhat do you mean with backend?
14:58.48cuscobackend for the configurations... mysql postgresql tds etc
14:59.02cuscousing 1.8 ?
14:59.24onebitxajaxmysql  Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.95, for redhat-linux-gnu (i686) using readline 5.1
14:59.32onebitxajaxAsterisk 1.4.19, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2008 Digium, Inc. and others.
14:59.58cuscoasterisk 1.4! ok I have no experience there.. do you have mysql addons installed?
15:01.08onebitxajaxi have ollowed ths guide
15:01.22onebitxajaxhowever i think yes
15:01.22cuscoodbc insteadl of mysql addon?
15:02.06cuscoso.. is odbc working?
15:02.18onebitxajaxi think no
15:02.48onebitxajaxi mean when i enter in asterisk cli its say that he is connected to database
15:03.05cuscodoes it?
15:03.12cuscolike 'odbc show status' or something ?
15:03.51onebitxajaxno its say odbc command not found in the asterisk cli shell
15:05.08cuscoI don't have a instalation with odbc on right now..
15:05.40cuscodo you have mysql addons? check with 'module show like mysql'
15:05.47onebitxajaxcusco: to instal it wwith mysql addons i must only install with yum the package asterisk-addons-mysql.i386
15:06.29onebitxajaxModule                         Description                              Use Count            MySQL RealTime Configuration Driver      0             MySQL CDR Backend                        0                 CBMysql conference scheduling            0         Simple Mysql Interface                   0
15:06.45onebitxajaxi got this with module show like mysql
15:08.25cuscoseems that you alreaddy have it
15:08.25cuscowell I have a file in /etc/asterisk/ named: res_mysql.conf
15:08.25cuscodo you have such a file?
15:09.19cuscoinside it has details of mysql connector.. dbhost, dbname, dbuser, dbpass, dbport, dbsock
15:09.51onebitxajaxyes there is
15:10.05onebitxajaxcusco: i put it the root and mysql root password
15:11.03cuscolol, you should never do that
15:11.17onebitxajaxcusco: i know
15:11.31cuscothen do you have the bd and table scructure created?
15:12.00onebitxajaxcusco: but there is a problem
15:12.27onebitxajaxthe structure of my tables are different from tthe structure of the tables that i find in the tutorials
15:12.46onebitxajaxbut i added 3 person in sipbuddies
15:13.07cuscook.. so?
15:13.12cuscodoes asterisk read the mysql table?
15:13.31cuscorealtime mysql status
15:13.35onebitxajaxwith sip show users  there is no user
15:13.55onebitxajaxno output for realtime mysql status
15:14.35cuscowait, prehaps it is still trying to connect?
15:14.41cuscoalso set verbose and debug to 15
15:15.25cuscorealtime load
15:15.42cuscooops nvm that
15:16.05cuscowhen you start asterisk
15:16.08cuscolooking at the full log
15:16.19cuscoany relevant info regarding mysql connect attempt?
15:16.25cuscoin extconfig what do you have?
15:16.30*** join/#asterisk onebitxa1ax (~onebitxaj@unaffiliated/onebitxajax)
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15:26.25onebitxa1axcusco: i have a question, the new users i must put them in asteriskrealtime table and not in asterisk table, right?
15:26.38onebitxa1axcusco: sorry disconnecte
15:27.04onebitxa1ax17:13 < cusco> realtime mysql status
15:27.05onebitxa1ax17:13 < onebitxajax> with sip show users  there is no user
15:27.05onebitxa1ax17:13 < onebitxajax> no output for realtime mysql status
15:27.44cuscowhat do you have mapped in extconfig ?
15:28.10cuscolike sippeers => mysql,general,tablename
15:28.18cuscoand sipusers => mysql,general,tablename
15:29.13onebitxa1axsippeers => mysql,general,sip_buddies
15:29.13onebitxa1axextensions => mysql,general,extensions
15:29.13onebitxa1axvoicemail => mysql,general,voicemail_users
15:29.15onebitxa1axqueues => mysql,general,queue_table
15:29.18onebitxa1axqueue_members => mysql,general,queue_member_table
15:29.20onebitxa1axmeetme => mysql,general,meetme
15:29.49cuscoso.. when you start asterisk
15:29.50onebitxa1axsip_budies exist under asteriskrealtime table
15:29.54cuscodo you see it trying to connect?
15:30.04cuscosip_buddies is a tablename
15:30.21onebitxa1axsorry database
15:30.22cuscoexists under a database, specified in the general section of res_mysql
15:30.24cuscoappointed db
15:30.26onebitxa1axsip_budies exist under asteriskrealtime database*
15:30.41cuscoand is asteriskrealtime in res_mysql ?
15:31.09cuscowhat does it say when you start asterisk?
15:31.17cuscohave you looked at full log?
15:31.43onebitxa1axno i don't look to log, where i can find them?
15:32.05cuscoin /var/log/asterisk/full or where appointed in logger.conf
15:32.54onebitxa1ax[Oct 13 07:47:46] WARNING[6191] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.
15:33.06onebitxa1ax[Oct 13 07:47:46] DEBUG[6191] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Retrieve SQL: SELECT * FROM sip_buddies WHERE name = '2456'
15:33.09onebitxa1ax[Oct 13 07:47:46] WARNING[6191] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.
15:33.19cuscothere you go
15:33.20onebitxa1ax[Oct 13 07:47:46] DEBUG[6191] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Everything is fine.
15:33.43cuscocheck debug for more info
15:34.28onebitxa1axhoa can i do that?
15:35.17onebitxa1axargh!!! [Oct 13 17:34:55] DEBUG[10870] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Cannot Connect (1045): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
15:35.38cuscoyou found your problem
15:36.01*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
15:37.18*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
15:38.14onebitxa1ax[Oct 13 17:37:50] WARNING[10932] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Unable to select database: general. Still Connected (1049).
15:38.18onebitxa1ax[Oct 13 17:37:50] DEBUG[10932] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Database Select Failed (1049): Unknown database 'general'
15:38.27onebitxa1axwhy he searcg general if i put asteriskrealtime?!
15:38.34cuscowrong config
15:38.46cuscoreview your res_mysql.conf and extconfig.conf accordingly
15:39.44onebitxa1axcusco: there is not general in all 2 files!!!
15:40.04cuscoyou should have a [general] section
15:40.16onebitxa1axcusco: i must put asteriskrealtime eitther in the tag [general?]
15:40.25onebitxa1axyes there is
15:40.41onebitxa1axso i must put [asteriskrealtime] and not [general]???
15:40.42cuscoyou're contraicting yourself
15:41.06cusco16:09 < cusco> inside it has details of mysql connector.. dbhost, dbname, dbuser, dbpass, dbport, dbsock
15:41.16onebitxa1axdbhost =
15:41.16onebitxa1axdbname = asteriskrealtime
15:41.16onebitxa1axdbuser = root
15:41.16onebitxa1axdbpass = mypassword
15:41.21onebitxa1axit's here
15:41.34onebitxa1axwhere is wrong?
15:41.36cuscoand show the output
15:41.57onebitxa1axcusco: it's ok with asterisk -rx "restart now"
15:42.10cuscodoes that work?
15:42.17onebitxa1axor i must restart all the machine?
15:42.23cuscoonly asterisk
15:42.26*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
15:42.27onebitxa1axyes that restart asterisk
15:42.41onebitxa1axcusco: it say Disconnected from Asterisk server
15:43.27onebitxa1axthere is a mega errore
15:43.34onebitxa1axbut it's never shown before
15:43.54onebitxa1ax[Oct 13 17:43:29] DEBUG[10975] res_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Database Select Failed (1049): Unknown database 'general'
15:44.01onebitxa1axthere is either this
15:44.17onebitxa1axcusco: what i make wrong
16:08.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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17:01.02beefcafehi, I'm trying to enable g722, but it seems asterisk isn't sending g722 in INVITE. why is that?
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17:05.27jpsharpDo you have it properly enabled in your sip.conf?
17:13.16[TK]D-FenderObviously not...
17:16.41*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4ea5412@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:23.57beefcafejpsharp: allow=g722?
17:24.48jpsharpBut what else do you have in the sip.conf for allow/disallow?
17:25.27beefcafeyes, I have that, right below disallow=all
17:27.45[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: PASTEBIN is your friend....
17:30.45jpsharpdoes g722 show up as a valid translation if you do "core show translations"?
17:34.12beefcafeit does.
17:36.39[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: that is one lieelt bit of the communication and I do not see the CALL.  You should be showing the * CLI w/ SIP DEBUG for it.
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17:40.39beefcafe[TK]D-Fender: problem solved by adding allow=g722 in [general]
17:41.03[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: that meens that calls aren't even matching your peers which is pretty much a BIGGER problem
17:42.49beefcafeI guess so. I'm only a few hours into asterisk. I need many more hours to know how it really works.
17:43.13[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: Well the first thing you should be doing is learning to lok at your calls.
17:43.34[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: "sip set debug on".
17:43.49[TK]D-FenderWell ... maybe second or third.
17:43.56[TK]D-FenderBut should not be put off
17:44.16beefcafeI'm not, yet. :P
17:44.22[TK]D-FenderOtherwise you become the guy who just starts shove random parameters all over the place in hopes that something magically starts working...
17:44.51jpsharpthrows pickles at the wall to see what sticks.
17:44.56[TK]D-FenderAnd then opens up his whole system to the world at large and gets defrauded
17:45.27beefcafeI'm trying to connect asterisk to cisco CME. I had the sip messages turned on on cisco but didn't know how to do it in asterisk
17:46.08beefcafedefrauded how? if I don't have any outside trunk or pstn?
17:46.43[TK]D-FenderWell that would change what they could have access to...
17:46.59[TK]D-Fender[13:43][TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: "sip set debug on".
17:48.26beefcafe[TK]D-Fender: thanks. it pratically shows the same messages, but in reverse direction:P
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17:49.46[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: ... this is the part where you show us so we can tell you what you DON'T see in there...
17:54.40Alex_Bkash[TK]D-Fender plz check this
17:55.00Alex_Bkashthis helps me round robin call distributation
17:55.20Alex_Bkashbut how can i add failover with this?
17:56.00[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: look at a call that clearly didn't get answered.  Choose to dial something else
17:58.04Alex_Bkashwhr is thr problem?
17:58.47Alex_Bkashif u can correct it that will be helpful
17:59.06[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: what is there to correct?
17:59.21[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: You haven't shown something that has failed.
18:00.00Alex_Bkashif gateway1 is congested the call drops
18:00.33[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: I don't SEE a call being dropped...
18:00.35Alex_Bkashin that situation how can i route the call to next gateway?
18:03.12Alex_Bkashso will it route to next gateway if gateway1 is congested?
18:03.15[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: I don't SEE a call being dropped...
18:05.21Alex_Bkashi really dont understand this part very well. so will it do the failover ?
18:06.10[TK]D-FenderAlex_Bkash: I don't SEE a call being dropped...
18:06.32beefcafe[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the help,  it was a matching problem. it's using g722 without the global allow=g722 now
18:06.46[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: Glad you found it...
18:11.26beefcafe[TK]D-Fender: thanks. how do I add chan_motif? I installed 11.0 from svn. can't be found in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
18:11.44[TK]D-FenderbeeNever touched it.  Don't do G-talk, skype, etc....
18:12.43[TK]D-FenderNo need.
18:12.57beefcafeI want to use GV for free outbound:P
18:13.08[TK]D-FenderI consult with people using real providers with butter supported services.
18:13.26[TK]D-FenderYes, and you can be happy to have gotten something when GV gets pulled out from under you.
18:13.41[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: Those I know don't want to have to worry about their services disappearing
18:14.15beefcafeI'm not depending on GV so it's not a concern for me
18:23.43[TK]D-Fendersomething to try if you have the time I guess...
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19:06.32danfromukHi, is there any way to change the recording format in mixmonitor? I have a client complaining about recording quality.
19:07.48[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: And what are you recording from, and what are you saving it ass?
19:13.11blitzragethe quality is just whatever the codec is that you record in
19:13.18danfromukSIP to SIP call.
19:13.20blitzrageand whatever the source format is
19:13.28blitzragewhat is the codec? and what format are you recording into?
19:13.41danfromukrecording into a wav file
19:13.52danfromukOne moment while I check the codec
19:15.47blitzragewell that's about all you can do unless you can change the source to g722 or something
19:16.20blitzrage8 bit, 8kHz mono can only sound so good :)
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19:16.30blitzrageI'd suggest changing the expectation of the quaity
19:16.33blitzragequality of the recording
19:16.40blitzrageit's a layer 8 issue
19:16.46danfromukWhats the next level up from alaw?
19:16.57blitzrageHD audio basically
19:17.05blitzragephone needs to support it though
19:17.20danfromukWhat level of bandwidth does g722 use?
19:17.35blitzragegoogle will tell you for sure, but it's comparable to ulaw/alaw
19:18.04danfromukok, no probs. thanks I'll check with the provider as both sides of the call are on their system.
19:18.15blitzrageruns off to build a crib
19:22.24[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: What exactly is on each end of the call?
19:22.59[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: If it's ALAW end-to-end and is on the PSTN then that's all you're going to get.
19:24.50WIMPyG.722 uses the same or less than G.711
19:26.57[TK]D-FenderAnd changes nothing where your PSTN is only running G.711
19:30.31danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: its a mobile to mobile call
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19:35.08[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: then you have each call coming in over a shitty wireless code to the cell co, then over the PSTN to your ITSP where it is shuffled to you.  Then mixed for recording and recompanded into ANOTHER format
19:35.45[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: It's going to suck.  Nothing to "fix"
19:36.14WIMPyShitty? It will probably be one of the better codecs.
19:36.18danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: I have checked the actual call quality and it sounds fine. Just the recordings sound muffled.
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19:38.40[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: the MIXING is the part that will suck more from it
19:38.44beefcafeUnable to add Google ICE candidates as ICE support not available or no candidates available
19:39.03beefcafewhat does this mean?
19:41.07danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: whats the alternative to mixing? is there one?
19:41.43[TK]D-Fenderforce left/right on the streams
19:42.04[TK]D-FenderAnd it'll have to be stereo
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20:11.10boynasI am having problems with dahdi not detecting a third quad PRI card. I have Red alarms, anybody feels like helping a guy in trouble? :)
20:12.08WIMPyDoes the card have a working interrupt?
20:12.13[TK]D-Fenderboynas: If you have alarms it's because it DOES see your card....
20:13.32jpsharpred alarm = seeing your card, not seeing your T-span.
20:14.27WIMPyDo the lines work in one of the other cards?
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20:47.57beefcafeis there a way to cut the "+" in "+180000000000"?
20:54.25[TK]D-Fender${VAR:1} <- returns the value of the var less 1 char
20:54.35[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe: Keep readin your dialplan basics.
20:54.40infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:55.04beefcafe[TK]D-Fender: found a way. thanks:)
20:56.03*** join/#asterisk mathi (
20:57.05mathiif I understood well, if I answer the call (with Answer() application), and then Dial(), I pay the cost of the transfer. But if I don't Answer() and Dial(), then I don't have to pay anything ?
20:58.25[TK]D-Fendermathi: Each leg costs you whatever it costs you
20:58.49mathican you for once speak normal?)
20:58.49[TK]D-FenderAnswering just means that the DIAL time is guaranteed to be billed
20:59.09boynasYes guys, the lines worked with other cards.
20:59.26mathi[TK]D-Fender, so what I said was correct ?
20:59.35boynasIt was an interrupt problem. Moved one of the cards to a different slot and worked. Thanks to all.
20:59.55[TK]D-FenderWhat you said was vague and says nothing about when the call does get answered
21:00.12mathi[TK]D-Fender, you speak to me like I was a native english. Can you say things more simple, please?
21:01.03[TK]D-FenderANSWERING before a dialout means that you will be billed for the dialing duration of the 2nd leg REGARDLESS of if they answer or not.
21:02.03boynasTKD: Just so you know, I was having red alarms with no service.. On the lights of the card there was a green light on the first Span the rest were off. this are TE420s (Thank you though)
21:02.19mathiand if I don't Answer() and Dial() ?
21:02.31mathiI mean, if I dial without aneswering
21:02.43[TK]D-FenderThen you probably won't be charged for the dialing time before answer on the remote end
21:03.14mathi[TK]D-Fender, but then I can Dial a number at the other end of the world, and the caller would have to pay?
21:03.17WIMPymathi: The first call will get billed as soon ans it is answered. Either by you using the Answer() application or by the 2nd call being answered if you use Dial().
21:03.38[TK]D-Fendermathiif I understood well, if I answer the call (with Answer() application), and then Dial(), I pay the cost of the transfer. But if I don't Answer() and Dial(), then I don't have to pay anything ? <- this statement however is DANGEROUSLY vague.  If you call out and the other side answers you ARE paying for BOTH ENDS.
21:03.45WIMPymathi: If YOU dial, YOU pay.
21:03.59[TK]D-FenderIf you answer incoming = YOU PAY
21:04.11WIMPyEveryone pays what he dials.
21:04.12[TK]D-FenderWhen you dialout and bridge.. you pay BOTH.
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21:06.48mathiok so whenever I use Dial(), I will pay the call from my server to the number I dial ?
21:07.01[TK]D-Fenderof course
21:07.40mathiok, I got that, but then the call from the user's telephone to my server, I will never have to pay that right? that is the user paying
21:08.11WIMPyUnless you have a 800 number, off course.
21:08.12[TK]D-Fendermathi: If YOU pay for inbound then you pay for that call
21:08.47[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: You are assuming inbound is free, and perhaps even an assumption that its the same service as it used by outbound....
21:08.59mathiwhy wouldn't inbound be free ??
21:09.19mathiI mean, if you call me on my phone, I don't have to pay (at least if it's local call)
21:09.22[TK]D-Fendermathi: If your service CHARGES for inbound, then you pay for that.  If your service charges for outbound, you pay for that.  That's 2 legs to account for.
21:09.40mathiI didn't know that it exists that you can pay inbound
21:09.46WIMPymathi: US-American idiosyncracy
21:09.59[TK]D-Fendermathi: You are assuming what kind of product people use.
21:10.14mathiit's only analog phones, PSTN
21:10.26mathithe inbound calls are only from PSTN in my case
21:10.29[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Really, what about Australia?  How about China?  South Africa?
21:10.50[TK]D-Fendermathi: from PSTN HOW?
21:11.05WIMPyDo they have such misfeatures as well?
21:11.09mathi[TK]D-Fender, I have a DIgium card getting inbound calls from PSTN
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21:12.18[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: As the region where your viewpoint becomes increasingly smaller, everyone else is the norm and YOU are the "misfeature"
21:12.52WIMPyWas that a "no"?
21:12.59[TK]D-Fendermathi: If the call is coming in on that line you should already know what it costs you.  When you dial out, you should also already know what it costs you.
21:13.10mathi[TK]D-Fender, "If you call out and the other side answers you ARE paying for BOTH ENDS." <- here you say that I would have to pay inbound call AND outbound call ? (as you say both end), but most generally I wouldn't have to pay inbound
21:13.46WIMPyIf *YOU* call...
21:14.05[TK]D-Fendermathi: Your description was WEAK at the start and took several questions just to find out HOW the calls are arriving.
21:14.35[TK]D-Fendermathi: Your analog lines have their own rules.  The ITSP's of the world also have their own.
21:14.39mathii'm a programmer, I may not use the terms specific to telephony right, that's why the misunderstandings
21:15.18[TK]D-Fendermathi: If you think that the precise means you use for calling aren't important to answering that question... you have a REAL problem.
21:15.45[TK]D-Fendermathi: This is basic logic.  If you're copper in -> copper out.. then you should already know what it costs and when.
21:17.21[TK]D-Fender[17:12]WIMPyWas that a "no"? <- it means that your question becomes devalidated once you become the tiny fringe element.  And then every time you advise others based on that same limited world-view.
21:17.59mathiI would like to know when I need to answer (with Answer() application) the call. Because in my script I Answer() always right from the beginning, even if I Dial() right after. In this case I wonder if I need to use Answer() application
21:18.15[TK]D-Fendermathi: Depends if you have a REASON to answer or not.
21:18.28[TK]D-Fendermathi: Do you?
21:18.42[TK]D-FenderMatIs this call IN from your card and out another line on the same?
21:19.23mathi[TK]D-Fender, whether I use Answer() before Dial, or Dial imediately without Answer, there is no difference? As I would always have to pay the communication costs of server -> dialed number. So I can always Answer() in the very beginning ?
21:19.39[TK]D-Fenderyou CAN.
21:19.42[TK]D-FenderYou asked if you SHOULD
21:19.47[TK]D-FenderPlease PAY ATTENTION
21:20.12[TK]D-Fender"In this case I wonder if I need to use Answer() application" <- Need != can
21:20.58[TK]D-FenderThere are consequnces for each
21:21.19mathiwhat are the consequences ? I don't understand the effect of Answer()
21:21.34[TK]D-FenderAsterisk isn't the CONSEQUNCE.
21:21.36[TK]D-Fenderits your LINE
21:21.46[TK]D-FenderSuppose *I* get billed for calling you.....
21:22.08[TK]D-FenderAnd you try bridging me out.  The outbound call rings 60 seconds and I decide to give up.
21:22.28[TK]D-FenderWell if you ANSWER immediately, I get billed for the 60 seconds of the outbound ATTEMPT that didn't even get answered
21:22.35[TK]D-FenderI PAY = consequnce.
21:23.20[TK]D-FenderDo you have VOICEMAIL on that line?  If you DON'T answer the call and just dial out... after X amount of time the telco will STEAL the call back for VM and *poof*, I'm gone
21:24.08[TK]D-FenderAsterisk isn't the "catch"... your CALLS are.  Think about YOUR LINE.
21:24.19[TK]D-FenderThis shouldn't have to be a question....
21:24.21mathiI didn't understand the last part, steal the call and "VM?"
21:25.15mathiah I don't have a voicemail
21:25.46[TK]D-FenderDo you understand what will happen if you DON'T answer an incoming call for 2 minutes of attempted rining?
21:25.52[TK]D-FenderYOU should know if that's BAD or not.
21:26.14[TK]D-FenderAnd that if you answer, maybe the person who calls you DOES have to pay if you DO answer... but then waste time dialing out without a confirmed bridge
21:26.17[TK]D-FenderThis is common sense
21:26.22mathi[TK]D-Fender, I got it... I think ti's bad because my line will be busy. So I better and Answer and put a limit ?
21:26.38[TK]D-FenderNo, it's BUSY... RINGING
21:26.42[TK]D-Fenderso busy either way
21:27.00[TK]D-FenderStill failing at common sense here....
21:28.34mathiDo you understand what will happen if you DON'T answer an incoming call for 2 minutes of attempted rining?
21:28.37mathi=> I don't know
21:28.40mathican you tell me?
21:29.00[TK]D-Fendermathi: Do you think I know where you live or how your specific telephone company works?
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21:29.15[TK]D-Fendermathi: This is YOUR telco.  How do YOU not know?
21:29.31[TK]D-Fendermathi: Have you just moved to some foreing place and started working on a server there?
21:29.54WIMPy120s used to be the standard ringing expiry time.
21:30.03mathiwhat can be the problem that it is ringing for 2 mins ?
21:30.53[TK]D-FenderSome telcos may give up and say FUCKIT... even though they'd LIKE to try for longer
21:31.04nightrid3rif you keep me ringing of half that time i'll take my bussiness somewere else
21:31.35[TK]D-Fendermathi: You should really go and lean how your own phone lines work....
21:31.56[TK]D-Fendermaybe your CALLER has a timeout limitation imposed on them <-
21:33.21mathiwell, what is your point? Ok the ringing time expires, the call is ended, and how is that a problem?
21:34.32jpsharpWhoops.  "An error occurred during a connection to   Peer's certificate has been revoked."
21:34.55mathiI prefer to Answer() and Dial() with a expiry time in seconds, and after 15 secs say *FUCKIT*, rather than having my line busy for e.g. 2 mins (depends on tel company as you said)
21:36.13[TK]D-Fendermathi: Hope you thought long and hard on that..... 15 seconds to call the outside world sounds BAD given so many VM's may only trigger in 20s.....
21:36.24[TK]D-Fender2 min may be long, but 15s sure is SHORT
21:36.29WIMPyAh, that was the question. Well, the answer is: Go digital. Any way.
21:36.29[TK]D-FenderTime to start THINKING here....
21:36.54[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: that isn't even an analog VS digital question
21:37.04[TK]D-FenderDialing/billing time is just time.
21:37.09WIMPySure it is.
21:37.12[TK]D-Fendermedium is unimportant
21:37.33WIMPyOn analog you can't end a call without accepting it.
21:37.48mathi15 secs short?? Nobody is going to wait more than 15 secs anyway, it seems long enough to me!!
21:38.27[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Excepet maybe a circuit cut. "maybe"
21:38.43[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: I made a module for someone to do that.
21:38.47[TK]D-Fendera LONG time ago
21:39.21mathiand I don't use Voicemails
21:39.28[TK]D-FenderAnd this was one odd scenario.  In his case the worst would mean an answer+immediate hangup
21:39.28WIMPyMaybe. Probably not.
21:39.42[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: True, YMMV on that.
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21:53.45[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: /me heads out for a while
21:53.50[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a while
21:53.52[TK]D-Fenderdang leftovers...
21:54.09factormysticis the motif channel driver part of asterisk 11? I don't see motif.conf in /etc/asterisk and I can't tell if that's ok or if it means motif is missing
21:58.02fileit is, but the configuration file is only installed if you do make samples
21:58.09filecause that overwrites ALL config files
21:58.22fileyou can copy the sample one in manually and modify it, same goes for res_xmpp
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22:26.54factormysticfollowup question, if I run "module show like chan_" I don't see anything called chan_motif... but I do see chan_gtalk and chan_jingle which I thought motif was supposed to replace
22:27.06factormysticthat's not really a question I guess but a statement of confusion :v
22:30.09factormysticfor context I'm going through with Asterisk installed via apt-get in ubuntu 12.04
22:35.54ChannelZCheck your 'make menuconfig' and make sure it's enabled and built (or look in your asterisk lib directory and see if it's there)
22:38.27fileAsterisk 1.8 does not have chan_motif
22:38.52ChannelZI thought he said earlier he was on 11
22:38.58factormysticI thought I was
22:39.10ChannelZif you are using a package, you are not.
22:39.29ChannelZ11 is still beta
22:40.29factormysticok, so in order to get asterisk 11 I need to build from source looks like, so I'll need to remove the package install first I guess
22:40.29ChannelZ1.8 or 10 would still be using chan_gtalk
22:42.28ChannelZ(which is fine by the way)
22:43.26factormysticoh, the red header at the top of the wiki page implied that 11 was the way to go
22:43.54factormystic"The old page documents behavior that is not functional"
22:44.01ChannelZIt will be in the future
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22:44.38ChannelZAlbeit soon future.. Asterisk 11 looks like it's in release candidate.  But all I'm saying is that chan_gtalk and jabber work fine, I'm using them.
22:46.28ChannelZthat said if you're just farting around there's no reason to NOT play with Asterisk 11 either.
22:46.36factormysticI'm going to try for pstn -> google voice -> google talk -> asterisk -> sip soft phone
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22:47.13factormysticI've go the first three stages there working, its asterisk onwards which is new to me
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23:23.55factormysticah geez sip.conf is big
23:25.43ChannelZThe sample configs are like manuals;  they contain EVERY possible option and many examples.  It's not as bad as it looks.
23:26.18ChannelZAn average peer can be setup in less than 10 lines
23:35.26robl^factormystic: a real world sip.conf on one of my boxes is about 40 lines total.  that includes 2 softphones, linking to another pbx and to a SIP itsp and a handful of comments
23:37.15robl^I missed the announcement. I am still on 11.0.0 Beta 2
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23:57.58dolcea-xoomHi, is there a way to restric a sip-user to a macaddress?

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