IRC log for #asterisk on 20121012

00:00.03DovidChannelZ: I tried to look at that. that was way over my head. any "simpler" way to get a variable and use it in the php script?
00:00.22Dovidi wonder if it is my version of asterisk. it works with other scripts of mine
00:00.28Dovidon othe serers
00:01.27ChannelZI dunno I just do it myself (opening stdin/stdout and writing commands/reading responses), I haven't used any of the wrappers.
00:05.06DovidChannelZ: mind to PB some sample code?
00:07.17ChannelZThat doesn't really parse anything but it shows you very simply how to talk to AGI
00:08.10DovidChannelZ: thanks. gona test  it
00:08.13ChannelZyou could use preg_match or whatever to yank out the results in whatever ways make sense for the response to the command
00:09.07ChannelZ(it's dumping what it receives from Asterisk using error_log if you have PHP logging to a file somewhere..)
00:13.39*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
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00:48.54mostymhey guys, I'm getting UNREACHABLE when I do sip show peers for a majority of my extensions. They stay OK for about 5-10 minutes then enter the UNREACHABLE state.
00:48.58mostymAny ideas?
00:50.03mostymTHe firewall has beeen disabled.
00:52.55WIMPyAre they behind NAT?
00:53.50WIMPyThen it's almost certainly their firewall forgetting the "connection".
00:54.06mostymhow do i fix?
00:54.38WIMPyConfigure the natting FW, enable keppalives if available or lower the qualifyfreq.
00:55.54mostymkeep alive is enabled on the voip phones to 30 sec.
00:56.06mostymshould I decrease that?
00:56.26WIMPyIf you can;t increase the timout on the FW, yes.
00:57.15mostymany idea where that would be on the fw?
00:57.38WIMPyThat obviousely depends on the type of FW.
00:58.40mostymThey have a RV042G router.
00:58.42WIMPyIt could have run out of memory as well.
01:03.52mostymWIMPy, anyway to find that out on the Rv042G router?
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01:07.38WIMPyI don't use Cisco for more than switching.
01:08.22mostymcan you recommend a good smb router/firewall combo?
01:08.52WIMPyI prefer to use linux.
01:10.43WIMPyBut a full kernel is a plus.
01:22.14lvlinuxlinux or m0n0wall or pfsense
01:22.44lvlinuxpeople rave about m0n0wall for appliances (mostly embedded)
01:23.31lvlinuxdepends on your needs really
01:25.33mostymI used to use one called smoothwall or something.
01:25.38mostymlike 5 years ago.
01:31.08mostymWIMPy, decreasing the keepalive time to 15 sec seems to be working.
01:31.17mostymshould I be concerned about memory issues?
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01:37.59lvlinuxi wouldn't worry about it if you are not taxing the router with other things - i.e. lots of VPN sessions and such.
01:39.48WIMPymostym: You need to ask the FW if it has some some shortage.
01:40.46lvlinuxdoes that router run Cisco IOS or is it something else?
01:41.21lvlinuxif it runs IOS you can from the console run "show processes" and it will show you the load and memry free and such
01:47.23*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~wwhite@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
01:48.35mostymlvlinux, it's a smb router.
01:51.13lvlinuxyes i know, but i didn't know if it ran ios or not. I guess not though - should still have a status page that you can check and it might say about the memory.
01:53.20lvlinuxis going to eat a fantastic homemade meal :-)
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05:57.05kontinuityhi folks
05:57.25kontinuitydo most of the IP phones support SRTP and TLS-SIP?
05:57.30kontinuityspecs really don't tell much
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06:41.05gg608fhi all
06:41.13gg608fdo you guys know if Asterisk 10.9.0 have Web sockets support?
06:41.23gg608fhttp show status dont show /ws
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06:45.05kaldemargg608f: no.
06:45.57gg608fwill upgrade to * 11
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07:35.25*** join/#asterisk Emmanuel18 (
07:35.52Emmanuel18Apres avoir remis iptables en route je ne peux plus passer d'appels ni en recevoir
07:36.02Emmanuel18j'ai ouvert les port 10000:20000 et 5060
07:36.08Emmanuel18mais j'ai un message d'erreur
07:36.22Emmanuel18WARNING[21009]: chan_sip.c:3425 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x1dbc9e0 (len 400) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
07:36.22Emmanuel18[Oct 12 09:30:44] NOTICE[21009]: chan_sip.c:13294 sip_reg_timeout: -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #2)
07:36.36wdoekesdid you block OUTPUT?
07:37.17wdoekesand you did set -p udp, right?
07:38.08Emmanuel18I want you to put my iptables?
07:38.26*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
07:38.27infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
07:39.40Emmanuel18this is my iptable
07:40.36wdoekesiptables -t filter -P OUTPUT DROP
07:41.04wdoekesiptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
07:41.10Rac-onthere is a 'iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT', but you probably want to include UDP too here
07:41.22wdoekes09:36 < wdoekes> did you block OUTPUT?
07:41.22wdoekes09:37 < Emmanuel18> no
07:41.23wdoekes09:37 < wdoekes> and you did set -p udp, right?
07:41.44Rac-onbows to wdoekes.
07:42.31Emmanuel18I am a long answer because I used google translate to answer I am French.
07:43.03wdoekesremove the "iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT DROP"
07:43.14wdoekesuse "iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT"
07:43.25wdoekesand remove all -A OUTPUT
07:43.41Emmanuel18-A INPUT !
07:45.27Emmanuel18I delete « iptables-t filter-P OUTPUT DROP » and-A OUTPUT?
07:46.01wdoekesbut first you add: iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
07:46.59wdoekesthere is really no reason to block output, unless you're really paranoid about the apps on your machine, but than your firewall would look a lot differently anyway
07:49.06*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
07:49.49Emmanuel18It's good like that
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07:51.59wdoekesline 11 is a no-op. move that to line 1
07:52.18wdoekes#!application only works on the first line
07:52.52wdoekesand you need to add this: iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
07:53.15wdoekesif it's DROP now, and you run this firewall script, you'll lose all output
07:53.57wdoekesyou haven't removed all other lines with OUTPO
07:54.01wdoekes*OUTPUT yet
07:54.25Emmanuel18I remove iptables-t filter-P OUTPUT ACCEPT
07:54.47wdoekes+ iptables -t filter-P OUTPUT ACCEPT
07:54.58wdoekes- iptables -t filter -A OUTPUT*
07:55.20Emmanuel18The OUTPUT # ASTERISK or everywhere?
07:56.00wdoekesajouter: iptables -t filter -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
07:56.07wdoekeséliminer tout -A OUTPUT
07:58.38Emmanuel18It seems to work there is more error messages.
07:59.21Emmanuel18thank you
07:59.47wdoekespas du problème
08:00.11Emmanuel18pas « de » problemes
08:00.20wdoekesexcusez moi
08:00.28Emmanuel18no soucis
08:00.30wdoekes(probably wrong too)
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08:00.55Emmanuel18Is that the installation is complicated voicemail?
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08:10.58wdoekesEmmanuel18: no, try it.. a matter of setting up voicemail accounts in voicemail.conf, calling VoiceMail() in your dialplan for leaving voicemail and VoiceMailMain() to read voicemail.
08:12.18Emmanuel18wdoekes you do outsourcing
08:16.01*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:16.02wdoekesEmmanuel18: wrong question. but if you have work, I have a boss you can contact on info at
08:18.42wdoekesyou need [freephonie-out] in your sip.conf
08:19.00wdoekes(or in your /etc/hosts, but that's probably not what you mean)
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08:41.17funky1hi all :) I was wondering if someone could help me with some tips, i have a 3g usb modem huawei e153 to be specific, i have unlocked it and enabled the voice function on it, i put in the sim card of my phone, now i want to get it working with asterisk, haveing some trouble though, i have downloaded the chan_dongle module and installed, but what i don't get is this, does asterisk make the connection to my provide by itself or do i need to estab
08:41.18funky1lish a connection somehow outside of asterisk?
08:45.26Naikrovekthe connection should be established when you power the module up, i assume.
08:45.44Naikrovekan easier way to do what you want is to use your cellphone but use chan_bluetooth to get asterisk to talk to it
08:45.58Naikrovekif that's still around, anyway, that chan_bluetooth
08:46.41Naikrovekyou'd put a USB bluetooth dongle in yoru computer if you dont already have a BT radio then pair it with your phone, then tell asterisk to use it
08:47.27Naikrovekit can be set up so that incoming cell calls go straight to asterisk, and outgoing voip calls leave through your cell phone (though they won't be voip when they leave your phone, just regular cell calls)
08:51.15funky1hm haven't thought about doing it that way, will have a go at it, thank you for the tip :)
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08:51.47kaldemarso can chan_dongle. you just don't have to deal with an icky bluetooth interface in between.
08:53.34alexturnerHey guys, i've got a question thats making me pull my hair out. Currently I have a FreePBX/asterisk install running on a VM and moving it over to a Elastix box - we have a FXO->SIP unit that sends inbound PSTN calls straight to the IP of the FreePBX server.
08:54.11flingkaldemar: hey :p what is wrong with this? -> exten => _[5,9]XXXXXXX,1,Goto(749${EXTEN},1)
08:54.23kaldemarfling: nothing.
08:54.31alexturnerI've moved the config files from the freepbx server over to the elastic box, though the elastix box does not respond to the incoming sip calls from the FXO->SIP unit
08:54.40flingkaldemar: I want it to match every 8-digit number starting with 5 or 9
08:54.52kaldemarfling: there might be something wrong with your expectations of what it does.
08:55.11alexturnerOther than IP tables, why won't an inbound call even appear in the asterisk console (verbosity 10)?
08:55.24kaldemarfling: and that's what your pattern should do.
08:55.34alexturnerI'm getting to the stage where i feel like throwing my feces around the room
08:55.43kaldemarfling: no, wait. [5,9] should be [59].
08:57.36kaldemaralexturner: are you using SIP? is the call sent somewhere else? disable any blocking of incoming traffic in iptables and use tcpdump to verify that you are getting incoming traffic. also, enable sip debug with "sip set debug on".
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09:00.22alexturnerworking on it
09:00.35alexturnernothing in iptables
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09:02.47flingkaldemar: right, now it works, thanks
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09:05.06alexturnerkaldemar: agh! It's appearing in sip debug though the auth is bad - do incoming calls have to auth? how do they? are they an extension?
09:07.29kaldemaralexturner: whether they authenticate or not is up to you to configure. "are they an extension?" <-- does not make sense
09:08.15alexturneryes i understand, an no
09:08.34alexturnerbasically its 8 fox lines -> queue
09:11.03kaldemarfor configuring the SIP side in asterisk, ask in #freepbx or #elastix.
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09:40.31EccoHi everyone. I have a working asterisk setup (pretty simple, just using SIP).
09:40.43EccoSound quality is horrible though. How can I diagnose what's going on?
09:52.12mirela666Hello, i'm having a wierd issue with SayPhonetic and digit 9, it's totaly ignoring it, is it bacause 9_p.gsm file (which I deleted)
09:52.21mirela666I guess it's expecting it there
09:54.52bulkorokEcco: mak a pcap trace and inspect in wireshark => VoIP
09:55.19Eccowell, what will that tell me really? Thing is, it "works".
09:55.54EccoIt's just a problem of quality: people say they have trouble hearing
09:56.55bulkorokwhat people say and who the quality really is, is a big difference usually...
09:57.17bulkoroktry tracing
10:01.55Eccook, I'll give it a try
10:02.06EccoBut to be honest I don't really know where/what to look at
10:02.28EccoI've done protocol inspection before, but more in a "boolean" fashion (figuring out why it doesn't work at all)
10:03.02Eccoit's not clear how I'll be able to "see" poor audio quality in wireshark
10:10.24*** join/#asterisk sdr_ (
10:11.28sdr_hi all,
10:13.17sdr_i've got this lovely patch set for 1.6.2 about automated filtering of SIP attackers  and I wander will it be worthy to port it to current asterisk
10:13.29sdr_is there a chance this will go mainstream?
10:15.20sdr_I also have a patches about easy routing of calls when behind multi gate NAT ...
10:15.22bulkoroksdr_: fail2ban is doing that...
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10:16.36bulkorokEcco: just check the "telephony" menu in wireshark... there is RTP as option. take a look at "all streams"
10:16.42sdr_bulkorok,  fail2ban is something not couple of hundred lines and involves much more resources ..
10:16.54EccoI'll give it a try
10:17.17bulkoroksdr_ : Btw is 1.6 EOL !?
10:17.37bulkorokah... see your question...
10:17.41sdr_yes it is i'm thinking porting it to 10.x
10:17.58bulkorokask in #asterisk-dev
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10:26.23funky1hm still working with my 3g usb modem, got a little bit further, but what is still unclear to me is if i need to connect to the network of the SIM outside from asterisk with e.g. network manager or do i have to configure the network provider settings somewhere in asterisk? how do i asterisk to connect to the network, it shows my dongle but jus tsays not connected
10:29.36zamba_X.404 will match all extensions that end with '404', right?
10:35.51kaldemarzamba: all extensions that start with 0-9, are at least 5 characters long and end with 404.
10:38.45kaldemarfunky1: afaik you need to configure dongle.conf and then asterisk will take care of it.
10:40.01funky1kaldemar: there are no settings where i can set the network provider in dongle.conf when i do "dongle show devices" in asterisk cli i see the dongle but it says "not connected"
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10:46.10zambakaldemar: basically i want it to match on either 11 or 3 characters, which ends in 404.. how would that look?
10:46.24kaldemarzamba: characters or digits?
10:46.40zambakaldemar: digits
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10:47.08kaldemar_XXXXXXXX404 and 404 as separate extensions.
10:47.33zambawhat about ends in 404 and MAY contain some digits before?
10:47.41zambadoesn't need to be, but can be
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10:48.19kaldemarthere is no way to express such in patterns.
10:51.03zambahm, ok..
10:51.31bulkorokmaybe with cut and goto/gotoif in dialplan
10:51.47zambaanother question.. i want to set up a radio jukebox service by using shoutcast/icecast streams.. i've already set up one by using musiconhold, but i want to specify several different radio streams
10:51.49zambais this possible?
10:52.24bulkorokyou can strip teh exten with ${EXTEN:-3} afair to get the last three digits...
10:52.47bulkorokand then check with gotoif to send it to another exten
11:02.59*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (~felipe@unaffiliated/felipe)
11:04.18zambahm, ok.. i'll take a look at that :)
11:04.25zambawhat about the radio jukebox question?
11:05.14*** join/#asterisk plantseeker (~Plantseek@
11:05.35alexturnerhey all :) how can i turn auth off on inbound calls? (getting this one SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth))
11:09.51Tim_Toadyalexturner: dont define a password
11:10.03alexturnerwell it shouldn
11:10.39kaldemaralexturner: configure insecure=port,invite on the matching peer that has a static host configuration with host=<ip_address>.
11:10.40alexturnerit shouldn't authenticate - it's a 3rd party FXO->SIP gateway thats forwarding inbound calls to the asterisk unit
11:10.54alexturnerkaldemar: hello again :)
11:11.27kaldemarthe fact that is is a gateway is no reason for it to not authenticate itself.
11:13.06alexturnerHmm, i'm just quite lost here
11:13.19alexturnerNow I'm getting a SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
11:13.25alexturnerso it seems as if the auth is happening
11:13.55kaldemarenable sip debug and pastebin the output of a call.
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11:20.54kaldemaralexturner: that's a registration attempt, not a call.
11:21.02kaldemaralexturner: what do you have in sip.conf?
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11:21.48alexturnernothing -_-
11:22.27kaldemarstuff won't just magically work by itself. you actually need to configure asterisk to use it.
11:24.31alexturnerYeah i understand, though on my last config I just set allow incoming calls from unauthenticated or something
11:24.39alexturnerand she worked a charm with an inbound route
11:25.22alexturner[200] type=user nat=never secret=obs123 insecure=very dtmfmode=rfc2833 context=from-pstn authuser=200
11:27.44alexturner"Allow Anonymous Inbound SIP Calls?" is the option i was talking about before
11:28.24kaldemarthat means nothing in asterisk. turn to #freepbx or #elastix with the configuration part.
11:28.36alexturnerYes, i know ;/
11:29.00kaldemaralso, insecure=very is invalid nowadays. i told you to use insecure=port,invite earlier.
11:29.35kaldemarand your device seems to think it is 207, not 200.
11:29.55alexturnerthanks for looking mate
11:29.59alexturnerlooking into it now
11:32.00KalamateeHello, can anyone advise me where I might find a download for AsteriskNOW version 1.6 (I dont seem to be able to find it on the site)?
11:34.35alexturnerto looks like a call now though still no good
11:34.41alexturnerand no idea where the 201 is coming from
11:36.24*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
11:38.32kaldemaralexturner: 200 came from the gateway configs. start by changing what you see in the From header (From: ""<sip:unknown@>;tag=52417462a3270ce1) to something that can be identified by asterisk. next step is to handle "No matching peer for 'unknown' from ''".
11:44.06*** join/#asterisk lminiero (
11:44.28lminierohello everybody
11:44.38lminierocan anybody help me with a problem I've faced?
11:44.50lminieroI've written a Opus codec implementation for Asterisk 1.8
11:44.54lminieroand it works fine
11:45.05lminierobut as soon as an audio hook is attached on a channel
11:45.09lminieroaudio stops working
11:45.44lminierois there anything the audio hooks interface expects that may be breaking in my case?
11:46.03bulkoroklminiero: maybe #asterisk-dev is a better pplace for you?!
11:46.18lminierowhoops sorry, didn't know about that other room...
11:46.27bulkoroknp :-)
11:46.32lminierothanks :)
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12:24.42funky1is there any way i can further debug what is going wrong with my 3g usb modem i only get this in cli
12:24.43funky1[dongle0] Error initializing Dongle
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12:24.56funky1and google search does not bring up useful things
12:25.09bulkorokcore debug
12:26.23funky1how do i enter that in cli?
12:27.18WIMPycore set verbose 9
12:27.30WIMPycore set debug 9
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12:29.23funky1done that but does not show anything extra still same output
12:30.02WIMPyDoes the Stick work otherwise?
12:31.30funky1yes, it works on ubuntu without a problem and on my pbx system (centos) i can communicate and connect via minicom
12:35.25WIMPyAre you sure it is voice enabled?
12:36.12funky1yep 100% checked it with dc unlocker and appropriate at command
12:36.29funky1and on windows i can make calls with it
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13:19.50eqbalHi , anyone figured out how to install asterisk with mountain lion ?
13:20.30blitzragestep 1) download linux step 2) format over mountain lion
13:20.54blitzragenot a lot of development is done on osx, but it is possible. You just need to install the dependencies
13:21.10eqbalI keep getting this error when make menuselct menuselect_gtk.c:4:21: error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
13:21.16eqbali have gtk tho
13:21.36eqbal~/Downloads/certified-asterisk-1.8.11-cert7% brew install gtk+ Error: gtk+-2.24.11 already installed
13:22.32eqbalanyone successfully installed it ? i wanna use it with development @blitzrage with adhearsion , thanks for ur welling to help
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13:23.13blitzrageeqbal: sounds like you don't have the development libraries for gtk though
13:23.32blitzragebeyond that, I can't really help as I use linux on my macbook pro
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13:29.13Kattyblitzrage: hipster.
13:29.20Kattyblitzrage: you were usin the linuxses before mac used them
13:31.48Kattystuffs breakfast in carrar's yawn.
13:32.18carrarmust make
13:32.37carrarnomm nomm
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13:51.12newtonrfukuda_: hello
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13:51.40fukuda_i'm a problem with asterisk and iaxmodem
13:52.47fukuda_When I do: iax2 show peers, my modem alternates between the correct port is a random port.
13:54.03fukuda_my project is the Fax to mail
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14:08.57bulkorokfukuda: why do you use iaxmodem!?
14:11.46[TK]D-Fenderbulkorok, Why do you think?
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14:15.46bulkorokthat's why I ask... I have no idea...
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14:17.08[TK]D-Fenderbulkorok, well "!?" implies some sort of shock ... which you should not have if yuo looked at what it's usually used with.
14:17.50bulkorokwell-... usually with hylafax, but currently asterisk ReceiveFax is not that unstable
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14:18.00bulkorokor sendfax
14:18.26[TK]D-Fenderbulkorok, And will those apps integrate with desktop clietns, manager distribution lists, etc?
14:18.57bulkorokthey could...
14:19.16[TK]D-FenderYou mean ... if you invent an entire framework around them.....
14:19.25[TK]D-FenderLike ... reinventing Hylafax....
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14:42.14zamba[TK]D-Fender: to follow up yesterdays discussion about line keys and registrations.. we have the situation that someone has an active call and then wants to include a third party into this conversation by bridging all parties together to a conference.. is this possible with only one registration? or is this not related to that at all?
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14:44.16[TK]D-Fenderzamba, It is not limited by registrations.  It could be across multiple or not.  The phone does the work.  You need to support multiple calls.  How you spread that over your line-keys is up to you.
14:44.23WIMPyzamba: With VOIP that is usually done in the phone.
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14:44.54[TK]D-Fenderzamba, You could use 1 line-key for 1 registration and support 8 calls on it, leaving 5 for BLF/speedial/etc
14:45.28[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Or 1-call-per-key and have 2-3 linek-eys taken up by that 1 reg and haev a more natural view of your individual calls.
14:46.23zambahow do i know if i support multiple calls?
14:46.37zambai guess that's something i restrict/allow on the asterisk side?
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14:46.49WIMPyNope. Phone.
14:47.00zambaoh, ok
14:47.44WIMPyYou can restrict it with Asterisk, off course, but you have to actively do so.
14:47.55zambaok.. that's good
14:48.17[TK]D-Fenderzamba,You allocate X number of line-keys to your registration and Y number of calls per line-key.  This is your PHONE setup.
14:48.30[TK]D-Fenderzamba, X * Y = # of calls you can shuffle at a time
14:48.55televoipDoes anyone have experience using Exchange VM with 1.8?  I'm pulling my hair out trying to get REDIRECTING to work correctly.
14:49.01[TK]D-Fenderzamba, your 650's can handle 24 <-  How many you limit them to is up to you and how you want them to use their phones
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15:43.11zamba[TK]D-Fender: ah, ok
15:43.22zambai'll look into the settings on the phone for that.. thanks :)
15:43.57zambabut back to my previous question today.. i wanted to set up a radio jukebox of some kind.. when users dial to a certain extension they should get prompted for a number, where each number represent a different shoutcast/icecast stream
15:44.00zambais this doable?
15:44.30zambaright now i have one stream running as the default moh
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15:49.17[TK]D-Fenderzamba, then run multiple streams for multiple MoH
15:50.08zambajust one stanza per stream?
15:52.14[TK]D-FenderWhat does the config say?
16:00.39*** join/#asterisk Arrnas (Arrnas@2002:5ee8:78be::5ee8:78be)
16:02.45Arrnashey geys, i'm trying to make a call directly through a gsm gateway via openphone... i get g.729 packets with it and the  gateway connects fine but i have no audio, audio settings look fine and i get the same results from my netbook
16:04.52Arrnasmy bad
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16:20.14AkkerKidArrnas: you have a paid and working g729 codec on both ends?
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16:35.43[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, 2 things : first, he's apparently not using Asterisk at all in there.  Second... he's GONE
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16:56.03wonderworldhey guys
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17:27.08iulhkhello, anybody has any idea about this error, i am getting at my asterisk console " == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5,  == Using SIP VRTP CoS mark 6" ?
17:27.23QwellWhat makes you think those are errors?
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17:34.44iulhk<@Qwell>: i am dialing one of my DID from US, if i set cli format "LOCAL" all things work fine but just one problem, getting caller id without country code, if i set cli format E164, i got fast busy at caller-end who dialing this DID and got these lines at my asterisk cli "== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
17:35.44drmessanoThose are not errors
17:35.50drmessanoThat has nothing to do with your call
17:35.55drmessanoPastebin the complete call
17:36.00infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:37.08iulhk<drmessano>: this is the main problem not getting any error at my asterisk console except these lines ;(
17:42.00navaismoturn on the sip debug and then pb
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18:25.08Sidrovhello all
18:25.57Sidrovany asterisk geek here can tell me why asterisk 1.8.11 delete my call file from /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ BEFORE call hanging up ?
18:26.04Sidrovis it normal behave ?
18:26.13Sidrovi thought it's deteled only after hangup
18:28.54kaldemarthe files are deleted upon read.
18:28.59kaldemarnormal behavior.
18:29.43jpsharpAre they deleted on read or deleted on the call being answered?
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18:32.46Sidrovafter call is answered, after 5-10 seconds
18:32.52Sidrovbut call is not hangup
18:33.10Sidrovis there any setting for that ?
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18:36.52navaismothere are two options:
18:36.53navaismoAlwaysDelete: Yes/No - If the file's modification time is in the future, the call file will not be deleted
18:36.54navaismoArchive: Yes/No - Move to subdir "outgoing_done" with "Status: value", where value can be Completed, Expired or Failed.
18:37.12Sidrovfound issue
18:37.19navaismobut not sure if that cover your needs
18:37.34Sidrovno, issue is about another asterisk -vvvgc running zombie
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18:39.40Sidrovthe bloody zombie was deleting file
18:58.52drmessanoShoot it in the head
19:00.07jpsharpNuke it from orbit
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19:03.46[TK]D-FenderNova its star
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19:05.30jmetrowell that escalated quickly
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19:16.26jmetrothis google TISP connection is so fast
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20:06.35*** join/#asterisk InHisName (~InHisName@
20:08.43InHisNameI just switched ISPs.  My asterisk and router are linux based.   Asterisk is outside of NAT.   I've updated the IP address changes.   Everything but asterisk works.   I cannot get any registrations to occur.    Any clues or questions of me to help derive answer ?
20:09.52QwellWhat does SIP debug say?  Have you determined that your new ISP doesn't block SIP?
20:10.11Qwell(hint: Clearwire does)
20:10.25jpsharpThey do?
20:10.27jpsharpmakes note.
20:10.30QwellThey did.
20:13.50InHisNameIt was ok for a while, but I made a change to the 4G modem.   I switched to passthru.   Now eth1 shows external address (96.x.y.z) and several other things work better.    I am not receiving any response to the registration inquiries.  SIP debug just shows my packets going out(I assume).   The rest of home network is functioning great.
20:14.37InHisNameI can ping the IP from asterisk box for each site to register.
20:14.56[TK]D-FenderInHisName, You're still not showing SIP DEBUG for your failures.  Stop asking us to advise you blind.
20:15.38InHisNameYou want the one way stream of packets trying to regsister  in a pastebin ?
20:16.43kontinuitydo all hard phones support SRTP and TLS-SIP? can you recommend a few good ones
20:16.57kontinuityI have my PBX on a remote server hence need the security
20:17.13Qwellkontinuity: No, they don't all support it.
20:18.05kontinuityQwell: are there any good secure phones that you can recommend?
20:19.34[TK]D-FenderInHisName, Asterisk SIP debug
20:20.34[TK]D-FenderAnd don't go masking anything in there........
20:23.29InHisName[TK]D-Fender: I may have a clue:   before your message, I tried  sip debug ip and I got the help message.   Using the numeric address worked.     Looks like it is having issues looking up addresses.
20:23.42InHisNameasterisk 1.2.10
20:24.05[TK]D-Fenderthat is just sad....
20:24.11InHisNameI changed dnsactual.conf to reflect new IP
20:24.25InHisNameBut still behaves same way.
20:24.40[TK]D-FenderAnd I guess we should expect to be in the dark on this the whole way through..... reclassifying now as "monologue"
20:25.57[TK]D-Fenderchecks out for the day
20:27.43Qwell~upgrade asterisk
20:27.43infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
20:30.43*** part/#asterisk keycruncher (
20:31.04InHisNameFor anyone else following this:   here is the sip debug of registration attempts.
20:31.56QwellInHisName: Upgrade.  You're using 1.2.  Nobody cares.
20:42.00*** join/#asterisk infobot (
20:42.00*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.9.0 (2012/10/08), (2012/10/08), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.13 (2012/10/09) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
20:42.39*** join/#asterisk raub (
20:43.37raubWhat is the proper way to install Asterisk in a centos 5 box: or ?
20:44.45Qwellraub: The latter.
20:45.17raubQwell: thanks!
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22:17.03branderghostwhere can i read about different styles of writing/calling Gosub-style sub-routines?  i.e. 1) merging sub-routine contexts and calling them via. labelled priorities, vs. 2) keeping the contexts separate and calling them via. respective context?
22:17.21branderghosti ask because the sample config with 1.8 takes the former approach, but i can't find any information as to why
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22:20.09[TK]D-FenderBecause the samples aren't always the best proofed and While it may work it also might not be what someone else considers a "best practice"
22:24.24branderghostok.  weird.  guess i'll keep my sub-routines in separate contexts then as that seems to be the only approach i see documented.  i really wonder why 1.8's sample config doesn't do that, though…  it itches!
22:28.50mjordanbranderghost: my preference - keep em separated out by extension if nothing else (context is a +1 IMO).  Always make sure you have a Return() at the end.
22:36.27branderghostasterisk is so weird
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23:28.57alexturnerHey guyssss, how can i allow inbound sip calls to avoid this message "SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden (Bad auth)"
23:30.29jpsharpGet your username & passwords to match on both Asterisk and the SIP client.
23:30.46pabelangeralexturner, using an ARM processor?
23:31.15alexturnerNo, x86_64
23:32.00alexturnerI've tried everything, the bastard grandstream just won't authenticate
23:33.08infoboti heard collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
23:33.16pabelangeralexturner, pb your SIP debug
23:34.54alexturneri have set the granstream to authenticate as 200
23:34.58alexturnerthough it insists on 201
23:35.00alexturnerno idea why
23:35.11alexturneri think it's because it's crap
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23:42.22alexturnerThis is all on a secure internal network
23:42.27alexturnerand isn't open to the outside
23:42.48alexturnerhow would I allow all inbound calls?
23:51.53*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
23:52.31*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (
23:53.15pabelangeralexturner, No matching peer for 'unknown' from ''
23:53.38pabelangereither add [unknown] as a sip peer or fix your user auth on the phone

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