IRC log for #asterisk on 20121011

00:12.52*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
00:15.17*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
00:39.25*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
00:52.33*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~textual@
01:12.36*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
01:13.48*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
01:14.07tapoutwhat's another provider in the category of ?  I love, i just want to try another provider along side
01:21.04*** join/#asterisk wudles (
01:29.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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02:03.36*** part/#asterisk keycruncher (
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02:58.27*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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03:34.54*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
04:09.08*** join/#asterisk wma (~wma@
04:09.50wmapls help me something
04:12.27jpsharpYou have to say what you need help with.
04:13.45wmayes bro
04:13.55wmaThe outgoing call is stuck in queue after forwarding to another number. It was not hang up automatically after forwarding and call is still remain in queue. I would like to know how to hangup the remain calls in queue after forwarding to another number in Asterisk
04:16.14jpsharpYou can use the "soft hangup" command.
04:17.01*** join/#asterisk brdude (
04:17.08wmayes bro
04:17.32wmabut there is no staff in office we make call forwarding
04:17.50wmain that case  after 2 call forwarding there is no more call bro
04:19.23*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
04:20.08wmahow can i hang up automatically bro
04:24.04jpsharpYou can set a maximum call length.
04:27.30wmai c. bro where
04:30.23wmais there any other solution bro
04:40.09*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-ipxbnnxftfbmwblb)
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05:02.15*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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06:24.41*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
06:47.04*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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06:48.31*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
06:53.56*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:56.25kannanhi, I want to limit a call to X seconds and use L option for this. How can we re direct the channel to an IVR when the 'L' message is played?
06:58.56kaldemarwhy do you want to use the L() option for that?
07:01.32kannankaldemar, basically, in a custom call card, i need to xfer to a payment IVR when low balance
07:03.39kannanshorting of running a cron that checks Db entries (with channel details) every second, is there any other way to go for this?
07:03.40kaldemarand then? continue the call?
07:03.49kannancontnue the call
07:04.03*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:04.42*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:04.43kannanif i use feature map, then the dtmf will be enabled even before low balance is played. the user does not want that to happen
07:07.54kannanif i put in a Meetme with background AGI , then i cannot use sip (we have only voip, no ydm)
07:07.56kaldemari don't think you can do that with dialplan alone. if you use L(), both channels are hung up when the time hits.
07:08.26kannankaldemar, thanks. now i need to think of the way that can acheive this.
07:08.51*** join/#asterisk k610 (
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07:16.05kannanif i put the call into a meetme, then i can mute and unmute channels, or re-direct the chanels , we will need to trigger a background AGI script thats counts seconds and knows the channels' values
07:16.46kannanthis will be possible? only how to run the agi as a separate background script when we dial
07:17.59*** join/#asterisk k610 (
07:24.09kannanif i originate call with AMI, then i can also execute an AGI on connect?
07:35.17*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
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07:42.41*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:42.44schmidtsgood morning
07:45.47*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:31.01kresp0good morning schmidts
08:31.48*** join/#asterisk oquidave (~oquidave@
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09:02.29*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (c4d7bcf4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:02.50*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
09:08.27smastwhen i start asterisk on virtual machine /sbin/asterisk -cvv  output: 'illegal instruction'
09:08.36smasthow to fix this bug ?
09:11.47*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:11.49*** join/#asterisk chris-NB (~chris@
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09:16.38kaldemarsmast: cross-compile gone wrong?
09:25.20*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
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09:35.09smastyes i think
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10:21.50*** join/#asterisk C3r0 (~root@
10:22.46*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
10:24.38angryuserhello my provider uses D chan for E1 number 26, in system.conf i have hardhdlc=26 in zapata i have channel =>1-25, however on boot i have [Oct 11 12:24:27] ERROR[8047]: chan_dahdi.c:8973 mkintf: Channel 16 is reserved for D-channel.
10:24.45angryuserchan_dahdi.c:14265 build_channels: Unable to register channel '1-25'
10:24.50angryuserWhy N*
10:25.32angryuserWhy the hell he is using channel 16 when i have 26 in system.conf ?
10:28.56schmidtsangryuser isnt there a param to set the d-channel?
10:29.49schmidtsangryuser like this:
10:39.16angryuserschmidts: looks like d chang is hardcoded, i had to use the trunkgroups to move it
11:01.07*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
11:03.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:05.11bulkoroksomebody got experience with fax for asterisk module? I have a number where fax will be recieveid with fax_spandsp but not with fax_digium
11:06.38coppicethis is why people use spandsp :-)
11:08.47bulkorokI know...
11:08.53bulkorokI wish I could...
11:10.34bulkorokI have to check all the scripts etc. when spandsp will be used...
11:10.41bulkorokerror messages and so...
11:12.31bulkorokit's so strange... I get P30EVN_PAGE_END, P30EVN_DOC_END, STAT_SES_COMPLETE, P30EVN_COMPLETE and asterisk tells me that there is a fax_failure_protocol_error
11:12.53bulkorokthird try was successfull...
11:23.51*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
11:23.53*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
11:38.29*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~textual@
11:49.01*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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12:02.55ectospasmbulkorok: is this Fax for Asterisk (FAX) or Free Fax for Asterisk (FFA)?
12:03.39coppiceFFA == Fax for Asterisk
12:04.40ectospasmcoppice: no, the licence key for Free Fax for Asterisk is FFA... for Fax for Asterisk it's FAX....
12:05.43*** join/#asterisk italorossi (
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12:09.28bulkorokI have a test-server with  RESFFA and a live server with RESFAX and RESFFA but this shouldnt matter I suppose...
12:09.50bulkorokI tried at least on the test server where the third try was successful...
12:09.54coppicebulkorok: you have scripts specific to Fax for Asterisk?
12:10.08bulkorokI think so...
12:10.46bulkorokwell not on the receiving side...
12:11.30bulkorokI check the FAXOPT(status) string... when it's not SUCCES the script is just writing a different log...
12:11.31coppiceI thought the resources were supposed to be transparent. they crippled the original spandsp module code to dumb it down to match the commercial code, supposedly for that reason
12:12.21bulkorokI hope that too... I have to check my send-script...
12:13.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:13.27*** part/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
12:13.48bulkorokI use the FAXOPT status, statustr and error codes foor logging and fax2mail infos to the customer...
12:15.50bulkorokis res_fax_spandsp talking to the AMI too?!
12:16.38coppicethey are supposed to be interchangeable
12:18.43bulkorokThe FAXSTATUSSTRING channel variable is not used by the Open Source Asterisk trunk app_fax module
12:19.31bulkorokthis is what I have to check...
12:21.02bulkorokuh... I miss the fax-messages in CLI with spandsp...
12:21.18bulkorokbut faxopt status and statustr is used...
12:22.09*** join/#asterisk chris-NB (~chris@
12:24.03*** join/#asterisk oquidave (~oquidave@
12:25.41coppiceI wonder why they only provided such limited functionality in fax for asterisk? surely the Commetrex code it uses has more functionality than they expose?
12:27.37*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
12:27.52bulkorokmy problem is we have a java-application that is parsing the AMI-output to the fax-info lines... and if spandsp is not sending them out I can not use it...
12:28.52coppicespandsp provides lots of info. the question is how much they crippled it
12:30.54bulkorokhere we go: Event: ReceiveFAXStatus
12:31.07bulkorokI hope that they contain all that will be needed...
12:32.43bulkorokah... res_fax_spandsp still has the Use Count-Bug I suppose...
12:38.27*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
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12:41.39*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (~elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
12:41.44elliot98politely enters
12:41.51zambawhen looking at sip show channels.. how can i interpret what i'm reading?
12:42.07elliot98does Asterisk do updtl/t38 -> DahdI/PRI translation?
12:42.38jmetroZamba> read the top of the columns.
12:43.30jmetroFirst peer is "source" second peer is "destination"
12:43.53zambafirst peer is an ip, and the last peer is the name of that peer
12:43.56zambaso not really source/destination
12:44.08zambathe corresponding name of that ip, i mean
12:44.16jmetrosee, you understand it =p
12:44.19[TK]D-FenderIt can't be because * is not a PROXY
12:44.37zamba192.168.111.21   conf-rolf        740c6b8d7cdc093  0x0 (nothing)    No       Tx: ACK                    conf-rolf
12:44.41zambastuff like that makes no sense
12:44.43elliot98or does T38 need both end nodes to be SIP?
12:45.06zamba172.31.205.42    +4933818904111   5c9e73705dd9cc8  0x8 (alaw)       No       Tx: ACK                    LYNC_TRUNK
12:45.10zambayeah, that's my name of the peer
12:45.31zambai have no idea which of my peers has established that last phone call
12:47.14leifmadsenelliot98: so to answer your earlier question: yes, asterisk can pass from the PSTN to a T.38 endpoint via the gateway method, but that is in Asterisk 10 and later
12:47.34leifmadsenotherwise, everything needs to be T.38 in order to simply perform t.38 passthrough
12:47.39*** join/#asterisk aross42 (~aross@
12:47.51leifmadsen(or of course, asterisk can be the end point and answer the fax itself, if you want fax to email or something
12:48.32elliot98leifmadsen: thanks!
12:49.05*** join/#asterisk mcolombo (~mcolombo@
12:49.08mcolombohi all
12:49.54zambahow can i destroy a stuck channel?
12:50.06leifmadsenchannel request hangup
12:50.27[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Those are not channel's to "kill"
12:50.33zamba192.168.111.18   (None)           61b4fab77058953  0x0 (nothing)    No       Init: OPTIONS              wlan-TEST
12:50.35zambai have this
12:50.36[TK]D-Fenderzamba, and that command will not work for them
12:50.42zambaand has been down for over a day
12:50.44[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Ignore it
12:50.49zambahm, ok
12:50.57WIMPyCan someone recommend a DECT or CAT-IQ base that can handle more than 2 simultaneous calls?
12:51.08zambabut still.. the question remains.. how can i figure out who's calling or has been called by +4933818904111?
12:51.44[TK]D-Fenderzamba, CDR <-
12:51.51[TK]D-Fenderzamba, logs
12:52.39leifmadsenzamba: if you're looking in 'sip show channels' it is normal to see things living there for a while. Perfectly normal.
12:53.27mcolombocan anybody help me for enable SIP 181 response?
12:53.33zambai see now how it's connected many open channels can asterisk support? or is it only dependent on hardware
12:55.59oquidavehello, can someone enlight me again on asterisk condition branching which follows the syntaxt GotoIf(expression? destination1:destination2)...i thought that the dialplan will go to destination1 if the expression evaluates to true and destination2 otherwise, correct?
12:56.18[TK]D-Fenderoquidave, Correct
12:59.41oquidave[TK]D-Fender: okay then i've a problem with this expression same=>n,GotoIf($[${device_state}="NOT_INUSE"] ? call:hangup) ...when i verbose the device state is "NOT_INUSE" but asterisk drops same=>n(hangup),Hangup() instead of same=>n(call),Dial(SIP/30,30) in my dialplan!!!
13:00.27leifmadsenoquidave: you need to wrap ${device_state} in double quotes too
13:00.28[TK]D-Fenderoquidave, QUOTES are your prboem.  they are LITERAL characters and the variable on the LEFT side of the = does not have them as well
13:00.53leifmadsenoh, and I suspect you expect that to be a function name, do ${DEVICE_STATE(device)}
13:01.17leifmadsenoquidave: plus remove the spaces around the ?
13:01.33[TK]D-FenderAlso never put extra spaces.
13:01.39leifmadsenoquidave: basically, the GotoIf() isn't the problem -- it's your expression
13:02.01mcolombo[TK]D-Fender : can you help me with SIP 181 response?
13:02.05leifmadsenyour expression is always evaluating false, since they will never match
13:02.32*** join/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
13:02.35oquidaveleifmadsen: why would i have to add quotes like "${device_state}" and yet variables are writen like ${device_state} without quotes?
13:02.45*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:02.47leifmadsenbecause quotes are literal in the dialplan
13:02.49[TK]D-Fendermcolombo, No, and do not target people at random like that.  Anyone who has seen your question and has something to contribute will tell you...
13:02.55leifmadsenwhich means   foo = "foo" will never match
13:03.03leifmadsenonly "foo" = "foo" will match
13:03.06leifmadsenand foo = foo
13:03.21leifmadsenyou could just have easily prefixed with the letter 'x' or something
13:03.27[TK]D-Fenderoquidave, Because what you put on the RIGHT side of the = has quotes.
13:03.37leifmadsenx${DEVICE_STATE}  = xfoo
13:04.04[TK]D-Fendersame=>n,GotoIf($[${device_state}=NOT_INUSE]?call:hangup) <- would work
13:04.04oquidaveleifmadsen: okay so i can also remove the quotes in NOT_INUSE ie the Right side, right
13:04.04*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:04.05oquidave[TK]D-Fender: OKAY
13:04.12oquidavei see
13:04.19leifmadsenoquidave: I prefer to wrap in quotes in case the variable is ever null, which will cause the whole thing to fail
13:04.29*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
13:04.29leifmadsen$[  = foo]
13:05.01leifmadsenis very invalid
13:05.01leifmadsendialplan will just baulk at that
13:05.01leifmadsenwhich is why  $["${myvar}" = "value"] is much better
13:05.17oquidaveleifmadsen: i can see wisdom in that now
13:07.13oquidavetime to test
13:08.15*** part/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
13:09.07leifmadsenI've noted this to add to the book
13:09.22oquidaveleifmadsen: i can also see why i should remove the spaces  No such label ' call' in extension 's' in context 'subDeviceState' asterisk doesn't strip the white space!
13:09.52leifmadsensyntax:    GotoIf($["${myvar}" = "foo"]?true_label:false_label)
13:10.33leifmadsendon't use spaces except around the evaluator
13:10.33leifmadsenwhen doing numbers, don't use quotes, and prefix with a 0
13:11.13*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-dnwholjkcywkzghg)
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13:12.19*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:12.41wdoekesleifmadsen: and don't use unescaped quotes in your vars
13:13.12leifmadsenheck, just don't quotes in the vars at all :D
13:13.19oquidaveleifmadsen: so GotoFi($[${EXTEN}=030]?call:hangup) would refer to extension 30?
13:13.21leifmadsenjust don't quotes....?
13:13.40leifmadsenoquidave: no, that is a comparison operator, I mean when doing math operations
13:14.13oquidaveleifmadsen: yeap but i mean am comparing extension 30
13:14.13leifmadsenSet(result=$[0${myvar} + 5])
13:14.17leifmadsenI know
13:14.29leifmadsenyou don't need to prefix with zero on comparison operations, use quotes
13:14.32[TK]D-Fenderoquidave, No, not good for that comparison
13:14.52[TK]D-Fenderoquidave, Also better when you spell GotoIf right :)
13:15.02WIMPy\why do you want to compare extensions? That's what ther dialplan does for you.
13:15.24leifmadsenthe example is bad, ya :)
13:17.09leifmadsenbetter is:    exten => 123,1,Hangup()
13:17.31oquidaveleifmadsen: just out curiosity, does the asterisk syntax have some sort of looping function because ive not seen it sofar!
13:17.46leifmadsenWhile() and EndWhile()
13:17.49leifmadsenthere is documentation on this
13:18.31oquidaveleifmadsen: thanks i'll google it up
13:20.36*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-crusorzjxrrhmueb)
13:20.53infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:20.56[TK]D-Fenderoquidave, ^
13:21.05[TK]D-FenderAnd the WIKI @
13:21.06*** join/#asterisk amessina (
13:21.27[TK]D-Fenderoquidave, Before wondering if such things exist, go read the full list of applications and functions....
13:23.02*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
13:29.01*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
13:32.34kannanworking on a custom call card, i need to use a low balance warning (like the L with Dial), but instead of hanging up the channels, the agent must be on a meetme room, while the calling in party is transferred to a payment IVR..
13:32.48kannanwondering how i can achieve it
13:34.53Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix??? it is urgent plz answer thx.
13:35.11wdoekespour some water on it
13:35.22schmidtsKatty feed it with some boiled chicken
13:36.45kresp0Katty: try pressing "*" key harder
13:37.04chuckfKatty: pick up the receiver before dialing.
13:37.18schmidtshave you rebootet your phone first?
13:37.48Kattyfixed! thx
13:37.53kresp0nice :D
13:38.21kresp0How to ask questions The Smart Way:
13:38.45oquidavekannan: what's your setup?
13:39.05kannanasterisk 1.8.x, voip only, no TDM
13:39.07oquidavekannan: what operating system what asterisk version
13:39.18kannanubuntu 11.10 server
13:39.30[TK]D-Fenderwonders how the OS version plays into that at all....
13:40.07oquidaveoh sorry i meant katty
13:40.14chuckf[TK]D-Fender: the answer to that is why you'll stay with this converstation
13:40.29oquidavebut it seems his already sorted!
13:40.33kannanif i call the agent AND a Local/extension , which runs an AGI counting the seconds , after which it can spawn an AMI script to re-direct the channels (the details to be stored in a table) , will this be good solution?
13:41.50[TK]D-Fenderkannan, Spawning AGI seems pointless. AGI is for processing an actual call and since the spawned channel is independant the only way it could interact with the original is via AMI.  AMI is not AGI thus an actual Asterisk channel adds no value and lots of overhead
13:42.43Kattyoquidave: it runs on windows hold on i will get you the version
13:42.50Kattyoquidave: it says 95
13:43.20oquidaveKatty: asterisk on windows?
13:43.31WIMPyKatty: Did you do an upgrade?
13:43.34Kattyno i'm tinkering with after dark screensavers
13:43.38Kattywhy on earth would i run asterisk on windows
13:43.51KattyWIMPy: i'll upgrade you in a minute
13:44.12WIMPySounds exciting. In what way?
13:44.35kannan[TK]D-Fender, then i cannot see how I can count the seconds of the call, except by a cron every second.
13:44.40carrarKatty, you ported asterisk to windows!!!??
13:44.40KattyWIMPy: CYBERMEN
13:44.48Kattycarrar: no, but i ported your mom.
13:44.56carrarOH THATS HOT++
13:45.02Kattyhugs carrar
13:45.05Kattyhow'rechu dear
13:45.18carrarhugs Katty back and dribbles espresso on her back
13:45.31WIMPyKatty: Does it mean, I will become virtual?
13:45.57carrareveryone here is cirtual!
13:46.00carrarvirtual even
13:46.11Kattyyou will become a .....Virtual Boy
13:46.20Kattywonders if anyone gets it
13:46.24Kattyam i showing my age?
13:46.34carrarref tag pls
13:46.43WIMPyAs long as that doesn't mea real female I guess that might be ok.
13:47.12Katty <- REF
13:47.16[TK]D-Fenderkannan, Then you need to think a little harder
13:47.18carrarKatty's transation is outside of the IRC Dialog!!
13:47.28carrartransaction even
13:48.11Kattyi'm guessing i'm the only one to have played a virtual boy.
13:48.40WIMPyMaybe you shoudl try real boys?
13:48.48carrarnice bed btw
13:48.54carrarput some sheets on that
13:49.07Kattythat's not my bed sweety
13:49.15Kattymy bed has a big fluffy feather blanket and a duvet on it
13:49.16kannan[TK]D-Fender, a clue or pointer in the right direction , please ? :)
13:49.26Kattyand japanese cherry blossom artwork on the wall
13:49.30Kattymay have a photo on the phone
13:49.59Kattyhmm, no.
13:50.06Kattyi will take one later, if i remember to
13:50.26[TK]D-Fenderkannan, You only care at the point where you have to intervene with the channel.  Spawn a completely external script with the channel to target.  Sleep on it.  Then if it's active hijack it.
13:51.44Kattycarrar: <- that's the artwork
13:51.49[TK]D-Fenderkannan, It can sleep just fine taking up virtually no resources until it has to do its dirty work.  You could have it check on some longer interval to see if it is no longer required (5min?) so it doesn't sleep forever.
13:52.15[TK]D-Fenderkannan, This is basic programming.  You had BETTER have these kind of instincts if you're going to be taking on a project like this.
13:54.11kannan[TK]D-Fender, thanks, again, as usual you have helped with the solution
13:54.30tzangerKatty: that's a terrible picture, someone's cut it all up on you
13:54.33Kattyeverytime someone says solution i think of something with a pH balance
13:54.52Kattytzanger: i like it ^_^
13:54.56*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
13:55.16tzangerone more day in denver, then I can get back home
13:55.27carrarKatty, so is:
13:55.36tzangermy daughter moved in with me and I had to go out here the same week :-/
13:55.43carrarI've got better pics someplace
13:55.52chuckfif someone signs up for a dropbox account with your email address, how much do you mess with them?
13:56.05kannandoes a2b provide this (the ability to re-charge over IVR on low balance) out of the box ?
13:58.03[TK]D-Fenderkannan, Not supported here... and you're best asking them directly..
13:58.17kannanoh , ok
13:59.09kannanI can finish this feature fine now anyhow
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14:08.13bulkoroksomebody git a quick answer for this error message when receiving fax with spandsp: WARNING T.30 Non-ECM carrier not found
14:08.29bulkorokthe fax is received successfully at the end...
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14:18.51leifmadsena warning is not an error :)
14:20.36*** join/#asterisk Jouva (
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14:21.34srinihi all!
14:21.48sriniIs there way to set the warning off in the CLI?
14:22.48leifmadsenchange logger.conf to not log them on the console => line
14:23.05*** join/#asterisk SuperNull (
14:23.21SuperNullHey all .. any support for H248 ?
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14:26.01QwellSuperNull: no
14:26.43SuperNullty. that was easy :)
14:26.52JouvaHey folks. We've got some Aastra 6755i phones and just started setting up Asterisk on Ubuntu 12.04. I've used these phones before and setup Asterisk before to do BLF successfully, but for some reason, over here it's not working properly. We DO have the HOLD notification working, but the server never seems to want to indicate that it's ringing or on a call. As soon as it takes a call
14:26.53Jouvaoff hold, it says it's "idle".
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14:27.37QwellJouva: callcounter enabled?
14:27.45*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:28.10JouvaQwell: Yep. Let me copy the general section of the sip.conf and a sample user (since they're all the same except for caller ID, account name and password)
14:28.19infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:28.31JouvaI know I know :P was just going there
14:29.52*** join/#asterisk rolandow (~pi@
14:30.07infobotHowdy Bub
14:30.11rolandowi want to setup my asterisk server as dhcp server as well
14:30.22rolandowso i can seperate the phones connected to it, from our internet traffic
14:30.27rolandowto make sure that people won
14:30.35rolandowwon't plugin their computer to the asterisk server
14:30.40rolandowi want to block DNS requests
14:30.52rolandowwhen people find out they cannot surf, they will probably call the IT department :)
14:31.06rolandowhowever, i would like *some* requests to pass, for example, and firmware upgrades
14:31.29Qwellrolandow: sounds like a general Linux question.
14:31.34rolandowdoes anybody know a DNS server/caching with the ability to control (with wildcards perhaps?) what DNS requets it'll answer to
14:31.57rolandowon the other hand i thought maybe people have the same scenario here :)
14:32.08sriniWhy do we generally get :Unable to write frame to channel Local/8600051@default-8e9b,2? Something do with SIP carrier?
14:32.25Jouvarolandow: Quick and dirty way COULD involve simply setting up ntpd on the dhcp/asterisk server to answer NTP requests, as well as TFTP for only the config and firmware files
14:32.41JouvaHow to set that up you'd need to look up yourself, but that might be the answer
14:33.53JouvaQwell: I got the pastebin link above with the config we are using.
14:34.08QwellJouva: looks about how I'd have expected it
14:34.26Qwellhrm, is callcounter a general option though?
14:34.40Qwellyes, yes it is.
14:35.06JouvaMaybe not? I had THOUGHT that practically any setting that can apply to a phone can be put in general, minus stuff like username and password
14:35.20Qwellmany, but not all.  in this case, you're fine
14:35.46JouvaQwell: One thing of note is that while this IS on the same LAN and we're using 10.x.x.x IPs, the phones are currently on 10.0.0.x but the Asterisk server is on something like 10.100.200.x
14:36.09JouvaWe had read of an account where somebody had issues with BLF on different subnets, but I couldn't see WHY that would be an issue
14:37.13Qwellerr, type=friend in general?
14:37.21JouvaHmmm I can remove that
14:37.33JouvaThere IS a peer it connects to
14:37.33QwellI very highly doubt that's your problem.  Weird though
14:37.52JouvaI could remove it since pretty much everything IS a friend
14:38.35JouvaNow recently when I switched the general section from saying canreinvite=no to canreinvite=yes, it looks like a softphone stopped working
14:40.27JouvaBut what I found odd was that when a phone went from placing a call on hold to being back on the line, Asterisk said it told a subscribed phone that the phone in a call was now "idle"
14:40.27[TK]D-FenderNone of those have any impact
14:40.31sriniok.... Now when I am trying to make a call using SIP, i am getting " Received response: "Forbidden" from '"M0112008480000000007"" ... Is it normal that UID coming in the scene?
14:40.57*** join/#asterisk becca_r (~becca_r@
14:41.05becca_rGood morning
14:41.31JouvaAnd I should be more specific about "stopped working". I meant that the two way communications wasn't working. Hard phone couldn't hear the soft phone, but soft phone could hear the hard phone
14:42.46becca_rIs there a best way to do a realtime lookup using multiple matchvalues?   For example, I am doing a schedule lookup which has schedule exceptions.  When looking up the schedule exceptions, I would like to lookup based off the schedule and the date.
14:43.33*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
14:43.49[TK]D-Fendersrini, Fix your auth.
14:44.51srini[TK]D-Fender, register => user:password@host/user is what I have set... in the sip show registry, I can see it registered also...
14:45.21[TK]D-Fendersrini, And you have stated a terminating response to a request we don't see.
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15:03.45rolandowok it seems that dnsmasq is the answer
15:03.57rolandowif anybody was interested in the answer to my question ;-)
15:04.35rolandowJouva: yes.. an own ntp daemon could be nice too ... i haven't dived into TFTP yet, but as it seemed hard to setup
15:06.06[TK]D-Fendersrini, You aren't even looking at that call with SIP debug enabled, we don't see a registration that could be considered related to it... which shouldn't matter anyway.  You aren't even really looking at your problem yet.
15:06.51[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, funny... tftp is a one minute job for most.  As to what you PUT in there... that is another matter.
15:08.17rolandow[TK]D-Fender: yes.. i mean what to put in there :)
15:08.23rolandowto create the correct config files
15:08.53*** join/#asterisk Phr0zen (
15:09.09Phr0zenI am wondering if asterisk 1.8 is sipconnect compliant?
15:09.26Kattyhow are you Phr0zen
15:09.36[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, And that is ...?
15:09.41Phr0zennot bad, and yourself
15:09.47Kattygood thanks (=
15:10.28*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
15:10.48[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, Yes, that is a SIP terminator like any other ITSP out there.
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15:11.03[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, Their service is nothing magically incompatible
15:11.14Phr0zenno, not a service, compliance standards
15:12.40Phr0zenbasically my telco is asking me if the asterisk server is sipconnect compliant....all i could find on google with regards to this and asterisk was a patch (2010?) that got submitted
15:13.16[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, news to me... I'd call Digium on this one...
15:14.24Phr0zenthat was what i saw on google
15:14.31Phr0zenyea, i guess asking digium is the way to go
15:14.47srini[TK]D-Fender, Sorry... here is the sip debug
15:15.18[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen,,com_docman/task,doc_download/gid,143/Itemid,75/ <---
15:16.27Phr0zenyea, that looks like appliances though
15:16.41[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, And what impact does that have on anything?
15:17.20Phr0zennothing specific about 1.8
15:17.40[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, Do you think Asterisk is becoming LESS compliant?
15:18.01Phr0zenlol, no.. not sure why you would jump to that conclusion
15:18.28Phr0zenI am just looking for something somewhere say this (perhaps on their website)
15:18.32[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, What about EARLIER versions?  Is that to say their list of other vendors products means that an earlier or later revision of each is NOT compliant and only the specific one listed is?
15:18.49Phr0zenfender, what are you going on about
15:19.00[TK]D-Fender<Phr0zen> lol, no.. not sure why you would jump to that conclusion <- because you implied that something NEWER might not be because they don't say Asterisk 1.8
15:19.37Phr0zenlook, different versions may have different bugs, code, whatever... so i am just looking for confirmation.  i dont like assumptions
15:19.54Phr0zenso while i may agree with you, while that may make sense, i want proof
15:19.57Phr0zenso to speak
15:20.51[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, Then go ask SIPConnect.  They are the ones who collect the proof.  They are the ones who cert it.  They should ahve the listing to give you.  For every version.  Of every product they've encountered from every vendor
15:21.26[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, Apparently only R13 & R14 of Broadsoft is "compliant" by that thought process
15:22.15Phr0zenseriously dude, lay off the bath salts
15:22.26Phr0zenyou are being quite rude for no reason
15:22.42[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, I'm just making sure that your demands of prrof are reasonable.
15:23.06Phr0zenand given the sheet you linked, yes, by that sheet only r13 and r14 are listed under broadsoft
15:24.09[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, I'm not seeing anyone else they've sertified say more than the bare minimum they list.  It's their list.  If you want proof and that's the kind of list they make then maybe that means that your expectation is not going to be met and that their process isn't thorough an you aren't going to find a pulished answer
15:24.30Phr0zenall i am saying is that normally if there is an accepted "compliance" then most vendors/providers tend to list that... like a resume
15:24.39[TK]D-FenderAnd dangit the typing skills just start draining away....
15:25.19[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, That is a very small compliance list considering all the vendors and models out there.  Makes me wonder how much their approval means tot he market at large.
15:25.44[TK]D-FenderAKA "nearly useless metric" (?)
15:25.45Phr0zenyea exactly, that is why it threw me for a loop. never saw nor heard of it until now
15:26.06Phr0zeni figure its bs, but they are asking for it.
15:26.28[TK]D-Fenderso you're the one chasing imaginary dragons :)
15:26.40QwellThere are many providers out there.  If they are making you jump through hoops...pick a different one.
15:26.48[TK]D-Fenderhands Phr0zen some pepper to go with those salts.
15:26.50*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
15:27.04[TK]D-FenderThere, full condiment set!
15:27.08Phr0zenyea, i am just gonna put "you tell me" in there
15:27.20Phr0zenor something equally vague
15:29.29[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, Here is their "full members" list who paid the $7500 :,com_fullmember/Itemid,195/
15:30.49[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, Amazing who didn't make their "cert" list given the products they sell.
15:30.59[TK]D-FenderPhr0zen, I wouldn't put much stock in thenm
15:31.07[TK]D-Fender(SIP Connect)
15:32.44[TK]D-Fendersrini, Remote-Party-ID: "M0112035320000000017" <sip:0000000000@>;privacy=off;screen=no
15:32.48[TK]D-Fendersrini, that isn't a UUID
15:32.53[TK]D-Fendersrini, that's RPID <-
15:33.29srini[TK]D-Fender, And the "Forbidden" is ....
15:33.31[TK]D-Fendersrini, Next, do NOT pask your call like that.  I am not debugging this blind.
15:33.54srini[TK]D-Fender, sorry to bother! that way!
15:33.56[TK]D-Fendersrini, unfiltered.
15:34.04Phr0zenfender: yea, i wasn't putting much stock in it lol
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16:10.04cuscousing a remote sip peer on our system, when a call comes in trough them, using features.conf to transfer, the person from that peer location, canno hear us, we hear them. we have nat = yes
16:15.22*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (
16:16.41AkkerKidHi all!  Does anyone know how to get the previous ${EXTEN} variable after a Goto() statement?
16:16.56WIMPySave it
16:17.23AkkerKid...without editing anything on or before the Goto()?
16:25.45*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~administr@
16:26.02FireAndIceHi everyone!!
16:27.43FireAndIceI'm new to asterisk.. I've it running  on my local machine..
16:27.49FireAndIceBut the problem is I need to generate SIP uri for soft phone..  How do I do that?
16:28.10FireAndIceI'm trying to establish a connection between 2 android phones using IMSDroid..
16:28.17WIMPydefine "generate"
16:28.43FireAndIcePlease help..
16:29.02infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:29.05WIMPyAnd SIP is P2P you can call one SIP phone directely from another.
16:29.08pabelangerFireAndIce, Start here^
16:30.24FireAndIceWIMPy, I need to create username@domain address for each sip user.. Do I have to register with a ISTP service to do that.. or can it be done through asterisk..
16:30.32FireAndIcePlease spare me for asking silly questions..
16:30.40FireAndIceI'm new to asterisk and SiP..
16:30.58FireAndIcepabelanger, infobot I'll surely check the book out..
16:31.13WIMPyIf you have an asterisk running, you call call your users with extension@yeourAsteriskserver
16:32.08FireAndIceWIMPy, I got the extension part, but not "yourAsteriskserver"
16:32.09carrarFireAndIce, you don't need a ISTP
16:32.22carrarYou can call each other through your asterisk box if they both register to it
16:32.41WIMPyIf your server has an FQDN, you can use that or the IP otherwise.
16:34.08*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
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16:34.17qakhanhi all
16:34.53FireAndIcecarrar, Thanks for informing that I dont need an ISTP..
16:34.53qakhanis there any thing to detect eight my call picked up by person or voice mail
16:35.27FireAndIceWIMPy, I've learnt some new terms, I'll check it out..
16:35.37WIMPyDepends on the type of VM and th destination.
16:36.00carrarqakhan, you can use the ring time
16:36.07carrarif it's constant
16:36.35qakhanbut what about if phone powered off and call goes to VM
16:36.44carrarthen it's not constant
16:37.05WIMPyqakhan: What destination? What VM?
16:37.11carrarYou can have the person answering to press a key
16:37.32WIMPyIn the PSTN and PLMN VM is usually implemented via CF so you get a notification about that.
16:37.33qakhanWIMPy i have written a script to call out
16:37.55[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, "core show application AMD" <-
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16:38.52qakhan[TK]D-Fender i am using 1.4.38
16:39.20[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, App is the same...
16:40.34zambawhat's it called when someone dials in and instead of seeing their phone number, you see their name?
16:40.41zambawhat's the english term for that?
16:40.48*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
16:41.01[TK]D-Fenderzamba, There is no term for seeing a name INSTEAD of a number
16:41.07zamba[TK]D-Fender: ok
16:41.10[TK]D-Fenderzamba, What you see identifying the caller is CALLERID
16:41.20[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Name & number are separate halves to it
16:41.40zambawe're using polycom sip phones and we have a problem that we only see numbers.. even when those numbers are defined as a contact locally on the phone
16:41.55zambashould this job be asterisk'?
16:42.01paulcSBC sends call to Asterisk, which answers, interacts a bit, then Dials back to SBC, where the media gets bridged via a re-invite. Calls drop after 1800 seconds. Change sip.conf session-expires to a big number and calls drop after 3600 (the SBC's expiry timer)
16:42.02[TK]D-FenderHit an arrow key
16:42.03zambarewriting callerid?
16:42.08paulcFirst time I've come across this kind of issue and I'm feeling a bit lost.. would a different value of session-timers (like refuse?) help, or session-refresher (because some change was made between 10.8 and 10.9?)
16:42.17zamba[TK]D-Fender: huh?
16:42.18[TK]D-Fenderzamba, No, you probably are not using the phone right
16:42.32zamba[TK]D-Fender: could very well be :)
16:42.42[TK]D-Fenderzamba, First look at your call.  Then look at your phone.
16:43.11zamba[TK]D-Fender: we're also a bit puzzled by that first configured line, since that takes up the first slot in the speed dial list.. we don't see the point in that, as that only gives us the dialtone
16:43.30zambaand you can get the dialtone the same way by just taking the phone off the hook or pressing new call or whatever
16:43.39zamba[TK]D-Fender: are you familiar with polycom?
16:43.50[TK]D-Fenderzamba, that isn't a spot on the speed dial list... that is a LINE KEY
16:44.10zambayeah, i know it's a line key.. but i don't understand why it needs to be there
16:44.18zambaand why you can't remove it
16:44.28[TK]D-Fenderzamba, You need to choose what you want to dial out of.  Guess you've never used a business phone anywhere else in your life based on this...
16:44.39WIMPyYou can't?
16:44.45zamba[TK]D-Fender: we only have one line
16:44.57[TK]D-Fenderzamba, that's YOU.  These phones support multiple
16:45.13[TK]D-Fenderzamba, What if you want to juggle between multiple calls?
16:45.18[TK]D-Fenderzamba, LINE KEYS
16:45.24zambahm, ok
16:45.58zambaso what you're saying is, if someone dials in to that extension while it's busy, then the phone won't dial, right?
16:46.17zamba.. i mean.. i guess that's a duh moment, but :)
16:46.17[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Depends how you configured your registration(s) on it
16:46.27[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Oh, very much so...
16:46.28zambai only have one
16:46.50[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Yes well even a shitty 8 year old IP 300 can juggle *10* calls at a time
16:47.00*** join/#asterisk JunK-Y (~junky@pdpc/supporter/active/junk-y)
16:48.06[TK]D-Fenderzamba, How many calls you want to handle, and how depends on your model and how much of it you choose to use
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17:15.16zamba[TK]D-Fender: it's a 650
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17:17.34[TK]D-Fenderzamba, So what is your previous use of the term "one line" supposed to mean regarding the actual size of your overall setup?
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17:18.01zamba[TK]D-Fender: well.. i've never been used to working with several lines, so i guess that's where my original question originated from
17:18.17[TK]D-Fender<zamba> [TK]D-Fender: we only have one line <-- clarify....
17:18.20*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
17:18.31zamba[TK]D-Fender: there's only one registration active for this phone
17:19.05zambabut we can of course add more registrations
17:19.07[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Very few people need more than 1.  Doesn't describe how they want to use their line keys however....
17:19.24zambawell.. to use that line key is just in the way
17:19.31zambait's taking up one speed dial position
17:19.38zambasince it'll never be used
17:19.51*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
17:19.52[TK]D-Fenderzamba, I used to reserve 3 line keys to a single registraion and restrict each key to handling 1 call at a time.  Therefor each linekey represented a single call appearance.
17:20.18zambabut what is a line compared to a registration?
17:20.24zambacan you have several lines over one registration?
17:20.39zambai guess that's what i haven't fully grasped yet
17:20.45[TK]D-FenderSingle registration VS how many CALLS acn be represented on how many buttons <-
17:21.22[TK]D-Fenderif I have 3 calls going on, how do I jump between them?  that is the point of line keys...s o I'm not hitting the context keys on the phone all the time and scrolling through them with the arrows, etc.
17:21.30*** part/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
17:21.35[TK]D-FenderAlso gives something else to light up when that call comes in.
17:21.53zambabut do you have one registration per line?
17:22.02[TK]D-FenderDrop the term "line".
17:22.17[TK]D-FenderLINE-KEY is one thing.  REGISTRATION is another.
17:22.31[TK]D-FenderYou associate LINE-KEYS to your REGISTRATIONS.
17:25.42*** join/#asterisk Galen (
17:31.23dwayneis there anyone w/ an ISDN switch that would allow me to send them a test call?  I'm interested in seeing if I put a custom SIP header (User-to-User) in my outbound call, the carrier will convert the contents to an ISDN UUI information element
17:33.06*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
17:33.38Kobazdwayne: is that something that carriers can do?
17:34.18dwayneKobaz, I don't know if they do it automatically, on a carrier-to-carrier basis, or at all
17:34.32dwaynethat's partly why I want to try it
17:34.49Kobazthat would be pretty cool if you can tack on some oob info
17:34.59Kobazthen you can do like exten to exten dialing over the pstn
17:36.44dwayneI haven't combed through that RFC so I may be missing something obvious
17:37.45sriniThanks for all the help here! I resolved all the issues... dialling out happlily!
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17:45.32KobazInvoice Description:   30273  Intel Core i3-540  i3540   30274  Intel Core i3-540  i3540
17:45.34Kobazdo de do
17:46.08*** join/#asterisk sickgrinder (
17:46.10jmetroan i3?
17:46.18Kobazfor a hosted dedicated server
17:46.22Kobaz8 gigs of ram
17:46.25Kobaznot bad for 150 a month
17:46.39Kobazbandwidth included
17:47.45*** join/#asterisk MLNoah (
17:48.30Kobazswitching from my other provider that doesn't have remote reboot and private ipkvm
17:48.39MLNoahis there a way to change the mailbox associated with a SIP peer on the fly (either by having the end-point request a specific MWI mailbox or whatever) without having to use realtime?  i'm trying to get MWI working in a hotdesking environment where the endpoints are Cisco SPA5xx phones, Asterisk 11.
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17:57.36[TK]D-FenderMLNoah, I'd probably do it by symlinking the targets instead
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18:01.20MLNoah[TK]D-Fender: is there a good document to get me pointed in the right direction?
18:02.22[TK]D-FenderMLNoah, "man ln" <-
18:02.50MLNoahoh, so you're saying basically create a symlink within the file system to map what the sip peer is checking to the extension's file system dir from voicemail.conf
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18:09.50MLNoahthanks for the pointer
18:11.10*** join/#asterisk odenkos (~odenkos@unaffiliated/odenkos)
18:16.11gustoare there some americans out there?
18:17.17[TK]D-Fendergusto, No, we got the last of them ....
18:17.41navaismogusto, You mean US people? Im an American by continent US != America
18:18.13leifmadsennavaismo: +1
18:18.25carrarYou mean the new China?
18:18.25leifmadsenthere are lots of North and South Americans :)
18:19.13gustoi am shocked about that lies that are now around on TV that some i do not know what state in the US said that Huawei and ZTE do espionage or what
18:19.56gustoi mean ... american companies are very famous of doing backdoors in their hw, so ... ??? WTF?
18:20.02[TK]D-Fendergusto, First you expess shock ... then tell us you're not sure who it is that shocked you exactly.  When yuo find your taget, let us know.
18:20.34gustono idea ... does anybody of you there believe this?
18:20.57carrargusto, why is that shocking?
18:21.08AkkerKidI almost consider that common sense
18:21.36AkkerKidof course manufacturers are going to put backdoors and other unwanted things secretly in their product
18:21.46gustobecause i never thaught that someone could spread such a conspiracy theory that successful ... i thaught that ppl have learned some lesson from 9/11
18:22.01carrarHow do you know it's not true?
18:22.23carrarHave you reverse engineered Huawei devices?
18:22.40gustobut the issue is that they are chinese manufacturers so ... when american products have backdoors in it too, then whats the treat?
18:23.01*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (
18:23.05carrartricker treat
18:23.06[TK]D-Fendergusto, You said you don't know WHICH STATE.  This means you don't even know who you think this random comment is coming from.
18:23.07gustoi mean ... US engineered products have backdoors ... now chinese ones may have backdoors too, so what is the problem?
18:23.20Kobazeven people have back doors
18:23.37[TK]D-Fendergusto, ind a clue.  Seriously.  You are thorwing FUD around left, right, and center.
18:23.38AkkerKidbudum tsh.
18:24.46carrargusto, you really should pay more attention to China
18:25.03gustoi do not care about china
18:25.32gustothere are ppl out there that say that chinese products are insecure because they have backdoor, but american companies do that too, so where is the security issue?
18:25.42drmessanoThe issue isn't with Huawei  specifically
18:26.08gustowhen there is someone around watching you watch p0rn ... do you care if he/she sits in peking or NY?
18:26.22carrarUS has not recorse with Huawei because China does not play fair
18:26.55gustowell. there should not be any hardware with backdoors, but why do this idiots on TV say then, that the problem is somewhat "only" with ZTE or Huawei
18:27.28drmessanoThe issue is that mobile phone networks are the new 1800s telegraph, 1900s wireline telephone.. and no american company produces a product that even close to competes with the Huawei option.. and now we have an entire America (f*ck, yeah!) communication network built by the chinese
18:27.51gustowell ... somehow as even CISCO would be popular by playing fair :-D LOL
18:28.13[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Well.... the railways were already done....
18:28.29drmessanoand it happened faster than congress could regulate the shit out of it or put some other hold on it, because we couldn't stand for the chinese supplying our whole new modern PSTN
18:28.37carrarThey sare still building railways today!!
18:29.02gustoso what is the problem then?
18:29.29drmessanoAmerican companies dropped the ball on the mobile network build out, and aren't even in place for the next generation.. and the public is just now realizing it, and suddenly don't like it.
18:29.35drmessanoThat's the issue
18:29.41gustoare the railways in US somehow "insecure" only because they were built by "untrusted" slaves or some immigrants?
18:30.21carrarplease take this to #conspiracy
18:30.41drmessanoNo, but China is the big red enemy, incredibly evil, and all these hundreds of thousands of cell sites powered by chinese equipment *must be a bad thing somehow because it has to be*
18:30.52gustowell, they should be taking that to #conspiracy or better - conspiracy TV channel and not on the main news
18:31.18carrargusto, did you see this on your 5PM news?
18:31.26gustoon youtube
18:31.33carraror on ENTERTAINMENT NEWS
18:31.43carrarAKA Fox and CNN
18:31.44drmessanoIt is news.. It's news because the public had no idea that the mobile carriers were betraying them by building out 3G and 4G on chinese hardware, and OMG WE'RE SURROUNDED!! CHINA IS ON MY PHONE!!!
18:32.41drmessanoExpect more pieces on Dateline and 20/20 about this until the american public discovers Sam Walton was CHINESE TOO
18:32.52drmessanoThen we'll be all over that
18:32.58carrarWill this effect my weekend BBQ?
18:33.05drmessanoIt already has
18:33.14AkkerKidHis real name was Sam Wonton!
18:33.24carrarYou know
18:33.29carrarwe could have taken China
18:33.31drmessanoIf I call you to tell you how I want my ribs cooked, CHINA IS TEH BACKBONE...
18:33.52carrarbut the president at the time said no
18:34.56carrarKorean War was harsh
18:34.57gustoisnt the real problem some xenophobia in the US? i have the impression that they think that all chinese are evil and when someone who is now some kind of leader or founder of a chinese telco company must be some communist spy, because he served in the chinese army (like a lot of other chinese ppl did)
18:35.10Kobazdrhonk|afk: medium/rare
18:35.19tzangerthis was all done right around election time to get everyone good and riled up
18:35.24drmessanoLets face it.. As much as we dog out Chinacom phones, knock-off iPad chargers and cables, cheap USB wireless and bluetooth adapters, and the rest of the crap we buy dirt cheap on ebay, the shit is better than half of the name-brand crap, and 10% of the price.  They already won
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18:35.30gustoi wonder what US catholics do when they find out that the current pope was to hitlerjugend
18:36.51drmessanoWho wants to laugh at someone for buying an ATA or IP phone off ebay when chinacom "crap" is powering our mobile phone network, and who-knows-what-else-that-sits-in-a-rack-making-other-stuff-work
18:37.07gustodrmessano: the price they sell it off does not have anything to do with the quality / production costs
18:37.19drmessanoI never said it did
18:37.36carrarI'm inside of your IP PHone stealing all your packets
18:38.17gustoppl. i once bought an apple mighty mouse for 50 EUR ... and then it stopped working so i had to disassemble it to clean it and when i opened it up, i was shocked by the hardware i discovered in there. that was the same crap as in a mice for 5 EUR ... and from there on i only trust logitech
18:38.48AkkerKidyou think logitech does any different?
18:38.58gustologitech has better hw in there
18:39.04AkkerKidI guess you just believe what you want
18:39.19gustoi never had a broken logitech mice
18:39.22drmessanoHell, I just bought a USB+5-in-1 Card reader for my iPhone/iPad, something that Apple doesn't even make, for $5 on ebay.  I suspect I will get $5 out of it, since I am not running my ventilator or artifical heart off of it.
18:39.43gustohowever, my last mice i bought would be 5 years ago, so i do not know what's now, but until back then it was so
18:40.12AkkerKidgusto, there's more to an assembled piece of hardware than the part numbers on the chips
18:40.59drmessanoI remember someone telling me that they would never buy a Foxconn barebones machine, because it's cheap chinese crap... but they own an iPad, iPhone, and Macbook
18:41.18rgsteeleSo, I inherited an ugly dialplan, and am attempting to clean it up a little.  Can I get some thoughts on the following, please:
18:41.40AkkerKidWhat do you think chip manufacturers do with the chip that don't perform up to a final requirement?  THrow them away?
18:41.53rgsteeleFunctionally equivalent, for the most part?  Could anything be done better?
18:42.36[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Stop jumping to another exten, just make those direct priorities
18:43.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
18:43.54[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS} != CHANUNAVAIL] & $[${DIALSTATUS} != CONGESTION]]?s-${DIALSTATUS},1) <--- bracket & expression FAIL.
18:44.44[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Nexte it's a good idea to do Congestion() with a timeout like 5 and then hangup.
18:45.05rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: It's untested, I'm sure there are one or two syntactical typos - I was going for general look & feel before getting down to brass tacks.
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18:45.57[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, prio witihin s, not jumping out.
18:46.24[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Not a fan of globals for options either... better to pass as parms to a macro, etc
18:46.47rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I figure I'll probably be piece-mealing this instead of trying to overhaul the whole thing in one swipe.
18:47.43rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: I don't think I'm following - jumping out with the GotoIf's, you mean?
18:50.24rgsteeleHow would you do the equivalent of line 3 (on the bottom) with direct prios?  I mean, if it's chanunavail or congestion, I want to try the second gateway; otherwise, it bails.
18:51.22[TK]D-FenderYes well you jump out to another exten... just make that another priority
18:52.06rgsteeleWell, because CANCEL/NOANSWER/BUSY aren't congestion.
18:52.18rgsteeleI don't want to assume congestion if that's not the most appropriate choice.
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18:54.32rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Or am I just being dense?  Not an uncommon occurrence, so a fair question :)
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19:03.30rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: If I'm not off-base, I'd love something more succinct than the expression you noted above.
19:04.24[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, s(cancel), s(or), s(however), s(many), s(of), s(these), s(you), s(need)
19:05.08[TK]D-FenderIf you can goto some Frankendialplan extension, then you can just make proper labels like everyone else...
19:09.14*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3)
19:09.47rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Oh, I misunderstood what you meant.  But yes, that would definitely be beneficial.
19:10.37rgsteeleAnything else you can think of?  I mean, functionally, it seems equivalent to you, then?  (ignoring the lack of labels for the moment)
19:11.43[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, well I don't know wverything you are expecting it to do.  I don't know that this is a macro/gosub, etc or not... don't see what else you have in there...
19:12.01[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, So it's down to basic cleanliness for the part I do see
19:12.08rgsteeleI just wanted to clean up the GotoIf's everywhere.  So, cutting it down to a single GotoIf from four was a start.
19:13.15rgsteeleBut, cleanliness means nothing if the results differ, and it's hard to simulate congestion after dialing a real external number without a bunch of hackery.
19:13.31rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the input, btw
19:15.26[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Well one by one you seem to haev almost all the possible values covered anyway... you could simply have done them consistently as priorities instead of having : exten => noanswer,1 then exten => s-CANCEL,1
19:16.15[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, you did 2 ways of jumpin based on the very same output var, but never "really" changing scope as far as processing is concerned (not just jumping to a radically different place in the dialplan
19:17.12rgsteeleYeah, like I said it'll probably take a few sweeps of incremental changes before it becomes palatable :)
19:19.16drmessanoDoes anyone know how I can implement G.729 legally on an Asterisk 11 RC1 install since Digium has completely neglected us early adopters?
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19:25.10[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, In a "grey" scope I would thing that you could consider unused licenses for one version and use one of "those" builds of codecs out there within the qty allowed and I doubt anyone should really have a fit over it...
19:25.34[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, Like saying "I'm paying for the right, but your physical product needs to be substituted temporarily"
19:25.50[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, VERY light-grey I figure.
19:28.22drmessanoI thought about that as well... especially with a majority of my endpoints using G729 and little transcoding involved
19:28.41drmessanoI may just do that
19:29.39drmessanoI'm gonna start a rumor that g.729 is deprecated in Asterisk 11 and maybe that will speed things up
19:31.07drmessanoI can't imagine it being much longer though.. Astricon is in 11 days.  I'm sure we're pushing for the big 11.0.0 for then
19:31.41drmessanoI'm just impatient.  11 RC1 is out, so Asterisk 10 is now old and busted to me
19:33.18[TK]D-Fender11 steps to go..
19:35.30*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
19:37.17leifmadsendrmessano: actually now that RC1 is out, the commercial modules should not be far behind
19:37.31Qwellleifmadsen: he knows
19:38.47leifmadsenQwell: ok
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19:50.28drmessano@leifmadsen:  That's the LIE that Qwell has told me.
19:50.35leifmadsendrmessano: indeed
19:50.37QwellNo, you're wrong.
19:50.40QwellI've told you lots of lies.
19:50.52gustoLTE came around to the discussion, how interesting
19:51.06drmessanoAsk me no questions, I will tell you no lies
19:52.08gustoyou are behaving here like small children
19:52.36Qwellgusto: You are correct.
19:52.47jayteeI'm trying to provision a Cisco 7960 for Asterisk. When the phone boots it first says "Configuring VLAN" then it switches to "Configuring IP" and then it quickly displays "TFTP P0S3-08-3-00.loads" and "Verifying load" and then back to "Configuring VLAN", "Configuring IP" and then it shows "Requesting configuration" and then "Resetting". This process loops over and over again.
19:53.19gustoi am in germany i can not hear LTE any more ... i have a headache from it, i do not watch TV any more ... i can not take it any more ... that LTE bullshit is being marketed too aggressively
19:53.30*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:53.31Qwellgusto: Where did LTE come from?
19:53.56jayteeIf I do a tcpdump -i eth1 tftp on my Asterisk system I can see traffic from the Cisco phone to my Asterisk system
19:54.37gustoQwell: i do not care, i wish it to be gone
19:57.05*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
20:01.36drmessanogusto:  You sound angry.  Have you tried herbal tea?
20:01.59gustobut i am thinking about making some tea
20:02.35drmessanoI think that's a good idea.  Maybe some Chamomile
20:02.46gustobut there are some things that are making me happy
20:03.12gustodrmessano: are you from USA?
20:03.16drmessanoYou hit a kid while driving to town yesterday?
20:03.20drmessanoYes, I am
20:03.53JouvaQwell: FYI, my BLF issue seemed to resolve itself today. I've admittedly had a copy of the sip.conf file on the network that wasn't always copied up to the asterisk server and instead edited directly, but I swear I looked at the general section and a phone extension side by side and they looked identical
20:04.20JouvaQwell: But it's also possible that while we were working on getting the phones and Asterisk on its own subnet, that we added some firewall rules that fixed this all
20:04.27gg608fhi all, anyone knows how to see if Asterisk 10.9 has fix for
20:04.35gg608fRev 373330
20:04.37gustoi have two soft toys that make me happy when i look at them, one of them is a BSD devil beastie
20:04.50gg608fim trying to implement Websockets
20:05.14Jouvathere's no revision 373330
20:05.24Jouvait only goes up to revision 115
20:07.04gg608fif you open you will see Revision 374876, so I assume I will get the fix in this one
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20:07.50Jouvayou linked to revision 373330 for the sipml5 code, which only goes up to revision 115
20:08.12gg608foh k
20:08.16gg608fthanks Jouva
20:08.22Jouvano prob
20:08.29JouvaAnd I've gotta go anyway
20:10.54drmessanogusto:  The BSD Devil thingo is cute.  Imagine if they sold one to all of the 7 people that use BSD
20:11.24gustoi have three of them
20:11.36gustomine are made in east germany
20:13.11carrar8 people
20:13.15carrarI use FreeBSD
20:13.26jpsharpI use NetBSD.  So 9.
20:14.11rrittgarnAMI question: How do i pass a value to a sub in the dial plan? Setting up a "Click to Record" esq function.
20:14.25drmessanoMaybe double-digits someday for BSD.  That's awesome
20:14.36drmessanoI hope adoption picks up soon
20:14.54carrarback in the day FreeInternet.Com was 99.999999% FreeSBD
20:14.56kikohnlI use FreeBSD for some things, just not asterisk
20:15.02carrarhundreds of machines
20:15.13drmessanoBSD is good for more than compiling BSD components?
20:16.03gustoBSD is OK, but the hardware support is a problem, i can not use FreeBSD or some other on any of my laptops (i have only two)
20:16.16jpsharpI have two Linux VMs.  One for Asterisk, one for Minecraft.  Everything else is NetBSD.
20:16.20gustoon PC's i have, but i have no desktop PC here
20:16.27jmetrobsd is good for zfs, and even then that can work on linux now.
20:16.37carrarFreeBSD always worked great for laptops I had
20:16.41gustowell, i have freebsd here as well (on a virtualbox)
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20:17.06gustodepends on the drivers you need
20:17.11drmessanoOk, and I guess there is FreeNAS
20:17.14QwellI used a BSD once.  Then I realized it was no longer 1983.
20:17.31carrarSHouldn't you be warming up milk or something
20:17.35gustoon my netbook it would work, but without the fan control, it's not usable, because w/o fancontrol the fan is too loud
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20:19.47carrarhaha there are a lot of "stop making fun of" videos on youtube
20:20.04carrarGuess they don't need one for freebsd
20:22.28jpsharpLEAVE BSD ALONE!
20:22.47gustoshould i call my devil?
20:23.08gustohe is on the bed ready to go
20:25.23gustomy soft toy has connections to huawei and ZTE and thus to the chinese army :-D LOL
20:28.21*** join/#asterisk beefcafe (~beefcafe@unaffiliated/beefcafe)
20:28.57beefcafehi, is 11.0 near release?
20:30.07[TK]D-Fenderbeefcafe, Next Eventually ... SHARP
20:30.36gustocold coffee
20:31.12gustoi am angry because of some austrian economists
20:31.24beefcafeaccording to the wiki, 11.0 will release on oct. 17?
20:31.47gustobut i did not discover america, the austrian school is known to be suggestion-resistent
20:32.02gustobeefcafe: well, why do you need that release?
20:32.07tapoutwhat's another provider in the category of ?  I love, i just want to try another provider along side
20:32.43beefcafegusto: because I'm about to install a new copy
20:32.44Qwellbeefcafe: Where do you see that?
20:33.07Qwell2012-10-xx (tentative)
20:33.09gustobeefcafe: well, i use 1.8, that's fine
20:33.14lvlinuxi need it for google voice/motif support
20:33.21beefcafeQwell: First Release of Asterisk from Branch     3rd Wednesday of October
20:33.26gustowhat is .ms for a TLD?
20:33.48beefcafegusto: does 1.8 work well with google voice?
20:33.53Qwellgusto: Montserrat
20:34.06Qwellbeefcafe: *shrug* just a goal, invented months ago
20:34.27beefcafeQwell: alright.
20:34.36gustowho cares about google voice, but i think yes, there is chan_gtalk
20:34.43lvlinux1.8 was real sketchy for me w GV
20:35.00QwellWait for 11 if you want to use Google Voice stuff.
20:35.11QwellYou could always just get the RC and test it...
20:35.12beefcafeI do, because I'm not in the US atm
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20:36.46gustowell, i do not understand what that has to do with google voice stuff, ha?
20:36.49beefcafeQwell: That's what I plan to do. Is it possible to use only GV w/ IPv6 and all other stuff w/ IPv4?
20:37.20beefcafegusto: free calls, ofc
20:37.22gustoasterisk and IPv6 is a problem, according to my experiences
20:38.02beefcafeso far I only need the GV to go over IPv6, if possible at all
20:38.52beefcafeI intend to use all extentions and trunks over IPv4.
20:38.57gustoi do not see the problem in the possibility, that would go, but i for example tried more times to set udpbindaddr to :: and so on, but it never worked
20:39.02Qwellfile: IPv6 + chan_motif?
20:39.28tzangermotif? wow at least go chan_qt or something :-)
20:39.30Qwellgusto: Get a real OS. :)
20:39.36gustoand to freebsd it's even worse, because there when you use IPv6, IPv4 does not work any more
20:39.39fileunsupported at the moment
20:39.46Qwellbeefcafe: ^
20:39.56fileand GV doesn't do IPv6 to begin with
20:40.06gustoso so
20:40.08Qwellfile: surprising
20:40.13beefcafeQwell: yes. IPv6 would be used only for getting google to connect my calls. all other thing should go over IPv4. Is it feasible?
20:40.17gustonot surprising
20:41.10beefcafefile: It doesn't? GV works fine over IPv6 in browers.
20:41.11xSmurfhey guys, a little off topic, but does anyone here have experience with old ACN IRIS-3000 softphones?! I got it flashed and it can receive calls just fine, but when I try to make a call all I see in the logs is "Using SIP RTP TOS bits" and "Using SIP RTP mark 5" over and over again
20:41.35filebrowser != XMPP + Jingle
20:42.06jayteeanyone have a set of working config files for a Cisco 7960 they would be willing to share (masking out or changing passwords or other sensitive info of course)?
20:42.40beefcafefile: fair enough. do you know if google authenticates geoip info on XMPP + Jingle?
20:42.48fileit doesn't
20:43.20beefcafethat sounds much better. thanks
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20:49.30gg608fhi jaytee
20:49.35gg608fi think I do 1 sec
20:51.53gustosomeone from ukraine was here :-D
20:52.00gustoodessa is btw. not that bad city out there
20:53.21xSmurfno one as any idea?? :(
20:53.34gustoabout what?
20:53.56xSmurfsee a couple of lines above?
20:54.27xSmurfI wished I had more info, but this is the only things that appears in the logs
20:57.15gustoTOS is only about the QoS
20:57.41gustobut no idea if your other network hardware cares about QoS because very few do
20:58.07*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
20:58.18xSmurfjust turned on debugging, phone is booting I'll see if I get anything more from this
21:00.06xSmurfnot a whole lot more
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21:18.06xSmurfit would be really nice to get this working, my community space could really use a real sip phone instead of some half baked unlocked ATA :/
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21:23.07QwellxSmurf: How much is your time worth?  Just buy something decent.
21:24.02xSmurfwe're freaking poor :/
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21:55.50GalenHello, does anyone know of a way to pull a running config file off of asterisk? I have a file that got interrupted midsave and is now 1/10 of what is currently running on the my server. I have not reloaded the server since the interrupted save occured.
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22:01.30jmetroif its a dialplan you can use dialplan save
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22:11.37GalenI tried the dialplan save command and it gave me the following:I can't save dialplan now, see 'extensions.conf' example file.
22:11.38GalenCommand 'dialplan save ' failed.
22:19.02navaismothe other is dump the ouput of dialplan show and then edit by hand the dialplan in that archive
22:19.19navaismoasterisk -rx 'dialplan show' > temdialplan.conf
22:20.20JerJerGalen:   check your conf files into svn / git
22:20.35JerJerthen when this happens again, svn up   :)
22:21.08JerJernot if :)
22:22.01navaismoYou need static=yes and writeprotect=no in order to use the dialplan save command
22:23.40GalenYeah, that is what it looks like. I had removed those lines from my dialplan so I will start working on the export and rebuild.
22:23.53tzangerJerJer: re
22:24.04GalenI'll also back it up for next time.
22:24.32JerJertzanger:  meep meep
22:24.45tzangersup, long time
22:25.12JerJerin the Silly Valley now  (no more frozen michigan winters :)
22:25.41tzangerhaha nice
22:25.58tzangerI'm out in denver at the moment (just a business trip)
22:26.23JerJeri'm headed to washdc end of month for a site build - gonna be fun
22:26.46tzangerif you say so :-)
22:45.21JerJeronly 50 phones
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22:52.54rx4changecan anyone tell me if something funky happens with outbound tls registrations
22:53.04rx4changeI register with standard UDP, the SIP packet looks good
22:53.22rx4changejust add the tls:// on front on register string and the contact header host gets nulled out
22:53.38rx4changeshows 1234567890@(null)
22:54.17JerJeris there only one TLS connection on that IP address?
22:54.56JerJeri know one cannot have more than one TLS session per IP address
22:55.55rx4changeat this point there is just the one
22:56.04rx4changethe rest of the REGISTER message appears perfect
22:56.35rx4changeit's just that the Contact: line has the host (appears normall in UDP) appear as (null)
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23:29.42rx4changeinterestingly, somewhat buggy behavior - if you don't have tlsenable explicitly on, but try to register to a server with tls:// you get the null contact header
23:29.58rx4changeset tlsenable=yes and you're good
23:32.15JerJerrx4change:   that smells like a bug needing to be submitted
23:32.20iprouteth0rx4change: could you elaborate?  Sip w/ TLS?  Feel like I'm coming into a conversation somewhere in the middle
23:38.00rx4changeTrying to do an outbound registration via tls... so tls://
23:38.14rx4changein sip.conf if you don't have tlsenable=yes, it attempts to register
23:38.27rx4changebut it sets the contact header host to (null)
23:38.40rx4changethis is on, so no guarantee it's an issue in 10 or 11
23:38.57rx4changebut I did a rather large amount of hair pulling on this
23:39.29*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
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23:43.59Dovidcan anyone help me get variables from an AGI? i am using php agi. when i do the get_variable and I do an agi debug I see it yet i can not seem to get in to a variable.
23:44.57iprouteth0I've yet to work with SIP w/TLS
23:45.36iprouteth0I'd love to try it with my new Digium D40 I won (yay!), but my cisco phones definitely won't support it
23:50.02ChannelZDovid: are you trying to get a channel variable, or what
23:50.26DovidChannelZ: Yes
23:50.53DovidChannelZ: <SIP/vm1-5744-0000000e>AGI Rx << GET VARIABLE DIALSTATUS
23:50.53Dovid<SIP/vm1-5744-0000000e>AGI Tx >> 200 result=1 (CANCEL)
23:50.58Dovidso Asteirsk is getting it
23:51.02Dovidbut PHP does not
23:52.38ChannelZperhaps the PHP wrapper you're using is just broken then.
23:52.47ChannelZYou're looking at the result as an array, right?
23:54.21ChannelZOr are using the second argument to get_variable to tell it to return the value only I guess (just looking at the online docs for what I think you're using)
23:55.49DovidChannelZ: Yes. It seems like PHP is not sendig it back correctly. if I do print_r($my_var) then I get code is HAN and data is GUP
23:56.52Dovidthats the php code
23:59.28ChannelZI dunno, guess it depends if 'evaluate' is getting/parsing the data right or not.

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