IRC log for #asterisk on 20121001

00:00.05hesco1does asterisk have any dependencies on python?
00:01.35hesco1I've been getting congestion on both inbound and outbound calls all day and when I got a chance to check on it, sip show peers showed no connections to either my devices or my providers.
00:02.31WIMPyMaybe it's epidemic. I had the same issue today.
00:02.41WIMPyWell, technically yesterday.
00:02.55WIMPyBut if you're looking for a solution we need input.
00:03.08hesco1last night I was updating python for another service I host on this box and I wondered if their might be some relationship
00:03.43WIMPyExtremely unlikely.
00:04.13hesco1I'm late for a dinner date and would certainly appreciate some help thinking through this, but that will have to wait, I'm afraid.
00:04.42hesco1Is it just you and me?  or has everyone been hit with this?
00:05.06hesco1I'll check back in after dinner.  Thanks.
00:05.32WIMPyFor me the box was running out of FDs for some unknown reason. Very unlikely that's related to anyone else.
00:21.54*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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01:46.24hesco1WIMPy: so what is an FD?
01:46.44jpsharpfile descriptor
01:46.52hesco1Back from dinner and my peers still have not managed to register.
01:48.47hesco1I have a rather large hard drive but am using less than 40gb of it.  I doubt that is my issue, but just in case, how is it I would query for that?
01:49.17hesco1and is that quota applied system wide, or by partition?
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01:52.35jpsharpWell, file descriptors aren't necessarily tied down to hard drive space.
01:53.45jpsharpTCP and UDP connections also use up file descriptors.
01:54.59hesco1I get this:  cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
01:54.59hesco11216    0       294409
01:57.31jpsharpWhen your calls fail, do you see any kind of error messages on your Asterisk console?
01:58.35jpsharpIt is highly unlikely that FD limits are your problem.  Unless you have some other scripts/code running rampant on your server or you're handling hundreds of calls per second.
01:59.36hesco1I'm seeing lots of this:  Registration for 'every itsp vendor trunk configured' timed out, trying again (Attempt #82)
01:59.53hesco1that is not my issue then.
02:01.28hesco1Afraid I have the most drastically underutilized pbx this side of the Mississippi.
02:02.38jpsharpThat sounds more like a network problem.  Can your PBX host machine ping the outside world?
02:03.18hesco1I tracerouted one of my trunk proxies from the pbx and the pbx from another server.
02:03.49hesco1traceroute found my server.  My traceroute of the proxy failed, but long after it had left my local data center
02:04.19jpsharpTime to turn on sip debug and see if something is complaining.
02:04.24hesco1I was thinking at first it was a network issue related to my host's firewall.
02:04.37hesco1sip debug 3 <-- like that?
02:05.05jpsharpsip set debug on
02:06.39*** join/#asterisk gusto (
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02:08.11jpsharpYou should see your asterisk box send a register message to the far end, get a "407 Unauthorized" message in reply, then it will send another register message with credentials, and the far end should reply with "200 OK" if the registration was successfull.
02:12.00volga629Hello Everyone, After all this troubleshooting discovered that all issue is on snom 370 which refuse take lldp staff from switch. If I set vlan tag id manually it reboots and all working if I let got trough lldp nothing not working that just ...
02:25.12*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
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02:30.56hesco1took me a bit to sanitize the paste, but sip set debug on gave me this:
02:31.16hesco1I'm not seeing any response codes in the mix, neither 407, nor 200
02:31.46hesco1jpsharp:  would you mind taking a glance at that and letting me know what you make of it, please?
02:32.01jpsharpSomething is eating SIP packets.
02:32.33jpsharpEither eating the outbound packet or the inbound response.
02:38.58hesco1a sip packet eating monster is quarding my network?
02:39.42hesco1can I poison a sip packet in hopes of killing it?
02:40.18jpsharpI don't think so.
02:42.32hesco1any thoughts on other strategies for resolving this issue and putting my telephony network back online?
02:48.45jpsharpWell, you have to figure out where things are dying.  If you have root access to a box way off your network, you can tell your asterisk box to register to it and then you can log into that box to see if you see the SIP registry packets.
02:49.28jpsharpIf you can, then you have something blocking inbound packets.  If not, you have something blocking outbound packets.
02:50.23jpsharpOr, failing that, you can try to register against my asterisk box and I'll tell you if I see the packets.
02:52.14*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
02:53.58jpsharppick a random username and try to register via sip to and I'll tell you if I see the packets.
02:54.53hesco1thanks, setting that up now, will alert you when I'm ready for your attention on that one
03:02.11hesco1I added a sip trunk in the freepbx interface, but its taking forever to reload the configuration.
03:03.41hesco1dialplan reload at the cli runs w/o a hitch, even though the fpbx interface is still trying to reload from before I hit the cli with the reload
03:10.22jpsharpI haven't seen any indication of your box registering here.
03:10.48jpsharpSaw my iphone register over 3G, so I know external internet access works.
03:50.03*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
03:51.30cmendes0101I'm having trouble setting up ChanSpy. I'm trying to monitor a call that is a sip user into an IVR. When calling ChanSpy it only picks up the sip users audio and not the IVR.
03:51.46cmendes0101From what I saw ChanSpy should be picking up both, is that correct?
03:58.19jpsharpDepends on the option you pass ChanSpy.
04:00.02jpsharpYou have to pass it "b" to listen to both sides, otherwise it only passes you audio from the channel you specify in the ChanSpy command.
04:01.04cmendes0101Ok let me try that. I thought that ment something different and didn't see any other option that would be useful so had been passing no options
04:03.41cmendes0101hmm with that enabled seems to not find the channel
04:21.37cmendes0101aw ok got it with B. Thanks
04:22.00jpsharpAh, okay.
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06:05.48hesco1jsharp: I'd imagine not.  It was only now that I've been able to get fpbx to complete a config reload.  In the intervening time, I tore out the debian packaged ruby and reinstalled rubyy from source.  Can't imagine that had anything to do with it though.  My Voicepulse trunks are registered: OK (67 ms); but I've seen this before.  They will pretend to register for a moment right after a reload or restart, but then go away almost immedia
06:06.33[TK]D-Fenderthat has nothing to do with registration
06:06.38*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
06:07.46hesco1sip show registry shows only lots of 'Request Sent' and     N      hesco              120 Unregistered
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06:08.09hesco1which was the trunk I set up to test against jsharpe's server.
06:08.26jpsharpI did see the registration attempts.
06:08.38jpsharpBut just starting 3 minutes ago.
06:08.53hesco1great.  so network out is working I guess.
06:09.03jpsharp[Oct  1 02:05:32] NOTICE[8497]: chan_sip.c:25765 handle_request_register: Registration from '<>' failed
06:09.14hesco1now your server gives me: Request Sent
06:10.57jpsharpI'm getting the request and replying with "401 Unauthorized".
06:11.03jpsharpWhich is what should happen.
06:11.25hesco1how crazy would it be to rip out this source install and rebuild * from the new source 1.8 tarball?
06:12.54jpsharpI think you've got a firewall issue.
06:14.19jpsharpI don't think you're getting any SIP replies from anywhere.
06:14.28hesco1I fear intrusion.  When I checked, my uptime was less than five days and my firewall was down.
06:14.44jpsharpdo an "iptables -L" and pastebin the results.
06:14.56hesco1I'm running iptables -L now and still waiting for it to respond.  Its taking forever
06:15.20hesco1here we go, coming your way
06:19.26*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
06:19.33hesco1ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere            udp dpts:sip:sip-tls
06:19.33hesco1I'm not seeing anything here which would block sip traffic.
06:21.17*** join/#asterisk bipul (~vipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
06:21.29jpsharpAre you running fail2ban or something along those lines?
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06:27.38hesco1not that I am aware
06:27.56hesco1would that show up in a ps listing?
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06:28.43hesco1then no, locate can't find anything like that either.
06:29.07*** part/#asterisk jsjc (
06:29.26jaxon007_Guys, we have to purchase one server which can handle 100 Concurrent  Conference calls with Each conference has 3 participants. Please guide me what type of server configuration suitable for us.
06:30.04hesco1hmm, that looks like a useful tool.  perhaps not for the pbx, but for some of our other servers.
06:32.25jpsharpjaxon007_: A big machine and running Asterisk 10 so you can use confbridge rather than meetme.
06:33.25*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
06:33.48jpsharphesco1: I have no idea what's up.  I'm still thinking it is a network/firewall issue, but I can't find anything pointing to iptables.
06:35.27jaxon007_jpsharp: we are using asterisk 1.8 for our Applications. what should be configuration of server which can handle all calls.
06:35.37*** join/#asterisk brdude (
06:36.18jpsharpI think asterisk 8 has confbridge.  At least a dual core 2.5Ghz.
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06:37.57jpsharpCouple of gigs of ram.  Hard disk.  All that jazz.
06:40.04jaxon007_If I use meetme instead of ConfBridge. Will this required Higher configuration? If Yes please mention required configuration.
06:42.21hesco1jpsharp: There is an appliance firewall between my server and the world.  My agreement with the guy I rent rack space from is that he has me in his DMZ.  My first suspicion was that something had changed with his configuration and I have written and called him, but so far without a response.  So I started with a traceroute and was able to reach the box and trace from the box, which left me doubting my first inclination.  But he's on my
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06:46.08hesco1I was able to traceroute to hostmeup up in Canada (my server is in a DC in Atlanta GA).
06:57.51hesco1[TK]D-Fender, jsharpe:  than you both for your time tonight.  I need to get some sleep before I have to get up and do it all again.  Hopefully Ferris' appliance firewall is to blame and he can easily remedy this issue.  We shall see in the morning (if I can get him to answer my calls).  Otherwise I will be back to scratching my head on this one again tomorrow.
07:01.12jpsharpYes, I'm certain it is the firewall.
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07:29.59As001Hello I can see callerid when someone calls me on my pstn line but when I call dahdi/1 (telephone device) I can just see incoming. Softphone twinkle can see callerid... What this Panasonic TG1611FX need to show caller id ?
07:30.47As001I tried everything loadzone defaultzone cidsignalling bell dtmf reverse polarity ...
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07:38.57din3shhello all
07:39.12din3sham experiencing occasional call drop with this msg
07:41.36din3shasterisk[6320]: segfault at 0000000000000038 rip 00002aaac169e6b5 rsp 0000000041c23450 error 4
07:41.51din3shany idea why i would get this?
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08:14.54wdoekesdin3sh: try to get a core dump from the crash and get a backtrace
08:15.16wdoekesand.. if you're not running the latest version of the branch, update to the latest one
08:15.22*** join/#asterisk aurs (~aurs@
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08:21.39EmleyMoorMy Samsung Galaxy Nexus won't register with Asterisk any more, it seems - it just times out. Can't see anything on asterisk about it trying, but wondering if I can find out more...
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08:27.50EmleyMoorHmmm... looks like it's the phone
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08:47.57EmleyMoorAnyone here ever used Zoiper for Android?
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08:56.21Marquelmorning. short question: can asterisk bind its sip-interface to a specific ip-address and use a sip-provider (as client) on a different IP-address?
08:58.32WIMPyYou can bind to one or all IPs, not multiple. Not sure how to understand the 2nd part.
09:00.16MarquelWIMPy: asterisk registers itself to an external sip-provider. and that external sip-provider is not reachable from the ip-interface bind-addr points to.
09:02.31MarquelWIMPy: if that won't work, i'll bind to all interfaces...
09:02.34*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:05.58din3shWIMPy: i get occasional call drops with this in /var/log/messages ---> kernel: asterisk[6118]: segfault at 0000000000000038 rip 00002aaabd4be6b5 rsp 00000000401bd1c0 error 4
09:06.05din3shany idea?
09:16.25WIMPyMarquel: I haven't tried, but if you use tcp I'd expect that to work.
09:16.37infobotcollectdebug is probably a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
09:16.44WIMPydin3sh: ^^
09:20.38MarquelWIMPy: UDP only. but then that was just a question if anybody knows for sure. thanks for your time :)
09:21.13din3shmy log file has reache 1.4Gb
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09:58.56hachqueI'm trying to get my SIP client to connect to Asterisk
09:59.08hachquebut in the asterisk log it shows *CLI> [Oct  1 05:58:06] NOTICE[12222]: chan_sip.c:26004 handle_request_register: Registration from '<>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
09:59.14hachqueand I don't really understand what that means
10:03.16wdoekeshachque: you're missing a username in the From/To header. your sip client is misconfigured
10:07.18hachquewdoekes: okay I added the 6000@ part to the account id
10:07.22hachqueand then set the user to host = dynamic
10:07.36hachquenow the client has the same "no suitable credential" error (using pjsua for testing)
10:07.45hachquebut there's no messages in asterisk to even say that the registration was attempted
10:08.19hachque that is the message in pjsua
10:20.10*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:24.11WIMPyMarquel: Ooos. Sorry. Must have dreamt the TCP thing. No it won't work with UDP.
10:24.15*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (
10:24.20WIMPyMayebe with some iptables hackery.
10:27.29wdoekesiptables hackery will break the Via
10:49.33*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (
10:51.09mcolombohi all!
10:51.39mcolombocan asterisk send update package when i resume call from hold?
10:56.44WIMPychan_sip doesn't seem to signal hold.
10:56.54WIMPyWhich can be very annoying.
10:59.21ectospasmhow does Asterisk know to play MOH then?
11:00.03WIMPyThat's the other direction.
11:04.59ectospasmWIMPy: but, but... the hold is initiated at the phone!  How does Asterisk know to play MOH if it never gets a hold signal?
11:06.57mcolombophone send a re-invite to the asterisk
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11:07.38mcolombobut asterisk, does not send update/re-invite to the carrier/trunk sip
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11:08.58WIMPyectospasm: I said *chan_sip* doesn't seem to *signal* (as in send) hold.
11:09.19ectospasmWIMPy: ah, gotcha...
11:09.26ectospasmalmost time for bed, methinks...
11:10.42WIMPySo if you use SIP from your Asterisk to some external conference and get a call, that's likely going to cause an epic fail.
11:27.12*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
11:28.09hachquei have asterisk set up with a simple configuration:
11:28.25hachquehowever, I can't connect to it with pjsua with pjsip-apps/bin/pjsua-i686-pc-linux-gnu --id=\<sip:620\> --username=620 --password=test
11:40.17kasanophachque: have you read the pjsua manual?
11:43.23hachquehmm I just tried with pjsip-apps/bin/pjsua-i686-pc-linux-gnu --id --registrar --realm \* --username 620 --password test instead
11:43.31hachquebut still getting request timed out
11:43.57hachquethat configuration I pasted is in a file called "/etc/opensips/sip.conf"
11:44.03hachqueand I'm running asterisk -ccccv
11:44.36hachquethat's the log output of asterisk
11:44.40jaxon007_we are using asterisk 1.8 for our Applications. what should be configuration of server which can handle all calls. there will be 100 Concurrent call in conference and Each conf has 4 Participants.
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11:55.56kasanophachque: your asterisk didn't load any modules including chan_sip since it failed to load modules.conf
11:56.09hachqueah okay
12:11.11hachqueI've added a modules.conf with the following content:, but I still don't get any response from the server
12:12.57hachquethis stuff is really complex :/
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12:31.56hachquewoohoo got the client registereing with the server
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12:53.31[TK]D-FenderWhen I feel heavy metal!
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12:55.34carrarturn it up to 11
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13:34.58irgendwer4711hi, I am using Asterisk 1.6 and have a problem with BLF. The led is blinking continously, even when phone is idle.
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13:35.59kannanhello, is it possible to set asterisk so that someone can simpy dial its IP address from a SIP phone and automatically send that to a dialplan context?
13:36.33nunneDoes anyone have any experience with Juniper SGS5 firewall?? We have disabled SIP ALG and manually forwarded SIP + RTP span. But still 1-way audio on outgoing calls. Seems like it's re-writing inside/outside ports for some reason... Anyone have any input on this?
13:37.29nunnesorry ;)
13:38.01creativxin case you were googling for sgs5.. :>
13:38.31nunneAhh, no ;) I was googling it yesterday when i was out at this specific customer. Just trying to remember the name :D
13:38.43[TK]D-Fenderkannan, [general] , "allowguest=yes", "context=generlschmucks"
13:38.53nunneseems like a solid product, good features.. Just dont understand how it can fall on something as simple as a plain port-forward
13:39.11kannan[TK]D-Fender , oj thats sounds easy enough thank you
13:40.14irgendwer4711BLF-experts here? :-D
13:43.00[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, Are you going to tell us any useful details likee what PHONE you're even working with?  Or an actual version of * if not an actual branch?  Go SIP DEBUG to show us?  Phone configs?
13:43.54infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:43.55irgendwer4711siemens openstage 40
13:45.34*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~francisvg@
13:46.44irgendwer4711its partially working
13:47.11hachquehey guys
13:47.21hachqueI have linphone clients connected to asterisk
13:47.25hachqueand the users defined in sip.conf
13:47.28irgendwer4711it stops flashing, after the other phone hangs up, begin to flash later
13:47.28hachquebut they can't call each other
13:48.13hachquethat's the user entries
13:48.23hachqueI also have entries in extensions.conf but the extensions aren't even recognised
13:48.26irgendwer4711[TK]D-Fender: console shows the hints and subscriptions
13:48.38[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, Which you should be showing us...
13:49.07irgendwer4711192.168.2.19   19          205b1dae62c4f8d  22@BLF-gs        Idle           dialog-info+xml <none>
13:49.14[TK]D-Fenderhacpastebin the failed call for us to see with SIP DEBUG enabled.
13:49.27irgendwer4711phone 19 is watching phone 22
13:49.42[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, full dump of "core show hints".  Do no waste time on partial displays
13:52.17irgendwer4711seems to be corecct
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13:53.19[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, well if the phone is flashing then it's likely the phone's problem. What specific version are you running?
13:54.42irgendwer4711I had setup a little testing box with it
13:55.03[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, that is an ancient version.  Forget about support for it... or any 1.6 as it is....
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13:55.13[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, Upgrade
13:55.17irgendwer4711not possible
13:55.38[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, Then I guess you'll have to live with it
13:55.40hachquewe have users being able to dial each other
13:55.43hachquebut they can't hear each other
13:55.58[TK]D-Fenderhachque, Feel like telling us anything about your setup?
13:56.14hachqueit's pretty much a default set up with just some users defined in the sip.conf
13:56.20hachqueand some extensions in extensions.conf
13:56.20santa0536guys can I have a question about asterisk t38 negotioation process?
13:56.35[TK]D-Fenderirgendwer4711, If you say that 1.8 works .... how is it a CONFIG problem?
13:56.59[TK]D-Fenderhachque, No, I mean REAL information .... like what NETWORKING is involved.
13:57.08irgendwer4711I have read of many other with a working 1.6 and BLF
13:57.12hachqueit's a server sitting at
13:57.22hachquewe're connecting to it over the internet using linphone and csipsimple on android
13:57.54[TK]D-Fenderhachque, So far I'm betting that clients are NAT'd an you have not configured any of this properly for it.
13:58.15hachquewouldn't the client software autodetect that? :/
13:58.25[TK]D-Fenderhachque, "directmedia=no", "nat=yes", and make sure if your * doesn't have a public IP on it that you've set the rest of that up properly
14:00.19hachqueby * you mean
14:00.30[TK]D-Fender8 = ASTERISK
14:01.11hachqueoh fair enough ;P
14:01.38hachquewe've put our public IP addresses into the clients
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14:01.48hachqueand set directmedia=no, nat=yes onto each of the user entries in sip.conf
14:01.53hachqueand reloaded sip
14:01.57hachquestill no audio though
14:02.12hachqueis there any commands I can run to give you more information?
14:02.16santa0536Ok, I guess somebody will help :) I've found out that asterisk 1.8 performs a fall back to old codec via REINVITE after a 488 response to a T.38 REINVITE. Is it really nesessary? rfc3261 says like:
14:02.16santa0536> If the other    party does not accept the change, he sends an error response such as    488 (Not Acceptable Here), which also receives an ACK.  However, the    failure of the re-INVITE does not cause the existing call to fail -    the session continues using the previously negotiated    characteristics.
14:05.03*** part/#asterisk irgendwer4711 (~irgendwer@reactos/tester/irgendwer4711)
14:06.51[TK]D-Fenderhachque, "sip set debug on"
14:10.28hachquethat's the full output of making a call on the asterisk server
14:11.29hachqueclients are and
14:11.54hachqueserver is (
14:12.42[TK]D-Fenderhackeron, Check yoru firewalls on the server.  5060/10000-20000 (typical) all UDP need to be open
14:12.53[TK]D-Fenderhachque, ^
14:13.11Kattyyawns, stretches
14:13.14[TK]D-Fenderhachque, The rest looks OK
14:13.17[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
14:13.18Kattypamples things
14:13.23carrarpokes Katty in the tummy
14:13.23Katty[TK]D-Fender: g'morning
14:13.27Kattycarrar: ohai
14:13.41hachque[TK]D-Fender: I only have 5060 open in UDP, so opening 10000-20000 now
14:14.06kannan[TK]D-Fender , sip uri dial works fine thnaks again
14:14.15carrarOhayoo gozaimasu!
14:14.27[TK]D-Fenderhachque, SIP is noly a call setup protocol on 5060. the audio is RTP over a separate UDP range.  1 port per audio per direction, plus others for DTMF depending, etc
14:14.55[TK]D-Fenderkannan, You're welcome
14:14.59hachqueOMG it works!
14:15.26carrarOMG voip is so complicated!
14:15.41Kattyerrmagerddd verrip
14:15.54hachquethanks <3
14:17.13[TK]D-Fenderhachque,  You're welcome
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14:44.49hachquehey guys
14:45.01hachqueis it possible to set up asterisk in a situation like
14:45.15hachquethe VPS running asterisk and connecting to user 1 / 2 is now working
14:45.41hachquebut i'm interested in permitting some users to use another VoIP device to call landlines / mobiles
14:46.32carrarYou can do almost anything
14:46.58hachqueokay cool
14:47.48francisvgarciadoes anyone knows when the stable version of Asterisk 11 will be available?
14:47.57drmessanoWhen its ready
14:48.01[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia, Next eventually ... sharp
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15:02.16LemensTShow do i pass a variable on a transfered call? I set callerid to $callnum on an incoming call, and when i trasnfer that call to another sip phone i want to set $callnum as the callerid that shows up on its lcd instead of the sip phone that transfered the call. Asterisk 1.8
15:02.52LemensTSdo i need to set it as a global variable or a channel variable or something else?
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15:11.36kasanoptry 'o' option in Dial application
15:14.45LemensTSmjordan / kasanop: thanks I am looking at both your suggestions.
15:15.08LemensTShopefully the o option works, it is less complicated :)_
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15:26.51Kattylooks in
15:28.19Kattywhat's the word.
15:29.41leifmadsenbird is the word
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15:38.40dbeskoekrunning 1.8.15 there are some call-scenarios where "200 OK" (after INVITE) is sent by * to a device with missing contact-header, seems to be related to #17258
15:39.29dbeskoekI'm currently unable to add a comment to this ticket
15:42.12leifmadsendbeskoek: only the owner of the issue can comment at this point
15:42.25leifmadsenyou might have an "Enter Feedback" button at the top
15:42.34leifmadsenbut you likely can't see that unless you're a bug marshal
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15:45.26dbeskoekshould I open a new one ?
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15:50.22leifmadsenyou could use the asterisk mailing list
15:50.37leifmadsenit's a failure in the jira workflow unfortunately which was never addressed
15:51.12QwellIf you're actually referring to 17258, you're talking about a 2+ year old ticket.
15:51.38leifmadsenQwell: which has been updated as recently as Sep 24
15:52.06QwellJul 10, 2010..
15:52.30leifmadsen24/Sep/12 11:20 AM
15:52.40Qwellleifmadsen: mantis
15:52.55leifmadsenI assumed he was talking about ASTERISK-17258
15:53.09leifmadsenI realize the issue is old
15:53.14leifmadsenthe comments is still recent
15:53.37leifmadsensomeone was asked to test against 1.8
15:53.41leifmadsenso the issue could still be valid
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15:56.04dbeskoekI think a "200 OK" after an INVITE should contain in any case a contact-header. the problem is only visible with a softphone and only 1 of 10 calls. After seeing the Jira-ticket I found the same 401/ACK-timing-problems. So this issue is still valid
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16:04.30b1shopcan anyone recommend some US SIP providers that offer 1-8xx dial-ins
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16:11.22ChannelZb1shop:, vitelity... I think pretty much all of them do
16:15.50b1shopChannelZ: thanks.  I've only set up asterisk with fxo cards.  never sip.
16:17.36*** join/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
16:20.13nnyI am setting up a system where a user can login via Agentlogin remotely or receive calls through their registered phone. This is an exclusive scenario, the peer will not be registered if they dial in. In this scenario, can I 1.) use the same ID for the sip peer as the agent and 2.) setup my dialplan to try both simultaneously?
16:20.43nnyThe agents will not be put into queues per se, each one is being sent calls via the AMI
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16:32.15nnyhmm can Agent credentials be added via AMI?
16:32.25nnyI don't see a related command in the AMi docs
16:33.23kannanwhile doing SIP URI dialling, when the asterisk server is on a public IP and the incoming context dials the call to a sip user (xlite) it works fine. The same thing does not work when i put the asterisk server behind a NAT, with port fwd'ing 5060 and rtp 10000-2000 on router
16:33.50kannanthe call is established , but no audio at all
16:33.59[TK]D-Fenderkannan, that is an improper NAT setup then
16:34.10[TK]D-Fenderhas nothing to do with "SIP URI"
16:34.56kannani see
16:35.05[TK]D-Fenderkannan, Your peers should all be "nat=yes", "directmedia=no", also under [general].  Set your localnet & externip, etc
16:35.19kannanok thanks
16:39.04nnyhey [TK]D-Fender working on a new setup, we have a remote database with users added to our system via a generation script. I want to add the ability to have them login as agents vs. their phones and send them calls via AMI. I have been reading up on the queue substructure, is it my understanding that 1.) agents can only be called via queue 2.) you cannot dynamically add agents via AMI and 3.) to attempt both the agent logged in via "call-in" or via their phone
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16:39.35nnyjust making sure I am not over engineering the process
16:42.47[TK]D-Fendernny, Dial(Agent/1234)
16:42.55nny[TK]D-Fender: ahh thanks
16:43.08[TK]D-Fendernny, Keeping in mind this implies you're on an OLD setup
16:43.16nny[TK]D-Fender: it's 1.8
16:43.26[TK]D-Fenderchan_agent was supposed to be dead last I checked
16:44.04[TK]D-FenderIn favour of AQM/RQM
16:45.01nny[TK]D-Fender: that may be better
16:45.20nny[TK]D-Fender: I am importing values from a database, I could just use RQM
16:46.49nny[TK]D-Fender: the thing I am trying to avoid is using queues when each agent will be sent calls via AMI, I may have to create a queue for each agent
16:48.28[TK]D-FenderYou should come up with another strategy....
16:49.05[TK]D-FenderAnd a more complete call flow description to go around it
16:49.43nny[TK]D-Fender: let me pastebin it so I don't flood channel, I am researching using realtime as well
16:52.47Corydon76-homenny:  in terms of your original plan, there is the capability to add via AMI, with QueueAdd
17:01.32nnyI made an outline here, there are some unknowns as far as design ideas
17:02.03nnyCorydon76-home: I assume this is used to add the queue definition but I would still need to define the agent member elsewhere
17:02.41Corydon76-homeUh, no, you can't add queues that way, only queue members
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17:04.53Corydon76-homebtw, I use VMAuthenticate when I need to auth users for things like this
17:04.55nnyCorydon76-home: yeah, this is essentially a 1 to 1 relationship, the agent is sent calls directly, the queue isn't needed if it can be avoide ( afaik apart from agent_chan it can't?)
17:05.22Corydon76-homeSince it comes with its own method of changing the password, I figure it takes a lot of the trouble out of maintenance for me
17:05.48Corydon76-homeChan_agent is GONE, so forget agents
17:05.50nnyCorydon76-home: we have a local database with credentials, I am using MYSQL to verfy the dial in part. The password is generated and sent via the web portal (and presented to the user) we use md5passwords for sip from the same database
17:05.59nnythat's what I hear
17:06.27Corydon76-homeQueue members are just SIP peer dialstrings
17:07.09nnyI believe I have an idea how to approach it now
17:07.12Corydon76-homeSeems like you're reimplementing Queue in a way
17:08.16nnyCorydon76-home: I am going to have the agent dial in and enter thier user/pass. When they do they'll be dynamically added as an agent. I can then use AMI to also add that agent to it's own queue and send calls to it, does this sound sane?
17:08.38nnyAssuming I can dynamically add agents via the dialplan
17:09.03Corydon76-homeYou also may want to specify joinempty=no on all your queues...
17:09.22Corydon76-homevia the dialplan is with the app AddQueueMember
17:09.34nnyyeah seems smart
17:10.50nnyok gonna make a test setup here and see what needs adjusting. I'll have to create each Queue manually before adding via AMI or can I generate each queue as needed?
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17:11.39Corydon76-homeIf you want to generate queues as needed, I think realtime is the only way to do it
17:12.25nnyCorydon76-home: yeah may be superfluous I will generate the queues at the same time I generate the sip credentials. They are used to the 1 minute lag on new accounts etc.
17:12.27Corydon76-homeotherwise a reload would wipe them out
17:12.53nnysome day i'll learn a proper realtime language ;P
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17:22.31jeffspeffI just finished writing a nice little script to edit the iptables in realtime on my * box with info fed from the vpn logs... I'm calling it  "Asterisk IPtables Dynamic Security" aka AIDS.  So, let it be known that AIDS is actually good for your phone system!
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17:24.00nnyThat sounds like a post modification of the Holisitic IPTables Vanguard already out there
17:24.15jeffspeffnny, never heard of that
17:25.12nnyjeffspeff: it was another poorly placed joke. Have you seen fail2ban?
17:25.38jeffspeffnny, lol, i've read a little about it, but never used it
17:26.09nnyjeffspeff: it does the same thing essentially. It cralws logs for auth errors (like asterisk logs) and dynamically drops the source IP via iptables
17:26.28nnyit also works with SSH etc.
17:27.16jeffspeffnny, this is more proactive instead of reactive... all of my remote phone users also have vpn accounts. this gets their public ip from the vpn log and sets that network to be allowed on the * server
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17:27.26nnyjeffspeff: ahh nice
17:28.04nnyjeffspeff: seems like a nice way to allow traffic from that IP without the VPN layer clogging things up
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17:33.19nnyCorydon76-home: with a single queue member can  I just eliminate the timeout and retry cycle? I really just want the system to try the single agent, if it fails for some reason then hangup. Not sure what values work for that
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17:34.12nnyI have maxlen=0
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17:51.24nnyhmm does AgentLogin exist in 1.8?
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17:58.34nnyI guess my question is  what's the best method to have a user dial in and log in as an agent/wait for calls in 1.8
17:58.48nnyI assumed it was AgentLogin
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18:04.14madduckis it true that storing sip peers in realtime ODBC means that certain features won't work?
18:05.24[TK]D-Fendernny, as I said, that is just gone in 1.8
18:05.30nny[TK]D-Fender: ahh
18:05.51nny[TK]D-Fender: ok so if I want the agent to have the ability to call in to a number and wait for calls, do I have to do some channel bridging etc?
18:06.31[TK]D-Fendernny, Now I suppose you could rebuild somethin similar by leaving them parked on MoH and then using AMI to redirect them around, etc.  A lot of work for sure
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18:07.25nny[TK]D-Fender: what's the 1.8 alternative? am i proper f**ked?
18:07.36[TK]D-FenderI just told you...
18:07.45[TK]D-FenderA lot of dirty work
18:07.47nny[TK]D-Fender: basically they need to be able to dial in as agents. Wow, that's bogus, why remove functionality lol
18:08.21nny[TK]D-Fender: so there's no native way for asterisk to allow dial in agents.. that's odd.
18:08.43[TK]D-Fenderchan_agent = bai bai.  Can't dial an agent when one doesn't exist
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18:10.15nny[TK]D-Fender: oddly that still exists in make menuselect for 1.8. So what if someone just wants to dial in and receive calls on that channel, the only way is to have AMI bridge each call to the waiting channel? Sounds like a horrible kludge
18:10.31nnyw t f
18:11.58nnyI am still confused, the whole point of this exercise was to allow agents an alternative to using a SIP peer. Now I find out that's basically a hack
18:12.53nnyis frustrated as hell
18:14.12nny[TK]D-Fender: so having a user dial into a number and then have calls bridged to it wouldn't even use queues or agents, just channel bridge hackery
18:14.52nnywhich means there's no fail safes for multiple calls, or anything. WTF, jesus I feel like this PBX just got demoted
18:15.02Corydon76-homenny:  because chan_agent is extremely buggy and prone to crashing, and we don't have a good way to fix it.
18:16.37nnyCorydon76-home: is there some kind of general outline or idea on how to implement dial in agents? I feel lost after our first conversation
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18:17.17Corydon76-homeNot that I know of
18:18.06Corydon76-homeEverybody tends to use the callback mode
18:18.34Corydon76-homeWell, you could use a conference call, I suppose
18:18.47nnyoh yeah
18:18.51nnyi have seen that before
18:19.05nnyAgentCallbackLogin is deprecated, surely you don't mean that
18:19.07nnyer removed
18:19.31Corydon76-homeNo, mean using AQM/RQM
18:19.53nnywhat is AQM? I understand Realtime Queue Management, but what's the A?
18:20.25nnymakes more sense. Yeah but if the queue member is a dial in channel, that option is off the table
18:20.41nnyI have seen the conference hack with old school stand alone dialers
18:21.02nnyso agent joins conference, AMI sends call to confernece channel
18:21.19Corydon76-homewith RedirectChannel, yes
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18:23.08Corydon76-homeAgent hears the join signal to know to answer the call
18:24.03Corydon76-homeAnd then you either Redirect the caller back out to a survey or you just hangup the channel to drop them out of the conference
18:24.39nnyso I understand: 1.) Agent joins conference. 2.) AMI calls intended number 3.) AMI redirects channel to Meetme (with no announce, etc). 4.) Agent recieves notification that another person has joined, (will they hear ringing or the person?)
18:24.52nnyI mean that would work, I may have to ask some questions as I implement it
18:25.25Corydon76-homeActually, step 3 is conditional between MusicOnHold or the conference, depending upon whether the agent is already with another caller
18:25.46Corydon76-homeand you need a mutex around that test and join op
18:26.00nnyCorydon76-home: they will be initiating calls, so there should only be a 1 to 1 relationship
18:26.24Corydon76-homeWait, the agent is calling out?
18:26.27nnyCorydon76-home: I will have the dialplan check for current members of the conf call and fail if it's 2
18:26.35nnyCorydon76-home: the agent is dialing out via AMI (through a web app)
18:27.07nnyCorydon76-home: essentially initiating the call through an AMI request
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18:28.10Corydon76-homeAh, fun.  I'd still keep the join sound for the conference
18:28.20nnyCorydon76-home: indeed, be awkward without it
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18:28.32nnyCorydon76-home: I am thinking I can do the redirect through the dial plan
18:28.37Corydon76-homeUnless you're doing the answer notify on the same web page
18:29.11nnyCorydon76-home: probably not, I am not the web dev and they are a bit slow. I am doing this stand alone as a proof of conecept that it works and letting them mangle the AMI calls till they get it right
18:29.34nnyI wish that was different lol, trust me
18:29.44nnyso I am thinking
18:29.57Corydon76-homeWell, you're going to get the answer notify or conf join notify via AMI, anyway, as an event
18:30.23nnyCorydon76-home: good point, i'll try to implement that in my test scenario as some kind of update
18:31.20nnyCorydon76-home: if the AMi sends a call to local channel, does it progress after it's answered or while it is ringing?
18:32.11nnyor do I have a choice there?
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18:33.20Corydon76-homeI honestly don't know
18:33.20citywoknny: assuming there isn't something i've missed, then when it's answered the call will progress through the dialplan.
18:33.52citywokwe dial all of our calls through the AMI with a local channel dialing the agent's SIP phone, and the other side dialing outbound
18:33.54Corydon76-homeDo you mean progress through the dialplan, or do you mean when it will send the Progress indication?
18:34.40nnyCorydon76-home: through the dialplan, I think citywok answered it
18:35.56nnySo AMI dials 8435551212 and sends it to my local channel along with a variable to tell me what agent (conference) it's destined for. Asterisk checks that the conference has  1 occupant and redirects the channel to the conference. The agent hears a join sound and responds with "hello, blah blah".
18:38.02citywokwhat are you trying to accomplish?
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18:42.25nnycitywok: sorry one sec, thanks for asking
18:42.29Corydon76-homecitywok: he's got an Agent calling in once, then making several calls
18:42.38citywokAh, I scrolled up. It looks like you are trying to make it os the agent can call in to the PBX, sit in a conference, hit a "dial" button somewhere that will tell the PBX to make a call and what conference they are in to bridge them to?
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18:44.54nnycitywok: Corydon76-home reqoringt he plan one sec
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18:49.05citywokyea, confbridge or meetme is probably the way to go.  when the person dials in have them enter their "pin" which will be their predetermined conference pin (before meetme, that way you can verify it), and mark them as "in" the meetme conference, and when they leave mark them as out of it to avoid problems
18:49.21nnycitywok: ok changed it a bit.
18:49.38nnycitywok: the best way for this to work is to bridge the channel to the user as the call is placed (while ringing/connecting etc)
18:50.20nnycitywok: can I just originate a call via AMI and redirect it to an agent waiting on another channel (that isn't a conference)? I may have them pointed at MOH while they wait (per [TK]D-Fender's suggestion)
18:50.20citywokyea makes sense.  you could get the same effect by playing ringing tone as the hold music, and as soon as the person is joined the ringing will go away
18:51.24citywoki imagine you could originate a call with a uniqueid, then perform a redirect on it and get that same effect
18:51.39nnycitywok: I think the feedback of failed calls (not all calls go through) would be better as an audio experience similar to dialing themselevs. I would normally have some fancy addition to their portal but I don't control that aspect and for continuity between using a sip phone or dial in
18:51.48citywokexcept you will probably lose the agent when the call is over, and they would need to dial back in
18:52.17citywokyea, makes sense
18:52.17nnycitywok: hmm no way around that?
18:52.35citywoknny you could work around it by having a jump back to meetme after the dial(whoevertheagentiscalling)
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18:52.59citywokso they get put back in the conference until the next call, and then redirected to the direct channel
18:53.09citywokit sounds really, really ghetto tbh, but i can picture how it would work mentally.
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18:53.35nnycitywok: i agree, sadly I only have ghetto as options here
18:54.07nnycitywok: could I just jump back to the music on hold app or is conference needed?
18:55.07nnyi.e. Dial in -> moh -> AMI dials (with option j) the call -> call ends -> agent sent back to moh via the jump/ repeat?
18:55.29citywokAgent Calls In, placed on MoH app or conf -> Presses Dial (8002662278) -> AMI originates (actually a redirect) to local/8002662278, the local channel sends the person back to MoH at the end of hte call.
18:55.57citywoki would use a redirect to create the actual dial to get the effect you want
18:56.10nnycitywok: hmm I like the local redirect
18:56.37citywokYea, I think that's the best way I can think of.
18:56.42nnyassuming I can tell AMI which channel to redirect
18:56.46citywokyou can
18:57.23nnycitywok: I mean pass that information to the side using AMI
18:57.45citywokWhen the agent dials in have htem enter their "passcode" and ASTDB(CHANNELS/PASSCODE)
18:57.54nnycitywok: ooh
18:57.57citywokset the channel they are on in astdb, and use that via the dial
18:58.01nnycitywok: clever
18:58.23citywokonce they hang up clear the thing and you know they are no longer there and throw an error on the dial button
18:58.46nnyok gonna get started, thank you citywok
18:59.04citywokyep.  i bet with that information you can do it in an hour or less. lol.
18:59.32nnycitywok: yeah it seems a lot simpler now. I have some areas I haven't mentioned, but they are more dialplan semantics during the call than over all design
19:00.25citywokyea, i kinda want to do it just to see how long it would take to pull off.
19:00.49nnycitywok: the AMI side is gonna be some simple php code I put up to test it, that will be the part that holds me up, my business partner is the php wiz
19:01.04nnycitywok: let me see how far I can get stand alone for testing
19:01.20citywoknny it's a very simple fsockopen() and you just pass in the AMI commands via fputs()
19:01.42nnycitywok: yeah let me see I already have an example php dial page setup
19:01.55nnyshould be able to mangle it to recirect
19:01.57citywoksec, i've got one
19:03.33citywoknny send me a PM
19:03.42citywokfor some reason i can't open a PM window, don't want to paste in here :p
19:04.25nnycitywok: sent
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19:19.03hesco1[TK]D-Fender, jsharpe:  Well, I spoke with the guy hosting my 1u in his rack.  He logged in to his appliance and assured me that my server remains in his DMZ.  I just returned to the source code left in /usr/local; and rebuilt asterisk 1.6 from scratch, but now I don't even have a sip command at the *CLI> prompt.  I'm quickly running out of ideas for what to try.   Will have to head into the office now.  Will return to this project once
19:19.37*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:19.46hesco1guess my next step might be an asterisk 1.8 source install and start over yet again.
19:22.15[TK]D-FenderMaybe you should actually look at the problem
19:22.28[TK]D-Fenderyou know. .... prove you have configs.  try loading the module by hand...
19:22.35hesco1maybe I was too impatient:  I now see: SIP channel loading...
19:22.46hesco1how would I load a module by hand?
19:23.05[TK]D-Fendermodule load [themodule]
19:23.31hesco1config list shows all expected sip*.conf files
19:24.41hesco1ok, that loaded sip
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19:24.49hesco1and made sip commands available again
19:25.23Qwellcitywok: for future reference, /query
19:25.46nnycitywok: getting closer, may have some questions about the php script and how it relates to the local channel
19:26.22hesco1and sip show registray shows all my ITSP vendors, with state: Request Sent or Unregistered
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19:32.26nnycitywok: when you see this: I am reading over the AMI command structure, should i execute the redirect via the AMI field Application or via the context on connect variable?
19:34.37nnycitywok: I think per our original discussion the redirect sends the channel to local XXXXXXXXXX where it is then dialed
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19:51.31nny is returning a broken pipe error, what did I fail at?
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19:54.13nnynm my channel variable needs some work, working directly with the channel name now
19:54.42nnynow trying to figure out how to send this to the local channel,  Executing [18436842813@agent-local:1] Dial("SIP/42-00060502", "18436842813@vitel-outbound2,,rg") in new stack failed
19:57.33nny is wrong, trying to figure out why.
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19:58.24nnyit's trying to dial the redirect channel, then the channel. I did this wrong but not sure why
19:59.59nnyoh jesus
20:00.01nnyi am an idiot
20:01.27nnywishes I could take back my irc channel spam and hide my blatant error
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20:06.20oquidavehello guys
20:06.51oquidaveam trying to load the module, but i get ... ERROR[3544]: chan_mobile.c:4164 mbl_load_adapter: Skipping adapter blue. Voice setting must be 0x0060 - see 'man hciconfig' for details.
20:07.49oquidavei've a  "Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)" bluetooth usb dongle on my opensuse12.1 with kde4.9. it's recognized
20:08.13oquidaveso when i start asterisk and try to load the mobile module, i get that error
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20:12.37nnycitywok: pretty much works hahahah
20:13.11nnycitywok: i'll pm you the pastebin of my dialplan and the changes to my php AMI call. I am still working with the later to fix some small issues but overall it works
20:15.39drmessanooquidave:  See if this affects you:
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20:26.00oquidavedrmessano: kind of ...but not very helpful. but thanks
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20:30.11mjordanoquidave: so the patch did not change anything?
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20:42.51tompawBlame Canada!
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21:47.46ibercomAnybody know what's means "app_dial.c: Unable to forward frametype: 2". I have a lot of errors.
22:02.37pabelangeribercom, Warnings != Errors
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22:12.04mjordanibercom: A frametype of 2 corresponds to a voice frame
22:13.09mjordanibercom: you probably have something that is attempting to send media (voice) to a channel before it has been answered, and the channel technology does not support the delivery of media prior to it being answered
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22:26.28ibercommjordan, I only use dahdi and sip, I will review dialplan, not agi. That I have to look out for?
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22:30.23ibercompabelanger, but a lot of warnings isn't good. I need look for the cause.
22:31.31pabelangeribercom, are you having problems?
22:33.07mjordanibercom: you should find out what channel is upset that media has been played onto it, i.e., what are you dialing.  You should find out if said channel supports early media.
22:33.10ibercomNo problem, but I think that warnings are 'dangerous'.
22:36.40ibercomThe primary support early media, I have 4 PRI. Do I need to put early media in sip ?
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22:40.18ibercommjordan, Normally, I do dial and player, not always Answer the channel. Is it automatic ?
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