IRC log for #asterisk on 20120925

00:02.09*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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00:30.56*** join/#asterisk Platinum (~Platinum@
00:31.07*** join/#asterisk shawny_ (
00:31.26Platinumdoes anyone have experience with asterisk as voicemail for definity g3si
00:34.27*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~textual@
00:35.16jpsharpI've not done it, but supposedly it can be done by using the SMDI functionality of Asterisk.
00:38.01shawny_everytime I load asterisk I have no ability to use SIP commands.  when I hit ? I get a bunch of stuff, but nothing SIP related.  I changed modules.conf to require to load, and asterisk does not load (because it cannot load SIP)  I thought the asterisk would just come with sip support already in I doing something wrong in the install?
00:39.20mjordanshawny_: you  most likely don't have all of the dependencies for chan_sip loaded.  When you run the menuselect tool (make menuselect), can you enable chan_sip?  If you cannot, what dependencies does it say you need?
00:40.13jpsharpProbably built it on a debian or ubuntu box and didn't have libssssl install.
00:40.17jpsharper, libssl.
00:41.46shawny_it tells me it depends on chan_local(M), res_crypto(M)   are those from libssl?   because I distinctly remember not installing that....
00:42.09Platinumjpsharp have you heard if a few analog linst between the definity pbx and the asterisk... I have seen people talking about isdn trunks between the devices but no regular analog lines.
00:42.31shawny_and yes, I'm running ubuntu.
00:42.59jpsharpinstall libssl, libssl-dev, rerun ./configure.  That should solve your issue.
00:43.39jpsharpPlatinum: I don't know the details.  I've just heard them grumble about SMDI.  I don't think they were using full ISDN trunks, though.
00:45.46PlatinumOk, thanks. I will have to look up SMDI info.
00:56.13*** part/#asterisk deo_ (~dnepangue@
01:06.00*** join/#asterisk robl^ (~robl^@pdpc/supporter/active/robl)
01:18.41shawny_jpsharp:  THANK YOU!  It worked like a charm!  funny how things work when you do them right!!!
01:36.47*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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15:20.39*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.8.0 (2012/09/13), (2012/09/13), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
15:20.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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15:23.38*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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15:30.54*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:39.03ke-escIt turned out to be stupid- the config files were root:root and not asterisk:asterisk. I fixed that and reloaded it- now it appears to be fine
15:39.13*** part/#asterisk scgm11_ (
15:44.27*** join/#asterisk brdude (
15:47.55tompawPizza & Coke = Heaven
15:48.32pabelangerHookers & Blow = Fun
15:48.59tompawPizza & Coke & Topless Beach Bar & LTE = Costa del Sol :D
15:52.06_Corey_writes down Costa Del Sol... :)
15:58.47*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:15.04Qwellglomps Katty
16:15.11Kattyhello mister Qwell
16:15.13Kattyhugs Qwell
16:15.34*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
16:16.17KattyQwell: i was thinking of getting my PhD in theoretical quantum physics
16:16.39KattyQwell: but then i couldn't figure out what kind of job i'd really have.
16:16.57KattyQwell: other than teach, which would be horrid.
16:17.38Qwellyou could like fire lasers at people
16:17.51Kattyso you mean be a lab rat.
16:18.12Qwellor a "researcher"
16:18.17Kattyexactly, a lab rat.
16:19.33Kattyi can see the panel reviewing my dissertation now...
16:20.57Katty5 minutes in, their eyes glaze over.
16:21.01Katty10 minutes later, asleep on desk.
16:21.09*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:21.13Kattyhi tony
16:22.11[TK]D-FenderQwell, No, Leonard is the one who shoots lasers at things.  Sheldon is the theoretical quantum physicist ;) </bbt>
16:22.32QwellI bet drmessano does both.  He's a doctor.
16:23.13*** join/#asterisk cjk (
16:23.23*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (
16:23.25drmessanoI'm not a doctor, but I will be glad to have a look
16:24.41the_5th_wheelHowdy all. I have a bit of a problem, which I think is just me misunderstanding something. My one  provider requires me to send all traffic to them via a sip proxy, but the TO header must be a different device. I thought I would use outboundproxy for this, but it seems I am mistaken. Can anyone shed some light?
16:24.59Kattymaybe i should go wtih a PhD in chemistry.
16:25.32cjkhello, I am loosing one ore more digit when sending dtmfs from one asterisk to another via SIP. I sniffed the traffic and the dtmf is sent and received on the network level. I have the same problem with where i receive incoming calls from them. So i am sure its a configuraiton issue on my side. Is anyone willing to help me solve the issue?  As I need fast help, I pay 80$ per hour
16:25.51Qwellcjk: Using rfc2833?
16:26.09Qwellcjk: what version of Asterisk?
16:26.15[TK]D-Fenderthe_5th_wheel, that sounds correct.
16:26.24cjkQwell, rfc2833 asterisk 1.8
16:26.31Qwellcjk: specifically, what version?
16:27.01cjkQwell, I have it on all versions, but here it is
16:27.14cjkin sip.conf I have dtmfmode=rfc2833
16:27.44the_5th_wheel@[TK]D-Fender: The host does not accept sip on to the host my traffic is destined for directly from me. Does that still sound right?
16:28.05Qwellcjk: and you've actually tried the latest version?
16:28.07the_5th_wheel@[TK]D-Fender: I guess basically I need to be able to change the To header
16:28.13cjkQwell, yes, really
16:28.16[TK]D-Fenderthe_5th_wheel, I'm not seeing packets & configs.....
16:28.20cjkQwell, I had it in 1.4 as well
16:28.53the_5th_wheel@[TK]D-Fender: One moment
16:29.43*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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16:31.00the_5th_wheel@[TK]D-Fender: <- Sip config
16:31.33KattyQwell: i should just learn to speak 5 languages.
16:31.38KattyQwell: and have a hospital hire me as a translator
16:31.46QwellKatty: meh
16:31.55*** join/#asterisk adeel|work (~adeel@
16:32.03KattyQwell: i could go into forensic science
16:32.05the_5th_wheel@[TK]D-Fender: I believe all sip traffic requests to this host needs to go via the outboundproxy=. But it tries to send it directly to host=
16:32.14QwellKatty: You could be Dexter!
16:32.38KattyQwell: not so much. not sure i want to tinker with dead bodies either.
16:32.49*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (~even@
16:33.25KattyQwell: criminology would be fun tho, me thinks
16:34.59KattyQwell: except the dead bodies and all.
16:35.05KattyQwell: and possible pissing off of serial killers.
16:36.58*** join/#asterisk Nemus (
16:50.31adeel|workare there any high level devel documentation on the CALLERPRES() function?
16:50.47leifmadsencore show function CALLERPRES ?
16:50.51Qwelldevel docs, no, probably not
16:50.57adeel|workthat just provides a basic summary output
16:51.02leifmadsenoh I missed the 'devel' part
16:52.35adeel|worki'm getting an RPID of Remote-Party-ID: <sip:647523XXXX@>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=yes;screen-ind=3;npi=1;ton=2  from my provider, yet asterisk is spitting out: Remote-Party-ID: <sip:647523XXXX@>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=yes;screen=no....which seems a little off
16:53.01adeel|workand the provider is set to trust rpid
16:59.02*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:03.41Qwellthat does seem a little off
17:04.24QwellThe parser is actually checking for "screen=", and not just "screen"
17:07.34*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
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17:16.24*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
17:21.51adeel|worksorry, the 2nd leg RPID header is actually: Remote-Party-ID: <sip:647523XXXX@>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=no   ....
17:22.45adeel|workis there a method to manipulate the RPID that * is sending out? specifically, based upon the npi/ton value of the A-leg, i need to prefix the user field with a + or 011
17:26.15adeel|workmjordan, yeah i'm reading that now....however, that doesn't specify if that affects the RPID header on the B-leg...i'm assuming it does (and am about to test it)
17:26.36mjordanit does
17:26.43mjordanif you've set the information on the appropriate channel
17:27.21adeel|worki noticed that the CALLERID() function has a 'ton' datatype...any idea if that matches the ISDN specs?
17:29.13mjordanton is an alias for num-plan
17:29.54mjordanwithout digging into it, I'm not sure whether or not how it will be used throughout the code.
17:30.39*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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17:31.05adeel|workwell, not technically....ton is a secondary descriptor for the NPI, since the NPI can be unknown (0), E.164 Public (1) or Private (9)
17:31.09adeel|workthe ton then subclassifies
17:45.18*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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18:03.52*** join/#asterisk WindBack (~quassel@
18:04.22WindBackIs there anya way to change voicemail password from the dialpan?
18:07.13citywokI have had several crashes lately, finally caught it with debugging turned on.  Does this look like something to anybody?
18:08.19cmendes0101citywok: Is that all the debug that came out of the crash?
18:08.42citywokcmendes0101: no, but that's the snippit related to it.  the gdb output is thousands of lines of that same output.
18:08.58citywokerr i meant with asterisk -g, not debugging.  that is the gdb trace of the core dump.
18:09.57citywokRight before asterisk dies it spits out 700 of these: [2012-09-24 15:04:06] ERROR[23926] astobj2.c: refcount -477 on object 0xaeb36048
18:10.34cmendes0101Hmm ok, I don't really see anything that points to what the problem is but this is probably over my head lol
18:11.16mjordancitywok: what version?
18:11.26citywokstarted on 1.8.13 so i updated to 1.8.16
18:11.33citywokand it happened twice yesterday
18:11.40mjordancitywok: looks like a ref counting problem
18:11.42citywokhappens right when a call gets originated (via AMI)
18:12.21mjordancitywok: you may want to enable ref count debugging in chan_sip:
18:12.24citywokeach time it's crashed a call was originated, the 700 refcounts get spit out, and asterisk dumps.  we make 5000 calls the same way each day, and it has been happening just about once every other day (with a nightly restart)
18:12.44mjordanwell, its definitely a problem.
18:14.30*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
18:14.30citywokmjordan: okay, enabled & recompiling.  I won't be able to load that until after production tonight, or if it crashes between now and then. :p
18:15.03citywokmjordan: if i have another crash, should i post the /tmp/refs log along with my backtrace?
18:15.53mjordanplease open an issue in JIRA when you have the ref debug log and the backtrace
18:16.39citywokis the entire backtrace needed or is it okay if i clip it?  It's many thousands of lines of the same refcount errors.
18:16.59mjordanthe whole backtrace is fine
18:17.05mjordanjust attach as a text file
18:17.18mjordanway down in the stack trace it might provide who started the whole crazy chain to nowhere
18:17.18citywokokay, good to know
18:17.56citywoki'm not sure what has changed, we haven't really made changes to our PBX in a while and this went from never happening to several times in the last 2 weeks, seemingly out of nowhere.
18:18.22citywokat least if i had an idea i could undo whatever was changed. oh well :-\
18:19.19*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
18:22.27WindBackpabelanger: i didn't find a way to change the voicemail password from the voicemail application (inside dialplan). Are you sure that it is possible?
18:31.43*** join/#asterisk nisam (nisam@
18:32.14nisamhi friends
18:32.23nisami require one help
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18:34.46Qwellnisam: just one help?
18:35.14nisami new new to asterisk..
18:36.54nisamQwell: i installed asterisk and working fine. i have created sip trunk to provider. when i am calling from sip phone i am getting forbiddon error..why..?
18:37.24*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) i require any SIP proxy server
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18:40.29nisamprovider given one user name..when i am calling from client phone to outside which user name will reach on provider side
18:42.36drmessanoThe one you set up on the peer
18:44.59*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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18:47.40nisammeans it is not my client user name..correct..?
18:48.13infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:48.18Qwellnisam: You need to read that.
18:49.38Kobazdoes IFTIME hack off the current minutes for comparison?
18:49.57KobazSet(during_hours=${IFTIME(17:00-19:00?1:0)});  [2012-09-19 19:00:14] VERBOSE[18906] pbx.c: [2012-09-19 19:00:14]     -- <SIP/pbx-sip-t1-gw1-00001ae4> Executing [1@ivrHardSurfaceNight:1] Set(during_hours=1)
18:50.02Kobazthat looks like it should be false to me
18:50.20Kobazer, current seconds rather
18:51.06Kobazi would think current time of 19:00:04 should not fall into 17:00-19:00
18:51.08nisamno no.. i am little bit confused when iam read about SIP proxy
18:51.24Kobazi wonder if IFTIME takes seconds
18:51.25nisami am a sarter
18:54.05Kobazlooks like seconds gets hacked off
18:54.16Kobazis still true
18:54.24Kobazeven if the current time is 14:53:30
18:54.54drmessanonisam: Asterisk is a B2BUA.  Your connection from your phone to your PBX and from your PBX to your provider are different.  Different peers.  The BOOK will show you how all this works
18:55.04QwellKobaz: Your syntax is...broken
18:55.34Qwelloh, god, that's terrible.
18:55.38QwellWho wrote that function?
18:55.41Qwellglares at them
18:55.44Kobazi don't know
18:55.54Kobazbut i looked at the code a few times
18:56.00Qwellno, you're right :(
18:56.03Kobazhalf the stuff you send to IFTIME doesn't work
18:56.13Kobazlike if you try and do sat|sun for days
18:56.20Kobazit thinks sun is invalid
18:56.40Kobazsat by itself works, sun by itself works
18:56.43Kobazbut sat|sun = fail
18:57.53Kobazso i think i have to to 16:59 instead of till 17:00, due to the the lack of support for seconds
19:07.33Kobazstruct ast_timing  doesn't have a field for seconds
19:08.35nisamdrmessano: thanks for your explanation. i got some points
19:09.18Kobazi->minmask[st_h * 2 + (st_m >= 30 ? 1 : 0)] |= (1 << (st_m % 30));
19:09.20Kobazi love this code
19:23.40*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
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19:44.30kresp0hi all,
19:44.30kresp0I've several asterisks using DUNDi. It works, except if I do a lookup for a number that is on the same host. why? how should I fix it?
19:44.52Kattyhi kids.
19:45.05kresp0hi :)
19:45.37KattyQwell: i have a theory.
19:47.12KattyQwell: if you could design a program, based on a set of constant variables...
19:47.44KattyQwell: such as...basic chemical reactions...
19:48.06KattyQwell: rust = iron plus 2 oxygen molecules...
19:48.25KattyQwell: rust then becmoing ${newvariable}
19:48.56KattyQwell: you could technically write a program to come up a way to reverse engineer any possible set of complex reactions
19:49.14KattyQwell: and then from that list of possible actions, likely pick the most plausible
19:50.05KattyQwell: it would require a huge database with all the reactions, possible catalysts...
19:50.38KattyQwell: ions, compounds...all those fancy special metals in the middle of the periodic table
19:51.41Qwelluh huh
19:52.21KattyQwell: well anyone, say pennacillin
19:52.31QwellI would guess such a thing would already exist.
19:52.37KattyQwell: it molecularly binds to the bacteria around the cell, changing its physical composition
19:53.10KattyQwell: but given a set of variables, a program could run through allt he statistics and present the most plausible ways of 'curing' an infection
19:53.15KattyQwell: based on it's molecular makeup
19:53.49KattyQwell: maybe.
19:53.54KattyQwell: if not, someone should write it
19:54.12Qwellsee Folding@Home
19:55.09*** join/#asterisk Luke-Jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49)
19:55.11Kattythat's hot.
19:56.51*** part/#asterisk Nemus (
19:57.10carrarno db can hold chaos
19:57.47Kattyit's not chaos.
19:57.51Kattyit's just a lot of variables.
19:57.52*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
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20:17.33scgm11anyone knows how to fix safari on mac for
20:17.43scgm11because I canĀ“t access through there
20:18.17scgm11says that the server did not accept the certificate
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20:19.32sruffellnewtonr: ^^^
20:21.39*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
20:22.19jeffspeffscgm11, try another browser?
20:22.49pabelangersruffell, that is a know issue
20:23.02pabelangerI though kpfleming fixed it though
20:23.02scgm11_yes other browsers work
20:23.03sruffellpabelanger: orly?  :/  ok....
20:23.19sruffellI didn't think any cert was required to just connect...only for certain accounts to login.
20:23.41pabelangersomething in safari does not read the apache2 configuration correctly
20:24.03scgm11try to find on google this seems to be an issue for a long time now
20:24.21scgm11but no solution yet
20:24.46pabelangerscgm11, sruffell ^
20:24.56*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
20:26.16pabelangerI think JIRA was upgrade the other week by serafie.  Might be worth checking the configuration again and see if the issue is back
20:26.22pabelangercould be wrong
20:26.54*** join/#asterisk aster1sk (
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21:15.35*** join/#asterisk fubada (
21:16.39fubadahi. i have a sweet asteirsk10 config working in a single office. so sweet that unfortunately "they" want another asteirsk box in a remote office. the two are bridged via vpn, and they want to dial extensions as if they are local
21:16.45fubadais this possible?
21:16.58Qwellsure.  IAX2 switch
21:17.10fubadawhy iax2
21:17.20fubadacant i peer my asterisks boxes with sip
21:17.22aster1skMuch simpler set up.
21:17.31aster1skIAX also only needs one port forwarded.
21:17.35QwellBecause an IAX2 switch does exactly what you want.
21:17.40fubadaokay, but does that require me to switch to iax2 for my phones also?
21:17.53QwellAsterisk is a B2BUA...
21:18.03fubadaanyone got a doc handy?
21:18.03Qwellone side doesn't care what the other side is
21:18.07infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:18.13Qwellleifmadsen: You do document that, right?
21:18.33QwellIAX2 switches
21:18.36aster1skWhoa leifmadsen haven't seen you in a while.  it's
21:18.39leifmadsenwe don't document switches
21:18.55fubadais this a hardware device or?
21:18.55leifmadsendoesn't believe in switches
21:19.27leifmadsenaster1sk: oh snap :)
21:19.44aster1skWe'll be at Gracies King / Duncan if you care to come by (round 6)
21:20.15leifmadsenaster1sk: heh I'm in Caledon now :)
21:20.33aster1skAhh too bad, welp I should pipe down as to not flood with personal things.
21:22.07tompawhates Avaya.
21:22.44aster1skLeavinrg now.
21:23.10tompawWhy make an IP phone that requires an httpd to set up? :/
21:24.53[TK]D-FenderBecause it's proprietary and you're not even supposed to know that's how it works.....
21:26.14*** part/#asterisk fubada (
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22:24.41WIMPyQwell: Switches seem to be almost non existant. The sectret features for a lucky few.
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23:54.38skrootOnce asterisk is running (1.8 on Ubuntu) how can I verify my gtalk connection is connected?
23:54.53[TK]D-Fenderuse it
23:55.23skrooti dont have the voip device hooked up or a phone yet
23:55.30skrooti didnt know if i could at least verify im that far though
23:55.37[TK]D-FenderSo have * do something with the call
23:55.49[TK]D-FenderEverything short of using = lie
23:56.07skrootalright, i gotta wait for my wife to get homwe
23:56.10skrootmy cell is my gv #

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