IRC log for #asterisk on 20120919

00:00.07*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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00:40.21*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-zdnrieqznedgbtqy)
00:47.48*** part/#asterisk keycruncher (
00:49.12*** join/#asterisk k1ng (~k1ng@unaffiliated/k1ng)
00:49.13k1ngHow to configure freepbx for username based SIP authentication? I like to give softphone users a username such as "abc1234" and pw instead of their extension number. So, they can register their client to server.
01:25.02*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
01:29.20*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
01:39.51*** join/#asterisk mzb (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
01:48.15*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (
01:48.28nickgawHi, Does anyone here know of an apt repository for debian so I don't have to go threw the full hand install as asterisk is in the main debian repository but even with contrib and non-free no freepbx?
02:04.02WIMPyk1ng: Ask in #freepbx
02:04.27WIMPynickgaw: Same
02:07.27nickgaware there normal pc's that have been built for asterisk that I can buy?
02:08.10WIMPyThat's a contradiction in itself, isn't it?
02:08.26robl^just use a normal PC for a normal PC
02:08.52WIMPyAny PC should do. Or even anything else as long as it has the resources for what you plan to do.
02:10.16robl^I've use Dell Power Edge server for high end.  Intel Atom mobo/cpu barebones systems in generic cases, even a $35 Raspberry Pi.
02:10.49nickgawwhat I meant is a computer that contains telephone cards preinstalled with both fso and fsx ports?
02:11.27WIMPySeveral companies sell Asterisk based solutions.
02:12.54robl^yes..  Rhino, Xorcom, Rockbochs (Phonebochs) are examples.  Can't say anything about how goood they are or how well they work, as I've not personally used them
02:14.12robl^there are many others as well..  just google a little ;-)
02:14.31WIMPyThe software is probably questionable, the hardware should be pretty much standard everywhere.
02:15.11nickgaware most asterisk distributions centos based are there no debian based ones or other versions of linux?
02:16.29WIMPyWhat do you want? If you wan t your favourite distro, go for it. If you don't want to do anything yourself, why do you care?
02:16.39robl^asterisk doesn't really care.  CentOS is common only due to being based on RedHat Enterprise Linux.    You can run it on any Linux, run it on BSD even.
02:17.42*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
02:18.49nickgawwhat I am trying to find is a debian based either a .deb package or a updated distribution of linux either debian or centos with newest asterisk that supports google voice.  I have looked into pbx in a flash but the kernel is old and lots of the components are outdated they even suggest not to upgrade your kernel or to the next centos release?
02:19.59WIMPyAs we found out a while ago, you shouldn't trust RedHead kernels anyway.
02:22.23nickgawtrue I am also blind and none of the centos kernels include any accessibility features like debian does.  once something is installed I can always ssh into it do set it up but like the web interface provided all images have alt texts and freepbx 2.10 does not have good accessibility.  I am setting up my own internet based phone system so I don't have to always have a land line in the house and can use my cell when needed to mak
02:23.35WIMPyAs mentioned before, if you want FreePBX, ask in #freepbx. We don't (can't) support it here.
02:25.54nickgawfor just an asterisk version would using a netbook work provided I am just using sip phones?
02:26.32WIMPyIt can even work with telephony interfaces.
02:26.58nickgawhow can that be done as you can't install any hardware into the netbook?
02:27.47SeRiWIMPy: I am curious why we shouldnt trust RedHat's kernels?
02:27.52nickgawso the normal telephone plugs into the adapter that is plugd into the usb port?
02:28.48WIMPySeRi: Because we had someone here trying to use misdn for three day without any luck until he used a kernel from
02:29.22WIMPySomething I was used to way back when Suse used to be popular. I thought those days were long gone. Obviousely not :-(
02:29.38SeRiWIMPy: ah. Ok. Thanks for the info.
02:29.51WIMPynickgaw: There are some USB interfaces available.
02:30.17SeRiI remember does days. I was a user of SuSe. I even bought it back than from compusa. Along with FreeBSD.
02:30.34WIMPySeRi: And together with RH's history of shipping broken gcc versions, they are definitely on my to avoid list now.
02:31.29SeRiWIMPy: LOL. They put food on my table. But I agree with you. I work with it day in and day out and there is a reason why I dont use it at home.
02:31.57*** part/#asterisk nickgaw (
02:32.46WIMPyI have tried some other distros from time to time, but somehow I always ended up staying Slackware. No fancy shit that backfires.
02:32.57SeRiWIMPy: amen.
02:33.04SeRiWhat version you on?
02:33.16SeRiI am waiting for 14 so I can slap it on a SSD
02:33.23SeRiI stick with stable
02:34.10SeRiI am using 13.37 and when 14 comes out I will upgrade to an SSD and slap it there
02:34.28WIMPyOn the way to 14 I ran into an pretty evil udev hiccup indeed.
02:34.38SeRiyes I am aware
02:34.42SeRieject is one of them,
02:34.54WIMPyBut I always upgrade my netbook first.
02:35.00SeRibut there is more.
02:35.07SeRihehehe smart.
02:35.27WIMPyNo, it failed to boot. So that was rather annoyiong.
02:35.50SeRiouch. There is a long thread about issues like that at linuxquestions
02:35.51WIMPyBut it was fixed the day after I tried it.
02:36.14SeRiI cant live on the edge that way. LOL
02:36.20WIMPyYes, that's why I wouldn't normally install udev on a server.
02:36.51WIMPyUntil I found out that you need it for Digium cards with HWEC.
02:37.14SeRiI see.
02:37.39SeRiwell guys nice chatting. time for bed. good old days of staying up late are long gone. :(
02:38.03WIMPyIt's already far too late.
02:38.34SeRig/n guys.
02:41.05*** join/#asterisk jrgill (~jrgill@unaffiliated/jrgill)
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05:53.10schmidtsgood morning
05:59.58*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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06:02.51krotoshi all
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07:13.19*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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07:26.51*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-mjkmbjznwsekxbnj)
07:41.46dymMorning fellows! Is it possible instead of having a MOH while beeing a queuememeber, to have just an orderly ringtone generated without having to record such a tone as MOH?
07:43.02salz212hi all, is there a possibility of getting chopped off SIP X headers when passed to different proxies?. Or if they follow standard, it should pass X headers.
07:43.04*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
07:44.16dymyou should check with your proxys maintainer
07:44.21dymits always possible
07:46.14salz212lets say I do not know about the far end proxies.. then what should I do?
07:47.57cuscodym: Queue() has a option for that
07:49.15*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:54.23*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
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07:55.38*** join/#asterisk rolandow (~roland@
07:58.24dymcusco: thanks.
08:05.44*** join/#asterisk n1x0n (
08:07.46n1x0nHello, I know it's not asterisk specific question - but anyone using it on debian sqeeze and upgraded to latest vesion from repo today ? Mine was fine for ~4 years and just broke with chan_sip not loading (unresolved symbols etc..) , was wondering if it's just mine machine then :)
08:08.44*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
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08:21.17n1x0nignore ^
08:21.22*** part/#asterisk n1x0n (
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08:23.00schmidtsn1x0n have you recompiled asterisk after updates? or do you use a debian package for it?
08:24.01schmidtslooks like there are some not recognized depandicies in the debian package
08:28.02*** join/#asterisk LgK (
08:29.09LgKI have a little problem after upgrading my asterisk, chan_sip.soi do not load anymore
08:29.45LgKI have upgraded to the on debian squeeze
08:30.00LgKError loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: sip_pvt_lock_full <== someone have an idea to fix this ?
08:30.38schmidtsLgK look here :D
08:30.54schmidtsdid you made a debian update lately?
08:32.11LgKI have exactly same problem as describe on this link
08:32.34LgKhmmm no upgrade, i have just apply the security fix on asterisk
08:33.06schmidtsit looks like an unresolved debian dependecy after the upgrade, so you can try to redo your debian upgrade, or rebuild asterisk using your own sources
08:34.17LgKi have try to remove en readd asterisk but now debian always install the last version with this f****** fix :(
08:35.12bulkorokI know why I have a test-system :-)
08:35.17salz212any one know.... which RPC asterisk use for user agent field? in sip?
08:35.54bulkorokwhat is RPC !?
08:41.04dymI just read a security announcement on the debian sec list saying that 1: fixed some DOS vulnerabilities on the AMI
08:41.14dymcould have something to do with that
08:41.25dymLgK: Whats your version?
08:41.26LgKproblem fixed temporaly
08:41.28dymThe one you upgraded to?
08:41.38LgKi have downgraded to the previous version
08:41.45dymwhat was the one you upgraded to?
08:42.35LgKif you install this version on debian squeeze, sip module don't load and asterisk don't work
08:43.14LgKneed to uninstall asterisk and asterisk-config and reinstall the previous manually asterisk_1.6.2.9-2+squeeze6 and asterisk-config_1.6.2.9-2+squeeze6
08:43.43*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:46.47dymHas been reported to list.
08:46.56dymI assume a fix will be built quite quickly.
08:50.16flinghow to join this together?
08:50.18flingexten => _XXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@metro74)
08:50.23flingexten => _8800.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@metro74)
08:50.39flingI want to simplify my dialplan
08:50.59zambaanyone experienced with polycom sip phones and provisioning/upgrading software?
08:51.17flingkaldemar: hey :p
08:51.38dymfling: Check out
08:51.54flingis checking
08:52.38flingis not # mean sharp?
08:52.53dymhash, sharp, whatever
08:53.01dymgermans have 10 words for it :D
08:53.13dym(slightly exaggerated)
08:53.32dymfling: sharp is more in a musical sense :)
08:54.01dymAmericans say pound-key
08:54.03flingdym: ok, I will call it Doppelkreuz
08:54.22dymOr Lattenzaun
08:54.50flingI will not ask about '*'
08:55.05dymPeople quite willingly accepted "star" :)
08:55.36*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
08:56.09flingdym: I have read the link and idk how to join '_XXXXXX' with '_8800.'
09:00.33flingdym: can I join it or not?
09:02.22flingChannelZ: hello
09:08.09*** join/#asterisk nismapk (nisam@
09:09.39nismapkhi experts
09:10.03*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
09:10.15nismapki require one help
09:12.50dymfling: It depends if you have more numbers to be dialed.
09:13.20dymfling: you could wildcard with _X. that would match for both. (but then agian all numbers)
09:13.58dym_8800. means 8800 + anything dialed afterwards
09:14.30dym_XXXXXX matches any 6 digit number from values 0-9
09:17.22*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
09:30.36*** join/#asterisk nisam (nisam@
09:31.14nisamhi friends
09:31.49cuscohi friend
09:32.06cuscoif  you need help, ask
09:32.16cuscodon't aks for help... ask your  real question
09:32.17nisamcan i ask one question
09:32.39cuscoand next time, don't ask to ask, just ask
09:34.32wdoekesLgK: try: apt-get install 'asterisk='
09:39.34*** join/#asterisk nisam (nisam@
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09:40.16pietrois down ?
09:40.47nisammy problem: whan i am installing asterisk, chan_mobile is not getting enabled.wat may be the pblm.?
09:42.23nisamany body there..?
09:43.19nisamhi friends
09:44.08*** join/#asterisk mcolombo (~mcolombo@
09:44.19mcolombohi all
09:46.57bulkoroknisam: can you load the module in asterisk cli? is showing error
09:48.27bulkorokso... what does it tell you?!
09:49.23nisambulkorok:Error loading  module 'chan_mobile': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
09:50.50nisami have given this command "module load chan_mobile"
09:51.12flingdym: so it is not possible?
09:51.24bulkoroktype: module load [TAB] and check if chan_mobile is listed
09:51.49mcolomboanyone say how can i enable this line  "Reason: SIP;cause=xxx;text="xxx"" in Asterisk's Cancel?
09:52.42mcolomboi don't find how can enable it in SIP cancel method..
09:53.12bulkoroknisam: or check at first that is in the modules folder of asterisk (check asterisk.conf) and if the asterisk-process is allowed to read...
09:53.23nisambulkorok: it is not there
09:53.28nisamhow can i make it
09:54.00bulkoroknisam: do you compile asterisk from source?
09:54.20nisamyes..i installed from source
09:54.47dymfling: Have you read what i wrote?
09:54.52pietrois there no news about this issue: ?
09:55.08bulkorokthen check via 'make menuselect' what dependencies are needed to compile the module
09:55.26flingdym: yes
09:56.33nisamwhen i am doing make menuselect, chan_mobile showing XXX .and not showing any dependency details
09:57.04bulkorokgo to the entrsy with the cursor... on the bottom you will see bluetooth
09:58.31nisami think i already installed bluetooth..because i am able to send file to my fone
09:58.35bulkorokso get bluetooth (maybe just the libs) and ./configure and make menuselect again
09:58.48bulkorokget the libs / devs
09:58.55bulkorokyou need the sources...
09:59.11nisamwat is the command for that
09:59.26bulkorokwhat's your distro?
09:59.36nisamCentOS 5.5
09:59.49bulkoroknever used
10:00.06bulkorokcheck your packet-manager
10:00.12nisamoh god
10:00.30bulkorokit's yum ?!
10:00.35bulkorokI think
10:00.38nisamcan you tell me pacage name is yum
10:01.55bulkorokI have a debian with aptitude and it suggests libbluetooth-dev ...
10:02.46bulkorokbut in fact... get the bluetooth-devs and ./configure and make menuselect the asterisk-source...
10:04.44nisamk..i will try now
10:04.49*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:04.57nisamthanks for suggession
10:05.07nisamwill come back to you
10:05.20bulkorokif I can help :-)
10:16.06*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
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10:24.04salz212SIP RFC question: what is the meaning of "H14.43" I could not find this clause any where .. context: "20.41 User-Agent: The semantics of this header field are defined in [H14.43]."
10:29.30wdoekessalz212: http rfc ( )
10:29.41wdoekes(and no, that wasn't immediately clear to me neither)
10:30.13wdoekesRather than repeating the syntax and semantics here, we use [HX.Y] to refer to Section X.Y of the current HTTP/1.1 specification (RFC 2616 [8])
10:33.21salz212thanks a lot.
10:35.35salz212Actually I am stuck in User-Agent grammar thing... I want to customize the User-Agent from my UAClient like an Andriode phone.. I am setting a delimiter separated 8-10 fields. But I am not sure if this packet pass through other proxies and will it remain the same or chopped off.. also what is the max length of a User-Agent header..?
10:42.31*** join/#asterisk salz212 (~chatzilla@
10:44.10salz212what is the max length of a User-Agent allowed by asterisk..? and SIP.. I have gone through RFCs but could not find the exact value, even in chan_sip has no length specified.
10:45.01*** join/#asterisk WebSprocket (
10:45.37*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
10:46.05GreenlightHowdy folks. Does Asterisk handle SRV DNS records correctly to allow failover?
10:47.27WebSprocketHey Guys, I have an issue and wondering if anyone can shine a light on it.  We have an E1 (ISDN) with different DDI for our clients to dial out with) however it doesn't include the area code on the number, I want to setup a trunk with 2 voip lines but when i send the call to them trunks i need the prefix adding onto the callerid number is there anyway to do this?
10:53.59GreenlightAccording to asterisk only reads the first SRV record, and ignores the rest - is this still the case?
11:00.00leifmadsenGreenlight: yes
11:00.43leifmadsenWebSprocket: just:   Set(CALLERID(num)=123${CALLERID(num)})
11:00.46wdoekessalz212: normally you'll want to keep the entire sip packet within 1300 bytes (including the sdp).. so that'll be a limiting factor. sure you're allowed to go bigger, but then you "should" move to tcp or suffer packet fragmentation issues
11:10.35salz212My User-Agent length won't be more than 80-100 chars
11:16.48*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
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11:58.53GreenlightHow can I view the audio/RTP IP addreses in use for a SIP call?
11:59.24GreenlightI do "sip show channel <ChanelID>" but it only shows it's own IP as the Audio IP, I want to know the remote side
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12:10.01leifmadsenGreenlight: might have to look at core show channels
12:10.08leifmadsen(try verbose on the end too)
12:10.28leifmadsenwhen looking at the sip channels, they are probably independent and don't show bridging information
12:11.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:13.12bulkorokGreenlight: do you need the info in realtime or for later use like billing?
12:21.00*** join/#asterisk nisam (3b5ab491@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:21.56nisamhi friends
12:23.58bulkorokwhat is chan_mobile doing!?
12:26.42nisami really want to connect my mobile to asterisk using bluetooth..can you help me
12:27.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
12:27.56leifmadsennote that chan_mobile is not well maintained, and is possible it won't even work well in recent versions of asterisk
12:28.16leifmadsenbut what you're looking for is chan_mobile for bluetooth interaction in asterisk
12:34.16*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
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12:39.36bulkorokas mentioned earlier,you need the header-files for bluetooth...
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12:44.51nisam_bulkrok: i have these much package. gnome-bluetooth-0.7.0-10.2.el5
12:46.15nisam_anything more required..?
12:46.15Greenlightbulkorok: Need it in realtime - I'm trying to check that the RTP stream is being correctly remotely bridged
12:47.47GreenlightHmm, does directmedia=yes overrule directrtpsetup=yes?
12:47.51*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
12:49.16GreenlightSeeing 20mbs+ traffic on a server that should not be in the RTP path and trying to diagnose why
12:49.46*** join/#asterisk sideffect (sideffect@gateway/shell/
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12:51.19bulkorokGreenlight: maybe just tcpdump to file and check with wireshark?!
12:51.52bulkorokthe Telephony menu is very useful...
12:51.59GreenlightYea got a capture running now
12:52.07GreenlightWill soon see :)
12:52.16GreenlightIt may well just be calls "ringing"
12:52.19*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
12:52.31GreenlightAs iirc the remote bridge happens upon connection, but i'm not 100% sure
12:52.36bulkorokkind of early media or sth!?
12:52.49Greenlightearly media yea
12:52.54*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-xhhcixdrvxzsgcar)
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12:53.17GreenlightBut it's making my ASA get twitchy with the number of packets and load
12:54.02*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
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12:59.05jeffspeffGreenlight, how many users do you have?
12:59.14jeffspeffalso call volume?
12:59.41Greenlight500+. 1mil/day
13:00.04jeffspeffwhat asa do you use? 5510?
13:00.27Greenlight5505 iirc
13:00.41GreenlightIt's running a little hot tho
13:01.25jeffspeffI didn't think a 5505 could handle that kind of volume
13:01.38GreenlightIt's just the SIP, not RTP
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13:01.49GreenlightRTP gets handed off
13:02.25GreenlightWell, it's supposed to...
13:03.07GreenlightMind we're planning on putting another box behind it that will be handling RTP streams, for approx 250 channels
13:03.12GreenlightSo think we'll have to upgrade
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13:08.09GreenlightAh ha - had a server set to use ulaw, so that's why remote bridging wasnt happening
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13:12.56darkdrgn2kwheni  call is transfered to an outside number over sip, does asterisk hold on to the call or is there a way to have it released from the sip trunk but still transfered?
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13:41.10[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k, You are unclear on precisely what is on the other end
13:49.21darkdrgn2ki have a sip trunk comming in
13:49.49darkdrgn2kwhen  a call comes in on that trunk. i want to forward it (from the phone) to another pstn number, the transfer will be outbound from the same trunk
13:50.08darkdrgn2kwill asterisk keep both trunk channels open durring the length of the transfered call? (IN and OUT)
13:50.34bulkorokdepends on directmedia option I would say...
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13:52.54bulkorokthe same in different versions
13:53.09darkdrgn2kso if the trunk provider allows for canreinvite im good?
13:53.25bulkorokyou must check on your asterisk
13:53.44darkdrgn2kcheck for what? canreinvite?
13:54.07bulkoroki would say so... sip.conf
13:54.20darkdrgn2kso if canreinvite=yes it wont hold the call other wise it will?
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14:07.00[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k, tons of things can force * to stay in the path : transcoding, recording, forced audio ringing, DTMF feature codes, etc.  If not, and re-invites are allowed and the provider SUPPORTS it then * would hand off the RTP
14:07.40GreenlightWhat's forced audio rining?
14:08.16darkdrgn2kfake ring tone on the lien
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14:11.34GreenlightI think the issue i'm getting is that event with directrtpsetup=yes and directmedia=yes, asterisk is remaining in RTP path until call connects, so it's handling RTP for early media
14:11.42GreenlightWhich is a lot of traffic
14:12.29GreenlightIS this by design? Should this be the case?
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14:14.23[TK]D-Fenderthre is nothing to bridge until the other side answers
14:14.33[TK]D-Fender* is not a proxy
14:14.46[TK]D-Fenderor a SIP router
14:14.50GreenlightHmm gotcha
14:15.08GreenlightThat's a pain
14:15.28GreenlightTo the tune of 20mbs load ;/
14:15.59bulkorokGreenlight: with that "much" calls I would suggest some SIPproxy or loadbalancing...
14:16.36GreenlightI'd looked at OpenSIPs, but went with Asterisk because I knew how to get it working how I wanted
14:16.51GreenlightWas happy setting it up and getting it working
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14:18.12GreenlightThis system autherises each call against a MSSQL database and also pumps CDR's back for billing purposes. What would be an alternative, opensips?
14:18.57bulkorokopensips/kamailio.... freeswitch is a good one for big installations too
14:19.29bulkorokfreeswitch has failover capability without dropping calls...
14:19.37GreenlightAnd they can be set to call database procs to autherise calls and the like?
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14:20.07bulkorokdont know exactly but I'm pretty sure...
14:20.16GreenlightOk cool, thanks, it's much appriciated
14:21.28bulkorokkamailio has some AUTH and DB modules...
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14:29.55synjuI'm hoping someone here can guide me a little bit, I am looking at using asterisk to allow clients to go through to 1 of 2 departments.. sales & support.... Now my confusion comes in where the client initially calls 1 number... my problem is now that the line becomes 'engaged' .. Do I need to contact my telecom SP and ask them for additional line usage or something? eg more than 1 call on the same line at a time....
14:30.45pabelangersynju: depends
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14:30.55pabelangerhow many channels do you have from your telco??
14:31.02pabelangerif only 1, then you can only do 1 call
14:31.14synjuso its called 'channels' ?
14:31.33synjuI'm in South Africa
14:31.40synjumy telco is Telkom...
14:31.48pabelangerso, how many calls do you want to accept at 1 time?
14:32.01pabelangerthat is how many channels you will need
14:32.41synjuWell I'm looking at offering PBX System Setups and Maintenance as a Service and Product... meaning We will set it up according to what the company (any in particular) needs.
14:33.30synjuI'm not too knowledgable about it yet but I'm investigating it and could possible hire people who are knowledgable enough to handle it.
14:33.50synjuSo I need to see how it would 'basicly' work.
14:34.31synjuAnd what I imagine is 1 or more clients would call a 'number' ... they would select an option (pre-scripted) and then go through to the desired location...
14:34.50synjuthanks for answering my question about the 'Channels' part
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14:41.11*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
14:41.17StaRetjiHowdy folks
14:41.37StaRetjican someone help me out, how to blacklist clid and dnid?
14:42.03StaRetjiI have list of clid and list of dnid which I would like to block, but don't know from where to start
14:42.24Greenlightexten => _CLI/.,1,Hangup()
14:42.51StaRetjican it read from some .txt file?
14:42.56StaRetjiI have tons :/
14:43.08GreenlightYOu could write ascript to create the dialplan
14:43.40bulkorokputting the numbers in a databse and use func_odbc
14:43.48GreenlightOr that too
14:44.01bulkorokI really like func_odbc ;-)
14:44.07StaRetjithx both, bulkorok idea is out of my knowledge
14:44.25StaRetjiand writing scripts can maybe be done
14:44.32StaRetjiyeah, hehe
14:44.45StaRetjiif I can learn in 30 minutes, that would be cool
14:44.51GreenlightYou could even use excel to write the script, if push came to shove and that's not your forté
14:45.07StaRetjiI have client and his client is killing us :/
14:45.20GreenlightIn that case
14:45.35Greenlightexten => _CLI/.,1,Playback(tt-monkeys)
14:45.40Greenlightexten => _CLI/.,n,Hangup()
14:46.58StaRetjinice one ;)
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14:49.23StaRetjiGreenlight: can you give me example for DNID also (destination number)
14:49.26StaRetjithx mate
14:49.58StaRetjiI did that, he still makes calls
14:51.04StaRetjiexten => _0000/.,1,Hangup()
14:51.05StaRetjiexten => _X.,n,NoOp(A2Billing Start)
14:51.05StaRetjiexten => _X.,n,AGI(a2billing.php,1)
14:51.05StaRetjiexten => _X.,n,Hangup
14:51.18StaRetjihe is still able to make calls
14:51.25StaRetjioh, wait, dialplan reload?
14:51.56[TK]D-FenderThat is BROKEN
14:51.59GreenlightWas just about to ask that
14:52.05[TK]D-Fender_X has no FIRST priority
14:52.19[TK]D-Fenderand the concept of where the CID match goes is backwards
14:52.43GreenlightAhh yea you're right - always get them mixed up
14:52.46StaRetjihow to block clid 0000
14:52.56Greenlightexten => ./_CLI,1,Hangup()
14:52.56StaRetjinow you lost me :)
14:53.44Greenlightexten => ./0000,1,Hangup()
14:54.02[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, So far none of those is functional.....
14:54.23StaRetjiand I applied 1 by 1 on my live server
14:54.25[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, You may want to start reading THE BOOK again....
14:54.28StaRetjibut no problem
14:54.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:54.34StaRetjiI appreciate you are trying to help
14:54.54Greenlightexten => _./0000,1,Hanguo()
14:54.59Greenlightexten => _./0000,1,Hangup()
14:55.00StaRetjiplease folks, help me :)
14:55.34GreenlightI just got the CLI and EXTEN wrong way around and missed an _
14:55.42StaRetjiwhich is now, hehe
14:55.44StaRetjilast one?
14:56.38GreenlightShould be, but I'll let [TK]D-Fender judge incase he's cruel again
14:57.22StaRetji[TK]D-Fender: what say you? :)
14:58.33[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Cruel?  Far from.  Putting out "fair warning" when I see 4 distinct mistakes in the very first field in an Exten line ... that's a public service.
14:58.56[TK]D-FenderstarWhere you put things also matters and you your mini-flood in itself isn't all of it....
14:59.04StaRetjiand thx for that, appreciated
14:59.21GreenlightWhat were the 4 mistakes?
14:59.33StaRetjiit seems I blocked all my traffic
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15:00.13GreenlightRemove the line we added, and do a reload, that'll get your traffic back
15:00.20StaRetjiwith this one exten => _./0000,1,Hangup()
15:00.29StaRetjiyes, but in both cases I'm doomed
15:00.41StaRetjineed to make it work, or I'm done
15:01.00GreenlightANd apologies for the incorrect syntax, was trying to help, but it's been a few busy months since I last did any dialplan editing and I appear to be rusty - sorry!
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15:01.22StaRetjino no, you very nice, thx for trying to help out this noob :/
15:01.34GreenlightTo block calls from CLI 0000 (is that correct CLI?) then use the last line I posted, but as [TK]D-Fender pointed out it needs to be in the correct place
15:01.45zambai need a pattern matching where i want to replace two or more 0 at the beginning of the number with '+'.. how?
15:02.14zambaof the number dialed, that is
15:02.50StaRetjiyou mean, it should work, but not in front of a2billing stuff?
15:03.41GreenlightWell you'll need to put it in the correct place, without seeing your dialplan I can't say where that is.
15:04.22[TK]D-Fenderzamba, ${somevar:2} = that var with 2 digits chopped off
15:04.59zamba[TK]D-Fender: but i don't know how many 0s there is.. it could be 3
15:05.09zambaor even 4
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15:05.30zambathe theory is that more than one 0 at the beginning of a number should be replaced with +
15:05.52zambaor maybe not even replaced, but just stripped off.. because this will indicate an attempt of dialing international
15:07.01GreenlightWhy not use a loop, and keep looping if the left most character is 0, and each iteration chop a character off
15:07.17zambaGreenlight: sure.. but i'm not that fluent with asterisk dialplan ;)
15:07.24GreenlightMe neither, apparently ;)(
15:07.28zambaGreenlight: hehe
15:07.30StaRetjiGreenlight: it seems it is working mate :) hehehe, can you give me example for DNID and will test it ;) THX!
15:07.52zambathe pattern matching looks to be '_00.X.', at least
15:07.56GreenlightStaRetji: As in, when your user dials a specific number?
15:07.58zambaif i've understood this correctly
15:08.34Greenlight_00.X. will match anything starting with 00 then anything then a number then anything again
15:08.40GreenlightSo, basically anything starting 00
15:08.52zambawhich is fine and what i want
15:09.05zambaeh.. maybe not 00 then anything
15:09.13StaRetjiGreenlight: exten => _./0000,1,Hangup() in front of a2billing
15:09.20zambait should be 00<something> or 000000<something>
15:09.41GreenlightSorry - I gotta leave the office now, catch yas later
15:09.42StaRetjiGreenlight: yes, when use dial specific number
15:09.53StaRetjiokay, cheers mate
15:10.08[TK]D-Fenderzamba, tehn you'll have to run a loop to count how many are at the front.  THEn replace them.
15:10.36zamba'_00.X.' seems to match what i want, at least
15:11.48zamba[TK]D-Fender: got an example of that?
15:12.14[TK]D-Fenderzamba, You can't use "." in the middle of a pattern.
15:12.27zamba[TK]D-Fender: seems to be working here..
15:12.37zambaexten => _00.X.,1,Noop(yo)
15:12.47zambaExecuting [004741921679@standard_sip:1] NoOp("SIP/marius-00000041", "yo") in new stack
15:12.52[TK]D-Fenderzamba, .... because EVERYTHING after the "." is ignored.
15:12.54zambaExecuting [0000004741921679@standard_sip:1] NoOp("SIP/marius-00000042", "yo") in new stack
15:13.00[TK]D-Fenderzamba, X is meaningless there
15:13.09zambaso how should i write the pattern instead?
15:13.57[TK]D-Fenderzamba, that would match 00 + 1 or more chars
15:14.31zambacan you please tell me what i should use instead?
15:14.55zambai need to match 2 or more 0s
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15:23.26[TK]D-Fenderzamba, there is no pattern for variable number of specific digits.  You need 2 or MORE.  that will match it.  Getting the exact count is something you'll do IN that basic pattern
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15:34.05zambaok, so then '_00.' is a good pattern
15:35.40*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
15:36.50TagorI upgraded Asterisk to stable on my debian pc, but now 'sip show registry' doesn't work anymore and Asterisk does not register my phonelines. Anyone know what happened?
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15:40.08TagorI get this: No such command 'sip show registry'
15:40.25TagorI'm on
15:44.16TagorAnybody? Looks like all sip commands are gone. core show help doesn't show any sip command
15:47.46[TK]D-FenderTagor, if it doesn't work then chan_sip didn't even load
15:48.04[TK]D-FenderTagor, You've either broken your configs, or your overall * install
15:48.24[TK]D-FenderTagor, "module load"
15:48.41[TK]D-FenderTagor,  see what happens when you try to load it manually
15:49.03zamba[TK]D-Fender: should i use while?
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15:52.02mcolomboHi a
15:52.04mcolombohi all
15:53.04mcolomboanybody, say how to enable the line "Reason: SIP " in SIP Cancel messages?
15:53.32mcolomboexample : Reason: SIP;cause=16;text="Normal Call Clearing"
15:59.34Tagor[TK]D-Fender: thanks! i found out there's a problem with the sip module in, rolled back to (
16:02.41*** join/#asterisk Guest39614 (yang@freenode/sponsor/cacert.assurer.yang)
16:03.39Guest39614Is it possible to have an encrypted VoIP connection to some voip uplink provider ?
16:03.54Guest39614which one sells these services ?
16:05.53pabelangerhowever, you need to share keys
16:07.52zamba[TK]D-Fender: got it working! :)
16:08.31zambacan you approve that?
16:10.29Guest39614pabelanger: do you know such provider ?
16:10.55pabelangerbut you _really_ need to trust them to do it
16:11.04pabelangersince they will have the keys and can monitor the traffic
16:11.18pabelangerif you want it secure, you need to build it yourself
16:14.27lorsungcuwat do
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16:19.53chris_nis there any reason not to use rsync to keep a warm standby * server config up-to-date?
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16:30.13danfromukIs anyone having problem with Voxbone today?
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16:41.40[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Link won't open
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16:54.32zambaoh.. what tool do you generally use for pasting?
16:55.14unicronanybody use
16:56.25[TK]D-Fenderunicron, Lots of people
17:03.36unicroni'm trying to use my asterisk server to forward calls to a toll free UK DID and i'm not sure why it's not working
17:03.53unicronerr, to forward inbound calls from the DID to a US cell phone
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17:17.07unicroni figured it out...  apparently i don't want to be sending 011
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17:25.30zamba[TK]D-Fender: but i have a strange problem.. i added a pattern match for numbers starting with '+', but this doesn't work with polycom phones
17:26.24zamba[TK]D-Fender: in the missed calls section of the polycom the numbers are listed with +47<number>.. and when i then try to call these numbers back, i get the error that the extension isn't found in the context
17:26.43zamba[TK]D-Fender: whereas, if i dial +47<number> from my softphone, it works perfect with the pattern matching i've done
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17:27.11[TK]D-Fenderzamba, I should be seeing a PASTEBIN for these calls....
17:28.14zamba[TK]D-Fender: i'll provide that tomorrow.. i'm off work now :)
17:28.40zambahere's that paste from earlier, if you're able to open links
17:29.38WIMPyHow many 0s do you want to be able to dial without effect?
17:30.00zambaWIMPy: what do you mean?
17:30.16zambaWIMPy: 2 or more 0 in the beginning of the number should be replaced with '+'
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17:30.29WIMPyYou have a loof there to remove any number of leading 0s.
17:30.43zambaWIMPy: or, rather, i add that '+' when i dial, but that loop should remove all 0s if there's 2 or more, yeah
17:30.44WIMPy"or more"?
17:31.03zambaor 3, or 4
17:31.07WIMPyIntergalactic calls?
17:31.14zambawell.. just to be sure :)
17:32.00zambabecause 00 should be international calls, and since we earlier had to prefix -all- external calls with 0 anyway, and some users are used to dialing 000, i want to include that as well
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17:32.23zambaso it's basically just two cases, 00 and 000, but might as well make it as general as possible :)
17:32.45zamba(we're switching pbx at our offices)
17:33.17WIMPyAnd how do you know if someone dialling 00... wants a nationla or an international call then?
17:33.54zambabecause 00 is the international prefix
17:34.12zamba2 or more 0s means international
17:35.14zambaof course, we have some other odd cases, which i guess is what you're getting at.. because we have some national numbers like for instance 05000.. and if i apply this pattern here and we have a user dialing 005000 like he used to, we have a problem
17:35.31zambaso i guess i need to add a new pattern for that
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17:39.13bmoraca_workHey, does Asterisk still have issues with multiple NICs?  i recall in version 1.4, it didn't work all that well.
17:40.04zambabmoraca_work: it works for me
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17:40.22bmoraca_workzamba: do you have multiple routes out each interface?
17:40.54bmoraca_worki.e., i'll have a default route out one interface and a few more specific network routes out the other interface
17:41.01zambaah, that should work
17:41.57bmoraca_worki'd hope so
17:42.15bmoraca_worki just remember a few years ago that sometimes Asterisk would send responses back out the wrong interface
17:42.37zambaone would think it'd send it to an ip and then just let the kernel handle the rest
17:43.09bmoraca_worksomething about putting the correct source IP in the SIP messages or something
17:43.55bmoraca_worki.e. one interface will be public network, the other would be private network.  the private network will not have any routing out to the public internet at all, so no way to get to the public address...aside from the other negatives of the asymmetric routing that would ensue
17:44.03bmoraca_workguess i'll just have to try it and see how it goes
17:44.37zambaright now i have two nics in my asterisk box.. one has the default route out to the world, whereas the other nic only communicates with a sip trunk
17:44.46zambaand that works
17:44.55bmoraca_workwell, that's a good sign
17:46.12bmoraca_worki'm going to be moving some of my hosted pbx customers into tunneled private networks to remove we'll see what happens
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18:20.06silvano_hi. does anyone know an open source PBX project with voicemail blasting features?
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18:25.26ChannelZYes. turn the volume on your phone up as loud as it can possibly go
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18:38.02volga629process_sdp: ignoring 'video' media offer because port number is zero Is this error can cause by codec ?
18:39.25[TK]D-Fendersilvano_, Yes there is this one called "Asterisk".  You should take a look at it...
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18:44.38silvano_[TK]D-Fender: lol, I meant something with a grafical UI, i.e. FreePBX
18:46.49specingsilvano_: I'd recommend Asterisk too
18:49.32wdoekesif you mean freepbx, you should probably look in #~
18:50.37silvano_I am trying to that wdoekes... I've been waiting for one hour already :)
18:50.42cresl1nor in ##
18:51.19silvano_so I guess nobody here uses web interfaces for their asterisk installations. That's fine then.
18:56.42specingsilvano_: nope, we are all hardcore here
18:57.00WIMPyAnd S&M.
18:57.07specingexactly :D
18:58.40*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:00.48silvano_good for you :) I'd rather give people easy tools they can use to make changes themselves so I don't have to waste my time writing configurations by hand all the time.
19:01.00*** join/#asterisk sustav_ (~vpp@nat/digium/x-nixfrkiiibszxcrg)
19:03.26silvano_give, offer, hand them a solution, allow access to... I think you can get the point.
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19:34.09danfromukIs anyone having problem with Voxbone today?
19:35.40silvano_working fine here danfromuk
19:36.29*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
19:36.44oquidavehello , why am i getting 0 modules loaded when i type module show yet when asterisk starts, it shows NOTICE[8477]: loader.c:1133 load_modules: 147 modules will be loaded.
19:36.47danfromuksilvano_: do you have any UK did's with them? We got a few that haven't been working for 48 hours now. They keep saying they've got infrastructure problems
19:37.12silvano_yes, let me check those
19:38.45*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
19:39.54silvano_I see calls coming in...
19:40.23danfromukThanks for checking
19:41.56oquidavehere's my modules.conf file
19:42.17*** part/#asterisk keycruncher (
19:44.53oquidavewhen i also check /usr/lib/asterisk/modules , there're over 70 modules there...why then is my asterisk saying 0 modules loaded?
19:50.43danfromukoquidave: this is my modules.conf and it loads fine
19:52.37oquidavedanfromuk okay, you dont have alot of noload lines
19:52.49oquidaveso perhaps i need to remove them too
19:54.01*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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19:59.23oquidaveam trying to restart asterisk and it says No such command 'restart now' (type 'core show help restart' for other possible commands) !!!
19:59.43jpsharp"core restart now"
20:00.25oquidavethat too doesn't work...No such command 'core restart now' (type 'core show help core' for other possible commands)
20:00.51leifmadsendid you type the command?
20:01.03leifmadsenor did you change the cli_permissions.conf file?
20:01.08leifmadsenwhat version?
20:01.22oquidaveAsterisk 1.8.16.
20:02.48leifmadsencore restart now -- is definitely a command :)
20:02.58leifmadsenonly thing I can think of is that cli_permissions.conf is disallow you to use it
20:03.21jpsharpIs it in a module he didn't load?
20:03.24oquidaveleifmadsen where's that file and what can i do with it
20:03.31*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
20:03.41leifmadsenoquidave: all conf files are in your /etc/asterisk/ dir
20:03.50leifmadsenjpsharp: core commands are part of the core system
20:03.54leifmadsenno modules are required
20:04.08jpsharpBuilt into the /usr/sbin/asterisk binary?
20:04.41leifmadseninto the core system of Asterisk
20:04.53WIMPyjpsharp: That's why those commands have been moved to 'core ...'.
20:05.11jpsharpI've seen weirder in systems. :)
20:05.38oquidavemeanwhile my asterisk has 0 modules loaded...perhaps it's the cause of the problem. am trying to restart the server
20:07.09jpsharpmight just have to nuke it from orbit with kill.
20:07.16*** join/#asterisk af_ (
20:07.55oquidavebut it says load_modules: 182 modules will be loaded. when starting!!!
20:08.16oquidavelet me post my module.conf file
20:08.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:08.19leifmadsensounds like problems with your conf files
20:08.31leifmadsenjust reset the modules.conf file and use autoload=yes
20:08.38WIMPyOr some module has some problem starting.
20:08.43WIMPy(the first)
20:09.43oquidaveleifmadsen>  i am using autoload=yes
20:16.09*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:16.49oquidavecould it be a file permission issue? i created a user called asteriskpbx and a group asteriskpbx and changed the file permission of the asterisk file system to be owned by asteriskpbx:asterisk as advised in the asterisk book e.g...-rwxr-xr-x 1 asteriskpbx asteriskpbx 4687189 Sep 17 15:58
20:21.17*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
20:21.38oquidaveshouldn't i just re-install asterisk all togather?
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20:28.37retentiveboyAnyone know how to adjust the digit map on a Digium D40 once it's configured for use with Switchvox?  It's not handling 10-digit dialing as expected.
20:29.19*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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20:40.03pabelangerinfobot: !
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21:00.14retentiveboypabelanger: my irc foo is lacking...  was that directed at me?
21:00.47pabelangerinfobot: snack
21:00.47infobotACTION belches loudly. Oup, 'begpardon.
21:01.00pabelangerinfobot: !
21:01.16pabelangerretentiveboy: yes, contact Digium for support
21:01.46retentiveboypabelanger: will but they take *forever*.
21:06.08*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
21:08.03infobotIf you say tset I will not be happy
21:08.15cusco~listvalues *digium*phone*
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21:32.54oquidavei still don't get why my modules aren't loading....i've set the right file permission e.g drwxr-xr-x 2 asteriskpbx asteriskpbx 12288 Sep 17 15:58 modules, for the module.conf file -rw-r--r-- 1 asteriskpbx asteriskpbx 1286 Sep 19 22:58 modules.conf and asterisk is running as asteriskpbx 1001      9611 99.8  0.2  16768  6348 pts/1    Rl+  00:11  23:28 /usr/sbin/asterisk -gvvvc
21:33.05oquidaveso what is really wrong?? please help
21:33.57oquidaveam running asterisk as a non-root user
21:34.10WIMPyDoesn't it give any clue when you start it with -cvvvdddd
21:34.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:34.36mzbasterisk is a member of the asteriskpbx group?
21:35.19oquidavemzb yes it is
21:35.41mzbchange your group permissions on the file and see if it works
21:36.13WIMPyWho needs the group if it's the right user?
21:36.46mzbbecause 'asterisk' is the user, but the file is owned by 'asteriskpbx' user
21:36.57specingsu -s /bin/bash asterisk and see if it works
21:37.10specingif the file is readable/writeable/whatever, that is
21:38.16oquidavespecing what does su -s /bin/bash asterisk do?
21:38.41specingoquidave: makes your machines halt and catch fire
21:40.05oquidavespecing your kidding...anyway i've done that and it has droped me to the asteriskpbx user
21:42.20*** part/#asterisk cresl1n (~Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
21:47.38mzbunless you have *some* diagnostic skills, running as root achieves nothing and is more likely to make your permissions issue worse
21:56.58oquidavemzb  so what do you suppose i do?
21:57.23mzbwhat I said before you were distracted
21:58.28oquidavemzb changing my group permissions? to what?
21:58.52mzbto anything that works
21:59.13mzbif it still doesn't work then you're probably barking up the wrong tree
21:59.26mzbie: got other issues that need fixing first
22:00.12oquidavelike what? i thought you change file permissions, not group permissions...anyway can u give an example
22:00.30mzbchmod g+rwx
22:00.37mzbsorry, but you're going to have to do all the heavy lifting for yourself as I've got to start work now
22:02.10oquidavemzb thanks though
22:05.20*** join/#asterisk DropsOfSerenity (
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22:50.13navaismoWith the help of asterisk, usb sound card & Raspberry Pi you can emulate an IP DoorBell cheaper than Helios or ITS Pantel
22:53.34jpsharpAnd if they had added sound input on the RasPI, you wouldn't even need the USB card.
22:55.43navaismoonly have output
22:56.00navaismodont know if in rev 2 they added Input
22:56.10volga629ccss.c:936 ast_set_ccbs_available_timer: 0 is an invalid value for ccbs_available_timer. Retaining value as 4800 what is mean this message ?
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23:08.17volga6292012-09-19 19:08:00] WARNING[23500]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2143 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short ?
23:13.02*** join/#asterisk doug (
23:13.14douganyone know of a good web front-end for conference calls (on asterisk, acourse)?
23:18.31*** part/#asterisk doug (
23:31.41navaismovolga629,  in the mailist say this and
23:33.13volga629Orrrrrrrrrrr this look like duplex or bad cable
23:33.48*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
23:38.37volga629ignoring 'video' media offer because port number is zero
23:42.25volga629navaismo thank you
23:43.18*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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