IRC log for #asterisk on 20120912

00:00.27navaismoor use fail2ban or similar tool
00:00.31navaismodatarecal, ^^
00:02.32jpsharpapurvtwr: Are you trying to use gtalk with the configs I gave you?
00:03.05knarflyOkay what was the trick to get Music on Hold working. I have dahdi setup and it worked before, but tonight I can see that the music starts but I can't hear anything.
00:04.03apurvtwri tried that .. but it wasn't working. so started looking up the web for the res_jabber and chan_gtalk that you talked about
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00:05.07apurvtwrnow .. with navaismo input i finally just now managed to call gtalk to phone.
00:06.16apurvtwrthat is.. if I originate call from gtalk then it is received on my SIP phone. but I also want to call from my phone and receive that on SIP
00:07.03apurvtwri have exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/1000,20,D(:1)) in my google-inbound context
00:08.05apurvtwrthe guy giving in the video said that google needs a DTMF input '1' to start the call.. so this strange looking command really just waits for 20 secs for my SIP to pick up
00:08.20apurvtwrand if it does it sends 1 itself
00:08.36apurvtwri am calling it strange because I just installed asterisk 3 days back
00:08.45*** part/#asterisk qbx (~qbx@unaffiliated/qubix)
00:08.47apurvtwrmight be very common command ;-)
00:09.48navaismoseriously IM getting crazy trying to compile the dahdi module in the raspi, so I have downloaded the rpi-patches sources, then edited some files in the kernel directory 3.5.2-3.fc17.armv5tel
00:10.10navaismobut the raspi insist in use the 3.1.9 kernel on reboot
00:10.10navaismoso the dahdi module still unavailable
00:10.25navaismoany basic compilations hints?
00:11.19apurvtwrnavaismo: I do have a SIP registered as 1000.. are you hinting that there might be a problem with SIP/1000?
00:11.35apurvtwror just giving me a pointer to Dial command?
00:12.08navaismojust giving a pointer to the dial command usage and options
00:12.24apurvtwrhm. i see. thanks :-)
00:13.14apurvtwranyway. I will give this inbound thing one more shot. navaismo thanks a ton. I had been struggling for hours.
00:14.52WIMPyDoes SIP allow for a 100 Trying after a 183 Session Progress?
00:17.40carrarWIMPy, only if you are sending a NEW unrelated call :)
00:17.45WIMPyThought so.
00:18.23carrarthe onyl response will be a ACK after a 200 OK
00:19.37carrarcould send a RE-INVITE
00:19.47WIMPyIt ended with a busy after an inband busy.
00:19.50carrarwhich would make a new 100 trying in  return
00:25.30WIMPyAlso it seems trange to send an 100 Trying before a 407 Porxy Authentication Required.
00:26.51carraryeah that would be strange
00:27.11carrarHow can you send a call without first being authenticated (if that is required to do so to send a call)
00:27.48carrarthough technically, registering is really for people to find you
00:27.57carrarnot so much for you to send a call
00:28.02carrarhowever that is used that way also
00:28.04WIMPyNFI. Sofia-sip/1.12.11 seems to think it's a good ide.
00:28.23WIMPyThat was on INVITE, not on register.
00:28.49carrar407 is in response to a REGISTER or INVITE?
00:29.35WIMPyThe full call was >INVITE <100 Trying <407 AuthReq >ACK >INVITE <100 Trying <183 Progress <100 Trying (pause with inband busy) <486 Busy
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00:45.59carrarWimpy, it is ok to send a 100 trying
00:46.13*** part/#asterisk Solarbaby (
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00:46.38carrarthat just stops the additional INVITES
00:46.40WIMPyThe first or the third?
00:46.54carrarthen the UAS can send a 407
00:47.03carrarbut if can also just send a 407 also
00:47.19carrartypically more so then often  you just send a 407
00:47.26WIMPyOk, so that for authentication schemes that might take some time?
00:47.54carrarif you have to go look it up
00:47.57carrarand that takes time
00:48.01carrarjsut fire  back a 100
00:48.09WIMPyYes, makes sense.
00:48.09carrarto stop the INVITES from continually coming in
00:48.28WIMPyBut that's certainly not going to happen on a soho pbx.
00:48.30carraralso lets them know you "hear them" :)
00:49.44carrarI think the rule of thumb is 200ms
00:49.55knarflywhat does facility not subscribed error message mean?
00:50.01carrarif you're going to take more then 200ms to figure it out
00:50.04carrarsend a 100
00:50.56*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
00:51.05carrarknarfly, ISDN error?
00:51.40WIMPyIAX register
00:51.59WIMPyAnd that doesn;t mean anything to me.
00:52.02carrarno idea about IAX
00:52.12knarflycarrar: but I don't have * server is on my LAN
00:52.21carrarbut for ISDN it means the circuit probably isn't completely setup
00:52.49knarflyX-Lite works fine but Zoiper is having troubles
00:53.05carrardon't use zoiper ;)
00:53.19knarflywhy didn't I think of that   8-)
00:53.38WIMPyIt could be a supplementary service only available as a paid option.
00:53.40carrarWhats the SIP error with Zoiper?
00:53.46carrarnot registering?
00:53.49*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
00:53.54knarflyI like Zoiper....X-Lite now comes with builtin commercials
00:54.06carrarcoutner path is so easy to use
00:54.09carrarcounter path
00:54.11WIMPylikes zoiper as well.
00:54.46carrartry blink
00:54.58knarflyit registers but then when I try to call it says that host failed to authenticate
00:55.23carrarso client isn't setup correctly perhaps
00:55.28WIMPyCann you call the other way?
00:55.32carrarneeds to do proxy auth
00:55.40WIMPyI thought it happened when registering.
00:55.56knarflyI've double checked the account settings...paswd is ok, username is ok
00:56.06WIMPyBut if it registers and only calls fail it might just be a bad message for a codec issue.
00:56.11*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
00:56.15knarflyI can't call it from the console either...let me try again
00:56.43carrarWhere did you put the SIP TRace?
00:56.48carrarI must have missed it
00:57.33knarflyconsole dial 201
00:57.34knarflyNo such extension '201' in context 'default'
00:57.55knarflymy default context is empty as I was warned not to setup anything in default
00:58.23WIMPyGood idea.
00:58.30WIMPySo specify the correct context when calling.
00:58.56carrarusing free zoiper or zoiper biz?
00:58.57knarflyhow do I do that from the console...what is the syntax?
00:59.06knarflycarrar: FREE!
00:59.11carrarOF COURSE!
00:59.23WIMPyshould be @context
00:59.26knarflyI'm a cheap MF
01:00.04knarflyhow do I dial the correct context from the console?
01:00.51knarflybut I learned my lesson about buying Grandstream phones too!  Don't do it unless you want bricks laying around
01:01.09carrareveryone has to have one laying arounf
01:01.22carrarI got one in the basement with a sidecar someplace
01:01.35WIMPyI have an Allne 7960 instead.
01:01.54*** join/#asterisk brdude (
01:02.09WIMPyThe 7950 was usable, the 7960 is not.
01:02.20carrarI have never seen a 7950
01:02.21knarflythanks...console dial 201@internal got a ring in my headphones and I answered the call...of course the console can't talk back to myself...I will attempt to transfer it now
01:02.43knarflyStill need to get the MOH working like it was before...I likes that feature of Asterisk
01:03.02WIMPychannel originate 201@internal application sayunixtime
01:10.44knarflyWIMPy: that doesn't work...I get a long useage text
01:11.21WIMPyErr, right.
01:11.35WIMPyThat should be iax2/peername instead of the extension.
01:11.54WIMPyor loopback/...
01:12.43*** join/#asterisk iamcorbin (
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01:12.55*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
01:21.03iamcorbinI'm brand new to asterisk and trying to get a simple google voice account setup, is this the only reference for doing so: ?
01:24.27*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (~ZX81@
01:24.41*** join/#asterisk drcode (~user1@
01:24.46drcodehi all
01:24.48drcodewhats up
01:25.11drcodeI am trying to use linphone h264 with asterisk , is it possible?
01:26.45drcodeit seems that no video
01:26.59WIMPyDid you allow video?
01:27.10drcodeI am using elastix
01:27.52drcodeI need to speak or somthing?
01:27.57knarflyWIMPy: channel originate iax2/201 application sayunixtime just times out after 30 reply from the extension, no ring
01:28.08drcodemybe it dosnt start the video , I am using video conf
01:28.57WIMPyknarfly: But console dial works?
01:30.37knarflyWIMPy: that's affirmative
01:31.15knarflybut there is no sound card in this server so I get loads of "Unable to open DSP device /dev/dsp:" messages on the CLI
01:31.28WIMPyInteresting. What do you do at extension 201 other than Dial(iax2/201)?
01:31.57knarflyI'd like to have 201 answer the call and then console transfer it to extension 600???
01:32.41knarflyWIMPy: I'm trying to setup a method for my client in Toronto to call me when we need to discuss biz using my Asterisk server.
01:33.28WIMPyoriginate can be used with an extension as well.
01:33.40WIMPyBut maybe we should look back at the original issue.
01:34.02WIMPySo registering works and receiving calls also works, but no outgoing calls?
01:35.11knarflythat's about it...I don't understand why it will register but then the system says the host failed to authenticate...can't call voicemail extension or do an echo test...etc.!
01:35.22drcodedose asterisk video conf work good?
01:35.29drcodewith h264?
01:35.40WIMPyDid you check codec configurations?
01:35.57WIMPydrcode: There's no real video conference.
01:36.16drcodeI see
01:36.35drcodeif I have ext mcu
01:36.53drcodecan I forward registered users to ext mcu?
01:36.55knarflyI'm all green on that...I know that I had this working about a year ago. When I lost my job i let it go to retrain for other tasks. I'm dusting it all back off as I now have a use for it
01:37.30WIMPySomething must have changed.
01:38.38knarflyFreeBSD-8.2-STABLE to FreeBSD-8.3-STABLE...but that really shouldn't have upset the cart so much. If X-Lite works right out of the box I can't understand why Zoiper is not
01:39.18WIMPyYou're using two different protocolls.
01:39.31*** join/#asterisk jrgill (~jrgill@unaffiliated/jrgill)
01:40.07knarflyYes, but even with SIP on Zoiper is still has the same issue...btw this is a much newer version of Zoiper
01:41.05knarflyI was able to do an echo test using SIP with Zoiper using I couldn't hear any of the other calls to my client, nor could he hear me.
01:41.21WIMPyErr, you get the same message on both iax and sip?
01:43.26*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
01:44.15knarflySIP on Zoiper with different account:   Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 101
01:44.36knarfly101 has a mailbox...I used to use it all the time
01:44.47WIMPyThat's notmal if you don;t have a mailbox defined.
01:45.10WIMPyThat peer obviousely hasn't.
01:47.58knarflyOK the echo test went perfect although this microphone on this headset has got to go. I will try this again tomorrow when I dig out the one and only Grandstream phone which their f&^%$##@ firmware upgrade didn't brick.
01:48.09knarflythat was using SIP on Zoiper
01:48.36*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
01:48.46knarflythe iax account is still failing to authenticate
01:49.28knarflybut the cli says  Registered IAX2 '201' (AUTHENTICATED) at
01:50.37drcodethnx WIMPy
01:51.51*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
02:04.19knarfly[Sep 11 22:03:39] NOTICE[1278]: chan_iax2.c:10894 socket_process: Host failed to authenticate as 201
02:04.36knarflyhows that for a contradiction of terms
02:05.58knarflygoes off to have sex with Heidi Klum 8-)
02:09.04*** join/#asterisk kayfox (
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02:50.07iamcorbinI'm new to asterisk and using this setup ( ) to try and get google voice working but I am not receiving any incoming calls and outgoing calls just give an extension error. Anyone have any advice on how to proceed or other resources to look at?
02:57.48[TK]D-FenderYou should probably SHOW us this complete call with the error so we have something to at least guess with...
02:57.50infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:59.45*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
03:03.16iamcorbinI just changed the setting in gmail to "Only allow people that I've explicitly approved to chat with me and see when I'm online." and now I'm getting a bunch of XMPP received from 'google' message in the asterisk CLI
03:03.22iamcorbinbut still not receiving calls
03:08.44jpsharpdoes "jabber show connections" show you properly registered?
03:09.00iamcorbinhere are the messages I'm getting :
03:09.01jpsharpand does "gtalk show sheddings" show the right data?
03:09.07jpsharper, "gtalk show settings"
03:09.32iamcorbinis there a way to stop all those XMPP messages
03:09.35iamcorbinI'm getting flooded
03:09.43ChannelZyeah turn off jabber debug
03:09.50ChannelZjabber set debug off
03:10.27iamcorbinjabber doesn't work, but xmpp set debug off worked
03:10.35iamcorbinand xmpp show connections shows that I am connected
03:10.41ChannelZoh are you using v11 beta?
03:10.44jpsharpOh, you're using 11
03:10.54iamcorbinI compiled it earlier
03:11.01jpsharphasn't been that masochistic yet.
03:11.33iamcorbinlol, I read I needed it for google voice
03:11.49ChannelZGV works in other versions
03:11.54jpsharpI use 10.3.1
03:12.05ChannelZI ran it under 1.8
03:12.26ChannelZThey've just redeveloped it a bit in 11
03:12.45ChannelZThere was a confusing period of Jabber and Jingle and GTalk
03:12.59iamcorbinI'm new to all of this
03:13.20ChannelZso anyway it seems to be talking to your account
03:13.30iamcorbinwhat are all those debug messages?
03:13.41ChannelZmostly presence messages
03:14.04iamcorbinso how could I further debug why it isn't getting the incoming calls?
03:14.39ChannelZwell first do you have verbose turned on a little?  And then what happens, any errors or you get no traffic at all?
03:15.05iamcorbinevery once in a while I get: res_xmpp.c:3087 xmpp_pak_presence: Received presence information about '' despite not having them in roster on client 'google'
03:15.30iamcorbindifferent though
03:15.51iamcorbinall WARNING[31596] though
03:16.33iamcorbinI'm running CLI with asterisk -vvvr
03:16.34ChannelZYeah that's probably just buddies.  Like I assume this is an existing Google account you are using
03:17.02ChannelZI believe it's basically saying "I just got status from a person I don't know about"
03:17.15iamcorbinok, it didn't seem like that was the problem
03:17.24ChannelZIs your Google Voice account setup to receive calls, or is it forwarding them to some other number?
03:17.36iamcorbinit receives calls
03:17.41iamcorbinit is the only number I have
03:17.54iamcorbinI cancelled my sprint account a couple months ago and ported my number to GV
03:18.28*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:18.31iamcorbinI've been using a couple different android apps to make and receive calls (but usually can't answer them, so that's why I'm setting asterisk up)
03:18.38ChannelZok so what happens when someone calls that number?  Just nothing?
03:18.54iamcorbinit rings if I have one of the third party apps open on my android
03:19.03iamcorbinor if I'm on gmail on my laptop
03:19.07ChannelZI mea on the Asterisk console, you see absolutely nothing?
03:19.20iamcorbinwith xmpp debug off or on?
03:19.50ChannelZwell either really
03:19.57iamcorbinnothing with it off, trying again with it on
03:20.39iamcorbinI can't tell if any of the messages in debug are any different
03:20.48iamcorbinno different errors though
03:21.20iamcorbinor WARNINGS rather
03:21.50*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
03:23.58ChannelZwell you should get some sort of <iq> message with your number listed in there as an initiator, etc
03:25.34iamcorbinjust copied all the debug "<iq>" message
03:25.51iamcorbinand no ""
03:25.53ChannelZI'm not sure what to suggest besides 'check your config', having not run v11 and being that it is beta I'm not sure if it's known working/not working
03:26.21ChannelZI assume you just followed the configs from
03:26.31iamcorbinthe config I'm using is :
03:31.18ChannelZif you're not getting any significant XMPP messages on a call, either it's not registering to Google correctly or Google is not sending the messages to you for reasons unknown
03:33.40iamcorbinalright, thanks for the advice
03:34.21ChannelZThat you're getting presence info at least says you're talking to them
03:34.54ChannelZI'd just double check your Google Voice settings that it is indeed set to forward calls to your Google Chat at that gmail address
03:35.16iamcorbinI just saw a <iq> line
03:35.24iamcorbinbut I wasn't getting a phone call as far as I know
03:35.52ChannelZwell there are many iq messages
03:36.16*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
03:37.12ChannelZan incoming call should be something like <iq from="" .... > and then there's a <ses:session type="initiate"> and a few others
03:38.27ChannelZI should build 11 at home for the hell of it
03:38.59iamcorbinoh wait, I am getting an iq error:
03:42.43*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
03:43.07iamcorbinit doesn't seem to be giving that every time I call though
03:43.38hrolfHi # asterisk, I'm trying to connect two Asterisk boxes through SIP trunking and it works one way, i.e. from serverA to serverB but when I call from serverB to serverA then it gives error "chan_sip.c:18458 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to ..."
03:45.11ChannelZboth sides need a configured peer
03:45.54carrarand perhaps some BEER
03:46.22iamcorbinbeer with a peer
03:46.55hrolf Config and SIP trace of one end
03:47.06hrolf another machine
03:47.20hrolfI have configured peer but works one way and not the other way
03:48.15iamcorbinlooks like those <iq> errors weren't coming from my calls they are poping up occationally without me calling myself from another phone
03:49.50ChannelZyeah because whatever server peer 1101 is is rejecting it (
03:50.53ChannelZIt looks like it's asking you to authenticate but you have no secret or anything configured for that peer so it just fails
03:51.15ChannelZThe other server should be complaining in a different (and probably more informative) way
03:52.15iamcorbinChannelZ: was that message for me?
03:52.21ChannelZno sorry
03:53.07ChannelZBut to you, I'm compiling v11 though and will see if I can switch over without many config changes, see if it works for me..
03:53.18iamcorbinalright, awesome!
03:53.39iamcorbinwhich version are you using right now?
03:57.16hrolfChannelZ: You mean I should add username= and secret= ?
03:58.15ChannelZWell presumably yes but the point being that it's not authenticating on the other side for whatever peer it's matching over there
03:58.36ChannelZwe're only seeing half of the picture so I can't say for sure what the other side is doing
03:58.53hrolfChannelZ: The username and secret should be same for both peers, right?
03:59.26hrolfChannelZ: I have pasted the SIP trace and configuration of the other side too.
03:59.35hrolf first
03:59.42hrolf second
04:00.06ChannelZoh I missed it sorry
04:02.31ChannelZSo it's presumably supposed to match the "avaya" peer based on the IP but it's not because it's coming from "101"
04:03.35ChannelZI think the way you have it now if you changed the [avaya] to type=friend it would match by IP and work
04:03.49ChannelZerrr sorry type=user
04:03.57hrolfLet me try
04:05.18hrolfChannelZ: Nope, same error.
04:05.34ChannelZI'm also not sure what your registersip=yes is, that's not an option I've ever heard of
04:05.53ChannelZhmm isn't the machine you're trying to call from?
04:06.13hrolfYes, .5 is the machine I'm calling from and .114 is the target.
04:06.14ChannelZoh... actually you do have a peer called 101 too it's probably matching that one
04:06.35ChannelZyou have some cross-config happening here
04:07.16hrolfYes, .114 have three SIP extensions, 1) avaya type=peer, 2) 100 and 3) 101 both type=friend.
04:08.20hrolfChannelZ: I removed the two peers and it worked.
04:08.24hrolfChannelZ: Strange?
04:08.27ChannelZyeah you have two matching peers
04:08.34ChannelZit was actually matching the [101] one
04:08.40ChannelZI missed the line in the paste
04:08.41ChannelZFound peer '101' for '101' from
04:08.56ChannelZHowever that peer has a secret, but your calling machine did not (thus the auth fail)
04:09.09hrolfChannelZ: How is it doing the matching?
04:09.24ChannelZwell that's what the peer type= does
04:09.57ChannelZeither by IP, by the From: or by a bit of both.  The docs are terrible
04:10.28hrolfChannelZ: It isn't documented?
04:10.34ChannelZIt is, poorly
04:11.02ChannelZI can never remember which is which and the sample sip.conf is pretty much wrong
04:11.41ChannelZI believe type=user matches by the From: header, type=peer matches by IP, and type=friend tries to match a From: first and then an IP failing that.
04:12.26ChannelZBut you had two peers that could possibly match, [101] by From: and [avaya] by the static IP you had in there
04:12.57ChannelZand it was matching that one first
04:13.23ChannelZ("that one" being 101)
04:13.56hrolfChannelZ: I see.
04:14.42hrolfChannelZ: Anyways, thanks. Was stuck on it the whole day (yesterday.)
04:16.32*** join/#asterisk Nemus (
04:18.40*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
04:20.35ChannelZiamcorbin: well my dialplan crashed and burned but I at least got a slew of messages when I tried to call
04:21.13iamcorbinis yours quite different from : ?
04:22.03ChannelZnot much.  Perhaps you should pastebin your xmpp.conf and motif.con (blank your password)
04:23.31ChannelZinteresting.. now it's NOT working.
04:25.29ChannelZI seem to be receiving an identical call setup message but Asterisk is sitting doing nothing.
04:26.38ChannelZreloaded.. call 1 worked..
04:26.52ChannelZcall 2 worked
04:26.57ChannelZnow it seems fine
04:28.29iamcorbinand my xmpp.conf and motif.conf?
04:28.53ChannelZthey look ok, but let me try one thing
04:30.37ChannelZin your xmpp.conf, change [default] to [general] - dunno if that's busting the parser or what
04:31.24ChannelZI think it is
04:31.35iamcorbinoops, that is already [general]
04:31.42iamcorbinI typed that line in
04:31.49iamcorbinsince there are lots of comments between them
04:31.50ChannelZin the patebin you mean?
04:31.58iamcorbinyeah, that was a typo in pastebin
04:32.54*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
04:32.58iamcorbinand all the things under [default] in motif.conf were already there, I only added lines [google] on
04:33.14iamcorbindo I need to change any of those defaults?
04:34.10ChannelZnot necessarily no.  I have none at the moment
04:34.12*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-bckijnifwimtlbmd)
04:35.12iamcorbinI'll try commenting them
04:35.18iamcorbinhow do you reload xmpp.conf?
04:35.38ChannelZmodule reload res_xmpp
04:36.39ChannelZremove priority=1
04:37.05ChannelZwell no that's not it.  This thing is just generally misbehaving.
04:37.13ChannelZDon't bother reloading, stop asterisk completely.
04:37.19*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
04:37.21ChannelZThe module seems to sort of die or something.
04:38.58iamcorbinso it's not working for you either?
04:40.24ChannelZno, it is now
04:41.05*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
04:41.20ChannelZIn playing around trying to break it, the module seemed to just konk out.  When I'd do a core stop, it'd quit but then I'd see an asterisk task running still
04:41.52ChannelZbut it's all working now
04:41.57iamcorbincore stop doesn't work for me
04:42.00iamcorbinhow do I shut it down?
04:42.05ChannelZcore stop gracefully
04:42.19ChannelZthen   ps ax |grep asterisk   and make sure it's not still hung
04:42.50*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
04:42.59iamcorbinit is still running
04:43.07iamcorbinbut I go to kill {process number} and it changes numbers
04:43.16ChannelZkillall asterisk
04:43.22ChannelZare you running safe_asterisk
04:43.31iamcorbinthat was just the grep command
04:43.35iamcorbinit is stopped
04:44.11iamcorbinand then I'm starting it running just "asterisk" and then "asterisk -vvvr" is that proper?
04:45.34ChannelZit's fine
04:45.47ChannelZI forgot it starts detached by default
04:48.33iamcorbinanything else different between our confs?
04:49.35ChannelZNot really.  Mine are clean though, not with the sample junk.  And I don't have the template in xmpp.conf
04:49.50*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
04:52.15iamcorbinand those are your entire files?
04:53.49iamcorbinI'll try getting rid of all the extra junk in mine
04:54.03ChannelZDo you have any other devices logged in to that account at the same time?  IMs, apps on your phone...
04:54.22*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
04:54.39iamcorbingoogle talk has been logged in
04:54.57iamcorbinthat's just txt though
04:55.05iamcorbinwould that matter?
04:55.35ChannelZdunno, maybe.  I'm just not sure why it wouldn't be sending you an xmpp on a call
04:56.08iamcorbinwhat does your xmpp look like when it receives?
04:56.19ChannelZI know it's a stupid question but that is really the gmail account associated with your Google voice number,right?
04:57.05iamcorbinyep, only have one gmail account
04:58.15*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
05:04.18iamcorbinok, so I'm looking for an initiate or a telephone-event?
05:06.06ChannelZwell yeah it's the first giant <iq> message you should get
05:08.12*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
05:11.31iamcorbin::smacks head::
05:11.35iamcorbinsorry to waste your time
05:12.06iamcorbinI just went into my list of running apps on my nexus 7 and killed all google things
05:12.11iamcorbinsomething was intercepting it
05:12.19iamcorbinit comes in and connects and is working now!
05:12.35iamcorbinI also trimmed down the configs
05:13.15iamcorbinnow I just need to figure out how to get outgoing working
05:13.30iamcorbinit gives me an extension error, but I'm assuming I'm missing something in my config
05:14.28iamcorbincan I see your outgoing GV extension?
05:15.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:16.36ChannelZsorry doing other things
05:16.49iamcorbinno prob
05:16.59ChannelZI don't have one, but you should basically be able to Dial(motif/google/12345)
05:17.22iamcorbinthen how would I set that up to be able to dial any number from my sip phone?
05:17.35iamcorbinI don't know enough about dialplans yet
05:17.36ChannelZmotif being the channel tech, google is the account (which is [google] in your configs) and 12345 is the number to dial, which probably has to be formatted as 1xxxXXXxxxx or something
05:18.06iamcorbinI get that I can call Dial in extension.conf but how do I send that from my SIP phone?
05:18.13ChannelZwell something like   exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(Motif/google/1${EXTEN})
05:18.23iamcorbinusing the Xs?
05:18.34ChannelZyeah, N and X are patterns
05:19.10iamcorbinoh ok
05:19.45*** join/#asterisk jrgill (~jrgill@unaffiliated/jrgill)
05:20.12iamcorbinthe "Calling using Google" doc gives: exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(Motif/google/${EXTEN},,r)
05:20.18iamcorbinthat's what I'm trying to use
05:20.41iamcorbinI made an [outgoing-motif] section under [incoming-motif] in extensions.conf
05:21.13iamcorbinso I need to link that to a SIP phone somehow?
05:22.05ChannelZwell that extension has to exist in whatever context the device you're using is in
05:22.48iamcorbinalright, I'm doing that completely wrong then
05:23.44iamcorbindoes that '_' mean I have to dial a '_'
05:23.49ChannelZhmm this beta is flakey
05:24.01ChannelZno _ means "this extension is a pattern"
05:24.20*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
05:24.23ChannelZwhich makes X mean "any number 0-9"
05:24.35iamcorbinand N?
05:25.20iamcorbinthere we go
05:25.23iamcorbinjust needed to dial 1
05:26.40iamcorbinsweet, all good now. Thanks for the help
05:27.41*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:30.29*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
05:30.39flingit just started to work
05:30.43fling15 minutes ago
05:30.52flingpeer is reachable and registered
05:31.05flingI did not touched it 2 days
05:31.24fling[Sep 12 12:15:03] NOTICE[4233]: chan_sip.c:13139 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for 'xxx' timed out, trying again (Attempt #8624)
05:31.36fling[Sep 12 12:15:16] NOTICE[4233]: chan_sip.c:20798 handle_response_peerpoke: Peer 'xxx' is now Reachable. (118ms / 2000ms)
05:31.43flingit is a miracle! :p
05:31.45ChannelZYou must have Official Soviet Russia Internet
05:31.53flingChannelZ: yes
05:32.14ChannelZ(are you really in RU?)
05:32.21ChannelZoh ahahahah
05:32.23flingпривет, я из России
05:32.25ChannelZI was just being mean
05:32.29ChannelZwho knew!
05:32.29flingChannelZ: woot?
05:32.45ChannelZsorry no offense
05:32.49flinghehe :p
05:33.10ChannelZI guess I shouldn't knock russian internet, it seems to work OK based on the amount of spam I get from *.ru hosts... :|
05:33.17*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
05:33.37flingChannelZ: I have a lots of spam too, still learning my spamassassin from a honeypot
05:34.28flingChannelZ: the only change I made two days ago is iptables rule on all of my routers > -A FORWARD -i metro -o some_tunnel -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
05:35.09*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
05:35.11flingChannelZ: may it be related to the miracle? :p
05:37.37ChannelZhard to say
05:38.11ChannelZif a bad entry got stuck in the NAT table or something
05:41.05flinghmm hmm
05:41.35flingChannelZ: I have 100Mb port at home so russian internets are fine
05:41.48flingChannelZ: but I have insanely big pings to asia
05:42.01ChannelZoh is that where that phone is?
05:42.06ChannelZ(or whatever it is)
05:42.12flingChannelZ: and with my current ISP I have 50ms to europe (Moscow)
05:42.24flingChannelZ: yes
05:42.50flingis sad
05:43.10flingChannelZ: so should I keep this iptables rule?
05:43.44*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~noreply@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
05:44.29flingChannelZ: may you please ping I have 400ms
05:45.07CrazyTux[m]fling: 305
05:45.17flingCrazyTux[m]: where are you from?
05:45.23CrazyTux[m]fling: West Coast USA. is near my location but my ping is longer :\
05:45.49CrazyTux[m]aka Irvine, CA.
05:48.14ChannelZ~200 avg for me in CO USA
05:51.04hrolfWhere can I configure the recording path in Asterisk? (I use MixMonitor.)
05:52.26ChannelZjust put the path in your MixMonitor()
05:53.06ChannelZ(absolute paths are allowed)
05:53.32flingChannelZ: do I need to use -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT on my nat router?
05:53.36hrolfChannelZ: There is no configuration for the default location?
05:53.48ChannelZYes, it's in asteris.conf I think
05:54.24ChannelZusually /var/spool/asterisk and then it goes in the 'monitor' directory there
05:55.19ChannelZfling: I'll go with "yes"?
05:55.38flingChannelZ: ok :p thanks
05:56.02flingthank you guys for your help! now I can call
05:56.42ChannelZrolled back to 10.7
05:57.15hrolfChannelZ: You involved in asterisk dev too?
05:57.15flingChannelZ: you can have 100Mb port at home for about $30/month
05:57.20ChannelZdunno what was causing 11 to behave so badly but I don't have time to ffffuuu with it
05:57.27flingChannelZ: if you live in Russia :p
05:57.32ChannelZNo, just a user
05:58.12ChannelZAnd I'm in the US.  I pay ~$80 for 12mbit.  1st world country and everything.
05:58.30ChannelZand that's not even symmetric
06:03.01flingChannelZ: Meanwhile in Russia >
06:04.45*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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06:25.13schmidtsgood morning
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06:54.08mealstromdoes anyone use jitsi sip phone?
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07:13.27flingI have some old phones
07:13.43flingDo I need to buy a sip pata converter/router or sip phones?
07:14.06fling(people do not want to use softphones)
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07:28.32flingis D-link DVG-5402SP good?
07:31.29schmidtsfling when you say old phones you mean pots phones? i dont know the d-link well but i mostly use cisco pap2t ATAs and they work very well
07:31.48flingschmidts: give me a link please
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07:40.02bobby_ctMorning all anyone awake
07:41.53schmidtsfling ;)
07:41.54flinghow to change first number from 8 to 7 in dial? exten => _8.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@pbx,40)
07:41.59flingschmidts: lol :P
07:42.31flinghow to sed in ${EXTEN} ?
07:43.22schmidtsfling dont do a dial, just use a goto like exten => _8.,1,Goto(7${EXTEN:1},1)
07:43.57flingschmidts: will it work instead of dial? :x
07:44.22schmidtseven better cause asterisk will not start a whole new call for it, just move this call to the new extension
07:45.59flingschmidts: ?
07:46.02*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:46.07ChannelZHow is the Goto a better solution?
07:46.31ChannelZI mean I guess if you have a ton of dialplan afterwords to recycle..
07:46.42flingso is this ^ fine if I want to be able to call with 7 and with 8?
07:47.10ChannelZok then nm
07:47.21flingChannelZ: umm? :p
07:47.29flingam I doing it right?
07:47.31ChannelZI answered my own question after your paste
07:47.55flingChannelZ: schmidts: thanks
07:48.31ChannelZassuming you want it to be that if you dial a number starting with a 7 it gets changed to an 8 even in the actual dial?
07:48.51ChannelZor the other way around I mean
07:49.02ChannelZ(8 to 7)
07:50.51fling8 should be changed to 7
07:51.19flingam I using right priority numbers?
07:51.46ChannelZJust curious, is that a steering digit, or what is the significance of 8 or 7? (country thing?)
07:52.13fling7 is a country digit, sip provider wants so use 7
07:52.15ChannelZlooks like it
07:52.37fling8 is a common pstn thing to call out from a town to another town
07:53.45flingso if you use pstn you dial 8 then town code…
07:54.03flingand if you use sip you dial country code then town code
07:54.41fling383 is a town code I want to add to a number if it is _XXXXXXX
07:55.42ChannelZmake sense
07:57.08schmidtssedbot FTW! ;)
07:57.10flingright, it works, I've simplified my dialplan a lot. I'm removing lines
07:57.51schmidtsfling thats also why you use goto, its just easier, but there is a much bigger background about it which goes deeper into asterisk call handling itself
07:57.59mealstromfling:  --   _8.    -- thats bad practice. number 800 goes there
07:58.17flingright, removing :p
07:58.29*** part/#asterisk bobby_ct (
07:59.32schmidtsfling if you want to make sure use something like this exten => _8[1-9].,1, ...
07:59.43mealstromfling: -> im going from short to long numbers . like XXXXX -> +380citycodeXXXXX.
08:00.03flingschmidts: umm?
08:00.26mealstromfling: from look like you are from ukraine ?
08:00.29schmidtswith this extension it only matches to numbers which dont start with 80xxx like 812
08:00.42flingschmidts: got it, sorry
08:00.55flingmealstrom: from Russian Federation
08:01.01schmidtsand about priority numbers you can also use same =>
08:01.09mealstromfling: i was close :D
08:01.21flingChannelZ: Z is 'not zero'?
08:01.26ChannelZno, 'same' is for extension, priority is 'n'
08:01.33ChannelZZ is 1-9 shorthand
08:01.41ChannelZX is 0-9, Z is 1-9, N is 2-9
08:02.06schmidtsChannelZ yes didnt say it clear enough ;)
08:02.12schmidtsfling what i meant looks something like this
08:02.44flingwait I need to call my ISP and ask how should I dial if I call to 800
08:02.51flingusualy we dial 8800 here
08:05.18flingwhoops isp girl said I'm not allowed to call 800 numbers
08:05.44*** join/#asterisk racho (~racho@
08:06.12flingnoooo!!! :p
08:11.27flingWhich standard sound file do I need if I want digital girl to say something like 'You are not allowed to call this number'?
08:17.19ChannelZpbx-invalid maybe, or invalid
08:18.16ChannelZheh those are both the same on mine.  Hrm.
08:18.27*** join/#asterisk mutex7c (~mutex7c@
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08:21.48flingChannelZ: thanks
08:22.32ChannelZyou probably want to record your own that's more relevant else someone just keeps trying over and over
08:22.59flingor I may use tt-weasels
08:23.07ChannelZaccess-denied might be a good one followed by tt-monkeys
08:23.15flingright :p
08:26.40*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
08:27.36ChannelZeww bleh I had a ton of gsm duplicates in my sounds.
08:27.37flingno russian language for this sound :p
08:27.57ChannelZOh.  Well it might not even be a standard one.  I'm using a Pat Fleet sound set.
08:27.58flingwhy are you using gsm? do I need gsm?
08:28.19ChannelZI wasn't, I just wiped them out 5 seconds ago. Probably got installed by accident at some point
08:28.38flingI have net-misc/asterisk-core-sounds net-misc/asterisk-extra-sounds net-misc/asterisk-moh-opsound installed
08:28.57flingI use only alaw, it works fine
08:29.00ChannelZIf you have lots of devices using gsm it's beneficial to have them so Asterisk doesn't have to transcode, but otherwise there's no reason
08:29.18ChannelZit sounds like ass anyway
08:32.49*** join/#asterisk brdude (
08:34.56flinghow to automagically wait few seconds and dial 0 dtmf tone when I call to some number?
08:35.21*** join/#asterisk rolandow (~roland@
08:36.21ChannelZlook at the D option of Dial
08:36.22rolandowis anybody familiar with monitoring software like solarwinds?
08:36.47ChannelZnot sure if that will work for your purposes
08:39.17ChannelZhmm is hosed
08:40.01*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
08:40.40rolandowwhat do you mean with hosed?
08:41.04ChannelZnot working.  It's back now.
08:41.04rolandowwe received spam from solarwinds about a voip quality monitor .. something like that..
08:41.23rolandowi hate spam :)
08:41.30ChannelZThis is the first time I've heard of them
08:41.37rolandowbut on the other hand i was wondering if people are using tools to monitor the quality
08:41.37ChannelZDon't encourage them then by giving them money
08:41.45rolandowi don't
08:41.56rolandowi just want to know if there are similar tools to do proper monitoring
08:42.19rolandowa lot of people here are complaining about dropped calls or bad quality .. i think they just need to get used to some changes :)
08:42.35rolandowbut it would be nice to be able to constantly monitor this
08:43.25rolandowmaybe there are tools who can detect that the rtp stream has hickup's ..
08:43.36rolandowor temporary increase of jitter
08:43.48rolandowor whatever variables there are to make it a good phonecall
08:45.00ChannelZguess it depends on which way the hiccups are.  You can only control jitter on incoming audio
08:45.34rolandowexactly .. so i need to know if there actually ARE hickups .. or are people just complaining for nothing?
08:45.40rolandowand if there are: where do they come from?
08:46.07rolandowso the whole idea of monitoring this, that at least i liked about the solarwinds advertisement :)
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08:52.25rolandowhm... there are several opmanagers, but they need cisco ip sla
08:56.35rolandowmaybe something like ?
09:08.00flingChannelZ: exten => _00000,1,Dial(SIP/00000@zadarma,40,D(0))
09:08.10rolandowhm.. is that true? it would have the last value of the array then??
09:08.16flingChannelZ: ^ it is not dialing additional 0
09:08.17rolandowwrong window again
09:11.35flingschmidts: how can I simplify this? >
09:14.35*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
09:15.40kannanhello in sip setting, when an attempted register is made, what is the setting to be made so that the sip user cannot know whether the username at least is valid ? is it alwaysauthreject=yes ?
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09:31.36wdoekeskannan: correct. and that setting is on by default
09:31.58kannanwdoekes thanks,
09:36.20RiceCrackerin asterisk 1.8 is there  a bug with Anonymous@anonymous.invalid showing everytime there is an Anonymous call?
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09:37.05RiceCrackeror is there somewhere where I can change this incoming caller ID to just show "Unavailable" or "Blocked"
09:37.17kaldemarRiceCracker: are you asking if it is a bug that you see Anonymous@anonymous.invalid?
09:37.25flingkaldemar: hello
09:38.23kaldemarfling: howdy.
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09:39.08kaldemarRiceCracker: to change that you'd have to modify the source code.
09:41.06wdoekesor modify the dialplan so setcallerpres=allowed and set the callerid(num)=Blocked
09:42.42flingkaldemar: I want to send 0 dtmf tone but it is not sending > exten => _00000,1,Dial(SIP/00000@zadarma,40,D(0))
09:42.50flingkaldemar: do I need to remove timeout?
09:43.10kaldemarremoving timeout won't help.
09:43.33flinghmm hmm
09:43.44RiceCrackerI wanted to change blocked CID's to display as Blocked instead of coming in as "From Anonymous Anonymous@anonymous.invalid"
09:43.53flingkaldemar: what am I doing wrong? :p
09:44.23*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
09:44.32gavimobileI was so sure that I was already in the channel
09:44.40kaldemarfling: what do you want to do exactly?
09:44.49RiceCrackerwhen i google search how to change that i seem to keep coming across forms saying there is a bug etc...
09:44.59gavimobileif a call doesn't go through all the time, who would be to blame? the itsp?
09:45.09flingkaldemar: I call support and digital girl says press '0' to connect the operator
09:45.27flingkaldemar: I want asterisk to dial that '0' dtmf automagically when I call
09:45.29gavimobilethe call was charged for by the itsp though, just didn't go through on my end
09:45.43kaldemarfling: try adding some w's before the "0". a w means 500 msec pause.
09:45.50flingoh! great
09:46.24RiceCrackerFling: "digital girl" name is Allison :P
09:46.31flingRiceCracker: why?
09:46.54RiceCrackerbecause that is her real name
09:47.05RiceCrackeryou would have to ask her parents why she was named that :P
09:47.06flingkaldemar: ,D(wwww0) < this works, I do not hear Allison anymore
09:47.35flingRiceCracker: she is not in the channel, how can I ask her parents :p
09:49.26RiceCrackerKaldemar: so pretty much nothing i can do about chaning the display of blocked CID from Anonymous to Blocked or Unknown?
09:49.58flingI have few similar parts it my extensions like Dial,Playback,Hangup. I want to simplify it, may I somehow join it together? >
09:50.15flingkaldemar: thanks :)
09:51.12kaldemarfling: np
09:51.42kaldemarRiceCracker: wdoekes gave you an approach
09:52.36RiceCrackeroh i see, let me try
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10:48.05rachohow can i get a sip trunk's name in an agi script?
10:57.41kaldemarracho: when?
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11:21.26knarflyI keep getting facility not subscribed error with Zoiper using IAX...anyone else have this issue
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11:40.25knarflySo if the account is registered and Authenticated, why do I keep seeing  Host failed to authenticate as 201?
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11:52.36gavimobilehow do I make a dial plan rule for several numbers, for example exten = 106,... && exten = 107,... && exten = 108,...
11:55.33gavimobilenevermind, I got a better idea
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12:01.45kaldemargavimobile: use patterns. exten => _10[678],1,...
12:06.18blitzragegavimobile: check the Dialplan Basics chapter at for information on dialplan 101
12:10.43knarflyneeds help with iax
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12:33.22gavimobilethanks folks
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12:47.50gavimobilekaldemar: so if I want to create a dialplan for 100-108, I can do this? exten => _1[108]X,1, to Matches a single character from the range of digits specified. In this case, the pattern matches a single 1, as well as any number in the range 0, 6, 8.
12:48.55MLNoahgavi: what you specified would match 100-109, 110-119, and 180-189
12:49.06MLNoahif you want to match 100-108, you want _10[0-8]
12:49.17MLNoahor _10X and have a 109 extension to overload so that 109 doesn't match _10X
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12:49.42gavimobileI have now _10X but I don't want them to call 109
12:49.52gavimobileI see
12:49.56blitzragethen create a 109,1,NoOp() exten
12:50.00gavimobileI like _10[0-8] better
12:50.02blitzragemost specific will match first
12:50.06gavimobilewhat do you say?
12:50.59MLNoahpersonally i find _10X and having a 109,1,NoOp() or 109,1,Goto(i,1) to be easier for me to come back and read later
12:51.05MLNoahbut either way is functional.
12:54.29gavimobileMLNoah: is that method depreciated or something?
12:54.39gavimobileI make a lot of notes...
12:54.56gavimobileand I like putting use to all different types of situations so I can apply it to other places where I need to later on
12:55.29MLNoahto my knowledge, either way is supported.  people will put forth using Verbose() instead of NoOp() for throw-away lines, but all of what I listed is supported.
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12:59.19gavimobileMLNoah: thanks again
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14:21.14gavimobileim having trouble with the voicemail options
14:21.54gavimobilewhen I call a certain extention the voicemail plays my custom greeting than after it plays vm-intro
14:22.25gavimobileI changed the options to us  and su which solves the problem if I call locally to that extentions voice mailbox
14:22.39gavimobilebut if I call from my cellphone it doesn't solve the problem
14:23.45[TK]D-Fender* knows nothing about "cellphone"
14:23.57[TK]D-Fenderthe channel calling in has nothing to do with this
14:24.41gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: my incoming did forwards to my pbx, my pbx forwards to a time condition I created. if out of time condition it sends the caller to a voicemailbox
14:25.02gavimobileif it is in the time condition, the call is sent to a queue.
14:25.10[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, None of that means anything.  VoiceMail does what it is told.  It is not dependent on some property of the calling channel.
14:26.20gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: well its good to know that its not dependent on the channel, but im still clueless to know why I don't hear vm-intro when I don't call from internal
14:26.36[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Where is the debug?
14:26.50[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Where are the folder dumps?
14:28.41gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: here is an internal call which works fine
14:28.49gavimobilenow ill get the debug from an external call
14:33.06gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: I found the problem!
14:33.08gavimobilethanks anyways
14:33.27[TK]D-FenderHelps when you actually look....
14:34.50gavimobileof course I looked [TK]D-Fender..
14:35.00gavimobilethere was a goto which the timecondition was forwarding the user
14:35.10gavimobileso Voicemail application was in my dialplan twice
14:35.17gavimobilewith that specific extention
14:35.36[TK]D-Fenderand all of that is just useless "story" that you tell us while coming in here telling us VoiceMail is broken.
14:35.51gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: good point
14:36.13gavimobilebut at least you helped me gain the confidence to solve one more problem
14:36.19gavimobilethanks again!
14:36.53[TK]D-FenderI think you mean "kicked into looking at what I'm actually doing"...
14:37.08[TK]D-FenderBut sure, I'll accept some credit for that at least...
14:37.33*** join/#asterisk MariusKarthaus (
14:40.51seatheris there any easy-ish way to log call quality for calls made over SIP?
14:41.15*** join/#asterisk consolas (
14:41.17consolashey guys!
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14:41.43consolasHow can I debug the url that is calling my dialplan? I mean, I want to get exactly the url that is getting sent to the asterisk.
14:44.20[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, "sip set debug on".
14:44.40consolasIm in the shell now running the asterisk -rvvvvv
14:44.47consolasOh, just enable debug and that is it?
14:46.29consolaswow, too much information now
14:48.20MariusKarthausHi, we have an asterisk server with a few grandstreams connected to it. A calling customer (on a dial in number via SIP trunk) is put in a queue. The phones subscribe to the queue using AddQueueMember() in the extensions.conf.  Sometimes when a person is picked up on phoneX and then transferred to phoneY,  the caller gets stuck in the queue and we are unable to get them back. Any ideas what could be going wrong?
14:48.35*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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15:03.45mcargileI am using Asterisk (waiting on a good window to update) and am seeing this warning constantly in my logs "RTCP Read too short".  I have never seen this before and am curious what it means.  We have setup two cross connects recently with other offices and I am wondering if something is wrong.
15:07.08*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:17.46consolasWell still strugling here, guys after configuring a service with asterisk that accepts a curl request, how can I, in the asterisk machine, get the complete url that its receiving?
15:18.02consolasI can enable sip debug but it has everything except the url
15:19.53kaldemarconsolas: you'll see it on the INVITE line in sip debug.
15:20.07consolasINVITE line? Ok, let me try that then
15:20.47[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, Asterisk doesn't receive "curl" requests.  Asterisk is not a web server.
15:21.05consolasYes that much I understand but the cURL is executed
15:21.18consolasand asterisk is receiving the variables, I can see the number to call variable for isntance
15:21.22kaldemari thought is was a typo.
15:21.25[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, Is it?  We have no idea what you're doing.  You aren't showing us
15:21.26infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:22.09consolasindeed! ahah
15:22.57consolasI just inherit this and I'm making it work, I wish I had more time, that is why I came here just to check out this
15:22.59consolasthanks guys
15:28.10*** join/#asterisk Galen (
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15:43.16apurvtwrhi jpsharp you there?
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15:44.05_omerwhen I type "asterisk" at shell prompt, it runs asterisk ... I want to see what commands it runs in background .... or can I add more commands before running asterisk...... I think it's linux question.
15:45.11[TK]D-Fenderyou normally run * as a daemon, not live like that
15:45.25[TK]D-Fendersafe_asterisk &
15:45.33[TK]D-Fenderand then conenct to it once it's running
15:45.57_omerok ...
15:46.00[TK]D-Fenderyou question about "commands it runs in the background" makes no sense.  please rephrase
15:47.54_omeractually ... I have installed asterisk in a folder like "/abc/xyz/"  .... so I run asterisk like "/abc/xyz/sbin/asterisk" then "/abc/xyz/sbin/asterisk -vvvr"
15:48.02_omerit is working fine.
15:48.20_omerbut when I also type "asterisk" ... it also run old installation I think.
15:48.33_omerso I want to run /abc/xyz/sbin/asterisk   by typing only "asterisk"
15:48.37_omeryou know what I mean ?
15:48.43Qwellso update your PATH
15:48.57_omerhow and where I can find that path ?
15:49.10QwellThis is a very basic shell thing.
15:49.42_omercould not google about it because I dont know what to find :)
15:50.40_omerthanks... let me check.
15:51.29[TK]D-FenderYou shouldn't have multiple *'s on your system....
15:53.03_omerI think I did not uninstall old installation properly. that is why "asterisk" commands runs asterisk differently
15:53.48_omerby the way, I have a question, If I have installed multiple asterisk in multiple folders, so Can I run different instances from their specific folders?
15:53.51_omerin the same machine?
15:54.43Qwellman asterisk
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15:54.53Qwellsee -C
15:55.29_omeraww... looks good
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16:24.44consolashey guys: exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/${destino}@${prov},40)
16:24.56consolasI can get the destino variable and the prov variable I know for a fact that is getting sent.
16:25.09consolasbut asterisk is not getting it
16:27.51[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, those are channel variables.  If they are filled in with anything it's because YOU filled them in earlier in your dialplan.
16:28.04*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
16:28.08[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, And youa re not showing use the call.
16:28.13consolasyeah, the destino is coming from the curl
16:28.18consolasso is the prob
16:28.49[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, PASTEBIN <=- Show us.
16:28.52infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:28.55consolasroger that
16:34.29consolasthe destiny gets the value correctly, prov doesn't
16:34.59consolasthis is supposed to call a number and when I pick up, it calls the other number. IT works if I force a provider
16:36.01QwellYou didn't show where you're setting those...
16:36.43Kattyhi Qwell
16:36.50[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, And I said show us the CALL.  Not just your dialplan code.  I want to see it EXECUTE.
16:37.00QwellKatty: ohai
16:37.05Kattyhow's the ladyfriend.
16:37.17Qwellshe be well
16:37.29Kattyand you? doing well too?
16:37.34consolasWell I inherit this, I though the curl to the asterisk would set this variables, this is pretty much what I've learned so far
16:37.41consolasoh the call!
16:37.44consolasthat I can do
16:37.55kaldemarconsolas: what do you mean by curl?
16:37.57consolasIll pastebin both: the not working, and the working
16:38.09consolasIm sending the numbers through a php script with curl
16:41.32[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, We don't see this "curl" we don't see yuor call.  Yuo are talking about things and not showing us.
16:41.51[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, Nothing in that dialplan you pasted tells us anything about PHP, curl, etc.
16:41.57consolasfound it
16:42.02consolasthis is what I use
16:42.12[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, Don't show us a story.  Show us YOUR call.
16:42.27consolasyes, pastebin now the "working call"
16:44.57consolas this is the call that works, as soon as I change in the dialplan the provider siptel to the variable sent by the url, it stops working (and the url is sending the variable, that is for sure)
16:46.24*** join/#asterisk joel (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/joel)
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16:46.38n3hxsmorning.... er Afternoon.
16:47.23[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, Why are we not seeing this "URL" you are calling?  Why are we not seeing that failure that is supposedly generates?
16:47.25Kattyn3hxs: howdy (=
16:47.50n3hxsDid you behave while I was on vacation in the Caribbean?
16:49.13consolasthis is the url
16:49.29consolasand the dialplan is what I showed you before
16:49.50consolasand now its working, if I change the @siptel on the dial plan to @${MY_VAR}, it doesn't work anymore
16:49.51kaldemarprov=siptel means nothing.
16:49.54QwellYou're missing something there...
16:50.02consolasoh my bad
16:50.03kaldemarVariable=destiny=921231212&prov=siptel <-- see the difference?
16:50.08consolasI did't put the VARIABLE
16:50.37kaldemarFYI, that's called originating a call via AMI.
16:51.40[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, http://IP:8088/asterisk/mxml?action=originate&channel=Local/55911231212@dial-out&context=macro-answered&exten=s&priority=1&Variable=destiny=921231212&prov=siptel <--- this doesn't SAY MY_VAR.  So of course if you change the name in the dialplan IT WON'T MATCH
16:52.04consolasfender: the my var was just to explain this better
16:52.08consolasI know the var name must match
16:52.14consolasbut yes, the problem was msising the VARIABLE=
16:52.19consolasthanks a lot guys!
16:52.21[TK]D-Fendershow us actual failing code & URL.
16:52.31consolasfor you this is a no brainer but like I said, I'm fairly new to this
16:52.36consolasFender: it works, thanks mate
16:52.41consolasAppreciate the help guys, really
16:52.53consolasGonna do some more tests, again, thank you very much for your concern and attention
16:52.57*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
16:53.32[TK]D-Fenderconsolas, Don't waste people's time showing fake things, and different samples that do work.   Show us the ones that don't.
16:54.02consolashey mate, I wans't showing fake things, easy there
16:54.08consolasI was showing what I had
16:54.11*** join/#asterisk xJustTheTip (
16:54.25consolasI just didnt paste everything I have here or else you guys had to go through a lot of things that didnt matter
16:54.26[TK]D-FenderYou said X doesn't work.  You weren't showing us X
16:54.39consolasI showed dialplan, url and the call itself
16:54.56[TK]D-Fenderand now its working, if I change the @siptel on the dial plan to @${MY_VAR}, it doesn't work anymore <--- I did not see full dialplan with this
16:55.00xJustTheTiphi all
16:55.04[TK]D-Fenderor the call to it
16:55.21*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
16:55.47consolasthe my_var I had before with the prov, and I showed the url with prov. But I thought saing MY_VAR would be easier to udnerstand, my bad then
16:56.17[TK]D-FenderFAKE var names where we can't tell what you're talking about.  yeah... no reason we should be confused there....
16:57.00xJustTheTipafter installing AsteriskNOW-2.0.2-x86_64-DVD on ESXi, the default admin/admin isn't working... googled all over and tried several other default un/pw's no luck... any help would be super.
16:57.06[TK]D-Fendermoves on more productive matters.
16:57.19QwellxJustTheTip: isn't working, where?
16:57.43xJustTheTipfreepbx web login
16:58.05QwellYou would definitely be the first to suggest that such a problem might exist.
16:58.18QwellThat's something I would have heard about.
16:59.13*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
16:59.14consolas<kaldemar> FYI, that's called originating a call via AMI.
16:59.18consolasThanks, noted!:)
17:07.46*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:11.23consolasdo you guys have like small IVR or custom made pbx at home, using asterisk?
17:11.29consolasthis seems very powerful
17:11.36Qwellany and all of the above.
17:13.55consolaswhat do you have at home with this? like a voip phone in every room for isntance?
17:16.28jpsharpI have an IP phone on my desk, voip software on my iphones, and an ATA with a cordless phone on it.
17:17.44*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
17:19.24consolasWell I have a voip app as well, mobilevoip
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17:19.28consolasbut I had nothing to do with it
17:19.36consolasstill it would be fun to have a custom ivr at home
17:19.45consolas"to reach room, press 1" to reach kitchen, press 2"
17:20.21jpsharpI used the heck out of it to deflect bill collectors.  And then I used the recording ability to hold those same bill collectors to the fire.
17:21.13consolasahaha awesome
17:21.33consolasI will get an old computer and start doing some stuff with this
17:21.45consolasVoipbuster is the most common +provider, I assume
17:24.32consolasand what do you think about the google voip number? I think it was a service where you would add all your phone numbers and just give to people the "google" number
17:24.45consolasseemed a very easy to implement custom voip solution
17:24.48consolasbut pretty awesome
17:28.22[TK]D-FenderGoogle voice likes to break semi-regularly and we get far more questions than answers here.
17:28.33[TK]D-FenderStandard ITSPs are much easier to support
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17:42.53consolasI think Im going to try this
17:44.16jpsharpI use google voice for voice and Gafachi for fax support.
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17:45.29DovidAsterisk-SCF project canned?
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17:46.25eXcAliBuRdoes anyone here know what i'm doing? because I don't >:(
17:47.38qbxWell that's when people know best.
17:48.34navaismodepends on what are you doing or trying to do
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17:54.40Dovidi was just told that asterisk-scf is now dead
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17:57.01hiddenmanhi all.  guys, we've just got a stange problem with our Asterisk. it has been broken somehow.  changing password doesn't help.  we have dumped all the traffic and signalization.   as far as i can see, that bad guy sends: REGISTER, gets 401 Unauth,  then sends REGISTER again, get 403 Bad auth.  after that he sends INVITE without any DIGEST and so on. and asterisk DOES call
17:57.04hiddenmanhow can this be?
17:57.32hiddenmanwe have insecure=invite,port for this account. could it be the problem? not sure
17:59.00GreenlightHowdy folks. Got a problem that I was hoping some of you would be able to advise on. We've a hosted dedicated server running asterisk doing circa 100k calls a day. For the last day or so users have been getting audio quality issues where by the remote party (connected via SIP wholesale provider) is getting intermittant drops in audio. We've isolated the issue to somehwere between our server
17:59.00Greenlightand our wholesale provider, but can't pin it down anymore. Our dedicated provider is acknowldging congestion on london routes where they peer with linx but pings all seem okay (10ms - 100ms). In an effort to sort things I've provisioned a server in Amsterdam and want to route our traffic vian this box. I was planning on using OpenVPN but this looks like it might be tricky as Asterisk will
17:59.00Greenlighthave two external ips. the other option is to install Asterisk on the box in Amsterdam and use it that way - which method do you think would suit best? (Sorry for wall of text!)
17:59.19hiddenmanhe does send digest in the second REGISTER. but he gets 403 Bad auth, how can he send INVITE?!
18:01.40mjordanhiddenman: from sip.conf - ;insecure=invite                ; Do not require authentication of incoming INVITEs
18:02.17hiddenmanmjordan: so he can call without any problems?!  that's our mistake?
18:04.44GreenlightCould Asterisk be configured to work with a public ip one it's NIC and another public IP via a VPN tunnel (NATed)?
18:04.51mjordanhiddenman: no idea.  But you asked how Asterisk would allow an INVITE from a peer without requiring authentication.  And if you tell Asterisk to allow INVITE requests from that peer without authenticating - which is what "insecure=invite" is going to do (hence "insecure") - then yes, they can send INVITE requests and Asterisk won't authenticate them.
18:05.22hiddenmanmjordan: thank you! it seems you are right :(
18:09.33hiddenmanmjordan: i'm not so familiar with SIP protocol. so as far as i understand, user doesn't need any registrations in case he wants to call?  just send a correct INVITE and that's all, right?
18:10.36Qwellhiddenman: correct, registration is for telling the server where you can be called.
18:10.56hiddenmani mean he just have to know the correct username, that can call, sends an invite from this username@myasterisk with particular number and that's all. am i right?
18:11.09Qwellwith insecure=invite, yes, that is correct.
18:11.22hiddenmanthat's a pity. our bad. thank you
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18:28.14eXcAliBuRcan i have line 1 on my phone connect to analog line 1?
18:31.23eXcAliBuRlike a direct channel, so what I dial is being sent live on analog 1, and not waiting for the dial plan to re-route it
18:32.30[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Your phone would have to dial something to get * to reach
18:33.08[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, So no.. it wouldn't be a "line" key.  Yuo could make a SPEED DIAL dial something that your dialplan takes and just dials an empty number with and you'll do the rest yourself for.
18:33.40eXcAliBuRi just want to be able to see when one of my 2 lines are in use on the phone
18:33.52eXcAliBuRso if someone trys to dial they will know before dialing
18:34.02[TK]D-FenderSeeing if a line is in use has nothing to do with getting "striaght tone without dialing".
18:34.32infobotwell, blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
18:35.08[TK]D-Fender19:10.28eXcAliBuRI have a digium d50 phone, and 2 analog lines, I'd like to know if it's capable to showing when a line is in use?
18:35.08[TK]D-Fender19:12.04[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Set up a hint in your dialplan.  Watch it.
18:35.16[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, I told you all of this YESTERDAY
18:35.25eXcAliBuRyes but thats not the same question
18:35.27[TK]D-FenderAnd with any luck probably not the only time.
18:35.43[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> 19:10.28 eXcAliBuR I have a digium d50 phone, and 2 analog lines, I'd like to know if it's capable to showing when a line is in use? <- Yes, the SAME THING
18:35.50[TK]D-Fender<eXcAliBuR> i just want to be able to see when one of my 2 lines are in use on the phone <- SAME
18:36.04[TK]D-FenderShow. When. Line. In. Use.
18:36.19eXcAliBuRbut one is analog and one is sip
18:36.25[TK]D-Fendersame thing.
18:36.38[TK]D-Fenderdialplan HINT to show pesence state for the device to watch
18:37.08[TK]D-FenderDAHDI channel, SIP Peer.  same thing
18:38.53*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
18:40.33eXcAliBuREEERRR i'm trying to think and nothing is happening
18:41.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:41.16QwellRead that.
18:42.47joeleXcAliBuR: you're looking for key system functionality with a pbx.
18:43.11eXcAliBuRI have the book, i'm about to beat myself over the head with it
18:43.20joeleXcAliBuR: your key term is "shared line appearance"
18:43.21eXcAliBuRlooks big enough to do some damage
18:44.12eXcAliBuRpage 318
18:44.25eXcAliBuRshared line appearrance
18:44.29eXcAliBuRwho knew
18:46.26*** join/#asterisk hiddenman (~akornilov@altlinux/developer/hiddenman)
18:47.57eXcAliBuRoh i could kiss you
18:48.04eXcAliBuRit's telling me exactly what i want to hear
18:48.44eXcAliBuRi can't wait to get home, i need pills
18:49.52jpsharpDo you have enough to share?
18:50.23eXcAliBuRthey are all mine
18:54.59eXcAliBuRthank you
18:55.09*** part/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
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18:59.24[TK]D-FenderAnd no, "Shared Line Appearance" is NOT it.  You have just caused a new level of nightmare up his return
19:00.07[TK]D-FenderBecause that relies on his having a speed dial w/ presences set up... and 1 tons of OTHER shit that really isn't required or manageable.
19:00.28navaismobad mood
19:00.32[TK]D-FenderHe can't wrap his head around a 1-step thing.. this requires that + 15 more
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19:11.09xJustTheTipI reported a problem logging into web interface of freepbx after clean install of AsteriskNOW-2.0.2-x86_64-DVD on ESXi;  Seems like a chrome issue.  Firefox works fine.
19:13.40carrarthat sucks
19:18.41ChannelZtell FreePBX
19:19.45*** part/#asterisk xJustTheTip (
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19:23.44joelhe parted before I could demand my kiss.
19:24.20joel[TK]D-Fender: you ever thought about taking a break from #asterisk? It obviously causes you great amounts of pain.
19:25.54[TK]D-FenderLife causes pain.  This is just an on-set location :)
19:26.32joelThat's a shame, I'm sorry to hear it. My life actually brings me joy.
19:29.48*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
19:30.45ChkDigitA joyful life sure can kill a thread.  Perhaps everyone went outside to play?
19:34.11jpsharpI was outside weedeating, does that count?
19:45.46*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (~Jim@
19:46.08drfreezeAnyone deploy a new Polycom 650 phone?
19:46.43drfreezeI have a new set of phones and they don't appear to be checking the provisioning server
19:47.24*** join/#asterisk mbrit (~mbrit@
19:48.47drfreezeSaw one online statement that said they they require option 66 on DHCP
19:49.08drfreezeright now, I'm trying to set the via the html gui
19:50.15*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
19:50.49_Corey_drfreeze: What does your scope option look like?
19:53.51*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:56.14drfreeze_Corey_: what are you referring to with 'scope' option?
19:56.25_Corey_DHCP scope option 66
19:56.36drfreezeRight now, I don't have control of DHCP. It is in hands of windows admin
19:56.45drfreezeso, it is not being set
19:56.56drfreezeI am setting that option on the phone
19:57.34jpsharpIve seen my polycom ignore what the GUI says because it wasn't getting that option from the DHCP server
19:57.43_Corey_I'm not paying full attention here, it sounded like you were trying to figure out why they weren't provisioning
19:57.54drfreezejpsharp: new phone? Like within the last 4 months?
19:58.10jpsharpNo, my IP-300 with new firmware.
19:58.38drfreeze_Corey_: I have a 550 that provisioned fine by just setting the Outbound Proxy Address and the Server 1 address from the web gui
19:59.03drfreezebut this one doesn't appear to be contacting the server with that same info
19:59.07_Corey_drfreeze: Well, it sounds like it *authenticated* fine... provisioning involves it downloading a config file
20:00.37_Corey_so, as far as manually configuring them... just sounds like you need to troubleshoot
20:04.48*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
20:06.34drfreezeyeah. doing remote troubleshooting
20:09.43[TK]D-FenderNo, they don't require Op 66.
20:12.55*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~kitten@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
20:16.39drfreezeMust be a bug or a change to the web gui
20:16.59drfreezephone works fine when configured via the menu
20:25.24*** join/#asterisk eureka^ (
20:26.15eureka^hi. i'm having a problem with my phones not ringing when a second call is coming in, if the first call is on hold
20:26.34eureka^asterisk 10.7.0, phone is a grandstream gxp2100
20:30.01WIMPyWhat does the manual say?
20:30.44*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (~CunningPi@
20:30.45eureka^phone or asterisk?
20:31.10eureka^i don't see anything relevant in the phone manual, but it's pretty bare :/
20:34.49*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (
20:36.04nickgawHi, With asterisk distributions like pbx in a flash on the raspberrypi can you use wireless sip phones so that more then one person at the same house that has an extention can receive and make a call?
20:37.17WIMPyIf you have something that does wifi (wich you probably don't really want), yes.
20:37.20*** join/#asterisk davemha (~IceChat77@
20:37.34WIMPyI didn;t understand the rest of the question.
20:38.58nickgawwhat I mean is lets say you have three people in a house and each person has a sip extention and you have an IVR that when the caller calls they press the number of the person they wish to talk to then can all three people be talking to a different person at the same time or make an out going call at the same time?
20:40.16navaismo3 simultaneous calls without transcoding on the Pi yes,
20:40.22WIMPyYes, you can make a menu to select a phone to call.
20:40.34navaismoand without recording
20:41.16nickgawfor a small home do you think the raspberrypi is an ok system to use for asterisk?
20:41.32navaismoYesterday I was testng it with SIPp and with more than 7 calls the audio get choppy
20:41.37WIMPyThe usual plasticrouters don;t have more beef, and seem to easily manage transcoding.
20:41.50navaismocpu goes from 0  to 7
20:42.06nickgawcan you overclock the device?
20:42.11pabelangerwhy even bother with the raspberrypi
20:42.14navaismoa little yes
20:42.29nickgawwhat does it require?
20:42.35pabelangerjust setup a normal PC and install asterisk
20:42.37navaismoconsume very tinny power, silence
20:42.38pabelangerproblem solved
20:43.09navaismoand for 3 extensions is a very good choice instead a 300W old pc running all the day
20:43.13pabelangerRight, so from what I gather, you can do 3 calls
20:43.18pabelangerif you need more, get better hardware
20:43.42nickgawI like the size of the raspberrypi I was just wondering what would be required to overclock the device should you wish to do so?
20:43.48pabelangerdo you really need to install PBXiaf on it?
20:43.59pabelangeragain, you are using resources that you cannot spare
20:44.27navaismoYes you can run more call if you avoid the MYSQL & PHP process more free memory
20:44.48navaismobut so far the 3 elements run nicely in the Pi
20:44.55pabelangerinstall emdebian, setup asterisk and away you go
20:45.02nickgawI thought pbx in a flash requires mysql to work?
20:45.09navaismoalso the monast (fop) run very nice
20:46.00pabelangernickgaw: that's what I am saying, do you really want to be running a database server on such a small device?
20:46.31nickgawprobably not.  is there a better option on the raspberrypi?
20:46.37navaismoand here is how you overclock the device
20:47.02navaismoFor that price i dont think so, and i highlight THAT PRICE
20:47.25navaismoyou can buy a cubieboard and alix board and setup as well
20:47.37WIMPySome plastic router? They can be even cheaper.
20:47.54navaismocheaper than 35USD?
20:48.08WIMPyAnd they might even have telephony hinterfaces included.
20:48.16navaismowell with taxes I buy it from $50USD
20:48.53navaismobut personally I have worked with the AlixD2D board and preffer the Pi
20:49.19navaismoYou got an extra GPIO to play with it
20:55.24*** join/#asterisk bluOxigen (~noreply@unaffiliated/bluOxigen)
20:57.11GreenlightIs "Locally Bridging" the same as packet2packet bridging?
21:01.42nickgawAnyone know what boot loader the rasberrypi uses?
21:02.26navaismoboot loader?
21:02.42nickgawwell it has to boot up somehow?
21:02.51navaismoyou mean grub
21:02.59navaismoor lilo"
21:03.02nickgawyes or syslinux or lilo?
21:03.20WIMPyThe one you install?
21:03.23navaismoweel the popular images use grub
21:03.47nickgawcould I always create my own image if the system supports arm7?
21:04.09navaismoyep you could create your custom image for arm
21:04.14navaismoa painful path
21:04.24navaismogoogle is your friend for that
21:04.36nickgawhave people done it before?
21:04.38*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:05.53*** join/#asterisk qbx (0c19f064@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:06.32navaismoyes, there are falvors to install in your Pi
21:07.03nickgawwhat are those?
21:07.12navaismofedora-arm, raspbian, openelec, raspbmc etc etc,
21:07.20navaismodependes on your needs
21:07.39fenrus<3 raspbian
21:07.47nickgawcould I always create something custom that is not already provided?
21:08.37WIMPyYou can just go and program it yourself. Why do you need an OS?
21:08.42navaismoyes you can, you need to document yourself and create your image
21:09.19nickgawdo the people at pbx in a flash have an apt repository for normal x86 debian systems?\
21:10.08navaismodont know ,ask them
21:10.27navaismobut there a re an Image for use with asterisk+freepbx 2.10
21:10.29nickgawhave tried can't get in contact with them
21:11.59nickgawdebian has asterisk but not freepbx in it's repositories any major reason for this?
21:12.25navaismodont know, ask debian
21:12.33navaismocheck this
21:12.54navaismoand this
21:13.19navaismoready to dd that image
21:13.28navaismoif you dont want to make yourself
21:14.59*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
21:23.29nickgawis the raspberrypi really the size of a credit card or are they just saying that?
21:24.40*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
21:25.56beardyLook at the dimensions and compare with a credit card.
21:26.24*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
21:27.37navaismois this channel of raspi? No, --> #raspberrypi
21:28.34nickgawreading on the asterisk web sites it looks like they also sell fully built asterisk systems do you think those are worth the money?
21:29.42jpsharpTHey're worth it if you need the support.
21:30.02nickgawis that all you are really buying is the system and their support?
21:30.45navaismoyou buy a stable hardware and software appliance and the excellent support
21:31.52nickgawwhen there is so much free support out there for asterisk? that is probably meant for large companies correct?
21:32.12jpsharpThere's free support, but it isn't guaranteed.
21:32.44nickgawtrue but for a home user paying for support is it worth it can you just buy a support plan?
21:32.57*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (4f822780@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:34.25jpsharpYou can pay a consultant or the like.
21:34.45navaismofeels like a job interview
21:34.46nickgawwhat is the cheapest you have heard of?
21:35.04jpsharp$30/hour on up to $250/hour.
21:35.30navaismoIs the cheaper slut, damm it!
21:35.39nickgawthey are probably remote or would they need to come out?
21:35.48jpsharpMost definitely remote.
21:35.55jpsharpunless you want to pay the $250.
21:36.22nickgawdo I just search on google for them?
21:36.49jpsharpGoogle or ask here.
21:37.08nickgawwhat web site does the $30 per hour?
21:37.09*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
21:37.18jpsharpI do consulting as I believe navismo does as well.
21:37.58jpsharpor navaismo, rather.
21:38.45nickgawjpsharp do you have a web site or how would I get in touch with you if I needed this service?
21:39.26nickgawnaviasmo are you still here and do you do asterisk work?
21:40.15navaismoyes Im here, And i do asterisk work too. I guess everybody in the channel does
21:40.55nickgawdo you have a web site or how could I get in touch with you if I needed services done?
21:40.56*** join/#asterisk aossama (~ao@
21:42.50navaismoYes I will PM you
21:43.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:44.09jpsharpI suppose I should put together a basic website for it.
21:48.01carrarhigher a consultant to put together a website for you
21:48.11carrarhire even
21:49.24jpsharpThat's what I have a wife fore.
21:49.29jpsharpfor, dammit.
21:52.48[TK]D-Fender"fore".  What you're supposed to yell to warn bystanders of an incoming ball
21:53.13[TK]D-FenderInstead I jsut kept muttering to myself "Man there aint no way that's gonna hit 'em"
21:53.14*** join/#asterisk nickgaw (
21:54.05nickgawfor some reason my irc client quit on me
22:07.45GreenlightDo the batch settings in cdr.conf also apply to cdr_adaptive_odbc?
22:24.17*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-wzcuslvikjyanvnl)
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23:10.35paulcIf a server has multiple CPUs in it, does Asterisk make use of more than one?
23:11.33WIMPyBut I don;t know how efficient it is.
23:12.14paulcdoffs hat to WIMPy
23:12.20WIMPyOTOH hardware drivers do not or even run better on only one CPU. :-(
23:13.07paulcExperimenting with something at work, gonna get a colo'd server to throw some traffic at, and trying to figure out what kind of spec we need.. *puts finger to the wind*
23:13.44WIMPyI'ts not the traffic.
23:13.51paulcall SIP, no hardware.. so no harm in dual processor if the price is decent.. versus a beefy single processor perhaps.. I dunnooooo
23:14.42WIMPyWhere do you get a single CPU system? Oter than virtual.
23:15.56paulcSingle chip, multi-core? I was looking at
23:16.05*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
23:27.12radenhow do I drop a phone number to voice mail every time
23:28.01WIMPyYou mean always?
23:29.12radencaller id routing
23:29.56WIMPyYou can use exten => exten/CallerID,prio,app
23:30.18WIMPyOr eny version of [exec|goto]if.
23:30.51WIMPyExtensions can not only match the called party number but optionally the calling party number as well.
23:36.40*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)

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