IRC log for #asterisk on 20120905

00:15.23*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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00:57.25SeRip3nguin: you in?
00:57.26p3nguinSeRi, Leave a message after the beep.  *BEEP*
01:03.19*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
01:13.17*** join/#asterisk j-fish (~hhkkhkj@unaffiliated/j-fish)
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01:46.23WIMPyHmm. Do you think the Astribank is really bad?
01:46.37WIMPyI'm pretty excited to get my hands on it.
01:56.43*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
02:02.29leifmadsenastribank seems to have a lot of driver work done for it, so I can only suspect it must integrate fairly well with Asterisk
02:02.42leifmadsentzafrir is pretty heavily involved with development
02:02.55leifmadsenI've never had an opportunity to try one, but I've always been interested
02:06.03WIMPyI know. but the comments earlier on were... interesting.
02:07.01*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
02:07.36jpsharpI just can't bring myself to use USB like that.
02:09.33WIMPyI have to admit that I'm a little on the hardcore side as well. Usually servers I set up don't have USB support in the first place.
02:10.21WIMPyNor do I have udev on a server usually. Had to change that for Digium hardware.
02:13.19WIMPyI tink the Astribank might be quite handy as a mobile debugging tool. Not that small, but still better to carry a laptop and an Astribank than a full PC.
02:37.59*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
02:38.16ChannelZ"<WIMPy> I'm pretty excited to get my hands on it."    Wait, I thought you shot it?
03:02.18*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (~IceChat9@
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04:58.06*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
04:58.19FuriousGeorgehey all.  looking for a good asterisk init script for centos 6.2
04:58.52FuriousGeorgewhat i find on voipinfo crashes asterisk...  perhaps because i didn't uinstall dhadi, libpri etc
04:59.06FuriousGeorgei can start asterisk without the scripts, so i know it's working
05:01.45ChannelZThere are all kinds of scripts in the contrib directory
05:04.10FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: there are a bunch of scripts there, but i don't see any that look like init scripts
05:04.25ChannelZnothing like the init.d directory?
05:05.55FuriousGeorgemy bad i was in /contrib/scripts
05:07.30kaldemarFuriousGeorge: "make config" will install an init script for your system.
05:07.39ChannelZDid your reinstall come back working?
05:08.46FuriousGeorgenah, im doing it now.  same problem only from source i don't have working init scripts like using yum...  eg now I get ERROR: __ASTERISK_SBIN_DIR__/asterisk not found when starting the service.  still only one phone rings on inbound
05:09.20FuriousGeorgethe only thing it could be as to the latter is my sip.conf, so im gonna try to rebuild that from scratch before I give up
05:11.25FuriousGeorgekaldemar: unless the init script is called something other than asterisk, it did not
05:17.37ChannelZpastebin your sip.conf if you want. I don't remember if we saw it before or not..
05:19.49FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: k, lemme take my credentials out of it frist
05:25.01*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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05:25.46FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: in the process of redacting my credentials i see a comment that wrapped and was not re-commented
05:25.51FuriousGeorgelemme see if this makes the difference
05:28.17FuriousGeorgenm, that's just pastebin wrapping for me
05:36.34FuriousGeorgei basically took the sample sip.cond and painstakingly merged my v1.2 sip.conf
05:36.52FuriousGeorgeerrr 1.4
05:39.16*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
05:40.08[TK]D-Fendera thousand lines of commented out junk
05:40.09[TK]D-Fendertrash it
05:41.49[TK]D-FenderAnd your init script is not pointing to the proper asterisk.conf or similar...
05:42.07*** join/#asterisk xggx (3287e285@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:42.52FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: thanks i got this one i think
05:48.43*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (~IceChat9@
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06:19.02kaldemarFuriousGeorge: sed < sip.conf 's/^\s*// ; /^;/d'
07:05.27*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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08:28.42bulkorokhey... is it possible to use Wait() in the h-extension ?!
08:39.46*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:24.02WIMPyChannelZ: I shot it on ebay :-)
10:35.42*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
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10:46.24*** join/#asterisk hariom (~V@
10:47.15hariomI have experience in installing asterisk on remote server in non root execution mode. But trying FreePBX first time. How would one access FreePBX remotely then?
10:49.45infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
10:51.33hariomAre there any drawbacks in running Asterisk on a server inside a virtual machine?
10:51.43*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
10:52.29hariomI have a 8 core server with 8 GB RAM. In my host system, I am running webserver and few other scripts. I want to keep Asterisk which will connect to E1 line inside a virtual machine (as I can't afford another server).
10:53.11hariomWhat could be problems with running Asterisk with E1 line inside a virtualmachine like VirtualBox
10:57.42*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
11:00.16hariomI have tried and succeeded connecting Asterisk over GPRS connection when used with FreePBX. But I can't connect Asterisk over GPRS without FreePBX. What is missing in Asterisk?
11:02.37WIMPyHow to you plan to get that E1 in to your server?
11:04.34hariomWIMPy: Via E1 card in a PCI slot.
11:04.57WIMPyAs far as I know you can't access them from a virtual machine.
11:07.36*** join/#asterisk barbosa2 (~juliano.b@
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11:24.52hariomCan anybody give pointers that can explain about what extra is installed by FreePBX compared to what asterisk already has? I want to note if there are any feature that are not part of default Asterisk but only available in FreePBX
11:25.33WIMPyYou should ask that in #freepbx
11:26.10WIMPyBut the question really is: What features are pre-configured and which you have to add yourself.
11:27.54*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
11:28.20bulkorokhey... if I issue an AGI script via AGI() in a h-extension and in that agi is an sleep(60)... the channel in asterisk is kept open as long as the sleep takes...
11:28.28bulkorokafter a while I get
11:28.43bulkorok[Sep  5 13:25:30] WARNING[14618]: chan_sip.c:3872 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog 'xxx' with owner in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
11:29.00bulkorokbug or feature or working as expected!?
11:29.06bulkorokhow can I avoid this message?!
11:30.07WIMPyWhy do you sleep while tearing down the channel? If you need a sleep, it might be a good idea to start that script in the background.
11:30.35bulkorokit's faxing....
11:30.50bulkorokI want to resend the fax after x seconds if sending has failed before...
11:31.18bulkorokhow do I start "in background" ?!
11:31.31WIMPyWell, yes, don't do it in the old call then.
11:31.56*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:32.03bulkorokanother idea?!
11:32.10bulkorokwith a variable?!
11:32.12WIMPyDoes it have to be an AGI? Otherwise you can just use &. If it has to be an AGI you have to do it from within the script.
11:33.53bulkorokhow to send the & with pearl exec ?!
11:36.47kaldemarwhy are you using exec()? why not system()?
11:37.23bulkorokdon't know anymore... but I know I did that choice for a reason...
11:38.03bulkorokuse system instead of exec if you want it to return
11:38.14bulkorokI don't have to return...
11:40.31kaldemarbulkorok: use the single argument version.
11:42.23kaldemarbulkorok: exec('/path/to/cmd arg arg arg &')
11:42.34bulkorokI'll try...
11:43.18*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
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11:49.24mirela666MixMonitor doesn't support mp3, damn shame :)
11:50.16*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (~TheCompWi@
11:50.22*** join/#asterisk nunne (
11:53.06nunneusing debian squueze + asterisk from apt. I'm having weird problems with listening to voicemail from cellphones coming in via a sip trunk. Im also having problems with language is set wrongly on these channels as well. even though language is set correctly in sip.conf. anyone else experiencec this?? weird is that it clipps the audio dialing into the voicemail from these cellphones, at random, but dialing from a regular sip ph
11:53.06nunneone both language is set correctly and also no problem with audio clipping. And I have set the channel to answer etc before going into voicemail. even the old playback(silence/1) trick as well. to no use :(
11:54.32kaldemarnunne: use CHANNEL(language) in dialplan instead of setting the language in sip.conf.
11:55.27*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:56.13TheCompWiznunne: First... take a deep breath and take one issue at a time.  Second, Are you sure the clipping audio isn't due to the cell-phone cutting out?  Third, What is different about your "regular sip phone" and the cell-phone?
11:59.03kaldemarthe clipping might be due to network issues or because of your provider, if the audio works ok locally.
12:03.46*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
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12:14.40nunnekaldemar, that is what I'm doing. But I just find it extremley weird that on calls comming in on the sip-trunk is set as english instead of swedish.
12:16.02WIMPyIf you configured that peer to use swedish, it's obviousely not using it, i.e. comming in as guest. Maybe you need an insecure=.
12:16.23nunneTheCompWiz, thats what I'm wondering as well! The only real difference I can think of is that using this provider the call comes in as ulaw. and the rest of the system is using alaw as default. but all settings allow both alaw and ulaw. and no. we are talking about two different sites one with 60+ devices and one eith 20+ devices. and on one site they just recently changed PBX.. same config.. but comming from centos + asteris
12:16.23nunnek to debian + asterisk.
12:16.49nunneWIMPy, good call. I'll take a look
12:17.36nunnethe funny part is that it cuts the audio. just at random. either on the voicemail it self. or the menu. but it doesnt terminate the call. so if i press next for example it will start playing the next message.. and cut that one at random as well.
12:17.56TheCompWiznunne: Have you installed the ulaw/alaw specific voice-prompts?
12:18.12WIMPyThat sounds rather strange.
12:20.01TheCompWizI suspect it's got XX/voiceprompt.alaw ... but not XX/voiceprompt.ulaw  ... so it defaults to non-language specific
12:20.05nunneTheCompWiz, no. they are only avaible in .gsm unfortunatley. but that shouldnt mean it should break the actualy voicemessage someone has left
12:20.40TheCompWiz... what does language have to do with voicemail?
12:20.45nunneWIMPy, they are all set to insecure = invite,port. so it's not comming in as guest. because it ends up in the right context
12:21.05WIMPySounds like some RTP (timing) issue
12:21.24TheCompWizcheck dahdi_test
12:21.36nunneTheCompWiz, it uses the voice prompt language of the channel variable?
12:21.39*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
12:21.43WIMPyBut it doesn't use the configured language?
12:22.01nunneso it's not so nice that they end up with english prompts from their cellphones instead of english. but i have solved this with setting the channel variable
12:22.05TheCompWiznunne: if there's not a voice-prompt it can use in the specified language selection... it reverts back to using a non-language specific prompt.
12:22.37TheCompWizi.e. /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/voiceprompt.gsm instead of /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/language/voiceprompt.gsm
12:22.43nunneTheCompWiz, it works.. if i set the channel variable. but i want to know why it ignores language in sip.conf for these trunks
12:22.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:23.11TheCompWiznunne: perhaps you set it incorrectly someplace else in your dialplan?
12:23.22nunnewell. debian has screwed up the location of the voice prompts recently.. but this is not the real problem. I have no problem playing the prompts. just that it cuts the prompts at random
12:23.42nunneit starts playing it... and then at random (and sometimes not at all). clips it
12:24.00*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
12:24.14nunneits on two different installations. no setting language anywhere in the dialplan, until i put in this "fix".
12:24.18TheCompWiz1 more reason not to use the repo.
12:24.24kaldemarnunne: enable verbosity (core set verbose 10) and sip debug and make a call. you'll see which peer it matches if it does.
12:24.39nunnebut never mind the language.. i can live with that.. but i just find it a weird behaviour.. that maybe asteriskversion in apt is broken
12:25.53nunnekaldemar, i know it matches a peer that exists. because i have somehing like 200 sip peers to the same host. but it always enters the top most sip peer in sip.conf.. which is the behaviour i have always seen.. which is okay.
12:26.10nunnei have not set language variable on the peer it self. just the global one in sip.conf
12:27.06nunneand none of the boxes are behind NAT as well. So I have no idea why it clips my audio :/ and why it works using a fixed SIP-phone on their local net..
12:27.48WIMPyI put my bets on silence suppression.
12:28.26WIMPyAt least until last time I tried, Asterisk did not like that at all.
12:28.55WIMPyBut that last time was probably way back in 1.8.
12:31.25nunneWIMPy, it's a provider. so it doesnt use silence suppresion (the provider uses asterisk as well;)).
12:32.09TheCompWiznunne: what is the result of dahdi_test?
12:32.10*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
12:33.00nunneUnable to open dahdi interface: No such file or directory
12:33.14nunneTheCompWiz, that doesnt sound to "healthy" :P
12:33.51kaldemarnunne: that's ok if you don't use DAHDI.
12:34.11TheCompWizwhat is your timing source set to?
12:34.21*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
12:34.42nunnekaldemar, not using dahdi
12:37.22nunneTheCompWiz,          Timerfd Timing Interface                 26
12:37.24*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (~TheCompWi@
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12:38.24*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (~TheCompWi@
12:38.33TheCompWizweeeeeeeeee... upgrading drivers is fun!
12:38.47IsUpTheCompWiz: always
12:39.06*** join/#asterisk mandrei (~mandrei@
12:39.26nunnea little google on that timing gave me:
12:39.30TheCompWiznunne: did you try "timing test" in asterisk?
12:39.32nunnemight be something... hmm. gonna try it
12:40.03nunneAttempting to test a timer with 50 ticks per second.
12:40.03nunneUsing the 'timerfd' timing module for this test.
12:40.03nunneIt has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 50 timer ticks
12:40.14TheCompWiztry "timing test 10000"
12:40.34nunneAttempting to test a timer with 10000 ticks per second.
12:40.34nunneUsing the 'timerfd' timing module for this test.
12:40.34nunneIt has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 9982 timer ticks
12:40.35*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
12:40.41TheCompWizis that thing in a VM?
12:40.49nunneTheCompWiz, nope
12:41.07TheCompWiz99.8% isn't terrible... but not flawless.
12:41.18*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
12:41.19TheCompWizrun it a few more times & lemme know the avg you get.
12:41.55nunneon the other box, which is faaaar better then this, i got 9992
12:42.25TheCompWiz3 9s is usually the minimum I am "happy with"
12:42.58nunnethe better box has 9991-9997
12:43.13TheCompWizthat's pretty good.
12:43.18TheCompWizwhat about this box?
12:44.04nunneand the "crappy" got a bunch of 10000 and average 9994.. but one was down to 9964 even.
12:44.34TheCompWizI've seen worse... so it should be *ok*  for most things...
12:44.45mandreihello guys. I have a problem with Asterisk I use tls transport. My softphones can register but in Asterisk CLI i see that they have status=Unrecheable and "Unable to connect SIP socket to ip:port : Connection refused" permanently appear. when i use udp transport everything is just fine. What should i do to monitor  all sips with tls encryption? Thak you in advance.
12:45.50TheCompWiznunne: you could try switching to pthread timing instead of timerfd... maybe you'll get better results.
12:46.39*** join/#asterisk ks3_ (~ks3@
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12:48.36nunneanother "funny" thing is that when the audio cuts.. and it plays the next "option" file etc. it will not be heard either. but if i for example press 6 for next etc. it will start playing againm
12:50.44nunneTheCompWiz, I will try to change timing interface.. since other people seems to have problems with this in debian squueze as well
12:51.06TheCompWizhonestly ... I have no issues with timing in debian.  but all my stuff is purpose built.
12:51.48TheCompWizand I refuse to use the deb packages.  it's just easier to build it myself.
12:52.59nunneTheCompWiz, I think so to. Had some other issues with the deb packs as well.. both permission and file location. so will probably rebuild myself. but i need a quick fix at the moment :P
12:53.13nunneapparently people need to hear their voicemails, haha.
12:53.25TheCompWizpfft... just email it to 'em :D
12:53.53*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
12:53.55mandreiguys can you help me?
12:55.47TheCompWizmandrei: Sorry, I'm not a licensed Psychoanalyst.  Perhaps you should consult an Ouija board.
12:55.49nunneTheCompWiz, apparently "push mail" kills their poor little iphone batteries :P
12:56.05TheCompWiznunne: pfft... iphone.
12:56.09mandreiTheCompWiz I have a problem with Asterisk I use tls transport. My softphones can register but in Asterisk CLI i see that they have status=Unrecheable and "Unable to connect SIP socket to ip:port : Connection refused" permanently appear. when i use udp transport everything is just fine. What should i do to monitor  all sips with tls encryption? Thak you in advance.
12:56.13*** join/#asterisk kriger (
12:56.47TheCompWizmandrei: is there a firewall in the middle someplace?
12:57.08TheCompWizall on the lan?
12:57.25mandreifor udp as i said everything is working
12:57.43nunneTheCompWiz, I know.. Then you understand what users I'm dealing with her.. they complained about their iphone softphone "drained" battery as well.. and they have no reason to use that app, unless they are abroad.. but it's an APP! very cool stuff for them :P
12:59.02TheCompWizwho buys a smartphone and doesn't use it for receiving emails?
13:00.13*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-qrbcojviwrtuefoj)
13:00.32TheCompWizmandrei: I can only guess at this point... but it looks like your phones are rejecting connections from the asterisk box.
13:01.29mandreiTheCompWiz i also get in /var/log/asterisk/messages this error "Sep  5 03:57:10 localhost avahi-daemon[1911]: Invalid query packet.", could this happen because of avahi-deamon error?
13:02.07TheCompWizwhat does avahi have to do with the price of tea in china?
13:05.34IsUpmandrei: you can try capturing packets with 'tcpdump -i eth0 -s 65000 -w test.pcap port 5060' and see whats going on
13:06.10IsUpmandrei: i dont know anything about TLS so much but its using 5060 port too as far i know
13:07.37*** join/#asterisk evil-man (
13:08.28TheCompWizmandrei: did you set transport=tls in your extensions' config? ... or did you leave it unset?
13:08.35mandreiIsUp it is using 5061 port
13:08.49mandreiand encryption= yes
13:08.54TheCompWizif you didn't set tls as the transport... I think asterisk will still try udp.
13:09.14TheCompWizis there a NAT?
13:09.38TheCompWizfrom the asterisk box... can you telnet to the phone on port 5061?
13:09.38Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
13:09.56TheCompWiz(no arguments... but it's a quick & dirty test)
13:10.22*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
13:10.41bulkorokkaldemar: exec with & or \& didn't help
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13:11.18kaldemarbulkorok: & makes it run a command in the background.
13:11.22TheCompWizof course not... the ampersand is a reserved linux command line variable.
13:11.37bulkorokkaldemar: yeah, but the channel is still open...
13:11.55TheCompWizbulkorok: what are you trying to accomplish?
13:11.58kaldemarbulkorok: well, i have no idea what your setup does.
13:12.08bulkorokme neither ;-)
13:12.34bulkorokso... I have script that makes an originate
13:12.37bulkorokvi manager...
13:12.46bulkorokseveral vars...
13:12.55TheCompWizand what does that have to do with exec?
13:12.58bulkorokand if originate is ok SendFax() is called
13:13.08TheCompWiz... still waiting for the exec bit.
13:13.26bulkorokand... if the fax failed for any reason it sohould be resend after one minute...
13:13.36TheCompWizand exec is used to do what?
13:13.39bulkorokfor that I call a per-script in the h-extension
13:13.46TheCompWiz... and why exec?
13:13.51bulkorokwith exec that calls the initial script again
13:13.56TheCompWiznope it doesn't.
13:14.57*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
13:15.11bulkorokso... sendfax-script => failed-fax => AGI( => exec sendfax-script and wait there for 1 minute
13:15.40bulkorokbut the initial channel remains up until the second sendfax-script is executed...
13:16.00TheCompWizas it should do.
13:16.09kaldemarbulkorok: sure if the hangup extension does not fall through.
13:16.31TheCompWizsnuggles up to a warm Katty.
13:16.32bulkorokwhat do you mean!?
13:16.52TheCompWizbulkorok: why would the channel terminate?
13:17.20KattyTheCompWiz: morning
13:17.35bulkoroki'm not sure if I'm connected if asterisk is in the h-extension...
13:17.52bulkorokconnected with the called one
13:17.56*** join/#asterisk hariom (~V@
13:17.59TheCompWizmornin' Katty!
13:18.06kaldemarbulkorok: maybe you should pastebin your dialplan, the AGI and CLI output of a call.
13:18.21bulkorokmaybe ;-)
13:18.26TheCompWizor maybe you should try & explain what you *want* to happen.
13:19.11bulkorokI would like... If I send a fax with SendFax and the transmit fails, that it will be resend 3 times with a break of 1 minute between the next tries...
13:20.26*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:20.32TheCompWizbulkorok: what initiates the "sendfax"
13:21.22*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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13:21.52bulkorokit's an originate to the destination with sending to a context/extension/prio
13:22.00bulkorokand there is the sendfax...
13:22.32*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-ecuvhazeymfnojxb)
13:23.27TheCompWizbulkorok: you could originate another call on failure.
13:23.43bulkorokin the h-exten!?
13:23.57TheCompWizsure... why not?
13:24.23TheCompWizyou can do it anywhere actually... the "h" is just as good a place as any.
13:24.52bulkorokmmh... how do I send vars via dialplan originate!?
13:25.18bulkorokI'll show you my actual script for originate
13:27.41TheCompWiztwiddles thumbs.
13:28.02bulkorokpastes & copies as hell...
13:28.43TheCompWizI hope you're doing that the other way around.   pasting then copying ... doesn't usually work.
13:29.15bulkorokseems like... I have some text ^^
13:32.24nunneTheCompWiz, changing timing source worked btw.. So seems it's broken in debian squeeze
13:34.19TheCompWiznunne: glad to hear it
13:35.19bulkorokis back in 30 minutes
13:37.15Kobazspeaking of timing source
13:37.40*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
13:37.43Kobazi've found that in certain kernel versions and hardware, asterisk's use of timerfd conflicts with the network driver
13:38.29*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
13:38.33qakhanhi all
13:38.48leifmadsenKobaz: that's why I use nothing but res_timing_dahdi
13:38.52qakhancan i use Avaya ip phone with asterisk exts?
13:42.51[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Does it speak a protocol that * speaks?
13:43.38[TK]D-Fender<bulkorok> mmh... how do I send vars via dialplan originate!? <- you can't.  use another method
13:44.27[TK]D-FenderAMI would do it...
13:45.09Kobazleifmadsen: yeah
13:45.24Kobazleifmadsen: well i usually do but i didnt build a new one for the new kernel i was using
13:45.27Kobazso it used fd
13:45.42Kobazand after 1-2 minutes all my phoes went unreachable
13:47.54Kobazno more traffic on eth1
13:48.01Kobazand i loaded dahdi and it fixed that
13:48.10Kobazbut it took me about two weeks to figure that out
13:50.02Kobazand it was strange
13:50.08Kobazall the phones went unreachable one by one
13:50.15Kobazlike i could still ping ones at the bottom of the list
13:50.21Kobazwhile the ones at the top were totally blocked
13:51.44*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:54.33qakhan[TK]D-Fender yes. i want to use avaya phones with asterisk exts
13:57.37mandreiguys what can be wrong with my asterisk? phones are registered, i can make encrypted calls using tls transport but they are not displayed as registered in CLI when executing sip show peers?
13:59.24[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, that is not what I asked
13:59.40[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, I did not ask if you wanted to USE them.  You already TOLD us you did
14:01.59bulkorok[TK]D-Fender: I call an perl agi in the h-exten already... but the channel is up until the next originate is done...
14:02.55qakhan[TK]D-Fender what are u asking?
14:03.37*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
14:04.06[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> qakhan, Does it speak a protocol that * speaks?
14:04.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, What is unclear about that?
14:05.11_Corey_qakhan: If you're looking for help on HOW to use an Avaya phone with Asterisk, you're probably not going to find much help here or from Avaya.  If it talks SIP, it may work fine but you're going to have to do the research and try it out.  (I had bad results a few years ago with a batch of Avaya IP phones...)
14:05.56qakhani just want to know can i use avaya phone with asterisk *
14:06.10_Corey_You can use just about any SIP phone with Asterisk...
14:06.57_Corey_There are a lot of different Avaya phones though, so we have not enough information to answer your question.
14:07.52_Corey_If you're talking about some digital Avaya handset, call Citel.  They make some adapters...
14:08.10qakhanthats i my question.
14:08.43[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Go look at the documentation for the exact model you have
14:09.03qakhandoes * support H.323
14:10.35italorossiIs there any way to map columns of queue_log to database columns using odbc? (callid -> unique_id)
14:13.38mandrei[TK]D-Fender i can see all the history of asterisk operations in /var/log/asterisk/messages but i can`t see in real time from CLI nothing. Tell me if you knowhow can i set my asterisk to see all the actions (except debug) in CLI
14:14.45[TK]D-Fendercore set verbose 10
14:15.36mandreii used this command
14:15.39mandreinow i have
14:15.44mandreiConnected to Asterisk currently running on localhost (pid = 6357)
14:15.44mandreiVerbosity is at least 999
14:15.50mandreiand also nothing
14:16.03_Corey_mandrei: Check your logger.conf and make sure you have console => verbose
14:16.12[TK]D-FenderSomething else is wrong then
14:16.42mandreii have there console => notice,warning,error,verbose,dtmf
14:17.49_Corey_do "logger show channels" to make sure it's being read
14:18.05_Corey_(you should see a Console enabled) line showing all that
14:18.29*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
14:19.49mandreivar/log/asterisk/messages          File     Enabled    - NOTICE WARNING ERROR VERBOSE DTMF
14:20.51_Corey_sounds like it should be working...
14:21.13mandreithis shoul be but it doesn`t
14:21.40mandreianyway this is not so important for me at this time
14:22.42*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
14:23.03mandrei_Corey_ do you used tls support in asterisk?
14:23.25_Corey_not much, sorry
14:23.25mandrei*tls encryption
14:23.36*** join/#asterisk miztic (
14:23.40mandreiit`s ok
14:23.44StaRetjiHi folks, I know this channel is for asterisk only, but I thought some of you are using a2billing for billing. I just need to know if I want to sell wholesale that I am doing it right if I setup number_try=1
14:24.16StaRetjiI look asterisk cli and it seems I receive call 1 at the time, so I'm affraid if I'm maybe limiting to 1 call my wholesale client
14:24.21StaRetjithx for any help
14:25.02*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:25.04mandrei_Corey_ qualify check over udp the clients?
14:25.50mandreii mean asterisk if have qualify=yes
14:51.44*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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15:00.50mandreiguys why this could be? in asterisk logs i see it conects a peer with one port [Sep  5 05:48:55] VERBOSE[8602] chan_sip.c:     -- Registered SIP '1222' at and after 1 minute he want to monitor this peer on other port [Sep  5 05:49:45] ERROR[8586] tcptls.c: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection timed out
15:01.26*** join/#asterisk fergus (~fergus@
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15:05.13mandreiani ideeas?
15:06.31akshaymsHey guys.. Just installed asterisk. Its not listening on any port. Changed bindaddr to in sip.conf and its not working..
15:10.49leifmadsenin 1.8, bindaddr and bindport are separate, but your format should also work.
15:10.55leifmadsenakshayms: CentOS/RHEL server?
15:11.19akshaymsleifmadsen, currently on an ubuntu AMI
15:11.33leifmadsenakshayms: oh then not sure -- only seen that happen when SELinux is enabled
15:11.34[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, "sip show settings", from * CLI, and then show us how you checked if * was listening.
15:11.36infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:11.37leifmadsenotherwise should work fine
15:11.52leifmadsenworks fine on my AMI's on AWS
15:13.36mandreileifmadsen why this could be? in asterisk logs i see a peer is connecting with one port [Sep  5 05:48:55] VERBOSE[8602] chan_sip.c:     -- Registered SIP '1222' at and after 1 minute he want to monitor this peer on other port [Sep  5 05:49:45] ERROR[8586] tcptls.c: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection timed out
15:14.16akshaymsleifmadsen, [TK]D-Fender ,
15:15.15leifmadsenmandrei: no idea
15:15.25[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, Sure looks like * is bound to all.. and now your backup for how you were verifying that it is not doing what it is saying it is...?
15:15.43leifmadsenakshayms: what makes you think it isn't binding to a port?
15:16.03akshaymsunable to connect to it via twinkle
15:16.15akshaymsand lsof doesn't show the port either
15:16.16leifmadsenis your security group open to port 5060? doesn't look like you've configured asterisk to bind to an interface (just all), and haven't configured externip or localnet
15:16.47leifmadsenon AWS Asterisk is essentially behind NAT, so you need to configure it as such
15:16.50mandrei[TK]D-Fender you have idee why asterisk make this?
15:17.19mandreiit isn`t because of firewall
15:17.47mandreiit conects with one port but check for if peer is avaible on other port
15:17.51akshaymsleifmadsen, I opened up the port and I'm using an elastic IP to connect
15:18.02leifmadsenit is still behind NAT
15:18.17leifmadsenyour local IP on the machine is likely a 10.x.x.x address
15:18.23leifmadsenit won't be the elastic IP
15:18.28[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, "netstat -an|grep 5060"
15:18.34leifmadsenwhich means you've got to configure asterisk as if it is behind NAT
15:18.34akshaymsNope, my elastic IP is 21.X.X.X
15:18.43[TK]D-FenderIf it's there then your other networking is at fault
15:18.59akshaymsAnyway, I have another machine at home where I'm replicating everything
15:19.02leifmadsenexternip=<elastic ip>
15:19.08akshaymsI'm facing the same issue
15:19.09leifmadsenlocalnet=<internal ip>/32
15:19.24leifmadsenbeyond that, could be OS related
15:19.26_Corey_I'd leave the bindaddr as it's going to change if you power up/down the AMI
15:19.35leifmadsen_Corey_: oh true, forgot about that
15:19.53_Corey_They work reliably otherwise...  I've got a bunch in production ;)
15:19.59leifmadsen_Corey_: same
15:20.04leifmadsenconfigured via Chef:)
15:20.06[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, Do you see it listed or not?
15:20.15akshayms[TK]D-Fender, listed
15:20.26[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, then other network settings aare wrong.
15:20.28mandreithanks for help, got to go
15:20.45[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, "sip set debug on" go see if the packets from twinkle are even arriving
15:20.47akshaymsleifmadsen, Any idea what could be wrong on my local setup?
15:20.51_Corey_leifmadsen: I've been doing more with Puppet lately... have you tried both?
15:20.59akshayms[TK]D-Fender, ill give that a try, hold on
15:21.05leifmadsenakshayms: if I knew I'd have already suggested it
15:21.06leifmadsen_Corey_: I have yes
15:21.11leifmadsen_Corey_: started with Puppet actually
15:21.27leifmadsen_Corey_: really, same thing other than one uses ruby and the other uses it's own DSL
15:21.43*** part/#asterisk hariom (~V@
15:22.03leifmadsenknife integration with chef is really well done -- harder to do with puppet I found (need to use marionette)
15:22.14_Corey_I'm planning to rework some of our automation this weekend...  we're implementing a cluster of Eucalyptus machines in our colo
15:22.29leifmadsenbasically went with Chef because my current employer was already using it, and I didn't have enough invested in Puppet to argue for a change :)
15:22.41_Corey_I'm going to have to poke around with Chef a little more
15:22.41leifmadsen_Corey_: you'll likely be interested in the Kickstand Project
15:22.56_Corey_yeah, I've got it bookmarked :)
15:23.14*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
15:23.33gustohi folks
15:24.28_Corey_leifmadsen: I hate hardware with a passion... this stuff sort-of makes it fun again :)
15:24.36leifmadsenindeed :)
15:24.52leifmadsenthis weekend having a geek out weekend with a friend and we're learning openstack with about 10 physically servers
15:24.58leifmadsenhalf rack of equipment to play on
15:25.23_Corey_lol, I have 16 dell 1850s sitting next to my desk on a pile
15:25.31_Corey_hello lab
15:25.50leifmadsenneat :)
15:26.05_Corey_I decided to go Eucalyptus vs. OpenStack because of the AWS API compatibility
15:26.14leifmadsenah gotcha
15:26.22_Corey_it's all basically the same
15:26.41leifmadsenI have no allegiance and hadn't really thought about eucalyptus :)
15:27.19_Corey_I forget whether their CEO spoke at Astricon or ITEXPO or some other show I was at, but he made a good impression
15:29.40leifmadsennot sure it was AstriCon, but someone in the distributed computing arena likely isn't a bad guest speaker
15:29.45akshayms[TK]D-Fender, debug didn't show anything
15:30.04akshaymsand twinkle says "fetching registrations failed: 404 not found"
15:30.08_Corey_leifmadsen: he was the CEO of MySQL and sold it to Oracle...
15:30.41leifmadsen_Corey_: that helps the bank acocunt
15:31.02soulslayerhey guys.. how can i execute script when call is not answered.. ?
15:31.22soulslayeri talk about any event accept answer ... i tried to execute it right after the hangup application
15:31.29soulslayerand right before it ... but without any luck
15:32.22gustowhat is openstack?
15:33.00soulslayerOpenStack is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud computing project started by Rackspace Cloud and NASA
15:33.09pigpenHi all.  I am having issues with the DPMA (asterisk 10.7), and having a phone register with a realtime sip account.  For that matter, I have the same issue with an "external_line" (ie: remote secondary asterisk sip account)
15:33.51pigpensoulslayer, use the "h" extension
15:34.10soulslayerthe h extension ?
15:34.15soulslayermust google
15:34.31pigpenyeah, it is a "standard" extension.  invoked when a call is hung up.
15:34.46pigpenor you create a fall through when the timer expires on the dial, to "go do this"
15:34.55Qwell_Corey_: Martin Mikos
15:34.58gustoi have this page open, but i still do not understand what is it good for
15:35.00pigpenno DPMA genisus in irc today?
15:35.25soulslayerpigpen, but .. this will be executed when the call ends right ?
15:35.26soulslayeror no ?
15:35.29Qwellpigpen: You've given zero information about your problem.
15:35.42_Corey_Qwell: Yeah, I remembered his name just not the spelling... ;)  I've been on the phone and too lazy to look it up.
15:36.08gustoand who should be that guy?
15:36.39pigpenQwell, heh.  Yeah, you are right.  Sorry.  Seems the config is being pushed out to the phone with the incorrect secret.
15:36.57pigpenwhat?  IRC doesn't read my mind?
15:37.07gustoCEO of MySQL?
15:37.28[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, 404 says that * did respond with "nothing to see here" for it's request
15:37.45[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, make sure sip debug is enabeld and restart twinkle
15:38.00gustowell, nothing to see here is an often response i get
15:38.04akshayms[TK]D-Fender, SIP debug is enabled. restarting twinkle now
15:38.28pigpenSo a bit more info:  DPMA works fine with a sip account that exists in the sip.conf file.  However, if it exists in realtime (or "external_line" as digium calls it) it does not authenticate, due to an incorrect secret.
15:38.51Qwellpigpen: realtime and external lines have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
15:38.53soulslayerok the h extension do the trick
15:39.04soulslayerbut .... it is executed when a call is ended after it's answered
15:39.09pigpenFor realtime, 3 additional items are added to the line:  secret, mailbox and context, all are set.
15:39.12soulslayeri want to trigger it only when call i sno accepted ?
15:39.17gustowell, that twinkle does not seem to be as good as linphone
15:39.39pigpenQwell, as I noted, they are having the same issue.  Not that they are the same.
15:39.45*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
15:39.57pigpenie: both saying fail due to incorrect secret.
15:40.09akshayms[TK]D-Fender, still the smae
15:40.12pigpenas they both are set with similar config settings.
15:40.24akshaymsI'm trying this only on my local setup now btw
15:40.27[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, sounds like your networking is bad between them
15:40.39[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, no debug = no packets arriving
15:40.39akshaymsI'm able to ssh into the other machine
15:40.40Qwellpigpen: They are completely different.  Trying to relate them is useless.  Pick one to debug.
15:40.45[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, irrelevant.
15:40.51[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, SIP packets aren't making it over
15:41.05QwellGreat.  Show me the SIP debug with realtime.
15:41.44gustois "realtime" some extension, or just real time?
15:41.48*** join/#asterisk Nemus (
15:42.01pigpenrealtime db.
15:42.07pigpensip accounts live in a db.
15:42.23pigpenin this case, postgres
15:42.37gustowell, i have my accounts in sip.conf, i do not have many
15:42.47pigpenyeah, that works fine.
15:42.55gustobut postgres is something i am trying out now as well
15:43.04gustobut i still do not understand the roles system
15:43.18gustohowever, i am going to figure that out soon
15:43.37gustohow is it connected to asterisk? with that standard ODBC module?
15:45.05soulslayerhmm so the h extension is the only thing that is execute after call reject ... and it works like a charm but is there a way to filter the answered and then ended calls
15:45.22soulslayeri want to tell that i need only the calls that are not answered
15:45.55gustohm, interesting, i am lucky when calls are not answered ;-)
15:46.26soulslayeryep i need to execute something if they are not :D
15:46.36soulslayerand h executes at any call
15:46.38Qwellpigpen: pastebin any SIP and DPMA configs that are relevant for that account/phone
15:47.28*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
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15:48.37soulslayeror the only way is to handle that ... outside asterisk ?
15:49.26_Corey_soulslayer: look at DIALSTATUS
15:49.48soulslayeryep that's the other thing that i think will work
15:49.58soulslayerbut want to keep it simple as possible
15:50.22soulslayerbecause idk in what enviroment i will deploy there can be some .. giant dial plans that i want to change ... little as possible
15:50.42soulslayeri think outside of asterisk will be better then goto .... if dialstatus
15:51.16soulslayerokay thx again :D
15:53.49Qwellpigpen: and what is the secret set to in realtime?
15:53.55Qwellfor peer 200
15:55.30pigpenthe same.
15:55.49pigpenletmein, but I just reset both just in case.
15:56.17pigpengetting:  [Sep  5 10:55:41] NOTICE[7554]: chan_sip.c:26128 handle_request_register: Registration from '"200" <sip:200@>' failed for '' - Wrong password
15:56.31drmessanolmi for the win
15:56.47pigpenbut this time I set to a magical:  letmein!  << super secure password
15:57.04drmessanoWait... I thought super secret was 1235
15:57.10drmessanoNo, thats for PINs
16:00.15Qwellpigpen: and you know that Asterisk has the correct secret from realtime?  It's not caching an old one or anything?
16:00.44pigpengood point.  I'll stop all to have it re-read just in case.
16:01.21*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
16:02.25pigpensame thing, wrong password.
16:02.54QwellAnd you've reconfigured the phone so that it has the correct secret?
16:03.13pigpenverifying that now, again, just in case.
16:03.42pigpensecret=lemtein!  (copy/paste)
16:05.09pigpenfrom psql:    1 | 200  | 200-Office  |          |           | Office   | yes         | from-sip |           | rfc2833  |          |            | dynamic |          |          | 200@from-sip |           | no  |        |      |      |             |      | yes     |             |            |                | letmein! | friend | 200         | all      | ulaw  |             |          0 |        | yes         | 100        | 100        |          |           |
16:05.19pigpendam that looks like shit.  but you can see the entry.
16:06.30leifmadsenpigpen: that's what pastebin is for...
16:07.08pigpenleifmadsen, yeah, it is just one line, but a bit long for sure, and surly looks like shit.
16:07.31leifmadsenI only have my screen about 300x400 px
16:07.41pigpenhah, yeah, no kidding .
16:08.42pigpenQwell, to me it seems that the dpma is not packaging the entry "secret=password" correctly.   Although not "related" using the secret= entry on a secondary line to a remote asterisk box has the same issue with a wrong password.
16:09.05pigpenWhich if it is a "handling" issue, could affect both.
16:09.43Qwellpigpen: It would help if your secrets matched.
16:10.10Qwell"letmein!" is not the same as "letmein"
16:10.23pigpenwell, like I said, I went back and re-entered to make sure they were.
16:10.36pigpenas I found a typo.
16:11.20pigpennever the less, the phone that I was originally testing with was correct, but with this issue.  Sure, not good, but the issue remains.
16:11.56*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
16:12.08Qwelland you're able to register another phone with that 200 peer?
16:12.51pigpenyes.  I have had this same D70 registered with XML Provisioning since April, then before that, a Polycom 650 for 3 years, before that a 601 for 4 years.
16:13.23pigpenQwell, yeah.  It's goofy.
16:13.45pigpenI would love an easy one, like the password.  But I'm not that lucky.
16:14.25Qwellturn off caching, make sure the passwords actually match, restart Asterisk.
16:14.58Kattywaves at Qwell
16:15.05QwellKatty: ohai
16:15.37Kattyhow be?
16:15.54QwellI am well, and you know why.
16:16.06Kattyfist bumps Qwell
16:16.12Kattyyay for having an awesome day
16:16.28infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
16:18.00Qwellpigpen: and if you're working with support, TELL SOMEBODY HERE FIRST
16:18.38QwellI don't like seeing multiple people dealing with the same problem, asking questions in internal channels, while I'm helping that person as well.
16:19.34*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (
16:20.11adeel|worki'm having trouble getting directrtpsetup to work for inbound seems that asterisk still provides its IP on the initial invite, and then re-invites out of the works fine for outbound calls....
16:20.38pigpenQwell, sorry.  I thought I did.
16:20.44adeel|workif directrtpsetup is defined in the sip.conf global section, and not redefined for peers/extensions, does it still default to no?
16:21.06pigpenQwell, and I didn't know you were with them.  Otherwise, I would have made sure you knew.
16:21.33Kattywho wants to help me throw marshmallows at cisco.
16:21.43Kattyloads marshmallow shooter
16:23.18pigpenQwell, caching off, passwords verifed, asterisk stopped/started, same issue.
16:23.36pigpenI can deal with support via the open ticket if you wish.
16:34.40*** join/#asterisk Galen (
16:41.32bmoraca_workQwell: feature request for DPMA:  a setting to hide the dialplan executions from the console/, it's really ballooning my logs...just two phones running for a day is 20mb of logs
16:42.39*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
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16:46.48leifmadsenbmoraca_work: you should file that to Digium directly through the website as Qwell isn't responsible for the DPMA stuff at all
16:47.04*** join/#asterisk wtfitsme (
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16:49.10wtfitsmehello I am using the REGEX function and I am trying to determine if an extension starts with 718,212,347. What is the bet way to form the REGEX, I thought that something like this would work: exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${REGEX("[^1212|^1718|^1646|^1347|^1917|^1929|^1800|^1888|^1866|^1877|^1855]" ${DIALED_NUMBER:4})}]?no_account_codes:account_codes)….but my regex fu has left me.
16:49.42wtfitsmeThis is more of a regular expression question i guess.
16:49.54leifmadsenI'd test it outside of asterisk first
16:50.11leifmadsenbecause the REGEX stuff in Asterisk can be kind of picky
16:50.15wtfitsmeleifmadsen: asterisk uses PCRE?
16:50.22leifmadsenI don't think so
16:50.29leifmadsenit's some weird common denominator of regex
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16:52.56bmoraca_workleifmadsen: right...he was just helping me with it recently
16:53.28leifmadsenbmoraca_work: right, I'm just saying, if you want that suggestion to be passed to someone who can do something with it, you need to use the right channels
16:53.38leifmadsenthis is not the correct place for a feature suggestion
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17:21.07TuxBlackEdoHello, I am a complete newb. I am trying to set up some phones for my sales people in my office (about 10 phones) and I would like to use VoIP.. So what kind of provider should I use that is reliable?
17:22.20infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
17:22.50infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
17:23.06pigpenTuxBlackEdo, flat lines are typically very reliable.  Just run them via an FXO of some sort.
17:23.10paulcTuxBlackEdo: Depends if you want an ITSP to send you traffic, and you have an Asterisk box that those 10 people connect to.. or if you're looking for some kind of "hosted PBX" offering
17:25.18*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (~darkdrgn@
17:25.20darkdrgn2khey guys
17:25.46darkdrgn2ki just lost access to my spa2102... i set it to bridge mode.. an di know it has an ip ( can isee it in the dhcp table) but i cant access the web insterace on it..
17:26.10akshayms[TK]D-Fender, this just showed up in the debug - [Sep  5 21:28:25] WARNING[2830]: chan_unistim.c:3541 parsing: Read error
17:27.10[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, Please tell more about this parallel dimension where Twinkle speaks UniSTIM...
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17:29.20akshayms[TK]D-Fender, did not follow you there
17:29.39[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, that has nothing to do with your SIP issues
17:30.23akshaymsany other softphone that I should try? Probably some issue with Twinkle
17:31.03TuxBlackEdowhat is a good hardware pbx?
17:31.24TuxBlackEdofor like <10
17:31.53darkdrgn2kdepends if your looking for asterisk or not :-P
17:32.57TuxBlackEdooh.. i am just looking for something everyone uses so when something goes wrong i can easily google the problem and get like 100s of forums posts of people experiencing that same problem
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17:45.12paulcTuxBlackEdo: Get a Nortel Meridian Norstar off eBay - cheap and cheerful, key system working, ideal for <10 people.. or go the Asterisk route and either buy an appliance (Digium have some) or build a box yourself (or pay someone to) (hi! I do that!).. then buy a bunch of SIP phones..
17:45.21*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:46.10[TK]D-Fenderakshayms, Packets aren't making it to your server.  You haev screwed up your networking.  It isn't twinkle's fault.
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18:01.35TrinitelHello guys, is somebody using iLBC codecs? Do you have problems with robotic voice if transcoded by asterisk to other codecs?
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18:07.04jpsharpilbc has a robotic tone to it to begin with.
18:08.59TuxBlackEdothanks paulc
18:10.06*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
18:10.56Triniteljpsharp: I know but the quality of iLBC to iLBC call is much better than iLBC to G711 call.
18:11.46leifmadsenlpc10 is my fave
18:13.24TrinitelI'm using polycom phones which only support G711, G722, G729 and iLBC. iLBC is the only free low bitrate codec here...
18:13.46Qwellbmoraca_work: fwiw,
18:15.39*** join/#asterisk bipul (~vipul@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
18:16.50Qwellbmoraca_work: oh, looks like you found it.  nm!
18:19.38_Corey_Anyone know what the # of reactivations is on a DPMA key?
18:20.11Qwell_Corey_: I doubt it's limited
18:20.17Qwellactually, maybe.
18:20.30_Corey_seems to be
18:20.33Qwellponders whether he can check that
18:21.20Qwell30, unless your key is special somehow O.o
18:21.29_Corey_it's, um, old
18:21.34Qwellso, probably special :p
18:21.40_Corey_they sent a new one, so all good
18:23.53Qwellhas a super magic awesome key
18:24.15_Corey_lol, mine was super too until it stopped working :)
18:27.05*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (~YoMomma@
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18:31.19hariomI am installing asterisk in non root user (I use ubuntu server 10.04 so it means non sudoer user). I have created a user asteriskpbx as a normal user which is not in sudoer list. How to install it for asteriskpbx user? I have default sudo user as 'myuser'.
18:33.40hariomShould I login into asterisbpbx user and untar the source do ./configure and make as the 'asteriskpbx' user and then change to sudo user i.e. 'myuser' as 'su - myuser' and do sudo make install? Later change the owner ship of directories like /var/lib/asterisk etc to asteriskpbx:asteriskpbx ? Is this the correct way?
18:34.21hariomI see the similar procedure here:
18:34.43hariombut the confusion is that in the link author assumes that asteriskpbx is the sudoer user
18:35.05Qwellhariom: ./configure && make && sudo make install
18:35.11hariomI think it reduces the security of the system
18:35.45QwellIt doesn't matter what name you use.  Pick one, and just use that name for everything.
18:35.46hariomQwell: How to ensure that it works with the user who is not in the sudoer list
18:35.57QwellBy following the steps that you linked. :)
18:36.44*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:37.36hariomQwell: I think it makes the difference. Lets say I follow the link as it is and install into 'asteriskpbx' user (which is also a sudoer user i.e. root user). If password of the 'asteriskpbx' user is cracked or some how entry is made into the shell of asteriskpbx user, the person can control the entire system.
18:38.01leifmadsenhariom: you can always remove sudo access after you've installed....
18:38.04QwellYou don't need SSH enabled on that account.
18:38.09leifmadsenand that too
18:38.18Qwellor just rename it like I said.  The name is completely unimportant.
18:38.20leifmadsenthere are ways to solve your problems
18:38.45hariomQwell: System is going to be remotely managed. So ssh will remain. I can't have benefit of that.
18:38.52*** join/#asterisk Hive (
18:39.06Qwellhariom: You can SSH to your system management user.
18:39.09leifmadsenthen better control your access via ssh as well via keys and firewall
18:39.21QwellThe user in the guide is just like the apache, mysql, or postfix users.
18:39.39QwellHell, run it as nobody.  It does not matter.
18:39.41leifmadsencreate a separate group for ssh access, and give those people sudo access, and control the maintenance users via ssh keys, etc.
18:39.50hariomleifmadsen, Qwell: The user in the guide is the user who is installing Ubuntu
18:40.04leifmadsenso change the user who is installing
18:40.11leifmadsenyou can adduser after for asteriskpbx
18:40.28hariomleifmadsen: yea, thats what I was mentioning perviously
18:40.34leifmadsenno one is stopping you from doing it
18:40.40leifmadsenI'm not sure what we're discussing here...
18:40.46hariomleifmadsen: Have a user which is not in sudoer
18:41.00leifmadsenok, soooooo... don't have that user be a sudo user
18:41.05leifmadsenyou have the power
18:41.53hariomleifmadsen: I guess you have ignored the actual query. Let me repeat for you to know what I am looking for: I am installing asterisk in non root user (I use ubuntu server 10.04 so it means non sudoer user). I have created a user asteriskpbx as a normal user which is not in sudoer list. How to install it for asteriskpbx user? I have default sudo user as 'myuser'. Should I login into asterisbpbx user and untar the source do ./configure and make as the 'asteriskpb
18:42.28leifmadsen./configure and make don't require sudo access
18:42.35leifmadsenyou can use another user to run 'make install' if you want
18:42.58leifmadsensame thing with chmod and chown
18:42.59hariomleifmadsen: I also didn't say ./configure and make require sudo
18:43.09leifmadsenhariom: I agree -- they don't require it
18:43.21leifmadsenyou don't *have* to run make install as asteriskpbx
18:43.22TrinitelHello, is somebody using iLBC codecs? Do you have problems with robotic voice if transcoded by asterisk to other codecs? iLBC to iLBC calls are ok but iLBC to G711 is very robotic,
18:43.24leifmadsenuse another user
18:43.37hariomleifmadsen: ok
18:43.40leifmadsenTrinitel: known issue and open on the issue tracker
18:44.57Trinitelleifmadsen: so there is no workaround at the moment? I will check the issue tracker
18:45.18Hivewhen i run 'core show channels' in the CLI, is there a way to extend the channel name section so that some chanel names are not truncated?
18:45.28leifmadsenTrinitel: whatever information is known about the issue will be on the issue in the tracker, so check if there is a work around there (I'm not aware of one)
18:45.43Trinitelleifmadsen: thanks
18:45.46leifmadsenHive: you could try 'core show channels verbose' or modify the field side in the code
18:46.42Hivethanks for the suggestions leifmadsen
18:54.25Nephflso, how many channels are the rasberry pi boards able to support?
18:55.01*** join/#asterisk Tu13es (
18:57.07navaismoNephfl, so far i was used 5 sip channels without transcoding ulaw-ulaw and no recordings
18:57.14navaismoso dependes on your needs
18:57.55navaismobut im using realtime and mysql and php so maybe deleting that and use a complete vanilla asterisk you can get more
18:57.59Nephflwondering if it would work as a freepbx server for a few phones
18:59.11navaismotalking in simultaneous calls how much?
18:59.37Tu13eshm, i have an astrisk server running freepbx....its set up to support video and we can make ptp calls using video.  should it also "just work" for conference calls?
18:59.38navaismoand yes you can install freepbx on it, actually there are a distro with FPBX 2.10 ready to donwloand and copy to thje SDcard
18:59.40Tu13es(it doesn't)
19:01.40navaismousing confbridge with asterisk 10 maybe
19:02.53Tu13esany pointers to upgrading a 1.8 to 10?
19:02.58Tu13esi've searched but couldn't find much
19:04.10Tu13esoh, i'm running asterisknow, if it matters
19:04.54navaismoNope i dont have guides to do that i preffer everything from sources compile and install, if I want to upgrade uninstall and compile again
19:05.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:06.35kresp0Hi all,
19:06.35kresp0Would you say that this number: "29004100" will match this "_[012345]XXXXZ!0." ?
19:10.32navaismohmm 8 digits against 9 dialpatern digit  I bet for NO
19:10.49navaismobut maybe easier if I try it on asterisk
19:11.48kresp0According to The Book (ejem leifmadsen), I understand it should. The "!" character here should match 0 or more characters. But no.
19:12.02kresp0I need to use that expression instead: _[012345]XXXXZ0. The problem is, that in the future, I will need also to mach numbers like "29004990666".
19:12.42leifmadsen! certainly works
19:12.53leifmadsenkresp0: but you can't put anything after the !
19:12.57leifmadsenthat's the problem you have there
19:13.03kresp0ohhh thank you leif
19:13.11leifmadsenonce you use ! or ., nothing else can be added after
19:13.28kresp0maybe The Book should say it
19:13.43*** join/#asterisk tstyle (~tstyle@
19:14.48kresp0and it is possible to add several "!" ?
19:15.20kresp0like _XXX!!
19:15.42kresp0to match 3, 4 or 5 digits
19:15.45Qwellkresp0: no, ! or . must be at the end, and only used once.
19:15.54kresp0thank you Qwell
19:16.00Qwellalso !! makes no sense.
19:16.11kresp0sure Qwell?
19:16.15Qwell!! would mean zero or zero or more characters
19:16.24kresp0zero or one
19:16.29Qwellno, zero or more.
19:16.38kresp0right Qwell
19:16.51QwellIf you want zero or one, use 2 extensions
19:16.58Qwell_123, and _123X
19:17.17kresp0I was using it wrong
19:17.18Qwellleifmadsen: I'm surprised there is no ?
19:17.36Qwellmaybe it's not that useful though
19:19.00leifmadsenit'd be nice if you could use something like ? etc  --  there was a discussion about extending the dialplan a couple years ago
19:19.07leifmadsenI was supposed to document it, but didn't get that far
19:19.37Qwelloh, well I'll blame you for its lack of existence then
19:22.11*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
19:25.54kresp0leifmadsen: you document things that didnt even exist yet?
19:26.06kresp0sorry about my poor english
19:27.36leifmadsenkresp0: yes sometimes
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19:32.48TheCompWizanyone play with a specralink 8440?
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19:47.19Nephflwhat is a quick way to test if meetme was compiled in?
19:47.54NephflI guess it is in help, so it is there?
19:48.16Nephflthink it might have something to do with meetme?
19:48.37Nephflsince asterisk keeps parsing meetme.conf when monsast is running
19:48.59Nephflwrong window
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19:51.16navaismoi think if exist
19:54.02Nephflanybody here use the monast script much?
19:54.56*** join/#asterisk ks3 (ks3@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:feae:97e3)
19:56.31navaismowhat exactly?
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20:02.58Tu13esnavaismo: hm, do you have any experience with confbridge and video?
20:03.24Tu13esi upgraded to asterisk 10 and am using confbridge, and i can call into a conf and turn on video, and the asterisk server gets video from the clients, but never sends any video to the clients
20:04.33navaismoonly in testing environments, do you configure the confbridge for the video
20:04.49Tu13esI set video_mode=follow_talker
20:04.53Tu13esis there something else i need to enable?
20:05.31navaismoand asterisk dont show multivideo. Like a grid array
20:05.48Tu13esnope, i don't get any video coming from asterisk
20:05.57navaismodon't remember but you can see in the wiki
20:06.19Tu13esyeah, this is what I was looking at:
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20:11.35navaismoyep, you will see the video source in this case the talker and you can switch the video source, you dont see it?
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20:14.48mjordanTu13es: are your sip peers configured with video support?
20:15.04Tu13esmjordan: yep, both peers are using jitsi and the same codec
20:15.11Tu13esand video works fine during a normal call
20:15.21Tu13esnavaismo: nope, i don't see any video
20:15.43Tu13esI did notice that if I do "confbridge show profile bridge default_bridge"
20:15.50Tu13esit says "Video Mode: no video"
20:16.41mjordanIf you don't set a video source in the profile, you have to set one programmatically either using DTMF or an AMI action
20:17.20mjordanwhat is the video_mode setting in your bridge profile?
20:18.48Tu13estype = bridge
20:18.49Tu13esvideo_mode = follow_talker
20:19.21Tu13esoh, huh, whatever I did changed it so the command above now shows Video Mode: follow_talker
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20:20.02Tu13esmjordan: hm, ok, so I guess I may need to do what you said
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20:22.30Tu13esmjordan: hm, any pointers on that?
20:23.05Tu13esoh, heh, these are your mailing list posts i'm reading
20:23.52Tu13esoh, were you just talking about video_mode
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20:47.39Tu13eshmm, i tried enabling "Talk Detect Events" no no avail
20:53.57Tu13esalso tried last_marked mode and changed default_user to marked=yes, to no avail
20:56.07*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
20:57.25Tu13esgoes insane
20:58.12pabelangerpossible it is broken
20:58.15pabelangertry using 10.0.0
20:58.26pabelangerlast time I tested with jitsu, it worked with that
20:58.44Tu13esi'm using 10.7.1, i believe
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20:58.54Tu13esmaybe that's too new? :|
20:59.01Tu13esand yeah, i'm using jitsi
20:59.05Tu13esand video works fine p2p
21:05.36Tu13esbah, have to head out for the day. any suggestions feel free to PM me, otherwise expect me back tomorrow :P
21:06.50TheCompWizYEAH FOR POLYCOM... /whimper.
21:07.25TheCompWizJust incase anyone has a polycom spectralink 8440... and uses an open wifi for their voip links... you'll NEVER get DHCP to work until you update the firmware.
21:08.10TheCompWizyou'd think that'd be one thing they would have checked before leaving the factory.   (wifi phone that can't get DHCP? ... SPIFFY!)
21:09.54pabelangerNow you know
21:10.01pabelangerand knowing is half the battle
21:11.33jpsharpred & blue lasers are the other half.
21:13.18TheCompWizsharks & frickin' laser beams!
21:13.43leifmadsenit's all I really want
21:13.53TheCompWizadditionally... the default "Regulatory Domain" ... of "none" is invalid.  You must set the option to 1... even though... it's the only option.
21:14.10leifmadsenhopes TheCompWiz is writing this down in a wiki somewhere
21:14.20pabelangerleifmadsen: IKR
21:14.21TheCompWiz(unless you're lucky enough not to live in US/Canada)
21:14.42TheCompWizwishes Polycom would document some of this too...
21:15.20TheCompWizI spent all day trying to badger this damn thing into working properly... and I even spent time on the phone w/ Polycom... and they still drew a blank.
21:15.53TheCompWizthey blamed it on my APs... because everyone knows... enterprise-grade APs are always to blame.
21:16.03leifmadsensounds right
21:16.10leifmadsenif you can pass the buck, it's not your prolem
21:16.37TheCompWiz... too bad their older phones (8030s and 8020s) worked perfectly.
21:17.49TheCompWizgrrr... and now I get to figure out why their NTP is b0rked.
21:17.58TheCompWizor rather... their understanding of NTP.
21:18.32TheCompWiz(I set the offset to -18000  {-5gmt}  and pointed it at my ntp server... and it says 10PM}
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21:39.19QwellTheCompWiz: Enterprise-grade == Cisco + java, so yeah, I'm right there with them on that.
21:41.14QwellPoint: Qwell
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22:13.31*** join/#asterisk skor (~skor@unaffiliated/skor)
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22:14.52*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
22:20.34SeRip3nguin: you around?
22:27.57*** part/#asterisk YoMomma (
22:30.45*** part/#asterisk jaskew (
22:31.18*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
22:35.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
22:35.15*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
22:36.37*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
22:59.51*** part/#asterisk Nemus (
23:04.44*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
23:15.03*** join/#asterisk devilsoulblack (be9719cb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:15.24devilsoulblackhi i need backup the last day of queue_log i think something like that SELECT * FROM `queue_log` WHERE time_id >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP("INTERVAL −1 DAY")
23:15.26devilsoulblackani idea ?
23:34.47*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
23:36.09leifmadsendevilsoulblack: 302 Redirect #mysql
23:36.29devilsoulblackthanks leifmadsen
23:36.30leifmadsenor rather, #sql
23:41.09SeRihas any body here played wih a flukso devise before?
23:50.14*** join/#asterisk qakhan (
23:50.29qakhancan someone tell me is there any library or plugin in PHP which connects to astersik

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