IRC log for #asterisk on 20120904

00:10.42*** join/#asterisk koffel (
00:11.02koffelis asterisk  now part of this channel?
00:28.11navaismowhich GUI are you using?
00:29.41*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
00:44.21*** join/#asterisk craig3smith (
00:53.22*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
00:58.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:00.23*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
01:05.51*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
01:31.53*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
01:35.25*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
01:53.09*** join/#asterisk Siliconsoul (
02:48.46*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
02:51.55*** join/#asterisk hebber (
02:59.48*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~lorsungcu@
03:05.19*** join/#asterisk axscode (axscode@
03:05.56axscodehi guys, is there a plugin/module thats function almost trixbox...
03:07.44lorsungcu_i think you are looking for #freepbx
03:10.10axscodefreepbx is not asterisk?
03:10.39lorsungcu_it uses asterisk
03:11.03lorsungcu_it's just a bunch of scripts that automate normal pbx functions
03:15.06axscodegreat, i hope it can be install not as an iso
03:31.20*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:32.08[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: How "almost" are you looking for?
03:33.25[TK]D-Fenderaxscode: FreePBX is basically a comlpete front end that takes over all the responsibilities of configuring * for you and you usually stick to doing things it's way.  So if youre loking for too much custom work then GUI's are not for you.
03:35.12axscodeim trying to install freepbx now..
03:35.33axscodesome trouble during installation, hope i can get through with it.
03:39.35*** join/#asterisk dijib (
03:42.07*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-ixxymywsrbyjmeyx)
03:42.40lorsungcu_axscode, you need to bring this to the proper channel
03:42.47lorsungcu_#freepbx will be able to help you
03:43.34*** join/#asterisk AlfE_ (
03:44.01xbpwhat is the issue
03:44.35xbpif you look on you will find a good installation guide for asterisk + freepbx
03:45.07xbpstart from scratch if you're not too familiar with linux and have gotten yourself into something halfway and gone back and forth among bugs
03:45.26xbpyou have to be pretty savvy to go in and look up logs and find errors from taking shortcuts
03:45.33xbpshortcuts cost ya everytime.. Are you using a vps?
03:45.55xbpi install asterisk on vps slices so I deal with headaches all th etime
03:45.59xbprun along.
03:46.17xbptypes to the floor which never listens
03:49.01*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:09.53*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
04:10.55*** join/#asterisk siamba (~siamba@pdpc/supporter/active/dddh)
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05:00.28*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:02.17*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
05:02.22*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
05:38.10*** join/#asterisk waxstone (~waxstone@unaffiliated/waxstone)
05:41.40waxstonehi all, I have asterisk setup with sip clients working for my home office im now trying to setup landline should i go for external setup like for $52 or with an internal card? only one line required
05:45.49jpsharpWell, if you're looking to connect to a phone line that particular box won't work.
05:46.03jpsharpBut I'd go with an external SIP gateway myself.  Much less hassle.
05:47.15jpsharpBut if you're looking to connect plain telephones to Asterisk, you could use that box.
05:48.27waxstonejpsharp: could you explain the difference between phone line and plain telephone?
05:48.47waxstonejpsharp : trying to hook up normal home phone line
05:49.11waxstoneok i understand now i believe
05:49.20waxstonenormal handsets
05:49.39waxstonewow thanks saved me some $$$. how about do you have any you know work or could recommend?
05:50.42waxstonei want an otsid ecall to my home to pass into asterisk so phone line
05:51.21*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
05:56.17kaldemarwaxstone: FXO is what you need in that case. FXS provides battery and is used to connect phones. FXO is for lines.
05:57.25waxstonekaldemar: thanks ill search of an external gateway with one FXO line
05:57.27*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~dnepangue@
06:02.50waxstonekaldemar: has 1 FXO port and 1 FXS port so that should work correct?
06:04.31kaldemarthe site you link to does not answer.
06:05.11*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
06:06.09waxstonesorry dk what happened ther
06:09.17kaldemarsure, that will do the job.
06:10.37waxstonekaldemar: thanks!
06:15.43*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
06:26.35*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
06:26.37*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
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06:30.12mirela666mornin' all
06:34.44*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
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06:37.27*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
06:51.05*** join/#asterisk Siliconsoul (~Siliconso@
07:27.50*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
07:32.47reisihi everyone! trying to use AMI over asterisk-java; any ideas why does not the client library receive information on any channels on the server? (server is 1.8; not sure if I should configure this with more than allowing login with username/pw)
07:38.05*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
07:43.36*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
07:44.51*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
07:46.14kaldemarreisi: you should configure the read/write parameters in manager.conf to allow the manager user to actually get some data.
07:50.27reisikaldemar: that i have done
07:51.05reisikaldemar: i am able to originate calls and execute for example "sip show peers" but no access to channels (via listener or ManagerConnection)
07:51.06kaldemarattach to CLI and do "manager set debug on" and see what happens when you try to do something.
07:51.12reisikaldemar: roger that
07:51.32kaldemarhow are you trying to get the channel information?
07:53.32reisikaldemar: there are multiple built-in ways inside ; or actually just one: it should receive a StatusEvent (not sure what this is in AMI terms) and then update it's in-java caches according to that event
07:53.56reisikaldemar: apparently those events are not being sent; it could though be that this asterisk-java library is just broken at the moment
07:54.40kaldemarevents are something you need to enable while loggin in to the AMI with "Events: On".
07:54.57*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
07:57.41kaldemarManagerConnection.addEventListener() and what goes along with it is probably what you're missing.
07:58.07reisiactually not sure if that is it, but there's no event mask being sent
07:58.43kaldemarif you don't want to use events, a mere CommandAction("core show channels concise") and some parsing gets you the info (unless there's a class that handles core channel information on demand nowadays).
08:00.56*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:05.01reisistill does not work (at least through the abstraction i'm trying to use); originate is successfully queued, but no actual unique channel id gets returned ever
08:07.27reisiso no OriginateEvent is received
08:08.03reisiset manager debug on does not seem to be debugging anything
08:14.17kaldemarit's not too verbose. you can always use tcpdump to verify what goes on.
08:16.23*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (c4d7bcf4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:22.55*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
08:24.20*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
08:33.12v0lZyhey people
08:33.16v0lZycananyone clue me in on CDR
08:33.42v0lZyDo i need to do anything in the dialplan
08:33.48v0lZyor just configure cdr.conf
08:35.01*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
08:39.27*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
08:44.25*** join/#asterisk DREMA (c98d9c56@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:44.42DREMAHello everyone!
08:45.32DREMAIs anyone alive?
08:46.14DREMAHow are you man!
08:46.26DREMAI'm looking for some help with my asterisk box
08:46.37fenrusim quite all right
08:46.39ChannelZHoly shit!
08:46.48fenrusif you ask your question instead of asking if you can ask.. ;)
08:46.52ChannelZNo one ever comes here for that!
08:47.04DREMAHahahaha, sorry sorry
08:47.30DREMAto the point
08:48.04DREMAinbound PSTN calls work fine
08:48.16DREMAtrying to dial out goes to busy tone
08:48.20DREMAthis is on my logs
08:48.29DREMAWARNING[1386]: chan_sip.c:8435 process_sdp: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: audio 8024 RTP/SAVP 4 0 8 2 97 102 100 101
08:49.03*** join/#asterisk brdude (
08:49.19ChannelZWell it's only a warning but not necessarily why your call is failing
08:49.33DREMAto be precise, on the core debug I got this
08:49.34DREMADEBUG[1386]: chan_sip.c:8334 process_sdp: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED. [Sep  1 13:04:46] DEBUG[1386]: chan_sip.c:8334 process_sdp: Processing session-level SDP o=1005 8010 8000 IN IP4 UNSUPPORTED. [Sep  1 13:04:46] DEBUG[1386]: chan_sip.c:8334 process_sdp: Processing session-level SDP s=SIP Call... UNSUPPORTED. [Sep  1 13:04:46] DEBUG[1386]: chan_sip.c:8334 process_sdp: Processing session-level S
08:49.47DREMAon the sip debug
08:51.01jpsharpRTP/SAVP says something wants to negotiate encryption.
08:51.21*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:52.10jpsharpYep. Your grandstream is trying to negotiate encryption but Asterisk is telling it that it has no idea what that's about.
08:52.41DREMAI found some problem like that on google. Something about requesting encryption but asterisk not supporting it
08:52.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:53.03DREMACan't find any option about encryption in my Grandstream
08:53.21jpsharpEncryption, TLS, SRTP
08:53.51DREMALet me check one more time
08:54.58DREMAI should mention it was working perfectly fine
08:55.12DREMANo changes made to the grandstrem nor the asterisk
08:55.40jpsharpOr you could go through the oh-so-fun-and-exciting evolution of configuring SRTP :)
08:57.09DREMAI would really like to do it that way to learn about it
08:57.22DREMAbut is my work pbx
08:57.28DREMAcant play with it right now
09:02.12DREMAMaybe I'm blind but I can't fine anything about encryption besides SIP transport
09:02.17DREMAand its on UDP
09:04.22*** join/#asterisk enoch (~unix@unaffiliated/enoch)
09:04.23enochhi all
09:04.33enochthe best way to make an sms gateway?
09:04.37DREMAYeah, I'm BLIND
09:04.57DREMASRTP Mode: Enabled but not forced
09:05.05DREMACould that be the problem?
09:06.31DREMAHow do I forward a call between extensions from the Asterisk-CLI ?
09:07.38DREMA"ext 1005 dial to 1006" for example
09:10.49DREMAor how I place a call on another phone from the asterisk-cli
09:18.34bulkorokDREMA: originate
09:20.18*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:15b7:451d:63fd:b1ae)
09:24.15*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
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09:37.58*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-krhrkghnuizcemnv)
09:45.05*** join/#asterisk mathi (
09:46.49mathisome functions are uppercase like ISNULL(), DB(), DB_DELETE(), ... and others are camel case like GotoIf(), Dial(), Set(), ...
09:47.16mathiwhy don't they all follow the same convention? is there a difference among these functions?
09:47.53kaldemarmathi: all functions are in upper case. GotoIf(), Dial() and Set() are not functions, they are applications.
09:48.38mathiI'm not sure I udnerstand the difference between an application and a function :(
09:49.02tomodachia function is something you program yourselve, an application is a program made by someone else
09:49.34kaldemarmathi: exten => s,1,Application()
09:49.53kaldemarmathi: exten => s,n,Set(FUNCTION(field)=value)
09:50.22reisiwhen a sip channel is up, using speex, how can i Playback a ".spx" file? (currently the .sln file seems to be always selected)
09:50.45kaldemarmathi: you see? applications are something that are executed in every priority in an extension. functions are something that can be used inside applications.
09:51.06kaldemarmathi: functions cannot be used like exten => s,1,FUNCTION()
09:51.55mathikaldemar, how can I use then DB_DELETE(test/count)
09:58.40*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
10:03.00v0lZyhi all
10:03.56*** join/#asterisk mquevedob (~mquevedob@
10:04.19v0lZykaldemar: I noticed that when I put somone on hold (or switch to another line to make a second call) ... after 2 minutes of being on hold, asterisk hangs up the original caller (it seends some beeps to me before that). What option controls this hangup behaviour?
10:05.21mquevedobdoes anyone know if it is possible to configure SDP/connection information ? I need to set a different RTP IP address
10:09.56*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:12.45v0lZymathi: you want to DB_DELETE something'
10:13.08mathiv0lZy, I was just wondering why DB_DELETE is a function and not an application
10:13.41mathiit was an application until version 1.4
10:15.17v0lZyu use it like exten => n,NoOp(${DB_DELETE(field/value)})
10:16.00mathibut didn't it make more sense using it as an applicatio, ? exten => Dbdel(field/value) ?
10:16.12v0lZyAs to why its an application rather than a function, I dont know. But to me it makes more sense as an a function since its like Set ... sets unsets something
10:16.41mathiv0lZy, well to delete a family, you use an application
10:16.42v0lZymathi: I agree, it would make more sense ... using it that way
10:17.05mathiv0lZy, maybe the reason is that an application cannot return anything ?
10:17.31v0lZymathi: I honestly dont know.
10:17.31mathias DB_DELETE returns the old value
10:18.07*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-diechfgluynrcowh)
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10:36.37*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
10:42.02kaldemarmathi: the function can also used to retrieve a value from the database, like Set(var=${DB_DELETE(family/key)})
10:42.24mathikaldemar, yep I am just reading it here:
10:43.09kaldemarmathi: you should be reading it in CLI with "core show function DB_DELETE".
10:43.41v0lZyhm..... rtpholdtimeout ...
10:43.49reisishould sox input.wav -t raw -s -2 -c 1 -r 8000 output.sln produce something that should be playable by Playback?
10:47.30kaldemarreisi: yes.
10:54.35*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
10:57.41v0lZykaldemar:  I noticed that when I put somone on hold (or switch to another line to make a second call) ... after 2 minutes of being on hold, asterisk hangs up the original caller (it seends some beeps to me before that). What option controls this hangup behaviour? I dont have a rtpholdtimeout value specified in my spi.conf general section... is it 120sec by default, could that be the case?
10:57.50v0lZy(i have my rtptimeout set to 120 sec
10:58.11v0lZyor at least i thought i did, i cant seem to find it now
10:59.55*** part/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
11:00.13*** join/#asterisk teff (
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11:03.13v0lZyis there a way to see what my current rtptimeout value is?
11:03.20v0lZyfrom asterisk CLI?
11:03.32kaldemarv0lZy: rtpholdtimeout is 0 by default, which means disabled.
11:03.35kaldemar"sip show settings"
11:04.05reisikaldemar: is there documentation somewhere on how Playback() selects the file, and what file suffices are acceptable?
11:06.04v0lZymy rtptimeout = 0
11:06.12*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
11:06.19mirela666reisi: or here :
11:06.29v0lZyrtpholdtimeout also 0
11:06.36v0lZywhy do my calls drop when on hold for 120 sec?
11:07.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
11:07.25reisimirela666: that does not quite cover the supported formats and their suffices?
11:08.06kaldemarreisi: "core show application Playback" don't waste your time reading voip-info.
11:08.07mirela666reisi: than read about sound files
11:11.29v0lZyMy calls seem to drop when on hold at exactly 120 seconds
11:11.38v0lZythis is probably some setting or lack of thereof
11:12.02*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
11:12.55*** join/#asterisk AlfE_ (
11:13.22v0lZyif i set to verbose 9
11:13.33v0lZyI just get that dial on the original caller exited non zero
11:14.22v0lZymy dial parameter is Dial(SIP/16,,Tt)
11:14.34v0lZyam i missing something.. ring time, something?
11:16.03*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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11:31.06DigweedI've always used the IP address of my SIP proxy in the sip.conf but would like to use the DNS name. That does not seem to work however, I get this error:
11:31.08Digweed[Sep  4 14:52:56] WARNING[9623]: chan_sip.c:2921 create_addr: No such host:
11:31.08Digweed[Sep  4 14:52:56] WARNING[9623]: chan_sip.c:7599 transmit_register: Probably a DNS error for registration to, trying REGISTER again (after 20 seconds)
11:31.23DigweedI replaced the real address with an example.
11:32.11DigweedThis is the working configuration: register=>username:password:username@ipaddress:5060
11:32.18*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:32.29DigweedThis is not working : register=>
11:32.43DigweedThe machine is able to resolve the domain.
11:36.15*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~textual@
11:37.15DigweedAnyone a clue?
11:47.23*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
11:49.23FaustovDigweed: well, is your resolver working?
11:49.42DigweedWhen I ping the domain it resolves to the correct IP.
11:50.14Faustovfrom the same box?
11:50.28DigweedI exit the Asterisk console and ping, resolves fine.
11:51.22Faustovincorrect settings in /etc/nsswitch.conf ?
11:52.11DigweedHm, I have never edited that file.
11:52.48FaustovI am out of ideas
11:53.03DigweedMe as well hah :)
11:53.23Faustovyou can jump on strace though, maybe it will spit some hints
12:07.45*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
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12:34.58v0lZykaldemar, or anyone else, could session-expires= parameter be dropping the calls i have on hold after 2 min?
12:36.00v0lZyi have session-expires=120 in my sip.conf and everythings fine except when i put the caller on hold, he drops after 2 min
12:40.03mirela666v0lZy: best way to find out is to try to modify and see what happens :D
12:41.45v0lZyi guess
12:45.54*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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12:52.33v0lZyapparently that is the case
12:52.37v0lZyi increased the number to 180
12:52.47v0lZyi expect to be disconnected at 3 min
12:52.52v0lZywill see in 20 sec
12:53.13v0lZyi got disconnected
12:53.31v0lZyapparently session-expires parameter is causing people on hold to be disconnected after a certain amount of time
12:53.39v0lZyhow can i prevent this?
12:58.12*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (~TheCompWi@
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13:00.12*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-aoxxvxssciuzwoyc)
13:00.24TheCompWizAnyone know how to keep the manager timeout from ever timing out?
13:00.48TheCompWiz... or why a connection would automatically terminate itself after a while.
13:06.44WIMPyThere is no timeout on manager.
13:10.00*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-jdpznnwgfgofwxkr)
13:14.42TheCompWizWIMPy: so... what is "writetimeout"?
13:15.06v0lZy[TK]D-Fender: I dont know exactly what u mean but thanks
13:15.21v0lZyI understand that session-timers have to do something with this
13:15.49v0lZyI deliberately used them to clean dead channels that arent bridged etc
13:15.58v0lZybut now apparently this becomes a problem
13:18.00kaldemarif you're rude enough to put people on hold for over two minutes, you deserve some issues.
13:18.03[TK]D-Fenderv0lZy, What is there to not understand?  You asked how to stop it.  This is a TEN SECOND Google search.
13:18.27mirela666lol kaldemar is right lol
13:19.35v0lZyI already googled...
13:20.41v0lZykaldemar: well its not rude if its legit... i have someone on the phone that calls and wants to speak to someone. we dont know what office that person is in at the moment
13:20.45[TK]D-Fenderv0lZy, yes and that exact search shows me the paramter value to set in the first page without even drilling the results.
13:21.33v0lZybut that means it wont be cleaning up after itself, if 1 channel somehow stays up
13:22.06WIMPyTheCompWiz: As th sample states that's for clients that don't listen.
13:22.25TheCompWizdon't listen to what?
13:22.28WIMPyBut there's no idle timeout.
13:22.37WIMPyTo the data that is sent to them.
13:22.39v0lZyPoint is that they have the person on hold until the reception locates them then transfers the call
13:22.58v0lZytakes a few minutes to locate some staff that tends to run around a relatively big building
13:23.18TheCompWizgrrr... then I'm back to square one.   What would cause a connection to the manager interface to terminate immediately after a call is made.
13:23.28*** join/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
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13:24.04WIMPyTheCompWiz: Falure to process the data sent from Asterisk.
13:24.08WIMPyOr an evil firewall.
13:24.28WIMPyFirewalls may time out idle connections.
13:25.09TheCompWizWIMPy: it stays connected continuously ... until a call is made.  I can send all sorts of actions & get responses without a problem.  I doubt that's a firewall.  What sent by ami would REQUIRE a response?
13:27.18leifmadsena PING probably
13:27.35TheCompWizping doesn't require a response... a ping is sent... and replied to by a ping.
13:28.55TheCompWizand just flipping through the log... no pings/pongs.
13:29.11TheCompWizbuncha "Newexten" and such.
13:29.27v0lZyim looking at [TK]D-Fender. Session-timers seems like a good thing to have. But why is this a problem with onhold stuff.. i mean why does it work ok when 2 lines talk and why is it a problem when someone is on hold, whats the difference here?
13:29.58*** join/#asterisk dms (~dms@nat/digium/x-zstghetircyutqdy)
13:34.40[TK]D-Fenderv0lZy, either disable them or set them to "arbitrarily large".  Take your pick.
13:35.05v0lZyYeah, i got that part
13:35.17v0lZyIs there another way to do cleanup then?
13:35.31*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
13:35.37v0lZyor some other parameter that exempts onhold stuff from session-timers ?
13:36.08WIMPyTheCompWiz: Sounds wrong. I guess you should consult wireshark. It could even be something going wrong within Asterisk.
13:36.35TheCompWizWIMPy: I have the full dialog.   I am leaning towards the asterisk problem.... /sigh
13:36.38TheCompWizthanks anyway.
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13:43.20v0lZygotta run
13:44.21v0lZythanks for the help guys
13:44.25v0lZyc u tomorrow
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14:13.53Twitchnlnanyone know how to default a cisco/linksys spa303 from web interface?
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14:16.17MaDiNfO_does asterisk suports cid lookup ?
14:16.29MaDiNfO_on what file should i configure for that ?
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14:18.16leifmadsenMaDiNfO_: cid lookup in what way?
14:18.34MaDiNfO_web one...
14:18.44leifmadsenlike a CNAM dip? that would be configured outside of asterisk -- likely triggered via CURL() function or AGI() application
14:19.10MaDiNfO_any documentation for that ?
14:19.12MaDiNfO_how to ?
14:19.17MaDiNfO_or something that i can check out ?
14:19.19leifmadsenlook for Asterisk AGI
14:19.25leifmadsenuse the google
14:23.25*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~manzoor@unaffiliated/hrolf)
14:23.28hrolfHi #asterisk
14:23.41TheCompWizI am not... I just like doritos.
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14:25.20hrolfI have a question regarding the Originate action. Can any one tell what I need to specify for the 'Channel' field if I need to dial the number 4647766 through DAHDI, something like DAHDI/1/4647766 etc?
14:25.44hrolfI cannot found any documentation explaining this.
14:26.35[TK]D-Fenderhrolf, Exactly what you'd put in Dial()
14:27.14leifmadsensame string you'd use for Dial()
14:27.36leifmadsenperhaps you can show what you're attempting to do and what the output is giving you -- use pastebin please
14:28.02hrolfleifmadsen, [TK]D-Fender: What string would I use for Dial()?
14:28.24[TK]D-Fenderhrolf, You ahve no idea how to dial normally in the dialplan with it in the first place?
14:28.28hrolfleifmadsen: I'm looking for any document describing the format.
14:28.59hrolfwith version 1.6
14:29.16leifmadsen1.6 isn't a version, but it's basically the same as all versions of Asterisk
14:29.52hrolfleifmadsen: So isn't it documented?
14:31.16leifmadsenhrolf: you didn't read the dialplan basics chapter at
14:35.37hrolfleifmadsen: Nope, I learned (still am) by studying the already existing system we have. (I think I'll have to begin with the basics first.) Thanks for the link, it seems like it will answer my questions.
14:36.00leifmadsenhrolf: ya, documentation will be key... just looking at the system isn't going to be a huge help likely
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16:09.36bmoraca_workwhat would cause DPMA to not return the voicemail messages or folder lists for visual voicemail?
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16:20.21bmoraca_workok, so it's a 1.2 issue
16:21.46Qwellpretty hard to say without knowing more
16:22.12bmoraca_workwell, it works in 1.0.2 and not with 1.2
16:22.26bmoraca_workno errors on the phone, dialplan reads the voicemail .txt file
16:22.42bmoraca_workguess the sweet spot is 10.6 with 1.0.2
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16:33.02WIMPyI've got an issue with sip peer configuration. Asterisk seems to use the name supplied in host= as the domain in the to field of the invite. Is it possible to change that?
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16:37.50[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, fromdomain <-
16:38.39WIMPyThat doesn't change the *to* domain.
16:40.06[TK]D-FenderNot sure if there was a secondary "domain" in addition to "realm"
16:40.11[TK]D-FenderI'd check for those next
16:40.39WIMPyI didn't find anything.
16:41.17WIMPyI'm not sure how that could work syntactically, but could it be possible to put the domain in to the Dial()?
16:42.06[TK]D-FenderNot when using a proper ppeer entry...
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17:10.27WIMPyOh, I didn't know there are Android smartphones with DECT (only).
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17:25.27Nephflanybody familiar with monast and the Twisted framework?
17:25.40NephflI'm just trying to set it up and it isn't cooperating
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17:50.21QwellWIMPy: no wifi or anything?
17:52.20WIMPyYes, wifi, but no sort of PLMN support.
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18:10.24autofsckkim trying to use at least 3 sip phones behind pfsense
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18:17.37navaismocan i tag everyone here I need a d40 phone
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18:26.20autofsckki receive this  [Sep  4 14:25:17] NOTICE[16295]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2334 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from ''
18:27.14autofsckki can contact to somebody outside my lan connected to a vlan * server, i can hear but they can not hear me
18:28.40MLNoahI'm working with XMPP in Asterisk 11, ran into a behavior I didn't really expect from the documentation.  The scenario I'm doing is this: end user sends (unsolicited) XMPP message to Asterisk, which processes it and sends back a request for further information to the end user, waiting for the response with JABBER_RECEIVE().  When that response comes back, it receives back into the call that
18:28.41MLNoahwas waiting for it, but also starts off a new call (via sendtodialplan).  Is that expected behavior?  Is there something I can do to configure so it doesn't happen?
18:35.49WIMPyjust shot an Astibank
18:35.59*** part/#asterisk rrittgarn (
18:39.38ChannelZWith a large caliber I hope
18:46.56WIMPyNot really.
18:49.00navaismoThrow through the window?
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18:57.04adeel|workis there a downside to enabling the usereqphone value in sip.conf?
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19:00.08jayteeanyone know if there's a 3Com VCX irc channel?
19:00.37navaismoadeel|work, that is defined in the general section of the sip.conf but dont know if still using in new versions
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19:02.01adeel|worknavaismo, yup, i know it's in the general section...but is there a downside of using it as the default is/was no
19:04.06navaismono idea, never used it and documentation only says it add "phone" to the URI
19:04.23adeel|workwell, it adds ';user=phone'
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19:13.48acidfoomany people here use sccp(skinny) ? -- just being curious
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19:23.08TheCompWizwhy would anyone *choose* to use sccp?
19:24.17acidfooI guess that's another question
19:24.54TheCompWizI guess.. the answer is... "as few as possible"
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20:42.36pigpenOooo...10.7.1.  I am so excited.
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20:49.34nnyodd question: I have one remote peer that is showing up as a PFC address on the same subnet as the local network. I have externip set as well as localnet (have also tired with it disabled). I have another remote peer who properly shows up as the remote public IP. Both have nat=yes in sip.conf.
20:51.20pigpendoes anybody know if the dpma works with asterisk realtime?
20:51.27pigpenI would think so..but you never know
20:52.36navaismopigpen, you need to define the user&password in the dpma and it will work
20:54.19*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-peudblnssgnxabil)
20:54.36nnyOdd, in spite of having nat=yes in sip.conf, the peer shows up as NAT N ---> 105/105              D   N      5060     UNREACHABLE
20:54.43nnyit also shows up as Nat Always in sip show peer 105
20:56.08nnymaking some adjustments, this may be a localip delclaration issue, one sec
20:56.15pigpennavaismo, k, thnaks!
20:56.21pigpengeesh, I can't type.  Thanks!
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20:59.02nnyahh got it. heh
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21:18.06sarsaeolremedial question: what makes some extensions register from 5060, but others register from ports like '13422 and 15114'
21:18.10sarsaeoli thought it was a NAT thing
21:18.17sarsaeolbut am now not so sure
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21:20.31Qwellsarsaeol: Source port.  It's unimportant.
21:26.10sarsaeolty Qwell
21:26.54leifmadsensome clients let you change the source port
21:27.14leifmadsenwhich is important if you're running asterisk and the client on the same machine (which happens on development environments sometimes, like in the Asterisk training classes)
21:30.50sarsaeolleifmadsen: i'm just trying to track down an issue where i can only register one extension at a time from a certain public IP address… it seems the source port stuff really is unrelated
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21:31.24leifmadsenwhat is the symptom of being unable to register?
21:31.28leifmadsenis asterisk rejecting it, or what?
21:31.57leifmadsencertain firewalls/NATs can wreak havoc
21:32.49sarsaeolthe 'bad' ip space registers from 5060, but another ip space where i can register many extensions comes from source ports  like 13000 or 15000…symptoms are that the * box says the extension is unauthorized, but nothing in the /var/log/asterisk/full saying bad auth or bad acl
21:33.25sarsaeolim having network engineers make sure there is nothing screwy in firewall
21:33.48sarsaeolbut its weird that  the request would ever make it to the pbx if the firewall was bad
21:33.59sarsaeolso i might be chasing my tail on that
21:39.12jpsharpUnless the firewall has a SIP rewriting system.
21:40.00sarsaeolwell hopefully the network guys will come back to me with something.
21:40.35sarsaeolbecause i certainly cannot find any PBX settting which would limit the amt of registrations
21:40.51leifmadsenright -- turn off the ALG sip stuff
21:40.57leifmadsenit won't be on asterisk
21:41.22leifmadsenif all phones are coming from 5060, then the firewall/nat system is doing something to alter the packets likely
21:41.42leifmadsenSIP ALG stuff almost always screws stuff up
21:41.51sarsaeolaint that the truth
21:42.05leifmadsenturn it off, and it'll likely just magically start working
21:42.35sarsaeolword… thanks for the insight… ill try to update yall with what worked
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23:15.23lorsungcuI've still got an issue with odic making asterisk hang
23:15.28lorsungcuhas anyone ever seen that?
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23:34.51wheelI am trying to create an ACD queue, using a SIP peer as the member.  The peer is a SIP gateway, with agents connected, but appears as a single 'trunk group' to Asterisk.  Is it possible to place a channel limit on that peer, so that only 10 calls can be active?  As a call ends, the next caller in queue would be passed to the peer, with never more than 10 calls at any given time?
23:37.20*** part/#asterisk Nemus (
23:38.41paulcwheel: so you send calls to a single destination and it distributes to 10 phones at the other end?
23:39.20paulcHmm.. seems kinda "wrong".. because don't you want Asterisk to distribute calls to agents, so you can get stats on agent performance, know who's available versus not, etc?
23:40.01paulcideally each "agent" (in the ACD sense of the word) is known to Asterisk, so it can distribute calls efficiently (and give meaningful stats)
23:42.13wheelI agree, but in this case, the phones are hidden (don't belong to me).  I was trying to build pseudo channels, i.e. SIP-peer-000001, SIP-peer-00002, etc., and treat the channel like an agent.  That way, I would have device state even though I don't have agent stats.
23:42.33wheelThe gateway is connected to a PBX which provides the actual agent stats.

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