IRC log for #asterisk on 20120903

00:03.15*** join/#asterisk acidfu (
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05:37.14zimmi1I've a caputre from a network communication between a Avaya PBX and a Asterisk PBX, the problem is when I call from a Avaya End-Point staging the one at the asterisk endpoint, he cannot hear a ringback. What is needed that the asterisk server signals a ringback?
05:45.03*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
05:45.06ChannelZwell in SIP anyway you usually get a 183 Session Progress message
05:46.25*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
05:47.34ChannelZOr a 180 Ringing
05:48.42zimmi1its h323
05:48.47zimmi1not SIP
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05:49.18ChannelZCan't help you there then
05:51.30ChannelZThere is in general two ways it could go though;  Either the remote end indicates call progress in some way and the calling device generates its own ringing indication to the caller, or the remote end can bridge the call and generate ringing in-band
05:52.30*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
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06:49.34v0lZySup, everyone had a nice weekend?
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07:14.57ectospasmweekend isn't over... Monday is a holiday here.
07:17.57*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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07:25.53Roeltyou're an evil man ectospasm. you're making powerfull enemies
07:26.44v0lZywheres 'here' ?
07:27.51plundraOpposite land, obviously :-)
07:29.09RoeltAustrialian National Flag Day, Foundation of the Republic Day in San Marino, Independence Day in Qatar or Independence Movement Day in Tunisia? :)
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07:55.48Maliutaectospasm must be a canuck
07:56.31MaliutaRoelt: National Flag day isn't a holiday here
07:56.51RoeltMaliuta, must be, the internet says so
07:57.04MaliutaRoelt: and you put in one too many "i"s
07:57.36Maliutait's either Austrian or Australian ... one is a continent the other is next to Germany
07:58.30Roeltwasn't me, was the internet:
07:58.31Maliutaand here in .au there is no public holiday for "Flag Day". We have "Australia Day" on Jan 26
08:00.00MaliutaRoelt: if you believe everything you read on the interwebs then I'll setup that site with cheap land on Sydney Harbour ... it's a great investment ;P
08:00.12kikohnlIt's "Labor Day" here in the US, or will be in a few hours
08:00.20*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@
08:00.36MaliutaThe only true Labour Day is May 1st
08:01.22kikohnlThat's Lei Day!
08:07.59v0lZyMay 1st!
08:14.13*** join/#asterisk indika1978 (~chatzilla@
08:15.11MaliutaAll good socialists/unionists should agree with me on that one. And not socialist in the McCarthiest/US sense of the word
08:16.34indika1978hi, I use localchannels to dial 2 sip extensions in dial command. If one called party reject the call, ringing get stopped in both sip extensions. how can i sortout this?
08:17.11Maliutaindika1978: tried using a queue?
08:17.21indika1978I use Dial(local/s@mysales1&local/s@mysales2,40)
08:18.04indika1978once I reject the call in s@mysales1 both calls get stop ringing
08:18.18indika1978How can I sortout this?
08:18.48Maliutaindika1978: ahh, try local/s@mysales1&&local/s@mysales2,40
08:18.50indika1978can I use OR instead of AND '&' or
08:18.53ectospasmMaliuta: US Labor Day is now.
08:18.58*** join/#asterisk [1]Tom (~1]
08:19.14Maliutaectospasm: Americans are always wrong :P
08:19.40[1]Tomits because they eat lost of fastfood
08:19.53[1]Tomits because they eat lots of fastfood
08:19.58Maliutaindika1978: you also might like to try adding some other options to Dial(), I use ktrx
08:20.25Maliutaindika1978: as I said though, the other way is to use a queue
08:21.00v0lZyMay 1st <3
08:22.34Maliutav0lZy: Join me in a rendition of "Solidarity Forever" ... one of my favourite drinking songs
08:22.40[1]Tomwhen will ya be able to call an astrisk box with an android any android and it will actually work ?
08:22.55Maliutav0lZy: I also like the Billy Bragg version of "There is Power in a Union"
08:23.17Maliuta[1]Tom: ummm as of about 2 years ago
08:23.42v0lZybandiera rossa! :D
08:23.42Maliuta[1]Tom: there are a couple of sip agents, and at least one iax agent
08:23.48[1]Tomi have install asterisk 11 and have tried the motif stuff
08:23.58[1]Tomit work from windows gtalk
08:24.03[1]Tombut not from an android
08:24.10[1]Tomi get one way audio
08:24.52[1]Tomand i just tried a different android version and no audio
08:25.10[1]Tomi must be doing something really wrong
08:26.21indika1978I ve used && and it wont work
08:26.52indika1978is there any other option .. that if one local channel reject call and other still need to have ringing
08:27.29ectospasmindika1978: multiple Dial() statements... if the first doesn't answer, it will cascade to the next, etc.
08:28.37Maliuta[1]Tom: what _exactly do you want to do with you're 'droid->* connection
08:28.42indika1978I need to have 2 or more local channel work with same time for one incoming call
08:29.21ectospasmlocal channels always were a hack...
08:33.25indika1978Thanks but queue is needed for the second call comes to the queue, if the agents are not enough to answer the call and call get queued. My case is If I use Dial(local/s@mysales1&local/s@mysales2,40)  and once one extension at mysales1 reject the call, other context mysales2 extension need to ring continuously.
08:33.30indika1978How can I do this
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08:45.10*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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08:50.52infobotsomebody said grandstream was the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run...  Run away now.  Though, therealcircut says that they're not that bad.
08:50.59infobotpolycom is, like, The Polycom Song by dialing or ISN 7659*460. Polycom phone are devices that are favoured by much of the community and range in price from under $100 and upwards.
08:51.09infobotfrom memory, spa is the Software Publishers Association.  SPA-xxxx from linksys/sipura.  Health And Beauty Treatment For Old And Tired Asterisk Hackers
08:52.26ChannelZindika1978: queues can be "ringall"
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08:55.32ChannelZThe problem lies in that (I think) you are wanting to call the agent and give them some menu of options first to accept or reject the call, and if they accept, have it bridge.  But there's not a clean way to do that part of it, that I can think of at the moment.
08:56.53Maliutaindika1978: what ChannelZ said re "ringall"
08:57.54Maliutawdoekes: I prefer cisco to polycom :P
08:58.12*** part/#asterisk [1]Tom (~1]
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08:58.26wdoekesI've almost exclusively used the spa's, and am fond of those too indeed
08:59.18wdoekesI see the polycom requires separate licence keys for ldap dir support.. not nice
08:59.26ChannelZindika1978: you said earlier "when I reject the call..."  how are you 'rejecting' the call on one of the channels you are & dialing?
09:00.05indika1978I press "reject" button on the sip phone.
09:00.43indika1978Grandstreem GXP3000 or 3cx redcolour button
09:00.51ChannelZAnd does it do the same thing if you dial the phones directly rather than through a Local channel and your dialplan?
09:01.02Maliutawdoekes: the spa's are the poor mans cisco ;)
09:01.02*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:3c77:c8f0:8b52:2d81)
09:02.30ChannelZ(ignore my previous thing about the menu, I assumed that's what you were doing with the local channels in the first place, not rejecting the call at the phone.)
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09:33.05*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (~elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
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09:34.34elliot98is there anyway to increase the delay between when Asterisk sends out a packet before it's considered a lost packet and sends out another one?
09:34.48mathiwhere can I find documentation that I can print ?
09:36.16bulkorokmathi: there is printed doucumentary available:
09:36.19infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
09:37.55kaldemarelliot98: what packet?
09:40.45elliot98kaldemar: a SIP response
09:41.42elliot98kaldemar: it sends out another SIP response if the first one is not responded does one increase the delay
09:41.54mathibulkorok: thanks :)
09:42.32kaldemarelliot98: response... see timers in sip.conf.
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09:44.56elliot98kaldemar: thanks
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10:42.01*** join/#asterisk kchehab (~Kchehab@
10:43.19kchehabi have a nat problem since i am using asterisk 1.6 with TLS enabled and i have two interfaces one on public IP and the other on a aprivate IP,how to set both IPs with no problem i used to add externalIP and localnet and that did work
10:44.20kchehabkindly adivse
10:45.49ectospasmiirc, Asterisk can only bind to one IP, or all (, but not strictly two interfaces
10:46.25ectospasmset bindaddr= sip.conf
10:48.06kaldemar"and that did work". what is the issue?
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10:52.36indika1978Still I didnt get a answer for my question. If I use Dial(local/s@mysales1&local/s@mysales2,40) and once one extension at mysales1 reject the call, other context mysales2 extension need to ring continuously. How to do thia
10:54.58kaldemaryou don't.
10:55.40ectospasmare queues not what you want, indika1978 ?
10:55.47indika1978 ... pls see my dial plan ...
10:57.08indika1978i have done this. and once call comes to context sales it ring 4001 and 4002. If i reject the call, it will hagup both phones .. should not happen in local channels
10:57.11indika1978pls help
10:58.46WIMPyThat should indeed not happen. Show us how it happens.
10:58.53indika1978in line 6 ... it should be corrected as .....exten => s,n,Dial(local/s@mysales1&local/s@mysales2,,40)
11:00.13indika1978pls refer new post ... for updated version
11:00.33kchehabectospasm i did that and tried alot even i set qualify=yes nat=yes etc.... but do asterisk 1.6 have a problem with TLS ?
11:00.36kchehabin nat
11:07.13ectospasmALL versions of 1.6 are EOL
11:09.26WIMPyindika1978: You may reject the call on the phone, but that causes your dialplann actually accept the call and send it to voicemail.
11:09.53WIMPyIf you don't want it, don't do it.
11:10.55WIMPyAnd if you want VM, don't do it for the users seperately, but after the dial to the local channels.
11:13.15indika1978WIMPy, thanks.  Let say A and B take the call and A need to reject it. But B wants to answer the call. How can I do that with this dialplan?
11:26.00*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
11:26.00indika1978I feel like my dial plan is too big to read. sorry for that. How could I do my expectation through this.
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11:33.20WIMPyI just told you.
11:33.41WIMPyRemove the voicemail stuff.
11:34.12WIMPyOr actually you could remove everything except for the Dial from mysalesX.
11:34.47indika1978ok thanks I will do it
11:40.00kchehabhow to flush/empty /var/log/asterisk/master.db:
11:40.09kchehabits size 10 GB
11:42.57WIMPyWow. How did you get it to that size?
11:43.22kchehabWIMPy its running since 3 years ago
11:43.29WIMPyI think you can just delete the file if you don;t care about any contents.
11:43.50WIMPyJust running for a ling time shouldn;t make it grow indefinitely.
11:44.10WIMPyOtherwise there's database deltree and the like.
11:44.45kchehabWIMPy if i delete it ,asterisk will build a new one since it been reloaded again
11:44.58WIMPyErr, wait. Is that a log or did you just put the DB there?
11:45.23kchehabWIMPy its a DB
11:45.50kchehabWIMPy  /var/log/asterisk/master.db
11:46.46beebeeepkchehab: mb you can truncate file with ':> /var/log/asterisk/master.db' and then run 'module reload cdr' from asterisk cli?
11:49.41kchehabbeebeeep  please can you specify more hopw i can run this command
11:50.11kchehabi ran it in the command line as :> /var/log/asterisk/master.db  and waiting an answer :)
11:50.31kchehabbeebeeep yes its empty
11:50.31beebeeepaccording to sample configs, master.db relates to sqlite cdr storage, mb you can check file type using 'file' util
11:51.12bulkoroksomebody got experience with patton smartnodes?!
11:52.14kchehabbeebeeep i think you are and expert in asterisk i have a problem since i have  two interfaces Public and private ,and i have anat transmitting error even i after i set externalIP= localnet= qualify=yes nat=yes
11:53.43beebeeepkchehab: what kind of problem?
11:53.54beebeeep*kind of error
11:54.20beebeeepdid you check Contact: field in sip debug?
11:56.15beebeeepcd /home/miga/work/virt/var/www/well_package
11:56.43beebeeepoh sry folks, missed copypaste ^)
11:57.20*** part/#asterisk deo (~dnepangue@
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12:35.09_zoom_is there any free software that could work with polycom video conference system
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12:54.47indika1978WIMPy: at last I am with this dial plan working. But with another small issue. Let say  A answered the call ,B does not answer the call. If B hangup the handset still A 's ringing stops and call is going to voice mail. How can I get this not to happen to A. means A still ringing the phone and still let A to have option to get the call.
12:56.01WIMPyThat is the same issue.
12:56.07WIMPyExactely the same.
12:56.47indika1978I ve change the dial plan.
12:57.25indika1978according to your instructions and alter some to simple the logic
12:57.33indika1978pls just have a nap
12:58.27WIMPyOk, better, but you seen logically, you didn;t remove the voicemail stuff, you just wrote it in a different way.
12:58.51WIMPyGet rid of the Goto()s after the Dial() in mysalesX.
12:59.15indika1978yes I ve tried and it happens same thing
12:59.26WIMPyIf you want Voicemail, do it after the Dial() in sales.
12:59.51indika1978yes I followed your instructions exactly
12:59.57indika1978and did it .
13:00.06indika1978wait I again post the ouput
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13:01.56indika1978   new one without voice mail or goto voicemail
13:02.11*** part/#asterisk deo_ (~dnepangue@
13:03.58indika1978A and B ringing. A answered. B still rings. A hangup the call. B stops ringing. .----<--- i need B still ring and able to get the call
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13:14.52indika1978Sorry to bother you all, does it have any solution?
13:17.51WIMPyBusy doing other stuff.
13:18.19WIMPyWhen exactely does the other phone stop ringing?
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13:28.34ACiDVHi, anyone can give me hints on how to continue dialplan execution when someone hangup from a ConfBridge application (Asterisk 10 and 11) ? When the last party leave, I must execute some command on the "Hangup" dialplan
13:30.20[TK]D-FenderACiDV: "h" Asterisk Standard Extension
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13:31.23ACiDV[TK]D-Fender: I've tried but it do nothing :( The only fix I see for now is to trap the Hangup event from AMI and execute task from an external script, not tested yet, it my next experiment
13:31.51[TK]D-FenderACiDV: Show me it doing "nothing" and the dialplan to match
13:32.47soulslayerhi there guys :) I'm trying to execute diferent scripts if user answer a certain call and if call is not answered eg.(declined left to expire or whatever) i use ${DIALSTATUS} for that but it's always 'UNKNOWN' obviously something in my conf is wrong can someone provide any guidelines about that ?
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13:35.00indika1978 ........ clearly there in the post
13:35.27WIMPyWhow do yu do that? I've never seen UNKNOWN. According to core show... that's not even possible.
13:36.17kaldemarsoulslayer: that's not DIALSTATUS.
13:36.22WIMPyThat's the channel status, not DIALSTATUS.
13:36.26soulslayeryep ... that was the other option
13:36.32soulslayeri see
13:36.49soulslayersorry then my question is wrong
13:37.43soulslayerwhere can i read about handling diferent dialstauts ... i try to dig in the docs but the data is splited ... and ... cant find the exact issue
13:38.44WIMPyWhat exactely do you want to do?
13:38.53WIMPyAnd when.
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13:39.15soulslayeri want to execute one script when the call is answered from the called sip and other script if it's not answered
13:39.35soulslayerby not answered i talk about missed declined or anything else
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13:39.51WIMPyThen you need to check ${DIALSTATUS} and possibly ${HANGUPCAUSE}.
13:39.58[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer: What will the script do?
13:40.25soulslayerit will notfy webbackend that the call is picked or not picked
13:40.31indika1978guys you missed me... :(
13:40.44indika1978misssed my post
13:40.55WIMPyindika1978: I see that it says mysales2 answered, But I don't see why that happens.
13:41.06soulslayerthe end goal is to have ... list of pending calls and when a call is picked by user it will disapear from the list if it's not pick it will become red
13:41.11[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer: just the Dial + M() to send the ACK immediately for answered, and the next priority for all other failures
13:41.45indika1978What can i do now ..?
13:42.59soulslayer[TK]D-Fender, you mean to pass System("execute script") as arugment on the dial application ?
13:43.07soulslayersorry im not sure that i understand you completely
13:43.16indika1978   after all calls hangup
13:43.20[TK]D-FenderDial + M() <---------
13:43.56indika1978is it for me ?
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13:45.49soulslayerM() is predefined macro where i am supposed to put my System() calls
13:46.28soulslayerokay ... i will try that
13:46.49soulslayerthanks once again first grade of help
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13:52.15WIMPyindika1978: It's the macro. It always ends the same way. You don;t really have an option there to not accept the call.
13:54.11indika1978I found the reason .. but i dont konw how to sort out that.. pls seee this post ...
13:55.51WIMPyI'm not really sure about that thing, either. i haven't tried such an option myself so far, but I think you need to set MACRO_RESULT to ABORT. However, I'd expect a hangup to do the same.
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13:59.31indika1978that means if call get hang up how can we catch that in dial plan
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14:00.43WIMPyIn the h extension.
14:01.22WIMPyOr you could probably just set MACRO_RESULT to ABORT at the beginning and reset it only to accept the call.
14:01.41WIMPyMaybe someone who has used such a thing has a better idea.
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14:20.41StaRetjifolks, I need help to stop asterisk do a fake ring
14:20.53StaRetjiI am using a2b and I removed R and r
14:20.56StaRetjito no avail
14:21.03StaRetjiwhere else I can look?
14:21.22WIMPyHow do you receive the call?
14:21.30indika1978Or you could probably just set MACRO_RESULT to ABORT at the beginning and reset it only to accept the call. ---- this biging means where ? in the macro?
14:21.34indika1978pls tell me
14:21.56WIMPyindika1978: In the macro, yes.
14:22.30[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: If you didnt specify "r" then Asterisk is not responsible for "fake" ringing
14:24.47StaRetji[TK]D-Fender: thx, so it must be equipment then, gsm modem at the end
14:24.53indika1978ok I will try to sort out.. thaks for the great help
14:28.25WIMPyDoes your dialplan answer the call before $user does?
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14:47.47defsworkanyone rate a good outdoor sip keypad intercom ?
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15:10.45waxstone_hi all! having issues registering softclients sif phones. sip show users shows me users correctly. sip show peers shows no device registered(no host ips). tried various clients (blinl,twinkle,3cxphone) without success. i can shh to server box no problem
15:11.30defsworksip proxy settings ?
15:12.31waxstone_im doing this test at home. server=box1 , clients on box2 & box3 all behind router is this an issue? because i can ssh i assume not. im really a neubie at asterisk
15:13.02defsworkwaxstone_, most likely firewall allows ssh and not sip (or subsequently rtp)
15:13.39waxstone_defswork: firewall on router correct? must I open a port?
15:14.06defsworksorry - all machines are at home ?
15:14.20defsworkno - no firewall then
15:14.37defsworkconnecting anything over sip ok ?>
15:15.13waxstone_ive followed the online manual from exactly
15:15.22defsworkwhat sip client ?
15:15.26waxstone_server seems to be setup correctly
15:15.47waxstone_blink, twinkle & 3cxphone
15:15.58waxstone_none register correctly
15:16.06defsworkcorrectly or at all ?
15:16.12waxstone_at all
15:16.51defsworkyou've probably set them up with wrong settings
15:17.07defsworkand turn on sip debug in * console
15:17.25defsworkand try linphone - it's only 3-4 fields to configure
15:17.26WIMPyOr an additional firewall.
15:17.33defsworkWIMPy, hes at home
15:17.42defsworkall on same lan
15:17.43WIMPy'sip set debug on' and see if you receive anything at all.
15:17.49waxstone_core set verbrose 9... &  sip set debug on
15:18.14waxstone_sip show peers nothing under Host(Unspecified)
15:18.45waxstone_ill google this linphone thanks
15:18.55WIMPyThen either your client doesn't know how to reach the server or you have some extra firewall running on at least one of the macoines.
15:19.10StaRetji[TK]D-Fender: sorry for late ping, but I still strugle. I placed equipment on hardware switch and no fake ring. So I went back checking a2b agi.conf, no R or r, but asterisk still rings SIP/blablah is ringing
15:19.19waxstone_server is linux with selinux off
15:19.47StaRetjiI'm going crazy, don't know where else to look :/
15:20.19[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: If * hasn't answered then the endpoint has passed on a indication of ringing and * merely relays that and you other end is generating tone
15:20.23waxstone_WIMPy: i dk much about editing iptables. could this be the issue?
15:20.26WIMPyStaRetji: Where are you getting the calls from? And are you answering the call before $user answers?
15:20.35[TK]D-FenderIf * answered the incoming first then it generates audio for the outgoing.
15:20.39[TK]D-Fenderbut it is not fake"
15:20.52WIMPywaxstone_: If you have them set up, they might be the issue.
15:21.21StaRetjiI have problem, customer has server, calls my server and imidiatelly heres US ringing, instead of EU ringing, so I assume it is fake
15:21.48waxstone_WIMPy,defswork: ok ill do some research into these thanks all for the leads ill be back later
15:21.51StaRetjihe claims other routes are ok, only my route/*
15:22.01[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: And I jsut told you how to determine which device is generating it.
15:22.06[TK]D-Fenderand it is NOT "fak"
15:22.19WIMPyStaRetji: Who of you has eu and whu has us tonezone configured?
15:22.44[TK]D-Fenderthe device that generates it is doing so based on a REGION setting.  Ring is local to the device that generates it.  It is clearly not coming in as raw inbound audio.
15:22.57StaRetjiI have gsm modem
15:23.01StaRetjias a trunk
15:23.14StaRetjiand my * is set for outbound calls via this modem
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15:23.31StaRetjicustomer is peer
15:23.45WIMPyThat will surely not generate rinback. So it looks as if your dialplan answers the call immediately. That is not a sensible idea, usually.
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15:24.27[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: I've answered this already. there is no more to say.  Go look and prove which end is generating it.  It isn't fake, its just a n INDICATED state, not inbound audio.
15:24.28WIMPySo it is a sip peer dialling out via the GSM who hears the wrong kind of ringing?
15:24.29StaRetjihe says, that he can't faltrough because of this and not goint to use my route, so I bang my head
15:25.09StaRetjiWIMPy: he imidiatelly hears ringing, though GSM still not doing anything
15:25.32StaRetji[TK]D-Fender: thx dude, I try to understand all
15:25.38WIMPySounds like he needs to configure his phone.
15:25.58[TK]D-FenderSounds like he needs to prove is one device or * itself DID answer and actually LOOK at the complete call
15:26.43WIMPyDepending on how you dial on a progress message might be misunderstood.
15:26.45*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
15:28.01TagorI upgraded Asterisk ( but suddenly the Monitor command is not working anymore. I get no errors, there's enough diskspace, but somehow it does not create a recording.
15:28.06TagorAnyone know what's wrong?
15:28.31TagorDuring the call it also doesn't create the two files which it normally did
15:28.57StaRetjiWIMPy: tonezone, where can I set this?
15:30.16WIMPyIn the channel configs, in the dialplan (language) and the default in asterisk.conf.
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15:30.35StaRetjihm, I am actually desperate here, but I realize, I don't need no timezone, I just need asterisk not to pass any tones at all, guess htat is not it, right
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15:32.07WIMPyYou need to find out where it is generated. For SIP that's usually in the phone itself.
15:32.31StaRetjihere it is wholesale customer
15:33.01[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: Stop asking where to set it.  You haven't proved precisely WHICH step is generating it.
15:33.02StaRetjihas it's own server, and he claims I generate us ring tone, he advised me to remove r and R from a2b agi.conf, which I did
15:33.14StaRetjiwell, I did
15:33.18StaRetjiI turned of gsm mode
15:33.33[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: We do not see this.
15:33.33StaRetjiand * rings before actually fails to make a call
15:34.14WIMPyYou clearly have somethign stange going on there.
15:34.14StaRetjithanks for patiance, I guess it is hard to explain to a noob
15:34.21WIMPySo back to...
15:34.45WIMPyAre you answering the call in your dialplan before $user answers?
15:34.59WIMPySSurely sounds like you are.
15:35.42[TK]D-FenderNothing sounds like anything.  We have no debug.
15:35.59StaRetjiwell, not sure, I look at extensions.conf, nothing much there, only a2b lines
15:36.15[TK]D-FenderStaRetji: LOOK.;  AT.  THE.  CALL.
15:36.38StaRetjithought it might be option in agi.conf answer_call=no
15:36.48StaRetjiok, got it, will try to do SIP Debug
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15:36.54StaRetjibut what to LOOK AT? :)
15:37.08WIMPyThe verbose output
15:37.22[TK]D-Fenderall debug
15:37.42[TK]D-FenderCLI Verbose, SIP, EVERYTHING
15:37.55carrarORLD YES
15:37.58carrarWORLD YES
15:38.15StaRetjiok folks, very clear, look everything
15:38.18StaRetjiwish me luck!
15:38.26carrarwishing you more then luck
15:38.57StaRetjithx carrar :)
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16:04.35xoverukis it possible to set PINs on IAX and SIP extensions to lock down a phone?
16:05.10WIMPyWrite a piece of dialplan.
16:05.26WIMPyThat's how it's done.
16:05.56xoverukwhat do you mean?
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16:06.35WIMPyvi extensions.conf :-)
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16:08.44xoverukI have codes on the dialplans, however I am after a per user code
16:08.59xoverukrather than per route
16:09.03[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: Your dialplan does whatever you tell iut to.
16:09.28[TK]D-FenderPoint your peers to whatever context you want and you tell it what to allow and what not ask for auth for.
16:10.34xoverukOK but can it prompt for auth per extension?
16:10.42xoverukor per context?
16:10.57WIMPyWhat ever you want.
16:11.13xoverukwhere can i find indepth documention on this?
16:11.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:11.35*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:11.51[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: You want ONE phone treated differently?  Point it to a different context
16:12.05[TK]D-Fenderor check who the caller is.
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16:12.11[TK]D-FenderChannel name, callerID, etc
16:12.18[TK]D-Fenderheads off for the afternoon
16:12.21xoverukGot you.
16:12.38*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:29.30xoverukIs it therefore not possible to set a PIN on a phone?
16:29.49xoverukto prevent another user from using someone elses phone to dial internationally for example.
16:32.11pabelangernot sure, you'd have to see if that phone supported it.  It has nothing to do with asterisk
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16:42.02mechbangirchello guys, I want to add an extension where my asterisk server can scan a page through an attached usb scanner. whats the best way to do it?
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16:48.29navaismomechbangirc, not sure how you access to your scanner but yu can use the system command or an agi script
16:51.41mechbangircnavaismo, the command is something like this: `scanimage --format tiff --resolution $resolution --mode $mode > $tiffname` the problem is that it works directly in bash perfectly. but not with system() app in dialplan. i suspect the problem is output redirection. not sure though
16:52.14WIMPyPut it in a script.
16:52.43mechbangircthats exactly what I did, this was just the core line of my script
16:53.10mechbangircI want to run it in background so I can hangup the phone and process still continues
16:53.51mechbangircI've run the script as asterisk user in bash and it still works but not with dialplan
16:54.23WIMPyThe environment will certainly be different.
16:54.29navaismoyou run your script as root in the bash? The user of asterisk is other than root?
16:55.30mechbangircno, I changed the user to asterisk with `su asterisk`, i'm pretty sure its not permission issue. it even creates a tiff file but 0 bytes
16:55.31navaismoas WIMPy  said: check the permissions
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16:56.16mechbangircis agi() better way to do this instead of system()?
16:56.55WIMPyAGI only makes sense if you want to do something with the call from the script.
16:57.15mechbangircyes, thats why I didn't try it
16:57.57WIMPyTry to redirect the output to a file for debugging.
16:59.34madduckasterisk is logged in to and I have voicemail configured for incoming messages. Unfortunately, the audio channel seems to die after a couple of seconds so the voicemail greeting just goes silent
16:59.45madduckany idea what may be the cause of this?
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17:04.13WIMPyCan you make Asterisk send something else than what's configured as host= as the domain in the to: line of an invite.
17:05.28madduckthere is nothing in the logs :(
17:06.48WIMPyDid you turn up verbose and debug?
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17:08.08madduckcore set verbose|debug 100 ?
17:08.28WIMPy9 should be planty
17:08.40WIMPyNot sure if there's anything >4.
17:09.04WIMPyBut it works for a short while?
17:09.31WIMPyMust be some rather strange networking issue.
17:09.52madduckit's only for voicemail though, never for a normal call
17:10.19WIMPyDo you Answer() the call before you send it to VoiceMail()?
17:11.32madducki basically use an extended version of stdexten
17:11.50madduckit does not Answer()
17:11.54madduckhowever, I can hear the beginning just fine
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17:13.24pabelangernothing is above 10 for debug and verbose
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17:19.32WIMPyI can't remember why, but I needed an Answer() before VoiceMail().
17:21.23madduckwell, here it Dial()'s a SIP number to let my phone ring and after a timeout, it uses ${DIALSTATUS} to go to Voicemail.
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17:24.10waxstoneWIMPy: CentOS iptables were the issue, thanks again for your help. sip clients successfully call each other now
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17:45.49cusconot sure if it makes sense but...
17:46.10cuscois it possible to know the MAC addr of registered peer? ?
17:48.42navaismocusco, if you have the IP you can try to scan the mac with arp or nmap or something
17:48.45WIMPyOnly if it is on the LAN or thells you in some header.
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17:49.24cuscowell thing is.. we have about 100 peers at one office..
17:49.42cuscoand they all have softphones configured with their usernames
17:50.03cuscoso.. someone connected couple of nights ago, and started calling other extensions making jokes and all
17:50.35cuscoand all I have is: 00:13:72:C9:8F:7E
17:50.39cuscochan_sip.c: -- Registered SIP '690' at port 37389
17:50.57cuscouseragent was '3cx for android'
17:51.11jpsharpWell, cross reference that IP with your DHCP server.
17:51.17cuscoits not there
17:51.28cuscothat was on the weekend
17:51.37cuscoI'm looking at the arp table
17:51.49cuscowe do not offer dhcp in 10.67
17:52.03jpsharpYou're pretty boned, then.
17:52.04WIMPyBuy who knows the password for 690?
17:52.13WIMPyWhy do you accept traffic from there then?
17:52.31cuscoanyone with access to the computer that has 690 configured in softphone?
17:52.53WIMPyThat's more than one user?
17:53.01cuscowe rotate computers
17:53.14WIMPyWhy du multiple users share one sip account?
17:53.39WIMPyDon't the PCs have users?
17:53.59cusco3, like 'telemarketing', 'tecnician' 'sencond-line'
17:54.23cuscoyea.. well I could go on and answer but thats over the point.. we will change that in the future.. its planned already
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17:58.45bochhi all
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17:59.27bochcould someone give me a hand? im having problems to use dahdi, im getting WARNING[3848]: chan_dahdi.c:5191 dahdi_confmute: DAHDI confmute(0) failed on channel 61: Invalid argument
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18:22.15ChannelZchannel 61 is the spanish channel and really does need to be muted.
18:22.44TriJetScudThat's racist
18:23.19WIMPyYes, let's stop the bad jokes and bring on the racist ones :-)
18:23.22ChannelZWhy? Gringos speaking bad spanish is just as annoying
18:23.55TriJetScudRacist too. :p
18:24.06ChannelZYou must be a liberal
18:24.12ChannelZEveryone's a racist!
18:24.49TriJetScudNo you're racist ;}
18:25.29TriJetScudGet the joke already?
18:26.28ChannelZNo because race hasn't even been mentioned.
18:26.53ChannelZSo unless the joke is that "the joke makes no sense"...
18:27.10WIMPyYou're a linguist.
18:27.17bochChannelZ, why so sad? why the rancor
18:28.23ChannelZI'm working on what should be a day off
18:28.48WIMPyThen you didn't work hard enough.
18:28.56ChannelZPretty much
18:29.11ChannelZI'm at least doing it at home in my underwear so it's not all bad
18:29.17WIMPyhopes someone gets that joke.
18:32.06jpsharpI'm not racist. I hate everyone equally.
18:33.50ChannelZSee, there we go.  High-five!
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18:54.34TriJetScudjpsharp can commit suicide then lolol
18:56.15jpsharpWhy thank you.
19:04.58SeRiI am Latino and I hate the spanish channels.
19:05.14SeRiexcept the big chichis :)
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19:09.54ChannelZTelenovelas are pretty horrendous
19:10.01ChannelZNot that english ones are much better
19:10.16SeRiChannelZ: Thats what makes me hate the spanish channels
19:10.32SeRiMy wife glues on to the TV.
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19:43.17Serious_SamHi there! Please advice some good books about telephony.
19:46.07infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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19:56.33WIMPyDid that fit the question?
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20:08.50ChannelZI was going to say The Phonebook
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20:10.06WIMPyToo obvious.
20:14.08Serious_SamThanks for the book
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21:38.02mathiin the book it is written "The DNIS number and the DID do not have to match, but typically they will." I don't understand in which case they can differ
21:41.06gustowhat is DNIS number?
21:41.27gustohi WIMPy
21:41.30gustowhat's new?
21:42.01mathiforwarding what to where?
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21:42.52WIMPyA call, somewhere.
21:42.59fenrusa->b->c :)
21:44.43mathiI don't think that answers my question, here it's only about accepting calls. the DID would be the number to dial to enter the PBX, and the DNIS allows me to see the number that has been called
21:45.25WIMPyI'm never really sure what ends up where in Asterisk.
21:46.25WIMPyBut I did notice that it's sometime ambiguous
21:47.32gustodepends on how complex your dialplan is
21:49.25mathiI'm still a noob in telephony, but it seems that if someone calls to my Asterisk PBX, and I forward him to another external number, I have to pay that last call ? :-(
21:49.50carrarmathi, it means you can order a 10 digit DID, but have them only send like the last 4 digits
21:49.54WIMPyWho else?
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21:50.02carrarall done at the PRI carrier side
21:50.15carrarsome PBX's receive 4 digits from Telco's
21:50.18WIMPySo it has nothing to do with forwarding?
21:50.20carrarinstead of all 10
21:50.34carrarso in that case
21:50.38carrarthey don't "amtch"
21:50.40WIMPyThe whole caller ID stuff really needs some documentation.
21:50.47mathicarrar, aahhh got it thanks
21:50.50carrarwith regard to DNIS/DID
21:51.27SeRianybody using any external FXS?
21:51.28carrarcome telco's can trasnlate the DID to something else
21:51.58mathiWIMPy, back to my last uqestion, i cannot make the caller call directly the external number, and my PBX would not handle it. I guess that's impossible:) I do'nt want to pay
21:52.57WIMPyI'm not sure what you want to say.
21:53.11carrarHAMMER TIME
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21:54.00gociiihi ppl
21:54.23mathicarrar, about DID/DNIS.... if I have extensions for each of the DID to handle, how is the DNIS even useful ? As I know the number that has been called as I have an extension for it ...
21:55.00carrarDNIS is usefull so you know what number was dialed
21:55.08carrarregardless how many digits it might be
21:55.39carrarbut some PBX admins are lazy
21:55.39mathicarrar, but if I have this:  exten => 4165551234,1,SomeApplication()      I know the number 4165551234 has been called, why do I need DNIS ?
21:56.00carrarand only want to match the extensions directly to DID's so they have the telco cutt off the left 6 digits
21:56.11carrarif they use 4 digit extensions
21:56.17carrarand also if they happen to match up
21:56.51carrarmathi, if you didn't havce DNIS, 4165551234 would not match at all
21:57.28carrarit would just ring and you would have to answer it, not knowing what number they dialed
21:57.39gociiihi guys… a newbie here… would like to develop on asterisk and would require some insight in regards tools to use. My target is to run DSP checks on audio from a SIP channel and direct asterisk in doing things accordingly… i.e. hang up or take caller to another level… my questions are: which tools would you use for development i.e. IDE and extras please?
21:58.49gustowhat is 41 for a number?
21:59.15mathicarrar, so why do providers cut numbers? we would just have one number and not this DID/DNIS thing ....
21:59.38carrarif you have extensions 4000-4100
21:59.53carraryou own 206-812-4000   -  206-812-4100
22:00.05carrarYou could have your tleco just send the last 4 digits
22:00.08gociiiany asterisk developer gurus in the house  please?
22:00.20carrarand you would not have to add the full 10 digits
22:00.44carrarthis was more usefull on older P BX, where you had to enter in digits 1 by 1
22:00.58carrarso just a 1:1 match made life easy
22:01.03navaismogociii, there is an irc developer channel asterisk-dev
22:01.16gociiimany thanks navaismo
22:01.31mathicarrar, ah so external peers would have to call 206-812-4000 and internal peers would have to call 4000, and then they use the same extension
22:01.50carrarthey would/could reach the same extension yes
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22:05.13mathiWIMPy, what I said earlier was that when someone calls from PSTN and i want to redirect him to another external phone through PSTN, we get: caller -> my Asterisk PBX -> receiver. And I would have to pay the call PBX -> receiver. Isn't it possible for my PBX to make the caller call the receiver and end the call throught he PBX
22:06.31mathicome on WIMPy we live in 2012
22:06.43WIMPyYou may be able to use deflection or transfer to get the channels free, but that won;t change the billig.
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22:07.18WIMPyOr you send some app to the caller that does a little search&replace on his phone.
22:08.24mathibut it is possible to call for free through the internet?
22:08.48WIMPyLet's say without paying for the call.
22:08.52mathifrom my PBX to an external phone
22:09.06mathiwhat are the possible ways to achieve this ?
22:09.14WIMPyIf you can reach it that way.
22:09.35WIMPyBasically you call an URL instead of a number.
22:12.37mathiI think there are also other solutions like Zoiper
22:13.11WIMPyYes, you can use your PC as phone.
22:13.45mathiand a physical SIP phone, would use an URL?
22:14.03WIMPyEven if you just enter digits.
22:17.40mathiwell most of the people still phone via PSTN and pay. the reason is that SIP is not stable yet?
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