IRC log for #asterisk on 20120829

00:00.20danfromukExtensions.conf is here
00:04.56*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (45745b30@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:05.19FuriousGeorgehey all.  I recently upgraded from 1.4 to 1.8 and now I cant take incoming calls:
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00:05.58FuriousGeorgethe dialplan is dead simple, and I see no problem with syntax of dial command, yet for some reason it jumps over to the s extension and claims carmen answered when her phone is not even plugged in
00:06.10FuriousGeorgeim starting to think the problem might be with * and not my dialplan
00:06.56WIMPyThe voicemail syntax isn't valid any more.
00:07.21FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: i can fix that, but we aren't even getting there
00:07.35WIMPy2. Why are you answering the call?
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00:08.32FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: I'm not answering it at all.  that users phone is not registered at all as a matter of fact
00:08.53FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: so it is a total mystery to me how in the world sip/carmen is anwering
00:08.54WIMPyWhat are you receiving the call from?
00:09.04FuriousGeorgevoicepulse sip service
00:09.22WIMPyThe first step in your Dialplan is an Answer.
00:09.46WIMPyDo you have insecure=very for them?
00:09.55FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: oh i see what you mean
00:09.58WIMPyThat needs to be changed to insecure=port,invite.
00:10.04FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: ill check
00:10.04danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: it seems that what i'm trying to do isnt possible. When the phone thinks that line is busy, pressing the button has no effect.
00:11.01WIMPydanfromuk: Maybe it has some special syntax to dial different things based on the status?
00:12.16danfromukWIMPy: i'll have to see if I can get some support from Panasonic. SIP Debug shows that nothing is sent when the key is pressed in a ringing state.
00:12.28FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: i don't have insecure set at all for any of the phones
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00:14.55FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: let me update the PB.  This thing is going nuts!  I just took out the answer and wait.  Now the call is DC after a few seconds
00:15.30WIMPyIs any of the phones reachable?
00:15.59[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: So when it isn't "busy" it can dial?
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00:18.52FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: actually now none are so I'm waiting for them to register before trying again (i restarted server)
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00:20.57WIMPyFuriousGeorge: Tehn fix the voicemail to use ,u in the meantime. And make sure you've got an Answer before VoiceMail.
00:21.27danfromuk[TK]D-Fender & WIMPy: thanks for all your help. I managed to find a settings called Directed Call Pickup that allows BLF keys to send a call pickup request. Its working perfectly now.
00:43.15FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: thanks for all the help thus far.  My inbound extension now contains nothing else.  The phones don't ring but I successfully make it to voicemail after timeout, so I guess that's progress
00:44.29FuriousGeorgei see now why it was going to exension s before.  for some reason it is trying to call extension 'carmen' as well as 'sip/carmen'
00:46.11FuriousGeorgeand if anyone else can explain why this simple seeming bit of dialplan fails to ring phones I would very much appreciate it
00:46.11WIMPyNo, it's trying to call sip.carmen, but it looks like it thinks carmen is itself.
00:46.41FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: i know why, carmen is my hostname, i can rename the phone
00:47.09WIMPyLooks like it doesn't find a peer named carmen then.
00:47.16WIMPyFor whatever reason.
00:47.40WIMPyAnd yes, it would tahe it as hostname then.
00:48.26WIMPyOr seemingly as hostname AND username.
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00:52.54FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: we are making great strides.  sip/carmen is now sip/manny.  the only remaining problem is that once again, inexplicably to me sip/manny is the only one that rings
00:53.04FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: ill make a pastebin
00:53.37WIMPysip show peers
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00:59.08FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: once again I have no freaking clue what the problem is
00:59.46FuriousGeorgeit appears to only dial the first tech/resource and ignore the ones after it, and before the timeout option (it gets the timeout right)
01:04.01WIMPySee line 38. You have a path or permission issue.
01:04.25WIMPyWithout astdb it won't keep registrations.
01:04.37WIMPySame with your CDR.
01:04.47FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: didnt think that was related, but i'll fix
01:05.00FuriousGeorgethis is a new install
01:05.39WIMPyWithout AstDB all registrations are gone when you restart.
01:06.48WIMPyAnd I see a lot of called <user>, but only Manny is ringing.
01:10.29FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: no change now that astdb is writeable
01:10.35FuriousGeorgeas well as the cdr
01:11.25FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: i had asterisk 1.6 installed briefly then i removed it using yum erase...  perhaps i needed to do more to get rid of it?
01:11.42WIMPyTo me it looks like the phones are called, but don;t answer.
01:15.35FuriousGeorgeupgrading asterisk, i followed outdated docs (from no less) to install asterisk16 and then i just changed the 16 to 18.  probably should not have done it that way
01:16.50WIMPyNo idea abot yum or packages.
01:23.00FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: thanks anyway for all your help
01:23.20FuriousGeorgeuninstall reinstall not fixing either, i could either downgrade to 1.4 or go with something else
01:23.24FuriousGeorgeor install from source
01:24.22FuriousGeorgebefore I try any of that, does anyone else have any clue about this:
01:24.27FuriousGeorgeonly sip/manny is dialed
01:24.33WIMPyYou can enable sip debug or use wireshark or something to find out wheat's going on between Asterisk and the phones.
01:25.09WIMPyNo, look at the -- Called lines.
01:25.34WIMPyBut only manny seems to respond.
01:31.15FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: i never learned to read sip unfortunately, so this does very little for me
01:40.24*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
01:42.29WIMPySee all the retransmits. It can't communicate with those peers.
01:42.46tzangerwhat? I can't hear you
01:42.57FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: not sure what you're referring to, but peers can call eachother
01:45.50WIMPyI don't see any (successfull) communication with the other phones.
01:45.53FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: i appreciate your help, but i gotta give up for today
01:46.07FuriousGeorgeWIMPy: or at ;least for an hour or so
01:47.14FuriousGeorgeg2g thanks again
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02:14.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:18.52SeRiyay! I just got my savi in....
02:36.27radenis it normal on a daily basus for someone to try to hack asterisk
02:39.08SeRiraden: yes
02:39.16jpsharpMy asterisk box gets dozens upon dozens attacks a day.
02:39.23jpsharpOr more.
02:39.28SeRiraden: mostly bot's...
02:39.48SeRiscanning subnets, etc...
02:40.13*** join/#asterisk Nemus (
02:40.27jpsharpThe instant the bots detect open port 5060, they start wailing away.
02:42.55radensuggestions to protect crap ?
02:43.02radenbesides manually blocking it in the router
02:43.27jpsharpSome people run an instance of fail2ban.
02:43.37radeni gotcha
02:44.07radenwould a ASA help ?
02:46.42radeni suppose I could just allow IP addresses in wisconsin inbound on that box ..... .
02:46.43jpsharpNot really.  Either completely block port 5060 or make sure your SIP accounts have strong usernames/passwords.
02:49.41radenill have to set a allow range for ISPS around here and then block all from there
02:49.57*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
02:49.58radenso like accept IP range    accept established   deny all type deal
02:50.02jpsharpIf you can get all those ranges.
02:52.08jpsharpThough I suppose you could to some fancypants BGP query through a lookingglass site.
02:52.21raden95% of our voip inside
02:52.35*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
02:52.35radenso besides like 5 ranges of addresses im good
02:52.41radenmay as well just lock her down
02:54.58*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@2001:470:8abb:0:211:32ff:fe10:cdc1)
03:00.08SeRiI only allow my ITSP in and thats it
03:00.25SeRieverything else gets silently droped
03:01.57jpsharpIf you know your acceptable IP ranges, that's awesome.
03:04.44SeRihow wouldnt you know?
03:05.03SeRiyou have bigger problem if you dont know your ITSP ranges....
03:05.57jpsharpWell, yeah.  I was thinking about clients, rather than the ITSP.
03:06.10*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
03:07.20SeRieven than you should know your clients IP.... if they ar dynamic than use a dynamic service and allow the host in.
03:07.37SeRiI do it for family around the world
03:07.43SeRiwell PR.
03:08.29drmessanoIf your usernames and passwords are strong, theres little to worry about
03:08.45jpsharpI had to manage it for a handful of sales droids who travelled around the world.  How would you map them to something you know?
03:09.17SeRiusing dynamic hosts...
03:09.28SeRidrmessano: yeap... true indeed
03:09.51SeRiI am paranoid though.. I hate seen my logs getting full of crap :)
03:10.13drmessanoPeople pop in to here and #freepbx all the time paranoid that they're getting scanned/probed by some bot.  Keep your crap difficult and the bots will move along.
03:10.27jpsharpI don't quite follow what you mean by "dynamic hosts".
03:12.32jpsharpThe one time someone made unauthorized calls through * is because they rooted the box and swiped SIP credentials.
03:13.20carrarjpsharp, make them VPN in
03:13.46carrarviA laptop or phone
03:13.51SeRicarrar: +1
03:13.52jpsharpI could barely get the sales droids to not use their yahoo accounts to handle sales contacts.
03:14.21jpsharp"Outlook was hard to use!"
03:14.30carrarthen cut off access if they can't protect the company
03:14.41jpsharpOh, I tried.
03:14.53carrarswitch jobs and work for company that cares
03:15.03carraror enjoy the rooting
03:15.05jpsharpThat's what I ended up doing.
03:15.24carrarmake it a game
03:15.30carrarhow amny times in a day
03:15.33jpsharpsent the CEO and supervisor an email that started off "Take this job and shove it..."
03:15.57*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
03:16.21carrareveryone from here on how will not be logging in as root
03:16.32SeRitodat at the astlinux user list somebody sent an email reminding how important is to secure your pbx.... He pasted his logs where his asterisk box got hacked... not nice...
03:16.38carrartime for bed I can't type
03:16.55jpsharpThe security there suck so badly that they're still using the same root passwords and SIP credentials as I set up.  I haven't worked there in 4 years.
03:17.08SeRithats sad
03:17.30jpsharpI fired up an old IP phone that I had from there and it registered without a problem.
03:18.07carrarthey probably never replaced you
03:18.23SeRilol... tehy probably think you will come back one day
03:18.24carrarsales people are doing IT now
03:18.31drmessanoMaybe you could set up an Asterisk box that registers to that extension, then let all of us make anonymous calls to only the extension range on their system.
03:18.41carrar"Oh he's on a extended vacation"
03:18.45SeRiLOL ^^
03:18.45drmessanoWe could all call and say hello
03:18.52SeRidrmessano: lol
03:19.17jpsharpSeRi: Not after I sued them and cleaned out their bank account.
03:19.18drmessanoI *LOVE* just calling to say hello
03:20.04SeRijpsharp: wow it was that bad
03:20.32jpsharpSeRi: Yep.  One of the reasons I left was an extended period of bouncing paychecks.
03:21.06jpsharpThey stiffed me on 2 pay checks, many hours of vacation pay, and the invoice for some equipment I sold them.
03:21.35SeRijpsharp: back when I was consulting I had a company who's check bounce.... It only happen once... I made sure they pay me and quit on the spot
03:21.50SeRiI do not have time to stick around and "hope" the check does not bounce
03:21.58carrarOH YEAH
03:22.01jpsharpFiled suit, they never showed up in court, I got a default judgement, and since I knew when payday was and when money would be in the bank, I scheduled the asset garnishment for that day.
03:22.02carrarWell back in band camp
03:22.39carrarI just have boring stories
03:22.48jpsharpBut now it is "Cash upfront, boyo" before I do work.
03:22.49carrarToday I did rate index conversions
03:23.04SeRicarrar: fun fun fun....
03:23.15carrarband camp would be more fun
03:23.26jpsharpEspecially with Allyson Hannigan.
03:23.53SeRiI just got my navi in and been playing around with it
03:23.59SeRiI like it so far...
03:24.13SeRifor got to order the EHS :/ so waiting for that piece to come in
03:24.57SeRijpsharp: I am over those days. I now work for reputable companys and not worrie about it... sometimes is a pain but it works out
03:25.17SeRiI was working for a univerity some time a go but didnt wor out for me so I bounced...
03:26.54jpsharpI retired on medical disability after I quit, but that's an entirely different story.
03:28.29SeRialmost *time* to bed
03:28.40SeRiconf tomorrow
03:29.12SeRiby the way raspberry pi makes an excellent low power server
03:29.41jpsharpI have one on order.
03:29.55SeRijpsharp: you will have fun for sure
03:30.08SeRijust make sure you get a compatible sd card
03:30.12SeRithats a bitch
03:30.26SeRiThats my only real complaint
03:30.56SeRiright now is running my ssh/nx/gallery3/squeezebox server
03:30.58jpsharpI want to see if I can turn it into a low-power echolink system.
03:31.40SeRiI am sure you can. I am working on my second one as a zigbee server
03:31.51SeRihome automation
03:33.05jpsharpWhat are you using as the "brains"?  I've played with Mr House, but just never could get it working.
03:33.44SeRiTh raspberry will controll everything
03:33.57jpsharpWhat software will drive it?
03:34.28drmessanoI've been pretty happy with X10, except that the price of the hardware DOUBLED this year due to supply issues
03:35.31SeRidrmessano: I looked in to X10.
03:35.41jpsharpI've got noisy power here, so X10 kinda sucks.
03:35.45SeRijust decided zigbee to start a project
03:37.27jpsharpHmm.  I didnt know there were so many zigbee home automation things.
03:37.49drmessanoI've strategically placed multiple transcievers and worked around the noisy spots in the place.   I love the heyu application for running the show.  Was VERY happy with my total X10 investment until this year.  Now I can't justify $20 for an appliance module
03:39.18carrarIs it setup to call you on events?
03:39.49carrar"Hi dave, the bay pod access door is open"
03:40.00drmessanoOne thing I liked about the X10 was just how many oddball devices they had out there.  The keychain remotes, panic buttons, the array of alarm hardware, wristwatch and pendant buttons, and all sorts of interfaces
03:40.50drmessanoApparently they have cut most of those oddball devices out and are only going to manufacture the core modules
03:41.09drmessanoI don't have it call me, but I can call it and control it remotely
03:41.28drmessanoI mostly do it from the web, but the Asterisk-makes-my-coffee thing is pretty near
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03:45.32jpsharpNo recording of Allison Smith asking "Coffee, Tea, or me?"
03:45.43SeRiok g/n all
03:46.05drmessanoAllison would playback "Coffee Maker On" thanks to Cepstral
03:46.11drmessanoThough that hasn't worked in ages
03:46.48drmessanoCepstral can lick my left.. uh, nevermind
03:49.17*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
04:11.40*** join/#asterisk roe (~roe@unaffiliated/roe)
04:12.05roeI must say, I am finally setting up my own asterisk server from scratch.  It is a bit overwhelming how complete the configuration is
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04:29.03jpsharproe: But by the same nature, it is extremely powerful.
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04:35.34roejpsharp, yes it is
04:35.44roeI'm missing something here
04:36.51roeI am running 1.8 and I am trying to make use of the built in contexts in extensions.conf
04:36.59roespecifically the stdexten
04:42.16*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-zjcjriegmxfvnglz)
04:44.52ChannelZThat doesn't say a whole lot
04:45.02roesorry, got distracted by reading docks
04:46.47ChannelZNo sorrow necessary, we like people who read them :)
04:52.20roewhat does the '#' sign in this mean: exten => #,1,Goto(menu),s,1)?
04:52.34roeI don't see it in the extension description
04:53.33roeoh is that the actual pound sign on the phone?
04:54.36roesometimes I"m just thinking too hard
05:17.02*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:16d8:cc57:1000::42:1004)
05:18.28[TK]D-FenderRoeyes, just #
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05:27.45radenmessing with gotoiftime
05:27.51radenwhere does asterisk get its time from
05:27.56radenhow do i see it
05:27.59[TK]D-FenderSystem clock
05:28.00radenand how can i adjust it
05:29.47radenwhy are cdr logs always so off ?
05:30.06[TK]D-Fenderbecause your system clock is so off
05:30.21radenits right on :(
05:31.26[TK]D-Fendercompare to the HWclock
05:31.37[TK]D-Fenderthere are 2 timers
05:31.39kaldemarraden: [,timezone]
05:42.29raden[Aug 29 00:41:51] WARNING[27809]: chan_sip.c:5467 create_addr: No such host: inbound
05:47.29[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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06:34.44*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
06:36.08FuriousGeorgehey all.  i have a new server on centos, installed * using yum, and inbound calling is broken inexplicably.  whereas before i could dial(sip/moe&sip/larry&sip/curley) and all would ring, now only larry rings
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06:36.33FuriousGeorgei see nothing in the console to explain why, and i can't read sip debug info
06:36.54josephtikvaBefore when?
06:36.56FuriousGeorgei figure it must be something obvious, but I can't wrap my mind around what that might be
06:37.16ChannelZshow actual console output
06:37.18infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
06:37.44*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
06:37.44FuriousGeorgejosephtikva: before when I was running 1.4.? on a different box.
06:37.53Assidhow do i know if the card has echo cancellation or not?
06:38.01Assidi have a tormento pci card
06:38.25FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: i should do I will do it with sip debug, ok?  console output tells us nothing
06:38.50josephtikvaCore set verbose 10
06:39.26josephtikvaTail /var/log/asterisk/full should have info
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06:39.54FuriousGeorgejosephtikva: sip debug on or no?
06:40.41FuriousGeorgek thanks for helping me out.  gimme a sec
06:42.43FuriousGeorgejosephtikva: i have no /var/log/asterisk/full
06:42.53FuriousGeorgeu want console in a pb
06:44.48kaldemarAssid: afaik, no tormenta card had on-board EC.
06:45.47josephtikvaMaybe /var/log/asterisk/messages? Check /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf for the astlogdir
06:46.36ChannelZfull isn't on by default
06:47.20ChannelZjust pb the console output (copy from the window)
06:47.39ChannelZMy guess is the console (not sip debug) is telling you what is wrong or will reveal a typeo
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06:49.05josephtikvaMaybe pb dialplan.conf.
06:49.32ChannelZif that existed
06:50.46*** join/#asterisk brdude (
06:51.22FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: josephtikva what's up with that address  i recognize that Ip and it should nto have anything to do with anything
06:51.29FuriousGeorgethat's my xen slice
06:51.47kaldemarFuriousGeorge: those were ALL dialed.
06:51.48ChannelZLooks like you've got some communications problems
06:51.52ChannelZSIP retransmissions
06:53.16ChannelZaron, maria, remotebrian all seem to have issues
06:53.32kaldemarasterisk has an address for them. maybe qualify=yes is not set and their NAT has closed the port.
06:53.39ChannelZregister too
06:54.11ChannelZ(guess Manny is the only one ringing?)
06:54.22kaldemaralso, asterisk needs some NAT related configuration because there's a private address in the SDP (externaddr, localnet and nat=yes under [general]).
06:55.55FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: yup you guessed it
06:56.07FuriousGeorgekaldemar: i set externhost
06:57.04ChannelZand localnet?
06:57.30FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: had it in 1.4, not sure what i did in 1.8
06:57.33FuriousGeorgelemme check
06:57.57ChannelZIt tells it what is LAN and what isn't
06:58.10FuriousGeorgei know at least that much
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06:58.30ChannelZsorry I thought you said "what IT did", misread
06:58.52FuriousGeorgelol, np, and thanks again for your help
06:58.54FuriousGeorgeone sec
06:58.57ChannelZIs Asterisk behind a firewall (or is the firewall)?
06:59.32ChannelZAnd all these devices (except Manny) are outside?
06:59.51FuriousGeorgeall inside
07:00.09FuriousGeorgelooking at sip.conf and my dumbass forgot to uncomment the localnet setting
07:00.13ChannelZis your real external IP?
07:00.36FuriousGeorgeno, its my linnode xen slice and should be totally unrelated.  very mysterious
07:01.14ChannelZWell its confused about how to represent its self based on your network setup
07:01.17FuriousGeorgeim gonna try again with localnet uncommented
07:01.47josephtikvaAnd reload
07:03.18ChannelZand click your heels
07:03.25FuriousGeorgeack cant remember how to turn off sip debug in post 1.4 *
07:03.32FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: no place like home
07:03.33ChannelZsip set debug off
07:03.42ChannelZ...same as 1.4...
07:04.29FuriousGeorgethen i cant remember how to set it in any version ;)
07:04.36FuriousGeorgeno change with localnet setting
07:04.44*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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07:05.00ChannelZwhat did you actually set them to?
07:05.34ChannelZAnd for whatever reason you say all the phones are behind the firewall but shouldn't they have 10.x IPs and not that 67.* one?
07:06.12FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: that's my mystery too.  where is that 67 address coming from?  all phones have 10.0.0.X addresses incluiding manny
07:06.20ChannelZsip show peers
07:06.37ChannelZIt's where Asterisk thinks they are.  Why, that's a mystery of your network topology
07:07.11*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:07.18FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: sip show peers says nothing about 67.* address shows all phones on the 10.0.blah localnet
07:07.50FuriousGeorgeMaria/Maria                                     D                 2051     OK (14 ms)
07:08.59FuriousGeorgemaybe a few years ago i was doing something with my xen slice, but that ip does not show up in sip.conf....  i have no idea why it's showing up at all
07:09.23FuriousGeorgei took extensions.conf, sip.conf, and voicemail.conf from the old server
07:10.39ChannelZI don't know, what does a sip debug look like when one of the broken peers initially registers?
07:10.59ChannelZWas your old setup doing realtime peers or something and you have a frankenconfig?
07:11.21FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: I'll check.  no realtime before
07:13.05ChannelZis your externaddr a hostname or IP?
07:13.19FuriousGeorgeexternhost => url
07:13.27ChannelZuhm.. url?
07:14.40ChannelZregardless if you are using externhost is that where that 67 IP is coming from?  (but still it seems to not understand what is internal and what is external.. my guess is your sip.conf is still hosed)
07:15.21FuriousGeorgei used externhost and that is not where that url is coming from
07:15.44*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:3cc3:afff:d6f6:d2bf)
07:16.01FuriousGeorgeerr that is not where that ip is coming form (the 67 one)
07:16.26FuriousGeorgejosephtikva: it's dynamic
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07:19.18FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: note that the broken phones can all call eachother and call out,.  u still wanna see the sip debug from when one of them log in
07:21.32ChannelZactually - a different question is, does it work if you only dial one of those peers?  like just SIP/aron and remove all the rest
07:28.40ChannelZwell I gotta go to bed.  Basically Asterisk is trying to send the calls to that 67...245 IP for all those devices for a reason I don't know based on what we have(nt) seen of your overall config. I don't have any guesses based on you saying those devices can call each other, if a sip debug reveals Asterisk transmitting the INVITEs to the proper 10.0.x.x IPs for those devices.
07:29.44FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: thanks im gonna hit the sack too
07:29.46ChannelZSince all those devices are on the same side of your firewall however, it seems like they shouldn't be set for NAT in the first place
07:30.02FuriousGeorgethey all nat=no
07:30.17ChannelZthen I'm confused as well why it thinks they are:
07:30.34ChannelZReliably Transmitting (NAT) to
07:31.18FuriousGeorgethats a gentoo httpd with no asterisk or sip stuff installed.  i cant figure out where that comes from, lemme look in sip.conf again
07:31.21ChannelZalthough come to think of it that might be an oddity of the output.  I can't remember.
07:32.16FuriousGeorgedont sweat it, i can just rebuild it from scratch and that's the answer for everything
07:34.24ChannelZpastebin 'sip show settings'
07:42.37*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@2002:294f:dde2:1:49f:62b2:7a25:b4ba)
07:43.56FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: k
07:48.23FuriousGeorgeChannelZ: ill pm it to u
07:53.10flingexten => ChannelZ,1,Hello()
07:53.23flinghow can I reload extensions?
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07:57.56ChannelZdialplan reload
07:58.58flingexten => ChannelZ,n,ThankYou()
08:14.26*** join/#asterisk fredericve (
08:14.30Aeliawell I tried finding where my problem comes from, and I found out that Using ast_request_and_dial("Local", ast_best_codec(chan->nativeformats), chan, ext_and_context, TIMEOUT, &reason, chan->, chan-> doesn't manage at all the 183 progress and I don't get any audio after the channel is UP. while instead of calling my application I put a Dial(Local/ext_and_context) it works ...
08:15.13Aeliashould I setup manually the channel instead of using ast_request_and_dial ? if yes how should I set it up ?
08:16.05fredericveHi all
08:16.43fredericveI think I found a bug in asterisk 1.8 concerning reinvites and I'd like to make sure before filing an issue on the bugtracker.
08:17.57fredericveI have 2 SIP peers, each of them with canreinvite=yes. One peer is only allow=alaw, the other one is only allow=ulaw
08:19.16fredericvewhen the call setup happens, asterisk tries reinvite, which fails, after which the channels to both peers are hung up
08:19.36ChannelZwell canreinvite is now called directmedia but I don't remember if it was totally deprecated in 1.8
08:22.26*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
08:22.58fredericveoh, well the behaviour is in any case different if I change canreinvite to no so I guess it is not completely removed from 1.8
08:23.12fredericvelet me try playing around with directmedia
08:23.55kaldemarcanreinvite still exists as a synonym to directmedia in 11.
08:24.19ChannelZwell, but I guess what you want to happen is that if the two endpoints can't talk directly via reinvite (because of incompatible codecs) Asterisk should fall back to being in the media path in order to do a transcode?
08:25.10*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
08:25.15fredericveeither asterisk should not try the reinvite, or try the reinvite but not hang up the channels if it fails.
08:25.39*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:27.17flingChannelZ: how to select exact moh from a directory? how to playback different moh if caller pressed '1'?
08:28.12ChannelZwell you can define different MOH contexts
08:29.14fredericvechanging canreinvite to directmedia has the same behaviour so it indeed looks like it's a synonym to directmedia
08:29.15ChannelZand set what MOH context the current channel is in via the CHANNEL(musicclass) function
08:29.51*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
08:30.06flingChannelZ: can you please give me an example? or a link to read one
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08:30.40ChannelZfredericve: either way.. I'm not actually sure what the defined behavior is _supposed_ to be, to be honest.  I always thought it was as you desired, especially since * already knows the codecs aren't compatible because both peers are configured that way
08:32.09ChannelZfling: well the MOH contexts are defined in musiconhold.conf - if you want specific songs for specific operations, you'd just have to make different directories and put those songs in them and set each context to the separate directories as desired
08:32.42anebihi hi. I installed asterisk on ubuntu 11.10 and i have problems on this installation with modules not loaded. Can you please tell me which are the modules responsible for ring groups and time conditions/time groups as i need to load them manually?
08:33.34ChannelZThen if you want one set of songs to be played if someone gets put on hold having gone through some particular phone menu, you can Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=easylistening) or whatever somewhere in your dialplan when they get to that menu
08:33.39flingChannelZ: how to read and use digit from caller for changing moh?
08:33.48ChannelZIf they get put on hold sometime after that, they get that MOH context.
08:34.16kaldemaranebi: depends. just use autoload=yes in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf and then start to remove modules when you know what they do.
08:35.30anebikaldemar: asterisk is set with autoload=yes, but this version has problems as i get errors like this one:  Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_agi_unregister
08:36.08fredericveChannelZ: Thanks. I'll try a bug report then. It looks like a bug to me
08:36.47kaldemaranebi: did you upgrade from an earlier version without cleaning the modules directory first? how did you install in the first place?
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08:51.08flingChannelZ: somebody is calling and asterisk answers, playbacks welcome, starts moh and dialing sip client ; now I need to read '1' from caller somehow
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08:55.25flinghow to read a number while asterisk is dialing?
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09:07.51flingChannelZ: looks like I need WaitExten()
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09:18.26flingkaldemar: hey :p
09:18.56flingkaldemar: how to read numbers from caller while dialing and playing moh?
09:19.20*** part/#asterisk anebi (~anebi@
09:19.32flingI want to change moh if caller press '1'
09:22.58kaldemarBackground could do it if you ditch MOH.
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09:24.06flingkaldemar: give me an example please
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09:26.25kaldemarthere's lots of extra but you should get the idea. during background, if the caller presses *, the GoSub returns. if something else is pressed, it gets a new track to play with background.
09:29.06flingkaldemar: how to dial same time? here is the plan: somebody calls, asterisk says welcome, dials sip phone, starts moh
09:29.26flingand while noone answers caller may press 1 to listen to the commercial
09:30.29flingso if sip answers, asterisk just stops moh/commercial
09:31.01flingdon't I need moh at all? do I need Bacground only if I want to read numbers?
09:39.47flingdon't I need queue
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09:44.53kaldemarfling: what's the point of all this? have a caller listen to music while the destination is dialed and let the caller change the music? that's all?
09:45.21*** join/#asterisk TobSnyder (
09:45.31flingkaldemar: yes, change the music to commercial :p thats all!
09:45.36TobSnydercan I have the same username/password for multiple sip accounts?
09:46.07TobSnydere.g. in sip.conf [20] [21] [22] but the softphones should be able to register with the same user/pass instead of 20 21 22 as username?
09:46.25kaldemarTobSnyder: you can do whatever you want. that being smart or safe is another matter.
09:46.48TobSnyderit's just for local tetsing purposes
09:47.55TobSnyderso would it be correct to use such a config:
09:48.40kaldemarfling: i'd try if features can be used first. add something to applicationmap that changes what the caller hears.
09:50.13flinghmm hmm
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10:01.19rjvvlietHi, anyone has any experience with Asterisk hints en Mitel 5220 SIP Firmware, i seem to have a problem when using about 8 BLF keys that the phone ignores calls on 'Hight' BLF load.
10:02.19rjvvlietJust brought is down to arond 5 and i now seems to have no problems.
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10:23.56jmlsmorning all
10:25.12jmlshave a question about custom sounds. I have a customer that wants to record over some of the standard sounds files (e.g. demo-thanks) . I don't want to override the standard asterisk files, nor do I want to copy the entire sounds folder to a custom folder.
10:25.40jmlsis there a way of saying to asterisk, "if you can't find demo-thanks in the foo folder, use the standard demo-thanks instead" ?
10:26.32rjvvliethi jmls, you could play with the Language setting, when you set language=en-cust is will look in the durectory sounds\en-cust end is not exists uses sound\en
10:26.49jmlsrjvvliet: I *hoped* that you were going to say that ;)
10:27.24rjvvlietremember, have not yet doen that mi self... i'am using language=nl  ;-)
10:27.28*** join/#asterisk mealstrom (~mealstrom@
10:27.42jmlsso asterisk defaults to \nl if a file doesn't exist in the \nl-cust folder ?
10:27.59rjvvlietni defaults to en
10:28.19jmlsright. That's cool for me, as I use en ;)
10:28.20rjvvlietthe default language is always en
10:28.41flingkaldemar: this is my test setup >
10:28.54flingit reads numbers when I call from softphone
10:29.05flingbut not from pstn. How to fix this?
10:29.09jmls dank je wel
10:29.22rjvvlietjmls: graag gedaan ;-)
10:31.29mealstromhi,  im using asterisk 1.8 and ive got problem with say.conf and language. If i put fullpath to directory at say.conf -- all is ok . if just simple digists/${SAY} - -this doesnt work. How to check in what directory it makes search?
10:32.05mealstromi've putted Set(CHANNEL(language)=ua)  before playback -- no help
10:33.34*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
10:33.51mealstromasterisk.conf:languageprefix = yes, sip.conf:language=ua
10:34.04kaldemarfling: depends on how you connect to PSTN.
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10:36.56flingkaldemar: over sip
10:37.18kaldemarfling: dtmfmode might be wrong.
10:37.35flingshould I set it in [general] ?
10:37.46kaldemarfling: add "dtmf" to the console line in logger.conf and do "logger reload". you should see incoming recognized DTMF in CLI after that.
10:38.23kaldemarfling: no, under the peer that matches incoming calls from your provider.
10:39.35*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@2002:294f:dde2:1:4d3b:bcec:471:7312)
10:41.05jmlsok, another sounds question
10:41.11flingkaldemar: nothing in the console
10:41.42jmlsis it possible to have the language directories somewhere other than /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/[language]
10:42.04rjvvlietjmls: Yep, look in asterisk.conf
10:42.47*** part/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@2002:294f:dde2:1:4d3b:bcec:471:7312)
10:43.01rjvvlietjmls: be ware that by default this section is a template look at the (!) behind it, when you do not remove it it just displays the defaults.
10:43.36jmlshmm. can't see anything relating to custom sounds
10:44.08zambahow can i make asterisk bind to both udp and tcp?
10:44.20rjvvlietjmls: mmm let me check...
10:44.37Aeliadoes someone know what's the meaning when you read a frame (with ast_read(chan)) of type AST_FRAME_CONTROL and the subclass is -1 ? it's not defined in frame.h so I'm kind of lost here...
10:45.16kaldemarfling: then DTMF is not recognized. rfc2833 is the most common way to send DTMF, it that mode first.
10:45.42rjvvlietjmls: mmm my mind is playing tricks on me.... i meant the [directories] section but sorry....
10:45.52rjvvlietjmls: you could create a Sym link.
10:46.13flingkaldemar: exten => 2,1,Playback(transfer) <- so if I perss 2 on a softphone it playbacks
10:46.17jmlsI didn't want to pollute the standard install directories with custom folders
10:46.31flingkaldemar: am I doing it wrong? do I need to use Read or something?
10:46.41*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
10:47.04rjvvlietjmls: i think its the only way.
10:47.10kaldemarfling: if Background is executing when 2 is pressed and that's in the same context, then that looks right.
10:48.35jmlswonders what would happen if the language was called "custom/foo" ...
10:48.52flingkaldemar: do I need background? I do not have it yet >
10:48.56jmlswould it read from sounds/custom/foo
10:49.17coppicejmls: the foo fighters would object
10:49.30kaldemarfling: app playback does not react to anything a user presses.
10:49.50kaldemaron the other hand, you have WaitExten which does.
10:50.12rjvvlietjmls: what you fill in the language= parameter wil be used as the language directory.
10:50.34kaldemarbut the user would have to wait until playback has played it all, so... you need to change that.
10:52.43*** join/#asterisk reisi (
10:56.30flingkaldemar: right, I will use Background, thanks. I will try to fix dtmf tomorrow
10:57.13flingexten => kaldemar,n,Cya(gtg)
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11:03.21*** part/#asterisk mealstrom (~mealstrom@
11:06.24reisiif i want to list all chan_*.so modules, what is the correct [like keyword] in 1.8?
11:07.07kaldemar... "module show like chan_"
11:07.14reisiaah :D
11:08.48reisiok, still with 1.8 (beginner here); i seem to have loaded, but sip show peers (like in chapter 5 of fails; there's no command "sip", how do i find out the correct command?
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11:11.45reisioh, i cannot unload or load it, i guess that's the reason..
11:12.23kaldemarreisi: "sip show peers" is a correct command. there's something wrong with loading the module. enable verbosity with "core set verbose 10", core debug with "core set debug 10" and do "module unload" and "module load". see if you get some useful output.
11:12.40kaldemarotherwise, pastebin your sip.conf and someone will surely take a look at it.
11:13.36reisiyeah, with 'core set verbose 3' before 'module load' i get that there's a permission problem
11:15.38*** join/#asterisk d0pe_ (
11:16.17reisinice, and we have a registration
11:34.23reisiin there's this example "same => n,Playback(hello-world)"; is this "hello-world" a file? exits non-zero, i might be missing an ubuntu package if it's a file?
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11:36.57reisipastebin of the call, from the answer
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11:40.59kaldemarreisi: it's a sound file that is expected to be found somewhere under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds.
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11:46.39zambaanyone got any experience with tandberg c40 and if it's able to use just sip and voice?
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11:57.07reisinice, hello-world is working
12:02.31*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:03.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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12:10.46danfromukHi, has anyone set up shared line appearance with asterisk on a Panasonic KX-UT133/6? Specifically, is there any way to make the Shared Line Key go green when in use by the local user? Currently, the shared line key goes red and a DN key shows green.
12:13.03[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, You have 1 actualt line on that phone, and BLF's.  BLF's will light up with their colour.  The actual "line" key your call is on is going to light up in its colour.  in yours (and most) people cases this is going to be different because the phone probably wants BLF to look different from an actual line in use
12:14.54[TK]D-FenderdanAnd Your odds are like one in a million of finding someone else using *'s "SLA" with those phones specifically.
12:18.16danfromukThinking of taking a look at the * source code to see if I can get it to work how i need it. For example, when a call is placed on hold, the BLF key remains solid so theres no way to tell which calls are on hold and which are active.
12:20.42[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, just enable SIP debug, put a call on hold and lookk for a presence notification state change being sent out.  If there isn't (and I doubt there), then there is nothing to do for this.  If it does send it out (to the WATCHING phone) then its up to the phone to show the indication differently.
12:21.16[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, Polycom's for instance don't visually indicate "ringing" vs "in use" differently
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12:26.58danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: do you know of any software PBXs that I could put in front of our asterisk boxes that would support BLF on shared lines like a key system does?
12:27.22danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: i really need to make this work as its a large sale
12:28.00[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, I would fail to see how * even plays into this solution you're thinking of.  That other system would do EVERYTHING
12:28.35danfromukWe have a hosted pbx platform using asterisk.
12:29.23[TK]D-FenderYour system would not figure into this in any way I could figure as being meaningful.
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12:35.33zambacan someone help me figuring out how to register a tandberg c40 codec with asterisk?
12:35.41zambait's supposed to support sip
12:35.55cuscohi... where can I find the sql table structure for cel ?
12:36.19cuscoin 1.8
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12:36.57TheCompWizmornin' folks.
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12:38.25cuscorjvvliet: I meant distributed in asterisk tarball
12:38.35cuscorjvvliet: I copied that and it is incorrect
12:39.31rjvvlietcusco: mmm
12:41.22[TK]D-Fenderzamba, unless you've got an * cedec module, all you'd get is passthrough.  No transcoding, indications, etc.....
12:45.38zamba[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
12:46.09[TK]D-Fenderzamba, what is unclear there?
12:46.11zambaG.711, G.722, G.722.1, 64 bit & 128 bit MPEG4 AAC-LD,
12:46.25zambathe c40 codec supports the audio codecs listed above
12:46.48rjvvlietcusco: does this help :
12:47.16zambai manage to get it to register, but it deregisters immediately
12:47.33[TK]D-Fenderzamba, * doesn't know about that codec.  Unless you have a complete codec module made for * then the best * could do is let the media pass through between 2 endpoints.  * could not transcode it to play things like dialtone, use conferencing, record in any other format, no Chanspy to listen in, etc.
12:48.06zambawe basically want it to work for voice only
12:48.11zambaas a telephone
12:49.01[TK]D-FenderAh, I see the term "codec" is part of the PRODUCT MANE
12:49.12zambayup :)
12:49.30zambafirst hit is the box
12:49.36[TK]D-FenderThis is a horrible source of confusion.  The marketing people who chose it should be SHOT
12:50.06[TK]D-Fender-- Registered SIP 'radarsat' at <ip of codec>:49261       > Saved useragent "TANDBERG/516 (TC5.1.2.289652)" for peer radarsat
12:50.11[TK]D-Fender^^ lokos like it IS registered...
12:50.31zambayeah, but then the codec (hehe) deregisters immediately afterwards
12:51.53zambahold on.. giving you a screenshot, maybe you can figure better out what to fill in and how to set up the stanca in sip.conf
12:52.15[TK]D-Fenderwell .... go ask them for support.. * said "yes" ... they can't seem to accept yes for an answer ;)
12:52.24tomodachizamba: dont screenshot the confg, use pastebin
12:53.01infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:53.05[TK]D-Fenderzamba, No need.  * ACCEPTS the registration.
12:53.13[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Like I said, it's their problem.
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13:03.56deogood day all!
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13:07.15rjvvlietHi,anyone has any experience with Asterisk hints en Mitel 5220 SIP Firmware, the Mitel seems to have a problem when using about 10 BLF keys than the phone refuses to take calls on 'High' BLF load.
13:07.33leifmadsenya that sounds like a mitel phone...
13:07.37rjvvlietI now brought it down to around 5 and i now seems to have no problems, wondering if someone else noticed this.
13:08.30rjvvlietleifmadsen: mm oke great, your quick response on it tells me i will not solve this.
13:08.57leifmadsennever had good luck with mitel phones. Seem to be underpowered
13:10.29rjvvlietleifmadsen: Well, customer was not prepared yet to replace the phone, only the PBX, so i wil have to work with them.( and the SIP FW is so lacking features)
13:10.42leifmadsenyep, just saying
13:10.52leifmadsenit has no effect on me what phone you use :)
13:10.59rjvvlietleifmadsen: thanks for sharing ;-)
13:13.54specingCan I suggest improvements to the here?
13:14.36leifmadsenspecing: please use the errata page at
13:14.40leifmadsenotherwise it won't get evaluated
13:15.24danfromukleifmadsen: Not sure if you recall, I was looking for a phone with around 30 buttons that supports shared line appearance. You recommended I take a look at the panasonic KX-UT136. I've managed to get hold of 2 demo phones from my suppliers to try it out on. I'm wondering if you've ever seen an implementation that has the SLA key turn green when the local user is active on it? Rather than the DN key turning green.
13:15.53leifmadsendanfromuk: yes, I've made that work
13:16.24danfromukleifmadsen: any idea if its documented anywhere?
13:17.08leifmadsenhonestly not sure... the panasonic docs aren't very good. I had some help from a Panasonic engineer to get it working.
13:17.32danfromukOk, thanks. i'll see if i can get access to panasonic support on this.
13:17.46leifmadsenit will indeed work though with the correct settings
13:17.52leifmadsenI can say that much :)
13:18.18leifmadsenused the SLA apps in Asterisk along with several manufacturers, one of them being Panasonic KX-UT products
13:18.31specingleifmadsen: Im not sure where to get the page number since Im reading the online version...
13:18.45leifmadsenspecing: just say the section name
13:19.01leifmadsenput in some bogus page number
13:21.35carrarpage 2469
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13:29.50jgreigNot sure if anyone can help on this but i'll ask anyway: We've got an asterisk PBX setup and we use a VOIP provider (registered trunks).  When we call a number that no longer exists the provider sends back a '403 forbidden' which our PBX then plays the 'all circuits are busy' macro.  Is there anyway that we can stop our PBX from playing the macro and instead just playing whatever the provider is saying on the other end?
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13:31.15jgreigI should add we use freepbx.
13:31.51rjvvlietjgreig: i don't think you get a sound message from the ISP, you get a SIP 403 message in dialog so the call is not yet setup.
13:31.56danfromukjgreig: if the provider sends 403 Forbidden, it means that they aren't 'playing' anything
13:32.24rjvvlietdanfromuk: oeps.... my bad, 403 it Auth required ...
13:32.39jgreigchan_sip.c: Received response: "Forbidden" from            Everyone is busy/congested at this time
13:32.56danfromukIf you are using freepbx, i recommend finding the 'all circuits are busy' sound file and replace it with a custom one.
13:33.03jgreigI guess, what I'm trying to achieve is to avoid thinking that the trunks are actually busy or there's a bigger issue than what there actually is
13:33.05danfromukthere may be a better way of doing this
13:33.43jgreigis it normal for providers to just send a 403?
13:34.53rjvvlietjgreig: Are you sure that the 403 is not the result of a problemn with a NAT setup?
13:35.56jgreigwe do only get it on numbers that are actually non-existent (tested on mobile) - we don't use NAT, though, it's possible that an option could be in there somewhere that shouldn't be RE NAT
13:36.38[TK]D-Fender403 is not an appropriate response to an invalid number being dialed.
13:36.44rjvvlietjgreig: i have found that some NAT solutions are not working perfectly and the PBX never receives the 403 and reinvites a second time without Auth.
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13:39.10[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, Reminder that NO-ONE uses those phones here.  Time to dive deep into whatever admisitrators guide you've got to search for this.  You very likely don't havee an option at all.
13:39.33kaldemarneither is 403 appropriate for requiring authentication.
13:41.07deohello everyone, need some help here..
13:42.07[TK]D-Fender401 can be a challenge.  403 = GTFO
13:42.11deowe have an 8 analog lines coming from our ISP
13:42.25deoit is connected to a old panasonic pabx
13:42.35[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Neat trick .... ISP's tend to deliver "IP", not analog copper
13:43.01deoi want to get rid of  our old pbx and want to try asterisk pbx
13:43.17deo[TK]D-Fender: we have an analog lines
13:43.35*** join/#asterisk yoyolala (~yoyolala@unaffiliated/yoyolala)
13:43.56[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Well, Asterisk can be used to make a pretty nice and flexible phone system...
13:44.07deoyeah right
13:44.08[TK]D-Fenderdeo, We highly recommend it :)
13:44.19deoi want to try asterisk [TK]D-Fender
13:44.29deobut the problem is i dont know where to start
13:44.37[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Then today's bonus : you have our permission to start!
13:44.42infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:44.45deoi want to transfer all the 8 lines into asterisk
13:44.46[TK]D-Fenderdeo, ^^
13:45.13deoone question [TK]D-Fender
13:45.45[TK]D-Fenderdeo, First, if your ISP is offering you direct copper analog lines right off the pole then it sounds more like they are a basic telco that just happens to provide your internet connectivity as well (by whatever means that is delivered).
13:45.47deodo i need some additional hardware except for the computer
13:46.13deoyeah [TK]D-Fender those analog lines do have internet as well
13:46.33[TK]D-Fenderdeo, If you are intending to use those lines, then you clearly do.  Signals don't tend to magically flow over the air into your typical computer to let your server control those lines...
13:46.37deoive heard of some channel bank stuff.. but i dnot know what are they
13:46.40danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your last message to me, however i was responding to jgreig.
13:47.01[TK]D-Fenderdeo, there are lots of devices to let you use analog lines.  Which one's we'd recommend depend on certain scenarios.
13:47.12deohmm what is it [TK]D-Fender ??
13:47.14[TK]D-Fenderdeo, but it's best to take a step back and see if you have other options first
13:47.14rolandowdeo: you could transfer your phonenumbers to a sip provider, and have all telephony through sip
13:47.17jgreigdanfromuk: thanks for the advice might do as you said and change the sound file
13:47.33deohow do i connect all those 8 lines to my asterisk pbx?
13:47.48[TK]D-Fenderdeo, rolandow has mentioned possibly porting number to an ITSP so that you don't need special hardware and your calls arrive over an internet connection.
13:47.49deoi dont want to have a provider [TK]D-Fender
13:48.00deoi want to install asterisk pbx
13:48.05[TK]D-Fenderdeo, what are some of your reasons?
13:48.10[TK]D-Fenderdeo, just for contrast...
13:48.28deohmmn first, i want to learn how to configure asterisk from scratch
13:48.42deowhich i believe that book you sent will help
13:48.49[TK]D-FenderIt should.
13:49.00[TK]D-Fenderand you don't need special hardware to learn *.
13:49.08deosecondly, if i had to go on a provider, that is an addtional cost for us
13:49.19[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Not if they replace those lines.
13:49.34rolandowdeo: usually voip providers have better rates than your analog line
13:49.35[TK]D-Fenderdeo, How much do you pay for them?
13:49.40rolandowdeo: and you don't need additional hardware
13:50.03deoi dont know exactly the  exact price. it should be on the accounting dept.
13:50.27[TK]D-Fenderdeo, get that info.  Really.  You should understand the big picture before really settling on a "solution" as a complete package.
13:50.28danfromukjgreig: maybe ask in #freepbx before you do
13:50.55[TK]D-Fenderjgreig, There is a FreePBX module that lets you change the failure announcements, etc.
13:51.19deoso maybe [TK]D-Fender you can tell me what are the requirements in setting asterisk pbx...
13:51.35[TK]D-Fenderdeo, A computer to run it on.  That's all.
13:51.40deoincluding hardware..
13:51.52[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Some people run them on crappy linksys routers you can get for $30
13:52.01deoanalog lines > asterisk pbx
13:52.15deohow do I connect all those 8 lines into a computer?
13:52.16[TK]D-Fenderdeo, I'm sure your needs will be greater though.  So any sheap computer will do probably
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13:52.50deohow do I connect all those 8 lines into a computer?
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13:53.02rjvvlietdeo: i build my PBX's on Atom systemboards will do for about 50 to 75 Users.
13:53.20deoyeah thats good
13:53.23[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Here are 2 options for conencting the lines :
13:53.25drmessanoI couldnt imagine putting 8 analog lines into a box.  You get a simple card for it
13:53.27jgreigok, cheers guys will take a look
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13:53.42carrarWhat about some old extra sounds cards?
13:53.42[TK]D-Fenderdeo, that card with 2 X100M modules listed below
13:53.47deodrmessano: that is what im looking for
13:53.52[TK]D-Fenderdeo, as an "internal" solution.
13:53.53deoso I need a card.
13:54.13[TK]D-Fenderdeo for external :
13:54.27drmessano8 analog lines from AT&T is about half of what I pay for 32 SIP channels from my provider
13:54.27[TK]D-Fenderdeo, No, a card is ONE way.  Clearly there are external devices as well.
13:54.32drmessanoNo way I would ever go back
13:54.56[TK]D-Fenderdeo, So there you go.  2 hardware options to let your server use your lines.
13:55.11[TK]D-Fenderdeo, there are many makers of both cards and external gateways.
13:55.20deohmmmmnn maybe i need that 8 port card [TK]D-Fender
13:55.27carrarAdtran works nicely too
13:55.32[TK]D-Fendercarrar, Sure....
13:56.18[TK]D-Fenderdeo, What you need ... is now to fully understand what solution you have now, it's costs, and what other options are available to you in your area.
13:56.49[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Analog sucks.  Hard.  BOTH WAYS.  It's what you use when you're screwed beyond any realistic hope of an alternative.
13:57.08deothats what i want to know
13:57.34rolandowmaybe for a backup if you don't have a proper internet connection
13:57.36[TK]D-Fenderdeo, But I gave you 2 sample hardware options so you can put that on the table for consideration.  But I highly recommend you look at the big picture and not just jump at them.
13:57.51deowhat u mean [TK]D-Fender ??
13:58.07[TK]D-Fenderdeo, What part of what I've told you are you unsure about?
13:58.22[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Nothing I've said should be hard to follow...
13:59.47deo[TK]D-Fender: some one told me before that i need to use channel banks like Rhino for me to connect all those 8 analog lines.. and that channel bank will be connected to the asterisk pbx
13:59.51deois that also right??
13:59.55deo[TK]D-Fender: ^
14:00.04[TK]D-FenderNo.  You don't NEED one.  They are another option however
14:00.23[TK]D-Fenderdeo, However you'd also need a T1 card to plug that channel-back into.
14:00.25deobut that 8 port card could replace channel bank right?
14:01.20[TK]D-Fenderdeo, You'd need TWO pieces for that solution.
14:01.28[TK]D-FenderdeAnd as yuo can see, FAR more expensive.
14:01.29deoand it need a wiring block also to connect those lines to channel bank right?
14:01.46[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Yes.  No pretty RJ11 jacks on the back.
14:02.20[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Channel Banks are things you use if you already have a T1 card available and happen to get a good deal
14:02.37deohhmm i see.. so that is expensive. because i need a TE121 card  to connect channel bank to my asterisk pbx
14:02.41[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Never something I recommend to someone starting from scratch
14:02.48rolandowthe lcd screen on the rhino looks impressive though
14:02.56rolandowcould be something that managers fancy
14:03.03[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, I have one. I occasionally notice it's on my rack.
14:03.17deothen what can you recommend to me [TK]D-Fender ?"??
14:03.18[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, To which I say "Do I care?".  You acn guess what the answer is...
14:03.22deobased from my scenario..
14:03.33jgreigheh just found a similar thread:
14:03.39deo8 analog lines, almost 100 user in a buliding
14:03.58specingholy**** digium hardware is expensive
14:04.04[TK]D-Fenderdeo, I already gave you my recommendation.  Find out what you're paying for those lines.  See how much you could get a PRI from your telco for.  full or fractional down to 8 channels, etc.  Then we can look at ITSP's
14:04.14[TK]D-Fenderspecing, As compared to ...?
14:04.21carrarsound cards
14:04.26infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
14:04.42deohmmnn a bit confused by PRI [TK]D-Fender
14:04.45[TK]D-FenderRockin' it OLD SKOOL Y0!
14:04.47specing[TK]D-Fender: I don't know
14:04.55[TK]D-Fenderdeo, PRI is a digital voice circuit
14:05.07deocan i get PRI from our ISP?
14:05.12[TK]D-Fenderspecing, How acn you say X is expensiev without Y as a point of comparison?
14:05.12deo[TK]D-Fender: ^
14:05.13specing[TK]D-Fender: I just went there to see how much this (analog) costs in real life
14:05.20[TK]D-Fenderdeo, maybe
14:05.25[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Ask them.
14:05.36deohmmnn what if not? [TK]D-Fender ??
14:05.37specing[TK]D-Fender: Im a student, $1000 isn't exactly cheap for me ;P
14:05.55deoshould i go to 8 port card?
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14:06.25[TK]D-Fenderspecing, Expensive is relative.  You probably also couldn't afford a Ferrari at $10,000 even if it was brand new typically selling for 10 times as much.
14:06.40rolandowspecing: if you're a student, what do you need that hardware for anyways?
14:06.48[TK]D-Fenderspecing, so saying a card is expensive just because your broke is retarded :)
14:07.06deo[TK]D-Fender: im sorry but what is ITSP??
14:07.09carrarWE TODD DID
14:07.10infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
14:07.36deohhmmn ok i got that..
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14:07.45rolandowdeo: basically they have all the expensive hardware for you to convert from a "real" phone number to your asterisk box.
14:07.59deowhat provider can u recommend [TK]D-Fender rolandow ??
14:08.05[TK]D-Fenderdeo, go find out what all that copper is costing you.
14:08.06rolandowdepends on your location
14:08.09carrara college student can use a free softphone
14:08.11zamba[TK]D-Fender: i managed to register to call TO the codec, but i'm not able to dial out, because of this: Aug 29 13:50:30 (none) main: 523927.15 SipReg W: Outbound is enabled, but it was not supported all the way to the registrar. Stopping registrations.
14:08.21zamba[TK]D-Fender: do you have any guess to what that might mean?
14:08.27[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Stop.  Go find out what you pay NOW.  Then come back to us.
14:08.40[TK]D-Fenderdeo, We should not be making recommendations blind.
14:08.59deohmnn ok ok.... ill ask from accounting dept, how much did those 8 lines cost monthly
14:09.04rolandowwell you may be able to say that voipbuster isn't as good as ... whatever other company :)
14:09.16[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Nope and as those are messages from your other hardware... you've got to check with them...
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14:09.21rolandowdeo: also check the rates .. what do you pay per second for a call?
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14:09.33[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Yeah well I'd rther not waste time before seeing the big picture
14:09.36deohmmm ok ok..
14:09.37rolandowdeo: also check if you call international a lot, and check those rates
14:09.47deowe cant call international
14:09.51[TK]D-FenderYes, do check your LD expenses on top of basic service.
14:09.52deorolandow: ^
14:10.23specingrolandow: I just wanted to see how much it costs
14:10.46specing[TK]D-Fender: It looks expensive nevertheless
14:10.51rolandowspecing: how much what costs? asterisk is free .. hardware is almost free
14:11.04carrarWhats expensive?
14:11.12rolandowspecing: you could start with voipbuster or something like that which is almost free.. i registered at 12connect and got a free incoming phonenumber..
14:11.15carrara Sonus SBC is expensive
14:11.30rolandowso .. i guess it doesn't have to be all that expensive :)
14:11.40deothank you so much for you time [TK]D-Fender
14:11.44[TK]D-Fendercarrar, No it's not... Bill Gates could but the whole company with his hourly allowance ;)
14:11.48deoill be back with the rates
14:11.52carrarhaha true
14:11.59carrarhe's my neighbor too
14:12.03rolandowdeo: what country are you in?
14:12.10carrarby about 4 miles
14:12.11deoim from Phlippines
14:12.25deoPLDT is our telco
14:12.50[TK]D-Fenderdeo, Analog may be the worthwhile thing in the end, but you should make that decision once you have all the #'s
14:12.56carrardeo, isn't voip illegal in the Phlippines
14:13.01[TK]D-Fendercarrar, no
14:13.10deonope its not..
14:13.10[TK]D-Fendercarrar, I've had clients out there
14:13.15carrarwhasn't there someplcae that it is?
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14:13.25deomaybe on some places carrar
14:13.31[TK]D-Fendercarrar, India is pretty locked down, Pakistan as well IIRC
14:13.35deoi thnk there is an issue with that
14:13.48deobut voip in here is still legal :D
14:14.01deoand im trying to do it in our company :)
14:14.25carrarmaybe it was just voip going over seas or something
14:14.35deoto save expenses isn't it [TK]D-Fender ??
14:15.05[TK]D-Fenderdeo, what you pay for your lines you have now VS what another solution will look like could be very different
14:15.15[TK]D-Fenderdeo, So go egt all the #'s
14:16.27deook ok.. thank s [TK]D-Fender
14:16.39deoill be back for that #s
14:16.49deoim out for now.. :)
14:17.03deothanks for all the help..really appreciate it..
14:17.09deobye.. :)
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14:18.27carrarwho knows what the "real" story is
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14:29.41fredericveAnyone knows what the expected behaviour is when reinvites are enabled and 2 channels have incompatible codecs?
14:32.53fredericveso one SIP friend has allow=alaw, the other one allow=ulaw e.g.
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14:34.44[TK]D-Fenderreinvite = renegotiate
14:35.30fredericveOk, I mean when directmedia=yes
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14:36.31[TK]D-Fendersame thing.
14:36.45[TK]D-Fenderthat is a renamed parameter, not something separate
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14:38.20fredericveIn the setup I explained above, asterisk tries reinvite, fails, and then hangs up both channels
14:39.16chris_nare deb packages available for asterisk 10 and 11beta?
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14:40.20specingMy country is not in indications.conf :(
14:40.47[TK]D-Fenderspecing, Get writing...
14:40.58leifmadsenit's probably just easier to change countries
14:40.58fredericvechris_n: I briefly looked for them this morning but could not find any. I don't know if they are out there somewhere
14:41.29leifmadsenfredericve: no, the deb files are not currently being updated
14:41.33specing[TK]D-Fender: But, But.. I don't know what to write!
14:41.39chris_nfredericve: I could not find them either; I was hoping to avoid building from source, but it may be better that way
14:41.52[TK]D-Fenderspecing, Go look up what your area's standards are
14:43.08specingI don't even remember having a real telephone line...
14:43.27chris_nany real reason not to put 11beta into production?
14:44.22fredericvechris_n: you could try apt-get source and replace it with the * 10 or 11 source. Then try debuild and see where it gets you. I doubt you'll get very far though
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14:45.25fredericvechris_n: because it's a beta release and not widely tested I guess
14:45.38leifmadsenisn't that the point of betas? :)
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14:46.11chris_nis bad for running betas in production, but maybe should not do that with the phone system
14:47.15[TK]D-Fenderspecing, Ask your telcos.  GOOGLE.  Go to a library.  Perform some ritual to whatever deity(s/y/ies) you may worship.
14:48.11specingMeh Im just going to leave it as "us"
14:51.37[TK]D-Fenderspecing, So cheap AND lazy.  You just need to add "sense of entitlement" for the trifecta ;)
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14:56.00specing[TK]D-Fender: :)
14:56.57[TK]D-Fenderspecing, Actually.. you are "whiney", so I think that's a fair substitute.  You can now claim a small plushie from the bottom shelf...
14:57.58specingI inputed what the book told me to put into modules.conf; I get 156 modules loaded while the book tells me there shouldn't be any ;_;
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15:00.38specingIs internal?
15:00.46[TK]D-Fenderspecing, And we might have something to say if you've got something to show...
15:00.48infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:01.07specingI put it in noload => explicitly and it is still listed in "module show"
15:01.19[TK]D-Fenderspecing, Show us all of it..
15:01.19specingautoload is set to no
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15:07.25specing[TK]D-Fender: call me whiney all you want, the fact is that it is not working as it should
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15:10.28zamba[TK]D-Fender: i've figured it out.. the video conferencing solution uses h323 by default.. so if i want to call using my asterisk, i have to prefix the number with 'sip:'.. the problem with this, however, is that i have to learn my users to prefix "sip:" or "h323:" (depending on what i've set as default protocol).. can asterisk handle this somehow? let all calls go on sip and then just "send back, and try
15:10.31zambayourself" for all calls that should use h323 (ip addresses)
15:11.40zambaif that makes any sense..
15:12.16TheCompWizyou'd have to treat them as two separate extensions... as they're handled through two separate channels.
15:12.28WIMPyNot to me. Maybe I missed an earlier part of the story.
15:12.34zambaTheCompWiz: talking to me?
15:12.43TheCompWizbut sure... with enough dialplan... just about anything can be done.
15:12.51zambaTheCompWiz: well, basically i don't want the h323 traffic
15:13.12TheCompWizwho does?
15:13.25zambaTheCompWiz: the backstory: i'm trying to set up audio calls through asterisk using sip on our tandberg/cisco c40 videoconferencing solution
15:13.41TheCompWizI'm waiting for the problem.
15:13.43zambait's not registered to any MCU (or whatever it's called), so it's a standalone system
15:13.46zambait's coming, it's coming :)
15:13.56zambai'm able to register the system to asterisk over sip and i'm also able to receive calls..
15:14.17zambabut to dial out from the system i have to prefix all calls with 'sip:', since h323 is the default protocol for outgoing calls
15:14.36[TK]D-Fenderzamba, No.  If your app defaults to H323, that's its problem...
15:14.47zambaif i change the default protocol to sip, i have to prefix all video calls with "h323:"
15:15.02WIMPyNot sure if "problem" is the word.
15:15.09zambame neither
15:15.15zambait's just a default setting
15:15.20zambasince it can handle both
15:15.35WIMPyWhy don't you enable H323 on Asterisk?
15:15.39zambabut the problem here is that i don't really want to teach my users how to prefix their calls, depending on where and how they dial
15:15.46zambaWIMPy: that's what i'm considering
15:16.08*** join/#asterisk Nemus (
15:16.09zambaWIMPy: can asterisk just do the signaling and then leave the other streams alone?
15:16.30WIMPyI have no idea, how good the H323 channels are, but that seems to be the obvious way to go.
15:16.42zamba[TK]D-Fender: have i offended you in some way? :)
15:16.45[TK]D-Fenderzamba, If your device starts speaking a protocol you didn't configre * to accept calls under... what are you expecting?
15:17.03WIMPyH323 uses RTP  just like SIP, otherwise see above.
15:17.07zamba[TK]D-Fender: huh?
15:17.13zamba[TK]D-Fender: you're not really paying attention, are you?
15:17.15[TK]D-Fenderzamba, if you want * to handle H.3232 from it, then set them up for H.323
15:17.42zambai didn't really -want- to handle h323 from it, but i'm starting to believe that's the only solution here
15:17.48zambai don't want h323 through asterisk
15:17.51[TK]D-Fenderzamba, There is no such concept as "auto-negotiation", nor does * configure your device for you.
15:18.14[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Or apparently you can tell you device to use the right protocol and you jsut don't like the way you have to do it.
15:18.29[TK]D-Fenderzamba, None of those has anything to do with Asterisk, and everything to do with your other device
15:18.36*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
15:18.58[TK]D-FenderAnd SIP supports video.
15:19.56zambathe best solution would be to have some sort of logic in the c40 that looks at what you're trying to call (ip vs number) and selects the correct protocol based on that
15:20.09zambaall h323 connections are end-to-end
15:25.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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15:37.05rbowlesrolled my 11.0-beta back to 10.8.0-RC1 and all is well with my REGISTERs again :-)
15:37.50pabelangerrbowles: try disabling ICE support in chan_sip for asterisk 11
15:37.56pabelangerand open an issue on the tracker
15:39.12rbowlesack, and it's been a while, where do I open issues these days?
15:41.18roehow do the 10.x and 11.x version numbers correlate with the 1.x version numbers?
15:42.17*** join/#asterisk Galen (
15:44.23leifmadsenoops, add /jira on the end
15:44.29leifmadsenlooks like mantis isn't "down" yet :)
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15:55.56rbowlesthanks Leif!
15:57.04adeel|workis there a reliable method to adding the bridged call-id to a SIP header? i've realized the ${BRIDGEPVTCALLID} is only populated after the call has successfully been bridged (which is logical)...would an inherited variable work?
15:58.22infobotit has been said that sip is Session Initiation Protocol, (see RFC 3261) It's HIP to be SIP!
16:02.09*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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16:16.38*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
16:17.44specingWhere is [UserServices] supposed to be found?
16:17.52specing"To test that your music is working correctly, add the following to the [UserServices] context in your dialplan:"
16:18.03specinggrep can't find it in /etc/asterisk/
16:18.07Qwellspecing: where are you seeing this?
16:19.28specingbottom, near Conclusion
16:21.45Qwellleifmadsen: ?
16:22.10[TK]D-Fenderspecing, Shove it anywhere in yoru dialplan your phones will reach
16:22.11Qwellspecing: It's not a literal context.  It just means put it where the rest of that stuff is
16:22.41TheCompWizadds more figurative in your literals.
16:23.50specingThe concept of a dialplan isn't explained either...
16:23.58Qwellit most certainly is
16:24.07specingDid I miss something?
16:24.21Qwellthe section titled "The Dialplan"
16:24.33*** join/#asterisk bipul (~vipul@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
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16:24.39bipuljoin #sii-dev
16:24.45[TK]D-FenderYou completely the dialplan....
16:24.48Qwelland the chapter "Dialplan Basics"
16:25.00Qwell(and lots more...)
16:25.56specingOh my bad, it is there
16:29.53*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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16:42.36leifmadsenQwell: ya, was a typo that I've fixed for 4th edition
16:42.39leifmadsenshould be LocalSets
16:42.43leifmadsenspecing: ^^^
16:43.40[TK]D-FenderThere is another reference in there to that context.  Might want to look at that as well
16:47.04*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
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16:52.11irrootyo yo
16:52.47Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I noticed that one too - some log somewhere
16:52.51Qwellno [] though
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17:04.27specingleifmadsen: Ah so Im supposed to put context=LocalSets in sip.conf and then [LocalSets] in extensions.conf?
17:04.49leifmadsenyes, UserContext is probably a left over from our dialplan examples from 1.4
17:05.03leifmadsenand follow instructions per normal
17:05.31*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:07.38specingI assume I can name it [HoweverIWant]
17:07.48leifmadsenof course
17:08.02shido6Hi all
17:09.20*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
17:10.54[TK]D-Fenderspecing, You can make your dialplan however you want.
17:13.27*** join/#asterisk jsjc (~Adium@
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17:17.02mtbfHi guys, I just noticed my duration value in CDR is really a half of the real recording duration, why is that?
17:17.22mtbfRecordings are of course mixed, not concatenated.
17:18.07navaismohi,  finally i get the voicemail email alert in html but using a script, natively only using <520 words, any hints?
17:18.59Qwellnavaismo: is that a question? O.o
17:19.21navaismoonly the part of the hints
17:19.33navaismoor should I use suggestion instead?
17:19.42QwellYour sentence does not parse.
17:19.50navaismook let me see.
17:21.40navaismofinally I can send the voicemail alert to the mailbox email in html format using a script. Natively(only using the voicemail.conf) I can send the html body less than 520 words. Any suggestion to make a bigger body natively?
17:21.43*** join/#asterisk aossama (~ao@
17:21.55navaismothat make sense now?
17:22.16Qwellpatch app_voicemail.
17:22.20QwellI doubt it's configurable.
17:23.43leifmadsenlikely a character limit, not a word limit :)
17:23.46navaismoyes I patched for use html but i cant find where is the size? of emailbody
17:24.01*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
17:24.05leifmadsenguesses 2048 or 4192
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17:24.52Qwellthat too
17:24.59navaismosorry yes characters not word
17:32.15navaismothanks i will look for that
17:33.55*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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17:41.40mtbfI just discovered this topic and in matter of fact my asterisk runs on a VM, but migrating it to physical version is not acceptable, I'd like to know the core reason of this disfunction.
17:42.20*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
17:45.15[TK]D-Fendermtbf, because the VM screwss with your system timer
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17:52.55leifmadsendon't know what it being on a VM would have anything to do with
17:53.24leifmadsenhonestly seems like a fluke that he "fixed something" when he restored to a physical machine
17:53.46leifmadsencould always just pop up a development physical machine to test the theory
17:54.17*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
18:06.22radenhow well do grandstream ata's work  ?
18:10.50rbowlesand not all VMs are created equal ... I wouldn't run production with any amount of load on esxi or other emulation style VM, OpenVZ probably works a lot better for scale
18:10.50*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
18:14.22jpsharpraden: I've used a lot of grandstream atas without a problem.
18:15.29infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
18:16.23specingCan I nest templates in sip.conf?
18:19.21*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
18:21.41drmessanoagainst the appliance?
18:34.13*** join/#asterisk Goldwing (~Goldwing@
18:35.55eduzimrshi, im using SRTP with polycom phone, and im getting a warning error on * when i dial: "chan_sip.c: Multiple audio streams are not supported"
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18:38.49eduzimrsis that about codec issue?
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18:48.03*** join/#asterisk soulslayer (~soulslaye@
18:52.07soulslayerhey guys does anyone have a chunk of free time and hint me about how to debug one simple AGI case i have exten => _X.,1,AGI( under [incoming] in extensions.conf
18:52.28soulslayerand in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/
18:52.35soulslayerchmoded to 777
18:52.58lorsungcuis it +x'ed?
18:53.03soulslayerbut the script is not executed when i enable agi debug in the cli there is alot of ... nothing
18:53.16soulslayerlorsungcu, -rwxrwxrwx  1 root root   42 Aug 29 21:24
18:53.29lorsungcucan you execute it outside of *?
18:53.37soulslayerfor sure
18:53.55[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, show us this "alot of nothing"
18:53.55lorsungcuby a lot of nothing
18:53.58lorsungcuyou mean nothing
18:54.01soulslayer:D yep
18:54.03soulslayerexactly nothing
18:54.08lorsungcupb the whole call
18:54.14soulslayeri recieve only the regular debug data provided buy -vvvvv
18:54.23soulslayergive me a second
18:54.43[TK]D-Fenderand AGI debug.  "ls" file dumps, etc.
18:55.48lorsungcufirst few lines of the file
18:56.28soulslayerthats what i get from the cli
18:57.40soulslayerin /var/log/asterisk there is almost nothing excepts some warning about retransmission timeout ... but nothing agi related
18:57.56soulslayerit beahves like there is no call to that script
18:58.01lorsungcufirst few lines of the file?
18:58.14navaismoamm nat issues
18:58.30navaismoactually your cal is hangip up due to retransmission issues -i guess-
18:59.00soulslayeractualy that's the script
18:59.01soulslayerecho "WORK DAMN IT !!!" >> tmp
19:00.00soulslayernavaismo, i can answer from the other side
19:00.24soulslayerbut nevertheless the script must be executed on each incoming call no matter is it accepted or not ... and the other side rings so ...
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19:01.40soulslayerdo i need to include/enable agi somehow ...
19:01.48zerohalosoulslayer: do you have duplicate priorities? I see prio 1 is Answer, but in the above you said 1 is the AGI
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19:04.10soulslayerthe second param after_X. is the priority ?
19:04.56zerohaloNeeds to start with 1 and continue incrementing, or use 'n'
19:05.03soulslayeroh jesus
19:05.14soulslayeri am a dumpass :D
19:05.20soulslayerjust a sec to test that
19:06.20reisiis there a way to activate an extension without actually making a call (from anywhere)?
19:07.16soulslayerzerohalo, now i put priority = 2 to the answers
19:07.23soulslayerbut i am not capable to make a call ?
19:07.35zerohalocan you pastebin your dialplan?
19:08.04soulslayerbut of course ! :D
19:08.44soulslayerthat's the whole content of extensions.conf .. its my first first frist asterisk try
19:09.34zerohaloand the peer that you're calling from has context=incoming, right?
19:10.09zerohalofrom what I can tell, it's going to the default context instead
19:10.13soulslayeri must set this in sip.conf right ?
19:10.23bitgluesay i have a queue, and one of the members is a handset that has call forwarding enabled. Is there some way I can require the party that was called (because of the forwarding on the handset) to accept the call before bridging them to the caller from the queu?
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19:11.04soulslayernope they dont
19:11.11zerohaloSince I see an IP address as the peer, I expect you're using allowguest=yes
19:11.22bitgluei had a thing where I set a channel variable on outgoing calls, and if later a call was outgoing again, i'd see the variable was already set, and so prompted for confirmation. But, that also requires transfers to be confirmed, which isn't what i want.
19:11.56soulslayerzerohalo,  thats sip.conf
19:12.20soulslayerif i put context=incoming in general ... i will add the context to all the peers right ?
19:12.24zerohaloso in your [general] entry, the context=default
19:12.38zerohalomeaning any call not coming from a specified peer will go to that context
19:12.55zerohaloyou would need to set it to context=incoming to get it to go to your context with the AGI call
19:13.04[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, never ever use a context named [default] . pick another name.  Also you should not allow unauthed calls unless absolutely necessary
19:13.20bitgluewhat's wrong with the name default?
19:13.25zerohaloAnd what, [TK]D-Fender said
19:13.36[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, there are certain modules that can dump calls there as a failover
19:13.59[TK]D-Fenderif you point chan_DAHDI to an invalid context it will failover there for example
19:14.05[TK]D-FenderBAD idea
19:14.09soulslayer[TK]D-Fender,  i setup that instance of asterisk for testing purposes i have to integrate it with third party system and because i am the only guy that "love to do things" ... they give it to me
19:14.10bitgluehm...well my [default] context rejects all calls, so i suppose that's not bad
19:14.12[TK]D-FenderDo not ever do that
19:14.26[TK]D-Fenderbitglue,  contexts don't reject calls.
19:14.33soulslayerzerohalo, is there a way to put multiple contexts to the peers
19:14.42[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, No, nor should you need to
19:14.44soulslayeri mean what is the best way to execute my AGI in production enviroment
19:14.59bitgluenot even if the context just has exten => s,1,Busy()?
19:15.07zerohalono. You would need to either goto another context, or include => the other context, depending on what you want to accomplish
19:15.08soulslayer.. or the painless will be more correct word
19:15.09[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer,  Point your peers to to context they need to be pointed to
19:15.30soulslayer[TK]D-Fender, im do not understand how to point them
19:15.40[TK]D-Fenderthere is little point in going 2 places when one is a massive pattern that is practically a "match-all"
19:15.49[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, context=blah <--------
19:15.57soulslayerhuh :)
19:16.01infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:18.37soulslayerthe script does not execute correctly and do not append nothing to the file but .... i think thats a proggress
19:18.48[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, Now that you doing something at least vaguely more correct, that isn't an actual AGI.  You are not dumping the input devices, etc or anything else one is supposed to do.
19:20.12*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
19:20.45soulslayer[TK]D-Fender, i am sure that you are right but all i need to do is get ${CALLERID(num)} in the script
19:20.50soulslayernothig more nothing less
19:20.51eduzimrshi, im using SRTP with polycom phone, and im getting a warning error on * when i dial: "chan_sip.c: Multiple audio streams are not supported"
19:20.57eduzimrsis that about codec issue?
19:20.59[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, And do what with it?
19:21.50soulslayersend it via tcp socket to nodejs extension that parse it and redirect it to the core of a custom erp/bpm java based system
19:22.11[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, then you don't need AGI at all...
19:22.28[TK]D-FenderSystem(/path/to/ ${CALLERID(num)})
19:22.35soulslayeroookay :D i think now a beam of revelation will shine upon me
19:22.37lorsungcuTK u r blowin my mynd.
19:22.38[TK]D-Fenderyuo aren't doing anything interactive
19:22.48soulslayeractually yes
19:23.08soulslayerlet me try this one
19:23.12*** part/#asterisk leedm777 (~Adium@nat/digium/x-loqqqpafkchmfahq)
19:24.31specingIm having problems registering a device into asterisk
19:25.01specing- Is it ok if the server and client machines are the same? (same physical machine)
19:25.28specing- connection method is SIP and the config is as per the book
19:25.35[TK]D-Fenderspecing, You need to force your client to use a different port to bind to
19:26.16leifmadsenspecing: yes, but you need to make your client (or asterisk) listen on a different port
19:26.20leifmadsenotherwise you get port conflicts
19:27.37specingnetstat shows ekiga(client) on and while asterisk is on and :::
19:27.44specingmess :)
19:28.13leifmadsennot really
19:28.36leifmadsenanyways, just change the source port on ekiga to 5061 or something
19:28.49soulslayer[TK]D-Fender,      -- Executing [1002@default:1] System("SIP/", "/home/asterisk/ User One") in new stack
19:29.04[TK]D-FenderYou MIGHT want to put that in quotes....
19:29.16soulslayeryep yep :D
19:29.26soulslayerthis will not be bash for sure
19:29.27[TK]D-FenderSince your "number" seemed to have turned into TEXT and included a space while they were at it
19:29.51soulslayeri just want to get around beacause i didnt understand nothing from asterisk
19:30.13soulslayerin our company i am the only guy that .... "love to do things..." whatever that means so thay said .. come on it will be fun
19:30.19leifmadsenhas a double negative overload notification
19:30.28[TK]D-Fendersoulslayer, Well your script has nothign to do with * besides taking that call's callerID and letting you do what you want externally with it
19:30.31soulslayer... but it's not fun because it has a deadline ... and ... thay are dump
19:30.37soulslayeryep i know
19:31.22soulslayerthat's why i think i can continue by myself  thank you about the help it was just in time :D if you was a girl i will fall in love probably (*JOKING*)
19:31.52specingkewl, Im stuck with editing the friggin gnome registry
19:32.05soulslayergnome sux use fluxbox
19:32.13specingI use Awesome
19:32.22specingEkiga is made with gnome in mind though
19:32.31specingI'll just emerge linphone
19:32.31soulslayerits the best allpowerfull and allmighty registerd by the church of emacs because of the keybindings
19:32.40specingfuck ekiga
19:32.49leifmadsenuse jitsi
19:34.08specingjitsi is not in the package manager
19:34.45leifmadsengrab it off their website
19:34.49drmessanoI download and install Jitsi.  True story.
19:34.51specingwhere is Chainsaw!!!
19:34.59leifmadsendrmessano: omg you must be some kind of pro!
19:36.18specingIm going to install linphone for the time being
19:36.32specingand bug Chainsaw to add jitsi to portage
19:36.40drmessanoIf by "pro" you mean "full of awesome", then yes.
19:36.44SeRilinphone is ok.. still buggy as hell. jitsi by far is better
19:37.39*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-cgnesjyoyhccwatp)
19:39.35specinggrabs a coffee while linphone compiles
19:41.28rbowleslinphone and ekiga just aren't reliable enough for me
19:41.49specingI like mumble ;P
19:42.10leifmadsenjitsi ftw
19:42.34SeRileifmadsen: lol
19:42.41rbowlesI love[d] Blink but it uses so much CPU
19:42.45bitglueis there some way to control the context that will be used to interpret SIP redirections received when calling a queue member?
19:42.54rbowlesI'm download jitsi now for Ubuntu 12.4
19:43.09bitglueor, is there some way in the dialplan to know that such a thing is happening, and conditionally do some stuff?
19:43.34rbowleson Windows, my favorites are Bria/Xlite and 3CXphone :-)
19:44.41[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, sorry, could you be a little more vague?
19:45.29[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, I think I've parsed it.... if your call it 302'd you MIGHT get "BLINDTRANSFER filled in.. unsure.... otherwise... probably nothing
19:46.08bitgluewell, the problem is handsets forwarding queue calls to external numbers that have robots that answer, like voicemail.
19:47.05bitgluei can ignore 302s with the I option to Queue, but then people just can't take queue calls away from their desk
19:48.08bitglueand i can set a __channel_variable and know that a call is being made because of another call, but then this applies to transfers and non-queue calls too. So for example, if a receptionist transfers a call, then the called party gets the confirmation prompt. Especially bad if the intent was to send it to voicemail.
19:48.53bitglueand I read some things about a FORWARD_CONTEXT context variable, but it doesn't work.
19:49.40bitglueand i can configure queues.conf to always prompt the agent, but then they must confirm calls for *all* calls, even when they are taking them at their handset, and i know it can't be going to voicemail.
19:50.27bitglueit does seem that REDIRECTING gets mangled somehow, but I can't find any clear documentation on how or when, so i'm reluctant to rely on that behavior.
19:52.29*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
19:54.39specingWoooho I get music on hold
19:55.54specinglol I don't know how to make linphone hang up ;_;
19:56.50specingthe pause and stop buttons are all greyed out
19:57.02specingas it says the remote is ringing...
19:57.10*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
19:58.06specingGtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/home/specing/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/home/specing/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.1IKOJW': Permission denied
19:58.19specingfu gnome crap
20:01.24*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:09.00specingIf I can reload sip by doing "sip reload", How can I reload extensions?
20:09.18mjordanspecing: dialplan reload
20:11.30*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
20:11.56ipengineerI am running asterisk 1.4.29 how do I reset queue stats? I know in 1.6 there is a flush command for this
20:13.14[TK]D-Fenderipengineer, Step 1 : Upgrade Asterisk.  Step 2 : flush
20:13.35[TK]D-FenderOr restarting * should probably do it
20:13.45[TK]D-Fenderbut I highly recommend the former
20:14.38ipengineer[TK]D-Fender: unfortunately upgrading is not an option for me. I wish it were for several other reasons.. Will reloading the queue module cause the stats to reset?
20:16.29specingipengineer: What kind of an ancient system are ya running?
20:16.40specingeven debian stablee ships with 1.6.1...
20:17.37bitgluewhy would asterisk decline a transfer but not log anything? verbose is at 3, and with sip debug on i can see asterisk send a 603 declined. I have no idea why.
20:18.02ipengineerspecing: It is an old centos box with a lot of OLD custom work done to it.. At some point we need to move away from it. Sooner than later preferably. Today is just not that day though with all the custom work..
20:18.16bitglue[TK]D-Fender: wouldn't i also get BLINDTRANFSER if the call were a blind transfer, though?
20:19.08reisishould Playback application work with absolute paths?
20:19.24[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, I don't think you're getting a happy ending nere no matter what...
20:19.29[TK]D-Fenderreisi, yes
20:19.40bitgluehere's the problem, a call comes in, and rings the "reception" queue. The receptionist has forwarded her handset to her cell phone. Also, someone else logged in to the queue to answer the phones while she's out. Now the receptionist's cell phone voicemail answers, and the other people in the queue have no chance to answer
20:20.03[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, Solution : stop using phone-based forwards.
20:20.21[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, Kill idiocy at the source :p
20:20.56SeRi[TK]D-Fender: you on a roll...boom head shoot! :)
20:21.00bitgluehere's the other problem: I set a channel variable just before Queue() that triggers some call screening logic in the dialplan. The receptionist answers a call. Now she transfers it to george. Geroge doesn't answer, it goes to his voicemail. So far so good. But, the channel variable is set to require the call to be confirmed. It's not confirmed, so the caller gets disconnected.
20:21.22bitglue[TK]D-Fender: and what, implement a site-wide deep packet inspection firewall that kills every 302 response everywhere?
20:22.25[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, etll them to stop doing it on the phone.  If they continue, disable the button on the phone.  If they re-enable it, install electodes to the button and connect to a high-voltage power source
20:23.14bitgluehow will i know they enabled it?
20:23.33reisi[TK]D-Fender: should the absolute filename still be without any suffices?
20:23.39[TK]D-Fenderwalk over to their phone and stare at it
20:23.51[TK]D-Fenderreisi, Correct
20:24.00bitglue[TK]D-Fender: so i'm going to spend all my time now walking all over the building, checking people's phones?
20:24.34[TK]D-Fenderjust the once.  Then you start tasing people.
20:25.06bitglueunfortunately, our nonleather weapon budget has been exhausted this year.
20:25.17lorsungcuyou get leather weapons
20:25.18bitgluealso the nonleathal budget
20:25.24bitglueheh :)
20:25.31bitglueyes, leather weapons -> separate budget
20:25.42[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, Fine, then just shoot the without aiming around vital organs :p
20:25.44lorsungcuyou will need to send me whatever catalog you order those from.
20:25.50bitglueso perhaps i could bullwhip them.
20:26.11[TK]D-FenderYou kniw it takes a lot time to kill someone with a thumb-tack.
20:26.27[TK]D-FenderI'm sure they'll comlpy before it becomes "lethal"
20:26.37[TK]D-Fendertyping skills dying fast today...
20:26.39lorsungcutyping IS hard.
20:27.19bitgluethis is all complicated by this strange refusal of my test server to transfer calls
20:27.26[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, but yeah... fix your employees... this isn't worth the programming nightmare a little social engineering should fix
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20:28.19bitglue[TK]D-Fender: "you can't fix stupid"
20:28.43bitglueso any idea what i'm doing to solicit this declined transfer?
20:29.14[TK]D-Fenderbitglue, But you can provide an excruciating environment for motivate self-change ;)
20:29.18*** part/#asterisk ipengineer (
20:29.34[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:34.44*** join/#asterisk HolTech (
20:35.40bitglueis there an easy way to make asterisk call me and play music on hold or something equally mundane?
20:36.44kresp0yes bitglue, using asterisk call files
20:37.23Qwellbitglue: There are at least 5 different ways to go about that.
20:38.02bitglueok, what's the easiest? I just need to generate some test calls on a test server to my handset, one at a time, interactively.
20:38.49kresp0bitglue, you edit a file called and put this:
20:38.50kresp0Channel: SIP/trunkname/18882223333
20:38.50kresp0Application: Playback
20:38.50kresp0Data: hello-world
20:39.03kresp0then mv it to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ and you get your call
20:39.51HolTechAnyone know of a free/open source softphone that works with asterisk and does not have ads or trial time period ?
20:40.16bitgluehah, no.
20:40.34HolTechwas afraid of that
20:40.41reisihow does one GotoIf if a variable has not been set?
20:40.42bitglueactually, i don't know of a working softphone.
20:40.44TheCompWizCSipSimple works pretty nicely.
20:40.54mjordanQwell: ha ha
20:41.05bitglueHolTech: actually, jitsi almost works. Buggy, but it works.
20:41.08mjordanjitsi/ekiga/zoiper (classic)
20:41.08Qwell~soft phones
20:41.33bitglueHolTech: it was months ago when i tested it. Maybe it's improved.
20:41.46kresp0HolTech, SFLPhone works ok too
20:42.06TheCompWizI'd throw csipsimple into production... honestly.   It is pretty impressive.
20:42.12*** join/#asterisk yoyolala (~yoyolala@unaffiliated/yoyolala)
20:42.30HolTechcsipsimple is for android only ? or is there a windows ver
20:42.38HolTechbitglue: looks like a winner, thanks
20:43.46TheCompWizyou never specified an OS.
20:44.04kresp0I dont recomend jitsi. Today I receive a test call from a client using jitsi and I cannot hear the voice, only glibberish noise. Then tried with twinkle (an old one) and works ok
20:44.16HolTechTheCompWiz: I did not, my apologies
20:44.37TheCompWizwas being a smart-ass... but sure.... go w/ that.
20:45.21bitgluekresp0: well, wait a month, and then jitsi will work and twinkle won't. like i said, there really aren't any working softphones.
20:45.42kresp0sad to hear that bitglue :/
20:45.59bitglueeveryone knows software doesn't actually work
20:46.18ryan42hrm. Does anyone know how I can show exactaly what a trunk is connected to or why it is in use?
20:46.23TheCompWizit can work... but nobody wants to spend the time/effort to make a proper software-phone.
20:46.28bitglueactually, isn't there a way to use /dev/dsp as an endpoint in asterisk? does that qualify as a softphone?
20:46.56TheCompWizit's not a trivial task.
20:47.07ryan42I've got this issue where a line on a TDM410 keeps showing offhook but nobody is using the line and I can' tfigure out why it is offhook
20:47.35kresp0HolTech, on windows you may also try blink
20:48.42bitgluethis is a stupid problem.
20:49.11kresp0what problem bitglue
20:50.07bitgluecell phone voicemails answering queue calls when people have their number forwarded
20:52.22WIMPybitglue: chan_alsa, chan_oss, chan_console.
20:52.24kresp0bitglue, chan_alsa
20:53.25bitglueHolTech: there you go. chan_alsa works with (is) asterisk.
20:53.51WIMPywonders if Dial(,,i) will do anything on dahdi.
20:54.37rbowlesblah, jitsi .deb package failed install on a java dependency ... gotta go chase that
20:54.43bitgluethere isn't some way i can signal to cell providers that i'd not like voicemail to answer, is there?
20:55.27ryan42bitglue: I have had that issue as well
20:55.36bitglueryan42: how did you solve it?
20:55.36WIMPybitglue: There is. But I think you need SS7 for that.
20:55.45ryan42on AT&T there is a way to make the cell phone take longer to go to Voicemail
20:56.04ryan42but ... here's the stupid thing... when a cell has no service or is turned off it *always* goes to voicemail immediately :(
20:56.27WIMPyYou can turn that off.
20:56.36WIMPyUnless your provider want's to rip off your callers.
20:56.46jpsharpwhat provider doesn't?
20:56.58ryan42I haven't come up wiht a solution. I am limited to the extent I can mess with the cells because they need to work for personal calls and voicemails for their owners
20:57.12WIMPythe legitimate ones.
20:57.12bitglueso i'm trying to find a way to have the queue agent confirm the call. Easy enough to implement, but I only want to do it for queue calls that have been forwarded, and I'm not finding a way to determine when that's the case.
20:57.17ryan42but we don't want the business line afterhours forwarding to be answered by personal voicemail boxes
20:57.55WIMPyOn some providers that won't allow you to cancel VM, you can instead set a CF to an invalid number as a workaround.
20:58.24bitgluei don't want to disable cell phone's VM. I just don't want queue calls to end up there.
20:58.35specingCalls are not coming through :(
20:58.40jpsharpHow are they forwarding calls?  By pressing the forward button on their IP phone?
20:58.46bitgluejpsharp: yes
20:58.58WIMPyHow do you call the cell phones?
20:59.41WIMPyWhat technology.
20:59.43jpsharpI remember seeing some way to detect the SIP 302 that most phones send when they're set to forward and get a call.
20:59.58bitgluejpsharp: that would be awesome.
21:00.08bitgluethat's exactly what my phones do. I can't find any way to detect it.
21:00.15WIMPyYes, that's the i I was wondering about.
21:00.23bitglueThere's a FORWARD_CONTEXT channel variable, but it doesn't seem to actually do anything.
21:01.03WIMPyThat a one you set.
21:01.19WIMPyWhere do you want to detect diversion?
21:02.19bitgluefor SIP queue agents that respond with 302
21:02.49bitglueso i tried setting FORWARD_CONTEXT just before Queue, but the Refer-To number went into the context configured for the handset in sip.conf anyway.
21:03.07specingoops, they are coming through
21:03.22WIMPyDidn't work for me, either.
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21:04.00WIMPyDisable deflection and use forwarding instead. Or in Asterisk terms, don;t do it on the phone, use a feature code instead and let Asterisk do it.
21:04.29bitgluei've been avoiding that solution because i don't want to deal with configuring the phones. But I guess i'm out of options.
21:05.03bitgluei could tell myself the advantage would be implementing maybe alternate interfaces to configure forwarding. maybe a web page or something. as if i'll have time to implement that some day.
21:05.18jpsharpCan you see a channel variable that you'd set before a call lands in the queue in the outbound dial sequence?
21:06.18bitgluejpsharp: yeah, that's what i'm doing now. And it worked really well, until I made the "receptionist" a queue. Now, when the receptionist transfers a call, that variable is set. So if she transfers to someone, they don't answer, then their voicemail answers (as intended), the voicemail can't confirm the call, and the caller is disconnected.
21:06.31WIMPyweb based forwarding isn't that bad.
21:06.50bitgluereally it's been a problem all along, but until now, probably no one had a reason to transfer a queue call.
21:07.21bitglueWIMPy: well, i see the setting on my phone to make it call a number to enable forwarding. It's just much work.
21:07.29WIMPyDoesn't look like an obvious thing to do to me.
21:07.43bitglueand, what if the phone UI is out of sync with asterisk? what if people's phones don't take the new settings?
21:07.51WIMPyNo provisioning?
21:07.54bitglueWIMPy: what's not an obvious thing?
21:08.11bitglueWIMPy: i have provisioning, but i have to reboot all the phones, and then I don't have a good way to confirm that they got the setting.
21:08.19WIMPydeflection of calls from a queue.
21:08.36bitglueWIMPy: oh, right. For a normal, call center use of a queue, it's not.
21:08.48WIMPyI'n using custom devstates for CF.
21:09.25bitglueI replaced our static ring groups (Dial(SIP/bob&SIP/alice&...) with queues so that users can easily join and leave the group
21:09.45bitgluealso i get more robust statistics with some reporting i already had in place for queues
21:16.05jpsharpI wonder if a patch to chan_sip to make it return congestion if it gets a 302 would be applicable.
21:17.00bitgluethere are Dial() and Queue() options to ignore 302
21:17.03specingAww jitsi is java
21:17.47jpsharpOh.  Hadn't needed those, so didn't notice they were there.
21:18.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:18.48WIMPyjpsharp: Dial(,,i)
21:19.33jpsharpShows that even after 10+ years with Asterisk, you can still learn something :)
21:26.32bitgluei have another problem which would seem different, but has many things similar. Currently, I prepend "queuename>" to CALLERID so the called party can distinguish queue calls from personal calls, or answer the phone differently, depending on the queue. But, that doesn't get removed when the call is answered. So, if a call goes to reception, isn't answered, falls though to the auto-attendant, and is then sent to sales, the callerid ends up being "sales>recep
21:27.01bitgluei guess in that case i can remodify CALLERID right after the Queue() application. But what if the call is transferred?
21:27.31bitglueso receptionist answers, then does a blind transfer to an employee. The employee should see "JOHN DOE", not "reception>JOHN DOE".
21:28.04bitgluewhere would i remove the prefix from CALLERID? Or, any better way to indicate the queue to the called party before they answer?
21:28.24jpsharpCan you do a distinctive ring on the phone?
21:29.00bitgluealready doing that, but I like the additional visual indication. Sometimes its loud, also good to have the name displayed on the phone if the caller is on hold, etc.
21:29.19bitgluei wonder if the distinctive rings are also sticky in this underirable way :(
21:29.25TheCompWizat the risk of sounding like a jerk... you add it... you remove it.
21:29.36jpsharpProbably, since they're setting a channel variable.
21:29.36bitglueobviously.  Where?
21:29.48*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
21:30.43bitgluemaybe i make a context for queue agents, and use one of those Dial() options to run a macro before bridging the call, and switch all my agents from SIP/ to Local/ channels, using this fancy context.
21:30.57bitglueand in that macro, i strip the prefix from CALLERID
21:34.22TheCompWizI actually have a custom context for my agents...
21:34.41bitglueand your agents are local channels?
21:34.44*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
21:35.00bitglueor are you using Agents?
21:35.07TheCompWizqueue members.
21:35.12TheCompWizwith a bit o' custom-magic.
21:35.41TheCompWizqueue members are actually connected to other PBXes in our network.
21:36.13TheCompWizbut I have a php script running that monitors device-states & sets a custom-state on the "queue" box.
21:37.19TheCompWizwhen an agent "logs in" ... it just cheats & sets a database entry to their caller-id for call-back.
21:37.30TheCompWizthen does a queueadmember...
21:37.45TheCompWizwith the custom-device state as one of the parameters
21:38.23bitgluemakes sense
21:38.40bitgluewhat do you do if they give you a call-back number that has voicemail on it?
21:39.00TheCompWizand because they're not local... I basically add AGENTID@agents-context to the queue... and in the "agents-context" it does the translation back to their extension.
21:39.16TheCompWizthe queue timeout isn't long-enough to trigger the VM
21:39.35bitgluei guess with a pbx you control you can rely on that
21:39.36TheCompWizs/queue timeout/agent timeout/
21:39.59TheCompWizagent timeouts shouldn't be that high....
21:40.14bitglueif your agent is a cell phone with no service, the VM timeout is 0.
21:40.29TheCompWizmy "agents" are not on cells :D
21:40.40bitgluenot a luxury i have
21:40.49bitglueanyway, tomorrow i'll be fresh and ready to tackle this mess
21:41.10TheCompWizwell.... you're F*d then.... because I can't think of any way to get around the "voicemail" issue.
21:41.23bitglueyou require the agent to accept the call with a dtmf response
21:41.39TheCompWizyou could do that with a custom-context still.
21:42.08bitgluenot if Dial(SIP/alice) can return 302 and forward to a cell phone with voicemail
21:42.12TheCompWizon the dial-cmd... just put a read in there looking for something.
21:42.37bitgluei can't know if Dial(SIP/alice) is calling Alice's handset, or if it's being forwarded to her cell phone.
21:43.33bitglueunless i set a channel variable right before Dial so i can know if i'm looped back into the dialplan a second time; then I can't know if I'm being looped back because alice redicted me, or if Alice answered and is tranfering the call.
21:44.17*** join/#asterisk bintut (
21:45.15TheCompWizcould Hangup(21) or some such... I think that'l throw 'em back into the queue...
21:45.30bitglueHangup when?
21:45.53TheCompWizafter calling the "cell-phone" and they don't press your magic digit.
21:45.58bitgluethat's not the problem
21:46.06bitgluethat part already works
21:46.11*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
21:46.15TheCompWizso what doesn't?
21:46.36bitgluethe problem is requiring the response only when it's a queue call and it was forwarded to an external extension, and not when it was a queue call that was answered then transferred, and not when it was a queue call that was not forwarded.
21:48.35TheCompWizit's do-able... but a helluva lot more work.
21:49.19TheCompWizyou could put a clause in your devices' dial cmd that looks to see if it came from a queue... and if it did... just reject the call.
21:49.29bitglueand how do i know if it came from a queue?
21:49.43TheCompWizset the var before dialing the "agent"
21:49.49TheCompWizi.e. like in my custom-context
21:50.00bitgluehow do i prevent it from being set after the agent answers?
21:50.12bitglueie, the "answered by an agent, then transfered" case
21:50.18TheCompWizit should always be set... why wouldn't it?
21:50.39TheCompWiztransfer would be in a separate context as well.... iirc.
21:50.46bitgluebecause the agent answered. It's not coming from the queue.
21:53.01TheCompWizcould set a transfer context... maybe.
21:53.57TheCompWizunset it in the transfer-context if you really need to...
21:54.10*** part/#asterisk rhce7320 (~rhce7320@
21:55.39*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-qgnhpduvllxftdbg)
21:57.09TheCompWizor set the M(x) parameter on the dial cmd for the agent.
22:00.45TheCompWizshrugs... it's quittin' time.
22:01.05*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:04.51rbowlesokay, jitsi on Ubuntu 12.04 is pretty cool ...
22:06.05*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
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22:07.30autofsckkhi all
22:07.52danfromukHi all, I need to give advice to a client regarding a door phone. Should they be looking at sip-based doorphones or should they be getting a normal doorphone with a voip adapter? Does it make a difference? What are people doing nowadays?
22:08.29autofsckkp3nguin: have you installed openvox cards on any * server? do you recommend me to use arch with a local server with an openvox card?
22:09.09lorsungcui'd just get a SIP one
22:10.04danfromukInteresting. I was worried about exposing the network cabling to the outside of the building but that solution looks ok
22:10.19lorsungcugoes much further, too
22:13.16danfromukdo you know any stockists in the UK?
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23:03.03xSmurfso I have playbacks that get cut in the middle and I yet I don't see any errors in the logs
23:03.11xSmurf(running in xen)
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23:06.43GalenHey all. I seem to have a strange intermittent issue with outgoing calls not connecting properly. I eventually get a hangup cause of 127 but when the line initially connects I get the "We are sorry the number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service" message. The strange thing is that if I call the same number from my old POTS lines or a cell phone the call will go
23:06.43Galenthrough. Also if I try to make the call 5 or 6 times with my main system it will suddenly go through. Can anyone suggest where to start troubleshooting this or has anyone see something like this that would be able to point me in the right direction?
23:11.42WIMPyHow are you calling?
23:13.55GalenWIMPy: Is exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN:1},,T) what you are looking for?
23:14.18WIMPyAnd what kind of dahdi interface is that?
23:15.38*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
23:19.03GalenWIMPy:We have a PRI coming into our Xorcom unit
23:19.37WIMPyDo you see any differences?
23:20.29GalenThe only difference I see is this message "PROGRESS with cause code 1 received"
23:20.35WIMPyAre the failed calls really going out at all?
23:21.08GalenThe CLI shows they are
23:21.13WIMPyHave you looked at a pri debug?
23:21.54WIMPyprogress with cause 1 sounds a littel strange anyway.
23:23.07*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
23:23.17GalenI haven't looked at a pri debug yet, how would I go about doing that?
23:23.36darkdrgn2khey all, can any one recommend a IP intercom device for a front door of a house?
23:24.03WIMPypri set debug 2 span 1
23:24.09*** part/#asterisk Nemus (
23:24.34WIMPyOr if you want to pastebin, pri set debug hex span 1 is enough.
23:26.10GalenThe first command worked but the second one doesn't regognize the hex
23:26.35WIMPyHow old is your Asterisk?
23:26.59GalenInstalled it about a month ago running 1.8
23:28.38Galenfor pri set debug tab shows 0 1 2 off on file as the options
23:29.47WIMPyI've got it on a version from February.
23:32.06WIMPyMaybe it wasn't added to 1.8.
23:33.11GalenI can pastebin a one of the passes the pri set debug 2 span 1 returned if that would be helpful
23:33.47WIMPyA failed ad a successfull attempt to compare would be usefull.
23:34.22GalenOkay, let me get that together
23:42.12GalenHere is the pastebin of the calls. 2 failed and 1 successful.
23:45.11WIMPyBut no pri debug.
23:46.06WIMPyBut if you get an announcement it looks like your provider has some sort of issue not related to your connection.
23:46.28GalenYeah, I am getting an announcement.
23:46.50GalenDid you want me to send a pri debug or just skip that and get in contact with my provider?
23:47.25WIMPyI think you can blame them :-)
23:47.37WIMPyBut the signalling is strange anyway.
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23:48.20WIMPyYou usually get that sort of announcement with a disconect, not a progress.
23:49.13GalenYeah, that is what is seemed like to me. Thank you for the help. I will contact my provider and go from there.
23:50.35WIMPyMaybe they sent you a SIP gateway instead of a NT?
23:54.46GalenI will check on that

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