IRC log for #asterisk on 20120827

00:00.16mmmitchsorry, i must be being extremely dense
00:01.05mmmitchyou mean ?
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00:19.42Dar1usmmyes :)
00:19.47Dar1usah well too late
00:20.27Dar1uspity since it's obvious what's wrong :-/
00:29.31*** join/#asterisk Sophira (
00:30.08SophiraIs there any way in a dialplan to check if *any* key exists in a given DB family?
00:31.19ectospasmSophira: DBEXISTS()?
00:32.54Sophiraectospasm: I thought that just does it for a single key. I could be wrong, though.
00:33.07Sophiragives it a test.
00:36.56SophiraYeah, I get an error.
00:36.57Sophirafunc_db.c:204 function_db_exists: DB_EXISTS requires an argument, DB(<family>/<key>)
00:37.14SophiraThis is with:
00:37.33Corydon76-workSophira: what version?
00:38.03Corydon76-workTry it with a single trailing slash character
00:38.05SophiraOh, hey. DB_EXISTS(testtest/) works.
00:38.35SophiraI'm using 10.7.0.
00:38.37SophiraBut yeah.
00:38.41SophiraThe slash seems to work.
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00:39.23SophiraThanks Corydon :)
00:40.26ectospasmCorydon76-work is the man
00:40.42Corydon76-workI used to be the man.  Now I'm the zombie
00:40.48Sophira...never mind, I did it wrong, actually.
00:40.51zombu2now now now
00:40.57SophiraTurns out it doesn't work after all :/
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00:41.46SophiraSo yeah, sorry to get your hopes up :/
00:41.46Corydon76-workAsterisk 10 is weird when it comes to astdb, because it's actually implemented with sqlite
00:41.47[TK]D-Fenderfamily & key aren't the same in both
00:41.53[TK]D-FenderAnd you should be entering both...
00:42.10Sophira[TK]D-Fender: But that's the thing. I want to test if *any* key exists in this family.
00:42.18[TK]D-FenderSophira: No way for this
00:42.30SophiraAw. Okay.
00:42.37[TK]D-FenderSophira: Not directly within the dialplan anyway
00:43.00ectospasmyou could write an AGI that greps the underlying sqlite db
00:43.05[TK]D-FenderSophira: Perhaps you could reconsider what youre doing in a way that doesn't have thinking about having  to do this.
00:43.10Corydon76-workSophira: what's your use case anyway?
00:43.17Sophira[TK]D-Fender: I'm probably doing this the wrong way anyway.
00:43.23SophiraYeah, okay, let me explain.
00:43.29[TK]D-FenderSophira: 11 steps to go ;)
00:44.12Corydon76-workI've used astdb for some really funky stuff, but the long and short of it is, you probably ought to be using a real database.
00:44.46SophiraI want to know if somebody else is already calling this particular DID. But I want to do that after I've already done some after stuff, if possible.
00:45.38Corydon76-workYou might want to consider using something like the extension state for that
00:45.52SophiraThe way I was thinking of doing it such that it doesn't have too much of a problem with race conditions was Set()ing a variable with the name being a filtered caller ID of the caller (which I've already verified is being passed), then remove it on hangup.
00:45.57Corydon76-workastdb is rather stale information
00:47.18SophiraI don't know much about extension states, but I know it involves hints. The trouble is, I would basically like to only check to see if somebody has made it past a certain part of the dialplan, I guess.
00:47.40SophiraTell you what.
00:47.43SophiraI know how to do this.
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00:47.51Corydon76-workYou could use LOCK() and TRYLOCK() for that, too
00:48.08Corydon76-workYou're essentially trying to put a mutex on the DID, right?
00:48.14SophiraOh hey, that's a thing.
00:48.32Corydon76-workAnd locks automatically clear when the channel dies
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00:48.44SophiraThat's great, actually.
00:48.47SophiraThank you <3
00:49.06Corydon76-workyw.  Doubly so, since I wrote LOCK/TRYLOCK
00:49.42SophiraTRYLOCK returns instantly, I'm guessing?
00:50.08Corydon76-workwith a value that specifies whether the lock succeeded or not
00:52.15SophiraOkay. So what I'll probably do to make sure it's as fast as possible, but also that no race conditions occur, is to TryLock first, and if there's no lock, Lock() it. If that fails due to a race condition, then I can go somewhere based on that.
00:53.00Corydon76-workNope, TRYLOCK is identical to LOCK, except that it does not hang out and try to get the lock
00:53.13SophiraOh, okay.
00:53.24Corydon76-workIf the name is unlocked, TRYLOCK and LOCK behave identically
00:53.28SophiraMy mistake, I thought it queried the status. Okay, that sounds good too.
00:53.53Corydon76-workCan't, because as soon as you query a status, it's possible that information is already stale
00:54.06SophiraYeah, hence what I was saying about race conditions.
00:54.16SophiraBut glad to know that's not necessary :D
00:55.42SophiraBTW, how come it's a function and not an application?
00:55.54General_Z0Danyone that can point me to a current/modern tutorial for setting up asterisk realtime with mysql? something that shows or has the sql tables as well
00:58.14Corydon76-workGeneral_Z0D: ls -l contrib/realtime/mysql/
00:58.28General_Z0Dwhat does that mean?
00:58.40Corydon76-workType that command from within the source directory
01:00.08General_Z0Dwill those create the main db as well or do i just manuall make one called asterisk. The last tiem i played with this stuff was asterisk version 1.4
01:00.18General_Z0Dso things im sure have changed a bit
01:00.26Corydon76-workRealtime hasn't changed that much
01:01.15General_Z0Dall the tutorials out there are either improper sql syntax or missing the sql files so im glad i have those now perhaps i can get a2billing going thanks Corydon76-work
01:05.49General_Z0Dactually do you know of a good billing platform that is decent and open source or is a2billing pretty much it?
01:06.59Corydon76-workI don't keep up.  Certainly it's the most well-known
01:07.05General_Z0Dand is realtime configuration covered in the asterisk definitive guide?
01:07.15Corydon76-workBut billing platforms should be moving towards CEL and not CDR.
01:07.16General_Z0Di just want to be sure i follow something current
01:07.20[TK]D-FenderDid you look at the table of contents?
01:07.40General_Z0Dnot yet right now I am just asking questions while i gather the files together
01:07.53[TK]D-FenderYou answer is no, mine is yes.
01:08.55[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-work: Yeah CEL is going to be better for "real" billing in a transfer scenario, but CDR will do for most chump CC-type businesses...  which we know is the regrettable majority
01:09.02General_Z0Dyeah chapter 16
01:09.58SophiraCorydon76-work: Quick question - is the mutex obtained by LOCK/TRYLOCK released before or after the "h" hangup extension is executed?
01:10.05General_Z0Dwell i am setting up a small voip provider for disadvantaged people, and phone based tech support along the same lines i figured something like a2billing would be fine for my needs
01:10.23Corydon76-workSophira: After, when the channel is destroyed
01:10.33SophiraOkay, awesome, thanks. :)
01:10.56Corydon76-workIf you want it removed earlier, you need to use UNLOCK()
01:11.29Corydon76-workIf a DID goes to voicemail, I'd suggest calling UNLOCK() before invoking Voicemail()
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01:57.37metabsdhi, wich version of asterisk + freepbx you suggest for production environnement >?
01:57.40metabsdThank you!
01:59.32WIMPyI'm not sure anyone in here would do so at all. Try in #freepbx.
01:59.49zombu2anyone know how to force a payload size for video calls?
02:05.14metabsdok asterisk version for production ? 10.X 1.8.X ?
02:05.37WIMPyThey're both ok for me.
02:05.37metabsdLTS = 1.8.X
02:05.44WIMPyIf you want to do conferencing, use 10.
02:06.04metabsdi use conferencing for paging
02:07.19zombu2you guys any clue about video payload sizes?
02:07.19metabsdi install 1.8.11 cert4 last month but now Digium release another version.
02:07.27WIMPyConfBridge, the better MeetMe.
02:07.52metabsdWIMPy ok but i read about ConfBridge and it's feature less for the moment...
02:08.08WIMPyThat was in 1.8, not in 10.
02:08.17WIMPyHence my original comment.
02:08.28metabsdin 10.X it's better ? because in 1.8.X i dont have hangup feature in confbridge ..
02:08.54WIMPyIn 10 you can put custom menus in there.
02:09.34metabsdi will install a lab with 10.x but another thing about this version ... the next LTS is 11.X en january 2013 you think its a good idea to use 10.X in production environnement ?
02:10.05WIMPyYou can already use 11 if you want LTS :-)
02:10.26metabsdthe stable release for 2013 .. not now
02:10.45metabsdi want stability :-)
02:11.15WIMPyAll 3 should be fine.
02:11.29metabsdok thank you!
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04:21.25nomad411Hi everyone.  I'm a web consultant/UNIX guy.  One client asked me to install Asterisk on their Web server (A virtual dedicated server at an ISP) . Does that sound like something that might be possible? I'd normally not put such varied services on a same server, but what do I know?  Wouldn't the Asterisk server need access to a landline?
04:22.49nomad411By the way, my reply has been "I'd rather not see multiple services liek this on the same machine", and that it,s not my expertise. I'd rather NOT get into this on the webserver.  There must be systems that can be bougth and setup at their restaurant to serve their phoe services?
04:22.54ChannelZnot unless they just used it for VoIP
04:23.52ChannelZand yes there are Asterisk "appliances" you can buy
04:23.53nomad411It sounds liek they want to use it for all their phone needs
04:24.27nomad411ok..  I'm there now. :)
04:25.39nomad411I think I need to do way more research :)
04:26.40ChannelZWell unless Asterisk is something you want to take a few months to learn and support, I'd just refer them to some other telecom consultant
04:27.42ChannelZI don't have any personal experience with the Switchvox systems but even with a GUI it'd take some time to get familiar with I imagine
04:28.01nomad411ChannelZ: It's my feeling as well.  He,s just hoping I'll take it on for free, for the immense benefits this experience will bring me
04:28.15nomad411but it's not what I do :)  I think I have someone to hook them up with
04:28.39nomad411Last thing I need is to be woken in the middle of the night because a phone doesn't worj
04:28.51ChannelZbut if they have more than a handful of phones to support, it'd more than likely be better off on a separate server depending on what the load of that virtual one happens to be
04:29.53nomad411I think they want a nice wide switchboard with varied voicemails and redirects to various phones
04:30.22*** join/#asterisk dmz (~dmz@unaffiliated/dmz)
04:31.00nomad411Thanks for the confirmation ;)
04:31.12nomad411Off to email people who do this already
04:31.33ChannelZAsterisk isn't real hungry unless you're running a lot of phones, but latency is everything. Has to have good internet connectivity
04:31.55ChannelZgood luck
04:32.43nomad411If there are ways to have that ISP server connect to the phone system, without a physical line, then maybe it would woek on their server
04:33.24nomad411Cheers!  Good night/day
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04:46.35ChannelZtoo late, but "yes"
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06:40.47v0lZyi just noticed something and i have no idea whats going on... but my verbosity is set to 9
06:41.06v0lZyand when i reload the dialplan i just get == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf':   == Found
06:41.11v0lZyafter that, when i make a call
06:41.15v0lZyI get a single line
06:41.27v0lZy== Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
06:41.44v0lZyand thats it
06:41.44v0lZyi dont see any dialplan running at all
06:41.45v0lZyI dont see any of the noops i put it etc, nothing
06:41.49v0lZyjust that and a busy tone.
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06:43.33ChannelZsounds like your extensions are hosed and didn't actually get loaded
06:43.41ChannelZfor crying out loud...
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06:46.33ChannelZv0lZy: sounds like your extensions are hosed and didn't actually get loaded if all you saw was 'parsing extensions.conf' and didn't see every extension get added with verbose on
06:47.17ChannelZ'fucked up'
06:47.50v0lZyI started the file with a comment
06:47.54ChannelZsyntax error early in the file, or some foreign character
06:47.56v0lZya really long comment
06:48.06v0lZyBut i thought i can have comments above [globals]
06:48.11v0lZyapparently they cant be too long
06:48.12ChannelZyou can
06:48.38ChannelZsure your editor didn't line-wrap it onto an actual second line?
06:49.28ChannelZThere very well could be a buffer limit
06:49.34v0lZyI broke the comments down myself
06:49.37v0lZy;like this
06:49.40v0lZy;and this
06:49.42v0lZy;and so on
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06:49.57ChannelZwell that should be fine but something else is probably going on
06:50.23v0lZynow it work
06:51.04v0lZyapparently there's two things
06:51.15v0lZyu cant have too many lines of comments above [globals]
06:51.38v0lZyand, asterisk doesnt reload the dialplan if its fucked up in that way but keeps the previous one going until restarted
06:57.20kaldemaryou can have as many lines of comments as you like. you just did something wrong.
07:01.07ChannelZstill suspects a magical mystery character
07:01.32ChannelZ(like a CR/LF you aren't seeing or something)
07:05.11v0lZyi've been using mcedit
07:05.23v0lZyand i've backspaced every line to the last character in it
07:05.57v0lZyim not sure of that kaldemar. Reason is, if i move the lines below [globals], it works ok
07:06.05v0lZyif i keep them above globals, no gam
07:06.16ChannelZAny profanity?  Asterisk is very sensitive.
07:06.32v0lZyin my comments? no.
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07:07.03kaldemarv0lZy: i am.
07:07.45kaldemarv0lZy: the parser is more tolerant for uncommented stuff under globals.
07:08.26v0lZyhere's what i have
07:08.30v0lZycant see anything wrong with it
07:09.53kaldemarv0lZy: you have : instead of ; on line 172.
07:10.38v0lZymissed that one
07:10.40v0lZythanks kaldemar
07:10.46kaldemarthis stuff is why you should start by pastebinning your stuff instead of having a guessing competition.
07:11.51kaldemarletting asterisk output warnings and notices to CLI won't hurt either. see logger.conf.
07:12.42v0lZyworks now
07:12.53v0lZylogger.conf, ill check it out
07:13.28v0lZyby the way, u can see what im doing
07:13.31v0lZyi documented the stuff there
07:17.15v0lZyAny thoughts on it? still dont like it?
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07:18.47kaldemarnew names on stuff that are already named and artificial division and namings.
07:21.47v0lZyyeah i know, im not trying to rename things or anything, I'm just writing it down the way its easy to understand for me, or others like me which might be completely new to anything related to how telephony works
07:22.31v0lZyI'd be happy to get the proper 'speak' for the stuff i re-named.
07:25.03kaldemarwhen a call reaches dialplan, there is no dialstring, but an incoming extension. and all incoming requests are just as external from asterisk's point of view, whether they come from phones in your LAN or a provider outside your network. and contexts in dialplan are called contexts, not applications. applications are what NoOp and Dial are for example. top-down: dialplan-context-extension-priority-application-function
07:25.39kaldemardialstring is something that is given to app Dial.
07:27.37v0lZyI found it confusing to refer to it that way since it overlaps with asterisk speak.
07:28.37v0lZyI mean, going on what my trouble is when consulting the documentation etc, a lot of stuff is not 'naturally' explained as to what it is or what it does. The docs are more geared to people who've been in this business before and know this stuff more
07:29.34v0lZyits like hitting somone with DID DAHDI, DUNDI, etc... stuff that he can't guess as to what it would mean without some prior knowledge
07:30.19v0lZythe division to internal/external is more from the perspective of the phone user
07:30.29v0lZylike 'i have to dial 0 to get out'
07:30.54kaldemareh, for example DID, DAHDI, and DUNDi are all explained in the book.
07:31.11v0lZydon thave the book :|
07:31.22v0lZysomething i've been meaning to rectify
07:31.38kaldemar'i have to dial 0 to get out' is just a choice that someone may make. it is not needed.
07:31.44infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:31.57kaldemarit's readable on-line.
07:33.04v0lZyWell yeah, i know its not needed
07:33.07v0lZybut in the company
07:33.14v0lZyyou usually have something like that
07:34.02v0lZyinternal telephony network, and then external.... and theres this whole division of what you want the callers on the inside to be able to do and what u want the callers from outside to be able to do, which of the people u want to allow only internal calls, which of the people can call whatever they want etc
07:34.17v0lZylike my boss doesnt want people in the warehouse having access to external lines
07:34.26v0lZythinking they're gonna call some hotline or something
07:34.43v0lZybut he wants them to have emergency numbers like 911 etc
07:35.11v0lZyon the other hand, he wants his phone to be redirected to our front desk if he doesnt answer it in 20 seconds
07:35.25v0lZybut only if the call is from someone outside our company
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07:35.51v0lZyfor people calling from within the company's network, he doesnt want such redirection
07:36.14v0lZyalso, we have voicemail for leaving eachother messages, but no voicemail for users calling in
07:36.25v0lZyExcept for outside working hours
07:36.48kaldemarv0lZy: people having access to external lines have nothing at all to do with using 0 to dial out.
07:36.59v0lZyand it needs to be optional on a per user basis because people in the sales department dont want to be obliged to call back customers that are phoning the wrong line for support etc
07:37.19kaldemarv0lZy: that's why you have context and their proper use. that is why i have told you that your approach causes problems.
07:37.51v0lZykaldemar: i know. its not to restrict access, its to separate internal numbers and external numbers when dialing in my case. first number is choice of provider.
07:38.47v0lZy0 for dialing out with our provider... 1 for using our sister company in Croatia, and so on
07:39.14v0lZy9 for our backup line
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07:40.16v0lZykaldemar: yeah but i have internal users who need access both to internal and external desitnations
07:40.23v0lZyand then some who only should have internal
07:40.44v0lZyI can put them in the same context, but then i have to define for each and every one, what they can and cant call.
07:40.55v0lZyi can still have 2 context
07:41.05v0lZyand use them like groups
07:41.10kaldemaryour approach just makes that harder for you now.
07:41.28v0lZyhow so?
07:41.33v0lZyI mean..
07:41.41v0lZyits just a mattter of dialplan entry context
07:41.51v0lZythats set on the phone.
07:42.33v0lZyI can still do like [PEER16] and just copy stuff from the [DialPatterns] and not include the stuff for external calls.
07:42.50v0lZyand i can remove those numbers if i dont want them receiving external calls from the [IncomingPatterns]
07:44.06v0lZyI started with a gui
07:44.21v0lZyto copy paste their extensions.conf ... this is the mess i started with:
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07:46.01v0lZyi think my dialplan is more clear if nothing else
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07:50.14kaldemaranything looks good compared to that.
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07:59.14v0lZyheh, yeah :D
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08:20.26phixhey, is there a way to differentiate between the user not picking up and issues dialing out through a particular trunk/.'
08:21.08phixI am having issues dialing out (probably havnt paid bill) and DIAL_STATUS is comming up as CONGESTED, it does that when the user doesn't pick up either
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08:25.04wdoekesphix: check ${HANGUPCAUSE} instead
08:25.20wdoekessee include/asterisk/causes.h for the number/name mapping
08:25.38kaldemarphix: a user not picking up within the timeout set in the Dial app would result in NOANSWER in DIALSTATUS.
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08:37.02phixwdoekes: This particular asterisk setup is version 1.4, is HANGUPCAUSE availlable in that version/
08:37.29phixkaldemar: ok, so what would CONGESTED be? the user was on another call?
08:38.26kaldemarsee hangup cause for that situation.
08:39.23phixI basically want to try another trunk is the first one fails (except if the issue was the the user being called was busy / engaged, the user hangs up, any other fault / error signal that doesn't mean the trunk failed)
08:40.24phixso if I don't get a response from the trunk, it isn't available or I have no monies left in that account I want it to move to the next trunk
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08:43.32v0lZydoesnt dial have that by default though?
08:43.36v0lZyfailover provider
08:52.01v0lZyphix: i think my askozia has something like that
08:52.08v0lZyits probably cryptic but i can check out the dialplan and paste
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08:55.08v0lZynever mind, i didnt enable it, its not in the config
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09:02.08rachohello, can somebody please explain why can't I capture asterisk vars in my python script? I'm using agilib which is part of pyst i think.
09:04.27infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:04.38*** join/#asterisk longst (
09:05.10longstif it possible use getVar and SetVar from Asterisk CLI ?
09:08.07kaldemarlongst: no.
09:08.10phixv0lZy: I have a dial plan for it, it just seems to be timing out but the call isn't making it, it may be a firewall issue I think:\
09:08.44phixIf I ring my phone number from 2 different VoIP trunks nothing happens
09:09.50phix:/, I am getting alot of these too --> [Jul 22 03:28:48] NOTICE[5910] chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension '999990011972592231975' rejected because extension not found.
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09:10.28phixdamn script romanians
09:10.40phixromanian script kiddie
09:13.25wdoekesphix: trying if it works takes as much time as asking
09:13.42wdoekesand less of my time
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09:41.30phixwdoekes: ah yes I was trying it out
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09:55.47[sr]hi WIMPy
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11:15.10WIMPyWhy do days always start too early?
11:19.49bulkorokjust wrong timezone...
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11:25.21Roeltyou're always in the wrong timezone
11:26.01Roeltunless you're on a holiday, then the days are too short
11:26.32WIMPyBoth days and nights are too short. Always.
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11:52.17[sr]WIMPy: i'm with you
11:59.12WIMPyCought in the same timezone? ;-)
11:59.29[sr]ya... 1hr less but it's almost the same
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12:23.32mirela666does anyone know what is the best (or only) way to do a dial on a sip/user, Playback file to that sip/user and secretly listen to both Playback and SIP/users channel? :)
12:27.24mirela666yes :)
12:27.55kaldemaroriginates and ChanSpy.
12:29.31mirela666I tried with Originate but it creates in and out channels and I get Playback on wrong one i guess,
12:29.41mirela666thx, I'll try it out some more
12:31.31kaldemaroriginate in such way that the peer gets dialed first, then upon answer connect it to an extension that originates another call that gets connected to ChanSpy and then proceeds to the playback.
12:32.15[TK]D-Fender2 x chanspy <-
12:32.47[TK]D-FenderOriginate the playback one with a 1-2s delay in playback, then fall through to chanspy on a direct exten.
12:33.48mirela666problem is to get all of that to start at the same time, when peer answers lol
12:34.36[TK]D-FenderYou don't DIAL them.  You CHANSPY them.  There is no delay as there is no "answering" required on their end
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13:10.23Faustovhi, any recommended SIP trunk providers for Canada?
13:13.51infobotrumour has it, itsplist-ca is Here are some popular Canadian ITSPs: , ,,
13:20.45mirela666This is what i got so far
13:21.53FaustovWIMPy: thanks, if that's recommended I'll look into it (the list of providers is huge otherwise)
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13:35.31mirela666ok got the right ChanSpy sintax now :)
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13:46.35carrarMorning Katty
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13:46.55Kattynaps on carrar
13:47.33carrargets squished
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13:57.20WIMPyKatty: What's gone wrong with your Asterisk? Does it work today?
13:58.39Kattytoo sleepy for asterisk tday
13:58.45KattyWIMPy: how'rechu?
13:58.56Kattyand yes it's fine, as always
13:59.03WIMPyPoor Asterisk.
13:59.22WIMPyfinally gets some breakfast...
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14:28.18mmmitchcan somebody run through the reasons again why "write() failed: Resource temporarily unavailable" might be happening using AGI?
14:28.39mmmitchin file.c:1296 waitstream_core
14:28.58WIMPyBecause noone is listening?
14:29.22WIMPyBut someone was disappointed last time you left, commenting that the issue was obvious.
14:30.23mmmitchoh man
14:31.04GoldwingQ: just wondering if it's possible, i have 2 locations that are connected together thru a bridged openvpn making it one big network.
14:31.33Goldwingon location 1 there is a asterisk server, location 2 connects thru the bridge to the serrver on location one
14:31.34WIMPyThat seems possible. :-)
14:32.05WIMPymmmitch: I cannot comment on your Java stuff, but my first guess is that it doesn't process the audio it receives.
14:32.23Goldwingnow, is it possible to have another asterisk server on location 2 that has the clients of location 2 and the servers connect to eachother
14:32.53WIMPyGoldwing: Sure
14:32.55Goldwingon location on we have a SIP trunk for incoming and dailout, i want that same trunk on location 2
14:33.25Goldwingand that the phones from location 1 can dail to location 2 just if they are on the same server
14:33.34WIMPyYour ITSP will obviousely only send the calls to one location.
14:33.38Goldwingand the other way also offcource
14:34.30Goldwingso dail-in goed thru location 1, but both locations get a seperate trunk for dailing out
14:34.59jeffspeffGoldwing, is the internet so slow that you have to put a box at each location?
14:35.07WIMPyUnles your account is IP restricted you should be able to call out simultaneousely.
14:35.26Goldwingno, it's more like a failover idea
14:35.28Goldwingboth locations have 100mbit fiber
14:36.33Goldwingthe main idea is, that sould the openvpn connection be disconnected, or should one location lose internet that the other location can work like nothing is wrong
14:37.14Goldwingi allready did that with the DHCP, DNS and a custom made program
14:37.15jeffspeffi would get a trunk for each location and bridge the boxes through the vpn via iax trunk
14:37.27WIMPyMight make sense to get a second account for the 2nd location. So the calls are already routed byt the ITSP to the correct location.
14:38.00WIMPyBut even with only one account registered by both boxes would help.
14:38.36WIMPyCalls would hit any location at random normally and if one goes down, the other will work.
14:38.55Goldwingwell, you said, that "send the calls to one location." so if i configure the incoming SIP on both servers, and one disconnects, the other will take over... right?
14:39.15WIMPyJust if both stay up, but lose connection between each other it will develop "random features".
14:39.36WIMPyThe next time it registers, yes.
14:39.49Goldwingand if i make the same dailing rules on both locations, sending the incoming trunk to the same phones, it *would* work..
14:39.51Goldwingoh.. ok
14:40.19Goldwing*scrathing head*
14:40.36Kattynoms homemade bread
14:40.43beekis jealous
14:40.48WIMPyUnless your ITSP does multiple registration per account. In that case both boxes would get the calls simultaneousely.
14:40.53Kattyshares with beek
14:41.02Kattybeek: it's amish white bread
14:41.07beeknoms homemade bread
14:41.09Kattybeek: made it saturday morning
14:41.10mmmitchalso struggling with " ast_waitfordigit_full: The FD we were waiting for has something waiting. Waitfordigit returning numeric 1". Possibly same issue
14:41.14beekthanks Katty!
14:41.20Kattybeek: do you want the recipe?
14:41.33beekUmmmm, no.  I'll just share yours, thanks.
14:41.39Goldwingyea, but that would confuze the system i guess, because 2 incming calls would register on the phones for each call coming in
14:41.46WIMPymmmitch: Please explain.
14:42.24WIMPyGoldwing: Yes. That would only work correctly with a proxy, not a B2BUA like Asterisk.
14:43.44Goldwingback to the drawing board...
14:43.50*** join/#asterisk stegbth (~stegbth@2001:6f8:9fa:0:221:70ff:fea9:b5e2)
14:43.57stegbthhello everybody
14:44.16stegbthhow can i define the calling extension?
14:44.44mmmitchWIMPy: when I send out "WAIT FOR DIGIT" to asterisk from java, I get back "ast_waitfordigit_full: The FD we were waiting for has something waiting. Waitfordigit returning numeric 1"
14:44.49stegbthi have  a script, which sends an eMails and afterwards calls a mobilephone
14:44.55WIMPystegbth: That question doesn't make sense. Please rephrase/explain.
14:44.57stegbthexten => _X.,n,Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@from-internal/n,${RTCFU},${DIAL_OPTIONS})
14:45.28stegbthah , sorry from beginning.
14:45.31WIMPymmmitch: And what's wrong with that?
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14:46.10WIMPystegbth: Set CALLERID(num)
14:46.10stegbthi a have a trixbox, there i have an extension, which calls out to a mobilephone
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14:46.24mmmitchI'm not actually able to parse out the DTMF digits
14:46.24infobotTrixbox is unable to be supported here.  It is a closed-source distribtuion of Asterisk and FreePBX containing proprietary code that its users do not have access to, making it difficult to support.  Try joining #trixbox and asking your questions there.
14:46.29mmmitchin AGI
14:46.53stegbthok, (num) is the whished extension?
14:47.22WIMPystegbth: No literal. You assign the number to it.
14:47.30*** join/#asterisk dms (~dms@nat/digium/x-iraljzwclogzxpxv)
14:47.31WIMPystegbth: Set(CALLERID(num)=08154711)
14:47.41stegbthah, ok
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15:48.49roeDoes anyone have a non-partisan opinion of Digium sip phones?
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15:54.06WIMPyroe: Maybe not the ideal location for that question.
15:54.28roeWIMPy, I know, but I can't really find any reviews of them online
15:54.40roeand I figured the most likely users of them owuld be asterisk users
15:55.40WIMPySure, but if you don't trust them...
15:55.50WIMPyBTW: I wouldn't, either.
15:56.28roethey *look* good
15:57.09WIMPyNothing that uses SIP can be good.
15:57.40roethat's an odd opinion
15:58.40WIMPySIP wasn't made for telephony and that's still pretty obvious.
15:59.00bchiaroe - I work for digium. fwiw - I use a digium phone and I'm a huge fan. I use the contacts app daily. Love being able to see if someone's already on the phone before I give them a call.
16:00.12roebchia, to be honest, the only reason I am looking at them is because we're looking at deploying a large asteriskNow-based pbx and we're interested in the phone provisioning feature
16:00.16bchia(I'm also curious if there are any non-digiumites in the channels using digium phones and what they think.)
16:01.23bchiayeah - the asteriskNow provisioning is crazy simple
16:01.37roeand I've heard mixed success with polycom phones
16:03.08roebchia, do you guys provide samples for testing purposes?
16:05.35Qwellroe: we don't directly, but some reseller/integrator might
16:05.49QwellI kinda doubt it though.  That doesn't sound very common.
16:06.13*** join/#asterisk Nemus (
16:06.20bchiaLike sample phones? I don't think so, but they d40's a super cheap to pick up 1 or 2 to test with.
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16:17.40cusco_Im trying to set up cdr via freetds
16:18.42Qwellcusco_: I'm sorry to hear that.
16:18.55cusco_so am I,  believe me
16:19.38cusco_for ages I been trying to make them believe that mysql is the only choice (actually using) or others suchs as pgsql or sqlite
16:19.56cusco_but time as come as they need some stuff on mssql...
16:20.31cusco_I think I have cdr_tds.conf set up
16:20.40cusco_but might have a problem with freetds.conf
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16:24.27stegbthWIMPy: thank you very much
16:24.32stegbthit worked
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16:27.20Sophiralooks at backscroll.
16:27.25Sophira15:58 < WIMPy> SIP wasn't made for telephony and that's still pretty obvious.
16:27.31SophiraInteresting, I thought it was.
16:30.01*** part/#asterisk stegbth (~stegbth@2001:6f8:9fa:0:221:70ff:fea9:b5e2)
16:30.26coppiceSIP was made for telephony, but by people who didn't understand it
16:31.26WIMPyI'd rather say: Added to SIP.
16:31.45coppicewhat did SIP do before telephony?
16:31.45WIMPyAnd I'd prefer to talk about VOIP, not telephony in that context.
16:32.16WIMPyGeneral P2P.
16:35.19coppicethe original SIP spec was an "oh. H.323 is sooo complex. we can make phone calls simpler than that" spec, except it ended up a lot more complex
16:35.55Qwellcusco_: Why not use ODBC?
16:36.26WIMPyAre you sure VOIP was already part of the intention for SIP? I thought it was planned as a general purpose thing, like e.g. online games.
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16:41.06coppiceit was never intended for games. trying looking at the oldest SIP spec
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16:41.50WIMPyJust an example for everything.
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16:42.28WIMPyOr a replacement for teamviewer or whatever.
16:43.09jpsharpI used to think H323 was made by telephony guys with no idea of networking and SIP was made by networking guys with no concept of telephony.  Now I think SIP was just made by someone with their head up their ass.
16:43.14WIMPyThe locatipn part that is, obviousely.
16:44.03coppiceWIMPy: how would SIP be a replacement for something which came later?
16:44.11WIMPyjpsharp: Yes, kind of. But I don't see where H323 is less internet friendly than SIP. They both use RTP.
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16:44.57WIMPycoppice: Just examples for "general purpose".
16:45.19coppiceH.323 was build on decades of experience with telephony. SIP was build by a couple of half wits in a university
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16:46.02jpsharpWIMPy: I'm not saying H323 is internet friendly at all.
16:47.09jpsharpIf only Mark had gotten IAX out before SIP.
16:47.25WIMPyjpsharp: Yes, buy why is it less internet friendly than SIP?
16:47.35coppiceits a pity SCTP wasn't available earlier. the development of these signaling protocols could have been a lot different
16:47.50coppicejpsharp: iax is a dead end
16:47.59WIMPyIf only IAX would receive a littel more attention these days. It has an extremely better concept.
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16:48.23coppiceIAX is a bad concept. it merges signaling and media
16:48.49WIMPyWhy is that bad?
16:49.21coppicebecause the media and signaling do not generally want to take the same path
16:49.23WIMPyAnd I think IAXs signalling is a good compromise between H323 and SIP.
16:49.37WIMPyBut they don't have to.
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16:50.29jpsharpSIP would have been better if the endpoint IPs weren't carried in the message and just let the endpoints send data to the IP source address.
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17:02.40autofsckkhello, i want to work with the /etc directory from one server, and im mounting it via sshfs but with a normal user, do i have to be root so i can modify files on the remote server? or is there a specific way to let normal user modify files with root needs?
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17:07.32wonderworldwithout NAT there would be worldwide freedom of voice communication. maybe ipv6 will improve things... as long as proxies are needed, it's not decentralized enough.
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17:15.24coppicemost of the world's blocks on voice communication are not due to NAT
17:16.00acidfoocoppice, there are due to what
17:16.12radenhow can i set my callerid to random DID's
17:16.36wonderworldtrue, but a different culture of contactng people would arise if every peer could reach every other peer encrypted, instantly and without needing 3rd parties
17:17.14coppiceacidfoo: companies that don't want to allow direct communications from their employee's machines and countries trying to restrict things for commercial reasons
17:17.51WIMPyI think the political reasons have become even stronger than the commercial ones.
17:20.21wonderworldi am really wondering how they will control encryprion in the future. they can't make it unlawful, because it's clearly needed for many reasons, but they don't want the masses to have it as well. especially not with ipv6.
17:20.26coppicewhat many perceive as political are actually commercial, like a government collected huge amounts to provide a franchise, and if that's undermined the companies will demand their money back
17:21.37WIMPyif some govenments pay ITSPs all expenses so that they don't set up direct media any more that's surely not for commercial reasons.
17:22.15acidfoowonderworld, what they might do is to throttle all the encrypted data to a rate that it is almost useless... to push you to not encrypt your data
17:22.28wonderworldacidfoo: yes, might be
17:22.42acidfooI see no other way, i'd be curious what else they could do
17:22.53wonderworldmaybe increase the cost for encrypted traffic
17:22.55WIMPyOr you have to pay extra for encrypted traffic.
17:23.16acidfooif they detect some encrypted traffic they charge you :P
17:23.41acidfoothis is where some stenography breakthrough will emerge ;)
17:23.59wonderworldyes, send sip/rdp thru porn movies
17:24.18acidfoothere we are
17:24.42WIMPySo traffic will increase immensely when we transfer lots of junkt to hide the messages.
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17:24.50zombu2why encrypt the traffic if you can scramble the voice in the phone then send it plain
17:25.08cuscocan I in cdr_tds.conf set aliases?
17:25.26acidfoozombu2, because they will just unscramble it ?
17:25.32cuscoalias UID => uid
17:26.29wonderworldbut if they would decrease the quality or increase the cost of encrypted traffic, what do they do with https?
17:26.51acidfoosame thing
17:26.59acidfooand ask google to pay ;)
17:27.02WIMPyReverse charging for online shops?
17:27.16zombu2we could make our own internet with blackjack and hookers
17:27.22acidfoothey'll ask the "service" to pay because we access the service in an encrypted way
17:27.23wonderworldmaybe whitelists.....
17:27.33wonderworld"lawful" encryption for registered domains
17:27.43acidfoo(this is just a guess hehe)
17:28.39WIMPyWe don;t need encryption any more then. If the whole internet is controlled byt the government, it will be safe.
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17:28.56wonderworldha! you are right. how could i miss that point :)
17:28.58acidfooWIMPy, AH!
17:29.14acidfooof course, they are ... what's  the word... security expert !
17:29.39lorsungcuyeah i guess you could argue that the NSA is somewhat of a security expert.
17:30.07wonderworldyes, NSA should run all things
17:30.10wonderworldwould be best
17:30.34zombu2i should run stuff and i garantee that there will be no garantees
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17:49.57WIMPyWhy does the Astribank 4 PRI have 8 connectors?
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17:52.04tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, for each port you have two connectors
17:52.14Qwelltzafrir_laptop: Why is that?
17:52.18tzafrir_laptopThe top one is crossed
17:52.32Qwellso 1 is straight-through, the other is cross-over?
17:52.45Qwellhmm, okay
17:52.48WIMPyThat makes sense. But the labeling does not.
17:53.12WIMPyI see both NT and TE both on top and at the bottom.
17:53.36WIMPyAnd why are there no downloadable manuals?
17:55.35WIMPytzafrir_laptop: Do you know if it's possible to put the 4 PRI thing in to the mini case the 16 FXO is sold in?
17:55.44n3hxsNT is crossover
17:55.51n3hxsTE is straight
17:56.11n3hxsSo when using my test set, I use TE to connect to the NIU.
17:56.47tzafrir_laptopWIMPy, no. Only a 19" is usd (also for FXOs and such)
17:57.11tzafrir_laptopyeah. The labeling of NT and TE is slightly misleading
17:57.40WIMPyThe labeling looks like the LEDs would indicate NT or TE mode.
18:03.56talntiddanyone here want a sangoma a101? $250! :)
18:05.17*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:05.40WIMPyMaybe you should check ebay for prices of used pri cards.
18:06.08WIMPyAh, you just did? ;-)
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18:07.37talntiddthose are showing pretty expensive
18:07.49talntiddI don't see any used ones that match
18:08.14*** join/#asterisk indika1978 (~chatzilla@
18:08.42WIMPyYes, used Sangoma is expensive, but I'm not sure there's a reason to pay more than for a Digium one.
18:09.55wonderworldhow much is a T1 patton?
18:10.19[TK]D-FenderThat is not disproportionately expensiv
18:11.11wonderworldused EUR 159....without all the pci-hassle
18:12.37*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
18:13.45talntiddso $250 is a bad price, ya think, WIMPy?
18:14.03[TK]D-FenderSangoma's warranty was a lot longer, and were more reusable as they were 3.3/5v compatible unlike their Digium counterparts
18:14.14[TK]D-Fender$250 isn't bad
18:14.23WIMPyThat's a lot more than I have given for 4 port Digium cards.
18:14.50talntiddWIMPy, because a saturn gets from A-B, doesn't mean a mercedes should be priced at saturn levels :)
18:14.50[TK]D-FenderMaybe that tells you something by itself
18:15.03[TK]D-FenderCarzy sellers, or the cards have issues, etc...
18:15.04WIMPyYes, that either 5V or 3.3V thing is a litte bad.
18:15.56*** join/#asterisk rbowles (
18:16.19[TK]D-FenderSangomas are also much better on IRQ resources, support more OSs, better data modes, etc.  The scope covers more.
18:16.22indika1978my dial plan is call screening one. If person x originate a call to pbx and it receives, specified ring group(extensin ,A,B,c)of the pbx is set to ringing. Any one of the group lift the handset, let say A, it gets 2 option, bridge call X and A, 2. get the x's cid annoucnement.I did this and requirement change, once call came from x to pbx, ring group keep riginging, and if A and B lift...
18:16.24indika1978...the handset, both need to have option 1.bridge call to X  2.listen CID of x. Second dial plan is it is really difficult me to start. How can i write 2 nd one?
18:17.09WIMPyWell, Sangoma ends up using DAHDI as well, so I would expect it to have at least the same issues. And As far as I know they have the same issue with only one timing source.
18:17.14rbowleshello, new to this IRC be gentle, I'm testing Asterisk 11 and having all my SIP registers 'disappear' over time ... where should I look for existing/known bug and/or report it?
18:17.57WIMPyrbowles: What does "disappear" mean?
18:18.11rbowlessip show registry  is empty
18:18.19rbowlesrestart fixes it for a few days
18:18.56rbowlesi'm registering to:  a local SER, a local instance of Yate, remote SERs and some SMB SIP providers
18:19.00kaldemarrbowles: the beta is not stable, it has issues with registers.
18:19.07WIMPyrbowles: Yes, I know that one. I'm pretty sure it's caused by some old, no longer supported configuration keyword somehwere in sip.conf.
18:19.30rbowlesah, i did some cleansing of my sip.conf but perhaps not enough :-)
18:19.34WIMPyI've had that issue *long* before 11.
18:19.40kaldemarrbowles: use an older version until those get sorted out.
18:20.01rbowlesack, if they are known, I'll chill at 10.last until beta2 of 11 :-)
18:20.04WIMPyI fixed it by using callbackexten instead of register.
18:20.38WIMPyI'm pretty sure I've seen that issue way back in 1.8.
18:20.54[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, DAHDI is a raw interface level, it isn't the core card drive however.  Wanpipe "deposits" packets into it.
18:21.02WIMPyThe registrations disappear when doing 'sip reload'.
18:21.19rbowlesthis config was rock solid with 1.4/1.6/1.8/10 ...  sip reload has no effect, restart fixes
18:21.44rbowlesthis isn't production config, just my personal box that is usually running beta or RC
18:21.47WIMPyFor me 'sip reload' breaks it. Restart fixes it.
18:22.20indika1978Hi all, How do we take multiple calls in same dialplan /
18:22.52WIMPyindika1978: Your dialplan doesn't care how many calls you get.
18:24.03indika1978WIMPy pls read by original request which post previous to this.
18:24.35WIMPyindika1978: I did some days ago. Did you read the book, yet?
18:25.09*** join/#asterisk d0pe_ (
18:25.35WIMPyindika1978: But to give you a pointer: Use local channels.
18:26.15d0pe_ATA - GrandStream HT503 - self signed certificate (from contrib script) not working, they work perfectly using Blink and ATA works perfectly without TLS
18:26.44d0pe_btw , hi :) , I love Asterisk
18:27.21indika1978Yes thaks for that, but local channles means ... ok How can I read the specific parts.. pls give me little bit more on this to go through it.
18:27.23talntiddhave you bought the asterisk book?
18:27.27talntiddd0pe_ ^
18:28.04WIMPyindika1978: Make the "group" of local channels that each call one phone.
18:29.10indika1978ok thats good thanks .. now I can think .. thanks for 1000 times
18:31.21d0pe_nope, got quite well trough for now with howtos on the net and my friends / colleges advices for now, it the any specific book that would help me get trough this problem ?
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18:54.49ectospasmPeople still use Trillian?  Wow
18:55.15fenrustrillian. lol.
18:57.08rbowlespidgin all the way :-)
18:58.33*** join/#asterisk gboudreau (
18:59.37gboudreauin a extension.conf context, if I have extension 2 defined as the Directory, and extension _1XX defined as Dial ${EXT}, and I try to dial 120, I get the Directory.
19:00.15gboudreauhow can I ask Asterisk to wait the digit timeout # of seconds, before going to the Directory (i.e. prioritize my _1XX extension over the 2 extension)
19:03.35Qwellgboudreau: those would never match the same thing.
19:03.44QwellIf it's doing that, you've done something wrong.
19:03.54*** part/#asterisk rbowles (
19:03.56gboudreauas soon as I hit 2, of the 1 2 0, I get the Directory.
19:04.03[TK]D-Fendergboudreau, PASTEBIN the whole thing
19:04.05infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:04.05gboudreauok, let me paste my dialplan show.
19:04.19QwellThen your 1 is being missed or eaten somehow.
19:04.51gboudreaumy _1XX appears at the end. not sure this is relevant.
19:05.01gboudreauIt's not at the end of my conf file, but I don't think that matters.
19:05.15[TK]D-Fenderit isn't.  If that is being used as it appears then the 1 is getting lost entirely somehow
19:05.33*** join/#asterisk Simnol (
19:05.47QwellShow the dialplan execution from the call.
19:05.57QwellI'm sure the i is getting hit.
19:07.11gboudreauhow can I see the # that asterisk receives ?
19:07.17QwellWhat's before that?
19:07.38gboudreaucoming from another context
19:07.43Qwellshow the whole call
19:08.56[TK]D-Fendergboudreau, [ Context 'main-menu' created by 'pbx_config' ]
19:09.04[TK]D-Fendergboudreau, Executing [s@dial-in-menu:1] Answer("SIP/120-00000003", "") in new stack
19:09.12Qwell[TK]D-Fender: There's a goto
19:09.48[TK]D-Fenderjust caught that...
19:09.57[TK]D-Fendermaybe we didn't need teh ENTIRE call :)
19:10.05QwellI don't see how you're getting from s@dial-in-menu:6 to 2@dial-in-menu:1 though.
19:10.41Qwellwait, of course I do.
19:10.45QwellYou're using Background(,m)
19:10.47QwellDon't do that.
19:11.06QwellThere is no extension 1, so it ignores it.  You haven't even gotten to the WaitExten()
19:11.31*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
19:11.57QwellWhy Background actually has that option is beyond me though.
19:11.57gboudreaugood catch :) fixed indeed.
19:12.07gboudreauI copy-pasted that line from somewhere else. meh @ me.
19:12.36[TK]D-Fendergboudreau, congratulations ... that's the first time I've every seen that parameter used.  In over 7 years.
19:12.51[TK]D-Fendergboudreau, Never ever do that again :p
19:13.08[TK]D-Fenderpassed my radar, that's for sure
19:13.20Qwell[TK]D-Fender: Admittedly, that option makes no damn sense.
19:13.29gboudreauit makes the menu more responsive. as soon as the user hits 1 or 2, it goes to the next context, instead of having to wait whatever digit timeout I might have defined.
19:13.35Qwellit's like...don't actually Background.  What, no, screw you app_background.
19:14.14[TK]D-Fendergboudreau, that is not a healthy command
19:14.22Qwellgboudreau: You would use Read() for that instead.
19:14.32gboudreauah, ok. will do.
19:14.47Qwellthat or don't put patterns in that context
19:17.19*** join/#asterisk phix (
19:17.33gboudreauwell, you guys are useful :) I might be back later on. I'm almost done with my setup. just need to configure follow-me with start and end times during weekdays...
19:29.40Qwellno sighing allowed. :(
19:33.54ectospasmwas that a sigh or a swoon?
19:34.21talntiddtextually, it was a sigh.
19:34.36talntiddvery difficult to typo "sigh" while attempting to type "swoon"
19:35.11ectospasmtalntidd: but you *can* sigh as you swoon, no?
19:35.19Kattyno, no it's not a swoon
19:35.24Kattyit's an irritated sigh.
19:35.33ectospasmand the only authoritative voice here speaks again!
19:36.11Kattywe just put in a new appliance that tracks packets going on the wan port.
19:36.31Kattyand it seems that someone is quite regularly downloading things from Steam
19:36.38talntiddsorry 'bout that.
19:36.43talntiddill stop.
19:37.27Kattyunfortunately i don't get to play network gestapo
19:37.30Kattyso there's nothing i can do about it
19:37.47talntiddipchains -I DROP
19:38.06ectospasmKatty: sounds like your organization lacks a strong AUP
19:38.15Kattyi don't even know what aup stands for.
19:38.26Kattyso that's probably a fair statement
19:38.32zombu2or someone that gets a kick out of dropping packets
19:39.03Kattypeople already dislike me. people think IT folk are lazy
19:39.21Kattyi'm not about to start playing Network Police
19:39.36Kattyso i keep notifying the owner
19:39.42Kattyof course he does nothing.
19:39.54zombu2hmm would you get up and push a button if you can write a quick prog that does it for you
19:39.57Kattyi guess maybe he just doesn't care.
19:43.08talntiddor you are not explaining why it is bad very well
19:43.26talntiddowners have lots of shit to do every day.. they need bottom line of why/what is bad
19:43.34talntiddnot "X is doing Y"
19:44.32zombu2or maybe you shouldn t even bother with it since it is really not your problem
19:44.53zombu2if it becomes a prob for the owner he will act on it s own
19:52.23Kattyin case you weren't aware. i was a venting
19:52.27Kattyas females do
19:52.30Kattyi do not need to be fixed.
19:52.41Kattybut thank you for trying, regardless (=
19:52.59*** part/#asterisk gboudreau (
19:54.32ectospasmKatty: AUP - Acceptable Use Policy
19:54.40ectospasm...what IT should be enforcing
19:55.03talntiddfuck that
19:55.09talntiddIT shouldn't enforce shit
19:55.14talntiddthe management should enforce it
19:55.21talntiddIT should just give them the tools to manage it
19:55.37talntiddand the ability to see who is breaking it
19:55.53talntiddat my call center, I have to fire people when they break our AUP
19:56.02talntiddthat wasn't in my job description. lol
19:56.48talntiddI don't wanna hear peoples "I have 2 kids at home and am a single mother! I didn't know that proxying around your blocks and playing facebook games all day was against policies!"
19:56.50Kattyi'd would just flat out refuse to do that.
19:57.15talntiddI came up with a creative way to let the problem work itself out
19:57.34talntidddeluser <username>; ssh root@thinclientserver; slay <username>
19:57.52talntiddthen when they don't set any appointments, it becomes a management issue!
19:59.48*** join/#asterisk phix (
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20:05.28ectospasmtalntidd: well, it is management that approves the AUP
20:05.35ectospasmit's up to them to decide who manages it
20:05.56ectospasmor who enforces it
20:06.29ectospasmdepends on what IT defines its role as
20:07.35talntiddectospasm, generally IT's "role" is modified by whoever gets a stick up their ass.
20:09.00talntiddat one company i worked for, it was the IT dept's "job" to ensure the IT room was always organized and tidy
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20:09.19talntiddbut other staff was instructed to put boxes and such in the IT room for disposal. lol
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20:11.13ectospasmtalntidd: yeah, but IT executives are supposed to define the roles of IT
20:11.38talntiddnot in smaller companies. lol
20:11.45ectospasmdoes IT transform the business?  Or do we just support ongoing operations:  marketing, production, payroll, finance, etc.
20:12.17ectospasmtalntidd: in smaller companies it can be easier, but can can also be more difficult
20:12.23ectospasmdepending on the culture
20:14.05*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
20:16.27ectospasmin smaller companies the CIO and CEO can be the same person
20:16.36ectospasm...therefore making it easier
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20:18.11ectospasm...and the role of the CIO is nebulous, too.  If they report directly to the CIO, they can effect change possibly more easily, than if they report to the CFO
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20:26.29[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:27.12*** join/#asterisk specing_ (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
20:27.33specing_How do you people configure asterisk?
20:27.55specing_I find plunging through the 12000 lines of config files... time consuming.
20:28.17specing_using asterisk 1.6.x on debian squeeze
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20:29.46specing_Is there a GUI available for it out-of-the-box?
20:30.03specing_I noticed there is some embedded web server
20:31.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:32.15specing_Oh my, more reading.
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20:45.02d0pe_anyone had to deal with ATA - Grandstream HT5xx / SIP over TLS ?
20:47.04kessiushi people , I'm newbie to asterisk , how to asterisk recognition voice
20:47.17wonderworldspecing_: . but doing some basic configuration isn't that hard. depending on your needs, you should be able to have a working installation running in a few hours.
20:54.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:54.47kessiushi, how to implement voice recognition, in asterisk
20:55.13[TK]D-Fenderkessius: with some 3rd party app like Sphinx or Lumenvox.
20:55.41specing_Ok, now Im even more confused
20:55.52specing_I'll plunge into those 12k lines I guess
20:55.53*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
20:56.25wonderworldspecing_: what do you want to do?
20:57.12specing_call myself when Im out of reach.
20:57.51kessius[TK]D-Fender thanks
20:58.09*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~Adium@
21:02.22specing_Is there a recommended softphone I can use to test my misconfiguration?
21:02.57[TK]D-Fenderspecing_: Any should do
21:03.03infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
21:03.05Chainsawspecing_: Main thing to keep in mind is that Asterisk isn't a phone system. It's a toolkit to construct one.
21:03.51Chainsawspecing_: The book is good, if only to teach you the terminology that allows you to ask the right questions.
21:09.59*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-fyrtuuajudtyajlf)
21:15.28infobot[~bria] Bria is a NON-free SIP soft-phone for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be downloaded from .  This includes licensed audio & video codecs and is full-featured.
21:15.43infobot[~eyebeam] eyeBeam is a NON-free SIP soft-phone for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux that can be downloaded from .  This includes licensed audio & video codecs and is full-featured.
21:20.11[TK]D-FenderWhat is matter?
21:20.42cuscowhat is the difference?
21:23.09[TK]D-Fenderinterface and functin.
21:23.16[TK]D-Fenderintegration and so forth
21:26.10cuscoso.. ws support in asterisk sounds promissing
21:30.23drmessanoOh NM
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21:43.53specing_<3 lua
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22:06.12darkdrgn2khey all
22:06.31darkdrgn2kany one know how to specify the provisiojng server on a 1120e avaya/nortel  sip phone?
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22:07.53darkdrgn2klol actualy its the same doc im looking at
22:08.12darkdrgn2k... seems you nee dto put the phone into FULL DHCP mode..
22:08.17darkdrgn2khmm wonder what that means
22:09.23talntiddthat doc makes it seem pretty straightforward
22:09.41talntiddstarting on page 25
22:09.43darkdrgn2kyeh im reading im reading...
22:10.23darkdrgn2k"The DHCP server recognizes this
22:10.23darkdrgn2kspecial Vendor Class Identifier (Option 60) and sends back OFFER, which
22:10.23darkdrgn2kalso includes the same Vendor Class Identifier"
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22:31.10talntidddarkdrgn2k it means...
22:31.18talntiddyou have to let the phone get its IP from DHCP
22:31.38talntiddthen, in your DHCP server, setup option 60, to serve the address of the server that stores the .cfg file for the phones
22:32.14talntiddso when the phone boots, and gets its IP, the DHCP server also serves the address for Option 60
22:32.37talntiddwhat kind of dhcp server you running?
22:41.26*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-xxdywjxifkqcpciy)
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22:44.38darkdrgn2kRight now im using DNSMASQ but in produiction it will be cisco
22:44.58darkdrgn2ki alreayd have 66 and 150 defined as the provisiongin server but that doesnt work
22:45.22darkdrgn2kif i set the provisioning server manually it works find
22:45.28darkdrgn2kbu ti need to find a way to do it via dhcp
22:48.56jpsharpI'd sniff the network to make sure your dhcp server is sending out the data.
22:49.25darkdrgn2kit is.. its some sutpid Vedor ident string or somethign the phone is expecting
22:49.27darkdrgn2kdump nortel
22:51.32jpsharpOh, look.  There was a problem on the POE switch that these phones were connected to and fried them all.  Guess you'll need to buy new phones.
22:53.12talntiddI had that happen with some some cisco switches and 92 phones.
22:53.33talntiddthe phones would boot, and function, but it was very staticy....
22:53.39talntiddtook forever to troubleshoot it.
22:54.15talntiddreplaced a phone, and it was staticy.. replaced switch.. phones still static...
22:54.25talntiddreplaced phone again on new switch, phone worked properly
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22:54.38talntiddwhen i replaced the original phone, it instantly got fried from the bad switch.
22:54.43talntiddsame way the others were
22:56.44jpsharpSounds like bad filtering in the POE circuit.
22:57.05talntiddi still have the switch..
22:57.13talntiddsome day i'll dig in and see what happaned
22:57.18talntiddbut it sucked.
22:57.25talntiddnext day'd 95 phones
22:57.30talntiddand 4 switches
22:57.38talntiddcorporate loved that bill. :)
22:57.40darkdrgn2k<talntidd>: wierd i got a bunch of phones that are staticy
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23:40.35phixtalntidd: You should test each port with your tounge, should give you a good indication which one it was :)
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