IRC log for #asterisk on 20120819

00:13.52*** join/#asterisk Champi_ (
00:17.47infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
00:20.52*** join/#asterisk jakent (
00:38.42*** join/#asterisk pcs (~root@
00:50.45pcsanyone has anyone opinions about obihai's 302 device?
01:07.32*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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01:14.00*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@
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03:54.06radenanyone have a script to edit there dialplan
04:05.31*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
04:12.05*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
04:12.20SeRianybody here using flowroute?
04:12.56SeRior has used*?
04:23.16*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:27.48leifmadsennot I
04:30.03*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
04:43.36*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
05:29.38*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
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06:23.39SeRiMhhhhh I am unable to register to flowroute... I get some crazy error I never seen before :/
06:26.55CrazyTux[m]SeRi:  what is the error?
06:28.35SeRiCrazyTux[m]: chan_sip.c:3370 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x88c44d8 (len 386) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
06:29.09CrazyTux[m]SeRi: paste the SIP register packets (pastebin)
06:29.29SeRiI have 3 other registrations working just fine...
06:29.33CrazyTux[m]SeRi: Also is this in a virtualized environment or anything special about it?
06:29.34SeRiCrazyTux[m]: sure one sec
06:29.47SeRiCrazyTux[m]: no just straight Asterisk
06:31.44CrazyTux[m]SeRi: any firewall ? blocking .144 src ip
06:31.48CrazyTux[m](port 5060)
06:32.05SeRiCrazyTux[m]: nope
06:34.07CrazyTux[m]SeRi:  and the Asterisk box is definitely not behind nat?
06:34.52SeRiCrazyTux[m]: Yes it is behind nat. but ports are not been block as I have 3 otehr services working fine
06:35.35SeRiCrazyTux[m]: I am going to review my rules just incase...
06:35.41CrazyTux[m]SeRi: please do ;)
06:36.34*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
06:36.51Assidso i just got my dahdi working yday.. is there anything special i need to do for fax ?
06:37.30*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
06:38.54SeRiCrazyTux[m]: chan_sip.c:3370 in __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x88664c8 (len 395) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
06:39.00SeRiAll of my rules are ok
06:39.09SeRiAll SIP is allowed in and out
06:39.11CrazyTux[m]SeRi: can you temporarily disable any blocking ?
06:39.22SeRiCrazyTux[m]: one sec
06:41.11SeRiCrazyTux[m]: Thanks for that link
06:41.23SeRiNow I know to concentrate on my system
06:41.45CrazyTux[m]SeRi: can you PB iptables -L -n
06:42.39CrazyTux[m]SeRi: just obfuscate any IP
06:44.18*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
06:48.14CrazyTux[m]SeRi: once you figure out the issue --- be sure to update your ticket and tell them that Brandon helped you ;)
06:48.58SeRiCrazyTux[m]: Ha! Will do for sure... I actually think you where right :P Adaptive ban might be the culprit here
06:49.05SeRigive me one more min
06:49.22CrazyTux[m]SeRi: :) cool! .. and no I do not work there lol, just personal friends w/ one of the founders/owners.
06:50.00*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
06:51.00SeRihahahahaha!!!! It was damn ban list.... I had a CID for
06:51.19SeRiI have no clue why but is fixed
06:51.25CrazyTux[m]SeRi:  cool, glad to hear it.
06:51.26SeRiThanks for the pointers CrazyTux[m]
06:51.30CrazyTux[m]No problem!
06:51.54SeRiCrazyTux[m]: You use them?
06:52.09SeRiThis is my first time. Testing their service now
06:52.22CrazyTux[m]SeRi: They are a wonderful group of people... brilliant guys.
06:52.44SeRiCrazyTux[m]: cool to know
06:52.45CrazyTux[m]SeRi: but more like, I collab with them and eat tacos.
06:52.58SeRihahaha lol nice
06:53.10CrazyTux[m]That was until they moved away from our home town :(
06:53.11SeRitacos are good with beer :)
06:53.49CrazyTux[m]SeRi: but yea, you will be in very good hands with them.
06:54.19SeRiCrazyTux[m]: Awesome. Thanks for the info. Will start testing.
06:54.33CrazyTux[m]SeRi: no problem, good luck have fun.
06:54.46*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
06:55.42*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
07:02.44Assiderr my dahdi interface has a red alarm.. can someone help me clear it ?
07:07.25*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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07:29.38AssidChannelZ: can you help me with this ?
07:29.55ChannelZCan you define the problem?
07:30.21Assidim getting a red alarm on my dahdi interfaces
07:30.34ChannelZOK well don't tell me anything about them.
07:30.50Assidmy NEC is connected to my asterisk server.. which in turn is connected to the telco
07:31.17Assidi have the NEC config page right now.. so i can try and use the same data from there
07:31.42Assidyeah the NEC is my existing pbx system.. which connects all my regular phgones
07:32.14*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
07:32.30ChannelZok now we're getting even more vague
07:32.53ChannelZWhat is the DAHDI interface?
07:33.12AssidTormenta 3 (PCI) Quad E1 Card 0 Span 1
07:33.19Assidits a temp card till my vendor gets me another one
07:33.41ChannelZso you're connecting it to this other PBX?
07:35.57*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
07:36.06ChannelZIs it a turnaround cable (I think you'd have to use one in this case anyway)
07:36.10AssidNEC <-> Asterisk <-> telco
07:36.26Assidyes.. its not a straight cable
07:36.47Assidthe NEC vendor made the patch for me ..
07:37.15ChannelZwait... so the telco is on the Asterisk side?
07:37.29Assidno no.. im in between the NEC amnd telco
07:37.56Assidthe asterisk box has a dual channel pri card
07:38.05Assidactually its a 4 channel
07:39.15ChannelZyes but what I'm saying is that the connection between you and the telco is on the Asterisk side?
07:39.48ChannelZIn other words, you are using 2 spans, one to connect Asterisk to your telco, and the other to connect Asterisk to the NEC?
07:42.42ChannelZin which case, what span is giving you the alarm?
07:43.56ChannelZand you're sure you don't have the cables reversed?
07:44.22ChannelZAnd/or have you configured half of the system and gotten it working without involving the other?  (IE between Asterisk and the Telco first)
07:44.40*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
07:46.52Assidim able to receive and pass the calls a the moment
07:47.01Assidbut the alarm still exists
07:51.42ChannelZNot what I asked
07:52.25Assidwhat do oyu mean reversed?
07:52.36Assidthe telco is going to the correct port.. and so is the NEC
07:52.52*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
07:53.01Assidthe call comes in from the PRI and im sending it out the NEC
07:55.19ChannelZI meant that you didnt have the crossover cable on the telco side and the normal on the NEC side
07:55.44Assidaah.. i have a crossover between me and NEC ..but not between me and telco modem
07:56.14ChannelZMy guess is it's a config issue, probably the timing sources which is why I said get get the telco half working first.  Disconnect the NEC and get things sorted first
07:57.35*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
07:57.37Assiderr.. got one to work
07:57.41Assidwas sending CRC4
07:57.43Assidi disabled that
07:58.46Assidthe modem to the card should be a straight / cross ?
07:58.55Assidcause thats working now.. on strraight
07:59.30ChannelZyeah that should be straight
08:01.48Assiderr got it to work
08:02.32WIMPyHi Assid. Why did you brak it again? :-)
08:03.17*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
08:03.38Assidno no.. if ianlly got rid of my alarms
08:04.02Assidwhats bipolar viol ?
08:04.26ChannelZBipolar is crazy people
08:04.27WIMPySome line code stuff.
08:05.45Assidapp_dial.c:1472 wait_for_answer: Unable to write frametype: 2   --any idea what this is ?
08:20.14*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
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10:04.18*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
10:04.47Assidtrying to se the callerid to prepend 22 if its 8 digits.. else im statically setting a callerid
10:05.18Assidi keep getting an error: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
10:06.29*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
10:07.11Assiderr found it :P
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11:44.42*** join/#asterisk Sidrov (
11:45.18Sidrovhell all
11:45.21Sidrovhello all :)
11:50.08Sidrovhow can I disable showing of agi scripts output in console ?
11:50.34Sidrovcore set debug off is not doing it
12:05.27*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
12:09.28*** join/#asterisk ziz212 (~chatzilla@
12:11.34*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:12.58ziz212hi, I am thinking of write custom dial plan and I need to connect incomming call to internal extension with some features. I need to dial out internal extension when call come to pbx and after that internal extension get 2 options 1 to terminate the call and 2 to bridge incoming to that extension. How can i do this?
12:13.15ziz212is there any bridge commnad available?
12:17.55Sidrovyou don't need to make any bridge
12:19.03Sidrovanswering extension will handle it
12:19.41Sidrovwhere you decide if hangup or Goto(that extension)
12:20.07ziz212how can i hold him and play some music ? is it using background ()
12:23.20Sidrovplaying background doesn't hold anything
12:23.31Sidrovit skips to next instruction
12:24.32Sidrovyou can use simple play repeated until some condition gets you out
12:29.29*** join/#asterisk kriger (
12:32.43ziz212thanks for your advice
12:40.02*** join/#asterisk brdude (
12:50.57*** join/#asterisk modernpa1ifist (
12:52.27modernpa1ifisthi everyone - i'm experimenting with running asterisk on smartos inside a solaris zone and have hit a little bit of a snag - it seems that res_crypto can't be selected even though i've got the system openssl installed and even compiled it from source and specified it with --with-crypto=... - any hints on what i could try?
12:54.20modernpa1ifistthis is using the latest 1.8.15 source from the site
13:07.56*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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13:09.56ujjainIs SMS via Sip possible?
13:12.23ziz212how to put call on hold in asterisk/
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13:17.38WIMPyujjain: yes
13:17.55WIMPyziz212: Plese be more specific.
13:19.47ziz212thanks pls wait i will
13:23.15*** join/#asterisk Ferrum (
13:25.57modernpa1ifistjust a follow on with the res_crypto thing - i'm also noticing that things like res_curl aren't available either despite being installed and in path
13:27.44ziz212yes pls i need some help from you guys... pls help me..
13:28.53WIMPyziz212: And the question?
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13:29.47ziz212Question is in the past bin post ,, the correct commnad that needed to bridge the extension and incomming call
13:29.48WIMPyBut I see some syntax errors in part1,s,3.
13:31.23WIMPyBut maybe some option to Dial() would be easier.
13:31.31ziz212correct one ---- >>
13:33.21*** part/#asterisk xpl (
13:33.26WIMPyStill Two ).
13:39.04modernpa1ifisthey WIMPy, would res_crypto have any dependencies other than openssl and its associated headers?
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13:39.24WIMPymodernpa1ifist: I have no idea.
13:39.53modernpa1ifistah k - sorry to bother - just saw your name on the commit logs so i thought you might be the person to ask
13:40.27WIMPyI only did som very small things.
13:40.32ziz212more expressive version and all errors corrected.  pls help
13:41.23WIMPyziz212: I already told you: Bridge(), or even use soem gosub function of Dial() instead of using Originate().
13:42.00ziz212ok thanks
13:43.56ziz212how could i get the parked call in dial plan?
13:44.30WIMPyWhat call? From where?
13:45.56ziz212let say a call comming from out side to pbx. Then it need to be parked. after that a new call originate to extension, informs it and ask option to bridge or terminate
13:46.28WIMPyTheere is no parking involved in any way.
13:46.33ziz212so incomming call need to parke and after dial out side call
13:46.52ziz212dial extension and ..
13:47.08*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:47.27WIMPyUse Dial() with a fosub on the called party. I'm pretty confident that google should e able to give you some exaple of that.
13:47.31ziz212so how can i keep incooming stay in pbx without terminating and dial extension
13:47.46ziz212ok thanks
13:48.25ziz212How can i name this kind of dial plan ... mean a name that suite to this process .. than I can search that easily
13:49.43WIMPyDescribe what you're trying to do. "press digit to accept call" or somethig.
13:50.11ziz212oh thats good thanks for the hint
14:04.06*** part/#asterisk Panic (
14:08.09modernpa1ifistah, disregard
14:08.27modernpa1ifisti was confusing res_crypto being tied to --with-crypto when i should have been doing --with-ssl
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14:42.51ziz212WIMPy: do you remember any post that published in google regarding this?
14:43.25ziz212bcoz ive searched and didnt get any realted
14:48.12WIMPyNFI, but is usually good for that kind of examples.
14:49.42*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
14:51.36SeRiWIMPy: +1
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15:28.02SeRisnom ONEMini
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16:43.48*** join/#asterisk Sidrov (
16:43.53Sidrovhi all
16:44.20Sidrovhow can I disable console output of agi scripts ?
16:48.48cajacalienteSidrov: What language are you using for you AGI scripts?
16:57.08ChannelZagi set debug off
16:57.14ChannelZdepending on what you're even seeing
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17:30.49SidrovChanServ -> agi set debug is for agi sent variables to channel
17:31.52Sidrovmy agi is using an external program wich output is displayed to my asterisk console
17:32.02Sidrovi don't want to see that
17:32.41cajacalienteSidrov: Suppress that output to a file or something then
17:35.05Sidrovto /dev/null
17:35.32Sidrovsystem("myapp > /dev/null");
17:35.45Sidrovthat is your suggestion ?
17:36.03cajacalienteIf you're actually calling the system() app then sure
17:36.25cajacalienteOtherwise whatever your AGI script actually is, make sure that isn't outputting this besides AGI commands
17:39.00Sidrovcajacaliente thanks !
17:47.30Sidrovbut you re not right
17:47.42Sidrovit should be
17:47.50Sidrovsystem("myapp &> /dev/null");
17:48.01Sidrovto supress errors also
17:48.20ChannelZAre they allocating IPv6 blocks by country, so that I can just turn the switch off with one rule for all of China, or Russia, etc?
17:48.26cajacaliente... Sidrov that should go without saying
17:49.28Sidrovit didn't worked first time, and figured out why.. :)
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