IRC log for #asterisk on 20120818

00:03.39radenwhats the difference between SIP and LOCAL ? like whena call is being placed >
00:03.56radenhow can i make asterisk use a different service to dial outbound  ?
00:03.57[TK]D-FenderSIP is SIP.
00:04.01[TK]D-FenderLocal is DIALPLAN
00:04.24Sidrovanyone here ?
00:04.27Sidrovis there a bug in AGICommand_record -> BEEP ?
00:04.29radenSIP is SIP ? hmmmm
00:04.38Sidrovi can't get out the damm BEEP
00:05.44[TK]D-FenderSidSo far I've watched you ignore advice on your syntax for the regular dialplan call to it repeatedly
00:05.59[TK]D-FenderSidand perhaps you should SHOW US in full detail what you're doing.
00:06.02infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:06.08[TK]D-FenderSidrov: ^^^^
00:17.29*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
00:30.30ChannelZraden: SIP is a channel using the SIP protocol.  LOCAL is a virtual channel which feeds back into the dialplan.
00:32.36radenthere anything I need to do special if im runnning this over a radio bridge ?
00:32.46radenkeep getting sip retransmit errors
00:34.34ChannelZWell that can be anything..
00:35.08ChannelZEither packets aren't making it out of your system/firewall, aren't making it to the other end, or both of those are working and the remote end's responses aren't making it back to you
00:35.14WIMPyGet some heavy tools to remove anythign in the way.
00:35.36radenyou can be on a call about 30 seconds before it drops
00:35.54ChannelZLousy connection I guess
00:36.07ChannelZdoes it have super high or erratic latency?
00:36.08radenconnection solid
00:36.21raden[Aug 17 19:53:41] WARNING[25406]: chan_sip.c:3912 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 35f438ae-3e00b86b@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
00:36.22raden[Aug 17 19:53:41] WARNING[25406]: chan_sip.c:3939 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 35f438ae-3e00b86b@ - no reply to our critical packet (see doc/sip-retransmit.txt).
00:36.26radenthats what i get everytime
00:36.53ChannelZon a LAN even
00:37.09ChannelZThe device is perhaps wonk and not paying attention to said critical SIP messages
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00:42.52radenwell its kinda a lan
00:44.14*** join/#asterisk sideffect (sideffect@gateway/shell/
00:47.52radentry WISP with 70 clients
00:48.04radenasterisk box sits inside
00:48.08radenso all the clients are nated
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00:49.30Sidrovis there a bug in AGICommand_record -> BEEP ?
00:49.31Sidrovi can't get out the damm BEEP
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04:02.34SeRiany body around?
04:03.12carrarI'm your huckleberry
04:04.07ChannelZlet's get it on
04:04.32carrarOPPAN GANGNAM STYLE !!!!!!!!!
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04:27.57Miccdoes anyone here have any experience with mitel phones in sip mode? I can't seem to find a way to transfer using the programmable keys. I want to make a blf/xfer key or at least be able to xfer then press the speed dial key.
04:29.14carraruse a Mitel 3300 controll!!
04:29.19*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
04:29.55Miccwhats that? the phones are 5330's
04:55.38*** join/#asterisk vncsnvs (
05:07.35ChannelZthey don't have a transfer button that works with SIP?
05:26.32ChannelZI should switch all my MOH over to Portal Music for Testing
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13:13.30retentiveboyAnybody here manage to get a Digium D40 to get VLAN config from LLDP?  Know what specifically it's looking for?
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13:34.24stasiu7Hi guys. Do you know where I can find the config file with path to the .wav file that gets played after reaching vm? Right now it's set to greet.wav and I want to change it for specific extensions. Thanks!
13:42.22*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
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13:46.51Assidi am able to receive acall and forward it to the other dahdi port..
13:47.44Assidhowever, im stuck on trying to make an outgoing call.
13:50.34AssidWIMPy: you around by any chance?
13:55.41carrarisn't "forward it to the other dahdi port" in and of it's self "making an outgoing call" ?
13:56.32Assidwell.. its its coming in from the vendor and out INTO the NEC device
13:56.52Assidi am now trying to reverse the process.. where the  NEC pbx sends me the call and i send it to the vendor
13:56.59Assidifi i call from sip device.. it works fine..
13:57.12carrarDO you have your dadhi ports assigned to a group?
13:57.39Assidalso im supposed to have the NEC port show red when its connected.. thats not happening
13:57.59Assiderr.. yeah.. whatever the default configured
13:58.26carrarjust Dial(DAHDI/g1/2061112222)
13:59.07Assidyeah if i do it statically.. it works..   but if the call comes from the NEC .. its only taking 1 digit at a time
13:59.15carraror  exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(DAHDI/g1/${EXTEN})
13:59.32Assidive set it up currently to send EVERYTHING down the vendors pipe
14:00.11carrarWhat do you mean 1 digit at a time
14:00.24carrardoesn't make sense
14:00.35Assidlike if its 9124512345  .. its trying to call extension 9 only
14:01.28carrarso change the config on the nec
14:01.37carrarto not do 9
14:01.45Assidno no.. the mobile numebrs are 9
14:01.55Assidits sending 1 digit at a time man.. like an old analogue phone
14:02.09carrarSounds like you need to make changes on the NEC
14:02.17carrarto make it dial better
14:02.38Assidif i connect the same thing directly to the vendor.. it works
14:03.31carrarAre these PRI's?
14:04.32*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:07.46Assidokay i managed to get it to worl
14:07.52Assidim about 90% done
14:09.16Assidhmm i need to give a dialtone.. so i guess its time to go DISA.. so i can accept numbers
14:10.23carrarjust change the NEC
14:10.32carrarto not do the dial 9 first for dialtone
14:12.24carrarthat doesn't sounds like a PRI
14:12.51Assidthe NEC ghets the pri on 0
14:13.01carrarwhat does that mean
14:13.13AssidNEC <-> asterisk <-> vendor
14:13.28carrarWHat is vendor
14:13.32Assidall the extensions are connected to the NEC at the moment
14:13.44Assidcarrar: the PRI vendor / telephone co.
14:14.12carrarSo just putting ASterisk inline of between your NEC PBX and telco
14:14.15carrarthats simple stuff
14:14.41carrarWhy would your telco require 9 first to dial out?
14:15.24carrarsome PBX's require EXTENSIOSN to dial 9 first to dial out
14:15.29carrarbut not the telco
14:15.52Assidit doesnt
14:15.57Assidmy cell number begins with 0
14:15.59Assiderr.. 9
14:16.29carrarAre you in the USA?
14:16.37Assidno.. india
14:16.46carrarso 9123123123
14:16.56carrarone long string of numbers
14:17.08Assid -- im trying to do this: exten => s,1,Dial(Srx/tgExternalPtP//${CALLERIDNUM}) ; example for Sirrix cards    my line is : exten => s,n,Dial(DAHDI/i1//${CALLERIDNUM})
14:17.14carrarand the NEC is not sending that?
14:17.36Assidwell i manahged to do that.. right now.. if i call from my cordless phone.. PREDIAL the number and hit call
14:18.08Assidhence my line above.. where i want to generate a dialtone.. and let it go out through that
14:18.36carrarSO you telco waits for 9 then presents another dialtone?
14:18.52Assidno.. forget the 9 !! its part of thenumber
14:19.02Assidmy telco accepts the final number i want to call ONLY
14:20.27Assidokay heres the thing.. you know how you press 0 .. and you get a dialtone ?
14:20.30Assidhow do i do that ?
14:20.46carrarlets see some logs
14:21.03carrarYou don't do that with PRI's
14:21.12carrarthats between the PBX and HANDSETS
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14:22.12Assidcorrect.. im on the handset.. which sits behind the NEC
14:22.20Assidi press 0.. so i can dial out
14:22.23carraror do you actually want to call the phone number of 0 to the telco and hten send DTMF after the connection is made?
14:22.35Assidno.. i want to fake the temp dialtone
14:24.29carrarI don't see any number dia;ed
14:24.32carrarthats just the hangup
14:25.06carrarYou haven't matched anything
14:26.54Assidyes cause i dialled nothing.. i just hit 0
14:27.03Assidi need to generate a dialtone
14:27.16Assid"If all you want is an immediate dialtone you could also dial your gateway technology (Zaptel, Dadhi, Capi, Srx...) with no target specified (see the double // in the example), e.g.:"
14:27.20Assidthats what i want to do
14:27.30Assidi want to generate an immediate dialtone so i can call the DAHDI
14:28.18carrarWell you already know how to do that
14:28.20carrarso do that
14:28.37carrarbut I'd ch ange the NEC if I were you
14:28.43carrarso it doesn't do that crap
14:31.28Assidthats what im doing
14:31.30Assidthis is workin
14:32.10carrarIf you are using PRI's, ware are you using s
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15:16.13SidrovHello all
15:18.15SidrovAGI RECORD FILE <filename> <format> <escape digits> <timeout> [offset samples] [BEEP] [s=<silence>]    => Is there any way to shutoff the BEEP ???
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15:28.45[TK]D-FenderSidrov: Skip that parameter and fill in all the others
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16:14.06Sidrov[TK]D-Fender -> same thing with or without. Documentation doesn't provide a value which disables it. Should find sourcecode of record command ?
16:14.39Sidrovit's annoying
16:17.59[TK]D-FenderAnd you have NOT shown me a call with AGI debug that shows you've followed my suggestions.
16:18.01infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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16:51.24Assidso i think i mostly got my pri working
16:52.44Sidrov[TK]D-Fender :
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16:52.58SidrovAGI Rx << RECORD FILE /tmp/myfile wav "" "2000" "" "1"
16:53.17Sidrovthis is debug output
16:54.18ChannelZRECORD FILE /tmp/barf ulaw # 10000 s=2
16:54.23ChannelZworks for me, no tone.
16:54.53Sidrovit can be because of chanspy ?
16:55.21ChannelZSince when did Chanspy become a part of this?  (this is why we've been asking you for complete information for 2 days)
16:56.22Sidrovi thought using chanspy on same channel which is recorded has nothing to do with that
16:58.41ChannelZyou are sending "1" for the beep parameter.
16:59.19Sidrovoh yeah.. old version was without s=
16:59.57[TK]D-FenderNo quotes AT ALL
16:59.57sruffellAssid: what was the issue?
17:00.14[TK]D-FenderWhen I said to skip that parameter, I mean LEAVE IT OUT ENTIRELY
17:00.29Sidrovok trying now
17:00.31Assidsruffell: kept hacking away at the config.. between the dahdi config and the dialplan
17:00.35Assidfinally got it to twork
17:00.49sruffellumm…that doesn't sound encouraging.  It just now works but you don't know why it didn't before?
17:01.31sruffellsends [TK]D-Fender some blood pressure medicine.
17:02.03[TK]D-Fendersruffell: I get very cranky when I get too much blood in my caffeine stream
17:03.22Assidsruffell: various problems.. yday.. pri_cpe / pri_net change.. for one of tyhe ports.. then..callerid .. apparently i had to add the STD dialling code. whcih the NEC didnt used to send.. so it was by luck someone told me i needed it..
17:04.18sruffellok…that's more encouraging.
17:04.26Assidsruffell: outgoing calls.. somehow waitexten magically worked (although it didnt yday) ... even tho i had immediate=no.. so i just went through all the configs and kept adding it every possible place
17:05.12sruffellI feel your pain there. I wish there were a way to completely dump all the configs from a running system. So you can see for any given channel what configs are actually in effect.
17:05.22sruffell…and what defaults were used, etc..
17:05.52Assidsruffell: what got me was the stupid callerid .. it still shows me the 8 digit DID .. not the whole thing including the STD code
17:06.10Assidim actually pre-pending it before i re-send it out to the pri provider
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17:15.44Assidsruffell: i dont understand the need for the groups tho ..
17:15.48Assidin dahdi
17:18.59ChannelZas in  group = xx ?
17:22.20Assidyeah in dahdi..
17:24.34ChannelZThey allow you to group channels so you can dial the group and it will pick the next available free channel.. like Dial(DAHDI/g1/5551212)
17:26.08sruffellwhat he (she?) said.
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17:26.17Sidrov[TK]D-Fender ChannelZ thank you for help. IT WORKS ! :)
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19:19.05Sidrov[TK]D-Fender agi RECORD file have end stop silence detector. Is there any way to get recording started after specified silence interval ?
19:19.38imoxchan_sip.c:3661 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission
19:20.01imoxwhat is this? I don't know what I should do. can someone help me?
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20:05.39kaldemarimox: see this:
20:05.47infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
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21:36.32pcsQ: is anyone here for hire? /msg me if u are, thanks.
21:38.02ChannelZmale escort?
21:38.42pcshahaha, to help configure an asterisk server.
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22:54.43pcscalling now.
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22:56.35ChannelZoh good.,
22:59.02*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
22:59.21danfromukHi, can MixMonitor be paused with PauseMonitor?
23:40.29ChannelZNo, PauseMonitor makes your screen freeze.
23:53.59*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@

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