IRC log for #asterisk on 20120817

00:09.40*** join/#asterisk Digweed (digweed@2a00:f10:11a:764::c0ca:c01a)
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00:46.27ex-parrothi all! where is the dialplan used for the blindxfer (on DTMF # detect) configured? it seems to think every number I dial at the moment is an invalid extension :)
00:50.26*** part/#asterisk voxter (
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01:09.43*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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03:03.05ex-parrotdo macros execute in the context they're called from? I am having trouble getting the blindxfer DTMF sequence to accept any extensions
03:05.26ex-parrotah nevermind, I finally worked out how to enable verbose logging
03:06.32*** part/#asterisk ex-parrot (
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06:01.36v0lZyhei guys
06:02.17v0lZy10.5.1 here and i just noticed that adding sound_place_into_conference=none in my confbridge.conf breaks confbridge.
06:05.41*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
06:08.00*** join/#asterisk diab (~diab@
06:16.01v0lZyor what was it again? :D
06:17.10diabMatin ^^
06:20.01v0lZyMatin! :D
06:20.14v0lZyI had a year of french when i was a kid
06:21.10v0lZyobviously it didnt stick .d
06:21.18v0lZysacre blu!
06:21.36v0lZyjust a few from the top of my head .D
06:21.37diabyou can stop at merde, with this word you are fluent :))
06:21.46v0lZyhehe :D
06:22.06v0lZysexy language though.
06:29.51flingwth is going on here :p
06:30.10v0lZyIF i use 2 extensions in 1 context and use originate... never mind
06:33.06v0lZyIs there a way to originate to more then 1 phone at the same time?
06:34.03kaldemarv0lZy: use more than one Originate.
06:34.26v0lZythen i guess i have to loop
06:34.51v0lZyright now i have it set up like this
06:35.42kaldemarwhy would you have to loop?
06:36.04v0lZykaldemar: i dont want to think about it in the future when i add/remove phones
06:36.36v0lZy(btw, sound_place_into_conference=none) breaks confbridge apparently
06:37.01v0lZyanyway... bpaste thingy.. thats what I have now. I'm trying to pass callerid name and num
06:37.25v0lZywhen im originating, the phones keep displaying anonymous
06:37.49kaldemarwith app Originate, you can't.
06:38.03kaldemarAMI originates and call files allow that.
06:38.11*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:38.34v0lZyI can if i type it in by hand
06:38.41v0lZyjust before Dial(SIP/44)
06:38.52v0lZyI can set callerid
06:39.07v0lZybut I want to set it based on who is calling
06:39.14v0lZyi guess i can use __
06:39.17v0lZyon variables
06:39.19kaldemarDial != Originate
06:39.30*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:41.05v0lZyyeah but if i set for example
06:41.45v0lZyand then in AutoAnswer extension i use NoOp(${PAGINGUSER})
06:41.49v0lZyit doesnt return anything :|
06:42.04kaldemardid you read what i just said? said that Dial != originate
06:42.25kaldemarand before that?
06:42.35v0lZyami originates and call files allow that.
06:42.41v0lZyand before that
06:43.17v0lZywith app Originate, you can't.
06:43.47v0lZy(but most of the times I dont understand completely what you refer to :|)
06:44.10v0lZyOk... so when using originate, you cant pickup any variables... at all?
06:44.24v0lZyexcept globals i reckon?
06:45.22kaldemaran Originate makes a completely new channel that is not associated to the one that executes the application. hence channel variables are not inherited.
06:45.36kaldemaryou can use SHARED or GLOBAL variables.
06:47.47v0lZyShared sounds an option
06:48.02v0lZy${SHARED(varname)} retrieves it?
06:49.36v0lZyah, found the description
06:50.23v0lZyThe primary reason for having this space is writing out to another channel, since you can already import variables (and functions) from another channel, with the IMPORT function
06:50.37v0lZyhm, apparently i can import?
06:51.48v0lZybut since i dont know who the caller is in that extension, i probably have to use shared i gather
06:52.44v0lZybut dont i get the same issue?
06:52.55v0lZyI dont know which channels shared variable to refer to.
06:53.07v0lZyif i do
06:54.31v0lZySet(SHARED(foo)=${ARG1}) for example
06:54.58v0lZyhow do i know what channel to reference when i want to pull it back?
06:55.33v0lZythe command says its used for writing out
06:55.44v0lZyso i gather I can specify the chan i want to write to?
06:57.12*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:57.14schmidtsgood morning
07:01.54v0lZykaldemar: How do i fetch the channel originate created?
07:02.07*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:02.25kaldemarv0lZy: seems that a channel has to exist before you can write to its shared variable space. so that won't do the trick either since the channel is created after setting the variable.
07:02.32*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~chatzilla@
07:02.44v0lZyso globals it is then
07:06.33v0lZySetGlobalVar ?
07:06.40v0lZyor Set(GLOBAL(...)) ?
07:07.24*** join/#asterisk oej (
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07:09.07v0lZyok, figured it out
07:09.38v0lZyNow just to loop through all the phones... is there a way to do something like 'sip show peer' in dialplan and filter out all the phones?
07:11.37schmidtsv01Zy why you dont use something like Set(__ORIGCHAN=${CHANNEL(name)})
07:11.56schmidtsvars with two _ in front get copied to every channel created from this one
07:11.57*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
07:12.32v0lZyeven if im originating?
07:13.11v0lZyi tried using __FOO=${ARG1} and then refering back to it
07:13.28v0lZyit didnt carry the value
07:13.43kaldemarschmidts: the channel that Originate creates is not created by the current channel. no inheritance there.
07:14.02wdoekeswhat are you trying to do v0lZy?
07:15.31v0lZywell, at the moment, im trying to get extensions of all the phones so that I can originate calls to them
07:15.41v0lZyand not worry about it later on when i add/remove phones
07:18.47v0lZyI could keep a variable
07:18.57v0lZybut if theres a way to keep that variable automatically
07:19.00v0lZythat would be better.
07:19.21v0lZyi can do sip show peers in CLI
07:19.26v0lZyand i get all the phones + providers
07:19.37v0lZyphones are all prefixed with SIP
07:19.54v0lZyor actaully
07:19.55v0lZyno, they arent
07:20.09v0lZybut the two others that arent numbers are providers.
07:22.47wdoekesv0lZy: db storage (astdb or func_odbc/realtime)
07:23.04wdoekesI don't think you can enumerate the connected peer without resorting to ugly hacks
07:23.46wdoekes(as for the global thing you're trying to do.. using globals for state is never the right thing to do)
07:24.06wdoekes(unless you have locks)
07:24.52v0lZyim using globals just to fill in some information
07:25.01v0lZyi unset them afterwards
07:25.09v0lZyis theere an unset command
07:25.11v0lZyor just
07:25.15wdoekesyes.. and if to calls do that simultaneously?
07:25.39v0lZywdoekes: that i plan to put into the dialplan so that it doesnt happen
07:25.58wdoekesusing more globals? ;)
07:26.24v0lZyits an intercom application in making
07:26.29v0lZywith confbridge
07:26.42v0lZylogically, if the confbridge im settingup already exists
07:26.53v0lZythen dont continue with execution.
07:27.31v0lZyill worry about that when i get the basics working
07:27.46v0lZy1) a list of all phones. 2 a way to loop through it
07:28.10v0lZyif i cant get a list of all phones i can still maintain it manually
07:33.53v0lZyasterisk doesnt have named arrays does it?
07:34.01v0lZyjust an option to set several variables at the same time.
07:35.32Guggelook at HASH
07:44.09v0lZynot much to read
07:44.15v0lZysome stuff is really underexplained.
07:46.10v0lZysi HASH(name,key)
07:46.12v0lZyand HASHKEY(name) to return all of them
07:46.35v0lZyhow to return just number 2 for example?
07:47.43v0lZyhow to use a comma as a delimiter in fieldqty and cut etc?
07:53.43kaldemarv0lZy: ${HASH(yourhash,${CUT(HASHKEYS(yourhash),\,,2)})}
07:57.03v0lZyugly award :D
08:01.25v0lZykaldemar: so its Set(HASH(name,key)=value) or ?
08:03.49v0lZyseems to checkout
08:07.13v0lZyone more questions
08:07.20v0lZyis HASH also local to the channel?
08:07.37v0lZyor can it be made global or something?
08:16.21*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
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08:37.33*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:42.37v0lZyi just created an infinite loop
08:42.46v0lZybut i have no idea why its infinite
08:43.49v0lZyanyone care to examine this?
08:43.53*** part/#asterisk creativx (
08:47.30v0lZymy bet is on the gotoif
08:47.35v0lZybut i dont know whats wrong
08:51.36v0lZynever mind
08:51.37v0lZygot it
08:51.39v0lZywas using a global
08:54.45*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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09:08.17*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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09:27.21vizzyhello :) just a small question i couldnt dig out a solution, i have exten => s-dosomething,1,Dial(sip/someid1&sip/someid2 mobile|20|owW)
09:27.56vizzywhich is working great for someid1 but the identity for the other phone contains a whitespace.
09:28.44vizzyi tried sip/someid1&"sip/someid2 mobile" but didnt help
09:29.08*** join/#asterisk sebastianpersic (
09:29.26vizzyso, how can i dial a sip identity with whitespaces? (yeah, i should rename the phone, but thats not possible for some reason at this moment)
09:29.40vizzythe boss cries me a river :))
09:30.17sebastianpersicHELP, using isymphony to create extensions, user profiles, qeues etc. But it doesn't appear in Freepbx
09:31.12kaldemarsebastianpersic: ask in #freepbx
09:31.19sebastianpersicNo one there
09:31.30infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
09:32.00*** part/#asterisk sebastianpersic (
09:33.30v0lZykaldemar: is there a way for conference bridge to send audio only to one user?
09:33.35*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nsystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
09:34.00v0lZyim checking options now...i want to do soemthign like press * to talk to admin and press *1 to talk to everyone
09:34.18*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~kitten@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
09:36.01v0lZyIts possible to exit and do something in the dialplan
09:36.53v0lZybut is it possible to bridge multiple channels to 1 channel?
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09:57.03yangWho assigns Telephone numbers to providers in European region ? The ENUM provider or ?
09:58.27WIMPySome local govenment agency.
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10:01.20v0lZyhey ang
10:01.46v0lZyhi WIMPy
10:02.20WIMPyhi v0lZy
10:02.49v0lZydoing well i trust?
10:04.01WIMPyNah. Good times are over.
10:04.57v0lZyI got my paging app working
10:05.03v0lZythe one where i use conference bridge
10:05.37v0lZyits pretty neat but i need to secure it a bit...
10:06.07yanghello v0lZy
10:06.20WIMPyhasn't tried Page on Confbridge, yet.
10:06.44v0lZyits set so that all the phones originate to the confbridge and then the initiator joins and talks to them... they start muted, but if they press *, they can talk on the intercom... problem though, they talk to everyone
10:08.13*** join/#asterisk nickfennell_ (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
10:08.17WIMPyToday I'd probably try push-to-talk with milticast.
10:09.07v0lZywalkie-talkie like ?
10:09.45v0lZyi think all phone conversations should be 1 way like that
10:09.57v0lZyits terrible when people start speaking over eachother on the phone
10:09.58v0lZyi hate it
10:10.13*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:10.27WIMPyThat's only because of the annoying delay you get from using voip.
10:11.23v0lZyno i dont mean that
10:11.26v0lZyi dont get delay
10:11.36v0lZyi mean in general
10:11.38v0lZyphone culture
10:12.03WIMPyLike calling peaple when sitting on the toilet?
10:12.20v0lZyor munching stuff
10:13.02v0lZyis it possible to check if theres a confbridge active and if it is, stop the dialplan?
10:13.44WIMPyConfBridges have a device_state.
10:14.15WIMPyBut if you ask for names it will not be active during that time, yet.
10:16.45v0lZyI have a Confbridge named AppAnnounce
10:17.09v0lZyjust want to check if its active or not so that I dont get 2 users dialing inito the intercom at the same time
10:20.02kaldemarv0lZy: GotoIf($[${CONFBRIDGE_INFO(parties,1234)} > 0]?hangup)
10:21.15kaldemar${CONFBRIDGE_INFO(parties,1234)} will reference to the number of participants in the conference. "core show function CONFBRIDGE_INFO"
10:24.13v0lZythats even better than what i had in mind
10:27.21dax_rocWhen I try and place a call I get From: "Anonymous" <sip:393@anonymous.invalid>;tag=as3565a22e in the header.
10:27.48WIMPyhad forgotten about that one.
10:28.56v0lZydax_roc:  before u call, do Set(CALLERID(num)=your number) and Set(CALLERID(name)=your name)
10:29.35dax_rocim using originate from the cli,
10:29.44v0lZyWIMPy, kaldemar: Is it possible to have 2 channels to one device?
10:30.30v0lZydax_roc: then you're in the same situation i was.
10:30.30WIMPyv0lZy: Sure, but you will only have one active channel, off course.
10:30.48WIMPydax_roc: What are you calling from?
10:31.30v0lZyWIMPy: what im looking to do is to send audio to confbridge, but only to 1 participant (admin)
10:31.41dax_rocI'm trying to place a call to a siptrunk/ext and pass it to a queue in asterisk
10:32.10dax_rocchannel originate SIP/telrad/339 application queue DriverQueue
10:32.52bulkorokwith an AGI you can call the manager originate wich takes callerid as vars...
10:34.09kaldemardax_roc: you can't set caller id in the Originate app. only way is to originate to an extension that sets the caller id and then uses Dial.
10:34.17WIMPydax_roc: Use a local channel and the CALLERID function. Or use another interface.
10:34.42kaldemarwhy mix AGI in the soup if AMI is all that is needed?
10:34.58bulkorokjust came up my mind...
10:41.41*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
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10:56.45v0lZyExecuting [callforward@AppInternalCalls:3] Dial("SIP/50-0000016d", "Local/16@AppInternalCalls,,Tt") in new stack
10:56.53v0lZywhy am i getting congested
10:56.56v0lZythe line's free
11:02.10*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
11:02.35kaldemarthere is no "line".
11:04.47kaldemaryou don't have an extension in [AppInternalCalls] that would match "16".
11:11.27v0lZybut i do
11:11.43v0lZywell.. no i dont not specified
11:12.35v0lZybut this used to work kaldemar
11:17.35*** part/#asterisk jsjc (
11:17.39v0lZythough i was probably using somthing allong the catchall...
11:18.42v0lZyah got it
11:27.20*** join/#asterisk riwarren (4645282b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:27.41riwarrenAnyone have much experience working with MVTS II and routing faxes?
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12:15.44rgsteeleIs there any way to get Asterisk to use a different time zone than what's in /etc/localtime (the system clock)?  We just switched to using UTC on all our boxes.  Our dialplan makes decisions about what to do with callers depending on what time it is locally at the call center, which used to be easy when using EST (America/NewYork).
12:16.14rgsteeleBut now that the server uses UTC, I can't just shift the hours in the dialplan forward a couple of hours, because it changes twice a year with daylight savings time
12:16.31rgsteele(We're currently using the GotoIfTime function, which doesn't appear to accept a time zone)
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12:19.46kaldemarrgsteele: GotoIfTime(times,weekdays,mdays,months[,timezone]?[labeliftrue][:labeliffalse])
12:20.25rgsteeleI've been looking at the Asterisk docs, but didn't see timezone as an available option (
12:20.42leifmadsenvoip-info is woefully out of date
12:20.44leifmadsenuse the asterisk wiki
12:20.48kaldemarthat's not asterisk docs.
12:20.55leifmadsensince it generates the application docs directly from the source
12:21.02leifmadsenya, voip-info is just... ugh
12:21.03WIMPyor core show ...
12:21.10leifmadsenuse or
12:21.13leifmadsenWIMPy: that
12:21.17kaldemaror use your asterisk to get the docuemntation for your version. "core show application GotoIfTime".
12:22.00rgsteelekaldemar: Yeah, I guess I should've just asked Asterisk... :)
12:22.17WIMPyThe bad thing about auto generated doc is however, that they are no more clear than what's in the usually rather brief built-in documentation.
12:22.53rgsteeleFantastic though, just what I needed.  Doesn't say what syntax the tz has to be in, but can't be too hard to figure out.
12:24.37kaldemarthe timezone option was added in (dec 2009).
12:25.01rgsteeleBleh, someone's gotta have this documented.
12:26.34kaldemarrgsteele: US/Eastern
12:27.38rgsteelekaldemar: Thanks.  Yeah, wasn't sure if that was what it used, or if it wanted something like EST/EDT/etc.
12:29.34*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:31.34WIMPywonders how many phones (especially phone books) will have limints on the length of numbers that cause issues with the upcomming enlerged number space.
12:31.51*** join/#asterisk flujan (~flujan@
12:32.44flujanhello guys, I am running asterisk 1.4 and now I wanna try res_fax. Did Digium open sourced it? I saw downloads of two modules an Do I need both to get fax running?
12:33.26[TK]D-FenderNo, one is OOS w/ SpanDSP, the other is closed
12:33.48[TK]D-Fenderlatter = FFA
12:33.53infobotFree For All.  Fax For Asterisk
12:34.03[TK]D-FenderAgain... latter
12:35.29*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
12:42.05flujanhi [TK]D-Fender thanks for the help. :)
12:55.08*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
12:57.57*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
13:00.38eXcAliBuRmy asterisk box had a digium card in it that has a phone cable plugged into it.  the phone cable goes to a toshiba strata cix40 call system.  when a call is placed from anything using the strata cix40 -- when hungup, asterisk hangs up the channel between it and the cix40, but does not disconnect the channel between asterisk and the sip phone that was called.
13:01.58*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-bimuemtuqykpfhku)
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13:04.43infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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13:13.26eXcAliBuRis there an easy way to copy my chan_dahdi.conf?
13:13.30eXcAliBuRit's really long
13:13.37eXcAliBuRto put in pastebin
13:13.53WIMPyRemove the comments first.
13:14.01eXcAliBuRoh god that will take me days
13:14.34WIMPygrep -v ^#
13:15.10*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
13:17.09eXcAliBuRi typed that an nothing happened
13:17.11*** join/#asterisk gbit (~no@unaffiliated/gbit)
13:17.15eXcAliBuRdo i need a file name?
13:17.51gbitHello, I have a TDM400 that seems I got 2 channels broken, how can I debug dahdi to figure this out?
13:18.32beardyeXcAliBuR: Yes, you do. Or a pipe to it.
13:19.14*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
13:19.20WIMPyShould be a ; anyway.
13:19.25bitgluewhat's a reasonable thing to signal if a Dial() timed out but wasn't anwered?
13:19.34WIMPygrep -v "^;" chan_dahdi.conf
13:19.50beardy> copyofit
13:20.15WIMPybitglue: 19
13:20.36bitglueWIMPy: what's 19?
13:20.51WIMPybitglue: Hangup(19)
13:21.04eXcAliBuRthat worked very nicely thanks WIMPy
13:21.10WIMPy"No answer from user (user alerted)"
13:22.00bitglueWIMPy: where are those documented?
13:22.24eXcAliBuRthat is to help with my problem
13:22.34WIMPybitglue: Q.850
13:23.01wdoekesyou can use NO_ANSWER in the dialplan
13:24.52WIMPyeXcAliBuR: But from your description you have a SIP issue. pb a call with debug and verbose enabled.
13:25.25eXcAliBuRthat won't show much, when i hangup the phone from cix40, asterisk doesn't show any type of debugging info
13:25.33eXcAliBuRit just shows that the call was answered
13:25.56WIMPyBut you said it hangs up the one side of the call.
13:26.08WIMPyWhich didn't sound likely, I have to admit.
13:26.27eXcAliBuRcommand to set proper debugging?
13:26.44WIMPycore set debug 9
13:26.53WIMPycore set verbose 9
13:27.12WIMPyOr just do a 'core show channels' while in the situation.
13:30.30WIMPySo both channels stay up.
13:30.40WIMPyThat makes a lot more sense.
13:30.53eXcAliBuRok, i didn't realize both stayed up
13:32.56WIMPyWell, you have to dive in to the config of that pbx to see if there's anything you can enable that will let dahdi detect the hangup.
13:34.39eXcAliBuRso asterisk doesn't know there is a hangup
13:34.43eXcAliBuRthats what it comes down too
13:35.04gbitThere is any way to disable only one dahdi channel?
13:35.09WIMPy... which is perfectely normal on analog.
13:35.15infobot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
13:35.30WIMPygbit: Don't configure it.
13:36.00gbitWIMPy, thanks. There is any way to debug a channel to see if the channel is broken?
13:36.34WIMPyWhat kind of channel?
13:37.03WIMPyCan be anything.
13:37.16gbitI have a TDM400, and channel 4 stop working, now channel 3 stop working too.
13:37.36*** join/#asterisk MaDiNfO_ (~madinfo@
13:37.53WIMPydoesn't see any other test than try to use it.
13:38.15gbitSo I don't know if I should change the FXO module or buy another card.
13:38.34*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
13:38.34WIMPySwap things around.
13:38.38MaDiNfO_i am connecting a shindler elevator on a FXS port, everything fine but when shindler support guys try to connect to elevator and send DTMF codes asterisk puts call on old.... how can i change this ?  and let asterisk pass all dtmf on that extencion in and out ?
13:38.53gbitWIMPy, I will try that, thanks alot.
13:39.27WIMPyMaDiNfO_: Don't enable those features.
13:39.41WIMPycore show application dial
13:40.04Sean-DerIs there a way I could have read feel like an interuptable Playback() ?
13:40.26MaDiNfO_WIMPy: ?
13:40.38MaDiNfO_WIMPy: where can i see that configuration
13:40.43MaDiNfO_and disable all those features
13:40.48MaDiNfO_for that extencion only ?
13:41.15WIMPySean-Der: Just use it?
13:41.27WIMPyMaDiNfO_: In your dialplan.
13:41.30mirela666Sean-Der: Read()
13:41.43Sean-DerI am trying to get rid of the timeout at the end of the Read(), but If I set timeout to 0.1 it will make it impossible for the user to enter the full string if they do interupt it
13:42.06MaDiNfO_WIMPy: ?
13:42.22Sean-DerSorry I have been using Read(), but just trying to bend it a little
13:42.56WIMPyMaDiNfO_: Have you ever had contact with Asterisk before?
13:43.26MaDiNfO_no anwser yet
13:43.27mirela666Sean-Der: maybe try Background(sound) + WaitExten()
13:43.55*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:f13e:d553:f26b:7bac)
13:44.27WIMPySean-Der: What happens if you don't specify a timeout?
13:44.33mirela666or just Background lol
13:45.02Sean-DerWIMPy: Won't it just be the standard timeout? let me try it real quick
13:45.08MaDiNfO_WIMPy: can you help me plz? allready googled and can't find anyone connecting a damn elevator on a asterisk...
13:45.13Sean-DerI am gonna feel like an idiot if it does what I want hah
13:45.14mirela666Sean-Der: [Synopsis] Play an audio file while waiting for digits of an extension to go to.
13:45.55Sean-Dermirela666: I need to set a variable though. Its a user login that then I Shell() out to a PHP script
13:46.24WIMPyI don't think I ever specified a timeout, but I didn't run in to extra pauses, either AFAIR.
13:47.17WIMPyDo these PINs have a fixed length?
13:47.38Sean-DerWIMPy: I am getting pauses :/ Asterisk 1.8.13 if it makes a difference
13:47.50Kattysomeone traceroute
13:47.53Kattyand tell me if it breaks
13:47.59mirela666Sean-Der: well while in Background, user enters digits which are found in pattern in same context than dilaplan jumps to that extension and you have a ${EXTEN} value of what user entered :P
13:48.05WIMPyOr make the users press #.
13:48.36WIMPyYes, but if you don't know the length, WaitExten will also add a timeout.
13:49.13Sean-DerNope its a variable length login :/
13:49.32Sean-Dermirela666: You might be on to something though.
13:50.10WIMPyIf you don't know the lengt, you can only press #, wait, or read the PIN one digit at a time and call your script after each digit.
13:50.13mirela666Sean-Der: type in CLI> core show application BackGround
13:50.28mirela666or BackgroundDetect, and see what fits :)
13:51.07bitgluesomeone on asterisk-users told me that if i Set(FORWARD_CONTEXT=foo), then any 302 responses my handsets return will be interpreted in "foo", but after testing it, FORWARD_CONTEXT has no effect. Is this accurate? Is there some other way I can handle a 302 response differently?
13:51.36WIMPyWith WaitExten you can't even press #.
13:51.47Sean-DerI am gonna pastebin my code, will make it a bit easier
13:52.44WIMPybitglue: TRANSFER_CONTEXT
13:53.03carrarit LOOPs
13:53.29carrarI expecting nothing less from cogentco
13:54.16carrarYou might try using MTR
13:54.56carrarerr it doesn't loop sorry
13:55.06carrar!@#$where is my coffee
13:55.33eXcAliBuRlooks at the coffee in his had
13:55.39eXcAliBuRsorry :[
13:55.56carrarit's a friday morning reading issue
13:56.05carraror spelling
13:56.21carrarI should call it a day
13:56.25carrarand go back to bed
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13:59.10[TK]D-Fender<Sean-Der> Is there a way I could have read feel like an interuptable Playback() ? <- core show application controlplayback
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14:00.08dax_rocI'm wanting to write an automated line check script for testing if an extension can make a call to a fixed number. What would be the best way to check. Dial tone isn't a guarentee, would ringing work ?
14:00.15Sean-Der[TK]D-Fender: Ok will look at that now
14:01.01dax_roc*the extensions are actual gsm routers
14:01.19[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, "can make it" requires "DID make it", which means you have to actually CALL.
14:01.37[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, So place your call and deal witht he result of the attemp.
14:01.54Sean-Der[TK]D-Fender: ${CPLAYBACKSTOPKEY} will only be one key :(
14:02.12[TK]D-Fenderread closer
14:02.17[TK]D-Fenderheads off for a few...
14:02.53MaDiNfO_WIMPy: do you know hoe to disable Enable or disable Feature Codes
14:02.57MaDiNfO_in only one extencion ?
14:03.04MaDiNfO_or disable all for one extencion ?
14:04.31eXcAliBuRwelcome back [TK]D-Fender
14:09.56dax_roc[TK]D-Fender: A little lost, I need to dial a sip/extension and then on dialtone try the fixed number. is that dial(sip/ext&fixednumber)?
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14:12.37HiveHey [TK]D-Fender, I had to leave after i sent you my pastebin last night
14:12.48Hiveabout my music on hold predicament
14:12.53eXcAliBuRhow does busydetect work?
14:13.06bitglueWIMPy: is a forward not distinguishable from a transfer? I'm hoping to use this to require the called party to accept the call if it's a queue call and the handset is forwarded, because I can't know if voicemail or whatever answered. Probably don't need to take such confirmations for transfers.
14:13.16eXcAliBuRbecause I added it to my chan_dahdi.conf and it doesn't hangup when it hears the beep beep beep
14:13.20Hivedid you have any insignt about that issue, or should ijust do the hack I proposed (change channel music class before the caller is queued, and after they leave the queue)
14:13.50newtonreXcAliBuR: you may have to configure busycount= to get it working
14:13.58eXcAliBuRi set it to 3
14:14.48bitglueWIMPy: although, TRANSFER_CONTEXT doesn't seem to work, either :(
14:17.30eXcAliBuRi can't find where to change settings in the strata cix40 to make asterisk detect the hangup, is there a way to debug the busydetect?
14:20.16newtonrwith dahdi_monitor you can record the audio stream, otherwise a high DEBUG level on asterisk CLI or logs to see if Asterisk is throwing out any errors or indication of whats happening when you see the busy tone
14:20.45newtonrverbose,debug,warning,error, etc
14:21.51dax_rocAfter I issue a dial is there a way to check for dial tone? and place a call if so
14:22.29dax_rocI'm dialing a sip/extension and then if there is dial tone dial a pstn/gsm number for testing
14:23.03WIMPyMaDiNfO_: I told you: In your dialplan. Look at the documentation for Dial as stated above.
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14:23.58WIMPybitglue: Only by checking if the call has been answered.
14:24.17HiveHello, I'm trying to get my musicclass setting of queues.conf to work, however it is apparently overridden by Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=<themusic>).  Is there a way to set music on hold without setting CHANNEL(musicclass)?
14:24.29WIMPybitglue: It's not really a forward anyway. It's deflection, i.e. a thing in between forwarding and transferring.
14:24.51bitglueWIMPy: is that why TRANSFER_CONTEXT and FORWARD_CONTEXT seem to have no effect?
14:25.01eXcAliBuRnewtonr: does my chan_dahdi.conf look right for the busy detect stuff?
14:25.37WIMPybitglue: No.
14:25.47bitglueWIMPy: ok, some other idea why, then? :)
14:26.47newtonreXcAliBuR: no it doesn't actually, the options at the bottom are not being set on any channel
14:26.59eXcAliBuRoh, how do i fix that
14:27.15newtonreXcAliBuR: the channel definition inherits options set above it
14:27.24WIMPybitglue: Nope. I only ever tried with tranfer and that works.
14:27.33bitglueWIMPy: note that though TRANSFER_CONTEXT was set to confirmation-required, it went to context default anyway.
14:27.50newtonreXcAliBuR: move the options you want to set on a particular channel, above that channel
14:27.57MaDiNfO_WIMPy: its on a call that i recieve...
14:28.05MaDiNfO_elevator sends ##
14:28.18MaDiNfO_and puts shindler computer on hold...
14:28.21*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
14:28.51WIMPyMaDiNfO_: Yes, that's what I answered to.
14:29.12MaDiNfO_i don't know were to start
14:29.14eXcAliBuRIT WORKED
14:29.19eXcAliBuReveryone see??
14:29.19MaDiNfO_i told u i am new to
14:29.32newtonreXcAliBuR: yay
14:29.41infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:29.48WIMPyMaDiNfO_: Start there ^^
14:29.51eXcAliBuRgives a teddy to newtonr
14:30.04eXcAliBuRyay 3 days later i'm all done
14:30.23MaDiNfO_WIMPy: many tanks...
14:30.37newtonreXcAliBuR: go through the book linked above, it really helps
14:30.45eXcAliBuRi have that book
14:30.49eXcAliBuRi read it last night
14:31.01newtonrread it slower
14:31.46WIMPyYou probably have to read it twice anyway.
14:32.31*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
14:34.44newtonri could probably stand to read it a few more times myself
14:37.58*** join/#asterisk McBoingBo (~McBoingBo@
14:38.58McBoingBowe had a power outage, and now time has been reset, boot log just shows me "|Could not load time from" nothing should have changed, so where should I be looking? thanks!
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14:45.01jeffspeffso, followme... i've got mine set to record the callers name. i've found that it saves all the recordings in /var/spool/asterisk  instead of /var/spool/asterisk/followme  and the recordings don't get deleted. they just accumulate. is this a bug or a settings issue?
14:45.16Sean-DerOk much closer! Now I just need to do some regex and sanitize out # if the user enters it
14:46.10[TK]D-Fender<dax_roc> [TK]D-Fender: A little lost, I need to dial a sip/extension and then on dialtone try the fixed number. is that dial(sip/ext&fixednumber)? <- no, you pass the number immediately and there is no such thing as "tone"
14:46.11jeffspeffscratch the /var/spool/asterisk/followme i meant /var/spool/asterisk/tmp
14:46.30[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, SIP is a fully signalled protocol.  the OTHER side detects tones and retuns states, etc as applicable
14:46.52[TK]D-FenderMcBoingBo, Asterisk is not a time server
14:47.25jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean it's not ntp server? lol
14:47.56McBoingBo[TK]D-Fender, well the IP for the time server IS the Asterisk server, only borked after a bad power outage, but only error I get is Could not load time, so still digging...
14:48.19Sean-DerI am just going to use replace. Any gurus know if this is going to be a stupid idea
14:48.54[TK]D-FenderMcBoingBo, If you're running ntpd, etc on there... that is not Asterisk
14:49.13*** part/#asterisk yang (yang@freenode/sponsor/cacert.assurer.yang)
14:49.41[TK]D-FenderseanWhat are you trying to get again?
14:49.49[TK]D-FenderSean-Der,  What are you trying to get again?
14:51.06*** join/#asterisk Assid (~assid@unaffiliated/assid)
14:51.24Assidi am trying to setup my pri card.. i have managed to connect to the vendor.. and am receiving calls
14:51.43Assidhowever, i am stuck with a situation where i am unable to give a dialtone to the NEC pbx system previously connected
14:52.08Sean-Der[TK]D-Fender: I am just trying to sanitize a variable, I want to remove all '#'s from a var
14:52.18[TK]D-FenderPRI doesn't have dialtone.  It is DIGITAL.  I think you missed the point entirely
14:52.41[TK]D-FenderSean-Der, Don't allow it in the first place.
14:52.48Assidi have tried outsignalling=featdtmf
14:52.59Assid[TK]D-Fender: the nec isnt picking up anything.. its like a dead line..
14:53.01[TK]D-FenderSean-Der, and Read() allows you to like valid chars or use # as a terminator
14:53.05WIMPyPRI does provide dialtone anyway.
14:53.19Assidim trying to keep the voip box as a "proxy"
14:53.32Assidto receive the connection fromt he modem.. im using pri_cpe ..
14:53.47Assidim just trying to figure out how to interconnect to the NEC if thats my input
14:54.08WIMPyAssid: Do you have a connect at all?
14:54.20WIMPyi.e. is the span geen?
14:54.22Sean-Der[TK]D-Fender: I am allowing people to jump to an extension during a background. Some people are appending # because of old ways
14:54.23AssidWIMPy: its not showing a connection.. thats my problem
14:54.43WIMPyAssid: Did you use a crossover cable?
14:54.46Sean-DerI am just trying to clean it up
14:54.57[TK]D-FenderSean-Der, Just include your context with the interal extens in it and it will grab before they hit #
14:55.02WIMPyOr junper the port that way if possible.
14:55.04AssidWIMPy: its always been a straight cable.. methings
14:56.09WIMPyAssid: Only if you have the port on your PRI card jumpered for NT mode.
14:56.33Sean-Der[TK]D-Fender: Ahh ok thank you
14:57.15AssidWIMPy: i used a straight from the modem -> nec  it worked fine
14:57.44WIMPyAssid: Yes, because the NT has a NT interface. Read the link I posted.
14:59.27Assidso i need a crossover from the card to the nec ?
15:01.06Assidalso i have 1 more issue.. i am unable to set my own caller id ..
15:01.16Assiderr i am in india
15:01.56Assidi am using : cidstart=polarity_in  cidsignalling=dtmf
15:01.57jeffspeffAssid, where at in India?
15:02.05Assidjeffspeff: mumbai .. airtel
15:02.18Assiderr the pri is airtel's
15:02.31Assidkind of stuck here..
15:02.32WIMPyAssid: Callerid is transmitted out of band on pri. So these settings have no effect.
15:02.39jeffspeffAssid, oh. we don't have any offices in mumbai
15:02.55Assidthe nec is able to set the caller id.. so im trying to find it why
15:03.33WIMPyAssid: You might have a type of number issue as described on page 5.
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15:07.11[TK]D-FenderSomeone isn't looking at the actual calls...
15:08.44Assidactual calls?
15:09.33*** part/#asterisk MaDiNfO_ (~madinfo@
15:10.02[TK]D-Fenderwonders why people keep repeating back simple actions as questions
15:10.33Assidwhich actual calls..
15:11.09AssidWIMPy: i did set  prilocaldialplan=unknown didnt help
15:12.43Assidwhat did i miss ?
15:14.09WIMPyAssid: Then check that the numbers you set are in the correct format.
15:14.25Assidyes its the same as what the NEC does
15:14.40WIMPyObviousely not.
15:14.53jeffspeffso, followme... i've got mine set to record the callers name. i've found that it saves all the recordings in /var/spool/asterisk  instead of /var/spool/asterisk/tmp  and the recordings don't get deleted. they just accumulate. is this a bug or a settings issue?
15:15.19WIMPyDo you have the NEC connected to your Asterisk now? Then go and compare what they send.
15:15.49Assidmaking the cross over as you suggested
15:15.52Assidas we speak
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15:20.12AssidWIMPy: okay .. i put the cross over.. but nothing
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15:21.57WIMPyAssid: Did you configure the port for providing timing?
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15:22.16Assidnope.. didt know  how
15:22.24WIMPyWhat kind of card it is, BTW?
15:22.39AssidTormenta 3 (PCI) Quad E1 Card
15:23.17Assidits a temp till the vendor gets me another one
15:23.42WIMPySet timing to 0 for NT ports.
15:24.36Assidok.. nothing yet. no dialtone.. busy signal
15:24.48Assidand yes i did put immediate=yes
15:24.50WIMPyGot a link?
15:25.19WIMPyThat shouldn't influence the dialtone.
15:25.40WIMPyIt rather decides if you call goes to dialplan or if the driver collects digits.
15:27.57[TK]D-FenderPRI doesn't give dialtone... people are still CRAZY here...
15:28.16WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: Have you ever used one?
15:28.33[TK]D-FenderLike the one 10 feet behind me for the past 7 years.
15:28.38WIMPyThen maybe you should try again.
15:28.39[TK]D-FenderAnd all my clients whose cards I set up
15:29.40WIMPyI haven't heard of any telco lines that don't provide dialtine, yet.
15:31.32[TK]D-FenderPRI is digital.
15:31.38[TK]D-FenderCAS is something else
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15:31.57[TK]D-Fenderthis is not a CAS /RBS line as described.  Dialing is OOB.
15:31.59Assidso i got the link
15:32.07Assidand the caller id is the same as im getting
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15:32.17AssidSpan 4: Extension s@from-pstn does not exist.  Rejecting call from ' ...
15:32.31WIMPyOOB doesn't mean without audio.
15:32.56[TK]D-FenderYou don't sit on dialtone generated by the CARD
15:33.04WIMPyAssid: That's the waitexten thing. I think I wrote than on page 5 as well.
15:33.33WIMPyprefers to sit on a chair
15:34.02WIMPyAnd yes, I listen to dialtone generated from my PC a lot.
15:35.17sruffellI have to admit, I'm confused as well….I'm pretty sure dialtone doesn't have any part of call setup on PRI lines.  Granted, once the call is established something can inject dialtone into it…but it's never needed.
15:35.18Assidyes.. okay.. so once i do waitexten.. i should disa ?
15:35.58WIMPyAssid: No. WaitExten is all you need.
15:36.02Sean-DerI am spolied from PHP... is there anyway to change Timezone or set the time per channel?
15:36.27WIMPysruffell: Sure, but it's still there.
15:37.05sruffellodd…when I run dahdi-monitor on idle b-channels, I've never heard dialtone.
15:37.42Kattydrmessano: wow, not even soda is safe anymore :<
15:37.43WIMPysruffell: Probably because you always send a called party number immediately.
15:38.10AssidWIMPy: its only taking thefirst extension
15:38.19WIMPyIf you just Dial(dahdi/g1/) you can listten to the COs dialtone and dial then.
15:38.35WIMPyAssid: Please explain.
15:38.53sruffellhmm….interesting. I didn't know that was standard.
15:38.57WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: You can try that as well.
15:39.11WIMPyHow do you think normal phones work?
15:39.57*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
15:40.33[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, * won't give a dialtone ot his NEC on inbound like that out of thin air
15:40.38AssidWIMPy: if i do 021222222 .. it gets 0 .. and hence hits my asterisk server.. by it tries to dial extension 2
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15:40.41[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Call arrives to * with a DID <-
15:40.59WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: It will.
15:41.07[TK]D-FenderIf that is blank for having dialed nothin then it will look for a match for "nothing" and if it fails, then call = DEAD
15:41.19[TK]D-FenderAnd noone is looking at the CALL.
15:41.35WIMPyYes, but that's still not related to the question of dialtone or not.
15:41.48[TK]D-Fender* won't accept the call and ask for dialtone.
15:41.51[TK]D-FenderThat's the poitn.
15:41.52WIMPyAssid: That's your dialplan then.
15:42.02[TK]D-FenderIt will try to match... in this case nothing = nothing.
15:42.11WIMPyAssid: You can do immediate=no of fix your dialplan.
15:42.15[TK]D-FenderAnd a FAILURE to match "nothing" = refues call
15:42.43WIMPyWhat direction are you on now?
15:42.49[TK]D-FenderRight now we have no proof the card is even seeing a call.
15:42.58[TK]D-FenderOr whats in there now if there does happen to be one.
15:43.16WIMPyHe gets one digit. That's proof enough to me.
15:43.31[TK]D-FenderI don't see anything yes
15:43.52*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
15:44.28WIMPyI'm not sure if dahdi itself provides a dialtone. But I think even that works.
15:44.57[TK]D-FenderINDICATIONS.CONF does that.... not Dahdi
15:45.11[TK]D-Fenderit's dumb audio
15:45.12Assiderr will have to do the rest later.. im now being kicked out
15:45.18Assidhad to do this while no one here
15:45.21[TK]D-FenderAssid, Next time actually LOOK at something
15:45.39Assid[TK]D-Fender: im able to send signals to the asterisk server
15:45.48[TK]D-FenderAssid, means nothing.
15:45.54Assidi am able to place calls to the phone provider
15:45.55[TK]D-FenderAssid, You aren't lokoing at the call
15:46.02WIMPyIf you have immediate=no it's dahdi itself, if you have immediate=yes, it's Asterisk.
15:46.13[TK]D-FenderAssid, You are giving us a fraction of a story and nothing to debug.  You have wasted all this time
15:46.25Assidsorry.. not sure what i need to play with here..
15:46.33Assidwill try and get more debugging tomorrow.. once they let me
15:46.56Assidapologies.. and thanks for your patience
15:49.59[TK]D-FenderAn hour of never actually looking at the call.  Ridiculous.
15:50.23[TK]D-FenderNo wonder some people keep coming back in circles here.
15:51.54sruffellWIMPy: You have me curious now (and I don't pretend to be  a PRI expert) but looking at the Q.931 spec isn't called party number required in user -> network setup messages?  I'm looking at section 3.1.4 of!!PDF-E&type=items
15:53.32sruffellwhat gets filled in there when doing standard dtmf based call setup?  Wouldn't that be all provider specific, however they have their networks setup?  Or is this something that's standard in the Q.931 spec?
15:53.53WIMPyLet me check.
15:54.35WIMPyBut I can tell you that a phone won;t send a clled party IE if you just lift the handset.
15:55.12WIMPyNope, my version ideed say optional.
15:56.12sruffellthat one I linked says optional for network -> user….but mandatory from user -> network
15:56.50WIMPyIt can still be empty :-)
15:57.45WIMPyjust confirmed with 3 brands pf phones. None sends a clled party IE.
15:58.08sruffellphones?  are you talking about BRI and not PRI?
15:58.28WIMPyWhere's the difference? Apart from the number of channels?
15:58.30*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
15:58.33sruffellthe protocol is different.
15:58.56sruffellfor just this sort of thing. :)
15:58.57WIMPyThe coding of the channel identification, yes.
15:59.04WIMPyAnd PRIs are always PTP.
15:59.16WIMPyAnything else?
15:59.37sruffellgoes to look
16:00.33WIMPyMight be fun to do a PTMP pri impementation :-)
16:01.26WIMPyBut PRIs may lack the E channel required for that to work, I think.
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16:01.33WIMPyBut that's a different layer.
16:06.09*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:06.22*** join/#asterisk Consolas (
16:06.24Consolashey guys
16:08.54Consolashaving this exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${SOME_VARIABLE:2}@${ANOTHER_VARIABLE},40)
16:09.20ConsolasI want the another variable to ceom from a direct url request but in case it is not define, I want to have a standard valkue
16:09.52Consolasshould I do something like exten => 100,1,SetGlobalVar(ANOTHER_VALUE=the_value)
16:11.02Consolasand then the other ext will call this variable, if it is set the value will change, if not, it would get eh previously set value
16:12.19WIMPyThat would be one way of doing it.
16:13.30*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:14.20Consolasis there a better way?
16:15.14[TK]D-FenderConsolas, variables do not have a context scope in the dialplan
16:15.46[TK]D-Fender"global" variables are across multiple CALLS on the system that may not be at all related to one another.
16:16.01Consolasok so using global would be an overkill here
16:16.20Consolascan't I just do somthing like if variable not set, use this value, else use variable
16:16.22Consolassomething like this
16:16.28ConsolasIm fairly new to this
16:17.15[TK]D-FenderYou can check if a var is set.... that's the point
16:17.23*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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16:20.54*** join/#asterisk geek0091 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/geek0091)
16:21.14geek0091Got a quick question with asterisk and extensions with pots.
16:21.17Consolasyes that is what I want
16:22.12[TK]D-FenderConsolas, The go do it... "core show function IF".
16:22.36[TK]D-Fendergeek0091, Ask away
16:22.48Consolascool, wil check it
16:22.52Consolasthank you very much Fender
16:23.21geek0091When dialing into a pots line from an external phone, sip and analog phones on the line ring. After this, if answering an analog phone, the fxo connected sip phones continue to ring for about 7 seconds. Anyway to fix this? I have an idea it might be busy detection but its puzzling me.
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16:25.51[TK]D-Fendergeek0091, First.. you need to properly describe what is in the chain of this call...
16:26.41geek0091By chain what do you exactly mean? Sorry im just now getting into pbx and fxo based systems.
16:27.13[TK]D-FenderYou haev not properly described what precise phones, or what yuo are using to conenct to PTS with.
16:27.52Consolas${IF($[ ${VARIABLE} = ""]?STANDARD_VALUE:VALUE_FROM_URL)}
16:28.04Consolaswhat do you think Fender?
16:28.22geek0091x100p to zaptel/asterisk to polycom sounpoint IP phones.
16:29.04[TK]D-FenderConsolas, the "" in your expression are LITERAL.  they need to exist on both sides.
16:29.15[TK]D-Fendergeek0091, Ok, now pastebin a call for us to look at.
16:29.16infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:30.04Consolassorry, didnt understand, Fender
16:30.27Consolasdoesn't this states if variable is empty set it to standard else use the value from url ?
16:31.49[TK]D-FenderConsolas, you need "" on the LEFT side of the = as well
16:32.07[TK]D-Fender${IF($["${VARIABLE}" = ""]?STANDARD_VALUE:VALUE_FROM_URL)}
16:32.22Consolaswow, strange
16:32.53Consolasnot used to this hehe have a strong background in developing but this is somewhat strange
16:34.00[TK]D-FenderThis is an Asterisk quirk... it isn't "logical" to those working with "real" languages...
16:34.11[TK]D-FenderFor teh fact of not having typed variables, etc
16:40.18Consolasfender:  exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${something:2}@${IF($["${provider}" = ""]?IP:${provider})},
16:40.22Consolasthis should work, right
16:41.19[TK]D-FenderDepends on the variables
16:41.23[TK]D-FenderGo try it..
16:42.08[TK]D-Fendergeek0091, dial without the "r" dial option....  I see no confirmation of answer.  pastebin your zapata.conf and everything INCLUDE-d in it
16:42.33Consolasyes, disregarding the values, the logic is correct right?
16:42.50[TK]D-FenderConsolas, looks about right
16:43.17Consolasthank you very much
16:43.38[TK]D-Fendergeek0091, Also... I don't see that phone answer anywhere there
16:44.43sruffellWIMPy: always learning.  Not BRI specific…but what you described is in the spec as part of the overlapped dialing mechanism.  Section 5.1.3 specifically calls for dialtone to be provided while waiting for more information elements that contain digits which are sent on the dchannel.
16:45.11sruffell<— always learning
16:45.30WIMPyOk, now we need to convince [TK]D-Fender :-)
16:45.54WIMPyOr sa said above: What did you think how a normal phone works?
16:46.33WIMPyAnd the whole thing reminds me that I need to debug exately that.
16:47.25cresl1n<—— Always learning too :-)
16:47.51[TK]D-Fender<--- still never seeing debug for people who claim to want to get things working.
16:47.52sruffellI'm still don't know how common overlapped dialing on PRI is in the U.S….so you both may be right.
16:48.01cresl1nIt's not used in the USA
16:48.11geek0091Fender: It does not, an analog phone answers. But the sip phone keeps ringing past answered for some time.
16:48.11sruffellhey cresl1n!
16:48.15cresl1nOverlap isn't used at all
16:48.21cresl1nhey sruffell!!!
16:48.51*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
16:48.57WIMPycresl1n: So you always have to have a send key or wait for a timeout?
16:49.19cresl1nWIMPy: We have fixed digit width numbering plans
16:49.40WIMPyWhat if you call abroad?
16:49.50[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, BRI doesn't realistically exist in North America and many other places.  And PRI dialing is done with the entire number already sent
16:49.52cresl1nI think it uses a timeout
16:50.21WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: Forget about there being a difference.
16:50.35WIMPyThere isn't really.
16:50.46[TK]D-FenderYeah, 'cause it's not like that is a point that is being debated or anything ....
16:50.54WIMPyAnd timeouts are really annoying.
16:51.28cresl1nWell, in the USA, I think for the average person it's rare to dial outside of the USA
16:51.32[TK]D-FenderAnd all of that is beisdes the point.  We never saw a call.  For al we know the call never even hit the channel driver level.
16:51.36[TK]D-FenderWe saw NOTHING
16:51.43[TK]D-Fenderso arguing his case is a waste of time
16:51.52WIMPyI did.
16:52.27[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, I sus didn't and he offered only a "?" in response to being told he wasn't showing the call.
16:52.38WIMPyMaybe you overlooked the fact that he made progress several times while arguing that PRIs don;t provide dialtone.
16:53.42[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, "no debug" <-  I didn't ask for "Story time".  I don't want someone's mangled interpretation of things.  i want hard proof.
16:54.58[TK]D-FenderI don;t care what you think you hear on a line.   want debug data that proves that something made it to * and how * reacted to it.
16:56.03[TK]D-FenderEverything else is a subjective mess who's actual reason for having happened cannot be proven.
16:56.14[TK]D-FenderPRI would have PRI DEBUG.
16:56.43WIMPyThat would be the next step for him to compare caller ID settings.
16:56.57[TK]D-FenderIf you can't enable that and show us then you are pretty much useless.  Without it I don't even trust that the call ARRIVED or was accepted in any capacity
16:57.06[TK]D-FenderAnd Tormenta cards aer BEYOND ancient.
16:57.25[TK]D-FenderHe is using decrepit crap and not backing a single bit of it up.
16:57.38WIMPyHow does the age of the hardware come in to play?
16:57.44[TK]D-FenderFirst step is proving somethine arrived at all.
16:58.05[TK]D-FenderDo I trust the card is working?  How about drivers?  What is he running?
16:58.31[TK]D-FenderBasically you can waste all the time you want but he didn't do the very first most basic steps in proving something even arrived
16:58.44[TK]D-FenderSo guessing settings, etc is a complete waste of time.
16:58.53[TK]D-FenderSure, keep on telling stories.. that's going to get you somewhere....
16:59.26WIMPySeems to have worked out for him.
17:00.32[TK]D-FenderHis situation is still not solved and continues to debug ... without debugging.
17:01.08*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
17:02.27infobothmm... wglwat is well, good luck with all that
17:03.00[TK]D-FenderMaybe he'll start being thorough on his next pass....
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17:08.35dhuckabyanyone got asterisk work'n with googlevoice?
17:09.02*** join/#asterisk Sidrov (~sid@
17:09.38Sidrovis there any way to disable beeps in asterisk 1.8 RECORD command ? |q has no effect
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17:18.22Kattyoh god
17:18.23Kattyso full
17:18.30Kattysprawls on floor
17:18.42pabelangerSidrov: pipe (|) is not a valid. Try comma (,)
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17:21.57[TK]D-FenderI've never heard of Record beeping by default...
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17:25.28WIMPyOk, mixed dialling fixed.
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17:32.19anonymouz666oh my, the new range rover is... ugly.
17:33.24[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, You clearly want a Nissan Cube, Pontiac Aztec, or Chevy PT Cruiser ;)
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17:37.33Kattyohhhhhh where is my hair brush!
17:37.58anonymouz666 -> this is the new
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17:46.14anonymouz666sangoma released a 16-span card
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17:49.01dhuckabyanyone using the googlevoice module?
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18:16.10paulcAnyone got any favourite providers of dedicated hosting for Asterisk boxes?
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18:22.13jeffspeffi love hosting and providing my own stuff
18:22.53jeffspeffi like aol too
18:23.19WIMPyDo they still exist?
18:23.26jeffspeffthere's a good joke there... somewhere
18:23.26jeffspefflol & aol
18:23.31jeffspeffi think they do
18:23.53jeffspeffi think we just did the same thing
18:24.55WIMPyOh, actually I think I'm on AOL economical wise.
18:25.51jeffspeffthe last thing i heard about them is that they determined something like 70% of their paid subscription base doesn't actually use their internet anymore, that they actually have cable or dsl and only continue to pay their AOL bill because they think AOL is the magic that makes the internet work... like their cable connection wouldn't give them internet with also having an AOl account
18:26.33*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
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18:26.53jeffspeffCool for aol but not cool the US
18:27.01*** join/#asterisk rocksfrow (
18:27.02drmessanoThey even charged like $10 a month to continue using the GUI over DSL/Cable
18:27.09WIMPyThat surely explains why they still exist.
18:27.13drmessanoBring-Your-Own kinda thing
18:28.54drmessanoI thought it was extremely pompous of them to think people would spend all day in one application so they could share content and chat with their friends, etc.
18:29.03drmessanoOh, wait
18:29.26jeffspefffb say what?
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18:33.19paulcIs Compuserve still around too?
18:34.07paulcAnd yes, I love hosting and providing my own stuff too.. but for this particular project, we don't fancy forking out for a server and term/dedicated bandwidth.. (blame TPTB and the PHBs)
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18:38.21jeffspeffso, followme... i've got mine set to record the callers name. i've found that it saves all the recordings in /var/spool/asterisk  instead of /var/spool/asterisk/tmp  and the recordings don't get deleted. they just accumulate. is this a bug or a settings issue?
18:39.07Sidrovhow can I disable RECORD beeps in asterisk 1.8 ? |q has no effect
18:39.21pabelangerSidrov: I already told you, | is not valid
18:39.24pabelangerswitch to ,
18:39.51Sidrovpabelanger switch to what ? q also is not valid
18:39.58Sidrovpabelanger: u mean ,q ??
18:40.09drmessanoNot |q
18:40.14drmessanoPipes are gone
18:40.15Sidrovgot it
18:40.27jeffspeffSidrov,  the pipe  |    was deprecated quite some time ago... it was replaced by the comma ,
18:40.41Sidrovthanks jeffspeff
18:40.52WIMPyAbout 5 years.
18:42.36Sidrov,q no effect also :((((
18:42.42Sidrovit gives me two beeps
18:42.50Sidrovone starting, one stop i guess
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18:45.25jpsharpAnyone know the magic incantation to load the right Asterisk-making-happy SQLite3 package on Ubuntu 11.10
18:45.37drmessanojpsharp: Hang on
18:46.51jeffspeffjpsharp, nice, thats funny
18:47.46jeffspeffif you rub your belly, pat your head, hop on one foot while turning counter-clockwise and singing the hokey-pokey your odds of success are dramatically increased
18:48.23jpsharpMy wife bought me a rubber chicken to wave over the top of recalcitrant hardware.
18:49.44jeffspeffi still need to figure out the voodoo magic behind scripting the make menuselect command
18:49.44jpsharpdrmessano: And that was exactly it.  Thanks muchly.
18:49.51jeffspeffand subsequent selections
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18:55.23SidrovI was wrong. My question was about: AGICommand_record file
18:55.28nafg_Hi, can someone help me, I just installed asterisk on a new (dev) system, and the sip phone is not connecting to it.
18:55.36Sidrovcan't disable beep
18:56.10nafg_I have [1000] / type=friend /context=phones / host=dynamic
18:56.13nafg_in sip.conf
18:57.09WIMPyNo secret?
18:58.15nafg_Never mind, it's working
18:58.25nafg_WIMPy: no, it's my developing laptop
19:00.31*** join/#asterisk onixx (
19:01.01SidrovAGICommand_record file  -> BEEP NOBEEP Can't diable damm beep :((
19:01.19Sidrovis it a bug ?
19:01.23onixxhello, I checked out a few version of svn trunk in the past few days and I am getting lots of these failed to extend from 1024 to 1298 on the console
19:01.32onixxanybody gets these too ?
19:02.48WIMPyonixx: Try icesupport=false in rtp.conf
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19:06.10Sidrovpabelanger are you still here ?
19:06.29Sidrovis there a bug in AGICommand_record -> BEEP
19:06.52nafg_Now I'm getting an error that the sip phone failed to open port 5060 , already in use
19:07.20jpsharpAre you trying to run a SIP phone and Asterisk on the same box?
19:07.47nafg_jpsharp: YEs
19:07.53nafg_my dev laptop
19:08.03jpsharpNot gonna work.  They're both trying to bind to port 5060 to receive SIP messages.
19:08.15nafg_What do you mean, I do it all the time. It worked a few minutes ago.
19:08.21jpsharpUnless you change the bind port on one of them.
19:08.30onixxWIMPy: will don
19:08.32nafg_Well then how do they talk to each other?
19:09.03nafg_Asterisk has to listen on 5060 as a socket server, and the phone has to open the connection, no?
19:09.29WIMPyYes, but from another port, as jpsharp explained. Basic networking rules.
19:10.04jpsharpthe SIP client is also trying to listen on port 5060 for messages from Asterisk or another SIP server.
19:10.17nafg_K I changed the phone port, it's working
19:11.03onixxWIMPy: works !! no more issue with icesupport=false. any clue why that is ? I seems my ipad with bria was triggering these. It also could only make calls and not receive any before I changed icesupport=false
19:13.06dhuckabyanyone know what firewall ports need forwarded to the Asterisk box for incoming calls over a NAT'd firewall?
19:14.02WIMPyonixx: The errors you were seeing are probably caused by your server havong too many interfaces. ICE will list all your local IPs.
19:15.13onixxWIMPy: 7 interfaces. should i report an issue on this or just not bother ?
19:15.48WIMPyYou can comment on mine :-)
19:16.57WIMPyOr re-open it.
19:17.29WIMPyI guess we need a bug marshall to re-open it.
19:19.29onixxWIMPy: I was getting "Bad SDP" sip errors when calling the IPAD Bria and these failed to extend
19:19.49nafg_What's the best way to give asterisk write access to a subdirectory of $HOME?
19:19.50WIMPyBecause the message was truncated.
19:19.52onixxWINPy: seems similar to your issue but not quite exactly the same
19:19.55WIMPyThat makes sense.
19:20.09WIMPyIt's part of it.
19:20.35onixxok ! I will comment on you issue and hopyfully it gets somebody's attention
19:20.36WIMPyIt two parts: Duplicate IPs and truncated sdp.
19:21.56onixxdo you know by hear the command to gether my revision from my current svn directory ?
19:22.21WIMPycore show version from *CLI
19:25.05onixxWIMPy: thanks for all the help !! I just posted on your issue.
19:39.59*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
19:41.55Sidrovis there a bug in AGICommand_record -> BEEP ?
19:42.37dhuckabyis there a FREEPBX channel?
19:42.50[TK]D-Fender#freepbx <-
19:42.55WIMPydhuckaby: Guess the name.
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19:54.48dhuckabyI'm having a @#!%! of a time trying to get google voice working with it
19:55.00dhuckabysome googling says maybe I'm missing modules of jabber and gtalk
19:57.17jpsharpdhuckaby: IF you're using < Asterisk 11, then you need those two chanels.
19:57.19jpsharpchannels, too.
19:58.02jpsharpThey have some dependencies, so they won't build unless you satisfy those dependencies before running ./configure for asterisk.
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20:43.44eduzimrsHi, i have my sip usernames set to Mac Addr, how could i set in each peer to e.g: Callerid and at cdr logs show me a number like 400 instead the Mac ? is it possible?
20:44.24WIMPyCan you re-phrase that?
20:46.12eduzimrsok, i want to put all my sip username different from the extensions, to put more security
20:46.43WIMPyMakes sense.
20:46.44eduzimrsi`d like to rename all of them to Mac Add from the client
20:46.48WIMPyWhat's the question?
20:47.46WIMPyA lot harder to guess than some 2 or 3 digit number, but not *that* hard.
20:47.56eduzimrsso, how could i mantain the numbers in the cdr logs e.g: to appear the old usernames like 400 instead of the Mac Addr
20:48.10jpsharpSet the callerid= in the sip.conf
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20:48.43WIMPyOr just append them to the mac.
20:48.49eduzimrswill be the same to Dial ? will apear 400 instead Mac ?
20:49.06eduzimrswill be the same to Dial ? will apear 400 instead Mac Adr ?
20:49.17WIMPyYou dial an axtension and that Dial()s a name.
20:49.33*** join/#asterisk vastina (~vastina@
20:50.23eduzimrscallerid=Bla <400>  worked fine!
20:50.29eduzimrstks guys
20:56.11*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
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21:44.41dijibanybody know anything about PAP2 SPA2102-R and WRT54GP2
21:46.25dijibi kindof got them for $20 so its worth a shot getting them going to me.
21:46.40dijibis there a hardware channel i should be in?
21:47.42*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
21:55.02jpsharpI've seen lots of people use the PAP2 with Asterisk.
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22:49.26dijibif their vonage devices are they locked ?
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22:57.32jpsharpMost likely, yes.
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23:23.04jpsharpyou might be able to unlock them.

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