IRC log for #asterisk on 20120814

00:00.17elvisthedjannouncer presses 1.. audience hears 1 minute commerical.. announcer hears "rejoinging broadcast in 30 seconds.. 10 seconds.." etc
00:00.31elvisthedjdemo of the system is tomorrow.. so i was sweating bullets
00:00.32jkroonsruffel is not going to like this one bit.  the commit that broke it looks as innocent as anything.  just confirming ... but I can't imagine that this can be correct.
00:02.12elvisthedjbtw, i do voiceovers for lots of radio/tv stations.  if you ever need any pro audio for your system, msg me and i'll help you out
00:02.14ChannelZWell once you get past this you should look at Asterisk 10 and ConfBridge, it looks like it would make that sort of thing even a whole lot easier.  (I don't remember how advanced ConfBridge was in 1.8, and I think it was as basic as it gets in 1.6 IIRC))
00:02.35ChannelZDo you have a VO demo?  I work in video post
00:03.30jkroonhaha, i do asterisk for 70 % of my living :p
00:03.30elvisthedji do.  mostly radio, so its going to have that.. radio sound.  but i do lots of ebooks too
00:04.02ChannelZThat's fine.  Non-union?
00:04.37elvisthedjfor now :)
00:05.37WIMPyIt was very basic.
00:06.01ChannelZcool will bookmark.  Occasionally a client will ask my opinion :)
00:07.39elvisthedjChannelZ: If it happens, send me a message and tell me that you're from this channel and I'll do my best to make you a zero dollar deal :)
00:07.43elvisthedjfinally get to go home now
00:08.06*** join/#asterisk wudles (
00:12.34*** join/#asterisk luisgrin (bec0c24a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:13.30luisgrinhi, im trying to build a ivr using asterisk and google asr, my question is if it is possible to get the string that google asr "hears"
00:20.48navaismoluisgrin, yes ist possible in fact the example echo print that string
00:21.27jkroondoes anyone happen to have an email address for sruffel?
00:22.37navaismoluisgrin, check the examples
00:22.54luisgrinnavaismo: thank you, actually im a "client" im lookin for a ivr developement and i saw today a DEMO in which the pc echoed what i say in his own voice, so i gues it is possible to get the string writen
00:23.14luisgrinnavaismo examples were?
00:23.50luisgrinok, thanks a lot
00:25.27navaismo feels like he ruined a sale
00:27.49luisgrindont feel so, i have too much work to do :)
00:28.07luisgrinbut i want to know more in order to ask for more
00:28.08navaismoanyway Google ASR is not a recommended solution for production, 1st) google can send a bill for violating their terms 2) The ASR is not accurated
00:28.33navaismo3) google in any momoent can put down that service
00:28.35luisgrinnavaismo, then what asr do you recomend?
00:29.30navaismoIf you want professional asr take a look on  lumenvox or
00:29.44navaismosomething else I think there a spanish company with asr for asterisk too
00:30.01luisgrinactually im it responsable and im trying to build an ivr for medical squedulling  --first some prototype--
00:30.34luisgrinso, i think google asr maybe enough for the demo
00:31.35navaismoMy suggestion is: dont use volatile tools for production demos , use a professional tool for that
00:31.47luisgrinyes actually the person who show me the demo told me about this product and told me he think it is kind of 500u$s each line ...
00:33.23navaismoyep develop time and licensing make that cost
00:34.12luisgrini know :) .... anyway i must say that asterisk and google asr api were very impresive for me today
00:35.03jkroonrofl, ok, so it can't figure out en-ZA in any reliable way ... getting some really, really funny crap back though.
00:45.35*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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00:46.06*** join/#asterisk Galen (
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00:50.20sruffelljkroon: darn it…that was the commit I feared. 2.6.1 already had another change to fix an error in that commit.
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01:22.50jkroonsruffell, don't think you got my last msg's, anything I can do to assist?
01:24.21sruffellYes….I'll prepare a few patches and put them on a branch on the git repo.  I bet it is related to always using the full-wave ring detect mode now, but I'm not sure in your case whether we aren't crossing the ring threshold..or if the driver isn't detecting enough polarity transitiions.
01:24.56jkroonok, guess we'll tackle that tomorrow evening then.
01:24.59sruffellBut I know that the ring threshold is changed when opermode is set to SOUTHAFRICA, so I'm going through those settings right now.  Not sure how long it will take me to get a patch.
01:25.07sruffellok…cool…thanks, and sorry about this :/
01:25.19jkroonyou've got my email address, so please let me know what/where.
01:25.34jkroonsruffell, bugs happen, it's a part of life.
01:25.38sruffellwill do…I'll post on the JIRA issue you opened up.
01:25.38jkroonthanks for fixing :)
01:25.56sruffellgot to love git bisect though, eh?
01:26.00sruffellI know I do….
01:26.00jkroonanyway, i need some sleep now ... or I'm not going to make the day tomorrow.
01:26.52jkroonparticularly useful on larger projects, and in particular if you're not the only person committing code.
01:27.46jkroonanyway, thanks for your assistance, chat again.
01:32.32*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
01:33.39limpcanyone happen to know of a great company located in Austin, TX that provides SIP trunking?
01:34.48kuruptionit has to be in austin?
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02:03.17limpckuruption, yeah or nearby
02:03.26limpcim looking for something like
02:03.59limpchave metal with asterisk, so need colocation and prefer somewhere nearby that I can drive to if any problems with the system
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02:23.32limpcis a dual 4-core 2.4ghz Xeon (E5620) + 6gb ram enough to handle 240 concurrent SIP sessions?
02:24.02limpcdont think theres any transcoding
02:31.04limpcis the 30mhz per channel still an accurate assumption?
02:34.50sruffellI never even heard the 30mhz / channel assumption before.
02:36.10sruffellI honestly doubt you will have problems with 240 non-transcoded sip sessions that are just passing through (no recording, no inline dtmf, etc..) but nobody will ever say "yeah, that's fine…" since there are too many variables.
02:37.16limpcwell i dont remember where i saw the number but it was back in 2001 when I was doing fun stuff with asterisk.
02:38.31sruffellI'll assume you're not running your dial-plan via AGI that is loaded in off a tape drive?
02:38.48limpc-_- its not THAT long ago
02:38.53sruffelloh, better yet..a casette
02:39.15limpcnaw we use punch cards, its the fastest
02:39.24sruffellnods knowingly
02:40.20sruffellTelephony and punch cards makes me think of this gem I first saw linked by leifmadsen:
02:41.26limpcwow. we acted like that back then?
02:53.23leifmadsensruffell: lol nice
02:53.46ChannelZSomething has gone wrong.  An error has occurred.
02:55.51leifmadsensruffell: I love the little overscan bar at the bottom :)
02:56.12leifmadsensruffell: asterisk should be using erlang. obviously.
02:56.16sruffellheh…that's one of the funnier tech videos.  Especially since it wasn't made to be funny (or so I think....)
02:56.30leifmadsenya I think it was serious :)
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04:36.26dlynes_laptopWas there a bug with double acks on SIP invites on 1.6.2 branch where you can make an unauthenticated call?
04:42.11dlynes_laptopI see a caller sending a SIP invite, then it gets sent two SIP unauthorizeds (no idea why there's two), then it sends two acks, then it sends another invite, and it's good
04:42.50dlynes_laptopThis is for a caller that shouldn't be getting authenticated, because they shouldn't be able to guess a 25 character random SIP password
04:43.09dlynes_laptopespecially not in one try
04:51.36ChannelZpost the sip debug
04:54.55ChannelZbbl workout
04:59.24*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
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06:23.29schmidtsgood morning
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06:52.00*** join/#asterisk Maxus2 (~Maxus2@
06:52.48Maxus2Hi Asterisk people, i have a quick one:
06:52.52Maxus2i have this: NOOP(exten=${EXTEN}&systemname=${SYSTEMNAME})
06:53.17Maxus2but i noticed everything after & is not displayed, is there a way to escape the & character?
06:56.24kaldemarMaxus2: \
06:56.49kaldemari guess you're using some old version of asterisk. am i right?
06:57.34Maxus2slash doesn't seem to work
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06:59.31Maxus2its wierd i end up getting: NoOp("SIP/R-1000005-0006-0000001f", "exten=0410488007") in new stack
07:00.07Maxus2when i do: NOOP(exten=${EXTEN}&systemname=${SYSTEMNAME})
07:00.40Maxus2oh never mind i think i know why
07:00.48Maxus2it because of curl realtime
07:01.30*** part/#asterisk salzh (~salzh@
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07:05.02Maxus2thanks for the help :)
07:17.18*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
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07:26.24diabMatin v0lZy :)
07:28.12diabMorning :)
07:29.35v0lZyin what language is that?
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07:56.46bartbbsomeone here who can help me getting elastix with a2billing working? :/
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08:11.51infobotextra, extra, read all about it, elastix is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
08:12.19*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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08:14.48bartbbwdoekes thanks
08:15.03*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~bwahahaha@
08:15.35youjellyHey guys,would anyone recommend voxbone over teliax or voicepulse?
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08:58.17v0lZyanyone here using asterisk 10 and higher?
08:58.28v0lZy(or have compelling reasons not to use it)
09:03.08v0lZyI'm having some issues transfering...
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09:57.02WIMPyv0lZy: higher
09:57.32v0lZyWIMPy <3
09:58.31v0lZyWIMPy: I'm using 10.5.1
09:59.15v0lZyand im having someissues ... when i transfer calls, the transferee doesnt hear ringing (attended or unattended transfer) of the phone hes being transfered to
10:00.10WIMPydidn't notice such a thing so far.
10:01.52v0lZyWIMPy: i think it might be cause i havent configured almost anything else but sip.conf and extensions.conf
10:02.19v0lZythat... or i should be using answer() or something somewhere
10:03.07WIMPyAnswer on a transfer?
10:03.12v0lZythis is my dialplan
10:04.18v0lZyits pretty simple... sip.conf stuff points to [SIPXX] contexts, those include [DialPatterns] which gosub to [AppInternalCalls].... that one checks for call forwarding stuff, and then at the end of it, it does a Dial...
10:04.30v0lZyi get music on hold
10:05.02v0lZybut as soon as the person that is transfering me puts down the phone in attended transfer... i get silence until the person im transfered to picks up. Audio then works both ways
10:05.32v0lZyi tried checking channels too... and when the person im transfered to hangsup... i still have an active line... no busy or call terminated or anything
10:05.41v0lZyso im either missing something in the dialplan... or other configuration files
10:06.19WIMPyOk, let me check with a sip phone...
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10:09.00WIMPyMope I get ringing.
10:09.28v0lZyso my dialplan is ok.
10:09.37v0lZywhat else would be controling this?
10:09.42v0lZymusic on hold?
10:10.05WIMPyChan_sip or even your phone.
10:10.29WIMPyBut I don't think it just tells the phone to play sounds.
10:10.39WIMPySo it must be in the sip channel.
10:13.32kaldemarindications.conf should also have valid configs.
10:15.48v0lZysip channel... lets see
10:17.35WIMPyFully working transfers are the one biggest isse that keeps me from using Asterik in offices.
10:17.52v0lZysim channel...
10:17.54v0lZyi dont have that
10:18.02v0lZysip.conf or sip_notify.conf
10:21.02v0lZyindications.conf fixes this ringing thing
10:22.08v0lZyanother thing though
10:22.11v0lZywhen the user hangsup
10:22.18v0lZythe person i've been transfered to
10:22.22v0lZythe original caller still has a line
10:22.36v0lZythats rather strange, aint it?
10:23.25WIMPyWhat does "has a line" mean?
10:24.31v0lZyits still active
10:24.35v0lZychannel is up
10:24.37v0lZysilence though
10:25.02WIMPyWhich channel?
10:25.29WIMPyI see 3 channels in a transfer. 2 must stay up and the other one is hung up by the user.
10:27.06v0lZyyeah but when the person that was transfered to hangs up
10:27.16kaldemarv0lZy: pastebin CLI output of a call. guessing is futile.
10:28.13WIMPyNot sure I get it right. After the transfer is completed and the (2nd) conversation is over, and person C hangs up, A stays active?
10:28.18v0lZySHINOBI*CLI> core show channels
10:28.20v0lZyChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
10:28.21v0lZySIP/16-00000000      call@AppInternalCall Up      Dial(SIP/50,,Tt)
10:28.23v0lZySIP/50-00000003      (None)               Up      AppDial((Outgoing Line))
10:28.30v0lZyeven though 50 hung up
10:28.34youjellyWould anyone recommend voxbone over teliax or voicepulse?
10:28.47youjellyanyone tried voxbone
10:28.49v0lZyWIMPy: exactly
10:29.16v0lZyA calls B, B transfers to C, B hangsup, A and C have a conversation, C hangsup, A's channel is still online.
10:29.18WIMPyIf you still see Dial running, that doesn't look like the cllee hung up.
10:31.02v0lZymaybe its just this softphone
10:31.10v0lZyits disconnecting after 8 seconds
10:31.17v0lZyfor no apparent reason.
10:31.23v0lZynothing in its debug
10:31.35v0lZynoting in verbose 9 with asterisk
10:31.37v0lZymaybe debug..
10:32.17v0lZynothing in debug 9 either
10:32.39WIMPyLook at sip debug.
10:34.47*** join/#asterisk gurra (~gurra__@unaffiliated/gurra)
10:36.24v0lZyerm.. whats the command?
10:36.29v0lZyset sip debug doesnt do anything
10:37.04v0lZynever mind
10:37.05WIMPysip set debug on
10:37.06v0lZygot it
10:41.30v0lZyi turned it off right after it dropped
10:42.13v0lZyREGISTER sip: SIP/2.0
10:42.17v0lZythis is weird though...
10:42.48v0lZybut not part of this call i think
10:42.54v0lZynot weird.. have it configured, forgot
10:43.37WIMPyThe paste doesn;t mean much without the timing.
10:43.53WIMPyCompare when you hang up and when you see a BYE in the debug.
10:44.48v0lZyX-Asterisk-HangupCause: Protocol error, unspecified
10:44.50v0lZyX-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 111
10:45.04v0lZysip/50 thingy...
10:45.34WIMPyLooks like something went wrong at SIP level.
10:46.25v0lZyi only get this with this softphone
10:47.35v0lZyScheduling destruction of SIP dialog '450a6e090b7b46b57e1b688337dd34ac@' in 6400 ms
10:47.39v0lZywhat abot this?
10:47.48v0lZy7 seconds is what it showed
10:48.00v0lZysounds pretty close to 6400ms
10:48.09v0lZywhy does it schedule a destruction?
10:48.44v0lZyNAT maybe..
10:49.31v0lZyphones are on 192.168.1.*
10:49.37v0lZysoftphone is on 192.168.2.*
10:49.49v0lZy* is on
10:52.05v0lZyi think ill deal with that NAT thing later...
10:52.35v0lZybut as its on topic
10:52.39v0lZynat=never and nat=yes
10:52.55v0lZythis is to say theres NAT between that device and asteriskpbx, right?
10:56.17v0lZyhm yeah nat
10:56.25v0lZyoneway audia and the whole shebang.
11:00.54*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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11:01.16schmidtsgangbang what?
11:01.33schmidtsah sorry i should read correctly ;)
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11:03.37v0lZy!# :D
11:03.50v0lZy#! even..
11:04.18v0lZynat gangbang.. ehehe :D
11:04.41v0lZyprobably not far from the truth if u take into account how much NATting routers there could be between two phones
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11:25.33v0lZyWIMPy, schmidts: i want to implement hints
11:25.36v0lZybut im using gosub
11:26.05WIMPyWhere is the relation?
11:26.11v0lZyi was under the impression that i have to put exten => hint stuff before priority 1
11:26.21v0lZyWIMPy: well its not working :D
11:26.56WIMPyBut it doesn't matter where you put them.
11:27.35v0lZyas in.. whatever context?
11:27.39v0lZyi can have a separate context?
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11:28.00v0lZyexten => 44,hint,SIP/44 ?
11:28.34v0lZyor does this have to be in the start context?
11:28.53WIMPyYes, you can have them in an extra context.
11:29.05WIMPyYou need to specify that in sip.conf anyway.
11:30.14v0lZyI see
11:30.24v0lZywhats the best way to do it?
11:30.37v0lZyi mean... do i have to specify each one individually
11:30.42v0lZyor can i do something with extensions
11:30.54v0lZylike s,hint,SIP/${EXTEN} or something
11:31.03WIMPyDepends on your securiy needs.
11:31.37WIMPyHmm. There was some (limited?) support for patterns, but I don't really know.
11:32.14dlynes_laptopAre hints working properly now?  The last time I tried them, they were failing miserably
11:32.31dlynes_laptopI haven't tried using them since v1.4.something, though
11:32.41WIMPydlynes_laptop: How manyu decades ago was that?
11:32.43dlynes_laptopAnd much older Aastra firmware versions
11:33.04dlynes_laptopWIMPy, decades?  No...more like about 5 or 6 years ago
11:33.05WIMPyI'm pretty sure they used to work on 1.4.
11:33.19dlynes_laptopWIMPy, they worked on 1.4...just not very well
11:33.44dlynes_laptopWIMPy, sometimes a reload would throw them into chaos
11:33.51WIMPyEither they work, or they don't.
11:33.59dlynes_laptopWIMPy, often reboots of the phone would cause them to stop working
11:34.25dlynes_laptopWIMPy, it would often be dependent on which phone came up first as to whether they worked or not
11:34.34WIMPyAre you sure that's an Asterisk issue and not a phone issue?
11:34.48v0lZysounds like a phone issue
11:34.51v0lZyhad that stuff too
11:34.51dlynes_laptopWIMPy, no idea...but hints were in their infancy at that point
11:34.51WIMPySounds strange.
11:34.55v0lZyupdated firmware fixed it
11:35.01v0lZyif i put
11:35.26v0lZyand then in my extensions.conf i do [BLF] and in it exten => 16,hint,SIP/16 etc
11:35.30v0lZythat should do the trick?
11:35.36v0lZyor must i include this in each phones context?
11:35.47v0lZy(i send each phone to its own context)
11:35.52v0lZyinclude = yes/no?
11:36.03WIMPyOnly in the subscribecontext.
11:36.39dlynes_laptopv0lZy, you can also specify subscribecontext=BLF in a template, and then inherit that template for each peer
11:37.01v0lZyin sip.conf i added subscirbecontext=BLF
11:37.06v0lZytook a minute or two but now i got the lights :D
11:37.30dlynes_laptopv0lZy, has to get updates from the phones
11:37.49v0lZyok i think i got a basic setup working now
11:38.15v0lZycall forwarding set/unset, check
11:38.40v0lZyvoicemail (for internal use only), leave message + check messages, check
11:38.48v0lZyBLF, check
11:39.03v0lZymusic on hold, check
11:39.08v0lZytransfer stuff... hm...
11:40.13*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (~EnorMouse@2001:b70:500:2:748d:45d1:c238:aa85)
11:40.39v0lZyok attended transfer doesnt update the phones callerid
11:40.50v0lZyblind transfer does however.
11:41.02v0lZysame issue as a while ago... this time on a fresh install... humm.
11:42.05WIMPyThe whole callerid handling needs some tidying up. That includes documentation. I never know what's a bug and what's a design failure.
11:43.30v0lZycan sip phones dial themsleves directly through ip's without a pbx in between?
11:43.56WIMPySIP is a P2P thing.
11:44.17v0lZyi see
11:44.21v0lZya pbx is pure convenience then
11:44.29v0lZyfor entering numbers i suppose
11:44.35v0lZymy phone cant dial ip i think
11:44.46v0lZyi mean.. i dont know of a way to dial an ip from it :D
11:44.46WIMPyAnd to locate the phones.
11:45.29v0lZywell if u have an IP
11:45.33v0lZywhats there to locate
11:45.40v0lZysay u have a public IP
11:45.46WIMPyOn some you can just enter 12*34*56*78. If all else fails, you should be able to use the phone book to dial URLs.
11:46.02v0lZylets see
11:46.22v0lZyholly shit it works
11:46.32v0lZydidnt know my phone can do that :D
11:47.07v0lZywhat about blf stuff
11:47.25WIMPyDepends on the phone.
11:47.28v0lZydo they pass it around without a server (though i imagine unreliable)
11:47.34WIMPyBut might be possible.
11:48.08WIMPyIf it works, you subscribe to the phone in question directely.
11:48.44v0lZyvia IP...
11:49.02v0lZyi imagine latency etc issues would make it uselesss
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11:56.38v0lZyi guess all i need now is to hookup to an external provider
11:56.41v0lZysee if it all works
11:56.56v0lZyand configure intercom, yeah, forgot about that one
12:06.45*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (
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12:10.35kresp0welcome [TK]D-Fender
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12:41.48v0lZyquestion about hangup
12:42.11v0lZyshould i place it after Dial?
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12:42.50v0lZyas I mean... if a dial fails for example.. non existing extension etc
12:42.59v0lZya hangup probably makes sense after that, right?
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12:46.40danfromukHi. In GotoIf, how do you do an OR statement.
12:46.47danfromukIs it ||?
12:46.56danfromukOr a single | maybe?
12:47.20WIMPyv0lZy: Yes.
12:47.46[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, ||
12:47.55[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, and that is in an expressions, not "gotoif"
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12:52.42danfromukgreat, thanks.
12:53.24danfromukAlso, in the h extension once a call is ended, how do you stop execution? Will Hangup still stop execution even though the call is already hungup?
12:54.25danfromukThanks again.
12:55.51kaldemarone pipe is enough for or.
13:00.23*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (d9468199@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:01.49v0lZyis there a way to grab who im transfering?
13:01.52v0lZyfrom sip channels or something?
13:03.06[TK]D-FenderIf someone dials a non-existant extension the call will never have gotten accepted in the first place
13:03.48[TK]D-FenderAnd to grab someone yuo've tansfered you chould use an AMI redirect
13:03.58[TK]D-Fenderand you'll have to be able to isolate the target channel...
13:04.02WIMPyIf it was dialled en-block.
13:05.14v0lZyim thinking if its at all possible
13:05.28v0lZyto have asterisk read back a number that was transfered through attended transfer
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13:06.25v0lZyor something to supplement the behaviour where my attended transfers dont update the screen
13:07.41[TK]D-FenderStop doing attended transfers
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13:10.25v0lZy[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i told my users that they can put the original call on hold, call the person they are transfering to, have that person hangup on them, then blindtransfer...
13:10.37v0lZybut everyone's a george jetson these days
13:10.58v0lZypressing more than one button is herecy to them
13:11.20[TK]D-FenderThese are the rules.  Don't like what happens when you don't follow them?  Too bad.
13:11.44v0lZywish people here would go with that
13:11.56WIMPyHooray for key system emulation mode!
13:12.03v0lZythis is the balkans
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13:12.38v0lZyits such a cliche... 'thore are the rules' results in 'rules are ment to be broken' smartass nirvana quotint or whoever that was.
13:13.14WIMPyThat's te spirit.
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13:15.12[TK]D-Fenderv0lZy, Tell them to jsut off a cliff and tell gravity that it has to stop as well...
13:16.00v0lZyi wish they'd try and  prove me wrong on that one :D
13:16.13v0lZywould sovle 90% of the problems in this shithole
13:23.07v0lZyi actually had someone ask me if they also need electricity or is just internet ok
13:23.34v0lZythought it was stupidity back then
13:23.52v0lZyturns out its much more deeply rooted in the people here not wanting to learn anything
13:24.07v0lZyand accept their surroundings the way they are
13:24.47v0lZya bullshitting environment where the only measure is how much u can spin it :D
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13:26.05v0lZyhence, no need to understand or accept anything if u can always squeeze yourself out with your tongue.
13:28.41danfromukIs CDR(duration) supposed to show the length of a call including the ring time?
13:28.52danfromukCurrently it seems to store the start time of a call.
13:30.22*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-ldpsogmpgwxkmnle)
13:31.40[TK]D-Fenderduration - billsec = ringing
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13:38.08v0lZygotta run
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13:38.12v0lZytalk tomorrow guys, bye
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13:45.06leifmadsendanfromuk: yes, duration is total call length. billsecs is non-ring time.
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14:14.40kresp0I heard that asterisk 1.8 has problems with SIP TLS. Anyone knows if that true for the last asterisk versions?
14:16.54bchiaI remember there being a bug initially with TLS, but I thought it got sorted out. At the moment I can't track down the annoucement
14:19.29[TK]D-Fenderkresp0, But happen.  They also tend to get fixed.  So saying "I heard something" usually doesn't mean much.  I suggest you actually try for yourself and if you actually end up having trouble, then show us.
14:21.54*** join/#asterisk Devon_ (~chatzilla@
14:21.56bchiaThat's good advice - if you search for "SIP TLS" you can actually see a lot of bugs have been fixed.
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14:23.03Kattygooood morning lovables.
14:23.25n3hxsAhh, little Miss Sunshine!  Morning Katty
14:23.36Kattyhow're you dear
14:23.38Kattyhugs n3hxs
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14:23.52n3hxsSo far so good.
14:24.03bchiaHey that's nice "loveables" :)
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14:40.23kresp0thank you [TK]D-Fender and bchia
14:43.49*** join/#asterisk mcf3782 (
14:48.01mcf3782For several days now, I've seen messages like this showing up in my Asterisk log file:
14:48.09mcf3782[Aug 14 03:09:37] NOTICE[2483] chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension '00972595339204' rejected because extension not found in context 'Internal'.
14:48.28[TK]D-FenderMeans just what it says
14:48.40mcf3782I'm concearned that I have a security issue.
14:48.51mcf3782Nobody is in the building at that time.
14:48.59[TK]D-Fenderare you allowing unauthed calls?
14:49.14[TK]D-FenderDid you point [general] in sip.conf to somewhere USEFUL?
14:49.35pabelangermcf3782: *CLI> dialplan show 00972595339204@Internal
14:49.49pabelangerya, security
14:50.19mcf3782I'm not *supposed* to be allowing unauthed calls.
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14:51.21kaldemarguesses mcf3782 does not have allowguest=no and has context=Internal in [general].
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14:52.26[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, now try answering those questions... after actually looking.
14:52.43kresp0mcf3782: a better name for that context would be "unauthorized" instead of "Internal"
14:52.53mcf3782I am looking at the files again now. :)
14:53.29pabelangeranybody using a blackfin with asterisk?
14:53.31kresp0or "not-authenticated"
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14:56.06mcf3782There is no "allowguest=" in my sip.conf.   Does it default to 'yes' if it's not explicitly set to 'no'?
14:57.26mcf3782I've had a tcpdump capture running on the mirror port on the switch since these messages started showing up in the Asterisk log file.  What's troublesome is that I can't match any captured network traffic timestamps to the timestamps on the Asterisk log messages.
14:58.20bchiaaccording the sample config "allowguest" is "default enabled"
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14:59.16[TK]D-Fendermcf3782, First step, where is [general] pointing?
14:59.45mcf3782Ahh..  I wonder if that changed somewhere previous to 1.8, and the old default was 'default disabled'?
15:00.20mcf3782TK [general] points to 'context=Internal'.  At least I think that's the answer to the question you're asking.
15:01.20[TK]D-Fenderit is
15:01.53[TK]D-FenderIf that is meant to have something useful in it then you should almost certinaly NOT be sending [general] tehre
15:02.08[TK]D-FenderReal peers should go somewhere else
15:03.03mcf3782OK. I'll add that to the list of things that need to be changed on this box.
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15:22.01mcf3782I pulled a copy of sip.conf from a backup a month ago, to see if anything had changed.  When that backup was made, [general] pointed to context=default.   Looks like I may have more than one kind of security issue.
15:22.16mcf3782Would someone please shoot me.
15:22.29lorsungcuthat is illegal, unfortunately.
15:22.47mcf3782details, details.  I promise I won't tell anyone.
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15:25.34_Corey_lorsungcu: Only if you're aiming to kill...  maiming could be legal
15:26.12mcf3782_Corey_ - Anything other than a kill shot, is wasted ammo. ;)
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15:26.28kresp0mcf3782: check your machine logs
15:27.32kresp0if someone has changed that sip.conf, it has to be root
15:27.35kresp0or the asterisk user
15:28.30kresp0check if you have new users on that machine
15:28.34mcf3782I've got a lot of log files to look through.  I'm going to take the box down this evening and do a dd image of the system drive so I have something for forensics if needed.
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15:49.48mcf3782I also need to sort through the rats nest of cables on the network switch.  It seems very strange that the pbx appears to be seeing traffic (the traffic that's causing the log message I posted); that the mirror port isn't sending to the machine where my tcpdump is capturing.
15:51.22mcf3782All the while, trying not to look too suspicious..  If part of my security problem is internal, I don't want to tip off the "problem" that I'm onto him/her.
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15:55.28lorsungcuyou're right.  it could be anyone.
15:55.52lorsungcuthey might even be on this channel
15:55.53lorsungcuright now
15:57.01mcf3782Could be. :)
15:59.00*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
16:00.08mcf3782I wonder how much paperwork and useless hoop-jumping is required to get the lock on the network room changed?
16:01.33danfromukHas anyone set up a SIP endpoint on Virgin Media?
16:01.50danfromukSpecifically, what do you need to do with the router to get the SIP packets through?
16:08.09kresp0mcf3782: did you know who are the persons with the need to have the keys to the network room?
16:08.47kresp0if so, change the lock now and give a copy + explanation to each person when possible
16:11.13lorsungcui would hope that you have access to your equipment from outside a locked closet, though...
16:11.30mcf3782Unfortunately, that's a big list.
16:11.37mcf3782I do. :)
16:12.14lorsungcuthen i would be more concerned with the 8 billion other people that fall into the "outside of your network closet" list
16:12.28mcf3782Good grief!  The building people want $500 to change the lock, and $20/key!!!
16:12.46lorsungcucheaper than the potential phone bill..
16:14.16*** part/#asterisk jsjc (
16:14.59mcf3782lorsungcu - the point of the network closet access, is to figure out if someone has added some device somewhere, that is making it possible for the PBX to see traffic that my sniffer port isn't seeing.
16:16.37lorsungcui can't really comment on how your switch works
16:16.57lorsungcubut if you arent seeing any traffic
16:17.03lorsungcuand calls are being attempted
16:17.16lorsungcuthen sounds like someone's got call files made up
16:17.35lorsungcuand is attempting that way
16:17.59lorsungcucheck the /etc/passwd file
16:18.06lorsungcusee if theres anything new there
16:18.44mcf3782nothing new in /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow
16:23.13lorsungcuchecked /var/log/secure?
16:23.55mcf3782yep. Nothing odd looking in there either.
16:24.10lorsungcuhow much logging do you have
16:24.26mcf3782When I come back from lunch, I'm going to install tripwire on the pbx
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17:06.15lkclhi, i'm getting the app_conference module up-and-running, with asterisk 1.8 - it's not compiling because cid is now missing from ast_channel
17:07.20WIMPyIt has been renamed/restructured, but in Asterisk 11 it is completely gone.
17:07.27lkclanyone got any clues as to how to obtain the... ok...
17:07.43lkcljoy! :)
17:07.44mjordanWIMPy: well, not completely.  Just hidden a bit :-)
17:07.46leifmadsenya, use app_confbridge
17:07.47WIMPySo it might be worth to skip thae versions in between.
17:07.54Qwellleifmadsen: 1.8
17:08.01WIMPyWell, gone for 3rd parties.
17:08.01leifmadsendon't use that crap
17:08.09leifmadsenasterisk 11-beta1 is the new hotness!
17:08.18mjordanWIMPy: what do you mean?
17:08.20lkclleifmadsen: does app_confbridge... ok, actually it doesn't matter what i use as long as i can get videoconferencing properly working.
17:08.21leifmadsenturns down the troll volume
17:08.22Qwellleifmadsen: You're still on beta1?  You're so far behind.
17:08.40leifmadsenlkcl: video conferencing?  use asterisk 10 with app_confbridge
17:08.43Qwelllkcl: Use Asterisk 10, so you get app_confbridge.
17:08.44leifmadsenit does video conf
17:08.45lkclthe goal is: "get a working, stable videoconferencing system up and running"
17:08.51leifmadsenya use asterisk 10
17:09.04lkclahhh, ok - thanks.  ok, so what features does it have? H263?
17:09.14leifmadsenH.263 and H.264
17:09.16lkcli'll ... ahh goodie.
17:09.18WIMPymjordan: That we no longer see things like caller id structures on the channel.
17:09.18leifmadsenmjordan: well played sir
17:09.21lkclmjordan: good stuff
17:09.35mjordanWIMPy: right, but they aren't gone.  You can still access the information using the channel API
17:09.39lkclgoes off to read up....
17:09.40QwellWIMPy: It's just opaque now.
17:10.04WIMPyIt requires changes again.
17:10.10mjordanWIMPy: that is true
17:10.10QwellThings change.
17:10.11WIMPyThat was my point.
17:10.19mjordanokay :-)  I can definitely agree with that
17:10.47lkclHA!  app_confbridge looks f****g well-cool.  HA
17:10.54WIMPyBut indeed it might not be worth anyway.
17:11.55mjordanlkcl: just as an FYI on video conferencing, Asterisk 11 introduced media format negotiation.  Asterisk 10 is much closer conceptually to Asterisk 11 then Asterisk 1.8 is to Asterisk 10 - so if you have disparate endpoints that require media negotiation and design your system around Asterisk 10, when Asterisk 11 is released it'll be an easier upgrade path
17:11.56lkclvideo_mode - ok, it doesn't do transcription, and everyone must do the same CODEC, but that's ok for a first try.
17:13.05Qwelllkcl: video transcoding is super expensive
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17:13.10lkclmjordan: i'm setting something up for a friend (paid-for though!), they want eaaaasy.  no-one need do "logins", you just put in your name and join.
17:13.24lkclQwell: that would explain why openmcu was a dog, even when it worked
17:13.43lkclrrrright! i have to try this.
17:13.45mjordanlkcl: ConfBridge doesn't require pins and whatnot if you don't want it to
17:13.58lkclok right now to find asterisk 10 source code...
17:14.56Qwellsource code?
17:14.59lkclmjordan: by endpoints, you mean the clients?  (ekiga, netmeeting)
17:15.04lkclQwell: ha ha very funny
17:15.17mjordanlkcl: yes
17:15.26leifmadsenlkcl: svn co
17:16.04WIMPyIf you use svn, you can get your own 11 beta.
17:16.36lkclmjordan: ok so i'll be testing ekiga (w32, linux) and xmeeting (macosx), see how they get on.  ekiga's not available for macosx.  this is real cross-platform stuff!  real big mix of people using this stuff.
17:16.42lkclleifmadsen: taaaaa
17:16.59leifmadsenI like jitsi
17:17.08leifmadsenheavily tested with video conf on ConfBridge()
17:17.48mjordanI've used jitsi, ekiga, and blink on Mac myself
17:18.24lkclleifmadsen: yeah? ah ha!  ok, i remember using jitsi: it forced me to use a username and registration.  i believe i managed to put it into "advanced" mode to stop it from stopping me making calls
17:18.30lkclif that makes any sense :)
17:18.33*** join/#asterisk learath_ (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:18.55lkclbut i can't tell people "oh yes, download jitsi, then go into advanced mode, *then* you can call" - it's too complex for them.
17:19.09lkclmjordan: ekiga is available for mac??
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17:20.28lkclok.... although i'm doing an svn co of ast10, what's the chances of app_confbridge working in v11?
17:20.44leifmadsenthe chances?
17:20.47leifmadsenI suspect quite high
17:20.55lkclleifmadsen: he he
17:21.01lkclWIMPy: none?  ah well....
17:21.02WIMPyWhich one?
17:21.10drmessanoNot sure I would use a beta 1 in production, but I don't expect it to be broken
17:21.13leifmadsenwhy would app_confbridge work in one version but not another?
17:21.24Qwelldrmessano: pfft, Asterisk betas are always perfect
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17:21.48drmessanoIs that why the releases are buggy as hell?
17:21.52lkcldrmessano: i liiike working on cutting-edge stuff.
17:21.56drmessanoBugs added on in RC stage
17:22.25WIMPyActually, I think I had less issues with SVN versions than with releases.
17:22.37drmessanolkcl:  It's not cutting-edge, it's "testing".   Difference between using the newest, and using something in beta.
17:22.51drmessano11.0.0 would be cutting-edge
17:23.48lkclokok :)
17:24.03lkclrright.  hmmm.... configuration options.... choices, choices...
17:24.08leifmadsenI'd consider a checkout from subversion branch to be cutting edge :)
17:24.08WIMPyApart from the ICE stuff, TRUNK has been working very well for several weeks for me.
17:24.34Kattynothing works on ice!
17:24.38lkclok. openh323 stuff... (deep joy)
17:24.51leifmadsenya don't use it
17:24.53lkcli've just been playing with openh323 *shudder*.
17:25.56lkcli actually managed to get h323plus compiled!  stunning achievement!  openmcu actually worked, did some video (wow)... but it worked once and only once, and segfaulted on a 2nd user connection
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17:26.45lkclanyone got any recommendations for video codecs.... oh wait, app_confbridge doesn't do any transcription so it doesn't matter, does it
17:26.55leifmadsenuse h.264
17:27.07lkclleifmadsen: ack.
17:27.29jkroonconfbridge can deal with video?
17:28.02lkcljkroon: - it can pass it through
17:28.13[TK]D-Fender"Follow the speaker"
17:28.19[TK]D-Fenderno MUX at all
17:28.21lkclso each caller has to have the same CODECs
17:28.47jkroonok, so how does it decide who the "speaker" is? or does it listen in somehow?
17:28.49[TK]D-Fenderwhich is people start a circle-jeck of talking it could get really dizzy watching the feeds flip ;)
17:28.50lkclbtw, openmcu actually has some code which puts up to 4 speakers as picture-in-picture
17:28.57lkcljkroon: read the wiki page - i did
17:29.00[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, speaker volume
17:29.16jkroonok, that's pretty cool!
17:29.37lkclpbx mxml-index.c:35:20: fatal error: config.h: No such file or directory
17:29.43Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I think there's something there to prevent that
17:29.58lkclahh, make -j3 bolloxed things up...
17:30.12Qwell[TK]D-Fender: like a minimum "stop" duration from the previous speaker, before the next is allowed...or something?
17:30.23QwellI know there was discussion of something like that, anyways.
17:30.28[TK]D-FenderThat would be nice if it isn't there already
17:30.41[TK]D-FenderAlso nice maybe if there was a prioritization level...
17:31.50[TK]D-FenderAlso great if there was an option to "lock" onto specific callers so someone "directing" a conference can ensure a certain flow.
17:32.24lkclbloody hell that was a quick build.
17:32.41jkroonsruffell, ok, just merged and ran your debug build ... how bad is it if there is _nothing_ in the dmesg output?
17:32.44*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
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17:34.57sruffellecho 1 > /sys/modules/wctdm24xxp/parameters/debug to see anything
17:35.22luckman212anyone have a moment to do a DTMF test for me?
17:35.49luckman212i am having trouble dialing into one particular IVR (it doesn't recognize my DTMF) and I'm trying to see if the issue lies on my end or theirs
17:36.11luckman212out of 3 SIP trunks I have, only 1 of them seems to be able to reliably pass thru DTMF to this IVR
17:37.56jkroonsruffell, already did, only output I got was when loading into asterisk about it setting VMWI on channels 20 and 21, and then SLIC_LF OK lines for the same channels.
17:39.07luckman212er... pretty please?
17:39.54sruffelljkroon: ok…let me make another patch….looks like it's not even crossing the threshold.
17:40.46lkclok - help request!  i need an absolute minimum basic config setup (from scratch) that will allow me to get confbridge up-and-running.
17:40.47jkroonwaits patiently, thanks for your efforts.
17:41.29lkclit's pretty much dedicated-purpose for this server: there's not going to be any authentication, no users, no radius, mysql, ldap - nothing.
17:41.49lkclyou dial, you're joined - that's it.
17:43.00lkcli set up and maintained asterisk once back in 2003-2005 (including with a digium 2-channel card, woo-hoo!) so roughly know what i'm doing
17:44.11jkroonlkcl, it changed a LOT ... mostly for the better.
17:45.17lkcljkroon: top of my wish-list is the entire connectivity of asterisk being controllable via python.
17:45.32jkroonlook into the AMI
17:45.39lkclbut anyway....
17:45.58jkroonor possibly (E)AGI - haven't ever used this though.
17:46.11lkclok.  so.  i have a blank /etc/asterisk subdirectory - what's the fastest way to get up-and-running with confbridge?
17:46.38WIMPy'make samples'
17:46.48lkclWIMPy: ack.  ta
17:47.08lkcl... in the correct directory of course ha ha
17:50.05*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
17:50.48lkclok - right, following the wiki, i now have a conference called "fancybridge" - how do i make it callable?
17:52.12WIMPyMake an extension.
17:52.19lkclplaying the "dumb admin here" - sorry folks - there's nothing in the wiki which says how to actually connect the bridges (whatever those are)...
17:52.26lkclah... i was expecting that answer :)
17:52.55WIMPyaccidentally read "dump admin here"
17:52.59lkclha ha
17:53.42lkclok so it's just....
17:53.53lkclexten => 500,n,Dial(fancybridge)
17:53.57lkclfor example
17:54.02lkclwould that do the trick?
17:54.16[TK]D-Fenderthis is not a "dial"
17:54.21lkcl[TK]D-Fender: apologies, i haven't used this stuff for a long time
17:54.31[TK]D-Fenderit is its own application
17:54.34*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
17:54.54[TK]D-Fender"core show application confbridge"
17:55.03lkcl[TK]D-Fender: sorry, that still doesn't give me a clue
17:55.08lkcl[TK]D-Fender: is that a console command?
17:55.18[TK]D-Fenderread the apps instructions
17:55.23lkclyep got it.
17:55.28sruffelljkroon: Can you set the debug flag before running dahdi_cfg and tell me if you see lines like BATTERY on 2/1 (-)! in the dmesg output?
17:56.41leifmadsensruffell: !!
17:56.45leifmadsensruffell: ohai
17:56.52lkcl; Or a conference room (you'll need to edit meetme.conf to enable this room)
17:56.53lkcl;exten => 8600,1,Meetme(1234)
17:56.57lkclah ha!
17:57.01sruffellwaves at leifmadsen
17:57.01lkclis beginning to get it
17:57.08leifmadsensruffell: did you happen to get my memo?
17:57.21jkroonThe AOC stuff also looks very interesting.
17:57.24*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
17:57.25leifmadsensruffell: /msg memoserv read 1
17:57.32[TK]D-Fenderlkcl, Not MeetMe.  that is ANOTHER conferencing app
17:57.33leifmadsenI think that's the format :)
17:57.35jkroonsruffell, sure, will quickly do so
17:58.09jkroonsruffell, setting debug=1 during insmod should be sufficient?
17:58.18*** part/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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17:58.26sruffellyes…will just run some more verbose tests during start…but won't hurt anything
18:00.36jkroondahdi: Warning: Span WCTDM/0 didn't specify a spantype.  Please fix driver!
18:01.06lkclbloodyhellfire, it's connected
18:01.19*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
18:01.20sruffellyeah..don't worry about that….
18:01.26lkclrushes upstairs to try connecting the 2nd computer....
18:01.54sruffelland then when you run dahdi_cfg?
18:02.07jkroonnot seeing any battery messages.
18:02.35jkroonand then re-ran it ...
18:03.11jkroongot BATTERY on lines 1,2,3,4,5,7,8, NO BATTERY on 6 - which is correct (line is currently dead in the water)
18:03.36jkroonmust've run dmesg too quickly after dahdi_cfg ...
18:03.39sruffelland now if you call in…still no ring state transitions?
18:03.43lkclholyyy shit, i have video working!
18:04.12jkroonsruffell, i'm being a dumb nut.  dialed the wrong number earlier...
18:04.28sruffellcrosses fingers for good info
18:04.43*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
18:04.45jkroonyou got it.
18:06.25jkroonthat look pretty sane IMHO.
18:06.39sruffellahh…so not enough transitions.
18:07.06*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
18:07.27sruffellI'll push something in a min here for you to fetch and try
18:08.04jkroonyea, seems to mostly transit four times before returning to ringoff, and every now and again it transits between positive/negative and ringoff in single cycles.
18:10.01sruffelljkroon: ok..dahlin-289-1 branch should just be able to git pull and try again
18:11.30sruffelldahlin-298-1 :/
18:12.26jkroonthat simple?  Why not two?  Or even 1?
18:13.11sruffelltwo might be good……I'm not sure if one would interfere with NEON MWI
18:16.26jkroonsruffell, from my perspective (given that I don't understand the ins and outs of DAHDI) it's quite simple - the quicker we can detect that a line starts ringing the better, and the same for "stops ringing", because if I need to explain to another receptionist why she sometimes gets "dead air" ...
18:16.30jkroonok, that was pretty quick into the dialplan already ...
18:17.12jkroonand, as a more important message mr sruffell - you're a star!
18:17.16*** join/#asterisk teloniusz (
18:17.27jkroonthat works, thank you very much.
18:18.35jkroonsruffell, need me to comment on the bug?
18:19.17teloniuszhi. I have a strange problem with E1 communication - asterisk working as a SIP->E1 gate.
18:19.29lkcl[TK]D-Fender: i was using that MeetMe thing as a way to understand about how to connect to an application, via extensions.conf.  i've got it now (yay!) - i'm just recompiling on my server because ekiga wants port 5060 and asterisk wants port 5060.. oops
18:20.23WIMPyMaybe it would be easier to look at the cofig file.
18:20.26teloniuszWhen a call comes from SIP, sequence of events is such that my asterisk sends SETUP, receives PROCEEDING, then CONNECT, then sends CONNECT ACK and for no apparent reason after that sends DISCONNECT the very second.
18:21.05WIMPyteloniusz: There must be a reason. Show us the debug.
18:21.08teloniuszSo the connection as a whole ends with "Normal call clearing" (code 16)
18:21.57teloniuszWIMPy: a moment...
18:22.45sruffelljkroon: cool!  thanks for working with me to track it down.  I'll check with those who know MWI better to see what the best setting is.  But yeah, if you wanted to comment on the issue that would be great.
18:22.51lkcljkroon: about the "python asterisk" stuff, i meant like this:
18:23.45Qwelllkcl: we (the Asterisk developers) use starpy for a lot of stuff
18:24.03jkroonsruffell, perfect, will do.
18:24.04lkcljkroon: as in, entirely bypassing the entire /etc/asterisk/*.conf system - all of it - and literally write say a 15-line program with a loop that routes and deals with everything
18:24.05QwellOur fork, specifically.
18:24.11lkclQwell: ooo!  exciting!
18:24.20lkcllet me take a look at that....
18:24.43lkclQwell: can you tell i might be an avid python programmer, eh? :)
18:24.45WIMPylkcl: Like we did before Asterisk?
18:25.39teloniuszWIMPy: debug 2 set on the PRI and verbosity set to 5, but no debug on SIP
18:26.26lkclWIMPy: :)
18:27.36jkroonsruffell, done, thanks a million.
18:29.09WIMPyteloniusz: I see one Connect acknowledge too much. What are you connected to?
18:30.25teloniuszWIMPy: do you mean SIP, or PRI?
18:30.42WIMPyThe reaction to that is pretty bad anyway. But the real issue is at the other end.
18:31.15*** join/#asterisk drknus (user@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:feae:8a58)
18:31.56WIMPyCertainly it shouldn't use cause 16.
18:31.59teloniuszWIMPy: it's Sangoma A102 connected to a 2n GSM gate. But isn't it Asterisk who sends CONNECT ACK twice?
18:32.57WIMPyOh, sorry. You're right. Looks like I looked at the wrong lines.
18:33.42WIMPyOr is it twice? Can you do it again with debug 2?
18:34.38teloniuszWIMPy: I set it up with 'pri set debug 2 span 1'...
18:35.30teloniuszWIMPy: still, it for sure looks like it's twice, but still - it's the same second...
18:35.59WIMPyDamn. I need some glasses today.
18:36.20teloniuszWIMPy: ...and I see only one connect.ack in the gate log
18:36.26*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
18:37.21WIMPyIt might be only one, but rather confusing debug output.
18:38.13WIMPyIt is only one.
18:38.49*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (~michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
18:38.56Qwellmvanbaak: thanks
18:39.02*** part/#asterisk mvanbaak (~michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
18:39.26lkclahh, right.  ok.  got a bit of a NAT issue with ekiga and asterisk (now running on my server).
18:39.34*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
18:39.54lkcli'm connected via openvpn, so when i dial the demo number sip:1@ it all works
18:40.04lkcl(and the confbridge as well, yay!)
18:40.21lkclhowever if i dial the public address sip:1@ .... no dice
18:40.30WIMPyteloniusz: There are these 3 lines about hangup in between that are for a similar callref.
18:40.51lkclany suggestions, anyone, on how to solve this?
18:41.47WIMPyOr more likely it is the same callref, but displayed in another way.
18:42.07teloniuszWIMPy: which lines?
18:42.11lkclhmmm... would "directmedia=no" help?
18:42.30WIMPyteloniusz: q931_hangup
18:42.39teloniusz179-181, I see
18:43.06teloniuszit's all call ref 49261
18:43.59WIMPyIt's 0x406D vs 0xC06D, so the top bit which shouldn't really exist.
18:45.25teloniuszWIMPy: I'll look if I accidentally haven't included another call into log...
18:45.40WIMPyI don't think so.
18:45.59WIMPyBut BTW: You are aware that you called nowhere?
18:47.21WIMPywonders why there's a connect at all.
18:47.23teloniuszWIMPy: why? Is the number format wrong?
18:47.40WIMPyIt doesn't exist at all.
18:47.56*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~tmccurdy@
18:48.18WIMPyErr, no I see it. Looks like domething is going wrong here.
18:48.20b0otasterisk fully supports H.323 correct?
18:48.40WIMPyMaybe a wrapped line?
18:48.50Qwellb0ot: depends on your definition of "fully"
18:48.59WIMPyYes, that's it.
18:49.59WIMPyDangers of copy&paste.
18:53.09*** join/#asterisk Leddy (
18:55.56teloniuszWIMPy: any idea how to extend these debug settings to better know what's going on?
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18:56.33WIMPyYOu had bot debug and verbose turned up?
18:57.11teloniuszdebug, not neccessarily
18:57.24teloniuszi thought that debug is an alias for verbose
18:57.38teloniuszcore set debug on?
18:57.40WIMPyTwo different things.
18:58.02WIMPycore set debug 9
18:58.14teloniuszok, I've set up sip debug and core debug to 5
18:58.32teloniuszok, let it be 9
18:58.39teloniusznow I have to wait :>
18:59.11WIMPyProbably makes no difference.
19:06.21*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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19:07.44voxteranyone know, is there a way to make the qualify option actually check the username in question, as opposed to merely treating any reply to an OPTIONS packet as OK?
19:08.19voxterhaving an issue where sip phones have their reg changed, but retain the same source port, and asterisk keeps checking the old extension, and deems it to be OK/online when that extension is no longer in use.
19:08.54WIMPyThat's just the way it is.
19:09.43teloniuszWIMPy: ok, thanks, I've got to go for now; I'll probably be back for more questions when my logs fill up :>
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19:13.08jkroonhi guys, i'm considering using XMPP PubSub, is it possible to somehow partition what device states is shared via each client?
19:17.28leifmadsenjkroon: there is not
19:18.32jkroonleifmadsen, ok, that's unfortunate.
19:21.40anonymouz666jkroon: everything will be shared, including dahdi channels, local channels and others.
19:22.07anonymouz666I mean, the device state of these channels.
19:22.39jkroonanonymouz666, useful for same-client machines, not so nice for a single machine with multiple clients
19:27.13*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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19:56.36TheCompWizI've run into a strange situation... anyone know why asterisk logs would jump backwards 6-7 minutes?  i.e. logs show events from 05:59:43, 05:59:51, 05:59:54, then 05:52:51.
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19:57.36ChannelZI haven't looked at v11 yet though I saw gtalk/jabber has been refreshed, is there a means to change status of your accounts from the dialplan (Available, Away..)
19:57.46TheCompWizthere is no NTP client on this box... (it can't even access any NTP servers that might exist... due to firewall rules)  nor was the system time changed.
19:59.04SerajewelKSwhat is the default configuration for GSM when used with Record()?  I have some output sound files, but there is no header to convey bitrate etc. information that i can use to decode the file.
20:00.17WIMPyGSM 06.10
20:00.28WIMPyAll others require a licence.
20:01.22SerajewelKSVLC detects that the files are GSM, but it plays back as garbage
20:03.43GraidenBackjumping logs... that's a new one.
20:04.39*** join/#asterisk JasonL (~jason@
20:06.17ChannelZWhat logs? The CDR logs, or general, or...
20:06.39JasonLI know this is off topic, but has anyone ever noticed an issue with Polycom IP phones, not passing through network to the PC port?  We connected 5 phones at a customer site and none of the PC's work behind the phones, they don't obtain an IP from the DHCP server.  Connect the PC direct and it works fine.  Their switch is unmanaged therefore we don't think it's a voice vlan issue.
20:08.08navaismoSphinx is a eal solution to use with asterisk?
20:09.07*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
20:09.25GraidenJasonL: I've never seen that in bulk.  Bad switch ports of course, but never like that.  Do they have their own DHCP forwarder maybe?
20:09.36wcselbyi've got an issue with a client where their MOH is restarting every 8 seconds
20:10.19wcselbyeverytime it restarts, I get the whole "Remote UNIX connection / disconnected" thing
20:10.24wcselbyi'm not sure where to troubleshoot
20:10.50lorsungcuthat's all that displays in the clu?
20:11.03wcselbythis client is not using any kind of GUI
20:11.14lorsungcuthe command line
20:11.19Chainsawwcselby: That normally suggests an asterisk -rx call. How are you generating the MOH?
20:11.24JasonLGraiden: I'm not sure about DHCP forwarder.  I know that those phones PC port work fine with another dhcp server
20:11.43wcselbythe only thing that happens in the CLI when the music restarts is the remote unix connection / remote unix connection disconnected call.
20:11.48wcselbymoh is called using mpg123
20:11.54wcselbyit's an mp3 file
20:12.22wcselby"application=/usr/local/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -b 2048 -s --mono"
20:12.50GraidenJasonL:  Wonky, truly.  I've run into DHCP passing issues before when using a DD-WRT WDS platform, but nothing on a simple network like that.  I'd say try a full reset on one of the devices, if that fixes it, you know it was in your config somewhere.
20:13.55lorsungcuJasonL is there a link at all; can you manuall set IP and pass traffic, or does the PC not even see that a cable is plugged in?
20:27.03*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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20:30.45JasonLGraiden: Thanks.. Will try that.
20:30.57JasonLlorsungcu: I will try that first see what happens, thanks for the help
20:31.09GraidenI was just gonna say... check lorsungcu's solution first lol
20:31.12GraidenGood luck!
20:31.17*** join/#asterisk mbrit (~mbrit@
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20:36.13*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (~darkdrgn@
20:36.31darkdrgn2kCan asterisk be used as a Back to Back proxy, and if so any infstructions out there on how to do it?
20:37.02infobotit has been said that b2bua is a Back 2 Back User Agent. Additional information is available on wikipedia:
20:37.34WIMPyThat's what Asterisk is.
20:39.43*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
20:42.43leifmadsenthere is basically B2BUA and proxies -- separate entities
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20:43.50lkclok - apologies but i'm having difficulty getting ekiga to talk UDP packets to my server, so i'm going to try adding in SIP registration.  can someone advise how i can add a single user+password in, somewhere into asterisk config files, to turn asterisk into a SIP "registrar"?
20:44.27*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:44.47jpsharpregister devices to Asterisk?  Put the entry in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
20:45.31lkcljpsharp: thanks for responding.  ok, that's probably enough of a hint - thanks
20:46.11lkcljpsharp: ok - type=user and all that, i think i get it
20:47.16teloniuszWIMPy: OK, I've got something. It seems that the connection is being dropped by SIP peer...
20:47.43leifmadsenwell, type=user wouldn't allow a registration
20:47.55leifmadsenyou use type=peer or friend to allow registration
20:48.00WIMPyteloniusz: At least it must be fast at doing so :-)
20:48.00teloniuszWIMPy: ...but there's strange thing: I tried to set debug on this peer and there it goes:
20:48.23teloniuszWIMPy: channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: SIP/7090264402-0000e9f3
20:48.42teloniuszWIMPy: and a soft changup right after that.
20:48.53teloniuszhangup even
20:49.21lkclleifmadsen: taaaaa
20:50.14WIMPySounds like a strange time.
21:00.52TheCompWizGraiden & ChannelZ:  I agree its strange... but I'm seeing it on all asterisk logs.  the system's syslog shows no such discrepancies and no errors at or around the time this happens.  I'm seeing it on about a dozen different servers (3 different sets of hardware... but 12 servers total)  (sorry for the delayed response)
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21:01.23TheCompWiz(asterisk 1.6 fwiw)
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21:04.49jayteeanyone here used Cisco 7960 phones with sip firmware?
21:06.22pabelangerLikely not, I don't think Cisco allows you to distribute it
21:06.25Nuggetjaytee: Just Say No.
21:06.27pabelangerunless they changed it
21:06.39ChannelZHmm.  I never look at my logs that often to be honest
21:06.45_Corey_uh, yeah... i've used the sip firmware for a long time
21:06.52ChannelZBut it's not something I've seen when I have
21:06.55leifmadsenI have used it a long time ago
21:07.03NuggetI've still got a few 40s and 60s laying around, but I don't use them any more.  It's just too much of a pain to use them alongside the more modern x5 and x1 phones
21:07.07leifmadsen7960 is certainly easier to configure than the 7961
21:07.15_Corey_It sucks and Cisco stopped supporting it, but it works
21:07.16Nuggetthe 40/60 phones are just way too different
21:07.23leifmadsenNugget: that :)
21:07.33leifmadsenI love the tftp only feature
21:07.41leifmadsenwhy think when you have tftp provisioning!
21:07.57_Corey_I have a customer who curses me with them... every time I think I'm going to be done with them they buy some company and end up with another 200+ of the stupid things
21:07.59TheCompWizChannelZ: I know the feeling.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure what the *real* problem is... but asterisk seems to fork off into a bunch of processes & become non-responsive... but nothing in the logs is giving me any help... except for that one discrepancy.
21:08.12jayteeI have 3 of these and they already have the SIP firmware. I'm just trying to find more info than what is on
21:08.15Nuggetusing any cisco phones with asterisk is an exercise in masochism, though
21:08.33Nuggetif they didn't look so stunningly awesome on everyone's desks I'd replace them with digium phoness  :)
21:08.37jayteerather than type each .cnf file out by hand from scratch.
21:09.27_Corey_Nugget: stunningly awesome?  lol...  I used to think so.  I guess it wore off
21:09.43Nuggetwell we do have a lot of the color screen ones  :)
21:13.44leifmadsenNugget: so you have a working .cnf file for the x1 phones?
21:14.04*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
21:14.07leifmadsenI've never seen someone actually get an x1 phone working with asterisk :)
21:14.12_Corey_leifmadsen: We have them
21:14.19_Corey_too f'ing many of them
21:14.21Nuggetyeah, I run a mix of 41s and 61s and 45s and 65s
21:15.01_Corey_the xml file is a lot more convoluted but it works ok
21:17.03leifmadsenya for sure -- I never could get it working, and there was zero documentation when I tried to get my 7970 working.
21:17.08kikohnlI have a 7960 and 7941 both with current SIP versions running, minor issues to get them up
21:17.10leifmadsenwould be cool if someone posted a reasonable example somewhere
21:17.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:17.33_Corey_leifmadsen: I can PB one if you want to see it
21:18.07leifmadsensure would be interested. I could blog about it I guess
21:18.41jpsharpI ran several hundred 7940s at my previous employer.
21:19.55jayteeis there anywhere I can download a sample .cnf file for the 7960? searched Cisco but so far found nothing for config downloads.
21:22.15darkdrgn2kany on ehave any experiances with an 1120e on asterisk
21:24.20_Corey_leifmadsen: enjoy...
21:25.12*** join/#asterisk aossama (~ao@
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21:25.43kikohnl7941 config
21:26.19puzzledI had my fair share of problems with 79x1s too. nuggets like an unpublished  12(?) char limit on certain fields were "fun". just avoid them unless you use CCM in which case they work very well
21:27.41_Corey_jaytee: here you go...  7940/7960 sample file :
21:27.52_Corey_you also need a SIPDefault.cnf for that one
21:27.52jayteethanks, Corey!!!
21:28.10_Corey_let me know if you need that too while I have this open
21:30.01jayteesure, it would definitely help
21:31.50_Corey_jaytee: np, ...  here you go:
21:32.01*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
21:32.49kikohnl7960 sipdefault.cnf
21:34.10kikohnl7960 SIPmacaddress.cnf
21:37.34jayteekikohnl, thank you. between your files and Corey's I should be able to figure this out and get one of these working.
21:47.22*** join/#asterisk luckman212_ (~irc@2001:470:8abb:0:8c4c:ca87:2fc8:2a46)
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21:48.14tompawI might be missing something obvious here, but it's been a really long day and I would appreciate your help.
21:48.36jpsharpWell, what's the issue?
21:48.51tompawon 1.8.15, got two G711 peers, A and B. When they both do an echotest separately, it works great.
21:49.20tompawBut when I do A<>*<>B call, then the audio from A->B kicks in after 30 seconds!
21:49.26tompawNo sooner, no later, 30 seconds.
21:49.46tompawB->A works right away.
21:49.58tompawTraces look normal, no errors in logs, etc.
21:51.10*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
21:57.57luckman212_tompaw:  rtp set debug on
21:59.56tompawluckman212_: got 5x "Sent RTP P2P packet" to A and 4x "Sent RTP P2P packet" to B the moment call is answered
22:00.15tompawAnd then nothing, when the A->B audio starts working, nothing new appears in the debug log.
22:01.29luckman212_ok well then rtp is not flowing thru your asterisk box
22:01.42tompaware you saying I'm not proxying the call?
22:01.44luckman212_are these 2 devices both on the same network?
22:01.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:01.56luckman212_yes your asterisk has removed itself (or tried to) from the media path
22:02.05tompawno, they're billion kms aways from each other and behind thousand NATs
22:02.08tompawthat would explain a lot
22:02.11luckman212_ah yes!
22:02.21luckman212_you need canreinvite=no
22:02.24tompawany idea how to force my dear * to stay in the middle?
22:02.37tompawI'm gonna shoot myself with a caffeine shot.
22:03.15luckman212_if you're running 1.8+  you can use directmedia=no    I believe that is the preferred method
22:04.12luckman212_if you've got specific peers that are behind nat, and others that aren't you can define subnets to permit/deny  via  directmediadeny=w.x.y.z   and directmediapermit=a.b.c.d    etc etc
22:04.31tompawI always want it to stay in the middle!
22:04.59tompawI totally forgot about that option, my mind was poisoned with wholesale switches and freeswitch and 20 hours of no sleep!
22:05.00luckman212_tompaw: why?
22:05.01*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
22:06.05tompawluckman212_: cause it's gonna be transcoding G711<>G729 and the agents will be using 3g-based, voip-blocked, triple-nat'd internets probably.
22:06.27*** join/#asterisk hoho` (~hoho@unaffiliated/hoho/x-4898770)
22:07.30hoho`is there any way to configure a mgcp gateway as a trunk?
22:07.44luckman212_tompaw:  ok,  also asterisk would always keep itself in the media path if it needs to transcode  ... so you may have other issues going on.  it's also quite strange that you hear audio after 30 seconds... I would expect it to either work right away or not at all.  unless the NAT device at one or both ends is doing something really 'ugly'
22:08.00tompawluckman212_: in this one particular test there was no transcoding
22:08.07tompawthat explains everything
22:08.12tompawwith that option provlem is  solved
22:08.31tompawI actually thought that new Wireshark is somehow supersmart and hides them RTP packets
22:08.38tompawnow I know it wasn't lol
22:09.43WIMPyIt does what you tell it to do.
22:10.58*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
22:12.20tompawthanks for your help mate, I can now sleep in peace.
22:12.44WIMPyBetter than rest in peace, I guess.
22:13.03tompawbetter than rest in pieces.
22:27.17*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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23:09.05lkclok, with 2 clients (ekiga and xmeeting) i have audio working perfectly with app_confbridge: how would i go about getting video up-and-running, and/or testing to debug why it's not?
23:11.55*** part/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-ldxeacrgmncoetmi)
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23:57.07lkclgot it!  sip.conf - videosupport=yes.  yay!

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