IRC log for #asterisk on 20120806

19:45.08*** join/#asterisk infobot (
19:45.08*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.7.0 (2012/07/30), (2012/07/30), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
19:46.14Hivei'll try with en/queue-perio.... again for safe measure
19:46.40becca_rDoes anyone know if there is a variable or an easy way to reference the number of calls holding in a queue?  For example, I'd like to play a message if calls holding is greater than x callers.
19:47.02jeffspeffHive, i know for sure that when using Background() or Playback() you don't have to specify the en dir
19:47.11Hivebecca_r: try QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT
19:47.28becca_rHive: Thank you.
19:47.31Hivejeffspeff: yeah, i'm really confused as to why this isnt working :[
19:48.40b0otDoes asterisk support any sort of decentralized distributed configuration?
19:48.57jeffspeffHive, are you using a SIP provider/trunk?
19:50.00jeffspeffalso, are you using SIP phones?
19:50.15Hiveyes at both
19:50.29Hive(answeing jeffspeff)
19:51.29jeffspeffwhat codec are you setting for your sip phones, and what codec are you setting for your provider?
19:54.08Hiveinbound calls are ular
19:54.20Hiveulaw, peers are ular or gsm
19:54.41Hivethough i dont know if that really should affect what the caller hears
19:54.49Hiveerr ulaw not ular
19:55.03jeffspeffmost phones are set for ulaw
19:55.09jeffspeffi would add/change
19:55.20jeffspefffor all peers and providers
19:55.35Hivethey have disallow=all
19:56.12jeffspeffwhat order is your allow statement?
19:56.18gg608fhi all, anyone have installed LUA module in asterisk?
19:56.22gg608fI have this error
19:56.40gg608fusr/bin/ld: cannot find -llua
19:57.22Hivedisallow -> allow ulaw for provider
19:57.32Hivedisallow -> allow ulaw -> allow gsm for peers
19:58.52jeffspeffHive, you're throwing me off with the ->
19:59.01jeffspeffplease tell me you don't have -> in your sip.conf
19:59.11Hivethey are new lines
20:00.22jeffspeffand there's your problem
20:00.40jeffspeffjust a sec, and i'll tell ya
20:00.43jeffspeffon the phone
20:01.07*** join/#asterisk bandroidx (~bandroidx@2607:f358:1:fed5:5:0:558:12)
20:06.30*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:06.56jeffspeffHive, allow=ulaw,gsm
20:08.11*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
20:08.17jeffspeffHive, i take that back
20:08.24jeffspeffI think i just told you wrong
20:08.27doolittleworkCAN SOME ON PLEASE TEL ME WHAT  Requested transfer capability: 0x10 - 3K1AUDIO
20:08.38doolittleworksorrry for yelling
20:08.50doolittleworkment to be the other way around
20:09.20*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:09.27Hiveaww bummer :[
20:09.29doolittleworki am routing a incomming call from provider to a pabx using te4xxp and i get the above
20:09.46jeffspeffHive, just for giggles, try doing allow=all
20:09.55jeffspeffthat would rule out a codec problem
20:12.12_Corey_anyone seen a Cisco SIP phone dropping calls with a 400 error whenever it gets an RPID update from Asterisk?
20:12.38jeffspeff_Corey_, mine never did
20:13.01_Corey_jeffspeff: Any idea what firmware rev you had?  I have a feeling this may just be too old
20:13.24doolittleworkstrange this that if i phone in on the pri from my mobile phone it works like a charm call goes throught witout any hickups, but when i phone from a land line i just get a dead silence with the above error
20:13.35_Corey_jeffspeff: (I think it's running 8.8)
20:13.40jeffspeffoh, it's been over a year... they were SPA504g's and had the latest firmware that wasn't part of the unified communications framework
20:13.52_Corey_yeah, those are Sipura firmware
20:13.56_Corey_I should have clarified
20:14.06_Corey_I'm talking 79XX series Cisco SIP FW
20:14.19_Corey_yeah, vintage junk
20:14.21jeffspeffthose use the UC firmwares don't they
20:14.30jeffspeff?? maybe not
20:14.37jeffspeffit's been forever
20:14.40Hivejeffspeff, you think i should allow all on the provider?
20:14.52jeffspeffi've since moved on to a pure polycom solution
20:14.59jeffspeffHive, it's not a security problem or anything
20:15.09jeffspeffit's just codec filtering
20:15.45jeffspeffthis way * will use the first compatible codec sent from the peer/provider
20:16.34jeffspeffHive, also, are you getting bi-directional audio? like are the calls working fine, just not able to hear the file play?
20:18.16sm7syxAnyone here with experience from Phonzo as provider?
20:18.39drmessanoThat's a great name.  Damnit
20:18.45sm7syxyes a Norwegian / Swedish one
20:18.47_Corey_too much like Bozo
20:19.00sm7syxagreed ;)
20:19.04drmessanoI guess I will need to go with my second choice.. Gonzoip
20:19.22sm7syxHahahah love it
20:20.10sm7syxJust that I do have a problem calling out ;(
20:20.35drmessanoGonzoIP.. you're crazy wacky looney ITSP
20:20.42jeffspefflove it
20:21.53drmessanoGonzoIP.. we're serious about VoIP.. Seriously LOONEY
20:23.15sm7syxKermIT stop it ;)
20:23.22*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (~sean@
20:23.32drmessano"We support GSM, G729, G722, ULAW, ALAW, SILK, and Siren7/Siren14... But only one per day, per week.. and it's completely random"
20:23.33doolittleworkwhat does the SetTransferCapability('SPEECH') do?
20:24.21Hivejeffspeff: Yes, the call works fine, it's as if the file isnt even trying to play though... no errors or warnings or anything.  Nothing in the CLI that says playing file either T_T
20:24.57jeffspeffthat's odd, but i have neve messed with queues at all
20:25.07drmessanoTypical support message:  "I can not make calls with G729 today.  It worked yesterday.  What happened?"  "It's not Tuesday anymore"
20:25.41jeffspeffdrmessano, where do you get that message from?
20:26.12drmessanoI made it up.  I expect it will be a common problem with GonzoIP's codec rotation
20:27.08drmessanoMaybe update via twitter with the codec of the day?  "Happy Wednesday!  We're supporting GSM today.  Don't miss out!"
20:27.19doolittleworkdrmessano: can you please nudge me in the right direction error: Requested transfer capability: 0x10 - 3K1AUDIO
20:28.44drmessanodoolittlework:  One error?  No description or debug?   Allow me to nudge you with a ClueBat(TM) and ask for more info
20:29.28*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
20:30.11doolittleworki am making a call from my mobile phone into a pri to my sip phone and it works, from a landline i get the above error
20:31.06*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
20:31.17*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
20:31.17WIMPydoolittlework: It means it is voice and not some other form of audio, like a modem.
20:31.20danfromukHi guys. I know this sounds like a rookie question but here goes.... If I want to set a channel variable before a Dial(LOCAL/ command, what do I need to do for the channel variable to be passed through to the LOCAL/ extension?
20:31.30danfromukIs it one _ or two __?
20:32.27WIMPydoolittlework: There must be something else going on. Asterisk doesn't care for BC on imcomming calls.
20:34.35*** join/#asterisk resist0r (~resist0r@
20:34.54HiveI'm having trouble getting a periodic announcement to play for my CALLER.  Is there something wrong with the queue formatting or the way I call the queue?
20:36.51*** join/#asterisk iulhk (iulhk@
20:37.58mjordanHive: you shouldn't need the 'en/'.  You should only need the name of the sound file.
20:38.10mjordan(at least from the documentation in queues.conf)
20:39.45*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
20:42.53iulhkcan i use perl agi and php agi at the same time at the same server? as well can i call php agi from perl agi? as normally we call from one agi to other agi
20:43.37*** join/#asterisk eduzimrs (
20:45.58*** join/#asterisk Ralcala (~demo@
20:48.12*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
20:50.47Hivemjordan: oops, i forgot to take that out.  I have tested it without the en/ as well without luck
20:50.56Hivebut I'm guessing you don't see anything wrong with the formatting either
20:53.04Ralcalahi dudes
20:53.26Ralcalai got a issue with * 1.18 on centos 5.4
20:54.24mjordanHive: do you see the verbose message "Playing periodic announcement"
20:54.31Ralcala1 old micronet sp5050 fxo gw and 3 grand stream fxs gw
20:54.59Ralcalathe next code was for ivr
20:55.19Ralcalafxo gw got 6 lines
20:56.24Ralcalawhen ivr receives a second call and one operator is busy with a current call
20:56.34Hivemjordan: no, i dont see anything like that
20:56.55mjordankk.  When the periodic announcement is played, you should get a verbose level 3 message indicating that its playing the periodic announcement
20:57.08*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
20:57.19Ralcalathe call just interrupts for 20 seconds and then continues.....
20:57.31danfromukWhy would the CLI say that asterisk was recording but no file created?
20:57.31Ralcalaany suggestions
20:57.46mjordantry setting periodic-announce-frequency=60
20:57.52mjordanno spaces between the = and the number
21:00.04*** join/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (~ThinkGNU-@
21:01.28Hivemjordan: i changed frequency to 60 and timeout to 120, listened for the full 2 minutes and nothing played
21:01.32Hiveno hit on the cli either
21:01.47Hivealso it's not playing my musicclass either :[
21:01.49mjordanwhat type of channel is in the queue?
21:01.52Hiveso confused
21:01.52*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
21:02.05mjordanhm.  Well, that's probably the root cause of the problem, not app_queue.  It sounds like it can't find your sound files.
21:02.45danfromukActually, looking deeper, it seems that during the recording, the wav file is created, then when i hang up, its deleted.
21:02.51danfromukWhat would cause that to happen?
21:02.54*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
21:03.12Hivemjordan: sound files are located at /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/queue-periodic-announce.gsm (.g729 and .ulaw are also present)
21:03.45Hivewhich is the default i think, so i dont know why it wouldnt be able to find those
21:05.56mjordanHive: what is your astdatadir?
21:06.10mjordanin asterisk.conf
21:06.45mjordanHive: and what version of Asterisk are you using?
21:06.56HiveAsterisk 10.4.0
21:07.08mjordanare you on a 32-bit machine by any chance?
21:07.35danfromukAnyone know if there was there a bug in asterisk 1.8.12 that causes recordings to get deleted at the end of a call?
21:07.41Hive64 bit
21:09.28gg608fhi all, anyone have installed LUA module in asterisk?
21:09.31mjordanwhat channel technology is in the queue?
21:09.41mjordandanfromuk: no
21:09.43Hivehow can I tell that?
21:10.01mjordanwell, what channel is sitting in the queue when you're testing?
21:10.39mjordandanfromuk: and you haven't said how you're recording the message.
21:10.40danfromukAny way to get asterisk to output more information on what its doing? IE why its creating the .wav file during recording and deleting it at hangup? verbose and debug dont show anything.
21:10.49HiveSIP/<channel info>
21:11.07danfromukmjordan: One line.... cmd Record(/path/to/file.wav)
21:11.37mjordanYou need the 'k' option.
21:11.44mjordanby default it does not keep the recording on hangup.
21:12.24Hivemjordan: type sip i believe
21:12.25mjordanlast sentence in the description of the application.
21:12.27danfromukI wasnt aware of the k option. What would be the benefit of recording without the K option?
21:12.28mjordanHive: you are correct
21:12.31iulhkcan i use perl agi & php agi files at the same time at the same server for different services ?
21:12.47danfromukMust be new. Recently upgraded from 1.4 where k wasnt needed.
21:12.49mjordanHive: I'm not entirely sure why its not playing.  Let me lab it up locally.
21:13.47Hivemjordan: thank you very much
21:18.38mjordanHive: k, I think I might know what's going on here
21:18.45mjordanHive: are you testing with a single caller in the queue?
21:19.29Hiveill try a double 1s
21:19.33mjordanHive: :-)  The periodic-announce is only for people who are in the queue waiting for an agent to become free
21:19.39*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
21:19.53mjordanHive: So if you have a single caller in the queue and the agents are ringing, then it won't play.  The agents aren't busy.
21:20.15mjordanHive: But if you have all of your agents busy and none of them are being rung, then the periodic announcement logic will kick in for whoever else is sitting in the queue
21:20.39mjordantry having a single agent and calling into the queue.  Have the agent answer.
21:20.50mjordanThen take another phone and call into the queue.  You should start getting your periodic announcements.
21:22.50*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
21:23.04Hiveokay this is deff getting somewhere, I can see the following in my CLI: Playing 'queue-periodic-announce.ulaw' (language 'en')
21:23.18Hivethough I can't hear it, as well as not being able to hear musicclass
21:24.08HiveThanks for helping me get here mjordan
21:24.49mjordanHive: np :-)
21:27.54HiveMjordan: in that pastebin, yours is playing .gsm
21:28.09mjordanthat's all I have installed
21:28.12Hiveahh okay
21:31.37danfromukHi, whats the extension wildcard for ANYTHING? Like _X. is for any number.
21:33.04_Corey_danfromuk: Well, "anything" would be _! I believe
21:33.05*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
21:33.29danfromukWhat about anything except for nothing?
21:33.47danfromukWhich comes up with a warning in the CLI.
21:33.59_Corey_danfromuk: _. is one or more chars, _! is zero or more
21:33.59Hiveyes because it accepts everything :P
21:34.23danfromukThats fine. Its not exposed to users.
21:34.26_Corey_danfromuk: lemme try with one underscore: _.
21:34.35_Corey_that's one or more
21:34.44_Corey_(of any char)
21:35.06_Corey_I'd stay away from the _. or ! matches if you can... they get dangerous
21:35.40Hivemjordan: in queues.conf, musicclass is used to have music play instead of ringing right? or is that a separate option
21:36.02danfromukok, thanks for your help again.
21:41.34mjordanHive: are you getting the "    -- Music class default requested but no musiconhold loaded." message?
21:51.52*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
22:00.14navaismoHow much memory needs tha AGI cmd in order to run? Im getting this --> [Aug  6 17:58:52] WARNING[1111] res_agi.c: Failed to fork(): Cannot allocate memory
22:08.34Carkohow much free memory do you have
22:10.02*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-xsmymwktnexvmfoy)
22:13.30navaismo159 MB
22:16.22*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
22:22.10Ralcalahi fellas
22:22.35Ralcalahow i can avoid interrupting a current call with another coming?
22:23.09*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
22:27.57*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
22:32.12ChannelZRalcala: turn off call waiting on the phone
22:32.33ChannelZOr program your dialplan to look if the channel is in use first and then act accordingly
22:32.36ChannelZOr use call counters
22:33.32*** join/#asterisk cisco (~cisco@
22:37.32*** join/#asterisk N2Li (4445a96f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:42.00navaismoI disable 10 unused modules and still getting the --> WARNING[1111] res_agi.c: Failed to fork(): Cannot allocate memory
22:42.23N2LiAny U.S. Based Asterisk Developers looking for hourly work developing creative and innovative asterisk applications, and work from home doing it? (2 to 4 months work available, maybe more after depending how things go)
22:42.36Digweedanyone an idea on how to strip contact uri user part from an outgoing invite?
22:42.47Digweedhost part should stay but i need to drop the user part
22:42.49Digweedasterisk 1.6
22:42.53*** join/#asterisk brainiac (
22:45.52ChannelZnavaismo: you have some other issue... is asterisk running under 'nice' or something and constraining it's memory usage?
22:46.37N2LiAny Asterisk Developers looking for hourly work developing creative and innovative asterisk applications, and work from home doing it? (2 to 4 months work available, maybe more after depending how things go) - (U.S. Developers would be more appealing) (All 'under-the-table' work, no reporting, no taxes, weekly pay, greendot or paypal are fine, check or money orders fine to, will use whatever method works best for you, for your payment
22:46.41ChannelZOr could be a red herring and the fork is failing for some other reason
22:48.42navaismoChannelZ, is running in the RaspberryPi
22:49.39ChannelZhmm can't help you there
23:11.18*** join/#asterisk crienzo (~crienzo@
23:16.30*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
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23:22.35navaismook another one about DPMA: inter-vlan use of dpma is possibile and if so how do we go about it
23:26.40*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
23:29.03*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
23:33.14*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
23:37.19*** join/#asterisk riwarren (b84699be@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:40.24navaismohow can I execute a system command and assign the result to one  variable in the dialplan
23:40.31riwarrencan anyone take a look at this pastebin of my CLI log?   I can't get outgoing calls through my trunk to work and i've tried just about everything.
23:44.36*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
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23:55.39*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
23:56.01Dar1usnavaismo: you can't afaik
23:56.13Dar1usnavaismo: I ended up writing an AGI script which did that though
23:57.36navaismoyes, i cant use the AGI cmd i dont have enogh memory to do that

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