IRC log for #asterisk on 20120731

00:04.27powerunitsguysssss please can some one can tell me why..
00:04.34powerunitsvoicemail are not going to email
00:12.42ZopsiHas anyone done the Digium D70 firmware upgrade? it keeps saying that the firmware upgrade has failed for me and I have no idea why.
00:27.37*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
00:34.45*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
00:34.55pytherHi. What is the difference between a friend and a peer?
00:39.12*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
00:44.56NivexSIP is driving me crazy!
00:56.02SteelReigni here ya
00:57.00NivexCisco 7960 on the far end of a VPN. Diddling with the NAT directives (despite there being no NAT in the way because of the VPN) in order to get it back
00:57.02*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:57.02SteelReignmy asterisk server wont pass IM's over SIP and I don't know if it's the Openfire Asterisk Plug-in or Asterisk itself.
00:57.33pytheris it possible to set a outbound caller id for a user?
01:02.40*** part/#asterisk SteelReign (
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02:09.10*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
02:09.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
02:20.45EmleyMoorIs there anything I can do to block a specific IP from making SIP calls to me?
02:21.54EmleyMoor... in sip.conf?
02:22.38Kobazyou can see the sip.conf.sample for examples
02:22.50carrarPut that phone in a context that doesn't have access to your extension
02:23.33carrarI assume you still want that phone to be able to make calls
02:23.34KobazEmleyMoor: if it's something that's being abusive then you can add it to your firewall
02:23.45carrarYou can also route the call basaed on it's caller ID
02:24.06Kobazcallerid based routing for security is terrible
02:24.20carrarthen you have bad security
02:24.40carrarbut it is a viable option
02:24.54EmleyMoorKobaz: Tried adding it to my firewall already - didn't seem to work
02:25.06KobazEmleyMoor: then your firewall config isn't correct
02:25.21EmleyMoor... an[d nor did that "deny"
02:25.26Kobazcallerid filtering/router can be part of a security scheme, but shouldn't be *the* security scheme
02:25.45EmleyMoorKobaz: Either its config or its operationality. yes
02:26.02Kobazif you're using iptables for your firewall then it's most certainly your configuration
02:26.07EmleyMoorI'm not
02:26.29Kobazeven if it's a cheapo linksys, it's probably the config
02:26.46carrarEmleyMoor, do you want to block the phone from your system entirely? or just calling your extension?
02:27.24EmleyMoorcarrar: I want to block the "whatever it is" altogether
02:27.41Kobazthen you should really use the firewall instead of asterisk
02:27.44carrarYou need find the IP of whatever it is then
02:28.00carrarWhats the IP?
02:28.27carrarI would then block
02:28.54carrarsince that IP belongs to larger block and they may change their IP
02:29.08carrarperson:       Walid Kassab
02:29.08carraraddress:      Palestinian Internet Services
02:29.08carraraddress:      P. O. BOX 5111 Gaza City, Palestine
02:29.36Kobazwhy /20?
02:29.53Kobazwhy not block the class c with a /24
02:29.57carrarCause thats the aggregatyed block that IP belongs too
02:30.05carrarand if they are on some dhcp
02:30.12carrarthen they can come back as a different IP
02:30.13EmleyMoorMy problem is not what to block but how to block
02:30.18carrarbut still withing that range more then likely
02:30.26Kobazoh the whole block is a /20 assigned to the walid guy
02:30.33carrarvia RIPE
02:30.40Kobazyeah, k that's fine
02:31.15KobazEmleyMoor: iptables -I INPUT --source -j REJECT
02:31.16Kobazdone and done
02:32.09EmleyMoorI am not using iptables
02:32.15Kobazwell you can start
02:32.16carrarYour not!!!
02:32.25carrarWhat are you using?
02:32.31Kobazsince your other method of firewalling isn't working apparently
02:32.45EmleyMoorFirewalling in a proprietary router
02:33.11Kobazwhat the heck is that
02:33.18Kobazthat's probably your problem :P
02:33.19carrarI thought they made studio cameras
02:33.28EmleyMoorI'm trying to get my supplier to help
02:33.31Kobazyou're better off using iptables then
02:33.39Kobazjust type that in your root prompt on your linux box
02:33.41carrarise iptables
02:33.44Kobazpoof, no more traffic
02:33.51Kobazfrom that whole ip block
02:34.37carrar[root@zotac ~]# iptables -I INPUT --source -j REJECT
02:34.38carrar[root@zotac ~]# iptables -n -L
02:34.38carrarChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
02:34.38carrartarget     prot opt source               destination
02:34.38carrarREJECT     all  --           reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
02:34.42carrarthats proof
02:36.05carrarremoves the block so his Palestinian friends can get back in
02:36.57Kobaznever know, might miss an important call
02:37.18carrarNSA will get it for me
02:37.37EmleyMoorYou're advising me to use something I just haven't got at present - fair enough
02:37.38carrarCIA or whever happens to be saving it at the time
02:37.49KobazEmleyMoor: why do you say you don't have it?
02:38.03KobazEmleyMoor: iptables --version
02:38.24EmleyMoorCommand not found
02:38.32Kobazoh wow
02:38.35carrarRU root
02:38.40EmleyMoorcarrar: Yes
02:38.49Kobaz/sbin/iptables --version
02:38.50carrar/sbin/iptables --version
02:39.14Kobazapt-get install iptables ?
02:40.25EmleyMoorKobaz: Could do that I guess but have never used iptbles before so will probably need some help with setting it up
02:40.34Kobazthere's nothing to set up
02:40.43Kobazyou just feed it commands for what you want to do
02:40.57Kobazand then if you want to keep those settings, then you add them to your bootup
02:41.00Kobazand that's it
02:41.27EmleyMoorSo if I just plain install it, it won't get in the way and I can then block that IP?
02:41.35Kobazit doesn't do anything by default
02:41.40Kobazit only does what you tell it to do
02:41.53Kobazand when it's first installed, nothing is telling it anything to do
02:42.11Kobazie: default rules are allow
02:43.16Kobazunless for some crazy retarded reason the package maintainer for your distribution decided otherwise
02:43.38Kobazbut if you're using anything 'mainstream' like debian, redhat, ubuntu, etc, then it wont be an issue
02:44.15EmleyMoorWell, that's stopped it for now...
02:44.19carrarthat should be your next project, UPDATE
02:44.24carrarerr UPGRADE
02:44.37KobazEmleyMoor: yay, step one complete
02:44.55Kobazso what's the problem, is it like failed registrations? like some sort of attack?
02:45.27EmleyMoorAttempting to call numbers by sending them with random prefixes as anonymous SIP calls
02:45.43Kobazso your next project, is install, and learn fail2ban
02:45.55Kobazno asterisk install should be without it
02:46.38carrarif not for the ability to block something on a whim if need be
02:46.52Kobazwell, iptables is for whims
02:47.09Kobazbasically fail2ban looks at log files for bad stuff, failed logins, etc, and will add iptables rules to block the attacker
02:47.24carraryeah I don't mean fail2ban, iptables
02:47.53EmleyMoorSo I'd need to write something for it that reads the asterisk log and deals with this situation?
02:48.30*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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02:50.05Kobazthere are samples you can plug in for asterisk
02:50.09Kobazand it will do a decent job
02:50.28Kobazthe syntax is simple enough, it's just regular expressions to match against the log files
02:50.44Kobazbut you should do enough reading to understand what it does and how it works so you can tailor it to your needs
02:52.05carrarwell thats a incorrect example
02:52.20carrarbut close
02:52.36Kobazexactly a good reason to learn the configs
02:55.52Kobazdepends on the asterisk version too
03:02.31*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
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05:18.00*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
05:18.06linocisco#join #freepbx
05:18.45linociscohi all
05:18.57*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
05:19.27linociscoi have installed dd-wrt , I could also telnet to it, i saw its busybox,  I dont know how to install asterisk using which command and which file
05:19.27Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
05:19.39flingwhat call-out service are you using?
05:20.31*** join/#asterisk kayfox (
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05:21.44ChannelZSpam: "We provide a program that will allow someone with sufficient work experience to obtain a fully verifiable Dgeree: Bachleors, Masetrs or Doctoarte."
05:22.08ChannelZI'm sure the education is second to none.  Dgerees are hard to get!
05:23.58kaldemarChannelZ: but you're guaranteed to get a good jbo with a dgeree! or at least some temporary wrok!
05:26.28kaldemarlinocisco: dd-wrt uses a package manager called opkg. use "opkg -h" to get help on available commands. dd-wrt has versions of asterisk in their repositories. "opkg update && opkg list" will update the package list and list available packages for you.
05:28.47linociscokaldemar, so I would need internet for that?? i have no internet on that router
05:29.31kaldemarturns out i was full of crap. i was thinking about openwrt.
05:32.00kaldemarthat link was thrown at you yesterday already.
05:32.16flingkaldemar: hello!
05:39.52kaldemarfling: howdy.
06:16.05linociscokaldemar, I was looking at that link. I dont know which command is to be used to install asterisk which file
06:17.33linociscokaldemar, I have no usb drive on my router
06:26.30*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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06:26.32schmidtsgood morning
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06:35.28*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
06:50.49EmleyMoorhas set allowguest=no for now at least - never had a legitimate call that way anyway
06:54.44*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:7d6f:fefe:efff:67ff)
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07:11.53linociscokaldemar, hello. I dont know how to install asterisk on my dd-wrt using your link
07:12.02linociscokaldemar, all commands are not working
07:13.19*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
07:16.35kaldemarlinocisco: maybe you should consider using something different from dd-wrt then. check that your router even has the sufficient memory for what you're trying to do.
07:18.57linociscokaldemar, i m exploring openwrt and freewrt and tomato. but dd-wrt permanently took positon in place. no other firmware will replace dd-wrt using firmware upgrade
07:21.50kaldemarlinocisco: what device are you using?
07:24.54linociscokaldemar, WRT54G2V1
07:25.39kaldemarwhere did you come up with that you can't replace dd-wrt with anything else?
07:28.22kaldemar <- for more info, use the proper support channels for dd-wrt. this has really nothing to do with asterisk.
07:39.49linociscokaldemar, i have installed dd-wrt well
07:40.10linociscokaldemar, the thing is how to install asterisk on it . guide or reference did n't work
07:41.42kaldemarand why is that?
07:46.03*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
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08:11.00linociscokaldemar, to install asterisk, what do we do?
08:12.16*** join/#asterisk brdude (
08:15.06kaldemarlinocisco: do what the guide says.
08:15.27linociscokaldemar, the guide didn't say how to install asterisk
08:16.45kaldemarlinocisco: how much available space do you have on the device?
08:17.06linociscokaldemar, how can I check?
08:18.54*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
08:19.18kaldemarssh in the device and command "df". the jffs block is what tells you the available space.
08:21.13v0lZyanyone know how ddrwt compares to say... pfsense?
08:22.49ChannelZisn't pfsense just a firewall implementation?
08:23.26ChannelZoh.. it's a whole distro..
08:23.46kaldemarthey have very little in common.
08:24.13linociscokaldemar, can telnet be ok? or must use ssh?
08:24.49kaldemarlinocisco: use telnet if that's what you have.
08:24.59v0lZyi find pfsense pretty awesome, but i run it on a full blown pc
08:24.59kaldemarlinocisco: as long as you get console access to it.
08:25.08v0lZysome kind of alternative hardware would be better
08:25.12v0lZylike alix stuff
08:25.13dax_rocpfsense would be more stable, based on PF / FreeBSD
08:25.18v0lZyif for nothign other than power consumption
08:25.27v0lZybut then... if that was 50 bucks not 300 ...
08:25.53linociscokaldemar, /dev/root 1280(1K blocks) 1280(used)  0(avaliaible)  100(Use%)  /(mounted on)
08:26.32kaldemardax_roc: and will it fit on a SOHO router?
08:26.35dax_rocI have pfsense in production on Alix boards, and Soekris. I would say it's awesome too
08:26.52kaldemarlinocisco: is that all it tells you?
08:26.55linociscov0lZy, why is pfesense so awlsome? what pfsense is related to asterisk?
08:27.00linociscokaldemar, yes
08:27.22v0lZylinocisco: its awesome because people that develope it really try to make it that wa
08:27.23dax_rockaldemar: depends, you can convert an old pc to do it
08:27.37v0lZyas for asterisk, i think i saw a beta package that can install it on pfsense
08:27.37kaldemardax_roc: so that would be a no?
08:27.46kaldemarlinocisco: i don't believe you.
08:27.51v0lZybut its a whoel different thing that a linksys router etc... never mind linocisco
08:28.09kaldemarlinocisco: but if it really does, you can stop with the dd-wrt right there. you will not be able to install asterisk on that.
08:28.13dax_rockaldemar: yes ->
08:29.19linociscokaldemar, ls shows there is folder called jffs.
08:29.21dax_rockaldemar: It wont run on off the shelf routers from <insert brand> tho
08:29.47kaldemardax_roc: that's what i was after. no sense comparing the two really.
08:29.50v0lZyyeah, wish it did.
08:30.00v0lZyputting it ona linksys would be awesome i think
08:30.08v0lZyalas, no such option
08:30.50linociscokaldemar, so should I try openwrt ?
08:30.51dax_rockaldemar: if you want a full featured scalable firewall os use pfSense if you want a hackable router os use ddwrt / openwrt
08:30.52kaldemarlinocisco: irrelevant. if it's just a folder, it has no use.
08:31.14*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
08:31.29kaldemardax_roc: i'm happy without any of those. :)
08:31.40v0lZyi recommend pfsense too
08:31.43dax_rockaldemar: sorted :D
08:31.48v0lZyits really good.
08:32.06v0lZy<- fan
08:32.23kaldemardax_roc: though i do have devices running openrwt and dd-wrt.
08:33.15v0lZywhats openrwt compared to dd-wrt?
08:34.20linociscokaldemar, I found I saw many. what to choose?
08:34.23dax_rockaldemar: there interface is much cleaner and imo is better for joe-user. I need some of the features that are only available in pfsense or costly alternatives.
08:34.39dax_roc*the ddwrt interface.
08:35.05dax_rocdd-wrt is based on open-wrt
08:35.11kaldemarlinocisco: first find out if your WRT54G2 is even supported. stop random googling and actually read the openwrt documentation.
08:35.22v0lZyi like the options pfsense gives you... tons of stuff
08:35.38kaldemarlinocisco: and keep away from those sources at this point, you'd need to setup a build environment for openwrt first.
08:36.04kaldemardax_roc: interface as in web interface?
08:37.02mariusnolinocisco: if I am correct, you can't install asterisk on any of those. The wrt54 has to litle internal memmory. You will need to use the image-generator to customize the packages to be installed in the image. This is kind of a complex operation, and you should have some linux and googleling experience first.
08:37.09dax_rockaldemar: Yes
08:37.38kaldemarmariusno: depends on the HW version. i've personally run asterisk on an older WRT54G.
08:38.03dax_rockaldemar: I have yet to see a better UI for a firewall.
08:38.12kaldemardax_roc: i don't even use a web interface on my openwrt.
08:38.16mariusnokaldemar: with one of the pre-build images?
08:38.22kaldemarmariusno: yes.
08:39.07mariusnoI could not even install openssl before it was out of internal memory, I had to use the image-generator. But as I said, i could be wrong:)
08:39.09kaldemarmariusno: some version of whiterussian, iirc.
08:43.34mariusnokaldemar: okay:)
08:44.24mariusnobut running asterisk on wrt54 hardware, i thought there would be performance issues, or is it no problem?
08:44.48kaldemarmariusno: depends on what you want to do with it.
08:44.50v0lZybtw... virtualization and asterisk... bad idea?
08:45.23mariusnoworked good for me with virtualbox
08:47.44*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~Eissa@
08:57.53v0lZyi kind of like virtualbox
08:58.06v0lZybut it stinks of oracle a bit
08:59.37mariusnoI started of with virtualbox, migrated to bare hardware, and will soon try to migrate to KVM
09:04.18*** join/#asterisk orn (~orn@2a01:8280:10:4:44b:f353:b5f8:ffd)
09:06.25v0lZykvm seems interesting
09:06.29v0lZybut qemu.. ergh
09:06.45mariusnolibvirt takes care of the machines
09:17.09*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
09:17.38danfromukHi, has anyone managed to connect a cisco phone thats behind a nat, to a remote asterisk box?
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09:26.40Roeltdanfromuk, yes
09:27.53danfromukOk, i'll give it another bash. Last time i tried, the cisco phone wasn't providing the correct port information. cant remember exactly what happened.
09:28.30*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
09:30.09dax_rocDoes the hangup stop execution in the dialplan ?
09:31.32dax_rocI'm trying to do a callback after the hangup(), How should I do this. Do I need a script checking for callbacks to be made
09:35.12*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:36.53WIMPyBefore the hangup and yes Asterisk really needs some concept of disconnected calls.
09:41.16v0lZydax_roc: world of pain :D
09:41.34v0lZyits the dial thats the problem
09:41.47v0lZytheres flags g and f (or F, not sure)
09:42.02v0lZyanyway, its supposed to continue the dialplan execution
09:42.03dax_rocso before hangup i would dial from exten h ?
09:42.08v0lZydepends on who hangs up.
09:42.35dax_rocI don't answer the call, I'm just getting the callerid hangup callback and place in queue
09:43.17v0lZyperhaps i can help here
09:46.23v0lZya while people here helped me come up with a solution
09:46.36v0lZywhere as long as my phone is on the line, its calls are redirected
09:46.42v0lZywhen it hangsup, the redirect terminates
09:46.55v0lZyits done in such a way that its sent to loop in some context
09:47.07v0lZyand then i have something written in my s extenison...
09:47.34v0lZyexten => s,1,Wait(2)
09:47.35v0lZyexten => s,n,SayDigits(${REDIRECTED_TO})
09:47.37v0lZyexten => s,n,Playback(vm-saved)
09:47.39v0lZyexten => s,n(waitloop),Wait(10)
09:47.40v0lZyexten => s,n,SayDigits(${REDIRECTED_TO})
09:47.42v0lZyexten => s,n,Playback(vm-saved)
09:47.43v0lZyexten => s,n,Goto(waitloop)
09:47.45v0lZyexten => h,1,Noop(Removed ${DB_DELETE(CF/${CALLERID(num)})})})})})
09:47.56kaldemarv0lZy: you should know not to paste here.
09:48.06v0lZySorry... i thought if its just a little that i can.
09:48.17v0lZythough yeah, i don tsee others do it much..
09:48.36v0lZyanyway... you see the h,1, there..
09:48.39v0lZythat happens on hangup
09:49.59v0lZydax_roc: maybe u can use that...
09:54.12*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~rich@
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09:56.56kaldemardax_roc: you could set a variable in the extension that you want to trigger the callback and then execute the callback in the hangup extension if the variable is set.
09:57.32xoverukis there a command that will allow me to monitor SIP and IAX connections in realtime, similar to the watch command in BASH?
09:58.53li3pasterisk -rx 'any command' )))
09:59.30kaldemarxoveruk: monitor how? show channels go up and down or show signalling traces?
10:01.29salz212how to make asterisk work on multi core.. or does it ... by default works on multicores?
10:01.49kaldemarsalz212: it works.
10:02.18salz212so is the load.. equally divided? lets say I hae 8 core processor..
10:06.32*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:06.51kaldemarsalz212: wouldn't guarantee anything about load equality, but it will use multiple cores.
10:07.00xoverukboth, but what is the latter?
10:07.18xoverukwhat is the command for signal tracing?
10:08.28kaldemarxoveruk: "sip set debug on", "iax2 set debug on"
10:09.51kaldemarxoveruk: for channels, enable verbosity in the CLI or use something like: watch -n 1 'asterisk -rx "core show channels"'
10:10.16li3pxoveruk, tcpdump -v
10:10.58xoverukah great.
10:11.42xoverukI did not realise that i could execute commands only. brilliant
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10:24.35xoverukhow can i save that to an alias?
10:51.54xoveruksorry wrong channel.
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11:58.52bulkorokhow can I reduce the volume of MOH !?
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12:32.10leifmadsenbulkorok: use the VOLUME() function?
12:32.17leifmadsenor you can modify the sound files with sox or something else
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13:00.10bulkorokleifmadsen: what are the possible values!? -8 to 8 or 0 to 9 ?!
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13:00.25leifmadsenyou'll have to test and find out
13:00.37leifmadsenand look at the documentation for VOLUME()
13:03.00bulkorokI took a look... there is only 3 or 2 mentioned... but I tried and can hear that VOLUME(TX)=5 is mouch louder than -6 so -6 to 5 is verified ;-)
13:03.16leifmadsenwell that makes perfect sense...
13:03.20leifmadsenthe values are DB I think
13:03.42leifmadsenwhich the docs I'm pretty sure mention
13:04.19bulkorokcore show function VOLUME says only rx/tx gain
13:04.56bulkorokdoesn't like the standard moh anymore :-/
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13:06.16leifmadsenbulkorok: good thing you can change it then
13:09.29bulkorokwiki says gain uses dB...
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13:19.31Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz?? answer plz.
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13:21.59drmessanoKatty, Start > Shutdown > Reboot
13:22.10Kattyheard it.
13:23.08drmessanoRemove the outer wrapper, place Asterisk at opening.  Slide Asterisk into opening, gently remove applicator.
13:23.35Kattywell that's certainly new.
13:24.47drmessanoIt was a simple substitution based on a process familiar to your gender.  I would say it's "amateurish" and/or "sexist" at best.  That's all I have this early.
13:25.47Kattyhands drmessano coffee
13:27.08drmessanoWhy, thank you!
13:28.20drmessanoI don't want to go to work.  Yesterday was bad and those people make me sadface
13:28.38[TK]D-FenderA friend in need's a friend indeed.  A friend with beans is better....
13:29.31drmessanoCoffee, the second best thing to come out of Colombia
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13:47.51mariusnoHi. I have 4 phones in a ring group. If I receive the incomming call on one of them, the other 3 displayes a "missing" call on the screen. The call is not missing, just taken by someone else. Any neat trick to solve this?
13:48.22WIMPyGet decent phones.
13:48.35mariusnocisco 7912 phones
13:49.58WIMPyAsterisk will tell the phones that the call was answered elsewehere. Whether the phone case is up to the phone.
13:50.42mariusnoah, so no specific settings to asterisk then
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13:51.39WIMPyNope. It just works. Or at least it has been working for quite some time.
13:51.47mariusnotried to add this "c" to "Asterisk Dial command"
13:52.05mariusnowhich i found after some googeling, but it did not work
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13:52.10mariusnoso i thought to ask here
13:52.44WIMPyYour phones seem to ignore it.
13:53.13WIMPyYou are using SIP firmware?
13:53.19mariusnoon the cisco, yes
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13:56.11hebberHi, when asterisk just stops working what would be the first thing to do?
13:56.25WIMPyrestart it
13:56.37hebberI have restarted, reinstalled
13:56.41WIMPyAnd look for a core dump to find out what happened.
13:56.51infobotwell, collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
13:58.43*** join/#asterisk gringo (~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo)
13:58.43[TK]D-FenderFirst thing is to actually look at what you're using ... and tell us before asking...
13:58.55mariusnoWIMPy: thank you for the answer, then I will not follow up on the issue anymore:)
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14:10.41hebberFender: I'm not able to reproduce the issue as described in Collectdebug - Asterisk 1.8 only respond to open console, nothing else
14:11.40LannCould anyone reccomend the most accurate voice recognition engine for asterisk?
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14:16.23LannSecond question: could somebody point me in the right direction to perform multiple simultaneous conference calls for a single user?
14:17.25WIMPyhebber: Try to describe what's happening.
14:20.38hebberWimpy: I use asterisk 1.8, been pretty smooth setup until today. Was just trying to get parking to work, so did some changes in features.conf. Then I restarted asterisk using service and CLI:core reload didn't work. Then my SIP got disconnected. Checked CLI and all commands are renderes unusable. SIP, dahdi etc. Restarting the server solves nothing, but I can still log into the CLI. I have reinstalled from scratch and everything remains the same.
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14:21.40mjordanhebber: what version of 1.8?
14:22.05hebberI just downloaded the latest branch from SVN
14:22.20WIMPyIf the last change was to features.conf, you should try to move that out of the way.
14:22.42hebberI agree, but that doesn't work either
14:24.06WIMPyThen you should try to move them one by one or disable autoloading of modules and load them one by one until you find out which one causes the trouble.
14:24.37*** join/#asterisk dax_roc (~dax_roc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/daxroc)
14:25.19hebberThanks for advice Wimpy
14:25.33dax_rocHow would I go about creating an outbound call and on progress / answer transfer to an internal queue?
14:26.01dax_rocoriginate and use the queue as the destination app ?
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14:28.14Lannanyone? is there a way to put a user in a conference but also continue to do voice recog on him privately?
14:29.08WIMPydax_roc: Sounds logical.
14:31.17atekinalphi my asterisk server doesn't create answer to register request. what could be the problem?
14:31.29Kattychecks CAH
14:31.51Kattyatekinalp: Global Warming
14:31.59Kattyinfobot: forget CAH
14:32.00infoboti forgot cah, Katty
14:32.26KattyQwell: does a full string of text go in quotes?
14:32.30KattyQwell: to infobot
14:32.32WIMPyatekinalp: Are you sure it receives the request?
14:32.48KattyQwell: "foo bar" is
14:35.34*** join/#asterisk atekinalp (~alper@
14:36.07tzafrir_laptopnotes that the Babbage difference engine used decimal digits rather than binary digits
14:36.48atekinalpWIMPy: when i use tcpdump to listen traffic i see register packets but when i use 'sip set debug on' i can't see anything
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14:37.56WIMPyDid you bind to a specific address?
14:38.06coppicetzafrir_laptop: lots of computers in the 60s used a variety of non-binary number schemes
14:41.24*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:41.46[TK]D-Fenderlann: Originate a local channel to chanspy on him
14:42.24Lannthat won't work in this case
14:42.25[TK]D-Fenderatekinalp, pastebin BOTH for us to see...
14:42.26infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:42.33[TK]D-Fenderlann: ... because?
14:42.42LannHeh *deep breath*
14:43.10LannWell it's basically a game where the user can be in a chat room
14:43.16Lannbut there is also a command channel
14:43.22Lannthe user can switch between command mode and chat mode
14:43.25atekinalp<WIMPy>: when i netstat i can see asterisk is listenin port 5060
14:43.57LannI need the user to always be in command mode even when chatting because it is looking for something specific to decide when to enter command mode
14:44.10Lannerr well, to always be running sphinx on the user's voice
14:44.22[TK]D-FenderLann: so... this interferes with my suggestion how exactly?
14:44.43LannWell, I need the user to be in some place that I can run speech synthesis on him, and also be in a chat
14:44.51Lannis that possible?
14:45.03Lannby chat I mean conference
14:45.14[TK]D-FenderLann: Originate teh Chanspy channel to run the Sphinx in the background and dump him into the conference.  The End.
14:45.27Lannah, thanks
14:45.43[TK]D-FenderLann: Still seems to apply just fine
14:45.46Lanncan i play background audio to the user via chanspy?
14:46.00[TK]D-Fender"core show application chanspy" <-
14:46.21Lann...not sure what you mean
14:47.25WIMPyatekinalp: On which address?
14:49.00[TK]D-FenderLann: Means "read the apps instructions"
14:49.39LannI have before coming here
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14:51.48[TK]D-FenderLann: and what does it say?
14:51.55LannAh, it seems that chanspy in whisper mode can play background audio if i'm not mistaken
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14:58.13dax_rocWhat's the correct way to initiate a call from the cli with originate. This works for internal extensions but not a pstn number "channel originate <number> application queue MyCallQueue"
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15:00.37Kattyhi jordan
15:02.09mjordanhello Katty
15:02.49mjordangood!  making ... things.
15:03.20Kattymaking things without scowly face, i hope
15:03.37mjordanjust enough scowly face to be appropriate
15:08.27WIMPydax_roc: Channel, not number.
15:09.10[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, "channel originate <number> application queue MyCallQueue" <- that is not what the instructions say
15:09.48dax_rocmybad, got it
15:18.21*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:28.19dax_rocCan you use originate from  h extention?
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15:31.40dax_rocI don't get why the skype originate fails here,
15:32.13QwellWhy are you using quotes?
15:32.38dax_rocsorry just tested them
15:32.55Qwellshow us the failure, and the real dialplan
15:35.38QwellYou aren't even getting to the originate.
15:36.35Kattyinfobot: cah
15:36.35infobotextra, extra, read all about it, cah is
15:39.49[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, Stop shoving quotes everywhere
15:40.03[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, * is has no data-types
15:40.58dax_rochabit ..
15:41.11[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, and you are not permitted to use "wait" in "h"
15:42.04[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, If you want a delay then originate a Local channel that will wait before dialing out.
15:42.52dax_rocYeah, I need the wait as the call hasn't hung up on the recieving end when it tries to call
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16:33.58Qwellmalcolmd: I hadn't seen this.  Neat.
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16:42.22dax_roc[TK]D-Fender: Can I do a originate in a non-blocking way
16:42.44[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, AMI, CLI, or Call Files instead
16:46.32*** join/#asterisk uskerine (
16:46.36uskerineSpecify the channel definitions. The format is:
16:46.36uskerine<device> = <channel list>
16:46.50uskerinehi, i am trying to configure a ISDN PRI card (Digium TE121)
16:47.05uskerinethe pdf from DIGIUM provides you channel definition for T1
16:47.12uskerinebchan = 1-23
16:47.15uskerinedchan =24
16:47.22uskerinewhat should be used for ISDN PRI?
16:47.34pigpenseems digium listened to some of my comments on this last release.  (well, contributed to)
16:47.38[TK]D-Fenderthat IS for a T1 ISDN PRI
16:47.39uskerinebchan = 1-15,17-31
16:47.44pigpenhopefuly the jabra ehs is next
16:47.45uskerineand dchan= 16?
16:47.57uskerinei mean E1 ISDN PRI
16:47.58[TK]D-Fenderuskerine, your 2nd list is for an E1 PRI
16:48.03uskerineok thanks
16:49.39Kattyinfobot: cah
16:49.39infobotwell, cah is
16:49.54navaismoUsing DPMA the Phones cant download the firmware says "could not be reached", the path exist, the firmware files exist the firmware.conf exist
16:50.32Qwellnavaismo: It fetches the firmware files via http.  Do you have that part setup?
16:51.03Qwellsee file_url_prefix=
16:51.21navaismoyou mean if I have http running? If so, yes its running and I can enter via web to http:/
16:51.26uskerine[TK]D-Fender, I have T121 with echo cancelling, what should I put in /etc/dahdi/system.conf for "echocanceller"?
16:51.34navaismothe last url is the file_url_prefix
16:51.49uskerinewhat is mg2, kb1, sec2 and sec?
16:51.49flingHello! :p Where should I read about Call Deflection?
16:51.50Qwellnavaismo: What is the full path to one of the .eff files?
16:52.01[TK]D-Fenderuskerine,  mg2.  HWEC will take precedence anyway
16:52.19[TK]D-Fenderuskerine, those are all SOFTWARE EC.  And won't functioally matter
16:52.20uskerinei want HW EC
16:52.27[TK]D-Fenderit's AUTOMATIC
16:52.37navaismoQwell, is /var/www/html/digium_phones_firmware/1_0_5_1_47270_D40_firmware.eff
16:52.39uskerineso if i don't even add echocanceller line to system.conf
16:52.42uskerineis that correct?
16:52.45Qwellnavaismo: sorry, full URL
16:52.49[TK]D-Fenderfling, Define your use of the term more clearly and we'll see...
16:54.05fling[TK]D-Fender: I have four phone lines (with four separate phone numbers) over ip from my isp
16:54.16navaismoQwell, if i click on it the browser start the download
16:54.21Qwellnavaismo: And digium_phones show firmware has that as the path/filename?
16:54.30Qwellerr, not path
16:54.32[TK]D-Fenderfling, First don't call them "lines"....
16:55.01QwellI forget what older versions of DPMA showed there..
16:55.12fling[TK]D-Fender: I want one of the numbers to be the _master_ number; so if someone calls, call deflected to another number if possible
16:55.13[TK]D-Fenderfling, DID's, and what pool of channels they permit to be used between them are 2 very different things
16:55.42[TK]D-Fenderfling, well yuo should SEE what # the call is coming in on.  Just dial out.
16:57.12fling[TK]D-Fender: umm? I want to make this master number to not to be busy most of the time
16:57.26*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:6d:213::42:4)
16:57.33navaismoQwell, nope, only the name of the firmware
16:57.49[TK]D-Fenderfling, again you have not clearly defined how channels are ALLOCATED to your DID's
16:58.09Qwellnavaismo: what version of DPMA?  1.2, I would hope
16:58.20[TK]D-Fenderfling, I can support 24 23 channels any which way I want ... amongst my 102 DIDs <----
16:59.30navaismoQwell, doing a digium_phones show version it show "Digium Phone Module for Asterisk Version 1.8.11_1.0.2"
16:59.57QwellThen the option is not file_url_prefix
17:00.29uskerinewithout the ISDN PRI E1 actually connected to the board, should I see the TE121 as GREEN in dahdi_tool?
17:00.47fling[TK]D-Fender: sorry; is it enough to show you my config files? >
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17:01.10navaismoQwell, weird it was working until I changed to the production enviroment, in home it work, but let me see what is the right setting and will change it.
17:03.31WIMPyuskerine: No. Only if it works.
17:04.39uskerinethanks WIMPy, so without having the actual E1 ISDN PRI provisioned, as far as i see everything ok in dmesg and dahdi_tool shows the 30 channels with the RED Alarm, should I assume that it has been properly pre-configured?
17:05.11uskerineok thanks
17:05.32WIMPyYou can try a loopback, if you have one handy.
17:06.03WIMPyBut the line state doesn't mean that much anyway.
17:06.56navaismoQwell, i have this settings in the res_digium_phone.conf: firmware_url_prefix=http:/, firmware_package_directory=/var/www/html/digium_phones_firmware and file_directory=/var/lib/asterisk/digium_phones
17:07.07navaismoand it match with the sample configuration given in the tarball
17:07.15fling[TK]D-Fender: DID is the inward number, right? I have it in extensions.conf
17:07.20[TK]D-Fenderfling, Your configs tell me nothing of what actual services you are paying for or how they allocate channels to you
17:07.45[TK]D-Fenderfling, DID's have nothing to do with how many channels are allocated to each or if they share a POOL of channels
17:08.06Qwellnavaismo: and digium_phones show firmware shows the right firmware version?
17:08.25Qwellversion/filename, as it were
17:09.58uskerineWIMPy, board came with a lopback RJ45
17:10.01navaismoQwell, i think so, I downloaded this: res_digium_phone-1.8.11_1.0.2-x86_64.tar.gz and show version show:  Digium Phone Module for Asterisk Version 1.8.11_1.0.2
17:10.05uskerinecan i use network UTP cable?
17:10.15Qwellnavaismo: firmware version, not DPMA version
17:11.08*** join/#asterisk slidesinger-lt (
17:11.22fling[TK]D-Fender: each did is using it's own channel, I have four channels and four dids if I understand you right :P
17:11.46[TK]D-Fenderfling, More like if you understand what you PAID FOR right
17:12.07navaismofiles are: [D40] version=1_0_5_1_47270 file=1_0_5_1_47270_D40_firmware.eff
17:12.16[TK]D-Fenderfling, You do not been able to definitively answer this
17:12.34Qwellnavaismo: digium_phones show firmware
17:12.53Qwellnavaismo: pastebin the output of that
17:12.57navaismojesus why im so stupid some times
17:14.13navaismoQwell, here is the PB
17:14.50malcolmdQwell: :D  it's basically a rehash of what i gave to marketing for them to e-mail to people that's registered dpma keys, so that they know there's new stuff.
17:14.51Qwellmuch better.  And you're certain your phones can access that address?
17:15.02fling[TK]D-Fender: my isp is not providing any info on the things I pay for
17:15.13Qwellmalcolmd: I probably aught to actually register myself a key, so I get that stuff.
17:15.45malcolmdi've got a registered key and i haven't gotten the e-mail yet :(
17:15.50fling[TK]D-Fender: I have spent few weeks to figure it out how to connect to their server
17:16.20navaismoQwell, nope im not sure I guess the phones can if my PC can. Same LAN same switch
17:16.37navaismobut now you give another clue to look at the problem
17:16.46navaismolets dig
17:17.25bobb_WUcan someone help me troubleshoot a SIP problem?  The connection to my voice mail server starts but it takes audio 15-20 seconds to start streaming (thereby missing the greeting or the opportunity to enter one's own extension)
17:17.45bobb_WUi have sip debug output and can describe the system as needed
17:20.19fling[TK]D-Fender: hehe :p
17:20.33[TK]D-Fendermoves on to more productive matters
17:26.44fling[TK]D-Fender: what info do I need? I can ast ISP guys
17:26.45Kattyliek lunch!
17:27.40*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
17:28.53jeffspeffI'm trying to implement free fax for asterisk (FFA) and am having trouble locating current documentation. I'm wanting the faxes to go straight to regular old fax machines, I already have the Linksys PAP devices in place...
17:33.59[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, FFA isn't for sitting between your PAP & anything else.
17:34.12navaismojeffspeff, I think FFA create the receive the fax and create the tiff file
17:34.31navaismodamm again too late
17:34.46navaismobobb_WU, PB your issues
17:34.55infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:35.47jeffspeffso, FFA recieves the fax, saves it as a .tff file in a temp directory then takes the .tif file and sends it to the fax machine?
17:36.15bobb_WUthat's the sip debug output and other related dial plan stuff from the CLI
17:36.28navaismojeffspeff, nope save the tiff in the directory the you can send to an email or download it
17:36.52jeffspeffthat's not what i'm trying to do
17:36.59bobb_WUthe .110 address is our relay box, its the central server that passes between our Mitel 3300 controller and the rest of our Asterisk boxes
17:37.19jeffspeffin a corporate environment i can't have every fax go to everybody in this office
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17:38.00jeffspeffthey had this setup on a freepbx box previously, but i'm not sure about all the under-the-hood stuff
17:38.05jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, any ideas?
17:38.18[TK]D-FenderGet an ATA that actually supports T.38
17:38.23[TK]D-FenderAnd FFA has nothing to do with this.
17:38.52jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, ok... what's FFA for then? My ATA has fax settings
17:39.09jeffspeffFAX CED Detect Enable:
17:39.32[TK]D-FenderPAP2 does not support T.38 as per numerous citings including coppice who is our resident authority.
17:40.00jeffspeffOk, how can i get this work over SIP/ulaw then?
17:40.36navaismojeffspeff, read the brief of FFA here
17:41.22jeffspeffok, i knew that part
17:41.42jeffspeffcan the .tif image not then be sent to a fax machine?
17:45.13*** part/#asterisk pgrace (
17:45.17jayteePAP2 doesn't support T.38 but the Linksys SPA-2102 does.
17:45.54jeffspeffok, forget T.38
17:46.13jeffspeffthis setup was recently working with a standard fax machine, a PAP2 and freepbx
17:46.31jeffspeffi'm migrating away from the freepbx box and am trying to figure out how to implement this in my own dialplan
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17:51.00*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~Dave@2001:1928:0:ffff::2)
17:51.18bobb_WUany advice on my delay issue?
17:52.18Kattyinfobot: forget CAH
17:52.18infoboti forgot cah, Katty
17:52.35Kattyinfobot: CAH is Cards Against Humanity!
17:52.35infobotKatty: okay
17:53.06navaismobobb_WU, without the timestamps i can't see the delay but maybe the delay is in the audio itself. Is the default audio or custom audio?
17:53.13*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
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17:53.23bobb_WUwe run ulaw, is that what you mean?
17:54.15bmoraca_workif I see a message that says "disconnecting call '<channelname>' for lack of RTP activity in 31 seconds", does that mean that the lack of RTP was coming from the named channel, or could it mean that the lack of RTP was from the channel to which the named channel is bridged?
17:54.22*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:54.32navaismoDid you uploaded this audio or you use the default audio --> /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/winthrop/4558/unavail.slin' (language 'en')
17:54.39navaismobobb_WU, ^
17:54.53bobb_WUah that is custom for each user
17:55.04bobb_WUthey are able to set that through the voicemail prompts
17:55.38bobb_WUok the interesting part about this problem is its only an issue from the mitel side.  if i call from an asterisk-based number, it starts the audio at the beginning like it should
17:57.00r00t-Ednoob question, is fail2ban the best way to protect against hacks to asterisk?
17:57.19navaismobobb_WU, maybe the delay is in the mitel's phone timeout
17:57.43Qwellr00t-Ed: It is a way.
17:58.06[TK]D-Fenderr00t-Ed, No, removing the black cable between your power-supply & the wall is.  But fail2ban is pretty decent too
17:58.59r00t-Edi run asterisk on a wrt54g router, but i don't have much room for fail2ban
17:59.17*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:59.17r00t-Edand all i have found is that
17:59.33navaismotry with blockhosts
17:59.56r00t-Edit works great, but I have noticed tons of bots  guessing users/passwords
18:00.05Qwellr00t-Ed: Using passwords that can't be guessed would be a good start.
18:00.23bobb_WUthere isn't an issue when calling asterisk phones from mitel, it seems to be secluded to the voice mail server
18:00.51r00t-Edi have done all the basic stuff, but that doesn't stop the bots running all the dictionary for random users
18:01.02navaismobobb_WU, can you check it alive? When the mitel send the voicemail number you see immediately the activity in the cli?
18:01.16bobb_WUyes i'm doing that right now
18:01.32r00t-Edpasswords are pretty hard to guess, I doubt they find them, but that doesn't stop them from traying
18:01.35navaismobobb_WU, can you paste the full log of that call, full log have the timestamps.
18:01.54bobb_WUit plays my message, then the 'vm-intro.gsm' and it starts playing audio half way through
18:02.19bobb_WUsure can
18:02.23bobb_WUyou want sip debug in that?
18:03.22bobb_WUhow can i turn logging verbosity up?  it doesn't have all the output it needs
18:03.35[TK]D-Fenderr00t-Ed, fail2ban <-
18:03.51leifmadsencore set verbose 10
18:03.59r00t-Edi have a few kb's to spare
18:04.03leifmadsenfor debug level logging, you need to enable that in logger.conf
18:04.12leifmadsenthen core set debug 10
18:04.12r00t-Edlooking in to blockhost
18:04.26r00t-Ednavaismo mentioned above
18:04.26bobb_WUnot logger set level debug on?
18:04.45leifmadsenthat may work, never saw that command before
18:05.30bobb_WUi just tabbed a bunch to find it
18:05.50leifmadsenthen sounds like you already know the answer
18:05.52bobb_WUtesting the new logging level, pastebin to come
18:06.41r00t-Edyup, checking it out right now, thanks
18:07.37bobb_WUsip debugging info is not in the logs
18:07.55navaismor00t-Ed, I use that for ssh and sip attacks, so far work fine, isnt the panacea  but it work with bots and ssh attacks
18:14.10*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
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18:16.45r00t-Edat least the binary is tiny.. fail2ban bin was about 400k
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18:23.43*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
18:24.08Tujuhi, please help me. somehow my config changed and now i cannot place calls anymore with cisco 7975.
18:24.33Tujuit still rings when someone calls and i can receive calls, but if i try to call myself, nothing happens.
18:25.00Tujuif i dump with tcpdump, it shows that asterisk sends responses back to 5060 port as it should.
18:25.19bobb_WUtaking a quick 5 min break
18:25.56rrittgarnanyone ever have issues getting Caller ID to work with IAX? I'm trying to use the SET(CALLERID="Name<8009009000>" in the dialplan for the IAX users however it is just coming through as IAXModem2, etc.
18:26.44WIMPyrrittgarn: 'core show function CALLERID'
18:28.20rrittgarnsorry exact syntax i'm using is:  same => n,Set(CALLERID(all)="Name<Number>"
18:28.37rrittgarn(with the closing paren etc)
18:28.48QwellWhy quotes?  Where's your space?
18:29.16rrittgarntried with space and without, and quotes because it usually has a space
18:29.20WIMPyI haven't tried to set (all) for ages, but I'm pretty sure it won't like the quotes and might want a space between the values.
18:29.52[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn, No quotes.
18:32.14*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
18:34.09Tujuis dash, - character forbidden in user 'part' in sip url?
18:34.31Tujulike tuju-c7975
18:36.10*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~lorsungcu@
18:38.01lorsungcu_i need to transfer a call, but hold on to it until it is hung up so I can record it.
18:38.05lorsungcu_any suggestions?
18:38.55Kattylorsungcu_: refresh liberally.
18:41.31[TK]D-FenderTuju, No
18:42.07Tujunot forbidden?
18:45.36Tuju that's debug output of that failed call.
18:46.18Tujuha, unautohraised?
18:46.42Tujuhowcome i can make calls with other phones
18:48.42bobb_WUany further suggestions on my delay issue after seeing the pastebin'd stuff?
18:51.43[TK]D-Fenderbobb_WU, just waiting doesn't guarantee that RTP is set up.  and you should be wasting time waiting BEFORE you answer.  Instead, ANSWER first, then playbacka few seoncds of SILENCE, not "wait"
18:52.19QwellTuju: 401 is the correct response for the first INVITE Asterisks ends.  We need to see more debug.
18:53.06TujuQwell: it works now
18:53.18Tujui added insecure=invite under peer configuration.
18:53.39bobb_WUhow do i playback silence?
18:53.50Tujupuuuuuuuh, have i suffered for that for past weeks.
18:53.57[TK]D-Fenderthere is a FOLDER full of them.
18:54.01[TK]D-FenderYuo really should look
18:54.03Tujudid that change in some update from default?
18:58.45*** part/#asterisk r00t-Ed (~no@
18:59.13*** join/#asterisk Jinxed- (~Administr@
18:59.41Jinxed-how similar are cisco's call control discovery  to dundi
19:06.15*** join/#asterisk shadowapex (
19:06.36shadowapexHi, I'm using Asterisk (Elastix) and am currently running into a problem where Asterisk is sending the RTP audio to the wrong server. I currently have a trunk configured to go to an OpenSIPS server which acts as a signaling server and have a separate server that handles media. Right now when an inbound call comes from OpenSIPS, Asterisk is sending the RTP audio to the signaling server instead of the media server. In
19:07.36shadowapexI thought that Asterisk might be thinking that there is a NAT, so I set "nat=no" in the trunk configuration, but the problem is still persisting. I confirmed with a packet capture that Asterisk is sending the RTP audio to the signaling server instead of the media server specified in the SDP of the invite. Any thoughts?
19:08.08bobb_WUcan i get asterisk to ring one more time so there isn't 5 seconds of silence?
19:08.46[TK]D-Fenderbobb_WU, do a playback of 1s silence, and then Ringing()
19:08.49[TK]D-Fenderfor a few more
19:09.12[TK]D-Fendershadowapex, thought : SHOW US the configs and complete call debug.
19:09.14infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:10.33shadowapex[TK]D-Fender: Sure, I can give you a PasteBin. Give me a second to compile it.
19:13.50*** join/#asterisk ncrollo (d0357f0e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:14.00bobb_WUit doesn't ring again after answering
19:14.11[TK]D-FenderAnd I see nothing
19:14.54bobb_WURinging(), Answer(),Playback(silence/3),Ringing(),Playback(silence/2)
19:16.34*** part/#asterisk Tuju (
19:19.03flingkaldemar: can you please tell me how can I do Call Deflection or what info do I need to get from ISP guys for this? :p
19:19.37[TK]D-Fenderfling, "core show application transfer" <- if they even support it
19:19.45[TK]D-Fenderfling, Which I wouldn't bet on
19:19.53fling[TK]D-Fender: thanks
19:20.23[TK]D-Fenderfling, And doesnt' answer any of the previous questions regarding exactly what service you are being provided.
19:21.04fling[TK]D-Fender: which kind of service?
19:21.15[TK]D-Fenderthe one you're using
19:21.26fling[TK]D-Fender: sip?
19:22.10fling[TK]D-Fender: or service I need to use for deflection?
19:22.11[TK]D-Fenderthat is teh TECH, not the service
19:23.35fling[TK]D-Fender: then I don't understand :(
19:23.46*** part/#asterisk nny (
19:27.38ncrollohow is the status time determined when you have sip endpoints?
19:28.22ncrolloex. sip show peer 111
19:28.32[TK]D-Fenderncrollo, what "status time"?
19:28.47ncrolloaka "Natted qualification ping"
19:29.00ncrollo"Status       : OK (259 ms)"
19:29.07[TK]D-Fenderthat is QUALIFY time
19:29.21[TK]D-Fenderand is the time the device took to answer a SIP OPTIONS packet * sent out
19:34.11lorsungcu_anybody using swift()?
19:34.20ncrollothank you for that clarification
19:52.09shadowapex[TK]D-Fender: sip.conf:, asterisk.log:, Packet Capture:
19:53.40shadowapex[TK]D-Fender: Oddly enough, it looks like the media contact shown in the Asterisk log is showing as the signaling server, but in the packet capture, the media contact is correctly showing as the media server.
19:53.50sawgoodIf a SIP peer is inside of sip.conf with a host=IP address (and no other authentication) ... what could be a reason outbound calls fail to find the correct context (which is 100% correct) ... every outbound calls fails with the message: not found in context 'default'
19:54.03sawgoodinbound calls to the box work 100% only outbound is failing
19:54.31sawgoodall other peers are working (and setup nearly identical)
19:55.29[TK]D-Fenderbecause there isn't a match where it's looking
19:55.32[TK]D-Fenderjust like it says
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19:56.19sawgoodI have a context=outbound-calls (inside of sip.conf) other entries use this same context (no mis-spelling here)
19:57.01[TK]D-Fendersawgood, We are not taking your word for any of this
19:57.10[TK]D-FenderThe dialplan works
19:57.13[TK]D-FenderYou've done something wrong
19:57.27sawgoodI can show you better via Pastebin
19:57.29sawgoodhold one pleae
20:01.57shadowapex[TK]D-Fender: If you need the extensions.conf with the relevant dialplan, I can provide that too
20:02.24[TK]D-Fendershadowapex, c=IN IP4
20:02.32[TK]D-Fenderso far everything points to that IP as the call comes in.
20:02.43shadowapexThat's the signaling server
20:02.43[TK]D-Fenderdialplan has nothing to do with this
20:02.47shadowapexYeah, I know
20:02.54[TK]D-Fenderyes and that's what your Freeswitch is telling * to use
20:03.02shadowapexThat's why I posted the packet capture. in the packet capture it shows
20:03.08shadowapexWhich is the media server
20:03.14[TK]D-Fendero=FreeSWITCH 1343745579 1343745580 IN IP4
20:03.23shadowapexo=FreeSWITCH 1343745414 1343745415 IN IP4
20:03.32shadowapexc=IN IP4
20:03.56shadowapexOnly in the Asterisk log does it show c=
20:04.13shadowapexbut in the raw packet you can see it's showing .101
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20:07.35shadowapexI'm positive Freeswitch is sending .101 as the media IP in the SDP. Packet captures from both the Asterisk side and the Freeswitch side show it correctly.
20:08.10[TK]D-FenderWell you've also mentioned an OpenSIPS in there somewhere.
20:08.13shadowapexOnly within Asterisk does it show the media IP set as .86, which makes me think that Asterisk is changing it
20:08.17shadowapexYeah, OpenSIPS is .86
20:08.17[TK]D-FenderGuess what I'm not trusting in this picture?
20:08.29[TK]D-Fenderthe MIDDLE piece
20:08.32shadowapexWell OpenSIPS is just acting as a proxy
20:08.50shadowapexForwarding the INVITE from FS to Asterisk
20:09.12shadowapexA packet capture from OpenSIPS ALSO shows the media IP set to .101
20:10.09[TK]D-FenderOk, not sure what I could advise here myself on this....
20:10.54*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:6d:213::42:4)
20:11.26Qwellshadowapex: Run the packet capture on the Asterisk box.
20:11.29drmessanoOpenSIPS, FreeSWITCH and Asterisk.. What, no MS Lync server?
20:11.35QwellAsterisk is absolutely not changing the header on you.
20:11.50shadowapexQwell: The pastebin above is from the Asterisk server
20:12.05shadowapexdrmessano: We do use MS Lync too, but not in this situation ;P
20:12.45Qwellshadowapex: These are not the same call.
20:13.24shadowapexQwell: I did the packet cap on a subsequent call, but if you'd like I can do the packet cap and log for the same call
20:13.58lorsungcu_i need to transfer a call, but hold on to it until it is hung up so I can record it.
20:14.08lorsungcu_any suggestions
20:14.21*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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20:19.27uskerinehi, is there any predefined stats in asterisk associated to a queue?
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20:24.45b0otI know this isn't cisco support but they are busy arguing politics and I have been working on a cisco voice problem related to call control discovery and extension mobility for 2 days straight if someone could pm me I could explain more or read this post I made:
20:26.36uskerinewhich is the easiest way to get stats from a queue? number of calls received, average waiting time, average call time, etc.
20:26.48uskerinecan i get a complete CDR from a call?
20:27.00[TK]D-FenderCDR is completely separate from queue stats
20:27.03shadowapexQwell: Asterisk.log:, Packet Capture:
20:27.05[TK]D-FenderBOTH are described in THE BOOK
20:27.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:27.11shadowapexQwell: Those are from the same call
20:27.20[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:28.09QwellYour proxy is clearly changing things on you.
20:28.37shadowapexHow? The packet capture on the Asterisk server itself is showing .101
20:28.49QwellLook at the first line in the INVITE.
20:29.04QwellThat is different.  Asterisk is not changing your packet.  It prints what it receives.
20:31.15shadowapexHow can the proxy change the packet when it's already been sent to the Asterisk server?
20:31.32QwellI didn't say your proxy was changing it.
20:31.36QwellSomething very clearly is.
20:32.12shadowapexI can't think of anything other than Asterisk that might be modifying it.
20:32.20QwellI can think of lots of things.
20:32.23Qwellpastebin the output of lsmod
20:33.33QwellHEY LOOK AT THAT
20:33.35*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:6d:213::42:4)
20:34.00shadowapexson of a...
20:36.14*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (~Greek-Boy@
20:37.17uskerineis there any easy way to get some stats about queues?
20:37.24uskerinein ascii
20:38.07*** join/#asterisk Pan3D (~Pan3D@
20:39.27navaismouskerine, have you tried with asternicstats
20:39.34shadowapexQwell: I stopped the firewall before, but the problem was still persisting, but after completely stopping iptables prevented it from modifying the SIP INVITE. Works like a charm now :)
20:39.45shadowapexQwell: Thanks for your help!
20:40.37uskerinehave you tried it navaismo?
20:42.13uskerinei would prefer to understand a bit how to configure it through config files
20:45.58*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
20:46.15navaismothen use the documentation of queue.conf and queue_log
20:46.22scubes13Katty... hmmm… not sure why I didnt auto connect here to begin with…
20:49.18*** join/#asterisk ks3 (~ks3@
20:52.58uskerineseems that all the logs for the queue are enabled
20:53.03uskerinewhen they enter in the queue
20:53.11uskerineif they abandon and how much did they wait
20:53.17uskerinei am also having a look to asternic
20:53.21uskerinedid you actually try it?
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20:58.01uskerineit looks like easy to install and nice to have
21:03.12navaismoyes I installed once, usually I use queuemetrics for customers
21:03.58*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
21:05.55uskerinepl thanks
21:06.03uskerineok thanks
21:06.05uskerinei will give it a try
21:06.13uskerinei have another question
21:06.34uskerine"playing periodic announcement" does actually mean?
21:06.45uskerineperiodic-announce = queue-periodic-announce,your-call-is-important,please-wait
21:06.53uskerinethat's from queues.conf
21:07.17uskerinei see that
21:07.19uskerine-- Playing periodic announcement
21:07.36uskerineevery 10 seconds the "playing periodic announcement" message appears
21:07.54uskerinebut only one out of three times the actual 'playing queue-periodic-announce.gsm' is played by asterisk
21:08.00uskerinewhat happens the other two times?
21:08.04*** join/#asterisk sebastianpersic (
21:08.27navaismoquote from queue.conf at voip-info: "Periodic announcements are available in queues using the new periodic-announce and periodic-announce-frequency options. This allows a message like "Thank you for holding, your call is important to us." to be played at regular intervals while a caller is in the queue"
21:08.29sebastianpersicIs there any guide how to install on ubuntu 12.04 server lts
21:08.57Qwellsebastianpersic: ./configure; make; make install
21:09.04navaismosebastianpersic, yeah the generic one, that ^
21:09.21uskerinenavaismo, i understand that, but why "your-call-is-important" and "please-wait" are not played?
21:09.40uskerineit seems that only "queue-periodic-announce" is played
21:10.54*** join/#asterisk wudles (
21:10.57navaismoyes, weel i only used one file in that definition
21:12.45navaismothe other files exist?
21:15.22uskerineoops i found the folder
21:15.23sebastianpersicbut is there any step by step guide setting up asterisk
21:15.27uskerinethere were no such files
21:15.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:15.56Kattyhow long till christmas?
21:16.06Kattyi'll settle for halloween :<
21:17.28drmessanoI'm waiting for the 4th edition
21:17.36drmessanoI have an autographed second edition
21:17.44drmessanoThink I am gonna stick with even numbers
21:17.55Kattyno one even said hi on mine.
21:18.00Kattywhere is that book...
21:18.22Kattyit doesn't even have an edition on it
21:18.26drmessanoRussell autographed mine and put my name on it.
21:18.36Qwelldrmessano: I have a signed digital copy of the second edition
21:18.40Qwellprobably the only one in existence.
21:18.56Kattyprinting history, september 2005: first edition
21:18.57QwellThat happened.
21:19.33Kattysomeone named meggelen, smithh, and madsen
21:19.37Kattywhoever those are
21:19.53drmessanoNever heard of them.  Sound like lawyers
21:20.22Kattythat should be part of the xmas card exchange.
21:20.27Kattysend each other books for writing notes on
21:20.41Kattythat'd probably get expensive to ship books to each other tho
21:21.03Kattymaybe photos with the books instead?!
21:21.27Kattyand a recipe, of course.
21:23.16scubes13of course
21:23.21scubes13and… a CAH card..
21:23.51scubes13maybe even a Jayne hat, eh Katty? o.O
21:24.01Kattyi make no promises
21:24.05jaytee"I'll be in my bunk!"
21:24.15Kattyhi john
21:24.27jayteeI have a Jayne hat. A friend of mine from Ohio made it for me.
21:24.30jayteehi Katty
21:24.34Kattythat's wonderful!
21:24.39Kattywhat a wonderful friend.
21:24.51Kattyyou should put it on a penguin, and send me a picture of it
21:24.52jayteemy old boss at the zoo hated it
21:24.54Kattyor do you work at the zoo anymore?
21:25.00navaismouskerine, you found the problem
21:25.05jayteeI left the zoo in 2010
21:25.12Kattyoh where has the time gone
21:25.27Kattywhere are you at now dear
21:26.33flingwhat does this mean 'UNKNOWN'?
21:27.08flingoh! ok
21:27.47Kattyrefresh liberally.
21:28.34lorsungcu_first google result
21:29.19lorsungcu_anyone have swift() installed and want to test something for me
21:31.09lorsungcu_im seeing this issue in :
21:32.42drmessanolorsungcu_:  Seems like it was an issue with app_swift
21:33.33*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~lorsungcu@
21:34.29uskerinenavaismo, more question about queues, is it possible for an agent to put the call on hold so the customer listens again to the music until the agent recovers that call?
21:37.21*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~lorsungcu@
21:39.07sebastianpersicsudo apt-get install build-essential \
21:39.08sebastianpersicsubversion libncurses5-dev libssl-dev \
21:39.08sebastianpersiclibxml2-dev vim-nox
21:39.36sebastianpersicshould I just change the vim to nano if I want to use nano?
21:40.07lorsungcuno if you want to use nano, just type vim and hope really hard that nano comes up.
21:40.14flingsebastianpersic: you should change it to emacs :p
21:40.24drmessanowine + notepad
21:40.32lorsungcums word 97
21:40.38sebastianpersicand am I supposed to type those \
21:41.00drmessanoYou could type it all as one long line
21:41.02lorsungcuthe \ keeps it on a single line.
21:41.04drmessanoBut thats up to you
21:41.31sebastianpersicok thx
21:43.22sebastianpersiccould not find nano-nox
21:44.10navaismouskerine, yes but the customer only will the music without the announce, because the MOH is triggered by the pone, like
21:44.35uskerinei am fine with that
21:44.43uskerineas the customer is not actually returning to queue
21:44.51uskerineit is attanded, but has been put on hold by the agent
21:45.01uskerinecould you point me in the right direction to implement that?
21:45.48navaismopress the MOH button on your phone
21:45.56uskerinewhat is the MOH button?
21:46.02uskerinei am using softphone
21:46.56uskerineis it required to configure something in extensions.conf or somewhere else?
21:47.50navaismoyour softphone soesnt have a hold button?
21:48.05*** join/#asterisk citywok (
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21:48.44uskerinei don't think so
21:49.26flingCan you please help me with my setup? /etc/asterisk/sip.conf > ; /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf >
21:50.10*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
21:54.57navaismouskerine, what softphone you are using?
21:55.20*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~lorsungcu@
21:56.05uskerineif the softphone has the on-hold and transfer buttons, do i have to change something in the config files for asterisk?
21:57.45uskerineany recommendation for softphone?
21:57.58malcolmdblink for mac; jitsi for everything else
21:58.18*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-rgqjvofoniehiynl)
21:59.14navaismouskerine, linphone has the pause button
21:59.23navaismoit trigger the MOH
21:59.40navaismoor im crazy
21:59.43navaismolet see
21:59.45navaismo1 sec
22:00.25uskerinei can't check right now
22:00.38uskerinei am working on remote asterisk but i am not in the LAN
22:01.03uskerinei will try anyway
22:01.04uskerineit is ok
22:02.04navaismoyep pause button put onhold
22:03.24*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@gateway/shell/
22:09.11*** join/#asterisk bchia (
22:18.55*** part/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-ngskfuuulcfrougs)
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22:23.14*** join/#asterisk iamcorbin (
22:24.14iamcorbinI've never used asterisk before and I am piecing together a new computer to set it up on. Is there a list of supported  network cards somewhere? I am thinking about getting this board:
22:25.41*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
22:25.49uskerinethanks navaismo
22:30.41navaismono problem
22:32.04navaismoiamcorbin, the drivers is related with your OS, not asterisk.
22:34.25iamcorbinso that board should work just fine?
22:35.35leifmadseniamcorbin: well your link doesn't go to anytrhing but the main page for me
22:35.53leifmadsenlooks like a weird redirect for me at least
22:36.11leifmadseniamcorbin: but ya, the network card and it's operation has nothing to do with asterisk
22:36.12*** part/#asterisk millsu2 (
22:36.21leifmadsenthat's the OS's problem
22:37.29*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
22:37.33*** part/#asterisk shadowapex (
22:44.12lorsungcuhas anyone used drbd with asterisk for failover?
22:49.03lorsungcuworking on some existing macros, what is the best way to exit to a specific context/priority
22:49.13uskerinewhich are the basic steps to:
22:49.24uskerine1) record a call when it is answered in a queue
22:49.38uskerine2) allow the agent to not store the call
22:50.22lorsungcuyou mean allow the agent to not keep the recording?
22:51.20lorsungcuprobably enable the
22:51.48lorsungcumembergosub=, and have it do what you're asking
22:53.21uskerinei mena that all calls will be recorded by default
22:53.22lorsungcuyou might be able to do it with the set(MONITOR_EXEC()) command, but it sounds like it might be easier the first way.
22:53.27uskerinei mean  that all calls will be recorded by default
22:53.43uskerinebut when the call starts, the customer might ask (as per legal requirement) the agent not to record the call
22:53.55uskerineso the agent should have a way to discard the record
22:54.13lorsungcuwhy not prompt the caller before connecting them
22:54.49uskerineyou mean like asking them "press * if you do not want to be recorded"
22:55.03uskerineit would be better the other way
22:55.12navaismohmmm usually we prompt an audio to let them know the call will be recorder if they dont want the call hangup
22:55.16uskerinethese customers will not be so  smart
22:55.29uskerinenavaismo i like that way, but i don't think i can do that
22:55.58lorsungcuread the documentation for the membergosub= in queues.conf
22:56.37uskerinei will do that
22:59.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
23:02.49lorsungcuyou could even just ask that the queue members press a dedicated button to initiate recording
23:02.57lorsungcurather than recording by default.
23:03.43uskerinecan't find membergosub in the book (
23:04.16uskerinei would precisely prefer the opposite, the agent being able to invalidate the recording
23:04.51navaismoi think its easier start or not start the recording
23:05.28lorsungcuin features.conf
23:05.41lorsungcutehre are examples for pausing/unpausing monitoring
23:05.47lorsungcuthat might do it for you
23:07.32uskerinethis sounds like the most difficult part
23:09.28uskerinei think something like this might be a good start
23:11.15uskerinewhat does pauseMonitor do?
23:11.23uskerinesounds like it stops more things than jsut recording
23:12.19lorsungcudo you happen to have swift installed, uskerine?
23:12.37uskerinei don't know what swift is
23:12.45uskerinei am learning the hard way
23:14.14uskerinedo i need it?
23:14.36uskerineit is text-to-speech, right?
23:14.37lorsungcui just need someone to test something involving mixmonitor
23:15.09uskerineif i can help
23:15.26lorsungcunah itd be a pain for you
23:15.52uskerineok i will continue tomorrow, thanks a lot for your guidance, it saves me lot of time
23:16.20*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
23:16.46*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
23:25.08*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
23:25.21SeRip3nguin: You arround?
23:26.52*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
23:26.58SeRiI am trying to enable incomming calls recording and remote voicemail support and I been stucked in limbo
23:27.26SeRiso %^&* called my house today with a false cid and obtain private information
23:27.40SeRithe cid display my own number and my name
23:28.07SeRimy 9yr old not knowing better gives all the information been asked thinking is me...
23:29.55*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
23:29.58lorsungcuwhere are you stuck?
23:31.07SeRiwell on issue number one. I have no idea how to enable incomming call recording.
23:31.27jpsharpUse the MixMonitor command
23:31.48lorsungcucan you post your extensions.conf for the relevant extension?
23:31.56*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
23:32.15SeRilorsungcu: Sure. Thanks for the help!. One sec
23:34.34SeRiThats my inbound extension from
23:34.41SeRilorsungcu: ^^
23:36.53*** join/#asterisk mbrit (~mbrit@
23:36.57lorsungcutry that?
23:38.00SeRilorsungcu: Thanks!
23:46.11*** join/#asterisk sustav (~vpp@
23:47.54lorsungcuits too hot.
23:51.10jpsharpSummer sucks.
23:54.10lorsungcuin my office with 4x dell 1850s
23:54.12lorsungcuno ac
23:54.15lorsungcuwindows open
23:54.19lorsungcu85 degrees out
23:54.32lorsungcuprobably 100 inside :<
23:55.14*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~lorsungcu@

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