IRC log for #asterisk on 20120730

01:25.27*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
01:29.07*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
02:10.59*** join/#asterisk GGD (
02:12.41GGDeveing all
02:20.36*** join/#asterisk roswell (roswell@
02:23.52roswellhello. a question: what are syntaxic limitations on context identifiers?
02:24.43roswelli.e., length, allowed characters, etc?
02:25.41*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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02:41.52infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
02:51.15*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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03:04.22*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
03:12.17*** join/#asterisk Korolev (
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04:15.04*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
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05:49.49*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
05:55.02*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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06:56.25*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
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07:19.02*** join/#asterisk datarecal (
07:19.18datarecalare their any good dialer addons asterisk
07:21.40*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
07:27.11ChannelZwhat, spammer dialers?
07:27.55datarecalno, i have a list of clients that we need to contact for sales
07:28.15datarecalbut I guess yes spammer dialers GNUdialer is all I have found so far
07:33.35ChannelZI'd say most probably write their own since the integration is specific to their own setup as well
07:38.30datarecalcan you reccomend a good starting point ?
07:44.54ChannelZFor the Asterisk half you could interface via AMI to place calls
07:45.34ChannelZWhat you do to talk to your database or give the 'agents' control over who they are calling etc. is entirely up to you
07:48.56datarecalnothing you can think of that is premade though
07:55.39beaver_rrrhello. I have many lines of log filled with "[Jul 30 00:20:25] NOTICE[5275] chan_sip.c: Call from '' ( to extension '810972598148355' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'." and i suppose its wrong thing as is my gateway.
07:56.56beaver_rrri think that if i block incoming connections from gw, my sip trunks behind it will not be able to reach my asterisk
08:02.35*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
08:02.41linociscohi all
08:03.03linociscohi all
08:03.52linociscohow to install asterisk on WRT160N without changing or wiring or tweaking hardwares inside?
08:05.47linociscohow to install asterisk on WRT160N without changing or wiring or tweaking hardwares inside?
08:06.26beaver_rrrlinocisco: i suppose you have to install alternate firmware on it, read this:
08:07.59linociscobeaver_rrr, so is that asterisk firmware builtin?
08:08.19beaver_rrrsure it is not
08:09.00beaver_rrryou have to install alternate firmware that allows to install third-party software and install asterisk all by yourself
08:17.38linociscobeaver_rrr, how to install asterisk after that?
08:18.22beaver_rrri dunno, read dd-wrt documentation, something about installation of 3rd party software
08:19.03beaver_rrrbut i suppose that with such skills in information search you'll have poor luck with that :(
08:22.46*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
08:29.09linociscobeaver_rrr, sorry Mine are WRT110 and WRT54G2 V1
08:29.29linociscobeaver_rrr, not WRT160N. sorry for my confused reading
08:29.43*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
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08:40.53*** join/#asterisk li3p (
08:41.42li3pwho speek is russian?
08:42.18linociscoli3p, just type in russian, will help
08:44.18*** join/#asterisk henningb (~henning@
08:45.10beaver_rrrli3p: i do speak russiam, pm me
08:47.54linociscohow to install asterisk on WRT110 without changing or wiring or tweaking hardwares inside?
08:49.33*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~Eissa@
08:49.51_zoom_am looking for sugarcrm connector/
08:49.54*** join/#asterisk dandre (~daniel@
08:50.01Roeltlinocisco, You can't. wrt110 is not supported.
08:50.22*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:50.34linociscoRoelt, how about WRT54G2 V1 ?
08:51.46*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:52.03Roeltlinocisco, no. not enough memory
08:52.24ChrisInSydneyTry a WNR3500Lv1
08:52.39ChrisInSydney64 RAM and a USB2 for disk
08:52.57ChrisInSydneyeither OpenWRT or D-WRT
08:54.31*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
08:55.34linociscoI have only WRT110 and WRT54G2 V1
08:57.57Roeltwell, you can't install asterisk on those boxes, you should get a faster router or something else
08:59.03*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:59.56li3pwho had the joy of setting up a DAHDI TE820
09:00.25li3pin slackware)
09:03.48RoeltChrisInSydney, thanks for that netgear mentoin. Nice router and not that expensive.
09:08.26*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:08.30linociscoRoelt, how on Linksys EA4500?
09:08.58linociscoRoelt, I would like to know how and where to check supported devices on sites rather than openwrt
09:11.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:13.14Roeltlinocisco, you only ahve 2 options. openwrt of dd-wrt
09:13.39Roeltlinocisco, check those sites for support on your router and make sure you have a few mb flash, or an USB port for storage
09:13.45*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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09:28.09*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:28.41linociscoRoelt, Linksys EA4500 has USBport but according to, it is also listed as unsupported device
09:30.21Roeltlinocisco, in that case you can't use it. the normal operating system doesn't allow thirdparty software
09:40.25tzafrir_laptopli3p, not that I had the joy, but any problems?
09:41.33tzafrir_laptop64MB should probably be good enough for a humble Asterisk install (1-2 channels and such)
09:42.04li3ptzafrir_laptop >> there is a problem with setting the alarm, the provider says that our frames do not go
09:42.27ChrisInSydneyEA4500 is no good as its a Marvell chipset = no OpeWRT support, which limits your options
09:42.52ChrisInSydneyWNR3500Lv2 has limited builds at the moment with DD-WRT
09:42.58tzafrir_laptopli3p, I suppose there's nothing slackware (what version?) specific about it
09:43.03linociscoRoelt, here is the link for WRT54G2 V1. what does that mean??
09:43.06ChrisInSydneyCisco E3000 / E4200v1 work well
09:43.21ChrisInSydneyhave to run
09:43.26ChrisInSydneygood luck
09:43.31tzafrir_laptopPlease pastebin your /etc/dahdi/system.conf
09:44.09tzafrir_laptopAlso post the output of lsdahdi
09:44.42tzafrir_laptopor at least: cat /proc/dahdi/1
09:48.28Roeltlinocisco, I've told you that already.
09:49.01li3psend in private
09:51.10*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-dqfqvgiokghaglsu)
10:04.52*** join/#asterisk defswork (
10:06.50tzafrir_laptopli3p, I don't see any alarm on the spans. BTW: any reason not to post the link on this channel?
10:17.48henningbHow do you change CID on a E1 dahdi connection?
10:22.38li3phenningb, in dialplan SET(Callerid(num)=you number)
10:23.01henningbThank you
10:24.27*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:29.28*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:34.36linociscoHi all, I have  a computer on which i will install asterisk .and then I will connect this to wifi router. so I think I dont need to choose any specific router, right?
10:35.59li3pwhat settings should be for the signaling in the TE820 mode user at the provider network is established
10:37.23WIMPycannot parse this question, but I do miss information anyway.
10:38.24Roeltlinocisco, no, any router will do
10:46.51*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
11:04.13li3palways update chan_dahdi when install new hardware
11:09.47*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-syvdcugtszceetkq)
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11:58.48*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
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12:10.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:22.45*** join/#asterisk bipul (~root@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
12:24.45bipulis there any link for beginners ?
12:25.00infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
12:25.05WIMPyTry that.
12:26.28bipulp3nguin, hi :)
12:29.50*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
12:30.07bipuli am looking e-books which are free
12:33.37bipuli want to contribute to asterisk as i am open source lover. this is my blog so please help me :) in learning.
12:35.53*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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12:36.14acidfoobipul, you can read that book online for free
12:36.36bipulacidfoo,  thank's
12:43.02*** join/#asterisk Nivex (
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13:07.22mcolombohi all
13:07.41WIMPylo you
13:17.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
13:26.21*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
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13:32.44mcolomboanyone say if it possible to remove media attribute from sdp?
13:33.20mcolomboi need to remove this line : Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
13:34.58*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
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13:38.01pabelangermcolombo: disallow=ulaw
13:38.06pabelangerI think
13:44.13mcolombogreat! Thanks you
13:47.20*** part/#asterisk Nebukadneza (~quassel@2a01:238:43b3:8200::3)
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14:06.23*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~Eissa@
14:06.42_zoom_hello, anyone works with yaai the sugarcrm connector?
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14:07.47*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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14:14.35*** join/#asterisk fubada (
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14:16.06fubadacan someone tell me if theres an app for this: a call is placed to a support number, the call is auto parked/queued, an employee is then notified on their cellphone that there is a call waiting in the pbx and has an option to be auto connected
14:17.09[TK]D-FenderOriginate <- AMI / CLI / dialplan app.  Take your pick
14:17.29[TK]D-FenderCall files also
14:26.05fubadaTK: is there such an app out of then box?
14:26.20fubadawould I need to use a call queue?
14:27.55Guggefubada: put the mobile phone in a queue, then it is notified when there is a caller (the mobile rings), and the user has an option to be auto connectd (he can pick up the phone)
14:42.15*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:52.18[TK]D-Fenderfubada, Or something else
14:52.55[TK]D-FenderThis is the dialplan. You do what yuo want.  What you have requested is several different actions all acting in unison.  This is PROGRAMMING, and what Asterisk is for.  This is your job to create.
14:53.37[TK]D-Fenderfubada, You could also use a queue and call out that was as gugge described as well
14:57.50*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
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15:21.34Kattyscoooby dooo where are you?!
15:22.13[TK]D-FenderRut Roh!
15:25.21*** join/#asterisk DrDamnit (
15:26.10DrDamnitWhen migrating between versions of asterisk (say to is it possible to copy the outputted file from make menuselect to the source code directory of the new versions so that I'll get the exact same compile with the new version as I did with the old?
15:26.32*** join/#asterisk last1 (
15:29.29last1what's the difference between core show channels and sip show channels ?
15:30.21dax_rocOne will show all, and sip will show only sip ?
15:30.44last1that's what I thought so too, but sip show channels shows a lot more than core (?)
15:30.53last1sip will show like 140 and core show channels only 30
15:30.58last1is that even possible ?
15:31.04kaldemar"core show channels" shows asterisk channels, "sip show channels" shows SIP dialogs. they are not the same thing.
15:31.36last1is it possible that sip dialogs don't end and just stack up ?
15:32.00last1I have a whole bunch with format (nothing) and last message RX: Bye
15:32.04kaldemarSIP dialogs are not necessarily related to calls.
15:32.11dax_rocCan anyone point me in the right direction , I'm trying to log the Callerid to mysql, with the following
15:32.52last1ok, I'm going to back up a bit. my asterisk crashes every once in a while and all I could find is that the number of sip channels keeps on growing
15:33.05last1when it reaches about 130/140, asterisk restarts
15:33.24last1the majority of the channels show what I said above: format: nothing, last message RX: Bye
15:33.29kaldemarfor example a registration creates a dialog that is listed by "sip show channels".
15:34.37kaldemarif the last message is BYE, then they are likely to be call-related.
15:35.05*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
15:35.08last1and are they supposed to linger in there ? can they cause asterisk to crash ?
15:35.28last1this is on Asterisk by the way
15:35.41fubadaThanks Gugge and TK
15:36.16fubadaTK: i was just looking for a direction to minimize custom coding...a queue sounds like it will do half of what i need
15:36.28kaldemarlast1: they're supposed to disappear. there can always be a bug in the version you're using. you should produce a backtrace upon a crash.
15:37.13kaldemarlast1: which version are you using?
15:37.22kaldemarlast1: oh, you said it already.
15:38.20last1I've tried 1.4, 1.6 and 1.8
15:38.47citywokdax_roc: is the number field a varchar or int?  callerid(all) would be something like 1115551212 <barack obama>
15:42.54dax_roccitywok: It's a varchar in the db.
15:43.52dax_roccitywok: callerid(num) would probably be more appropriate
15:44.08citywokgotcha.  turn on debugging and watch the debug log and see what it has to say.
15:44.34dax_rocstill learning, How do I do that again.
15:45.31*** join/#asterisk bipolar (~bipolar@
15:46.54dax_rocI'm watching the output on the asterisk daemon, It's Giving me a warning on [2012-07-30 15:42:25] WARNING[17119]: pbx.c:5397 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/skype-00000067' sent into invalid extension '<external-phone#>' in context 'commitCallback', but no invalid handler
15:46.56[TK]D-Fenderlast1, Those are entire branches and you haven't listed an actual "problem" yet
15:47.20last1D-Fender: i'm pretty sure it's this issue here
15:47.26last1apparently fixed in asterisk 10
15:47.49[TK]D-Fenderdax_roc, means what it says.  It's looking for  match in that context, doesn't find one, and you don't have an "i" exten to handle the exception.
15:48.38[TK]D-Fenderlast1, Well you're 7 releases out of date in your own branch
15:49.00[TK]D-Fenderlast1, 1st step before even asking anything else is to bring yourself up to current
15:49.22*** join/#asterisk eicto (
16:04.54dax_rocDo I need to load the mysql app before use ?
16:12.10*** join/#asterisk pzn (~pzn@pdpc/supporter/active/pzn)
16:15.04pznis it possible to add a custom audio codec to asterisk? I intend to add a new codec, and "provide" a function for asterisk convert it to g711. is this too ambitious to be done? (motivation: implement in the equipment an uncompressed multichannel audio output, one of the channels take audio, others take ambient noises; then the codec-"converter" in asterisk would apply some algoritm to filter noise and echo and produce an g711 audio)
16:17.47fubadawhat is the url for the asterisk book
16:18.05infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:18.34mjordanpzn: yes, its possible.  Yes, its ambitious.
16:18.36Qwellpzn: sure, why not?
16:19.32dax_rocThe book is fairly good ! Well writen.
16:21.01Kattyyour mom is fairly good.
16:21.48QwellKatty: So's your FACE.
16:22.03Qwellwhatever that means.
16:22.18dax_rocmore like a barrel of hammers...
16:29.13fubadais down
16:29.34*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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16:39.47citywokfubada: works for me
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16:58.41fubadacitywok: thanks its back, hows citysushi?
16:59.41fubadaanyone familiar with asterisk queues can help :) I need to add a cellphone as the only agent/member
17:00.11fubadaand ideally setup a rotation schedule, where cellphoneA and B rotate every week as agents
17:03.08citywokfubada: use local channels. local/cellphone@Provider
17:03.16citywoklocal/cellphone@outbound-context that is
17:03.44fubadaas agent?
17:04.27[TK]D-Fenderas a MEMBER
17:06.48citywokfubada: yes, as a dynamic member. you can use a cronjob to add/remove your 2 cellphone numbres weekly and alternate
17:06.59fubadanice :)
17:07.09fubadathanks guys
17:09.08[TK]D-FenderAdd 1 static memeber and use an AstDB value to change the actual target
17:09.40[TK]D-FenderBetter than having a screw-up leave extra members potentially logged in
17:09.53fubadathansk, ill have to look into asdb
17:10.25[TK]D-Fender"core show function DB"
17:11.40*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:13.56citywokTK's way is probbly better
17:14.14citywokTK can you do that?  as a member local/${DB(USER/KEY)}@outbound-context
17:14.30[TK]D-FenderNo, you make the membe fixed... waht it DOES is dynamic
17:15.24fubadayou guys sticking around for a few right ? :)
17:15.27fubadaim not there yet
17:16.09[TK]D-Fenderexten => dialtheguy,1,Dial(SIP/provider/${DB(whoto/dial)},30,OPTIONSTOCONFIRM)
17:16.54citywokgotcha, i like that approach more than switching members, it's a little more elegant
17:19.32fubadaif the cellphones voicemail system answers
17:19.59fubadanvm, i need to make my members press a digit to accept the queue call
17:20.12fubadaotherwise their cellphone vm will play if they dont answer
17:22.58malcolmddigium phones users: there's a new dpma release, a new phone firmware release, and a new release of certified asterisk.
17:25.02*** join/#asterisk GGD (
17:32.46citywokfubada: yep, and make it short otherwise they will end up with a voicemail message.
17:39.06*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:39.32_Corey_malcolmd: coolio
17:39.44malcolmd*finally* :D
17:43.38*** join/#asterisk Pan3D (~Pan3D@
17:44.15fubadacitywok: is there any way thatyou know of to require queue members to press a digit before accepting the next person
17:44.47malcolmdQwell: ;)
17:45.06citywokfubada: you would have to do it in the dialplan. if they don't enter the digit then call the other person.
17:45.17malcolmdthat's not a dig at Qwell
17:45.35*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:45.47Qwellwhat's not, now?
17:46.08malcolmdoh, thought you were thinking the "*finally*" was a dig; it wasn't
17:46.20Qwelloh, nope
17:48.40[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> exten => dialtheguy,1,Dial(SIP/provider/${DB(whoto/dial)},30,OPTIONSTOCONFIRM) <-----------
17:48.46[TK]D-Fenderfubada, "core show application dial"
17:48.56fubadathanks tk
17:49.22fubadaim workign on my queue.conf member string now
17:51.29DrDamnitCall to extension 8569 rejected because it is not found in the context... but it IS in the context, and dialplan show proves it. What's wrong here?
17:55.41[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, PB another call with full SIP debug along with your actuall dialplan and SIP config for that pepr
18:15.11DrDamnit[TK]Defender: Those posts (in order) are the requested debug.log created with asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvv | tee /var/log/debug.log, the sip config, and the actual dialplan for that context.
18:15.11*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:15.11fubadaTk: im trying to set a db key/valueusing "database put supportadmin "2031234567", but i guess it also needs a "family"?
18:15.11fubadawhat is this 'family'?
18:15.11leifmadsenfubada: family key value
18:15.11fubadadoes that need to already exist?
18:15.11leifmadsenfubada: database put admins supportadmin 2031234567
18:15.11leifmadsenyou just need to specify it
18:15.11leifmadseneverything requires a family/key
18:15.49*** join/#asterisk infobot (
18:15.49*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.6.1 (2012/07/16), (2012/07/16), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
18:16.21*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
18:16.31*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
18:18.44[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, [Jul 30 13:49:19] NOTICE[797]: chan_sip.c:22147 handle_request_invite: Call from 'iitc-xlite' ( to extension '8569' rejected because extension not found in context 'iitc_local_stations'.
18:18.49[TK]D-FenderDRyOUR FIRST pb
18:18.56[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, Your 1st PB
18:19.09[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, in your new log I do not see it failing on that exten
18:19.43datarecalare their any good dialer addons asterisk
18:19.45DrDamnitI'll capture another. I may have been to quick (trying to keep extraneous stuff out of the log to make it easier for you to read)...
18:20.08[TK]D-FenderLooking for s in iitc_local_stations (domain 8569)
18:20.17[TK]D-FenderI do see this broken use of the DOMAIN
18:20.19fubada[TK]D-Fender: Im trying to figure out what should take place of OPTIONSTOCONFIRM in your line above, Im looking through "core show application dial" for the asnwer but Im kind of confused
18:20.23[TK]D-Fenderbut it is looking for "s"
18:20.34[TK]D-Fenderfubada, MACRO <-
18:20.37Kattyit is lookin gfor your mom.
18:20.37fubadaI see WaitExten as a possible useful thing
18:21.31Kattycarrar: ohia
18:21.37Kattycarrar: did you see the coffee cheesecake?
18:21.51QwellKatty: cheesecake is totally shippable, right?
18:22.02leifmadsenQwell: yes
18:22.03carrarno I didn;t
18:22.06Qwell(I'm totally joking)
18:22.14Kattysad day.
18:22.17Kattyluckily, it's easy to make!
18:22.22leifmadsenQwell: shipping yes; editable upon reception? no.
18:22.39Qwellleifmadsen: meh, microwave will soften it up a bit
18:22.59carrarmmm cheese
18:23.15carrarYou can make cheesecake in a rice maker BTW
18:23.24Kattyoh probably
18:23.31Kattyand a crockpot, too. but this is the easy cheesecake
18:23.40Kattyreal cheesecake takes me 6 hours in the oven
18:23.46Kattyand i was just feeling to Meh for that.
18:23.47QwellI make bathtub cheesecake
18:23.52carrarand has a bazillion cals
18:23.53leifmadsenit's easier to make it by purchasing a box of cheesecake
18:24.08leifmadsenread 'cals' at 'cats'
18:24.10carrarcostco cheesecake!
18:24.10Kattyleifmadsen: but you can't purchase andys mint cheesecake with girl scout cookei crust
18:24.22leifmadsenKatty: made with real girl scouts?
18:24.30carrarcheesecake with CATS!
18:24.47Kattyleifmadsen: yes. with totally, real, girlscots.
18:24.50carrarcats with laser eyes
18:24.55leifmadsenstop it, I'm going to end up making cheesecake
18:25.06Kattynom nom cheesecake nomnom!
18:25.18Kattywe can talk about red velvet white chocolate chip cookies instead.
18:25.22vlad_starkovHello everybody! I'd be grateful if someone recommend me IRC channel where can I ask a question about sales managers salary in VOIP industry. Thank you.
18:25.35Kattyvlad_starkov: eleventy billion dollars.
18:25.39Kattyvlad_starkov: an hour.
18:25.42vlad_starkovKatty: -)
18:25.50carrarthats YUM
18:26.15Kattyi think i could make that
18:26.16QwellVoIP sales manager?  What does that even mean?
18:26.24Kattythey manage...sales.
18:26.26Kattyvoip sales.
18:26.29leifmadsensales of voip.
18:26.32Kattyyes, that.
18:26.34leifmadsenmoar voipz!
18:26.42Kattywait but they /manage/ the sales of voip.
18:26.49Kattyso you basically just stand around looking, right?
18:26.49carrarvlad_starkov, whats the question
18:26.52Kattyand totally not doing anything
18:26.52carrarwe have all your answers
18:26.54vlad_starkovI mean the person who make direct sales PBX services to the customer.
18:26.59QwellKatty: That's basically what all sales managers do, so yes
18:27.03fubadain soviet russia, voip sells you!
18:27.04leifmadsenQwell: :)
18:27.09Kattyvlad_starkov: comission!
18:27.14[TK]D-Fendervlad_starkov, the same as any other teclo guy
18:27.14leifmadsenQwell: they manage the people doing the real work
18:27.27Kattypeople doing real work don't need to be managed
18:27.32Kattythey need to GTFO so i can do my job
18:27.38QwellI would say at least $60/hour.
18:27.46[TK]D-FenderIn Soviet Russia work manages YOU
18:27.54Kattywork can go jump.
18:28.00Kattyi'm too busy for this Work stuff.
18:28.03vlad_starkovI'm preparing new PBX service and I do some calculation about how much should I pay to sale manager
18:28.23carrardepends if they sell anything
18:28.47fubada[TK]D-Fender: did you suggest I use a macro at the end of that dial plan string to require a digit press before a call in queue is answered?
18:28.50vlad_starkov[TK]D-Fender: oh yeah, that's it! ))
18:28.55fubadaand the macro is where id do that validation?
18:29.17Kattycarrar: but they don't sell.
18:29.21Kattycarrar: they /manage/ the sell
18:29.26_Corey_vlad_starkov: Generally, account execs will have a smaller base salary and a larger commission-oriented revenue stream...  sales managers, because they're managing and not selling per se, have higher base salaries
18:29.26Kattycarrar: of voips.
18:29.27[TK]D-Fenderfubada, Yes
18:30.06_Corey_vlad_starkov: It absolutely depends on where you're located and what kind of customers you're selling to, as well as the overall size of the sales team
18:30.10carrarsounds like a fluff position
18:30.31vlad_starkovcarrar: Say he or she sell 5 contracts per day. Each contract makes profit of 100$ per month.
18:31.10Kattycarrar: i want a fluff position
18:31.18carrarGuess you should hire a buisness school graduate :)
18:31.23Kattycarrar: darn all that pesky work that gets in the way of knitting!
18:31.26_Corey_vlad_starkov: Sounds like you're talking about a salesperson, not a sales manager ... ?
18:31.38fubada[TK]D-Fender: i dont haz the skills to code up a macro like that in asterisk
18:31.45leifmadsenmoar skillz!
18:32.06carrarKatty, are you knitting cheesecake?
18:32.10Kattyno coffee, no worky
18:32.20Kattyno. i'm still working on the tardis.
18:32.22leifmadsensnack and coffee time
18:32.36Qwellleifmadsen: coffee cheesecake == have both at once!
18:32.48Kattyi also have one heck of a headache, for some reason
18:32.57vlad_starkov_Corey_: ok, I'm sorry for that. You're right. I need a salesperson. Actually in Russian we call that "sales manager".
18:33.23[TK]D-Fenderfubada, this is a MACRO.  This is basic dialplan.  If you're in a hurry go hire a consultant.
18:33.37*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:33.37DrDamnitTK[D]-Fender: It appears that the softphone was buggy. I switched to Zoiper, ran the call, and it works just fine. Doesn't make sense to me... Does that make sense to you?
18:34.04[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, I already told you it was passing a funny DOMAIN...
18:34.15vlad_starkovleifmadsen: thanks for such a book you wrote! -)
18:34.16_Corey_vlad_starkov: OK, so generally you pay them a base salary that's pretty modest and a percentage of their sales/profits depending on how much detail you want to share with them about their costs
18:34.18[TK]D-Fenderand the only thing I saw was towards "s"
18:34.30[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, Show me something new if there's something to see
18:35.06fubada[TK]D-Fender: not in a hurry, its jsut that * is like 1% of my job duties and i always try to cut corners on it
18:35.22fubadathe learning curve is steep for macros
18:35.36DrDamnit[TK]D-Fender: Ahhh... yes... there we go. I don't think so. Now the remote box is rejecting it because of a "no authority found" error, but that's progress over what was going on before. I wasn't even getting that far before.
18:36.28vlad_starkov_Corey_: Yeah, I understand that. I'm just wondering, how much people pay to salesperson in cloud VOIP/PBX industry in different areas.
18:37.32carrarvlad_starkov, do it startup style
18:37.38carrarvlad_starkov, offer them stock instead of money!
18:37.47[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, well that's IAX auth issues, not SIP
18:38.13vlad_starkov_Corey_: for example in Russia it's ok for salesperson to have a salary about 2000-2500$ per month.
18:38.39fubadawhere in russia?
18:38.50fubadabecause im from moscow and thats moscow rate
18:39.01vlad_starkovOr St.Petersburg
18:39.01carrarIsn't Mosvow a expensive place to live?
18:39.06_Corey_vlad_starkov: I was over there about 13 years ago... sounds like things have improved :)
18:39.08DrDamnit[TK]D-Fender: Yes. The original problem was with a SIP softphone while testing the dialplan to route a call over IAX to a remote box. It was telling me the extension did not exist, when, in fact, it did. That problem appears to be resolved, so now I am on to fixing the IAX auth issues.
18:39.10[TK]D-Fenderfubada, our coding all of this for you so you can "cut corners" isn't support ; it's our doing your whole job for you.  Don't expect much by way of volunteers
18:39.10Kattymoocow, Russia.
18:39.19*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:39.42[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, I presume you meant that it hit that DIAL in there to go OUT IAX2... which should mean that the call does make it in...
18:39.49fubada[TK]D-Fender: im figuring it out though, you cant say that the * documentation is straight forward on all thiss tuff
18:40.00fubadatheres a lot of concepts to grasp before one "just gets it"
18:40.04[TK]D-Fenderfubada, I can't?
18:40.31[TK]D-Fenderfubada, If you're starting from ZERO, yes... but what you asked implied having a running system processing calls already
18:40.35vlad_starkov_Corey_: it's unreasonably expensive place, actually
18:40.41fubadaits by far one of the most difficult open source projects ive had to work with
18:41.08DrDamnit[TK]D-Fender. Yes. The DIAL app was failing when coming from the SIP softphone. When I switched to an IAX softphone, it works, and goes out the IAX2 trunk to the remote box, which is now rejecting it for auth reasons.
18:41.19Kattycarrar: everyone seems cranky today
18:41.33carraryeah whats up witdat?
18:41.34fubadavlad_starkov: ill be returning to moscow for the first time since 1996 this August
18:41.39_Corey_vlad_starkov: It sounds like the average salaries have some up a bit though...  when I was there I met people who were making $300/mo
18:41.40Kattycarrar: no idea :<
18:41.48vlad_starkov_Corey_: do you know some statistics about how many new registration per month cloud PBX service could have? Say,
18:41.51carrarIt's happy Monday!
18:41.55[TK]D-FenderDrDamnit, You are very vague between your description of a SIP vs IAX call "IN" vs the fact I saw dialplan that was supposed to dial OUT.
18:42.03Kattydistributes rainbows and sunshine.
18:42.15carrargay rainbows!
18:42.16_Corey_vlad_starkov: Sorry, you'd have to ask them :)
18:42.20vlad_starkov_Corey_: it was 2001-2003 I think
18:42.23[TK]D-FenderKatty, I'm so happy I do that on the toilet ;)
18:42.25carrarbecause rainbows are HAPPY!
18:42.35Kattyand PRETTY!
18:42.44carrarand COLORFULL!
18:42.54carrarand mathmatically correct
18:43.03Kattyyes, they are all sorts of prismy.
18:43.18vlad_starkovfubada: are you russian?
18:43.33fubadai grew up in ramenki and then moved to the states as a teenager
18:43.47vlad_starkov_Corey_: ok, thank you for your time anyway.
18:44.01DrDamnit[TK]D-Fender, agreed. My descriptions are not great. SIP Softphone DIAL(IAX2/iitc/8569) = fail. IAX Softphone DIAL(IAX2/iitc/8569) = win for dialplan, fail for call setup.
18:44.38_Corey_vlad_starkov: No problem...  i may not have answered your commission question directly.  10% is average on sales, 30% on profit
18:44.39*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:44.56DrDamnit[TK]D-Fender, so my original problem appears to have vanished. The auth issue I can handle. (This box is missing openssl and the remote box requires md5 / rsa authentication, etc...)
18:45.38vlad_starkovfubada: nice choice. It's absolutely clear for huge amount of 20-25 y.o. people, that it's better to move somewhere from Ru in nearest 1-2 years.
18:45.55vlad_starkov_Corey_: thanks for that
18:46.13fubadavlad_starkov: i moved in 1996 to chicago, i am now 28 and i want to go visit/move back if i enjoy it
18:46.24fubadanot sure how much IT work there is msk
18:46.36carrarmove to Hawaii and live in a grass hut on the beach!
18:46.43_Corey_I want to do another vacation there... i'm sure it's changed a lot since I was there in 1999
18:46.52vlad_starkovfubada: it's ok to have a business in russia and live somewhere else. London is popular place :)
18:47.09fubadabad teeth and poor diets
18:47.31_Corey_I drank more vodka on that one trip than I believe I have in all the time since ;)
18:47.45navaismowants to leave Mexico and loves vodka
18:48.16vlad_starkovfubada: we have no professionals. If you're one of that kind you'll be fine.
18:48.33vlad_starkovcarrar: dream...)
18:48.35carrarwe're all one of a kind
18:48.36fubadavlad_starkov: I understand that most pay is in cash/tax free, i like that
18:49.24Kattyyes, yes we are.
18:50.06*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-pzezhyuledwjikuc)
18:51.10vlad_starkov_Corey_: You should come and see. Talk with people, and probably you'll understand better about what's going on in russia last 12 years...
18:52.56fubadavlad_starkov: ill come and see this august the 23 :) just booked nonstop JFK-SVO for 850$ with Delta
18:53.04fubadaa good deal for August
18:53.13_Corey_Yeah, I'll definitely go back.  it was one of the best places I've visited
18:54.28vlad_starkovfubada: Delta is much better than Aeroflot.
18:54.45fubadayea aeroflot was more $ anyways
18:55.37vlad_starkovfubada: horoshego poleta :-)
18:55.44fubadaspasiba :p
18:57.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
18:58.45*** join/#asterisk slidesinger-lt (
19:01.42bipulMy blog dedicated to Asterisk Project :)
19:02.59engrxyzfuck the french
19:03.34bipulengrxyz,  french ?
19:03.34[TK]D-Fenderbipul, This is How a real IP-PBX (IP04 IP-PBX) Looks like. :) <--- INCORRECT
19:03.47[TK]D-Fenderbipul, that clearly has ANALOG INTERFACES ON IT
19:03.58bipul[TK]D-Fender,  can you help me in that picture .
19:04.05[TK]D-Fenderbipul, You seem to have completely missed the "big print"
19:04.41[TK]D-Fenderbipul, What is there to "help"?  That embedded PBX you show a picture of has ANALOG PHONE LINES plugged ito it.
19:04.42bipul[TK]D-Fender,  sory i don't get you.
19:05.00[TK]D-Fenderbipul, Like telling me you have a car with no wheels on it ... and I SEE THE WHEELS
19:05.40bipulok i got it :p
19:05.57[TK]D-Fenderbipul, If you can't understand what I'm saying then you clearly don't understand what yuo put in your own blog post.  I'd quickly believe this if you had basically jsut stolen someone elses whriting wholesale...
19:06.20[TK]D-Fenderdangit... writing getting very sloppy today...
19:07.19bipulwell i read articles and post my view in it :) by taking help of that article.
19:07.53[TK]D-Fender"Telecommunications companies that choose to ignore Asterisk do so at their peril i.e Serious and immediate danger." <- I don't see telco's in a flying panic or peril yet.  This is very exaggerated
19:08.16[TK]D-Fender"This is because Asterisk is the ultimate hacker’s PBX" <- debatable
19:09.03[TK]D-Fender"hosted conferencing"? what is "hosted" conferencing?  Or "non-hosted" for that matter?
19:10.16engrxyzlochte is a joke
19:10.23engrxyzbring back michael phelps
19:10.32leifmadsenmichael phelps got lazy
19:10.52*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~rich@
19:10.57mjordanI was going to say, he is there...
19:10.59[TK]D-Fenderengrxyz, They can't .. he's still on display at Sea World :p
19:11.43xoverukI understand that with SIP audio channels will communicate between endpoints, i.e. if I have two remote extensions connecting to a central server the server is skipped out which will reduce latency, can I do this with IAX2?
19:12.18[TK]D-Fenderbipul, "Inside a PBX, you only need to dial three-digit or four-digit numbers to make a call to another phone in the network" <- Noone said what format your extensions have to be in.
19:12.29bipul[TK]D-Fender, hosted confrencing meansVideoconferencing , face to face
19:13.01bipul[TK]D-Fender,  in my college i saw they using 3 to 4 number to connect other department.
19:13.19bipuland i am beginner :)  so don't pull my leg i am  not legend like you
19:13.25[TK]D-Fenderbipul, In whose dictionary?  Also, Asterisk does not do "video conferencing".  There is no video MUX.  there is no multiple views.  * has AT BEST "follow the speaker"
19:14.04[TK]D-Fenderbipul, my issue is the claims you're putting out which is showing that your content is by-and-large plagiarized.
19:14.24[TK]D-Fenderbipul, And not even actually understood by you.
19:14.24leifmadsenxoveruk: transfer=yes
19:15.45bipul[TK]D-Fender,  i saw on e-books about that
19:15.46bipulok [TK]D-Fender  thank you let me correct my self
19:17.36bipulNext time i am going to post anything  about asterisk , i must show you the data :) ,and you have to make me correct. if some whear i found wrong :)
19:18.53[TK]D-Fenderbipul, That was jsut a quick glance I evaluated.  Your posts packed with exaggerations, generalizations, and some bits that are just flat-out wrong.
19:18.53engrxyzmichael is much better than lochte
19:19.01engrxyzi am dissapointed with locte
19:19.15engrxyzi think lochte swims backward
19:20.18xoverukleifmadsen: thank you
19:20.52leifmadsenengrxyz: #olympics please
19:22.45bipul[TK]D-Fender,  can you sugesst me some e-books whear i can learn real asterisk knowleg.
19:23.19Kattymaybe a guide to basic spelling, too, fender.
19:23.31Katty:P :P
19:23.33Kattybipul: <3
19:25.08navaismoor the book
19:25.57infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:26.37[TK]D-Fenderbipul, Actually USE *.  You're hoping to steal and recycle someone else's knowledge and don't have any experience to back it up apparently.
19:27.08[TK]D-FenderWhen trying to teach something to someone it really helps to actually know the subject matter.
19:27.14bchiaThis will actually get to ATDG as the 3rd hit:,mod=4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=e-books+whear+i+can+learn+real+asterisk+knowleg
19:27.59bipulno it's not like that, i learn and put my stuff in my blog . simple
19:28.17bchiaFender has a great point. There is no substitute for hand-ons experience.
19:36.46Kattybipul: please don't send me private messages. if you have questions please ask them in here where you can recieve answers.
19:37.04Qwellsends Katty a message
19:37.05*** join/#asterisk CrossWired (~chatzilla@
19:37.46KattyQwell: you don't count.
19:37.54Qwellstory of my life
19:37.56KattyQwell: you're all like...1...2...5
19:38.12KattyQwell: chin up buttercup!
19:38.19Qwellmmm, buttercups
19:39.14DrDamnitAre there plans to include video in Asterisk in the future?
19:39.21QwellWho says there isn't video now?
19:41.14CrossWiredQuestion: I am using Asterisk.Net to Originate outbound reminder calls, but I am getting a Timeout on the SendAction.  I am using Originate Async, my initial context immediately instantiates a Dial function, with a timeout of 120 seconds.     I can't quite figure out where I should be investigating for the Timeout
19:41.17Kattyyour mom.
19:41.40CrossWiredAny suggestions?
19:41.49Kattychecks CAH deck
19:42.02KattyCrossWired: Jon Wilkes Booth
19:42.18CrossWiredKatty: of course, why didn't I think of that
19:43.05CrossWiredKatty: could you be more specific as to what JWB is doing to the interwebs of my box?  I know he's a jokester and all but ... :
19:43.07*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.7.0 (2012/07/30), (2012/07/30), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
19:43.12*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@2001:888:141f:0:5119:cf47:b87d:607c)
19:43.24Kattychecks deck to see what JWB is doing in CrossWired's computer
19:43.41KattyCrossWired: Friendly Fire.
19:44.09Z_Godany CAPI experts around?
19:44.37Z_GodI'm trying to dial to an analog phone which is presented to asterisk through a CAPI controller, but I have no clue how to make it ring
19:44.49CrossWiredKatty: Que?
19:45.08Kattyif you don't liek the answer i can refresh you a nother one.
19:45.27WIMPyZ_God: You don't. You just place calls.
19:45.44Kattyhow to make a CAPI controller ring... *refresh* Crumpets with the queen.
19:45.58Kattycrumpets fix everything!
19:46.02Z_GodWIMPy: yep, but I cannot set up an MSN in my analog (or DECT) device
19:46.18Z_Godso I guess there are some MSNs inherent to the controller
19:46.25WIMPyZ_God: Tgen place a global call.
19:46.26bobb_WUi'm having an issue with one of my voicemail servers.  it answers normally (as seen in the CLI) but it is not transmitting sound for a period of time.  it seems consistent (around 10 seconds).  the problem occurs between the mitel SIP controller and the voicemail, but i do not have any trouble between asterisk nodes and the VM server.  any troubleshooting steps to look at here?
19:46.42WIMPyZ_God: Only the device knows.
19:46.44Z_Godhmm, maybe I can at least try that indeed...
19:48.32*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:49.37Kattyfor sale, 1 uncomfortable headache, for cheaps. will deliver.
19:50.14Z_GodWIMPy: do you know what I need to specify as the destination then?
19:51.42WIMPyZ_God: nothing
19:52.34Z_GodCouldn't call contr5
19:52.55Z_GodI have this Dial(CAPI/contr5)
19:53.35Z_Goddoesn't work with an extra / either
19:53.56WIMPyMaybe the trailing / is important?
19:54.11WIMPyHmm, well.
19:54.51WIMPyDon't know if chan_capi will do global calls correctly.
19:55.08WIMPyIs it alive, BTW?
19:55.14Z_GodI was also thinking of dtracing the controller when the normal software is using it
19:55.19*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
19:55.22Z_Godyes, the other way around works fine
19:55.32Z_GodI have an ISDN phone connected to controller 3
19:55.41Z_Godand I can dial to it from the phone on controller 5
19:56.01Z_Godbut for this 5th controller, I have to specify 'immediate=yes' for it to work
19:56.14WIMPyNo, chan_capi. There wasn;t much activity lately.
19:56.34WIMPyimmediate=yes usually makes sense.
19:56.39Z_Godyeah, it seems it's quite old
19:56.45Z_Godthere is also a rewrite
19:57.01WIMPyOh. Where?
19:58.33Z_GodI'm using the older plain 1.1.5 release now
19:58.42WIMPyThanks. Need to take a look at that.
19:58.48Z_Godno problem :)
19:59.01Z_Godyou have a lot of experience with different CAPI controllers?
19:59.18WIMPyBut that only works up to Asterisk 1.6.
19:59.41Z_Godthe regular one works with 1.8 and 10 as well?
19:59.50Z_GodI happen to be using 1.6 as well now
19:59.54WIMPyI just try to keep an overview of possibilities to connect Asterisk to the ISDN.
20:00.20Z_Godare there many options for that or does it depends on the hardware?
20:00.23WIMPyThe SVN works with 1.8, but not 10. Or that's my last state.
20:00.44WIMPyBut I wouldn't use anything <1.8.
20:01.15Z_GodI'm not aware of all the improvements, but I'm just a basic user
20:01.24Z_Godmy current box is running 1.2
20:01.41Z_Godand its ISDN controller is an ISA card ;)
20:02.27WIMPyISA? How do you connect that?
20:02.46Z_Godthe box is an old pentium 200MHz system
20:02.57Z_GodI installed it many years ago, it still works
20:03.05Z_Godasterisk runs fine on it
20:03.06*** join/#asterisk gusto (
20:03.30Z_Godno, I had to install freebsd
20:03.41Z_Godwith linux I could only use chan_modem
20:03.45Z_Godwith the hisax driver
20:03.51WIMPyOh, sounds interesting.
20:04.11WIMPyNot ideal, but probably not a restriction when using 1.2.
20:04.14Z_GodI installed freebsd, because it had CAPI support for this hardware (the other alternative was windows, but that didn't work so well)
20:05.22Z_Godbut this controller is only passive, I have to explicitly dial into it
20:05.55Z_Godnow I have a fritzbox from the fiber ISP, which has an active controller
20:06.04WIMPyactive is pretty senseless anyway.
20:06.36Z_GodI mean it supports nt_mode
20:06.56WIMPyThat has nothing to do with active/passive.
20:07.02Z_Godyeah sorry, my mistake
20:07.14CrossWiredOriginate with Async set to true, theoretically should not timeout, correct?
20:07.16Z_GodI am not very familiar with that
20:08.18Z_Godthis box can run asterisk itself (mips linux) and offers 5 capi controllers
20:08.54Z_Godnr. 3 has all the internal ISDN stuff and just works
20:09.03WIMPyI tried that once. But I only succeeded with the two S0 ports.
20:09.05Z_Godnr. 5 has all the analog and DECT phones
20:09.18Z_Godsame here so far
20:09.35Z_Godexcept calls from analog & DECT, those work, just need to fix to somehow
20:09.58WIMPyI suspected that the FXO/FXS and DECT are each one controller.
20:10.48Z_Godcontroller 4 has the analog line out I read online, it also only has one B channel, so that seems right
20:11.06*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-jiukotauxogsvybt)
20:11.26Z_Godthe first two map to the external S0 port I understand
20:12.18WIMPyI didn't look closer as chan_capi looked rather dead :-(
20:12.48Z_Godwould there be a way to access this hardware with another channel? (other than sip+the fritzbox software)
20:13.25WIMPyAFAIK the AVM hardware is not documented anywhere.
20:14.23WIMPySo, CAPI is the only sensible way to access it.
20:15.04Z_Godyep... guess so
20:15.37Z_GodI just wonder whether indeed the fritzbox has some hardcoded MSN assigned to the analog & DECT phones
20:15.49Z_Godand if there's a way for me to find that out
20:16.06Z_Godmy dtrace debugging on another box didn't reveal so much at first sight, but I'm not sure what to look for either
20:21.50*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
20:22.23EmleyMoorIs there any way to see the IP an inbound SIP call is from?
20:23.52EmleyMoorWIMPy: I'll try that - thanks...
20:32.41*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
20:33.23[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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20:56.28millsu2is it possible to force a channel to hangup if "hangup request" isn't working?
20:57.39millsu2When I run the cmd 'hangup request SIP/100-0000cb56' it says Requested Hangup on channel 'SIP/100-0000cb56', but the channel never hangs up.
21:08.19*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-ejbujddamirrniuo)
21:14.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:32.44ectospasmmillsu2: try soft hangup
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21:56.27millsu2it's asterisk 1.8 and soft hangup says it's an invalid command
21:57.25[TK]D-Fenderchannel request hangup <-
22:00.03fubadai have a dynamic member in my queue.conf and a AstDB key/val for it
22:00.11fubadabut it doesnt get parsed on startup
22:00.20fubadahowver, of I add it in the cli, things work
22:01.14fubadathats works in the cli ^
22:01.52*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
22:03.47[TK]D-Fenderfubada: and I told you to add a FIXED member
22:04.35[TK]D-FenderPlease pastebin everything you've done so I can make sense of these bits and pieces you're dropping here now
22:06.28*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
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22:13.12fubadaTK :)
22:13.14fubadacoming up
22:13.47fubada queues.cong <-
22:14.41fubada <- xtensions
22:15.41fubadaand then in the cli:  database put admins telsupport "2038071234"
22:16.51fubadaseems to work, my cellphne rings when someone dials "7001", but not until I do " queue add member local/telsupport@outgoing to telsupport"
22:17.06fubadathe member line in queues.conf is ignored
22:30.01[TK]D-Fenderfubada: telsupport ... is in [outgoing], not [queues]
22:32.23fubadaoh shit right, i had that switched recently
22:32.42fubadasorry you're right, still, on restart it does not gettingadded as a member
22:33.03[TK]D-Fenderyou also have no = on the member line
22:33.12[TK]D-FenderYou seem to leave out syntax all over the place
22:33.27[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a few hours
22:33.30fubadathanks TK
22:35.33*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
22:40.46fubadaits working
22:47.10*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
22:51.20*** join/#asterisk anaxagoras (
22:51.24anaxagorashello everybody
22:51.48*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
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22:52.36powerunitsdear team mates,, how is every one
22:52.54powerunitsi have just configured voicemail to email setup
22:53.17anaxagorasI have recently installed asterisk on my tp-link mr3020 with running openwrt. I configured asterisk with my sipgate and google-talk accounts. I configured two users and try to authenticate but: The connections fail because they cannot register. what can be the problem?
22:53.32powerunitswhen i set it up it was working fine ..
22:53.37powerunitsemail was going through
22:53.44powerunitsbut after 2 hours i test again
22:53.52powerunitsemail is not going out...
22:54.19powerunitsplease could any one guide me
22:54.24powerunitswhere the issue can be
22:56.41powerunitspastebin is not working
22:56.57powerunitsis there any other tool so i can show you my configration
22:57.05*** part/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-ctvyrnwpomrhalmc)
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23:00.47powerunitsany one one this room ?
23:01.24xSmurfhey guys, I wanna install asterisk in a xen domU and from what I gather this requires some patching of the timing modules
23:03.25xSmurfnow, there seems to be some confusing between dahdi and zaptel stuff
23:03.38xSmurfthere doesn't seem to be any zaptel pkgs (in debian sqeeze)
23:03.55xSmurfand there doesn't seem to be any reference to USE_RTC or ZAPTEL_RATE in the dahdi source
23:13.52xSmurfis USE_RTC completely gone or something? I don't find it even in the repo
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23:26.41shadowapexHi, I'm using Asterisk (Elastix) and am currently running into a problem where Asterisk is sending the RTP audio to the wrong server. I currently have a trunk configured to go to an OpenSIPS server which acts as a signaling server and have a separate server that handles media. Right now when an inbound call comes from OpenSIPS, Asterisk is sending the RTP audio to the signaling server instead of the media server. In
23:28.19shadowapexI thought that Asterisk might be thinking that there is a NAT, so I set "nat=no" in the trunk configuration, but the problem is still persisting. I confirmed with a packet capture that Asterisk is sending the RTP audio to the signaling server instead of the media server specified in the SDP of the invite. Any thoughts?
23:32.14gustohey ppl
23:32.41gustowell, someone talking about NAT<- i had same issue right now
23:33.58gustoi have a peer that is behind nat, and it works when he transfers on the same port in/out
23:35.17gustobut sometimes it happens that he comes from a port that is different form that port where he was saying that he will come from
23:36.27gustoa good idea would be a dealy, so that asterisk would wait till the first packets arrive and then send the packets to that port instead of sending packets to some port and getting the recieving from another port in the meantime
23:36.42*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
23:37.10gustoit's probable that provides who do carrier nat - mobile broadband operators - do drop NATed port redirections very soon
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23:59.05*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (~Greek-Boy@

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