IRC log for #asterisk on 20120728

00:00.33*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
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00:35.35*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey1 (
00:38.26asteriskmonkey1anyone know why asterisk wouldnt process the next line after a faxrecieve command it seems in older versions this was possible but in 1.10 it stops porcessing after executing the faxrecieve
00:42.46*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
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00:47.34*** join/#asterisk brdude (
01:01.56[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey1: Those apps always disconnect after completion.  You always had to use "h" for the cleanup
01:03.49asteriskmonkey1yeah  just realized i couldnt use h, inside the macro
01:04.04asteriskmonkey1thanks :)
02:26.42*** join/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (~ThinkGNU-@
02:45.26*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
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04:34.54*** join/#asterisk ilj (~ilj@sourcemage/grimoire/apprentice/ilj)
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05:41.29*** part/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (~ThinkGNU-@
06:58.44*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-xdfmikfurlhpsxyn)
07:01.57*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
07:29.02*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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07:51.23ChannelZOooOOo... make menuconfig is all pretty now
07:57.45ChannelZoh.. hmm.. actually this must depend on some other package
08:00.37ChannelZAhhh... newt
08:27.03*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
08:44.13*** join/#asterisk resist0r (~resist0r@
09:03.16*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
09:04.24doolittleworkany one know if asterisk can be used as a hosted pabx solution high end 1000 plus users
09:09.01*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
09:30.05*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
09:30.43jkroonare there any people from digium around?  I'm stuck with technical support and really need one of the devs to take a look at an issue.
09:32.10WIMPy1. It's weekend and 2.
09:32.15infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:35.21jkroonWIMPy, it's not an issue digium wishes me to discuss in public, nor does the technical support guy seem to understand the gravity of the situasion.
09:35.58jkroonthus, i need to point someone from digium with an understanding of how things actually work to a specific support issue, and handle it from there.
09:36.22jkroonbut i'll wait till monday and then try again.
09:40.27*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
09:47.24WIMPyOk, so some mysterious thing someone already needs to know about.
09:48.10cusco_why the mystery?
09:48.29WIMPyIs it still safe to have Asterisk connected to the internet?
09:51.22*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:04.37*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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10:47.00*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
11:01.49*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:06.06*** join/#asterisk hehol (
11:39.56*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
11:50.49RoeltI would switch to, better security.. :)
12:09.15*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:30.41jkroonWIMPy, yes, it is, but i don't think digium would appreciate me just releasing this info.  it's not asterisk itself but it pertains to what I suspect is a reasonable portion of their income stream.
13:10.40*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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13:13.38*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
13:19.06*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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13:32.14drmessanoI hope this isn't about G729
13:36.38*** join/#asterisk vassilux (~vassilux@
13:40.07vassiluxhi alls, I use Asterisk-GUI and want to add MixMonitor for outgoing and incoming calls by a macro for example. I look into pbx.js and pbx2.js and found the place for outgoing but can't see the place where I can change for incoming calls. Any idea ?
14:04.28cusco_hmm... hi
14:05.36cusco_vassilux: I never used GUI, but how about at the s extension in the context the call come sin?
14:05.45cusco_or.. just before Queue() cmd ?
14:06.09cusco_NoOp(zzzzzzzzz ${Contacto} ${LEN(Contacto)});
14:06.12cusco_what is wrong here ???
14:32.03*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
14:33.50jkroondrmessano, ... ?
15:06.29*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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15:45.16*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
15:47.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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17:16.17*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~rich@
17:16.36xoverukwhat does the (S) mean in the CLI command 'iax2 show peers'?
17:21.29xoverukis there anyway of test iax2 authentication from the CLI rather than trying to place a call?
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17:42.32*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (~IceChat9@
17:44.54vassiluxcusco, I can do it on the dialplan and it works I asked just for one who worked with GUI , sorry I my PC was down
18:10.06*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
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18:29.01*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:58.40*** join/#asterisk TyGuy (8ea19a3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:59.09TyGuydoes anybody know if 64 bit windows drivers exist for the TDM410?
19:01.03jkroonracks his head wondering why anybody would even want to try and use a TDM card on Windows ?!?
19:01.32jkroonbut to answer your question - no, i don't even think windows drivers exist for the digium cards ... at least, not as far as I know.
19:03.47TyGuyok cool. wanting to try to avoid reinstalling windows
19:11.54jkroonok, but what exactly are you trying to use the TDM card for?
19:14.21jkroonok, i can't find any references to windows drivers for the TDM cards anywhere, why not just leave the device unconfigured or do you need access to the functionality from windows?
19:15.04TyGuyI'm just going to install linux lol
19:30.09*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
19:36.51[TK]D-FenderDigium doesn't make windows drivers'
19:38.16*** join/#asterisk Invader (~Invader@unaffiliated/invader)
19:43.22*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
19:47.23*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
20:14.39gustohey does the stun server also check for the RTP port number and reports it back to tell the peer where the RTP stream will be at?
20:15.27jkroongusto, no, a stun server cannot do that.
20:15.52jkroonnot sure about res_stun_monitor though, but I don't think so at this stage.
20:16.27gustoso a stun server reports only the public ip address, right?
20:16.53jkroonno, from what I recall it reports both the IP and port it received the request from.
20:17.24jkroonhowever, depending on the type of NAT this is not sufficient for determining the external rtp port (fully symmetric NAT this won't work)
20:17.25gustoso it theoretically could be also used for finding out which RTP port it will be
20:17.52jkroonin specific types of NAT (which are not particularly common from my experience)
20:18.53gustoso how they do it then?
20:19.07jkroonwho's they?
20:19.21gustothe SIP client applications for example
20:19.53jkroonthey don't.  at least, not reliably.  they typcially use rport, and have the registrar/proxy deal with re-routing the rtp.
20:19.55gustoyou have a port set to say 7078 but it comes out as external port 8078, how does he find out what number it was?
20:20.55[ctrl][alt][del]good day all
20:20.58gustoso it was only luck that my asterisk got the package
20:21.01jkrooni highly recommend you read that, specifically try and understand the different types of NAT
20:21.12jkroonno, it has nothing to do with luck.
20:21.34*** join/#asterisk ilj (~ilj@sourcemage/grimoire/apprentice/ilj)
20:22.54jkroonSIP tries to be clever at dealing with NAT, and there are various RFCs and strategies to deal with it.  rport seems to do the trick quite nicely.
20:23.15gustowell, but rport is the easiest one
20:23.27gustoit just says that you take the port the connection came from
20:23.52jkroonno, not quite, the IP+port the first rtp frame came from
20:24.06gustothat would be that RTP would connect to a port that was given by asterisk and through rtport would find out where it came from
20:24.14jkroonbut if I'm not mistaken, the IP should be restricted to the same IP the SIP packet came from.
20:24.42jkroonyes, and what if that matches the advertised sdp description?
20:24.48gustosip is not a problem, because on sip you have always one server with static port
20:25.17jkroonthen it becomes possible to redirect the traffic directly from another end-point if I'm not mistaken, but again, I may be wrong.  [TK]D-Fender might know better.
20:25.48jkroongusto, no, SIP is a peer-to-peer protocol.  in many cases you require a registration, but yea, you're right, the SIP portion of the whole mess isn't the major problem.
20:26.06jkroonbut the SIP part carries descriptions regarding the RTP, which is where the issues stem from.
20:26.06gustoit could go like that ... asterisk says on SIP that the peer should hit the port 12000 with his port "whatever port" 1:1, so say 7078 <--> 12000
20:26.43*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
20:26.51gustoso it could find out, that the peer hit the port 12000 with 8078 and could then choose 8078 as the port, on the other side the peer stays at his 7078 1:1 conf
20:26.53jkroonyea, but if it doesn't match the sdp then you can't redirect because you have no way of knowing whether you're dealing with a full-cone, restricted or symmetric NAT
20:27.18gustodo not care so much about the NAT type. that is nothing i can change
20:27.46jkroonis both your endpoints behind NAT?
20:28.02jkroonor do you only care about RTP from behind a single NAT'ed host?
20:28.15gustoi do not care at all
20:28.48gustoi only just had a call with a friend and he/she was behind a carrier NAT (mobile broadband) and it worked -> to my surprise
20:28.49jkroonthen why ask the question about nat?
20:29.02jkroonah ok
20:29.09gustoyou was the one who brought up NAT
20:29.21jkroonyou asked about stun which implies nat :)
20:29.47gustowith stun he only knows which host it was, so that he does not mix that up
20:29.49jkroonexplain why not please
20:30.11gustowhat could happen when there would be more peers making a call at the same time
20:30.33jkroonthey would be allocated different source port numbers if it's to the same outbound host
20:30.34gustobut that could be also hold apart through some RTP header messages
20:30.55gustojkroon: yes, you are right, but that would happen for SIP
20:31.05jkroonand rtp too
20:31.22gustobut what if two are going to make a call and the nat mixes that up, so that the first one ends up on that o...
20:31.47gustohe would not mix that up, becaouse asterisk would give them different port numbers to hit at
20:31.49jkrooninitial return rtp would probably get dropped unless rport was specified, as soon as the first outbound rtp goes from behind nat a mapping would be created and rtp would be able to flow in both directions.
20:32.17jkroonthat is indeed true yes :)
20:32.22gustoyou are thinking too complicated
20:32.32gustothey register from different ports at SIP
20:32.33jkroonbut asterisk would not know where to send the return rtp traffic :)
20:32.58gustoand asterisk chooses two ports, and gives each one in the SIP messages through, so they can not mix up the calls
20:33.10gustosure it knows
20:33.19gustoit sends it to the same port
20:33.30gustothat's what i found out today
20:34.02jkroonyes, with rport enabled it does.  otherwise it tries to use what's in the sdp description, which in the case you described would be wrong.
20:34.15gustowhen some idiot comes in with rport - it takes the port which was then found out through hitting - as the RTP port and sends both traffic to the same port
20:34.34jkroonboth traffic?
20:34.43gustowell, but we are talking about rport now, right?
20:35.08gustoand he knows already that someone is connection from behind nat, so he does not create two port streams then
20:35.21gustoi saw it on the debug
20:35.32gusto'rtp set debug on'
20:36.48jkroon* would still open two rtp ports on it's side (one for rtp and one for rtcp, with the even port for rtp - as advertised in it's sdp, +1 for rtcp).
20:37.20jkroonwith rport it will wait for something to hit the rtp port to establish the other endpoint
20:37.37jkroonwithout rport it will revert to using the sdp description from the peer for the remote endpoint
20:37.38gustojkroon: yes, but i do not care about how it is handeled by asterisk internally and also not about how it is handeled by NAT, because i can not change that thing
20:38.05jkroonthen what is it that you want to know?
20:38.22gusto1.) take a look at the paste
20:38.35jkroonalready did
20:38.37gusto2.) we pretty much found out about the basic functionality
20:39.03jkroonok ...
20:39.22gusto3.) that paste was my computer - not the peer behind nat we were taling about - that would have different port numberg
20:39.54gustohowever, it appears to the SIP debug what is the peer's port number
20:41.26jkroonok, you're now confusing the daylight out of me.
20:42.15gustoNon-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|)
20:42.18gustoPeer audio RTP is at port
20:42.31gustothat's inside the SIP debug
20:43.05gustothe question is, why
20:43.54jkroonis your friend with M-net Telekommunikations ?  and is he connecting directly to your asterisk server?
20:44.02gustono no, that's me
20:44.11gustothe friend's debug is gone already
20:45.02jkroonok, but your debug is sending TO that address, and receiving FROM, so if is YOU then you've got three SIP agents involved?  or just two?
20:45.06gustobut i can put some credit on my SIM and experimend as well, with mobile broadband
20:45.27jkrooni wouldn't bother.
20:45.45gustowell, but then i could get a realistic scenario
20:46.09gustohowever, only for that purpouse it's not worth
20:46.37jkroonplease describe the previous scenario in full, as in all agents involved please, and at what point the SIP and RTP debug stuff was captured.
20:47.09gustomy asterisk server is not on my ip, at least that's not the one i am talking about
20:47.19*** join/#asterisk justdave_ (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
20:47.29gustoand to test it i connect sometimes from my ip to see if it works or not
20:47.43gustohowever, that peer was on t-mobile, so of course had a different ip
20:49.52gustobut this debug is cool, i am going to throw on something
20:50.00*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
20:54.21jkroonsip debug ... saved my ass on MANY occasions.
20:54.25gustoit seems that he always opens only one RTP port per call
20:54.42gustowell, me too
20:54.51gustobut i am now looking at rtp debug
20:55.05gustobut it's OK
20:55.13jkroonyea, asterisk doesn't give much feedback re the rtcp port ...
20:55.21jkroonbut it's always there +1 on the rtp port.
20:55.39gustoyou mean SIP+RTP
20:55.54gustomaybe to asterisk-asterisk he opens SIP+RTP+RTP
20:56.18gustobut i see asterisk-ata/soft-phone always SIP+RTP
20:56.56jkroonno, SIP + RTP + RTCP (SIP describes the RTP and manages/controls the RTP setup/flow/breakdown)
20:57.21jkroonRTCP on the other hand gives feedback re the QUALITY of the RTP stream (jitter, packet loss)
20:57.23gustohowever, but that's not an extra port
20:57.46gustoand we are talking about the network ports here now
20:58.10jkroonyes, there is an extra port :)
20:58.23gustoso ... how do i monitor that?
20:58.33jkroonrun a netstat -nulp next time you have a call ongoing.
20:58.55jkroontcpdump would be one way, or sip show channels iirc.
21:02.02jkrooni have yet to implement logging the rtcp values (made available as channel variables after the call has been hung up) to my CDRs
21:02.25jkroonshould be do-able in the h extension if I'm not mistaken
21:02.53gustobut somehow that rtcp port seems to be always rtp+1
21:03.24jkroonit is
21:03.30gustoyou see
21:03.37gustothere is nothing interesting about that one
21:03.50jkroonexcept the info it contains is something i'm after :)
21:04.20gustoyes, and good to know for firewall configurations
21:06.15jkroonthat really depends on how you configure your firewalls to begin with.
21:09.43*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
21:10.35jkroongrr, ok, so let's say I have SIP/x<=>Local/something<=>SIP/y ... now I'd really like to log the rtcp values on both SIP legs ... suspect a better way to do that will be to actually do it from some kind of AMI connection point.
21:14.13gustowell, it works even easier, because it does not 1:1 but asteriskport:foreignpeerrport
21:15.21gustook, now we figured out that down to a packer ;-)
21:15.58gustojkroon: what is that AMI?
21:16.08jkroonasterisk manager interface
21:17.49gustobtw. did you get that windows 7 has netstat in it's powershell
21:18.16gustoi am running that shit in a virtualbox and i was just trying, and wow, it has netstat :-D
21:21.58gustoand there are a lot of ports open on that ;-)
21:23.35jkroonwindows always had netstat, it was just always a second class one.
21:31.20gustosince when they had netstat?
21:34.04jkroonat least 98
21:34.42jkroonat least until 2000 ... which is the last time I seriously used windows
21:57.28*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~rich@
21:57.59xoverukplease, how can I test iax2 channel authenticates to remote server using CLI without placing physical call.
21:59.51*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
22:00.22ChannelZShorter: "how can I do something without doing something"?
22:11.54[TK]D-Fenderxoveruk: You can't
22:13.54xoverukis there anyway that I can show the callerID of the person I am calling when I place my call.
22:14.01xoveruksendID if you like
22:24.39*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
22:25.46xoverukplease. what does (S) mean when I issue iax2 show peers?
22:56.35*** join/#asterisk wudles (
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23:17.40fulcandoes asterisk support h.323 video?
23:23.28fulcan  this makes no sense and is it current with asterisk 10? ->  The H.323 channels (chan_h323, chan_oh323, chan_ooh323) do not allow video calls at this moment; however, the ChangeLog of ooh323 notes for release 0.6: "Added H.263 video codec negotiation handling"?
23:23.33*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
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23:26.52*** join/#asterisk gusto (
23:41.21*** join/#asterisk Z_God (~julius@
23:48.21*** join/#asterisk xoveruk (~rich@
23:48.59xoverukplease, what does the (S) mean when issuing 'iax2 show peers'?
23:51.17*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
23:52.10xoverukis there a way that i can make a test call from the CLI?
23:59.18WIMPyxoveruk: 'channel originate'

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