IRC log for #asterisk on 20120721

00:17.45*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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01:45.46*** join/#asterisk someonelost (
01:46.39someonelosthey all
01:47.21someonelostI'm new at this, and I think it should be easy.  It in general is easy for me, but it feels as though manufacturers haven't put a lot of time into making phones easy.
01:47.43someonelostI'm after handsets to use with elastix, and I've got no confidence that enything below $200 can be expected to work
01:48.29someonelostI can get Cisco 7941s but the firmware's all locked up tight, and it seems I have to manage a separate config file for each handset, based on MAC address, which seems a pain.
01:48.59someonelostI can get Netcom v85s, but apparently some devices are carrier locked.
01:49.47someonelostI'm after some handsets that will work with elastix with the least possible drama; what's recommended? I'm finding a lot of out of date stuff on the net, or lists of 200 handsets, which isn't much help.
02:02.29carraruse polycoms
02:02.37carrarand try asking in a channel thats for elastix
02:02.45carrarof which this is not
02:08.39someonelostah thanks
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02:14.20*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:14.38phixI like snom
02:14.47phix320 <3
02:15.03WIMPyOr rather I dislike them least.
02:15.11phixplus I can't get polycom's easy in my country
02:15.21phixoh WIMPy
02:15.44WIMPyYes, tehy are pretty rare over here.
02:16.22carrarDo people still shop at a local store?
02:17.00WIMPyProbably not, but due to shipping costs usually on the same continent.
02:18.10WIMPyActually I wouldn't know any retail store selling IP phones.
02:31.55*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~bwahahaha@
02:37.01Kobazdoesn't cosco sell fonality systems or something
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03:42.05youjelly_/ ( .-. ) \_
03:42.35*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
03:42.40youjellyI wish cosco sold raspberry pi
03:42.54youjellyin bulk
03:48.14*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
04:01.33din3shdecent IP phone with 2 gigabit ports?
04:03.43TomCat2not sure what you're looking for... you mean a singular ip phone, as in to sit on your desk to make 1 call at a time with?
04:06.25TomCat2the experts in here usually recommend digium phones
04:08.58TomCat2I misread what you were saying at first and thought yu were looking for a phone with a 2gbps port...  I see you just wanted a phone with a built-in 2 port gigabit switch
04:09.14*** join/#asterisk agisamentum (
04:09.33agisamentumhello telephreaks :)
04:13.38pytherCan someose look at this very brief dial plan?
04:13.59*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
04:14.11pytherWas wondering if that is ok? If that would produce any security risks/issues
04:15.36pytherI'm concerned about this warning "It is critically important that you do not include access to the external lines in any context that might process an incoming call. The risk here is that a phishing bot could eventually gain access to your outgoing trunks (you’d be surprised at how common these phishing bots are)."
04:17.34TomCat2I'm not sure what phishing has to do with SIP actually - since phishing is a form of fraud, not hacking
04:17.53pytherGot it from
04:20.59TomCat2ah - lol
04:21.09TomCat2I think that the author of that has phishing confused with phreaking
04:21.29pytherso I'm at a risk for phreaking with that dial plan?
04:21.36din3shTomCat2: yes an IP phone with 2gigatbit ethernet port built-in
04:21.49TomCat2yes, you should be concerned about phreaking bots...   what it means is don't have your rules set up such that an incoming call will pass through dialplan instructions that handle an outbound number
04:22.26TomCat2unless, of course, you're setting it up that way deliberately (i.e. providing a calling card service, etc).
04:22.40din3shthe digium d70 has 2 gigabit ports
04:22.47din3shcisco 7945 also
04:22.50pytherTomCat2: my dial plan doesn't do that does it?
04:23.06din3shwhich other brands/make offer 2 gigabit built-in ports?
04:23.15TomCat2well - your from-callcentric includes users... and users includes to-callcentric
04:23.18TomCat2so in fact it does do it
04:23.37pytherTomCat2: ok, that's why I asked, how do I enginer it, so that doesn't happen?
04:24.23din3shpyther: is your asterisk box exposed to the internet?
04:24.52TomCat2well - I have my "phone extensions" configured in sip.conf with context=from-internal...
04:25.08TomCat2my trunk is from-flowroute (you'd use from-callcentric)
04:25.09pytherdin3sh: not right now, probably won't be
04:25.53din3shyou should secure your sip.conf settings
04:25.58pytherTomCat2: would you mind pasting the section of your dial plan or pming it to me?
04:26.08TomCat2yeah lets do it in a pm
04:26.23din3shthat would be the entry to access your dialplan
04:44.03*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
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07:58.17dax_rocMorning all
08:00.29dax_rocI'm testing here and having problems getting to clients to talk, I can call from both but the initiating side will continue to ring and the side that accepts will end the call shortly after it's accepted. I'm nearly sure this is a firewall issue?(sonicwall)
08:01.01dax_roc*I'm using soft-clients
08:11.21ectospasmI wouldn't think so.  What does the SIP debug look like?
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08:18.47dax_rocectospasm: Where do I find/ enable the debug log?
08:19.26ectospasmsip set debug on (for the shotgun approach)
08:19.46ectospasm...need to make sure debug and verbose are enabled in logger.conf (et. al.)
08:32.05*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
08:39.52dax_rocectospasm: Much apprecaite it, Changed the clients and it's working both directions
08:40.48ectospasmglad to be of help
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08:58.38dax_rocWould wifi cause a lag, 1 sec or so
08:59.46dax_rocI'm using two android handsets, There is about a second delay between them.
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09:30.19ectospasmdax_roc: so it's just the AP between the two Android soft phones?
09:30.26ectospasm...well, that and Asterisk
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09:47.40TomCat2ah - success in tracking down why GoDaddy VDS is so slow for anything except traditional web hosting...  looking promising to get Asterisk to actually perform well on it.  $32/month, 2TB transfer, 2GB ram, CentOS 6
09:48.02TomCat2they should pay me - they've had this problem for years
09:49.09TomCat260GB disk space too - didn't realize they were giving so much
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11:09.10dax_rocectospasm: yeah
11:16.58*** join/#asterisk brdude (
11:58.46dax_rocIs it possible to check the incomming caller id on a sipline against a database table and drop and callback to a maximum concurrent number and queue the rest in turn?
12:00.28*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
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12:20.03Roeltdax_roc, incoming call sounds like a agi script that puts it into a database
12:20.52Roeltand then some script that fetches the number and does a Dial, and waiting until the lines clear before making a new call
12:26.27*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
13:02.17pytherWhat's the best way to ring my cell phone and and my internal extensions when I receive an incoming call?
13:03.13*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
13:04.40pytherand addtionally how can I deal with voicemail answering on the cell phone?
13:22.49WIMPy1. Just do it, 2. be faster or disable it.
13:25.12pytherWIMPy: I'm not sure how to do it
13:25.21pytherand can I pass the callerid information through?
13:26.31pytherRight now I have something like this: exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/android&SIP/tux&SIP/15556664455)
13:27.27WIMPyAsterisk will not change CallerID by itself. What your provider makes of it is another matter.
13:28.07WIMPyIs the third destination in that dial a peer or is the peer missing there?
13:28.58pytherits missing, I fixed it, copied teh wrong line
13:29.09pythershould be SIP/15556664455@callcentric-trunk
13:29.57WIMPyIt's more readable if you write sip/peer/number/ With @ it could be a hostname as well.
13:31.41pytherahh so like SIP/callcetric-trunk/14405556666 ?
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14:11.40s[x]hey all
14:14.43s[x]Anyone here used a Vegastream Vega 50
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14:26.25*** join/#asterisk echo083 (
14:27.21echo083our sip provider is applying extra pricing for calls after 1h of communication is it possible with asterisk to stop the conversation after a given time ?
14:27.46*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
14:27.52carraruse absolute timeout
14:28.07WIMPySee the timeout function or option L to Dial.
14:28.54echo083carrar, ok ok i'll check this on google as i'm asterisk beginner i'm using freepbx too
14:29.12carrarI'm sorry to hear you are using freepbx
14:29.17carrarthats has to suck
14:29.26echo083carrar, yes you are right ...
14:29.39echo083carrar, i complained on their chan about the bugs with 2.10
14:29.56carrarShould use Asterisk compiled from source
14:30.00echo083carrar, i'm using 2.8 version which works correctly approximately but it is another debate
14:30.12echo083carrar, i compiled my own asterisk 1.6.20
14:30.20echo083carrar, and installed freepbx above it
14:30.20carrarGo get Asterisk 10.6.1 and start over
14:30.34echo083carrar, really :( but it is a stable release ?
14:31.09carrarstable as you make it
14:31.39echo083carrar, ok by curiosity why did the version jumped from 1.8 to 10 ?
14:32.15echo083carrar, thousands of updates inside or just new versioning strategy numbering ?
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14:33.04WIMPy~asterisk 10
14:33.39WIMPyHmm. Whatever it was. But it's only a new numbering.
14:33.59echo083WIMPy, ok ! you mean no interest to ask about it ;)
14:34.12echo083WIMPy, which configuration file to depfin option L to Dial ?
14:34.36echo083WIMPy, yes i'll read the book but it's huge :( first tip to start would be useful
14:34.40WIMPyextensions.conf, but FreePBX will not like it if you modify that.
14:34.57WIMPyOr just change it back.
14:35.16echo083WIMPy, i'll try asterisk alone
14:35.36WIMPyGood idea.
14:35.48echo083i'm in extensions.conf
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14:36.09echo083exten => s,n(noanonymous),Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=15)
14:36.31WIMPyThat's seconds, BTW.
14:36.52echo08315 seconds ???
14:37.02WIMPyBut s is the part for calls without destination.
14:37.15carrarsurely your not implementing commands without first reading about them?
14:37.46echo083carrar, it was the default configuration file generated but indeed i should read the asterisk ultimate book
14:37.58echo083WIMPy, i'll read the book first
14:38.19WIMPyOne more good choice.
14:38.59echo083a book easier than "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" to start ?
14:39.13echo083it would be my last question ;) for today
14:39.23infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:39.39echo083nothing "easier" ?
14:39.41WIMPyThat's the recommended one.
14:39.50echo083ok ok :)
14:40.00WIMPyAsterisk is not an easy thing.
14:41.22echo083WIMPy, i need to configure three sip phones so that we can call each other woth an id like "0001" "0002" "0003" and three using the same sip line for outgoing calls
14:41.57echo083as our sip provider allow simultaneous calls
14:42.17WIMPyDoes it also allow multiple registrations?
14:42.28echo083WIMPy, yes !
14:42.45echo083WIMPy, but it is limited the more you pay the more simultaneous you have
14:42.45WIMPyThen you don't need anything.
14:42.58echo083WIMPy, yes i thought that too
14:43.12echo083WIMPy, but if we call each other and make calls beyond a hour
14:43.40echo083WIMPy, it will be through across our sip provider and beyond a hour of communication it is extra paying
14:43.41WIMPyAre the phones in the same location (LAN)?
14:43.45echo083WIMPy, yes
14:44.09carrarjust move your desks next to each other
14:44.12WIMPyThen just call the phones directly. SIP is a P2P thing.
14:44.16echo083WIMPy, and i'd like to manage phone recording for archive
14:44.28WIMPyDial the IP of the other phone or put it in to your phone book.
14:44.36echo083WIMPy, you mean sip phone have a default "id" we can call through ?
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14:44.49echo083WIMPy, ok i didn't know it was possible
14:45.00WIMPyThat's what SIP does.
14:45.14echo083WIMPy, i didn't know dialing an IP worked nice information
14:45.53WIMPyDepends on the device if you can just dial it, but apart from that it's that easy.
14:45.53echo083WIMPy, but my sip provider would block that i'm almost sure
14:46.06echo083WIMPy, let me try
14:46.21WIMPyThey are not part of that.
14:46.50WIMPyYou don;t need a provider or some sort of server to set up a call between phones.
14:46.51echo083WIMPy, it says "this phone number is not assigned"
14:47.36echo083WIMPy, my objective was to configure an asterisk server which would connect to our sip provider
14:47.38WIMPyTry the phone book.
14:47.43echo083WIMPy, ok ok
14:47.50WIMPyOr on some phones you have to use an empty accunt.
14:48.21WIMPyYes, not a complex setup. But still some stuff to read.
14:48.54echo083WIMPy, ok ok i'll manage to use internal LAN to make calls with direct IP the time I understand asterisk
14:49.04echo083WIMPy, it was a really useful information ! thanks
14:49.38echo083carrar, thanks for your information too
14:50.28carrarmight look at opensips too if all you want to do is route calls
14:51.41echo083carrar, linked with asterisk or nothing in common ?
14:51.59carrarYou could, but for your setup, it would be overkill
14:52.41carrarasterisk is probably easier
14:54.01echo083carrar, yes it seems a lighter solution but i prefer to manage asterisk thus if i need extra tools like recording i'll be sure there are inside it
14:54.33echo083carrar, if i setup opensips and discover that it doesn't provide tools i need later i'll regret it
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14:56.57echo083carrar, i'm sorry i have to leave, thanks for your help
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16:55.15navaismocan anyone share your res_digium_phone.conf, My isnt working, the D40 can see the server's service name but I cant see the list of extensions to choose one
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18:00.45navaismonever mind i got working now
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18:12.05pytherDoes anyone have a local copy of asterisk- can you verify the md5sums for me?
18:12.08pyther415738d347b9037cbe5f8bfbe66843de  asterisk-
18:12.20pytherthat differs than what is in the openwrt build script :-/
18:16.41carrarthats a old release
18:16.59pytherI'm its newer than 1.8.7 :P
18:17.11pytherI'm going to try to bump it, but the openwrt build environment can be very fragile
18:17.22pytherbuilding for a non-x86 arch and what not
18:17.44carrarJust get the source.... from the source
18:18.05pythercarrar: thanks, I looked for a md5sum and didn't see it
18:18.17carrarit's in the URL I jsut pasted
18:18.43pytheryes, I appreciate it, I confirmed the copy is good, I was looking for md5 sum instead of sha1 ;)
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21:18.45pytherSo I'm trying to use asterisks on openwrt, but I get a huge cpu spike when register => is in my sip.conf
21:18.58pytherasterisk pegs the cpu 100% load until its killed
21:19.02pytherany ideas?
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21:37.42jpsharpAnything from the console during the registry attempt?  Perhaps something is causing it to try to register over and over and over.
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21:44.42WIMPyAnd how long does it stay that way?
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21:57.42pytherjpsharp: how can I check
21:57.48pytherI didn't see anything
21:57.57pytherWIMPy: until I kill it
21:58.16WIMPyAny network activity?
21:58.59TomCat2install pcap or winpcap + wireshark and check it out
21:59.06TomCat2put it on a desktop on the same LAN
21:59.26pytherthat isn't entirely true:
21:59.39pytheryah its the router ;P
22:00.39jpsharpLooks like it is failing to do DNS lookup for itself.
22:01.05pytherlets see if I can fix that
22:01.40jpsharpTrying to bind the SIP socket to a hostname of OpenWRT, but it can't look that up.
22:02.05pytherahh wouldn't that be something if that was the problem...
22:02.33jpsharpWhat version of Asterisk?  That seems like kind of a silly bug, not very fault tolerant.
22:02.47pytherI've tried 1.8.10 and 1.8.14
22:03.26pytherI'm on very strange hardware a MIPS box
22:03.39pytherthat could be a whole other problem
22:03.49jpsharpAre you referencing a hostname somewhere in sip.conf?
22:04.25jpsharplots of people are running * on their little routers.  Hell, I ran it on NetBSD/sparc just to see if it would urn.
22:04.59pytherand I added openwrt to host and now it doesn't complain but its still hitting the cpu
22:05.06WIMPyshould get back to tha one as well.
22:05.09TomCat2makes me wonder if I might be able to revive an old device and repurpose it for *
22:05.13pytherthought its not registering
22:05.25pythercan I debug registration?
22:05.26TomCat2got one of these 4 years ago - has been sitting in a box in the closet the last 2:
22:05.47WIMPysip set debug on
22:06.17jpsharpWhat WIMPy said.  look a full debug and then pastebin it.
22:06.20WIMPyIsn;t it kind of boring to use hardware without telephony ports?
22:06.37WIMPyOr read it yourself :-)
22:07.40phixhai gang!
22:07.51phixand WIMPy
22:08.06WIMPyWhat does that mean?
22:08.14pytherwhat does it use to do a dns lookup, internal library or external command?
22:08.39WIMPyDid you configure dnsmgr?
22:08.47jpsharpgethostbyname, so the stuff built into libc.
22:08.50pytherno, do I have to?
22:09.01pythernot much output
22:09.06WIMPyNo, but it can help.
22:09.33phixwe offer openwrt support in here now? do we also support samba too?
22:09.49WIMPyFor me dns updates didn;t work without dnsmgr.
22:10.03phixi need help with samba
22:10.03WIMPyCan you make calls via samba?
22:10.59phixin particular how to edit a tdb and ldb file
22:12.28pytherWIMPy: that didn't help
22:12.40WIMPypyther: Looks like you're using dnsmgr already.
22:13.10pytherdisabling it doesn't help
22:13.19TomCat2anyone ever attempted to install asterisk directly onto a PAP2?
22:13.30WIMPyCan you resolve the name from the shell?
22:13.56WIMPyTomCat2: Do you think it has enough storage?
22:14.01TomCat2no idea
22:14.04pytheryah, using nslookup
22:14.17pythereverything worked on 1.8.7
22:14.20WIMPyI'm pretty sure the answer is no.
22:14.23pytherhaven't changed the configs
22:15.20pyther1.8.7 has a bug where it won't play wav files
22:19.13pythergoing to compile on my desktop, and make sure that the configs are faulty in anyway
22:20.06WIMPyMabe a change in SRV lookups or something?
22:21.54pytherunlikely, it was all working fine this morning
22:22.18WIMPyBetwenn versions that is.
22:23.00jpsharpunrelated question:  If I configure * to use realtime for the voicemail configuration, do I have to put *all* the configurations in Realtime?  It doesn't seem to be reading the voicemail attachment message from the config file.
22:25.05*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
22:25.48pytherso the configs are ok, runs fine on my desktop
22:27.02pytherI wish rpis were easier to come by
22:27.26WIMPyYou can order more than one now.
22:27.42pytheryah, but won't help me get one any sooner
22:28.16WIMPyBut the delivery time was also cut.
22:28.49WIMPyBut there are plenty of small boards out there to choose from.
22:30.00pytherI talked to a guy on craigslist about an itx system he had, he responed real fast, but then I asked about the model and he hasn't responded
22:30.51pytherjpsharp: a bit more than I'd like to spend
22:31.05carrarrasberry pi
22:31.35pythercarrar: 5 weeks ship time
22:31.37WIMPyOr you can even go for something specially for Asterisk.
22:31.37pytherneed something today
22:31.58pytherthe idea is nothing more than to hook up 2-3 phones
22:32.16carrar30 mins or less?
22:32.21*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
22:33.43pytherwas really hoping runnig things on the router would have been the solution
22:43.26jpsharpI wish they had included a "line in" on the RPi.  That would have made a perfect board for a project.
22:45.42gustoso ... as far as i understand there is a firmware to this GSM base stations and that one is written in a programming language that is specifically developed for that machines in the telcos. so it's some kind of TELCO ITU standardized programming language, someone knows what is it's name?
22:46.32WIMPyAre you talking about ASN.1? But that's not a programming language.
22:47.04gustoi do not know what i am talking about actuallt
22:47.10pytherwonder why its failing to do the dns look up
22:47.20WIMPythought so
22:49.27gustopyther: you have dnsmgr enabled?
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22:52.53*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
22:53.23pythergusto: yes its enabled, I've tried disabeling it, not luck
22:54.35pytheris there anyway I can run dnsmgr manually?
22:55.18gustopyther: no, but you can adjust how often it should do refreshes of DNS
22:55.27gustoby default it refreshes every 5 minutes
22:55.28pytherI rebooted the router and everything is happy o_o
22:55.55pytherwell this is good, I'd like to know what was wrong, but its working
22:56.04TomCat2careful what you wish for
22:56.35gustoi mean asterisk's best thing are this prefetch capabilities
22:56.36TomCat2else maybe you will be forced to figure out what was wrong due to it coming back :D
22:56.47pytherwait I might be wrong
22:56.52WIMPyIf it only works by chance, that might not be ideal.
22:56.55pytherI think I restarted the wrong server
22:57.04WIMPyknows that one.
22:57.08gustoi thought that i would implement that way SQL queries also, so that it does not ask a database management system/server everytime shit happens
22:57.24pytherspoke to soon :-/
22:57.28gustoand then i did read the book and exactly that idea is there
22:57.35pytherrestarted asterisk on my desktop
22:57.41pyther:( got all excited
22:57.44TomCat2looks like you're gonna get your wish after all
22:57.48gustoso the same idea that came to me was already implemented in asterisk
22:58.39gustoof course, dnsmgr is also a good way to preven DOS attacks on local DNS, but sometimes it would be really better to have him look it up every time someone connects
22:59.28gustowhen you would have for example a local DNS server, than it would be OK, because even by a DOS attack it could bring down only the local DNS server
22:59.48WIMPyWhat the hack are you talking about again?
22:59.56gustoabout dnsmgr
23:00.08WIMPyAnd how do you want to DOS that?
23:00.14jpsharpJust what the world needs.  Another layer of DNS caching.
23:00.35gustowell, DNSmgr in asterisk does resolve the names to IP addresses, right?
23:00.39WIMPyI use dnsmgr so it doesn't cache.
23:00.41TomCat2just memorize the IP address and never ever change it
23:00.46gustoand he does that every ... say 300 seconds by default
23:01.22WIMPyAFAIK there is nothing in Asterisk that does reverse lookups.
23:01.28gustobut you could theoretically also say that he should resolve that shit everytime someone connects, but that could potentially fire a lot of DNS queries when you have a lot of connections
23:01.53gustoi am not talking about reverse lookup
23:02.00WIMPyyes you are.
23:02.22WIMPyThen it makes even less sense.
23:02.37*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
23:03.05gustowell, say you have a dyndns peer, right? n
23:03.24gustonow that idiots goes down, because his dsl connection reconnected, right?
23:03.39phixjpsharp: I use vi to edit a database? fair enough
23:04.19gustobut even if he refreshes the dyndns DNS record imediately, you still have to wait for your dnsmgr to get the new record and that takes as long as your interval is
23:04.40gustoand that is the main problem
23:05.21gustoit would be easier to make him resolve that address every time ... but that would be less secure, because asterisk would have to fire a lot of on a DNS server then
23:06.04jpsharphow would querying a DNS server more be less secure?
23:06.41gustowell, theoretically, but not practically you could have a big number of that connections
23:06.58*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~Freeaqing@
23:07.08FreeaqingmeHow stable is the gtalk stuff these days?
23:07.15jpsharpI use it all the time.
23:07.16WIMPyIf you are ddosed, DNS lookups might not be your main problem.
23:07.25gustoit is not realistic, i know, but if all would do like reconnects - not even changing the IP addresses - it could bring the DNS under substantial load
23:07.31jpsharpOne machine is not going to be able to DOS a DNS server.
23:07.35WIMPyFreeaqingme: Ask google when they plan their next change.
23:08.03FreeaqingmeWIMPy, will do, but I know from 15 months ago that they did those all the time unannounced. has that improved since?
23:08.38WIMPyNo idea. But it could just as well go the Skype route. You never know.
23:08.58gustoi agree that one machine could not bring down a DNS server having that one locally even less, but why is there this DNSMGR then?
23:08.58Freeaqingmegoogle taken over by ms, that'd be fun ;)
23:09.20WIMPyNot that part :-)
23:10.15gustowouldnt be easier to have some little implementation of DNS ... something like dnsmasq inside of asterisk - or used by asterisk then?
23:11.35gustothen one could get around this problem with DNSMGR's refresh times, because that one refreshes every shit, and does not care about it's TTL ... so it does even refresh when there is no need for it and does not refresh fast enough when it would be needed - for example on dyndns, where the TTL is typically 60 seconds
23:13.06gustohaving dnsmgr refresh shit every 5 minutes also when nothing has changed is at least inefficient, right?
23:17.46WIMPyNoone cares about efficiency any more.
23:18.31WIMPyin the 90s noone (except the danes) wanted to use ATM because of the overhead. Now we use RTP with a lot more overhead and it seems to be fine.
23:19.22WIMPyAND ATM had a lot more advantages.
23:20.29gustowhat do you mean by ATM?
23:20.40gustois ATM not layer 2?
23:23.17gustobut what does ATM in common with IP/UDP/RTP?
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23:23.41WIMPyTransport data.
23:24.39gustoThis differs from approaches such as the Internet Protocol or Ethernet that use variable sized packets or frames. ATM provides data link layer services that run over a wide range of OSI physical Layer links.
23:24.43gustoit is layer2
23:30.48*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~bwahahaha@
23:34.25gustoi am going to sleep
23:34.30gustogood night everyone
23:39.44*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
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