IRC log for #asterisk on 20120720

00:01.19*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
00:24.26*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
00:27.43wonderworldhey, i am having a problem with dead channels in asterisk.
00:28.06wonderworldchannels just stay there forever, even if the call has ended
00:28.27wonderworldthis leaves me with a growing number of dead channels. anything i could do about it?
00:29.33WIMPyWhat kind of channels?
00:31.44WIMPySome NAT thing timing out?
00:32.10wonderworldall these channels had calls, but they ended
00:32.19wonderworldserver is unNATed
00:32.47WIMPyThere must be some other issue then why the information didn't get there.
00:33.06WIMPyBut rtptimeout should get rid of the channels.
00:33.13WIMPyBut not the underlying issue.
00:33.45wonderworldis there a way to set a timeout in asterisk for such channels?
00:33.54wonderworldahh ok, thanks
00:34.03wonderworldi will look into rtptimeout
00:34.16WIMPySession timers are another one.
00:40.06*** join/#asterisk jamicque (~jamicque@
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00:40.19wonderworldhmm, i added rtptimeout=60 to the general section of my sip.conf and did a sip reload
00:40.28wonderworldthe channels are still there
00:40.41WIMPyI wouldn;t expect it to work for existing channels.
00:40.50wonderworldahh ok
00:40.57jamicqueHi is there any way to make asterisk accept (200 OK) from any phone. Something like guest option (accept every invite) but for regestrations?
00:41.30jamicqueNo matter what the username and password is asterisk will authenticate you
00:43.23WIMPyDo you just want an ok or do you also want it to keep the details?
00:43.42WIMPyThe answer is no in both cases, just curious.
00:43.45wonderworldWIMPy: hey, that worked. thanks a lot
00:44.08WIMPywonderworld: But it doesn't fix the issue.
00:44.27wonderworldnope. probably a not well behaving softphone?
00:44.52wonderworldcalls were made from an android sip client
00:45.01WIMPyIt could be any sort of networking issue as well.
00:45.18WIMPyLost connectivity would be another explanation.
00:47.51wonderworldk, as long as i can get rid of them with rtptimeout, i have no real problem. very good
00:55.24*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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01:42.45*** join/#asterisk shaiton_ (~shaiton@fedora/shaiton)
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02:15.47*** join/#asterisk henningb (~henning@
02:16.51henningbHi, I'm new to asterisk - I have a small question: does the digium card TE121 have a jumper for E1/T1?
02:18.05*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
02:19.12*** part/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
02:21.12*** join/#asterisk henningb (~henning@
02:21.47henningbSorry I disconnected - does anyone have experience with Digium cards?
02:22.40henningbDoes the TE121 have a jumper?
02:33.20*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
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03:53.52*** join/#asterisk ilj (~ilj@sourcemage/grimoire/apprentice/ilj)
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04:58.47ectospasmhenningb: yes, the TE121 has a T1E1 jumper
04:59.35ectospasmconsult the manual for what each jumper state means:
05:10.44*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
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05:59.16*** join/#asterisk MJCS (
06:02.18MJCSI must be doing something wrong with my dialplan.  When I answer the call, the system hangs up after roughly 6 seconds.
06:05.58ectospasmMJCS: do you have CLI output showing what's happening?
06:06.13MJCSyeah give me a second
06:06.20MJCSis verbose 3 fine?
06:06.37*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-coyoganysvfmrxbg)
06:07.30ectospasmshould be OK
06:07.42MJCSok give me a moment then
06:08.13ectospasmmaybe launch the remote session with "asterisk -rvvvT | tee /tmp/cli-capture.txt"
06:08.18*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-xssmqrqymapecvfc)
06:12.24MJCSi only changed my incoming # and the SIP ID from skype
06:14.19ectospasmneed more info.  Turn on SIP debug ("sip set debug on")
06:19.20*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:22.07MJCSi am guessing it is something stupidly simple
06:24.16ectospasmyou've got multiple calls here.
06:24.28MJCSI am calling only from 1 phone
06:24.49ectospasmyes, but it looks like you called multiple times in the capture.
06:25.07ectospasmI see at least 15 INVITEs in the debug you gave.
06:25.18ectospasmNow, half of those will be for sending to your internal extension
06:25.25ectospasmthe other half will be coming from Skype
06:25.48ectospasmit may be simpler to look at a packet capture
06:26.05ectospasm...that corresponds to the SIP debug in the CLI capture.
06:26.55kaldemarphone sends a BYE with Reason: SIP;description="media stream error: 8008"
06:27.01*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-mycotqbbsxkblbyq)
06:27.18MJCSill try another phone
06:27.58ectospasmkaldemar: I see that now
06:28.15ectospasmnot sure what that means, though
06:28.19MJCSsamething from a different system
06:29.24*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:29.29schmidtsgood friday morning!
06:29.54kaldemarectospasm: me neither. there seems to be a common codec. there are new invites though sent in both directions though.
06:29.55ectospasmMJCS: at least in the capture, your X-Lite phone sends the media stream error message
06:30.13MJCSso it is the phone I am recieving with that is doing it
06:31.03ectospasmThat's what seems to be sending the initial BYE message.  See packet beginning at line 667 in
06:33.15*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
06:34.41MJCSlet me change a few things in the client and try again
06:36.36MJCSis there another free sip client I can use?
06:39.07ectospasmI only know Linux clients...
06:41.28*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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07:01.50*** join/#asterisk F|shie (~chatzilla@
07:04.18*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
07:09.23*** join/#asterisk MJCS (
07:09.32MJCSthe blink client works
07:09.37MJCSstupid POS x-lite
07:09.47MJCSI've been trying to figure this out for months LOL
07:10.13MJCSkaldemar: thank you
07:15.17*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
07:18.53*** join/#asterisk bartek123 (
07:19.00bartek123hello, may I ask a question?
07:20.40bartek123is there any way to configure a dialogic card with any free linux based pbx software? such as asterisk+freepbx+dahdi.. . or shall I just throw this card away since intel did not release driver/code since 2005?
07:22.58phixbartek123: instead of throwing it away you should mail it to me :)
07:23.06phixif it comes to that :P
07:24.22*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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07:25.23*** join/#asterisk Russ (
07:29.59bartek123good... I found it on a server I bought on ebay for 50$ + 100 ship.. lol
07:30.23bartek123now I installed asterisk... freepbx... but no native support..
07:30.50*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
07:31.04bartek123and some threads say it is compatible.. but with business version and paid drivers... however thread is 7 years old..
07:32.08bartek123So I hoped to find some pbx geeks that would advise me if possible.
07:34.17bartek123I guess I will be forced to buy a cheap openvox chinese card that is supported instead and put this beast in a clear epoxy mold..
07:34.38bartek123to serve me as a geek ash tray...
07:35.01bartek123what a waste
08:00.22*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (~Da-Geek@
08:00.54bartek123does any1 know if I can config a dialogic card with freepbx?
08:03.54*** join/#asterisk brdude (
08:05.04bartek123I will gladly paypal 10$USD to ne1 who can resolve my issue...
08:06.07bartek123maybe that will be good incentive
08:17.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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08:36.24dax_rocMorning all
08:46.05*** join/#asterisk newtonr (~newtonr@nat/digium/x-wmudogqxdwpulkqf)
09:08.01beebeeepsvr-media*CLI> core show uptime                                                                                                                                                  C
09:08.05beebeeepSystem uptime: 3 years, 47 weeks, 3 days, 18 hours, 58 minutes, 4 seconds
09:08.19beebeeepwow that's really old server :)
09:11.10beebeeep1.4.21.1 is rock solid lol
09:13.27*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:30f7:92ab:805e:832a)
09:18.08rolandowleifmadsen: is your online book updated? i think there's a little error in the recording example script
09:18.34rolandowleifmadsen: the mv command doesn't include the full path, so it doesn't work .. or at least didn't work in my test :)
09:24.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
09:33.12*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:36.29*** join/#asterisk gusto (
09:40.03*** join/#asterisk Chetan07 (~chetan@
09:40.49Chetan07hello all, I am new to asterisk , I am trying to integrate FreeRadius Client for AAA but due to lack of documentation i am unable to integrate properly.. anybody here can please help me with this..
09:48.15*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
09:50.19*** join/#asterisk odenkos (~odenkos@
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10:06.22*** join/#asterisk uskerine (
10:06.53uskerinedoes anyone know the best way to have multiple instances of softphones running on same server (LTSP server), all of them try to use 5060 port.
10:09.42Roeltuskerine, if it's a client it shoudn't be a problem?
10:12.15uskerineRoelt, are you sure?
10:13.24Roelti'm pretty sure i'm sure.
10:14.21Roelt5060 port is on the server, client port can be almost anything
10:14.42uskerineso then it is the port used ont he client
10:14.49uskerineas the clients are on same server, it does not work
10:15.16uskerinei have 7078 and 7098 as RTP ports (audio/video)
10:15.21uskerineare those ones server or client portS?
10:16.15Roeltyou should have more rtp ports, because every call uses 2 ports
10:16.29WIMPyYou need to give them different SIP ports as well.
10:16.45RoeltWIMPy, are you sure? no problem with running multiple voip applications here..
10:16.48WIMPyYou can't use the same port more than once.
10:16.52Roelt+on one computer
10:17.10WIMPySure if they use different ports that's fine.
10:17.22ectospasmthey need to be different sockets
10:17.31*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
10:17.36WIMPySome use any random port, some use 5060 by default.
10:19.26WIMPyIs that LTSP thing lust a "marketing gag" or does it do something that wasn't already possible before Linux was even invented?
10:19.52rolandowwhen you do sip show peers, what portnumber is shown here? the port being used on the client?
10:21.19WIMPyOr at least it should. For 'sip show registry' it doesn't seem to do so.
10:21.35rolandowso if i'd create a port forward for those ip/ports.. this may solve some nat issues??
10:22.24WIMPyWhere? Why? What NAT issue?
10:23.27rolandowwell we seem to have a crappy modem that messes up NAT for udp ports.. anyways.. i have a dect station and a 'normal' device
10:23.34rolandowthe dect station is working fine
10:23.36kaldemarrolandow: not likely to solve anything.
10:23.40rolandowthe tiptel 280 isn't
10:23.52rolandowok .. too bad :)
10:24.01kaldemarrolandow: unless you can fix source port that the client uses.
10:24.35rolandowkaldemar: that's why i asked what the port number in sip show peers is showing..
10:24.57kaldemarrolandow: you can enable qualify=yes (and configure it with qualifyfreq) for the peer to help keeping the NAT hole open.
10:25.51rolandowyes i have qualify=yes
10:25.55*** join/#asterisk pyther (~pyther@unaffiliated/pyther)
10:26.31rolandowwe have a weird thomson modem that is in bridge mode, but still gives us the option to forward UDP ports..
10:26.41rolandowwhich in my opinion is weird when it's in bridge mode right?
10:26.56WIMPyIf both devices are behind the same NAT and appear to use the same port, there's something screwed up and definitely won't work.
10:26.57rolandowanyways, after forwarding udp ports to our router, we solved our one-way audio partly
10:27.00kaldemarthat must be a UI stupidity.
10:27.34rolandowkaldemar: probably, but it helped fixing one way audio problem on the dect station
10:27.44rolandowkaldemar: the same problem you looked at earlier this week btw :)
10:28.17rolandowso the modem is pretty stupid .. but anyways, it seems to work now .. except for this one tiptel device..
10:28.32*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
10:29.21kaldemarrolandow: oh, it was that case. your sip debug didn't seem to have anything wrong, IIRC.
10:29.34rolandowkaldemar: right.. that's the one :)
10:31.32Roeltrolandow, probably a kpn Thomson adsl modem/router?
10:31.58Roelthave one of those here.. hard crash when i call from phone 1 to phone 2, have to unplug the power before it comes back to life...
10:39.34*** join/#asterisk Digweed (digweed@2a00:f10:11a:764::c0ca:c01a)
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11:07.00rolandowRoelt: a thomson you mean?
11:07.08rolandowRoelt: or a tiptel ?
11:09.36rolandowhm.. i'm wondering if we can replace it with a better thing.. but what's supposed to be better for * ?
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11:22.10Roeltthose fritzbox modems are pretty nice
11:22.38rolandowRoelt: aren't those modem and routers in one?
11:23.03rolandowRoelt: we already have netgear routers for our vpn so we need to keep those and probably get a modem that just *really* bridges everything
11:24.21Roeltprobably noy a problem putting it in bridge mode
11:27.01puzzledfritzbox no longer supports bridging mode
11:27.17*** join/#asterisk cers (~cers@
11:27.30puzzledat least not my 7340 or something like that
11:27.46Roelthm, the one i've installed a few months ago did that without a problem
11:28.01Roeltdon't know the modelnumber
11:29.14rolandowi see some d-links that are just modems.. maybe that would be better
11:30.26cersHi, I'm new to asterisk and I'm trying to get input from the user using this conf, but when a user presses a button, I get WARNING[1042]: chan_sip.c:18735 handle_request_info: Unable to retrieve DTMF signal for INFO message on call ... any ideas what I've done wrong?
11:31.00*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
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11:32.12ectospasmcers: what DTMF mode have you selected on the phone, and in Asterisk (sip.conf)
11:35.38cersectospasm: this is my sip.conf - the phone, better question - I don't recall seeing it as an option there - it's a aastra dialog 4425
11:36.26cers(which btw, could totally use a software upgrade I'm sure - if anyone happens to know the aastra software update server ip)
11:37.52cersectospasm: the user I'm testing with is 1000 btw
11:41.53ectospasmlooks like it's the phone.  Check the DTMF mode on your Aastra
11:42.29ectospasmaccording to the original WARNING you posted, it appears that it's set for INFO
11:42.33ectospasm...not RFC2833
11:43.15cersectospasm: I'm just looking through the settings, it's not mentioned anywhere :-S
11:43.56ectospasmI know zero about Aastra phones.
11:44.11ectospasmMy Polycom knowledge is subsiding
11:44.59cersectospasm: it's not getting the string "INFO" from the message - it's hardcoded in the source:
11:45.51cersectospasm: thanks for trying though :-) I'm hoping updating the phone software will magically help - as soon as I find the update server... I know they have one somewhere...
11:47.46ectospasmum... I assumed the phone was sending DTMF in INFO messages, but of course I haven't looked at a packet capture, nor CLI debug (dis)proving that
11:49.40cersectospasm: it's entirely possible it is - as I said, I'm very new to this...
11:49.52cersectospasm: here's a log:
11:50.15cersit does mention "INFO" in there a few times
11:51.18ectospasmyep. In there is a 9 digit, sent via INFO message from 1000@ which is configured for dtmfmode=rfc2833
11:51.28ectospasm...which I think is the problem
11:51.57ectospasmeither change sip.conf so that the dtmfmode=info, or change the setting in the 1000 phone
11:52.15cersthanks - I don't see a way of doing that on the phone, so I'
11:52.22cers'll try in sip.conf
12:04.50*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:06.09cersectospasm: hmm.. setting it to =info doesn't make a difference. Thanks for the help though - I'll have to look at it more when I get back from vacation :-)
12:07.50*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:08.27ectospasmcers: did you "sip reload"?
12:08.53ectospasmactually, I don't know that sip reload will change the dtmfmode...  may have to restart Asterisk.
12:09.01ectospasmanyway, time to go home...
12:13.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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12:46.36LIITCan anyone point me in the direction of some information on how to connect two Asterisk boxes via IAX, when one of the boxes is NAT'ed ?
12:48.22kaldemarLIIT: just forward UDP 4569 to the asterisk box. that's it.
12:48.54kaldemarLIIT: actually that's not even required if you make the boxes register to each other.
12:49.19LIITHeh, I should really learn to explain things better. They are both nat'ed, but I only have control over one of the firewalls. So one of them has 4569 open, and the other does not
12:49.26LIIT(incoming that is - outbound is all open)
12:51.57kaldemarLIIT: IAX has qualify options for keepalive.
12:52.44[TK]D-FenderRegister the one whose router you don't control to the other box and enable qualify on your peer to them
12:53.01LIITThx both - I will read up on qualify :-)
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13:44.37LIITShould I use qualify=yes or a specific value ? I keep getting IAX2/<public_ip_of_firewalled_box>:4569-5402 is circuit-busy
13:45.08*** join/#asterisk grapsus (~grapsus@2a01:e35:8acb:36e0:c2cb:38ff:fe62:b4ba)
13:45.22grapsushi there
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13:47.35grapsusis any way to route an outgoing call between et sip provider and a dahdi line, depending on which one is unused ?
13:48.07WIMPyLIIT: Looks like the peer is unreachable.
13:48.34WIMPygrapsus: Which one what?
13:49.28grapsusWIMPy: I have two providers for outgoing calls, one is SIP and another one is a POTS line connected via Dahdi
13:49.42grapsusand I want to select whatever line is available
13:49.53WIMPyYes, and how do you want to select them?
13:50.09grapsuseach one can handle only one call at once
13:50.31EmleyMoorgrapsus: In general, just Dial in order of preference. If not available, it falls through to the next
13:51.05WIMPyYou can use CHANISAVAIL or you just try to dial out and look at DIALSTATUS to see if you should try again on the other route.
13:51.45grapsusoh I see, it as simple as that
13:52.10EmleyMoorYou might want to do further checking but I do it that way
13:52.21grapsushow do I prevent the second Dial from being executed  if both lines are free ?
13:52.44EmleyMoorgrapsus: Exit status from the original prevents it automatically
13:53.05WIMPyIf the call was answered, that is.
13:53.32grapsusI see, I should really read some core documentation about the dialplan
13:53.34WIMPyIf it just timed out, it would try again without checking.
13:53.58WIMPyTry the
13:53.59EmleyMoorIf you don't want it to try on the other line if it's just timed out, you'd need to handle that as a special case.
13:54.00infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:55.57grapsusWIMPy: EmleyMoor: thank you for the info, I will try the simplest way before going into scripting etc.
13:56.21*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3)
13:57.30LIITkaldemar & [TK]D-Fender: qualify fixed it - thanks :-)
13:59.00*** join/#asterisk wudles (
13:59.00EmleyMoorSomeone asked if I could take my phone number with me when I moved recently - so I told them I was taking the whole telephone exchange!
14:03.15*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
14:04.45EmleyMoorNeed to retest that phone I mended the other day - howls on my line. If it's OK on David's then perhaps I need a better socket...
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14:11.21Kattysits and stares
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14:16.06Kattyawfully quiet this morning.
14:16.15Kattyis everyone trying to pick out names for leif
14:16.51ChainsawOr wondering about EmleyMoor's howling werephone.
14:17.20Kattyseems legit.
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14:17.31Kattyhi tzafrir
14:18.32*** join/#asterisk saysocomm (
14:18.40[TK]D-FenderKatty, if it's a girl, "Nana" ... and for a middle name .. "Nanana" !
14:19.00[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, ^^^
14:19.46Kattythat /was/ pretty good tho, fender.
14:20.06[TK]D-FenderPerfectly legit first name...
14:21.33*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
14:28.21drmessanoI liked "erik" and "elga"
14:28.25drmessanoBut whatev
14:29.05drmessanoIf I had two kids I wanted to name them "Istanbul" and "Constantinople"
14:29.23serafieKatty: It's going to be Þórfinn Viktor Leiffson.
14:29.24*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:29.28drmessanoSo if I called one, and the other came, "Istanbul, not Constantinople"
14:30.00*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
14:30.05BenC[UK]Hi Guys
14:30.39BenC[UK]I'm trying to set up another voip server similar to another setup I have already but calls won't connect for outbound
14:30.43BenC[UK]Retransmission timeout reached on transmission
14:30.46BenC[UK]getting that
14:31.06BenC[UK]the server is behind nat, I have set externip in sip.conf and nat=yes is on for the trunks
14:31.10ChainsawBenC[UK]: That would suggest that the SIP UDP traffic is going away.
14:31.22ChainsawBenC[UK]: If you can't trust your ISP, and you likely can't, try SIP over TCP instead.
14:31.47BenC[UK]its with the same host as another one I have working
14:32.28*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
14:33.15Kattyneeds caffeine so very badly.
14:34.16BenC[UK]hmm, the user I make the call from goes offline while making the call aswell
14:34.59*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~irc@2001:470:8abb:0:e424:e4c:eef4:a291)
14:37.48kaldemarBenC[UK]: you need nat=yes under [general].
14:38.05BenC[UK]which file?
14:38.17kaldemarBenC[UK]: sip.conf, naturally.
14:39.26*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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14:47.14vastinamorning telephreaks
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14:48.30dhuckabymorn'n vastina
14:48.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:49.59BenC[UK]kaldemar:  still times out after about 10 seconds :(
14:52.53saysocommHey guys, anyone know how to trigger a Custom devstate when a channel hangs up?
14:53.20*** join/#asterisk rubberneck (
14:53.42Kattyneed....moar....caffieine... *yawn*
14:53.56saysocommI'm able to set INUSE by using macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook but can't figure out the hangup part
14:53.58drmessanoYou need a boar and caffeine?  Strange request, but ok
14:54.17Kattydrmessano: stayed up too late
14:54.21Kattydrmessano: FAR too late.
14:54.31Kattydrmessano: and got woken up early....far too early
14:54.50Kattyi'm going to go make friends with the soda machine. brb
14:55.02kaldemarsaysocomm: where did you get macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook?
14:55.35saysocommactually a freepbx thing.
14:56.00saysocommneed moar caffeine
14:56.02kaldemarsaysocomm: #freepbx is more able to help with that.
14:56.09saysocommyep whoops!
14:56.40Kattymmm mt dew.
14:56.47[TK]D-FenderBenC[UK],  the server is behind nat, I have set externip in sip.conf and nat=yes is on for the trunks <--- providers are NOT behind NAT and setting them to "yes" can very likely cause problems
14:57.27BenC[UK]I've tried with/without
14:57.31BenC[UK]do I need externip set?
14:57.47infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
14:57.51BenC[UK]without it I get "Service Unavailable right away
14:58.08[TK]D-Fenderfollow the guide and replace "canreinvite" with "directmedia" for 1.6+
14:58.18[TK]D-FenderBenC[UK], that message means nothing to me.
14:58.23[TK]D-Fenderpastebin an ACTUAL call attempt
14:58.30[TK]D-FenderWith SIP DEBUG
14:58.31infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:58.34BenC[UK]Got SIP response 503 "Service Unavailable" back from
14:58.50[TK]D-Fendermaybe your accounts isn't active
14:58.57[TK]D-Fenderbut lest see the WHOLE thing
15:08.59*** join/#asterisk mcrownover (
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15:34.51dhuckabythat infobot sipnat thing... that's only if using voip for external connections right? if using PSTN lines it doesn't matter if you're behind a NAT or not?
15:36.00WIMPyIt applies whenever you have SIP connections with some sort of NAT involved.
15:36.43WIMPySo if you use SIP inside your LAN only, it doesn't matter.
15:41.47*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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15:48.29BenC[UK][TK]D-Fender:  did you see my paste?
15:49.06[TK]D-FenderYes, and you've masked IP's so I can't trust what I don't see and I do not see a COMPLETE call attemp
15:49.27[TK]D-FenderONE more chance at this.  verbose 10.  SIP DEBUG.  Complete call.
15:50.23*** join/#asterisk echo083 (
15:50.49BenC[UK]I search/plreaced just my server ip with
15:51.07BenC[UK]left the rest of the ips
15:51.50echo083freepbx 2.10 is full of bug when trying to be installed manually executing install_amp
15:52.31WIMPyecho083: #freepbx
15:52.45echo083WIMPy, didn't know there was a dedicated channel sorry ;)
15:55.33BenC[UK]I have replaced the server ip with again but thats the only thing to change
15:56.38WIMPyThe haxx0rs will find your server anyway.
15:56.40*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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15:59.15BenC[UK]yeah :(
16:03.00[TK]D-Fendermoves on to other matters
16:03.23dhuckabyhow ya do 'emotes' like that on IRC Fender?
16:03.36BenC[UK][TK]D-Fender: so you can't help?
16:04.56*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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16:08.04Kattywow the knits are goign slow
16:15.13carrarPlease assign knits.conf priority=-9
16:23.50*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
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16:53.23dhuckabywith AsteriskNOW... if using only software phones... having already created an extension... do I need to setup a phone?(the quickstart guide mentions installing a digium phone only)
16:58.36*** join/#asterisk brdude (
16:59.02Guggedhuckaby: yes, you need to setup a phone (softphone) to be able to use it
17:00.25rubberneckI am trying to get a video conference to work in asterisk 10. I am using the jitsi client. I can connect and audio works well, but video doesn't work at all, there is no video. I can't seem to find what I am doing wrong.
17:00.48rubberneckconfbridge.conf     extensions.conf     sip.conf
17:01.10rubberneckDo I have to enable video somewhere or something?
17:02.12Guggei would try videosupport
17:02.17WIMPyI don't know what the default is, but see "videosupport".
17:02.29WIMPyAnd allowed codecs.
17:03.51rubberneck...........and videosupport it is. Thanks it's working now.
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17:11.59dhuckabyGugge: but does the smartphone need to be setup within FreePBX or just on the computer?
17:12.20WIMPydhuckaby: Try in #freepbx
17:12.48[TK]D-FenderSoftphone is it's own application
17:13.22WIMPyhas no ide what is called what in the frontend.
17:13.53WIMPyBut if it's about the phone itself that is neither a freepbx nor an asterisk question, off course.
17:15.27dhuckabyit's not..
17:16.08dhuckabywas just going through the AsteriskNow2.0 quick-install guide...and it mentioned setting up specific phones
17:16.27[TK]D-FenderNo, you clearly don't need ANY phone necessarily
17:16.56*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
17:17.03WIMPyAnd you don't configure phones you don't have.
17:21.09*** join/#asterisk Happy0 (
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17:39.02_omerI am really stucked in USer/Group thing ....
17:49.33*** join/#asterisk wudles (
18:09.21*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
18:09.48jayteeanyone here ever used 3Com 2102 or 3102 phones with Asterisk?
18:10.37[TK]D-FenderThose are both ironically Linksys part #'s..
18:10.40malcolmdnegative; best of luck though
18:16.04[TK]D-FenderWas this a barin-fart or are 3com completely lacking in originality
18:17.50malcolmdi think the 3com phones there predate the linksys equipment
18:18.12WIMPyLike the 7950 and 7960 by AllNet?
18:19.38dhuckabyFender. AsteriskNOW up and run'n like a champ :)
18:20.07dhuckabywith soft-phones ;)... I did have to fabricate a "microphone" for my machine tho :)
18:21.02dhuckabyso if I just installed a 4 port FXO(I think it's O) card and plugged in the phone lines it should be a fully functional system eh?
18:21.47[TK]D-Fenderdhuckaby, If you configure it.
18:25.24dhuckabyaye ;) that configure thing... ;)
18:26.35[TK]D-FenderYour server might have been "fully functional" before getting a card.
18:26.40dhuckabyluckily(unluckily maybe).. I found the antique phone mail people are still in business and have a "modern" solution for $500 :)
18:26.49dhuckaby@Fender it is if we were going VOIP only
18:26.57[TK]D-FenderBy doing so you gave it NEW "functions" to be capable of
18:27.18[TK]D-FenderAnd thus only becomes fully functional once configured.
18:27.33[TK]D-FenderAnd frankly I don't think ANYONE's system is "fully functional" by that definition.
18:27.47[TK]D-Fenderwho is using EVERY feature their system offers them?
18:29.21*** join/#asterisk NKing (
18:33.19dhuckabyaye... voicemail configuration I'm work'n on now..
18:33.45dhuckabythis will still be an excellent  proof of concept machine(and seriously up and running and ready to be used in under 1hr) ridiculous ;)
18:41.51jeffspeffI'm having an issue where several phones are able to make calls (having bi-directional audio) but if you call them then there is no audio. These phones are on a remote network, connected via VPN, however, not all phones at that location are having the issue, and sometimes they don't have any problems at all.   Here's the SIP debug for me (1506) calling a known issue phone (1102). Any help with this would be awesome!
18:42.17*** join/#asterisk pavlx (
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18:43.18pavlxlast month i putted to disposition my ADSL to the apartment which is over mine
18:44.29pavlxi would like to know if there is a way to phone with asterisk and to do to the same time ANONYMOUS VOIP   v
18:45.38pavlxi don't want to show to the TELCO's who i am calling and how it is long
18:46.09pavlxawaiting your reply as soon as possible, happy hacking pavlx
18:47.29jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, WIMPy , any ideas to my above issue?
18:48.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:49.20[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
18:49.28[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Contact: <sip:1506@>
18:49.45[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, * is passing your WAN IP to the other subnet because you didn't define the localnet for it
18:51.42jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, i have the localnet defined in general in sip.conf... all other locations on different subnets are working fine... could this be a NAT configuration issue? or is there a way to be more specific in how i define/use those peers?
18:53.06[TK]D-Fenderyou did not tell * that the 192.168...... network listed there was local
18:54.18jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, ok... i see what you're saying, not meaning to argue, just really confused... can i specify multiple localnets? I'm not telling * that 5 other networks are local, and they seem to work.
18:54.43[TK]D-Fendersome get lucky
18:54.50[TK]D-Fendertypically those who IGNORE what * tells them
18:55.02[TK]D-FenderYes you can, and yes, you must
18:55.43jeffspeffso, localnet=, etc?
18:58.40*** join/#asterisk pyther24 (~msg31@unaffiliated/pyther)
18:59.09pavlx<modem>-----<switch>---port 6 <pc_pavlx> <switch>---port 12 <apartment upstair>
18:59.29[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, multiple lines
18:59.49pyther24So I'm lookig at setting up an asterisk server for my home. I'll only need to connect 2 maybe 3 phones to it, don't plan on doing a whole lot with it, I was wondering how well it might run on my openwrt router (128MB ram / 680MHz)
19:00.01jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, awesome... i'll try this out in just a moment, and let you know how it goes.... thank you !
19:00.13[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, You're welcome
19:00.35pavlx<apartment upstair> ---<switch> port 3 <device to call>
19:01.40_omerFender:   <---- is this folder Permission issue or missing any module ?
19:02.21pavlxnecessity of ANONYMOUS traficc to call, can i use asterisk to call ? can they use the same operator VOIPSTUNT that i got with the same phone number ?
19:03.16pavlx_omer is a reply to me ?
19:03.55_omerno, question for [TK]D-Fender
19:04.06drmessano_omer, this is not
19:04.09drmessano_omer, this is not #freepbx
19:04.40pavlxok, thanks _omer, next time specify the person
19:08.06[TK]D-Fenderpavlx, He did
19:08.27pavlxwhat i did ?
19:10.07*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:11.00pavlxi need t solve this problem before September, whey Stefano turn back home with his family, and guys need to use ADSL and phone to call
19:12.10pavlxif i could use asterisk to phone and to config to my pleasure, will be money for me
19:16.00drmessanoIm lost.. is this for a phonesex hotline?
19:16.12jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, you are a godsend! you just saved me a ver long and what would have a been a pointless trip from Arkansas to Erie, PA.
19:17.07pavlxnobody can help me ?
19:17.41*** join/#asterisk imox (
19:17.44dhuckabypavlx I'd try... but dunno how to filter all the scrollback efficiently to see what ya need ;)
19:17.45jeffspeffi want my phone to config my pleasure too!
19:19.35pavlxthat it's possible to do in a second moment, the question is: can they use the same SIP and phone number to call from their own apartment ?
19:20.07*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
19:20.27dhuckabythe same as you use?
19:20.42drmessanoNo reason why not
19:20.58dhuckabyjust config their phones(soft or hard) to duplicate your settings
19:21.07drmessanoIt would be like running an extension upstairs
19:21.15dhuckabyand you can call yourself and it will call them :)
19:21.25pavlxyes, possibly, without to buy a second number from VOIPSTUNT
19:21.25dhuckabyor they can answer your phone calls :0
19:21.37drmessanopavlx: YES
19:22.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (
19:22.34pavlxpoint 2 solved
19:23.22pavlxasterisk can be used to call between people ?
19:23.23*** join/#asterisk gusto (
19:23.31drmessanoUh yeah
19:23.45infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:23.45pavlxis there a manual to read about ?
19:23.49drmessanoRight there
19:24.11pavlxthanks !
19:24.54pavlxpoint 1 solved
19:25.02dhuckabyanything else ? :)
19:25.52pavlxthe more important how to masquerade, but at moment i see that seems don't be a solution
19:26.11dhuckabyhow to masq which? NAT?
19:27.13pavlxto masq all the traffic and duration about the call/s
19:28.14Guggepavlx: what are you talking about?
19:28.24Kattytakes break from knitting
19:29.11dhuckabyno way to disguise duration of call if you're using their service
19:29.21dhuckabynor the traffic... it presumably goes through their servers
19:29.36drmessanopavlx:  You set up the second phone as another device on your system.. Like an OFFICE PBX.. WHen they make calls, they use the SAME SIP PROVIDER.  All the calls come from YOUR ASTERISK.  What is this masquerade crap?
19:29.52pavlxi don't want to show, people need privacy, ISP's are not SHERIFFS authorized to control the traffic
19:30.06dhuckabyhe wants to hide the call volumne from the voip provider
19:30.09drmessanoYou can hide your call going over the public internet
19:30.21drmessanoYou CANT hide your call going over the public internet
19:30.46drmessanoOh, I know what this is
19:31.35dhuckabyif it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck? :)
19:31.58Kattythen it's had some vodka.
19:31.59[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Glad it's all good now.
19:32.06Kattydrmessano: fresh knits!
19:32.15drmessanoI am guessing this is SIP circumvension of the govt run telco
19:32.16coppiceput in a pancake with some hoi sin sauce
19:32.56drmessanoThey find you running an ITSP in your closet and chop off your hands kinda thing
19:33.23drmessanoWhat could be worse?
19:33.29drmessanoDeath > No hands
19:34.13pavlxi am working from 12/13 hours near the pc without stop and without to eat
19:35.10dhuckabyanyone use any soft-phones with video capabilities?
19:36.07Kattyfacetime :P
19:37.20drmessanodhuckaby:  A few of them
19:37.27drmessanoX-Lite, Bria, Ekiga
19:37.42dhuckabyI'm work'n X-lite atm...
19:38.01*** join/#asterisk kannan (~kannan@
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19:38.16dhuckabydoes it work decently? this machine has no web-cam
19:39.13*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:39.56kannanhello all. in a php agi script , i am setting channel variable from an external mysql server db column. the string gets truncated after the first space. how can this be resolved? (short of cron'ing another script to update the cdr column where that variable gets stored later)
19:40.17kannani am using phpagi classes
19:40.27Kattydrmessano: <- fresh knits.
19:42.01dhuckabyniftyo... what is it?
19:42.06dhuckabybaby sweater?
19:42.11Kattylaptop sleeve, actually
19:42.21dhuckabywoo static?
19:42.44Kattyit's not wool yarn.
19:43.05dhuckabyokay that's gonna be an awesome laptop sleeve ;)
19:43.16dhuckabytardis laptop sleeve.. you might just need to market those :)
19:43.33Kattyoh no, i don't sell things.
19:43.37Kattyi give them away as presents
19:43.43malcolmdsoft client w/ video capabilities, try jitsi
19:43.51dhuckabythanks malcolmd
19:44.03malcolmdit's cross-platform, which is nice
19:44.36dhuckabyyeah just saw that... very nice
19:45.03dhuckabynot that teachers in a high school need web-cams and video chat with each other.. but hey!
19:47.17pavlxi turned back now, i take my dinner, tomatoes
19:47.37pavlxthe question is set up the second phone as another device
19:47.48RoeltKatty, looking nice!
19:48.07Roelt(And even asterisk related, phone in the background.. :-) )
19:49.05kannani am getting every couple seconds in * CLI -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected. it was not happeningpreviously. what is the issue?
19:49.35pavlxthe question is how to set up the second phone as another device on my system like a PB in a office ?
19:50.02dhuckaby2nd phone is just an extension
19:50.59dhuckabyphone == either hardware or software sip phone no?
19:51.24KattyRoelt: ty (=
19:53.11pavlxthis is the phone that i got at home:
19:53.42dhuckabyyeah, but a PHONE can't be a PBX
19:55.04Roeltyou need a computer or router running asterisk as pbx, and the phones connect to that
19:55.05*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
19:55.09WIMPydhuckaby: What does that mean?
19:55.28dhuckabyhe want's a 2nd phone to be a pbx
19:55.50WIMPyAnd that's a cordless phone. They always contain a mini PBX.
19:56.09dhuckabythey merely allow multiple sip accts no?
19:56.15pavlxi got a router a cisco systems 2600 series, it needs only of vick card
19:56.28WIMPyThey usually do.
19:57.42*** join/#asterisk mcf37821 (
19:58.42pavlxif necessary i buy a new one
19:59.36pavlxwhy they put a mini pbx ?
20:00.17pavlxwhy they use a firmware based on GNU/linux and don't distribute the source code ?
20:00.21WIMPyBecause they will support multiple handsets.
20:01.18WIMPyI have no idea, what kind of OS they might be using. But Linux seems less likely to me.
20:02.03pavlxthey would, but not are so stupid as they want, HUMAN is born to asks how to and  they want the control of TLC ?
20:02.50pavlxi am using GNU/linux just now
20:02.53WIMPycannot parse that.
20:03.04dhuckabygot lost too
20:03.28dhuckabyis still pretty sure they don't behave like he wants
20:03.53WIMPyDon't know what he wants.
20:05.19pavlx:~$ uname -o GNU/linux
20:06.38drmessanopavlx:  Setting up a SIP device and an extension is covered in the book.... It is BASIC, BEGINNER stuff that is well documented.
20:06.54drmessanoCheck the book and follow the directions.
20:07.28drmessanoThis whole discussion is circular
20:07.38pavlxi use GNU/linux and the maximum that i could do it's NetBSD or OpenBSD because they support Alpha processors
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20:10.54Roeltcan't tell if trolling or just full moon
20:11.05drmessanoFull moon, I hope
20:11.32Kattywhy not both?
20:11.35WIMPyThere's almost no moon.
20:11.40*** part/#asterisk dhuckaby (
20:11.41KattyU MAD BRO?!
20:12.17*** join/#asterisk dhuckaby (
20:13.55chuckfI'm so mad I'm going home!
20:16.50WIMPywonders if it would be a good idea to create a custom devstate for each account and type of forwarding.
20:18.16*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
20:18.33WIMPyOr per extension rather.
20:20.31[TK]D-FenderCan only be a good thing IMO
20:23.04drmessanoexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
20:23.14pavlxDebian moved the support to Alpha processors, and iam using a laptop ThinkPad T23 with GNU/linux gNewSense, an i686, a distribution 100% Free Software but is available at moment only for i686, other possbility could be GNU/linux Ututo, but anyway there is not suppoer for powerpc, for example support for MIPSEL is offered by GNU/linux Parabola
20:23.44drmessanoIs that an advertisement?
20:25.50pavlxonly the real problem that i find with other architectures, if i want i can use MIPSEL or if iwant more i have to use distribution GNU/linux which put disposition mirrors with restricted packages or i don't find what i want
20:27.21pavlxin the future i could be interested to MIPSEL, POWERPC, ALPHA and i don't want limits, FREEDOM ok, but this is "ghetto", i want to use more than one i686
20:28.08pavlxfor the fact that will be donated a i686 or ppc apple computer
20:29.26WIMPypavlx: What are you talking about? And is that related to anything?
20:29.41coppiceI think its a bot
20:30.00pavlxcoppice, me a bot ?
20:36.46jpsharpSomeone mixed RMS and the Time Cube guy into a markov chainer.
20:41.10*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
20:41.10drmessanoIt could be a bot
20:41.25drmessanoI never thought of that
20:41.30drmessanoWHO IS YOUR MASTER?
20:43.07drmessanoIsnt there interstellar law that states if you ask a robot for it's master it MUST tell you?
21:05.03dhuckabylaughs @drmessano
21:07.05*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK]_ (
21:17.01*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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21:19.11LemensTSwhat is the asterisk mysql realtime in yum for 1.6?
21:19.28LemensTSasterisk16-addons-mysql.x86_64 ?
21:19.53LemensTSor asterisk16-addons-core.x86_64
21:21.17LemensTSnm it insalls core with it ... im a debian guy
21:22.59WIMPyHave you thought about using a more recent version?
21:27.28*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
21:27.30ChrisInSydneyMornin' all
21:27.59WIMPyIn about half an hour :-)
21:28.04blizzowIs there a way to set the outbound callerID to be a number that's in the same area code my agents are calling to?
21:28.30WIMPyblizzow: Just do it. If your provider cares is another matter.
21:28.49ChrisInSydneyblizzow: WIMPy beat me to it
21:29.09blizzowWIMPy: I'm asking how I'd do it.
21:30.05blizzowokay, and the logic to make sure it's set to the area code of the number I'm calling?
21:30.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:30.10ChrisInSydneySome of our providers in Aus need an E164 number eg 61299998888
21:30.50WIMPyblizzow: Look at what you're dialling and what numbers you've got. I'd do it with an AGI.
21:31.06LemensTSWIMPy: on a client system that doesn't care lol
21:31.45ChrisInSydneyblizzow: Some providers need it on another header, P-Asserted-Identity, etc
21:32.30ChrisInSydneyHad that issue with some wierd carrier route
21:34.43ChrisInSydneyblizzow: Have a play with the dialplan and see if you can get it to work. After that, the logic can be done any number of ways, dial plan contexts, AGI, astDB
21:35.37ChrisInSydneyjust try from a single extension. Make sure your overstamp works
21:36.07ChrisInSydneyif you cant, then anythng else is simply academic
21:36.21WIMPyWhat does "overstamp" mean?
21:37.30ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: thats what we call changing the outbound CLID from the original number provided by the carrier
21:38.16WIMPyAlways this incompatible terminology. :-(
21:38.54ChrisInSydneyI had incompatible bass strings once
21:39.01ChrisInSydneynot just limited to this stuff
21:39.09ChrisInSydneyhad an incompatable wife too
21:39.28ChrisInSydneythat was disasterous
21:39.57WIMPyOk, you win.
21:40.09ChrisInSydneyShe used to say to me, "you only ever want to have sex with me when you're drunk"
21:40.28WIMPyWhat did she look like?
21:40.30ChrisInSydneyI replied "Sometimes I want a kebab when I am drunk"
21:41.10*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
21:42.09ChrisInSydneyive finished with that one. (last two comments), they are there to kae and adopt as your own for anyone who wants them
21:43.04ChrisInSydneyOn a more serious note: Asterisk->ODBC->MySQL....
21:43.26WIMPyI'm out get some stuff from multiple tables am I better off using AGI, a stored procedure, or just crafting some SQL in func_odbc.conf ?
21:45.03ChrisInSydneyAim is to scale to 1000 calls / hr
21:45.53WIMPyNormal measure is per second
21:46.15ChrisInSydneyIm in Australia, we are a little slower paced here ;-)
21:46.55ChrisInSydneynot as lay back as Kiwis though
21:47.32ChrisInSydneydoes thet bot on this channel have some basiic math ?
21:47.44ChrisInSydneydamn I key is playing up
21:47.52ChrisInSydneydrag out the soldering iron again
21:48.28ChrisInSydneyI could cut and paste from google
21:48.32ChrisInSydneyuse calc.exe
21:49.10ChrisInSydneythats only so I can get a shell
21:49.21Roelthooray for /calc
21:49.24Roelt23:49:14 -!- Irssi: 1000/60 = 16.6666666666667
21:50.01drmessanoColloquy doesnt have a /calc
21:50.05ChrisInSydneystill life hasnt sped up any here
21:50.10ChrisInSydneynot that I've noticed
21:50.55ChrisInSydney7:50am and no coffee, no wonder life is slow
21:51.07Roeltoh, tha's bad
21:51.35Roeltalmost midnight here, and wine and solderfumes
21:52.15drmessanoMmmm solder fumes
21:52.53drmessanoThat and the smell of rubbing alcohol brings back memories
21:53.17Roeltfor masking circuits probably?
21:55.05drmessanoCooling down RF connectors.
21:55.53Roeltah, you talked about that 30 kW fm transmiter a few days ago :)
21:56.08drmessano240 watt weller iron heats a connector VERY fast
21:56.31drmessanoBut you have to cool it before the dialetric melts
21:56.31pytherIs the obi100 a good adapter for an analog phone, or is there something better? Looking to integrate it into asterisks
21:59.07dhuckabywoo fm transmitter!
22:02.05drmessano120 watt, not 240 watt.  Had to look it up.. the SP120
22:02.15drmessanoHavent used it some time
22:04.08*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-cebwsihxboonlxdh)
22:04.48Roelthihi, nice :)
22:05.17Roeltalso usable for soldering coper pipes :)
22:07.26Roeltweller wecp-20 soldering station here... don't know the model of the iron itself
22:08.14drmessanoYou know, I tried 1/2 inch copper pipes and it was taking way too long.  Sort of surprised me.  Ended up using a torch
22:08.26drmessanoI _wanted_ it to work
22:10.59drmessanoNice soldering station.  I cant say I have one with any sort of adjustment on it
22:12.40ChrisInSydneyRoelt: Cool you can fix my <i> key
22:13.42ChrisInSydneyIve got an old '90s
22:14.14*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
22:14.38ChrisInSydneyused to use it to swap out intel  80386sx with Cyrix 80486sl
22:14.39drmessanoI have a couple WTCPT stations.. For the little bit of bench component work I do.  I have my trusty Weller 8200 soldering gun that gets all the work
22:14.58ChrisInSydneythe wellers just go and go and go
22:15.51drmessanoSadly, I dont have one of the older style 8200's
22:15.51ChrisInSydneythe Pace is a damn Ferrari. Unbelievable, but costs a bomb to run in bits, tips, filters etc
22:16.04coppiceI'd rather use a Hakko than a Weller
22:16.54RoeltChrisInSydney, i can fix you I key.. just bring it overhere when you're in the neighbourhood :)
22:17.07WIMPyThis is getting historic.
22:17.21WIMPyErsa vs Weller used to be the same as emacs vs vi.
22:17.37drmessanoThe newer weller guns dont have a brass nut that holds the tip down, they have this steel ring with a set screw in it.  The screws strip out in about a week and need to be tapped and retapped
22:18.56ChrisInSydneydoes anyone bother these days with surface mount rework ?
22:19.16WIMPyI ordered some el cheapo iron for on the way at dx for IIRC 7 bucks. Pretty impressive thing.
22:19.21coppicestrange question. of course they do
22:19.28ChrisInSydneyI use mine for keeping my old amps and music gear working
22:19.34ChrisInSydneyall through hold
22:19.40WIMPyTemperature controlled and the tip was finer than that of my station.
22:20.38WIMPyThat reminds me that maybe I should check the capacitors in my amp again.
22:20.38drmessanoI cant do surface mount work.  Dont have the eyes or patience for it
22:21.18Roelti've done smd.. but after 4 resistors my patience ends and a restistor and cap are the same..
22:21.35ChrisInSydneycoppice: I guess I asked as the cost / complexity ratio has got to the point where I Iusually couldnt be bothered
22:21.43WIMPyYou always need to be prepared for a total loss.
22:22.28coppiceChrisInSydney: lots of stuff needs customising, and development work always needs rework
22:23.38WIMPyOk, this is probably the best time to ask: Have any of you ever managed to repair flexband connections on LCDs?
22:24.13WIMPyThe one where you have a band instead of the zebra rubber beteen the PCB and the glass. The gule seems to fail after some time :-(
22:24.18coppiceI've seen people so that with a heat sealer device
22:24.50WIMPyI read about that, but the stuff I have here doesn't seem to react to heat.
22:26.11WIMPyI read about filing down pencils to get graphite dust and mixing them with silicone. But I'm not yet convinced I should try that.
22:29.19WIMPyMaybe I should just try to connect some other LCD, but I have doubts they a Hitachi compatible.
22:32.28ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: I used to fix them on Casio and Yamaha keyboards. Had an old temp controlled soldering iron that was good town to 60 Celcuis
22:32.57ChrisInSydneyI had a chisel tip that was almost  the correct spacing
22:33.44ChrisInSydneyI have seen the heat strips for sale
22:39.42pytherCan anyone recommend an ATA?
22:44.09WIMPyWell, as I said: It didn't react to heat. the heat seemed to have cleaned the contacts, as applying pressure helped where it didn't before, but it doesn't stick any more.
22:45.19ChrisInSydneypyther: The Sipura/Linksys/Cisco McSPA3102
22:45.59ChrisInSydneyLike McDonalds, there are much better ATAs but when youve been travelling for hours and the kids are screaming in the back of the car.....
22:46.35ChrisInSydneyhas anyone played with the newer Cisco branded 118s etc ?
22:46.52pytherI just need something very simple that can connect one analog phone
22:47.00*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
22:47.07ChrisInSydneydid you need a line as well ?
22:47.29ChrisInSydneyPAP2T are < $30 on feeBay and have 2 x FXS
22:47.29WIMPyAnd you don't have any plastic router with ATA?
22:47.50WIMPyhas got a lot of them, even tho I never needed one.
22:47.55pytherI'm using callcentric as my voip provider, if I understand what you mean by line, that I don't need one
22:47.59WIMPyThey are like AOL CDs used to be.
22:48.04ChrisInSydneySPA3102 have FXS and FXO
22:49.40pytherWould the cisco SPA112 work?
22:50.46pytherSo if I want to have 2-3 extensions and no more than one call taking place at at time, would 128MB and 600MHz be enough to run asterisk?
22:50.53pytherbasically on an openwrt router
22:51.05ChrisInSydneyno reg between Ast and the SPA, just IP based entry in sip.conf
22:51.17ChrisInSydneyyup, no transcoding
22:51.35pytherI don't want to transcode anything
22:51.43WIMPypyther: Easily
22:51.57pythergreat now I do need a sip account for each device I'm going to use right?
22:52.03*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4eac135@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:52.22ChrisInSydneyon the ast box not the carrier
22:52.54WIMPyOr ou leave out Asterisk.
22:52.56pytherand then I can setup a hunt group (is that the right term) to ring all the devices?
22:53.21WIMPyYou can do whatever you like.
22:53.52pytherwell I'd like to ring all devices, is that the general idea?
22:53.56WIMPyWe don't really have groups, just call a list of devices.
22:54.28WIMPyThen list them all.
22:56.29ChrisInSydneypyther: You'll need Asterisk, as I couldn't get the old Milkfish OpenSER implmentatoin to do a ring many
22:57.20ChrisInSydneypyther: Is it a non intel chip you are compiling against ?
22:57.27ChrisInSydney(for ?)
22:57.39pytherChrisInSydney: yes, but the binaries are already built for openwrt
22:59.05ChrisInSydneyhavent got too much experience with OpenWRT, but done a bit with DD
23:00.10ChrisInSydneyWas looking at a small Asterisk implimentation as a B2BUA for some SIP trunks to a 3rd party PBX
23:00.36ChrisInSydneyon broadcom K26 compatable systems
23:00.53WIMPyNot the RPi?
23:01.40pytherWIMPy: if that is directed to me, because I have the openwrt router (it is main router) and the rpi doen't have serial
23:01.53ChrisInSydneyahh, must go. The 2.75 Year old has arisen and Yummy Mummy has gone away for a weekend with the girls
23:01.54WIMPyNo to ChrisInSydney
23:02.17pytherChrisInSydney: thanks for the help
23:02.38ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: rpi ?
23:02.53WIMPyRaspberry Pi
23:03.01ChrisInSydneyno, unfortunately
23:03.21WIMPyThought you have to use that for everythign now :-)
23:03.21ChrisInSydneyIt is sort of a must have that
23:03.46WIMPyWell the value for money is excellent.
23:03.59ChrisInSydneycluster them
23:04.30WIMPyBut It's too big for embedded applications and a little thin as a PC replacement.
23:04.34ChrisInSydneyahh, he is starting to climb the bookshelf
23:04.49ChrisInSydney2.75 year old
23:05.43TomCat2I'm considering renting an Asterisk server instead of hosting my own in my home office - I've found several - has good pricing for example - before I commit to using them, does anyone have a solid recommendation?
23:06.15TomCat2not looking for much - just a box I can reliably run asterisk on and manage it myself
23:06.42TomCat2and of course, solid uptime and no oddball network issues
23:07.31ChrisInSydneyTomCat2: I grabbed a and stuck asterisk on it for a lark and it worked a treat
23:07.43ChrisInSydney200Gb xfer
23:08.23pytherI don't use lindoe for asterisk, but I do have a linode instance for email and it has been very reliable (granted I've only had it 2 months)
23:08.38ChrisInSydneytime to feed the family
23:08.41ChrisInSydneymust go
23:08.45ChrisInSydneyc 'yall
23:11.38TomCat2nice - avg. 29ms ping to linode
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23:53.41jpsharpI used linode for Asterisk for quite sometime.  It worked well.

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