IRC log for #asterisk on 20120711

00:08.24*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-guxtrczeixyyqfqb)
00:12.46jeffspeffi'm looking to make an IVR that processes payments through ... anybody have a good starting point for me? i have no clue on this.
00:14.26infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
00:14.33jpsharpProbably the easiest way to go is through an AGI script.
00:18.35*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
00:18.53leifmadsenwhat is the API like for
00:19.05leifmadsencurl? soap? resp?
00:19.18jeffspeffleifmadsen, no clue
00:19.27*** join/#asterisk blindhog (
00:20.15leifmadsenlooks like there are several APIs, so it depends what you need to do
00:20.19leifmadsenand which API you choose
00:20.41leifmadsenthere are also lots of example code from what I see
00:20.52leifmadsenso probably could hack together somethign using an AGI easy enough
00:21.07leifmadsenthis is my first time looking at the site, so I suspect you could get the data you need from
00:22.07jeffspeffi started to look at the different API's, i also did a quick search through their site for IVR, Asterisk or phone, all to no avail; thought i'd check in here and see if anybody might be working on the same thing.
00:22.15jeffspeffleifmadsen, thanks thogh
00:22.33leifmadsenwel the asterisk part is going to be very simple
00:22.41leifmadsenall you're going to be doing is passing data you receive from asterisk tot he api
00:23.09leifmadsenyou really just need to develop the ability to integrate somehow with them through a script, then just let the script accept data that is passed by asterisk
00:23.31leifmadsenyou'll play a prompt, capture CC data, etc... then just pass that to the AGI to do all the heavy lifting
00:23.34jeffspeffleifmadsen, hopefully it is as simple as you make it sound; i'll toy with it in a test context and see what i can break. lol
00:23.47leifmadsenthe asterisk side, will be simple
00:23.56leifmadsenthe API and coding for, that's the tricky part I suspect
00:24.00jeffspeffhmm, i think i see a macro in the works
00:24.03leifmadsenasterisk won't be the bottleneck though
00:25.09*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
00:36.45paulcleifmadsen: You do a bunch of stuff with CURL in the dialplan right? Got a quick minute for a boolean answer qusetion?
00:36.58leifmadsenpaulc: I can try :)
00:38.14paulcCheers... Imagine you have 2 web services.. A returns after 2 seconds. B returns after 20 seconds. You have two separate extensions to call each service. Would you expect a call to A to not proceed until an in progress call to B had completed?
00:39.25leifmadsenpaulc: ummm... I'm not sure... can you give a better example?
00:39.41leifmadsendo you mean calls to CURL(), or calls in Asterisk?
00:39.46leifmadsenor calls to the web service... ?
00:39.58leifmadsen"call" is a bit vague in this instance :D
00:40.33paulcYes, sorry - a call to CURL..  dialplan logic for extension 123 uses CURL to hit webservice A which sleeps for 20 seconds then spits something out
00:40.50paulcsimilarly extension 456 uses CURL to hit webservice B that sleeps for 2 seconds then spits something out
00:41.19leifmadsenI'd not expect to be able to dial extension 456 until 123 returned
00:41.26paulcCall 123, verbose logging shows the call starting.. call 456 a few seconds later.. and it seems that CURL doesn't hit the URL until after the CURL instance in 123 has returned
00:41.32leifmadseni.e. I'd expect CURL() to act like Dial()
00:41.45paulcBut what about on different channels/
00:41.47leifmadsenya I'm confused
00:41.56paulchaha sorry, I'm not explaining it well am I
00:41.58leifmadsenI'd expect the calls to be totally independent of each other :)
00:42.10paulcYES - I'd expect that too! Except it's acting like they're not
00:42.11leifmadsenif you have separate asterisk channels using CURL() I'd expect them to not be related
00:42.25leifmadsenI never noticed that when I was using it....
00:43.17paulc2 phones on my desk. I pick up one, dial 123, it CURLS to a local webservice that sleeps looooong. While I'm waiting for it to return, pick up the other phone, dial 456, and it seems like that CURL process/instance doesn't start until the first one (on the other, unrelated/separate call!) has returned
00:43.49paulcI was looking for validation that this seemed "odd".. before I go delving into whether this is Asterisk and CURL related, or potentially something with the web server that's being hit
00:46.46paulcI'll play around tomorrow and write it up a bit better for the forum/mailing list. For now, there's a commute followed by beer and pizza :)
00:46.52paulcdoffs hat - thanks for your help
00:46.57UnixDevis there some way to store registrations in realtime database?
00:47.19leifmadsenpaulc: very good -- I'd try maybe doing the same two calls from two tabs in a web browser
00:47.25leifmadsenUnixDev: yes...
00:47.44paulcleifmadsen: good litmus test, yes! I'll give that a whirl now before I head out - cheers :)
00:47.55UnixDevleifmadsen: where can I find the schema? i don't see it in mysql or postgres contrib/realtime dir
00:47.57leifmadsendoffs hot
00:48.01WIMPyIs there a proxy involved?
00:48.43leifmadsenWIMPy: also a good point to check
00:49.36leifmadsenUnixDev: I just look here usually:
00:49.52leifmadsenit's now 8:49am and I've been working since 7am, so FTN, peas out
01:05.41*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:32.40PipBoyhates asterisk keypress sensitivity
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02:08.02PipBoyexten => docheck,n,Wait(1) can someone tell me what the N is for? trying to find a good resource for understanding this stuff
02:09.07*** part/#asterisk PipBoy (
02:09.24jpsharpWe would tell you, but you disconnected.
02:40.58*** join/#asterisk Robzombie (cce48afa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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03:08.34bikcmps/disconnected/left the room
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03:34.45*** join/#asterisk Robzombie (cce48afa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:36.04RobzombieAny asterisk guru's around, got a wierd issue cant seem to resolve.
03:39.18*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
03:40.25bikcmpkicks Robzombie
04:23.03UnixDevis there some way to get FollowMe to play ringing instead of MOH ?
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05:37.55*** join/#asterisk Jo_Bell (sasishiju@
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05:58.53Jo_BellHi, I have a speex audio coming out of my application. My application users require to get into conference with the third party SIP phones. If no transcoding is needed at my application end, it will be nice. Can I pass my Speex audio data as it is to Asterisk and create a conference with third party SIP softphones? Are the softphones/ SIP devices generally capable of decoding Speex?
06:03.34kaldemarasterisk supports speex. if you have phones that do not, asterisk can do the transcoding for you.
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06:11.41Jo_Bellkaldemar: That means, my application can just pass the Speex data after SIP session initiation, using RTP. Is this correct understanding?
06:14.22Jo_BellKaldemar: Whether each external third-party phone supports Speex or not, will that also have to be set as certain Asterisk parameters at the respective servers where the external phones are registered?
06:19.12kaldemarasterisk needs to be configured for the phones to use it.
06:24.59*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (c4d7a482@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:27.57Jo_BellKaldemar: Suppose my application client is registered at Asterisk server A. The client may be contacting an external SIP phone registered at an asterisk server B. The external phone can even be registered on a non Asterisk PBX. Are the supporting codec information etc passed at registration time itself as part of SIP protocol? Or is it asterisk specific?
06:28.48*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
06:29.02din3shgood morning all
06:30.47kaldemarJo_Bell: registration is a way to let the other end know where a device is. it has really nothing to do with anything else. it is also not a login type of procedure.
06:31.58Jo_BellKaldemar: Then how are the codec details of the clients known to asterisk server? Are they specified in some conf files?
06:32.21kaldemarJo_Bell: the codec negotiations are made during call setup. and your client will not be contacting any phone, it will connect to a conference on an asterisk server. the phones will also connect to the conference, either directly or through something, which is your choice.
06:32.21DennisvjCodec negotiation is done on SIP Invite
06:33.06kaldemarJo_Bell: you allow and disallow codecs for devices in sip.conf.
06:33.30kaldemarJo_Bell: ultimately, the phones let asterisk know about their capabilities when a call is made.
06:34.48Jo_Bellkaldemar: ok.
06:34.59*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
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07:13.20Jo_Bellkaldemar: In order to call out and receive incoming calls from PSTN, I can use a third party PSTN gateway which is interfaced with asterisk right? Which is the best or the mostly used gateway according to asterisk community's general observation?
07:16.26kaldemaryou can use an ITSP, or get your own lines that you use with telephony hardware.
07:16.44kaldemarthere are certainly many opinions on this.
07:16.46infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:19.53*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
07:20.48*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
07:24.49*** join/#asterisk jacc0 (
07:25.09jacc0hi all!
07:25.31jacc0how do I pass variables from my dialplan to my (php)agi script?
07:26.25jacc0sorry, found the answer already
07:27.05*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
07:27.46EmleyMoorIs there a way to see the IP that a SIP call came from? (either for calls gone, or if not possible, just for future ones
07:41.44*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:4cf7:a9f7:f351:fffe)
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07:47.21jacc0EmleyMoor: in diallan? or just in a log file?
07:49.31jacc0${SIPPEER(ip)} will hold the ip address
07:50.13*** join/#asterisk khurram (6e5dcd82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:50.29khurramhello everyone
07:50.34jacc0or in CLI? 'sip show peers'
07:50.41jacc0hi khurram
07:50.52khurrami have successfully installed ubuntu on vmware and successfully run asterisk 10 on it
07:51.05*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobz@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
07:51.22joobiehey guys.. anyone know of a setting that would be exiting my dial() if it goes for more than 60 seconds?
07:51.24jacc0vmware might cause some extra jitter
07:51.43khurrami do not understand this extention systems are they all virtual extentions just could be any nummber or what ?
07:51.46joobiei have 3 numbers that dial one after another, kinda like 3 dials in a row
07:52.06joobiei dial each number for 30 seconds.. it dials 2, and then it exits saying "exited non-zero on.."
07:52.10khurramvmware causes extra jitter please explain more , hows and avoids
07:52.15joobieif i decrease the dial time to 10 seconds for each dial, it works
07:52.56jacc0how to avoid extra jitter; don't use vmware
07:53.38khurramfor just test proposses i had to do some RnD so i am doing it on vmware the original client might have it been running on real server
07:53.58joobiethanks jacc0
07:54.03jacc0vmware is good for testing
07:54.35jacc07 hours till my holliday starts!
07:55.01khurramjacc0: what is the next step how can i test asterisk and is it possible to call asterisk server from windows  if yes can you please throw some light on what to read further etc.
07:55.17infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:55.36jacc0I use x-lite from countrepath to make calls from windows
07:56.00jacc0(damn, I'm fast)
07:56.25khurramjacc0: thanks
07:56.45joobiejacc0, i tried exten => 4444,1,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=0) but it still exited
07:57.03khurramjacc0: are there any free phones to test ?
07:57.09jacc0then the client may be hanging up4
07:57.38jacc0'free phones' x-lite used to be free. isn't it free anymore?
07:57.53joobiejacc0, it can't be, it exits at the same part of the dialplan each time
07:57.59joobiesame second count
07:58.10jacc0client max. ringtime could be 30sec
07:58.22jacc0add an answer() before you dial out
07:58.34joobiehmm ok
07:58.50joobieeach time before i dial out?
07:58.54joobieor just at the start (first time)
07:59.07jacc0just the first line of your dialplan  extension
07:59.18*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
07:59.32joobieok trying again
07:59.35jacc0opr take a look at your clients configuration
07:59.41kaldemarjoobie: show your extension and a CLI output of a call.
07:59.52joobieso i have something like, timeout, answer,dial,wait,dial,wait,dial .. etc
08:00.02jacc0that's cool
08:00.13joobiehope this works :P
08:00.23jacc0I'm not sure why you would want to wait
08:00.35joobiejust threw that in for testing purposes
08:00.37jacc0dial(sip/100,30) will make it ring 30 sec
08:00.51joobienod, im using a 20s timeout atm
08:00.54joobieper dial
08:01.12joobiejacc0, so far so good.. no hangup.. why does answer() resolve this?
08:01.17joobiei dont follow the logic
08:01.37jacc0while the client hanges up if the call isn;t answerd in 30seconds
08:01.53jacc0so you answer right away
08:02.06jacc0and start dialing after that
08:02.12joobieso it's tricking the phone into thinking that it's answered?
08:02.21jacc0take a look at your client settings
08:02.31joobieyea I see what you mean
08:02.38joobiethanks jacc0.. very shifty :)
08:02.40jacc0you might be able to change max. ring time
08:02.40joobiei like it! :P
08:02.51jacc0I'm hot!! bring it on!
08:02.53joobieit's ok, this will do. i dont mind an answer locally to my phone
08:02.58joobiei have another Q..
08:03.08joobiei gave up on this because i thought it would take too much effort
08:03.20joobieideally, i want to dial 2 numbers at the same time, using the same sip provider
08:03.41joobiethe provider allows multiple calls, but i tried dial(sip/provider/number&sip/provider/number) and asterisk doesnt like this
08:03.53jacc0asterisk does
08:03.56joobiecmon, i wouldn't throw you that easy one ;P
08:04.01joobiesec when i do the above i get the following back
08:04.26infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
08:04.31joobie[Jul 11 17:42:29] WARNING[7829]: app_dial.c:1209 dial_exec_full: Skipping dialing interface 'SIP/pennytel/<number>' again since it has already been dialed
08:04.37joobiethat is what it comes back saying..
08:04.50jacc0you are dialing the same number 2 times
08:04.54joobiei know the multiple dial works, because i use it in another part of the dialplan to dial multiple internal extensions
08:05.04joobieu are right
08:05.07joobiemy bad
08:05.12joobiethanks jacc0
08:05.18joobieyou are on a roll :P
08:05.27jacc0'cmon, i wouldn't throw you that easy one' I guess you did
08:05.27joobiei dont have any other doozies to throw your way to break that roll :P
08:05.30*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@
08:06.09jacc024 hours till airport check-in
08:06.17jacc01 month to india!
08:06.36jacc07 workinghours left
08:06.48jacc0bring it on! :P
08:07.04*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (c4d7bcf4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:08.42joobiewhat are you doing in india?
08:08.56jacc0backpacking starting in new delhi
08:09.33joobieahh nice
08:09.51joobiei hear india turning into a popular place to visit
08:11.42joobieyou know this dialplan
08:11.52joobieI have this offshore developer working for us
08:12.01joobiehe's meant to be fulltime.. but he's just vanished
08:12.20joobiei have 2 of his numbers.. im just dialling both of them in a loop for 30 seconds
08:12.31joobieasterisk is a beautiful thing
08:13.36joobieand now im going to have a smoke
08:13.40joobiewhile it continues to dial :P
08:20.20khurramcan some one please help me in understanding the line permit:  and how to know the values here if  asterisk is running inside unbuntu inside vmware on windows7
08:21.44joobiewhat do you mean khurram
08:22.20khurramjoobie: the line is inside the sip.confg to make two softphones
08:23.17*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
08:23.17joobiethat would be based on src ip
08:23.44joobieif you are not doing source nat, then it would be the true destination
08:23.50joobie-destination +source
08:25.50khurramjoobie: thanks
08:28.54joobiekhurram, if you want a quick way to see if you are doing snat
08:29.01joobiejust do a tcpdump on the asterisk box
08:31.52khurramcheers joobie
08:34.34*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
08:40.23*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:43.54jacc0you might want to setup your VM to use bridged mode
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09:15.29*** join/#asterisk hay (
09:17.31hayhi all... I have installed Digium Fax for Asterisk and 1 license file which seems to work according to fax show stats.. now I don't know how to start sendfax application - from CLI? I know that a parameter has to be .tiff file, but can't find any sending options even in asterisk GUI... TIA for any help available
09:19.37bulkorokhay: check the admin guide:
09:20.41bulkoroki personally use a php script with an originate via AMI and send the call after answering to the [faxsender] context where I have setup the SendFax app
09:23.45haybulkorok, thanks... I think I have gone through it already... so you use a PHP script to select a TIFF file, upload it to the server and with the fax number send it?
09:24.54bulkorokwell the upload to the server is done with a java agent I didn't build... so this is your own part... but I think a simple html/php form for uploading is not big magic...
09:25.48bulkorokand after upload you have to trigger an originate to the receiving side via AMI and php and after connecting send it to the exten where the sendfax is
09:26.13haybulkorok, uploading won't be problem, what I find problematic is calling the asterisk SendFax from PHP :) do you perhaps have some examples of it available?
09:26.49bulkorokwait :)
09:29.07bulkorokyou have to create a socket to asterisk AMI: $socket = fsockopen("","5038", $errno, $errstr, 10);
09:29.21bulkorokand via this socket you can send the Originate command
09:29.35bulkorokat first you have to login to ami for sure...
09:29.43bulkorokfputs($socket, "Action: Login\r\n");
09:30.06bulkorokand then send the originate with the vars you need
09:30.13bulkorokfputs($socket, "Action: Originate\r\n");
09:30.37bulkorokfputs($socket, "Callerid: 123 <123>\r\n");
09:30.59bulkorokfputs($socket, "Channel: SIP/gw/number\r\n");
09:31.08bulkorokfputs($socket, "Exten: faxout\r\n");
09:31.15bulkorokfputs($socket, "Context: faxsender\r\n");
09:31.22bulkorokfputs($socket, "Priority: 1\r\n");
09:31.58bulkorokand with the help of variables you can send the filename of the tiff to the SendFax
09:32.05haythanks man! now I have something to work on  :)
09:32.07bulkorokfputs($socket, "Variable: faxdatei=$tiffile\r\n\r\n");
09:32.25bulkorokdon't forget to logoff from ami after all this
09:32.34hayand it actually doesnt seem so hard :)
09:32.40bulkoroknot really...
09:33.40bulkorokI coded a little bash-script to send variable sender-number and receiver-number and for sure faxfile to the php-script
09:43.07hayI have added the following after Login:
09:43.15hayfputs($socket, "Username: username\r\n");
09:43.15hayfputs($socket, "Secret: password\r\n");
09:43.36haybut am unable to authenticate as reported in full logfile...
09:43.54haydo all the login params have to be sent in one line?
10:08.39hayoh, I had to use secret, defined in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf... now working as it should :-)
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11:38.53*** join/#asterisk Jo_Bell (~sasishiju@
11:41.36Jo_BellHi. I am not asking a right question. But I need answer from your experiences in Asterisk. I am searching out various ITSP in US and am in a fix to choose one. If any of you can share your experience on this, it will be useful to short list one.
11:42.16*** join/#asterisk Kalidarn (~unknown@unaffiliated/kalidarn)
11:42.31Kalidarnis there an echo command in asterisk console to echo to log files?"
11:42.43Kalidarni was under the assumption it was echo
11:43.03Kalidarn*CLI> echo test
11:43.03KalidarnNo such command 'echo test' (type 'core show help echo test' for other possible commands)
11:43.39Jo_BellBasically I want to get PSTN connectivity without having a hardware setup in my asterisk server.
11:44.12infobotitsp-list is probably Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , , , ,
11:44.12bulkorokJo_bel: in and outgoing calls!?
11:44.54bulkorokKalidarn: what do you want in the file!?
11:44.59Kalidarnjust some text
11:45.07Kalidarnas ma marker im trying to debug a module
11:45.14Kalidarnie commenting
11:45.53Jo_Bellbulkorok: Yes clients should be able to call out and the incoming callers should contact the ITSP and then our asterisk server
11:45.54bulkorokor Log() for sure
11:46.10Kalidarnyeah but do those work in the CLI
11:46.25Kalidarnso i can echo my testing notes to a log file
11:46.48*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
11:46.57din3shhello all
11:47.27bulkorokKalidarn: no... thy work from dialplan
11:47.36din3shi cannot receive calls from UK on my PRI, i can receive calls from other countries correctly
11:47.43Kalidarnthat's not what i wanted
11:48.20din3shcan pridialplan=xxx be a reason for that?
11:49.04Kalidarnoh wait i can do it by doing
11:49.13bulkorokKalidarn: console send text!?
11:49.15Kalidarnecho "\n\nBLAHBLAH\n\n">> /var/log/asterisk/full
11:49.17Kalidarnin a terminal
11:49.25Kalidarnat the point i want
11:49.36*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
11:49.36bulkorokit's the hard way...
11:49.47bulkorokforget console
11:50.13Jo_Bellbulkorok: thanks
11:50.44din3shi cannot receive calls from UK on my PRI, i can receive calls from other countries correctly, what might be the problem? chan_dahdi settings
11:51.09bulkorokdin3sh: do you have any logs?!
11:54.19kaldemarKalidarn: "!echo ..." will do it from CLI
11:54.43*** join/#asterisk oej (
11:56.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
11:58.45*** join/#asterisk Hunterkll (
11:59.09HunterkllI'm debugging and repairing a system that fell into my hands... an asterisk system with IVR configured
11:59.27HunterkllGoogle voice inbound is apparently forwarded to a 3rd party sip provider (ipcomms)
12:00.02HunterkllI can dial, and see session intilizations, but don't get the IVR menu anymore when it picks up, or if it dosn't , get the GV unvailable subscriber message
12:00.15HunterkllI'm completely lost and don't know where to start looking
12:00.28HunterkllI've configured a SIP phone to connect to the server and CAN do outbound calling from the phone system, however
12:01.05Hunterklli'm not sure where to debug
12:01.15Hunterkllthis was a 'working' config, prior to several IP moves, firewall configs, etc
12:01.16*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:01.37Hunterkllsip provider / GV havn't changed, it was internal lan only. I've removed all firewall restrictions, restored all ATA device's connectivity, etc
12:01.50din3shbulkorok: actually when someone from UK is trying to call the number, he hears a busy tone
12:02.02din3shand i dont see any number coming in the asterisk box either
12:02.12din3shthe logs dont even show the call arriving
12:02.27din3shthe person has tried to call several DIDs
12:02.42din3shthe calls dont arrive on the asterisk box
12:02.47bulkorok"sip set debug on" in CLI and look if there is an INVITE
12:02.52din3shwhen ppl when other countries call in
12:03.02din3shthe calls get through properly
12:03.10*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:03.28bulkorokoh wait... you said PRI?!
12:03.32din3shsip debug or pri debug?
12:03.49bulkorokwell the pri :)
12:04.01din3shmy pridialplan is set to local
12:04.05Hunterkllis it normal to get a 401 unauth'd before a 200 ok?
12:04.06din3shin chan_dahdi
12:04.16din3shcan this be the problem?
12:04.37Kalidarndahdi set debug on
12:04.49Kalidarnto enable debugging for the dahdi module
12:04.51bulkorokHunterkll: yeah... after the 401 the UAC is sending an register with md5 password
12:05.21Hunterklljust saw incomming call ipc
12:05.24*** join/#asterisk sbw_DvD (
12:05.34Hunterkllso DID is routing to us , after one ring, we pick up
12:05.34din3shi have set pri intense debug on the span
12:05.36Hunterkllthen silence
12:05.42din3shi still dont see the call coming through
12:05.57bulkorokdin3sh: then it's never arriving at your box => call ISP
12:06.27Hunterkll<-- thrust into inherting entire hackerspace network / services role guy. :P
12:07.29din3shthe thing is that apart calls from UK
12:07.33bulkorokHunterkll: do you have any logs from CLI?!
12:07.39Kalidarndoesn't seem to be anyway to debug dahdi from the CLI
12:07.42Kalidarnlike other modules
12:07.44Hunterkllbulkorok, I have full access to everything
12:07.44din3shi can recieve local pri calls as well as from other countries
12:07.50HunterkllI just don't know jack to where to look
12:07.55Hunterkllit was working forever. then stopped.
12:08.08HunterkllIP range shifts, I can dial out from a SIP phone that's configured
12:08.21HunterkllI had been able to dial INTO said sip phone before, too
12:08.37Hunterkllipcomms is our did provider, apparently, it seems GV forwards calls to that #
12:08.42Hunterklloutbound calls work fine
12:09.00Hunterklldo you want me to CLI, call in, and pastebin logs?
12:09.17bulkorokHunterkll: yes
12:09.24Hunterkllokay. one sec.
12:09.27bulkorokcore set verbose 5
12:09.30Hunterkllwell, perhaps more than one.
12:09.38Hunterkllcore set verbose 5 within asterisk -r ?
12:10.22kaldemarKalidarn: what are you trying to debug?
12:10.46Kalidarnwell im having some trouble with a line and its posssible its a dahdi bug
12:10.50Kalidarnon freebsd
12:10.52bulkorokdin3sh: did you change sth before UK went down?!
12:11.01Kalidarnlike with other modules you can just do module set XXXX
12:11.07Kalidarnbut it doesn't seem you can do that with dahdi
12:11.09kaldemarKalidarn: what kind of a line?
12:11.20Kalidarnie like
12:11.21Kalidarnrtp set debug on
12:11.35Kalidarnto get dhadi messages to appear in the full log
12:11.58Hunterkllneed to config putty to keep more terminal lines
12:12.45*** join/#asterisk khurram (6e5dcd82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:12.48kaldemarHunterkll: asterisk -vvvr | tee /tmp/asterisk.log
12:12.50khurramhi all
12:13.11khurramtwo days of contineious research on asterisk and phones are rining in my brain but not in asterisk
12:13.13Hunterkllbulkorok, as an aside, as a semi-major ircop, I thank you for helping everyone at once. :)
12:13.16Hunterklllaso, yes
12:13.53khurramthe command on ubuntu->asterisk CLI->sip reload is not doing reload what should i do
12:14.19kaldemarkhurram: what is it doing?
12:14.27bulkorokHunterkll: :) I'll do my very best...
12:14.49HunterkllI see our stuff playing
12:14.51Hunterkllas if it were answering
12:14.56Hunterklli don't hear anythign on phone
12:15.06HunterkllPOTS phone hangup on my end
12:15.14Hunterkllterminate and copy log now?
12:15.16Kalidarnactually i might do it without dahdi debugging as i think it might be something else
12:15.22khurramkaldemar: it just does nothing
12:15.31beaver_rrrdoes ChanSpy affects call in any way? can it break a call?
12:15.40bulkorokHunterkll: sounds like the RTP traffic is not comming to your phone... do you can handle tcpdump!?
12:15.50kaldemarkhurram: do you get any output in CLI?
12:16.00khurramkaldemar: no
12:16.21khurramit does show output when i do CLI>  dialplan reload
12:16.42Hunterkllbulkorok, tcpdump is installed
12:16.46Hunterkllwant to check my logfile first?
12:16.54bulkoroksure :)
12:17.02Hunterklllet me get it out....
12:17.20kaldemarkhurram: pastebin your sip.conf
12:17.26Hunterklli just reconstructed a juniper / vyatta / netgear / cisco network, this is not my friendly time right now. :P
12:17.30kaldemarkhurram: do any other sip commands work?
12:17.42bulkorokkhurram: sip reload doesn't has any output when core set verbose is 0
12:17.53bulkoroktype core set verbose 5 and the sip reload...
12:18.06bulkorokthere should come "Reloading SIP"
12:18.32bulkorokHunterkll: sounds like a nice S&M time :-D
12:18.44HunterkllI have some dog collars nearby and am wearing a suit...
12:19.08Hunterkllat least i have beer...
12:19.39bulkorokis @ work => no beer :(
12:20.13Hunterkllthat's my log
12:20.43Hunterkllis sitting at a desk with 3 laptps and 2 racks, just trying to get stuff working. XD
12:21.07Hunterkllcisco this, cisco that, vlan this, vlan that...
12:21.25kaldemarkhurram: don't see any fatal syntax errors there. how did you determine that the reload does not work?
12:22.48khurramwell after i added the two phones at the bottom of sip.conf ;  i am supposed to reload the sip.conf  through command line CLI> sip reload and this command does nothing no message comes up syaing Reloading sip
12:23.02khurramthe message does come up when i  do dialplan reload
12:23.31bulkorokkhurram: check with 'sip show peers'
12:23.39khurramno peers yet
12:24.18Hunterkllbulkorok, offhand, everything is nat'd at the edge, possible problem there?
12:24.19khurramall empty fresh copy of asterisk just made it to run in windows 7 -> vmware->ubuntu->asterisk
12:25.08bulkorokHunterkll: NAT is everytime hell... check the nat option in the sip peer
12:25.26kaldemarkhurram: "module show like chan_sip"
12:25.28HunterkllI don't understand what you said bast 'check the'
12:25.45khurramis that an asterisk CLI> command ?
12:26.16Hunterkllalso, this was a 'known working' without asterisk config modification. so...
12:26.32khurramModule                         Description                              Use Count                    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        0          1 modules loaded
12:26.35Hunterklland that included ip shifts leaving it working, and edge gateway work leaving it working
12:26.57bulkorokwell then it should be sth with firewall/routing stuff...
12:27.10Hunterklli've elimated any internall firewalling
12:27.13Hunterkllit's purely nat'd now
12:27.15bulkorokthe asterisk CLI doesn't look like there ist sth wrong
12:27.19khurramkaldemar: ?
12:27.22Hunterkllany subnet can talk to any subnet
12:27.35Hunterkllvlan routing has no firewalls
12:27.57Hunterkllflow graphs show no drops, too
12:27.59WIMPydin3sh: I assume your box is not located in the UK then?
12:28.20*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-llxnyyeyvnghdtws)
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12:28.31Hunterkllbulkorok, and yea, i can call outbound from our # fine.... weird...
12:28.41Hunterkllipcomms being douchey? :)
12:28.51Hunterklli don't know much about them other then being free inbound did provider
12:30.01bulkorokcould be... you can check the RTP in asterisk with 'rtp set debug on'
12:30.56HunterkllWHOLE lotta RTP packets being sent
12:31.23[TK]D-FenderHunterkll, show us the CALL
12:31.31infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:31.36HunterkllI know
12:31.44HunterkllI sent a logfile to bulkorok earlier already
12:31.51Jo_Bellbulkorok : for testing the PSTN functionality with ITSP say teliax, suppose i got a package from them, which are the details that I need to enter in the sip.conf file?
12:32.39Hunterkllbulkorok, would some kind of rtp log be helpful?
12:32.41kaldemarkhurram: interesting. your sip.conf is not to blame if what you pasted is really all you have.
12:33.07kaldemarkhurram: what do you get with "module unload" and "module load"?
12:34.11khurramkaldemar: module unload Unloaded
12:34.15khurramworks fine
12:34.44khurramkaldemar: module load Loaded SIP channel loading...
12:35.36kaldemarkhurram: "core set verbose 10" and try again.
12:36.02*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
12:36.57HunterkllI just had a STUPID idea
12:37.07bulkorokHunterkll: take a look to the IPs the rtp debug is spitting out and check if they are correct..
12:37.11HunterkllI think our damn TRAFFIC LIGHT interface being down might be screwing us
12:37.35[TK]D-FenderLess thought, more show :)
12:37.39Hunterkllour phone system controls the space's traffic light if triggered correctly
12:37.44[TK]D-FenderWhere's the call with SIP debug?
12:39.13Hunterkll1 sec pulling some cable
12:40.38*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
12:40.44[TK]D-Fender[0KReliably Transmitting (no NAT) to  Contact: <sip:2014771307@>
12:40.54[TK]D-FenderHunterkll, Your * is not configured properly to work from behind NAT
12:40.59*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
12:41.16[TK]D-FenderI expect dead audio
12:42.41Hunterkll[TK]D-Fender, then... how did it work before?
12:42.56infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
12:43.18[TK]D-Fenderin 1.6+ substitute "canreinveite" with "directmedia"
12:43.26[TK]D-FenderGo fix your settings
12:45.46Hunterkllunderstood, investigating
12:46.19HunterkllI just don't knwo why it chose last month to break when it had worked with the same config for ... 1.25 years?
12:48.22[TK]D-Fendermaybe a router changed that was compensating.
12:49.19Hunterklledge router and internal router hasn't changed since it was working. configs, perhaps, but seems 'near identicle'
12:49.49Hunterkllgot the traffic light's ip power control online, anyway
12:50.17[TK]D-Fender"near identical" != 'identical".  Either way, go fix up those settings
12:50.29HunterkllI can't figure out how to get an asterisk version
12:50.37Hunterkllasterisk -v gives me nothing, nor nothing in CLI
12:50.46bulkorokcore show version
12:51.07Hunterkllshould be new enough then!
12:51.21bulkorok1.8.14.0 just appeared today
12:51.30Hunterkll[TK]D-Fender, can i avoid this crap with port forwards? or is having NAT still a barrier
12:51.47[TK]D-FenderHunterkll, The guide tells you what to set.  Please follow it...
12:51.53[TK]D-Fenderand yes you need port forwards
12:52.07[TK]D-FenderAmonst other things
12:53.15Hunterkllset service "RTP" + udp src-port 0-65535 dst-port 5004-5004
12:53.27Hunterkllfrom the salvaged juniper config
12:53.34Hunterklli assume this might be... kind of important?
12:53.48Hunterkllalso protocol tcp lines, as well
12:54.13bulkorokrtp + udp forwarding is what you need...
12:54.22[TK]D-Fenderrtp is carried over UDP
12:54.47Hunterkllso it appears to be an omission in my knoweldge of juniper configs. very well
12:54.48[TK]D-Fenderand not a SINGLE dest port
12:54.53[TK]D-Fenderrtp.conf <---
12:55.19Hunterkllthe config I read the RTP line from was the 'last known working'
12:57.15[TK]D-FenderHunterkll, Now is a really really great time to throw out all memory of "before".
12:57.21khurramthanks it worked
12:57.28khurramkaldemar: thanks
12:57.55HunterkllI have all internal network and ChaosVPN working. I have all routing done, with only minimal 'before'. all etherchannels up and running.
12:58.41*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
12:59.35HunterkllNow... I shall read NAT docs on asterisk
13:04.29*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
13:06.45*** join/#asterisk nir (
13:10.01din3shbanging his head on his desk
13:10.23Hunterklldon't do that!
13:10.30Hunterklli brought a cinderblock for that purpose...
13:10.42din3shthe call from UK still not reaching the PRI
13:10.57din3shall other countries are able to call
13:11.08Hunterklli have zero inbound :P
13:11.34din3shsetting pridialplan=unknown doesnt help
13:12.34Hunterklladds nat=yes and reboots
13:12.39Hunterklljust for the hell of it
13:13.06din3shall pri calls come in ok, apart from calls coming from UK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
13:15.14infobot[~osmosis] Osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ... or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
13:15.41bulkorokwhat the... ?!
13:16.06bulkorokdin3sh: do you can see the UK call comming to your box?!
13:17.09bulkorokwhat is your ISP telling you!?
13:17.46din3shthe call doesnt even come in the pri
13:17.56din3shthe caller on the other side says he hears busy tone
13:18.15bulkorokthen it's a provider problem I would guess...
13:20.41Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz??? it makes gurgle noise???
13:21.28HunterkllKatty, put it in water!
13:21.34Hunterkllgurggling noise = needs water to breath
13:21.44Kattyadds to list
13:21.52WIMPydin3sh: I assume your box is not located in the UK then?
13:22.05*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:22.15WIMPyAnd pri*dialplan if for outgoing only.
13:23.04WIMPyLooks like a routing issue then.
13:23.05Hunterkll[TK]D-Fender, followed guide, canreinvite=no, nat=yes, host set right... still same result
13:23.07din3shan update, calls from 442072XXXXX01 comes in
13:23.28din3shcaller from 442072XXXXXXX02 hears busy tone
13:23.33WIMPydin3sh: Rather than area code, better ask for the provider.
13:24.12HunterkllIn USA, some CLECs disable some area codes due to exchange costs, for VoIP providers
13:24.21WIMPyHow many callers do you have trying? Maybe someone has international calls barred?
13:24.33din3sh3 of them from UK
13:24.41din3shi talked to the one of the callers
13:24.56din3shsays since the * box has been setup last week
13:25.16din3shsometimes his calls get through
13:25.22*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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13:25.24din3shother times he hears busy tone
13:26.43din3shhere i can see dahdi channels free but the call doesn come through
13:26.57*** join/#asterisk Invader (~Invader@unaffiliated/invader)
13:34.49*** join/#asterisk blindhog (
13:35.20[TK]D-FenderHunterkll, I'm not seeing your configs and the new call attempts...
13:36.44Hunterkllneither am I
13:37.00Hunterklli'll pasted modified sip.conf config, bt the log result is exactly the same, barring timestamps
13:37.46Hunterkllonly modifications:
13:43.44[TK]D-FenderUser-Agent: Asterisk PBX
13:44.03[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> in 1.6+ substitute "canreinveite" with "directmedia" <-------
13:44.45[TK]D-Fenderfix this as I told you, then provide new configs and new call & register attempts and show me what you've done on the router side
13:46.00KattyI HAVE ICED COFFEE.
13:46.01Kattythat is all.
13:47.35bulkoroki have hot coffee...
13:48.20[TK]D-Fenderis not suitably caffeinated this morning.
13:48.26newtonrgreen tea, in the houseee!
13:48.52Kattydoes green tea have much caffeine?
13:49.10newtonron average a little less than your average coffee
13:49.20newtonrkeyword average
13:49.22newtonra lot of variables
13:49.47Kattyi've no idea how the boy makes his coffee
13:49.51Kattybut it's awesomesauce.
13:50.11Kattyi /do/ know he grinds the beans himself
13:50.39Kattybut i can safely say it's packed full of caffeine.
13:50.50Kattysneaks additional caffeine into newtonr's tea
14:02.00*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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14:04.31KattyWELL FINE
14:04.35Kattytakes caffeines back.
14:04.55*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
14:05.13*** part/#asterisk Kalidarn (~unknown@unaffiliated/kalidarn)
14:05.36Kattyi hope danny gets out of the dr's soon.
14:06.30*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:07.35leifmadsenefffffffffffff!@!!!  my asterisk is broken I need the helpz!@
14:07.50Kattyapplies bandaids and ice creams.
14:08.29leifmadsenKatty: wait wait wait
14:08.31leifmadsenwhat kind of ice cream?
14:09.04Kattymmmm, pistachio.
14:09.26leifmadsenbah that helps nothing!@
14:11.30Kattyice cream fixes everything!
14:11.55leifmadsenDOES IT?!
14:12.04leifmadsenI might disagree
14:12.13leifmadsennow if you said something like moose tracks, then perhaps I could be convinced
14:13.07Kattyyou can make your own moose tracks
14:13.28*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
14:13.35leifmadsenstep 1) obtain a moose
14:13.39leifmadsenstep 3) profit
14:17.02*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
14:17.07chuckfbut getting the moose to walk through ice cream is no trivial task
14:17.30Kattyhi chuck
14:17.34Kattyhappy belated birthday
14:17.40chuckfhi Katty, and thanks
14:17.48Kattyhow're you dear?
14:18.17chuckfdoing okay. playing catchup after a couple of busy days of doing other things
14:18.28chuckfall work related stuffs
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14:19.48wdoekesleifmadsen: step 2) put a nonce in the bye?
14:20.17leifmadsenwdoekes: yes!  oh so I found out where this "nonce" lived
14:20.28leifmadsenapparently I'm getting a BYE with Proxy-Authorization headers...
14:20.39*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
14:21.14wdoekes.. which is fine. but I'd guess that asterisk doesn't check them
14:23.00leifmadsenwdoekes: aye that's what I suspected
14:23.20leifmadsenit was messing with an edgemark though that is doing ALG
14:23.27leifmadsenso asterisk was never seeing the BYE
14:23.48wdoekesthat would pose a problem ;)
14:24.00leifmadsenalthough I have a 1.4 server and a 1.8 server, and the 1.4 servers don't seem to have it, so I'm not entirely sure what is placing that header on SIP packet
14:24.11leifmadsenwdoekes: especially with SLA and device states :D
14:25.20leifmadsenya, box is behind the same opensips proxy, so I'm not sure if that is adding it or not
14:25.29leifmadsenor if asterisk is, although I've never seen that header in a BYE
14:26.13leifmadsenthe issue was with the edgemark though, they said they were incorrectly dropping the BYE when the nonce in the proxy-authorization header was blank, but a newer firmware fixes that
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14:27.03wdoekeswhat make of UA sent the BYE?
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14:29.42leifmadsenactually, looks like the BYE is generated by Asterisk
14:29.52leifmadsenI'm looking at the trace again
14:32.29leifmadsenwdoekes: huh well chan_sip.c does have 3 instances of Proxy-Authorization in it but it doesn't appear to be actually doing much
14:33.25wdoekesthat changes things.. did asterisk start sending auth with in-dialog requests?
14:33.57wdoekes"Also used for authentication of BYE"
14:36.05*** join/#asterisk wtfitsme (
14:36.46leifmadsenwdoekes: ummm good question
14:37.06wtfitsmeIn Asterisk 1.6.2 is there the possibility of us P-Asserted-Identity header to fix the caller id of attended transfers?
14:37.30wtfitsmeof using (not "of us")
14:39.10wdoekesleifmadsen: looks like it always called transmit_request_with_auth for a SIP_BYE
14:40.00wtfitsmeActually does anyone have the Callerid  of the attended transfered call working correctly in 1.6?
14:40.42WIMPywtfitsme: You may be asking a few years late.
14:40.55wtfitsmeWIMPy: Ha!
14:41.14wtfitsmeWIMPy: Watcha mean?
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14:42.52WIMPy1.6 is historic.
14:43.50wtfitsmeThat's is what I figured you meant…Unfortunately I need to stick with this version as we have a lot of custom AGI's and what not...
14:45.40WIMPyUpgrading from 1.6 shouldn't make too much difference configuration wise.
14:45.54WIMPyUnless the config is even older.
14:46.13wtfitsmetrue and yes the config is ancient!
14:47.44oejHey, this is not Microsoft land. We don't force people to upgrade just because there are new versions out there. If an old version works, that is fine. We do limit what the dev team supports, but that's a separate issue. Go ahead and use version 1.0 if that works for you!
14:48.35oejHaving said that, the 1.6.x releases was a disaster from many points of view and I don't recommend using them.
14:48.57coppicewindows 7 has only just passed the market share of XP,and 1.6 is newer than XP
14:49.02WIMPyHas been the worst branch in my experience as well.
14:49.16leifmadsenwdoekes: hmmm, always as in, historically always?
14:49.16oejCoppice! Hi!
14:50.01oejA BYE should be authenticated.
14:50.09wtfitsmeoej: Indeed Olle, Do you have any insight in to getting callerid correct in attended transfers…I thought I might get this working with P-Asserted-Identity… any thoughts?
14:50.16leifmadsenoej: interesting, ya I didn't see that in a 1.4 trace
14:50.26WIMPyAnd I expect it to take at least 8 more versions until it meets my definition of "works".
14:50.54oejwtfitsme: No, I have no insights into that part. Sorry.
14:51.02wtfitsmeoej: thanks
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16:08.43*** join/#asterisk curfont (~q@
16:09.16curfontAssuming I have some OpenVox A400E with 4xFXO (red modules), why does dahdi_genconf put them as fxs?
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16:11.14rjvvlietcurfont, if i'am correct , a FXO port uses FXS signalling.
16:12.52curfontOh I see rjvvliet, so "FXO" modules will appear as FXS signalling?
16:13.09curfontAnd FXO modules are to connect my asterisk to the PSTN "plug in the wall", correct?
16:13.40curfontmakes sense, because the context says "from-pstn"
16:13.56rjvvlietFXO is for an Office connection, FXS is for a Station connection.
16:14.00infobotfxofxs is probably An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
16:14.07Qwellinfobot: really?
16:14.09rjvvlietthanks Qwell
16:14.35curfontcool, cool
16:14.36Qwellstupid lag
16:14.51rjvvlietqas doing it fron head, alsway a nice checkup ;-)
16:14.51*** join/#asterisk iPod-nano (
16:14.57curfonthad to blacklist netjet and it worked
16:15.34curfontbtw, do I need to initialise wctdm always to the country?
16:15.38curfontor can it read from a conf?
16:16.30rjvvlietcurfont:  sorry cant help you with that.
16:16.43iPod-nanoHey, I'm running Asterisk 1.6 on a Debian box and setting the bind port to anything other than 5060 results in nothing.  Asterisk doesn't even show a device trying to connect, and yes, my PAP2 was configured to the new port.  Any ideas?
16:17.00curfontiPod-nano: iptables?
16:17.12rjvvlietiPod-nano:  just a blind though firewall.
16:17.17rjvvlietoeps to late......
16:17.18Qwell~upgrade asterisk
16:17.18infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
16:17.47curfontI am running Asterisk 10.5.1 :D
16:18.33curfontoh wait, 10.6 is standard now
16:18.44Qwellcurfont: days behind
16:18.47*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
16:19.05iPod-nanoOh really? Upgrading will magically fix what is likely a blocked port issue.  Come on, that's kinda ridiculous.
16:19.21curfontmight upgrade later
16:19.37iPod-nanoThe #debian channel was no help, I'm inexperienced with iptables.
16:19.38QwelliPod-nano: What upgrading will do is make people here care slightly more.
16:19.44curfontif I make install, will it break everything or will it cleanly upgrade?
16:20.04[TK]D-Fendercurfont, Show us the problem.
16:20.15[TK]D-FenderShow us that it's listening.  Show us the CPDUMP of the inbound attempt
16:20.18infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:20.28curfont[TK]D-Fender: are you targetting the wrong person?
16:20.39curfontyou mean "iPod-nano"
16:20.56[TK]D-FenderYes, I am
16:21.02iPod-nanoOK, new question: how did we jump from 1.8 to 10.6?
16:21.15infobotAsterisk 10 --, or a Standard Release. It was released on 2011-12-15, with maintenance until 2012-12-15. Asterisk 10 will be end of life on 2013-12-15.
16:21.15[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, quickly
16:21.19iPod-nanoAren't we missing a few versions, guys?
16:21.32Qwellkeep up - that was a year ago
16:21.46curfontso did firefox
16:21.50[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, Windows 98 -> Windows 2000.  a 1902 difference.
16:22.14[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, Get over the number chanegd.  Slackware jumped to 13.37 <-
16:22.35anonymouz666Slackware jumped from 4 to 7
16:22.40iPod-nanoNot that I'm defending Microsoft, but the 98 was abbreviated where Windows 00 would've made no sense, really only a two year difference.
16:23.46[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, Yes they jumped.  There.  We're done.  Lets mov on.
16:23.56[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, No, your version is not at fault.  Show us EVIDENCE
16:24.08[TK]D-FenderiPod-nano, And maybe we can pin down what's going wrong
16:24.33curfontI think thats his point [TK]D-Fender, he cant find evidence of an inbound request
16:24.40iPod-nanoWell that's the thing, nothing at all happens in the logs.
16:24.45curfontSo there are two possibilities
16:24.50curfont1. Your client isnt connecting
16:24.52curfont2. Firewall
16:24.59iPod-nanoWhich is why I think there's something blocking the port.
16:25.16curfontOr you havent set it to listen to other ports?
16:25.19iPod-nanoBut the #debian guys were really of no help and suggested coming in here.
16:25.22curfontMaybe reload/restart?
16:26.19iPod-nanoActually, curfont, Asterisk wasn't even running when I changed the config file, so I started it up anew, after changing my PAP2 to the new port, of course.
16:27.01*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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16:27.30iPod-nanoI thought I disabled all the firewall nonsense when I installed Debian, but maybe I'm wrong.
16:28.00[TK]D-FenderDisto isn't the issue
16:28.12[TK]D-Fenderpackets make it or they don't
16:28.31iPod-nanoI've been suspecting a firewall issue all along, but I have no idea how to use iptables.
16:31.37[TK]D-Fenderiptables --list
16:31.39infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:36.06jpsharpThat's a wide open iptables.
16:36.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:36.41iPod-nanoAnd... wouldn't that mean nothing should be blocked?
16:37.02jpsharpNothing is blocked.
16:37.14*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:37.26kaldemariPod-nano: "netstat -unlp" <-- is asterisk listening on the port you configured it to bind to? actually, how did you configure the port?
16:38.11iPod-nanokaldemar, I went into sip.conf and under [general] I put port=XXXX.
16:38.22kaldemariPod-nano: that is not a valid parameter.
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16:39.02iPod-nanoUm... I mean bindport.
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16:42.45kaldemariPod-nano: well, is asterisk listening on the port you conrfigured with bindport? does "module show like chan_sip" list as loaded?
16:43.03Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz?? it is beeping???
16:43.56iPod-nanoYes to both.
16:44.45*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
16:45.44kaldemariPod-nano: what is between asterisk and the PAP2?
16:46.09iPod-nanokaldemar, absolutely nothing.  They're both on a local network.
16:46.23iPod-nanoPlugged into the same switch, even.
16:47.21iPod-nanoJust on a hunch, I'm going to power cycle everything.
16:48.14kaldemarenable sip debug to see any messages coming in
16:51.28*** join/#asterisk vastina (~vastina@
16:51.29iPod-nanokaldemar, again, nothing at all happens in the logs.
16:52.02jpsharpCan you ping your ATA from the asterisk box?
16:52.26Qwell~upgrade asterisk
16:52.26infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
16:52.35QwellIt is not a suggestion.
16:52.47iPod-nanojpsharp, affirmative.
16:54.00outtoluncwow, i see nothing much has changed ;)
16:55.25kaldemariPod-nano: don't look at logs, look at CLI
16:55.52iPod-nanokaldemar, I misspoke, that's exactly what I've been doing.
16:59.18kaldemariPod-nano: "tcpdump -ni <your_interface> host <PAP2_host> and port 5070" and try to make a call.
17:01.34*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
17:01.41din3shNOTICE[11345]: chan_dahdi.c:3108 my_handle_dchan_exception: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on D-channel of span 1
17:01.41din3shNOTICE[11346]: chan_dahdi.c:3108 my_handle_dchan_exception: PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on D-channel of span 1
17:02.31din3shshould i be worried about dropped calls with the 2 notices above?
17:02.47jpsharpAre the regular in your log?
17:03.24din3sh10 times in a day
17:04.11outtoluncdin3sh: if multiple times (not just once on startup), then first thing i would do is replace the cable betwen the NIU and the t1 interface card
17:06.45din3shi get "PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6)" on span 2, span 2 is cross cable from asterisk to a meridian digital system
17:07.03din3shwhats the reason for these notices?
17:07.28iPod-nanoThat's what happens any time I try to place a call.
17:08.01kaldemariPod-nano: so the PAP2 is sending to 5060 and asterisk listens on 5070.
17:08.26iPod-nanoThe PAP2 is .81 and the server is .150
17:08.45kaldemariPod-nano: go kick the PAP2 some more. either you did not configure it right or it doesn't work right.
17:12.02outtoluncdin3sh: the hdlc abort 6 (without a companion 8) is usually a timing issue
17:12.44iPod-nanokaldemar, I know I should've done this sooner but when I connected a softphone to port 5033, it worked.
17:12.52iPod-nanoNow I'm really confused.
17:13.12*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (~Gaiax@unaffiliated/gaiax)
17:13.17outtoluncdin3sh: timing can be affected by interrupt overload also (depending on system, and what you are doing, writing, etc)
17:13.27iPod-nanoUgh, now I feel stupid.
17:13.29kaldemariPod-nano: why are you confused?
17:14.30iPod-nanoThe PAP2 has a "Port" field in its config page, and I've been changing that to 5033.  I just cleared that field and added :5033 to the "Proxy" field.  Worked.
17:16.13iPod-nanoI guess it's true what they say: check the one thing you know can't possibly be wrong.
17:16.14din3shHP DL 380, 1x Quad, 8gb memory, 30extensions as of now
17:17.06din3shdahdi_tool shows no missed interrupt
17:17.23outtoluncdin3sh:  30 extensions is hardly anything.. as for load (evening recording/encoding/database/etc) unless you have a shared interrupt for your nic
17:17.42*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
17:18.13outtoluncdin3sh: how often do you see the abort 6 by itself?
17:20.38outtoluncdin3sh: hopefully you aren't one of those guys that runs a gui on your asterisk box and have a hires mouse attached.  ;)
17:21.40*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
17:22.44jpsharpMy asterisk box is my desktop.  Why do calls drop when I play Skyrim?
17:24.29*** join/#asterisk Hive (
17:25.02HiveIs there a way to tell what channel a queue member is talking on through a CLI command?
17:25.23Hive*using a CLI command
17:26.32*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:26.56jpsharpqueue show   shows all the queue members and their channels
17:28.05newtonrand then of course from there, "core show channels" and "core show channel <channel>"
17:28.16newtonrto get even more detail
17:28.19jpsharpOr you can dump all the active channels and look to see which ones have an application of Queue
17:28.29jpsharpyeah, what he said.
17:29.39Hivewhat i'm trying to do is get the channel of each person who is on a queue call for a specific queue
17:29.59[TK]D-Fenderqueue show [queuename]
17:30.08Hivebut then
17:30.15HiveI need to get their channel, so that I can chanspy them
17:30.23[TK]D-FenderDump the channel list
17:30.30Hiveand cross refrence the two?
17:30.38Hivesuch a pain
17:30.53[TK]D-FenderYes, but I have hopes you'll smoth out :)
17:31.51Hivethanks as always :D
17:34.18HiveIs there a way to filter 'core show channels' by apptype?
17:34.28[TK]D-Fender"man grep"
17:37.09rjvvlietHive:  i maybe late with this but does this help :
17:37.31rjvvlietthe queueentry event contains a channel.
17:39.37HiveThat looks like what I'm basically trying to do
17:40.26Hivequeueentry event?  Like the Queue(queuename) command?
17:41.02rjvvlietlook at the page al litte doen in the sample data. it contains a QueueEntry list
17:41.25rjvvlietso its part of the QueueStatus AMI Action
17:41.29rjvvlietas a response
17:41.45HiveOh i see
17:42.04*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:47.46Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz?? it is beeping???
17:48.11newtonrKatty: do you have a script posting that?
17:48.35Kattynot last time i checked.
17:49.01newtonrah, lol, you posted the same at (11:43:02 AM)
17:50.32HiveIt's still beeping!
17:50.52HiveHave you tried turning your phone volume to 0, that might fix the beeping at least
17:51.03newtonrwas just curious for now! :)
17:51.29*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:51.36Kattyi don't like that fix.
17:51.38Kattytry a new one.
17:52.52HivePut your head next to a giant speaker, turn the volume up all the way.
17:52.59HiveDo that for about 10 minutes
17:53.06HiveThen see if you can still hear the beeping
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18:15.50Ice_StrikeHi, I have notice some files has not been recorded in the monitor folder
18:16.08Ice_Strikesometime it work, and sometime it doesnt
18:16.11Ice_Strikewhat is causing this?
18:16.33Ice_Strikein the cli, it can see it say MixMonitor
18:16.48Ice_Strikenot its not recording into monitor folder
18:23.11[TK]D-FenderWhere do WE see any of this?
18:24.00*** join/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
18:24.09Ice_Strike[Jul 11 18:58:23] ERROR[17805]: utils.c:1130 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
18:24.16Ice_Strikeis this might be a problem?
18:24.27pabelangerfix your agi script
18:24.40nnyi have a provider who is returning 503 on any reason it can't complete calls. This ends the channel, but I am trying to setup redundancy and add a Dial statement after to try another provider. Advice?
18:25.38*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
18:26.09[TK]D-FenderI've not seen a Dial() that aborts where you can't continue processing the dialplan...
18:27.30leifmadsennny: tell Dial() to continue in the dialplan (there is a flag for it, I think it's 'g'), then check ${DIALSTATUS} value
18:28.48Ice_StrikeIs there anything wrong with this dial plan? Sometime file is being recorded but in the CLI it showing its excuting MixMonitor() correctly...
18:29.15Ice_Strikeand sometime it doesnt record when the call answered
18:29.48Ice_StrikeIt is really strange
18:29.50[TK]D-FenderWell the path is rather absolute there
18:30.14Ice_StrikeYes it is
18:30.15curfontso, it seems asterisk isnt picking up my dahdi channels
18:30.21curfonteven though genconf makes it nice
18:30.51[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, Also... that dialplan seems to imply it'll only record for... 6 SECONDS + the time some AGI runs.... which we don't see the content of
18:31.26[TK]D-Fendercurfont, Do we see your configs for the card & dialplan and CLI output on an incoming call in a pastebin somewhere?
18:31.29infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:31.35rjvvlietcurfont:  if i'am not mistaken genconf craeet a dahdi_channels.conf file wich you shold include in dahdi.conf
18:31.49curfontaha, good point rjvvliet
18:31.50Ice_StrikeAGI is just execute to the database that is all
18:32.10*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:32.26Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender Indeed I do want to just record for 6 seconds which it work when I make a call. It just that some files is not recorded which is strange.
18:32.29Ice_StrikeAGI is just execute to the database that is all
18:32.44curfontrjvvliet: "echo "#include dahdi-channels.conf" >> /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf"
18:32.46curfontin fact
18:34.06nnyleifmadsen: thanks
18:34.18rjvvlietcurfont:  Yep, that should be it...
18:36.11curfontERROR[2729]: chan_dahdi.c:16996 build_channels: Unable to reconfigure channel '1'
18:36.24curfontsomething wrong in my config possibly
18:37.31rjvvlietcurfont:  you may have a double channel mentioned
18:37.50rjvvlietyou cannot reconfigure a channel if already configure earlyer..
18:38.12rjvvlietmaybe a PB helps
18:38.19curfontrjvvliet: it needed a reboot
18:38.22curfontinstead of a reload
18:38.33rjvvlietaaa, thats also true.
18:39.02rjvvlietcurfont:  Sorry i'am not using DAHDI that much, i'am only learning it for my DCAP in a few months... ;-)
18:39.19curfonteverything works now :D
18:39.22curfontexcept this warning
18:39.23curfontWARNING[3157]: chan_dahdi.c:4981 dahdi_train_ec: Unable to request echo training on channel 3: Invalid argument
18:39.40curfontExecuting [s@from-pstn:4] Dial("DAHDI/3-1", "SIP/cisco230,60") in new stack
18:39.42curfontyay though
18:39.45*** join/#asterisk mahlon (mahlon@
18:39.46rjvvlietcurfont:  i'ts the echo config,
18:40.15Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender     -- Executing [callrecord@classification:4] MixMonitor("SIP/scd-000005ed", "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/num_ib/classification/temp_0dgg3gs.wav") in new stack
18:40.34curfontGot the info from:
18:40.41curfontprobably for older asterisk though
18:40.41Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender its not appearing in var/spool/asterisk/monitor/num_ib/classification/
18:40.47Ice_Strikewhen i try again, it work
18:41.03rjvvlietcurfont:  echo is mostly card depandand,
18:41.13curfontmy card is a400e heh
18:41.20curfontsame as the wiki says
18:41.50rjvvlietcurfont:  mmmm.
18:43.04*** join/#asterisk Neptu (~Neptu@
18:47.30rjvvlietcurfont:  does the  carddriver and the DAHDI version correct?
18:47.50rjvvlietcurfont:  do they match according to the manufacturer
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19:44.45Kattyhellllllllloooooooooooo nurse.
19:45.19WIMPyDi you pay extra for a night nurse?
19:48.13*** join/#asterisk asilva (
19:48.49asilvaHello, does anyone knows where to find a good how to for building an Asterisk - HA ?
19:49.44PipBoywell.. the easy way is to just virtualize it :P assuming you take care of timing
19:50.27*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
19:50.49asilvaAlready use asterisk in virtual enviroment? my problem is how to monitor both sides and share informations? and use a ACTIVE / PASSIVE model
19:51.19*** join/#asterisk Neptu (~Neptu@
19:51.23PipBoywell i was suggesting to use your hypervisor to just do HA on the vm
19:51.30PipBoythats what I do
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19:56.58asilvaPipBoy: you use VMWare ?
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19:59.00pabelangerWell that sucks, the SPA942 will not use time-offset from dhcp
19:59.59WIMPyThe only thing that doesn't suck about the SPAs is the hardware I think.
20:00.02nnypabelanger: odd, thought that was suppose to work.. i should confirm it works with the newer cisco spa models
20:00.30nnyWIMPy: dunno, I have ~ 300 504gs out in the field on various setups, all seem to work happily
20:01.25WIMPyI was told the software hasn't changed much to the older models and they were at the edge of usable.
20:03.49leifmadsenI have a spa941 or 942 in my basement that I haven't used in years
20:04.01leifmadsensame with a unison sip phone
20:04.21WIMPyI've got the SPA962 and that's also only catching dust.
20:04.23carrarWhat else is in the basement/
20:04.41leifmadsencisco 7960, polycom ip500
20:04.57leifmadsenI probably have 4-5 sip phones in a box down there
20:05.00carrarshould probably move
20:05.04leifmadsenI just moved here :)
20:05.19leifmadsenthey really just need to be recycled or provided to another home
20:05.37nnyWIMPy: the cisco spa firmware has been fairly modified. For example you can edit the soft button order etc on a cisco SPA phone.
20:05.44_Corey_leifmadsen: you still in canada?
20:05.55carrarmine the precious metals out of them
20:06.20leifmadsen_Corey_: aye
20:06.49WIMPynny: Can you easily change between calls now, no matter what account they are linked to? Does it still ist all calls as missed calls, even when asnwered?
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20:07.12pabelangerYup.  Lame SPA942!  Y u no work like polycom
20:07.13WIMPy(answered on another phone that is)
20:07.29leifmadsenI thought that was an asterisk feature
20:07.37leifmadsenwell the phone has to support it
20:07.41leifmadsenbut thought that was post 1.4
20:08.26WIMPyThere had been patches for 1.4 I think. But I've never been that good in history :-)
20:08.29nnyWIMPy: the first part I have 8 accounts on my 962 that I can place on hold and pick up, not sure if that is what you mean. The missed call thing? No, matter of fact I'm not sure how a phone is suppose to address that properly
20:08.58nnyWIMPy: er the 3nd part yes, it still shows a missed call as missed even when another extension answers it
20:09.05nnytyping fail today
20:09.14leifmadsennny: he means if you call multiple phones, and another device picks it up, that the missed calls are not shown on the phone
20:09.35WIMPynny: Handling of calls on the same account and on another account was done differently and changing to a call on another account with two calls was impossible.
20:10.12WIMPyOr you first had to change to the wrong call.
20:11.02nnyWIMPy: not sure what you mean by changing. If I call my phone on 2 different accounts, I can answer each and put each on hold. i can't make them interact directly however
20:11.10WIMPyBut I had been warned about Sipura, just like infobot does about Grandstream.
20:11.39nnyleifmadsen: WIMPy afaik the cisco still shows up as unanswered if another phone answers it. Does polycom handle this gracefully? (if so, how?)
20:11.52WIMPynny: The issue comes when you have two calls on hold on one account and an active call on another account.
20:12.06nnyWIMPy: stand by i'll test to confirm
20:12.23WIMPyThe bad thing is that it can't handle more than two calls on one account, either.
20:13.02WIMPySomeone mentioned not long ago that Polycom has the same issue, but I have no idea if that's current info.
20:15.29nnyWIMPy: i'll test both, stand by
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20:16.42nnyWIMPy: i'm curious about the answered calls thing though, I agree that it's annoying, was unware other phones handled it more gracefully. I wasn't clear how they would know another phone picked up
20:17.01WIMPyAsterisk tells them.
20:17.44jeffspeffso, i've made a context that reads some info and sets as vars, i've got a php script in the agi-bin dir. when i try to call the php via AGI and pass the vars to it i get an error that it failed to execute.   here's the php and the extensions context
20:17.53WIMPyJust the same way it has worked in the PSTN for ages.
20:19.06nnyWIMPy: is it part of the SIP session?
20:19.15nnyWIMPy: like (some code) another phone picked up?
20:19.31WIMPyYes. It's in the BYE.
20:19.57[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, You shuold not have any of that HTML crap before your PHP code
20:20.52[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, and as you're calling that script as though it's executable, You have none of the standard header to indicate the parser
20:20.55infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:21.08[TK]D-Fender^^^ read up on your PHP AGI basics
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20:22.40nnyWIMPy: Firmware version 7.4.7 includes support for the SIP “Reason” header in CANCEL messages. No configuration is required.
20:22.56nnyWIMPy: so short answer, the newer cisco spa phones do what the others already did ;)
20:23.13nnybut the 962 doesn't, the linksys SPA phones are pretty much obsolete
20:23.16WIMPyRight. CANCEL, not BYE.
20:23.31jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, ok, i'll check it out
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20:24.09WIMPyIt's so annoying that so many stuff you took for granted so far doesn't work any more on the VOIP front.
20:24.33nnyWIMPy: if you know of any other bumps with the older SPAs let me know and I can test. I'd hate to be a proponent of a specific piece of hardware only to learn I has the stupid later
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20:26.38WIMPyThe user experience was rather iffy to me. There are probaly lots of things I suppressed.
20:29.10WIMPyOh, I'm not sure if I ever found a "dialplan" for the SPA that lets you dial #.
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20:30.02WIMPyAnd off course no overlap dialling support, which would make all those kind of issues go away by itself.
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20:33.55nnyWIMPy: yeah the dialplan strings have always been awkward with them. I'll test some more, haven't personally found any real issues with them, always good to know what I might be missing though.
20:35.23WIMPyThe whole concept of dialplans in the phone is weired.
20:35.48nnyWIMPy: agreed
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20:44.46Hunterkllmy problems earlier were not asterisk config related
20:44.48Hunterkllit was all firewall
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20:56.49Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz?? it is meowing?!?!
20:57.14WIMPyFeed it.
20:57.28Kattyadds to list
20:57.52Kattyso far i think i like pour drano into system the best
21:02.57_Corey_Katty: how did that Drano work out for you yesterday?
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21:43.57curfontok, why in some iax2 links i need to specify the user/pass in the extensions and in others i dont?
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22:28.03TechSmurfCan anyone suggest a good audio editor for system recordings?
22:28.21WIMPyuses audacity
22:31.29nnyson of a b&@*&!
22:31.46nnywonders when vitelity capped their per minute usage out at 10 channels
22:31.51jpsharpaudacity is the way to go.
22:32.08TechSmurfIs there any way to make audacity play nicer with gsm and ulaw files?
22:32.14nnythe must HATE money
22:34.03jpsharpOr they hate getting stiffed with large bills when someone's system gets rooted.
22:38.13nnyjpsharp: that doesn't sound like something that should penalize all of their customers
22:38.55jpsharpNo, but you could probably call them and say 'HEY!  Cut that out on my account'.
22:39.10nnyjpsharp: yup. I just have to commit to 250 a month or more as a reseller first
22:39.15nnyjpsharp: not worth the effort
22:39.29nnyjpsharp: considering how many minutes that is vs. actual usage
22:39.49TechSmurftakes the silence as a no
22:40.11jpsharpTechSmurf: I've always done the editing in Audacity, then used SOX to convert to GSM.
22:40.12nnyTechSmurf: thought audacity worked with ulaw
22:40.43nnymaybe not. I just work with WAV and convert as needed
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22:45.12nny[vastina@vastinaspentiumbeast]# porn moreporn hiddenporn cookierecipes
22:46.21TechSmurfI'm trying to stitch together some of the asterisk core/extra sounds, but audacity lacks drag/drop for it
22:47.00nnyTechSmurf copy/paste in audacity
22:47.27TechSmurfI just grabbed an older version of wavepad... it's handling it a bit better
22:47.52TechSmurfaudacity won't even open the files right... keeps forcing me to import each one
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22:50.12TechSmurfor I guess I could be smart and download the core/extra sound packs in wav
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22:57.58vastinanny: wtf?
22:58.15vastinai was in the wrong window, cascaded wm, :0
23:00.01vastinaand you put me in a root session, nice
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23:37.02generalhan_anyone here familar with loading firmware on Xorcom Astribank 2 models ? I have looked all over, and tried several things to no avail.
23:37.32generalhan_i saw a post that mentioned a new version of xpp_fxloader, which i picked up ... but it fails when i try to load
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23:43.46generalhan_if anyone has any suggestions please let me know, i am at a complete loss.
23:44.47generalhan_running asterisk version and dadhi complete 2.6.1 -- if that helps at all
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23:52.18sruffelltzafrir_laptop:  ^^ are you around by any chance?
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