IRC log for #asterisk on 20120706

00:00.07*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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00:25.01*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
00:28.04*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~kitten@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
00:36.16gustop3nguin: i am talking about that driller in a bin
00:48.02*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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00:53.59*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
01:03.23*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
01:13.30*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
01:21.54*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
01:54.39*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
01:55.02Sean-DerDoes anyone else use Debian as their host for Asterisk?
01:55.21Sean-DerI just pulled it on Debian and their asterisk-config package and don't know if I really need all of this stuff
01:55.27WIMPyStart a limesurvey.
01:55.53Sean-DerI feel overwhelmed by all the skeleton configs, or is this really all needed?
01:56.11Sean-DerMore configs than apache 0_0
01:56.13WIMPyYou ounly need the configs for the parts you want to use.
01:57.37WIMPyThat's not hard.
01:57.58Sean-Dershould I just move everything into another folder for now and move as I need
01:58.18Sean-DerWIMPy: I just don't want a bunch of stuff enabled that I don't need
01:58.37WIMPyThe best way is not to load it in the first place.
01:58.58WIMPySome things won;t load without configuration. Others use defaults.
01:59.15WIMPyOr you can not even build them, off course.
02:00.08Sean-DerOk I will, I just need the wiki to get a better grounding
02:00.30WIMPyTry the
02:00.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
02:03.43Sean-DerOk thanks WIMPy !
02:15.52*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
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02:24.43*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
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02:42.26*** join/#asterisk gusto (
02:43.18gustoi do not understand this dnsmgr.conf thing. do i need some module for it, or is it always there and i can just create a dnsmgr.conf file and say [general] \ enable=yes there and everything is OK then?
02:44.57p3nguinCheck the sample file.
02:46.04*** join/#asterisk wudles (
02:48.23gustowhat sample file?
02:48.56*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
03:00.11slav3_kittenok, what's a low cost server that will happily run 20 sip channels with very little if any transcoding?
03:19.49*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
03:20.40*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
03:27.40*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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04:38.51*** join/#asterisk jsjc (~Adium@
04:53.28*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
04:55.31*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:56.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
05:05.46*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:41.45*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
05:44.37elliot98can one set t38pt_udptl to "1" instead of "yes"?
05:46.46*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
05:47.35*** join/#asterisk Lepon (
05:48.57Leponquestion for anyone with any idea. My asterisk server has stopped generating ring tones for out going calls. We originally had Dial(blah,rgx) and it has been working fine for years. last week it just suddenly stopped outputting any ring tone (i can't see anything that has changed to cause it)
05:49.21LeponI change it to Dial(blah,,Rgx) and it seem to work again but now its stopped
05:49.59Lepondoesn't matter what options I put or don't put in the dial command I get no ring tone when the other end is ringing (calling out over a voip provider to external number)
05:50.24Leponany ideas would be much apperciated
05:56.02*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:57.16*** join/#asterisk Lepon (
06:04.35*** join/#asterisk Jo_Bell (sasishiju@
06:04.48AlphacubeMornin peeps
06:10.36Jo_BellWhen asterisk works as a B2BUA (between 2 SIP clients), once the session is established, how is the media data flow? Is it from client 1 to Asterisk to Client 2 and then from Client 1 to Asterisk to Client 1?
06:15.25Leponquestion for anyone with any idea. My asterisk server has stopped generating ring tones for out going calls. We originally had Dial(blah,rgx) and it has been working fine for years. last week it just suddenly stopped outputting any ring tone (i can't see anything that has changed to cause it)
06:15.25LeponI change it to Dial(blah,,Rgx) and it seem to work again but now its stopped. doesn't matter what options I put or don't put in the dial command I get no ring tone when the other end is ringing (calling out over a voip provider to external number)
06:15.26LeponAny ideas would be much apperciated
06:28.19*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
06:28.24*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
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06:44.17*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:45.31*** join/#asterisk Samuel_CTX (
07:00.53*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
07:02.34*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
07:28.02Jo_BellHi I have a query - in the case of same network and remote networks, what is the difference of media data flow? In the case of same network, will data flow through Asterisk also? Or will the clients interact between themselves?
07:28.33*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:35.25bulkorokJo_Bell: you can define that in sip.conf with directmedia=yes/no
07:35.41bulkorokusually all traffic runs through asterisk
07:39.54*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:40.06*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
07:40.21*** join/#asterisk oyugik (~oyugik@
07:41.08oyugikHey anyone used asterisk and quexs before?
07:45.24*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4eaf0d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:46.15Alex_BkashI need to use asterisk on a mini linux distro
07:46.32Alex_Bkashwhich distro will be better
07:46.38Alex_Bkashany suggestion plz
07:54.04Samuel_CTXDebian? Or is that to big?
07:57.00DennisvjDepends, debian is easy to maintain. Any flavour is sufficient tho.
07:58.18oejMorning folks!
07:58.37oejLook at astlinux. It's made for just that use.
07:58.40*** join/#asterisk RobZombie (cce48afa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:00.50RobZombieAnyone around that could help out with a few asterisknow questions from a noob?
08:01.25*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:01.47Alex_Bkashi'll try
08:02.32*** join/#asterisk rolandow (
08:03.16rolandowhi guys.. anybody awake yet? :)
08:03.22RobZombieOkay, I got a new machine today, installed the AsteriskNOW current stable. its all up and working etc. Got the gui going and the SHH. So I'm kind of stuck here. I firstly want to use, the built in apache server thats running to host my own person site and I'm unsure how to set that up.
08:03.27rolandowi wonder if there's a good article around the net about debugging with wireshark
08:03.39rolandowor any other packet sniffer
08:04.24RobZombieNot a domain for my gui, I want to use it to host my site on my local machine. I have the router setup to dedicate 75/75 bandwidth for it, and I have a 250/250m connection, full fiber. So I shouldnt have issues.
08:04.31rolandowRobZombie: i think you want to google for virtualhosts
08:05.03rolandowalthough i don't know asterisknow all that well :)
08:05.09*** join/#asterisk areq (~areq@pld-linux/areq)
08:05.17RobZombieWhy though,  Apache is there and installed and working, just dont now how to configure a domain with it.
08:05.25rolandowbut if it's running apache, couldn't you just add a virtual host?
08:06.30RobZombieI mean with apache it should be the same for any provider, just configure it and the configure the registar and should be all gravy? I just dont know how to do it.
08:07.32areqi'm tying to run g722
08:07.41areqcisco spa 303
08:07.43rolandowi don't know what distro asterisknow is based on
08:08.00RobZombieSo is this the best room to speak out AsteriskNOW in considering its just asterisk with freepbx gui right?
08:08.08rolandowbut you will probably find config files in /etc/apache2 (debian ubuntu) or /etc/httpd for i think redhat
08:08.09RobZombieI'm taking a shotat that comment, I'm unsure.
08:08.31RobZombieIt's curent stable release of centos as the os
08:08.43rolandowi think centos has /etc/httpd or something
08:08.55areqwhy is Transcode to alaw and slin ?
08:08.59rolandowyou should probably just google for "apache virtualhost centos howto"
08:09.21RobZombieOkay I;ll give that a shot, thanx for the input mate.
08:09.21rolandowyou will find config examples then
08:09.43rolandowand there's probably something default in there already .. so combined with that you should be able to construct the config file
08:10.00rolandowgood luck!
08:10.24RobZombiethanx mate
08:10.41areqany idea how avoid transcode ?
08:11.32rolandowareq: i think if both parties support g722, asterisk will not transcode
08:12.11areqrolandow:  both parties support
08:13.48areqbut core show channel show that asterisk transcode ;(
08:14.25*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:14.34rolandowhmm that's too bad ..
08:14.38rolandowdon't know then :(
08:17.25Dennisvjareq: try forcing the right codec in sip.conf by disallowing all and enable only g722:
08:18.20DennisvjDon't use it myself, but it seems there are different versions of g722, or so it seems as you look on the wiki link. Perhaps anyone can shed some light here about the g722 codec.
08:19.54areqin sip.conf I disable all and allow only g722 and alaw
08:20.32areqnat all my phones can use g722, and on ISDN E1 I habe alaw
08:21.29areqmy idea is: betwean spa303 via SIP use g722 without transcode, other connection alaw without transcode
08:21.48Dennisvjah I see your point.
08:22.22areqon spa spa303: prefered codes is g722, second alaw
08:27.10DennisvjMy experience is that asterisk cannot handle that. your SIP device always goes for the preffered codec
08:27.24DennisvjI have a similar issue with alaw and another codec
08:28.10*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:31.03bulkorokhow do I can decode captured g729!?
08:34.31Dennisvjareq: See ${SIP_CODEC} In the dialplan one should be able to arrange this. I have to try this myself tomorrow :)
08:38.10Dennisvjbulkorok: on Windows I used this some time ago: There are some wireshark options, google around a bit
08:42.12*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:46.25*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
08:56.58areq[Jul  6 10:55:53] NOTICE[531]: chan_sip.c:6455 try_suggested_sip_codec: Changing codec to 'g722' for this call because of ${SIP_CODEC} variable
08:57.09areqand still transcode ;(
09:04.25*** join/#asterisk philfine (
09:04.34philfineHello everyone
09:07.26philfineAs I read DUNDi is intended to distribute number recognition and eventually forward calls through SIP instead of traditional lines. Although I don't see any procedure for connection to any public dundi enabled asterisk box, but only few tutorial experiments with several "in house" ones.
09:07.40philfineDid I miss understood its goal
09:08.41philfineI though I could announce my own traditional line numbers through DUNDi and eventually someone also connected to DUNDi would be able to connect using my traditional numbers, but through SIP
09:12.31rolandowphilfine: that's how i understand it as well
09:13.11rolandowi think you can query a sip account based on the number, and then just dial that sip account
09:17.18rolandowhm... i have an issue with two dect phones that have one way audio.. with other phones it's okay.. problem is with the two dect sets.
09:17.22rolandowany idea's?
09:18.57philfineNo idea sorry
09:19.24philfineAre you connected to a DUNDi network ?
09:20.43rolandownope.. but i read about it in the book :)
09:20.59rolandowand figured i may check it out one day .. i think it's also less secure
09:21.09rolandowbecause you'd have to allow anyone to connect to your box
09:21.46rolandowdo i didn't want to struggle with security too much, i just firewalled the ports and opened them up for only my users.
09:32.15*** join/#asterisk frawd (
09:36.24philfinerolandow: Which book ?
09:39.37*** join/#asterisk like_a_horse (
09:43.19infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
09:43.30rolandowthat book ..
09:43.41rolandowi must say i read that before i discovered this channel :)
10:15.04*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
10:28.10*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:41.27*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:42.36philfineUp until now it seems to me DUNDi is defined to be shared between service providers and not consumers
10:43.01philfineThere is actual DUNDi open server
11:02.11*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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11:18.05*** join/#asterisk RZero (
11:20.27RZeroCan any tell me if it is possible to have meetmecount count the number of users when some one hangs up in  a conf call
11:36.34*** join/#asterisk gusto (
11:36.44gustothat dnsmgr seems to work btw.
11:37.10*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
11:57.21*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:07.15*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:08.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:11.25*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/thecardsmith)
12:19.40rolandow[TK]D-Fender: are you on the mailing list of asterisk as well?
12:20.00rolandow[TK]D-Fender: since you seem to know much about asterisk and answers a lot of questions
12:21.15[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Nope.  I've just been in here for the past 8 years
12:21.27*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
12:21.54rolandowhm .. ok ..
12:22.19rolandowbecause i think irc isn't really suitable for comprehensive questions
12:22.32rolandowone would be flooding the channel :)
12:22.53[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, I would beg to differ.
12:22.59WIMPyThat's what pastebins are for.
12:23.15rolandowalso for large questions?
12:24.42rolandowcould an attachment be used as well? a little drawing would be nice.
12:25.08*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:25.22rolandowanyways.. i'll write down my story and see what comes of it..
12:25.24[TK] / / hostityourselfyoulazyass.whatever :)
12:26.12rolandowyes.. but then they're seperated
12:26.21rolandowyou'll see :)
12:30.32*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
12:31.09*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
12:36.17*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
12:40.14rolandowthere's my story .. sort of drama
12:40.19rolandowmaybe comedy for the experts ;)
12:41.20[TK]D-FenderHandsets don't use "ports", they speak DECT.  Its the BASE that speaks
12:41.57*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
12:42.06[TK]D-FenderSounds like a basic NAT setup you need to make
12:42.07rolandowyes.. that's true
12:42.15infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
12:42.34[TK]D-Fenderand swap "canreinvite=no" for "directmedia=no" for 1.6+
12:42.54[TK]D-FenderAnd that was entirely too full of fluff :)
12:43.09rolandowwhat was? my story?
12:43.17rolandowbut if it's NAT: howcome the tiptel works?
12:43.23rolandowsame route, same connections ..
12:43.44[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Becuase it is smarter and know the WAN IP, etc most likely
12:44.25[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, * side should be port forwarded, no others.
12:44.54[TK]D-FenderAnd set "type=friend" for those multi-device ones that are remote behind the same router
12:46.09rolandow* side should be port forwarded: i opened the 5060 and rdp ports on the asterisk public ip.
12:46.32rolandowis that what you mean? i don't need to port forward for every SIP account/device behind *
12:46.56rolandowyes, they are type=friend
12:47.13[TK]D-Fenderok, check the rest from the guide
12:47.23rolandowyes i will study that first
12:47.53rolandowjust curious: if tiptel would be that smart, would it "detect" the ip address by checken or something similar?? or does it get that info from * ?
12:48.24rolandowbecause the public ip of the tiptels is different than the public ip * is on ..
12:48.48rolandowso unless * tells it's public ip somewhere in the sip, there's no way the tiptel can know imho
12:48.58[TK]D-FenderIt would be getting it itself.  Go make sure all the other settings are right, and then pastebin a failed call with SIP DEBUG enabled.
12:52.24rolandowmy * is not behind nat, should i still put directmedia=no in the general section?
12:52.47[TK]D-FenderSo * has a public IP right on the box itself?
12:53.16[TK]D-Fenderthen your devices should all be "nat=yes" , "directmedia=no"
12:53.47rolandowyes .. i had that..
12:54.13[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, pastebin a complete call attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled
12:54.27rolandowwell i'm still reading the guide you gave me
12:54.59rolandowbut in [general] i put nat=no, because asterisk box has public ip .. on all devices i put nat=yes.. correct?
12:56.26[TK]D-FenderSeither way should do it.
12:56.27*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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12:56.54[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, What is the remote router model?
12:57.46rolandownot sure .. i think it's all netgear
12:58.03rolandowi'd have to check with out sysop but he's not in now
12:58.17rolandowyou think it has sip_alg ?
12:58.20*** part/#asterisk donnib (
12:58.56rolandowi'll check with our sysop when he's back
12:59.49[TK]D-FenderCould be.  Make sure that's disabled first
13:00.05[TK]D-FenderAlso some routers just mangle their NAT implementation...
13:00.17rolandowhow can i dump sip debug to a specific file?
13:00.31treborsux[08:57] <treborsux> ON all my systems it does this on and off both my pri and dahdi systems
13:00.31treborsux[08:58] <treborsux> line goes to ring group and i get one way communication with the answerer hearing a ringing
13:00.31treborsux[08:58] <treborsux> the call 6062262231 is the call this occured on
13:00.31treborsux[08:59] <treborsux> Last question drmessano asked before i had to pick up my kids was is itjust 510?  The answer is no any extension in the ring group that incoming rute goes to has it happen but just sometimes
13:00.31treborsux[09:00] <treborsux> Any ideas?
13:01.26*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:12.45[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, I don't see the OUTWARD call's SIP debug
13:13.30[TK]D-FenderRZero, No, it counts the number of users when you CALL IT
13:14.20treborsuxFender will you look at that for me?  I had to leave before drmessano could last night?
13:14.50RZeroyeah thought as much being trying ways around it :)
13:14.55RZeroto find *
13:15.38[TK]D-FenderRZero, your concept of when things are getting called seems skewed
13:16.37[TK]D-FenderRZero, When you call that app you get the count right then and there
13:17.07RZeroI want a way to show how many people are in conf call not as some one enters
13:18.12rolandow[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean with outward?
13:18.23rolandow[TK]D-Fender: it's an extension on a remote location
13:18.26*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:18.31[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Executing [9030@StumpelZwaag:6] Dial("SIP/Adriaan_Snoek-000005dc", "SIP/Middenwaard_ALL,,tTkhH") in new stack
13:19.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
13:19.24rolandow[TK]D-Fender: yes, middenwaard is our extenal location
13:19.40[TK]D-Fenderand I only see the SIP debug from the internal side of that call
13:19.51[TK]D-FenderNot the debug for what is going to middenwaard
13:20.10[TK]D-FenderYou are looking at HALF the picture
13:20.19rolandowah ok .. i thought it would capture both sides
13:20.29rolandowok i will turn on sip debug without ip filter then
13:22.08[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, I see TWO calls with that #
13:22.36[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, One INBOUND from PRI that gets to 510 via a ring-group, and ANOTHER, from the phone itself (510) TO that external number
13:23.13*** join/#asterisk gtTuna (~TunaWork@
13:23.14[TK]D-Fender[Jul  5 15:38:30] VERBOSE[3045] sig_pri.c:     -- Accepting call from '6062262231' to '1511' on channel 0/1, span 1
13:23.48[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:6062262231@ SIP/2.0  From: <sip:510@>;tag=CBE0064E-727A1899
13:24.05[TK]D-Fender[Jul  5 15:38:46] VERBOSE[3078] chan_sip.c:
13:24.15[TK]D-Fender16 seconds later a call out.
13:24.16*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
13:26.55[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, [Jul  5 15:38:47] VERBOSE[3078] chan_sip.c: Retransmitting #3 (NAT) to <- I'm alwso wondering why all of your PRIVATE IP devices are configured as though they were behind NAT, and that you are still getting timeouts requiring retransmissions all the time.
13:27.45[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, [Jul  5 15:38:47] VERBOSE[3078] chan_sip.c: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> INVITE sip:6062262231@ SIP/2.0 From: <sip:510@>;tag=CBE0064E-727A1899
13:28.13[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, ONE SECOND LATER.  ANOTHER CALL
13:28.30[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, What kind of foolish forwarding are you doing on that phone?
13:28.44drmessanoI saw that too...
13:29.11drmessanoThere was something else I caught that looked like the device had a timeout
13:29.12[TK]D-FenderThe derp is strong with this one...
13:33.07drmessanoIm gonna guess a firewall between the phones and PBX, and something incredibly reliable and awesome too, like a Sonicwall
13:34.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, I've never had issues with mine... Disable ALG and it works just fine
13:34.50*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:38.11drmessanoI managed a couple dozen TZ-170's a few years back, and they were hell.  SIP wasn't the only problem.   They desperated needed a nightly reboot option
13:38.30[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Ok, I'd check the remote firewall.
13:38.38[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, The rest looks fairly OK
13:38.44gtTunacan someone help me with a Asterisk -> PBX SIP trunk issue? I'm trying to pass ~30 different DIDs over this SIP trunk, but it appears when it goes to send out, the SIP URI is of the following format: Unknown@SERVER_IP
13:39.00[TK]D-FendergtTuna, Show us
13:39.03infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:39.09gtTunakk, sec
13:39.21gtTunagotta sanitize it a bit, lol
13:39.50[TK]D-FenderThere should not be a pass in there for this as it is...
13:40.04gtTunawell, just IP addresses, but
13:40.04[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm not going to waste time on filtered debug.
13:40.09[TK]D-FenderLeave them
13:40.14rolandow[TK]D-Fender: spoke to the sysadmin, we have a netgear srxn3205
13:40.44rolandow[TK]D-Fender: but i shouldn't open up any ports in the firewall right?? it wouldn't be a problem though, since i have only one base station on the other end.
13:40.48[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, I know there haev been some Netgear, and a pile of D-Link's lower models that were broken as far as NAT goes... but check for ALG's, etc on it first
13:41.12[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Next step is do a more massive port forward on the remote side and test
13:41.16[TK]D-FenderAfter that
13:41.59rolandow[TK]D-Fender: yes, in our office we even had a netgear with sip_alg enabled, but not configurable yet.. we had to firmware upgrade it :(
13:42.38rolandow[TK]D-Fender: and of course lost all our settings.. didn't make good friends with my collegue
13:42.40[TK]D-FendergtTuna, that is SIP OPTIONS, not a CALL
13:42.51[TK]D-FendergtTuna, that is completely unimportant
13:44.40rolandow[TK]D-Fender: but if it's a router issue on the other end, it's still possible that my tiptel works just fine? did you see that the siemens isn't that smart?
13:45.22[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Not really... focus on the trouble one... remember its the router first in that chain... the local one to * is... well local... shouldn't matter
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13:46.44gtTuna[TK]D-Fender, not sure if this is any better
13:47.25[TK]D-FendergtTuna, ASTERISK SIP DEBUG from CLI.  a complete call.
13:49.10[TK]D-FenderINVITE sip:8594146383@ SIP/2.0 SIP/2.0 404 Not Found  User-Agent: LG-Ericsson iPECS-LIK 600 E.5Db <--
13:49.19[TK]D-FenderThey don't seem to like the number being passed
13:49.42[TK]D-FenderIt hits 100 Trying which means the auth should ahve cleared so it appears the receiver doesn't like the number
14:06.19rolandowthanks again for your help [TK]D-Fender .. have a nice weekend!
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15:20.15wcselbyhave an issue loading at asterisk start - it doesn't seem to autoload with all of my other modules.  If I specifically add a "preload =>" to my modules.conf, it still doesn't load it.  If i add "load =>" it doesn't load.  Running asterisk downloaded and compiled last night.  I am able to manually load after the system has started just fine.  It's just not loading it a
15:20.15wcselbyutomatically or obeying the "preload / load" commands
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15:21.29wcselbyany thoughts, ideas, things for me to check?
15:22.27wdoekesstart with -c and look for errors/warnings?
15:22.39wdoekesadd -v's if needed
15:22.53wcselbythat's actually what I"ve already done
15:22.56wcselbythat's how I'm loading
15:23.06wcselbythe output
15:23.13wcselbyof asterisk -c
15:25.12wcselbyi get the erros on lines 58-61 because isn't loading
15:29.19leifmadsenI suspect isn't loading due to another module dependency not loading prior to it
15:29.56leifmadsenso you need to find out what is loading after res_jabber to cause it to not load and use a load => for that module prior to loading res_jabber
15:30.56wcselbyshouldn't i get some error if I were to preload =>, if that were the case?
15:31.08leifmadsenit appears you aren't?
15:31.13leifmadsenperhaps you should....
15:31.34wcselbyi know everything works fine on another machine running
15:31.44wcselbyi'm going to try loading that on this same machine and see if I still see the error
15:31.54wcselbythat way I can tell if it's an error specific to my machine, or perhaps a bug with the build?
15:32.00leifmadsenyou could check to see if it's a regression by testing the same configuration on the same machien with vs
15:33.12wcselbytrying that now
15:33.22wcselbywhile that builds, apparenlty I have some honey-do's to take care of
15:33.27wcselbyi'll be back around in a few minutes
15:37.48*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
15:37.53leifmadsenKatty: omg!?
15:38.00leifmadsenKatty: can you help me fix my system?!
15:38.00Kattytoday is too much )=
15:38.04leifmadsenit is broked!
15:38.08Kattypours vodka on it
15:38.13leifmadsenomg what a great idea
15:38.21leifmadsencan we pour the vodka into a watermelon instead?
15:38.30Kattyyes, if we also do a pineapple
15:39.31Kattywhat do you spose grilled pineapple would taste like, if you soaked it in vodka?
15:40.06_Corey_I think you'd burn off the alcohol that way
15:40.17Kattyyeah you're probably right
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15:43.01wcselbyi'm having the same issue on on this system as well, so it's something local
15:44.52leifmadsenlook at the diff between the other machine I guess
15:44.58leifmadsenwhat modules are installed, etc
15:45.07leifmadsensuggests using something like chef or puppet for installing multiple systems
15:45.27leifmadsenthe kickstand project has a lot of puppet manifests for installing asterisk systems
15:45.49wcselbywell, these are basically two test systems that I use for playing around with new features
15:46.04wcselbyso I'm not too concerned about automation
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15:50.33wcselbyi see what happened
15:50.38*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:50.40wcselbyit's working properly now
15:51.06leifmadsenfor future reference, what was the issue? (since this room is logged)
15:51.41wcselbyit helps if you remove the noload => line from the bottom of the modules.conf file that I had added last night while testing something else...
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15:52.40wcselbyslaps forehead and makes the homer "DOH" sound
15:53.17wcselbyi probably shoudn't work on these kinds of things at 2 in the morning
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16:01.16leifmadsenwcselby: heh :)
16:01.19*** join/#asterisk Weezey (
16:02.00Weezeyanyone know where I can find SIP firmware for a Cisco 7970?
16:02.16wcselbyfrom cisco
16:02.28Weezeyother than from Cisco?
16:02.34leifmadsenuse the power of google
16:02.49leifmadsenpeople here won't tell you how to obtain illegal software
16:03.06leifmadsens/illegal software/software illegally/
16:03.18slav3_kittenleifmadsen, it's not software
16:03.24slav3_kittenit's firmware, huge difference
16:03.46wcselbybut not the whole legality part ofit
16:04.01slav3_kittencisco being firmware nazis pisses me off too, you already have the equipment you should be able to get the firmware for the hardware you already own
16:04.19leifmadsenfirmware and software are vastly different?
16:04.22leifmadsensuspects not
16:04.44_Corey_leifmadsen: more tensile strength
16:04.51slav3_kittenyou don't see d-link not offering updated firmware for their high end switches. they figure you have the switch you need the firmware
16:04.59wcselbyi was able to pickup a cisco smartnet contract for like 8 bucks, that enabled me to legally download the firmware
16:05.10leifmadsenya I had one of those a few years ago as well
16:05.34wcselbymine shoudl technically still be valid, however I don't use any cisco phones anymore
16:05.35slav3_kittenleifmadsen, firmware runs inside an embedded device and controls things way more low level
16:05.55leifmadsenI understand what firmware is
16:06.10leifmadsenit's still a programmed application
16:06.11slav3_kittenwcselby, were and how did you get a smartnet contract for 8 bucks
16:06.20wcselbycdw ?
16:06.26wcselbylet me find the link
16:06.45slav3_kittenleifmadsen, except it's not. you'd not say the linux kernel is an application. applications run on top of the kernel
16:06.45_Corey_$8 sounds right
16:06.48slav3_kittensame with firmware
16:07.10slav3_kittenfirmware is a kernel, applications run on top of the firmware
16:07.22_Corey_slav3_kitten: The linux kernel is software, as is firmware, etc.
16:07.27wcselbyhere is the one i used, the price has gone up slightly to 11 bucks now
16:07.31wcselbythat's for a 7941
16:07.50wcselbythe hardest part was dealing with the licensing people at cdw
16:08.00slav3_kittenwell you need that for every device you have right?
16:08.00wcselbyto prove i had an actual cisco 7941
16:08.12wcselbyyou get one license, you donwload the firmware
16:08.45wcselbynow, the whole legality issues revolving around cisco 79xx phones is another topic entirely
16:08.54wcselbyi think Qwell has dealt with it pretty in depth
16:09.26slav3_kitteni mean i have a 7911, 7960, 7940, 7925, 2600xm, 2900xl, 3500xl by cisco. so i'd need 7 11 dollar smartnet agreements right?
16:09.53wcselbyi know when I first got my smart net, I could download firmware for just about anything
16:10.01Weezeyyeah, me too
16:10.04wcselbybut when I logged in like 6 months ago, I was restricted to just a few things
16:10.22Weezeyunforatunately I wasn't forward thinking enough to get 7970 firmware
16:10.24slav3_kittentime to email cdw
16:10.36Weezeycalling my rep now.
16:11.46slav3_kittenthankfully when i got my 79xx phones i got firmware CDs with them, but i'd really like to get the latest image for my 2621xm
16:12.01slav3_kittenyou know, on account of it being my router and all
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16:14.38wcselbyrouters and switches I think have more expensive smartnet costs, but it's been a while since I've checked
16:15.18slav3_kittendear chromium, why were you using 4 gb of saw and 1gb of ram....
16:15.21wcselbyspeaking of cisco....have you seen the crap they're pulling with their home routers now?
16:15.40slav3_kittenyou mean the linksys routers they slapped their name on?
16:15.54dijibwhats up in here today boys?
16:16.01dijibwhat crap?
16:16.18wcselbyyeah, although they've been cisco branded long enough now they're not really linksys anymore
16:17.03slav3_kittenso anyhow, what are they pulling?
16:17.41wcselbyi was looking for a better article, I think there may be one on ars
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16:17.45drmessanoIt's actually very funny
16:18.05drmessanoOne day you can update your router, the next day, locked out
16:18.09drmessanoSign up or DIE
16:18.51drmessanoIts sad now how services are forced on consumers now
16:18.52wcselbylooks like they realized they made a mistake and will have to wait a bit before they force it back on users :)
16:19.08drmessano1. Sell a product.  Market it as cheap and easy to set up
16:19.13drmessano2. Wait 6 months
16:19.27drmessano3. Force every lucky owner to sign up for some crap
16:19.28wcselbyby the way, with the smartnet contract I linked earlier, I'm able to get to the 7970 sip download
16:19.34drmessano4. ????
16:19.36drmessano5. Profit
16:21.07wcselbywith cisco, 4. seemed to be "collect the browsing habits of all of our users, and then sell that info to the highest bidder(s)
16:21.26drmessanoThat wasn't the motivation
16:23.00slav3_kittenspeaking of forced services
16:23.18drmessanoCisco is really pushing cloud services because they are seriously behind.  This extends to both the consumer and professional markets.  They know that nobody is going to just go out and install their cloud services, so they are forcing it on the unwilling.  The more users they have on the consumer side, the more they can push the professional side.  Also, the upsell for more storage, etc
16:23.24slav3_kitteni love how google forced everyone into that social networking thing only to be sued to hell an back
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16:23.56slav3_kittengoogle buzz
16:24.18drmessanoWasn't that like 20 years ago?
16:24.36slav3_kittenit was a while..
16:24.45slav3_kitteni'm old :(
16:24.57drmessanoNobody complained when it was Google+.. Guess they got over it
16:25.49slav3_kittengoogle+ allowed you to sign up for it
16:26.04slav3_kittennot automatically posting all your personal information out there for everyone to see
16:28.23drmessanoI think that's an exaggeration.  Status updates and the gtalk buddy list.
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16:50.16JerJerAnyone from Digium here?   There is no tarball (or hash sigs) for asterisk- on
16:51.23QwellJerJer: thanks - I'll see if I can get it going
16:51.47Qwelloh, it should be rc2
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16:57.53QwellJerJer: It looks like the mirroring stopped mid-commit.  I'm trying to poke somebody.  You should be seeing rc2 tarballs there.
17:00.30Qwellworst case scenario, you can always grab it from svn
17:00.49JerJeryeah - i was just in there grabbing a new version and noticed the anomaly
17:00.56Qwellfigured so
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17:32.33dijibdoes anybody know of a google docs alternative that can be run on a private server?
17:33.47treborsuxI dont have forwarding of any kind I know of.  She called back because they hung up becasue she just heard ringing.
17:34.56treborsuxI have dhscp assign addresses when you say like behind nat because I have gateways on the phones?
17:35.46treborsuxI have dhscp assign addresses when you say like behind nat because I have gateways on the phones?
17:35.49*** part/#asterisk treborsux (
17:38.05Kattylays on cold floor
17:38.25Kattyhow hot is it out east Qwell
17:38.43Kattyit's umm...
17:38.45Qwell<whalebeef> Huntsville International, Alabama. (45m 40s ago): 93.2°F / 34.0°C Partly Cloudy. Humidity: 44%.
17:39.15Kattyoh you suck.
17:39.21Kattyit's 102 with heat index of 107 here
17:39.30Katty29% humidity, and the pressure is steady
17:39.36Kattyso no signs of clouds coming in )=
17:40.00Kattyshakes fist
17:40.51QwellI'd prefer that over what happened on the way home yesterday.
17:41.13QwellMy car had a nice golf ball shower, while traffic was stopped.
17:41.23Kattyoh dear :<
17:41.28Qwelland not like 1 here and there
17:41.36Kattywe had hail a few days ago...but it wasn't /golfball/ sized.
17:41.50Kattydid it do much damage?
17:41.50QwellI was getting hit with several per second
17:41.58Qwelldoesn't look like it..  I noticed one small dent, but I think that was already there.
17:42.29QwellThat's what I get for leaving early.
17:42.57Kattyoh don't say that.
17:43.12slav3_kittenQwell, you part of the huntsville hackerspace?
17:43.25Qwellslav3_kitten: no, but a bunch of Digium folks are
17:43.52slav3_kittenyea that's what i've heard. i've been meaning to make my way down there one day
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17:44.43Qwellslav3_kitten: they have open house on Tuesdays, and I think they have an event coming up soon here
17:45.05Qwellmmm, tomorrow, actually
17:45.40*** join/#asterisk nykac (~nykac@unaffiliated/nykac)
17:45.46slav3_kittenyea i've not got the money to drive down there right now, tis like a 4 or 6 hour drive
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17:58.16zoellis there any way to get how many minutes a queue member in a call?
17:58.23zoellreal time
18:03.34[TK]D-Fenderzoell, AMI/CLI channel dump
18:08.31zoellthx gonna check that via AMI
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18:57.16RalcalaHi fellas
18:57.30Ralcalai really need help from you
18:57.43Ralcalai can registger to my sip provider
18:58.04Ralcalathey said no need to password to register
18:58.27Ralcalasoftware  asterisk 1.8.11
19:01.21Ralcalathis is part of my cli sip debug log
19:02.18nnyodd, any reason why neither asterisk core sound or additional contains digit files (1,2,3,etc) on 1.8.11?
19:02.39Qwellnny: Because you're looking in the wrong place.
19:02.44nnyQwell: thanks
19:03.32nnyQwell: gotcha, thanks!
19:03.48*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
19:03.54Ralcalahi fellas i can register to my sip provider
19:04.07Ralcalai mean i cant
19:04.22Ralcalacan anyone here help me please?
19:04.37QwellRalcala: Why can't you?
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19:04.54[TK]D-FenderRalcala, You stopped the pastebin and we don't see any response.
19:05.09Ralcalalet me check
19:05.33Ralcalano i dont stop
19:05.39[TK]D-FenderRalcala, You also haven't described your server's working environment so we can't do more than wildly guess what else you may have done that is interfering with it.
19:06.06Ralcalayou got my cli sip debug log?
19:06.24Ralcalai mean you see on pastebin?
19:06.37Ralcalai gonna put my sip conf?
19:07.28[TK]D-Fenderyour PB had 1 packet going out.  No answer.  We don't know your firewalls, or your routing.  If the IP passed is legit.  nothing.
19:07.44QwellWhy is there an fe80 IPv6 address in here? O.o
19:09.36Ralcalai got no fw
19:09.55Ralcalaits a ethernet cable directly from the provider
19:10.08Ralcalacause they are my neighboors
19:17.18Ralcalathis is my sip conf
19:17.46Ralcalaneed more?
19:19.51Ralcala[TK]D-Fender are you there pal?
19:22.10Ralcalahey QWell?
19:23.36QwellI can't help you if you ignore my questions.
19:23.51Ralcalaok what you need pal?
19:24.07QwellHow is this failing?  You didn't put that part in your log.
19:25.27Ralcalai dont understand sorry can you explain me?
19:28.20jpsharpIsn't it failing with a 400 "Bad Request" error message?
19:28.42QwellI don't know - I've not seen a log with that as a response to a REGISTER.
19:32.35Ralcalathere you go
19:32.43Ralcalaall my sip debug log
19:32.57Ralcalai hope you can help me
19:33.42Ralcalaplease remeber they dont need password for registration
19:33.50Ralcalajust username
19:33.52Ralcalareally odd
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19:34.38QwellWarning: 399 SoftX3000-MSG "Error ID:[259] LiteFME Tg register ,get Wll param error "
19:34.40Qwellwtf is that supposed to mean?
19:35.30Ralcalai dont know pal
19:35.35Qwellso ask your provider
19:36.08Ralcalathey dont help me
19:36.15QwellThen fire them and get a new one.
19:37.11Ralcalayou check my sip conf with register string?
19:37.30QwellYour provider needs to tell you why there is an error.  Asterisk is not at fauly.
19:38.14Ralcalaplease check my registration string maybe syntax are wrong
19:38.35QwellNobody here can help you, until your provider says what the problem is.
19:38.57Ralcalaok i got another PBX working
19:39.08Ralcalawith the same line but is no asterisk
19:39.47Ralcalayou know chinese equipment with web gui
19:40.42Ralcalaproxy only registration and just username with the number of phone
19:40.59Ralcalanot big deal but its working
19:41.26*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
19:41.43Ralcalacan you point to step by step guide from another sip providers?
19:42.00infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:43.42Ralcalathanks anyway
19:50.19*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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20:20.24nnyanyone have a suggestion for a good way to use System to check if a file exists?
20:20.36nnyassuming that's the best method, that is
20:21.16nnywould touch trigger the APPERROR return code if the file is missing?
20:21.53Qwellcore show function SHELL
20:22.36nnywhat about STAT?
20:23.06nnyjust learend about it heh, \o/
20:23.13nnythanks though, shell seems useful too
20:23.40[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
20:30.37*** join/#asterisk catphish (~charlie@2001:9d8:2005:12::3)
20:31.09catphishdoes asterisk support any particular scripting languages that can be called from a dialplan?
20:31.31infobot[~agi] AGI is the Asterisk Gateway Interface.  Similar to CGI for web applications, AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), PERL (astperl?), and other languages.  See also: or
20:31.55catphishthanks :)
20:34.11catphishis it simply the execution of a script (with an external interpreter) that returns specific data?
20:34.39catphishoh yeah, it can be any binary or script
20:35.48catphishi see there are also modules for php, perl, python that can avoid loading an external interpreter
20:37.25catphishAGI is awesome :)
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20:41.48philfineHii everyone
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20:44.13cjmy extensions.conf looks like it was written by a fifth grader...
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20:46.47citrusfizzpossible to send fax to asterisk over SIP  trunk or do i need an analog line for my asterisk box?
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20:48.46treborsux  is that right for the phone not to dial when picked up
20:50.28catphishcitrusfizz: you can use fax over sip, the best way is if the remote end supports T38
20:51.30citrusfizzcatphish: i will have to ask my provider, i'm trying to implement something so a user can accept a fax on a certain DID and asterisk just emails it to them.
20:52.24catphishcitrusfizz: it's definitely possible, we use it :)
20:53.03*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
20:53.26catphishi always ensure i have the spandsp library installed
20:55.56nnyis there something like "record now" or "begin recording" that doesn't add temp or unavailable etc (or the word record by itself?) Trying to basically have "begin recording after the tone" or something to that effect but in Allison's voice.
20:56.21catphishi apologise if i'm misunderstanding the nature of channels here, but is it possible for asterisk to initiate a call (not to a local channel but for example to an extension at a remote sip server) and put the called party into a dialplan
20:57.46catphishactually i am being stupid
20:58.04ChannelZOriginate.... ?
20:58.09catphishoriginate accepts a complete channel which can include a number
20:58.16nnyQwell: thanks
20:58.22catphishyeah i can use originate with a sip channel and a number to dial
20:59.06catphishi've only ever used originate with a sip 'phone' and not specified an extension as part of the channel specificaion
20:59.48vader--Any of you guys experiences with Polycom phones and digitmaps? I have two phone types, the Polycom 670 and the Polycom 335. I am trying to use feature codes on them but the 335 doesn't seem to like the feature code. When i enter *XX that works fine but when i enter *XXX, *XXXX, *XXXXX the Polycom 335 says "Enter more digits" on the screen after *XX
20:59.52catphishthen again, i'm struggling to think of many legitimate uses for it now
20:59.59Qwellvader--: Ask your question in one place.
21:06.16*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4ea72b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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21:09.28cjhey, Qwell, can you recommend something to read to get familiar with the dialplan macros, best practices for building contexts, etc?
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21:42.45Sean-DerUsing tcpdump I am able to see traffic on port 5060 that I make with netcat, but using Linphone I am not able to get any sort of activity or authentiaction
21:43.10Sean-DerI have 5060 and my RTP ports opened... is there something I am missing?
21:43.29Sean-DerOr maybe I am using my softphone wrong
21:43.30KNERDhyeah..missing asterisk logs of it trying to athenicate
21:44.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
21:44.17Sean-Dertcpdump isn't showing any activity :/ I can only set it off with netcat
21:44.39KNERDi wrote Asterisk..
21:45.24*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme_ (~Freeaqing@
21:45.48Sean-DerKNERD: ok I don't mean any respect just trying to figure this out
21:46.10sarsaeolhopefully you dont mean any disrepect* :)
21:46.35Sean-Deroops bad typo :(
21:48.36KNERDwell let us help you
21:48.44KNERDyou are showing us nothing..
21:49.36Sean-DerI have the logging level at the highest verbosity, I have nothing to show though.
21:50.02Sean-DerThe only thing I have is the fact that my softphone isn't making any activity in tcpdump
21:50.17Sean-Derwhich makes me think its a network level issue, but I really don't know
21:51.25*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
21:52.56navaismoHello, im testing the asterisk-cert last version, And im find that it does not write the CALLERID to the DB, i see in the debug this INSERT INTO cdr (`calldate`,`start`,`answer`,`end`,`src`,`dst`,`dcontext`,`channel`,`dstchannel`,`lastapp`,`lastdata`,`duration`,`billsec`,`disposition`,`amaflags`,`uniqueid`)
21:53.17navaismoto add the clid value I need to edit the source code?
21:59.20*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-bzprrflmzunejyad)
22:00.16KNERDSean-Der: what about the softephone log?
22:02.37*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
22:09.11nny why does asterisk think this sound file doesn't exist when I can see it does? The perms are all asterisk/asterisk and asterisk created the file in the previous step
22:11.20nnyhmm file /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/campaignrecordings/100/1/1.ulaw = /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/campaignrecordings/100/1/1.ulaw: data
22:11.32nnymaybe i recorded it wrong via Record
22:11.51nnynm normal files say data too
22:16.08navaismonevermind I have enable wrong alias y cdr_mysql.conf
22:22.01WIMPycj: Macros will be deprecated. Try to use Gosub.
22:23.01nnyWIMPy: any suggestion on why happened?
22:26.00WIMPyyou must not specify an extension on the filename.
22:30.15*** part/#asterisk newtonr (
22:32.26nnyWIMPy: derp, thanks
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22:35.18sarsaeolcan anyone tell me where a 'register string' for trunks would be placed in config files?
22:38.11WIMPyThe good old register goes under [general], but you can use callbackextension in the peer definition as well.
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22:51.54PaybackTonyK guys, serious question, don't kick me for it. What do you think is better for a high-volume use case (think call centers). Asterisk or FreeSwitch? I've only used asterisk before.
22:52.44PaybackTonyOf course this would be for anyone with experience.
22:53.18navaismodefine high-volume
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22:57.25JasnejacPaybackTony: sip calls or pstn calls?
22:58.08PaybackTony2m+ minutes a month
22:58.30PaybackTonyfor call centers that do inbound customer service and outbound (predictive dialing) sales
22:59.23*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (
22:59.30Jasnejacwell, therefore my gut feeling would be to look at where they were designed from.  asterisk has a pstn background, freeswitch a sip bacjground.  asteriks is an evolution, freeswitch a pure software inplmentation
22:59.51Jasnejacwith better typing.  ahem
23:00.00*** join/#asterisk sonstwo (~garland@unaffiliated/ffs)
23:00.13WIMPyWhere do you see a PSTN background in Asterisk?
23:00.30*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
23:00.35WIMPyThat's exactely what I've always been missing.
23:00.35Jasnejacdigium is a pstn interface company
23:01.13WIMPyYes, interfaces do exist.
23:01.45JasnejacI'm a software engineer that sort of fell into telecoms by accident.  It's different.  Very different.  Freeswitch is the better design IMHO but asterisk has the track record
23:03.01WIMPyWhen I first came across Asterisk about 10 years ago, there was no way to connect it to the PSTN.
23:03.56JasnejacI don't think that's really the point.  Asterisk is driven by a company that lives for the pston interfaces; it's their bread and butter or has been
23:04.00jpsharpThat's about when I came across it and Mark was using the Tormenta 1 ISA card plus the Winmodems as FXO ports.
23:04.38Jasnejacsangoma support freeswitch of course
23:04.45jpsharpAnd some other card (I can't remember the name) for FXS ports.
23:05.04WIMPyAs I said: The hardware exists. The support has been growing very slowly.
23:06.56jpsharpI'm glad it has evolved past the Tormenta 1.  That card was a bear.
23:08.37Jasnejaca slightly different question - does anyone actually use ael or lua?  I use ael but I don't really understand why the lua interface is there and there has to be a reason
23:09.00WIMPyHardware has never been an issue/ There have always been lots of companies doing interfaces.
23:27.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@

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