IRC log for #asterisk on 20120626

00:00.18gustoasking differently, what is the minimal ram requirement for asterisk?
00:00.38[TK]D-Fendergusto: Yes.
00:00.45WIMPyThat depends on the modules you want to load/use.
00:01.04gustoyes, minimal, sip, conf needed, iax maybe
00:01.29gustoi see that on my openwrt router it takes about 8 MB of ram, what is really low
00:01.39gustoon my desktop i did not manage to get it under 14 MB
00:02.11catphishi imagine there are several ways to make it smaller
00:02.31gustoi am curious
00:02.31catphish32 vs 64 bit, debug symbols, compiler optimizations
00:02.43WIMPyLike compiling with -Os
00:02.44catphishobviously modules and their options
00:03.26gustothat's maybe the case why i did not manage it to make it use up less, because the desktops are x86_64 nowadays and MIPS is still 32 but
00:05.05gustowell with modules you can not do much, because you need some to have a functional setup
00:05.08catphishwhy is cdr(exten) read-only?
00:05.38catphishguess i can strip things in my views later
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00:06.42WIMPySounds like a plan.
00:07.09catphishi already parse local to international format for billing
00:07.23catphishso stripping 141 isnt a great hardship
00:07.40WIMPyThat's what I use the loopback switches for.
00:08.06WIMPyOtherwise I'd have to match the same numbers in different formats.
00:08.11*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
00:09.02WIMPyThat's especially an issue if you want to use dundi or enum while it lasted.
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00:40.43*** join/#asterisk powerunits (b6b1a8d2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:40.48powerunitshello all
00:40.57powerunitshow is every one.
00:41.12powerunitsdear team i m getting small error message on asterisk 1.6
00:41.22powerunits[Jun 25 12:25:14] ERROR[15018]: utils.c:1177 ast_careful_fwrite: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe
00:41.43*** join/#asterisk rjb_77777 (
00:41.44powerunitsi m trying to reload asterisk from AMI using PHP
00:42.14powerunitsplz help
00:44.42pabelangerpowerunits, fix your AMI script
00:45.17pabelangeryou are likely closing the socket before asterisk has a chance to response
00:45.56powerunitsi think script is correct
00:45.58powerunitsplease check
00:46.12pabelangerplease use an existing library
00:46.32powerunitswhich library?
00:46.47powerunitsplease can you give me some hint
00:47.26pabelangerI'd just google it, so best to start there
00:47.31powerunitsis that script is correct
00:47.38pabelangerlots of existing libraries
00:47.44pabelangeryou are not login off the manager
00:47.52pabelangeryou are just dropping the socket
00:48.24powerunitslet me google it..
00:52.33*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
01:02.40*** join/#asterisk Neptu (~Neptu@
01:06.52powerunits@pabelanger: you there?
01:07.00powerunitsthanks that issue is fixed
01:07.35powerunitsnow one more small question regarding on gtalk with asterisk.
01:07.44powerunitsi have configured gtalk with asterisk
01:07.49powerunitsbut when i make a calls
01:08.00powerunitsi get these messages on asterisk CLI
01:08.07KNERDpowerunits: give up
01:08.15KNERDit dont work anymore
01:08.24powerunitsand no voice on both sides
01:09.05KNERDnot even the asterisk people know
01:09.24pabelangerwell, google likely changes something again
01:09.31pabelangerAsterisk 11 will have a new channel driver
01:09.36powerunitson this its not working fine
01:09.38pabelangershould be more reliable
01:09.41powerunitsbut on one of my system gtalk is working 100% fine.. but this is my new system
01:10.11KNERDwhen is 11 due out?
01:10.18powerunitssoo when asteisk11 will be on the market?
01:10.55*** join/#asterisk wudles (
01:11.07mjordanpowerunits: read to the bottom of the page.
01:11.08pabelangerwell you could do what it stays
01:11.20pabelangerFound a loopback IP on the system, check your network configuration or set the bindaddr attribute.
01:12.20KNERDaccording to that, * 11 should be out now
01:13.02powerunits@pabelanger: let me check it out
01:13.04p3nguinknerd: Huh?  What doesn't work?  I use Google Voice with Asterisk every day.
01:13.12pabelangerlikely Oct. 28this
01:13.23KNERDI have not had it functioning in over a year
01:13.31mjordanKNERD: what do you mean it should be out now?
01:13.38p3nguinCrazy.  It works fine for me.
01:13.49KNERDmaybe an older version
01:13.55p3nguinOlder version of what?
01:13.57KNERDone day it just stopped functioning
01:14.06p3nguinHow old are you talking about?
01:14.10mjordanKNERD: feature freeze is 3rd Wednesday of July, first release is 3rd Wednesday of October
01:14.15KNERDwell at leats more than a year
01:14.39p3nguinAsterisk built by rob @ cpe-e650 on an i686 running Linux on 2011-12-20 23:27:42 UTC
01:14.46KNERDthe chart shows asterisk 11 out now
01:15.13p3nguinNot much over six months on that build, but I don't know when it was released.
01:15.15mjordanKNERD: uhm.  Maybe my screen is more stretchy?
01:15.50KNERDp3nguin: oh? one day it stopped working..worked work a few months then stopped workign again all of a sudden
01:15.59mjordansuffice to say, the dates are what is on the bottom of the screen.  Feature freeze is endish of July, first release is endish of October
01:16.21p3nguinI make and receive calls with Google Voice every single day.
01:16.39mjordanKNERD: what version of Asterisk are you running?
01:16.51KNERDi have not been able to successfully make a call in over a year, and a LOT of others are in the same boat
01:17.02KNERDI juts put on today
01:17.06p3nguinI do remember some time ago there was a patch to fix something that they changed, then they changed it back and we had to revert the patch... but then I guess they quit messing with it.
01:17.33mjordanKNERD:  There is an open source developer who is attempting to maintain the current chan_gtalk in the face of google's changes
01:17.46p3nguinI tend to not be current when it comes to software.
01:18.12KNERD"Page Not Found "
01:18.37p3nguinLoads fine for me.
01:18.50p3nguinAsterisk has, since 1.8.0, supported inbound and outbound calling through Google Voice ...
01:18.56mjordank, I'm looking at the page now.  So either you don't have an account on the Asterisk wiki, or - wherever you are - you have bigger issues then just gtalk :-D
01:19.32KNERDyes it has, bt as you mention there was changes back and forth, and it just does not work anymore for me and a lot of thers...
01:19.37p3nguinYou don't even need an account to view pages on the wiki.
01:19.54*** join/#asterisk newmember (
01:20.06KNERDit was the period at the end
01:20.19mjordanKNERD: have you filed issues in JIRA, so that the developers who have volunteered to maintain chan_gtalk can fix the issues?
01:20.20p3nguinPeriods always ruin things.
01:21.05*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
01:21.12KNERDi just gave up on it..seems everyday there was a patch...oops...remove patch...etc
01:22.23newmemberWhere do I turn off call forwarding for an extension in cfg files for *?
01:25.00p3nguinnewmember: I'd guess you turn it off in the same file where you turned it on.
01:25.24newmemberp3nguin: Only I was not here when it got turned on. but thanks
01:25.30p3nguinAnd, since extensions are configured in extensions.conf, I would suspect extensions.conf is the file where you turned it on.
01:26.46p3nguinThere is also a possibility that the phone itself is responsible for the call forward that you are encountering.
01:27.23powerunitsooooh great
01:27.29powerunitsgtalk is also working fine
01:27.48powerunitsi will only bind the IP address of asterisk in gtalk.conf
01:27.59powerunitsand started working fine :D
01:28.05KNERDwell I guess I gotta try again
01:28.27newmemberp3nguin: good thought, we have polycom phones, so I am thinking that the cfg is coming from the server.  I am thinking yes if I had a softphone maybe I couls set that in the client
01:29.13p3nguinPolycom phones, like most other phones, have the ability to set call forwarding on itself.
01:29.30*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
01:29.31p3nguinBut config files for the phones also can control that setting.
01:30.22dijibanybody got any i3 or i5 laptops they want to part with?
01:30.32dijibhow is everyone also
01:31.30newmemberp3nguin: hmmm i see the forward all option
01:31.55newmemberSo what is happening is that all calls to an ext in the asterisk are call forwarding to the guys cell phone
01:32.19newmemberSo that is why I was going with the * conf files
01:32.22p3nguinIt can only be controlled in the dial plan or in the phone.
01:32.25p3nguinThere is no other place.
01:34.51p3nguinI would first look on the phone, since that is what users have access to.
01:35.26p3nguinIt could also be determined by watching the CLI during a call to the extension that the phone uses.
01:36.15p3nguinIf the phone is doing it, you would see some type of diversion in the SIP debug.
01:37.56newmember:Extension = 5654 3|Dial|Local/912xxxxxxxxx@internal
01:38.07newmemberthats what is in the logs
01:38.11dijibp3nguin: did you find anything yet to trade for this sangoma a200?
01:38.31dijibwell then i better send it to u anyways
01:38.40dijibhow is the us these days?
01:39.05dijibdo i have any use for it whatsoever... ? it the forseeable future
01:39.05p3nguinI've been wishing I had stuff to trade.  People are always having things to get rid of that I could potentially use.
01:39.26dijibyou would be more likely to deploy it than me
01:39.41dijibalthought it did install automatically in the last build
01:39.50p3nguinSend it over if you're tired of seeing it.
01:40.00dijibmy server i think is running well being a nuub but i think i need to harden it now
01:40.14p3nguinEncase it in cement.
01:40.32dijibi kindof like seeing it with the red lights in the chassis, but thats all the effect i enact with it
01:41.15p3nguinIf you wanted to encase it in cement but still see the LEDs, you could extend the wires and put the LEDs on the outside of the concrete case.
01:41.37dijibim broke as hell these days, although i have aquired 2x 53" proj lcd
01:41.47dijibone working one sony with lamp out
01:41.51dijibneed lamp
01:42.23dijibno corp phone systems in the bins yet
01:44.05newmemberI see the error in the log files:   : Extension = 0: DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found
01:45.22dijibp3nguin: email me some delivery info and i will see about shipping this usps.canadapost
01:47.04dijibdijib at hot male. com
01:49.20*** join/#asterisk rossand (
01:49.20dijibk back to my game, later lads
01:50.36powerunitsteam one more small issue.. my asteriskcdr was just working fine. i don't what i did but now its not showing any result in cdr table... when i call on extension. asterisk does update cdr table but it does not enter any record into it.
01:51.19powerunitsi can only see 0 0 into cdr table
01:51.27powerunitsany idea why is that?
01:52.52powerunitshere is my cdr_mysql.conf
01:55.59powerunitswhere as i can see complete call logs in tail -f /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
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03:41.05vassiluxhi alls, I  have some troubles with dahdi 2.6.1 and wct4xxp driver. my carte is TE205P 5th Gen. I got "No interrupts" in dmesg. First span stay green all time. I can provide any log cause I'm out of the office but may be someone  can give me an idea :-).  I tried some different version of dahdi with the same result.
03:42.06WIMPyWell, no interrupts looks like a hardware issue.
03:42.32vassiluxI changed the cart slot with the same result. I can't desactivate usb in the BIOS cause I must install r-series with usb plug.
03:43.49vassiluxYes but I found in the goggle the someone speaking about alarmdebounce=2500
03:44.06WIMPyThat doesn;t change interrupts.
03:45.10vassiluxin the bios ?
03:45.35WIMPyWherever, the issue may be.
03:46.02WIMPyBIOS, board, the card or just a bad connection.
03:49.26vassiluxI'm not sure if it is a bad connection cause I used in my dev box one other TE205P and for test just make crossover connection beetwen two ports.
03:50.05WIMPyBetween the card and the board.
03:50.40WIMPyIf the card doesn't work, it doesn't matter what you connect to the ports.
04:01.06*** join/#asterisk viro (
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04:43.55ectospasmvassilux: call Digium technical support +1.256.428.6161, they will help you as long as your TE205 is registered.
04:44.23ectospasm...they have technicians available from 7pm Sunday through 7am Saturday, US CDT (UTC-5)
04:44.50ectospasm(disclaimer:  I work for Digium Technical Support)
04:45.41pabelanger(disclaimer:  I used to work for Digium)
04:52.28KNERDon a weekend? Buiahaha!
04:58.54*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
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05:28.07MosquitoCRAnyone knows a good nagios plugin for Asterisk 1.6 and 1.8 ?
05:48.13KNERDnever heard of it
05:50.28*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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05:53.37din3shmrning all
05:56.14KNERDevenin' guvnor
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06:10.02schmidtsgood morning
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06:27.40*** join/#asterisk Celorio10 (559898e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:27.51Celorio10Good morning from Spain guys!
06:32.38KNERDhola crayola cero
06:34.15*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
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06:36.48Samuel_CTXMosquitoCR: we have some shell scripts that query asterisk (rasterisk -x) and give the results to Nagios
06:43.13Celorio10Anyone can help me with asterisk problem?
06:43.55Celorio10Do you know GAI-TRONICS Phones?
06:44.15MosquitoCRSamuel_CTX: can you send them ?
06:44.41drmessanoCelorio10: Looking at their website..
06:45.10drmessanoCelorio10: What is the problem?  Still waiting for it
06:48.21Celorio10i have 8 IP phones (Auteldac 4 VoIP without buttons) and i need, when i off hook this phones calls to a extension, i have configured the sip.conf and the extensions.conf but doesn't works :(
06:48.45KNERDnope..nobody here canhelp you
06:48.49KNERDwhat is asterisk?
06:48.50EmleyMoorAnyone know a good RJ11-431A adapter with ring cap?
06:49.23EmleyMoorKNERD: Read the topic and stop being a fool
06:49.26Celorio10in the phones i put in memory 1 "sip:103@" to call (the same that i use with 3CX PBX)
06:49.50KNERDthen why did you ask a fool question "anyone know..."
06:50.01KNERDi responded correctly
06:51.02*** join/#asterisk af_ (~getsmart@
06:52.32Celorio10103 is the extension and is the IP of the server who has Asterisk
06:53.02drmessanoCelorio10: Do you see the call attempt in the CLI?
06:53.35Celorio10then i think that the problem is in the call from the phone
06:54.16RiceCrackeris your sip extension registering? "sip show peers"
06:54.26Celorio10yes its all ok
06:55.33KNERD*43 work fine?
06:55.43Celorio10The problem is that i dont have buttons in the phone and i have tu put the extensión in the memory
06:56.37Celorio10and i try directly with 103, SIP/103,103:pass@ ...........and nothing :(
06:56.49drmessanoCelorio10: If the call isn't hitting asterisk, then it's the phone
06:57.03RiceCrackercan you make it work using a softphone like xlite?
06:57.29Celorio10yes, i supose it :( nobody here works with GAI-TRONICS phones?
06:58.03drmessanoCelorio10: I doubt you're going to find someone at random who has used something so specific.  Might want to contact the vendor
06:58.24drmessanoCelorio10: Sounds like you have a dialplan issue with the device.  Not sure what else to tell you
06:58.35Celorio10RiceCracker: today i will try to use x-lite
06:59.23Celorio10drmessano i'm trying to contact gai-tronics i hope have an answer today....thank you so much!
06:59.55RiceCrackeragreed with drmessano, some phones do require you to input the dialplan on the phone.  if you can get it to work with x-lite, then for sure its a setting on your phone.
07:00.36Celorio10Then this morning i will try to works with x-lite! Thanks RiceCracker!!
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07:51.25jkroonhi guys, with dahdi-2.6.1 and asterisk we're seeing analog (FXS signalling) going into strange states from time to time, and presumably dropping calls.
07:51.33jkroonhas anyone else seen this? known resolutions?
07:51.41jkroona restart of asterisk usually fixes it for a few hours...
07:52.22jkroon[Jun 26 09:42:40] WARNING[10208] sig_analog.c: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1
07:52.33jkroonafter that we're dead in the water until restart
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08:04.40applemangohello every one
08:04.49applemangoi am new with asterisk
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08:05.11applemangoi am  facing a problem
08:05.14*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (channelz@
08:06.06applemangothere does'nt raised AgentCalled event
08:06.39applemangocould any one help me
08:08.36applemangoanybody there]
08:09.16aberriosapplemango: I believe that's because the queue call has already been answered.
08:09.42jkroon - this seems to be related to my problem, however, I can't imagine that this is still open.
08:10.22jkroonwell, the fix there is to explicitly "Answer" and "Ringing" an analog channel, which IMHO is wrong, why can't we simply answer the incoming analog channel once the answering SIP channel answers?
08:11.33applemangoactully i am using manager API
08:11.58applemangoand i want to triger events when agent are called
08:12.14ChannelZjkroon: does the console actually show proper call progress?
08:12.23applemangowhen first time call enters in queue its work fine]
08:12.46applemangobut when agent transfer call to other agent
08:12.54applemangothere is no event
08:12.58aberriosapplemango: attended or blind?
08:13.43jkroonChannelZ, call comes in, enters the dialplan, goes through everything it does normally, SIP/ channel starts ringing, SIP/ channel answers and then it's claimed that the call drops, so yea, I think it does.
08:14.02ChannelZThat isn't really what I asked
08:14.04aberriosapplemango: you know what, I'm not entirely sure what the order of events is here but I would reckon since the Queue Call gets answered you would never see another AgentCalled event for that queue call again
08:14.14ChannelZTurn on some verbose and pastebin the whole process
08:14.36ChannelZI'd like to see what it thinks is happening to the channels
08:15.28applemangochannelZ : i am facing call tranfer issue
08:16.00applemangomean when agent transfer a call to other agent how could i get that event
08:16.16ChannelZsorry I'm talking to jkroon not you
08:16.51ChannelZI've no idea on your problem, I don't have any extensive experience with queues sorry
08:17.03applemangoits okay
08:21.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:22.39jkroonChannelZ, I'll get stephen to trap one in the act of "failing", verbosity at level 10?
08:23.16ChannelZ3 or 4 is fine (I forget, * doesn't actually log anything above 4 I think)
08:24.56jkroonI've reconfigured the CLI stuff now as well, which apparently from internet reports seems to mostly be what triggers it ...
08:27.30*** join/#asterisk shadebob (~shadebob@
08:28.04applemangocould som1 tell me how to get CallTranfer Event
08:28.11applemangomanager api
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08:35.19kaldemarapplemango: where did you come up with such an event?
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08:40.52ChannelZwanders off to bed
08:41.44savengerHi again, I still cannot make asterisk open the tls port. Can anyone of you show me sip.conf where tls is working for you? I followed but it did not work.
08:42.07kaldemarapplemango: there is one called Transfer though.
08:42.19savengerasterisk is not giving any error messages about tls
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08:54.34jkroonChannelZ, i googled a bit and found two or three reports that claims to have tampered with cid detections settings that ended up resolving their problems.
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09:09.06savengerGuys! When I start asterisk via "asterisk -cvvvvvvvvvv" it opens the tls port! If I start it with "/etc/init.d/asterisk start" it doesn't!!!! Do you know why?
09:10.06kaldemarsee what your init script does.
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09:23.33dandate2in the pap2 ATA device does Silence Threshold set to "High" mean long wait for suppression or short?
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11:18.19AdvoWorkHi there, i'm using trixbox ontop of asterisk, our calls go out via an ISDN line. Initially they went out over SIP. After changing from SIP > ISDN the caller id has started showing as anonymous. Any idea how to debug this at all?
11:20.29WIMPyAre you familiar with the Asterisk CLI?
11:21.46WIMPyIf not, then
11:21.51infobotTrixbox is unable to be supported here.  It is a closed-source distribtuion of Asterisk and FreePBX containing proprietary code that its users do not have access to, making it difficult to support.  Try joining #trixbox and asking your questions there.
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12:02.35savengerstill another problem with tls: "Problem setting up ssl connection: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure". Debug-Output: . Any clue what I have to do to fix this?
12:05.22*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
12:06.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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12:47.41slav3_kittenstupid question time
12:47.48slav3_kittencan asterisk do SMS?
12:48.51schmidtsslav3_kitten yes ;)
12:49.10slav3_kittenreally needs time to read the book
12:49.48slav3_kittenbeen trying to figure out A) where to get the latest firmware for my 7921, and B) how to configure the 7911 and 7921 phones he has
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12:58.17[TK]D-Fender* doesn't really do SMS.
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13:01.08slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, now i'm confused
13:01.53[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, All docs seem to show is support of SENDING SMS over E1.  Nothing else
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13:09.28francisvgarciaHi everyone
13:09.57francisvgarciaI got a question for u guys
13:10.46francisvgarciado you have a patch for the DTMF issues on chan_mobile when using disa?
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13:15.05[TK]D-FenderDISA has not special implication with DTMF
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13:17.27francisvgarcia[TK]D-Fender what happens is that I got asterisk working ok and I am using chan_mobile for connecting asterisk to the GSM network as everyone knows
13:18.00[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia, I don't, but that's fine.  DTMF either works or it doesn't.  DISA is not special.
13:18.02francisvgarciathe issue is when I make an incoming call to the asterisk server it responds but no DTMF tones are procesed by asterisk
13:19.07francisvgarciaonly the * and the 0 are reconigzed by asterisk
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13:31.26aberriosslav3_kitten: I can confirm I had * sending and receiving SMS over E1.
13:31.50aberriostwas 1.6 tho, havent tried with 1.8
13:32.08WIMPyaberrios: You sent a whole service?
13:32.20aberriosexpensive for sending here though, obviously free to receive
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13:46.17slav3_kitteni am mostly curious sending sms alerts of voicemail
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13:47.43_Corey_slav3_kitten: You could look into using an externotify application with a provider like Twilio or Voxeo who offer an SMS api
13:47.50[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, Get some other service to do it then.  that's what the "pager" option in voicemail.conf is for
13:48.04_Corey_(or just use an e-mail gateway if you want to manage that)
13:48.14[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, Most cell co's offer an e-mail>SMS option
13:48.46slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, my cell is really bare bones basic
13:49.08[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, it isn't your PHONE that needs to offer anything
13:49.25[TK]D-FenderslYour CELL COMPANY probably offers an e-mail address to send you SMS's
13:49.26slav3_kittenwell i should say more verizon charges for everything
13:49.41slav3_kitteni'll check into i
13:49.59slav3_kitten< misspoke the first time as he recently woke up again and has the flu
13:51.12Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz
13:51.37aberriosYou're not winning this time Katty ....
13:51.51*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
13:52.04slashpman i'm going crazy with a 481 Call leg/transaction does not exist response...would someone mind reading over a post and giving any input they could?  i would really appreciate it...the post is located here:
13:52.29[TK]D-Fendersla1.4 is EOL and no longer supported
13:52.37[TK]D-Fenderslashp,  1.4 is EOL and no longer supported
13:52.51Kattyaberrios: i'm always winning.
13:52.55Kattyaberrios: I"M A WINNER
13:53.09beekwaves to [TK]D-Fender and hugs katty
13:53.10[TK]D-FenderAnd Trixbox is dead.  Just completely and utterly dead
13:53.18Kattyhugs beek
13:53.22Kattybeek: how're you dear?
13:53.27beekDoing fine.  Yourself?
13:53.28[TK]D-Fenderbeek, 'lo
13:53.30[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
13:53.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: howdy.
13:54.12leifmadsenomg my asterisk is down and we're loosing<sic> money by the second! I need an adult!
13:54.35Kattyoh noes!!!
13:54.39WIMPyAsterisk adultery?
13:54.44slashp[TK]D-Fender, i understand that (if i had a choice I wouldn't be on this version, i'd be using PBX in a flash or something)'s just the way our production environment is currently set up, but if no one will help i'll pass the message to my boss :)
13:55.10[TK]D-FenderPIAF = different flavour of crap... but OK....
13:55.14slashphaha is it?
13:55.17slashpwhat would you recommend?
13:55.26[TK]D-FenderActually.. not that bad.  ELASTIX was the other bad one
13:55.32slashpyeah i don't like ELASTIX that much
13:55.55[TK]D-Fenderslashp, Currently AsteriskNOW, or the FreePBX ISO if you're looking at the FreePBX angle...
13:56.06slashpyeah i've heard good things about AsteriskNOW
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13:58.37beekslashp: astlinux
13:59.19slashphaven't seen this one before :)
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14:03.46francisvgarciaany help about chan_mobile and DTMF on incoming calls?
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14:09.45polysicsdoes an AMI command exist to check if a context or extension exists?
14:09.49polysicsbefore I add it
14:10.22polysicsor a cli command of sorts
14:10.31polysicsI use dialplan add extension
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14:10.51WIMPydialplan show?
14:12.45polysicsyeah, I think I will have to parse that
14:13.56WIMPyYou did notice the optional parameters?
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14:18.29polysicssuch as?
14:22.22polysicsoh, i can use the context
14:22.39polysicsit's not the same thing as an explicit "question" but still works, thanks
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14:32.09EmleyMoorManaged to get temporary inside lines wired up now - but my router is in a mess so can't actually restore my phones until the new one arrives
14:33.23EmleyMoorI've told people "Taking the number? I'm taking the whole exchange with me!"
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14:38.33cuscowhen a caller is joining a queue, is there some how that I can allow him to press 8, only after 50 seconds in queue?
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14:42.36[TK]D-Fendercusco, Nope.
14:43.24slav3_kittenwhat's pressing 8 do in your system cusco?
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14:45.19autofsckkgood morning everybody
14:45.45*** join/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (~ThinkGNU-@
14:46.26ThinkGNU-Is there a good way to allow users to input the numbers that will be dialed in FollowMe()?
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14:50.08[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, Whatever he wants it to be
14:50.26[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-, Considered Read() yet?
14:50.27slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, obviously but i was curious what he was doing with it
14:50.48[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, Good odds on "leave a message", or "emergency"
14:51.18slav3_kitten*nods* what i was thinking. or operator
14:54.09GreenlightCan asterisk "translate" DTMF modes between trunks, for example I have a trunk with an incomming call dtmfmode info and then that dials out on another trunk with dtmfmode rfc2833 will Asterisk "translate" from one to the other?
14:54.17cuscoslav3_kitten: asks for the contact number to be contacted later by us
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14:54.34slav3_kittenah interesting :)
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14:55.51WIMPyGreenlight: Should work. But I remember there was an issue with one of the translations. IIRC the length was lost or something.
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14:59.32Kattywhy am i hungry
14:59.34Kattyit's only 10
15:00.31newtonrKatty: it's always lunchtimes somewhere
15:00.54QwellKatty: come make me lunch!
15:01.02Qwellexcuse to leave early for lunch
15:01.05coppiceKatty: isn't 10 maximum on the hunger scale?
15:01.25coppice10 is the right time for lunch in Pheonix
15:02.03[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-, No.
15:02.27[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-, That conf & app are virtually worthless.  Nothing you can't do in dialplan yourself
15:03.40[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-, If you need this functionality.. apparently
15:03.52[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-, and stop using /notice for talking to poeple.
15:05.34cuscoanother question.. in AEL using goto context,exten,priority, it states: no label main|6 exists in the context Lusomundo-novo or its inclusions
15:05.42cuscothere is extension main
15:05.57cuscodialplan show context, shows 6
15:06.53[TK]D-Fendercusco, Stop using "|" as a delimiter
15:07.14cuscoI'm not
15:07.20cuscoasterisk is outputing it that way
15:07.28[TK]D-Fendercusco, Show us the precise code & output
15:07.39cuscoI'm using: goto Lusomundo-novo,main,6
15:07.48cusco[Jun 26 16:03:57] ERROR[25806]: ael/pval.c:1316 check_goto: Error: file /etc/asterisk/extensions_partner/extensions_Lusomundo-novo.ael, line 124-124: goto:  no label main|6 exists in the context Lusomundo-novo or its inclusions!
15:08.05*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
15:08.08[TK]D-Fendercusco, actual ful dialplan, dump of "dialplan show" and athe FULL call to Goto, not just the ERROR
15:08.12infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:10.16cusco[TK]D-Fender: here is dialplan show, and the ael calling goto, (wich is not yet in dialplan show, as asterisk errored out on 'ael reload)
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15:11.11fulcancan someone recommend an asterisk friendly sip/sms carrier
15:11.42cuscoI would not use sms in asterisk, rather integrate it externally
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15:12.36fulcancusco smsq looks like it will do exactly what I want it to do. why is this?
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15:23.44WIMPytries a little OT, although it's related to phones. Does someone have experience with LCDs with a glued flex band between the controller and the glass? The glue seems to fail with time leading to
15:23.50WIMPydead rows or collumns.
15:24.03WIMPyIs it possible to fix those?
15:25.05coppiceget Superman to use his laser beam eyes
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15:32.18cusco[TK]D-Fender: ok I found out I can set a label/alias for a priority
15:32.22cuscoit works
15:33.43cuscoanother question... can I make a member leave a queue, playback something, and make him join the queue and keep the same position? so he does not go to end of line?
15:33.48*** part/#asterisk GeoGeek (~steve-o_@
15:40.52slav3_kittenso i might need some help help with sccp...
15:41.07slav3_kittenanyone here ever use deploy that chan?
15:42.22WIMPyYes, but I probably won't be able to help, not understnading how it works.
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15:51.50cuscomath works like NoOp($[3-2]);
15:52.06leifmadsenuse the MATH() function
15:52.11leifmadsenbut ya that shold work too
15:52.24leifmadsenbut you'll likely get more consistent results if you use the function
15:56.27*** join/#asterisk rjb_77777 (
15:56.57cuscoits ok, calculating ints
15:57.16cuscoset epoch, then checking setted var with current eopch
15:57.29cuscothe var had a typo, thus not working heh..
15:58.16rjb_77777Hey all.  I have a routing issue I am hoping you can help with.
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16:00.07rjb_77777We have an Asterisk system that was configured by a third party vendor.  We have Polycom 300 series we give to users who work remotely.
16:00.36rjb_77777The remote phones work great unless they have a Vonage or Verizon on the same network.
16:01.10rjb_77777About 2/3 of the remote users can't use the remote phones.
16:01.40rjb_77777Is there a way to set up a VPN device at the remote location and terminate the phones behind the Asterisk?
16:02.08WIMPyYes, but that's something for #networking.
16:02.25WIMPyUnless you get phones that will do it for you.
16:03.42rjb_77777Thanks wimpy.  We have everything set up properly and connectivity both directions, but the Asterisk won't communicate with the phones.  They don't register.  They will pull NTP, DNS, and FTP down, but the Asterisk won't communicate with it on the LAN, only out the WAN.
16:04.24rjb_77777What phones can do VPN.  What would be the endpoints?
16:04.38leifmadsenI'm not sure any do that
16:04.55leifmadsenunless you have a laptop on the vpn using a softphone
16:05.03leifmadsenor you place the device behind a VPN hardware device
16:05.05WIMPyNot on the LAN?
16:05.22rjb_77777Is there a config that tells the Asterisk which interface the phones are on?
16:05.41WIMPySnom 370 does OpenVPN. The 8xx series probably as well, but I haven;t looked in to them. I think they are just over the top.
16:06.09rjb_77777The issue is that the Asterisk will not route to the phones if the next hop is on the LAN.  I have set permanent routes on eth1 pointing to the VPN firewall.
16:06.13WIMPyIt will find out when the phone tries to register.
16:06.51WIMPyThat sounds like a general networking issue.
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16:10.27rjb_77777We have a hardware VPN device at the remote location connecting to a VPN firewall at the Asterisk.  The tunnel terminates behind the Asterisk.  We have connectivity in both directions, but the Asterisk will not communicate with the phones unless they have a LAN address.  It won't route the connections.
16:11.10rjb_77777Where can I look to configure the Asterisk to also register phones that are on subnets other than the DHCP scope?
16:12.13WIMPyWe need more detailed ionformation. So far I don't see an Asterik Issue.
16:12.17[TK]D-Fender* isn't restricted to any specific scope
16:12.35[TK]D-FenderIt doesn't care where your phone is unless YOU restricted it in your configs
16:12.55rjb_77777Where would that restriction be configured?
16:12.58WIMPyOr somewhere on the network.
16:13.53WIMPyDoes Asterisk receive the registration requests at all?
16:14.24rjb_77777Yes, the requests are hitting the *.  We can get good DNS, NTP, and FTP.
16:15.27WIMPyAnd what about the resonse? What does it respond? Where does it go?
16:16.18*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:16.40rjb_77777Response goes out the WAN.
16:17.01rjb_77777I can ping the phone private IP from the * itself.  Routing is configured properly.
16:17.48slav3_kittengrumble grumble grumbles about cisco firmware
16:18.05WIMPyI don't want to know about pings. I want to know about the response.
16:18.20rjb_77777Response goes out the WAN.
16:20.37WIMPyShow us a SIP debug.
16:20.51rjb_77777New territory.  How do I pull that?
16:21.02*** join/#asterisk viro (
16:21.08WIMPysip set debug on
16:21.29WIMPyYou can restrict it to an ip if you want.
16:22.07rjb_77777OK.  Will have to wait until tomorrow.  The remote phone is at home right now.
16:23.32rjb_77777Thanks Wimpy.
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16:36.16rx4changeDoes anyone know if there is a solution for Page to use confbridge instead of meetme in Asterisk 1.8?
16:36.34leifmadsenthere is not
16:36.58WIMPyNot in 1.8.
16:37.00rx4changewell that settles that.... is there a solution on 10?
16:37.00leifmadsenupdating app_page to not use app_meetme hooks would require some developmen effort. I think that may have been changed in trunk for Asterisk 11
16:37.22leifmadsenrx4change: check the CHANGES and UPGRADE.txt files in trunk to determine that kind of change
16:37.34WIMPyNot on 10, either?
16:37.57leifmadsenI think that change was post Asterisk 10
16:38.12leifmadsenas part of the clean up to get everything switched over to app_confbridge usage
16:38.19leifmadsenit might be in 10, but I can't confirm that without effort
16:38.31leifmadsenmjordan might know for sure
16:40.00rx4changeIn my representative 10 install, I don't even have Page installed.  I assume would be a dahdi dependency issue.
16:40.53mjordanWIMPy: rx4change: that is an item that was addressed for Asterisk 11
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16:43.07mjordanand yes, that should already be in trunk - it was committed on March 10th
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17:10.11senatorhi all. if i have a pri span correctly configured with dahdi and asterisk, shouldn't i have commands available in the asterisk console that start with 'pri', like 'pri show spans', etc
17:11.39WIMPyBut you want to upgrade anyway.
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17:13.24senatorWIMPy: thanks. (and yes i do) so /proc/dahdi/1 shows 23 channels clear/in-use and the 24th as HDLCFCS (this is a pri of 'national' type with b8zs/esf coding, and i do see channels in asterisk console with 'dahdi show channels' and the like,
17:14.10senatorbut outbound calls fail with unknown status and the telco says 'the d-channel is down, nothing we can do'
17:14.14senatorany hints as to what i'm missing?
17:14.23senatori suspect it's the same thing stopping me from having any pri* commands
17:14.27WIMPylibpri probably
17:14.36senatorthat would be too obvious
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17:45.23volga629Hello All
17:47.18volga629I created new test account on mail server and I tried leave voice message and that what I see
17:47.46volga629Is that actual delivery of email ?
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19:01.23wonkook, so for inbound google voice calls do i *really* need to Wait() for 8 seconds?
19:07.31file2-3 is enough, but you do need to send a DTMF digit of 1
19:07.45file(even the google talk plug-in in gmail does it)
19:08.19wonkoyeah, i've got the sendDTMF(1) i nthere
19:08.27wonkojust wasn't sure if i really needed to wait so long
19:09.11wonkoawesome, thanks!
19:09.19wonkonow to clean up that awful callerid string. :)
19:13.22*** join/#asterisk Phican (
19:13.41PhicanAnybody mind dabbling with a sip URI issue?
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19:16.23PhicanPoint and laugh, but Im using pbx in a flash, purple edition with asterisk 1.8.  Incoming sip URI works fine, trying to dial out with sip uri to known good addresses errors out with "Congested/busy"  Rather hoping to find a way to get more verbosity then I have, or find a way to troubleshoot the issue.
19:18.01drmessanoThe Asterisk CLI is where you want to be.. enable sip debug and look at the call
19:18.26PhicanAlright, Ill give that a shot, Ive been defaulting with asterisk -rvvv
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19:19.58Phicanalso, anything wrong with this?
19:20.16PhicanDial(SIP/<ext> ?
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19:27.05[TK]D-FenderPhican,  I highly recommend you look at the ACTUAL ATTEMPT
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19:39.49PhicanI plan to, however I wanted to make sure I had the dial string correct, several examples use a matching format, Im using an extension to dial by sip
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19:51.49jerohi, I have a strange behavior in asterisk 1.8, can't get call waiting on a dahdi channel with callwaiting=yes in chan_dahdi.conf; dunno if related but "dahdi show channel 1" shows CallWait: <None>
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19:54.57[TK]D-Fenderjero, And what do you have plugged in?
19:59.30jero[TK]D-Fender: i think it's some kind of custom device :>
19:59.48*** join/#asterisk darrenlooby (
20:00.48darrenloobyI'm trying to originate a call using a call file which auto answers... Most of the stuff I can find talks about AMI, and I'm getting errors when I try to do similar with a call file. Anyone with experience of doing this?
20:01.48[TK]D-Fenderjero, What card?  Channel?
20:02.12[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, Yes.  No show us the actual call file, failed attempt, etc
20:03.24infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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20:06.20justdaveidly wonders if Digium will ever provide a RHEL6/CentOS6 repo for asterisk/dahdi, since the packages in EPEL don't seem to be kept up-to-date (don't really expect an answer, just sharing ;)
20:06.45justdaveseems strange to be able to get newer Asterisk on rhel5 than I can on rhel6 (without resorting to building it myself)
20:07.31pabelangerjustdave, update the RPM and submit it back to digium
20:07.38pabelangerit is open source after all
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20:08.15justdavepabelanger: I did that once, the bugs in the tracker never got touched.  despite having patches on them.
20:09.35justdavebut there is no rhel6 repo right now.  every time I asked if they were going to add one i was told "you can get it from EPEL" (EPEL didn't have it for EL5)
20:10.45darrenlooby[TK]D-Fender, Attempting to play a file in this one
20:10.46pabelangerjustdave, then ask for commit access to commit the patches
20:10.48QwellIt's not a matter of not having the spec file updated.  It's a matter of getting a system built, building them, maintaining them, etc.
20:10.50pabelangerpost them on reviewboard
20:10.50[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, and where did you invent that option from? "call-info".  That isn't a valid parm....
20:10.57pabelangerget more active in asterisk-dev
20:10.59Qwellupdating the specs is trivial
20:11.11pabelangerpeople will be more then happy to give you access if you work on it
20:11.31darrenloobyFound it here:
20:12.09[TK]D-Fenderdarrthat isn't just something you can shove in a call file
20:12.25[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, that is ablatant call to a separate dialplan app.
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20:12.50[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, If you plan on doing more, you'll have to dial a LOCAL CHANNEL and have dialplan do your dirt-work for you
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20:14.06darrenlooby[TK]D-Fender, the main thing I need to do - is add a call file to trigger a auto answering call, to play a file. I can't touch the dialplan files - because they get overwritten by other processes
20:14.21[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, You have no choice.
20:14.27darrenlooby[TK]D-Fender, do you think I would be better approaching this using AMI?
20:14.34[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, No, it's the same thing
20:14.45[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, just a different trigger
20:14.50darrenloobyOkay, cheers [TK]D-Fender
20:15.14[TK]D-Fenderdarrenlooby, what "ther processes"?
20:18.03darrenlooby[TK]D-Fender, we're using someone else's asterisk built - with GUI. When they add new features etc, it runs and update and overwrites most of the config files
20:18.17darrenlooby[TK]D-Fender, as a result, anything that we put it will get lost
20:18.30darrenlooby[TK]D-Fender, will have to just convince them to put it in
20:19.31darrenlooby[TK]D-Fender, cheers for your help :)
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20:27.15[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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20:31.50kontinuityhi guys
20:32.33kontinuityI am trying to simulate a call by placing a call file in the spool, and it does call but whenever the other guy starts speaking the call is dropped automatically
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20:35.38kontinuityand I get this log in the console pawn extension (incoming, 2000, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/'
20:38.34beekkontinuity: Pastebin your call file and the dialplan in the context you're dropping the call into.
20:42.05kontinuitybeek: I am using a 3 asterisk setup to simulate my server setup
20:42.18PhicanIn my senario, sip debug shows the call being set up correctly, however, remote peer appears to come back with congested/busy. when someone has a chance, would anyone mind taking a peak at my debug output to see if Im missing anything?
20:42.43kontinuitybeek: we have two sip peers, 1 that gives us inbound calls and another that we forward the calls to
20:47.20beekkontinuity: Without spending a huge amount of time trying to figure out exactly what you're doing (you didn't put in the call file you used) I'd suggest adding an 'Answer()' as the first line of the context... before the dial.
20:47.34kontinuityChannel: SIP/2000@outbound
20:47.35kontinuityExtension: s
20:47.40kontinuitybeek: thats the call file
20:47.53kontinuitybeek: thanks, let me give it a shot
20:48.12kontinuitybeek: although if I make a call from a softphone the whole setup works
20:48.12beekYou have no 'outbound' context in your pastebin.
20:50.40beekOnce again, I'm just shooting in the dark here.
20:50.47kontinuitybeek: thats the outbound context used in all 3 asterisk servers
20:51.40kontinuitybeek: does call file calls have any limitations as compared to softphone calls? I am guessing I've missed something critical here. Maybe call files can't listen to whatever is being played back
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20:52.13volga629message and that what I see
20:52.15volga629<volga629> Is that actual delivery of email ?
20:53.07[TK]D-Fendervolga629: Do you SEE the message?
20:53.26volga629I created test new account and that what I see on mail server
20:53.36volga629Is that actual delivery of email ?
20:54.01volga629for Imap
20:54.36[TK]D-Fendermailop - Adding Message: <--- what does this look like to you?
20:55.29beekkontinuity: Where is the "s" extension in your dialplan?
20:55.42volga629Look like delivery, but I am not sure if after should be something else, because it mail folder I don't see anything.
20:56.08[TK]D-FenderPhiCalled SIP/
20:56.20kontinuitybeek: I am always calling the same _2XXX extension, 2000 in my call file case
20:56.30volga629that why I ask to see which side need look for the problem
20:56.33[TK]D-FenderPhican: <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
20:56.44[TK]D-FenderPhiThey clearly don't like what you dialed
20:57.21PhicanI wonder if its not passing correctly, seems to be the same error on multiple uris
20:58.15[TK]D-FenderPhican: Where do you see that 31337 is a valid number to dial there?
20:58.37beekkontinuity: Have you cranked up verbosity and watched the console?
20:58.50kontinuityyes the call comes to the destination asterisk
20:59.02PhicanIve called it before, do you know of some quick URIs I can use?
20:59.04beekAnd then what?
20:59.07Phicanrather, for testing?
20:59.13kontinuityand ends abruptly (probably) with Spawn extension (incoming, 2000, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/'
20:59.41kontinuitybeek: it kind of skips the playback part when the call is from a call file
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21:00.23volga629 Look on another it add message and delete message ?????
21:02.00[TK]D-FenderPhican: Well so far it looks like they killed that off...
21:02.05[TK]D-FenderOr just broken
21:02.52kontinuitybeek: this is interesting,
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21:03.28kontinuitybeek: the log from the destination asterisk, first one is with call file, second one a softphone, you can see the playback being skipped in the first one
21:03.37stimoceiverso is there a good list of community-recommended SIP trunk providers somewhere?
21:03.53stimoceiverpreferrably sorted by POP location
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21:05.38beekkontinuity: I'm looking something up.
21:06.00stimoceiveror maybe one of you asterisk gear heads can relate, your criterion for choosing SIP providers
21:06.25stimoceiverive noticed some problems when the SIP provider doesnt have a local presence in my metro area - which happens to be Chicago
21:07.21PhicanTK - Doesnt dial for you either?
21:10.34beekkontinuity: As I thought.    The "person" in a call file is emulated by a context.
21:11.01volga629I can't believe problem solved it is delete voice mail option on asterisk, I removed delete and right I see message in VoiceMail folder
21:11.12kontinuitybeek: so I need to add the context to the call file
21:11.21kontinuitybeek: ? and what if its not set?
21:11.40beekkontinuity: Yes, and you need to program the dialplan to act as the other person.   At the very least, Answer().
21:12.05beekThen you get the result that you have seen.  The call is placed but the calling side simply drops the call as there is nothing more for it to do.
21:13.19kontinuitybeek: bear with me please, so you mean to say that the outgoing context has to answer? How is that done?
21:13.57kontinuitybeek: a sample dialplan/context would be much appreciated
21:14.05beekWorking on it... hang on.
21:17.24[TK]D-FenderPhican: No, but what you dialed matches what they are asking for, and looks to be formatted right...
21:18.53beekkontinuity: This is the Perl code which connects via AMI, but same concept.
21:19.32beekCall is placed and the calling side then drops into the 'page-by-phone' context for processing.   It just continues to repeat a message until the person being "paged" hangs up.
21:20.25[TK]D-FenderJust picture the VOICEMAIL that would leave behind....
21:20.43kontinuitybeek: so in essence you are waiting endlessly until the other side hangs up
21:21.15beekYes.    The call is placed by AMI, then that open channel is dropped in to page-by-phone, priority 's'.
21:21.36beekThe background being played says "Grab a pencil and paper and press 1 to hear the details".
21:22.10beekOnce the person does that we jump to exten 1, priority 1, and loop until they hang up.
21:22.22beekI meant to say "page-by-phone, extension 's', priority 1"
21:23.00kontinuitybeek: can I just use wait instead?
21:23.07kontinuitywhy use background
21:23.16beekDo whatever makes you feel good.   Really!
21:23.19volga629What can cause sent both Imap and regular mail as voice mail notification ?
21:23.26beekIt is just a dialplan to do whatever you want, so wait would be fine.
21:23.46beekYou just need to write a context that acts like the human who is using your softphone.
21:24.07beekAnd if that person does nothing more than listen, then wait(20) would be sufficient.
21:24.37kontinuitybeek: awesome! let me try this out, thanks!
21:24.49beekBottom line... the call file simply places the call, then expects to drop into dialplan somewhere.
21:24.56mjordanvolga629: I don't understand your question.  Do you mean why did you receive an e-mail notification that you were left a voicemail, and a message through IMAP that was the actual voicemail left?
21:26.33PhicanTK, thank you for your input, I tried a uri path from carrierx and the call went through, seems alot of the URIs Ive been using are not longer in service
21:26.48volga629yes, I got both to VoiceMail folder and Inbox
21:27.51mjordanvolga629: do you have an e-mail address specified for the voicemail user, in addition to their IMAP credentials?
21:29.55volga629101 => 1455,SnomDesk,,,vmcontext=realtime-ldap| no
21:30.12volga629passwd temporary this test machine
21:30.46kontinuitybeek: brilliant! it worked, thank you so much
21:30.54beekkontinuity: You're welcome.
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22:02.21navaismosorry for sound like a bot but:
22:02.21navaismoHi im trying to add a simple web page to edit the *_customs files so far it works but i cant enable the auth using the freepbx system, any hint please?
22:02.41drmessanoYou're in the wrong channel
22:04.00navaismoLOL you are right
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22:41.37KNERDThat has the same settings as you showed me...still not functioning
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22:46.24vastinain order to make a test PRI line as CO all I need to do is edit the /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf and modify signalling to pri_net and have a T1 crossover cable, no?
22:47.04newtonrvastina: pretty much
22:47.31newtonrassuming you have coding, framing, etc setup how you need
22:47.59vastinaright, ESF framing, loadzone, etc...
22:48.25vastinabipolar with 8 zero subbing
22:48.28vastinaI think I've got it
22:48.51vastinaand I can also emulate an E1 european style with 32 channels if I wanted I can see
22:48.54vastinasweet stuff
22:49.19newtonryup, wide range of signalling and protocol settings
22:49.48vastinaany suggestions for load testing dahdi cabinets? sipp can't be what I need for benchmarking would it?
22:50.54newtonri've never done any load testing with TDM stuff.  are you wanting to do calls from  SIP -> TDM ?
22:51.23newtonrif you originate from the SIP side, then sure I guess you could do that with sipp
22:51.33vastinayeah pretty much, it's a SIP appliance working with TDM cabinets
22:51.55vastinaI work for a manufacturer and that's one of my tasks, load testing the older TDM stuff
22:52.20newtonryou would just setup the basic dialplan to get the SIP call passed through out the DAHDI channels, then do all your magic with sipp
22:52.21vastinawith an asterisk "appliance"
22:52.43vastinaah, alright, thank you
22:53.16vastinaend of my day here, but I'll be asking more tomorrow if needed
22:53.22vastinamuch appreciated
22:53.29newtonranytime! later
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23:54.55WIMPyvastina: Don't forget to change to provice timing on that interface in dahdi/system.conf.

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