IRC log for #asterisk on 20120619

00:00.01WIMPyI think so.
00:00.11gustothat's quite f**8 bad
00:00.31WIMPyYou get used to it.
00:00.42gustogoes to sleep
00:00.50WIMPyIt's only one of a whole lot of bad things.
00:01.37*** join/#asterisk rossand (
00:07.08sam555anyone use freepbx?
00:11.20WIMPyThe guys in #freepbx
00:11.53*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
00:12.27Get_The_FishMichaelB8225 there is Bria on OS X, actually works on Win OS X and Ubuntu
00:12.40Get_The_Fishlol WIMPy
00:13.31volga629Hello Everyone, I reset g729 the license , but still get this message WARNING[11146] translate.c: empty buf size, you need to supply on
00:17.17volga629I will come back soon
00:25.21*** join/#asterisk sam555 (
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00:57.56Get_The_Fish...but I dont wanna learn sed and awk
01:05.26volga629where I can find g729a nocona to download
01:08.14Get_The_FishOnly $10 a license! Hurry while supplies last!
01:08.57volga629I have already :-)
01:09.58jpsharpJust follow the link I posted for the right version of Asterisk & whether or not you're running 32 or 64 bit OS.
01:10.54volga629yes, done finally I see translation and no errors :-)
01:11.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
01:12.02*** join/#asterisk bandroid (~bandroidx@2607:f358:1:fed5:5:0:558:12)
01:12.45volga629thanks again
01:13.19volga629yes, only one think is left how to stabilize srtp any tips ?
01:15.50jpsharpNot off the top of my head.
01:16.50volga629I tried rebuild and change version of lib srtp, but still crashing
01:17.49*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
01:19.26volga629very interesting, but tls for registration working no issue
01:22.08volga629is something need in dial like encryption capable ?
01:24.40jpsharpNo.  If encryption is enabled in the Asterisk peer setting it should try to negotiate it.
01:30.52volga629I wonder if there some patch for srtp which not included in tar 10.05
01:33.24volga629res_srtp.c:301 res_srtp_unprotect: SRTP unprotect: authentication failure this one I reported look snom 370
01:35.31*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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01:38.11volga629another issue with Imap storage [2012-06-18 21:37:32] WARNING[4755]: app_voicemail_imapstorage.c:1800 vm_imap_delete: msgnum 0, mailbox message 0 is zero.
01:38.47volga629and it delivery only to INBOX to folder which specified in config ?
01:40.09*** part/#asterisk sam555 (
01:46.01*** part/#asterisk GGD (
01:47.04*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
01:59.43*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
02:05.10*** join/#asterisk wudles (
02:10.24KNERDThat digium fax register app is returning an error: Could not generate Host-ID. Make sure that you have eth0 enabled.
02:11.17*** join/#asterisk Node_403 (b4ea5a4c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:25.01*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
02:44.10volga629I am getting this error IMAP Error: parse error: invalid message sequence number
02:50.48*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
02:55.03*** join/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~liu.yan@
02:56.26*** join/#asterisk brdude (
03:02.43*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
03:09.27*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (
03:10.14greenwolfhow come when i use alcazar networks free tollfree outbound service the asterisk places the call and hands it off to the remote network but then my asterisk console disconnects?
03:10.26greenwolfany ideas why? When i use my flowroute account its works just fine
03:13.15KNERDgreenwolf: that is like asking: "I put Exxon gasoline in my car, but it just won't start now. I put Shell in in Earlier today""
03:14.40KNERDtry posting a call progress
03:17.17greenwolfok is
03:21.55greenwolfok now i cant even call into my box
03:23.39greenwolfi have posted my sip.conf file. any reason why non of my calls are making it to my box?
03:27.23greenwolfnevermind i got it
03:35.01*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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03:52.46*** join/#asterisk Micc (~Micc@
03:57.06*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:58.43ChannelZIs there something like 'top' for files?
03:59.10ChannelZI have some task which is sucking CPU and hammering the HD and I'd like to see what it thinks it's doing
04:01.34volga629might lsof you can check what open and who accessing
04:02.05ChannelZah thanks
04:15.19*** join/#asterisk ngharo (
04:16.33greenwolfwhy do i keep getting chan_sip.c:3695 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 629bf6f63cbe2e3549a27c6f543c1354@ for seqno 102 (Critical Response)
04:16.58volga629might be nat firewall or rtp
04:17.17greenwolfhow can i check ?
04:18.34volga629where on pbx set nat ?
04:19.08volga629if you need it.
04:27.46greenwolfits connected right to the cable modem
04:27.49greenwolfno router in the way
04:27.58greenwolfso i dont understand how NAT is doing this to my sip packets
04:33.20KNERDgreenwolf: your router can be if it i not setup
04:35.10ngharohe said he's directly connected to his modem
04:35.37ngharounless his ISP is doing NAT which is very possible and easy to check (is your WAN IP a private address or not)
04:40.03jpsharpOr your ISP is blocking SIP packets.
04:40.21*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
04:42.48*** join/#asterisk Node_403 (cbdf5c48@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:43.15greenwolfyes for some odd reason its private
04:43.29greenwolfand there is network switch so it must have it build in?
04:44.25ngharologin to it and look to enable bridge mode
04:47.09greenwolfthey wont give me the damn login creds for this modem
04:47.22greenwolfi thought that was the most craziest thing i ever heard
04:47.47greenwolfthey said to bring my own router if i wanted to control that..they turned it into bridge mode or passthru mode already for me
04:48.08*** join/#asterisk udhv (~uddhava@
04:49.02ngharoso where are you seeing the private IP?  on your SIP device?
04:49.06*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-aqaocilbpnrzqvck)
04:50.32volga629Are using linux workstation use nc to test rtp port if connection hangs you good if not something on the way
04:50.35greenwolfno on the server
04:50.47greenwolfi have the server plugged directly into the modem bypassing the router
04:51.00greenwolfso i shouldnt receive a 192.X.X.X i dont understand y i am
04:51.09greenwolfmybe a DHCP enabled?
04:52.09volga629on server it set static ip or dhcp ?
04:52.20ngharothen youre not bridged/passthru
04:52.26volga629nc -zu ip address port number
04:55.02*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
04:55.21*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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04:57.43KNERDModems now days tend to have routers built in
05:00.37jpsharpThe ISPs don't want you pulling down half a dozen IPs via DHCP.
05:01.29ngharothey limit per CPE MAC address server side
05:02.02ngharoat least every TW/Charter/Comcast all do or any ISP worth a shits
05:16.39*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:42.06*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:47.23*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:48.59KNERDThat digium fax register app is returning an error: Could not generate Host-ID. Make sure that you have eth0 enabled.
05:52.02*** join/#asterisk CommaCrazy (
06:00.47*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3)
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06:01.10din3shmrning all
06:03.50KNERDenenin' guvnor
06:04.35*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (c4d7a482@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:04.51greenwolfso is there a setting i must set in sip.conf for  it to work around NAT?
06:05.42infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
06:05.50*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:05.52schmidtsgood morning
06:05.57volga629or shortcut :-)
06:15.29*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
06:17.11din3shanybody implemented phone directory via microbrowser in Polycom phones?
06:20.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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06:24.33bulkorokwe have sth like that for snom xml browser...
06:27.34schmidtsdin3sh maybe this could be interesting for you: AFAIK they only support snom and cisco by now but maybe polycom use the same xml format
06:29.47*** join/#asterisk oej (
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06:44.23din3shthanks schmidts, taking a look at that
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06:48.09*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:1d3f:ac57:bfcd:150e)
06:53.55*** join/#asterisk KNERD (
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07:39.49CommaCrazyhas any one ever worked with Topex SoftSwitch and EoneS from Topex?
07:40.57CommaCrazyor better yet has anyone ever heard of Topex at all...
07:46.02*** join/#asterisk phix (
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08:07.00*** join/#asterisk _val_ (
08:07.12schmidtsCommaCrazy nope for me ;)
08:08.52_val_leifmadsen: you helped me yesterday with  exten=_0X.,3,Set(CALLERID(name)=${dialername})
08:09.14_val_but this does not work.  Any other solution?
08:10.10schmidts_val_ leifmadsen is from canada and its imho a little bit too early for him ;)
08:11.19_val_schmidts: das stimmt :> aber kann du mich helfen? :-p
08:13.38_val_ok schmidts now in English.  They suggested me using exten=_0X.,3,Set(CALL....  exten=_0X.,4,Set(CALL...  and  exten=_0X.,5,Set(CALL...
08:13.46_val_this however does not work.
08:14.19_val_is it possible to use  exten=_0[1-15].,3,Set(CALL...  and so on?
08:14.23*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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08:18.50CommaCrazyschmidts, lucky you... I wish I have never had the chance to work with it.... it is terrible...
08:19.09*** join/#asterisk drhonk (
08:19.48schmidts_val_ do you have exten = or exten => cause if you miss the ">" after the = then it will not work
08:19.57CommaCrazybut unfortunately I have to work with it... and I can not find the proper documentation for it, nor is their wiki good.
08:20.34schmidtscommaCrazy :D haha i really know what you mean. right now i have to learn working with a 20 year old legacy switch from siemens. Pure POTS nothing dynamic
08:21.38CommaCrazyoh man those are a pain but once you learn them you will know all legacy systems and they are not that hard once you get the logic
08:21.43CommaCrazyyou can do it :)
08:23.23*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
08:24.47schmidtsCommaCrazy at all the whole system is just stupid hard config, no chances, no transport stuff only hard wires like in the beginning of telephony, the old lady plugin cables from one port into another but in a large scale with around 7000 E1 :D
08:25.24schmidts_val_ you missed the > it should look like this: exten => _0XXXXXXXXX,3 or also the new one but you miss the >
08:26.42_val_schmidts: otherwise  extensions.conf won't load right? There is no configuration error.
08:27.12schmidts_val_ just do a "dialplan show" and see if these extensions are there
08:28.02_val_schmidts: doing so. Thanks. I'll have to run to other machine and check it.
08:28.39KNERDAny idea on installing that Asterisk fax on a VPS without access to eth0?
08:29.45schmidtsKNERD why do you need eth0? any kind of ip connection is good enough
08:30.10KNERDbecause the register app requires it
08:31.01KNERDCould not generate Host-ID. Make sure that you have eth0 enabled.
08:31.13schmidtsah you mean the license for it
08:31.44schmidtsi guess you should ask digium directly about it, or maybe in #asterisk-dev
08:32.26KNERDI dont think they like asking those sort of questions in -dev
08:32.39*** join/#asterisk benasse (~chatzilla@
08:38.48schmidtsthats why i said ask digium directly first ;)
08:43.24*** join/#asterisk tommy87it (
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08:58.55wdoekesKNERD: can't you use udev to rename the device to eth0 ?
09:02.16*** join/#asterisk cusco (
09:02.19KNERDwdoekes: I don't know...never done that, but I do know REGISTER will want a MAC address
09:04.08*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
09:06.58*** join/#asterisk Curs0r (~Curs0r@unaffiliated/curs0r)
09:07.13Curs0rHi all :)
09:07.34*** join/#asterisk bandroidx (~bandroidx@2607:f358:1:fed5:5:0:558:12)
09:08.32CommaCrazyschmidts, holy snap yeah that is large scale... nice, wish i could work on that for the exp :D
09:09.14_val_schmidts: dialplan show , shows the extension being loaded.. but I'm still unable to make a call.
09:09.32Curs0rI don't suppose anyone could link me to an extremely novice-friendly how-to about setting up dahdi. Apparently I got the card talking to the system, that's good. But I see already compared to using SIP with asterisk I might be in over my head a little (for now)
09:09.50_val_exen => _0X., ... seems not to work... or I'm doing something wrong
09:11.00Curs0rWildcard TDM410P Board 1                 OK      1      0      0      CAS Unk  Y <-- I am at least hoping that's good news so far hehe
09:13.15kaldemarschmidts: actually, "=" and "=>" both work in extensions.
09:13.22kaldemar_val_: how does it not work?
09:13.50kaldemar_val_: with "core set verbose 10", what do you see in CLI when you make a call?
09:14.12_val_kaldemar: UNKOWN
09:14.26_val_I'm not at the machine running Asteriks at this moment.
09:15.00_val_kaldemar: I now have  _0X[1-14].,....
09:15.15kaldemar"UNKOWN" does not say much.
09:15.19_val_I don't know if that's right or not.
09:15.22kaldemarwhat says that?
09:15.59kaldemar[1-14] is obviously invalid. it will match 1 or 4.
09:16.17kaldemaranything inside square brackets matches a single digit or character only.
09:16.49kaldemarit will not match 1 through 14. the syntax says it as a range 1-1 and 4.
09:19.34*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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09:21.40_val_I understand
09:21.47_val_but how to match any number any lenght?
09:22.43*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:24.19Curs0rUh oh, show status doesn't see it anymore hehe *facepalms*
09:25.46*** join/#asterisk bytemaster (
09:25.48kaldemar_X. matches two or more
09:27.25bulkorokhe asked for any number, any length...
09:28.49kaldemarwhich X. does not match. X! matches one digit numbers too.
09:31.56*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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09:47.24_val_guys please how to put this in?
09:48.08_val_shoult this suffice?
09:48.43Get_The_Fish_val_ you are asking for exten => _0X.
09:48.48*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:49.16Get_The_FishI dont think that's probably really what you want to do, but there it is...
09:50.00_val_Get_The_Fish: that did not work though. I'm going to check it once again Thasnk
09:52.33teloniuszhi guys, from SIP debug:
09:52.37teloniuszUsing INVITE request as basis request - 0fc639b47b5437272c2b6d3842ab75d6@
09:53.25teloniuszNo matching peer for '(extension)' from '(NAT address):(port)'
09:53.42teloniuszand incoming SIP connection can't go into proper context
09:54.20kaldemarmake a peer that matches
09:54.28teloniuszI did, I think
09:54.40kaldemaryou thought wrong.
09:54.51teloniuszdid I forget insecure = setting? :>
09:55.42teloniuszTo which IP should this peer be assigned? (behind NAT) or NAT address?
09:55.46kaldemarthe issue is that no peer matches. what the insecure parameter does is handled after a matching peer is found.
09:56.02infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
10:04.52jacobwis it possible to set callerid when is unloaded?
10:06.32wdoekesjacobw: func_callerid providers the necessary dialplan functions (only). a callerid e.g. set in sip.conf will still work
10:07.08*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
10:07.18dandate2are outbound providers charging us for ring time or only actual talk time?
10:07.58jacobwmy problem is that the uriencode function of func_uri.c/so escapes the leading + in my callerid to %2b which confuses my provider's gateway
10:08.30*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
10:09.23wdoekesdandate2: normally only talk time.. unless someone up the stream decides to answer before forwarding the call
10:09.33jacobwso i'm trying to avoid this function being called, unloading did do that, unloading avoids callerid dialplan mangling including setting of ${CALLERID(num)}
10:10.10wdoekesjacobw: that's a problem in asterisk. it shouldn't escape + indeed. which version? do you have pedantic=yes?
10:10.36wdoekesjacobw: it doesn't work like that
10:10.39jacobw*unloading did NOT do that* correction
10:10.52wdoekesfunc_uri is just dialplan functionality for uri escaping
10:11.08*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (c4d7a482@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:11.22jacobwwdoekes: according to RC3261 and various reviewboard discussions escaping special characters like '+' is the correct behaviour
10:11.39wdoekesno it isn't
10:12.03*** join/#asterisk tommy87it (
10:12.13wdoekesrfc3261 is a pain in the butt, in the user-part, the + needs not be escaped. check the abnf
10:14.46Curs0rUgh... I'm losing my mind trying to set this card up
10:15.36_val_Hey guys. What does htis mean?  [Jun 19 12:13:28] NOTICE[26654]: chan_sip.c:20163 handle_request_invite: Call from 'it' to extension '231233212321' rejected because extension not found.
10:15.57*** join/#asterisk sekil (~Ognjen@
10:16.45kaldemar_val_: you don't have an extension that matches 231233212321
10:17.02_val_kaldemar: but what about _0X.,..?
10:17.17kaldemar_val_: do you see a zero in 231233212321?
10:17.21*** join/#asterisk G00r (~G00r@
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10:24.25Curs0rNow the dahdi commands have disappeard from asterisk cli... how is that even possible? lol
10:25.23Curs0rNo help for Curs0r. I should just leave
10:25.48*** part/#asterisk Curs0r (~Curs0r@unaffiliated/curs0r)
10:28.55*** join/#asterisk tommy87it (
10:29.38jacobwwdoekes: so the + in the contact: header doesn't have to be escaped?
10:30.11wdoekeshm? you're talking about the contact?
10:30.33wdoekesit needn't be.. but the provider shouldn't care what's in the contact either
10:32.05jacobwyeah, the + in the user part of my contact header is being escaped to %2b
10:32.07wdoekesif the From/RPID/PAI does not escape the +, but the contact does, you're seeing a minor bug (that doesn't affect many people, because the contact should be used verbatim and not scanned for anything)
10:32.29jacobwah, that's exactly the case
10:32.53wdoekesfile a bug report on jira
10:33.47jacobwmy RPID (SipAddHeader(Remote-Party-ID:...)) is unaffected by URI encoding
10:33.59wdoekesno it's not ;)
10:34.10jacobwit's not?
10:34.12wdoekestry to put a @ in the user-part ;)
10:34.16wdoekesor a %
10:34.56jacobwSipAddHeader(Remote-Party-ID: "Me" <sip:${CALLERID(num)}@${SIPDOMAIN}>
10:35.18*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:35.29wdoekeswe aren't talking about manual header setting here
10:35.44wdoekesin that case you can set the Contact manually too (and watch how things break)
10:36.17jacobwthat's what i've tried to do
10:36.47G00rHowdy all, I've had no luck getting this dialplan to work, if anyone's interested in loggin in remotely, getting SIP trunk to ring my extensions and vise versa (extensions dialing out via SIP trunk), I'd be happy to pay em for their troubles.  Msg me if you can help
10:38.31jacobwSet{CALLERID(num)=+CCXXX) in [macro-dialout-trunk-predial-hook] produces the same behaviour
10:42.30wdoekesjacobw: you're trying stuff that won't work. is the contact "wrong" for incoming calls or outbound calls or both?
10:43.57*** join/#asterisk General_Z0D (~Z0D@
10:44.18General_Z0Dwhat is a good GUI to use for asterisk that is already running on a debian system
10:44.19jacobwi know what i'm trying to do doesn't make actual sense
10:44.57jacobwbut my provider has their own requirements
10:45.12Get_The_Fishjacobw, it's that some freepbx code? I recognize that macro name
10:45.35jacobwi'm using freepbx for the web interface
10:47.18wdoekesand which asterisk version?
10:48.17wdoekesin that care, you simply need to upgrade, I think
10:49.01wdoekesuri escaping doesn't mind where it is (user-part or other-part) in 1.6.2
10:49.10wdoekesso it will unconditionally escape the +
10:49.28wdoekes(but because you have pedantic=no, it won't in the From)
10:49.45General_Z0Dcan anyone recommend a good web interface for Asterisk?
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10:51.16jacobwah i see
10:51.27jacobwgood, i'll test with a more recent version
10:54.40*** join/#asterisk BuSyAnToS (
10:55.19jacobwthanks for your help wdoekes, i've been stalled with this issue for some time now.
10:55.27*** part/#asterisk BuSyAnToS (
11:02.14_val_kaldemar: no zero there
11:02.25_val_sorry I was away for a moment
11:11.02_val_kaldemar:  ;allowexternaldomains=no
11:11.18_val_so default is yes
11:11.38_val_what could be wrong here. Can you explain?
11:17.31kaldemar13:16 < kaldemar> _val_: you don't have an extension that matches 231233212321 <-- show a CLI output of a call with sip debug enabled, your sip.conf and your extensions.conf and i will give you a better answer.
11:21.02_val_kaldemar: I can't show the sip.conf because it's full with valid accounts :<
11:21.15_val_I hope you understand ti.
11:21.56_val_What will be relevant for the problem to troubleshoot?
11:22.17_val_I'm willing to provide you anything that's relevant for this matte.r
11:25.32kaldemarare you allowing guest calls?
11:26.04_val_;allowguest=no                  ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes)
11:26.46kaldemaris 'it' a guest or should it match a peer or a user?
11:27.15*** join/#asterisk tommy87it (
11:27.52_val_It is a user
11:28.44kaldemarDial(SIP/it, 30,tTr) <-- remove the white space
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11:30.01kaldemar1. make it match a defined defice in sip.conf. 2. configure a context for it unless already configured. 3. make an extension or extensions that match incoming calls.
11:30.31_val_kaldemar: I want to make outgoing calls. Outgoing calls aren't matched.
11:30.40_val_Allrigh I'm removing the white space
11:31.04*** join/#asterisk tommy87it (
11:31.45kaldemar_val_: everything is matched. "Call from 'it' to extension..." is what you get when a call comes IN to asterisk.
11:32.16kaldemaryou must tackle those 3 steps before even thinking about anything going out of asterisk.
11:39.49*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
11:47.47jolIs there someway to stop the current AGI command, making it end early, and let the AGI continue? Such as STREAM FILE on a long sound file, and you want to stop the playback and let the AGI continue.
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12:06.46jacc0hi all!
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12:25.40teloniuszstrange thing:
12:25.43teloniuszUsing INVITE request as basis request - 77007fdd2e0c318255e536a3627141b0@
12:25.58teloniuszFound peer 'incoming-maur2' for '(number)' etc.
12:26.10teloniuszbut i have no trunk incoming-maur2
12:26.28teloniusz(sip show peers does not show anything like this)
12:26.55teloniuszI had one, but I've removed it from users.conf and reloaded Asterisk
12:27.43teloniuszDo i have to restart it or is there any special way to make Asterisk forget about it?
12:27.53jacc0sip reload
12:29.17teloniusznope, still the same...
12:29.38jacc0did you check sip.conf also?
12:30.29kaldemarteloniusz: you either have it in sip.conf, users.conf or some included file or...
12:30.33infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable asterisk config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
12:31.02kaldemaror what you reloaded did not do the job, so do a restart.
12:32.14teloniusz# grep incoming-maur2 *
12:32.34teloniuszcommented out
12:32.50teloniuszstill, there is always restart
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12:50.33kervanHello, I'm a newbie. I want to redirect inbound calls to local voip server, that's why I want to setup my own. Do you please suggest me a easy managable voip server?
12:51.54[TK]D-Fenderkervan, Asterisk.
12:52.13kervanIs Asterisk also a Voip Server?
12:52.23infobotfrom memory, b2bua is a Back 2 Back User Agent. Additional information is available on wikipedia:
12:52.44[TK]D-Fender"VoIP server" is a vague term
12:54.27jacc0I would sugest Asterisk (like most people in here)
12:54.48jacc0it's like walking into a BMW dealer and asking what the best brand of car would be
12:55.14leifmadsenjacc0: is it also a mode of transportation?
12:55.30din3shhey jacc0!
12:55.39din3shsorry for your team man :p
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12:59.38leifmadsenwhich team is that?
13:03.03wdoekesthe orange team that sucked ~ instead of kicked
13:03.19din3shyeah the orange team
13:03.28leifmadsenoh ya... Danmark! :)
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13:04.55din3shleifmadsen:nope denmark is red :D
13:05.05din3shthis is the orange team
13:05.17WIMPyred and white
13:06.15din3shright WIMPy
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13:07.24teloniuszthe secret of being satisfied with oneself national team is not having too big expectations >:>
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13:08.32din3shunless you are spanish !?
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13:29.38kervan[TK]D-Fender: Were you talking about this : ? Or were you talking about a built in module?
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13:43.52bulkorokhow can I check that ${FAXOPT(status)} is set!?
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13:46.16kaldemarbulkorok: func ISNULL will help you with that
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13:47.20bulkorokgreat... I'll check that
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13:54.25polysicsI was researching attended transfer a little
13:54.57polysicsA calls B, A presses something and B gets on hold, A dials C, C picks up, chats with A, A hangs up and B is now bridged to C
13:55.28polysicsnotice this is A initiating everything, not the standard "secretary" scenario
13:55.41polysicsis that possibile using standard * functionality?
14:00.21bulkorokkaldemar: works for me :-)
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14:14.45*** join/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (~ThinkGNU-@
14:15.32ThinkGNU-I'm looking to send text to the LCD screen of my phones and I'm not finding a way to do this. I tried SendText() but no luck. Anyone have any ideas?
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14:16.17WIMPyGet a phone that supports it?
14:16.27ThinkGNU-I thought that might be the issue
14:16.51ThinkGNU-Is that a common feature with SIP phones?
14:16.55WIMPyMaybe you're lucky and it's just disabled.
14:17.27ThinkGNU-Well, I doubt that. It's not mentioned anywhere in the documentation for the phone (that I could find)
14:17.31ThinkGNU-It's a Digium D50
14:17.32WIMPyFeatue and SIP phone usually don't go together very well.
14:20.19ThinkGNU-Oh well. I've got the majority of what I was trying to do with the feature. I just thought the text part would be a nice little touch.
14:21.10*** join/#asterisk GeoGeek (~steve-o_@
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14:24.47malcolmdThinkGNU-: it would be a nice feature to be able to send text to the phone, yes.  it's not currently possible.  it's a feature request that we've previously received
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14:26.24ThinkGNU-Well I do like the D50 overall
14:26.39ThinkGNU-I've had a very easy time provisioning them and I appreciate that
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14:27.02malcolmdyay :)  docs were able to get you through the process okay?
14:31.25bulkorokI can not unload because: Soft unload failed, '' has use count 10
14:32.05bulkorokther is no session running right now... so what it wants from me?! I don't want to restart asterisk...
14:39.33*** join/#asterisk cmnky (~cmnky@unaffiliated/cmnky)
14:41.28cmnkyI asked about blocking telemarketing calls yesterday, and was advised I could use my SPA2102 and asterisk to do this ... but I'm confused as to whether it will work and I think there was some miscommunication ... I have analog phone service .. the SPA2102 has 2 FXS ports ... can I plug the line into 1 port, and the phone into the other ? that would be an FXO and FXS config wouldn't it ?
14:42.15*** join/#asterisk GeoGeek (~steve-o_@
14:45.50drmessanoFXS connects to a PHONE, FXO connects to a LINE
14:45.57drmessanoYou should have gotten an SPA 3102
14:47.23cmnkydrmessano, i had this box lying around .... so i've not actually purchased any equipment yet ... im still researching ... and after i thought about yesterdays conversation i realized this might be an issue, as the person i was talking to about it probably didn't realize i don't have VoIP service ... its verizons digital voice .. which as far as my gear is concerned, is POTS
14:48.27cmnkyso since i have 2 phone lines ... i need 2 FXO ports, to connect verizons ONT -> asterisk box .... then I can use this SPA2102 to connect asterisk box <-> analog phones ... correct ?
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14:50.09cmnkyokay .. thanks for the clarification
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14:52.19gtTunawhat are some disadvantages to using a FreePBX distro rather than just installing it ontop of CentOS ?
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14:56.35leifmadsengtTuna: more maintenance I suppose
14:56.47leifmadsenlonger lead time to configuration
14:56.56Qwellhe said disadvantages
14:57.43QwellThere are really very few, if you choose the right one.
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15:00.23leifmadsenah yes, I inverted the question
15:03.00gtTunawe're having an argument about it here in the office...i think it's just as easy to do a fresh CentOS install
15:03.11QwellWell you're wrong. :)
15:03.17gtTunahaha, fair enough
15:03.30leifmadsenwhat Qwell said
15:03.51QwellBut really, you'd be spending more time trying to either build packages for everything you need, or finding some repository to get them from
15:03.55leifmadsenmanually installing something on top of an OS is always going to be some degree more difficult than letting the installation media set it up for you
15:08.40*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
15:33.15RZeroHi guys is it possible to do voice activated recordings on asterisk, current using backgrounddetect which works but there is a slight delay between voice activity and the start of the recording so it misses the first part of the message of.
15:34.22RZeroDoes any one know of a better solution rather than backgrounddetect method
15:36.15WIMPyDo it after recording.
15:37.03*** join/#asterisk tommy87it (
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15:38.23Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz
15:38.49aberriosKatty: please provide more information....8|
15:39.04Kattywhat ifnormation would u like plz??
15:39.14Kattywhere is Qwell
15:39.24aberrioshe's probably in #asterisk
15:39.35Kattyyou, sir, have insaned.
15:39.52*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
15:39.52aberriosindeed... 5 redbulls later....
15:40.04Kattyyou will dies.
15:40.38RZeroWIMPy do you mean do the backgrounddetect after the recording ?
15:41.14Kattywhere is everyone
15:41.15aberriosKatty: do you have any * cli output or is it just not running at all?
15:41.21RZeroIm trying to build some thing like Grunt detection
15:41.28Kattyaberrios: you were just cleverly trolled, dear.
15:41.34Kattyaberrios: pay no attention to me.
15:41.57aberriosmaybe I'll just /away
15:43.11aberriosgrabs one last redbull for the day
15:43.43Kattyput it down.
15:43.50Kattyyou will induce congestive heart failure.
15:44.21aberriosHell I might even smoke too.... You drove me to it! You and your trolling.
15:44.34Kattyadmit it. you liked it.
15:45.20*** join/#asterisk coppice (
15:45.53aberriosi thought I was in #freepbx... maybe i should just close down all these root terminals I have open. I'm probably going to regret some typos somewhere.....
15:46.54Kattyi should scold you over having root terminals open, rather than suing.
15:46.55generalhani dont know what my issue is with remembering FXO v FXS ... but everytime i put together a new system i have to ask to make sure i get it right. I have 4 phone lines coming in from my provider and 8 POTS, analog, phones. so i need 4 FXO ports, and 8 FXS ports, right ?!
15:47.36*** join/#asterisk bandroidx (~bandroidx@2607:f358:1:fed5:5:0:558:12)
15:47.54aberriosYou can typo with su too....
15:48.18Kattyi'll su your mom in a minute
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15:49.11Kattygeneralhan: put this on a post it note
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15:49.20Kattygeneralhan: and tape it to your wall
15:49.22Kattygeneralhan: or monitor
15:49.34Kattygeneralhan: optionally your forehead.
15:49.40generalhanpfft, Tattoo FTW
15:49.45Kattygeneralhan: FX_O_ = P_O_Ts
15:50.12KattyFX_S_ = analog phones
15:50.27Kattypost it? post it? good? great.
15:50.55Kattyforeign exchange Office
15:50.59KattyForeign exchange station
15:51.12volga629I have some problem with IMAP storage, it not delivery into specify folder
15:51.50Kattyeat two cookies and drink half a bottle of whipped cream vodka
15:51.54Kattythen call me in the morning
15:52.06generalhanKatty: the forehead tattoo is no good ... i would have to look in the mirror before i could install. im thinking maybe, back of the hand
15:52.12aberriosthinks Katty has also been on the RedBull
15:52.24Kattyno i'm naturally like this.
15:52.27Kattyi blame organic fruit.
15:53.01Kattygeneralhan: i think a post it note would do nicely.
15:53.18Kattygeneralhan: i've got a bazillion of them, everywhere
15:54.13generalhanwhat if you were offsite doing an installation ?!
15:54.23generalhantattoos are more mobile !
15:54.24volga629imap - S: 0000060e BAD parse error: invalid message sequence number: 1 This error from zimbra imap
15:54.43Kattygeneralhan: do you carry a smart phone?
15:54.53generalhandoesnt everybody
15:55.06Kattywell there you go. problem solved.
15:56.07generalhanwhy even write your stuff down on a post it at all then ?
15:56.31Kattyhelps drive it into the brain
15:58.24aberriosWiki > PostIT
15:59.15WIMPyRZero: Yes, that was my idea.
15:59.23Kattytiki > wiki
15:59.27Kattytiki torches are epic.
15:59.31Kattyand flamey!! oooo.
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16:07.40KNERDAny idea on installing that Asterisk fax on a VPS without access to eth0?
16:13.36RZeroWIMPy sorry to bug you, but how would that work in detecting the voice ?
16:14.31WIMPySome audio tool should be able to do it.
16:15.15WIMPyIf it can be done to split recordings of albums in to single tracks by detecting silence, it should be possible to remove it as well.
16:16.25RZeroah I see
16:23.20coppiceKNERD: why do you need access to eth0?
16:23.51KNERDcoppice:  because the REGISTER application wants it
16:24.10pigpenso anybody here use Audiocodes FXO's that has experienced audio quality issues?
16:24.15coppiceKNERD: then use spandsp, and avoid the problem
16:24.16pigpenie: sip gateway
16:24.27KNERDcoppice: thanks
16:24.50anonymouz666hehe.. who saw the video of linus torvalds talking about nvidia?
16:25.29anonymouz666that was what I call love
16:25.36coppiceanonymouz666: there must be more to that than has been made public
16:26.25anonymouz666why nvidia make things harder for kernel devs?
16:27.45coppicenvidia makes sure their stuff works really well on linux. AMD has gone open source, but their support it hopeless. they don't even have opencl for linux. who uses opencl on anything but linux
16:34.01drmessanoI have had a love/hate relationship with Nvidia hardware in Linux, but never to the point that I expected a comment like that to come from Linus.  Really, there is hardware that is FAR FAR FAR worse under linux
16:34.48WIMPyIt's probably about the amount of users affected.
16:35.11coppicedrmessano: the only badly stuff these days seems to be scanners
16:35.26coppices/badly/badly supported
16:37.01jacobwscanners that can mail are cool
16:37.45drmessanoSo is Fire.. Been around for almost as long too :)
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16:48.03slav3_kittenwell con was a roit, my friend isn't feel well though. she somehow happened upon poison ivy and bad food
16:48.33slav3_kittenoh well, still going to see if i can arrange to get her and her boyfriend back out next year
16:48.47jpsharpcon death plague
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16:48.54volga629Is any tips for srtp how stabilize  ?
16:49.16slav3_kittenjpsharp, yea :(
16:50.01slav3_kittenplus side is she's being a real trooper and we are going to go see some attractions she always wanted to see in america, and i'm getting stories about her RAF stuff and snuggles
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16:52.08drmessanostablize srtp?
16:52.26coppicegive it training wheels
16:52.39slav3_kittenduct tape, that's always the answer
16:53.19drmessanoI didnt know srtp had to be stabilized.  Perhaps it requires a crystal oven or an inert gas?
16:55.42drmessanoProvides temperature stability for SRTP endpoints.
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16:57.29jpsharpI prefer GPS disciplined XO.
16:57.43jpsharp*smack* STAY IN PHASE
16:59.05drmessanoIs that anything like GPS time stabilization on a device that is read indirectly?
16:59.35slav3_kittencan't you use a ntp server?
17:00.12slav3_kitten< knows little about srtp but is reading the rfc now
17:00.27drmessanoSynchronization of audio is a pain in the ass
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17:01.01jpsharpNTP using a GPS receiever + 1 PPS output?
17:01.14coppicerubidium is the answer
17:02.16jpsharpThat'll give you excellent relative time, but you still need a marker that says "Okay, it is 16:02:00 UTC....wait for it...wait for it.....NOW!"
17:02.18drmessanoWe use the 1 PPS output on the device, but it's polled in realtime.  There's a 10MHZ clock between the devices and the GPS is used to used to reset the clock sync when it drifts
17:02.36drmessanoNOT polled in realtime, rather
17:03.02drmessanoIts pretty stupid.  The whole thing was designed poorly from the start
17:03.40jpsharpSounds like it.  Hell, my crappy linux box here keeps better time than that.
17:03.54drmessanoThey used ReiserFS, a very old implementation of it.. So the box wigs out and kills itself every so often.  Happy accident on the pun.
17:04.30jpsharpMy GPS receiver feeds NMEA + 1 PPS into NTPD.  It is never more than a couple ms off of
17:04.35coppicedoes it have a "Reiser Inside" sticker on it?
17:05.25drmessanoWouldnt be much of a point in putting a sticker on the cover.. its spends most of its time with the cover off, while I am recovering it
17:05.38drmessanoActually, "restoring it" would be a better way of putting it
17:06.05drmessano"Oh look, the FS pulled a Hans again.  Time for a reload"
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17:06.58jpsharpYour server killed your wife?
17:07.55drmessanoIts actually whats called an HD Exporter..  Its what generates HD Radio signals before they are fed to the transmitter
17:08.07drmessanoHD Radio .... All runs on Linux
17:08.55jpsharpOTA HD Radio?
17:09.56jpsharpDoes it actually sound that much better?  I've never listened to it.
17:10.28drmessanoIt does.  Its amazing how much analog FM removes from a piece of audio
17:10.58slav3_kittendigital radio works great so long as you don't have a weak signal
17:11.14jpsharpdigital anything
17:11.16volga629How can check if srtp working ?
17:11.41slav3_kittenwith FM you can still make out what's being said in poor conditions, with digi you're screwed
17:12.11slav3_kittenwhich is why you don't see dstar emergency repeaters
17:12.20drmessanoYour radio is supposed to fall back to Analog, seamlessly, when the digital drops out.  You should never hear that
17:12.31jpsharpThat and nobody wants to pay the damn AMBE tax :)
17:12.42*** join/#asterisk Node_403 (b4ea7d07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:12.50coppiceslav3_kitten: the emergency services were some of the earliest adopters of digital radio
17:13.11jpsharpvolga629: tcpdump your traffic and see if wireshark can see the RTP as something it interpret or no.
17:14.11drmessanoWe put a significant amount into syncronizing the HD and Analog audio.. Most of the time its near perfect blend when youre getting near the edge of the city grade contour
17:14.31slav3_kittencoppice, i know of not a single dstar emergency repeater in my local area. there are a number of echolink and dstar repeaters but none are RACES or ARES
17:14.33drmessanoIf thats not what youre getting from a particular station, you should complain to the engineer
17:14.54volga629yes, tried tcpdump -i eth0 -vvvvvnnnnnn host ip
17:15.17drmessanoslav3_kitten, I thats a matter of ARES not wanting to exclude anyone.  ARES almost begs for operators most of the time.
17:15.26volga629I see rtp ports, but nothing mention about encryption
17:15.36drmessanoYou move an ARES net to a DSTAR repeater and you hear crickets
17:15.37slav3_kitteni know police an ambulance use digital for crypto around the area
17:16.10slav3_kittenbut i've had many cops bitch about it's performance on the fringes during terrible storms
17:16.30slav3_kittenspeaking of DSTAR i really need to get a better radio for my car...
17:16.40jpsharpvolga629: use wireshark to interpret the stream.  if it is encrypted, it should show up as RTP but not be able to see what kind of codec it is.  If it is not encrypted it can say "oh, this is G711 or G729 or whatever you're using".
17:16.53drmessanoHams are crybabies... You move an ARES or Skywarn net to a Digital repeater.... or hell, one with PRIVATE LINE, and they go NUTS
17:17.01volga629in asterisk I should see line  == Using SIP RTP TOS bits 184
17:17.10volga629or SRTp
17:17.17volga629let me try
17:17.27slav3_kittendrmessano, actually our skywarn uses PL 102.7hz
17:17.33coppiceslav3_kitten: REAL emergency services
17:17.34slav3_kittenno one has ever bitched that i heard
17:17.42jpsharpI don't have a problem with digital repeaters.  Its when, in a real emergency, the guy who's running the link to the repeater, his house blows away or floods.
17:17.59drmessanoslav3_kitten, how many of your operators are over the age of 60?
17:18.09slav3_kittendrmessano, none...
17:18.13slav3_kitteni'm not even 30
17:18.15drmessano.... lol
17:18.42volga629RTP: set_destination RP74 adr=ip:17774 this from snom look srtp not going
17:18.46slav3_kittenso you're saying old hams can't figure out DCS or PL tones?
17:19.08drmessanoI would say 40% of the active hams in this area are over 60.  I put PL on my 440 repeater and they acted like I have commited some sort of genocide
17:19.21jpsharpYOU'RE LOCKING IT OUT!
17:19.37slav3_kitten... but PL tones prevent things like... storms an noise from transmitting...
17:19.37jpsharpSame thing happened at an old club of mine.
17:20.46slav3_kittenwell fuck em, they are idiots
17:21.32jpsharpThen again, these guys vapour lock on anything over 30Mhz.
17:21.43drmessanoWe had a push to put up a 146.94/34 repeater.. and I told everyone that someone needs to build it tube type and put it on a tower at the old folks home
17:22.09jpsharpHeh...9-4 10-4
17:23.03drmessanoBut what can you do
17:23.06slav3_kitteni want to face palm so hard
17:23.09drmessano1. Tell them to stop being 100
17:23.15drmessano2. Drive them to the cemetary
17:23.37jpsharpBut to make it true amateur style, you have to put a 500W PA and a badly tuned duplexer on it so you can hear it 200 miles away but not be able to get into it from more than 5 miles away.
17:23.42drmessano3. Take their dues and make sure theres lots of repeaters with no PL and CW IDers
17:24.32drmessanomistune the input filter cavity on the transmit side so a spur keeps the repeater keyed up 12 to 14 hours a day
17:25.07slav3_kitteni think you guys have either had really bad experiences
17:25.14slav3_kittenor i've had really good ones
17:25.32slav3_kittenthen again most my life has been pretty good to me aside from the fight with gravity five years ago
17:25.57*** join/#asterisk TheKernel[work] (~tcrowe@unaffiliated/the-kernel)
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17:26.18slav3_kittenmy british friend i flew out has been talking with me a lot and really become even closer friends then we had been. aside from her not feeling good and such it's been a wonderful week or so
17:26.28jpsharpBut not just in the realm of Part 97.  I've seen commercial systems that are some doozies.
17:27.26jpsharpthe crack about the 500W PA and duplexer came from a sheriff's dept radio system in Texas.
17:27.26NuggetDon't mess with Texas.
17:27.42slav3_kitteni'm off to go grab some food guys. sorry to run but i'm starving
17:28.13jpsharpThe transmitter was northwest of San Antonio, you could hear it in corpus christi, but not get into it from 20 miles away.
17:30.11volga629if I see a=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 inline this TLS no SRTP ?
17:31.10jpsharpIf that's in your SIP invite, then that's SRTP.
17:32.02volga629let me see if it is INVITE
17:35.30*** join/#asterisk RubyRails (~justin@
17:35.49RubyRailsin Asterisk 1.8, are files recorded with MixMonitor still processed by Sox?
17:36.15volga629Look like babytel have different rtp ports then I open on firewall Peer audio RTP is at port
17:36.16TheKernel[work]Hi does any one know where I can find the change log between version 1.8.8 and 1.8.12?
17:36.56QwellTheKernel[work]: The same place you'd get 1.8.12.
17:38.54Kattyglomps Qwell
17:39.18jpsharpaverts his eyes.
17:42.00Kattyall my coworkers make me wanna AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
17:42.59TriJetScudKatty: when did you learn how to "glomp" people?
17:43.09jpsharpThey wouldn't be coworkers if they didnt'
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17:46.16drmessanojpsharp: One of my managers has a repeater near a ridge.  Sounds great on the other side, but the repeater is deaf as a hammer
17:46.43drmessanoRF is a beautiful thing
17:47.21*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:49.53TriJetScuddrmessano: did you ensure that the antennas were pointing in the right direction?
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17:51.12drmessanoPointing?  I am sure this was omnidirectional
17:52.39TriJetScuddrmessano: most antennas are directional to some degree
17:52.48TriJetScudlook up what a radiation pattern is
17:53.17drmessanoI am well aware of radiation patterns
17:55.35drmessanoA  typical repeater antenna, consisting of stacked folded dipoles is going to have a lobe to the horizon in a 360 degree pattern, minus the small null from the tower or mounting bracket
17:59.52*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
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18:15.25tzangergod why does anyone use elastix
18:16.08tzangerguy called support to configure a te405 for two spans PRI one span CAS T1. support says the card doesnt' support it. funny but it was working for 4 years before the HDD crash
18:21.31*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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18:36.29drmessanoElastix is horrid
18:37.17KNERDQwell: How can I get around the Asterisk FAX register app needing eth0 and a MAC address as I am on a VPS. I was looking at SpanDSP, but it indicates it needs 3 files in which you use to recompile asterisk (even 1.8) with, but they seem to be no longer available.
18:37.55QwellI don't think you need eth0.
18:38.22KNERDthe REGISTER app won't continue because it cannot find eth0
18:39.00KNERD-> Could not generate Host-ID. Make sure that you have eth0 enabled.
18:39.04leifmadsenQwell: register app depends on eth0 I think
18:39.19leifmadsenKNERD: call digium support
18:39.31leifmadsenalso, I'm not sure there is a work around
18:39.38[TK]D-FenderMake an alias
18:39.39KNERDWill the say "Credit Card please"
18:39.48leifmadsenI don't know, I'm not digium support
18:40.13leifmadsenif you purchased a product (which I assume you did if you're trying to use the register application) support should be included for an incident
18:40.18KNERDThe VPS does not even have access to the host machine eth0 information
18:40.43leifmadsenthis isn't the appropriate forum for support with digium commercial products was the free fax license
18:41.12p3nguinof a commercial product.
18:41.26KNERDokay..i guess I wil give em a try
18:42.03Qwellleifmadsen: it doesn't anymore
18:42.41*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (~cS@
18:43.16QwellKNERD: Do me a favor and pastebin the output of ifconfig?  Just curious.
18:43.55Qwellactually, ifconfig -a
18:43.59leifmadsenQwell: maybe he is using an older version of the registration client
18:44.09QwellThen he needs to use something built in the last 18 months. :p
18:44.25leifmadsenthrows out random and wild guesses
18:44.35QwellI have a hunch.
18:44.46QwellYep. Nailed it.
18:44.48QwellFix your VPS.
18:44.56KNERD"fix" it?
18:45.12KNERDPlease explain
18:45.59QwellYour network interfaces are not valid interfaces.  Some (many?) switches would actually discard all packets from them.
18:46.39KNERDNot sure how I can fix it. I do not have access to the host
18:50.16QwellThis is why you don't use VPSes.
18:50.24QwellThey are garbage.  Always.  Every single one.
18:50.53KNERDthey are good for us poor folks
18:51.25QwellZero overhead, no custom kernel crap.
18:54.21*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (~shark@
18:56.39KNERDmaybe someday I will be able to gradumuate to a real server
18:56.58KNERDbut for $100 a year for VPS....gotta gor for that
18:57.38QwellHow much time have you spent dealing with stupidity?  How much time do you think you will, over that year?
18:57.48QwellCertainly more than the $100.
18:58.37FinboySlickHello.  I'm trying to relay calls from my asterisk box to a metaswitch system.  It's a pretty straightforward Dial(SIP/metaswitchtrunk/metaswitch-connected-phone) when asterisk gets the call and it works.  My problem is that the callerID of the call does not get relayed.  doing a tcpdump of the sip communication shows the callerid name in the From: field but I don't see the calling number anywhere in the INVITE.  Where should it be and how do I put it th
18:59.25QwellFinboySlick: Search the sip.conf sample config for rpid.  Enable that.
18:59.53FinboySlickQwell: Sounds like a winner.  Thanks for enlightening me :)
19:00.47*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3)
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19:04.36volga629what is mean ? __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x2ec9b80 (len 823) to :49664 returned -2: No such file or directory
19:07.06FinboySlickQwell: The INVITE message looks good...  But the metaswitch won't let it through.  Still, many thanks.
19:08.53FinboySlickOK, that last bit was a typo, it lets it through, just seems to ignore the Remote-Party-ID header.
19:09.16FinboySlickI wish that big expensive dummy thing was as well made as asterisk.
19:09.53QwellFinboySlick: get rid of it :p
19:10.27FinboySlickQwell: For $400k, I'll let you get it off my hands ;)
19:10.44FinboySlickJust make sure nobody's around when you steal..  I mean, take it away.
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19:20.09ibercomAnybody know what means "Unable to forward frametype: 2" ?
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19:21.39infinity_I have a phone behind NAT and I can't get it to register. it says UNREACHABLE.
19:21.53infinity_its a polycom phone behind NAT. what should i look for?
19:22.33ibercomI have a lot of errors of this type. What should I look for ?
19:24.36Kattythrows things, shreds curtains
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19:35.50chuckfbad Katty
19:46.43RubyRailsanyone know of an IRC place to talk about sox ?
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19:52.34ngharolet's talk about sox, baby
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20:01.37malcolmdlet's talk about resampling
20:05.25anonymouz666i'd choice to use sox to output the recording calls to a dat file
20:05.36anonymouz666and plot the result into a waveform
20:06.01anonymouz666then we associate the waveform to the record and show to the callcenter leads
20:10.28anonymouz666then, just by looking at the waveform (and not manually listening one by one) the leads could identify if a certain call is a possible candidate to problem or no
20:10.39anonymouz666make sense?
20:15.31Get_The_Fishanonymouz666 thats a pretty damn cool idea, I really like that.
20:16.28Get_The_Fishyou could get a lot of info from the change in vol vs. mean, especially if you looked at each side of the conversation individually.
20:17.03Get_The_Fishon the agent side you would have a pretty good dataset to sample from for mean vol after a while. You would be able to tell when they are yelling very quickly
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20:17.14Get_The_Fishor when someone is yelling into an IVR
20:17.34sam555does anyone know if you need special drivers to run asteriskNOW on raid drives?
20:17.59Get_The_Fish(which I do all time hoping that the more sophisticated ones pick it up and route me to an agent immediately. It works for some places (amex, chase)
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20:20.30omaniwith my asterisk box everything works fine, except one thing: when I intiate a call and wait til ringing, after hang up it takes too long to hangup the line
20:20.34omaniwhat can I do?
20:22.25omanifor testing purposes I call my self (from context "out") and hang up. asterisk tells "spawn extension extied non-zero...", but still the phones are ringing
20:22.46omaniafter few seconds (which takes too long imho) the ringing ends.
20:24.25anonymouz666Get_The_Fish: I don't know if we can split each side of the conversation, because they are mono at 8000Hz, unless you save in another format
20:24.33*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (~users.553@gateway/web/
20:24.37anonymouz666If I understand correctly in mono recording we have only one channel
20:25.05Get_The_FishI'll bet there is a way. Asterisk has to mix them.
20:25.11TriJetScudthrows a cat at Katty
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20:42.07RubyRails@anonymouz666 - are you using Monitor or MixMonitor
20:47.13anonymouz666mixmonitor, sure!
20:47.19anonymouz666monitor is very old stuff
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20:57.40RubyRailswe just had to switch our main app from mix monitor to monitor
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21:02.46[TK]D-FenderFail to see how that's "bad"
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21:14.38volga629for lack of RTP activity in 31 seconds how make sure that rtp traffic is going except firewall
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21:16.52infobothmm... nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
21:24.16volga629tcptls.c:397 ast_tcptls_client_start: Unable to connect SIP socket to :32656: Connection timed out
21:24.42volga629have some nat issue which can't track down
21:25.17volga629and rtp is flow properly sometime go sometimes no
21:25.56volga629and Incorrect password '' for user  DTMF not detecting
21:33.44*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-gzincdvchmuysoue)
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21:48.23KNERDAnyne messed with SpanDSP on Asterisk and where to get those 3 files used to compile with Asterisk? app_rxfax.c, app_txfax.c and apps_makefile.patch
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22:02.42pigpenanybody have experience with the 1.8 function DENOISE()  ?
22:02.47pigpenon analog lines?
22:02.59pigpenor with analog lines ultimatly.
22:04.06p3nguinIs that really what you're trying to find out?
22:04.42pigpenp3nguin, well, true.  how does it work for you?
22:05.03pigpenso ultimatly:  a.  used it   b.  thoughts
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22:40.41Get_The_FishI know its OT, but any git users here? Any way to automagically accept the host verification on initial ssh connection (so it can be scripted)?
22:41.00Get_The_FishI just figured out a way around it (known_hosts), but for posterity...
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22:51.18talntid[Jun 19 15:49:44] WARNING[8994]: app_voicemail.c:7767 play_message: No origtime?!
22:51.22talntidthis is a new one on me...
22:54.45talntidcleared the vm dir, left new vm, and it works fine.
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