IRC log for #asterisk on 20120606

00:01.04*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
00:05.41*** join/#asterisk pguima_pg (
00:06.40pguima_pgDoes anyone know how i can re-register my Free Fax License? I had to change servers. thank you
00:16.06jpsharpJust get a new license.
00:16.51pguima_pgi cant get a new one, only if i pay for it.
00:17.12pguima_pgi already have one registered under my account
00:20.20jpsharpWeird.  I have like 6.
00:20.44*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
00:20.48pguima_pg6 free fax licenses? how did you sign up for the other ones?
00:20.52*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2_ (
00:21.11*** join/#asterisk resist0r (~resist0r@
00:28.10fireman_biffwhat options are there for allowing people to use skype to call an asterisk PBX?
00:34.40resist0rI think the answer to the question you meant to ask is chan_skype
00:42.17fireman_biffwhat about skype connect? anybody ever tried that?
01:29.19*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
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02:05.36*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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02:09.30jpsharpchan_skype has been discontinued.
02:13.57*** join/#asterisk bjweeks (~brandon@wikipedia/Brandon)
02:18.23*** join/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (
02:40.45*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
02:51.30billytwowillyis there a web gui for asterisk? if so, how do I turn it on?
02:53.13*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
02:55.46WIMPyturns around
02:57.29*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:58.34MJCSi just installed asterisk using the x64 iso and my /etc/asterisk folder is empty
02:58.55MJCSbillytwowilly: openpbx has a gui
02:59.32MJCSbillytwowilly: also asterisk-gui.noarch : Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Asterisk, The Open Source PBX
03:01.28MJCSnevermind had to install the config package
03:01.32*** join/#asterisk Kraln (~kraln@
03:04.07*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
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03:20.25*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-lutnwrrnyniszkoa)
03:21.02ThinkGNU-If a system has multiple outside lines, what's the best way to make it pick up one line, check if it's in use and move to the next if it is in use?
03:21.11ThinkGNU-I'm thinking If statements
03:21.28WIMPyWhat knid of lines?
03:22.11WIMPy"line" ins an interesting term for that.
03:22.21WIMPyWhy do you care if a SIP account is in use?
03:24.06ThinkGNU-How many calls can be made on one external sip account simultaneously?
03:24.35WIMPyAsk whoever gave you the account.
03:24.57ThinkGNU-okay so the limit is in the provider
03:26.15ThinkGNU-I have six available, trunks I guess you'd call them? So they should allow six simultaneous calls then?
03:27.08*** part/#asterisk mcf3782 (
03:27.16WIMPyApart from the fact that sip and trunk dont really fit togeter, trunk should at least mean multiple calls.
03:27.31WIMPySo 6 trunks should be 12 calls or more.
03:29.10ThinkGNU-I think this is my confusion is that right now we're using an ATA with six analog ports. Our old comdial pbx of course has to see each as a "line".
03:29.30ThinkGNU-I'm trying to wrap my head around the way this will work when I get an * PBX in place.
03:31.17ThinkGNU-Sorry if my questions don't seem well thought out.
03:43.00ThinkGNU-So if I have my pattern matching right for outgoing calls and they all direct at my SIP provider I should be able to send calls there until the limit they set on me is reached right?
03:43.24*** join/#asterisk brdude (
03:44.58ThinkGNU-Sorry for acting like a total noob
03:46.22ThinkGNU-Thanks for your help
03:49.15*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~kitten@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
04:13.06fubadahi guu
04:13.08fubadahi guys
04:13.16fubadai have a very strange problem thats keeping me at office super late
04:13.22fubadai have an asterisk box with two interfaces
04:13.31fubadaand RTP needs to be forcd out over eth2
04:13.33fubadaand not eth0
04:13.43fubadasometimes, it takes the path of eth0
04:13.46fubadaHOW can i change this
04:13.59slav3_kittendo you need to get traffic in on eth0?
04:14.11fubadajust local traffic
04:14.26slav3_kittenlocal traffic is the phone traffic i assume?
04:14.42fubadayes and also other data like OS updates
04:15.08fubadaeth0: phones and other OS update shit
04:15.16fubadaeth2: direct connection to t1 line for sip
04:15.17slav3_kitteneth2 is to a dmz i take it, and eth0 hits a router before wan?
04:15.53fubadai fixed the probem where packets coming in on eth2, leeve out eth2
04:15.54slav3_kittenmake an access list on the router preventing the eth0 ip address from touching the wan
04:15.55fubadathat works
04:16.06fubadabut I cant force asterisk to do all rtp communication on eth2
04:16.51slav3_kittenif you force the ip of eth0 not to have a route to wan, it will send it the only place it has a valid route
04:17.12fubadaokay hang on let me explain better
04:17.43fubadaeth0 is, its router is, its attached to a cable modem with 100mbit to the inet. I use this for bulk traffic, this connection is NOT very reliable
04:18.00fubadaeth2 is verizon t1 public IP, i use this for sip and voip
04:18.05fubadait is a reliable line
04:18.15fubadaphones are on 192.168.60.x, eth0
04:18.35fubadaso i need asterisk to always do its rtp on eth2
04:18.42slav3_kittenif on your router you add an access list rule preventing from connecting to wan via the router
04:18.57fubadaok but that will break my need to push all bulk traffic out eth0
04:18.59fubadasuch as updates
04:19.04slav3_kittenthe only valid route to wan will be eth2
04:19.14fubadai cant be pulling updates and do voip out the t1, its too slow
04:19.21slav3_kittenright, but you can in an access list state the protocol or port number you're disallowing
04:19.30fubadathanks will try
04:19.38slav3_kittenso you disallow eth0 rtp to wan
04:19.43slav3_kittenbut everything else will work
04:20.01fubadai was hoping to solve this entirely on the asterisk box
04:20.13fubadai guess i cant bind asterisk to only eth2 cos my phones are on eth0
04:20.51slav3_kitteniirc the book states you either bind it to one interface, or all interfaces
04:21.08slav3_kittenso the router is about the only way to direct traffic
04:22.19fubadaor, because i have a local updates server on 60.x anyways, i can just make eth2 my default gw on * box
04:23.26slav3_kittenmaybe? i'm not sure of your network config
04:23.38fubadathanks man
04:23.45slav3_kittenbut i think throwing an access list rule on your router would be the simple solution
04:24.07fubadaso i disallow outgoing rtp traffic from *'s eth0 on the router
04:24.17fubadawont * just keep trying it and failing
04:24.31fubadawhat makes you think it will retransmit on eth2
04:24.48slav3_kittenno, there will be no valid route for rtp traffic. linux will send it out the only interface with a valid route
04:26.17fubadaso if my rtpstart is 10000 and end is 20000, i need to block that entire range?
04:50.57*** join/#asterisk MJCS (
04:51.16MJCSwhy is it that I can only answer after the 2nd ring?
05:00.19ChannelZBad reflexes?
05:01.21slav3_kittenpoor hearing?
05:01.54ChannelZDo more meth and you'll be able to keep answering it even when it's not ringing
05:03.07slav3_kittenwhy not bath salts, then you can answer it while chewing on a face?
05:04.20Kralncan you guys help me debug a problem with the jabber module?
05:04.23*** join/#asterisk wudles (
05:04.40Kralnseems to fail to authenticate with gtalk (I'm 100% sure the password is correct, and it has no funny characters in it)
05:04.47slav3_kitteni'm new. and not awake
05:04.58KralnI just get back a <not authorized/> from el goog
05:05.37ChannelZare there funny characters in it?
05:07.11ChannelZwell make sure your username in jabber.conf is right I guess
05:07.13ChannelZworks here
05:07.22Kralnhow is your username? or whatever?
05:07.32slav3_kitten help maybe?
05:08.11*** part/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (
05:09.01slav3_kittennight all
05:15.07Kralnslav3_kitten, ChannelZ:
05:15.19fubadaslav3_kitten: i changed my setup to where eth2 is my default gw now, and I have a static route to eth1(phonelan), howver, im having one way audio issues
05:15.22fubadacan you help please
05:15.40fubadaslav3_kitten: the other way didnt work for other reasons
05:17.59*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~none@
05:18.56ChannelZKraln: what version of asterisk is this?
05:19.22Kraln> core show version
05:19.22KralnAsterisk built by root @ on a x86_64 running Linux on 2012-06-04 23:49:51 UTC
05:24.26ChannelZIs this only when you're trying to make or receive a voice call, or is it not logging in to the account at all?  The debug seems to imply something incoming.
05:24.36Kralnnot logging at all
05:24.41Kralnthis is the initial trying to connect
05:25.02Kralnhmm, seems its blocking logins on meebo too
05:26.08Kralnmaybe something else is wrong..? or maybe I fail2ban'd it
05:27.47ChannelZwell if that were the case here I wouldn't expect to be seeing both incoming and outgoing messages, so I doubt it
05:28.02Kralnno as in too many auth failures
05:28.05Kralnand they blocked it from everywhere
05:28.23ChannelZmaybe.  Are you logged into that account elsewhere?
05:32.06fubadacan someone please help
05:32.16fubadaone ay audio
05:32.22fubadaone way audio
05:32.24ChannelZwhich way?
05:32.29fubadaasterisk is not behind nat, phones are
05:32.42fubadaChannelZ: hard to say, most times i cant hear others
05:32.49fubadaright now its both ways
05:32.53Kralnfubada: set your extensions to nat=yes
05:33.49ChannelZis externip or externaddr (depends on your version) and localnet set in sip.conf?  Peers with nat=yes ?
05:33.52*** part/#asterisk Kalidarn (~unknown@unaffiliated/kalidarn)
05:34.57fubadaone sec uys
05:35.17fubadai use do i set extensions to yes
05:35.22ChannelZKraln: so what did oyu screw up?
05:35.32KralnChannelZ: me? nothing.
05:35.46Kralnhad to change the jabber module to fix the login
05:36.01Kralnif you try a non-gmail google account, it barfed because it wasn't sending the right xml attributes
05:36.06fubadaKraln: where do I set nat=yes please
05:36.13Kralnfubada: in the extension configuration
05:36.27fubadaChannelZ: both externalip and localnat are set
05:37.05fubadathere guys
05:37.07fubadacan you help
05:37.09fubadathats sip.coinf
05:37.39fubadarandmly I will have audio, but 3/5 times i dont
05:37.46fubadaor vice versa
05:38.06ChannelZThen it's probably your phone and an issue on that side, if indeed your Asterisk is not behind NAT or running a firewall
05:38.13fubadaim running 10.5.0
05:38.21fubadai dropped iptab les
05:38.31fubadaphone can call inter office no problem
05:38.38fubadai can call confb ridge etc
05:39.08ChannelZAre both devices you're testing with outside the asterisk box's network?
05:39.34*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:39.37fubadaasterisk box has two interfaces;  em1 is phonelan 192.168.60.x
05:39.43fubadaand em2, is t1 direct to verizon
05:39.49fubadano firewall on em2
05:40.00fubada* box has em2 as default gw
05:40.39fubadaroute -n ^
05:42.32ChannelZNot enough info to tell what you're doing and how you're testing.  You say you can "call inter office no problem" but don't say how or from what side of the network the device(s) are on as it relates to Asterisk
05:42.50fubadaone second please
05:43.09ChannelZyou have a semi-complicated network setup and I don't know what is what.  You need to narrow down what part of the network is working and which part isn't
05:43.21Kralnokay, last google talk question
05:43.27fubadaphones are attached to em1 network 192.168.60.x
05:43.36Kralnif gtalk doesn't supply a DID, how can I properly handle incoming routes?
05:43.45fubadathey talk to asterisk on
05:43.58Kralnfubada: draw a picture and put it on the internet
05:44.01Kralna network diagram
05:44.19Kralnthen use show channel to see what ip addresses each side thinks they are talking to
05:44.39KralnI had this problem with a misbehaving firewall, incoming audio was being sent to some IP i'd never heard of
05:44.55fubadacoming up man
05:45.37fubadaiptables i dropped
05:46.19ChannelZKraln: see gtalk.conf and you can configure them to go to whatever context you want based on the user they came in on
05:46.19*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:47.51ChannelZfrom there you can make extensions that match that username which are kind of like a DID
05:48.05l2trace99Kraln:  it is supposed to come in on <gtalk account>@context set in gtalk.conf
05:48.18l2trace99but I have 1.8.11 and it has issues
05:48.20Kralnah, okay, lets see.
05:48.47l2trace99it fell through to s@googlein  ( my context is google in )
05:48.49Kralnyep, got it, perfect.
05:48.51ChannelZfor instance all my crap goes into a context called "incoming-gtalk" and then I have a bob exten, a joe exten, etc.
05:49.06l2trace99does it work for you ?
05:49.11Kralngot everything working
05:49.23l2trace99crap must be something with 1.8.11
05:49.35ChannelZprobably not, you probably just have something wrong
05:49.44Kralnnow I have free termination to the continental US, $1/mo unlimited incoming DID, and $0.04/m calling to my european cell phone
05:49.45l2trace99I can find it
05:49.49ChannelZI run 1.8.10 on one server and it's fine, so unless they broke something in .11 specifically...
05:49.58Kralnawesome! :) thanks guys
05:50.02l2trace99there are some bug reports
05:50.40l2trace99it misses the name match on the dialplan then falls through to s@googlein
05:50.53l2trace99misses that  then I had to set s@default
05:50.56l2trace99to get it
05:52.33fubadathere it is
05:52.46fubadamy sip.conf
05:53.03fubadano audio guys, so frustrating
05:53.10fubadaiptables is disabled
05:53.49ChannelZso by your diagram you say that any phones on the LAN side (em1) all communicate between each other fine
05:54.01fubadaand can reach * confbridge etc
05:54.06fubadano issues at all
05:54.14ChannelZIt's only when your "sip peer" gets involved that this is a problem, and presumably you're testing a call to/from the internet to one of the localnet phones
05:54.28l2trace99is caninvite=no ?
05:54.33l2trace99for the phones ?
05:54.38ChannelZit's directmedia now
05:54.43Kralnfubada: does receiving calls work, but outgoing ones not? or visa-versa?
05:54.54fubadareceiving calls work
05:55.00fubadathey seem to work with audio
05:55.03fubadaonly outgoing it seems
05:55.11fubadal2trace99: not defined
05:55.16fubadadont have caninvite set at all
05:55.27l2trace99sry it is canreinvite = no
05:55.30ChannelZit's "directmedia" now, not canreinvite
05:55.36fubadawait, INCOMIGN failed too
05:55.53fubadadirectmedia is set to no
05:56.21fubadathis is all in sip.conf?
05:56.25fubadawhat about nat?
05:56.59KralnI don't see a section where you've configured individual extensions, though (I am a bit of a noob), so maybe under general?
05:57.03ChannelZThe remote peer you're testing is a phone/softphone, or an ITSP?
05:57.27fubadaKraln: im usin users.conf
05:57.30fubadalet me show you that
05:58.20ChannelZturn on rtp debug and see if you're getting any RTP, and where Asterisk thinks it's sending RTP
05:58.32fubadatheres my users.conf
05:58.35fubadacan you look at that
05:58.44fubadajust did a test with 5 calls... 2/5 bad
05:59.06fubadaim getting rtp but its such a flood of messages in console i cant figure whats normal and wahts not
05:59.27fubadait sends rtp to my phone (the phone im making a call one), and to my providers media servers
05:59.49l2trace99inside to inside works ?
05:59.53ChannelZwait.. there IS an ITSP involved?
06:00.04fubadatheres a sip provider
06:00.13fubadaall my calls get sent to them
06:00.27ChannelZyou just said you were testing just with a remote polycom phone
06:00.54fubadaim sorry i was confused, i meant im testing by placing calls from my desk polycom to my cll
06:01.17ChannelZwe need to see a sip debug of a call
06:01.24fubadaone second
06:04.03fubadacant get one to fail now
06:04.03fubadaone sec
06:04.33ChannelZthis sounds more like an ITSP problem
06:04.42l2trace99or bandwidth
06:05.29fubadabandwidth is plenty
06:05.38fubadaone second guys :P
06:08.12tapoutwhat foip provider do you guys use?
06:09.35KralnI'm using localphone
06:10.39l2trace99gafachi &  voxbone
06:11.04ChannelZwanders off
06:12.21fubadathis is the busted one
06:12.22fubadasip debug
06:12.26fubadaplease help:)
06:16.50*** join/#asterisk bjweeks_ (~brandon@wikipedia/Brandon)
06:17.24fubadaanyone can help me figure this one out please?
06:20.30tapoutis there a way to see which wholesale provider a voip provider is using?
06:20.55tapouti signed up to voxbone and it tells me it won't show the pricing unless i'm going to setup a voip company that spends 500 a month lol
06:21.00sawgoodtapout: lots of variables and sub-variables with that question (do you have a goal)?
06:21.43tapoutwell i use, i love them.  They don't support FOIP.  I wanted to go up one level in that chain to see if they support FOIP (seeing how is so cheap, i figured the wholesaler would be cheap as well)
06:21.58sawgooddo you need T.38?
06:22.05sawgoodor want T.38 SIP circuit
06:22.26tapoutto be honest, i don't know what i need to get near 100% faxing to email
06:22.39fubadaChannelZ: yt man :p
06:22.43sawgoodright now what process do you have in place to test/confirm?
06:23.03Kralnwhat's a good, cheap dect handset that's asterisk friendly?
06:23.13tapoutsawgood, right now i'm using with a 800 number to accept faxes.. it works maybe 75% of the times.  it seems only the largest clients have trouble faxing :)
06:23.32sawgoodso, your only goal is to send/receive e-faxing (via a computer with a client or a web browser GUI)?
06:23.47tapoutkraln, my buddy got a siemens handheld, i can't remmeber what device it is exactly but he loves it
06:24.06Kralnthose are like five years old now :/
06:24.12tapoutnever send, receive faxes near 100% to email from a 800$
06:24.26tapouti don't think it's a gigaset tbh
06:24.37sawgoodAre you going to put the Fax for Asterisk module on your box?
06:24.55Kralnsomething like this, but not $$$:
06:25.02tapouti've got that fax setup with p3nguin's help...
06:25.22sawgoodYou might not be pleased with the Snom M3/M9 units
06:25.48sawgoodtapout: excellent ... I can give you a demo number which you can text for fax receiving via email
06:26.08sawgoodtapout: you can use the DEMO number for practice for a week if you want (for receiving incoming e-faxes)
06:26.19tapoutsawgood, wait .. are you a provider?
06:26.24tapouta 'foip' provider
06:26.28sawgoodI am a provider said i need a 'foip' provider
06:27.10tapoutdon't set all that stuff up, show me your website
06:27.28sawgoodif you pvt msg me, I'll help
06:28.15tapoutt.38 = foip ?
06:28.25tapoutwhen someone says  you need foip, does that imply the t.38 ?
06:42.00tapouti think i'm going to order that snom m9r
06:44.47Kralnsawgood said he doesn't like them
06:45.41fubadaso much frustration with these no audio issues
06:46.15tapouthe doesn't like the m9's?  .. hrmm.. what does he like?
06:46.19tapoutsawgood, what do you like for a dect phone ?
06:51.32Kralnsilence apparently
06:52.19tapoutKX-TGP500 and KX-TGP550  .. have you seen those?  someone messaged me those in here (thank you to who did it :)
06:53.37awkSnom M3/M9 is crap.
06:57.35sawgoodThe Snom M9/M3 get returned about 50% or more of the time
06:57.38sawgoodvarious complaints
06:58.41tapoutare the KX-UT670's crap? :)
06:59.20sawgoodI don't know about that unit
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07:51.47ChannelZfubada: I'm not really seeing anthing odd in terms of IP addresses.. so unless your network is randomly misrouting traffic, I'm not sure what to say other than it's an issue between you and your ITSP, or them and your cell
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08:27.12*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:27.21Chainsawwonders why Asterisk 10.5.0 is still a secret
08:27.25ChainsawIs it surprise? For me? You shouldn't have!
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08:32.32acrgWIMPy: you there?
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08:59.49bulkorokquestion: how can I reload changes in extconfig.conf seperatly without doing "reload"
08:59.50*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
09:00.57bulkorokmmpf... answer: reload extconfig ... life can be so easy...
09:11.49*** join/#asterisk aurs (~aurs@
09:20.00aursmy arg1 to a macro is "+${ARG2}<sip:+${ARG2}@${LOCDOM}>;privacy=off;screen=yes" but it gets cut at the first ; char. If i add \ to escape it, the \ char is added (I'm setting a sip header). Does this look familiar to anyone?
09:23.32kaldemaraurs: escaping and string handling may vary between versions. you could use func FILTER to remove the backslash or encode/decode the argument with BASE64_* functions.
09:26.16bulkorokhey guys... I want to use realtime extensions in mysql. what is the delimiter for the appdata? | is out and , seems not to work too...
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09:38.57aurskaldemar, yes so it seems. Moving from 1.4 to 1.8 :)
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10:38.04aursI think I will try to upgrade to the latest 1.8 before doing more on this... very weird how the backslash char is handled in some cases
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11:31.20aurskaldemar, upgrading to solved my problem...
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11:56.15slav3_kittenyawns an stretches out
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12:22.42mirelabhello, is there any chance i can set a bigger delay on Echo() app ? :)
12:24.03[TK]D-FenderThere isn't supposed to be any additional delay
12:24.18[TK]D-FenderBut feel free to recode it if you like
12:24.34mirelabhehe thx :)
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12:52.19kozakmanhi all
12:52.21kozakmanThere is no voice on channel E1 on the incoming and outgoing calls. Alarm works. The internal SIP phones work fine. Asterisk 1.8.8, the board E1 Openvox D130P. What might be lamenting the lack of voice?
12:54.05kozakmanthere are no errors in logs
12:55.43[TK]D-Fenderkozakman, So you've answered a call, played audio, and put them on Echo() and they heard nothing?
12:57.46kozakmanI answer the call, and silence, nothing
12:58.14[TK]D-FenderShow us a test like the one I just described.
12:58.38kozakmanPut on hold, the music still does not play
12:58.50[TK]D-FenderAnswer, Playbe, Echo.  Do these
12:59.03[TK]D-Fenderthat order
13:00.28*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
13:02.14[TK]D-FenderkoI don't trust your MoH and that is not what I told you to do.
13:02.19[TK]D-Fenderkozakman,  don't trust your MoH and that is not what I told you to do.
13:07.09[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Answer, Playback, Echo.  Do these.  That order
13:09.01[TK]D-Fenderkozakman, So you did not hear the playback at all, and nothing from the Echo() after?
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13:09.56[TK]D-Fenderkozakman, "dahdi show status", "dahdi show channels", and inclide your system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf
13:13.17[TK]D-FenderOk, that all looks pretty good... ok, do one more test call with PRI DEBUG enabled....
13:16.09*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:1f11:a4:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
13:21.21[TK]D-Fenderkozakman, add "alaw=1-31 "to your system.conf, reinitialze DAHDI and restart *
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13:24.03kozakman[TK]D-Fender, nothing
13:25.10[TK]D-Fenderkozakman, Well your configs look fine, debug shows nothing out of the ordinary, you're processing the call in a way that should show results.  I'd check with OpenVox at this point.
13:29.44mirelabIs there a posibility to play sound/recording while in Dial() app on a callee rx channel side (so that callee can hear it)
13:30.41WIMPySee option m.
13:31.08mirelabmusic on hold?
13:31.48kozakman[TK]D-Fender, thanks
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13:32.12WIMPyErr. You said callee? That's A, but obviousely after Dial.
13:33.00[TK]D-FenderNo, but that's obviously after being answered....
13:33.27WIMPyYes, in Dial(), but after dial. ;-)
13:33.53[TK]D-FenderSo we take a left ... right?
13:34.38mirelabi can set dtmf sequence in features to do Playback but that is not heared on peer side cause it probably ends up on wrong rx/tx side
13:34.50WIMPyTwo wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
13:36.23*** join/#asterisk NotHere (
13:36.29NotHereon asterisk- dahdi fails to load with the message WARNING[9049] loader.c: Error loading module 'chan_dahdi.s
13:36.30NotHereo': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_connect_ack
13:36.45NotHerelast working version is asterisk-
13:36.50[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Correct
13:37.35WIMPyNotHere: Slap your package manager or whoever built them. Something doesn't seem to fit there.
13:39.45NotHereWIMPy, I will happily slap them, but at the moment I would prefer to just fix the problem
13:40.16NotHereWIMPy, is there a package missing which wasn't listed as a dependency?
13:40.42WIMPyThat looks like libpri to me.
13:40.51NotHere(my packages come from$releasever/asterisk-1.8/$basearch/ )
13:42.05NotHereit worked. Thankls
13:43.00NotHerefor the record, asterisk 1.8.13 needs at least libpri 1.4.12 (and not 1.4.11 which was previously installed)
13:44.32WIMPyI'm pretty sure, it doesn;t, but the version in the package seems to do so.
13:45.03WIMPyOTOH, I wouldn't want to use anything less than 1.4.12.
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13:47.34slav3_kittenWIMPy, my cisco phones power up. got a power brick to check today
13:48.27slav3_kittenso i'm going to try getting the skinny chan driver to work with the 7911 and 7960 i packed with me on the trip
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16:04.51mboylanhi guys, hoping someone can point me in the right direction here... we recently upgraded our two routing layer boxes that connect to the PRIs to 1.8 from 1.2 Business Edition. Since then, for inbound calls from the PRIs that don't have both a caller id name and a caller ID number, asterisk sets the sip header information to Anonymous@anonymous.invalid
16:05.52mboylansendrpid and trustrpid on the sip trunk entries along with sendrpid enabled on my phone entry on our test server seems to fix the problem, but is there any risk to enabling sendrpid globally?
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16:28.53infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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16:29.36Qwellmboylan: If something doesn't support rpid, it's very broken
16:30.23mboylanQwell: I mean security wise
16:32.35ThinkGNU-Sorry, that was supposed to be a join command. It wasn't meant for the channel
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16:35.26pabelangerAnybody know what codec's Velocity supports?
16:43.47Nuggetdoes not support the "extraneous apostrophe" codec
16:44.42blizzowOne of my two PRIs went yellow this morning and dropped a bunch of calls and then people couldn't make outbound calls.  I unplugged the failing PRI and everything started working again.  Is there a way to disable a PRI remotely without having to physically unplug the thing?
16:44.44Qwellboo, can't even get to the next test
16:44.54QwellNugget: How do you feel about netcat + GAPING_SECURITY_HOLE?
16:45.33blizzowI see I can disable a PRI channel, but I wanted to disable the failing PRI span.
16:45.49NuggetQwell: just use inetd to bash  :)
16:46.01QwellNugget: now you're thinking
16:47.44*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
16:50.33[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, Remove the channel configs for it and reinit DAHDI
16:51.49blizzow[TK]D-Fender: I called my phone company and they say their circuit tests clean to the demarc and claim it's my equipment.  The makers of my tdmoe box say their stuff is fine.  Is there any way * could cause the yellow alarm?
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16:53.13coppiceblizzow: yes there is - get the CRC setting wrong, or have faulty equipment
16:55.41blizzowThe thing has been up and running for nearly a year so I don't think it's a CRC setting issue.  I did upgrade dahdi a couple of weeks ago, but it ran for 11 days with no issues and now I've got two service drops within 5 days.
16:55.43anonymouz666coppice: what about ilbc from google into asterisk?
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16:56.10coppicewhat about it?
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16:56.54anonymouz666coppice: don't you think that google can deny somehow the code?
16:58.15coppiceI can't imagine they want to. the fact they put fixed point iLBC and both fixed and floating iSAC in webrtc may imply they think they've already put floating iLBC out there in an acceptable form.
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16:59.28coppicegoogle are *extremely* sloppy about this kind of thing
17:01.34coppicethey put some of my stuff in webrtc. in some cases they took my header off and put their own copyright notice on my work. its nothing too important, but it shows how they behave
17:02.11Qwellcoppice: if you can point to a specific file, I can pass it along to a friend
17:02.31QwellIt's his job to deal with issues like that.
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17:04.55coppiceQwell: does he deal with the missing stuff in webrtc as well? some of the codec test data files are missing
17:05.09Qwellcoppice: no, his title is something like "Open Source Advocate"
17:05.22Qwellor, works in that dept, or whatever
17:05.51Qwellanyways, he deals with that kind of licensing stuff all the time.
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17:07.50anonymouz666coppice: your work is LGPL?
17:08.16coppicesometimes :-)
17:08.22Qwellcoppice: If you care enough about the headers, feel free to shoot me an email, and I can forward it along.  He'd certainly want to be aware of it, at least.
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18:12.30LoboXhi all i have a quick question, can i make in asterisk a call to all my ext, and everybody listen to what im saying from one phone?
18:13.20LoboXif i want to make a announcement to everybody in the office
18:13.40LoboXis that possible?
18:15.23LoboXthanks malcolmd let me check thaty
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18:31.45Kralnhmm, does asterisk support video too?
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18:33.52[TK]D-Fender"follow the talker" in app_confbridge.  single acller to caller video, and video voicemail.
18:34.18last1whenever I stop an audio file from playing by pressing an option, the audio file stops with a cracking noise or something
18:34.48last1for example, the audio might say: "Press 1 if you wish to continue" and if I press 1 mid-audio, I might hear: Press 1 <crackling>
18:34.54last1how do I remove that noise ?
18:34.57Kraln[TK]D-Fender: oui, merci
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18:47.19LoboXmalcolmd got it working >:)
18:47.22LoboXthank you
18:47.52rgagnonFYI for web people at digium... is a dead/invalid link on your asterisk homepage
18:48.02rgagnonits the news page for 10.5.0
18:49.04Qwellmjordan: ^
18:53.10mjordanrgagnon: fixed, thanks for bringing it to our attention :-)
18:53.22rgagnonnp. thanks for the quick fix
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19:44.58malcolmdLoboX:  yay :D
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19:50.02fubadais it possible to disable the voicemail "chirp" noise with asterisk?
19:50.07fubadaand also the stutter vm dialtone
19:50.12fubadaor is this a phone side setting
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19:52.04[TK]D-FenderChirp = phone.  Stutter... well.. what kind of phone?
19:52.56[TK]D-FenderALL phone.
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20:13.22philipp64|laptophow do I override the user@ portion of the URI in an outgoing SIP call from within the the dialplan?
20:14.04[TK]D-FenderShould be based off the callerid
20:14.36fubada[TK]D-Fender: what does it suggest when 1/3 calls ha one-way audio issues
20:15.02fubadaand can I run my sip.conf by you sir
20:15.12[TK]D-FenderSuggestes you misconfigured something and a few of your calls arrived at a time while ports were temporarily mapped right to survive
20:17.09fubada <- my asterisk box network diag, <- my sip.conf
20:17.41fubadacould you help me figure out if ym sip.conf matches my network setup. im confused about nat, and direct media
20:18.08fubadaSIP peer is really my ITSP
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20:39.12MJCSwhat is the proper way to send an incoming call to an extension.  I did dial(sip/1001) for example but when I answer it keeps ringing on the person dialing in.  If I place answer() before it, it works but I dont really want asterisk doing that.
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20:43.03Kralntime to get some college kid in trouble...
20:43.05jayteeMJCS, in 99% of cases you want to have Answer() before you use the Dial app for incoming calls.
20:43.38MJCSyeah but that looks like you are answering the call on the other phones
20:44.03MJCSinstead of it ringing, on the extension and when you pick up they pick up
20:44.49pabelangerjaytee: Is that your box?
20:45.27jaytee@pabelanger, my box? huh?
20:45.28pabelangerjaytee: wrong person
20:45.35pabelangerKraln: is that your box?
20:45.52Kralnlogs from my machine, yeah
20:45.56Kralnsomeone wardialing from michigan state
20:46.03pabelangeryou deserve to get hacked
20:46.16pabelangeryou AMI is publicly exposed
20:46.39pabelangertelnet 5038
20:46.56fubadaConnected to
20:46.56fubadaEscape character is '^]'.
20:46.56fubadaAsterisk Call Manager/1.1
20:47.52MJCSis there a better way to do this or is Answer() then dial() the only way
20:48.06Kralnanything else I should block? :P
20:50.47MJCSit also seems like I can only answer after the 2nd ring
20:51.15gustowhat is this asterisk call manager? is it enabled by default?
20:51.32MJCSbrb my colon is about to go boom
20:51.55fubadaUGH dude Polycom XML documentation is the worst
20:52.07fubadahow the hell am i supposed to configure these phones for provisioning
20:52.15pabelangerKraln: atleast you are running the latest and greatest: User-Agent: FPBX-2.10.0(
20:52.24pabelangerbut you need to take that box off the public web
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20:52.47jpsharpBut it is XML, therefore cool!
20:53.09Kralnpabelanger: firewalled that port off, unloaded skinny and mgcp and dundi. anything else I need to do to secure this?
20:53.14fubadamaybe someones done this in here, how the hell do i disable mwi stutter and chrip on polycoms
20:53.18pabelangerfubada: I wrote a puppet module to do it, and it works like a champ
20:53.23fubadadude i use puppet
20:53.37fubadawhats the purpose of your module
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20:54.18pabelangerpurpose, to fully provision and manage an asterisk box using puppet
20:54.23fubadaoh, im using phoneprov
20:54.29fubadaoh nice
20:54.45fubadawell phoneprov is working :) heh but puppet would be nicer
20:55.09fubadapabelanger: do you know how to disable vm stutter and chirp on polys
20:55.11pabelangerYup, it is pretty slick once you get it working
20:55.37pabelangerstutter?  Sounds like a bandwidth or CPU issue on your asterisk box
20:55.42pabelangerare you transcoding audio?
20:55.50jayteehe means stutter dial tone
20:55.55fubadanono i man when you pickup the phone and theres a voicemail
20:55.58fubadathe tone jumps
20:56.03fubadaaka stutter tone
20:56.11jayteedefault setting on polycoms
20:56.13pabelangerwhat firmware you using?
20:56.14Kralnpabelanger: any other advice, though?
20:56.18jayteewhen there's voicemail
20:56.35pabelangerKraln: only that I would not leave that box on the public web
20:56.47Kralndefine 'leave box on public web'
20:57.09fubadayour asterisk mdule is sick
20:57.11pabelangerIs it behind a firewall
20:57.17fubadabut itd be difficult to implement
20:57.21Kralnpabelanger: yes, it is behind a firewall
20:57.43pabelangerfubada: I'm using bootrom 4.1.4 and 3.3.4 release
20:58.00fubadaoh, i sycnd to latest
20:58.02pabelangerfubada: well, it is there for people to use
20:58.29Kralnpabelanger: what needs to be blocked, etc.
20:58.34fubadai like your puppet skills, i can use this to improve mine
20:58.43pabelangerHad an issue with another site, the phone would not generate ringing for incoming calls, upgrade to the latest, seems to have fixed the problem
21:00.14fubadahow long have you been doing puppet?
21:00.16fubadareally nice layout
21:00.35fubadayou dont do chaining but i guess its not needed
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21:01.44pabelangerKraln: you want to fix this:
21:01.56pabelangerfubada: about 6months
21:02.12pabelangerYa, I have not run into chaining issue... yet
21:02.23fubadaimpressive...whats this "::monitor" stuff
21:02.24pabelangerI've consider implementing it but haven't needed to
21:02.33fubadaevery module has 'monitor'
21:02.34Kralnpabelanger: I only see port 80 open?
21:02.52pabelangerfubada: yup, for setting up nagios for each service
21:02.57fubadaah ok
21:03.00anonymouz666what's the most common name in north america? "contact center" or "call center"? for a system name
21:03.28pabelangerKraln: look again, you have netbios exposed
21:03.37Kralnit's a linux machine
21:03.38pabelangerunless that is your ISP
21:03.57fubadaanonymouz666: call center
21:04.05Kralnpabelanger: that's not even running
21:04.20pabelangerso must be your ISP
21:04.43Kralnmy isp is transparent
21:04.51Kralnthat's nmap telling you ports aren't doing anything
21:07.07pabelangerKraln: well, that fact you still have freepbx publicly exposed is still an issue
21:07.26Kralnabout to firewall that off to my vpn
21:07.29Kralnanything else?
21:09.20pabelangera simple exploit that could happen
21:09.39Kralnalright, point taken
21:10.52pabelangerYa, I don't want to be a dink. But, people can do some damage to your asterisk box if it is exposed.  Especially if you start adding freepbx and other pre-bundled software that some distros use
21:11.04Kralnno, I appreciate it
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21:11.13KralnI'm just curious what I need to filter and what needs to be not filtered.
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21:12.47Kralnseems the answer is "the system is swiss cheese, don't let anyone touch anything"
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21:25.20tfgtechi am using 1.8.13 on Centos 5.5 , and i have a sever issue with attended transfers creating ZOMBIE channels, leading to the caller and the person receiving the call to think the call has been dropped, so they both disconnect
21:25.48tfgtechthis issue seems to be for older versions of asterisk, but somehow i have it in my install
21:25.52Kralnpabelanger: alright, I believe I have firewalled it so that the web interface is only available via vpn
21:25.59Kralnwhich means there are now no exposed tcp ports
21:26.12Kralnso, should be good?
21:26.21tfgtechcan anyone point me in the right direction_ no idea how to fix this, and i can´´t fina patch for my version
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21:30.17uskerinehi, i am looking for recommendations on softphone clients (light ones), both windows and linux
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21:31.01tfgtechlinuxÑ linphone, ekiga
21:31.07Kralnuskerine: I'm happy with both zoiper and 3cx
21:31.30uskerinelet's have a look on those ones
21:31.53tfgtechzoiper is good, x-lite a bit more cumbersome
21:31.55WIMPylikes Zoiper for the small visual footprint, but the Windows version has issues with packetization.
21:32.12uskerinei downloaded x-lite and did not like that it wants to install a lot of c++ stuff
21:38.39agisamentumlikes zoiper for it's simplicity
21:39.29agisamentumsometimes the gui craps up, but you can just text edit or sed the config file under .zoiper/ and voila
21:39.46uskerineis there any softphone for linux i can configure so it uses a given extension (sip username) from a config file so I can fix the configuration for each user?
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21:40.15MJCSanyways back to dialing extensions.  Is the only way to forward a call to an extension by "Answer()" then "Dial()"? or is there another way?
21:40.28WIMPyuskerine: I'd assume, they all do.
21:40.50WIMPyMJCS: Yes. skip the Answer().
21:40.57jpsharpYou shouldn't have to "answer" explicitly before a Dial.  The channel gets answered if the Dial()ed channel answers.
21:43.31*** join/#asterisk rossand (
21:46.33MJCSsomething is strange here because I have to wait for the 2nd ring to answer or else the person on the other line just keeps ringing
21:50.02uskerinewhat "exten => 10,1,Verbose(1|Echo test application)
21:50.04uskerineactually means?
21:50.38[TK]D-FenderMeans it'll print a line in the console... if you're at verbose 1 or higher
21:50.42WIMPyMJCS: You shouldn't Answer() at all. And what do you answer and what "other line"?
21:51.02WIMPyuskerine: It means your Dialplan was for Asterisk 1.2 or older.
21:51.13[TK]D-FenderThat too
21:52.05uskerinei guess that is what you mean
21:52.47uskerinethis command, (then there is Echo and Hangup)
21:52.55uskerineunder the [internal]
21:53.14uskerinemeans that the command sequence will be applied to incoming calls for this extension or for outgoing calls from this extension?
21:53.40WIMPyAlways and only to.
21:53.59[TK]D-Fenderuskerine: that is STEP ONE in processing "10" in that context
21:54.06WIMPyIf you want do take different routes, depending on where a call comes from, use contexts.
21:54.42uskerinei am just trying to understandhow this works (i am reading asterisk, the future of the telephony
21:54.45uskerineand doing some tests
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21:58.11*** join/#asterisk flyingbull (
21:58.55flyingbullHi everyone:) I hope everyone is doing well today.
22:00.36flyingbullI got a question, I'm working with VoiceMailMain()  and basically I want the user to type in *97, and then Voicemail main should prompt them for their password.  I can't seem to get it to work, it prompts for both their Extension and Password. Which brings up another problem, I suspect that that it isn't going into the correct context.
22:01.03flyingbullI think it is going to default.
22:01.06WIMPyWell, you have to supply the mailbox number.
22:01.39uskerineso exten=> 10,1,Echo()
22:01.47uskerineexten => 10,n,Hangup()
22:01.57uskerineshould echo my voice when i call extension 10?
22:02.33[TK]D-Fenderflyingbull: You should probably show us the dialing you made to go toVMM
22:02.51uskerineit does not work
22:02.56[TK]D-FenderIt shouldn't
22:02.58[TK]D-FenderANSWER FIRST
22:03.30flyingbullFender, currently I have it going straight to VoiceMailMain()
22:03.48flyingbullexten => *97,1,VoiceMailMain(${)
22:03.54WIMPyEcho() doesn't answer?
22:04.00flyingbulloh sorry, that is typo LOL
22:04.06flyingbullexten => *97,1,VoiceMailMain()
22:04.35uskerineit works with Answer, thjanks [TK]D-Fender
22:04.40WIMPyflyingbull: I don't see a mailbox number in those brackets.
22:05.06WIMPyIf you don't give it a mailbox to work on it will have to ask the user.s
22:05.11[TK]D-Fenderflyingbull: yYou have to tell it what mailbox on the app line
22:05.48flyingbullI understand that, my point is how can I grab from the sip channel that information?  Or do I for each person have to create a seprate line for each extenstion?
22:06.19[TK]D-Fenderflyingbull: There are all sorts of nifty Cchannel variables you should read up on...
22:06.23WIMPyHow do you assign mailbox numbers?
22:06.33[TK]D-Fenderflyingbull: including ${CHANNEL}
22:06.47[TK]D-Fenderflyingbull: And there are other identifying possibilities.. like the CALLERID()
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22:07.09[TK]D-Fenderflyingbull: Or other means... like setting a channel var in your sip peer with SetVar=
22:07.54WIMPySetVar is a nice thing, but unfortunatly limited to certain channeltypes.
22:09.05flyingbullInteresting.  I never noticed that before.
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22:09.22flyingbullI think I'll play with the SetVar, it makes more sense for me to do it there….
22:09.26uskerinei have answer/playback/hangup sequence in [default] with "s" as extension number
22:09.30d_preston215Can I use a call file to enter into a conference?
22:09.49uskerineis that default sequence for unknown extensions?
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22:10.16WIMPyuskerine: No it's for calls without destination.
22:10.21WIMPyd_preston215: Sure
22:10.48uskerinewhat should you do to playback something when calling unknown extensions from internal phones?
22:11.24uskerineand Wimpy how a call can have no destionation?
22:11.28WIMPyThere is the i extensions for invalid.
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22:11.37infobot[~stdextens] The "s" Standard Extension : Where a call goes to when * does not know the destination of the call. Ex : Calls coming in on FXO ports (no DID), or from an ITSP that doesn't specify or where it was not set in the REGISTER line, or FXS port goes off-hook and "immediate=yes" in zapata.conf.  "s" is also used to make IVRs & macros.
22:11.59WIMPyHa, I think I've never seen that one.
22:12.22[TK]D-FenderI got tired of hand typing it years ago
22:12.40WIMPyuskerine: There are many ways, e.g. callig or for classic phones, just lifting the handset.
22:12.54[TK]D-FenderAll of the [~....] botlets were originally my creation to standardise the info
22:13.57[TK]D-Fenderuskerine: I only made that one
22:13.59WIMPyBut that's only the s extension. A mention of all special extensions might be nifty.
22:14.19[TK]D-Fenderuskerine: "i" will not match an incoming call that doesn't match anything else
22:14.30[TK]D-Fender'i" only works in IVR's
22:14.41[TK]D-Fendera non-matching SIP call will error out with a 4040
22:14.48WIMPyNo, i also works for calls.
22:15.06uskerineso if i want to playback something when an extension dials an extension which does not exist?
22:15.11uskerinewhat do i have to do?
22:15.13WIMPyNot for SIP, but for other channeltypes.
22:15.14[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Nope....
22:15.26[TK]D-FenderOther channels?  Like?  not PRI...
22:15.32[TK]D-Fendershocertainly shouldn't
22:15.37[TK]D-FenderI'd love to see otehrwise...
22:16.06WIMPyPRI should do it, yes.
22:16.23WIMPyuskerine: You can do a default extension like "_X.".
22:17.12fubadadoes anyone know kbps rates for ulaw?
22:17.32uskerineexten => 1000,n,Dial(SIP/1000,30)
22:17.33WIMPy64kbps + overhead
22:17.39d_preston215Local/### or SIP/### to do so?
22:17.41uskerinewhat does that mean?
22:17.49WIMPyFor more info ask google for a voip bandwidth calculator.
22:18.17fubadathnaks man
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22:54.23sawgood$100 dollar instant bounty paid for an acceptable solution to this:
22:56.21WIMPysawgood: You should tell your webserver that this is a pdf file.
22:57.01flyingbullDamn, I can't believe I just clicked on that link.
22:57.43sawgoodI created the .PDF (I'll fix that)
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23:29.53luka12345hi all
23:30.16luka12345can anybody tell me how to turn debug messages only for specific part of the code - ie asterisk channel?
23:30.46WIMPyWait for a version that can do it.
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23:32.49luka12345i need it because i'm writing new channel driver, and i would like only messages i'm interested in to get printed on screen
23:33.14luka12345here is the code;a=summary
23:33.27luka12345any tips for this?
23:34.15WIMPyWhat is lantiq?
23:35.34luka12345it's company that makes chips for routers
23:36.06WIMPySo what does that channel connect to?
23:36.31luka12345to kernel module that does all the heavy lifting
23:36.36luka12345it's called tapi
23:37.18luka12345we only use exposed functions for stuff like ringing, tones, etc...
23:37.35luka12345btw. i run openwrt on it ;)
23:38.06WIMPyErr. I get to That doesn't seem to fit routers.
23:38.51WIMPyOops. accidentally removed the l when adding the www...
23:47.20*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
23:47.59nsgnhowdy. is there any way when an agent dials to log into a queue dynamically that we can have asterisk bypass asking for their extension and juse use the extension they dialed from?
23:48.34nsgnthe boss here is asking why we can't just have it be 200* and 200** to log in and out, instead of the process of being asked what phone you're at when everyone is always at the same phone we assigned them
23:55.30jpsharpYou can map SIP phones directly as Queue members and then pause/unpause agents from the dialplan with 200* and 200**
23:56.00nsgnas static agents?
23:59.19nsgnjpsharp, mind expanding on that a bit? i tried adding the extensions as static agents and it still asks the same question when i do 200*
23:59.33nsgnis mapping queue members somehow different than making them static agents?

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