IRC log for #asterisk on 20120602

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03:27.31CubberI just installed asteriskNow 2.0.2 64 bit on a server, ran yum update and then tried to enter freepbx from a browser, getting Critical Error retrieve_conf failed, config not applied error and I cannot do anything
03:28.20Cubberif I try to hit apply config it errors with: Error Did not receive valid response from server XHR response code: 200 XHR responseText: undefined jQuery status : parsererror
03:29.46Cubbermay have just fixed my issue by adding apache to the asterisk group and vise versa
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03:52.46infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
03:52.53WIMPyoh, too late
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08:25.55trulskwe shut down our dialup service yesterday. after 18,5 years.
08:29.16ChannelZI have one of those modems
08:32.32F|shieCan anyone tell me about this: [Jun  2 12:50:28] WARNING[24728]: loader.c:460 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: curl_easy_setopt. Linker issue?
08:33.12ChannelZor if that was from a package, you're missing a library
08:33.29F|shieno i wrote my own module
08:33.46F|shieim using curl library
08:34.34ChannelZwas curl from a package or did you build that?
08:36.00F|shiefrom a package, curl module which comes with asterisk works okay though
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12:33.28mazpeif i have two interfaces where my devices (ata/phones/softphones) connect too, do i have to specified them in sip.conf ? one interface is VoIP Vlan and the other one is for my external devices.
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12:34.42WIMPyYou can;t specify multiple interfaces.
12:34.49WIMPyOne or all.
12:35.39slav3_kittenmazpe, are you talking like network interfaces. or like a network interface and  network attached fxs?
12:35.56mazpenetwork interfaces
12:37.08mazpeWIMPy: all works for me… do i just comment it out?
12:39.16slav3_kittenthen yea what WIMPy said
12:39.52slav3_kittenmazpe, gimme a second to find the relevant section in the book
12:39.57slav3_kittenbtw i suggest getting the book
12:40.14mazpeYeah, seriously thinking about it
12:41.30WIMPySet it to Just jeaving it out should do the same.
12:42.11slav3_kittenbook says
12:42.12mazpeI'm getting the "no reply to our critical packet" using the softphone
12:42.42mazpeSo i'm thinking something within the interface been binded to asterisk
12:42.58mazpethe pbx sits behind a comcast router with an external interface
12:43.12slav3_kittenare the proper ports forwarded?
12:43.15mazpeand an internal interface vlaned for the internal devices
12:43.26mazpeNo port forwards.. since it has an external interface
12:43.37mazpeI have even disabled the firewall for testing
12:44.00slav3_kittenwell you said behind a router, firewall should only affect internet -> private network an vice versa
12:44.40slav3_kittenwith your vlan are both your server and softphone configured to have a virtual interface actually bound to the vlan?
12:45.12slav3_kittenand are you using the correct vlan tagging protocol, also does your router support the transfer of vlan information
12:45.39slav3_kittenlike can you ping 1 computer from the other through your vlan'd ip?
12:46.48slav3_kittenexample comp one has vlan1 and vlan2 and comp 2 has vlan1 with comp 3 having vlan 2
12:48.54mazpethe soft phones are not on the vlan.
12:49.07mazpethe soft phones are straight from my iPhone acrobits.
12:49.29mazpeeverything inside the vlan works fine.
12:50.29slav3_kittenok hold up a second is the traffic flow... like this
12:50.45slav3_kitteniphone -> internet -
12:50.56slav3_kitten.> router -> vlan -> pbx server?
12:51.47mazpeiphone -> internet -> router -> pbx server
12:52.18slav3_kittenright but your pbx is on a different vlan thus to the router an entirely different network
12:52.47slav3_kittenyou need to create the nat and routing rules to tell the router "hey traffic on this port must be tagged with this vlan an sent here
12:55.20slav3_kittenalso make sure you let asterisk know you're behind a nat. sip carries IP information
12:55.52mazpetwo interfaces… external interface and internal interface is on vlan
12:56.16slav3_kittenwait what?
12:58.54slav3_kittenso everything works with a softphone on your side of the router, like linphone or what not right?
12:59.31mazpeI have two network interfaces on the server… eth0 has an external ip address and eth1/eth1.100 has an internal ip address
13:00.06mazpethe polycom phones connected internally via vlan 100 works fine… but i'm trying to get a soft phone to connect via the external IP address
13:00.59slav3_kittenby external IP you have the server running as your router?
13:03.07mazpetheres a comcast router and we just gave the server an external ip with the comcast router as the gateway
13:05.20slav3_kittenit may be mangling traffic...
13:06.25slav3_kittenif everything works internally you're likely configured properly for asterisk. the voodoo you're doing with dual interfaces instead of just forwarding ports to your asterisk internal address though ...
13:06.39slav3_kittenbtw that's not a vlan
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13:17.08mazpewhat do you mean its not a vlan? whats not a vlan?
13:17.39slav3_kittenyour current setup, vlan tagging is a specification
13:17.58slav3_kittenyou just have 2 interfaces one public facing an one internal (horribly insecure btw)
13:19.08mazpeeth1.100 with VLAN=yes is not vlan?
13:19.22mazpeHow else do you create a vlan?
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13:20.21mazpeslav3_kitten: the public interface is firewall only allowing sip ports in
13:20.29slav3_kittenon the internal side you have a vlan, but the external side isn't thus your previous "from one vlan to another" is different
13:21.02slav3_kittenare you sure it's allowing the ports correctly. imho it sounds much like a routing issue
13:21.03mazpeoh yeah, externally there is no vlan.
13:21.18mazpeslav3_kitten: for testing i disabled the firewall.
13:22.51slav3_kittenhonestly... i can't fathom why you're running it like that. i'd just poke holes in the firewall for the sip phone and have the router route it to the correct vlan thus forgoing any sort of possible loop issues
13:23.41WIMPyWhat the hack are you discussing there?
13:24.09slav3_kittenWIMPy, the oddest network config i've ever heard of
13:24.13mazpeWIMPy: bit lost.
13:24.29WIMPyWhat's so special about that?
13:24.39mazpewhy is it so odd?
13:24.46slav3_kitteninstead of internet->router-> route to vlan all sip traffic -> pbx server
13:25.17WIMPyWhat difference does the VLAN make?
13:25.28slav3_kittenit's not the difference of the vlan
13:25.52mazpeinternet -> router -> (ext if) pbx (int if) <- phone network
13:25.53WIMPyOne internal and one external interface. Nothing special about that.
13:26.17slav3_kittenit's the difference of telling a router to send unfiltered traffic to x interface while having y interface on the internal side of the network
13:26.39slav3_kittenvs just forwarding the sip traffic to the server via the router and forgoing the whole dmz thing
13:27.34WIMPydoesn't get it.
13:28.03slav3_kittenin my mind it's a screwy config
13:28.35slav3_kitteni'd much rather have everything behind a router with traffic QoS'd and routed to the proper places via port forwarding an such
13:31.10WIMPyOk, so now go and hunt for the place where the packets get lost.
13:32.13mazpeand this is what i'm seen on the sip debug
13:36.28mazpedo i have to specify the external ip on sip.conf?
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13:37.42slav3_kittensorry, not that far into the book
13:38.29slav3_kittenmight help
13:40.10mazpeand is it externaddr or externip on
13:40.44slav3_kittenwait you external ip is
13:40.58mazpeasterisk version
13:41.22slav3_kittenyou can see how i was a lil confused :P
13:41.45slav3_kittenit's externip = blah
13:41.54slav3_kittenand i think you may need to turn nat on
13:46.11WIMPyYou only need externip if your external IP is not the IP of the interface you're using.
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13:46.37WIMPyi.E. if your Asterisk is behind NAT.
13:46.45mazpeWIMPy: where you able to see the log file
13:46.59mazpebetter said the debug file
13:47.10WIMPyI hate reading sip debug.
13:47.13slav3_kittenthe log makes it look like it makes a connection but terminates it
13:47.26mazpeWIMPy: its not that long :)
13:47.28slav3_kittenis the dialplan setup correctly to handle the call?
13:47.36mazpeits making the call
13:47.50mazpethe call is generated and dropped 20 to 40 seconds into the call
13:48.50mazpei did noticed it said "Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to"
13:49.03mazpewhich is the iPhone ip
13:50.52slav3_kitteni wonder if it's trying to send traffic out of both the router a interface. does your .100 vlan route to the internet at large?
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14:08.58slav3_kitten*pokes mazpe* unplug your internal vlan'd network cable an see if it works then
14:13.21mazpei don't see how it will make a diff..
14:13.46slav3_kittenjust try it?
14:14.59WIMPyHi [sr]
14:15.16[sr]hi WIMPy, how r u?
14:15.37WIMPymazpe: Looks like someone gables your transmission in between.
14:15.59WIMPy[sr]: Too unproductive.
14:16.15WIMPymazpe: Looks like only some packets make their way.
14:16.20[sr]WIMPy: same here :)
14:17.23WIMPymazpe: Or you have excessively extreme delays.
14:18.25mazpeit happens in two different systems same configs
14:18.32mazpedifferent networks.. but similar setup
14:19.45WIMPywhich makes it most likely for the issue to be at the other end.
14:20.24slav3_kittendoes your iphone service provider do weird nat stuff?
14:21.17mazpegotta run.. bbl
14:21.28mazpethis thing has driven me to huger!
14:21.44slav3_kittenit's very possible that verizon is dicking things up
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14:22.25mazpehmmm.. me try with an AT&T
14:23.45slav3_kitteni'd personally try from like a laptop with linphone from a coffee shop hotspot
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15:52.18slav3_kitteni realize this is likely covered in the book i bought...
15:52.46slav3_kittenbut is it possible for a dialplan to detect a stream to an outbound number and park calls till that stream ends?
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16:07.30volga629What need check to fix it cdr_odbc.c:149 odbc_log: Unable to retrieve database handle.  CDR failed.
16:20.13slav3_kittenvolga629, i'd think db permissions or existence
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16:20.23slav3_kittenbut i'm just now learning asterisk
16:20.39slav3_kittenyo [TK]D-Fender
16:20.51volga629me the same
16:23.21slav3_kittendid you buy the book?
16:23.25*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:24.01slav3_kitteni highly recommend the book, and building from source since my debian repo version was like 1.6 an they are on 1.8 now
16:24.31volga629Yes, asterisk 1.8 third edition
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16:25.04slav3_kitteni'd check permissions on the db file
16:25.28volga629let me see
16:25.45volga629db file you mean /var/lib/mysql ?
16:26.11slav3_kitteni'm not sure where you have the database file being created
16:26.31slav3_kittenmy bet would be either it does not exist, or has wrong permissions
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16:29.53slav3_kittenError 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): Unknown error.
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21:33.21ThrobbingPythonhi everyone!!!
21:34.11ThrobbingPythonwhats the best way to clean up a avaya s8700?
21:34.29ThrobbingPythonremove unused ext, vectors and vdn???
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22:40.54ruiedI've changed 'language=pt_m'    in sip.conf and copied all files from en to pt_m (including digits and all folders). When I use a language different from en, voicemail stops trying to play for example 1F.alaw  In en it is 1.alaw   is this a bug?
22:41.48WIMPyThat would be a female one.
22:42.49Kobazi like my 1's to be female
22:44.28ruiedah, ok...  but how do make it play  just the 1.gsm instead of 1F.gsm
22:44.52WIMPyBy using a language without genders.
22:45.24ruiedso, gender is something like pt_m ?   it should be just pt ?
22:46.08WIMPyNo, for the samples.
22:46.42WIMPySome languages only have one version of one, like english. Other languages have different versions of one.
22:51.01ruiedI'm Portuguese. There is no language for me, so what I did was copy the en folder to 'pt_m' one, and as needed I'm replacing the en files to portuguese ones  ones. But I'm stuck with the 'gender'. Is there any gender option so I can configure?
22:51.54WIMPyI have no idea. They might be hardcoded depending on the language.
22:58.52ruiedhmm, maybe... goint to research...
23:00.52ruiedthere must be some configuration, so if I have to genders I can set it to be reades by voicemail
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23:18.01ruiedWIMPy, what if you like Male gender saying 1's digits in voice mail, do you know how to change it ? in en
23:19.43WIMPyIn english "one" doesn't have gender.
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23:24.51ruiedok. So it seems to be some kind of asterisk lack of configuration, since if with portuguese there is the possibility to have genders but no way so set it so voicemail can read the correct one. for what I've researched so far there is no set for that... it seems that my solution is to rename all digits file for now or record all of them in portuguese...
23:26.07WIMPySo it's not the correct gender?
23:29.08[TK]D-Fendersay.conf <-
23:29.46ruiedI would like asterisk to read  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/digits/1.gsm voicemail is trying to read 1F.gsm
23:32.56Kobazuse the source, luke
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23:36.54WIMPyWhile talking to someone behind NAT, I get some occasional
23:37.00WIMPyWARNING[30319]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2083 bridge_p2p_rtp_write: RTP Transmission error of packet to Network is unreachable
23:37.19WIMPybut no audible issues. Does that make any sense to anyone?
23:40.49WIMPyOk. Taking a close look, it happens in a block of 6-7 times every 5 minutes. So it must be the session timer.
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