IRC log for #asterisk on 20120519

00:02.12zambaso what to do?
00:03.13WIMPyOk. Got the same issue.
00:03.34zambaso it wasn't murphy after all :)
00:04.01WIMPyMaybe 1.10 is too old for the git mISDNuser indeed.
00:04.27WIMPyYes, seems indeed to be the case.
00:05.27WIMPyI must have upgraded them in opposite order so I didn;t notice.
00:05.46zambaso downgrade the mISDNuser version?
00:06.08zambais that the solution?
00:06.34WIMPyThere is only one tarball as far as I can see.
00:07.17WIMPyOr none.
00:08.04zambamISDN is the stuff that's already in the kernel.. so what we need is the mISDNUser part?
00:08.32WIMPyBut that looks like the misdn1 stuff.
00:09.10WIMPyThe one in the parent dir might be the right one.
00:09.30zambaare you testing?
00:11.10WIMPyNo. That's an old 1_1_9.1.
00:12.03WIMPyGreat. Looks like it's gone.
00:12.21*** join/#asterisk WindBack (~quassel@
00:12.28zambashould be in git somewhere
00:12.46zambajust roll back to a previous release there?
00:13.06WIMPyBut how many?
00:13.19zambahehe, i have -NO- idea :)
00:14.02WIMPyThat's the issue.
00:14.07zambabut looks like there's active development happening sitll
00:14.17zambakarstein keil checked in some code 6 days ago
00:14.40WindBack[TK]D-Fender: Hi. I want to ask you something: Is there any way of doing this: same => n(dial),Set(SOMEVAR=${DB(someFamily/${ANOTHERVAR})})
00:15.42WIMPyAlways good to have a backup even if it's rather old:
00:16.15WIMPyI hope that's usable.
00:16.43zambaplease, please, PLEEEASE compile :p
00:16.54zamba*fingers crossed*
00:17.04zambawell, it compiled :)
00:17.20WIMPyOk, now lcr 1.10 needs to like it.
00:17.24zambanow let's try lcr
00:17.41zambaplease, please, pleeeease like it! :)
00:18.05[TK]D-FenderWindBack: That's close... missing the priority though....
00:18.07zambanot exactly a clean compile, but so far only warnings
00:18.29[TK]D-FenderWindBack: looks about right.....
00:19.42WIMPyOk, so you got chan_lcr now as well?
00:20.20WindBack[TK]D-Fender: It doesn't work. Seems that I cant use a variable as key in DB function
00:20.25zambait has been built, yeah
00:20.29zambagot it
00:20.46zambadunno where make install put it, though
00:21.00zambaah, /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
00:21.09zambacool, cool
00:21.24WindBack[TK]D-Fender: I was googling and nobady uses variable as key in any example
00:22.02[TK]D-FenderI've seen lots  Callback script samples, forwarding flags, etc
00:22.34zambaWIMPy: yup! it's there :)
00:22.47WIMPyWindBack: I'm using variabled there all the time.
00:23.08WindBackWIMPy: can you show me an example please
00:23.37zambaWIMPy: and it's loaded!
00:23.56zambaWIMPy: tomorro will be an interesting day.. will try connecting this baby directly to the line
00:23.59wtf911[TK]D-Fender: what's a simple way to have a log file of calls recieved/made? would i just get a log file saved that's the equivalent of saving "core set verbose 10"?
00:24.02WIMPyexten => setcf,n,Set(DB(cf/${cid}/${type}_d)=${num})
00:24.19WIMPyWindBack: ^^
00:26.56wtf911WIMPy: maybe you can answer my question?
00:27.45WindBackWIMPy: thanks, I will see why it is not working for me
00:27.54WIMPyThe first or the second question? Logger.conf or your CDRs.
00:29.18wtf911well i tried this "/tmp/asterisk.log => notice,warning,error" in my logger.conf file to see if that would do what i wanted but as im sure you know it didn't
00:30.47WIMPyWhat about "verbose"?
00:31.57wtf911try adding verbose? "/tmp/asterisk.log => notice,warning,error,verbose" is that what you mean?
00:32.54zambaWIMPy: and that should basically be it, right?
00:33.14zambaWIMPy: are you familiar with the alcatel 4200 pbx?
00:33.18WIMPyzamba: Yes
00:33.31zambaWIMPy: you are?
00:33.49WIMPyNo, didn;t get any Alcatel between my fingers unfortunatly.
00:34.03zambawell, maybe we can ship you this once we've replaced it :)
00:34.36zambabtw.. how is the pin configuration for ISDN cables?
00:34.37WIMPyHow much older is it than the 44xx?
00:34.42zambahave no idea
00:34.44zambaabsolutely no idea
00:35.07zambai'm not sure i still have ISDN cables (S0? is that what they're called?) around still..
00:35.20WIMPyI always wanted to get my hands on a 44xx.
00:35.57zambaoh, so regular cat5 will be fine?
00:36.27zambasweet deal
00:36.38zambai'm actually quite exited about this :)
00:37.20WIMPyGerat. I found a ways to make Asterisk lose channels without hanging up.
00:37.32zambathough i feel quite certain this will be a disappointment :)
00:37.49WIMPyAnd what do you expect?
00:37.54WIMPyOr want?
00:38.06zambai want to be able to call and receive incoming calls :)
00:38.25WIMPyMight be disappointing, yes.
00:38.33zambaoh? why?
00:38.37WIMPyBut there's more you can do :-)
00:38.51WIMPyJust making calls is boring, isn;t it?
00:38.59zambaoh, no.. it isn't :)
00:39.05zambaif this works.. i'll be over the moon
00:40.40wtf911WIMPy: good stuff! the only thing is i have to set verbosity to say 10 first or it starts at 0 and doesn't log what i want....what would i do to have it start in verbosity 10?  (also what would be the minimum verbosity for it to grab the numbers of incoming and outgoing calls?)
00:41.46WIMPywtf911: you can set debug and verbose leven in asterisk.conf.
00:41.55zambaWIMPy: this should be sufficient to test the dialing, right: ?
00:42.08WIMPyAnd the numbers aren't explicitly displayed.
00:42.09zambathat's my whole extensions.conf
00:42.21zamba.. so far
00:42.36zambajust so i know i've understood how the channel module works
00:42.37WIMPyzamba: Looking good
00:42.40zambaand how it all ties together
00:43.08WIMPyApart from the pattern.
00:43.20WIMPy_X. would work a lot better.
00:43.41zambagood thing someone's still awake :)
00:44.16zambawhen looking at lcradmin state.. is there anything there i can use to debug the connection?
00:44.26zambaright now it's of course down, since it's not connected to the NT box
00:44.32WIMPyYes. All of it :-)
00:44.33zambabut once it is.. will it output anything useful?
00:44.47zambaExt(port 0: diva201.1) TE ptp l2hold use:0  L2 unkn  L1 down
00:44.50zambathat's what it says now
00:45.02WIMPyIt might stay down until you actually try to place a call.
00:45.20WIMPyBut you might as well get an up as soon as you plug it in.
00:45.30WIMPyThat depends on th lines configuration.
00:45.37zambai'm so exited
00:45.44zambawish we still had ISDN at home :)
00:45.56zambathough we disconnected that years ago
00:46.07*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
00:46.13WIMPyThere's an power save option that brings L1 down when the line is not in use.
00:46.20WIMPyBut AFAIK that's only used on ptmp lines.
00:46.54zambaand the funny thing is that i actually threw away an eicon diva card in easter.. because i thought i'd never get use for it :p
00:47.03zambagood thing i found one in my basement yesterday :)
00:47.25WIMPyI still got a bunch of the bog standard HFC-s cards.
00:47.37zambawhich definitely works?
00:47.47zambabuy you some beers? :)
00:47.52WIMPyYes. They are the most common ones.
00:49.13WIMPyActually I once get a very nice bottle of whinsky in a parcel.
00:50.20zambawhat's the exchange rate? :)
00:51.12WIMPyThat was instead of the initially offered box of beer.
00:51.46WIMPyThe beer would have been cheaper, but shipping would probably have been quite expensive.
00:52.14zambabut you're from denmark, and i'm from norway, so anything alcohol-related would be unfair :)
00:52.44WIMPyActually I'm about 10km further away ind Germany.
00:52.48zambaah, ok
00:52.52WIMPySo yes, that would be a bad deal.
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01:09.43phixWIMPy: goto germany for cheap beer :p
01:10.36WIMPyThat's where I am.
01:10.42phixyou might see me there :p
01:10.53WIMPyBut I'm not really a fan of beer.
01:11.42WIMPyNo. Whiskey or log drinks / girlie drinks :-)
01:18.58wtf911WIMPy: i checked a log after a call and it's missing the sip information i need to have the number of who called in...what can i do to get that logged too? :)
01:19.32WIMPywtf911: What's wrong with the CDRs?
01:20.09WIMPyThe easiest way to get obvious information wouild be to put a Verbose() in to your dialplan otherwise.
01:22.35WIMPyThe Call Detail Records.
01:23.04WIMPy/var/log/asterisk/cdr*/* usually
01:24.36wtf911i have...
01:24.39wtf911root@unknown:/opt/var/log/asterisk# ls
01:24.39wtf911cdr-csv     cdr-custom  event_log   messages    queue_log
01:26.48wtf911both cdr folders are empty?
01:33.40*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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01:40.48WIMPyNo cdr modules loaded?
01:40.58WIMPymodule show like cdr
01:41.48WIMPyAlso cdr_*.conf
01:44.01p3nguinI sure wish I knew why this googletts.agi thing doesn't give me any sound.
01:56.46*** join/#asterisk rspp2k (18755509@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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02:01.31rspp2khow do I make a dialplan that makes two calls and connects them together?
02:01.57WIMPyAnd how do you get there?
02:02.19rspp2kI'm using call files for outgoing calls
02:02.32rspp2kthey point at DAHDI/2/5551212
02:02.43WIMPyYou always have to specify both ends of the call there.
02:03.03rspp2kwhat I'm doing is using the dialplan to test an IVR system.
02:03.13rspp2kI would like to be able to listen in on the outbound call
02:03.28rspp2kon my cell or sip phone
02:03.48rspp2kI could just record the call and listen to  the wav, but being able to listen live would be great.
02:04.35WIMPyChanSpy(), ExtenSpy(), ConfBridge()
02:04.43WIMPyPich one :-)
02:04.53rspp2kreading man pages now. thanks!
02:05.43cuscoset spygroup=something; chanspy(something)
02:06.13cuscop3nguin: what google tts agi?
02:06.24cuscoi sort of made one of my own
02:06.37cusconot a agi really but works
02:07.29cuscofunny that I called it 'googletts' too
02:10.35p3nguinThere's an actual project called google tts.
02:10.44p3nguinIt doesn't produce any sounds for me.
02:11.17cuscoI made myself a simple php that takes the sentence/string as a argument
02:11.26cuscoad returns only the filename of the sound
02:11.45cuscoI use Set(sound=${SHELL} ...
02:11.56cuscoand playback(${sound});
02:12.18cuscophp uses sox to convert it from mp3
02:13.13rspp2kWIMPy cusco: Chanspy fits the bill. you rock!
02:13.36cuscoI also added the host to /etc/hosts so php works fast enough
02:13.42cuscoresolving that was
02:13.54cuscorspp2k: good for you :)
02:14.35p3nguinIf I use the perl script on my desktop, googletts works.
02:15.00cuscoas a stand alone?
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02:19.45p3nguin./ -l en -t "Hello world"
02:19.50p3nguinworks correctly
02:21.26p3nguinMaybe it is a problem with perl* on the asterisk box.
02:23.20cuscohere is my web pagie
02:25.41cuscoand the script I call in asterisk:
02:34.32dijibi never did get the google tts and others working
02:34.35dijibhows everyone
02:36.38wtf911the reason i thought it would be a good idea to log verbose output is because (as p3nguin knows) i have my caller id script which accepts people entering numbers and i want those entered numbers logged....but when i log just that i don't get who is calling in the first place (just my ipkall set number 808 in my case) i need it to pass the caller id or what not...i get that CDR would do this
02:36.39wtf911but is there a way to have this information end up in one place not two? something i can add to logger.conf or extensions.conf?
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02:38.07carrarwhy not put it in your own db
02:39.01cuscowtf911: i'm not following
02:39.07carrarme either really
02:39.17wtf911ok let me rephrase that :)
02:39.18carraraccept digits in the dialplan
02:39.31carrarlog them to where ever you want
02:39.39carrarvia db calls
02:39.50carraror agi
02:39.55cuscocdr already logs everything for you, and its output is well structured
02:40.38wtf911i would like to log ...the caller id of who is calling, the 10 digit number they enter for the caller id to be "spoofed", and the 10 digit number they want to be connected to
02:40.58wtf911and the time they call would be nice
02:41.25carrarcould use custome feild for the spoof number
02:41.34carraror dst
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02:41.42carrarerr not dst sorry
02:42.02cuscolastapp , data
02:42.11wtf911(and please forgive me for being a noob with asterisk i'm new to it so i really appreciate the help!)
02:42.12carrarlots O places
02:42.12cuscowtf911: so, what is the problem?
02:42.33cuscowtf911: where do you want to log that info?
02:42.40carrarread up on CDR database stuff
02:43.13carraryou can do it
02:43.51wtf911the problem is i don't know how to accomplish that lol...what i have right now is just logger.conf with "/tmp/asterisk.log => notice,warning,error,verbose"
02:44.03carrarCan you read?
02:44.13carrarCan you google?
02:44.19cuscologger.conf will log asterisk internal handling, not your needs
02:44.24wtf911so CDR will pick up the digits people enter?
02:44.40carrarif you save it to the CDR
02:44.42bdfostercarrar, do you respect others? are you that heartless?
02:44.44cuscowtf911: cdr picsk up everything, do you have it enable?
02:44.52carrarI am that heartless
02:45.13carrarI am trying to help him
02:45.13bdfostercarrar, welcome to #asterisk. you've officially made it.
02:45.15carrarhelp himself
02:45.25wtf911ok give me a moment i will have the module load first
02:45.30cuscobut you may not need cdr
02:45.45carrarafter years of asterisk someone finally welcomes me
02:45.50carrarabout time!!
02:45.59wtf911well if i could just add the caller id of the incoming call to logger.conf i would be set
02:46.12bdfostercarrar, it's not a joke. you need to do it some other way. so, do me a favor and work on the attitude. you're scaring away the new users.
02:46.16wtf911or get it added to my asterisk.log file
02:46.21cuscosometimes I use a piece of dialplan that validates numbers in mass... I just use System
02:46.32cuscoSystem(echo '${ID}|${EXTEN:4}|${DIALSTATUS}|${HANGUPCAUSE}|' >> /root/validateNumbers/fel.result);
02:46.51carrarwho have I scared away?
02:47.29bdfosterill tell you that i see users coming from both asterisk and freepbx EVERY DAY because they say the community sucks.
02:47.40bdfosterand they go to freeswitch.
02:47.42carrarblame all that on me
02:47.45carrarif you need oto
02:47.51bdfosterim not blaming it all on you
02:47.57carraryou're scaring away the new users.
02:47.59carrarseems like it
02:48.00bdfosterit's an epidemic
02:48.23cuscowtf911: see what that System(); did ? ... would i need one, both, or to load some other module i dont know of?
02:48.40wtf911that would right that info to a file
02:48.56cuscothats one way of logging it
02:48.58wtf911could i make it append caller id to my asterisk.log?
02:49.10cuscoyou just replace those variables for yours
02:49.20bdfosterthe funny thing is, id rather have the new users coming from asterisk. i have no vested interest in telling you the reasons why people are switching.
02:49.49cuscosay ${EPOCH}|${CALLERID(num)}|${CALLERID(dnid)}|${Variable holding the destination}
02:50.57cuscoalthough cdr automatically logs anything you need in a well structured format
02:51.04carrarplease twitter about it and move on
02:51.59wtf911and so i'm not blind following that...what is epoch for? look at my tweets?
02:52.10bdfosterfeels loved.
02:52.22carrarno, but that expression works for most people
02:53.22cuscowtf911: epoch is unix time stamp
02:55.16wtf911for what it's worth i would say everyone has been very nice to me here...i can say that having jumped into trying asterisk to make a little caller id spoofing thing for myself and a few friends, that no amount of googling would have got me working (at least not for countless hours) that the help i got here did......besides not VNC viewing me everyone was very informative :)
02:56.32wtf911i'll give this a try cusco and let you know how it goes :) ...a one liner to my extensions.conf would be a great solution in place of logging a bunch of not needed stuff
02:59.17wtf911ah yes one more question ^.^
02:59.41wtf911i currently have...
02:59.43wtf911exten => 808,n,Playback(privacy-prompt)
02:59.44wtf911exten => 808,n(collect),Read(digito,,10)
03:00.12wtf911which doesn't accept input for the 10 digits until the privacy-prompt is done this what Background() is for or something?
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03:30.51wtf911what does this mean?  == Spawn extension (ipkall-inbound, 808, 8) exited non-zero on 'SIP/ipkall-00000000'
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03:32.34wtf911i added this line ... exten => 808,n,System(echo "${DATETIME} - ${CALLERID} - ${digitoa} - ${digitob}" >> /tmp/asterisk.log)
03:40.26rspp2khow do I pass a range of channels to dial? I want to use one of my free 23 DAHDI channels
03:40.56rspp2ksomething like Dial(DAHDI/1-23/5551212)
03:44.17wtf911use the & symbol
03:44.23rspp2kgot it.. DAHDI/g0/5551212
03:44.36wtf911oh nevermind x.x
03:45.03rspp2kforgot about groups. but just saw the & that makes the calls simultaneously. might be useful in my application.
03:45.21rspp2kI am load testing.
03:46.44wtf911it got quiet in here :(
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03:50.24kaldemarwtf911: the spawn line just means that the channel exited the extension. verbosity, nothing more.
03:51.40wtf911ah help has arrived :D
03:51.55wtf911i tried this just now... exten => 808,n,System(echo "hi" >> /tmp/asterisk.log)
03:52.03wtf911and it still disconnects my call when it hits that
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03:57.58kaldemarwtf911: do you have anything after that in the extension? i.e. what is the problem?
03:58.04greenwolffriday night...what to do..what to do
03:58.25greenwolfhas anyone here ever used asterisk alongside with opensips as a dispatcher or load balancer?
03:59.45wtf911kaldemar: it's then supposed to dial a number ...let me paste you everything 1 sec
04:00.36wtf911if i take out the System( line it works great
04:05.39kaldemarwhat does CLI output say for the whole call?
04:07.21wtf911it goes through normally, says asking user for 10 digits, i enter them, then i get the == Spawn extension ....
04:07.33kaldemaruse pastebin
04:07.51wtf911sure sure 1 sec while i make the call to get the stuffs
04:13.21kaldemar"dialplan show 808@ipkall-inbound"
04:20.34kaldemarthat sure is strange. but so is labeling two different priorities with the same name. remove the "collect" labels.
04:21.35wtf911like i said it does work fine if i remove the system line...but ok :D
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04:22.10wtf911ill try it now with collect removed
04:23.25wtf911same thing
04:24.20wtf911:o maybe i dont have a module loaded?
04:24.33kaldemari tried that on a 10.4.0 test box, works here.
04:24.47wtf911let me make sure i have loaded
04:24.55kaldemarit would complain about a non-registered application.
04:25.03wtf911and thank you for testing it for me!!! *shakes hand*
04:25.37kaldemaryou might want to change the DATETIME stamp to something valid.
04:26.44wtf911didn't have loading so let me see if it works now
04:27.06kaldemarlike ${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},Pacific/Auckland,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}
04:28.10wtf911it works now :o
04:28.19wtf911just had to add to modules.conf
04:28.42wtf911let me check what the asterisk.log file output was to see if its getting the right info
04:29.34kaldemarwhat version are you using?
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04:29.46wtf911ah beautiful ... " - BINGHAMTON NY <XXXXXXXXXX> - XXXXXXXXXX - XXXXXXXXXX" except you're right the timedate thing doesn't work
04:29.52wtf911how do i show the version?
04:30.11wtf911Asterisk, Copyright
04:32.02wtf911i called a second time to make sure it would add calls to a new line and it does so that's good
04:34.44kaldemar1.6.2 is EOL, do yourself a favor and migrate to a supported version.
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04:35.37wtf911:/ i would but i'm just using what i can with optware ...i installed it with "ipkg install asterisk"
04:35.51CRCinAU_with Asterisk I have compiled in res_fax and res_fax_spandsp
04:36.03CRCinAU_but whenever I try to use ReceiveFax, I get this:
04:36.03wtf911actually asterisk18 i could have newer
04:36.05CRCinAU_[May 19 14:34:56] ERROR[4205]: res_fax.c:784 fax_session_reserve: Could not locate a FAX technology module with capabilities (RECEIVE)
04:41.28CRCinAU_if I understand what should be going on
04:41.42CRCinAU_res_fax takes over from app_fax in 1.8... but it requires res_fax_spandsp
04:41.55CRCinAU_which is cool, because its there and all, but it still fails.
04:42.05CRCinAU_does anyone have any pointers on what it actually needs?
04:47.21CRCinAU_the bad thing is that it was working fine in 1.6.x :\
04:57.01ChannelZhmm actually res_fax is part of FFA and res_fax_spandsp is something else and they don't work together.
04:58.40CRCinAU_it does say in the text on a make menuselect:
04:58.56CRCinAU_Spandsp G.711 and T.38 FAX Technologies
04:58.56CRCinAU_Depends on: spandsp(E), res_fax(M)
04:59.07CRCinAU_thats the entry for res_fax_spandsp
05:00.37CRCinAU_however, at the CLI:
05:00.38CRCinAU_asterisk*CLI> fax show capabilities
05:00.42CRCinAU_0 registered modules
05:00.59CRCinAU_so something is missing - in either the docs, the scripts or res_fax
05:03.09ChannelZmy bad, it's res_fax_digium and _spandsp that clash
05:03.19CRCinAU_ah - that makes sense.
05:03.54CRCinAU_its like res_fax doesn't even know that res_fax_spandsp exists.
05:04.03ChannelZDid res_fax_spandsp actually build?  Do you get an error if you manually load it?
05:04.05CRCinAU_but, /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ <-- there it is :\
05:05.05CRCinAU_of course :)
05:05.05CRCinAU_Command 'module load ' failed.
05:05.05CRCinAU_[May 19 15:04:25] WARNING[14826]: loader.c:398 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
05:05.05CRCinAU_that'd do it.
05:05.17CRCinAU_Asterisk is probably not looking in /usr/local/lib
05:06.30CRCinAU_which is probably not set in
05:07.36CRCinAU_asterisk*CLI> fax show capabilities
05:07.36CRCinAU_1 registered modules
05:07.36CRCinAU_That'll do it.
05:07.36CRCinAU_ChannelZ: thanks for that prod.... I didn't think of loading the module manually :)
05:09.34ChannelZglad it's working now
05:10.12CRCinAU_me too
05:10.33CRCinAU_I've been expermenting in doing faxing FXS -> FXO with not much success :(
05:11.54CRCinAU_so I'm going to try a store + forward for faxes...
05:12.07CRCinAU_as bridging the call from FXS to FXO doesn't seem to work properly
05:14.33ChannelZhmm.. I do that with a real fax machine
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05:15.55CRCinAU_I always seem to get COMM ERROR on my fax
05:16.06CRCinAU_it'll go fine for 2-3 pages, then bomb out
05:16.34CRCinAU_so I'm going to try to do it the way I prefer... FXS -> Asterisk -> T.38 -> SIP provider
05:16.45CRCinAU_failing that, I'll go FXS -> Asterisk -> FXO
05:17.07wtf911that was a tough one lmao...i figured out how to set a timezone in linux by symlinking ///zoneinfo to /etc/timezone linux i tell ya
05:23.29*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~none@
05:25.45wtf911right now i have a sound play via Playback() and then Read() 10 digits....the digits can't be entered until the sound has quit can i have the sound quit playing when digits began to be entered? like how Authenticate() works where i can internupt the sound by beginning to enter my pin
05:26.57ChannelZwell there's Background
05:28.03ectospasm...but Background won't accept a string of 10 digits.  Have you tried passing the playback file directly to Read?  See "core show application Read" for details.
05:28.16wtf911right now i have this...
05:28.32wtf911i'll try using Read() for sound and taking the digits and get rid of Playback()
05:28.36wtf911will report back after trying
05:28.50kaldemarwtf911: "core show application Read" <-- look at "filename"
05:29.19[TK]D-Fenderectospasm...but Background won't accept a string of 10 digits. <--- sure it can
05:29.24[TK]D-Fenderif you have a match for it
05:30.28ectospasm[TK]D-Fender: and assuming there are no _X!. extensions in that context...
05:31.28[TK]D-FenderBecause if you had a 10-digit pattern wuth X! in there as well it would wait until you reached 10 digits
05:31.40[TK]D-Fenderor timed out
05:32.12[TK]D-Fender"!" means it has to be distinct.  If you're possibly building up to a bigger match it wont just jump in
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05:33.16ectospasmI thought '!' means match as soon as possible.
05:35.01[TK]D-Fenderno, it's match as soon as it is distint.
05:35.18[TK]D-FenderWhich means if you have 10 as the longest pattern then on the 11th it will cut in.
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05:38.37wtf911hey guys i would like to report back that getting rid of my lines for Playback() and using Read() for playing the sound too has done what i wanted and i may interupt the sound playing by entering numbers
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05:48.00[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
05:55.06ectospasmwtf911: congrats!
05:56.31*** join/#asterisk s[x] (~sx]
05:56.34wtf911yea figuring Read() has the ability to play sound it makes sense it would work good that to be interupted by digit entering :) ....thank you for all the help!
06:02.44wtf911good night :)
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07:04.43qakhani getting this error when i run asterisk -r
07:04.57qakhanasterisk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
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07:19.50qakhani am getting this error when i run asterisk -r
07:20.04qakhanasterisk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
07:26.54Guggeif you compiled youself, compile again
07:27.04Guggeif you use a package, you are missing some dependencies
07:33.33qakhani fixed it by uninstall and reinstall
07:35.58greenwolffigures :)
07:41.33qakhanits working fine
07:41.46qakhanbut speech speed is fast. can i slow it down?
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08:11.44qakhanbut speech speed is fast. can i slow it down?
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09:14.13CRCinAU_so I'm trying to do a fax relay
09:14.21CRCinAU_from FXS -> asterisk -> T38
09:14.37ectospasmCRCinAU_: with FAX for Asterisk?
09:15.03CRCinAU_now the fax dials, answers, but then when the fax is complete
09:15.24CRCinAU_the channel hangs up and the rest of the dialplan never executes
09:15.30ectospasmwhat version of Asterisk are you using?
09:15.36CRCinAU_ectospasm: res_fax & res_fax_spandsp on
09:16.00ectospasmI don't know anything about spandsp
09:16.23ectospasm...but with FAX for Asterisk fax relay support isn't available.'s supposed to be in Asterisk 10, but I don't know if or when that will be available.
09:17.23CRCinAU_by relay, I mean asterisk receives it as an endpoint, then starts up a new one
09:17.34ectospasmstore and forward, gotcha
09:17.49ectospasmAre you executing things in the h extension?
09:18.03CRCinAU_sorry, I realise the term relay is a bit off.
09:18.46CRCinAU_no, I'm trying to keep it on the same one... isn't it possible to get things on the one entry? or does it have to be on the answer / hangup parts of the dialplan?
09:19.23ectospasmCRCinAU_: well, when one side hangs up, Asterisk automatically jumps to the h extension
09:19.37ectospasm...if it doesn't exist, then there's no more processing of the call in dialplan.
09:19.50ectospasm...and the call is hung up.
09:22.08CRCinAU_I was hoping I could set a flag so that it continues, but never mind
09:23.30CRCinAU_ie continue until you tun out of stuff in the current extension path
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09:36.47ectospasmthat's not the way dialplan processing works.
09:37.28ectospasmwhat I recommend is that you receive a fax in one context, and in that same context forward stuff in the hangup extension.
09:48.41zambaWIMPy: you around?
09:49.24zambatrying to dial over lcr now, but asterisk returns the following: [May 19 11:48:28] WARNING[1717]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'LCR' (cause 0 - Unknown)
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09:55.33zambaand for incoming calls i get the following error: 19.05.12 11:53:48.741 EP(1): ACTION remote (not available)  applicatio asterisk
10:00.02zambahaha, yes!
10:00.05zambagot it working!
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10:01.30CRCinAU_ectospasm: yeah - trying that now
10:01.51CRCinAU_just realised I have to set a variable to hold the fax number too
10:02.02CRCinAU_as EXTEN gets set to h in the hangup :)
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10:10.35CRCinAU_thats strange
10:10.49CRCinAU_it starts dialling, then the sip channel dies.
10:14.25ectospasmcould be dying for a number of reasons.
10:24.53Marquelmorning. is there a way, to convince the outside network a number is unreachable if a certain condition (caller id) is met?
10:25.07Marquelor can i just hang up the call?
10:26.23ectospasmyou can always hang up the call with Hangup()
10:27.37ectospasmMarquel: but the answer is yes, should be quite easy to do with the branching features of dialplan.
10:28.12Marquelectospasm: well, the condition part is no concern. it's the "convince the network" part the question is about ;)
10:28.39ectospasmdepends on the technology, really
10:28.43ectospasm(SIP, DAHDI, etc.)
10:29.39Marqueldumb question about hangup(): where are the causecodes documented?
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10:34.51ectospasmin the code
10:35.00ectospasm...I forget where.
10:35.28ectospasmMarquel: are these analog or digital DAHDI channels?
10:35.44Marquelectospasm: digital as in ISDN
10:36.00ectospasmlook up Q.931 cause codes, they should be the same.
10:36.44zambaWIMPy: please let me know when you're back :)
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10:40.16WIMPyHi zamba
10:40.51zambaWIMPy: oh! lovely :)
10:41.04zambaWIMPy: i had to hack some, to get the routing.. had to change some socket options in options.conf
10:41.31zambabut.. there seems to be a problem with outgoing audio
10:42.00zambawhen i do the echo test, i can hear myself for some seconds and then i disappear completely
10:42.02WIMPyHuh? What did you have to change there?
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10:42.24zambasocketrights, socketuser and socketgroup
10:42.39zambai guess it was just socketrights that did the trick
10:42.41samba35i am planning to install asterisk voip server on ubuntu  ,which hardware i should use for voip for 1-2 users
10:43.12zambasamba35: for just 1-2 users, whatever hardware should be fine, i guess
10:43.56WIMPyHmm. A few seconds ok and then failing somehow sounds like a timing issue to me.
10:44.08zambaand i have problems with feedback
10:44.17samba35and which voip card do you recommend ? for voice i was told i need some special card
10:44.58ectospasmsamba35: shouldn't need a special card to do VoIP, that can be done with a standard NIC, and the right software.
10:45.04Marquelectospasm: the answer is "yes, one can. just use Hangup(1)." - that actually _really_ convinces the network the number isn't allocated... >:->
10:45.34WIMPyzamba: That is something I experienced recently when trying to adapt cahn_lcr to the current Asterisk SVN version. But never before.
10:45.47samba35ok and how do i connect phone to system then ?
10:46.02ectospasmsamba35: what kind of phone?
10:46.31CRCinAU_I don't get it.
10:46.34WIMPysamba35: The phone syste, will be your PC, or is there more to your plans than you mentioned so far?
10:47.08CRCinAU_the h,1,blah gets hit after the incoming fax has been stored and the fax machine on the FXS has been stored
10:47.22samba35a phyiscal phone or software will do ? can you please tell me what other  software do i need to buy and service to make phone call ?
10:47.30zambaWIMPy: any suggestions to what i can try?
10:47.34CRCinAU_it does the Dial(SIP/${FAXNUMBER}@sipout)
10:47.35WIMPyMarquel: It certainly won't convince the network, but it probably will convince the caller.
10:47.51CRCinAU_then it seems to disappear
10:47.58CRCinAU_sip show channels shows no active channels
10:48.09CRCinAU_and the next action doesn't dire
10:48.10CRCinAU_fire even
10:48.34ectospasmsamba35: if you mean POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) phones, you WILL need special hardware to get that working.
10:48.37WIMPyzamba: It was related to file descriptors. So it may still be related to your permision issue.
10:48.45samba35WIMPy,i only require voip service provider ? to make phone calls
10:49.08WIMPysamba35: You can do it any way you like.
10:49.09CRCinAU_what am I missing :\
10:49.34samba35ectospasm, ok so if i will use software the i don't require any hardware
10:49.46MarquelWIMPy: actually the cell network i used to call the number in question told me the number is not in use and i should call my information service.
10:50.09ectospasmCRCinAU_: I wouldn't use SendFax from the dialplan, make a call file to do it.
10:50.09MarquelWIMPy: that message was from the cell phone network as it used that provider's information service number...
10:50.25samba35so i can use make voip calls free of cost any where  ?
10:50.56WIMPyMarquel: Yes, but if you were able to get debug information, you could see that the information that the number isn't allocated didn't come from the network, but from the called user.
10:51.09CRCinAU_ectospasm: why would that be required though? :\
10:51.20CRCinAU_it seems a bit of a ghetto way to do things
10:51.42WIMPysamba35: Technically yes. Practically you need to know how to rech them.
10:52.02infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
10:52.03MarquelWIMPy: the person i want to reject from that certain number is certainly uncapable of making the necessary distinction not speaking of getting his hands on that kind of information :p
10:52.20ectospasmCRCinAU_: because the call is stuck in Dial and only gets to SendFax (the way you have it) once the outbound Dial is complete...
10:52.55samba35thanks  you all of you
10:53.11CRCinAU_ectospasm: but isn't that what the g is for?
10:53.31CRCinAU_oh wait.
10:53.33CRCinAU_g - Proceed with dialplan execution at the next priority in the current extension if the destination channel hangs up.
10:53.38CRCinAU_that's useless
10:53.41CRCinAU_hangs up.
10:53.52CRCinAU_so how the hell are you ever supposed to send faxes?! :\
10:54.09ectospasmCRCinAU_: do something like this:
10:54.13MarquelWIMPy: it's just that i have to hope he never gets the idea to suppress his callerid...
10:54.25zambaWIMPy: where is the socket for lcr written?
10:54.45WIMPyMarquel: In that case your provider may offer a blacklisting service.
10:55.02CRCinAU_ectospasm: I understand that... but it just seems wrong :(
10:55.07CRCinAU_like a broken workflow
10:55.13ectospasmwhy is it wrong?
10:55.41ectospasmyou'd normally initiate an outbound fax with an external program (script)
10:55.46CRCinAU_I guess it just seems silly that there is no way to Dial, then call SendFax
10:55.47MarquelWIMPy: i'd have to pay money for that. no.
10:56.06WIMPyThere's always a catch
10:56.18MarquelWIMPy: i don't like that guy, but i don't like him enough that i don't even think him worth that kind of money.
10:57.08WIMPyI made a CAPTCHA for unknown callers.
10:57.14ectospasmMarquel: TT (Telemarketer Torture) for his CID?
10:57.36ectospasm...and use TT for blocked/unknown numbers as well.
10:58.01WIMPyzamba: Interesting question. I never cared so far :-)
10:58.09CRCinAU_ectospasm: so. If I can only call sendfax via a call file, how can I create it so that I can set FAXOPTS
10:58.17Marquelectospasm: no. just convince him the number he got is out-of-service and be done with it.
10:58.25CRCinAU_well, even that means that I'll end up having to use Dial or something similar
10:58.37ectospasmCRCinAU_: you can set the FAXOPTS in the call file...
10:58.42CRCinAU_which mean. well, I don't exactly know.
10:58.53MarquelWIMPy: how did you do that?
10:58.58infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
10:59.15zambawell.. kind of disappointing..
10:59.17CRCinAU_WAIT a minute....
10:59.26MarquelWIMPy: just asking out of curiosity, we do not have that much problems with anonymous telemarketers here.
10:59.38WIMPyMarquel: Generate two random digits and ask the user to enter them.
10:59.41zambaWIMPy: could there be some missing kernel modules?
10:59.47zambaWIMPy: i had to load mISDN_dsp earlier for instance
10:59.53CRCinAU_ectospasm: if I'm reading this right, wouldn't that do what I want? ie a combination of Dial+SendFax?
11:00.06WIMPyzamba: Yes, but without that you don't get audio at all.
11:00.07ectospasmOriginate is using the AMI, so that would work
11:00.12zambaWIMPy: ah :)
11:00.41CRCinAU_It seems that is a rather new command
11:00.43MarquelWIMPy: ah, okay. (unfortunately my car is pretty good at recognizing spoken digits even at high levels of background noise, so i guess that won't work for a long time anymore ;) )
11:00.45WIMPyzamba: But first ok and then failing after a few seconds is new to me.
11:00.50CRCinAU_hmmm - time to try some re-writing.
11:01.05zambaWIMPy: it seems like the audio loops somehow
11:01.14zambaWIMPy: and that's also why i get the feedback
11:01.18ectospasmCRCinAU_: but I think it'd be easier to use a call file.  Just call a script to generate the call file, then move the call file to the outgoing spool dir
11:01.39WIMPyMarquel: Maybe, but at least they have to willingly circumvent that. Which might be a criminal offence in many places.
11:02.03zambaWIMPy: if i dial outbound from a sip ext over the isdn trunk.. it dials just fine.. but when i pick up the phone in the other end and speak i hear myself in the sip end
11:02.15zambaand nothing from the "far end"
11:02.15WIMPyzamba: Maybe it's something completely different. Can you describe that feedback?
11:02.15ectospasmsounds like echo
11:02.23zambayeah, echo
11:02.33zambawhich turns into feedback
11:02.39MarquelWIMPy: agreed :)
11:02.44WIMPywonders how that could work.
11:03.02ectospasmsounds like acoustic echo.
11:03.12CRCinAU_ectospasm: does this sound right to you:
11:03.12CRCinAU_exten => _X.,n,Originate(SIP/${FAXNUMBER}@spin,app,SendFax,"${FAXFILE},dfz")
11:04.01ectospasmyeah, that could work
11:04.03WIMPyzamba: Have tou tried somethign as calling to an MusicOnHold() extension externally?
11:04.07CRCinAU_It seems like I have to pass on arg 3 in quotes - as if I set it without, arg4 is ignored for an app
11:04.09ectospasmI had to look up the syntax of Originate.
11:04.35zambaWIMPy: if i call an echo test externally i have the problem described earlier.. that i can hear myself for some seconds, and then it dies
11:04.39CRCinAU_it doesn't mention anything about quoting for multiple args to the app though :(
11:04.42ectospasmCRCinAU_: you should only need the 'z' option to SendFAX if your T.38 provider is broken
11:04.48zambayou can try yourself if you want :)
11:05.03WIMPyzamba: Does it just go silent or will it hang up?
11:05.10zambait just goes silent
11:05.12CRCinAU_ectospasm: I haven't even tried T.38 as yet - so I'll force it first to see if it even works, then try it without :)
11:05.15zambaand then reappears at random
11:05.35CRCinAU_as I haven't been able to dial, I haven't got as far as testing yet
11:05.44WIMPyThat's getting even stranger.
11:05.52zambaWIMPy: you can try yourself if you want to :)
11:05.54CRCinAU_ok - time to try sending one :)
11:06.15WIMPyja, ok
11:06.48zambajust have to prime the provider first :)
11:07.01zambaseems like it dials two times on each NT box for any given number
11:07.08zambaso it load balances like that
11:07.26zambaok, it's ready now
11:13.27CRCinAU_ectospasm: I just realised. I'll still have to do it in the h,1,blah section won't I.
11:13.42CRCinAU_otherwise when the Hangup is processed, it won't process anything further...
11:14.10ectospasm...didn't you learn anything from before?
11:14.35CRCinAU_yeah - but I had a stupid. ;)
11:15.52CRCinAU_I got too carried away with what Originate meant ;)
11:17.23ectospasmyeah, don't you need to receive the fax first?
11:17.46CRCinAU_thats no problem
11:18.21CRCinAU_I have that part down without an issue
11:19.10CRCinAU_but it bails after the calls bail and tahts all... hence just figuring out the sending part.
11:20.53CRCinAU_oh great
11:21.05CRCinAU_now the FXS isn't picking up all the digits dialed :(
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12:08.16qakhanwhen i use MRCPSynth i get this message
12:08.25qakhanWARNING[3090]: app_unimrcp.c:1008 audio_queue_write: (TTS-6) audio queue overflow!
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12:40.52CRCinAU_Originate doesn't support changing the context etc
12:41.13CRCinAU_it'll try to dial out of the FXS port. which obviously ain't going to wokr
12:41.34cuscosuports specifying a context and extension, therefore you can make dialplan to change context
12:41.38CRCinAU_ie comes in on DAHDI/3, tries to go out again on DAHDI/3
12:42.09CRCinAU_well, I tries using SIP/${EXTEN}@sipout
12:42.29CRCinAU_where sipout = a SIP peer
12:43.56cuscowell that is how I do it too
12:44.01cuscoand it dials trough that peer
12:44.50cuscopaste the asterisk call ?
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12:46.51CRCinAU_this is my dialplan part:
12:47.24CRCinAU_let me try resending something
12:51.43CRCinAU_now its fucking with me:
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12:58.36CRCinAU_I wonder why ReceiveFax isn't even working now :(
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13:01.20joelsolankiHi All
13:02.57joelsolankiRight now we are using VoIPSwitch software where eyebeam softphone gets registered. All call flow is working but we are having issue with hanged calls(stucked calls) even though callers using eyebeam disconnect the calls, on voipswitch it still shows calls connected and we are charged for this calls too.
13:04.00joelsolankiwe are thinking if we can put customers on asterisk. is there any issue like this in asterisk. please note that this are all short duration calls like 1-4 mins calls only max.
13:05.00joelsolankiplease suggest
13:15.11CRCinAU_ok. can anyone spot the problem here:
13:15.20CRCinAU_for some reason, ReceiveFax isn't creating any output
13:15.59CRCinAU_the fax machine is saying that it failed.
13:16.20CRCinAU_ie its failing with COMM ERROR
13:16.33CRCinAU_and I can't see any reason why :(
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13:31.42eando you guys have any SIP trunk service provider to recommend?
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13:51.56CRCinAU_does does the Use Count on res_fax_spandsp increment with each failed fax.
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14:16.01scgm11I have a question regarding compiling asterisk, why if I download the tar.gz sources I can compile ok, but if I download from svn when I want to do make menuselect I get
14:16.02scgm11make menuselect
14:16.03scgm11CC="cc" CXX="" LD="" AR="" RANLIB="" CFLAGS="" make -C menuselect CONFIGURE_SILENT="--silent" makeopts
14:16.04scgm11make: *** menuselect: No such file or directory.  Stop.
14:16.05scgm11make: *** [menuselect/makeopts] Error 2
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14:17.52qakhani forgot the command to install the pkg-config
14:18.04qakhanon CentOS
14:21.56qakhanplease help
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16:24.18MarkS-Hello, I'm looking for create something that is described on and (in other words, if there is a problem call a number using call files with Asterisk). Is there other documentation I should check or is this somewhere available? When it isn't yet available I wou
16:25.28[TK]D-Fenderit cut off
16:25.56[TK]D-FenderAs for causing * to dial out, there are Call Files, AMI & CLI Originate.
16:26.02[TK]D-Fender3 options right there
16:26.11[TK]D-FenderPick whichever you feel like
16:26.24MarkS-[TK]D-Fender: ok, are there things I can check when using call files?
16:27.42MarkS-how to get the status back (if the call is accepted or not) or is this something I can/should do in a dialplan?
16:27.58[TK]D-Fender"things"Use dialplan for this
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17:04.04dluhi all
17:05.00dlutzanger: ar eu alive?
17:05.23tzangerdid you mean me, or tzafrir_laptop?
17:05.38dluno, you :)
17:06.00dluhop all is fine
17:11.04dlui have a strange behaviour on a asterisk 10.4 box with libss7 and spandsp_fax, fax show stats didnt remember any call, this on 3 boxes with different distries and kernels. any clue what i am miss?
17:11.45dlushow calls work fine
17:11.47*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:12.05dluhi olle! :)
17:16.37*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
17:16.43dlulong time not reading
17:17.06dluhope all is fine
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17:50.27*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoCloud@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
17:50.38DelphiWorldthis problem maybe be common to everyone
17:50.46DelphiWorldi have a FXO gateway
17:51.04DelphiWorldif i call through sip to landline, it's sending 183 then shortly 200
17:51.10bdfosterDelphiWorld, ?
17:51.19DelphiWorldi don't want it to send 200 if the destination don't answer me, any solution ?
17:51.25DelphiWorldslaps bdfoster around a bit with a large trout
17:51.35bdfosteryou haz asterisk?
17:52.25ChannelZAnalog doesn't really have proper call progress.
17:52.48ChannelZThat's just the way it is.
17:53.02bdfosterit depends on your local carrier
17:53.06[TK]D-FenderMarkS-: it can
17:53.11[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: rather
17:53.23DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: ?
17:53.29[TK]D-FenderAnd no, call progress on analog is tones...
17:53.48[TK]D-FenderActually.. i
17:53.50bdfosterDelphiWorld, spandsp takes care of figuring out your tones
17:53.57DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: i has it... same issue is the gw sending 200
17:54.07DelphiWorldbdfoster: i tested both fs/ast
17:54.13[TK]D-Fenderif your gateway was actually a SIP device.... (you didn'ts say), then that device sets it's own rules
17:54.24[TK]D-Fenderand sending a 200 id its problem, not *'s
17:54.26DelphiWorldthe gw is a sip to analog
17:54.31DelphiWorldis not asterisk
17:54.36[TK]D-FenderThen it does what it does
17:54.46[TK]D-FenderRead its manuals to see if you can tell it otherwise.
17:54.50[TK]D-FenderThis isn't *'s fault
17:55.00DelphiWorldi know just thinking if someone have same issue
17:55.15DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender:  did i say is asterisk fault ?
17:55.18bdfoster[TK]D-Fender, ill take care of it. DelphiWorld go to #freeswitch
17:57.37dlui hav a short question about dahdi lastest. i need to compile it on a kernel 2.6.11 box but get a  dahdi-base.c:52:25: linux/mutex.h:  No such file or directory. it isnt pssible to run it on this box or there are any Makefile hacks to compile it?
18:01.40ChannelZdo you actually have the kernel dev or source package installed in your distro?
18:01.50dluyes i do
18:01.57dluold dahdi can be compiled
18:02.32dlubut its from 2009-11 :) the box have 1156 days uptime :|
18:03.02dlubut works fine :]
18:03.20ChannelZwell I don't think mutex.h is "new" by any stretch
18:03.21[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: No, but I've just clarified that it isn't
18:03.25ChannelZsounds like you're missing something.
18:03.52DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: :)
18:05.42dluasterisk 10.4+libss7-1.0.2 have compiled fine
18:05.49ChannelZdo a 'locate mutex.h' and see if it's somewhere.  Maybe you think you have headers installed but they are not for the actual kernel version you are running
18:06.31dlu-bash: locate: command not found :)
18:06.38dluits a 9.3 suse
18:06.52ChannelZ"running fine" eh?  hmm
18:07.51*** join/#asterisk brdude (
18:07.52dlufind / -name "mutex.h" progress
18:08.13dluhmm find a lot of mutex.h :(
18:08.45dlui guess this is the right one usr/include/ptlib/unix/ptlib/mutex.h
18:09.03dluor usr/include/ptlib/mutex.h
18:09.24dlubut why it will be not found?
18:09.27ChannelZdoubtful, ptlib is something else
18:09.51dlui have tis one too /usr/src/linux-
18:10.07dluthats all
18:10.23dlui guess its not the right one
18:10.25ChannelZit should be just /usr/src/linux-2.6.11*/include/linux/mutex.h
18:11.43*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
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18:15.13dluisnt there
18:15.17dlusooo strange
18:15.46[sr]ChannelZ: can I be ChannelX ? :p
18:17.49ChannelZYou can be anything you want to be
18:18.11[sr]just trying to be funny :p
18:18.13ChannelZthough CharlieX would be funnier.
18:18.53ChannelZ(Channel Z = B-52's song;  Charlie X = Star Trek episode)
18:19.28[sr]oh i see, wasnt aware of it
18:24.42*** join/#asterisk wtf911 (
18:25.35ChannelZhmm. "'struct mutex' was introduced in 2.6.16"
18:27.24ChannelZlooks like there's supposed to be alternate support for older kernels but perhaps they've deprecated that for some other reason.
18:27.29ChannelZProgress is a bitch I guess.
18:32.08*** join/#asterisk micols (
18:32.37dluill try to get all work with the old dahdi
18:42.11gustowhat's up [sr] ?
18:42.53[sr]hi gusto, not much
18:44.09gusto[sr]: why?
18:44.53[sr]no news... don't know what are you refering exactly... but life its the same it was one month ago :p
18:45.58*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
18:46.20gusto[sr]: you know, i wish life would be the same as it was 4 years ago
18:47.01gusto[sr]: but on the other hand 4 years ago i had no idea what asterisk is and also did not know that i would ever plan a VoIP rollout
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18:48.28DelphiWorld[sr]: [Sip-Router] ;)
18:49.42gustowell, maybe he meant that
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18:51.27gustohey ppl some of you have ipv6
18:51.37gustoamessina: is it a tunnel or native?
18:52.11amessinagutso: tunnel -- covad/megapath won't dole out IPv6 to end users yet
18:52.29dluChannelZ: got it working
18:52.47gustoi hate this ISP's
18:52.51gustothey are soo dumb
18:53.31gustoi recently heard something about a workshop they did recently and vodafone was showing its project of rolling out IPv6 to LTE and UMTS
18:53.36gustosomeone knows about that?
18:54.02gustoand also t-com was there with their DSL test, however, i was not included in that test even though i contacted them that i want it
18:54.48dluall fine with * 10.4 libss7-1.0.2 ans T.38 gateway in and outbound dahdi version is svn from 2009-03-19
18:55.23dlulibpri is
18:56.58dluok go to tv now l8ter al
18:57.19*** part/#asterisk dlu (
19:01.34[sr]DelphiWorld: lol no
19:01.44[sr]gusto: i whish i could go back 20years
19:03.00gusto[sr]: why?
19:06.04[sr]clean up tha mess!
19:08.08DelphiWorld[sr]: just a fun joke;)
19:08.35DelphiWorldgusto: you're ipV6ified?
19:09.12DelphiWorld[sr]: pt... what's going on there? :P
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19:22.27[sr]hes gone
19:49.09*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
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19:55.53F|shiehello all, i am trying to run wait for digit command in an eagi (modified the eagi-test from samples), but cant seem to get it working. Here is the eagi and my CLI output warning output is from channel.c, (line 25). Could anyone explain why this is happening?
19:56.39eZzis it possible to add a header (via SIPAddHeader) BEFORE Progress() ? I'd like to see a custom header in 183... As I see, there is no effect on setting SIPAddHeader.
19:57.22[TK]D-FenderThere isn't.  That only applies to Dial()
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20:03.38F|shie[TK]D-Fender: hey TK, could you offer an opinion on the issue i mentioned
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20:43.20gusto[sr]: what kind of mess do you want to clean up?
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21:05.37francisvgarciahi folks
21:06.08francisvgarciacan you please give a little help configuring calling using SIP URI?
21:06.48francisvgarciaI made a copy paste to an example from the Book but It does not work for me
21:11.38[TK]D-FenderShow us and maybe we can....
21:13.47francisvgarciaHere is the config
21:14.47[sr]gusto: things
21:15.20francisvgarciawhenever I call extension@domain I only get the SIP/EXTENSION dialed instead of SIP/EXTENSION@DOMAIN
21:17.06gusto[sr]: what kind of? you do not need to hide anything
21:17.28[sr]gusto: r u a sentimental adviser? :p
21:19.59gusto[sr]: well
21:20.37*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
21:24.43francisvgarciaI solved this by adding this (SIP/${EXTEN}@${SIPDOMAIN},60,tT)
21:25.57francisvgarciabut I will need to make a macro for the extensions overlapping
21:26.01francisvgarciamy extensions
21:26.02*** join/#asterisk acedia (~garland@unaffiliated/ffs)
21:27.10[TK]D-FenderSounds like you already have your answer....
21:27.32ChannelZstill isn't even clear on the question
21:50.48francisvgarciabut now I got an issue calling domain names directly
21:51.40francisvgarciaif by example I call directly to an IP address then It adds the server domain s name as domain
21:52.12francisvgarciaI mean if I call it then appear as
21:53.20[TK]D-FenderSo you'll have to parse that out too
21:53.33[TK]D-Fender* wasn't made as a SIP proxy.  You've got the dialplan to deal with.
21:55.40francisvgarciaI will try to do it
21:55.54francisvgarciaIf I have any difficult I will let you know
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23:30.30Igneouswhen doing 'pri show spans', what exactly does the "Provisioned" in "Provisioned,Up,Active" mean? If I have something that's "Down,Active", is that different somehow from "Provisioned,Down,Active"?
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