IRC log for #asterisk on 20120501

00:01.56jeffspeffbrut-, you're right. i'm still writing this thing. haven't got all the parts together yet.
00:02.35jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, I know that the ARG won't work there, I just put it there so you can see what value i'm trying to get back from the macro
00:06.25[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: that isn't getting "back" from anything.. that is SETTING to a value
00:06.32[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: and you aren't showing the actua problem
00:07.34jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, i think this might work. do you see any problems? I'm concerned with calling out ${CONFusers} like that on line 32.
00:07.54[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: You are asking us to guess your code an\d values aren't being set where we can see...
00:08.24jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, what can't you see?
00:08.33[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Go run your dialplan and see if there is a problem.  Don't use us as a parsing engine in place of actual teting
00:09.18jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, this is the first time i've ever messed with macros, and was just looking for a general review of best practices, etc.
00:09.47[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: the only best practices is to avoid nesting and being very careful when you have to
00:09.52[TK]D-Fenderaside from that it's all just dialplan
00:10.15jeffspeffwhat do you mean by nesting?
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00:10.50[TK]D-Fendercalling macros within macros
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00:12.25jeffspeffok, thanks
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04:40.49nicola_pavhello. anyone familiar with an open source application to be integrated with asterisk that does speaker verification?
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09:19.26kenshinhi, I think I found a bug ??? (in asterisk 10.3.1 - on gentoo )
09:21.55kenshinmwi => use:pass@host/mbox   in sip.conf makes asterisk crash if  [ host is IP ] or [host is name && dnsmgr is disabled]
09:22.41kenshinmeaning if one wants to use that one has to put host as a hostname and enable dnsmgr
09:25.06kenshinfor some reason AST_UNREFF is killing mwi  obj (inspire of ref count of 3 ) --lien 12787 of cha_sip.c) which leads to a set fault  on line 12792  (mwi is 0x0)
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10:11.48joobiehey guys.. is it possible to call a script (via agi() for example) when a call is answered by a queue member?
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11:08.39skirmishahi guys
11:08.45skirmishai have little issue
11:09.08skirmishachan_sip.c: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: image 5008 udptl t38
11:09.16skirmishawhy do i get this error?
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11:14.27WIMPyLooks like someone wants to send a fax and you don't allow that.
11:18.47skirmishathe fax is workng
11:18.55skirmishabut i got 5 faxes instead of 1
11:19.18skirmishaand i see diff causes like image 5000, image 5002 and so on untill image 5008
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11:22.45coppicenot having T.38 support enabled won't prevent FAXing. it will force the call to use audio for FAX
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12:15.51weinerkPlease help - I have an agi for Incoming call to exec Dial(outside) and based on get_variable('DIALSTATUS') - I know if billable + count seconds.
12:15.51weinerkProblem if the caller hangs up first - the callflow is interrupted - and I dont get to check DIALSTATUS - cant do billing - even if I have pcntl_signal(SIGHUP,"agi_hangup_handler");
12:18.23leifmadsenwell there is no call at that point if there is no Dial(). Also you should probably check the CDRs, not just the dialstatus for billing
12:24.36weinerkleifmadsen: thanks. But if I was in the middle of a successfull dial - I need to know if to bill seconds or not. But caller-hangup interrupts script flow.
12:25.03leifmadsenthen that's the issue with your script since as soon as Dial() is called, then a DIALSTATUS would be created
12:25.55weinerkbut control does not return until the called party hangs up or timeout or similar
12:26.20weinerki can be waiting inside Dial for minutes while parties talk,
12:26.48weinerkthen at the end see if it was a success and decide to bill seconds or not
12:27.09leifmadsenwhy aren't you just looking at a CDR or setting up CEL to track that?
12:27.11weinerkbut if caller hangs up - I dont return from Dial
12:28.08weinerkhonestly I did not do it with CDR - I just do a timestamp before Dial and after Dial and if billable - I do diff
12:28.23weinerkalso what is CEL?
12:28.33leifmadsenand you're only tracking a single channel
12:28.38leifmadsena call is made up of 2 separate channels
12:28.43infobotCEL is Channel Event Logging, or
12:29.05leifmadsenanyways, it appears your approach is incorrect for what you're trying to do
12:31.11infobothmm... cdr is Call Detail Record, a log of what happens to the call at each step through its traversal of the PBX, details like from, to, time, duration, number dialled etc, useful for billing also - it could also be Compact Disc Recordable, see cdrw
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12:50.37infobotThe Unix CD-Writer compatibility list is at, or
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13:22.57shamelessn00bdtmf doesn't work, also, I don't get any audio on the spied on channel
13:27.45shamelessn00bunable to get chanspy working on local channel :|
13:28.45[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b, You did not show 1111 and we have no idea what gets called when...
13:28.58shamelessn00bcan I paste here
13:29.24shamelessn00bexten => 1111,1,Answer()
13:29.25shamelessn00bexten => 1111,n,Goto(abc,testuser1,1)
13:29.46shamelessn00blemme paste the message log on asterisk console
13:30.40[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b, that channel itself was never answered <-
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13:31.19shamelessn00boh ok, lemme add that line
13:31.38[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b, And who said Chanspy passed on DTMF?
13:32.01[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b, Its for LISTENING IN
13:32.14shamelessn00beven if I set DTMF to inband?
13:32.36[TK]D-Fenderexten => testuser1,1,Set(SPYGROUP="spyonthis") <- quotes are BAD
13:32.47[TK]D-FenderChanspy does not parse DTMF
13:33.25shamelessn00bwouldn't inband dtmf be equivalent to playing a dtmf tone on the channel
13:33.58shamelessn00bhence it would reach to all bridged channels as well
13:34.10shamelessn00bI could always use the manager interface, just giving it a try
13:34.19[TK]D-FenderGod fix your first errors
13:34.29[TK]D-Fenderincluding "core show application record" <-
13:36.07shamelessn00bno description for record available
13:36.15shamelessn00bI checked on
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13:37.54[TK]D-Fenderyour syntax is wrong and I told you this already
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13:44.55shamelessn00bthat's the message log on asterisk console, autofailthrough this time
13:46.56shamelessn00b (updated dialplan)
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13:53.18yetanotheruserhas anyone ever used asterisk win 32 with sipgate?
13:53.28yetanotheruseris it possible or should i rather go for voip buster?
13:56.15yetanotheruserjust to have said it: there is no way around windows, i wish there was but the decision about the server isn't up to me
13:57.19Qwellyetanotheruser: Not in here, no.  Everybody that has used astwin32 has been taken out back and shot.
13:57.31[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b,     -- Auto fallthrough, channel 'Local/start@abc-fb69;1' status is 'UNKNOWN'
13:57.34[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b, Ran out of dialplan
13:57.51Qwellyetanotheruser: 12 years later, and people still fall for the april fools joke...
13:58.01shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: shouldn't it block on ChanSpy?
13:58.51[TK]D-FenderQwell, Apparently we missed one... lemme get the blunderbuss....
13:59.17shamelessn00bexten => start,n,chanspy(,swg(spyonthis))
13:59.40[TK]D-Fendercrams in a volley worth of the few metal bits from a series of demolished GrandStream phones....
13:59.54yetanotheruserQwell: what you mean is it is disallowed to talk about asterisk win 32 on this channel?
14:02.39shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: and I'm still not getting those played back digits on the spied on channel
14:09.28[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b, what pat of "won't do DTMF" are you getting stuck on?
14:10.01shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: right now, even chanspy isn't working properly
14:10.05shamelessn00bforget DTMF
14:10.38shamelessn00bthat channel shouldn't be running out of dialplan
14:10.52shamelessn00bas it is supposed to block while it executes chanspy
14:11.10p3nguinIf I got forced into a Windows server, I'd install virtualbox and set up a headless Linux server in a virtual machine.
14:11.32[TK]D-Fendershamelessn00b, You should take a VERY close look at line #17 of your dialplan pastebin..........
14:12.06[TK]D-Fenderyetanotheruser, Asterisk doesn't care what provider you use it with.
14:12.16shamelessn00bits commented out
14:12.34[TK]D-Fender <- #17
14:13.03shamelessn00blol wait
14:15.44shamelessn00bok, dialplan is working fine now, but still not getting any audio on the spied on channel
14:15.56p3nguinThe good old "asteriskspeaker(loop)" extension.
14:16.55p3nguinI'm also curious how dialing 1111 on the phone runs any of what I see pasted.
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14:17.34p3nguinAh, that part is described in here as opposed to in the pastebin.
14:18.07shamelessn00bp3nguin: I fixed that
14:18.24yetanotheruseri heard about connecting issues with asterisk and sipgate, this is why i asked
14:18.34shamelessn00blemme re-paste my dialplan
14:19.03yetanotheruserasterisk is supposed to solve a nat-problem
14:19.43[TK]D-Fenderyetanotheruser, there are tons of sipgate users.  It has always worked.  People however are often broken.  We do not warranty them.
14:20.14[TK]D-Fenderyetanotheruser, And * doesn't "solve" problems... it may replace something you may have been using that had one of it's own however
14:20.18p3nguinits own
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14:20.50[TK]D-FenderThat two ;)
14:20.56[TK]D-FenderAm I rite?
14:21.11[TK]D-FenderBet her?
14:21.43yetanotheruserwell, our sip-clients have a problem with connecting to sipgate, and we want to use asterisk to connect and then use our softphones
14:22.09[TK]D-Fenderyetanotheruser, Go right ahead....
14:23.14yetanotheruserthink i'll do so. fine if i heard it worked. then people who told me "impossible" didn't configure it the right way
14:24.25shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: do you see me doing anything wrong in the dial plan now?
14:24.56[TK]D-FenderI know I don't see a new call....
14:25.01shamelessn00bchanspy shows it to be attaching itself to the channel I want it to be spying on, and despite the whisper flag being set, I'm unable to hear anything that is played on the local channel
14:25.30[TK]D-Fenderyetanotheruser, You should reconsider how much you trust these things you "heard" and who you "heard" them from....
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14:28.06shamelessn00bone more thing, chanspy keeps running when I hangup the call to 1111, would I have to kill that manually?
14:29.42yetanotheruserwell, if you hear something and don't know if it is true, collecting information is probably not too bad
14:30.54Hivedoes anyone know why this dial command would cuase 4-105 to ring 3 times?
14:31.17Hivedoesnt seem like a problem, but it's kind of curious behavior
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14:31.21shamelessn00bdial plan seems to execute the way I want it to, just that the bridging part isn't working how I want it to be working
14:31.50[TK]D-FenderHive, that is where you see the other side REPORT that it is ringing...
14:32.02[TK]D-FenderHive, so you've have to look at what it is that you are calling...
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14:32.30[TK]D-FenderHive, and it doesn't actually necessarily mean that it physically made a sound with a given frequency, etc
14:34.28Hive[TK]D-Fender:  ok so it could be the behavior of the device that is ringing, to send multiple ringing notifications like that?
14:34.41Hivecool, thanks :)
14:34.44[TK]D-Fenderit IS the notification you're seeing.
14:34.59DavidNGonzalezHaving an issue with 911 calling, wondering if any of you can help me diagnose thise.  Any time someone calls 911, we can hear the operator but they cannot hear us.  The emergency calls are set to go out the same sip trunk as the rest of our voice calls, and yet that is the only number that misbehaves that way.  Thoughts?
14:35.17Hivestrange that it's sending multiple, but as long as it's not some hidden bug in my system, im ok with that :P
14:35.34[TK]D-FenderHive, it's actually common enough for one/multiple
14:35.56shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: I've pasted a new call
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14:56.57bobb_WUhow can i troubleshoot dtmf issues?  i'm having no trouble from my asterisk phones, but our mitel side can't dial their passwords to the asterisk VM server.  it is confirmed that mitel is sending rfc2833 tones to the voice mail.
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15:03.47bobb_WUfrom having sip debugging on, i see Non-codec capabilities (dtmf) : us - 0x1 (telephone-event) and the same for the peer / combined
15:04.32jeffspeffwhen i enter a confbridge conference, it doesn't ask to record your name anymore.
15:05.09bobb_WUthere is a central relay between the voicemail box and the mitel side.  i made the SIP peer table dtmfmode 'rfc2833' and 'auto', both did nothing new
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15:27.46d0uglasHi folks. Can Blackberry MVS be used with Asterisk or Cisco only?
15:39.21p3nguinCan someone tell me about ANI when using SIP?
15:41.38shamelessn00bwhat about it?
15:43.20p3nguinIs it important for that channel tech?
15:44.15p3nguinIf I send a specific caller id number on a call which goes via ITSP to the PSTN, where does the ANI come into the equation?
15:45.31p3nguinTell me all that you know about ANI with regard to SIP calling.
15:45.52shamelessn00bdon't think so, I think it would only read the CLI information
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15:46.08shamelessn00bthe number basically
15:46.34shamelessn00bANI would be for the outbound trunk connecting to the PSTN
15:48.50WIMPyIs it supported at all?
15:49.03shamelessn00bI've been using SS7 over asterisk for quite some time now, don't really need to set ANI for calls coming over SIP and being routed to SS7 trunks
15:49.40WIMPyonly knows that chan_sip doesn't set ANI.
15:49.45shamelessn00bstill stuck on that stupid dialplan issue, can't seem to get chanspy work properly :(
15:51.35_Corey_p3nguin: It depends a lot on your provider... some will accept what you have in the From header, others require a different field be added to the SIP header
15:52.02_Corey_p3nguin: (the custom sip header guys are usually running on broadsoft platforms that can't get billing right any other way)
15:52.07WIMPyThe whole caller ID thing is a little messed up.
15:53.16WIMPyOn one side we differ between (num) and (ANI), but on the other side they both have the -pres property that includes the screening indicator.
15:54.07WIMPyThat makes the ehole thing rather unpredictable :-(
15:54.32jeffspeffwhen i enter a confbridge conference, it doesn't ask to record your name anymore. what did i accidentally change or not set?
15:54.36shamelessn00bwimpy can you guide me on this
15:55.53shamelessn00bhere's the dialplan
15:56.02p3nguinI'm wanting to test how my carrier responds to setting ANI and pres.  Is it enough to set CALLERID(ANI-num) to a valid arbitrary number to test it?
15:56.12p3nguincalling with SIP
15:56.57WIMPyp3nguin: I'd look at sip debug to be sure anything happens at all.
15:56.59p3nguinI don't fully understand the various data types for the CALLERID function.
15:57.16shamelessn00banything that the local channel 'says' isn't audible on the SIP channel
15:57.31shamelessn00bbut that shouldn't be the case...
15:57.35_Corey_p3nguin: Just do CALLERID(number)
15:57.45_Corey_p3nguin: That SHOULD be what they need in most cases
15:57.57WIMPyI found out that using the REDIRECTING function doesn't seem to do anythign for chan_sip.
15:58.07p3nguinI already do that, but I'm interested in ANI.
15:58.44p3nguinI personally do not ever try to set ANI for calls to the ITSP.  Someone has brought up a situation regarding ANI and SIP, and I need to get to the bottom of it.
15:59.04WIMPyIch which direction?
16:00.31WIMPyI've got one ITSP that can send two caller ids to me.
16:00.41_Corey_p3nguin: You'd have to check with your ITSP to see if they've implemented something
16:00.43WIMPyThey're using Huawei.
16:00.59WIMPyBut Asterisk doesn't understand that.
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16:02.01jdnwestAnyone know how long it takes for CNAM's (caller ID database entries) to get updated once you change them?
16:03.02p3nguinIf I set my CALLERID(num) on the SIP call which is going to the ITSP, and I call a telco on their toll-free number, and their system tells me that I am calling from the number I have set on the CALLERID(num), I feel like that number is also my ANI number.  Does that sound accurate?
16:03.16_Corey_jdnwest: It depends on your provider... :)  I've had some update same day, others taking many days or weeks
16:03.38jdnwestI did it through their pretty web portal (Paetec)
16:04.14_Corey_jdnwest: Hmm, I think it took 24-48hrs the last time I did one w/Paetec
16:04.28p3nguinThat, to me, indicates that the ITSP is probably setting the ANI and CID numbers when they terminate the call on their trunk.
16:06.41jdnwestCorey, Not bad.  I like Paetec's web portal thingy, but their organization is so random.  I terminated a T1 with them using Frame Relay....
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16:08.16_Corey_jdnwest: Don't get me started about Paetec...  :-)
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16:12.55p3nguinI just tested a call via flowroute, setting the CID num to one number and the ANI num to another number, and called MCI... it reported that I was calling from the number I set in CID.  I watched the SIP debug, and the number I set in ANI was not used anywhere at all.
16:13.19*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
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16:14.25p3nguinSame thing when testing via
16:14.27_Corey_p3nguin: I doubt any ITSPs will support it
16:14.54_Corey_You will have more luck with a more traditional ILEC/CLEC
16:15.15p3nguinI'm not even sure why the whole ANI thing was brought up, but I wanted to put a stop to the concerns that were raised.
16:15.45_Corey_what concerns?
16:16.21p3nguinThe subject that brought up the ANI in the first place was placing anonymous calls.
16:17.55p3nguinThe dial plan apparently sets the CID num to unknown (which is also invalid in my experience), but the ANI was not affected.  Subsequently, the dial plan was going to be changed to set the ANI to 0000000000.
16:18.26p3nguinIf I try to set ANY INVALID caller identification, it results in my ITSP's default caller ID number being sent on calls.
16:18.49*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
16:22.02*** join/#asterisk AaronCharpentier (
16:23.30AaronCharpentierWe currently have a distro of Asterisk on our server from about a year ago (Never updated) This was the ISO, Ready-To-Go solution (OS+Asterisk), the GUI never worked - lots of problems, but we've been using it and manually editing users/etc (Gui works, just doesnt write...I guess) We just purchased a new machine to take the place of our old phone server, I'm curious - Anyone have any input as to 32bit vs 64bit? Hav
16:24.15p3nguinYou got truncated at "input as to 32bit vs 64bit? Hav"
16:24.52*** join/#asterisk lanning (
16:25.50jeffspeffhey, if anybody wants to create dynamic conference rooms using confbridge in 10.x here's a nice chunk that i wrote to do it....
16:26.04AaronCharpentierI just know from personal use, when I was using Linux as my main os, a few years back - 64bit support was lacking.
16:26.55p3nguinWill your system have more than 4GB system RAM?
16:27.11AaronCharpentierNegative, 4 GB Exactly. Going to suggest just sticking with 32B Then?
16:27.25AaronCharpentierConvinced me, thanks ;)
16:27.30p3nguinYou will gain nothing by switching to 64-bit OS.
16:27.49AaronCharpentierFigured as much, I know that any performance gains would be so negligable that we would never notice them.
16:27.50[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, Ther are many different all-in-one-distros.  We have no idea which release of which distro you used or the origin of your problems or why you decided to try to walk all over it as your solution.  They generally all work.
16:28.28AaronCharpentierVery sorry TK, I only saw two available as current all-in-ones, 32 and 64. Off of Asterisks site, I wasn't so much hoping for troubleshooting of our old distro, we've just given up on that machine.
16:28.44p3nguinI'm quite satisfied with AsteriskNOW 32-bit.
16:28.51[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, Also... no mention of what GUI...
16:29.31AaronCharpentierNo worries TK, like I said - was more mentioning of why we are changing, rather than hoping for support of our existing install. P3nguin answered my question, I'm all set.
16:30.10p3nguinI don't use any GUI with AsteriskNOW, but I'm sure that the FreePBX packaged with AsteriskNOW will be as good as, or better than, any other distribution of FreePBX available.
16:31.02AaronCharpentierGotcha, does AsteriskNOW come equipped with the ability to have a gui, though? Straight from the ISO?
16:31.31AaronCharpentierWe edit all of our users/settings through ssh and manual edits, gui isn't important to me per say, but the other techs here might get some use out of it.
16:32.07*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
16:32.12p3nguinAsteriskNOW provides your choice of no GUI, the not-recommended Asterisk GUI, and FreePBX.
16:32.38p3nguinand it is "per se."
16:32.46AaronCharpentierGotcha, I'll go with FreePBX, we currently use the Asterisk Gui
16:33.15AaronCharpentierIt's also "Penguin" Mr.1337 ;)
16:33.30p3nguinForget about most manual configuration when you use FreePBX.
16:33.44AaronCharpentierAlright, that about takes care of it! Thanks everyone, I appreciate the help - especially p3nguin! Have a great day everyone.
16:34.23p3nguinMy nick is p3nguin because p1nguin and p2nguin were already taken.  :)
16:36.48[TK]D-FenderSee in #asterisk you're not just a number .... you're ALPHAnumeric!
16:39.41*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (~bwahahaha@
16:40.07shamelessn00bquick question, how would I add a local channel to a conference bride, my initial attempt failed
16:41.39_Corey_how are you trying to add it?  originate?  call spool file?
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16:44.22shamelessn00bdial, _Corey_ using the G(context^exten^pri) option in dial command
16:45.02shamelessn00bA lands at extension n, B at n+1, I call confbridge for A
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16:45.46shamelessn00bcall originate(local/someexten@somecontext,app,confbridge,parameters) at n+1
16:45.54shamelessn00band then confbridge at n+2
16:46.11shamelessn00bsomeexten@somecontext would contain the EAGI script
16:48.43*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
16:49.32WIMPyOk, so just as I suspectd: No ANI in chan_sip at all.
16:50.13_Corey_shamelessn00b: Well, without really thinking about this...  it looks like the first thing you're doing wrong is the originate
16:50.46_Corey_shamelessn00b: You want to call the Local/x@y exten that will run the ConfBridge command and originate an application (EAGI) into it
16:51.04elanzquestion: when I leave a vm message at extension 214  for example, a wav file is created under: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/exten-214-801-xxx-xxxx-20120501-104316-1335890582.6267.wav  then under: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/214/INBOX the same .wav file is labeled msg0000.wav   is this normal *  behavior?
16:51.37shamelessn00b_Corey_: I can use the G option and do it on the second leg of the call then?
16:51.45shamelessn00bat n+1
16:51.50_Corey_shamelessn00b: I don't use originate() in the dialplan ever really, so I'd have to try it out
16:52.27shamelessn00bI still don't have a clue why didn't the chanspy thing work
16:52.31_Corey_It sounds like you're close
16:53.05p3nguinThis is interesting.  Using voipms, I can set my pres to any of the prohibited values, and the caller id number always appears on the called phone, but calling MCI makes it say I am calling from 714.
16:53.24shamelessn00bbasically what I'm trying to design is an IVR that 2 people will be able to use at the same time
16:53.28shamelessn00bwhile talking to each other
16:53.41shamelessn00b2 (or more)
16:53.47p3nguinUsing flowroute, setting the pres to any of the prohitied values, the caller id always shows unavailable on the called phone, but calling MCI always reports the actual caller id number.
16:54.45_Corey_shamelessn00b: I remember you describing this before.  I need to run out for lunch now, but you should get there if you keep experimenting.  It sounds like you're nearly done
16:55.26shamelessn00blol, I feel like I'm nearly done for the last 2-3 days, and then I get stuck on some really PITA issue
16:55.39shamelessn00band have to start over again
16:58.15*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
16:58.51WIMPyp3nguin: Isn;t it great to do some basic research? And the great thing is that it won't really help.
16:59.25WIMPyYou still don;t know if it warks the way you found out intentionally or if it will change on the next release of whatever.
16:59.55p3nguinWhat I'm finding out doing the tests is that the best way to restrict a phone number is to set a fully random (valid) caller id number.
17:00.24*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (~bwahahaha@
17:00.40p3nguinWhen I got unavailable to show up on my cell phone display, calling my GV number still showed the number.
17:00.44tomwishI am having a wierd clid issue.  A call comes in with a good clid/ani.  I can see the info in the ngrep.  I answer the call, play a msg and then forward the call to a tfn.  The clid does not carry through.  It ends up being sent with asterisk as the clid.  I tried to put a def clid in but it ignores it.  I have put the pertinant parts of sip.conf and extensions.conf here  I really just want the orig clid to pass.
17:02.16*** join/#asterisk gusto (
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17:02.45talntidis there a way to bump the overall recieve volume for my reps, without using those amplifier box things?
17:02.50talntidI'm on pure SIP
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17:03.01p3nguinThere's the VOLUME() function.
17:04.01WIMPyAnd the devices surely have volume settings as well. Might be the better option.
17:04.11talntidthey are all the way up
17:04.16talntidfor the people who are complaining
17:05.06WIMPyAre you using POTS?
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17:05.46talntidpolycom ip550's
17:06.25WIMPyAnd the other end?
17:07.02talntidvarious customers
17:07.25WIMPyConnecting to you how?
17:08.02talntidpolycom ip550 -> switch -> asterisk server -> switch -> internet -> flowroute/vitelity ->
17:09.54talntidis that what you are asking?
17:09.55p3nguinI would use VOLUME() or AGC() to make things louder.
17:10.20WIMPyYes, VOLUME is the last option then.
17:10.45*** join/#asterisk AndyHarris2 (
17:10.51WIMPyAnd I get a feeling again that I was lucky that I didn't get any of the Polycoms.
17:11.38talntidmost of my people are happy
17:11.43talntidjust a few of the older crowd..
17:12.23[TK]D-FenderPhone is fine.  ITSP is not
17:13.42talntidother suggestion?
17:14.21[TK]D-FenderAdjust * or your phones to compensate... or change providers
17:14.39talntidphone volumes are all the way up
17:15.08Qwellget employees that don't have defective ears
17:15.53[TK]D-Fendertalntid, you adjusted the master gains in the configs?
17:16.02[TK]D-Fender(of course not)
17:16.46*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:17.03talntidI thought those were for zap/dahdi stuff?
17:17.58[TK]D-Fender.. pardon?
17:18.18talntid"master gain settings"
17:18.41talntidI thought those are in the settings for dahdi, zap?
17:18.43[TK]D-FenderWho said anything about Zap/DAHDI?
17:18.44WIMPyHint: Asterisk doesn't have such a thing.
17:18.54[TK]D-Fendertalntid, POLYCOM CONFIGS.
17:19.03[TK]D-FenderImaginations are in the bin on your left...
17:19.04WIMPyOny per channel, just like you said.
17:19.08Qwell[TK]D-Fender: what?  the polycom configs don't apply to dahdi?
17:19.11Qwellsince when?!
17:19.43talntidI didn't know he was talking about polycom configs, obviously. and the only other "gain" settings I had seen were in the pri card's configs
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17:25.52talntidthe 6000 works, but * and # don't appear to do anything, and the volume sounds the same. Is this a bad test case?
17:28.25*** join/#asterisk Elv1313 (~lepagee@2607:fad8:4:0:4261:86ff:fe62:9560)
17:29.30Elv1313Hi, is there any client side (without server side module) way to download individual voicemail as audio file using sip credentials?
17:29.30[TK]D-FenderConsidered the possibility that MoH isn't a "call", and that you picked the wrong one to bump?
17:30.03[TK]D-FenderElv1313, SIP can't magically download files
17:30.20[TK]D-FenderElv1313, And has nothing to do with "files" so yes, clearly you will have to have something on the server side
17:31.02[TK]D-Fendertalntid, also, 2db isn't that much.  6 should stand out.
17:31.59talntidroger that
17:32.27*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
17:32.41Elv1313[TK]D-Fender: I was thinking more about Asterisk specific protocols, but I could not find anything. So, if we are developping a native phone client, we can't have an "hack" to download voicemail from any unmodified asterisk server (just to be clear)?
17:34.14qakhanhi all, i have Digium TDM 800p card. when i hangup call from my phone it doesnt hangup call. when caller hangup from his phone then its hangup
17:34.25qakhanplease help
17:35.11shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: did you look at the second call yet?
17:35.24[TK]D-FenderElv1313, * doesn't transmit "files".  The closest "on demand" concept is a serious security risk
17:35.41[TK]D-FenderElv1313,  And not really "sane"
17:36.15Elv1313Not a serurity risk over TLS, but anyway, if there is none, that answer my question, thanks
17:37.21[TK]D-FenderElv1313, there is no SIP way for this period
17:37.50[TK]D-FenderElv1313, I was saying there is a vague  ASTERISK means (other) in some odd sense for doing something like this
17:43.14talntidvolume, when on call, seems to have helped :)
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17:56.22shamelessn00bsurprisingly it works fine if I replace playback/wait with Dial to a SIp account
18:03.42qakhanhi all, i have Digium TDM 800p card. when i hangup call from my phone it doesnt hangup call. when caller hangup from his phone then its hangup
18:03.43qakhanplease help
18:10.48infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
18:10.52*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
18:11.12cjthanks, carrar
18:11.35tomwishI am having a strange caller id issue.  I can see the correct callerid being sent to asterisk from an ngrep.  I take the call, answer it, play a message then forward it to a toll free.  for some reason the caller id doesn't follow.  I even tried putting a def caller id in the dial plan but it doesn't pass either.  here is the pertinant parts of the conf files  I have read the docs and it looks like it should work.
18:12.32rgsteeleIs it necessary to have TCP ports 5004-5082 open for SIP signalling traffic, or will that range over UDP suffice?
18:14.52Qwellrange?  why?
18:16.30cjcarrar: the asterisk server is not behind NAT, just the client
18:16.39cjI've already got nat=yes for the client
18:18.11Qwelltomwish: Your provider is likely blocking it.
18:19.02tomwishI can see it in the ngrep.  We are sending asterisk as the from and contact.  not the callerid info
18:19.20tomwishI can post an ingress and egress ngrep if that would help
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18:22.51wdoekes2tomwish: it might
18:23.09*** join/#asterisk Agro (
18:24.14p3nguinrgsteele: SIP is port 5060.
18:24.37adynMy boss wants to put in ASA 5505 devices in front of about 40 phones connected to a remote Asterisk PBX. Anyone have any knowlege of whether this might be an issue? I can't lab it out and I have no experience with ASA's. My google research has been inconclusive.
18:25.28p3nguintomwish: Quotes in a caller ID name are incorrect.  You should consider fixing that.
18:26.19p3nguinSet(CALLERID(all)=Some Name <3145551212>);   <---- no quotes
18:27.04tomwishok, let me try that
18:27.21p3nguinDial(SIP/out/18888590786);  Dial(ChannelTech/peer/extension)
18:27.38wdoekes2p3nguin: that dial works either way
18:27.50p3nguinI know what it does.  Do you?
18:28.32p3nguinHave you confirmed that your ITSP allows you to send your own caller id number?
18:29.14tomwishI am doing the ngreps from my opensips server.  before it even hits the carrier
18:29.28tomwishhere is the ingress/egress traces
18:30.13QwellRemote-Party-ID: "john" <sip:3039549453@>;party=calling;privacy=full;screen=no.
18:30.19p3nguinAre you saying that the caller id you are setting is not going out of your asterisk?
18:30.58p3nguinSomeone is trying to block their caller id number.
18:31.19tomwishI am not passing the one that comes in and when I try and inject one it doesn't pass either
18:32.36tomwishwhen I make the call the cli shows
18:32.56tomwishno errors but it doesn't send that in the sip invite
18:33.10QwellYes it does.
18:33.38p3nguinThe RPID that qwell pasted indicates that it does.
18:34.00wdoekes2tomwish: add Set(CALLERPRES(num-pres)=allowed_passed_screen)
18:34.04tomwishthat is in the rpid not the from field
18:34.13tomwishor the contact field
18:34.14Qwelltomwish: Which is the correct thing to do.
18:34.27wdoekes2you want it in the rpid, that's what you state in sendrpid=yes
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18:35.00tomwishif I set sendrpid to no, then it sends as anon
18:35.09QwellDon't do that then
18:35.12[TK]D-Fendertomwish, Show us your peer
18:35.57p3nguinwdoekes2: CALLERID(), not CALLERPRES().
18:36.54tomwishok.  let me try that
18:42.56tomwishthat fixed it.  Thanks for all the help
18:43.50pabelangerAnybody ever had an issue where dahdi is not passing the clock information correctly between span 1 and span 2?  EG: CO -> asterisk -> PBX  I have a tech with a monitor on the line and they are telling me clock in to asterisk is good, but out from asterisk is bad
18:48.58_Corey_pabelanger: Yeah, I've had that...  I had some motherboard driver incompatibility thing going on
18:49.35pabelanger_Corey_: how did you solve the issue?  Disable IRQs? Or replace the board
18:50.28_Corey_pabelanger: (I worked with Matt Fredrickson on it if memory serves me right...)  zttest/dahdi_test reported really crappy results
18:50.43_Corey_He ended up sending me a new driver that fixed the compatibility issue
18:51.01Qwell_Corey_: cresl1n is cool like that
18:51.15pabelanger_Corey_: New version of dahdi?  Or new dahdi firmware
18:51.56_Corey_hang on, i'm checking my old e-mail box
18:52.14pabelanger_Corey_: cool, appreciate it
18:53.41_Corey_pabelanger: If you're running dahdi_test and getting good results with the board loaded then it's probably not the same thing
18:54.02cjpabelanger: o/
18:54.10_Corey_mine was pretty striking...  99.999% w/the pseudo driver, 11% with the card loaded
18:55.09pabelanger_Corey_: Ya, dahdi_test works like a champ.  And I don't see any errors with that.  My issue, is the nortel attached to span 2, the clock is messed up.  So, I'm trying to figure out why the clock is messed up between span 1 and 2
18:55.42sruffellpabelanger: two single spans / dual-span? span 2 set to use clock recovered from other span or internal oscillator?
18:56.10_Corey_pabelanger: youch...  the install I had that crap on was a similar nortel integration.  bad mojo on that nortel equipment
18:56.27pabelangersruffell: dual span.  Span 1 to CO, span 2 to nortel.  Span 1 is master, span 2 is 0
18:56.48sruffellspan 1 has timing set to 1?
18:57.27sruffelli.e….what is in /etc/dahdi/system.conf
18:59.35Qwellunrelatedly, your echocan lines are b0rked
18:59.53pabelangerQwell: copy paste error
19:00.46sruffellyeah…that looks correct.  Anything in dahdi_maint -s 2?
19:00.48pabelangerThe local tech is seeing some 'polarity' issue on the span 2 side.  His words 'clock into span 1' is good, but coming out from 'span 2' is bad
19:01.06pabelangersruffell: nothing specific
19:01.17sruffellusing a cross-over from span-2 into the nortel?
19:01.19pabelangerI'll have to check again for output
19:01.25sruffelli.e…greened up?
19:01.37pabelangersruffell: cross-over... cable?
19:01.51pabelangerYes, T1 cable good
19:01.56pabelangerchanged out twice
19:02.19sruffellif the clock is bad…you should see error in dahdi_maint
19:02.26QwellI bet you need a J1 cable.
19:02.29pabelangereverything is pointing to an physical issue with the card / computer.  We have also changed out the full asterisk box before.  We end up have the same problems
19:03.54pabelangersruffell: they recently recycled the box, but here is the output:
19:04.36pabelangerQwell: why do you say J1?
19:04.40AndyHarris2Would anyone know if the internal asterisk directory can be served to snom phones ?
19:04.41Qwellpabelanger: ignore me
19:04.51Qwelljust a bit of trolling while I compile
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19:06.11AndyHarris2Sorry --- I mean Asterisk Phonebook served to snom phones. ...
19:06.45QwellAsterisk has no concept of phonebooks.
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19:07.51pabelangersruffell: I'm trying to get some low level debug logs, on the nortel side, to try and better understand what is happening.
19:08.14sruffellpabelanger: if those errored seconds are increasing at a normal rate from the telco side, I would focus on that.  If it's recovering the clock from span 1, but that span has problems, it will have trouble providing a stable clock on span 2.  You can isolate the provider by unplugging span 1 and seeing if you still have problems reported on span2.
19:08.47AndyHarris2@Qwell --- apologies it reads 'Asterisk Phonebook' on the PIAF interface -- therefore assumed it was at the asterisk level
19:08.59AndyHarris2Will look elsewhere
19:09.02QwellAndyHarris2: You'll have to ask them
19:09.33cjpabelanger: got any spare tuits?  I'm using your package and not getting any RTP
19:09.51cjI'm leaning toward it being a misconfiguration on my side
19:09.52pabelangersruffell: okay, so if I unplug span 1, clock will be generated internal and sent to span 2, right?
19:09.56cjbut it could always be you :)
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19:10.36sruffellyes…if all the numbered spans are in red alarm, the framer will only use it's internal oscillator to generate a clock on all the spans set to 0.
19:10.48pabelangersruffell: okay cool.  Let me do that.
19:14.51pabelangersruffell: when span 1 gets clock, is it simply echo'd (insert technical jargon here) to span 2?  Or does dahdi modify it in any way.  Trying to understand if there is any way for that clock to get corrupt between span 1 and 2
19:15.42AndyHarris2Hmmm  --- I found that there is a CLI command database show key --- this shows the phonebook entries
19:16.23sruffellthe framer only has one clock source. It will either recover clock from *one* of the spans, or use the internal oscillator.  The number in /etc/dahdi/system.conf for timing is the priority of where to recover clock from. That timing source is then used by all the other spans.  So…yes…if timing is recovered from span 1, that timing will be used to drive span 2.
19:17.17sruffelland…for spans on a particular framer….dahdi isn't involved at all.
19:18.00p3nguinandyharris2: That is something your web application has created.
19:18.35AndyHarris2Ahhh IC  ..
19:18.43AndyHarris2seems useful!
19:20.42pabelangersruffell: okay, cool.  Thanks for the information.  I'll have to follow up on Thursday with the results of the test.  The onsite tech from Bell is gone for the day
19:29.59*** part/#asterisk elanz (
19:31.12cjokay, it's getting better.  inbound SIP calls are connecting and media from sip client to external devices is finding its way through.  media from external device to sip client is not coming through, though.  wah.
19:31.32pabelangercj: you might want to ask for help here. Digium packages should be fine.  Unfortunately I don't package them anymore but will be helping get mjordan up to speed
19:31.52cjoh?  that's too bad.  I enjoyed working with you in the past.
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19:47.31Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how tof ix plz
19:49.01talntidkicks Katty in the chin
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19:54.50talntidi'm sorry, Katty
19:55.16talntiddon't report me to Qwell.
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19:57.06tomwishi am using app_swift to read back an account number.  The issue is that it reads it as two thousand one hundred forty-five.  I would like it to say 2 1 4 5.  Accordinging to cepestral I need to add a space between the letters or add  \<say-as interpret-as=\"letters\"\>$varible\</say-as\>.  I tried the ssml tag but it didn't work.  Is there away from the dialplan to run the ssml or to modify the varible to have spaces?
19:58.48KattyQwell: i'd like to report a crime.
19:58.56KattyQwell: someone STOLE A PEN RIGHT OFF MY DESK
19:59.07Kattythe nerve.
20:00.18talntidkick them in the chin. :)
20:03.39*** join/#asterisk shamelessn00b (~bwahahaha@
20:03.47shamelessn00bDID IT!!!!!!!!!!
20:04.09shamelessn00bThanks, all you guys for your help :)
20:05.35_Corey_shamelessn00b: Congrats...  :)
20:05.51shamelessn00blet me share the dialplan
20:06.12shamelessn00bits still a very crude form, I'll have to handle DTMF by either features, or AMI
20:06.18shamelessn00bbut it works
20:06.53shamelessn00b[TK]D-Fender: your approach was simpler, but I was unable to retreive audio  via chan spy
20:24.05shamelessn00b_Corey_: what would be the optimal way of handlign DTMF in your opinion?
20:24.56shamelessn00balso, you were saying that we can bridge multiple conferences with each other, can you share how can we do that?
20:25.33shamelessn00bI might switch to asterisk 10, if I have to use confbridge this extensively
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20:31.37talntidor morning, depending on where in the world you are.
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20:36.06magnetah right.
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20:41.43ChannelZGood non-zone-specific time of day to you.
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21:12.22kenshin  <--- there's something fishy on line 234
21:12.45kenshin(although that seems from 1.4 it's still there in 10.3.1)
21:13.23kenshinif that gets executed obj is NULL at the end regardless of refcount
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21:21.04mjordankenshin: that's worth looking into, although not much uses ASTOBJ anymore.  Please open an issue in the issue tracker
21:21.19mjordanthere are still some things that do, most notably MWI in chan_sip
21:21.46kenshinI'm looking at a (old?) patch that does the exact same thing -- after a reqrite
21:22.01kenshin <---
21:22.23kenshinobj should be st to null if we really intend to destroy it, no ???
21:23.12kenshin(that thing kept me up all night :)) (was trying to use MWI => blablabla … asterisk kept segfaulting
21:23.16mjordanI'm not as familiar with ASTOBJ as I am with astobj2, but I would imagine that we would only want to set (object) to NULL if the destructor was called on it
21:23.33mjordankenshin: have you tried it in on 1.8?
21:23.43kenshinI'm on 10.3.1
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21:23.59mjordanyeah.  Please file a bug report, attach a backtrace generated from the core, and reference this conversation
21:24.36nnyi am trying to send a call to two cell phones with a challenge/response. Currently asterisk treats the channel as answered (probably due to how the carrier handles the event) and hanging up the second call. What is the ideal way to handle this?
21:24.53mjordankenshin: thanks for hunting this down and finding it :-)
21:25.11kenshinit's not the parsing (I spent a lot oi time on bug reports on that and it wash;t that) .. had to open old laptop compile manually asterisk with debug and check it … the crash happens after UNREFF mwi is null  (if the host name is an IP or dnsmgr is disabled)
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21:25.39kenshinnow I wash checking the output of the preprocessor (chan_sip.i) and I noticed that
21:26.19kenshinI have to create an account to fill a bug report don;t I ? :)
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21:40.48kenshinok almost done :
21:41.15kenshinis there a way to tell it to put the text verbatim (no pretty stuff -- in the description)?
21:41.40Qwell{noformat}stuffgoeshere{noformat}  I think
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21:45.41kenshinthanks Qwell
21:45.44kenshin <-- there
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23:41.16ddickensontrying to upgrade from to asterisk 10 (or even 1.8.x) and its as if the newer version of "realtime" is ignoring my contexts.  Using the same Mysql database I can get phones to register and even receive calls but when I call out it thinks it should be looking in the "default" context which I don't use.
23:41.42ddickensonAnyone have ideas?  I can't seem to find documentation with a google search on anything but 1.6.x setups for realtime
23:46.09ddickensona little kick in the right direction, or anything?
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