IRC log for #asterisk on 20120429

00:01.27*** join/#asterisk jamko (
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01:04.49*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
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03:05.23*** join/#asterisk jamko (
03:15.51radenhow are all these people getting free long distwance with google vboice ?
03:16.22*** join/#asterisk b2 (~ion@pdpc/supporter/active/beckb)
03:18.15radenwhy would they do that ?
03:18.25radenare they trying to kill the phone industry ?
03:20.29radenwow makes me hate googlew
03:33.48*** join/#asterisk Agro (
03:37.37jamkoGoogle wants to kill a lot of things. Wal-Mart plague.
03:53.41Cynagenraden: what is the issue with free long distance?
03:54.19Cynagenyou get it on cellular already with most carriers... most of the call is over some form of VoIP anyways
04:32.44*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
04:39.03*** join/#asterisk s[x] (~sx]
04:58.59*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
05:35.37*** join/#asterisk desk003 (
05:36.55desk003Hey, anyone happen to be around? I've a question about AsteriskNOW 2.0.2 w/ FreePBX? CDRs aren't showing, looks like cdr_adaptive_odbc isn't installed. What's the proper way to install it?
05:40.21*** join/#asterisk woleium (~woleium@
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06:49.36*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~ramy@
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13:46.16*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:16d8:cc57:1000::42:1003)
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13:57.30*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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14:04.33*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
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14:12.34*** join/#asterisk Agro (
14:13.21*** part/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
14:15.02*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~D-Boy@unaffiliated/cain)
14:23.26*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
14:25.42AgroCan anyone explain to me what CNG and CED tones are?
14:27.18*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
14:29.37ChannelZCNG is the tone FAX machines use to signal a fax.. 1100hz
14:30.22ChannelZCED not sure
14:45.20AgroChannelZ, do you know what amp(amplitude) is?
15:31.24*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:6ef0:49ff:fe50:659d)
15:39.54*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
16:08.14*** join/#asterisk mpoole (
16:10.39*** join/#asterisk AndyHarris2 (
16:12.24AndyHarris2Afternoon All ...  Could someone let me know if there are any issues with alert-info and queues.   I have it working for inbound routes and ring groups.  However I can't get it working for static agents in a queue --- thanks.
16:14.32*** join/#asterisk samfisher (~unaffilia@unaffiliated/samfisher)
16:14.55samfisherhi. Why everybody runs asterisk on CentOS? Could I use ubuntu or debian instead?
16:17.50AgroI run asterisk on freebsd
16:19.52pabelangersamfisher: you should be able to use any *NIX based OS
16:20.01pabelangeryour support for asterisk will vary
16:21.26samfisheroh, so it's just support
16:22.41samfisherand if I make my own PBX with asterisk, I could create accounts and let my friend from another town to connect his IP phone to his router and we'll talk freely?
16:22.48[TK]D-FenderAndyHarris2: There isn't
16:23.13samfisherand if we add other friends, we can have a small telephony?
16:23.35samfishertelephony network... and make our own rules... IVR, voicemail etc
16:23.51Cynagenyes sam... that's kinda the idea
16:24.25Cynagenempower people to build their own telephony and start linking those together through services like enum if you have proper numbers
16:24.52*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
16:28.01AndyHarris2D-Fender --- did you mean there isn't support for alert-info in queues ?
16:28.51AndyHarris2D-Fender --- or there aren't any issues and its expected to work ?
16:29.51pabelangersamfisher: yes
16:32.12*** join/#asterisk catirerosy (
16:33.05AgroDoes anyone here know how to use the goertzel algorithm for tone detection?
16:36.01*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
16:36.24*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:42.11catirerosyThis may be a dumb question but I am new to asterisk.. Is asterisk suppose to create two wave files when a voicemail is placed under the /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/extension#/INBOX? i.e msg000.WAV and msg000.wav
16:46.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:51.29catirerosyI am  having an issue where voicemail messages are being converted from wav to mp3 files but the email voicemail attachment has 0 bytes...
16:54.09kaldemarcatirerosy: those are different formats, your config enables both WAV and wav.
16:54.56catirerosyok thanks kaldemar
16:56.12catirerosydo you know or can give me some guidance as to why  the msg0000.mp3 files are being sent with 0 bytes?
16:57.16carrarInstall Asterisk from Source
16:59.51*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
17:00.56*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (~Gaiax@unaffiliated/gaiax)
17:01.38*** join/#asterisk brdude (
17:03.21catirerosywhere in the asterisk config can I tell it to only  enable wav and not WAV
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17:14.37pabelangercatirerosy: look at the format_ modules, depending on what you load, asterisk will use that format.  EG: format_wav and format_wav_gsm
17:14.50pabelangeryou all setup which formats you want voicemail to use in voicemail.conf
17:15.23pabelangerwill save them as a gsm file
17:18.55[TK]D-Fendercatirerosy: * can't transcode to MP3  something else is doing this and isn't part of * or the e-mailing process
17:20.47catirerosythanks for your feed back guys, I am a linux admin but have 0 experience with asterisk and the phone admin that set it up left the company so I as assigned to take over :-)
17:21.40catirerosyI've been reading a lot and research google as well but can't figure out why the voicemail messages are being sent to users mail box with 0 bytes
17:21.41*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
17:22.39catirerosyas soon as I call a number and leave a vm message I  notice a long file format .wav file created under /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
17:22.52*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
17:23.24catirerosyand under the /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/ext#/INBOK a couple of files are created on WAV and one wav extension
17:23.50*** part/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~LiuYan@
17:24.01pabelangerbecause you have format=wav,wav49 in voicemail.conf
17:24.56catirerosyI looked at my /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf and it does not have format=x
17:25.44*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~Adium@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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17:26.41catirerosythis is what my voicemail.conf file shows:
17:26.43pabelangercatirerosy: well, it is set someplace.  Maybe an #included file.  What version of asterisk are you using?
17:26.49catirerosy;! Automatically generated configuration file
17:26.49catirerosy;! Filename: voicemail.conf (/etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf)
17:26.49catirerosy;! Generator: AppVoicemail
17:26.49catirerosy;! Creation Date: Wed Jan 18 14:21:29 2012
17:26.53catirerosy#include ""
17:26.55catirerosy#include ""
17:26.57catirerosyenvelope = undefined
17:26.59catirerosyforcegreetings = undefined
17:27.03catirerosyforcename = undefined
17:27.05catirerosymailcmd = /usr/sbin/
17:27.06*** kick/#asterisk [catirerosy!~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger] by pabelanger (pastebin)
17:27.25*** join/#asterisk catirerosy (
17:27.27catirerosyauthpassword = xxxx
17:27.29catirerosyI am using 1.8
17:27.52pabelangercatirerosy: right, you are also using freepbx.
17:28.04infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:28.11[TK]D-FenderThat doesn't look like FreePBX
17:28.17catirerosyI think so but not sure
17:28.46catirerosywait I don't think I am using freepbx
17:29.53pabelangerWell, it is going to difficult to help with your configuration issues if you are using some other product to configure asterisk.
17:30.04[TK]D-Fendercatirerosy: You are using some sort of 3rd part GUI that is doing your dirty work for you
17:32.10catirerosythis is more complicated than I thought :-)
17:32.11*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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17:33.47catirerosyI found where the config is
17:34.08catirerosyand it says format wav49|wav
17:34.46[TK]D-Fendercatirerosy: * has no part in your MP3 conversion or the mailout at that point.  Your GUI's custom scripts are doing all of that....
17:34.48catirerosyhow do I disable it from creating the capitalize WAV files
17:34.53[TK]D-Fendercatirerosy: and we can't help you with those
17:36.19catirerosydigging through I found out the admin copied a perl script from this site: and placed it under /usr/sbin and its reference by the voicemail.conf file with a variable mailcmd=
17:36.33catirerosyI think thats the script that is doing the conversion
17:37.21*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
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18:08.09*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
18:36.12*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
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19:36.22*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
19:37.39weinerkHi. Question - given combined codec capabilities between us and peer is 0x10c (ulaw|alaw|g729)
19:37.40weinerkWhat codec will be selected for the channel? Thanks
19:39.44*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
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19:45.43*** join/#asterisk odenkos (~odenkos@
19:45.57p3nguinweinerk: I would expect ulaw to be used.
19:52.44*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:04.16weinerkp3nguin: thanks!
20:04.21weinerkyes that is what I see actually happen. But wanted to know what is the mechanizm for selection.
20:04.33*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (IceChat77@
20:07.28carrarOrder selection in sip.conf
20:11.07weinerkcarrar: thanks! - do you mean the order in which they appear in allow is what determines priority?
20:11.51*** join/#asterisk asr33 (~asr33@
20:20.01*** join/#asterisk Agro (
20:28.24*** join/#asterisk nadya_81 (~enzored@
20:29.10carrarread the example sip.conf
20:29.14nadya_81Something is wrong in my setup. Is there a way I can verify that my Asterisk installation is correct, and it's just a connectivity issue i'm having ?
20:29.45carrarInstall & compile from source so you know you are working from a sain start
20:30.28nadya_81did that :) actually a console gives me "Console call has been answered"
20:30.36carrarensure the file you download matches the MD5 checksome
20:30.40nadya_81sorry i meant, a console call
20:35.15*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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20:40.30*** part/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~ramy@
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21:03.51*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
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21:05.01nadya_81anyone knows why my installation is not listening on port 5060? (i have a port=5060 in sip.conf)
21:06.17carrarnetstat -l | grep 5060
21:06.22carrarwhats the output of that
21:06.58carrarit should also be 'bindport=5060'
21:09.42carraror 'udpbindaddr='
21:10.23nadya_81thanks i'll try this out
21:10.29carrar<carrar> netstat -l | grep 5060
21:10.33carrarWhats the output of that
21:10.49nadya_81funny is that I just configured it on a test server VM and it worked fine... when things go on the real thing they give ma a hard time
21:10.59carrarWhats the output of that
21:11.12nadya_81nothing shows. however on my other test installation that works netstat -tulpn | 5060 works fine.
21:11.25nadya_81i mean shows  the asterisk entry
21:11.47carrarnetstat -l | grep 5060
21:11.48carrarudp        0      0 *:5060                      *:*
21:11.52carrarthats the expected output
21:11.57carrarthat means it's working
21:12.02carrarand you probably have a filtering issue
21:12.07carrariptables etc...
21:15.08carrarYou live in malta?
21:15.36carrarnice Island
21:15.48nadya_81been here ?
21:16.28nadya_81it has got some nice parts
21:16.40carrarIt's a resort island?
21:16.45carrarlike Hawaii?
21:17.29eZzis it possible to specify >1 of country codes in section general in /etc/asterisk/indications.conf ?
21:17.38nadya_81nope, i'd say a good mix of things. history, good food, nightlife and beaches
21:18.14*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:18.15nadya_81you're not going to find the 'luxury' and pure nature of hawaii over here
21:20.20carrarOh I see the Radison resport
21:20.27carrarlooks fancy
21:20.42eZzis it possible to specify >1 of country codes in section general in /etc/asterisk/indications.conf ?
21:21.12carrarGhajn Tuffieha Bay
21:22.25nadya_81yeah exactly. that is really nice, my favorite beach
21:23.37*** join/#asterisk AndChat|296121 (
21:25.20carrareZz, why would you do that?
21:26.13carrarJust put settings in the global and define 1
21:26.28carrarcrazy though
21:27.01carrarI've not tried
21:29.12*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
21:29.32danfromukHi, Im moving from 1.4 to 1.8 and having a problem executing AGIs.
21:29.34carrarMajorca is as close to your island as I've been :)
21:29.50nadya_81where do you come from? european?
21:29.53danfromukI'm getting the following error:  pbx_extension_helper: No application 'AGI,/path/to/pre_call_check.php' for extension ....
21:30.10danfromukI've run 'core show applications' and AGI is listed.
21:30.44carrarI've in Berlin a year ages ago
21:33.05carrardanfromuk, your path is wrong
21:33.19carraror you put your agi file in the wrong directory
21:34.57carrarmodule show like
21:35.33p3nguinIf the app usage shows up, doesn't that imply the module is loaded?
21:36.57carrardanfromuk, binpaste your dialplan where you are using it
21:37.12danfromuki checked the path, but i'll double check.
21:37.24infobotextra, extra, read all about it, paste is or or
21:37.27infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:37.57danfromukThe path is correct.
21:38.03danfromuk1sec. i'll pb it
21:38.13carrarHow did you verify that?
21:38.46carrargrep agi-bin /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
21:40.24danfromukthe php script is in the location listed in the diaplan code.
21:40.29p3nguinYou've got AGI,
21:41.02carrarcore show application AGI
21:41.23carraralmost there :)
21:41.26p3nguinAnd put it in your agi-bin path instead of the scripts path.
21:41.37danfromukAh. I didnt see that change listed in the UPGRADE documents
21:41.42danfromuki'll give that a go
21:41.45carrarHAVING FUN? :)
21:42.20carrarguess not
21:45.40danfromukperfect. thanks!
21:56.52*** join/#asterisk fr0ggie (~irc@unaffiliated/nn)
22:02.25fr0ggieIm having an issue when i try to call one of my extensions (well any of them it seems) --  WARNING[21264][C-00000009]: app_dial.c:2333 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
22:05.44*** join/#asterisk rossand (
22:07.20afinkfr0ggie: sounds like your extensions aren't registered, does "sip show peers" show your extensions?
22:07.54*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
22:09.32fr0ggieaha.. now why are my phones falling off...hmm
22:09.55fr0ggiephone shows Registered at 1000-- forcibly re-registering it makes it reachable
22:10.15afinkI am having a one way audio issue with a remote sip extension, I can receive incoming calls however I am unable to get audio on outgoing calls.  I have configured both firewalls to port forward 10000-20000 and 5060.
22:10.57afinkfr0ggie: this is a shot in the dark, but I had the same problem.  Is your firewall open for SIP DoS attacks?  That is what kept knocking my extensions offline.
22:11.02WIMPyafink: Are you sure the phone uses an UDP port in that range?
22:11.17WIMPyLooks like you both have nat issues.
22:11.20fr0ggieafink: its not reachable outside my LAN
22:11.26WIMPyThat's perfectely normal.
22:11.34fr0ggieno NAT either
22:11.44p3nguinafink: "sip show peers" shows peers, not extensions.
22:11.58WIMPyOr just firewall.
22:12.54fr0ggieWIMPy: no firewall even, * runs on my laptop which has an empty iptables. Phones are nearby on same subnet (not passing through the router or any of the bridges on the network)
22:13.20fr0ggiei havent attempted to get NAT (for outside the network) working yet even
22:18.27afinkWIMPy: yes, yealink says RTP ports are from 11780-11800
22:20.48afinkthat is what you were asking correct?
22:21.42afinki also noticed when configuring the phone all but one of the codecs were disabled so I re-enabled all of the codecs also
22:27.11afinkwhich also didn't fix it.
22:33.36*** part/#asterisk nW44b (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
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22:37.11fr0ggieWIMPy: any ideas why my phones are losing registration? I use TCP to connect to * as it was recommended to avoid issues when I get started with accessing the * box from behind a NAT (on my 3g)
22:39.14WIMPytcpdump/wireshark/etc are the tools of choice for networking issues.
22:40.14p3nguinDid you set up asterisk for tcp?
22:41.08carrarcould have solved all your problems by just using a ipsec vpn over your 3g and leave everything be
22:42.06nadya_81managed :)
22:44.09fr0ggiep3nguin: yae-- i can connect i just lose registry sometimes- Im wondering if its a bug in the android SIP ua or if its maybe that i need to disable qualify since im using tcp
22:44.42fr0ggiecarrar: i dont have room in router's flash for ipsec and l2tpd, unfortunately
22:44.58fr0ggieHad to give them up to make room for freeradius
22:45.44WIMPyqualify works with tcp as well.
22:45.48carrarfr0ggie, don't need a router
22:48.04carrarracoon is your friend!
22:48.47fr0ggiecarrar: i'd have to have somewhere for the VPN client to connect (thus my openwrt router)
22:49.00fr0ggieasterisk runs on a netbook i use as the house server
22:49.07carrarsame server Asterisk is running on
22:49.28carraropenwrt might already support that
22:49.33carrar(I don't use that)
22:50.19fr0ggiemight be able to do some iptables-fu to pass the ipsec traffic to the * box but in the end im thinking asterisk will end up on the openwrt box again (it works well there using the config ive got on the netbook-server)
22:50.34fr0ggiei still suspect its an android bug
22:58.52ChannelZwouldn't be the first
23:01.24fr0ggieand now they've all dropped off again in sip show peers
23:01.43fr0ggiefr0ggie/fr0ggie           (Unspecified)                            D                 0        UNKNOWN
23:04.42p3nguinThey're on the same switch?
23:06.03p3nguinI've been having some issues with a couple ATAs on the same switch as the asterisk computer behaving similar to that.  At least mine aren't going completely away.
23:06.43fr0ggiethey're wireless on the same AP as *
23:07.00fr0ggiephone still shows it's registered even when * doesnt think they are anymore
23:07.49WIMPyNetworking disabled to save power?
23:10.29*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
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23:44.45logicwrathanyone using ActivaTSP on a Windows 2008 Server?
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