IRC log for #asterisk on 20120427

00:01.02*** join/#asterisk HyperNerdV2 (
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01:07.22*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:12.22*** join/#asterisk phix (
02:08.48dijibive got a bitshaping issue, 5060 inbound is choppy. i have scheduling setup and this is the report of such.
02:15.30*** join/#asterisk brdude (
02:31.31*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
02:34.35p3nguinHow would you determine if 5060 is "choppy" or not?
03:16.35*** join/#asterisk Russ (
03:17.03*** join/#asterisk Agro (
03:33.27philipp64|laptopdijib: it's not 5060 that matters, it's your SDP/RTP media stream.
03:34.17philipp64|laptopyou could use tcpdump for a capture of the media stream and then look at the packet timestamps, maybe right a script that calculates the average inter-packet spacing, as well as standard deviation, etc.
03:34.21philipp64|laptopthat's what I would do.
03:34.42philipp64|laptopbut your handsets should have enough elastic buffer to accommodate most jitter.
03:35.08philipp64|laptopif not, try decreasing your sampling interval from 30ms to 20ms.
03:35.32philipp64|laptopif you still have audio problems, that's likely packet loss or delay. not jitter.
03:36.40p3nguinHe's not even shaping his RTP.
03:36.49p3nguinAt least not that I can determine.
04:01.26*** join/#asterisk Russ (
04:23.44*** join/#asterisk s[x] (~sx]@
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04:50.17*** join/#asterisk ThinkGNU- (
04:50.25ThinkGNU-hello asterisk channel
04:51.17ThinkGNU-I'm learning asterisk right now and I have a couple of questions. Maybe someone could answer them and put my mind at ease
04:54.06ThinkGNU-does anyone mind answering a couple of my questions?
05:00.23infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
05:01.20*** join/#asterisk Russ (
05:05.17ThinkGNU-sorry, didn't see the status icon in my notification panel that there were updates to the channel
05:06.07ThinkGNU-I am going to have 23 phones and maybe a max of 10-12 concurrent calls. Will a 3Ghz AMD64 be enough processing power using ulaw as the codec?
05:06.45*** join/#asterisk Kevin` (
05:09.18[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-: more than enough
05:10.09ThinkGNU-for some reason I'm having doubts. don't know why
05:10.40ThinkGNU-the phone system is such a big thing at our business that if it screws up, I could have some problems
05:11.40ThinkGNU-what's a good way to stress test the system without actually having a bunch of users make calls?
05:11.46[TK]D-FenderFear leads to anger ..... anger leads to hate .... anger leads to pain ... pain leads to the Cheescake Factory ... Cheesecake leads to cardiac arrest....
05:12.13[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-: Trust me your needs are SUB -petty
05:12.27[TK]D-FenderThinkGNU-: My watch could handle that load.... and it's ANALOG
05:12.49ThinkGNU-well, that's good to know
05:13.06ThinkGNU-and, you can use your watch to find north...since it's analog
05:14.02ThinkGNU-and cheesecake...that sounds good
05:14.25ThinkGNU-SIP is something I'm still coming to grips with too
05:15.33ThinkGNU-I have had a few issues with no audio and such so I'm still learning the nuances of SIP
05:15.55infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
05:16.01infobotmethinks nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
05:16.18[TK]D-Fenderin 1.6+ "canreinvite" has been replaced by "directmedia"
05:16.26[TK]D-Fenderthose are the rules where NAT is involved
05:16.33[TK]D-Fenderand the #1 common issue
05:16.34ThinkGNU-oh, I didn't know about directmedia
05:16.53ThinkGNU-i've set externip and localnet
05:17.01[TK]D-Fendernat=yes <- as well
05:17.03ThinkGNU-I'll set localmask and directmedia
05:17.07ThinkGNU-I have net=yes
05:17.24[TK]D-Fenderunder [general], however ITSP entries should almost always be "nat=no" for those peers
05:17.54ThinkGNU-that's internet telephone service providers right?
05:18.10ThinkGNU-what tricks are they doing to avoid that?
05:20.53[TK]D-FenderThey have public IP's, and may have separate media & signalling servers, etc
05:21.03[TK]D-Fenderso you have to trust them to handle their own business.
05:21.23[TK]D-FenderSo they are "nat=no".  YOU are another matter, as are other peers you may have.
05:21.59ThinkGNU-I've been messing with a few of the free VoIP providers such as
05:22.21ThinkGNU-I have it working to some degree. I've got sound going one direction
05:22.31ThinkGNU-I'll tweak those settings that I missed though
05:23.40[TK]D-FenderSoundsing like you're going to do just fine....
05:23.56*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:24.50ThinkGNU-well, I'll be popping in here frequently I think. Are you in often [TK]D-Fender?
05:25.55ThinkGNU-I'll catch you later then
05:25.59ThinkGNU-thanks for the help!
05:26.00[TK]D-FenderSounds good...
05:26.05[TK]D-FenderYou're welcome
05:28.18*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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05:37.56*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
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05:52.42*** part/#asterisk ayrjola (~ayrjola@
05:58.03radenp3nguin, u around
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06:36.37schmidtsgood morning
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07:24.29*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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07:47.31*** join/#asterisk heffer_ (~felix@fedora/heffer)
08:11.24*** join/#asterisk arekm (~arekm@pld-linux/arekm)
08:12.37arekmhi, is it possible to limit number of concurrent connections in a context? assume I have context to-gsm and to-outside - both use the same isdn connection. How can I limit number of concurrent connections in to-gsm to a 4 for example?
08:14.49*** join/#asterisk Russ (
08:18.57kaldemararekm: use GROUP functions. "core show functions like GROUP"
08:20.59din3shkaldemar hello
08:21.13din3sham having sip retransmit errors
08:21.27The_BallAnybody know of a open source or free-as-in-beer web voip client?
08:21.28din3shany idea why?
08:26.30kaldemardin3sh: you're not getting a response back. usual cause for those is invalid NAT settings. asterisk is sending to, is that address correct?
08:26.57din3shyes it is the phone which initiated the call, but cancellled
08:27.16din3shthe call
08:27.18*** join/#asterisk frawd (
08:27.26kaldemardin3sh: is the phone behind a NAT?
08:27.29din3shi have no NAT settings
08:27.40din3shall on same subnet/network
08:28.03kaldemardoesn't look like it. :)
08:28.18kaldemaryou have and in there.
08:29.50arekmkaldemar: seems working, thanks !
08:32.47din3shkaldemar even phones on 172... have same problem
08:34.42*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
08:37.05*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:40.29kaldemardin3sh: show your sip.conf and a CLI output of a call with sip debug enabled.
08:59.15*** join/#asterisk seloha (
09:04.20*** join/#asterisk krotos (
09:04.23krotoshi all
09:28.16*** join/#asterisk Russ (
09:33.50din3shsorry kaldemar, caught up with another issue meanwhile
09:34.12din3shqueue members are not ringing, asterisk saying :WARNING[8175] app_queue.c: Realtime field uniqueid is empty for member
09:38.28kaldemarsurely that's not all asterisk says.
09:50.45din3shkaldemar: DEBUG[8354] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update
09:50.51din3shwhat would this mean?
09:53.39*** join/#asterisk AlfE_ (
09:59.16*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
10:00.51FlashDeluxehi! is there a current print-to-fax-tool for linux clients (e.g kubuntu/ubuntu etc)? In former times there was kdeprintfax, but it doenst exist anymore.. :(
10:25.54*** join/#asterisk ijpalmer (
10:26.15*** join/#asterisk catphish (
10:26.44catphishis there any reason why allowing incoming calls from is a bad idea?
10:29.46*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
10:30.12ijpalmerHi I have a problem where Asterisk doesn't seem to send out a chan_end event in the CEL data.  I have noticed this only in channel barge at the moment.  I'm using * 1.8.5
10:33.25*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:37.13kaldemarcatphish: if you have proper device names, secrets, guest calls are not allowed and your dialplan is not full of holes, not really.
10:47.01*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
10:47.49din3shyou have to define th events you want to log in cel.conf
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10:49.21ijpalmerdin3sh: Thanks for replying.  I have named the events and normally I get the chan_end event.  Problem is on one occasion I didn't get this event which we rely for an app we have plugged in.  This has so far only occurred when the channel barge had ended
10:54.03ijpalmerI have apps=dial,park
10:54.27*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
10:56.15din3shdahdibarge /
10:56.27din3shthats an application i guess?
10:56.33din3shtry adding it to apps=
10:57.00ijpalmerThing is in all instances of channel barge it seems to work, it was just this one occasion
10:57.54din3sham trying to install iaxmodem, how do we add respawn in inittab centos 6.2?
10:58.13ijpalmerwhat I'm worried about is if there is a bug in Asterisk where it sometimes doesn't send out this event
10:59.37din3shthere's no bug in asterisk
11:00.39ijpalmerfair enough lol.  I'll keep monitoring the situation for more instances, I'll also add the channel barge app into apps= of cel.conf.  Cheers for your help
11:01.42*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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11:25.29*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@gateway/shell/
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12:26.58*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
12:31.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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12:46.33dug429If a UA receives a 401 with a stale=true response, is the expected result of that for the UA to register again with a new call-id? Or is it common for the call-id to be the same and the UA to expect a new nonce?
12:47.23*** join/#asterisk nosaj (
12:54.23*** join/#asterisk [koss] (
12:56.04[koss]what asterisk distribution has the easiest auto provisioning,, specifically for polycom
13:01.00*** part/#asterisk ijpalmer (
13:01.28[TK]D-Fender[koss], Anything running FreePBX has a well-maintained 3rd party provisioning module.
13:11.49din3shelastix running on freepbx engine has pretty neat endpoint module
13:14.58*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-yoporopcvsvcgcro)
13:16.17*** join/#asterisk bowzak (~bowzak@
13:18.13[TK]D-FenderElastix runs a forked embedded trashed-up version of FreePBX that is not supported by the community.
13:20.26[koss]there used to be a distro voiceroute/druid that had awesome auto polycom provisioning
13:20.26*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:20.28catphishkaldemar: what do you mean by "guest calls not allowed"? that was what i was proposing allowing
13:23.16bowzakwhere should i start when trying to troubleshoot pstn calling?  drivers seem to be installed fine.. no errors when i make the call.. but nothing rings.
13:24.57*** join/#asterisk sofh (~sofh@
13:25.21sofhHello all
13:26.11sofhi've some questions regarding asterisk , basic most is : is it possible that asterisk fwd each connecting user to some parent sip proxy ?
13:27.54[TK]D-Fendersofh, Based on..?
13:28.20sofhi should clear more
13:29.01sofhwhat i want , sip user tries to register to my asterisk box , but i dont want asterisk to handle its registaration neither routing , it should just pass it to some other sip  server to register
13:29.16sofhsame way media should pass from user to asterisk and then to that proxy server where its registered
13:29.27*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
13:29.32[TK]D-Fenderbowzak, start by describing what you're actually using, showing configs, and showing status dumps that show that everything appears the way it should for calls to have a chance of coming in...
13:30.13[TK]D-Fendersofh, * does not do this.  You seem to be wanting to use it as a proxy.  It is not a proxy.
13:30.53bulkorok_afksofh: take a look at kamailio with mediaproxy module
13:31.18sofhactually i want to have benefits of IAX trunking ,but want to have my routing,billing from other switch
13:31.26sofhseems not possible what i want
13:31.33bulkorokwhy IAX?
13:31.40sofhto save bandwidth
13:31.51sofhits saves about 60% of bandwidth as per to my experience
13:32.24[TK]D-Fendersofh, Correct, it isn't possible
13:32.25catphishwhy would iax save bandwidth?
13:32.47[TK]D-Fendercatphish, IAX2 trunk mode.
13:32.59sofhcatphish, well you should asterisk developers ,why they made IAX trunking to share overhead packets
13:33.09sofhbut it realy works awesome
13:33.20[TK]D-Fenderyou just completely out a word there....
13:33.38catphishi guess sip has a fair overhead for call setup
13:33.39[TK]D-FenderAnd it isn't "overhead packets"
13:33.44catphishbut it doesn't compare to the data itself
13:33.51[TK]D-FenderAnd this has nothing to do with "SIP" or "call setup"
13:34.07sofhwhen its IAX how SIP can be involved
13:34.13sofhits IAX offcourse
13:35.10catphishi'm confused, what were we comparing iax to? and for what purpose is it 60% lighter?
13:35.53bowzak... using freepbx on Rhino box with Rhino PCI 8FXO card.  The local line is in Iraq, but I see that the drivers are using FXS Kewlstart
13:36.17*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
13:36.18catphishor are you just talking about iax trunk vs multiple sockets?
13:36.26bowzakwhen i dial out.. i get "called DAHDI"  and DAHDI answered
13:37.13[TK]D-Fendersofh, IAX2 is not a routed protocol.  Sounds like you should simply PORT FORWARD to the other server
13:37.40[TK]D-Fenderbowzak, PASTEBIN the bits I have asked about
13:37.41infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:38.27*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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13:47.34*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
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13:54.01jayteeI want to upgrade a server from asterisk 1.6.2.x (compiled) with DAHDI Complete 2.4.1 to Asterisk RPM with DAHDI 2.6.1 RPM If I back up my configs in /etc/asterisk and /etc/dahdi and run the RPMs will that work ok or should I delete the files in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules first?
13:54.38[TK]D-Fendertrash modules....
13:57.09jayteeincluding the dahdi modules in /lib/modules?
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14:06.02[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, DAHDI will overwrite and "strays" don't tend to be an issue in my experience
14:06.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, * modules however... get an extra in there and autoload will FUBAR you
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14:10.49jaytee[TK]D-Fender, thanks. I'd read about problems upgrading with old modules still in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules causing problems but wasn't sure about DAHDI
14:13.44jayteeI'm hoping that the new Cisco switches with QoS and this upgrade will fix my problem. If I make a call from one of the Polycom 331 phones to another Polycom on the inside network or dialing out to my cell I get no ringing and when the other phone answers I get no audio. If I hangup and dial again the second call gets ringing indication and two way audio works fine.
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15:09.56ryduhhello. trying to figure out if a debug msg means what I think it means
15:10.03ryduh"Peer doesn't provide T.38 UDPTL"
15:10.38ryduhmy sip provider doesn't provide t.38 support if that shows up right?
15:11.41ryduhi think it is, since i also see this
15:11.41ryduhGot T.38 Re-invite without audio. Keeping RTP active during T.38 session. Callid
15:11.46*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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15:35.42paolosupinoQuestion: Is it possible to suspend e certain internal extension voicemail?
15:37.50*** part/#asterisk clintc (
15:38.21[TK]D-Fenderpaolosupino, It's your dialplan... if does whatever you tell it to do.
15:40.05*** join/#asterisk doug (
15:40.39dougi'm hoping to build a nice menu
15:41.13dougwhen you call, it says "thanks for calling my debt resolution line.  if you are not calling on behalf of a collection agency, you have probably called this number in error."
15:41.28doug"please choose from the following menu"
15:41.48doug"please press 1 if you want to submit a payment plan for consideration"
15:42.13doug"please press 2 if you want to read from a script that you hope will inspire me to pay the entire balance immediate"
15:42.24dougso i can hand-hack this into extensions.conf
15:42.36dougbut i figured someone probably has come up with a nice, easy system for doing this by now...
15:42.40dougany recommendations?
15:42.52[TK]D-FenderAnd no... this is your menu, with your options, and your own recordings
15:42.55aberriosdoug if you're good with dialplan it'll take an hour tops
15:43.13aberriosif you're awesome with dialplan 10 mins
15:43.15dougyeah, my conf is already a giant mess 'o spaghetti
15:43.38dougwhat i'm really hoping for is something that's already built in all the nice little convenience features
15:43.39[TK]D-FenderNo, if you're OK in dialplan and are a moderately stable person to do the recording and don't need 20 takes each
15:43.55[TK]D-Fenderdoug, Nope.
15:43.55douglike * for going back, # to repeat, etc.
15:43.59[TK]D-Fenderdoug, It's all you.
15:44.04carrarIf you're not stable, please video record yourself doing it
15:44.16carrarmight be funny
15:44.29dougwould have been funny when i was starting out
15:44.31[TK]D-Fendercarrar, When two epileptics make a deal ... do they shake on it?
15:44.34aberriosputting system recordings on at christmas when everyone is half cut makes for good recordings =D
15:44.59dougwhen i was like "okay!  this is a popular telephony system, and i'm sure intelligent people have been involved in designing the configuration language..."
15:45.24dougalthough i suppose that's what gave rise to ael
15:45.52dougalthough i'm not completely conviced that ael is an improvement
15:46.36dougcan i mix&match extensions.ael and extensions.conf?
15:47.48[TK]D-Fenderdoug, "* to repeat" is ONE line of dialplan.
15:48.15[TK]D-Fenderdoug, And you are blowing this way out of proportion.
15:48.59*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
15:49.26dougone line of dialplan for each menu, sure.
15:49.55dougbut one line i'd rather not worry about if i don't have to.
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15:51.10angryuserHello when i dump asterisk traffic with tcpdump i have 100% of voip traffic out of seq, asterisk 10.2.1 any ideas ?
15:51.12DarthExpeditorI'm looking for a hardware recommendation for a 50 SIP handset system using both SIP and Analog lines for termination with MOH, VoiceMail, DIDs, IVR, and Call Queues.
15:51.17angryuserBug in wireshark ?
15:51.26[TK]D-Fenderdoug, If you're too lazy for writing a few lines of dialplan, then perhaps PBX administrtion isn't for you....
15:52.28shinao1hi guys please i have a problem with a dundi+iax2 trunk network.. im trying to do a dundi lookup and it complains of LAGGED connections and wont search. Is there a way to make dundi/iax2 ignore the latencies, and what is the maximum latency they'll suffer before breaking up?
15:54.50doughm, maybe you just don't have the experience with writing useful systems and therefore lack the perspective of someone who has..
15:54.50aberriosthats just lazy :) jfdi
15:54.54dougevery line is a liability.
15:55.26*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
15:55.33[TK]D-FenderYou're right.  Divest yourself of all of the lines!
15:55.48dougas many as possible.
15:56.00dougwhich sometimes is all of them...
15:56.05dougalthough not always.
15:56.42dougin any case, it's never "divest," more "delegate."
15:56.55dougand while that carries risk of its own, it's often (in my experience) a better route.
15:57.30dougespecially when building something for which there are years of history and example in multitude
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16:03.26*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
16:04.21p3nguincatphish: If you are going to allow guest calls, be sure to set up good dial plan to manage them, and not let them access your toll extensions.
16:04.37p3nguincatphish: And IAX2 saves bandwidth because it does trunking.  SIP does not have trunking.
16:06.01p3nguinraden: I'm here now.
16:07.49dougcool service.  i've often felt the loss of the tools i had as a playground bully.
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16:13.26paolosupino[TK]D-Fender: And how do I disable voicemail for a specific internal extension?
16:13.51[TK]D-Fenderpaolosupino, it's your dialplan.. you don't disable voicemail.. you simply don't call it
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16:15.45paolosupino[TK]D-Fender: that wasn't my intention. My intention was that I don't want callers to be able to leave messages for a certain internal extension… but I also want to do it on as temporary thing, not a permanent one.
16:16.05p3nguinThen don't call VoiceMail() in the dial plan.
16:16.16p3nguinExtensions only have what you write.
16:16.21[TK]D-Fenderpaolosupino, Then add some logic for shoosing whether to do action A vs B.
16:16.22p3nguinPhones are not extensions.
16:16.31[TK]D-Fenderpaolosupino, "core show application gotoif" <-
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16:29.02catphishp3nguin: that's fine, my dialplans are extremely carefully managed
16:29.15catphishp3nguin: and what is trunking?
16:29.49catphishi don't fully understand why sending all signals down one socket should be that much more efficient
16:30.07catphishexcept for avoiding the unnecessary chatiness of sip
16:30.17[TK]D-FenderHas nothing to do with SIP
16:30.31catphish[TK]D-Fender: please read the conversation
16:30.37[TK]D-FenderI did
16:30.41p3nguinAre you familiar with dot1q?
16:30.42[TK]D-FenderAnd commented earlier
16:30.43paolosupino[TK]D-Fender: OK so I have to build it into the dial plan logic… Can you help me with building the logic?
16:31.04catphish[TK]D-Fender: did you?
16:31.16[TK]D-Fenderpaolosupino, I already gave you the key command... you need to come up with the means of deciding what the answer is to "A or B?"
16:31.25[TK]D-Fendercatphish, I did.
16:31.40catphishp3nguin: if you're talking to me then yes
16:32.08[TK]D-Fendercatphish, Bandwidth savigs are from RTP, not SIP
16:32.14[TK]D-FenderSIP sets up calls, it is not the VOICE
16:32.18catphish[TK]D-Fender: i don't see you say anything on the subject since p3nguin said "IAX2 saves bandwidth because it does trunking.  SIP does not have trunking."
16:32.37[TK]D-FenderRTP is encoded in UDP packets with 20kbit of WASTE EACH
16:32.46[TK]D-FenderRT is not SIP <-
16:32.49[TK]D-FenderKnow your protocols
16:33.00catphishi know them well its ok
16:33.33[TK]D-FenderSo with ULAW, 20 calls over RTP have 64kbps of data, and 20kbps of UDP header.  EACH
16:34.15catphishok i get that, does IAX allow multiple streams to share a packet?
16:34.16[TK]D-FenderIAX Trunking combines the voice data of MULTIPLE calls over a SINGLE packet.  so say 5 x 64kbps worth of calls with only 20 kbps of waste instead of 100 <
16:34.46catphishwhen talking about packet overhead, try to use bytes, not bps, but i understand now :)
16:34.52talntidwow. I didn't knw that
16:34.53[TK]D-FenderNow scale this with a lighter codec like GSM610 : 13kbps data VS 20kbps overhead for UDP
16:35.14catphishyeah, that makes a whole bunch of sense for large volumes of low bandwidth codec calls
16:35.20catphishvery cool
16:35.53[TK]D-Fendercatphish, "bytes" alone doesn't cover it... voice is a measure of time.  it's "bytes out of how many over what period of time"
16:36.33[TK]D-Fenderpacketizations rate is an important factor
16:36.48[TK]D-FenderThis is based on 20ms packets.
16:37.07*** part/#asterisk drudge` (~drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
16:37.12[TK]D-Fendercatphish, Your earlier error I corrected was in the use of the term "overhead packets".
16:37.20coppice10s packets does more for you than bundling streams
16:37.22catphishof course, if you fill 1500 byte frames with one call you're not going to have much of an issue
16:37.29catphishapart from the quality :)
16:37.32[TK]D-Fendercatphish, There is no entire "packet" that is "overhead".  it is the HEADER of EACH packet.
16:37.50p3nguinpacket overhead vs overhead packet?
16:37.55[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Yeah it does things like "awkward silence" in PL scenarios ;)
16:38.26[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, talks does funny Yoda, hmmmMMM!??!?!?
16:38.43p3nguinVery silly you are.
16:38.48catphish[TK]D-Fender: i mean per-packet overhead (thats how i usually express transmisison overhead, rather than as a bps figure)
16:39.02catphishie x byte packet headers
16:39.20[TK]D-Fendercatphish, well you seem to have gotten it now....
16:39.20catphishbut as i said, it makes sense now
16:39.36catphishwe've been barking up the same tree for some time now :)
16:40.02catphishthough you seemed very offended that i was comparing iax with sip
16:40.09[TK]D-Fendercatphish, Actually that'd be "flogging the deceased equine" ;)
16:40.09catphishinstread of sip+rtp :)
16:40.18catphishstoopid horse
16:40.40coppicedigium don't seem to be supporting IAX on their new kit, so I assume they consider it dead
16:40.50[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Which new kit?
16:41.01p3nguinWe haven't used IAX in how many years now?
16:41.04coppicethe phones and gateway boxes
16:41.23catphishoo its home time now
16:41.26catphishhave a nice weekends
16:41.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice, On phones I understand.. it's rather pointless there.. on a larger gateway ... well now THAT would be dumb :)
16:42.06[TK]D-Fendercoppice, If their new T1/E1/J1 boxes didn't offer it... then I'd say there was a serious failing...
16:42.23coppicethere have been several drafts for bundling in RTP, but they seem to fade away each time
16:42.41coppicethe blurb for the digium gateway boxes only mentions SIP
16:42.51[TK]D-Fendercoppice, That irks me...
16:42.52Kobazi think it supports iax
16:43.02Kobazi remember seeing all kinds of stuff listed on the data sheet
16:43.08[TK]D-FenderChecking now...
16:45.22[TK]D-Fender\Yup... no mention of IAx2
16:45.35ruben23hi guys please help me with this error any idea with my asterisk ----->
16:46.00Kobazcorrupt file?
16:46.47[TK]D-FenderIAX2 as never really designed for phones and not even profitable BW wise unless you're on 3/n-way.  So understandable the phones don't have it.  Their ateways however can push upwards of 60 calls.... this is VERY significant
16:48.15Kobazthe packet savings is pretty minimal, especially since 99% of the time i would think they would be on a lan
16:49.34Kobazit's great to save what you can on the WAN, but for LAN stuff would it really matter?
16:49.46[TK]D-FenderKobaz, at G.729 it would save 2/3rds of the BW
16:50.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz, That is not "small"
16:52.40Kobaziax trunking doesn't give you any savings on the media payload, it combines media under fewer packets
16:52.50Kobazyou're still sending the same payload
16:53.43Kobazif you want g729, then use g729, you don't have to use iax to get it
16:54.37coppiceKobaz: saving media payload is one of the two key selling points for iax
16:55.15*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (~aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
16:55.20coppiceits sad that one of the drafts for doing that with RTP has not reach release status
16:55.29DagMollerthere is a way to remove a lot of useless "NoOp" messages produced by AEL extensions?
16:56.14[TK]D-FenderKobaz, I used the payload to exemplify the overhead of UDP headers using RTP vs IAX2
16:56.35[TK]D-FenderKobaz, that's 20kbps EACh for 9kbps of PAYLOAD.
16:57.07[TK]D-Fenderso 2/3 of your total BW is wasted on header
16:57.39Kobazcoppice: not it isn't... the main selling point is reducing header payload
16:57.52p3nguindagmoller: Rewrite the dial plan with less NoOp()s.
16:58.02[TK]D-FenderIAX2 = 9.6 * 23 (lets say full PRI-T1) + 20kbps = 240.8kbps
16:58.09coppiceKobaz: could you explain the difference?
16:58.13ruben23Kobaz: aprticular like the recordings..?
16:58.26DagMollerp3nguin, extension.ael when parsed, auto generate a lot of NoOp
16:58.40p3nguindagmoller: Rewrite the dial plan to have less.
16:58.47Kobazcoppice: headers tell you information about the packet... the media gives you a chunk of audio
16:58.47[TK]D-FenderRTP = (9.6 +20) * 23 = 680.8kbps
16:58.53DagMollerp3nguin, my dialplan have no NoOp messagens
16:59.17[TK]D-FenderDagMoller, Yes, AEL parses out to bloated standard dialplan logic.
16:59.18p3nguindagmoller: Then your question and statement do not correlate.
16:59.23Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah, like i said before, savings on the WAN is great, but for lan it won't make a big impact, unless your switches are overloaded
16:59.24[TK]D-FenderDagMoller, Expect waste & filler
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16:59.37p3nguindoes not use AEL.
16:59.42[TK]D-FenderKobaz, Yeah, on a LAN, who cares .... but that isn't everybody... and this IS a big number
17:00.03Kobazyeah i was talking about the end-result on a lan is minimal unless you have a crappy network
17:00.08DagMollerp3nguin, -- Executing [99RECEPCAO@CF-Local:25] NoOp("DAHDI/31-1", "Finish if_if_CF-Local_795_796") in new stack
17:00.10coppiceKobaz: its all part of the media packets
17:00.22Kobazcoppice: media packets.. not media payload
17:00.36Kobazcoppice: media payload is media payload, it needs to get from A to B anyway
17:00.43Kobazcoppice: you can't get any savings there
17:00.54DagMollerp3nguin, this is auto generated by ael parser
17:01.10Kobazif you want a smaller media payload, use a different codec, using iax2 trunking wont help you there
17:01.34[TK]D-Fender<DagMoller> there is a way to remove a lot of useless "NoOp" messages produced by AEL extensions? <- go change the AEL parser.
17:01.34coppiceKobaz: you seem to be working hard to score idiot points
17:02.05Kobazcoppice: i'm trying to clarify your understanding of what iax trunking actually does
17:02.34Kobazand you are fighting me on it... so.  I'll just let you continue in ignorance
17:02.44coppice[TK]D-Fender: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing :-)
17:03.03Kobazapparently so
17:03.16[TK]D-Fendercoppice, so is "none" and "lots".  Depends whose HANDS ;)
17:04.16Kobazwhat fender is saying and what I'm saying go hand in hand... fender pasted out the bandwidth savings by reducing header size (not reducing media side)
17:04.51*** part/#asterisk ipiera (
17:04.54[TK]D-FenderKobaz, And you missed my point that showing what I did was to show the SIGNIFANCE of the the savings as a measure of % waste.
17:05.03[TK]D-FenderKobaz, Which is why I chose the payload I did
17:05.23[TK]D-FenderKobaz, Because that ration of 9.6/20 is a lot more obvious than 64/20
17:05.50p3nguin9.6 is g729?
17:05.54[TK]D-FenderYou decided to go fucknuts on my choice of codec :p
17:05.55[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Yes
17:07.18Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: okay... that was a good choice for showing signifigance
17:07.28[TK]D-FenderQwell, Go pummel your G100/G200 devs into adding IAX2 support!
17:07.44QwellG what now?
17:07.51coppice[Tk]D-Fender: did you know the guy that came up with RTP and SIP is now the CTO of the FCC? sad, huh?
17:08.45[TK]D-FenderQwell, Your new gateways
17:09.00QwellYou know, I'd never actually seen those model numbers before...
17:09.44coppiceI guess they're called 100 and 200 because they don't have 100 or 200 channels :-\
17:09.48[TK]D-Fendercoppice, I know SIP is too loose a protocol.. not sure on the judgements around RTp itself though... but yeah it doesn't scream "standards" to me... even if everyone claims to "support" them
17:10.01Kobazhah, sip.... standards
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17:14.01coppice[TK]D-Fender: its not so much loose as misguided. "H.323 is complex. We can do something simpler.". Now H.323 is looking real simple :-)
17:14.23coppiceit is pretty vague, though
17:14.45coppiceSDP is particularly nasty
17:15.29[TK]D-Fendercoppice, What little I'd read on it was that it was a  fairly close direct translation of existing TDM protocols which meant that it should be easy to take in a traditional circuit and get most of the sme functionality out of it...
17:15.56[TK]D-FenderQ.931 I think was one of the related #'s
17:16.41coppiceH.323 is pretty much a respin of ISDN. It has a 100 years of thinking about call making built into it
17:18.11Naikroveki remember having an ISDN line in my house, and an account at the local ISDN ISP.  holy lord that sucked
17:18.41dougisdn, kick ass.
17:19.06doughm, h.323 might be like ISDN in that they are both used for video
17:19.09Naikrovekit worked great but it was slow at the time.  hard for me to change my perspective to how slow things were then
17:19.18dougwhich is like saying ice cream is like broccoli because they are both for eating
17:19.20Kobaza whole 128kbit of data, it was great
17:19.34Kobazlightning fast
17:19.45coppiceH.323 is like ISDN, because much of the specs is common to both
17:19.48Naikrovek14.4kb/s download.  i remember being flabberghasted by such a high speed
17:19.55[TK]D-FenderI miss the days of being able to whistle up a 300 baud carrier ;)
17:20.01Naikroveki don't
17:20.46dougi think h.323 takes some hints from ISDN, but ISDN is way more than just a way to transmit video
17:21.11Naikroveki think that's what he's saying
17:21.11dougi guess it's like comparing ice cream and a corral full of steer
17:21.38Naikrovekisdn is still in very high use today
17:21.50Naikrovekradio and voice over industries rely on it heavily
17:21.51coppicedoug: why the fascination with video? very little H.323 or ISDN carries video
17:21.52[TK]D-Fenderyeah .. in PRI form ;)
17:23.14dougpri on the desktop
17:23.52doughuh, guess i haven't used h.323 outside of a video context
17:24.41coppicethe H.323 message and the ISDN messages are essentially the same. The call model is exactly the same
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17:30.45jeffspeffdoes confbridge support kicking a specific user from an active conference?
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17:31.08Qwelljeffspeff: In Asterisk 10, confbridge is feature-compatible with meetme.
17:31.22Qwell(for features that anybody cared about)
17:31.38jeffspeffi'll alter my google search then. thanks.
17:31.45infobotsomebody said asteriskwiki was
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17:34.21jeffspeffQwell, i'm seeing the CLI command for it, is there any way to make it more end-user friendly in an admin menu?
17:43.12shinao1hi guys please i have a problem with a dundi+iax2 trunk network.. im trying to do a dundi lookup and it complains of LAGGED connections and wont search. Is there a way to make dundi/iax2 ignore the latencies, and what is the maximum latency they'll suffer before breaking up?
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19:02.01philipp64|laptopis there a way to configure a dialplan (in sip.conf and extensions.conf) for an OPTIONS message I'm getting? my peer Taqua is sending me a "sip:ping@my.ip.add.ress"  as the To: field...
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19:08.07[TK]D-Fenderphilipp64|laptop, The only thing I ever heard for this is if there is a match it doesn't respond 404... but it still doesn't "do" anything.
19:08.17[TK]D-Fenderphilipp64|laptop, What are you trying to accomplish?
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19:19.09philipp64|laptop[TK]D-Fender: trying to get my Asterisk box to stop sending 404's to the other guy (the Taqua) and send 200 OK instead.
19:19.34[TK]D-Fendermake an estension to match their inbound request
19:19.52[TK]D-FenderIt won't actually "execute", it'll supposedly just allow it to respond OK
19:19.57philipp64|laptopI've set my default context to INVALID so that my box can't be used to pirate my service from random SIP attacks out there.
19:20.19philipp64|laptopso I'm getting a message about "no extension 's' found in context INVALID"
19:21.33anonymouz666s,1,Noop - would solve your problem
19:22.00philipp64|laptopit might also make me open to people placing random outbound calls.
19:24.54philipp64|laptoptoo bad there isn't a "optionscontext" like there's a regcontext and a subscribecontext.
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19:36.12leifmadsenphilipp64|laptop: whatever context the options hit should be considered publicly accessible anyways, which means you need to secure it like any other public facing interface. Also I don't see how s,1,NoOp() makes open to anyone placing calls
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19:42.39[TK]D-Fender<philipp64|laptop> it might also make me open to people placing random outbound calls. <- only if you put very unintelligent dialplan in there.
19:45.25philipp64|laptopOk, so my default context is INVALID and I have:
19:45.30philipp64|laptopexten => s,1,Noop(INVALID)
19:46.00philipp64|laptopthere's hopefully no way to place an outgoing call.
19:46.21philipp64|laptopI suppose I could put a Hangup() instead...
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19:52.25[TK]D-Fenderphilipp64|laptop,  "hopefully"?  This is your context.  Did you put anything else in there?
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19:58.41philipp64|laptopnope, just that.
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19:58.57philipp64|laptopI'm just use to hackers being able to find arcane exploits regularly.
19:59.23anonymouz666named was the paradise for script kiddies
19:59.36anonymouz666every night, a new bash#
20:00.59anonymouz666"0-day exploit"
20:03.17anonymouz666Ahh I just remembered the e-zine called phrack
20:03.31anonymouz666don't know if still exist
20:03.45philipp64|laptopphp and HPOV still give me night sweats.
20:04.05philipp64|laptopHP OpenView.
20:04.49anonymouz666isn't this software that costs tons of money?
20:06.45anonymouz666replace it with bigbrother or nagios :-P
20:09.27teratomathey bought openview for 1.5 billion, it must be awesome
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20:33.48coppiceproduct names beginning with open are so last century
20:40.13anonymouz666openfax for asterisk
20:41.13coppiceI registered in the last century. after several years HP's lawyers asked for it
20:41.35anonymouz666did you sell ?
20:42.12coppiceyes, because it was now this century and opencall seemed ancient :-)
20:43.04philipp64|laptopuntil it comes into retro style, then it will be "reopen"...
20:44.36coppicetheir opencall product had such a low profile when I registered that googling opencall only trawled talent agency links, and was a talent agency site
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21:32.52krotoshi guy! Someon of you use iperf for testing connection / measure jitter etc?
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