IRC log for #asterisk on 20120420

00:13.29*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (~doug@pdpc/supporter/student/thecardsmith)
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00:35.00*** join/#asterisk AgroTemp (
00:35.18AgroTempIf I receive a sound input through AGI, is there an easy way to get the tone frequency?
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01:05.44*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (~buggeroff@
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01:06.30metabsdAnyone have probleme with meet-me + asterisk 1.8.11 + freepbx 2.10 ?
01:06.48metabsdwhen i page someone sometime the channel dont close
01:08.43*** join/#asterisk radic (
01:19.17metabsdanyone can help me ?
01:26.45*** join/#asterisk voipnation (18b2d41a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:28.09voipnationDoes anyone have any idea the comparison of FFA vs Spandsp in terms of reliability goes?
01:30.44voipnationI am running Asterisk 1.8.4 on a Dual, Quad Core Xeon 3.0 if that helps. I just need to find a setup that will be as compatible as possible with most fax providers.
01:43.48*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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02:01.42*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
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07:13.13*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
07:16.43jww_Hello everyone.
07:17.07jww_if anybody have any experience with using a2billing with asterisk, I'll very glad to hear about it.
07:17.28jww_I'm tryin to setup it, but there is few documentation, and I'm a noob.
07:33.34*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
08:05.10*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
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08:46.19*** join/#asterisk PBXman (c335d9a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:49.21*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (3afc49a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:55.35BeeBuuis there a limit on ami login? I want to write a programm that make multi connect to AMI in a same time.
09:02.19kaldemarBeeBuu: using the same credentials?
09:03.57*** join/#asterisk brdude (
09:04.07BeeBuukaldemar: same user
09:04.31BeeBuuand same password
09:05.22BeeBuusocket multi-thread
09:05.29kaldemarBeeBuu: just make sure you don't have allowmultiplelogin=no in manager.conf.
09:06.31BeeBuukaldemar: i make sure there isn't
09:08.18*** join/#asterisk hariom (~hariom@
09:09.13hariomI am using no-ip service to connect a sip softphone to the asterisk running on my system. Can anybody guide me how to achieve that?
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09:12.26BeeBuukaldemar: is there any limit on it?
09:12.43BeeBuuor anyone tell me please?
09:14.59hariomwhat entries are required for allowing my asterisk system to accept calls from remote host name?
09:15.30bulkorokhi... I have segfaults. I have coredumps and gdb... can anyone help to "read" the output, or should I just put it in
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09:17.23kaldemarhariom: what calls?
09:17.35kaldemarBeeBuu: doubt it. test and see.
09:18.42hariomkaldemar: I am testing to call from a sip softphone installed on Windows machine to a asterisk machine installed on Linux. I am using so that I can ask my friends to try the sample application I have. What settings I need to do in sip.conf?
09:19.10hariomkaldemar: friends staying in different cities.
09:21.06kaldemarhariom: depends on your network setup and what you want to offer to your friends.
09:21.35hariomkaldemar: basically I want to allow my fiends to be able to dial into my asterisk system and listen the hello-world message.
09:22.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
09:22.44BeeBuukaldemar: no any document about that?
09:23.00kaldemarBeeBuu: about what?
09:23.57kaldemarBeeBuu: if the connections were limited by asterisk, it would be the first unconfigurable software limit i've ever come across with asterisk.
09:24.18hariomkaldemar: How to setup? Can you suggest the chapter number ?
09:26.24kaldemarif nat is involved on asterisk's or the client's end, see this:
09:26.29infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
09:26.39BeeBuukaldemar: thanks. maybe i test that myself
09:43.05hariomDoes anybody has experience of using no-ip or dydns like service to redirect softphone incoming request to the asterisk system?
09:46.48*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
09:52.56*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:53.22kaldemarBeeBuu: just out of curiosity, my test asterisk started to choke on too many open files around 9XX manager connections.
09:53.52Chainsawkaldemar: Sounds like the 1024 FD limit to me.
09:54.05kaldemarChainsaw: and that it was.
09:54.27Chainsawkaldemar: I think I have mine set to 4096.
09:54.41kaldemarthe point being that "many" conncetions are not an issue. :)
10:01.44Chainsawkaldemar: Oh don't mind me, I only fell into the conversation halfway.
10:22.41*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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10:57.11*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
11:07.52*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
11:07.56[sr]WIMPy: howdy
11:08.15WIMPyHi [sr]
11:08.22[sr]were u on vacation? :p
11:08.39WIMPyLast month.
11:08.48WIMPySpecial vacation.
11:09.19[sr]i see
11:09.32[sr]home it was something good at least
11:10.22WIMPySomehow. I found out some things and lost 5kg.
11:11.14[sr]well, dont need to say anything more, i may guess what you are trying to say
11:12.22WIMPySo how's things going in your area?
11:12.57[sr]portugal? not so good...
11:13.27[sr]seems to be a sinking boat
11:14.31WIMPySo just like everywhere, I guess.
11:15.03WIMPyDo you have a Pirate Party in PT?
11:15.18[sr]what is that?
11:15.31[sr]not familiar with that name
11:17.03[sr]oh i get it
11:17.18[sr]we do have something like that, but it's almost unspoken
11:20.27WIMPyPP is becoming very popular in DE. 9% and 7% in the last land elections and predictions of 13% for the nation wide elections next year.
11:21.48*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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11:41.22[sr]WIMPy: in here i guess won't be even 1%
11:41.28*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
11:42.20*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
11:50.07jww_good afternoon #asterisk.
11:50.20jww_does anybody every heard about a2billing, exept from me ? :)
11:52.15WIMPyYes, but that's the whole story already.
11:53.27jww_doh :\
11:54.32WIMPyBut you know, there's that thing about
11:54.37infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
11:55.12jww_I tried to be a lot more precise when I asked first. but it was days ago.
11:55.30jww_so I became more generic days on days ;)
11:55.46jww_still I'll rephrase.
11:57.14*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
11:57.29*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
11:59.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:00.02jww_I have troubles with asterisk 1.8 and a2billing 1.9.4 . when I add users in a2billing and generate the additional sip conf file, this one is empty and when a call come it's dropped.
12:01.14[TK]D-Fenderjww_, a2billing isn't supported here.
12:02.00jww_do you know where I could ask questions about it ?
12:02.22[TK]D-Fenderjww_, Go check their project page for a list of other resources; mailing lists, forums, etc
12:02.51jww_thanks for the advise.
12:11.41*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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12:33.24aberriosI have a strange issue on a PRI since updating dahdi to 2.6 and * to 1.8.11. I keep getting this error: but no alarms on the cards... any ideas?
12:34.43WIMPyYou and your peer don't seem to talk the same language.
12:38.51*** join/#asterisk Li7h (
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12:51.36*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
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13:02.01*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
13:09.17aberriosWIMPy: langue=signalling type?
13:10.40*** join/#asterisk wudles (
13:13.07aberriosthis has only started since upgrading to 1.8 and dahdi 2.6
14:01.31*** join/#asterisk infobot (
14:01.31*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.3.0 (2012/03/29), (2012/03/29), dahdi-linux 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), dahdi-tools 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
14:03.55like_a_horsebulkorok, i see in his faxout context he has "send" and "h". Which would apply when the call file is read? Is it both?
14:04.51bulkoroklike_a_horse: when the fax is sent, the call will be hungup. The the h-extension can be used to get the FAXOPT data
14:05.12bulkoroksend is for sending, h for getting the status after sending...
14:05.38like_a_horseok bril - i'll tinker a bit
14:06.37asilvaHey, Little Help. After upgrading my asterisk from to when a call is picked up(using builtin asterisk feature) the phone where the call got picked up is not showing the missing call anymore, any thoughts ?
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14:23.14asilvaanyone ?
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14:30.51asilvahello, anyone alive here able to help me out ?
14:31.07*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
14:31.31blitzrageasilva: revert back and see if the change is caused by asterisk -- if so, then start stepping through and try to narrow down which commit broke it, and then report it
14:31.53aberrioshow do i change which span is master for timing in dahdi?
14:32.59WIMPyasilva: Maybe you should reprhrase your statement. I don't understand the isse.
14:34.24WIMPyaberrios: The 2nd parameter of span=.
14:35.02asilvaWIMPy: Example: A call to B and C pickup de call from builtin asterisk feature, in B should be a message saying missing call N and that is no longer hapenning after upgrade from to
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14:35.25blitzrageasilva: that is a function of the phone to determine whether to display a missed call or not
14:35.40WIMPyasilva: Why should b show a missed call when it wasn't missed?
14:35.44blitzrageand that
14:35.53blitzragethe functionality as it is happening now is what I would expect
14:35.54asilvablitzrage: i'm doing the version checking as you suggested. nothing on the phone has changed.
14:36.12blitzragehonestly the way it worked before in sounds like a bug
14:36.13asilvaWIMPy: before the upgrade i was showing.
14:36.20blitzragewhat you're experiencing now sounds liek the correct behaviour
14:36.38asilvaI thought so too, just trying to figure it out what to say to users here!!!
14:36.40WIMPyasilva: Sounds like a bug having been fixed to me.
14:36.49blitzrageWIMPy: same
14:36.57blitzrageasilva: tell them it was broken before and now it is fixed
14:37.15blitzragea picked up call is not missed
14:37.17blitzrageit was answered
14:37.34asilvablitzrage: yeah.. just going to determine which version whas changed and which files got changed so i can understand better what happened before and what is happening now!
14:37.49blitzragelook for changes to either chan_sip or features.c
14:37.56blitzrageif you want to narrow it down
14:38.07blitzragelook at the commit logs to see if you see anything that makes sense
14:38.13blitzragethen try before and after the commit
14:38.36asilvai did.. could find the exaclty information .. let me narrow down the versions so i can look again!
14:38.45WIMPyIIRC there's an option to Dial() to always tell the call was missed. But I don;t know if that would work with features.
14:42.34biberaoinstead of a fxs or fxo cant i use a normal modem?
14:43.00WIMPybiberao: You don't want to.
14:43.10RZeroHi, I have set up that goes like this Incoming call -> Asterisk -> sip switch -> Asterisk-Dahdi -> ISDN  , Im getting DTMF issue, I can see DTMF going all the way through and looks like it being sent across the dahdi card, but the external end does not receive the DTMF, if I register myself on the asterisk and make the same call, DTMF works, I have tried dtmfmode=auto , rfc2833 and INFO but none of these work.
14:44.46*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
14:45.00biberaowhy WIMPy ?
14:45.28aberriosWIMPy: If timing is off would this cause the issue i paste binned?
14:45.41aberriosWIMPy: when i say off,... i mean its not right, i dont mean turned off
14:46.02WIMPyaberrios: No. Bad timing wil cause more trouble.
14:46.15aberriosWIMPy: like crackling lines?
14:46.23*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-bzhfcvxttawtchlf)
14:46.28aberriosWIMPy: because that is also happening
14:46.47WIMPyaberrios: Have you tried to find out when it's happening? Should be possible to find out what feature is causing it.
14:47.07WIMPyIn the worst case you would get audio issues as well, yes.
14:47.10aberriosWIMPy: it seems to be very intermittent on the E1 lines...
14:47.45WIMPyIf you have bad timing you should see HDLC abort messages.
14:48.05aberriosYes i do
14:48.17aberriosCould i set span=1,0,0?
14:48.22aberriosin system.conf
14:48.24*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
14:49.05aberriosI ahve an anoloque card in the machine and previously it seemed this was MASTER but now Span 2 on the PRI card is MASTER....
14:49.07WIMPyThat interface is connected to your telco? Is it only one interface?
14:49.26aberriostheres two E1 interfaces to two different telcos
14:49.38aberriosTheres also an anologue card installed
14:50.07WIMPyAs far as I understand, the Digium cards don't support that configuration.
14:50.50aberriosWIMPy: you mean two different telcos on one card?
14:51.12WIMPyTo have two independant timing sources, you need two cards or maybe other cards do support that configuration, but I'm not sure on that.
14:51.59aberriosI see. Could I set the Analogue card to do all the timing, I believe this is how we were previously before the dahdi upgrade
14:52.31WIMPyYou always have to use the telcos timing.
14:57.33aberriosWIMPy: its strange it all worked fine until the dahdi upgrade, even with two telcos
15:01.33WIMPyYou might want to ask Digium.
15:06.09*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:38.35*** join/#asterisk infobot (
15:38.35*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.3.0 (2012/03/29), (2012/03/29), dahdi-linux 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), dahdi-tools 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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15:42.40aberriosWIMPy, [TK]D-Fender: we've downgraded dahdi to and the crackling issues have gone it seems. still getting the paste binned errors though
15:45.03asilvablitzrage: from 1.8.8 the "problem" occurs ahahah.. trying to figure it out what change made that!!
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15:45.43WIMPyaberrios: yes, that's libpri or chan_dahdi.
15:45.52WIMPyWhat span configuration are you using now?
15:46.54asilvablitzrage: could be this - 2011-09-07 13:26 +0000 [r334682]  Stefan Schmidt <>
15:46.54asilva* main/features.c: Adding the Feature to sent a Reason Header in a
15:48.38aberrios1,1,0 and 2,2,0
15:51.03*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
15:51.47WIMPyThat would require both telcos tobe in sync.
15:52.11WIMPyI've also done that once and it worked, but you need some luck.
15:52.21WIMPyAnd you never know how long it lasts.
15:53.32aberriosWIMPy: WHy would 2.6.0 have an issue but 2.5 no?
15:58.04WIMPyIt's probably something else that goes wrong.
15:58.33WIMPyI had completely garbled audio with 2.6.0.
15:59.04WIMPyBut interestingly only after connect. Tones and announcements were clear.
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16:32.28aberriosWIMPy: how do i tell chan_dahdi to shut up with these errors, dont want it filling up the log file while its fixed.
16:33.16WIMPyFind out why they are there.
16:33.26WIMPyIt's probably somethin that can be diasbled.
16:33.46*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:33.57aberriosWIMPy: well yeah XD        but at the moment everyone's knackered and everything sounds okay so its being left until we've had a break...
16:35.44aberriosWIMPy: suppose i could just stop errors going to file in logger.conf
16:36.19WIMPyJust enable pri debug and see what's going on.
16:36.50aberriosWIMPy: its late here, its being left until after the weekend. Calls are fine.
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16:38.18sruffellaberrios: Did you always get crackling audio on all your calls with 2.6.0?
16:38.22sruffellor only on some calls?
16:38.40aberriossruffell: some, about 90%
16:39.04WIMPysruffell: Is that still open? I didn;t really look in to it.
16:39.24aberriossruffell: and only our side. Customer heard no crackling only our agents
16:39.52sruffellaberrios: And I take it was E1 spans on a dual or quad span card?
16:40.06aberriossruffell: correct. 2 E1 spans on a dual card
16:40.13aberriossruffell: digum card too
16:40.34sruffellaberrios: I bet you'll need 2.6.1.  It was tagged yesterday, and I was just waiting for a few signatures before moving it to downloads.
16:40.57Qwellcan solve that
16:41.35sruffellaberrios: Is it possible you were hitting ?
16:42.08sruffellQwell: thanks.
16:43.04sruffellWIMPy: do you have any B410P cards that you can test with BRI spans from your telco?
16:43.14WIMPyI found it interesting that it only happened after connect. That way I missed the isse at first.
16:43.33WIMPysruffell: No, only OctoBRIs.'s when the ec is enabled on the bchannel.
16:43.37Qwellaberrios: I just typed my password 14 times in a row, just for you.
16:44.04sruffellWIMPy: ok, thanks.  I was going to see if you could test something out for me but alas...
16:45.02WIMPyOnly PRI hardware from Digium.
16:45.45WIMPyAnd after I had that experience with that old HWEC module, I found out that I find the HWEC on the b410p rather useless.
16:45.52WIMPyWhy does it only do 64ms?
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16:46.17sruffellWIMPy: I don't know…and I hear what you're saying....
16:46.42sruffellWIMPy: although, the Hx8 can take a better hwec (just sayin...)
16:46.57coppicethe HWEC on the B410P is the only one that doesn't generate complaints
16:47.40sruffelldepends on your line conditions.
16:47.59coppiceBRIs don't normally encounter long echoes
16:48.26WIMPyNo, but the person you're talking to might use VOIP and exceed the 64ms.
16:48.34coppicethe EC on the BRI card is a different make, and its a lot less troublesome than the octasic ones
16:48.45WIMPyEcen the 128ms ones fail regularly :-(
16:49.03aberriossruffell: it could be that issue, he describes a loud noise where we would describe it as crackling,, like the static mentioned in the thread
16:49.09sruffellBut I haven't heard any complains against the VPMADT032 since 1.25 firmware (DAHD-Linux 2.4.0) nor the VPMOCT032 released in DAHDI-Linux 2.5.0
16:49.16coppicethe far end using VoIP is irrelevant. If they don't keep their echo off the PSTN, there is generally little you can do about it
16:49.53aberriosQwell: whoop
16:50.10coppicethe octasic ecs, both on digium and sangoma cards, cause a lot of people problems, like screwing up DTMF that's passing through the card to an IVR
16:50.19WIMPyIf you touself use non-local VOIP phones, you're also most likely exceeding 54ms.
16:50.40*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
16:50.50sruffellaberrios: ok..2.6.1 will be on the downloads later today……so when you pick that up again, feel free to update (and sorry about that…it was my mistake…I do appreciate when people update to the latest and feel bad when I make trouble for them)
16:50.53WIMPyMight be a point for SWEC. It's easier to replace.
16:50.57WIMPyAnd a lot cheaper, off course.
16:50.58coppicedomestic lines do not encounter long echoes. you needs to be treated as a telco to see a long echo
16:52.09aberriossruffell: No worries, we spend quite a bit of time trying to get it working assuming it was some other hardware that was in the call route. But eventually just decided to downgrade again,,, in retrospect probably should have downgraded straight away lol.
16:52.43WIMPyIn theory it shouldn't matter as conversation it disturbed by the delay as well, but unfortunately it's todays reality we have to live with :-(
16:53.57WIMPysruffell: On aberrios' topic: Can you give a definite asnwer if it's possible to have multiple clock sources on one card?
16:54.40sruffellWIMPy: no, you cannot
16:55.24aberriosWIMPy: well thats that then =D
16:55.26sruffellIf you need to recover clock from two different spans (i.e, you have two providers who aren't using a synched clock) you will have timing problems on the span that isn't recovering the clock for the entire card.
16:55.26WIMPyOk, so now I know for sure instead of prety sure.
16:56.00sruffellaberrios: are you in Brazil?
16:56.02WIMPyYes, unfortunately I'd call that the standard situation.
16:56.09aberriosIt seems to work with Virgin Media provided E1 and BT provided E1,,,so they must be synced..... no sruffell ,, UK
16:56.33sruffellmost providers *should* be syncing their clocks from their master….it's only when they don't do that where I've seen problems.
16:57.37aberrioswell folks I gotta scram. Thanks for all your input and help. Just have to solve this chan_dahdi Error that keeps popping up sometime.
16:59.05coppiceaberrios: even if the operators don't sync properly, their own timing should be derived from an atomic clock
16:59.32aberriosif anyone wants to look at it, (for whatever crazy reason) I paste binned it here:
16:59.54aberriosand thats the BT E1 span
17:00.17WIMPyaberrios: That's not saying much without a pri debug.
17:00.32aberriosWIMPy: righto, well I'll grab some debug next week.
17:00.42aberriosk. Im off... had no lunch :( and its tea time!
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17:08.48WIMPysruffell: Are you into the documentation?
17:08.55WIMPyOr manual to be precise.
17:09.30sruffellnot really…but I have it on my todo list to flesh out a DAHDI section on
17:10.02WIMPyThat would be a very good idea.
17:10.31WIMPyJust came across a little misnomer in the Hx8 manual.
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17:11.14sruffellif you email it to me, I'll find out who the right person to forward it to is, and then do so...
17:12.00sruffellor if it's can just tell me here. :
17:12.09sruffelland save opening up your mail client.
17:12.36WIMPyActually I'm not sure what's going on there. I think I better finish reading first.
17:12.58WIMPyBut I read 8 ports an see 7 on the picture.
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17:15.55WIMPyOk, the ports are called RJ-11, but they must have 4 conductors obviousely. So are they 4P4C or 6P4C?
17:18.09QwellWIMPy: The 8th port is hidden under the metal
17:18.17QwellI think.
17:18.19WIMPyBut at least the chapter on termination is correct, which wasn;t the case in the b410p manual.
17:18.26malcolmdwell..that's not entirely true...there are 6 positions and there are 6 contacts in the jack itself, but only 4 of those contacts are actually wired to anything on the card
17:19.38WIMPyOh. Page 59 talks about a "delta channel". That should surely be "data channel".
17:19.54malcolmddelta channel is actually fine terminology
17:20.17WIMPyDelta between what?
17:21.36sruffell...or is it phonetic for 'D'? as opposed to greek delta?
17:22.19malcolmdin that case, the bearer channels would be bravo channels, but they're not, they're bearers
17:22.31sruffellworth a try. :)
17:22.36WIMPyI have seen "delat" befor, but not in any place I'd trust.
17:22.53WIMPybad typing :-(
17:23.17WIMPyBut the echo channel would fit that idea :-)
17:23.25Qwellmalcolmd: What do they bear?
17:23.35malcolmdQwell: burdens :(
17:26.17WIMPyStill no power supply :-(
17:42.25adeel|workif i have a realtime peer, can i override a single SIP value via a flat file?
17:43.02[TK]D-Fenderadeel|work, no
17:55.42seanbrightwould anyone know the per-interaction or per-minute cost for lumenvox's usage-based licensing?
17:57.24paulcI don't, but I'd be interested in the answer too..
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18:15.18_Corey_seanbright: Good luck, Lumenvox sales has been a blackhole for a while
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18:18.50pabelanger_Corey_: fun thing you say that, I had a friend ask me about Lumenvox the other day, never used them but told him they sound like an okay company
18:18.54pabelangerI might have to update him
18:19.22_Corey_Well, they've had an ASR product and excellent Asterisk support for years
18:19.51_Corey_Sometime last fall, they fired a bunch of people and I got this weird e-mail from their CEO and Chairman saying he was my new account rep
18:20.06_Corey_I've been waiting on pricing for something now for like 3 weeks
18:20.13_Corey_so, it's a mystery
18:20.21pabelangerya, that doesn't sound good
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18:26.30jayteeGod I hate AT&T customer service. It's such an oxymoron.
18:29.21keiths_I hope AT&T is better to deal with then the Canadian providers :)
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18:32.57FLeiXiuSIs it possible to originate a call through AMI using an extension that starts with 0?
18:34.12FLeiXiuSIt appears to be getting ripped off every time I try.
18:34.29WIMPyWhy should that matter?
18:35.08FLeiXiuSI didnt think it did.
18:35.24WIMPyI'm certain it doesn't.
18:36.22seanbright_Corey_: yeah... just got off the phone... pretty awful
18:37.51seanbrightthey claim to have usage-based and burst licensing, but he can't tell me how much those cost??
18:37.54seanbrightoh well
18:38.40blitzrage_Corey_: ya someone I know who has worked there for years recently left(?) and started another voice related business
18:38.55*** topic/#asterisk by sruffell -> #asterisk he Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.3.0 (2012/03/29), (2012/03/29), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
18:40.58_Corey_blitzrage: I think something financial (and significant) must have happened...  I've heard of other turnover like that after the firings in the fall
18:41.08g_r_eekany freelancer in here that can code a 4 question survey dialer?
18:41.22blitzrage_Corey_: ya not sure what happened... but seems like a major malfunction :)
18:41.24_Corey_eh, we'll see...  too bad there aren't a lot of other options on the ASR side
18:42.08blitzrageunless you want to screw with PocketSphinx
18:42.11_Corey_g_r_eek: Send me a PM, we do that sort of thing
18:42.22_Corey_blitzrage: gah, don't get me going on Sphinx
18:43.05blitzrage_Corey_: I promise nothing
18:43.35_Corey_Maybe it's improved... it's been a few years since I messed with it
18:43.49blitzrageya I tried for about an hour and threw it away because I didn't have anyone who needed it
18:45.48_Corey_It's hard to sell speech recognition...  I can't give it away sometimes
18:46.07coppiceTTS and ASR companies have never shown much stability
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18:46.50_Corey_Nuance seems to be doing just fine
18:47.28coppicebut nuance is the amalgamation of many ASR and TTS companies that were sold to nuance for fire sale prices
18:48.24_Corey_true enough... exception that proves the rule i guess
18:48.58coppicelumenvox were very uncooperative for a new player in the market
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19:36.36aviationprinc3ssHey guys, would anyone know how Asterisk selects a channel to dial out on?
19:37.03WIMPyYes, your dialplan.
19:37.24WIMPyThe explanation is at the top of the sample extensons.conf.
19:38.40aviationprinc3ssWell, I've defined a group in extensions.conf
19:39.08aviationprinc3ssAnd I've got 4 licensed channels for faxing.
19:39.13aviationprinc3ssIt always chooses to dial out on the highest numbered port
19:39.36aviationprinc3ssAnd doesn't seem to make much use of the other three.
19:39.38WIMPyPort of what?
19:39.58WIMPyAnd why is that bad?
19:40.10aviationprinc3ssI'm using 4-port Analog
19:40.36WIMPySee the options g, G, r, and R.
19:41.00WIMPyBut it makes sense to have it do the opposite of your telco to avoid collisions.
19:43.31aviationprinc3ssAh. I forgot about those options. That explains why it's choosing the highest-numbered channel.
19:44.30aviationprinc3ssI just don't understand why when I dump say like 100 call files, 90% of the time is only using that one channel.
19:44.51aviationprinc3ssI was hoping it would use all 4 channel simultaneously
19:45.04aviationprinc3ssNot quite sure what I'm doing wrong =/
19:49.53bchiayou're using the group in the call file and not the channel?
19:50.51bchiayou could also check chan_dahdi.conf to make sure the right group is being applied to all the channels (with the syntax being 'sticky' from the top unless it's reset)
19:52.01WIMPyIt will only use the first channels if you have 4 simultaneous calls.
19:52.20WIMPyHow do you create the calls?
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19:54.57raubvogelOn op-panel, where are the passwords for voicemail defined? Are they the ones in /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf?
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19:58.15WIMPyI don't know what op-panel is, but that's where the VM passwords are stored, yes.
20:07.20raubvogelWIMPy: that would be something called flash operator panel (switchboard for asterisk). Can't find a channel for it so I am trying here
20:10.42WIMPyAh, that one. Seemt to be referred to as FOP usually.
20:10.46aviationprinc3ssbchia: Yes, I'm using G2 in the call file.
20:11.12aviationprinc3ssIn chan_dahdi.conf, I set channel to 1-4
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20:11.53aviationprinc3ssWIMPy: What do you mean by the first channels?
20:12.04aviationprinc3ssI would expect it to use 4,3,2, then 1
20:12.12aviationprinc3ssWhich is actually...what it appears to be doing
20:13.00aviationprinc3ssBut then I don't see the point in the other two channels, if they're not being used.
20:13.24raubvogelWIMPy: Aha. So, I know what the vm password is, but when I enter what is defined in voicemail.conf, I just get the login dialog box again. No error messages or anything. In fact if /var/log/op-panel/error.log, it reports nothing about my failed attempts.
20:14.06WIMPyaviationprinc3ss: It will always use the highest available channel, i.e. channel 1 would only be used if channels 2, 3 and 4 are all busy.
20:14.31raubvogelNothing in the apache error log, so I do not know what FOP is doing and why it is not letting me in.
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20:14.39WIMPyraubvogel: I'm not familiar with FOP.
20:15.08raubvogelWIMPy: I not either. Just hoping someone here is and can shed some light. :)
20:18.41aviationprinc3ssWIMPy: That makes sense.
20:19.29aviationprinc3ssBut if I dump 4 call files, there are only 4 channels, shouldn't it try to use all 4?
20:19.34WIMPyaviationprinc3ss: If you want to use them one-by-one, use r/R instead of g/G, but as explained earlier, you probably don't want to.
20:22.19aviationprinc3ssOk. I guess my issue with it, is that it's doing each job one roughly one minute later.
20:22.35aviationprinc3ss(As opposed to simultaneous)
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20:22.46WIMPySo it just doesn't have that much to do.
20:23.52raubvogelOn an unrelated note (diff setup altogether), what would be the best way to move from trixbox to asterisknow? Assuming you have them installed on different machines, can you export/move the configs and data (voicemail) between both?
20:24.04Qwellraubvogel: Reinstall.
20:24.12Qwelltrixbox is not compatible with anything, including itself.
20:24.32raubvogelQwell: nice to know. Any way I can at least save the voicemails?
20:24.46raubvogelEverything else I do not mind doing
20:25.09raubvogelQwell: and that is the reason I want to leave trixbox
20:30.04Qwellraubvogel: You can basically copy /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/
20:30.28raubvogelQwell: Nice
20:30.42aviationprinc3ssWIMPy: Thanks, I think I'll play around with the round-robin approach for now :]
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20:44.13nicola_pavhello. I am facing random call hangups
20:44.21nicola_pavi have a digium pri card
20:44.37nicola_pavcalls get connected well but randomly, the disconnect
20:44.45nicola_pavi have enabled pri debug span
20:45.01nicola_pavbut I can't read it well
20:45.18WIMPypastebin it.
20:48.15nicola_pavhere is the call flow:
20:48.59blitzrage_Corey_: back to speech recognition stuff, I've been using the speech-to-text feature on my android phone a lot lately
20:50.34_Corey_blitzrage: I presume that'd be using Google's engine?
20:50.44WIMPynicola_pav: Nothing wrong there. The call seems to be ended by the SIP side.
20:50.45blitzrage_Corey_: indeed
20:50.49blitzrageor so I assume
20:50.58blitzrageit's built into android so I imagine so
20:51.23_Corey_I'm generally happy with google's solution though the accuracy is sometimes laughably bad
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20:51.48_Corey_It's on my list to do some testing with Twilio's voice to text thing
20:52.16nicola_pavWIMPy: thank u. anything else I can do to debug it deeper?
20:52.37WIMPysip debug.
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21:01.32nicola_pavWIMPy: is this normal: q931_disconnect: Call xxxxx enters state 11 (Disconnect Request)?
21:02.16WIMPythat's while it's disconnecting.
21:03.33nicola_pavso next step is sip debug or even wireshark?
21:04.54WIMPysip debug should be good enough.
21:05.18WIMPyOr maybe you can even turn up more debug.
21:05.47nicola_pavlike what?
21:06.04WIMPycore set debug 9
21:07.18nicola_pavok, thanks for the tips, i will do it and see
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21:10.09seanbright_Corey_: any idea what licensing for nuance's speech server looks like?
21:10.35_Corey_seanbright: Expensive is about all I could tell you... :)
21:10.45seanbrighthigher than lumenvox?
21:11.06seanbrightcaptive audience i guess
21:12.21_Corey_Their customers for their speech platform are Fortune 100 companies, so they price things as such
21:12.37seanbrighti want bank of america's VR
21:12.46seanbrightthat's the best i have dealt with as a user
21:12.47_Corey_It's probably nuance
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23:45.04pabelangerflowroute question, how are peeps doing multiple registrations to flowroute?  I can't figure out how to setup more then 1 SIP registration
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