IRC log for #asterisk on 20120417

00:01.46Captain_Protonok let me take another look
00:08.37*** join/#asterisk shadebob (29cdd59e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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00:28.22mick_laptopanyone know if you can repurpose old vonage phones as general purpose sip devices?
00:35.32p3nguinOnly if they are or can be unlocked.
00:41.49*** join/#asterisk gusto (
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01:19.52mick_laptopmeh doesn't look like it
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01:46.07Captain_Protonp3nguin, thanks for your help I figure it out. wow that kicked my ass
01:51.28*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (
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02:50.04*** join/#asterisk Sophira (~sophie@
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02:53.12radenhow can i debug a call
02:54.42p3nguinWhich channel technology?
02:56.00radenasterisk SIP
02:56.04radeni got it
02:56.06*** join/#asterisk DACRepair (
02:56.42DACRepairHey so Im having some issues getting outbound calls working with an sip trunk
02:57.01DACRepairasterisk is kinda new to me so i have no clue where to begin
02:59.17radenis there a reason asterisk needs to register with vitelity like every 5 seconds ?
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03:41.23p3nguindacrepair: SIP doesn't trunk.
03:43.00p3nguinraden: I think every five seconds would be a bit too often, but every 120 might be reasonable.
03:43.46radenp3nguin, where do you set the inverval  ?
03:44.02radenhas about had it with phones today :(
03:44.51*** join/#asterisk TheMan (
03:45.39p3nguinI'd guess the registertimeout setting in sip.conf could have an effect on it.
03:45.53p3nguinWait, maybe it doesn't.
03:46.11p3nguinThat value probably only makes it try when it hasn't registered successfully.
03:46.44DACRepairim using freepbx to configure asterisk atm
03:46.49infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
03:47.14*** join/#asterisk TheMan (
03:48.26kaldemarraden: either you have set it in the register statement or the expiry time comes from vitality.
03:50.07kaldemarraden: are they really REGISTER messages you see and are the registrations successful?
03:50.27radenthe reguistration is successful
03:50.35radenbut keeps destroying and rerregistering
03:50.48[TK]D-FenderDACRepair: I've already answereed you in #freepbx
03:52.30p3nguinTurn off sip debug if you don't want the noise.
03:53.58DACRepairoh i didnt even notice lol
04:06.33radeni have my ports forwarded on my router to my phone but asterisk is selecting a different address ?
04:07.18p3nguinYou don't forward ports to phones.
04:08.32radenalways have in the past and never had a issue
04:08.54p3nguinThen you've been doing it wrong in the past.
04:09.08radenjust leave the phones as nat and leave it at that ?
04:09.31p3nguinIf they are behind NAT, then yes, they need to be set with nat enabled.
04:09.37*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
04:26.53radenp3nguin, my asterisk box is behind a 1 to 1 NAT   external IP gets forwarded directly to internal should nat in general be yes or no ?
04:27.36p3nguinIf it is using a private address when the outside of the nat has a public address, I would set nat to yes.
04:28.18radenstupid phone will register to my one asterisk server at one office but not the other :(
04:30.52radeni accidentially typed in the wrong IP address in my phone .75 instead of .78 and it showed up on my screen
04:31.11radenthat registration failed :(
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05:38.45radenanyone have asterisk behind a static one to one nat  ?
05:39.19infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
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05:54.26*** join/#asterisk ayrus (~ayrus@unaffiliated/ayrus)
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06:00.55ayrusHi. I have installed asterisk on my server. Now what i need to call to other countries. I mean should i now purchase DID or SIP minuites.
06:08.42*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:23.48ChannelZOk. You should do that.
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06:33.03*** join/#asterisk chris-NB (
06:34.30chris-NBI've a question concerning Call Completion Supplementary Services (ccss)
06:34.56chris-NBWhen A calls B, B is not available and A places a CallBack
06:36.02chris-NBlater, B sees, that A called him and give him a ring, after they talked, A gets a new call, the callback for B
06:37.05chris-NBbut, the just talked to each other, so the callback is unnecessary
06:37.19chris-NBanyone knows how to get round this?
06:39.51ayrusChannelZ, I want to make an outbound call then what should i buy? a sip or did?
06:40.45kaldemarayrus: those are not mutually exclusive
06:41.42ayruskaldemar, Ok. so when i buy sip trunk then i will also get DID?
06:42.22kaldemarif that's what you buy.
06:43.53kaldemarbuying a mere SIP connection somewhere without any further connectivity (=PSTN) would not make much sense.
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07:56.42jww_does somebody use a2billing ?
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08:03.35tuxx-hi guys, is it possible when monitoring a queue call, to get the filename to include the sip account that the queue has dialed?
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08:18.31din3shhi all
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09:28.53schmidtshi folks
09:37.48*** join/#asterisk Valken (
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09:40.45ValkenHi Everybody.
09:41.41ValkenAs for an IVR, I need the user to enter a 4 number code. How can I tell asterisk that once the user pressed the fourth number, it has to go further?
09:46.34*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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09:58.42*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
10:02.42SophiraIf you're using the Authenticate() application, then there's an argument available to do just that. For example, 'exten => s,1,Authenticate(1428,,4)' will tell Asterisk that the user needs to enter 1428 to continue, and to continue after the fourth number is pressed.
10:04.14SophiraOtherwise, how are you currently doing it?
10:04.54ValkenSophira: thank for the information. However these number must simply be stored in a variable that will later be sent in an agi script.
10:05.13Valkenwhich will connect to a web appliance to perform the check
10:05.30ValkenI don't know if 1428 is ok or not. I just know I need 4 numbers.
10:05.55ValkenWhich might later be 3 or 5 depending on our infrastructure.
10:07.09*** join/#asterisk polysics (
10:07.54SophiraIt looks like Read() also has a maxdigits argument.
10:08.13ValkenThank for the search.
10:08.53SophiraNo probs! Let me know if you have any issues with that, or need an example.
10:11.41ValkenPerfect. Working like a charm
10:12.14Valkendepending where the number read will be use for ivr switching, depending where sent to the agi script for application purpose.
10:13.00ValkenHow can I use the pound key. I want the user to enter a number and confirm he's finished by pressing the pound key.
10:13.03*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
10:15.09schmidtsValken the '#' is the pound key, you should have it on your phone
10:15.21Valkenyes, I know. :D
10:15.30ChainsawValken: GET_EXTEN & friends default to obeying # as "end of input", unless you specially configure them.
10:15.42Valkenah ok. Thank.
10:15.57schmidtsvalken sorry i only read your last sentence and didnt get what you want ;)
10:15.58ChainsawValken: The main thing is to ask for more input. So if you expect 4, ask for say... 6. That way it will wait for the #
10:16.04Valkenyes indeed. ;)
10:16.20schmidtsChainsaw isnt it Read_Exten not Get_Exten?
10:16.23ChainsawValken: (Otherwise, if you ask for 4, and they give you 4, the command will return without waiting)
10:16.30Chainsawschmidts: Possibly.
10:16.38Chainsawschmidts: I don't have an Asterisk terminal open at this time.
10:16.55schmidtsChainsaw its ReadExten to be precise ;)
10:16.57ValkenReadExten in fact
10:17.12schmidtsand it should need the # at the end: [Description]
10:17.12schmidtsReads a '#' terminated string of digits from the user into the given variable.
10:17.12schmidtsWill set READEXTENSTATUS on exit with one of the following statuses:
10:17.15Chainsawschmidts: That's great, thank you for your input.
10:18.10SophiraReadExten isn't useful here though. Valken wants it in a variable.
10:18.26Chainsawtransfers the call to Sophira
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10:20.17SophiraOh, I suppose ReadExten does put it into a variable, but only if it's a valid extension.
10:21.00schmidtsSophira and if you use a context with an extension like _X! then the extension will allways be valid ;)
10:21.52schmidtsbut the normal Read Application with maxdigits set to 0 should also work, cause you have to enter the # key to finish the entered value
10:23.26SophiraOkay. I only started using and learning Asterisk a couple of days ago, and I haven't learned about extension pattern matching yet.
10:24.04chris-NBanyone using Call Completion Supplementary Services (ccss)
10:24.24schmidtsSophira i use asterisk since 7 years and still learn something new every day :D
10:24.28ValkenPfff, grrrr. I get carzy with some aspect of conf files. ;)
10:24.35chris-NBanyone tried this? what is implemented in Asterisk 10.3
10:24.50Valkenfor instance goto can send me to another context but GotoIf doesn't seems to be able to do so.
10:25.28chris-NBValken, GotoIf can do that as well
10:25.39Valkenany clue?
10:27.14Chainsawchris-NB: The newest feature I've implemented is connected line updates.
10:27.47chris-NBValken: GotoIf($["${GOTO}" == "1"]?context,exten,1)
10:28.06chris-NBChainsaw, what is that? how do you do that?
10:28.22Chainsawchris-NB: It's caller ID "the other way".
10:28.44chris-NBChainsaw, can't follow you :/
10:28.46Chainsawchris-NB: If I place an outbound call, and the number is in the CRM, it will put the appropriate contact & company name on it.
10:28.47Valkenchris-NB: I tough we had to use goto too. :D
10:29.09Chainsawchris-NB: On an inbound call, the system will send the name of the contact, and their status. (i.e. what office they're in, and whether you're getting a live person or a voicemail box)
10:29.43chris-NBChainsaw, okay, nice feature. but doesn't have anything to do with ccss, does it?
10:29.57chris-NBValken, you'r welcome
10:30.03Chainsawchris-NB: No, but I dislike this deafening silence after someone asks a question. Just making conversation.
10:30.07*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
10:30.21chris-NBChainsaw, *hehe, thanks :)
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10:31.12chris-NBChainsaw, I got ccss working, but I've one situation where I miss something to automatic cancel a callback
10:31.27chris-NBWhen A calls B, B is not available and A places a CallBack
10:31.47chris-NBlater, B sees, that A called him and give him a ring, after they talked, A gets a new call, the callback for B
10:31.55chris-NBbut, the just talked to each other, so the callback is unnecessary
10:32.06chris-NBand I wan't to cancel it automatic
10:32.40chris-NBwould be easy, if there is a app/function where I can check the callback/cc states
10:32.48chris-NBbut I haven't found one :/
10:35.31*** join/#asterisk attila_lendvai (~attila_le@unaffiliated/attila-lendvai/x-3126965)
10:36.04attila_lendvaihi! I can't seem to find any information on what's the situation with DUNDi on OpenWRT. it used to be available in whiterussian, but I can't find it in backfire and I failed googling around...
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10:38.55chris-NBChainsaw, connected line is an interesting feature. thanks for pointing me there :)
10:44.11ValkenAny recommendation for a load balancing system based on asterisk?
10:44.30ValkenI heard that 500 simultaneous calls is quite the maximum asterisk can support.
10:44.56*** join/#asterisk paGos (~omer@
10:46.33Sophirachris-NB: I didn't realise Asterisk could natively do callbacks. How are you doing it?
10:47.49chris-NBSophira, As of 1.8 there is this functionality:
10:48.15chris-NBSophira, works pretty good. But as I wrote, there is a drawback.
10:48.30chris-NBSophira, as far as I have seen it
10:49.27WIMPyI think it mus already be 5 years since I last saw that working.
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10:59.59ValkenHave to go for lunch. See you later.
11:05.03attila_lendvaicould someone please give me a piece of info I can follow up on about how to set up dundi in the latest openwrt? or am I looking for the wrong thing, dundi has been obsoleted by something else?
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11:41.23kjshmmm, my asterisk ring tone sounds like a US ring but I am in the UK, is there a way to change this?
11:42.06*** join/#asterisk biberao (~marco@unaffiliated/biberao)
11:42.36biberaois there a way to make asterisk to call a number i want and call me and make us talk to each other?
11:43.01leifmadsenbiberao: yes, it's done via Origination()
11:43.11leifmadsenor a callfile
11:43.21leifmadsenkjs: what technology?
11:43.55Chainsawkjs: In indications.conf, you need to specify country=uk in [general]
11:44.04biberaoleifmadsen: will it ask for any code a protection?
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11:44.14leifmadsenbiberao: you programm that in
11:44.18leifmadsenit's just dialplan
11:44.27biberaook cool i gotta try that
11:44.29leifmadsenuse Read() or something to check for a pin
11:44.34leifmadsengoes to breakfast now
11:44.48biberaoi wonder it will work with my voip router which my isp provides
11:45.00*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
11:45.16leifmadsenbiberao: is it running Asterisk... ?
11:45.29biberaomy isp's?
11:45.32biberaoi dont know
11:45.35biberaothe router isnt
11:46.19leifmadsenthen why does the router matter?
11:46.33biberaoleifmadsen: not the router itself
11:46.37biberaomy isp configuration
11:46.58biberaothey dont know i want to run that
11:47.34biberaoleifmadsen: ill try it :)
11:47.49biberaoi need to buy some connecters to split the phones
11:48.36kjsChainsaw: thank you very much :)
11:49.31kjsChainsaw: that info goes into the extension.conf - correct ?
11:49.33Chainsawkjs: Any time. Those should sound right. leifmadsen has a point, in that you should doublecheck your country setting for any analog/ISDN boards in the server.
11:49.36Chainsawkjs: No, indications.conf
11:49.55biberaoleifmadsen: what i mean is that it already comes from voip system to another
11:50.02kjsah ok, let me try
11:50.26leifmadsenbiberao: if you can place a call already, then it won't be any different whatsoever
11:51.05biberaoi havent configured yet
11:51.26biberaowill try
11:52.10biberaoleifmadsen: i have still try fax but either my printer fax doesnt work with it or my isp blocks
11:54.55kjsChainsaw: that seems to have sorted it out, sounds much better. Probably didn't help the fact the location was set to the states ;)
11:55.09*** join/#asterisk vipkilla (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/t-dot-zilla/x-2830497)
11:55.10Chainsawkjs: Indeed. If it sounds like in the movies, you're definitely on US.
11:55.50kjsclients were asking if we had gone on holiday ;)
11:56.10Chainsawkjs: I put my Polycoms on Australia once by accident. That sounds even more wrong.
11:57.08*** part/#asterisk vipkilla (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/t-dot-zilla/x-2830497)
11:58.07Chainsawkjs: But basically, you need to configure this anywhere where you generate or listen to call progress tones. So phone handsets, Asterisk itself (indications.conf, which you've now done) and DAHDI drivers for any analog/ISDN cards.
11:59.07biberaois it possible to test fax without connecting it to the phone port in the router? If its all voip already thru the router? (sorry if stupid question)
12:00.30kjsyeah, thanks - I have another problem, we have a bunch of lines here and i changed the inbound to display a name before ow it only shows the inbound trunk name on the voicmail emails. Is there a way to make it display the caller ID as well?
12:01.55Chainsawkjs: How are you getting these calls in? ISDN BRI with BT?
12:02.44kjsChainsaw: over SIP provider (gradwell).
12:02.51*** join/#asterisk Arroyo1010 (
12:02.57din3shChainsaw: should loadzone= in zaptel.conf correspond to country= in indications.conf?
12:03.16*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:03.27Chainsawdin3sh: Mine does, yes.
12:03.30Chainsawdin3sh: uk on both.
12:04.08Chainsawkjs: You probably need trustrpid=yes on the relevant SIP peer.
12:04.16Chainsawkjs: Only on the Gradwell one, mind you. Not globally.
12:04.19Arroyo1010hi guys. I'm using Asterisk 1.6 with asterisk-gui, and I'm very happy with it!. I have a question: Can anyone recommend a SIP trunking provider for these specs: 1 number/3trunks, about 7000 outbound minutes, 7000 inbound. USA and CAN only
12:04.34Arroyo10107k/7k / monthly
12:04.48Chainsawwaits for Fender to use the bot ITSP listings
12:05.24Arroyo1010We are curently using Skpye for Business/ Skype Connect, and we are not happy because they have some issues that they can't resolve
12:05.38Arroyo1010Chainsaw: oh. nice :)
12:05.43kjsChainsaw: it's setup like this currently: exten => 01225111111,3,Set(CALLERID(name)=MAIN NUMBER)
12:05.45Arroyo1010wait, too xD
12:07.15*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
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12:22.27*** part/#asterisk PBXman (c335d9a5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:24.26[TK]D-FenderArroyo1010, ...
12:24.30infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
12:24.59[TK]D-FenderArroyo1010, allows up to 5 calls at a time for their metered accounts.
12:27.31[TK]D-FenderArroyo1010, But = cheaper /min.  Perhaps the most cost-effective option will have you splitting up inbound VS outbound.  This has a benefit of not risking both if one goes down.
12:27.39[TK]D-FenderArroyo1010, Shop around a bit
12:29.03bulkorokhi... the last 2 days asterisk (compiled on Debian) segfaulted in twice a day. how can I check what was going on there?
12:32.43Arroyo1010D-Boy: thank you so much. I have benn calling various voip/sip providers, and they are usually quite expencive. I will try the solutions listed on infobot
12:37.01D-BoyArroyo1010 : you're welcome ! (you can thank who you want really to thank too :p)
12:37.01*** join/#asterisk CyfordTechnologi (
12:37.01Arroyo1010[TK]D-Fender: i wanted to thank you. D-Boy  thanks for correcting me ;)
12:37.11*** join/#asterisk SunTsu (miyamoto@unaffiliated/suntsu)
12:39.19[TK]D-FenderArroyo1010, There may some "unlimited" per-channel options that could pan out cheaper than meters as 14,000 @ $.01/min = $140
12:41.28*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:42.09Arroyo1010[TK]D-Fender: so far, the cheapes option i've found for my needs is skype that we use now. 0.008/min, free inbound... but inbound does not work properly at random times during the day. it's on their end, they confirmed. they can't resolve the issue for a month now...
12:42.29Arroyo1010the sound is excellent and oubound is flawless, though
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12:43.04Arroyo1010it comes to about 70$/month. The second cheapest solution so far is nextiva (i think)
12:43.11[TK]D-FenderWell a single account with for inbound should do it then as they'll give you 5 channels for around $10/month
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12:43.30[TK]D-FenderAnd you can keep skype for outbound, and maybe use as a failover.
12:43.40Arroyo1010[TK]D-Fender: thanks fo the tip, lemme check it out
12:43.49[TK]D-FenderAs I said, hybrid solution might be the most cost-effective
12:43.57[TK]D-FenderAnd offer some backup
12:44.04*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
12:44.08Arroyo1010awesome advice
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12:50.49playmobilHi, I'm experimenting a fixed 12 seconds delay between Dial and first ring from ITSP. What can I suggest to them for eliminate this delay ?
12:51.21Arroyo1010Ok so, If I use for inbound (transfer my DID to les), and use Skype for outbound... can I force asterisk to send my callerID as a specific number?
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12:51.44Arroyo1010when i calll someone, they would get my number
12:51.48Arroyo1010is that possible?
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12:56.10p3nguinIt sends whatever you configure it to send.
12:59.15[TK]D-FenderArroyo1010, Depends on what Skype permits.  I don't know them....
12:59.47[TK]D-Fenderplaymobil, Show us the call and tell us precisely what you're using for each leg of the call.
13:03.08infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:03.49Arroyo1010[TK]D-Fender: yeah, skype won't allow custom cid :)
13:07.31din3sh[TK]D-Fender: hi
13:07.40*** join/#asterisk RogerH (545c6276@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:07.55din3sh[TK]D-Fender: have updated the BRI gateway firmware, no luck
13:08.09[TK]D-Fenderreplace it.
13:08.18RogerHAny plans to use a new Centos kernel in Asterisk Now (2.0 beta) ISO?  The ISO I tried does not recognise my SATA CD/DVD drive and mainboard (Via Nano VE-900 ITX) has no IDE ports, only SATA
13:08.28RogerHOr is there a workaround
13:08.41din3shdebug 1.4 (working config) =
13:09.06din3shdebug 1.8 (not working) =
13:09.07leifmadsenRogerH: it's just CentOS... pretty sure you can just login and upgrade it like any other CentOS box...
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13:09.40WIMPyleifmadsen: Upgrade the CD?
13:09.51din3shRogerH: yum -y install kernel-devel
13:10.01leifmadsenWIMPy: that's not what I said
13:10.09leifmadsenalthough I didn't read "ISO" before
13:10.20leifmadsenI should really stop trying to respond to stuff before I finish my first coffee
13:10.38leifmadsenpoints RogerH at Qwell
13:10.47RogerHMy problem is first install on a new machine. Gets stuck at Unable to download kickstart file and cdrom:opt1-ks.cfg.   Elastix does same thing
13:10.59din3sh[TK]D-Fender: can you try to have a look at the debugs and see if differences
13:11.27din3shRogerH: use an extenal dvd drive
13:11.33[TK]D-Fenderdin3sh, Sorry, I've spent about as much time on that device as I care to.  This has eaten up several weeks now.
13:11.54din3shok nvm
13:12.10RogerHdin3sh: Thanks. Don't have an external drive. Will have buy one.
13:14.26RogerHThanks :-)
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13:17.12playmobil[TK]D-Fender, about delay -->
13:18.00[TK]D-Fenderplaymobil, and I asked what was on each end....
13:19.12playmobil[TK]D-Fender, I've not access to itsp system.
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13:50.49acidfoois there any known bug with attended transfer ? (features.conf, option atxfer, and Dial() with option T)
13:51.49acidfoobecause if the 'target of transfer' hangup, the other 2 (the transferer and the transferee) hangup
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13:58.49olliicould someone recommend some sip to fxs ata like grandstream gxw40xx ?
13:59.28olliiI've tried several of them...linksys pap2t, grandstream ht502/gxw4004/8/24 ... none of them are really that good
14:00.14acidfoodefine "good"
14:00.23acidfoowhat are your expectation
14:00.32[TK]D-FenderOr at least what wasn't "good" about those others
14:01.55Arroyo1010Can I register to more then one sip provider?
14:03.05Arroyo1010ollii: I don't know where you live, but we recently purchased various models of Yealink phones and we are very happy. They are chinese, but the quality is really great. If you have them in your country, at least try and see some in action.
14:03.34Arroyo1010quality: plastic, behaviour, software, menus, web administration - everything is just... right
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14:04.07[TK]D-FenderArroyo1010, Yes
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14:05.18Arroyo1010[TK]D-Fender: ty
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14:06.47ollii... wasn't clear..sorry
14:06.57olliigermany, we have tons of faxes
14:07.11anonymouz666ollii: pap2t is indeed a good FXS ata.
14:07.13olliiT.38 and stable ... thats want i need
14:07.23ollii-want +what
14:07.25Arroyo1010ollii: i'm an idiot lol. you were clear :)
14:07.44anonymouz666pap2t does not support T.38 :/
14:08.00[TK]D-Fenderollii, None of those devices suppotr T.38 AFAIK so you should expect failure, especially if you are using an ITSP that isn't your actual ISP as well and you don't have the best possible conditions.
14:08.56[TK]D-Fenderollii, How many do you need?  All at one site?
14:09.47olliigxw4004/8/24 support T.38 more or less
14:10.12olliisetup: BRI/PRI <-> Media-Gateway <-> Asterisk <-> SIP ATA FAX
14:10.33olliithere are fxs modules for our media gateway as well...but these are too expensive
14:11.05olliisome customers event want to start faxing via ata over wlan :S
14:11.59[TK]D-Fenderollii, your gatway will have to support T.38 as well, and if they are being cheap/stupid about it... then nothing you can do.
14:12.14[TK]D-Fenderollii, Technology < stupidity
14:15.02olliiMedia-Gateway's t.38 is fine ... in combination with grandstream gxw4004 its working ... but the gxw often dies and needs a reply to sip invites and so on
14:16.54p3nguinanonymouz666: The PAP2T is supposed to support T.38 ... so why would it not?
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14:18.59p3nguinSPA2102 and SPA3102 surely do.
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14:27.52p3nguinWait... Are we talking about pass-through or direct T.38 support?
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14:32.10olliiboth... * 1.4 and * 1.8
14:32.42p3nguinI'm also finding information that the PAP2 v2 does in fact support direct T.38.
14:33.01olliithe old one did not support t.38
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14:39.33p3nguinEven thevoipconnection thinks the PAP2T is T.38 compatible, but I don't know if they are claiming it only works with pass-through or what.  They don't go into specifics.
14:41.07[TK]D-FenderCoppice has stated that they are not T.38 for some time time...
14:44.25playmobil[TK]D-Fender, about the delay: if I define two extensions (for ex. 12 and 122); is there a timeout option for tell to asterisk "wait X seconds before matching an extension" ?
14:45.27p3nguinMy provider does not support T.38, so I can't even see what happens if I try to accept a T.38 fax via PAP2T.
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14:54.58treborsux<treborsux> Why would phone not have any show that I have voicemail
14:54.59treborsux[10:54] <treborsux> the light does not come on nor does envolope show up
14:54.59treborsux[10:54] <treborsux> polycom phones
14:54.59treborsux[10:54] <treborsux> what do I have to change to make either the light or envolope show up
14:55.12*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-yyfkxeypiaulvmap)
14:55.29Naikrovekyou did somethign to make it not show up, i'm betting
14:57.32*** join/#asterisk FinboySlick (~shark@
14:58.02SophiraDoes Asterisk 1.8 support ICE?
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14:58.29Sophira(I don't believe it's being used if so, and I don't know how to turn it on - does anyone else?)
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15:00.59FinboySlickHello people.  As per my earlier question, I added SIP/account/number members to have a queue dial external numbers.  I've tested the SIP/account/number bit with a Dial() statement to make sure it works but doing queue show myqueue lists this member as invalid.  Any pointers as to how I might diagnose this?
15:02.50FinboySlickEssentially, I just did: queue add member SIP/Metaswitch/1235550169 to web
15:03.04[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, Immediate guess : didn't define the mailbox for the peer
15:03.41FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: thanks again for giving me that hint, btw.
15:04.18[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick, Show us
15:04.23[TK]D-Fender(for your more recent Q
15:04.53FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: you mean the output of 'queue show web' ?
15:04.53anonymouz666Sophira: it does not
15:05.30[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick, yes, before/aftter,, dump your peer, etc
15:06.06Sophiraanonymouz666: Thanks.
15:06.15FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Ok, lemme put together a little pastebin.
15:06.19anonymouz666Sophira: mediaproxy does support
15:06.36anonymouz666but you have to use it with a SIP PROXY
15:11.25rrittgarnis there an easy way to play DTMF Tones into a call via the dialplan?
15:11.42[TK]D-Fenderrrittgarn, "core show application senddtmf"
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15:12.35Sophiraanonymouz666: Okay, thanks. I'm surprised Asterisk doesn't do it natively, but fair enough.
15:12.54FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: How does one dump the peer?
15:13.44[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick, "sip show peer X"
15:14.12FinboySlickAh, heh...  I thought you meant drop him somehow.
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15:17.31jrondeauhello channel
15:17.54FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Hmmm...  Looks like showing the peer doesn't work.  I'll have a closer look at that bit.
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15:18.22[TK]D-FenderFinboySlick, Yes, making sure your selection alone is sane should have been step #1 :)
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15:19.20FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Heh, I need to figure out what I messed up, it actually worked last week.  Dial(SIP/Peer/number) still works though.
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15:20.05FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender: Anyway, thanks for the brain jolt.
15:21.03jrondeaui thought it was Dial(Sip/Number@Peer)
15:21.25FinboySlickjrondeau: I think both are valid.
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15:21.39[TK]D-Fenderproper consistent way
15:21.56FinboySlickGaaah...  I had done 'sip show peer SIP/mypeer'
15:22.16FinboySlickI'm beyond rusty.
15:24.50*** join/#asterisk CyBeRxIxO (~efernande@
15:25.15CyBeRxIxOis a Digium g729 paid licence compatible on an elastix box?
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15:27.38playmobilthere are two extensions: 12 and 122; is there a timeout to permit Asterisk wait X seconds for permit user digits 122 (without match 12 at second digit) ?
15:28.51Qwellplaymobil: Yes, there is a timeout already
15:29.18playmobil@Qwell, where is defined ? which name ?
15:29.22QwellI used to know what the option name was..  people used to ask all the time
15:29.36p3nguinTIMEOUT(digit) ?
15:29.42Qwellthat's the one
15:30.30p3nguinIf you have both extension 12 and extension 122 in the context where you are waiting for an extension, there will already be a fairly long timeout by default.
15:30.37Qwellit's like 500ms
15:30.44Qwellor, was.  maybe 1000 now
15:30.48playmobilp3nguin, exists an option for configure it globally ? (asterisk.conf, features.conf, other) ?
15:30.54p3nguindial plan only
15:31.39Qwellplaymobil: really though, if you're running into issues like that, it's usually because your dialplan isn't designed properly
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15:32.09p3nguinWhen you're waiting for that shorter extension to "go" while it is waiting for more digits, it seems like it's more like 4000 ms.
15:32.22Qwellp3nguin: that high?
15:32.36p3nguinFeels like it.  I'd have to measure it to say what it really is.
15:32.37playmobilthanks to all.
15:32.38Qwellsure you don't have a higher pattern that would be hitting absolute?
15:32.57CyBeRxIxOp3nguin i bought g729 licence, could you help me on the installation?
15:33.13QwellCyBeRxIxO: There are very detailed instructions in the README
15:33.36CyBeRxIxOim on that, but where do i have to make that steps
15:33.42CyBeRxIxOon my laptop or on asterisk
15:34.13*** part/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
15:34.27p3nguinLet's see... are you installing a codec in Asterisk or in your laptop?
15:35.23CyBeRxIxOon asterisknow
15:35.39Qwellyum install asterisk-codec_g729a
15:35.41Qwelldone and done
15:36.15p3nguinYum can install the key as well?
15:36.51QwellCyBeRxIxO: find the "Digium Addons" page in FreePBX
15:37.01QwellYou can do everything you need.
15:37.27CyBeRxIxOno README way if i go trough digium addons?
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15:46.43FinboySlick[TK]D-Fender:  For some odd reason, it randomly started working.  I removed the peer, re-added it, now it's invalid again.
15:47.51CyBeRxIxOi activated key trought Digium Add-on on asterisknow, how to verify?
15:48.02CyBeRxIxOis it istalled now?
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15:50.01FinboySlickMaybe it's related to some sort of sip register/reregister timing?
15:50.35p3nguincyberxixo: See if you can run "g729 show license" on the asterisk CLI.
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15:55.43capt-rogershow do i check trunk status ?
15:57.15p3nguinDefine "trunk."
15:57.34p3nguinIf you simply mean a PEER, then use "sip show peer XXX" where XXX is the peer name.
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16:06.07CyBeRxIxONo such command 'g729 show license'
16:08.00p3nguinDo you have g729 show ... anything?
16:08.23p3nguinDo you have g729 ... anything?
16:08.28p3nguinMaybe you have to manually load the g729 module.
16:08.47p3nguinI do not use and cannot support FreePBX, so I have no clue what it does for you.
16:12.38CyBeRxIxOp3nguin are you linux expert?
16:13.10p3nguinPerhaps.  Why do you ask?
16:13.14QwellCyBeRxIxO: module load
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16:15.19CyBeRxIxOis that a command i have to put on CLI? "module load"?
16:16.07Qwellmjordan: your warning should have had exclamation points or something.   maybe some <blink/> tags
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16:19.38watchyanyone ever play with app_rtsp?
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16:26.37watchyis ast realtime worth using nowadays?
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16:27.49Qwellthere are much better ways to do the same sort of thing
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16:28.36watchycan you give me one really quick?
16:29.06Qwell#exec is your friend
16:29.14watchyi am currently about to redo our asterisk based system at work. we have 3 servers some still running 1.2
16:29.36watchybut we are about to link our locations by fiber and i'm going to build 1 new box to replace 3
16:29.54Qwellif it's only 1 box, why not just use flat configs?
16:29.56sp00kzanyone played with the digium phones?
16:30.10Qwellsp00kz: Yes!  And they're awesome.  And I'm completely biased.
16:30.14watchyqwell: lots of phones / devices / custom paging system
16:30.16sp00kzhaha <3
16:30.19sp00kzI have one on my desk, actually
16:30.31Qwellsp00kz: _Corey_ has been a pretty big advocate
16:30.33sp00kzcurious if it's possible to get auto-complete working
16:30.35watchywe use alot of cyberdata paging equipment
16:30.47sp00kzrecently typed numbers, yeah
16:31.05sp00kzmy old ciscos/polycoms both did it, was very handy :P
16:31.12watchydigium phones better then polys?
16:31.13Qwellsp00kz: I don't recall seeing anything like that, however, that would be a fantastic feature request.
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16:31.37[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, Not yet fom what I've heard
16:31.49sp00kzcertinly comparable watchy, not quite as ironed out
16:31.51watchyi didnt even know they made phones
16:31.55sp00kzit's very new
16:32.09watchyi use all polys here for phones, cyberdata equipment for paging
16:32.33watchythe digiums do look good though
16:32.51rrittgarnI have 6 of the digium phones here. They are pretty nifty
16:33.15rrittgarnI have them integrated with a switchvox smb setup and it was super easy to get everything working. They also have a lot of nifty little features working
16:33.47sp00kzindeed. built in voicemail/call parking management
16:33.50sp00kzvery fancy
16:34.11Qwellon switchvox you also get queue magic and a few other things not yet implemented in DPMA
16:37.25QwellYou should probably check who called you.
16:37.29QwellI bet it's important.
16:38.16Qwellalso what is that monstrosity in the background?
16:39.00sp00kza microtik board with openwrt, mounted to a antenna box housing
16:39.16Faustovsp00kz: is there anything similar but DECT?
16:39.29treborsuxYou may have to add @context to the mailbox entry. This seems to fix things for many users. Note that this context is the context specified in voicemail.conf for the extension, not the context specified in sip.conf
16:39.50radenanyone have asterisk behind a cisco router with one to one nat ?
16:39.58sp00kzi know nothing about DECT
16:40.01radenNaikrovek, yoooo bro
16:40.12treborsuxwhere is voicemail.cfg???????
16:41.47Naikrovekwassup raden
16:41.56radenhaving asterisk / cisco issues
16:42.01radenNaikrovek, what u up to
16:42.02Naikrovekthat sucks
16:42.15Naikrovekactually right now i'm reading up on microsoft lync
16:42.16QwellCiscos causing NAT problems?  Now I've heard everything!
16:42.22Qwellwait, nm, heard that thousands of times before.
16:42.25Naikrovekand how we'll use it for IM & softphone and all that
16:42.26radenlync ?
16:42.48Naikrovekspecing out a phone system
16:42.52treborsuxDoes anyone know how to get the light to work on a polycom phone?
16:42.57radenQwell, i have a 7206 doing a static one to one and lets just say asterisk can register with vitelity but a phone on outside cant seem to register in
16:43.24radentreborsux, the light for what ?
16:43.41FaustovQwell: any idea if there are plans for digium phones using DECT? couldn't find anything on the website but the wired ones seem quite impressive
16:43.54treborsuxthe voicemail light
16:43.56Naikrovekhe wants a light for voicemail notification, I think.
16:44.10Naikrovekyou've turned it off; by default it's there, I'm sure.
16:44.22treborsuxit is not
16:44.29treborsuxi havent changed anything
16:44.36treborsuxdoes not work on any phone
16:44.41treborsuxpolycom phones
16:45.03Naikrovekyou have a config problem
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16:45.22treborsuxi looked at this  but i dont know where it wants me to add @context
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16:45.37radentreborsux, look at notifications
16:45.55treborsuxcontext specified in voicemail.conf for the extension wher ethe heck is that?
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16:50.21biberaowhat do you advise reading for an asterisk first timer?
16:50.28infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:50.51treborsuxanyone on the making the envolope or the led light fo a voicemail???
16:51.14treborsuxyou would trhink this would be on by default
16:51.23Qwelltreborsux: Have you looked at the admin guide for the config you need there?  Do you have a mailbox set in sip.conf in Asterisk?
16:52.15adeel|workis it possible to set multiple externip's in sip.conf?
16:52.21treborsuxsip.conf in the tftp???
16:52.21biberaothanks Qwell
16:52.31CyBeRxIxO im on that
16:52.34treborsuxall the boxes work
16:52.42treborsuxthat is all fione
16:52.44CyBeRxIxOhow to make sure im on correct version if x86 or 64
16:53.04treborsuxjust does not light light nor does in make the envolope
16:53.10p3nguincyberxixo: core show version
16:53.23FLeiXiuSIs it possible to run channel funcitons in the background?  Like RECORD?
16:53.31CyBeRxIxOty a lot
16:54.23*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
16:54.31CyBeRxIxOn a x86_64 running Linux  means any?
16:54.47p3nguinIt meanst what it says.
16:54.57p3nguinx86_64  <-----
16:55.17treborsuxwhat has to be done for the light for voicemail notification to weork?
16:55.19CyBeRxIxOoh ok i get it
16:55.57Qwelltreborsux: Re-read what I said.  I was very explicit.
16:56.12watchyis 10.x stable?
16:56.22watchyor should i go with 1.8 for a new box
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16:56.36Qwellwatchy: We don't label releases "stable".  10 is the current release branch.
16:56.43p3nguinwatchy: I guess that depends on your purposes and desires.
16:56.43Qwell~asterisk versions
16:56.52Qwellinfobot: I don't like you anymore.
16:56.52infobotYou don't like you anymore.?
16:56.53p3nguinwatchy: I only use LTS for production boxes.
16:57.03watchywhich is currently 1.8 right?
16:57.06biberaoQwell: is it possible to have asterisk get its info from rj45 and output to rj11?
16:57.14Qwellbiberao: get what info? O.o
16:57.23watchyi wish app_transcode worked in 1.8
16:57.33Qwellwatchy: what is that supposed to do?
16:57.41watchytranscode video to another format
16:57.49biberaoQwell: to get the phone connection
16:57.52biberaoits already voip
16:58.02infobotata is, like, Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
16:58.12Qwellbiberao: Interfaces are explained well in the book
16:58.13watchyim trying to build a way to call a sip device and use voice to it, but show the video of an ip camera
16:58.27watchylike a video intercom without the video phone
16:58.51watchyapp_rtsp doesn't seem to like my camera output for some unknown reason
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16:59.46radenQwell, is there a cicso howto with asterisk cause i have stuff configured how id think it should be configuerd and no go ... works on 3 off brand routers i have though of course
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17:01.32watchyi was trying to do this video intercom thing mainly for my house so i can have it dial my cell and I can see whos at the door
17:02.21p3nguinraden: I had a Cisco SOHO router that I could not get to work well with RTP.  I sold it.
17:02.31radenfml :(
17:03.18radenp3nguin, running a 7206
17:03.42radenand on a traceroute it gets to the router main IP and bounces for 3 hops in the 7206 before getting to the next ip
17:03.47p3nguinI had problems with an 800 series.
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17:04.40radenill have to play with it today some more that is all i can do i gues
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17:04.53sp00kzmy only suggestion for you raden is to check (turn off?) the protocol fixups that cisco adds. e.g.
17:04.58brian98Evening all
17:06.12p3nguinIt was only RTP that was an issue.  No matter what I did, RTP packets always had the remote phones' private IP addresses rather than the public addresses.
17:06.46radenp3nguin, shit thats what i was seeing lasyt night
17:06.55radenbe back in 2 hours gotta meet gf for lunch fml
17:07.46p3nguinsold the Cisco + installed a Linux-based solution = problem solved
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17:09.35treborsuxwhat file is mwi/ tag in???
17:09.53treborsux    something is missing here
17:10.00treborsuxi have done all it says
17:10.19[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, You don't need to subscribe at all for MWI
17:10.32treborsuxdo i literally put @context in the voicemail.conf??
17:10.35[TK]D-Fendertreborsux, You aren't looking at your own peer configs.  And take this back into #freepbx
17:10.41treborsuxFender please tell me what i need to do
17:11.04p3nguin(1151.23) <@Qwell> treborsux: Have you looked at the admin guide for the config you need there?  Do you have a mailbox  set in sip.conf in Asterisk?
17:11.12p3nguinclue ^
17:13.07brian98I'm sending calls to Asterisk from opensips and want to check in Asterisk if privacy flag is set in remote Party ID header and if it is then make callerid(num)='' - is this possible? Using asterisk
17:14.04brian98I can't see any documentation on using values from remote party id or p asserted identity and using them in extensions.
17:14.17[TK]D-Fenderbrian98, "core show function SIP_HEADER"
17:15.14QwellThere are actually values in ${CALLERID()} for that stuff
17:15.21Qwellsee core show function callerid
17:15.39QwellI think.
17:16.22*** join/#asterisk Spriggan (
17:16.24brian98I'm bridging between SIP and ISDN
17:16.49brian98If it's SIP <> SIP and privacy=full is in the SIP header from the calling peer it goes to the called peer
17:17.22brian98If I go to ISDN asterisk doesn't automatically look at the pai or rpid to check if privacy flag is set
17:18.32SprigganHi everyone, i need to get the Extension info via api. I need to know if the call is outgoing or incoming and the duration, anyone??? please ??
17:19.26p3nguinWhat kind of API?
17:19.36brian98why should it I guess..
17:24.56SprigganAsterisk manager API
17:25.14FLeiXiuSIs there any way to background functions in a dial plan?
17:26.00leifmadsenDialplan proceeds serially
17:26.11FLeiXiuSI want to record a channel, then enter a conference room.
17:26.12leifmadsenperhaps you can explain what you're trying to do
17:26.17FLeiXiuSWhere only that channel is being recorded...
17:26.42FLeiXiuSI just want to record a 'special' user.
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17:26.55leifmadsenFLeiXiuS: just use MixMonitor()
17:27.44Sprigganp3nguin: Asterisk manager API
17:28.01leifmadsenFLeiXiuS: actually I think I meant Monitor() as MixMonitor() mixes both streams
17:28.04QwellSpriggan: You don't need AMI for that.  All of that stuff is stored in CDR
17:28.05FLeiXiuSThis will allow the dial plan to proceed
17:28.08FLeiXiuSleifmadsen, ^ ahh
17:28.12leifmadsenthat's how Monitor and MixMonitor work yes
17:28.26leifmadsenif it didn't proceed with those applications then you'd never be able to record anything
17:28.28FLeiXiuSExcellent - i was using record and MeetMe's (r) option.
17:28.36FLeiXiuSThats what I was wondering.
17:28.39leifmadsenno, you need to start recording prior to the meetme
17:28.47FLeiXiuSRIght, I get it.
17:28.48FLeiXiuSLet me try that
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17:30.29Spriggan@Qwell, i need to get this info in real time. that's why im using astersik manager API
17:31.15QwellSpriggan: well, there are plenty of events that would contain that info.  You just need to figure out which ones, and get the details from them.
17:31.37CyBeRxIxOwhats my operating system if i have asterisk now
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17:32.12CyBeRxIxOGNU/Linux x86?
17:32.41QwellDidn't you already figure out the architecture earlier?
17:32.51Spriggan    @Qwell can you tell me what event can i get this info from?
17:33.00QwellSpriggan: no, there are several
17:33.58Spriggancan u tell me please , where i can find documantation about the events in particular?
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17:36.10Spriggan    @Qwell: do you know if there is an astersik manager api channel?
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17:38.24ruben23hi guys i have set an audio for MOH on my asterisk but i get this error: ----> [Apr 18 01:35:46] WARNING[16129]: file.c:664 ast_openstream_full: File julieIB does not exist in any format<---------------already tried wav, gsm,mp3 stillt eh same any ideas..?
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17:39.41watchytk: what ftpd do you use to provision phones?
17:39.50p3nguinLinux is a kernel, not an operating system.
17:40.21din3shhi p3nguin
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17:40.39din3shi tried the polycom as you suggested
17:40.58watchyanyone tried streaming iheartradio for moh?
17:41.22Qwellwatchy: Doing so would violate all sorts of copyright laws.
17:41.24din3shsorry to be boring you with my ongoing xfer issue
17:41.36watchyqwell: thats depressing
17:41.48watchywhat if i paid for siriusxm?
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17:42.07Qwellyou don't have a license to rebroadcast, nor do you have a license to play the music that they play.
17:42.18watchywhat do most people use for moh?
17:42.27coppiceyou cannot be sirius
17:42.37Qwellwatchy: stuff they can play legally
17:42.47watchyso crappy stuff
17:42.55coppicewatchy: there are CDs made specifically as muzac
17:42.56Qwellor they pay tons of money to people like BMI
17:43.33watchyalot of the guys around here who sell phone systesm just pipe in the local fm easy listening station through phone in
17:43.40ruben23idea guys
17:43.49_Corey_bah, it's not that expensive...  freeplaymusic for example is maybe $150 a year
17:43.52Qwellwatchy: Feel free to do so, just know that you can and will be sued.
17:44.22_Corey_There's a lot of creative commons stuff that's not awful though
17:44.29p3nguincan be, but probably won't ever be.
17:44.36Qwellp3nguin: You'd be surprised..
17:44.52watchyi accept the "can" but we aren't that large of a corp i doubt anyone would care
17:45.15watchyim in camden arkansas and we make explosives
17:45.21watchyi doubt the riaa is gonna call me
17:45.22Qwellwatchy: Let me put it this way.  It would cost them *very little* to draft a C&D, and squeeze you for $50k., creative commons licensed music that can be used for MoH
17:45.55coppicewatchy: they sue little old ladies. why wouldn't they sue you?
17:46.11watchythey sue little old ladies whos grandsons torrented
17:46.18watchythey had a way to easily catch the old lady
17:46.57watchyim not saying im going to do it. its probably more trouble then its worth than to just get free songs at
17:47.11p3nguinCalling you and listening to your moh seems like a pretty easy way to gather evidence.
17:47.12watchybut if the riaa is cold calling companies to listen to moh
17:47.15watchythey got some isues
17:47.25Qwellwatchy: It would be very profitable to do so.
17:47.30_Corey_watchy: Don't be surprised if they do it
17:47.36watchymaybe ill start a company doing that
17:47.49QwellPay somebody $40k/year to call random companies and listen to MoH for a minute.
17:48.00QwellHow many companies do you think that person could call?  how much do you think their return would be?
17:48.02watchy"oh thats our song, lets sue"
17:48.13_Corey_If Shazam can idenfity any song in a few seconds, how hard do you think it would really be?
17:48.13din3shp3nguin: can you take a look at this and tell me what's wrong in it:
17:48.43watchyqwell: what would you recommend for provision polys? ftp/ftps or http/https?
17:48.49FLeiXiuSleifmadsen, I cant seem to find a way to change the path the recording is stored in.
17:48.54jrondeaudoes anyone know is it possible to see the actual cause code, be it SIP or Q931 result from a failed call attempt issued via the Originate command using the Management Interface?
17:49.15leifmadsenwatchy: either of the 's' methods is fine
17:49.18p3nguindin3sh: Does it work when you change to the Polycom phone?
17:49.36din3shp3nguin: doesnt work
17:49.41watchyhow do you recieve logs with https?
17:49.41leifmadsenFLeiXiuS: you'll have to check the documentation as I have to write a document now and can't look it up for you
17:49.53din3shi hooked the same gateway back to 1.4, works fine
17:50.02QwellFLeiXiuS: How are you recording?
17:50.25WIMPyjrondeau: You get the hangupcause. But for SIP there is no way to get the original result AFAIK.
17:50.47jrondeauthe hang up cause is alway 16 normally clearing
17:50.57watchyanyone know if the sergio guy who coded app_rtsp hangs in here?
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17:50.59jrondeauregardless of what actually happened
17:51.18WIMPyjrondeau: Using SIP?
17:51.31jrondeauyes mostly, but in some cases PSTN
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17:52.03WIMPyjrondeau: If you call out ISDN it should be correct.
17:52.29din3shwatchy: /var/log/httpd check access logs
17:52.32jrondeauwhat about sip? is there no way to send the result code back though the AMI?
17:52.56WIMPyjrondeau: Not that I know.
17:53.20watchydin3sh: thanks
17:53.53jrondeaui am new to the source code, but how hard do you think it would be to send in the action id from the AMI to the sip channel structure and then just fire a seperate event at the end of the call containing the result code and the action id
17:55.07din3shwatchy: by default polycoms i think requests file on ftp
17:55.13WIMPyjrondeau: I'm not that in to the internals of chan_sip. I think it only translates the SIP results to causes.
17:55.36watchydin: yea they do i'm looking at doing a new system here at work trying to go with the best. currently i use ftp
17:55.42watchyim sure i should move to ftps
17:56.43din3shyou have to allow dhcp option 160
17:56.53watchyanyone prov polys on 1 vlan and make them jump to another for service?
17:57.00din3shfor the phones to ask config files via ftp
17:57.09watchyftp or ftps?
17:57.10FLeiXiuSQwell, Monitor.
17:57.24watchyim thinking ftps
17:57.33din3shboth would use same method i'd guess
17:57.38watchyyea i think so
17:57.47watchyim about to setup a lab at work to play with it
17:57.54watchyso i don't have to touch my production stuff
17:59.04din3shof course
17:59.15*** join/#asterisk Foxi352 (
17:59.22watchyi got about 200 phones combined at 3 locations
17:59.30watchyabout 50 of those are ATAs
17:59.46watchyand on top of that i have about 50 Cyberdata paging things
18:00.56watchyi wish i could get app_rtsp working with my cameras i have. i could do neat things
18:01.51brian98[TK]D-Fender: the SIP_HEADER function is perfect. I'm using CUT \;,4 and that gets me to privacy=yes/no
18:02.11brian98I'll do some more work on it , thanks for pointing me in right direction.
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18:05.44CyBeRxIxOim stuck on 4.3 digium codec install
18:05.52CyBeRxIxOcant load or reload codec
18:05.58CyBeRxIxOany idea?
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18:42.37brian98If I want to check if a variable=yes and set callerID='' how can I do that? I can't quite figure the if statement in asterisk dialplan.
18:43.13din3shany documentation how to read/interprete PRI debug logs?
18:43.43brian98IF($CLI='YES'?[CallerID(num)=''][:]) ?
18:43.44WIMPydin3sh: Q.931
18:43.54WIMPyOr just read the text :-)
18:44.02[TK]D-Fender$["${A}"="abc" || ${BA}"="123"]
18:44.17[TK]D-Fenderbrian98, go read channelvariables.text in your tarball
18:44.30[TK]D-Fender(sample above)
18:44.48din3shthnks WIMPy
18:45.34p3nguinbrian98: You could use Set() and IF() or you could use ExecIf() and Set().
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18:45.59brian98Thank you.
18:46.28brian98I'll get there. New to asterisk dial plans..
18:46.33brian98thanks again
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18:47.49p3nguinexample:  Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[${myVar}]?123:321)})
18:48.42p3nguinexample:  ExecIf($[${myVar}]?Set(CALLERID(num)=123))
18:49.43p3nguinBoth methods check that myVar exists.
18:49.54bchiabrian98 note that IF in Asterisk Dialplan is a "Dialplan function" and behaves differently than other languages
18:49.55p3nguinYou could also compare it to the literal yes.
18:50.06bchiarun "core show function IF" on the asterisk CLI for more info
18:50.40brian98thanks guys. I'll hammer on! :)
18:50.59WIMPyIt's like in the shell where the task is split between if an test, here it's IF or GotoIf and $[].
18:51.37WIMPyOr that.
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18:52.27samandirielNeed a little help getting a client to connect to a new Asterisk install (my second install, so not a complete noob). Keep getting "No matching peer found" message in CLI when trying to connect softphone... can't figure out why :(  Troubleshooting suggestions?
18:53.04talntidpaste your sip.conf
18:53.07talntidin a pastebin
18:53.20samandirieltalntid: will do, one mo
18:53.21talntidand paste the actual output of the CLI
18:55.55samandiriel[Apr 17 12:52:09] NOTICE[1567]: chan_sip.c:24929 handle_request_register: Registration from '"SPN Test" <>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
18:56.00talntidahh, we don't really support freePBX here..
18:56.04talntidthere is a #freepbx channel
18:56.12samandirielYah, I know-thought I'd try it out and see what it was like
18:56.25watchyits newb friendly
18:56.26talntidif you edit the file manually, it'll rewrite it on reload
18:56.57samandirielthinking it's more trouble than it's worth, but I am not going to be maintaining it so needs to be pretty pretty
18:57.18samandirielyes, but if I can figure out what's wrong with the basic config, I should be able to correct it via the GUI
18:57.51samandirielthere are also include files that one can edit manually that don't get overwritten
18:58.04samandirielshit, I just posted my secret
18:58.05talntidyeah, i'm quite familiar
18:58.07samandirielwhy I am so stupid?
18:58.11talntidI'm checking it out
18:58.30talntidone thing, not sure if it has anything to do with it.. that is interesting to me is the.. deny=
18:59.15brian98p3nguin: is this wrong? exten=> _[0-9].,n,ExecIf($[${CLI}='no']?Set(CALLERID(num)='123'))
18:59.33samandirieltalntid: I checked that out - apparently it checks in order, so the permit at the end basically cancels it out
18:59.40talntidah, yeah
19:00.14samandirieldriving me mad that I can't figure out why the client can't connect... should be easy-peasy
19:00.48talntidin the phone change "SPN Test" to 1000
19:00.50talntidas a test.
19:01.05samandirielsip show users also doesn't show any rows, which is odd to me
19:02.05samandiriel[Apr 17 13:01:55] NOTICE[1567]: chan_sip.c:24929 handle_request_register: Registration from '"TEST" <>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
19:04.28watchydid you save your config
19:04.56watchyhe said change spn test to 1000
19:04.58watchynot test
19:05.31samandirielah, whups. thanks watchy
19:06.36samandiriel[Apr 17 13:06:30] NOTICE[1567]: chan_sip.c:24929 handle_request_register: Registration from '"1000" <>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
19:06.45samandirielnot too surprising, I didn't think that would be it
19:06.50watchyyou sure your saving your config in freepbx
19:06.57watchyjust cause you add as peer doesnt save it
19:07.03brian98exten=> _[0-9].,n,ExecIf($[${CLI} = no]?Set(CALLERID(num)='123')) Worked - THANKS guys!
19:07.09watchyyou gotta goto the top right i think and click apply settings or something
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19:07.56samandirielwatchy: there's nothing to save yet
19:08.04talntidyeah, nothing to save
19:08.20[TK]D-Fenderbrian98, Do not put quotes around 123
19:08.44brian98I am actually making it blank so don't do '' ?
19:08.47[TK]D-Fenderbrian98, and do put them around the 2 parts of your expression
19:08.57talntidi'm not sure, samandiriel. I'm all about plain ole *.. I know freepbx is at the core, but there's a lot of "noise" in that config.. the allows, denies, etc..
19:09.12talntidI'd rip those out, sip reload, and see what happens
19:09.28samandirieldrat. now I have to run - thanks for looking at it a bit talntid, I'll try just building it from scratch later then and seeing if it will work that way
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19:09.59watchytk: have you played with ipv6 in *?
19:10.18talntidgood luck, samandiriel
19:10.47[TK]D-Fenderwatchy, Nope
19:10.47watchyi wonder if going ipv6 with a install would work without issues
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19:16.30watchyi'm trying to decide if its easier to just edit ast config files manually or go with realtime. whats your opinion tk?
19:17.34[TK]D-Fendermanual file = instant access
19:18.08[TK]D-FenderI never touch DB's without a solid reason to
19:18.21watchyyea but harder to write a interface for it right?
19:18.52watchyfor adding devices etc
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19:21.11irulehi, how may I get started with asterisk? I am done setting up an spa3102, trunk and line1 register, but I geta busy signal and cant figure out how to make calls
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19:29.39woleiumlo peeps :-). I'm using Asterisk on Centos (piaf). I've had complaints from users about unequal volume in conference calls, specifically that external callers coming in over POTS find it hard to hear other POTS callers, but can hear local SIP users fine. local SIP users can hear everyone fine.
19:29.50woleiumIs there some kind of auto gain control I can enable in conferences?
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19:31.04woleiumReading back I suspect it's probably a DAHDI win issue.. I remember reading about how to set that somewhere..
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19:31.25woleiums/win/gain/ (autocorrect sux)
19:31.45como|workare there any big setbacks when trying to run an asterisk box within a virtual environment, like xenserver?
19:31.46talntidbut VIM doesn't
19:31.57talntidcomo|work, some people will say yes...
19:32.02talntidbut I have been doing it for 5 years, on Xen
19:32.05talntidand I love it.
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19:32.11talntidI also have one on VMWare, and no issues there either
19:32.16como|workMmm, good to hear.
19:32.18woleiumcomo|work: there have traditionally been issues of jitter and lag, but  it's supposed to be better now
19:32.31jrondeaui have several on vmware
19:32.38como|workI'm told there is a virtual/software "timing card" that needs to be configured that eats up a few more cpu cycles
19:32.50talntidIF you want to run meetme
19:33.49CyBeRxIxOany asterisknow support?
19:34.00[TK]D-FenderAnd timing has nothing to do with gains, nor does VM
19:34.02brian98Are there other functions in asterisk for cutting up variables? If I use cut I need to be sure that it's always the same amount of fields. How would I search for a particular word in a variable. For example how would I look for the yes of screen=yes in remote party id header
19:34.03como|workMy biggest worry is disk i/o. I'm not really too in tune with asterisk since I've not maintained a box for it and more than 5 users in a few years, so I dont know what kind of i/o subsystem to be looking into
19:34.12woleiumObviously you have to be more careful about network utilisation - if another server spikes all your IO  you may loose voice packets
19:34.17brian98I am currently using cut 4 times on , then cut on=1 to get the yes or no.
19:34.31brian98but that assumes that all ua's are sending every field in rpid...
19:35.02[TK]D-Fenderbrian98, Complicate looping, etc required... or do it in some external language via AGI, etc
19:35.24woleiumbrian98: grep -e ftw!
19:35.28brian98I was thinking to loop until I find the privacy word then look for the next
19:35.38brian98grep- e FTW indeed
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19:37.05woleiumgrep -eo to be specific :-)
19:37.20brian98or maybe I should tell anyone using RPID to feck off it was never an RFC and we will not honor it.
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20:09.10CyBeRxIxOim stuck on 4.3 digium g729 codec installation
20:09.27CyBeRxIxOi can't load or reload g729 codec
20:11.12leifmadsenCyBeRxIxO: that is a commercial product of Digium so you should contact them for support
20:11.37*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
20:19.41CyBeRxIxOhow do i fix the perl issue of "dahdi"
20:19.49dwayneleifmadsen, have any good linux softphone recommendations?
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20:20.08[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:20.15leifmadsendwayne: yes
20:20.30dwaynewhat do you like ? :-)
20:20.37leifmadsendwayne: I like Zoiper
20:21.05dwayneleifmadsen, thanks buddy
20:21.17CyBeRxIxO"Use of ininitialized value in concatenation(.)... and Use of uninitialized value in hash element at /var/www/html/panel/ line 3360
20:21.30leifmadsenthat sounds like you're using a GUI
20:21.59CyBeRxIxOim using asterisknow
20:22.06leifmadsensee #asterisknow
20:22.07radenanyone know how to get IOS to work with asterisk 1 to 1 static nat ?
20:22.10CyBeRxIxOistalled twice and upgraded, same error
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20:45.05iruleusing asteirisk/spa3102, do I need to setup the outbound proxy?
20:48.18iruleshow sip peers sanys status UNREACHABLE, what does that mean?
20:48.53*** join/#asterisk itstriz (~triz@
20:50.35p3nguinIt means the device is unregistered, possibly because of a network or other unrelated problem.
20:50.54p3nguinIt also means that you have qualify enabled for that peer.
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20:58.23krotoshi all guy
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21:15.24irulehi :s
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21:15.54bluregardgood afternoon everyone
21:16.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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21:39.21FLeiXiuSIf I Set(AGC=(rx)16000) then use a GOTO afterwards, does that propagate down
21:39.32QwellFLeiXiuS: yes
21:39.37*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:39.41QwellGoto doesn't create a new channel.
21:40.21[TK]D-FenderAnd * variable have no sense of scope
21:42.15*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:43.35p3nguinfleixius: But your variable it will not necessarily be inherited by new channels that are spawned from the channel where you are setting the value.
21:44.18FLeiXiuSp3nguin, So a MeetMe conference would be instantiating a new channel
21:45.04FLeiXiuSok so AGC should follow through a goto and in my meetme conf room.
21:45.51[TK]D-FenderFLeiXiuS: first your Set is wrong.  Second... that app is news to me .... but if it is what it looks like it also only acts on that calling channel.
21:46.48FLeiXiuS[TK]D-Fender, My Set is wrong!?  Bah its not complaining...
21:47.15*** join/#asterisk classix (
21:47.34[TK]D-Fenderbecause you're setting a non-relevant channel variable, and not setting a function
21:47.38*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
21:48.34p3nguinYou said  Set(AGC=(rx)16000)  but would be  Set(AGC(rx)=16000)
21:48.47FLeiXiuSOH woops - yeah that was my bad.
21:49.10FLeiXiuSSet(AGC(rx)=${value}) is what I have. Should work.
21:50.08*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
21:50.32p3nguinWhat's your purpose for using AGC()?
21:51.05FLeiXiuSp3nguin, Need to increase overall gain on the a SIP channel (speex codec)
21:51.17p3nguinMaybe you want to use VOLUME(), then.
21:52.18p3nguinIt means amplitude, not volumetric capacity.
21:55.00FLeiXiuSp3nguin, Interesting - all of my search led me to AGC.  Do you know the range of values volume can accept?
21:55.38p3nguinIt's going to be able to increase or decrease by magnitudes, considering the value it takes is in dB.
21:55.53p3nguinSo 3 is going to be double the amplitude.
21:56.03p3nguin6 would be four times as loud.
21:56.34p3nguinGive it a 24 and you might pop a speaker.
21:57.14p3nguinAnd, as I have recently learned, you can apply the value to the existing channel and make a change in real time by using AMI.
21:57.31p3nguinGreat for testing a change on-the-fly.
21:58.09[TK]D-Fender6db = double....
21:58.21FLeiXiuSYeah I have an entire AMI interface.  I'll definitely integrate into it.
21:58.32[TK]D-Fender3db = significant perceived increase
21:58.32p3nguinIf 0 is 100%, isn't 3 dB going to be 200%?
21:59.20p3nguinPerhaps I am trying to apply decibels improperly.
21:59.27p3nguinI don't think so, but it's possible.
22:03.28FLeiXiuSI assume I can do float values as well?  1.5, 2.0 etc
22:03.59p3nguinThe help doesn't indicate one way or the other, but I'd imagine it would work.
22:04.26p3nguinI'm not sure why you'd need to, since half of a decibel isn't much change.
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22:04.56FLeiXiuSp3nguin, I'm offering a 'slider' for a range value.
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22:05.18p3nguinI guess at a higher value, .5 would provide considerable change.
22:05.28p3nguin100.0 vs 100.5
22:06.16*** join/#asterisk gusto (
22:12.50radeni have this coming up on console literally every 5 seconds
22:12.55radenhow do i make it not do that ?
22:13.15p3nguinTurn down the verbose level below 4.
22:16.02radenwhy does it have to keep looking it up
22:16.08radenkinda ridiculous
22:16.16radencan i slow it down
22:17.16p3nguinChange the value in dnsmgr.conf.
22:20.05radenp3nguin, ok we will try that
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22:25.00radenok that helps
22:27.20p3nguinWere you still seeing the lookups at verbose 3 and lower?
22:27.28radenno i wasnt
22:27.50radenjust found it ridiculous that it was looking up soo often
22:27.56radenset dns manager on and set to 1200
22:43.29*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
22:48.15p3nguinIf you wouldn't have been running above 3, you would have never known about it.
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23:49.12raden[Apr 17 18:47:37] WARNING[7120]: chan_sip.c:3714 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of
23:49.13raden0x184cff0 (len 1148) to 64.2.*.*:0 returned
23:49.16radenanyone  ?
23:51.47*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
23:53.48*** part/#asterisk TheMan (
23:57.31radenis there a way to define the port of a clients phone ?
23:58.24p3nguinThe client port is configured in the phone and in the peer definition.
23:58.50p3nguinport=5061; for example

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