IRC log for #asterisk on 20120325

00:00.15*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
00:03.57*** join/#asterisk nobodyshome (
00:10.54dijibso p3nguin ive got it 95% working. one of my grub kernels isnt working
00:11.02dijibbut the system is back up ad running under raid
00:11.24*** join/#asterisk Jabroni (
00:11.33*** join/#asterisk Linuturk_ (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
00:21.20*** join/#asterisk mr_pete (5ce892a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:22.26mr_peteHi - anyone able to help a confused (and tired) person trying to migrate from asterisk 1.4 to 1.6?
00:22.44mr_peteI have an SPA3102 set with digest auth for outgoing calls under 1.4 - all fine
00:22.55mr_petebut can't get it going via 1.6 (using asterisk-gui atm)
00:23.02p3nguinOne of your grub kernels?  Huh?
00:23.21dijibmy linux kernels in grub
00:24.24p3nguinHow many kernels do you have configured in the grub menu?
00:24.41dijibwhere was the superblock supposed to be /boot or /?
00:24.51p3nguinEvery partition has a superblock.
00:25.04p3nguinIt contains the meta data for the partition.
00:25.16dijibwell then i dont know
00:25.26p3nguinDo you really need two kernels?
00:25.42mr_petedoes 1.6 support md5 digest-auth anymore?
00:25.50dijibno im going to be fixing that now.. i had an issue with the uname -r not being the full kernel path
00:25.56*** join/#asterisk phix (
00:26.13p3nguinuname -r doesn't have a path at all.  uname -r only prints the kernel version.
00:26.32p3nguin(for example)
00:26.44dijibwell then i must have been using the old kernel when i patched and it didnt patch the never kernel
00:26.53p3nguinAh, that means I need to upgrade.
00:27.04p3nguinWhat did you patch?
00:27.05dijibI or you?
00:27.11dijibthe old one
00:27.20p3nguinWhat kind of patch?
00:27.36dijibthe initrd thing
00:27.41dijibim tired i was up all night
00:28.25dijib2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64 vs. 2.6.32-220.7.1.el6.x86_64.
00:28.29p3nguinSo, again... what exactly did you patch?
00:28.45dijibi patched the old kernel 220.el6
00:29.00dijibi was just about to patch the other now
00:29.06p3nguinAgain, what kind of patch?
00:29.18dijibinitrd repack?
00:29.40p3nguinThe words you are saying make sense when used alone, but in the combinations you are using them, they don't add up.
00:29.53dijiblol typical to me
00:30.00p3nguinThere is no patching involved in the things you've told me about.
00:31.22p3nguinBack to the beginning.  What problem are you having?  If it's that your OTHER kernel isn't working, do you really need THAT kernel?
00:31.30p3nguinIf the system runs, what more do you want from it?
00:31.31dijibrepacking 220.7.1.e6.x86_64 now
00:31.46p3nguinI don't understand what you're saying.
00:31.56dijibso should i just remove it from GRUB/?
00:32.07p3nguinYou're just making a new initrd for an old kernel?
00:32.20p3nguinIf you don't need that kernel, ignore or remove it.
00:32.40dijibthe old kernel is what im using, system was using the nerwer kernel which was not patch till right now as the uname -r pointed it incorrectly
00:32.56p3nguinThere's no patch.  Stop saying patch.
00:33.31dijibif one drive completely dies, how does the other have grub on it to boot?
00:33.50p3nguinDidn't you set up raid 1?
00:33.59p3nguinThat's how.
00:34.30p3nguinI'm getting the impression that you have no clue what raid 1 is.
00:34.59dijibits a stripped? mirror?
00:35.03dijibi have a clue
00:35.22p3nguinThe term is "striped," not stripped.  And RAID 1 is mirroring.
00:35.40p3nguinRAID 0 is striping.
00:35.44dijibshould i write grub to /dev/md0 ?
00:35.55p3nguinI'd guess you already did that.
00:36.11p3nguinFeel free to check it.
00:36.28p3nguinIs md0 mounted to /boot?
00:36.47p3nguinCheck for the stage files in /boot/grub/
00:37.10dijibwhat about the stage files?
00:37.28p3nguinIf they are present, then grub is there.
00:37.35dijibok well their there
00:37.45dijibso i guess grub is on both of the md0 pair
00:37.55p3nguinThat's what raid 1 does.
00:38.06dijibok so off topic you might have the answer.
00:38.07p3nguinCheck the raid.  more /proc/mdstat
00:38.16dijibhow do you stop apache from checking DNS?
00:38.22dijibraid is good
00:38.38dijibmd0 : active raid1 sda1[0] sdb1[1] 511936 blocks [2/2] [UU]
00:38.38dijibmd1 : active raid1 sda2[2] sdb2[0] 77636536 blocks super 1.2 [2/2] [UU]
00:39.02dijibi also took a drive out and it chaned sdc to sdb
00:39.12dijibbut see there ony md1 says superblock
00:39.29dijibim affraid if i put that disk back it it will change back to sdc
00:39.30p3nguinYou used meta data 1.2 on md1.
00:39.31dijibwill it?
00:39.44p3nguinIt depends on the hardware if it will change.
00:39.45dijibshould md0 be 0.90?
00:39.53dijibwhich controller is which?
00:40.23dijibottawa vs pittsburge game is on
00:41.07p3nguinmdadm --detail /dev/md{0,1}|grep Version
00:41.23dijibperfect it is .90
00:41.24p3nguinBack to the apache thing.  What is the problem you have with it?
00:41.54p3nguin# mdadm --detail /dev/md{0,1}|grep Version Version : 0.90 Version : 0.90
00:41.57dijibive got multiple interfaces configured for it. .1, .10, .15-19
00:42.08dijiband it takes forever trying to find dns on each interface at boot
00:42.35dijibvirtual interfaces
00:42.48p3nguinWhat is the purpose of that?
00:43.02dijibso i can host multiple websites on :80
00:43.08p3nguinThat's silly.
00:43.20p3nguinNo, that's ridiculous.
00:43.31dijib.10 is for asterisk
00:43.53p3nguinIt's completely unnecessary and just makes things harder to manage for you.
00:44.17dijibwell it was the way i figured out how to do it after attempting other methods without any success
00:44.20p3nguinIf you wanted to host multiple sites, you should be using name-based virtualhosts.
00:44.41p3nguinYou should have asked sooner.
00:45.04p3nguinSo undo all that crap and do it right.
00:45.10dijibwhy name based? thats silly. i was an I{P
00:45.20p3nguinYou were an IP?
00:45.38dijibyes i am internet protocal
00:45.46p3nguinI'm not so sure.
00:46.09dijibwell its not a big deal except for this DNS lookup
00:46.40p3nguinI'd guess the DNS wouldn't be a problem if you hadn't set it up wrong.
00:46.43dijib"HostnameLookups Off"
00:46.47dijibit is.
00:48.46dijibnevermidn thats not the setting
00:50.05p3nguinI got my magazines for my pistol today, so you don't have to go out and steal them now.
00:50.21dijibi thought tht was a rifle
00:50.39p3nguinNah, the 5906 is a 9mm pistol.
00:50.59p3nguinI got two mags and a new set of grips for $47.  Online, one mag costs that much.
00:51.48p3nguinI don't really like the grips, but I can't find OEM replacements.
00:52.21dijibhgun show?
00:52.38p3nguinI just went to a gun shop that I hadn't even been to before.
00:52.49dijibthis is my appache error
00:52.51dijibTemporary failure in name resolution: Failed to resolve server name for
00:53.06dijibgo plinking?
00:53.11p3nguinNot today.
00:53.40p3nguinI'll probably get a couple hours to go out within the next week.
00:53.54dijibworking too much on #asterisk
00:54.20p3nguinI'm usually on here more at night, when I can't go shooting.
00:54.30dijibfair enouh
00:57.55urvg4hi,did a new asterisk install on ubuntu but nothing comes up on  the CLI even with verbosity at 7
00:58.04urvg4and the calls don't connect
00:58.20dijibpermission issue
00:58.31dijibwho is running asterisk?
00:58.31urvg4how do I fix it?
00:58.44dijibfirst you need to start asterisk as asterisk:asterisk
00:58.53dijibthen you chown all the asterisk driectoies
00:58.59urvg4pls what is the sytax?
00:59.13dijiblet me try and look im a bit of a nub
00:59.22mr_peteno-one knows if md5 auth works with spa3102 in 1.6?
00:59.42dijibstay in pub
01:02.10dijibput these into /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf under the options context
01:03.13dijibp3nguin: where was the other username/group setting?
01:03.40p3nguinDepends on the OS.  For CentOS, it is in /etc/sysconfig/asterisk.
01:03.54dijibthats the one
01:04.03p3nguinUbuntu has a similar structure, so maybe the same place.
01:04.21dijibthats the variables in /sysconfig/asterisk
01:04.34dijibat the top.
01:04.44dijiband permissions... uhm...
01:06.20p3nguin~chown asterisk
01:06.21infobotAssuming you run the asterisk process as uid asterisk and gid asterisk (like a sane person should), "chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk /var/lib/asterisk /var/log/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk /var/run/asterisk" should provide correct file ownership.
01:06.31dijibchown asterisk:asterisk /var/run/asterisk /etc/asterisk /var/lib/asterisk /dev/dahdhi /var/log/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk
01:06.53dijiboh ya and var/run
01:07.11p3nguinNot /var/run, no.
01:07.20p3nguinOther things use /var/run.
01:07.32dijiburvg4: thats supposed to be under the [options] context
01:08.07dijibi need to server harden
01:09.33dijibthat one looks ok
01:10.11urvg4ok let me try it again
01:11.50dijibyour going to need to do all three things.
01:12.02dijibwhat is your OD urvg4 ?
01:12.23urvg4sorry what do u mean by OD?
01:12.34dijibOS sorry
01:13.16urvg4Linux XXXXX 3.0.0-16-server #29-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 14 13:08:12 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
01:13.57dijibubuntu ok
01:14.14p3nguinDoes asterisk start?
01:15.02urvg4one sec
01:15.15dijibback in a few smoke break
01:21.21urvg4chown: cannot access `/dev/dahdhi': No such file or directory
01:22.38urvg4asterisk starts but nothing on CLI
01:22.46vltkaldemar: Thank you. What is Record() for without using option k? I mean, why would I record something but not keep it?
01:22.59p3nguinps -C asterisk u      <----- check which user runs asterisk
01:23.49p3nguinYou know what I really need?  I need an administrators' provisioning guide/manual for SPA products such as the PAP2 ATA.
01:26.26p3nguinroot is still running it.  Try restarting asterisk once.
01:28.06urvg4Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
01:31.45p3nguinDid you restart asterisk yet?
01:32.30urvg4not yet
01:33.05urvg4it did start but I can't connect to asterisk -r
01:33.51urvg4# service asterisk restart
01:35.33p3nguinStop asterisk.
01:35.49p3nguinCheck to make sure it is dead.  pkill -9 asterisk
01:35.54p3nguinStart asterisk.
01:36.32p3nguinDid it start?  Check to see what user is running it.  ps -C asterisk u
01:37.02urvg4USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND
01:37.02urvg4root      2670  2.3  0.9 525800 37104 ?        Ssl  03:36   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk
01:37.02urvg4root      2695  0.0  0.0  25328  2040 pts/6    T    03:36   0:00 rasterisk r
01:37.23p3nguinStill wrong. do I fix it?
01:37.49p3nguinAre you starting it with an init script?
01:38.06urvg4no used service asterisk start
01:38.21p3nguinI would have thought that would use the init script.
01:38.38p3nguinStop asterisk and start it again using the init script just to see if it behaves differently.
01:39.08urvg4what is the sytax for init script?
01:39.21p3nguin/etc/init.d/asterisk start
01:40.11urvg4~# /etc/init.d/asterisk start
01:40.34p3nguinYou must not have made sure it was dead.
01:40.34dijibwhat does ubuntu use as a daemon manager?
01:40.50p3nguinI've never heard of a daemon manager before.
01:41.43urvg4USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND
01:41.43urvg4root      3159 10.3  0.9 535872 37684 ?        Ssl  03:41   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk
01:41.55dijibam i even here?
01:42.04dijibok yes i am
01:42.08dijibgot lost there a min
01:42.09Kobazthis is not here
01:42.10p3nguinSomething still isn't right.  Can you pastebin your entire /etc/init.d/asterisk file for me?
01:42.16Kobazhere is neither there
01:42.23urvg4ok one sec
01:42.24dijibgive me some ssh access
01:42.27dijibi'll fix ya up
01:42.50Kobaza quick rm -rf / will fix it for sure
01:43.00p3nguinIf it doesn't say webmin on it, dijib can't operate it.
01:43.23dijibim an operating operator in operations
01:43.33p3nguinI see.
01:43.57dijibit only took me like 12 hours to fix my kernel panic
01:44.05dijib* shakes head
01:44.08*** join/#asterisk slash` (~slash@
01:44.08p3nguinI guess that's not TOO bad.
01:44.09dijibhow do you action?
01:44.14dijibi also did sleep
01:44.19slash`hi all
01:44.23dijibok maybe 14 with 6hour sleep
01:44.24p3nguin/me performs action
01:44.38dijibperforms gasp
01:45.00slash`whats up all
01:45.04p3nguinYou're killin' me, dude.
01:45.16dijibok so back to buddies issue
01:45.21dijibwhats his PB's saying?
01:45.34p3nguinHaven't seen what I was asking for yet.
01:45.46p3nguinIt keeps running as root, but I want to see it run as asterisk.
01:45.55dijib/etc/sysconfig/asterisk /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf and ps?
01:46.01slash`is anybody pls help me to do this one?
01:46.03p3nguinI think the init script is at fault.
01:46.08dijibdid he enabe to daemon on boot?
01:46.21p3nguinDoesn't matter if he did or not.
01:46.29dijibwhats the daemon manager?
01:46.34p3nguinSince he isn't booting up right now, that's irrelevant.
01:46.39p3nguinWhat's a daemon manager?
01:47.09dijibno its not as if you do like a service restart asterisk or equivalent it would go there
01:47.20dijibthat was my issue last install no?
01:47.37p3nguinHe was starting it with service, but also ran the init script directly.
01:48.21dijibdoes /etc/init.d/asterisk even have user options.... dont htink so just paths to configs
01:48.25p3nguinurvg4: Check /etc/default/asterisk
01:48.25dijibbounce the box
01:48.27slash`anybody pls tell me how to register my asterisk sip client server with Cisco asa?
01:48.48dijibnot really urvg4 im just wasting time and causing kernel panic fires
01:48.52p3nguinSet the AST_USER and AST_GROUP to asterisk
01:49.01slash`p3nguin:can u ask u something plsss
01:49.06dijibin /etc/sysconfig/asterisk
01:49.10dijibif applicable in ubunut
01:49.19slash`p3nguin:can i ask u something plsss
01:49.22dijibslash ask me
01:49.24p3nguinslash`: I can't even read what you're saying, so I doubt I can do whatever it is you are asking.
01:49.37dijibask moi
01:49.42p3nguinUse actual words.
01:50.02dijibuse whatever you want i can attempt to decipher
01:50.08slash`im really newbie .... but im just stuck at last point
01:50.20dijibim nubby aswell
01:50.21*** join/#asterisk kessius (~cassio@
01:51.20slash`p3nguin:i want to Connect my multi Sip client With thier VOIP devices behind NAT to Connect Sip Server
01:51.36p3nguinurvg4: After you set AST_USER=asterisk and AST_GROUP=asterisk in /etc/default/asterisk, then start asterisk again.  Make sure it is DEAD before you try.
01:52.00slash`p3nguin:(5060 port is blocked so what should i do can u pls give me Server Side Example PLS?)
01:52.30dijibunblock 5060 slash`
01:53.31*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
01:54.06dijiburvg4: pkill -9 asterisk
01:54.20urvg4yea did that
01:54.30dijibjust passing on my nub knowledge
01:56.17slash`urvg4... can u pls help me?
01:56.50urvg4what do u want to do?
01:57.20dijiburvg4: wtf
01:57.50dijibthat doesnt make sense
01:58.04slash`p3nguin:i want to Connect my multi linux client server With attach VOIP devices behind NAT to Connect Sip Server
01:58.08dijibyou did all the permissions, touched asterisk.conf /sysconf/asterisk
01:58.12dijibwhat else do you need?
01:58.14slash`urvg4:i want to Connect my multi linux client server With attach VOIP devices behind NAT to Connect Sip Server
01:58.55slash`maybe im baneed nobody see ma msg :[
01:59.01urvg4slash:set nat=yes in the user settings
01:59.06dijibyour not banned
01:59.17dijibi just dont have the resources available
01:59.23dijibone issue at a time
02:01.14urvg4p3nguin: asterisk still not accepting calls
02:02.16dijiburvg4: how do you add a newly built program? and how did you install asterisk?
02:02.49dijibk. and how do you eneable to daemon?
02:02.58urvg4no I don't
02:03.05urvg4what is the sytax?
02:03.21dijibim asking you
02:03.31*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
02:03.37dijibim wondering if you can specify the user:group where you enable it
02:03.56slash`urvg4:i mean what should i set asterisk Server Side?
02:04.06slash`and what should i set Client Server Side?
02:04.24slash`and how do i reduce bandwdith
02:04.36urvg4slash: set nat=yes in sip general setting
02:06.00urvg4in the server side
02:06.30urvg4and nat=yes at the client user setting
02:08.49slash`both side same config sir?
02:10.14dijiburvg4: /etc/event.d/asterisk ? does ubuntu still use upstart?
02:10.30dijibin there does it start it as AST_USER AST_GROUP
02:10.52dijibwait no.....
02:11.14urvg4let me check
02:11.40dijibdid you have a /etc/sysconfig/asterisk file?
02:11.45*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
02:12.57urvg4no I don't
02:13.00dijibdisable selinux !
02:13.35*** join/#asterisk GGD (
02:14.14dijib# setenforce 0
02:14.18dijib# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux
02:14.36dijibsave it.
02:14.58dijibi had this issue a couple days ago and i couldnt figure it out
02:15.03dijiband i just remembered the fix
02:15.49dijibthats not a linux command
02:15.55dijibit didnt work did it?
02:16.19dijibi need to find the ubuntu variant
02:18.41dijibim asking #liux
02:21.14*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
02:22.42*** join/#asterisk mahiti-irc (~mahiti@
02:23.38mahiti-ircanyone knows whether the Digium PRI cards supports SS7 ?
02:27.24*** join/#asterisk topriddy (~Seamfix@
02:31.12p3nguinHa, there's no SELinux in Ubuntu.
02:31.41p3nguinMaybe it's AppArmor.
02:33.25p3nguinurvg4: Did you ever set the user and group in /etc/default/asterisk?
02:33.38urvg4yea i did
02:34.55p3nguinDid you stop asterisk and make sure it is dead?
02:35.30p3nguinThen use the init script to start asterisk again.
02:35.50dijibthats what my issue was the other day selinux
02:36.26*** join/#asterisk wudles (
02:37.13p3nguin(2131.11) <p3nguin> Ha, there's no SELinux in Ubuntu.
02:37.26p3nguin(2131.40) <p3nguin> Maybe it's AppArmor.       <-------
02:37.58*** part/#asterisk GGD (
02:38.28urvg4yea I stopped asterisk
02:38.37dijibraid is working perfectly.
02:38.51urvg4and did the init script
02:38.53dijibsaw that
02:39.19dijibyo boys its showerday so i might be back might now. will see u in a bit if not
02:40.12p3nguinAsterisk should be starting as uid asterisk after setting the values in /etc/default/asterisk and also setting runuser/rungroup in asterisk.conf.
02:40.31urvg4let me confirm that
02:40.39urvg4it keep starting as root
02:41.05p3nguinThat's crap.  It's like the init script isn't even working correctly.
02:41.14*** join/#asterisk lanning (
02:41.34p3nguinAnd I don't know how to tell you to find out why and fix it.
02:41.59p3nguinAlso, you mentioned something about phones not working.  Did you disable your firewall?
02:42.33urvg4yea I did
02:44.03p3nguinThat's a problem.
02:44.13p3nguinThe # prevents them from being read.
02:44.16mahiti-ircanyone knows whether the Digium PRI cards supports SS7 ?
02:45.13urvg4USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND
02:45.14urvg4asterisk  8273 20.7  0.9 538864 37980 ?        Ssl  04:44   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -U asterisk -G asterisk
02:45.22p3nguinThat's better.
02:45.28p3nguinNow it isn't running as root.
02:45.54p3nguinYou can connect to the CLI with asterisk -r now?
02:46.06p3nguinDo you have phones configured?
02:46.22p3nguinAt least one phone.
02:46.27jercosmahiti-irc: a PRI card provides, well, a PRI. It supports SS7 the same way your ethernet card supports TCP/IP ;)
02:46.37p3nguinDo you have a peer configured in asterisk for the phone?
02:47.05mahiti-ircoh okk jercos
02:47.16mahiti-ircthanks that made me relax :)
02:48.12urvg4p3nguin: nothing coming up on CLI
02:48.25p3nguinEnable sip debug.
02:48.28p3nguinsip set debug on
02:48.50urvg4ok done
02:49.15urvg4sip set debug on
02:49.15urvg4No such command 'sip set debug on' (type 'core show help sip set' for other possible commands)
02:51.12p3nguinWhat is your asterisk version?
02:52.27urvg4asterisk 1.6
02:52.34p3nguinThat isn't a version.
02:52.53p3nguincore show version
02:53.26urvg4Asterisk built by root @ nt535rb01 on a x86_64 running Linux on 2012-03-24 22:59:24 UTC
02:53.47p3nguinOkay, so you are using version
02:53.58p3nguinAnd you haven't configured it yet.
02:54.36p3nguinYou're going to have to configure asterisk before it can work.
02:54.48*** join/#asterisk rhce7320 (~rhce7320@
02:54.53urvg4ok ....what is the sytax?
02:54.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
02:55.26p3nguinYou'll probably want to look at sip.conf soon.
02:56.14urvg4ok thanks
02:56.51p3nguinI'm going to go watch some TV while you read the book for configuring your system.
02:57.55*** join/#asterisk lanning (
03:13.34*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nsystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
03:15.38*** join/#asterisk v4x (
03:22.22p3nguinHow's it going on the book reading?
03:25.14dijiblongest shower of my life
03:27.33dijiblol urvg4 are you for real even my nub butt knew that
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04:37.31ChannelZOH HAI!
04:39.08slash`hello ChannelZ
04:39.12slash`how r u dongf
04:46.04ChannelZMe and my dong are just lovely, and you?
04:57.33*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nsystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
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05:14.19*** join/#asterisk QbY (
05:16.11QbYIs it possible, using *.call files (moved to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing) to send  the call to multiple carriers -- in the event of failure ?  I have a call that I must have go out, if I specify CHANNEL=sip/1234567890@CARRIERA if CARRIERA fails the call is retried at CARRIERA.  What I'd like to do is have it dump to a context, where it tries CARRIERA, CARRIERB, CARRIERC….  And when there's an answer it then executes the Context/Exten/Pri
05:16.12QbYI originally wanted..
05:17.53*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nsystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
05:20.10ChannelZWhat is the other side of the call file doing?  is it calling an extension or..
05:21.31ChannelZactually I guess it doesn't matter.  Instead of using SIP/whatever you could use a Local/ channel and send it into your dialplan which can do pretty much anything you want.
05:22.08*** join/#asterisk lanning (
05:24.15Kobazspeaking of call files
05:24.46Kobazi'm running into a problem where i write out the call file and instead of spawning when it's supposesd to spawn based on the timestamp, it spawns immediately
05:29.47ChannelZAre you writing the file directly into the spool directory and then modifying the timestamp?
05:30.26ChannelZI think you have to write it elsewhere, change the modified time of the file, and then move it into the spool directory so that it has the desired timestamp at the time it appears in the spool and is noticed by asterisk
05:36.22QbYI'll try Local
05:46.52KobazChannelZ: setting the timestamp and then moving the file there
05:46.59KobazChannelZ: works fine on one machine, doesn't on another
05:47.24Kobazhaven't really looked at the code in pbx_spool yet
05:50.33p3nguinOkay, so once upon a time there was this company called Altus Communications Group, which must have the absolute worst customer service of any VoIP services company on the entire planet.  This opinion exists because there was this potential customer who wanted to test drive the service, so he sent a few emails to customer support trying to get a trial account, which was advertised and promised to him.  After a half dozen emails ...
05:50.39p3nguin... and four entire months, the company still hasn't managed to configure the trial account for the potential customer.  That must be a really shitty company or simply have really shitty people running it.  I just wanted to share this little story.  I hope you enjoyed it.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
05:57.30*** join/#asterisk slash` (~slash@
05:57.43QbYAltus Communications Group/Altus Carrier Services prefers to handle carrier-level customers, and while it may be "judging a book by its cover" most customers whom do not have a static IP are considered non-carrier level, and are in more need of retail services that companies like Flowroute can provide.
05:58.25p3nguinRetail services shouldn't be advertised if the demand can't be met.
05:59.54QbYAdditionally, Altus Carrier tends to ignore requests when potential customers send in inflammatory emails attacking it for its policies.  Lastly, the profits one million minutes a month generate are minuscule compared to the profits a few billion generate, therefore Altus tends to ignore customers whom only bring a million minutes when they initiate the relationship with hateful, emails.
06:00.17ChannelZKobaz: Do they both run the same filesystem?  Wonder if it's something funky with how Asterisk sees the files
06:01.01QbYOH…  Yeah, that's right, we don't provide retail services..  We're wholesale, we tried retail, and found a bunch of hobbyists who needed much more love and attention that we were capable or wanting to provide.  Sorry guy, you can always contact one of our resellers..  There's several of them out there.
06:05.55*** join/#asterisk Russ (
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06:12.45KobazChannelZ: same fs
06:18.02Kobazi'll step through the code at some point and see what the dilly is
06:18.07Kobazanyway, nap time
06:30.15*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
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08:22.04ChannelZHmm.  Are the Asterisk docs actually getting worse?
08:22.51ChannelZIt seems like the Guide actually has less in it each version
08:23.04KNERDhow else they expect to make money off support?
08:27.14ChannelZI guess it's no worse than every other open source project
08:30.39*** part/#asterisk kieppie (
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08:43.39KNERDIt happens to them all. As it becomes mor epopular they start turnining more commercial
08:43.55KNERDand the documentation gets worse
08:48.42*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
08:49.54gavimobilehi folks if 100 is police emergency in my country, does this mean I shouldn't create any users with the number 100 to reach them?
08:50.09gavimobileor is there a way to separate the 2?
08:52.21ChannelZIf by users you mean extensions, probably not
08:53.14gavimobileChannelZ: asterisk doesn't like to call it extentions from what I understand, cause an extention can be a name as well
08:53.17gavimobilewasn't sure how to word it
08:54.13ChannelZWell, no... extensions are extensions
08:54.27gavimobileChannelZ: you ran away from me yesterday. the support team stil didn't get back to me regarding the leading 00's
08:54.28ChannelZAn extension is a number that you dial.
08:54.48gavimobileChannelZ: it definetly sounds better when you put it that way
08:54.59ChannelZWhat we try not to get people to do is equate extensions with devices
08:55.23gavimobileChannelZ: thanks for the clarification
08:55.44gavimobileso what's your 2 cents on the subject?
08:56.26gavimobileif I want 100 for dialing police, does this mean I can not use 100 for anything else?
08:57.08gavimobileI was wondering how people in the states do this for example 911. they use 911 for an emergency call, however what happens if they have an peer who's ext is 911
08:57.24ChannelZI said it's probably a bad idea, but I suppose it depends on how accident prone your users are and if they would accidentally dial 100 a lot when they meant to dial 109 or something
08:57.25lanning9 to get out, then 911
08:57.36gavimobilewould there be a conflict of some sort or they prevent this from the begenning
08:57.59ChannelZI would never make an extension called 912 for instance
08:58.36ChannelZBecause someone might accidentally dial 911 instead..
08:58.41lanningin most companies, to dial 911, you would dial "9911" or the security office, because the trunks go off to someother city.
08:58.56gavimobilelanning: I was wondering about this
08:59.02ChannelZPeople dial fast, they might accidentally double-tap the 1 while dialing 912
08:59.05gavimobilethats is what I ment
08:59.17gavimobileor maybe if I did 100# is the ext and 100 is the police
08:59.35gavimobileChannelZ: my pbx has less than 5 users probably, LOL
08:59.37ChannelZYes that'd work too.
08:59.47ChannelZIt also depends on your devices and how you set their dialplans up.
09:00.00ChannelZIf someone dials 100 but then forgets to hit # within a couple seconds...
09:01.02ChannelZIt also makes dialing 100 in an emergency cause a delay since the phone/system is waiting to see if they are going to hit the # or not.  So I'd, at minimum, make your 'internal' extensions be 101 and above so that 100 can be non-ambiguous
09:01.14gavimobileChannelZ: so maybe I should make a small ivr when calling 100, "the extention you dialed is also used for emergency calls" to dial the police press one now, otherwait wait on the line and your call will be transferred to extention 100
09:01.48gavimobilewell 101 is hospital or fire dispatch
09:01.51lanningfor the purpose of 911, you just avoid the number
09:01.58ChannelZYes, that's what I do.  If someone dials 911 it says 'Emergency' and waits 1 second before actually dialing out, in case someone makes a mistake.  They will realize it fast enough to hang up
09:02.05gavimobileI might just end up using 9 to make a call
09:02.33gavimobileits smart how they thought about it in the states to use the 9xx serries
09:02.38gavimobilewhat were they thinking here in my country
09:02.41ChannelZIf 100s are emergency numbers in your region then I'd avoid them for local extensions at all
09:03.03gavimobilegot it! you guys cleared things up for me! thanks
09:03.12lanninglike in the US PSTN, you won't find a prefix "911"
09:03.31lanningor an area code 911
09:04.53lanningwhat always got me was the UK dialing, and their different lengths
09:10.20*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:6ef0:49ff:fe50:659d)
09:16.25gavimobileok, I just asked my neighbors who don't use a ip call center, 100 is the secretary and 9100 is the police
09:18.59lanningya, "9" to get out
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09:20.42lanningto dial US 408 information: 914085551212
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09:29.54gavimobilelanning: yup, I just fixed my rules to do that all outgoing calls require 9
09:30.31gavimobilebut im still a bit unsure about creating the dialplan rule for the emergency calls. in the book it says exten => 9911,Goto(nopsap,1) ; for people who dial '9' before external calls
09:30.47gavimobilenot sure what that means Goto(nopsap,1)
09:31.02gavimobilewhy doesn't it use dial?
09:32.26gavimobilesilly mistake
09:32.55gavimobile[TK-Defender] would have killed me for that one
09:36.21gavimobileso psap is Public Safety Answering Point, but that applies for people who are in the states. how can I get information about something simmilar to Public Safety Answering Point in my country
09:41.25*** join/#asterisk kieppie (
09:42.20kieppiehi all. is anyone able to comment on video chat & intergation w XMPP? seems complimentary technology & somethinng I'll be looking into when I've become more acustomed to Asterisk's workings
09:58.33*** join/#asterisk Russ (
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10:12.29*** join/#asterisk CeruleanSky (~sky@unaffiliated/ceruleansky)
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10:30.04CeruleanSkyWhat do you guys thing is the easiest/simplest dual Voice Command and DTMF supporting IVR that is free for a yes/no question, to integrate into asterisk, maybe even a distro with asterisk that has one already?
10:31.19CeruleanSkySomething for a question like Do you need assistance/help/explanation? Say yes or press one
10:39.35*** join/#asterisk mick_laptop (~mick@clamwin/admin/mickhome)
10:39.51mick_laptophi everyone
10:40.04mick_laptopis general voip client talk allowed here too?
10:40.35CeruleanSkyWell there doesn't seem anybody up yet to disagree to such things
10:43.01mick_laptopI'm looking for an open source voip client (sip or iax) for an older iphone (iOS3). linphone looks awesome, but the itunes d/l says it is for iOS4+ (which contradicts the website from Dec 2011 saying that iOS3 was supported)
10:44.35mick_laptopI'd like to be able to submit fixes if I find bugs
10:45.21CeruleanSkyWell the iphone version says it was last released Monday 25 October 2010
10:45.26CeruleanSkyunless I am mistaken
10:46.10CeruleanSkyso there is probably a lot of bugs between then and now that were submitted
10:46.21CeruleanSkyunless the linphone download page is wrong
10:48.42mick_laptopiOS 4.3 is required according to the phone
10:49.16*** join/#asterisk mr_pete (5ce892a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:49.21mick_laptopI've asked a few days ago in #linphone btw (2 people there) :)
10:49.28mr_peteHello :)
10:49.50mick_laptophello there
10:49.55mr_peteCan anyone assist in my (painful) migration from 1.4 to 1.6?  I have an SPA3102 I cannot get working.  Suspect I need to do something with DAHDI but I have *no* clues!
10:52.59CeruleanSkymick_laptop: they seemed to care at least around feb 2011
10:56.11mick_laptopI guess I'll need to try to compile myself
10:58.27mick_laptopI didn't find a bug tracking system for them though :-.
11:01.55mr_peteno clues on SPA boxes and Asterisk 1.6?  :\
11:02.27CeruleanSkywell it is still 7am sunday in america, not sure where most of the people here are from, so you might want to ask in 5-8 hours
11:02.50CeruleanSkyand that is east coast, even earlier for the rest of the country
11:09.48mick_laptopya, my TZ
11:09.58mick_laptoptime for me to sleep soon
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11:25.35mr_petedoes *anyone* know how to get 1.6 working with an ATA?
11:25.49mr_peteor did that functionality vanish into the ether?
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11:55.22topriddyhello asterisk
11:55.35topriddyI am trying to implement a call data centre with asterisk and I am interested in the kind of hardware that would be neeccessary
11:58.10CeruleanSkytopriddy: since the people who are experienced at such things aren't awake yet, this introduction has popular hardware that is used and may answer your question:
11:58.42CeruleanSkyIt could be very helpful in choosing the hardware you need for your application
11:58.53CeruleanSkyand has model numbers and brand names
12:06.20*** join/#asterisk topriddy (~Seamfix@
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12:14.44nicola_pavhello. I have asn asterisk pbx installed on centos and there is pri E1 sangoma card installed. we send calls to a cellular provider with progress PI 8.
12:15.21nicola_pavthey send us back and they want us to send them ALERTING with PI 8. is this possible in asterisk? what parameters should I add or modify?
12:15.29nicola_pavany hints please?
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12:52.05topriddyCeruleanSky: hi friend
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13:17.11bratnerhi! I'm having a lot of these on the console: chan_sip.c:1906 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x937d14c (len 524) to returned -1
13:17.17bratnerwhat am i doing wrong?
13:19.59topriddyCeI want to have thousands of callers be able to call one single PUBLIC line (e.g 08023045611) and then have this hit my asterisk box somehow and then my asterix reroutes it to one of my IP phones
13:20.06topriddyI want to have thousands of callers be able to call one single PUBLIC line (e.g 08023045611) and then have this hit my asterisk box somehow and then my asterix reroutes it to one of my IP phones
13:20.16topriddyNot sure exactly how this can be done
13:23.20*** join/#asterisk mr_pete (5ce892a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:23.35mr_peteHuzzah, I have sorted asterisk 1.6 with the SPA3102.
13:23.40mr_petenow I have another weird bug :)
13:24.06mr_peteI'm forcing all calls over a trunk (PSTN) and it's working.
13:24.38mr_petebut if I set a rule to force everything starting with 9 to go via that trunk, stripping 1 char from the front, asterisk is still passing the 9 to the trunk?
13:25.10mr_pete:exten = _9.,1,Macro(trunkdial-failover-0.3,${pstn-spa3k}/${EXTEN:1},,pstn-spa3k,)
13:25.46mr_peteanyone spot anything obvious?
13:36.49*** part/#asterisk CeruleanSky (~sky@unaffiliated/ceruleansky)
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13:50.10Dovidhi all. i have an issue where randomly asterisk will not log a call to /var/log/full. the whole call is missing. any idea why that would be? I have another server with the same version that does not have the issue
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14:12.26Dovidhi all. i have an issue where randomly asterisk will not log a call to /var/log/full. the whole call is missing. any idea why that would be? I have another server with the same version that does not have the issue
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14:43.34Dovidhi tk
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15:01.16YelBoafternoon all...
15:13.54leifmadsenmorning :)
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16:01.01*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
16:05.57AmirBehzadwe're developing a service for people, to hear valuable contents (such as horoscope). The whole system is implemented using Asterisk and a agi scripts, written in PHP
16:06.42AmirBehzadThe php-agi scripts are written a long time ago, and we want to do some refactoring
16:06.53AmirBehzadNow we're in a situation to decide between PHP or Python to create agi scripts
16:07.05AmirBehzadwhat is more common? PHP-AGI or Python-AGI
16:07.35AmirBehzadI'm a php-developer, but i somehow feel that Python is better for writing agi scripts, since php is a "web" scripting language
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16:08.04AmirBehzadIs there any comparison? does any one has a experience with php vs. python for agi scripting?
16:12.15davlefoui looks up to mgcp doc, where i can find?
16:13.54*** part/#asterisk MarkS- (~mark@unaffiliated/mark21)
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16:14.28davlefou[TK]D-Fender: have you already use this protocol?
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16:17.59mbrevdais there any way to tell from the dialplan if a (once-)parked call is still parked?
16:20.51[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: Yes.  A lot is taken
16:21.20mbrevdaoh - gotchya. How can you tell?
16:21.29[TK]D-FenderParking lot extension is clearly mapped and you can query it
16:21.35[TK]D-Fenderdavlefou: No
16:21.48mbrevda[TK]D-Fender: like with hints?
16:22.12[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: "core show function DIALPLAN_EXISTS"
16:23.40p3nguinWhen you park the call, it creates the extension, but when you unpark, doesn't the extension stay there until something else overwrites it or you otherwise manually clear it?
16:24.22mbrevdaim trying to figure that out as well. But hints seems like a rather tempting way to check...
16:24.52[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: automatically added and cleared
16:25.11[TK]D-Fendermbrevda: that function covers it.
16:25.41mbrevdacool, ill look in to that. Im guessing that the context is whatever you have set for that parkinglot?
16:25.49*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
16:26.06p3nguinHmm.  Now I'm wondering why I thought the park extension remained after it wasn't being used.
16:26.25[sr]hi p3nguin, have u seen wimpy?
16:26.39p3nguin~seen wimpy
16:26.45infobotwimpy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 17d 14h 16m 21s ago, saying: '~pb'.
16:27.04[sr]hum he may be on vacation
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18:30.20gavimobileChannelZ: are you around by any change?
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18:49.12p3nguinWhat a boring, gloomy day.
18:54.46*** join/#asterisk lwbnet (~luke@
18:56.04lwbnetcan someone tell me why the /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin is empty after installing asterisk?
18:56.25lwbnetfrom reading around there should be example config in there?
18:56.32kaldemarlwbnet: why wouldn't it be?
18:57.07lwbnetwhat do i need to install to make sure perl agi scripts work
18:57.17kaldemarlwbnet: AGI samples are not installed by default.
18:57.52kaldemarlwbnet: if you have res_agi, AGI works. it's not a matter of used language.
18:58.32lwbnetkaldemar: thanks
18:59.12lwbnetwhat is res_agi ? im basically moving an exsiting asterisk server to a freshly built one
19:00.14lwbnetthe old one had a few agi scripts like /uks/agi/
19:00.25lwbnetthat are just referenced from extensions.conf
19:00.49lwbnetdo i need to install anything else other than basic asterisk
19:00.57lwbnet(other thank perl ofc :p)
19:01.40kaldemarlwbnet:, a resource module that is installed by default.
19:02.23lwbnetOK, thanks
19:02.51lwbneti was just worried seeing the examples in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin on the old server
19:02.56MrOlilwbnet: this is the asterisk module that handles running AGI scripts
19:02.58kaldemarwhat you need to install depends on your AGI scripts. if they use some 3rd party library, then you need to install it. callout-NOC.agi is not a part of asterisk, it is something extra.
19:03.00lwbnetbut not on the new one i just installed asterisk on
19:04.46kaldemarthe sample scripts are optional and can be selected for installation in the "make menuselect" menu.
19:05.00lwbnetaha i see
19:05.23MrOlilwbnet: do you use the command "AGI" anywhere in your dialplan ?
19:06.55lwbnetyes, there's around 7 custom perl scripts in /uks/agi/ that are referenced in extensions.conf
19:08.04lwbneti just wanted to make sure i wasnt missing a module or something on the newly built asterisk server, as i didnt see the examples
19:08.08lwbnetjust a blank dir
19:08.55lwbnetsorry for the 1000 questions, i am a network engineer, but the only one brave enough to play with our phone systme
19:09.04*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
19:10.09MrOlilwbnet: make sure of 2 things. your new asterisk shouls show "res_agi" when you run "module show" , and your linux distribution should have perl installed. try "rpm -qa | grep -i perl
19:10.51MrOlilwbnet: you are showing an empty agi directory because you didn't select "agi samples" in the "make menuconfig" step of compiling asterisk
19:11.56lwbnetMrOli: good advice, will definitely need to make sure perl is installed :p
19:12.41lwbnetMrOli: thanks
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19:41.45lwbnetanyone else using magrathea
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19:42.38ChrisInSydneyI heard a free switch person call it arseterisk
19:42.42ChrisInSydneymornin all.
19:44.23MrOlihi ChrisInSydney
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20:15.35vltHello. What do I need for fax detection (not receiving) from a SIP channel?
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20:42.28keith4_is there some trick to getting a VPMOCT032 on a TE121 working with dahdi?
20:43.56keith4_if I set "echocanceller=hwec,1-23", as suggested in the digium kb, dahdi_cfg fails with "DAHDI_ATTACH_ECHOCAN failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)"
20:51.15*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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21:27.13MrOlivlt: have you tried NVFaxDetect ? it works for SIP/IAX
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22:04.09vltMrOli: Thank you.
22:06.01Kobazhmm, iax is seriously screwy in 1.8
22:06.31Kobazif i make an asterisk iax to iax call which lands in a meetme, and hang one end up, I get infinite [2012-03-25 17:58:35] WARNING[23886]: app_meetme.c:3681 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel IAX2/co01-129
22:20.14MrOliKobaz: which version of 1.8 are you running ?
22:27.07davlefouhi, is somebody have use mgcp protocol?
22:35.25*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
22:39.04davlefouI am afraid by your anwser!
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23:14.09ChrisInSydneyMrOli: hey
23:15.45KobazMrOli: 1.8.5
23:16.43KobazMrOli: i fixed it... there was a spot in app_meetme where it's doing a can_write, and if it fails it just loops around forever
23:17.56Kobazit probably should try a few times and then bail
23:18.00Kobazbut for now that works
23:33.43*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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