IRC log for #asterisk on 20120322

00:05.45*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
00:24.50*** join/#asterisk wudles (
00:27.22*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
00:27.39LemensTSWhen dialing a group of sip phones, is their a way to do BLF for only the one that answers?
00:30.09*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
00:30.33*** join/#asterisk GGD (
00:41.35*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
00:56.21[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Could you rephrase that.... doesn't make much sense as it was written...
00:59.49*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
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01:04.41LemensTSTKD: On incoming calls from outside, I have it ring multiple phones 'Dial(SIP/800&SIP/802)' .....If I set 'hint,SIP/800&SIP/802' they both go ringing on the BLF which is good, but when one picks up they both go busy, instead of one going back to available.
01:05.31LemensTSI do the hint before the dial of course
01:07.17dijibp3nguin: sorry i had to eat dinner and cleanup
01:07.37dijibp3nguin: it says "starting asterisk" and then nothing... no [OK]
01:07.53dijibwhen i run ps i see it running but i cannot connect to asterisk -r
01:08.01p3nguinBLF is per extension, not per phone.  Phones are not extensions, extensions are not phones.  So it is working correctly.
01:08.37p3nguindijib: What does "ps -C asterisk u" output?
01:10.21LemensTSp3nguin: yea I know it is working properly for how I have it written, how can I make it work where the one not answered goes back to available?
01:16.11*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
01:19.57p3nguinThe extension is IN USE.  BLF reports it as such.
01:21.27p3nguindijib: Eating again?
01:23.39LemensTSp3nguin. yes I know it reports it as because of the hint i send it. But only 1 of those phones answers, the other one quits ringing. Yes I know that i show it is supposed to work and it works by extension and not phone. I want to know how to write it where when the one picks up, the other one goes available on BLF. I figured their is a fancy way to do this in the dialplan using dev_state or something...
01:23.55dijibthe user when i run it with service is asterisk
01:24.23LemensTSp3nguin: or maybe I should be calling the phones using a different method idk
01:24.59dijibhold on ive got to make a call
01:26.27[TK]D-FenderLemensTSTKD: On incoming calls from outside, I have it ring multiple phones 'Dial(SIP/800&SIP/802)' .....If I set 'hint,SIP/800&SIP/802' they both go ringing on the BLF which is good, but when one picks up they both go busy, instead of one going back to available. <- that's the hint.  it refers to multiple devices
01:27.02[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: It isn't a device that's stuck... its that "only wanting to see if all are busy" etc expectation.  That isn't going to happen unfortunately...
01:27.19[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: You'd have to do some other trickery for that sort of thing.  The messy kind
01:28.40*** join/#asterisk rossand (
01:35.22LemensTSTKD: ok, do most people not mess with BLF on incoming calls to SIP phones?
01:35.42LemensTSIn ring groups I mean
01:37.12*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
01:38.11p3nguindijib: <p3nguin> dijib: What does "ps -C asterisk u" output?
01:41.27dijibroot     31634  5.9  5.2 1484064 26052 pts/0   Sl   21:47   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c
01:41.37dijibits starting as root?
01:48.02p3nguinAlso set runuser and rungroup to asterisk in asterisk.conf
01:52.41dijibroot     32049 11.6  5.2 1483564 26040 pts/0   Sl   21:58   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c
01:52.47dijibafter the asterisk.conf addition
01:53.07dijibshould that be in options?
01:55.20p3nguinContext?  We're not talking about dial plan.  You don't even have asterisk running right yet.
01:56.03p3nguinIn asterisk.conf, under the options heading, did you set runuser = asterisk and rungroup = asterisk?
02:01.21[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: I don't know who uses BLF to monitor a group of phones expecting to see only an "all busy / some ringing state.
02:01.29[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: * simply doesn't work that way.
02:01.55[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: You could fake your own way through it by using a a custom DEVICE_STATE and a whack of dialplan.  As I said... messy...
02:04.06*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
02:07.10dijibasterisk 32523  1.4  5.3 1484060 26148 pts/2   Sl   22:12   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c
02:07.14dijibok still cant connect
02:07.18dijibbut its running
02:08.10dijibconfigs are definitly not running
02:14.33p3nguinAt least it is running as asterisk, now.  Now to check permissions.
02:14.48p3nguinWhat happens when you run asterisk -r ?
02:14.53p3nguindijib: ^
02:15.15dijibhold on a teck...
02:15.20dijibthis is not making sense
02:15.27dijibits running. let me restart again
02:16.25dijib[Mar 21 22:22:32] Running as group 'asterisk'
02:16.25dijibUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
02:16.48dijibalso the digium vs of was causing it to crash
02:17.00dijibthe is working
02:17.17dijibbut ya no right now i still cannot connect
02:17.54p3nguinnamei -m /var/run/asterisk/
02:17.58p3nguinWhat does that say?
02:18.11p3nguinIt should return five lines.
02:18.25dijiball drwxr-xr-r
02:18.47*** join/#asterisk wudles (
02:19.28p3nguinI really dislike the namei on CentOS.  It fails to reveal the ownership of the path.
02:19.40p3nguinls -dl /var/run/asterisk
02:20.20dijibowned by asterisk
02:20.48p3nguinYou started asterisk using the init script or service asterisk start?
02:21.27p3nguinYou are root when running asterisk -r?
02:21.57p3nguinI think I might see a problem.
02:22.10p3nguinchmod 775 /var/run/asterisk
02:22.54p3nguinAlthough, I can't see how that could make it not connect.
02:22.57dijibstill no go
02:23.02p3nguinYeah, I figured.
02:23.09dijibits also not running the dialplan
02:23.28dijibasterisk   564  1.6  5.2 1483568 26088 pts/2   Sl   22:28   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c
02:23.36dijibUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
02:23.45dijiband the pid does exist but the ctl does not
02:27.34p3nguinI have one more idea.  I'm comparing your ps output to a CentOS box of mine.
02:28.04p3nguinMine explicitly runs asterisk using the -U and -G options.  That is going to be a result of the init script.
02:28.55p3nguinYou're sure you set AST_USER=asterisk and AST_GROUP=asterisk in /etc/sysconfig/asterisk?
02:29.21dijibwhats the /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf variables
02:29.46dijibrunuser rungroup
02:30.51p3nguinI want you to check the init script to ensure the values are being read.  Pastebin the entire output of:  grep "sysconfig\|USER\|GROUP" /etc/init.d/asterisk
02:32.24*** join/#asterisk wudles (
02:33.38dijibno such file or directory
02:33.54p3nguinWell, that is a result of your doing it wrong.  I see the info I wanted to see.
02:34.36p3nguinRestart it using the init script, not service.  /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
02:35.06dijibis that whats run on boot or the service?
02:35.15p3nguinThe init script runs.
02:35.28Tim_Toadybtw is selinux disabled?
02:35.33p3nguinBut I really thought service executed the init script.
02:35.55Tim_Toadyservice runs the init script actually
02:36.05p3nguinI thought it did.
02:36.13*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
02:36.24Tim_Toadydijib: is selinux disabled?
02:36.41p3nguinYou'll probably have to tell him how to check it.  I doubt he knows anything about it.
02:36.47dijibselinux ? whats this?
02:36.53dijibi still cant connect
02:37.00dijibdifferent output this time
02:37.03dijibon that grep
02:37.23Tim_Toadydijib: try running  'sestatus' and see if selinux is enabled
02:37.26Tim_Toadyif yes disbale it
02:37.26dijibselinux disabled where Tim_Toady
02:37.59p3nguinUh... oops?  :/
02:38.01Tim_Toadydisbale it, it causes problems with asterrisk
02:38.52dijibhow do you disable it?
02:39.00dijibwhat else will that impact?
02:39.10Tim_Toadyedit /etc/selinux/config
02:39.11dijibits a security policy?
02:39.21p3nguinIt's a system, not a policy.
02:39.31Tim_Toadyand change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled
02:40.03dijibhow do i restart that service?
02:40.07dijibor whatever it is?
02:40.16dijibive changed the parameter
02:40.20Tim_Toadyreboot if possible
02:40.56dijibcan do but im going to have to reconnect to irssi
02:41.55dijibback in 5
02:42.04dijibwhile watching doomsday preppers
02:42.57Tim_Toadyu can also run setenforce 0 rto avoid rebooting
02:44.05p3nguinIt's probably too late.
02:44.19*** part/#asterisk GGD (
02:44.44Tim_Toadya reboot is always better
02:45.01Tim_Toadyhe might never make it back here :P
02:45.09p3nguinIn the case of selinux, I'd feel better knowing it was booted with it disabled.
02:45.21p3nguinFor almost everything else, rebooting just wastes my time.
02:48.53Tim_Toadynot even selinux can save him :P
02:49.24*** join/#asterisk v4x (
02:49.53p3nguinMaybe you can tell him when he gets back.
02:50.04*** join/#asterisk dijib (
02:51.38*** join/#asterisk nosaj (~jbarinas@
02:52.21dijibasterisk  1610  0.2  5.3 1485240 26472 ?       Sl   22:53   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -vvvg -c
02:52.28dijiband asterisk -r is working
02:52.30dijibafter reboot
02:52.52p3nguinSo it was selinux blocking asterisk from writing the ctl file.
02:53.13p3nguinAnd asterisk is running as asterisk, as it should be, instead of root.
02:53.26p3nguinirssi, on the other hand, is still running as root.
02:53.49p3nguinSo you're almost there.
02:53.50dijibso selinux is a kernel protecton module?
02:54.01dijibyeh now i just need working
02:54.41dijibthen ConfBridge, Meetme, voicemail, vm=email, mixmonitor and IVR are working
02:55.58p3nguinI have to stop trusting that people disable selinux first thing.
02:56.46dijibwell i just built this thing
02:56.52dijibim not that savvy i guess
02:56.56dijibsorry yall
02:57.36dijibso this crashes
02:57.39dijibwhat can i do
02:58.38Tim_Toadyi would first suggest you to upgrade to asterisk 1.8
02:58.52Tim_Toady1.6 is unsopported
02:58.55dijibim running 1.8.7
02:59.09dijibConnected to Asterisk currently
02:59.14Tim_Toadythes this module is failing because its the 1.6.2 version
02:59.19Tim_Toadyget the 1.8 one
02:59.26dijiband if there isnt one?
02:59.30Tim_Toadythere is
02:59.49Tim_Toadyin the same place u got this
03:00.16p3nguinRunning, using a module CLEARLY made for wondering why it crashes.  Brilliant!
03:00.49Tim_Toadypositive even
03:01.01p3nguinShould have read the README.
03:01.21dijibive got the 1.8 version of
03:01.29dijibcan i use the stock
03:01.33Tim_Toadythats all you need to run it
03:01.38dijibor do u need ti digium version?
03:01.42dijiboh ok
03:01.43p3nguinConsidering it has all the necessary instructions and links, the README is pretty important.
03:01.56dijibthen thats working.. but im not able to recieve faxes
03:02.15dijibi must have missed it
03:02.24Tim_Toadywelcome to the wonderful world of faxing :P
03:02.32dijibi did the 1,3,4
03:02.39p3nguinYou have to have for it to work.
03:02.48dijibi have it
03:02.55dijiband its running im fairely certain
03:03.21p3nguinfax show capabilities
03:03.27dijibthey dont have a 64bit version for 1.8?
03:03.34p3nguinYes they do.
03:03.45dijibType            : DIGIUM
03:03.45dijibDescription     : Digium FAX Driver
03:03.46dijibCapabilities    : SEND RECEIVE T.38 G.711 MULTI-DOC
03:03.51p3nguinIf you'd use the module selector, you'd know that.
03:04.24p3nguinDid you register your key?
03:04.24dijibthere is a 64bit version on the ftp.
03:04.45dijibfax show stats shows licences.
03:05.05dijibin g.711 t.38
03:05.21p3nguinBut does fax show licenses show your license?
03:05.42dijibyes it shows
03:06.08p3nguinI guess it works, then.
03:06.58dijibtsting faxing now.
03:08.03dijibnext is raid on the 80gb's, then addition of 1.5TB drive
03:10.20dijib...and then there was silence in #asterisk
03:13.01p3nguinWay to kill an IRC channel.
03:14.25dijibdont worry im still rocking it
03:14.50dijibfaxes are failing
03:15.32dijib-- Channel 'SIP/voipms-00000001' FAX session '1' is complete, result: 'FAILED' (FAX_NO_FAX), error: 'T1_TIMEOUT'
03:16.50dijibalso the script says its writing a file to /var/spool/asterisk/fax/filename but no file is ever created
03:18.04dijibso what can i do with this sangoma card also....
03:18.14*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
03:19.36dijibChannel 'SIP/voipms-00000002' receiving FAX '/var/spool/asterisk/fax/20120321-8009806858-swissarms-1332386711.2.tif'
03:21.33dijibno file ever really created
03:21.36dijibpermissions are good
03:21.44dijibls -Als
03:24.40p3nguinWho is sending the faxes?
03:24.47Tim_Toadythats because the fax never arrived, T1 timeout means a failure during fax negotiation
03:25.39dijibim using thos automated internet services
03:25.57dijibenter sender/reciver info and msg
03:26.06dijibfaxzero, got freefax, etc
03:27.02Tim_Toadyt1 timeout means the faxes failed to identify each other
03:27.24Tim_Toadyyou try to get the fax via pstn? sip?
03:29.22dijibdont have access
03:30.11dijibwhats a good web based file manager?
03:30.39dijibi dont like extxplorer
03:32.39p3nguinDon't have access to what?
03:33.14p3nguinAnd what would you do with a web-based file manager, anyway?
03:33.31dijibi dont have access to a pstn fax machine
03:34.02dijibi have some drives ive mounted to /mnt directories that i need to access and mv files around
03:34.18Tim_Toadyinstall mc and do it in cli
03:35.00dijibhmmm thats more like what im looking for
03:35.06dijibi would rather do it from a browser though
03:36.15p3nguinYou won't use a web browser to do it.  It isn't the "web."
03:36.45p3nguinBut you can use ssh or sftp based apps, such as WinSCP or Filezilla.
03:39.22dijibdoes that keep the cpu load at the server?
03:39.36dijibi dont want client processing/bandwidth
03:40.04dijibalso sambs & windows7 you guys attempted to map in windows?
03:40.26dijibi can connect but it wont enumerate any files. gives permission error when going into the share
03:40.59*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~Adium@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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03:41.29p3nguinMaybe you can better define what it is you are trying to accomplish.
03:45.09*** join/#asterisk mahaD (~chatzilla@
03:45.36*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~Adium@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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03:45.40dijibmapping a network drive to a samba share on the server
03:52.02p3nguinOkay, that's pretty basic and very simple, but has nothing to do with your web based idea.
03:52.32p3nguinInstall samba.  Configure a share.  Map a drive on a client.
03:53.42dijibok now the share is a mount of a hard drive
03:54.40dijibi have [sharename]
03:54.45dijibvalid users
03:54.50dijibread ony =no
03:54.56dijibcreate mast 0777
03:55.05dijibdirectory mask 0777
03:55.27dijibcan connect from windows box but can not enumerate anything in the share.
03:55.45*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~Adium@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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03:56.04*** join/#asterisk flyingbull (
03:56.16flyingbullHi everyone:)
03:56.58flyingbullQuestion, I'm trying to figure out why I can call out fine, and the person who gets the call can hear everything, but I don't hear the person I called.
03:58.07flyingbullI'm using Asterisk 1.8 and the weird thing is, I can receive calls just fine, and transfer them without a problem.
03:58.22dijibflyingbull thats a NAT issue with forwarding 5060 appropriety
03:58.45flyingbullYeah but the server isn't behind a nat.
03:58.47dijibalso some routers firmware is not so SIP friendly
03:59.02dijibits got a public ip without a firewall?
03:59.09dijibwhats the topology?
03:59.36flyingbullit is on a server, CentOS, I have turned off Ip tables at the moment to see if that was the problem, doesn't appear to be.
03:59.51flyingbullit has a static ip.
04:00.01dijibyour directly connected to the internet ?
04:00.38p3nguinNot hearing one side of the call has nothing to do with forwarding of port 5060.
04:00.48flyingbullI am, via a router, but I've had this problems with other systems, and I setup the DMZ on the router to allow any connections directly to me.  So I'm wide open.
04:01.16infobot[~dmz] De-Militarized Zone, or usually a separate physical or logical network that has limited access to your internal systems and is accessible in limited ways from untrusted networks such as the Internet.  Putting Asterisk in the DMZ is not an acceptable alternative to properly forwarding the appropriate ports, so don't do it.  Plastic router appliances generally do not implement DMZ well.
04:01.41dijibword up infobot
04:01.59p3nguinOne-way audio is almost always a problem with NAT configuration.
04:02.49p3nguinSince your asterisk system is not behind a NAT, perhaps your phones that you are testing with are.
04:03.00flyingbullSome of them but not all.
04:03.09flyingbullbut if it is a nat, maybe it is my sip configuration — one moment.
04:03.14p3nguinThen you'll have to configure asterisk for nat support.
04:03.50*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
04:04.21flyingbullWell the template that I use, is set with nat=yes.
04:04.56dijibwhats your router and firmware?
04:05.02dijibis it a plastic router?
04:06.07flyingbullno, actually its a dedicated server, I seem to remember them telling it was a cisco — They pretty much set it up as wide open, I had to put on the firewall and everything on there.
04:06.10p3nguinI'm wondering about the statement where you've used the phrase "via a router."  What exactly do you mean by that?
04:07.29flyingbullI am currently on a home network, with a router to the internet. A linksys router, and I set it up to forward everything to this computer directly.
04:07.46p3nguinThat's where asterisk resides?
04:08.09flyingbullNo, the Asterisk server is a dedicated server I rent from a company in Arizona actually.
04:08.35p3nguinWhat does this home computer have to do with it?  Is that where you have a soft phone for testing?
04:09.37dijibhey are you running ddwrt on that linksys router flyingbull ?
04:09.56dijibstock firmware?
04:10.07flyingbullp3nguin — I was answering a previous question as to where I was, in realtionship to the asterisk system.
04:10.35p3nguinYou said you're forwarding ports to your computer, though.  What does that have to do with it?
04:10.48dijibhe said he was using dmz
04:10.57p3nguinThat's mistake #1.
04:11.10p3nguinBut I want to know why he's forwarding ports to his home computer.
04:11.12dijibany way to build a software raid on the fly?
04:11.30dijibthe port forwarding is just to the server.
04:11.35dijibsure how?
04:11.43dijibi dont fully believe that statement
04:11.50flyingbullActually I said I was using the DMZ setting, it was that so I was completely wide open to the asterisk system — this was so I was outside of the nat issue.
04:11.52p3nguinIt's not something that can be answered in a single statement.
04:12.10p3nguinI've done it, so I know it can be done.
04:12.37p3nguinYou're still not giving me the whole picture.
04:13.02p3nguinThere's a reason you felt like you needed to forward ports or assign DMZ to a system.  I want to know the reason.
04:13.15p3nguinOnce you tell me the reason, I can tell you why it's wrong.
04:13.52flyingbullp3nguin — the reason I did the DMZ on my home system, was so that I wasn't getting cluttred with the NAT issue, if that was it.
04:14.05dijibhow do i umount / & /boot to build a raid while the system is running
04:14.06p3nguinOkay, your system is STILL behind NAT.
04:14.22p3nguinLike it or not, you are behind the NAT.
04:14.55dijibflyingbull: its easy. give * box a static private Ip and forward 5060 & 10000-10099 to it
04:14.56p3nguinAnd I still don't see what your reason for wanting to remove NAT from your PC is.  That's the part you continue to leave out.
04:15.14p3nguin10000-10099?  Where did you come up with this random set of numbers?
04:15.47flyingbullBecause I was trying to determine if my * system wasn't working with the phone issue, because of NAT.
04:15.49dijibfrom the 10000-20000 minus 9901
04:16.08p3nguinIs your phone on the computer that you've erroneously put in the DMZ?
04:16.12p3nguinsoft phone
04:18.01p3nguinOkay, that was the piece you kept leaving out.
04:18.24flyingbullBut only in the last hour have I put it on the DMZ - to see if I could get the voice oneway issue to go away.
04:18.39p3nguinRemove any DMZ settings; don't forward ports on the phone side of the equation.
04:19.06p3nguinEnsure that the soft phone is not configured to do its own nat traversal or nat mapping.
04:20.15flyingbullok. brb
04:20.48p3nguinWith asterisk on a public IP address, you don't need to configure externaddr/externhost, but you do need to make sure you have nat=yes set so that asterisk can figure out the phone's public IP address rather than its private one.
04:24.36flyingbullp3nguin:  I have nat=yes under the sip template, Should I put that in the general section of the sip.conf file?
04:25.20flyingbullWhen I say sip template, I have a standard template, that I set all my settings, then refer to it in my other sip sections.
04:25.22p3nguinI don't know what your template applies to, but putting it in the general section should be okay in any case.
04:25.53dijibhis asterisk will be behind the nat on a prvate ip
04:26.04dijiband what usefullness can i do with this sangoma card
04:26.08p3nguinHis asterisk is on a public IP address.
04:26.46p3nguinBut he has phones behind NAT.
04:27.48flyingbullyeah, ok, so I put in the general settings nat=yes. did a sip reload, and still the same problem.
04:28.22p3nguinSince you said you were applying it via template, I am not surprised at no change.
04:28.57p3nguinI'm interested in seeing a sip debug of a call with one-way audio.
04:30.54flyingbullVerbose or something a bit more detailed?
04:30.59p3nguinHave you set directmedia=no?
04:31.31p3nguinSet that and see if it helps.
04:31.44flyingbullUnder  general?
04:32.02p3nguinYes.  And make sure you do not override it in any peer involved in this test.
04:32.03flyingbullscp asterisk@
04:32.12flyingbullsorry wrong window.
04:32.31p3nguinHow could that be a good command for any window?
04:32.47flyingbullbecause I hit enter by accident instead of backspace.
04:32.50p3nguinssh asterisk ... vim /etc/asterisk/sip.conf
04:33.09flyingbullscp does the trick pretty quickly for me actually.
04:33.56flyingbullWhen I used to ssh in, for some reason the window would overwrite and garble the text — only on the mac, so I started just doing it locally, then uploading it.
04:34.00p3nguinI guess you and dijib ought to get along real well.
04:35.07flyingbullwell shit that did the trick.
04:35.52p3nguinAh, good.
04:35.59dijibgarbage day tomorrow
04:36.08flyingbullThank you very much p3nguin.  I've been like mystified by this issue for a couple of days now.
04:36.30dijibyeah flyingbull just give me ssh access and ill set you straight
04:36.55dijibp3nguin: my own has been pleguing me for at least a week now
04:37.01dijibselinux... heff
04:37.22p3nguinHe who IRCs as root shall never touch the system of another.
04:37.24flyingbullYou know it says in the Asterisk book, like the 4 thing they do is turn off Selinux.
04:38.10flyingbull4th or 5th i know it on that list of things you do when you are setting up the system.
04:38.46flyingbullAnyway, thank you very much for you help, got to go hang out with my son, he has been bugging me to play skyward sword for the last 20 minutes LOL
04:39.48p3nguinA satisfied customer.
04:40.00p3nguinThat's one in a row!
04:46.15dijibim not satisfied.
04:46.30dijibdude im so satisfied i have a smoke in my mouth
04:46.56*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-wzgpadxqhoigfout)
04:50.36dijibare you allowed to barter p3nguin >
04:50.36*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
04:51.13p3nguinI... guess.  I'm not sure who has the authority to disallow me from doing what I want to do.
05:07.48dijiboh ok
05:08.08dijibthen what do u got for this fxo?
05:08.31dijibdidnt Seri send you some random atas?
05:08.36dijibor those were lost in the mail?
05:09.52*** join/#asterisk citywok (
05:10.39citywokSo i can NOT figure out why my phone doesn't work from home, but did when at work.  If i bind the same username/extension to an aastra phone it works, but my UT670 does not.  I just get 401 Unauthorized.  thoughts?
05:11.14citywoki set core debug to 10, verbose to 10, and the debug log provides no help, neither does the verbose log.
05:14.44dijibno clue
05:16.03p3nguinI have no use, other than for education, for the card.  And seri never sent me the stuff he said he would send me.
05:17.11dijibif only i had a couple of the fxs modues then it would bo of sme use
05:17.20citywokbah panasonic needs to learn how to make a phone that doesn't suck
05:18.02citywokhow do i get Asterisk to tell me why it is rejecting a phone from registering?  is that possible?  it just kicks out 401 unauth
05:19.12p3nguinIf only the configuration had something to do with phones registering.
05:21.28citywoklol p3nguin, the phone worked at work on this extension, but doesn't work at home.  another phone works at home on the same extension.
05:21.45citywokone can deduce the problem lies with the phone
05:21.54p3nguinPhones don't care about extensions.
05:21.57citywokand seeing how digium certified the phone for asterisk it _should_ work
05:22.24p3nguinI'd imagine it is related to the configuration.
05:22.38citywoksafe bet
05:23.01p3nguinSo far, all you've confirmed is that things work on your local network.
05:23.33p3nguinCheck domain names, IP addresses, registration strings, auth users, etc.
05:23.35citywokso far i've confirmed the phone works at the office, and a phone made by aastra bound to the same peer with the same config works from my house, but the panasonic doesn't.  asterisk says 401unauth to the pana
05:23.57citywokyea i've retyped everything 37 times, it's not a simple ip typo or auth user. especially considering the same config worked at work :p
05:24.14citywokto be fair at work the DNS resolves to the internal address, and from home it resolves to the external
05:24.17*** join/#asterisk bkruse (~bkruse@
05:24.23p3nguinBut the phones are DIFFERENT.
05:24.37bkruse~karma bkruse
05:24.37infobotbkruse has neutral karma
05:24.50p3nguinIf you could dump config from one working phone and apply it to another, then you could say how you're using the same configs.
05:25.20citywokoh, my apologies.
05:25.38citywoki'm using the exact same settings in the exact same "relative" fields. aka sip userid, password, and server
05:26.12p3nguinYou've proven that the peer entry is good for a local phone.  Did you prove that the peer entry is good for a "working" phone when installed remotely?
05:26.20citywoki said that 3 times
05:26.28citywokan aastra phone with the same peer works from my house just fine
05:26.35citywokthe panasonic phone with the same peer does not work
05:26.52citywokthe panasonic phone with the same exact config as i used at home (which did not work), works at work
05:27.04dijibgnite boys gotta go to bed, court tomorrow
05:27.09dijibwish me luck
05:27.18citywokdijib: gl
05:27.18p3nguinYou're treating me like I'm familiar with your deployment and I know what you have and where you have it.
05:27.23citywok[22:24:19] <citywok> so far i've confirmed the phone works at the office, and a phone made by aastra bound to the same peer with the same config works from my house, but the panasonic doesn't.  asterisk says 401unauth to the pana
05:27.41citywok[22:11:23] <citywok> So i can NOT figure out why my phone doesn't work from home, but did when at work.  If i bind the same username/extension to an aastra phone it works, but my UT670 does not.  I just get 401 Unauthorized.  thoughts?
05:27.42dijibthanks again p3nguin
05:27.58citywoktwice before i said the same thing. 3 combinations, 2 work.
05:28.07dijibi'll try and stop in and add some insight for anons
05:28.07p3nguinDon't get thrown in the pokey for contempt!
05:28.23dijibyeh right, i didnt lie at all... the other guy has :D
05:28.37dijiband ive submitted proof
05:28.42citywoki just walked in and said yes, i did it, and plead out to reckless driving :p
05:29.02dijibnot good, i had that once... flipped the old bmw
05:29.12citywoki didn't flip my car but blew a .15
05:29.29dijibis there no decent webmin asterisk module?
05:29.29citywokthe scary part is i remember most of that night, i can't imagine what i would have blown all the nights i drove home and have no recollection of it
05:29.36dijibal i can find is thirdlane
05:29.48p3nguindijib: No, because a typical asterisk admin does not require such crap.
05:29.50citywokdijib: i haven't used webmin since redhat 8 years ago
05:30.25dijibwell i like having all that server info at my fingertip. i cant remember every command like you can
05:31.34p3nguinThere's always FreePBX for that type.
05:33.37dijibyeh no... i would rather build the server and be hands o
05:33.52citywoki can see it being useful
05:33.59dijibi would just rather have an at a glance web service
05:34.06citywokfor our lower level techs i had to make a couple interfaces so they could do basic functions
05:34.20citywokwithout having to fully understand how asterisk works inside out
05:36.39dijibsee im not a company im just a home user so my needs are less
05:37.26dijibk anyways gnite gents
05:39.37citywokDoes anybody have any experience with the Panasonic SIP Phones, or specifically the UT670?
05:47.35*** join/#asterisk MrOli (
05:50.57MrOlihello all
05:52.07MrOlianyone kows a way to convert a string to all-lowercase ? something that would look like Set(MyVar=${LOWER(${ThisVar}}) ?
05:53.17citywokp3nguin: i enabled transport=tcp,udp and set the phone to TCP and it works. lol.  fail panasonic
05:54.50MrOlithanks citywok
06:05.46citywokMrOli: np
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07:21.04schmidtsgood morning
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07:41.11j0baight. listen up
07:41.23j0bfuck im getting tired of this
07:41.50j0bi guess i have to draw a model of what we are trying to do
07:42.11j0bthis is getting on my nervs, and i would appriciate some input here
07:42.34j0bi will do this in gimp haha
07:42.38j0bfree draw
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07:49.43ChannelZI have no idea what you're even going on about
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07:59.08schmidtsChannelZ thats what j0b said ;)
08:00.19ChannelZClearly I've missed a huge chunk of conversation
08:08.58wdoekes2we all have
08:09.35ChannelZprobably for the better
08:11.33MrOliamen to that
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08:22.19j0bcan someone give me some tip here
08:22.28j0bits a pdf that describes the whole flow
08:22.31j0bsort of;)
08:22.47j0bi have messed with this like 20 hours
08:22.53j0bi shit you not:(
08:23.20j0band its not in gimp, its a dia(uml)
08:23.26j0bconverted to pdf
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11:09.49jacc0@j0b: not may people are going to download the pdf, especialy while you are not explaining your problem, you sound like a spam-bot that is trying to infect people with some uploaded pdf
11:11.33jacc0if you want people to have a look at it you did better convert it to jpg
11:12.02jacc0en explain what your problem is here
11:12.10jacc0*and explain
11:14.13*** join/#asterisk Szaszka (
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11:19.34makmak78hello! im using asterisk 1.4.36. im confused regarding sip cause to reason mapping, anybody could shed some light on this
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11:20.24makmak78im getting reason: 1 when the number is invalid. this reason code should be noanswer if you check
11:21.02makmak78does anyone know where to find these mappings in the source code
11:25.08wdoekes2makmak78: you'll probably want to check ${HANGUPCAUSE} .. that maps to the values in causes.h
11:30.31makmak78but i would like to view in the sourcecode what cause is mapped to what reason
11:31.45wdoekes2makmak78: check chan_sip.c for the sip2cause and cause2sip functions
11:34.25makmak78i cant find where it says reason: 8 is mapped to cause 27 for example
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11:39.04wdoekes2makmak78: if you mean DIALSTATUS, it's set in app_dial.c
11:41.37*** join/#asterisk krotos (
11:41.41krotoshi all :)
11:42.30krotosi' have a simple question. if i sett on a peer with type=friend , the option "call-limit=10", the limit on both incoming and outgoing calls is 10?
11:42.54krotosbecause i don't understand what mean "limitonpeer" options
11:43.04krotosi don't say if i have to use this or not
11:47.07makmak78wdoekes2: i will check that , tanks
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12:07.05StaRetjihi folks
12:07.33*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:07.50StaRetjiI just had some accident with server and I luckily I had backup of conf file. However, conf files are from asterisk 1.4 and new server version is 1.8
12:08.22StaRetjiI see sip trunks are okay, but users can't connect to sip server
12:08.32*** join/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@2001:9d8:2005:11:222:15ff:fe88:aae2)
12:08.44StaRetji[Mar 22 13:06:23] WARNING[1736]: chan_sip.c:25515 set_insecure_flags: Unknown insecure mode 'very' on line 169
12:08.59catphishdoes anyone know a good way to dispose of the bodies of customers who won't stop using the phrase 'hunt group'?
12:09.03[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, "insecure=port,invite"
12:09.36StaRetjithx [TK]D-Fender
12:09.40StaRetjiI will edit now
12:14.32StaRetjithat fixed the error, however non of clients in user_sip.conf wont connecte except 1
12:14.47StaRetjiI looked and conf is exactly the same as for other users
12:15.06StaRetjiso, I don't know what it could be, why would 1 user connect and other don't
12:16.23StaRetjihas maybe #include "user_sip.conf" changed in new version?
12:18.11[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, otherwise NONE of them would have loaded.
12:18.12StaRetjihm, I renamed fils to user_sip.confX
12:18.17StaRetjiand core reload
12:18.24StaRetjiasterisk doesn't complain
12:18.28StaRetjithat file is missing
12:18.38[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, You should be looking at SIP DEBUG at *CLI to see what is coming in and what * is responding....
12:18.52*** part/#asterisk schmidts (
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12:19.19StaRetjiI need to fix this asap, I'm willing to pay for support
12:19.51StaRetjiI'm to excited can't concentrate lol
12:20.08schmidtsstaretji sorry i missed whats your problem ;)
12:20.22schmidtsbut pay for something allways sounds good ;)
12:21.11StaRetjiI pasted conf files from version 1.4 to version 1.8
12:21.26StaRetjiand I excepcted it should work
12:21.45StaRetjibut it wont, it only connects to sip peers (sip providers)
12:22.06StaRetjiand I have auto_sip.conf where I keep sip settings for clients
12:22.22StaRetjihowever, it seems that those settings are ignored...
12:23.13schmidtsdo you see any warnings errors when you do a sip reload?
12:23.51StaRetjiSection 'default' lacks type
12:27.38schmidtssection default?
12:28.00schmidtsthis warning normally occurs only for sip peers when you miss the type entry there but you should not have a sip peer in default
12:33.53*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
12:35.14StaRetjiUnable to register extension '8003', priority 2 in 'default', already in use
12:35.18StaRetjiI see this
12:39.40StaRetjiI mean, this works on 1.4
12:40.49StaRetjimy God
12:40.53StaRetjiis comment still ;
12:41.09StaRetjiI have double lines, of course, but they are commented with ;
12:46.50*** join/#asterisk rampage73 (
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12:49.40rampage73anyone have good advice on getting faxes to work with asterisk? I am currently getting about 50% of faxes if they are a single page and 20% if they are multi page, I have lowered the baud rate of fax to 9600 that seemed to help but not enough
12:50.12catphishrampage73: are you using a hangup extension to process the fax?
12:51.01rampage73i can but not always sometimes the fax is also the telephone with voicemail
12:51.53catphishi had similar numbers of fax failures but it seemed to be the result of trying to process and email the fax file which was getting aborted because the remote hund up
12:52.03catphishif you do the processing in a h extension, it doesn't get aborted
12:52.16catphishit's easy enough to set a variable to the code doesn't run on voice calls
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12:53.33[TK]D-FenderIf you're in "h" .. the call is ALREADY DEAD
12:53.36rampage73catphish, easy for gurus :) I know enough to be dangerous!
12:53.47[TK]D-Fenderh = hangup.  You don't receive ANYTHING in there
12:54.00catphish[TK]D-Fender: that's the point, you don't do the processing until the call is ended
12:54.32catphishyou receive the fax in the call, then process it after hangup
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12:54.58[TK]D-Fendercatphish, He's not even getting the whole fax due to other issues.  post processing is irrelevant, as is "h"
12:55.15pigpenI love "h"
12:55.27catphish[TK]D-Fender: if you're sure, i'm just commenting that i had a similar issue and that was the problem
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12:55.39rampage73sorry did not mean to cause a war !
12:55.44pigpencatphish, he is sure.
12:55.47catphishi was receiving faxes fine, but they "appeared" to get lost because i was processing them during the call
12:56.05pigpenI do all kinds of cool stuff in the "h", but it is AFTER the call is hung up.
12:56.15[TK]D-FenderOnce you are out of whatever fax app you're using you either have it or you don't.  Nothing after that app matters
12:56.20catphishemailing faxes is an ideal example
12:56.39catphish[TK]D-Fender: is does if you're measuring success by whether you get an email or not :)
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12:56.50catphishwhich was my problem
12:57.06[TK]D-Fendercatphish, Do you see him saying it's simply not e-mailing?
12:57.13catphishof course rampage73 we'd be more helpful if we had an error from your log
12:57.32[TK]D-FenderIt's also be helpful if we knew anything at all about the call itself...
12:57.53rampage73catphish, I will try and get what you need will take time though as I do not have a fax machine available to test with at the moment
12:57.56[TK]D-FenderAnd what fax app.  And what version of *.
12:58.00catphishrampage73: send a log snippet and a dialplan :)
12:58.13rampage73[TK]D-Fender, thanks I will get some info and be back
12:58.24rampage73catphish, ok
12:58.25rampage73thank you both
12:58.34rampage73be back soon
12:58.50*** part/#asterisk rampage73 (
12:59.37[TK]D-FenderAnd... we don't even get the slightest bit of real details.... niiiiices
13:00.37catphishhe'll be back (maybe) :)
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13:07.15catphishis there anything in the AMI to manage voicemail?
13:07.36catphishor should one just move the files around?
13:08.16[TK]D-Fendercatphish, nothing in AMI.
13:08.26catphishwhere is the metadata stored?
13:09.11*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
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13:09.50StaRetjiplease, anyone willing to help me fast, I will pay, thx
13:10.03StaRetjiI don't know to fix it myself
13:11.59StaRetjiI didn't change extensions.conf file, just copy pasted from 1.4 to 1.8
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13:12.10StaRetjiin 1.4 works. in 1.8 don't :/
13:13.36chuckfStaRetji: did you read the changes between the different versions to see what may have changed for settings you have in extentions.conf?
13:14.11StaRetjino, I didn't
13:14.26*** join/#asterisk sohoindra (4dd15c07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:14.46chuckfStaRetji: the quickest fix would be for you to read those changes that might affect your conf file
13:14.50sohoindraHello to everyone
13:15.16StaRetjithx chuckf, I will try, I have 30 more minutes
13:15.25StaRetjithen I can forget it :/
13:15.57sohoindraI have 2  systems with the same hardware and software configuration connected to an E1 multiplexer
13:16.35chuckfStaRetji: what happens in 30 minutes?
13:16.38sohoindraone systems works fine but the other is geting LMFA/OK in all the spans of the E1 card
13:17.20sohoindraI would like to know the meaning of this alert in order to solve the problem
13:17.25sohoindrathanks in advance
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13:18.39StaRetjiin 30 minutes, old server gets unplugged
13:18.47StaRetjiand taken away
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13:19.03StaRetjiand I'm left with this installation that doesn't work = I get fired
13:19.29StaRetjiand the guy who administers is not around, so, I'm stuck
13:19.29catphishwhy not just use 1.4 until you've tested a new config
13:19.40StaRetjihow, I have ubuntu server
13:19.46StaRetjiinstalled it via apt-get
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13:19.52StaRetjiso, installed 1.8
13:19.58chuckfdon't let them take the old server
13:20.11catphishremove it, install one from source, easy on ubuntu
13:20.12StaRetjiwell, it's not in my power
13:20.29StaRetjiwill it remove all sound files?
13:20.33StaRetjithere are so many
13:20.39chuckfare you really saying this company is willing to trash their entire phone system if you can't get this working in 30 minutes or less?
13:20.40StaRetjiI lost 2 hours checking them
13:20.42catphishyes perhaps
13:20.43StaRetjicustom ivr :/
13:20.58StaRetjino, the thing is, it was planned
13:21.01catphishwhy the rush
13:21.08catphishwhy didnt you test this config days ago?
13:21.13StaRetjibut the guy that was suppose to migrate is not online
13:21.23StaRetjiyep, I trusted another person
13:21.27StaRetjistupid, I know
13:21.50catphishthe issue is likely with your sip peers, but i couldn't tell you why
13:21.54StaRetjianyway, I have asterisk connected to providers, but now of clients can't connect
13:22.09StaRetjinone of*
13:22.39catphishi wonder how messy it will be to move to asterisk 10
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13:23.05catphishthen again, long term support sounds tasty too
13:23.06chuckfcatphish: can it be any worse than it is now?
13:23.21catphishchuckf: i mean the process of moving over :)
13:23.34StaRetjiI set core set verbose 15
13:23.46chuckfcatphish: oh, I thought you meant for StaRetji's situation
13:23.48StaRetjibut still there is nothing, like nothing comes to the server
13:23.55FinboySlickThis isn't entirely #asterisk related...  But does anyone here have experience with large-ish deployment of SPA-2102 ?
13:24.29catphishStaRetji: if you see nothing at verbose 15 then likely the phones are misconfigured
13:24.44catphishbut to be totally sure you can enable sip debug for the IP of your phone
13:25.18chuckfStaRetji: are the phones pointing to the correct server?
13:25.27StaRetjiip just changed
13:25.29catphishanyway i'm a little busy, shouldn't be distracting myself here
13:25.38StaRetjiok, thx
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13:25.54FinboySlickI'm having strange issues with 1/10 of them completely ignoring tftp provisioning (straight out of the box).
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13:30.39catphishdo they not do http?
13:32.30leifmadsenanyone happen to have a lab Polycom device that they could do a test for me? I just want to know if, in the <mac_address>.cfg file, if you are specifying files to load, that if you have a trailing comma with no filename after, if it fails to boot
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13:37.54catphishwhere is voicemail metadata stored?
13:40.53catphishoh yeah, its alongside the files
13:41.11FinboySlickcatphish: I'm pretty sure they do http as well.  My beef was mostly the inconsistency...  Some working some not straight out of the shrinkwrap.
13:41.45catphishi've never thought of tftp as terribly reliable, but it does seem odd
13:41.51catphishdo the failed one just never work?
13:41.54catphishafter a restart etc
13:42.16catphishand are they misconfigured? or just faulty?
13:42.20FinboySlickWell, if we provision them by hand through the web interface, they work fine.
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13:42.42catphishwell of course, but that doesn't help with the question
13:42.59catphishyou really want to work out if they're a) unreliable b) faulty or c) misconfigured
13:43.10FinboySlickThey just never ask the tftp for the config files.  (tcpdump shows that they request the tftp option and are given the right reply through dhcp)
13:43.46catphishand the devices that don't what about after a reboot?
13:43.58catphishare they permenently failing?
13:44.15FinboySlickThey never do, reboot or no reboot.  Another new device from the same box will work as expected.
13:44.47catphishhave you checked their config
13:45.00catphishto see if the 10% are configured differently
13:45.05catphishor have different firmware?
13:45.09FinboySlickWell, they all came with the factory config, they're from the same crate.
13:45.18catphishhave you actually checked that?
13:45.38catphishit's not impossible they're from different batches, or even refurbed?
13:45.57catphishclearly their software is somehow different
13:46.22FinboySlickIt's possible.  I was mostly trying to establish if it's a relatively common occurrence or if I had to lay out all the diagnosis groundwork on my own.
13:46.48catphishafraid i've never used them myself, i'm just trying to throw ideas about :)
13:47.08FinboySlickcatphish: I'm actually grateful for that.
13:47.20catphishthen again refurb isn't that likely, they're incredibly cheap aren't they?
13:47.46catphishactually no, they're not the ones i was thinking of
13:48.11catphishi was thinking of the pap2t
13:48.45catphishanyway, i'd compare the firmware version, and config of a good and a failing one
13:48.51catphishand see if there are any differences
13:48.56catphishif not, just complain :)
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13:56.33emateHi guys
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14:01.49emateI have little problem with calls recording. When i try to play recorded call, it is a kind of speeded up record - it doesn't matter if i use gsm/wav/wav49 format. I tried to play it with sox's play and mplayer - no success.
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14:14.22hurdmanhi, i try to have a sort of "synchronization" between to call on the same asterisk server, is there something like a thread join or a module for ?
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14:46.36serealDo some asterisk applications (like system() ) get ran in their own thread? I'm wondering because I am doing some fax -> email stuff and I think the script is being ran while the fax is incoming.
14:47.23serealSo if this is the case would doing a hangup() followed by a system() make sure that system() isn't called before the fax is complete? (I am assuming hangup() will always wait for the fax to come threw)
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14:58.12kaldemarsereal: System starts a new process and it waits for the command to exit unless it is started in background.
14:58.22kl4msereal: I don't think system(...) will ever execute if you hangup before
14:58.48kaldemarsereal: if you put a hangup in your dialplan, nothing after it in the same extension gets executed.
14:58.56serealhumm okay. but if say a fax is coming in, does asterisk try and run the next line in the dial plan while that is happening
14:58.58chuckfStaRetji: still employed?
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14:59.26kaldemarsereal: and hangup really hangs up the call, it will not wait for anything.
14:59.26StaRetjiyep, server shut down
14:59.40StaRetjibut new not working lol still
15:00.37chuckfso the company has no phones?
15:00.56[TK]D-Fender<sereal> humm okay. but if say a fax is coming in, does asterisk try and run the next line in the dial plan while that is happening <- no
15:01.37sereal[TK]D-Fender, Okay thanks. It is clearly something wrong with my script. It's a bitch to debug since I gotta ask people to send me faxes, wait then debug, then ask to send another :P
15:06.06j0bcan someone (who know what they are talking about) tell me whats going on here
15:06.18j0bor give a hint
15:06.25j0bor several hints
15:06.46j0bwould be appriciated
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15:15.14kaldemarj0b: pastebin your real configs configs and CLI output of a call with verbosity and sip debug enabled.
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15:20.00infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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15:22.00j0bkaldemar: well, its all there
15:22.23j0bused pastebin
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15:22.38kaldemarand put the link to an image in a pdf...
15:22.52[TK]D-Fenderj0b, Considering there are dozens of sites offering that service it'd be nice for you to give us the LINK to your precise post
15:23.15j0byes, the links are in the image
15:23.21j0bor pdf
15:23.24j0bthat is
15:24.02j0b[TK]D-Fender: but ok
15:24.10j0bi will give it directly to you
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15:49.43LemensTSHow do you make Asterisk use a different sip port in Asterisk 10? I set udpbindaddr=  in general context, and port=65085 in users context, reload sip and reboot phone but it still shows 5060 when i do sip show peers?
15:50.59LemensTSbtw these are polycom phones pulling cfg files off the server, i have  reg.1.server.1.port="65085" set in the cfg files as well
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15:54.23leifmadsenLemensTS: you probably need to unload then load the sip module for that kind of change to take affect
15:54.52LemensTSleifmadsen: does restarting asterisk do that?
15:55.05leifmadsenrestart, yes
15:55.06leifmadsennot reload
15:55.16LemensTSok, I have done that and it didn't help
15:59.38LemensTSnetstat -nap shows 'udp asterisk' .... but sip show peers shows 5060 as their port
16:01.20LemensTSNevermind, I see that means 5060 on the phone device....
16:01.32p3nguinThe bind port is asterisk's listening port.  port is the client port.  Decide which one you need to change.  If you change the client port, you have to also change the sip port of the device's client IN ADDITION TO the server port.
16:01.36kaldemarLemensTS: sip show peers shows the port that the peers use in their end.
16:02.30LemensTSp3nguin/kaldemar: thanks, i understand now
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17:55.18uluatuWhen an atendant try to transfer, atxfer, a call and he can't reach the destination number, the call returns and when he try to do t again, asterisk tells him he doesen't know the dialed number.
17:56.35uluatuThis occur because the call now has a new context due the fact that the fist try to do the transfer hit the h extension on the previous context. And this h extenios sent him to another context that doesn't have access to the desired transfer number .
17:56.52uluatuIve upgraded from to the 1.4.42
17:57.06uluatu1.4.20.1 didn't have this problem.
17:57.16uluatuIs there anything new that I should know about?
17:58.38autofsckka good sip client for android?
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18:24.28p3nguinuluatu: It's a mistake in your configuration, which you failed to provide so we can show you where the error is.  It has nothing to do with the upgrade in version.
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18:30.38adeel|workif a variable is set in a parent context via Set(FOO="bar"), can i test that variable in a sub-context? does it need to be __FOO?
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18:31.48kaldemaradeel|work: variables are tied to channels, not contexts.
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18:31.56p3nguinadeel|work: Underscores are for channel inheritance.  A single underscore allows the variable to be inherited to one new channel spawning from the parent channel.  Two underscores allow the variable to be inherited through multiple levels of new channels.
18:32.26adeel|workah....hmmm...then my logic in this gotoif must be wrong
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18:33.41p3nguinIf you think it is right but it doesn't work, pastebin it and someone will probably tell you why they think it isn't working.
18:34.41adeel|worki think i just need to group my conditions better....
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18:36.31uluatup3nguin: ok, I take a deep dive into conf files. Today is the first day using this version. BTW it didn't happened with the old version.
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18:36.49p3nguinSomething changed in your configuration.
18:37.15mattpattieHi guys very quick question. would you use asterisk for LLU in uk?
18:39.10p3nguinSure.  Why not?
18:40.54p3nguinIf regulations do not disallow it, and if it helps in profiting your business, I'd go for it.
18:42.03p3nguinHere in the US, regulation insists that the owner if infrastructure MUST make the infrastructure available to competitors.
18:42.12mattpattieits something ive been asked to look into. after recently binning a VERY Expensive voip-pbx in favor for asterisk i was woundering if it was capable to support a lot of callers for a small city :)
18:42.16p3nguins/if/of the/
18:42.49adeel|workis the syntax for this conditional correct? furthermore, what conditions would cause that gotoif to execute the true branch?
18:43.06p3nguinAsterisk alone will probably not be suitable for a local telco.  Asterisk, in addition to other tools... maybe.
18:43.36p3nguinYou're probably wanting more of a soft switch, such as FreeSWITCH.
18:44.39mattpattienot really looked into free switch?
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18:45.57p3nguinadeel|work: If that will even work at all, I think your first three conditions will all have to be true, OR your last condition could be true, and it will go to label 40.
18:47.07mattpattiei'll have a nosy and a play Thankyou P3nguin
18:47.24p3nguinmattpattie: With asterisk and the right tools, you could make it go.  Look into OpenSIPS or Kamailio as a proxy to put in front of your Asterisk back-end.
18:47.25adeel|workp3nguin, ok, well, oddly enough, it still somehow matches, even though LOCALTOOUTSIDE=1
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18:48.09p3nguinTo be honest, I have never tried to combine both & and | in my If conditions.
18:48.52p3nguinIs THISISIVR currently not foo, and is OUTSIDETOINTERNAL currently not 1?
18:48.59adeel|workmattpattie, if you do some research on kamailio/opensips, there are some slides talking about an enterprise setup in germany i believe
18:49.24adeel|workp3nguin, yup, those 2 aren't set (since its an outbound call, which why LOCALTOOUTSIDE=1)
18:49.39mattpattieCheers guys. i'll let you know how i get on :)
18:49.47adeel|workmattpattie, they claim a fairly substantial call volume
18:49.48p3nguinSo LOCALTOLOCALOUT is null.
18:50.06adeel|workp3nguin, yes
18:50.28mattpattietime to pick up the misses ttfn
18:50.34p3nguinSER is most certainly capable of handling massive call volume.  I'd imagine OpenSER/OpenSIPS is the same.
18:52.18p3nguinI don't know why the expression is coming back with the wrong value.  Maybe it isn't capable of such complex expression.  That's like a double-compound expression.
18:53.01adeel|workhmmm....let me try simplifying it and seeing what happens
18:53.21p3nguinMaybe split it into two If statements and see if you get the result you want.
18:53.23adeel|workp3nguin, should i wrap the different tests in $[]?
18:53.39p3nguinI don't know if the ( ) work right.
18:53.54p3nguinLike I mentioned, I have never tried to do what you are doing there.
18:54.53p3nguinlike so
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18:55.36p3nguinIf it is capable of performing the test within the test, that might just do it.
18:55.49p3nguinIt could also cause horrible failure.
18:56.35adeel|workwhat exactly does the first part of that test mean, "foo${THISISIVR}" != "foo" ?
18:57.39p3nguinLet is say that ${THISISIVR} = lish.
18:57.55p3nguinfoo${THISISIVR} then equals foolish
18:58.20adeel|workah, so another fun way to test if its null
18:58.21p3nguinSo the test is just basically checking the THISISIVR variable for null or non-null.
18:58.40adeel|workwhat's the benefit vs just doing != "" ?
18:58.41p3nguinIt's exactly the same as testing "${THISISIVR}" != ""
18:59.03p3nguinI would have done "${THISISIVR}" != ""  or  foo${THISISIVR} != foo
18:59.42*** part/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
18:59.50p3nguinWhen a variable is null, you cannot compare it to nothing, because it will break.  So you have to compare something+null against something else.
19:00.11p3nguinIn the case of something+null, it could be random charaters or quotes.
19:00.21adeel|workp3nguin, so it turns out, it was actually a bug 2 lines up, the similar inbound comparison had the failure clause to the wrong spot
19:02.30adeel|workyeah, so once i fixed that, the match works as expected
19:03.02p3nguinthe original way?
19:03.35adeel|workhaven't tried the original way; but i knows yours works
19:03.37adeel|worklets try the original
19:03.57kaldemarfunc ISNULL, wink wink
19:04.28p3nguinI use ISNULL and EXISTS all the time.
19:04.45adeel|workp3nguin, yup, works both ways
19:04.51p3nguinNice.  Good to know.
19:06.24adeel|worki think yours is more explicit though
19:07.38adeel|workalthough, i still may need to split this gotoif into a couple gotoif's
19:11.57p3nguinPerhaps instead of a compound expression, use two expressions.
19:13.24p3nguinI don't know if that will have the same possible combinations or not, but I think it might.
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19:16.49adeel|worki need to put this dialplan change through its paces....depending on what breaks, i might need to do a test to see if only 1 of the 2 variables are set, and dumb thing like that
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19:18.35p3nguinThat's what the ISNULL and EXISTS functions are for.
19:20.44adeel|workwell, it's more of do something else when both at set simultaneously, as it would imply a different call scenario
19:21.05adeel|worker s/at/are/
19:25.52p3nguinI think, usually, internal vs. external calling is determined by the extension.
19:26.04p3nguinAt least that's how I determine where the call goes.
19:27.28adeel|workwell what happens when you have a call-forward on busy/unavail, then both flags might be set
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19:49.20p3nguinadeel|work: My call forwarding works in the same way a direct call works -- destination extension decides where it goes.
19:50.33adeel|workp3nguin, yeah, but in my setup, it's a little more convoluted, and just need to make sure i'm not overlooking something....
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20:26.13orevanyone have luck faxing using a linksys pap2t?
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20:36.37LemensTShello, i was asking about hints and blf yesterday. Ive been reading non stop for 2 days now, I have come up with this:     I am concerned with the part at the end, the part where 802 is 'InUse' and should be 'Idle'
20:37.59p3nguinYou can't use variables in hints.
20:38.28LemensTSp3nguin: Do you mean exten = _80[0-8],hint,SIP/${EXTEN}   <-- ${EXTEN}
20:38.40p3nguinAnd I don't know if patterns work, either.
20:39.36p3nguinYou say, "If I call 201..."
20:39.42p3nguinBut you do not have a hint for 201.
20:39.54p3nguinNo hint for the extension you've dialed, no BLF.
20:40.49p3nguinIt is clear to me that you do not understand the separation between an extension and a phone, specifically as hints pertain to it.
20:41.46p3nguin"If I call 201..." hints will match 201,hint,<device> ... which you do not have.
20:42.05p3nguin201 is the extension.  That's what the hint uses.
20:42.24p3nguinHaving stupid names for phones makes things a lot more confusing.
20:44.26jayteedo you mean like SIP/GUMP or SIP/LloydChristmas ?
20:44.31LemensTSOk I understand all that. If I make a '201,hint,SIP/800&SIP/802)' and remove the pattern matching and variable you think 802 will quit showing InUse
20:44.49p3nguinjaytee: No, I mean like SIP/800 vs. extension 800.
20:45.01jayteeI know, was just joking
20:45.10p3nguindidn't know
20:45.37jayteewell, GUMP from Forrest Gump and Lloyd Christmas (Jim Carey) from Dumb and Dumber.
20:45.49p3nguinI think if you call 201 and SIP/802 picks up the phone, hint 201 is going to report InUse.. because it is IN USE.
20:46.24p3nguinIt will continue to be IN USE until it is no longer IN USE.
20:46.36p3nguinAt which time it will go Idle again.
20:47.09p3nguinIf you call 201 and pick up the phone at SIP/802, go check "core show channels" and tell me if you don't see a call to 201@your-context active.
20:47.36p3nguinWhen that active channel ends, THEN the hint should report that 201 is no longer InUse.
20:47.51jayteeso hints cannot use variables like in his pastebin? they have to be explicit for extension with sip/devicename
20:48.01p3nguinthat's correct
20:48.19jayteeok, so using the pattern match would be pointless too then, wouldn't it?
20:48.24p3nguinhints, for a reason I do not know, do not work with variables.
20:48.37p3nguinAnd I have no idea if pattern matching works or not.
20:48.52jayteeeasy enough to test I guess
20:48.55p3nguinBut I do think it would be pointless, even if patterns do work.
20:49.23jayteeyeah, cuz if variables won't work then using a pattern match would be a disaster.
20:49.44jayteeor just not work at all
20:49.54p3nguinYou would show In Use for things that don't necessarily need to be marked as In Use.
20:50.20p3nguinI hope it won't even work with patterns.  That would preempt the disaster.
20:50.37jayteethat's if the you explicitly named the sip/device instead of using sip/${EXTEN}
20:51.19jayteethen any extension that matched the pattern would link to the same device
20:52.20beekwaves to jaytee
20:52.29jayteewaves back to beek
20:52.36beekbeen a while my friend.
20:53.00jayteebeek, how've you been? it has been awhile although I see you in Vyatta from time to time.
20:53.10*** join/#asterisk Steel_Reign (~Steel_Rei@
20:53.20beekDoing pretty well... suffering from bronchitis as the moment.  How about yourself?
20:53.28Steel_Reignafternoon all
20:53.40beekgood afternoon
20:53.43LemensTSp3nguin: If you call 201 and pick up the phone at SIP/802, go check "core show channels" and tell me if you don't see a call to 201@your-context active.  <---yes
20:53.51jayteeother than a touch of arthritis I'm doing ok. busier than a one legged man in a butt kickin contest
20:54.03p3nguinYes you see a call to 201?
20:54.08beekI just hope that you're doing the kicking!
20:54.20LemensTSp3nguin: yep
20:54.24p3nguinThen 201 is InUse.  The hint should report is as such.
20:54.26jayteenot always :-(
20:55.33Steel_Reigncan anyone tell me why i am seeing this.
20:55.36p3nguinAnd if SIP/802 picks up the phone and makes a call to some other destination, the hint should also report extension 201 is In Use because the device related to the hint is being used.
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20:59.26Steel_Reignand this >>
20:59.46Steel_Reignany insight would be greatly appreciated
20:59.48p3nguincannot support a java asterisk manager app.
21:00.40*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-pauptktwigzchgsz)
21:01.34Steel_Reigndo you know how i can solve that peguin?
21:01.46p3nguinStop using said app.
21:01.59p3nguinConfigure in a sane manner.
21:03.07LemensTSp3nguin: I appreciate your help, it seems to be working now how it should. I will test in more detail when I get home. It seemed like my main problem was the pattern matching and variable in the hints.
21:03.38LemensTS At the bottom of this it says you can do the variable in 1.6.1 and later...rather that is true or not is another story
21:04.08LemensTSIt may have just been my pattern matching causing the problem.
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21:07.49p3nguinI'll have to test variables in hints in 1.8.  I know it didn't work when I tried it in 1.4.
21:10.09p3nguinIn app_chanspy, what is the difference between option E and option S?
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21:20.02_Corey_p3nguin: E assumes you're listening on one call/agent and hangs up when their call terminates.  S will hang up after you've cycled through your agents/channels when you've used a prefix to match multiple
21:20.13Steel_Reignstopping the use of the app is not an option. the app is openfire
21:20.35Steel_Reigni am trying to get openfire to work through asterisk and bria for iphone
21:20.57Steel_Reignthis problem has been driving me nuts for a week now
21:20.58_Corey_p3nguin: I don't use the "prefix" too much as such, I tend to specify a specific channel
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21:22.45*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.2.1 (2012/03/15), (2012/03/15), dahdi-linux 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), dahdi-tools 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
21:23.38*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (~grandpapa@
21:24.02grandpapadotHey guys, is there a way to set a HOLD timeout in asterisk 1.8? i.e., if the call is on hold longer than X seconds, send to <whatever,s,1>?
21:24.51Kobaznothing built in
21:25.13grandpapadotKobaz: tnx :)
21:25.18*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (~pdtpatric@
21:26.24Kobazcould do it with the ami if you add a hold event in channel.c
21:28.31*** join/#asterisk rossand (
21:31.05p3nguin_corey_: I use ChanSpy(,q) to cycle through existing channels and to wait for new ones to be created.
21:31.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:38.59_Corey_p3nguin: Gotcha...  hope that explanation makes sense then
21:39.14*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
21:39.59p3nguinBasically, E and S will do the same thing in that case.
21:41.08*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
21:41.17_Corey_Well, I don't know what E would do exactly in your scenario
21:41.32_Corey_S should do what you'd want I suppose
21:44.00*** join/#asterisk nW44b_ (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
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21:53.58*** part/#asterisk Steel_Reign (~Steel_Rei@
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22:20.38*** join/#asterisk fprior (be0bbc86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:22.31fprior[30% OT] Hi, anyone worked with huawei dongle with chan_dongle ? My dongle is detected as cdrom. Can you help me to resolve this problem ?
22:49.37*** join/#asterisk nW44b_ (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
23:09.22*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
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23:55.29*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (

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