IRC log for #asterisk on 20120319

00:29.36*** join/#asterisk wudles (
00:40.12*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
00:41.14*** join/#asterisk cloakable (
00:41.54cloakableHow well should a small Asterisk install run on an Atom D525 box?
00:45.38*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
00:48.18cloakableOne FXO to my landline, and a few SIP devices.
00:48.27cloakableProbably voicemail too.
00:55.08jayteeI've got several Asterisk systems running in small offices with 5 to 10 phones and voicemail on DM525 mini-itx board with 32GB SSD and 2GB RAM. They work great
01:08.16*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
01:24.42*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
01:29.31*** join/#asterisk GGD (
01:30.01*** part/#asterisk GGD (
01:41.17*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:48.21*** part/#asterisk Steel_Reign (
01:50.43*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
01:52.40*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:07.35ChrisInSydneycloakable: 30 hansets on an atom 1.6GHz hyperthread with 1024 RAM and a conventional disk. G711 passthrough. Voicemail boxes, auto attendants, call twinning Never had an issue
02:08.08cloakableAwesome, thank you :)
02:08.52cloakableThis will be doing a maximum of seven handsets (Gigatel DECT base supports six, plus my Android)
02:11.15*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
02:11.16ChrisInSydney"A Piece of Piss" as we might say here in the colony
02:11.56ChrisInSydneyso long as you are not transcoding g729/723 or trying to mangle video, you'll be sweet
02:14.38ChrisInSydneyI still have 25 users accessing a web MySQL / PHP database running on an old Celeron 300A cranked to 450MHz. Been running since late last century when we wrote the app
02:14.52ChrisInSydneymind you thats not voice
02:15.07ChrisInSydneygood luck
02:17.24*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
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02:49.49*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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04:14.30*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-zacaljsqmrlasfhg)
04:26.09*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
04:26.55[T]ankWhen forwarding an inbound call out to a cell phone or something, is there a simple way to send the original callers callerid to the cell phone?
04:35.28*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
04:37.49[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: It gets sent unless your peer setup forces one, or your carrier refuses it
04:50.34[T]ankhmm, the carrier uses "fromuser" to authenticate with i think. That value is my ani, which i am assuming is what is causing this, right?
04:51.02[TK]D-FenderCorrect.  set "sendrpid=yes" and "trustrpid=yes"
04:51.08[TK]D-FenderAnd retest
04:51.24[T]ankis that in the general section? or just in the user its self?
04:53.09[TK]D-Fenderin the peer
04:54.44[T]ankhmmm, now i get the error: Purely numeric hostname (<number i am forwarding to), and not a peer--rejecting!
04:57.26p3nguinDid you set fromuser because they require it or because you thought you needed to set it?
04:57.28[T]ankthat was due to a typo... didnt get expected results however... investigating
04:57.39[T]ankyeah the fromuser is required
05:01.19*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
05:09.08*** join/#asterisk Micc (
05:29.09*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
05:58.59*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
06:15.50*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
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06:49.05*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
06:51.05*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
06:51.22KNERDwhat is "directmedia" There is NOTHING I can find on it
06:59.17*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
07:11.02*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
07:11.27*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
07:27.58*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:28.00schmidtsgood morning
07:32.26KNERDbad morning
07:48.52*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
07:49.53wdoekes2morning :)
07:54.46*** join/#asterisk stix (~stix@
07:57.24*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:02.11*** join/#asterisk Phirat (~phil@
08:10.04KNERDevenin' guvnor
08:13.17*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:13.18ChannelZTally ho
08:14.11KNERDevenin' guvnor
08:17.03*** join/#asterisk thebomb (
08:17.13*** join/#asterisk black187 (
08:17.43black187does anybody know how to detect Asterisk SIP deadlock - So i can make a script to kill and restart Asterisk?
08:22.05wdoekes2black187: periodically do a sipsak(1) options call on it? use sipsak(1) and/or sipp(1) to test registering and/or dialing
08:22.24wdoekes2a bit of bash glue on it, and voila
08:23.30KNERDblack187: that should be a function ogf the OS
08:23.41black187Haha - the glue one is worth a shot. Hmm, the sipsak is not a bad idea.
08:23.56*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
08:24.31black187So a SIP deadlock would not answer to SIP option messagess?
08:24.53wdoekes2depends on what kind of deadlock
08:25.02wdoekes2but there is one main loop in asterisk that handles incoming messages
08:25.21KNERDwhat is "directmedia" There is NOTHING I can find on it
08:25.23wdoekes2it that thread stalls, you'll detect it
08:25.23thebombhi, is there anyway to check what queue a user or sip extension belongs to ?
08:25.37wdoekes2KNERD: whether asterisk relays the RTP stream or not
08:26.04black187Ok, thanks for the info guys!
08:26.06wdoekes2KNERD: normally a SIP call is set up with asterisk as the RTP destination for both (all) call legs
08:26.55KNERDoh....thanks. I wonder why I cannot find documentation on this
08:27.02wdoekes2KNERD: with directmedia=yes, asterisk will attempt to get out of the way (issuing a re-INVITE)
08:27.12wdoekes2KNERD: originally it was called canreinvite=yes
08:27.27KNERDoh I see
08:27.55wdoekes2are you looking in the sip.conf.sample ?
08:28.10wdoekes2there are enough sentences devoted to the option
08:29.20KNERDwdoekes2: however
08:29.51KNERDSomeone had me remove ALLOW/DISALLOW and put in "directmedia=yes"
08:30.06*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:33.11wdoekes2KNERD: and my father-in-law drove me home today
08:33.17wdoekes2your point?
08:34.31KNERDI am wondering why
08:39.53wdoekes2KNERD: if you remove the allow/disallow, then every codec is allowed => more chance of the two legs agreeing on a codec
08:40.18wdoekes2KNERD: if you then attempt directmedia, you'll lose the traffic/processing requirements for that call
08:40.21wdoekes2KNERD: => profit
08:40.58KNERDthank you kindly
08:43.44*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
08:44.29vltHello. My provider told me to dial *21*<target># to activate CFU on my ISDN line. SIP-to-ISDN gateway is an Inalp Patton. When I Dial(SIP/*21*555012345#@patton) I get SIP response 400 "Bad Request" back. Any idea how to solve this?
08:45.19*** join/#asterisk iulhk (~iulhk@
08:49.21KNERDvlt: maybe first by asking them?
08:51.58*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
08:57.33*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
09:01.43wdoekes2vlt: SIP is not ISDN, is it?
09:03.08wdoekes2or do they handle the isdn<->sip for you?
09:03.24wdoekes2oh wait, perhaps I should read :)
09:04.27wdoekes2start out by looking at the sip debug of the INVITE (pb it here?) to check if there is anything wrong with the request
09:11.00*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
09:23.31*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (~verywisem@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
09:25.14thebombhi, is there is anyway to check if a SIP extension is in a certain queue ?
09:25.41kaldemarvlt: ISDN trace from the patton might also be useful. you'd want to know what the gateway tries to dial over ISDN, if it even tries, and the possible response from telco.
09:28.44thebombnevermind the agent function looks like it can return the extension
09:30.33*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
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09:35.45*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
09:39.21kaldemarthebomb: function QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST
09:39.58thebombkaldemar, didn't see that one, tx appreciate it
09:48.01*** join/#asterisk bipul (75d31984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:49.12*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:52.06*** part/#asterisk bipul (75d31984@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:02.28*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
10:03.43*** join/#asterisk iulhk (~iulhk@
10:04.23iulhkusing asterisk-10.2.0 is there any way to setup realtime confbrige ?
10:05.58kaldemarwhat do you mean? getting bridge profile configurations through realtime?
10:06.08*** join/#asterisk kieppie (
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10:07.16kieppiehi all. I need some help with the "Dialed Number Manipulation Rules", please. I want to substiture the international + prefix with 00. How is that achieved?
10:08.12kaldemarkieppie: depends on how you dial. what does your Dial line look like?
10:08.21iulhk<kaldemar>: yes , do we have any option ?
10:09.28kaldemariulhk: static realtime is all you have.
10:10.19kieppiehi kaldemar: still new at this, so not entirely sure what you mean. presently my rule for trunk & extention is simply "X." (no prefix or prepend). when I dial from my client, it's usually in the format of "+12 34 567 8901"
10:10.52iulhkdo we have any option to record video conferencing? as well can we stream this saved file at some web-browser by using some media player?
10:11.33kaldemarkieppie: what GUI are you using?
10:12.27kieppiefreepbx - I'm assuming the configs I'm manipulating here are that of Asterisk itself. If I need to dig in the config, I'm not shy
10:18.13kieppieI've simply tried using "00", "+", "X.", but that's not substituting the "+" with "00"
10:21.49kaldemaryou need to do something to cut the + from a variable you're using, generally that's done by putting :1 after a variable name in a reference. e.g. ${EXTEN:1} and then just prepend that with what you want, like 00${EXTEN:1}. but on how to do that in freepbx so it works, ask in #freepbx.
10:23.53*** join/#asterisk CommaCrazy (~CCK@
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10:31.28kieppieI found this, thanks:
10:31.32kieppieseems to do the trick
11:01.27*** part/#asterisk ayrjola (~ayrjola@
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11:08.50*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
11:09.02Dovidhi all. is there any way to only send RTP once we get a 200 OK?
11:15.03GuggeDovid: do you need asterisk to stop sending anything else than RTP after a 200 OK, or do you need it to not send RTP before the 200 OK. and why?
11:15.20*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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11:36.19DovidGugge: I want asterisk to not send any RTP to end point till we get a 200 ok from them
11:36.26Dovidseems to be a bug in Avaya
11:44.16iulhkcan we record video calls in asterisk ?
11:49.40*** join/#asterisk vipkilla (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/t-dot-zilla/x-2830497)
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11:55.06Dovidiulhk: Yes you can with MixMonitor
11:59.02kaldemarafaik MixMonitor only utilizes an audio hook, so that's all it can record.
12:03.53*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
12:08.44*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:11.12iulhk<kaldemar>: so no option for video recording ?
12:12.25*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
12:13.47*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
12:13.59*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:14.10phpboyHi, how do I go about logging manager data to it's own log file?
12:21.44*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (
12:33.41*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
12:33.44qakhanhi all
12:34.28qakhani want to setup an ivr which take callerid, name and address. and save then in DB
12:34.41qakhanplz help how can i do this.
12:42.00phpboythe easiest way would be to familiarize yourself with the system command so you can pipe the info to PHP script for example
12:43.12*** join/#asterisk rossand (
12:44.00*** part/#asterisk Bullmoose (
12:49.31qakhani want caller speack his name and address and these save in DB
12:51.55[TK]D-FenderSAVE HOW?
12:52.49qakhani dont know. thats y i am asking here
12:53.35[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Save it in what format?
12:53.52qakhani want them save in database
12:54.01[TK]D-FenderNo, that is WHERE.  What FORMAT?
12:54.58qakhanlook, caller call in IVR take his name and address and save in database
12:55.08[TK]D-FenderNo, that is WHERE.  What FORMAT?
12:55.13qakhani dont want to save in voice format
12:55.44[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, there is no voice recognition anywhere near good enough for this to work.  It is not going to happen
12:58.14qakhanis there any voice recogniation software which work with *
12:58.40[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, All suck.  Nothing can handle this kind of request
12:59.01[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, It's regrettably a dead-end.  Time to pay hemuns to do this cheap for you
12:59.20qakhanwhat about sphinx
12:59.36[TK]D-FenderThat has trouble with the alphabet.  Forget about "names".
13:00.14[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Game Over.
13:00.18*** join/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
13:00.58qakhanand LumenVox?
13:02.42*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
13:02.43[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Let me make this completely clear : Forget about the dream of finding a VR that can handle names.  Not going to happen.  Dead end.  Game over.  Doesn't exist.
13:03.10[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Accept this and move on to some other productive goal.
13:04.57*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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13:05.22*** part/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
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13:08.48*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
13:14.47Dovidhi all. is there any way to only send RTP once we get a 200 OK? so if i get a 183 or 180 to send no media?
13:15.46*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-kstabftnggqgbwig)
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13:17.34*** part/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
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13:24.23*** join/#asterisk OldSmurf (~jens@unaffiliated/oldsmurf)
13:25.06schmidtsDovid i might be wrong but if you get a 183 then you only receive media and didnt sent it. maybe you should try the "r" option of dial, imho this should prevent the playback of early media
13:26.26OldSmurfI am forwarding a call from one Asterisk to another, and adding SIP Header "X-Language". I can see that the header has been set, but I can't seem to be able to retrieve the variable. I am trying: exten => s,n,NoOp("SIP header: ${SIP_HEADER(X-Language)} ") -- What have I missed?
13:28.20*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
13:29.27Dovidschmidts: Thats not where my issue is. my issue is the pbx that i am calling.
13:30.30Dovidit sends   a 180 with SDP. if i send rtp then, it has issues. if i wait for the 200ok and then send the rtp there is no issue
13:31.11gavimobilefolks, I need some help making my manual trunk connection. here is my sip.conf and extensions.conf
13:31.50gavimobilealso, im in verbose 5 but I don't see any confirmation of registration
13:34.18*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
13:36.07[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Your Dial is very wrong.
13:36.28gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: hi [TK]D-Fender!
13:36.33[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, You've mangled a variable reference and are pointing it to a hostname directly instead of using your peer
13:36.36gavimobileboy am I happy to see you
13:37.01gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: for testing purposes, would this work? exten => _.,1,Dial(SIP/${})
13:37.08[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, And lack of confirmation of registration is another matter.  You should be looking at SIP debug to see what it actualyl happening.
13:37.24gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: oh right, thanks for the reminder
13:37.40gavimobilecan't I also use a command like sip show peers  for trunks? like sip show trunks
13:37.40[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, No, it will not work.  Your syntax is broken.  You've inclded things in your variable reference that do not belong.
13:40.01[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, And tried referencing a hostname directly instead of using the peer you created.  Go fix all of these and go look at your actual registration attempt
13:40.17*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
13:41.00gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: ill try to make sense of what you said and let you know! thanks sir!
13:43.39iulhkusing asterisk-10.2.1 how to record every video call ?
13:46.27[TK]D-Fenderiulhk, "core show application monitor"
13:48.32*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
13:50.43*** join/#asterisk fprior (be0bbc86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:51.01*** join/#asterisk Li7h (
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14:04.30fpriorHi all, I'm studying  "The Definitive Guide", chapter 11  explain Paging. Can me explain an Real Life(TM) situation when I wuold use Paging ?
14:05.02*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
14:05.35[TK]D-Fenderfprior, "John someone is as the front door for you".
14:06.11[TK]D-Fenderfprior, "Marketing call parking lot 701"
14:06.23*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
14:10.13fprior[TK]D-Fender: in this situation, I'm working in a laboratory with another 7 colleagues, and we have only one phone. Is it ?
14:10.13*** join/#asterisk zeus (~zeus@gnu/savannah/team/zeus)
14:10.30zeushi all!!
14:10.51[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Is it what?
14:11.10zeusI'm looking for some kind of web app to manage only the sip extensions, does any one knows about something like this ?
14:11.21fprior[TK]D-Fender, is correct my assumption ?
14:11.35[TK]D-Fenderfprior, What assumption?
14:12.15DocfxitHow can I turn off all 911 calls?
14:13.03fprior[TK]D-Fender: paging is used in situations where in a place are present many persons and only one phone. Pagins is used to send voice message to call one specific person.
14:13.16[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, Change your dialplan to not notch them
14:13.37Li7hfprior, it doesn't make sense to page with less than 2 phones
14:13.42[TK]D-Fenderfprior, No, paging can call multiple devices simultaneously
14:14.28[TK]D-FenderLi7h, It can make sense.  When you want to make sure 1 person goes to grab the phone and not interrupt everybody
14:14.35DocfxitD-Fender I don't usually use terminal mode.  How can I edit the dial plan in terminal mode?
14:14.56[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, You aren't telling us what you are using.
14:15.07leifmadsenfprior: paging is useful in a situation where someone might call, for example, a receptionist, ask for someone, the receptionist parks the call on say extension 701, and then pages to the back "shop" to say, "Jimmy, pick up extension 701" at which point Jimmy walks over to some phone nearby, dials 701 and is connected to the caller.
14:15.15Li7hWhen there's only one phone? Who would be paging?
14:15.42[TK]D-FenderLi7h, Imagine and IVR that does a parkandannounce
14:16.05DocfxitD-Fender I'm using Asterisk in Ubuntu.
14:16.12[TK]D-FenderLi7h, Use your imagination.  If you can't find one, consider drugs :)
14:16.28Li7hI think drugs are what shot out my imagination :)
14:16.42[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, you just said "don't usually use terminal mode".  Well how did you configure Asterisk in the first place?
14:16.59[TK]D-FenderLi7h, More and/or better.
14:17.07leifmadsenthe only useful example I can think of where you would only have 1 phone and having paging, is an inbound caller dials an extension number, which really just parks the call and then does and auto-page that says something like, "Call for extension 20X in parking space 702"
14:17.20[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Just said that ;)
14:17.37DocfxitD-Fender Through Double Commander.
14:17.47fpriorok, I understand now. Another doubt: why use Page and not a simple Dial ? If device is auto-answer will respond to Dial too
14:18.05[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, Guess you'd better ask them.  We don't support 3rd party GUI's here
14:18.14leifmadsenfprior: no reason you can't do that
14:18.20[TK]D-FenderfriFor when there are muliple devices.
14:18.28[TK]D-Fenderfprior, For when there are muliple devices.
14:18.35*** join/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
14:19.03[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Page is just Dial+ Meetme.  It does not inherently trigger any kind of auto-answer
14:19.06fprior[TK]D-Fender: I can use Dial(SIP/phoneA&SIP/phoneB&SIP/phoneC)
14:19.24[TK]D-Fenderfprior, You don't get to talk to them all simultaneously.
14:19.34DocfxitD-Fender Double Commander isn't working right now.  Please help me with terminal mode.  I have an emergency. The police are at the building right now.  The 911 service is being fludded with calls.
14:20.17[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, We don't know what that app does for you.  Go ask in their channel or prepare to have to drill around and hope they did something even vaguely sane
14:20.29kaldemarisn't double commander just a file manager?
14:20.43[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, Sounds like Midnight Commander...
14:20.43Docfxitkaldemar Yes.
14:21.16DocfxitDouble Commander just manages files.
14:21.21[TK]D-Fender... if it is a file manager... how the hell is that responsible for having configured *?
14:21.26kaldemarDocfxit: so that's not what you use to configure asterisk, right? are you asking what to use to edit configuration files?
14:21.38[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, No, I am asking that
14:21.54[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, And somehow a text editor app was being framed as a GUI interface.
14:22.16Docfxitkaldemar  How can I navagate to the dial plan and edit the dial plan.
14:22.30[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, What built it for you in the first place?
14:22.44kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: i see what you've said.
14:23.30DocfxitD-Fender  I have no idea.  I paid someone to build it.
14:24.13[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, So you have no idea what you've really got or how it's setup.. and now I'm guessing no clue on how to use * at all.... that about right?
14:28.47DocfxitD-Fender  Yes.  That's about right.  I figured out the editor.  What file has the outgoing calling rulles?
14:30.14*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (
14:30.18[TK]D-FenderDocfxit, extensions.conf
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14:47.45fprior...silence, Docfxit was arrested ?
14:49.23Docfxitfprior  I'm just fine.
14:49.40DocfxitI have removed 911 from our dial plan.
14:50.10DocfxitNow I will get into the logs to find out where that came from
14:50.23DocfxitThank you for the help.
14:50.33fpriorDocfxit, good !
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15:31.02p3nguindocfxit: If you find out that you have to pay someone to unbuild it for you, too, I have availability.
15:33.51Docfxitp3nguin  What do you mean by unbuild?
15:35.06p3nguin<Docfxit> D-Fender  I have no idea.  I paid someone to build it.     <--- I meant I would fix or undo whatever the other person did that was not to your liking.
15:36.14Docfxitp3nguin  Thanks.  I'll keep that in mind.
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15:41.59RienzillaHey everyone. I have an asterisk server for a company, and - amongst other things - it has a calling queue which has members that are on a cellphone. Now the issue is that I want the persons that pick up the call to know both who is calling (by the CID), but also that the call was forwarded from the company pbx instead of placed directly to the cellphone (so the user may say something else when he picks up). How can I do this? For example, can I play a
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15:42.13stegbthhello everybody
15:42.47stegbthi am running the "latest" version of trixbox (2.8)
15:43.49stegbthdoes there exist a possibility to change the destination of a incoming route via phone shortdial?
15:44.02stegbthif yes, does there exist an howto?
15:45.32p3nguinrienzilla: You truncated at "can I play a".
15:45.47Rienzilla... For example, can I play a sound file to the call recipient before the call is passed through?
15:45.55p3nguinBut the answer is, "Yes, you can play a message."
15:46.19Rienzillahehe ok how would I do that?
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15:47.51p3nguinIn your Dial, you can use the appropriate option for a macro or a sub, and when the callee picks up, the subroutine will execute.  In the subroutine, you'd use Playback() to play a sound file or BackGround() to play a sound file and allow it to be interrupted by DTMF.
15:48.10[TK]D-FenderNever use Background() there...
15:48.11p3nguinThat's one way.
15:48.56p3nguinIt would be extremely similar to my call screening macro.
15:49.23Rienzillaok, I can probably make that work
15:49.25p3nguin"You have a caller... press 1 to accept this call, press 2 or hangup to reject it.
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15:50.31MarkS-Hello, is information regarding MeetMe somewhere available? I'm looking for a way to setup the option of conference calls and MeetMe seems to be the best option (but somehow I can't get it to work, it gives errors regarding DAHDI and for as far as I can see everything is correctly configured/installed). Some information from the asterisk cli:
15:51.17anonymouz666p3nguin: sounds useful, will do something like that for my extension
15:52.21p3nguinmarks-: Install dahdi and load the dahdi kernel module.
15:52.53p3nguinDahdi is required for meetme to work.
15:53.23p3nguinUntil you can run "dahdi show channels" on the asterisk CLI and see the pseudo channel, it isn't ready for meetme.
15:54.33MarkS-p3nguin: looking at that now, I did already install dahdi kernel modules (using apt-get at debian)
15:54.48p3nguinIs it loaded?  lsmod|grep dahdi
15:56.03MarkS-it isn't loaded, looking in to that at the moment
15:59.01p3nguinmodprobe dahdi
16:03.42MarkS-the dahdi module isn't available, currently looking in building it from source
16:04.15voiperdoes anyone know how to send userid and password as part of a SIP request in asterisk 1.4 ? I was able to make it work with 1.6 by sending SIP/exten:password::userid@host. The same is not working in 1.4
16:04.25p3nguinSomeone else ran into this yesterday on Ubuntu.  I thought the module should be packaged like all other softwares.
16:06.24DocfxitIn Master.csv the times look like GMT. If I change cdr.conf usegmtime=yes to usegmtime=no  will it use the local time in the log?
16:06.37MarkS-p3nguin: it should, but somehow it isn't (anymore)
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16:10.50[TK]D-Fendervoiper, Make a proper peer
16:17.20voiperi would like to send the username password dynamically using an agi instead of using the one from peer
16:17.57p3nguinWhy would anyone want to use something that isn't well-configured?
16:18.48p3nguinThere's a saying I have a tendency to use around my office:  Do it right or don't do it at all.
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16:34.32p3nguinIf a call between two asterisk systems seems to stop transmitting audio after 15 minutes, that isn't going to have anything to do with session timers, is it?
16:35.11p3nguinThe channel does not go away; it just doesn't have any audio.
16:35.32p3nguinAs a matter of fact, the channel NEVER goes away.  And then when I try to kill it, it becomes a zombie.
16:36.31gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: I got it connected!
16:36.43[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Glad to hear.
16:36.48gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: thanks
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16:37.34p3nguinMaybe it's a problem in, because I never had this issue before.
16:38.28hff135_the asterisk 1.8 sip.conf docs say the choices for 'directmedia' are 'yes', 'nonat', 'update'.  so why does 'no' work, and what is that setting?
16:39.36p3nguinThe directmedia setting controls if media passes directly between two end points or if it has to pass through asterisk.
16:39.56p3nguindirectmedia=no prevents reinvites, keeping asterisk in the media path.
16:40.11hff135_is directmedia=no same as directmedia=nonat?
16:41.18p3nguinNo, but it's similar.  nonat allows media to go directly between end points that asterisk determines are within the same network and do not involve nat.  If nat is determined to be between the two end points, asterisk will remain in the path.  nonat is the setting I prefer.
16:43.19p3nguinIn addition to the nonat value for directmedia, I also configure the directmediadeny and directmediapermit settings.
16:50.12hff135_i'm having a strange issue.  we recently upgraded some customers from 1.6.2 to  we have canreinvite=no in sip.conf.  calls work properly except in the case where a caller calls into a queue and then the queue member answers and doesn an attended transfer off to another employee. often, there is one-way audio (caller can hear employee, employee cannot hear caller)
16:55.22hff135_if i want to avoid the one-way audio issues entirely, is directmedia=no the best way to go?
16:56.53p3nguinThe directmedia parameter replaced the older canreinvite parameter.
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16:58.00p3nguinI think in most, in not all, cases, a reinvite through a nat will result in no audio.
16:58.47p3nguinYou're having one-way audio, which seems to be a problem with the RTP address of an end point.  Check your SDP messages on an affected call in sip debug.
17:01.43hff135_this wasn't a problem on 1.6.2 tho.  we have several thousand phones.  none of them complained about this problem until we switched them to asterisk  the config stayed the same (canreinvite=no).  do u know if the directmedia/canreinvite logic changed between the two versions?
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17:15.58gavimobilesilly question, if I want to add my country code automatically to my dialplan, what would I do? exten => _0NNXXXXXX,1,Answer()
17:16.25gavimobileas of now, I need to dial my country code, but I don't want to. I want the dial plan to add it for me
17:17.05[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Then add them directly into your dial
17:17.28gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: I did that with my example, but it doesn't seem to be working
17:18.17gavimobileen example number would be 025005303 but with my new trunk, I need to dial 97225005303
17:18.17p3nguinWhat number do you have to dial now on your phone's keypad?  What number do you want to dial on your phone's keypad to make the same call with less numbers?
17:18.17[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Your example isn't a Dial(), and I'm wondering if you're even looking at what you're doing to the exten that was dialed...
17:18.19gavimobileI want to dial the first number p3nguin
17:18.33gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: correct, im testing with saydigits
17:18.48gavimobileso I can hear what in the variable.
17:19.16p3nguin972${EXTEN:1}   <------ prepend 972 to the dialed number after removing the original first digit.
17:19.43gavimobilep3nguin: nope
17:19.47p3nguinNope what?
17:20.02gavimobileits still requiring the 972
17:20.14gavimobileexten => _0NNXXXXXX,1,Answer()
17:20.16p3nguinThat's not my fault.
17:20.17[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Show us your actual dial
17:20.58p3nguinIf you dial something that matches 0NNXXXXXX, 972${EXTEN:1} will turn it into 972 NNXXXXXX.
17:21.19gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: im in cli, asterisk -rvvvvv  and I did  sip set debug on
17:21.28gavimobilebut when I dial I see nothing in the cli
17:21.33[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, I dd not ask for a story
17:21.42[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, where is youre REAL dialplan line?
17:21.52gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: the pastebin?
17:21.54[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, "nope" doesn't help us
17:22.37[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Show us the actual dialing extension.
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17:23.21gavimobileim lost
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17:23.40[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Show us your actual dialplan
17:23.51gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: from extensions.conf?
17:23.58p3nguinThat's where dial plan is.
17:24.01[TK]D-FenderWhere else do you have dialplan?
17:24.07gavimobilep3nguin: few
17:25.19kaldemardeja vu.
17:25.24p3nguinDial a number that matches 0NNXXXXXX.
17:25.40kaldemargavimobile: ${} <--- something wrong with this. what could it be?
17:26.03gavimobilekaldemar: that is behind a comment
17:26.13p3nguinIt's wrong, though.
17:26.30kaldemargavimobile: that's one of the three things about it you should change.
17:26.31gavimobileyes its wrong, cause im testing first with playdigits
17:26.42gavimobilekaldemar: thanks for the kint
17:26.47p3nguinCreate a peer for didlogic.  Then Dial(SIP/didlogic/972${EXTEN:1})
17:27.36gavimobilep3nguin: hrm
17:28.00gavimobilea peer you say
17:28.13gavimobilealright, you guys helped me enough. be back soon!
17:28.13p3nguinSounds like a new concept to you.
17:28.21gavimobilep3nguin: ohhh yes
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17:34.22[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, I told you all of this repeatedly hours ago
17:35.15gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: :-( sorry
17:38.01p3nguinI have a feeling he'll ask again in another four hours.
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17:38.18p3nguinEven though he has the answer already.  Twice.
17:40.36[TK]D-Fendermore than
17:49.13jayteewhen you type "sip show peers" and you see an N in the NAT column next to a peer is that indicating that asterisk thinks the peer is behind a NAT?
17:49.31leifmadsenjaytee: it indicates you've configured the peer with nat=yes
17:49.41jayteebut I haven't
17:49.45leifmadsenyou have somewhere
17:49.53leifmadseneither in general, or with some other option
17:49.57jayteehmmm, ok will double check
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18:10.27p3nguinThat value doesn't necessarily mean anything about the actual position of the peer.
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18:52.14voiperHi, how do we force asterisk to take rtp? making both sip peers to canreinvite=no, directrtpsetup=no, nat=yes didn't do the trick. It is asterisk 1.6
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18:54.24p3nguindirectmedia=no keeps asterisk in the media path.
18:55.03voiperthanks p3nguin. I have that set too
18:55.35voiperif asterisk is taking rtp we should see the packets by doing rtp set debug on ?
18:55.39p3nguindirectmedia replaces canreinvite.
18:59.08p3nguinIn other words, don't use both.
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19:04.12devdvdhi all, using asterisk  Is there any way in this version (or even in later versions) to specify the order asterisk looks for queue members.  For example, right now ordering queue members the way i want is a complete pain.  say for example i have Bob(Local/1@phones)>Sally(Local/2@phones)>John(Local/3@phones)>Jim(Local/4@phones) in queue support in that order.  Right now as you know, asterisk will order it bob>sally>john>jim b
19:04.12devdvdecause it orders the select by the interface.  What i want to do is know if theres a way to change that behavior.  Idealy id like to be able to add a new field called priority and sort on that but id even be willing to sort on membername.  The ultimate goal is to be able to move the order people receive calls easily without having to modify what extension they are at.  so say i bob has the day off and i want Jim to receive calls befo
19:04.13devdvdre anyone else just for today.  right now I have to modify jim's extension to make sure the query sees it first.  Is there a better way?
19:05.20devdvdi am using realtime (mysql) for the queue members
19:06.01p3nguindevdvd: In 1.8, you can use the linear strategy to use them in the order they are listed in the config file.
19:06.46ChainsawAnd I can say firsthand that upgrading from 1.6.2 to 1.8 is not particularly disruptive.
19:07.13p3nguinEven from 1.4 to 1.8 is pretty easy.
19:07.35Chainsawp3nguin: 1.2 to 1.6.0 was a bit of a pain though.
19:08.43MarkS-FYI: earlier today I mentioned an issue with getting dahdi working, with the debian package I get the error listed at and now I'm building it from source
19:09.39jayteeI have 4 peers that are on the internal LAN (single subnet) and a peer definition for Flowroute in my sip.conf. I have nat=yes for Flowroute and I don't have nat= set anywhere else in my sip.conf yet the 4 peers on the LAN show as N under the nat column when I type sip show peers.
19:12.48p3nguinDoesn't matter.
19:13.10p3nguinHaving nat=yes set generally does not magically turn local peers into natted peers.
19:13.36p3nguinAnd also, flowrouter is NOT behind nat, so that's not a good setting.
19:14.44p3nguinIf you support any peers behind NAT, set nat=yes in the general section and don't set it anywhere else in the entire file.  If you do not support ANY peers behind a NAT and Asterisk is also not behind a NAT, then you can set nat=no in general section and don't set it anywhere else in the file.
19:15.04p3nguinjaytee: That's for you.
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19:16.59hff135_devdvd: we're using RT queue members
19:17.07hff135_there is no way to order the queue members
19:18.35devdvdp3nguin, i need to be able to use the database though.  Because i need to allow people t pause and unpause themselves (they aren't using locally connected phones)...its just extensions linked to outside phone numbers
19:18.47devdvdhff135_, thats what im finding, which is why i came to ask the experts :)
19:19.31hff135_i think we got around this by name the local channels specially
19:19.32hff135_jon (Local/000__jon@queue_calling/n) (realtime) (paused) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
19:19.32hff135_sally (Local/001__sally@queue_calling/n) (realtime) (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet
19:19.32hff135_rick (Local/008__rick@queue_calling/n) (realtime) (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet
19:21.56devdvdbut then how do you deal with changes? that pretty much looks like what im doing now
19:22.56voiperp3nguin i tried all the options i still don't see rtp going through asterisk.
19:23.38jayteep3nguin, thank you for the info. I thought I needed nat=yes for flowroute as there is a firewall between my Asterisk system and we're using NAT to redirect SIP and RTP.
19:24.22p3nguinThat isn't what the nat parameter is for.
19:24.28hff135_devdvd: when we encountered this problem, our channels were Local/jon@queue_calling, etc
19:24.32jayteeI've been using pretty much the same config for over a year now on several systems but for some reason this one want's to show all the peers on the same lan as N
19:24.48hff135_to fix the problem, we had to introduce the numbering at the beginning
19:24.53p3nguinIt's fine.  It doesn't matter if they show N or not.
19:25.00devdvdright, mine are 2XXX
19:25.04p3nguinIt will not magically make them behind a NAT.
19:25.05leifmadsenjaytee: did you recently upgrade?
19:25.16devdvdso Local/2800, 2801 etc
19:25.18p3nguinStop worrying over something that isn't a problem.
19:25.22gavimobilewow, my mistake was sooo silly
19:25.29devdvdso it sounds to me that we're doing the same thing
19:25.51p3nguinCurrent asterisk version defaults to force_rport if available, or yes if the previous is not available.
19:25.55jayteep3nguin, yeah at least it's registering ok. I can call in but where I was getting two way audio a week ago they must have changed something on the firewall because now I get retransmit on critical packet errors.
19:26.10p3nguinIf you do not have any devices behind a NAT, set nat=no in the general section and move on.
19:27.47p3nguinIf your asterisk is behind a NAT, which you indicated it is, you can set nat=yes in the general section and don't worry about the fact that you don't have any phones behind other NATs.
19:28.15p3nguinThe phones which are not behind other NATs will not magically get a NAT server installed between them and asterisk.
19:28.25p3nguinTherefore, the N is okay.
19:28.48p3nguinCorrectly set your localnet value and the rest should be history.
19:28.56hff135_devdvd: are those numbers (2800, 2801) the extensions numbers?
19:32.35devdvdyea, in my dialplan i have a context called queue_external and in that i have stuff like 2800,1,Dial(SIP/${OUTTRUNK}/5555555555) then in my database queue members table i have Local/2800@queue_external as the interface name
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20:03.40hff135_i'm having a problem with one-way audio.  we recently upgraded from 1.6.2 to 1.8.9.  all phones behind NAT.  pstn_caller calls into queue.  problem does not occur all the time.  phone1 answers and then does attended transfer to phone2.  phone2 cannot hear pstn_caller but pstn_caller can hear phone2
20:03.48hff135_one-way audio occurs only when pstn_caller calls phone1 via queue.  if pstn_caller calls phone1 directly, problem does not occur.
20:03.54hff135_problem does not occur for blind transfer.  it also does not occur for attended transfer where phone1 transfers the call without waiting for phone2 to answer.  it only occurs when phone1 attended transfers to phone2 and waits for phone2 to answer.
20:04.26hff135_i have compared the REFER from the one-way audio case to the two-way audio case.  there doesn't seem to be much difference.
20:04.52hff135_i've been working on this for days but i'm not making much progress.  can someone point me in the right direction?
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20:13.01MarkS-p3nguin: thanks for helping earlier today, it works at this moment (investigating other nice options to offer to clients using asterisk)
20:16.32[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:34.38woleiumI'm trying to play an announce to all active, on a call queue members when a new call enters the queue.
20:34.49urvg4hi all,having voice breaks during calls.Any way to fix this?
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20:35.17woleiumI've looked through the docs, but I'm a bit confused. Where should I be looking?
20:35.28DocfxitSomeone got into our switch remotely and figured out how to dial out.  One of the numbers they were trying was 91122455202180.  Our dial plan dialed out to 911.  There were many numbers they tried.  They all started with 911. I'm looking at the master.csv. How can I see how they got into the system?
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20:36.21pabelangerDocfxit: review syslogs
20:36.33pabelangerand setup a firewall and not put your asterisk server on the public web
20:36.43woleiumDocfxit: it's tricky, and they amy have installed a backdoor. You should reinstall. :-(
20:37.26woleiumin the meantime change all your passwords, install fail2ban and hook it into asterisk
20:37.41Docfxitpabelanger Where can I find the syslogs?
20:37.53woleiumwhat distro are you using?
20:40.19kaldemarDocfxit: do you have some actual information on the "got into our switch" part? as in do you know that your switch system is compromised or did someone just make calls?
20:41.25kaldemarit i possible to leave a system open for unauthenticated calls, so that can happen without anyone actually breaking in to the box.
20:44.44hff135_i have directmedia=no.  but i'm getting one-way audio on transferred calls. these are not re-invites.  they are REFERs.  what would cause this?
20:50.44Docfxitkaldemar No one was in the building.  The police showed up at the door this morning saying someone from this address was fludding the 911 system with phone calls.
20:51.28kaldemarDocfxit: by breaking in i don't mean physically.
20:52.27Docfxitkaldemar  How ever it was done, I need to figure out how to stop it.  And fast.
20:57.58Docfxitpabelanger I have one file called syslog that only shows after I rebooted the machine.  I have syslog.0 that shows today after 7am.  The next syslog.1.gz is from March 7.  The problem happened today at 5:25am.
20:58.53pabelangerDocfxit: this is not asterisk specific but OS support.  Your best to seek support from your OS (eg: Ubuntu / Fedora)
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20:59.51hff135_did anyone see my messages from earlier?
21:00.26DocfxitIf this came in from the internet how can I record an IP address in Asterisk for each call?
21:02.26kaldemarDocfxit: there is no one correct answer to any part of this. but look at /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv if it exists in your system, it is the default place where call data records are saved in.
21:04.30Docfxitkaldemar  I'm looking at that file.  I see all the calls.  There is nothing in collum A or B.  The numbers start in collum C  which I think is the number it's calling.  I'd like to record the number it came from.
21:05.37*** join/#asterisk dubberl (
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21:05.54dubberlI have a question about NoOp().
21:06.35DocfxitIf I recorded caller ID from blocked numbers maybe I would see that info.
21:07.05cuscodubberl: just ask
21:07.10dubberlWe have a .agi that is in perl tha runs and it has $AGI->noop("something") so we can debug. But when I set verbose to at least 3 I don't see anything when the script runs.  Am I missing something?
21:08.30DocfxitI have to go now.  I'll be back.
21:08.36dubberlSo it should work?
21:08.50dubberlI connect in via asterisk -rvvv
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21:20.51dubberlAny ideas?
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21:38.39urvg4having voice breaks during calls.Any way to fix this?
21:39.48urvg4using a 100Mps link from the data center where * is hosted
21:39.59*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
21:40.18urvg4but my peak traffic been around 290KB/s
21:40.21Steel_Reigncan anyone tell me why i am seeing this error
21:40.28Steel_Reignchan_sip.c:25545 check_rtp_timeout: Disconnecting call 'SIP/miahav305-0000003d' for lack of RTP activity in 31 seconds
21:41.49Steel_Reigni can make from from the remote server to my local server and it works fine but i get no audio and this error trying to call the remote server
21:42.05Steel_Reignmake calls*
21:42.35infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
21:44.25*** join/#asterisk kieppie (
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22:17.22dubberlurvg4: what is your latenancy at?
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22:18.15urvg4how do I measure that?
22:18.27dubberlJust run a ping.
22:18.40dubberlget the MS you have.
22:18.52dubberlIf its really laging then that may be an issue.
22:18.56dubberlOr a dealy in talk.
22:19.21*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
22:19.52urvg4one sec
22:23.57urvg4dubberl:seems iptables is blocking pings
22:24.21urvg4even localhost did not respond
22:25.16dubberlHmm I always leave ICMP packets on helps to troubleshoot.
22:25.19dubberlBut thats just me.
22:30.23urvg4do I disable the iptables?
22:30.53dubberlI don't think that would be good if its doing NAt and such.
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