IRC log for #asterisk on 20120308

00:06.11*** join/#asterisk rossand (
00:07.42gunnararanyone here want to help with echo problems?
00:15.40*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
00:22.37davidcsichris, yes nat=yes
00:23.04davidcsithere's no alg (i think) everything else works fine
00:24.07ChrisInSydneydavidcsi: Have you tried another ITSP ? like an ideasip or some freebie ?
00:24.43ChrisInSydneyI'm just suggesting things I would try
00:24.55ChrisInSydneylike use a bigger hammer
00:25.01ChrisInSydneytake up a new hobby
00:25.29ChrisInSydneytake some time off on "stress" leave
00:26.22ChrisInSydneyNot that I am suggesting them as a solution, for your problem.....
00:26.34dymHeyo ChrisInSydney
00:26.38ChrisInSydney...asterisk problem...
00:26.40ChrisInSydneyhey dym
00:26.50dymAll good bruv?
00:27.29ChrisInSydneyyup, sorta
00:27.53ChrisInSydneydamn SPA525G2s are locking up on a client site, randomly. Not on an Asterisk system. IPFX
00:28.18dymCould you do me a quick favor?urgh
00:28.31ChrisInSydneybut only handsets with a MAC address of 4055, not the 0007 MACs
00:28.49dymgoogle says?
00:29.53dymDo you have a softphone handy and could possibly do me a quick favour?
00:31.22ChrisInSydneygot a couple of hard phones with free accounts
00:31.28ChrisInSydneywhat do you want me to log into >>
00:31.38dymjust plain call
00:31.49dymJust see if you get through
00:32.04ChrisInSydneygive me a couple to hack the dial plan of my dev system
00:32.56*** join/#asterisk waschtl (~waschtl@
00:39.30ChrisInSydneyIm in !
00:39.39ChrisInSydneydym: im in
00:39.44dymGreat - All I needed (:
00:39.54ChrisInSydneycool. Audio was OK
00:39.57*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
00:39.57*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
00:40.01ChrisInSydneya little scratchy. gsm ??
00:40.13ChrisInSydneyI'm dailling in using 722
00:41.36dymyeah its gsm
00:41.43dymi could crank it up tho
00:44.02*** join/#asterisk LostyJai (~blah@
00:53.38ChrisInSydneydym: Sounds like 711 for the voice prompts, but the moh is 722
00:53.55dymcould be
00:57.11*** part/#asterisk LostyJai (~blah@
01:00.40*** join/#asterisk rossand (
01:03.36WIMPyIs there something broken about IAX in TRUNK?
01:04.14WIMPyIt looks like all IAX calls go to the h extensions when they match something else.
01:05.37phixooops, remove that s
01:05.57WIMPyIt only happens on calls that match an extension.
01:06.10WIMPyCalls that don't match are rejected.
01:07.03phixwould i use iax over sip?
01:07.15WIMPyThere are switches involved, but the same context works for sip and lcr.
01:07.33WIMPyCan you rephrase that?
01:07.49*** join/#asterisk kessius (~cassio@
01:15.05*** part/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
01:18.37dymChrisInSydney: This is up and running 24/7 - if anyone would like to may some use of it. ill be on there too
01:19.13*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
01:23.08ChrisInSydneydym: cool
01:24.58dymTheres landline access too
01:25.05dym0049 541 50799943
01:25.39WIMPyOskar Drück?
01:28.23*** join/#asterisk oli004 (2edf109e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:28.37*** part/#asterisk oli004 (2edf109e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:29.31*** join/#asterisk Bullmoose (
01:29.54*** join/#asterisk oli004 (2edf109e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:31.57kessiushi good friends
01:32.41dymGood friends? (:
01:32.42kessiusI need help, I have problem in voicemail.conf
01:35.53kessiushow do I pass voicemail.conf for realtime
01:37.06*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck_ (~pdtpatric@
01:43.15kessiusanyone knows, pass voicemail.conf for real-time ?
01:45.00*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:6ef0:49ff:fe50:659d)
01:49.56kessiusvoicemail facility, Anyone know if need realtime static or dynamic ?
01:53.36*** join/#asterisk oli004 (
01:53.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
01:56.13*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
01:56.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
01:56.28oli004spricht jemand deutsch ?
01:56.58*** join/#asterisk oli_004 (2edf109e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:57.02kessiusMy boss wants to voicemail, easy voicemail - how to automate to real-time ?
01:57.19dymkessius: wait for someone to reply instead of re-posting every 10 minutes.
01:57.51WIMPyoli004: /join #asterisk-de
01:58.31oli004hi oli004, cool nick !!
01:59.45*** join/#asterisk oli_004 (
02:00.38*** join/#asterisk oli_004 (
02:01.50dymkicks [TK]D-Fender
02:04.54Bullmoosekessius. I'm new to Asterisk myself. Without knowing your situation, "simple" could be an answering machine from WalMart
02:05.58BullmooseI'm going through Asterisk Essentials class and also have the new Asterisk Book. Asterisk Book is free online. It shows how.
02:06.27Bullmoose...and one person's easy is another person's impossible
02:10.04*** join/#asterisk GGD (
02:10.24infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:11.25ChrisInSydneydym: Its lonely in here, the music is cool, but gets repetative the 4th or 5th time you hear it ;-)
02:11.35ChrisInSydneyHey WIMPy
02:12.06dymChrisInSydney: Im off to bed. 3 am - 3 hrs sleep left :/ feel free to pull others in/spread it and ill be there tomorrow.
02:12.11ChrisInSydneykessius: There is a gotcha with MWI and Real TIme Voicemail
02:12.46ChrisInSydneydym: you're a stronger man than I, hence I am not on the 4am Saturday VUC calls
02:13.17ChrisInSydneyget some zzzs
02:13.21ChrisInSydneycatch ya
02:13.49*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
02:17.35kessiusVocê quis dizer: podes explicar me ?
02:17.35kessiusMWI can you explain?
02:19.04kessiusMWI can you explain?
02:20.13ChrisInSydneyMessage Waiting Indicator: The little voicemail light on your SIP handset
02:20.55ChrisInSydneythere are issues with a "RealTime" database storage for voicemail and MWI
02:21.24ChrisInSydneykessius: It depends on what you are trying to achieve
02:21.40ChrisInSydneyif you need to use Asterisk real time components
02:22.27*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:30.44*** part/#asterisk oli004 (
02:31.40kessiusalready some files in real-time, - I ask you guys - the file voicemail.conf how to proceed to go to real-time
02:37.04*** join/#asterisk postconf (
02:41.15kessiusChrisInSydney, never heard of real-time components!
02:41.38ChrisInSydneyyou can have real time SIP but your dial plan in extension.conf
02:41.52ChrisInSydneythat was what I was refering to
02:42.02ChrisInSydneyfor example
02:43.58*** part/#asterisk rue_house (
02:45.22kessiusChrisInSydney, my SIP  is already realtime, my extensions is already realtime
02:48.20volga629How I can debug /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 145:  5904 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) nice -n $PRIORITY ${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk -f ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS} > /dev/${TTY} 2>&1 < /dev/${TTY}
02:48.20volga629Asterisk ended with exit status 139
02:51.33*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:52.57kessiusChrisInSydney after referencing the voicemail.conf - where else change?
02:53.04volga629thank mjordan
02:53.23volga629Just can't see why is crash it
02:56.05ChrisInSydneyvolga629: Its not a hardware issue, is it ?? Had a faulty mainboard that used to do that to me. Also had OS crashes too though
02:57.02volga629I am think some module I rebooted server and ran diagnostic all ok
02:57.28ChrisInSydneykessius: MAybe start here:
02:58.22volga629Before reboot I so this crash segfault at 3 ip 00000003 sp bfac14bc error 4 in[101000+12000]
02:58.32ChrisInSydneyvolga629: what version of ast are you running ??
02:59.02ChrisInSydneyhave fun ;-)
02:59.46ChrisInSydneyvolga629: its the blood of people like you that make it possible for people like me to enjoy open source software that works
03:00.07volga629where usually stored dump file ?
03:00.38volga629this test box in production all ok ;-)
03:00.41ChrisInSydneyMate, I am not too sure. find / -name core ?
03:01.51lanningcore files are usually in the programs current working directory
03:01.52kessiusChrisInSydney had already seen this link voip-info, but does not explain everything, that is so fraqmento
03:02.39ChrisInSydneyvolga629: found your previous post. looks like some odbc issues, are you using odbc at all ?
03:04.03volga629yes connector to MYSQL
03:04.10ChrisInSydneykessius: Asterisk RT info is pretty fragmented. I personally have not done much, (anything worthwhile speaking about) with real time otehr than using the ODBC drivers
03:04.35ChrisInSydneyI can not really help you other than to point you at places I vaguely remember stuff on Asterisk real time.
03:05.51volga629I found core going what crushed
03:06.23ChrisInSydneykessius: All I can suggest is that google is your friend, doble check your settings, and change one thing at a a time and test. When you work it out, document what you have done and post it in the forums or on a blog so when you need to do it again in 18 months time, and you have forgotten, you get to remind yourself of how clever you once were ;-)
03:07.07*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
03:07.11ChrisInSydneyvolga629: have you tried against a 1.8 compile ?? As a reference ?
03:07.24ChrisInSydneyeliminates the ODBC drivers
03:07.53volga629Yes I tried and was working no issue
03:08.07ChrisInSydneyso what about an earler 10 release ?
03:08.10ChrisInSydneysame ??
03:10.30kessiusChrisInSydney I will check these issues
03:11.11ChrisInSydneykessius: Good luck. When you work it out, it will become obvious. It always does.
03:11.24volga629all point for 10 because of video support app conference
03:16.07*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
03:17.42ChrisInSydneyvolga629: Maybe you need some #asterisk-dev help to get them some debug info. Something feels broken in the code
03:19.54volga629This the who need to blame
03:20.06volga629debug always work
03:20.22volga629some reason broken need reinstall
03:21.19*** part/#asterisk postconf (
03:21.25volga629Thank you everybody
03:34.46*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck_ (~pdtpatric@
03:46.34*** part/#asterisk GGD (
03:56.28*** join/#asterisk ketas (~ketas@2001:ad0:91f:0:290:27ff:fea6:a66a)
04:04.09*** join/#asterisk bbourdage (
04:04.12*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
04:06.05*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (
04:29.25*** join/#asterisk reenigne_esrever (
04:30.23reenigne_esreverI'm looking to see if anyone has any feedback on the digium training or is thinking of attending the upcoming training in Vegas.
04:30.39*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
04:36.13reenigne_esreverquiet room again tonight, I'll have to try again tomorrow to see if anyone has any feedback
05:01.14*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
05:17.50phixwb ChrisInSydney!
05:18.08ChrisInSydneyhows the shire ??
05:18.14phixHow was the madigras?
05:18.23phixShire is still kicking ass :)
05:18.39ChrisInSydneycant remember, woke up witha sore arse and $100 in my pocket ;-)
05:18.57ChrisInSydneyjust kidding
05:19.12ChrisInSydneydid a gig out at Mulgoa oin Sunday
05:19.46ChrisInSydneyThey were waiting for the Warragamba dam to spill over
05:21.10ChrisInSydneygotta make a call. Pissed off client. Not my doing, the vendor did it and I have to take it, and I won't have $100 in my pocket at the end of it either
05:21.58ChrisInSydneyback in a bit
05:36.23*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
05:46.50ChrisInSydneyphix: ouch
05:47.48ChrisInSydneyI'm about to rip it all out and throw in an Asterisk in the interum. Keep them happy until they fix this hardware
06:33.10phixasterisk <3
06:34.43*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
06:38.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:44.34*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:55.39*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
07:03.06dymhi v0lZy
07:08.26*** join/#asterisk roham (~ali@
07:12.13*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
07:15.12v0lZyhow to mute the caller's line?
07:15.44v0lZyI'm writting an intercom application and I want to mute the caller, page the phones, play a beep to the caller, unmute the caller.
07:21.34v0lZyi see theres a muteaudio function
07:21.44v0lZybut I dont exactly understand how to use it in the dialplan application
07:23.07v0lZyusing set?
07:24.07*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:24.09schmidtsgood morning
07:31.41*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
07:32.14*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
07:32.17qakhanhi all
07:33.35qakhani have 4 agents in  a queue. every thing is working fine. here i have a problem, if agent 1001 login it should not login on any other station
07:34.27qakhanhow can i restict agent to be loggedin twice
07:51.15*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (~bart@2001:41d0:2:9d0c::2)
08:00.40*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
08:04.21*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
08:04.37*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
08:05.09*** join/#asterisk stix (~stix@
08:10.37*** join/#asterisk martijn_ (
08:11.26*** join/#asterisk aurs (
08:16.23*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (~cS@
08:20.26schmidtsdoes anyone use a Cisco 5400 media gateway?
08:20.42*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:25.13*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
08:25.16qakhanhi all
08:26.54qakhani have 4 agents in a queue. all agents can multiplelogin in a queue. i set multiplelogin=no in agents.conf but agents still can login multiple times
08:28.53kaldemarmultiplelogin is to prevent a single device from logging in as more than one agent. it's the opposite of what you want.
08:31.23qakhankaldemar i want to setup if agent 1001 is login then no one can login using 1001. they should use other agent like 1002, 1003, 1004
08:32.07kaldemaryou can use func AGENT to see if the agent is already logged in in your dialplan. $["${AGENT(status)}" = "LOGGEDIN"]?hangup:login
08:32.11kaldemarcore show function AGENT
08:33.21kaldemaroops. ${AGENT(status)} should be ${AGENT(agentid:status)}.
08:33.54qakhanwhere i put this?
08:34.43qakhanin which context? in queue context?
08:34.44kaldemarin the extension that your agents use to log in.
08:34.58kaldemarit's your dialplan, how could i know?
08:35.27ChannelZc'mon, Miss Cleo
08:35.39qakhanexten => _1XXX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN}
08:35.39qakhanexten => _1XXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},,t)
08:35.39qakhanexten => _1XXX,n,Hangup
08:36.16qakhanit is my agent context. now where i put ${AGENT(agentid:status)}
08:36.51kaldemaragents log in using app AgentLogin.
08:37.02kaldemarso that is not the right place.
08:38.20qakhansir plz help me how i can do this
08:38.21kaldemaralso ${AGENT(agentid:status)} only shows the status of an agent by id "agentid". you need to check the status with GotoIf or IF and make a decision on what to do.
08:38.34kaldemaralso, use a pastebin. do not paste configs on the channel.
08:38.48qakhanhelp me
08:38.57kaldemari have given you all the information you need.
08:39.39qakhani am new in asterisk that y i am asking you the exact location and syntex
08:41.32kaldemari already told you which place to look for.
08:42.27qakhani m asking in which context i put it in
08:42.33qakhanqueue or agent?
08:42.47kaldemari don't know what your contexts look like.
08:45.00*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:46.42qakhankaldemar here is my agent and queue context
08:49.03kaldemari told you to look for app AgentLogin. neither of those have it.
08:49.42qakhancan i modify agnetlogin app?
08:49.56kaldemari give up.
08:50.03infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
08:51.01kaldemarread that until you know what a dialplan is, what a dialplan aplication is and what a dialplan function is. i can't hold your hand through all of that.
08:52.08*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
09:02.59*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
09:22.14*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
09:22.23aursgives kaldemar a pat on the shoulder
09:28.44*** join/#asterisk gain_ (
09:31.32*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
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09:51.44kaldemaraurs: i'll survive. :)
09:57.25v0lZyHi kaldemar
09:57.28v0lZyquick question
09:58.24v0lZythis is my page part of the application
09:58.51v0lZyn,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: sip:askoziapbx.silknet.local\;answer-after=0)
09:59.20v0lZyis there any better way to do this with page? (something cleaner?)
09:59.56cr_ellisthanks for the help yesterday.. i did it by taking epoch before and after to determine if recordings were silent
10:00.09cr_ellisseems to work much better
10:11.51*** join/#asterisk jacc0 (
10:12.47*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
10:12.52ChrisInSydneyv0lZy: Nope. Maybe use a dial plan variable
10:13.32ChrisInSydneyexten => Pageall,n,Page($PAGELIST})
10:26.53v0lZyand i do
10:27.56ChrisInSydneyno $ Set(PAGELIST="stuff")
10:28.13ChrisInSydneyno $
10:28.39ChrisInSydneyshould be a fullstop there.
10:31.20ChrisInSydneyHey, Anyone seen one of these ?? [Mar  8 21:31:19] WARNING[16724]: res_odbc.c:1355 _ast_odbc_request_obj2: SetConnectAttr (Txn isolation) returned an error: HY000: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]MySQL server has gone away
10:31.47jacc0what asterisk version?
10:32.19jacc0there has been a fix in the latest release involving odbc
10:32.35jacc0btw, I'm using 1.8.9 with odbc
10:32.45jacc0I have had no problems so far
10:32.56ChrisInSydneyjust got it then. Reconnected and continued on, but it did crap out on two lines of code before it reconnected
10:33.15ChrisInSydneynever seen ot before myself.
10:33.43ChrisInSydneymaybe time to bump up as its not in production....yet
10:33.46*** join/#asterisk pwnfactory (
10:34.10ChrisInSydneythanks. I'll look into it
10:35.36jacc0the ODBC fix is in . You might want to wait for
10:35.56jacc0Remove possible segfaults from res_odbc by adding
10:36.55jacc0doesn't look like the issue you are talking about
10:37.33ChrisInSydneyThanks. This just looked like a plain old timeout on a MySQL handle. The system has sat idle for a day or three
10:38.55v0lZyfullstop where ChrisInSydney ?
10:39.13ChrisInSydneyafter the $ and before the Page
10:40.09*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
10:40.50ChrisInSydneynot asterisk syntax, English syntax
10:40.59ChrisInSydneyforget it
10:41.46*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:41.48ChrisInSydneyv0lZy: What I was saying was no $ in the variable name. Youv'e probably been PHP coding
10:42.41v0lZystarted with mIRC, moved to bash
10:42.50v0lZysome php, but dont like it
10:43.27ChrisInSydneyits alright, its a bit like losely typed C
10:47.36pwnfactoryWould appreciate some help with a Asterisk 1.4.43 problem ->
10:49.24pwnfactoryGoogleing has not be successful...
10:50.29*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:00.02ChrisInSydneypwnfactory: Looks codec"ish"
11:00.51pwnfactoryCould be.. we are recording the call
11:01.12pwnfactorybut i'm not sure, because it happens sporadically
11:05.15pwnfactoryI've seen this bug report, but it yields little information
11:08.56*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
11:10.02ChrisInSydneypwnfactory: When you get those messages, does it still record ??
11:10.09ChrisInSydneyans is he recording OK ??
11:10.47pwnfactoryyes, the calls are recorded. The problem is that the 2 parties cannot hear each other
11:11.22ChrisInSydneybut you can hear them on the recording ?
11:11.36*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
11:11.44v0lZyany idea why it takes a long while before all the phones are paged?
11:12.05ChrisInSydneys/interesting/buggered if I know/
11:12.40v0lZyChrisInSydney: is there a way to mute and unmute the caller?
11:12.45ChrisInSydneyv0lZy; Beacause the page is a sort of conference call
11:13.01v0lZywhat I want to do is mute the caller, page all phones, beep the caller, unmute him
11:13.20pwnfactoryChrisInSydney: you and i both
11:13.23v0lZyso that he knows when he can speak
11:13.52*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
11:14.09v0lZyn,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: sip:askoziapbx.silknet.local\;answer-after=0)
11:14.12v0lZythis is what I have so far
11:14.17v0lZyand of course ,the beep is too fast
11:14.35ChrisInSydneyv0lZy: how long does it take for the page to work ? If you prune the page list, does it get better ?
11:14.48v0lZywhat do u mean prune the page list?
11:15.04ChrisInSydneyless SIP clients in the Page ?
11:15.35v0lZyyeah, that seems to be better
11:15.37ChrisInSydneysay start with 5, is that much faster ?
11:15.40*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:15.52v0lZyyeah,it seems to be better if its less
11:16.03v0lZythats why, i want to do the beep thing with mute
11:16.15v0lZyi dont want the user to start speaking before the intercom has reached everyone
11:16.20ChrisInSydneypwnfactory: are you using g729 ?
11:16.46ChrisInSydneyv0lZy; How big is the machine you are running on ?
11:16.50v0lZyso... answer, mute, page, beep, unmute
11:17.06v0lZypentium 4 or something like that
11:17.16v0lZylots of ram
11:17.45v0lZyintel celeron 3.2 ghz
11:17.58v0lZy256 cache
11:18.39v0lZy3gb of ram.
11:18.52v0lZysupposed to be overkill
11:19.53ChrisInSydneyshould cope
11:21.03v0lZytheres a noticable delay
11:21.06ChrisInSydneyv0lZy: You could try Multicast.
11:21.07v0lZybetween the time the caller gets the beep
11:21.11v0lZyand between the intercom is activated.
11:21.45v0lZyso what happens is that the user starts early
11:21.50v0lZyand then they dont get the beginning of the intercom
11:21.59v0lZythey being other phoens
11:24.26ChrisInSydneytry answer(500) or Answer(1000)
11:24.46ChrisInSydneyit allows the audio to negoatiate
11:26.32ChrisInSydneya little better
11:26.57v0lZyis this stuff procedural
11:26.58ChrisInSydneyI find that the Snoms take a bit longer for the audio to work
11:27.04v0lZy1, after 1 2 etc
11:27.09v0lZyor does it all run at the same time?
11:27.12v0lZyif i have
11:27.15v0lZy1 anser
11:27.19v0lZy3 page
11:27.25v0lZyits gonna *start* paging after 2
11:27.30v0lZyand since paging takes long...
11:27.43v0lZyits gonna beep sooner than itnercoms will be established
11:27.47v0lZyand the user will start speaking too early
11:30.46kaldemarv0lZy: any particular reason for you to use both Playback(beep) and option q for Page?
11:31.59v0lZythat q thing only beeps on the receiver end
11:32.07v0lZyor its not really audiable
11:32.09v0lZyi can tyr, hold on
11:32.20kaldemarno, it beeps the caller.
11:32.27v0lZyhm... it does
11:32.33v0lZylets see what happens if i remove the beep
11:33.42v0lZythat seems to work better at the moment
11:33.51v0lZythanks kaldemar
11:46.38*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
11:46.51doolittleworki just got tagged by hacker
11:47.31ChrisInSydneydoolittlework: How so ?
11:47.54doolittleworkhe is running the application playback(hello1) but i checked all the dialplans and i can not see hello1 anywhere
11:48.12doolittleworkhe is not registering to my box
11:48.44doolittleworkbut he makes calls automaticaly, where is that folder where you dump files into to automaticaly dial
11:50.33ChrisInSydneydoolittlework: iptables -I INPUT -s ipaddress/bits -j DROP
11:51.05ChrisInSydneyeg iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP will stop
11:51.15ChrisInSydneyeg iptables -I INPUT -s -j DROP will stop
11:51.51v0lZykaldemar: is the beep in Page sent out only after all phones are connected?
11:53.11kaldemarv0lZy: no, but leaving the Playback saves you from
11:54.27v0lZyi just read a sequence of numbers
11:54.32v0lZyand most people got me at 2
11:54.37v0lZysomone reported hearing me at 4...
11:55.52v0lZykaldemar, ChrisInSydney : is there a way to code it like answer, mute caller, page phones, after all connections are established, play beep to caller, unmute caller
11:56.11kaldemarsaves you from some extra messages and processing
11:57.05ChrisInSydneyyes. Have a look at the code in ./apps/app_page.c and go for it ;-)
11:59.07v0lZyuh.. .really, theres no other way
11:59.19v0lZyi mean .... put the user on mute, wait 2 seconds, then release?
11:59.31ChrisInSydneyunless you originate a call, and call yourself back
11:59.49v0lZywhat do u mean?
12:00.18v0lZyi want tis function to be global for all users.. so i put all my phones into the page call.
12:00.23v0lZyeven the one the call originates from
12:01.17ChrisInSydneycall the page group, then call the caller, then make him wait, then beep, then he talks
12:01.48ChrisInSydneybut it might work
12:02.07ChrisInSydneyotherwise, check the c code, may be some hints in there
12:03.20ChrisInSydneyhints = clues as opposed to dialplan subscriptions
16:02.57*** join/#asterisk infobot (
16:02.57*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.2.0 (2012/03/05), (2012/03/05), dahdi-linux 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), dahdi-tools 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
16:09.08*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
16:22.12leifmadsenmjordan: you just dropped the maintainers page?
16:23.24Qwellleifmadsen: que?
16:24.04leifmadsenAsterisk Open Source Maintainers Page removed by Matt Jordan
16:24.06leifmadsenemail I got
16:24.15mjordanleifmadsen: that was my temporary copy
16:24.28leifmadsenguess it's not very good about showing that you "published" it
16:24.32leifmadsenprobably need a cleaner work flow :(
16:24.49mjordanYeah, I'm surprised it did since that was on my personal workspace
16:25.02leifmadsenmust have been subscribed to it
16:25.04leifmadsenmy bad
16:25.18mjordanleifmadsen: I'm just glad I have a subscriber
16:25.26leifmadsenhad :)
16:26.01leifmadsenmjordan: I kid
16:26.06leifmadsenmjordan: I have a serious suggestion though
16:26.41leifmadsenthis link:  <-- if there are issue numbers/links, it would be ideal that each of the sections have a link back to where the work is being completed (whether in jira, reviewboard, or svn branch)
16:27.15mjordanyes - right now, each task has associated with it some time to put in depth material on each project on this wiki page
16:27.56mjordanso... yeah.  People *should* be doing that.  For a few of those, the work was already getting pushed forward by the time I had the wiki article up
16:28.21leifmadsenmjordan: no worries, would just be nice to have the ability to easily track the progress from that page of anything in particular someone was interested in
16:37.24*** join/#asterisk eelcob (~eelco@2001:67c:26c0:21:7aac:c0ff:fe97:da58)
16:39.54eelcobIs there any chance of asterisk  being packaged for debian squeeze? I only see the ubuntu variants... Seems like was the last version packaged for debian.
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16:56.26*** join/#asterisk salz212 (~chatzilla@
16:59.27salz212I am finding it very difficult to understand the limitation of Asterisk servers.....I am using a server class machine having 8 processors and 32 GB RAM for Asterisk IVR setup..... but the call capacity and aterisk process utilization is almots same as a P3 or dual core machine..... Can some one tell me if there is possibility of enhancing the pbx using a quality server or not.
17:00.32Qwellsalz212: more hardware == better
17:00.52[TK]D-Fendersalz212, Capacity depends on what you're doing and if you are comparing a P3 to a dual core or higher end system then you are doing something very wrong
17:01.09[TK]D-Fendersalz212, and you need to look at the procise circumstances of your calls
17:02.53salz212actually I have noticed that when the asterisk server on 8 processors machine the system utilization remian very nominal where as asterisk utilization seems to be raised. by asterisk utilization i am refering to the asterisk process
17:03.12QwellWhat, specifically, is being "raised"?
17:03.44salz212well, the Asterisk Process CPU and something the QoS
17:04.59salz212I am decided to go for virtualizationfor the utilization of such heavy servers... but it does not satisfy my concision.
17:06.05QwellQoS goes up? O.o  That doesn't really even make sense.
17:07.11salz212no it does not go up.. definitely it is compromised.
17:07.26Qwellspell it out - what is happening, exactly?
17:08.50salz212now I can not make nay changes at the AGI level..... the call volume at one asterisk server at max provides not more than 60 calls.
17:10.11salz212my concern is to raise the call volume.. but what I want to know is.... is there any limitation of asterisk in terms of number of calls? or not.
17:10.34salz212is it making any sense?
17:10.47Qwellthere are no artificial limits in Asterisk
17:11.38salz212ok so it is purely dependent on the server quality/specs, right?
17:12.08[TK]D-Fendersalz212, "now I can not make nay changes at the AGI level...." <-- you have handcuffed yourself and we have no information of what this is doing.  AGI = load an you hav guaranteed we will remain blind.
17:13.20salz212ah I am a terrible at explaining..things :(
17:13.52salz212its Java Asterisk which is being used for AGI...
17:14.24*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
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17:14.47Qwellsalz212: What makes you think you're running out of resources?
17:15.24salz212Asterisk CPU utilization...
17:15.29QwellShow me.
17:15.54QwellShow me how you've determined that.
17:16.23salz212'top' or just check the asterisk process
17:16.33Qwellokay - show me
17:16.51salz212what the output of top?
17:18.39salz212can't at the moment, do not have remove access,, and currently I am not in office.. but what exactly do you want to see in it...that may help me troubleshoot.
17:18.57QwellThe number that makes you think you've hit a resource limit.
17:19.30*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:20.40salz212Asterisk Process Percentage goes up to 60-80% where as the system CPU utilization do not even reach 5%... this is the main thing that is making me unable to understand...
17:21.05Qwellwhat is 100 / 8?
17:21.12Qwell(hint: 12.5)
17:21.16QwellNow what is 60% of that?
17:22.05salz212doesen't it show the combined utilization of all CPUs?
17:22.07sp00kzthe % being shown, salz212, is % cpu use, not of potential cpu use
17:22.24sp00kzso 1 app using a tiny bit of cpu will show up as 100%
17:22.31sp00kzand 2 apps using a tiny bit will show 2 @ 50%
17:22.55QwellCPU % is a useless metric.
17:23.17salz212oh .. okay..
17:23.31salz212so how do I check the load on asterisk server other than number of calls?
17:23.43QwellThe load is a better number.
17:23.45sp00kzthe load average
17:24.15salz212load on asterisk process or load on the entire server?
17:25.27salz212are you talking about average load on the server?
17:26.22QwellIf you aren't experiencing actual issues, none of this is even relevant.
17:26.29salz212but I am interested in Asterisk only.. how much does it takes ...
17:26.30QwellYou're making up ghosts
17:27.09salz212the issue is call distortion.. which we face when the Asterisk Process Utilization raises up to 80%
17:28.45[TK]D-Fendersalz212, You've said nothing about how your calls are arriving in the first place
17:28.58*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
17:29.25salz212I said QoS is being compromised...
17:30.45*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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17:33.47Qwellcompromised how?
17:34.05QwellIf your network can't keep up with the traffic, that has nothing to do with Asterisk..
17:34.10salz212distortion what else?
17:34.27Qwellwhat kind of connectivity do you have, to where ever those 60 calls are going?
17:34.42*** part/#asterisk salz212 (~chatzilla@
17:35.17Qwellalright then
17:35.45sp00kzyour network classification settings have been compromised.
17:35.50*** join/#asterisk salz212 (~chatzilla@
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17:36.00Qwellsp00kz: yeah that's what I'm trying to figure out
17:36.03*** join/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
17:36.09Qwellsalz212: <Qwell> what kind of connectivity do you have, to where ever those 60 calls are going?
17:36.26*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
17:37.56sp00kzsalz212: what is your upload/download on your primary voip internet link
17:37.57Qwelland what is the size of the pipe from Verizon?
17:38.04sp00kzsorry Qwell
17:38.05[TK]D-Fendersalz212, Codecs? Conversion? Recording? conferencing?
17:38.31salz21212 MB .. codes g711 and g729 .. currently we are using g711 for simplicity.
17:39.04salz212recording yes.. through Mix Monitor in Java AGI .. conferencing NO
17:39.20Qwell12 up and down?
17:39.39*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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17:40.13salz21212up 8 down .. dedicated.. but we also have IM running through this.. but never seen any abruptness in bandwidth uilization graphs
17:40.30[TK]D-Fendersalz212, mixmonitor + G.729 = LOAD
17:40.37sp00kzif you have sysstat installed can you pastebin the output of the linux command: sar
17:40.46[TK]D-Fendersalz212, megaBYTE, or megaBIT?
17:41.53salz212mixmonitor + G.729 = LOAD .. didnt know that .. but currently we have switched to 64kHz g711
17:41.57Qwell60 * 80KB = 4800KB
17:42.23Qwell4.8MB on an 8MB pipe is not an unreasonable number.
17:43.28*** join/#asterisk NotHere (
17:44.06Qwellmy math isn't mathing.
17:44.12QwellYou can safely ignore me.
17:44.30salz212okay leave this... please assist me in just one thing that would help a lot...
17:44.32QwellI doubt you have an 8MB upstream.
17:44.43leifmadsenMb, not MB
17:44.49Qwellleifmadsen: yes
17:44.56salz212MB Comcast
17:45.02leifmadsen8MB would be like 64Mb
17:45.38salz212there are other VPNs also with different Banks on it..
17:45.48Qwellfirst it's Verizon, now Comcast? O.o
17:46.01sp00kzsalz212: please run a and show us the results for your voip link
17:46.19Qwellsp00kz: You and your logic.
17:46.26[TK]D-Fenderother VPN's?  Who does this relate to actual usable bandwidth?  #VPN's != # of internet connections or bandwadth.
17:46.39salz212no from Verizon we only have TF and DID setuyp and SIP gateway.. fro IP address and Internet we have comcats,.. and IPLS another vendor.
17:47.51salz212it will take atleast and hour to give you just an over view of the current of this company I am working with..
17:48.21QwellFigure out where the bottleneck is.  It's not Asterisk.
17:48.30leifmadsenthat ^^
17:48.40leifmadsenit's a networking/management issue, not layer 7
17:48.48salz212dont tell me its me :P
17:48.52[TK]D-FenderLAYER 0
17:48.57leifmadsenit's a layer 8 problem
17:49.17leifmadsenlayer 8 isn't configuring layers 1 through 4 correctly
17:50.21salz212how to troubleshoot ?..apparently there is nothing wrong other than voice quality.
17:51.02[TK]D-Fendersalz212, First.. you are virtualizing * and complaining about quality.  This is typically a "shoot on sight offense"
17:51.19[TK]D-Fendersalz212, Please stand on that plastic sheet over there in the corner first...
17:51.22*** join/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
17:51.33salz212OMG.. I am not virtualizing ..:(
17:51.35Qwellsalz212: If the network is as complicated as you say it is - a competent network engineer would need to troubleshoot.
17:51.52[TK]D-Fender" I am decided to go for virtualizationfor the utilization of such heavy servers... but it does not satisfy my concision."
17:52.09[TK]D-FenderPlease clarify then as this appears to be in conflict
17:53.07salz212yes I said by using such pecs servers we are unable to generate the required call capacity.. so we are thinking of virtualization so use the max out of such server calss machines.
17:53.43QwellThe servers are not the problem.
17:55.52salz212thanks guys ..
17:57.52*** join/#asterisk gonewage (~gonewage@
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19:24.32mogralooking into setting up a home pbx virtual appliance and can't seem to find where to get a public phone number for non SIP users to dial in to.
19:31.24infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
19:31.34Qwellmogra: pick one
19:32.15mograthank you
19:34.04*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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19:49.56enochhi all
19:50.27enochi have a pbx (freepbx) with isd INPUT and a tdm410p with 2fxs
19:50.37enoch1 of the fxs is in group with 3 sip client
19:51.08enochwhen someone of the sip answer the call the fxs device continues ringing for 3-4 times
19:51.13enochhow can i fix it?
19:51.43Qwellenoch: You should ask in #freepbx
19:51.57enochfreepbx runs asterisk
19:52.06enochand freepbx is only a web guy
19:52.18infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:52.30enochthis is a more "technical" question
19:53.23*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
19:54.18enochyep but what controls the ring time in asterisk/dahdi?
19:56.15Qwellenoch: Your configuration.
20:03.02*** join/#asterisk Korolev (~Korolev@
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20:28.19cmendes0101When creating meetme in marked A mode. Does that mean that user is the marked user and if another user joins with x they close when the marked user leaves?
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20:35.44*** join/#asterisk WindBack (~quassel@
20:36.56WindBackAnybody has experience making work Cisco 3905 phone in Asterisk. I can't find any documentation in the web
20:47.33[TK]D-FenderWindBack, Crappy looking phone... You're already stuck with them?
20:48.38*** join/#asterisk mikemol (
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21:04.16p3nguinI'm almost stumped on a problem...
21:04.30p3nguinI have an extension which dials two devices simultaneously...
21:05.13WindBack[TK]D-Fender: yes :(
21:05.17p3nguinI need to use GROUP and GROUP_COUNT to ensure that only one call can be active on the two phones at any given time.
21:05.25p3nguinNot one call per phone, but one call total.
21:05.38WindBack[TK]D-Fender: I have to make it work with asterisk. My boss want this
21:06.03[TK]D-FenderWindBack, Probably provisions just like the rest.  Go hit their docs
21:06.20p3nguinIf the person picks up phone A and dials outbound, and then someone calls the extension which Dials() both phone A and phone B, I need GROUP_COUNT to reflect the call and I'll use GotoIf() to send the calls to vm.
21:06.24WindBack[TK]D-Fender: thanks
21:06.53p3nguinBut what "item" do I need to use to check for calls both out of either phone AND calls into the extension (which dials both phones)?
21:07.21[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, name the group.  the count should be trackable by that.
21:08.12p3nguinI don't have a problem with that part.  My problem is how to track both phones having calls in both directions.
21:08.20p3nguinOn the extension, I can check for calls to it.
21:08.44p3nguinOn the calls out, I don't know what to check for.
21:09.17p3nguinIf I check for CHANNEL, how do I track that for calls going *to* the extension or the phones?
21:09.18[TK]D-Fenderthe same counter
21:09.53p3nguinThe extensions that the phones can dial can be dialed by all of the other phones as well.
21:10.05p3nguinI wasn't wanting to create a context just for these two phones to dial out.
21:10.10[TK]D-Fenderlots of code to split around...
21:10.18[TK]D-Fenderwhat you have to do...
21:11.25p3nguinIf I created a special context just for those two phones, that would solve it, but I would have to duplicate the code or use local channels which will dial the other extensions in the regular outgoing context.  I don't really want to do either of those -- I don't want a special context for a single pair of phones which share an extension.
21:14.23[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Because it's a pair you've got some work to do.  if it was just one you could limit at the SIP level in that case.
21:14.28[TK]D-Fender(if SIP)
21:14.40[TK]D-FenderBut separate = yup, unfortunate pain
21:14.44p3nguinIt's SIP, but the problem is the "two phone" configuration.
21:15.00p3nguinI have an idea.  It might be clunky, but it might work.
21:16.44p3nguinI hate having to hard-code channel names, but I think I can make it work if I do it.
21:17.00*** part/#asterisk matach (
21:21.03p3nguinLet's say it's just one phone and I need to check for the the number of active calls either to or from before trying to dial it.
21:21.30p3nguinI have no trouble doing it for calls in one direction only.  But how do I check for both to and from?
21:21.50*** join/#asterisk matach (
21:22.08p3nguinFor to, I'd use extension.  For from, I would use the channel name.
21:23.32[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
21:25.59*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
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21:40.46gunnararI'm getting /dev/dahdi/1 absent: Device or resource busy when I run fxotune, I have a digium card with echo cancelling module that I'm trying to activate
21:41.00gunnarardo you know what gives?
21:42.40gunnararapparently you need to stop asterisk before running it...
21:42.56gunnararhave a good day :)
21:43.43*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:6ef0:49ff:fe50:659d)
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22:33.01fpriorhi, how debug a call for comprehend if there is a codec translation ?
22:48.25p3nguinfprior: Don't debug it.  Check with "sip show channels" and see if the two phones involved in the call are using the same codec or different codecs.
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23:06.35fpriorp3nguin: thanks
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23:20.56volga629srtp continue crash on asterisk 10
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23:21.25volga629Is really so unstable ?
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23:38.41kessiushi, need help - how to install skype in asterisk 1.8 -  ___ skype worked as a gateway ___
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23:50.01kessiuswill skype trunk  inbound and outbound , __  skype does not use sip __  how to overcome this problem

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