IRC log for #asterisk on 20120229

00:01.26*** join/#asterisk RickCogley (
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00:23.51drudge`on asterisk, i get "Command 'module load chan_sip' failed." when trying to load chan_sip
00:24.01*** join/#asterisk BJD10 (
00:26.10BJD10Q: I have a string SIP/101&/SIP/102&SIP/203 and I want I want to do is split it in to each part and then do something with it. like dial. Other languages have the idea of using this as an array or list, and 'popping' off variables when your done with them.. anything in asterisk or AEL that will let me do something like that?
00:26.49*** part/#asterisk ajg (
00:35.51*** join/#asterisk rossand (
00:39.47paulccarrar: well will you take a look at that! Temps in C as well as F! that's sweet..
00:39.51paulcdelayed reply, sorry - had people at my desk
00:40.11paulcThat DS3611xs is niiiiiice (and I bet the price tag is niiiiiice to match?)
00:42.08carraryeah a good NAS with good drives (5 year warrenty) are not cheap
00:45.17*** join/#asterisk frawd (
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01:51.36*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
02:04.59DocfxitHi, I'm am having a hard time getting a polycom 320 phone to update it's time. If I look at the status it says SNTP GMT Øffset -28800 I'm on the west coast. I reboot the phone and it doesn't change the time.
02:09.39*** join/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
02:10.28nnyi have a system here I have stripped of most modules due to them not being needed, but somehow I broke CLI output of messages. Can someone tell me which module and/or log file is specifically reponsible for CLI output? Thanks, I know it seems silly
02:10.38nnyer log file = conf file
02:11.17*** part/#asterisk Docfxit (
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02:36.15*** part/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
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03:49.17alexocAsterisk ignores changes to realtime queue member table after initial startup. How can I do to solve this?
03:55.20*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:05.41alexocI already resolved, thanks.
04:10.46*** part/#asterisk ChIlEnU (
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04:20.57*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
05:16.06*** join/#asterisk ks3 (ks3@2600:3c02::f03c:91ff:fedf:e474)
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05:48.35*** join/#asterisk joobie (~jooo@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
05:48.48joobiehey guys.. anyone know much about building redundancy into a 100-indial isdn?
05:49.26joobiewe have a 100-indial setup with a provider and the numbers terminate on our ISDN.. but the other day the datacenter where the ISDN is had an outage and i want to keep these numbers functioning duringa ny outage
05:49.40joobieim thinking about setting up another asterisk box at another site.. but not sure how to achieve the 100 number redundancy
05:50.13joobiei could fire up another isdn circuit at the other site and ask the provider to set it up so that if there's an alarm on our main isdn, it automatically reroutes to our secondary.. but if there's a problem with their ISDN switching then this wont happen
05:50.32joobieis there a standard way to do this? kinda like how BGP is handled i guess to give this cross-provider redundancy
05:51.36[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: If you can't trust your upstream carrier you'er screwed
05:52.25joobieu are back
05:52.58joobiewhen did the ban get lifted?
05:53.12joobieTK, the fukers on average have about 2 outages a year
05:53.36joobieit's painful.. I was thinking about putting in another asterisk box at another site and switching over the phones via DNS to the secondary site in the event of downtime
05:54.01joobiefor the price we pay, we are keen to stick with the carrier..
06:00.38[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Your having a second box doesn't sound great when its your carrier that is the issue
06:01.06[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: See with an ITSP you can have your internet connection and server redundant, but if the carrier itself flakes out then you're toast either way
06:15.41*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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06:21.26joobieTK, i hear ya..
06:21.40joobielast outage I gave them a call and asked them to divert my numbers
06:21.54*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
06:21.56joobieand their response was that all their engineers are tied up trying to resolve the outage so there's no one to do it
06:22.14joobiethe sales guy before that told me I could call and ask them to divert the numbers in an outage.. wanker
06:59.48phixjoobie: Yeah sales and marketing == bunch of liers and deceivers
06:59.59phixI don't know how they can sleep at night
07:05.40phixany way, back to asteriskl
07:06.16phixI want to dial a bunch of extensions, any way to group them?  or do I need to specifiy all of the extensions I want to dial delimitered by & ?
07:07.57kaldemarphix: do you want to dial them all at once every time or balance the calls between a group of them?
07:10.17phixAll at once on this particular setup,  but I do have another setup where I want all but a couple of phones to ring, then the couple of phones to ring if no one has picked up within x secs
07:11.03phixI am guessing I do this with queues?
07:12.24kaldemaror with dialplan directly. exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/adsf&SIP/qwer,20) exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/zxcv)
07:14.08kaldemaryou'll get better control over the members (destinations) and calls if you use queues, local channels can also be of value when done directly.
07:14.19phixI dont want it to stop dialing the first lot, I want it to ring some first, then all after x, I guess I can just nclude all of them in thre in the next call to diak
07:14.34phixbut to make things more complicated I will be using queues
07:23.42*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:23.44schmidtsgood morning
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07:34.06wdoekes2good morning
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07:57.23ChannelZis it?
08:01.20wdoekes2why wouldn't it be?
08:03.42ChannelZwell it's only Tuesday
08:04.37*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
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08:20.45tzafrirjkroon, here
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08:27.32*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:31.22ChannelZOK, random question
08:32.08ChannelZAnyone know of any cli utilities which I can stream audio through and have it act as a level compressor (with make-up gain)?
08:33.35jkroontzafrir, hope you're doing well.
08:34.32tzafrirI hope so too. What's up?
08:34.47jkroonwe cooked a patch based on the sf branch that you maintain to split the oct612x stuff into a separate .ko file which is then depended on by both wct4xxp and the opvxd511 (iirc) .ko modules.
08:35.09jkroonthis avoids a parallel build issue in the kernel sources and allows for object sharing between the two drivers.
08:35.46jkroonis this something that can potentially be (partially) merged into dahdi-linux and then the remainder (opvxd511 specific stuff) into the sf branch?
08:35.59ChannelZOooh NM, looks like sox can probably do it.
08:36.33jgowdyCool, I think I figured this issue out
08:37.10jgowdychan_sip.c is quite the tangled web
08:37.13jkroontzafrir, and then specifically:
08:40.46*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:42.00Chainsawleifmadsen: Any chance of the patch on being applied now that there is a test report and detailed bug linked in?
08:42.28tzafrirjkroon, generally looks good. I'll look it up more closely
08:43.18jkroonthanks tzafrir
08:43.55ChainsawAh, Leif isn't here. I shall wait.
08:44.13jkroontzafrir, you want me to mail the patch split into dahdi-linux portion and non-digium portions to you?
08:44.18Chainsaw(Reason I ask is because the patch looks obviously correct with a capital O. I have had it in the distro patchset for years.)
08:45.28tzafrirjkroon, yes, please do
08:46.27jkroontzafrir, any specific MODULE_AUTHOR() that I should use?
08:52.00tzafriroctasic's. I don't remember exactly what it is
08:59.15jkroontzafrir, should be in your email.
09:03.06*** join/#asterisk stix (~stix@
09:03.09jkroontzafrir, i suspect that it has something to do with the hardware echo canceller present on the wct4xxp module.
09:03.54*** join/#asterisk Faustov (madrid@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:12.54Dovidis there anyone in Japan here?
09:16.55phixhey the globals section in extensions.conf. are they global to that file alone or can I use the same vairables in queues.conf or other configuration files?
09:18.15*** join/#asterisk krotos (~d3v1l@
09:18.21krotoshi all
09:19.30kaldemarphix: they are global inside dialplan. variables are not tied to files, but dialplan and channels.
09:19.57phixso does that mean I can access them within queues.conf or not?
09:20.08phixthat is part of the dial plan right?
09:20.45kaldemarqueues.conf is not dialplan.
09:21.24kaldemarif you want to use dialplan variables in queue config, use them as application arguments.
09:24.20phixany where I can define global variables that are actaully global within all conf files?
09:25.51kaldemarthere is no such concept. what exactly are you trying to set?
09:26.27phixlocation to custom sounds / prompt / messages
09:26.42phixI guess I can just use a symlink in /var/share/asterisk/sounds or whatever it is kept
09:27.04kaldemaror set language in dialplan to what you want.
09:27.26phixyeah language is set
09:27.34phixI Just want to put in custom sounds
09:27.36kaldemarthen it will look for sound files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/<lang>/
09:28.26phixln -s /srv/asterisk/my/custom/sound/location /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/$LANG/MyCustomSoundLocation
09:28.32*** join/#asterisk anny__ (~chatzilla@
09:33.11anny__when 2 sip endpoints (not behind a nat) are doing video/audio chat, the media doesn't pass in asterisk right?
09:36.28*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
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09:45.41kaldemaranny__: depends on configurations.
09:46.25anny__kaldemar: yes i know, but i read that normally asterisk shouldn't relay any media unless nating is involved or there is other scenarios?
09:46.56*** join/#asterisk IronMania (
09:47.16nnyi am researching building a gateway between my asterisk box and multiple providers using LCR. The idea would be to only handle the session negotiation and not the media stream. Any suggestions on software or using Asterisk? I am looking outside of asterisk for this as well
09:51.40kaldemaranny__: the default setting for directmedia (or the old config parameter canreinvite) is yes, which causes asterisk to setup the media directly between caller and callee. there are also other options that affect the behavior, such as app Dial options t and T.
09:52.31kaldemaranny__: if asterisk needs to listen for inband DTMF for example, it forces media to go through asterisk even if directmedia is set to yes.
09:53.37IronManiaI want to add a functionality to asterisk. So I want an app nearly the same like app_echo.c. When I created it, do I only need to compile or do I need to do something else?
09:53.45nnykaldemar: how does asterisk determine if it needs to listen for DTMF?
10:01.22kaldemarnny: if some option that causes it is enabled.
10:01.46*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
10:02.04nnykaldemar: ahh, assuming this is if the Dial statement calls a feature in features.conf, for example
10:03.10kaldemarDial doesn't call any features. features may be enabled by setting them to the DYNAMIC_FEATURES channel variable.
10:05.06nnykaldemar: yeah that's what I meant, was looking at how it was implemented. If you have a DYNAMIC_FEATURE set in your dialplan, does that cause asterisk to listen still? I am setting up a system that is very simple, but has a dynamic_Feature. Wondering what the lowest overhead way is to handle this
10:08.25nnykaldemar: I should add I already intend to use the same codec on both ends of the channel
10:09.39kaldemardynamic features most likely cause asterisk to stay on the media path. if DTMF is sent with SIP, then maybe not. this depends on many factors.
10:10.04nnykaldemar: assuming you mena inband vs rcf2833
10:10.45nnykaldemar: good to know though, i'll do some more testing. Been working on some setups that really only need to act as the sip session negtioator/ interpreter and do as little translation/overhead as possible
10:11.07kaldemarrfc2833 uses RTP/RTCP, so it should really behave the same as inband in this case.
10:12.58nnykaldemar: hmm yeah that makes sense actually, the dmtf exists in the rtp stream, does info also require asterisk to sit in between?
10:15.28nnyhmm guess that means there's no way to interpret dtmf without asterisk sitting in stream
10:16.54nnyreading the viop info entry on it now as well
10:16.58kaldemarnny: i did mention using SIP for DTMF earlier. you might want to try that.
10:17.58nnykaldemar: this may be negated in at least one scenario anyways, the sip clients using the system are all behind NAT, not sure if they can successfully connect to the provider without asterisk in between, something else i need to research
10:18.08kaldemarbut i'm not sure how the decision is implemented. the decision might be done on feature existence alone, despite the used dtmfmode.
10:18.54nnykaldemar: i'm also gonna look into how much overhead asterisk uses per channel with no translation, I may be ok with just having no codec translation but asterisk still sitting in stream
10:20.22nnyWith native bridging, the audio flows outside of Asterisk between the endpoints. With P2P bridging, the audio comes into the RTP layer of Asterisk but does not pass through the Asterisk core. This allows for Asterisk to intercept DTMF or play warning files to the bridged parties.
10:20.27nnyprobably what I am looking for
10:21.05nnyassuming it will work where the asterisk server and termination provider are both on ap ublic interface but the sip client is behind NAT
10:22.20*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
10:33.17nnykaldemar: one last question, maybe you can answer, unrelated to my previous topic. I am working on a system that I configured from scratch (no example configs) and have many modules under noload=. I don't have any CLI output, only logging to messages. What did I miss?
10:35.11wdoekes2logger.conf console=> settings?
10:35.30nnywdoekes2: ha.. missed that indeed. thanks
10:35.40nnywdoekes2: never touched that aspect before :\
10:35.57nnyor rather, only to isolate log messages, no console. Crap that's handy though
10:47.11nnywhat's a good way to see what kind of media handling is happening on a channel? core show channel and sip show channel i can't really determine from the vars presented, i may be missing it
10:51.43*** join/#asterisk hehol (
10:55.37nnyi guess what i am asking is what is the best way to determine from cli how asterisk is handling the rtp streams?
10:56.59*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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12:28.16gestahltAnyone had experience with Asterisk -> remote capi to bintec?
12:28.23gestahltim a bit stuck at the config
12:35.51*** part/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
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12:53.17infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:56.48gestahltIḿ Trying to use a Bintec Bingo ISDN Gateway as ISDN Trunk. I use Asterisk 1.6.2 and id like to know how to configure a remote capi to the gateway.
12:57.29*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
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13:02.38kaldemargestahlt: gateway between ISDN and what?
13:03.21gestahltkaldemar: LAN -> ISDN
13:03.28gestahltkaldemar: ISDN -> PTSN
13:04.02*** join/#asterisk roham (~ali@
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13:04.40gestahltkaldemar: I basically want to use it as a LAN ISDN interface to create a ISDN Trunk and us that for telephony
13:07.48kaldemarwhat is the device on the LAN side?
13:08.11gestahltkaldemar: ??
13:08.58gestahltKaldemar: Asterisk Server - LAN - > Bintec Bingo - ISDN - > PTSN
13:10.27kaldemarasterisk and the device need a common protocol on the LAN side. what is it?
13:11.44gestahltOr are you talking about the G 721?
13:11.57kaldemarno and no.
13:13.29WIMPygestahlt: Well you first need the CAPI connection, but that is device specific.
13:13.58gestahltWimpy: and thats my problem. I dont know what to use
13:14.10gestahltWimpy: Im trying to get chan_capi running
13:14.13WIMPyYou need to ask Bintek.
13:14.22WIMPyThey are the only ones who can answer that.
13:14.31kaldemarseems it is speaking CAPI on the LAN side.
13:14.35gestahltWimpy: well, i read that chan_capi is using the bintec protocoll for remote capi
13:14.52gestahltwimpy: but i cant get it configured
13:15.27WIMPychan_capi includes a remote capi for Bintek?
13:15.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
13:16.34gestahltwimpy: well, some say so
13:16.44gestahltwimpy: im not sure myself
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13:38.21IronManiamy asterisk modules were not compiled with the same compile-time otpions as in this aserisk. I already recompiled, but that didn't help. what can I do?
13:38.40kaldemarIronMania: install the newly compiled modules.
13:40.05IronManiahow? I have ubuntu
13:40.11kaldemarIronMania: actually, you might have some module in there that you don't even have selected with your current install. delete all modules from /usr/lib/asterisk/modules or where you have installed them to get rid of such and re-install.
13:40.28kaldemarIronMania: did you install from source? what version do you have?
13:40.35IronManiai installed from source
13:41.04kaldemarrm all modules and do a "make install".
13:41.49IronManiathank you
13:43.55IronManiathat worked
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14:17.14IronManiaif I want to call my asterisk from my sip phone, what do I need to do? I installed, added extension.ael one extension I want to call. so when I call the asterisk I didn't even get the Log(NOTICE,"test") in my asterisk
14:17.22IronManiawhat did i forget?
14:20.18leifmadsenIronMania: is sip.conf configured to point to the correct context? does the phone authenticate? is the phone pointed at the right server? do you see an INVITE come into Asterisk when you place a call (with sip debug enabled)? -- there are many reasons why it might not be working.
14:20.23leifmadsenI suggest narrowing it down
14:21.43IronManiasip debug could help ... i try thanks
14:23.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (~coppice@
14:23.58IronManiahow can I turn that on?
14:24.17bulkorokin cli type: sip set debug on
14:24.18*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
14:24.23bulkorokor use tcpdump
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14:25.22IronManiaso when I don't have that command, obvisouly my sip module is not correctly loaded?
14:26.47leifmadsenIronMania: module show like sip
14:26.57GreenlightHi folks. I've a TE410P with 4 E1's connected. One of the E1's has gone down and it's showing RED alarm, however Asterisk is still trying to place calls over it, and it's obviously failiing. Is there a way to prevent it trying to use this E1 which is out of service, without resarting Asterisk/DAHDI?
14:27.38bulkorokGreenlight: Did you unplug the cable?!
14:28.03GreenlightNo, however now you mention it, I feel sily for not having tried it - will that work ?
14:29.01bulkorokGreenlight: I had that situation a long time ago... it worked... but I don't know why ^^
14:29.07Greenlight"pri show spans" lists:
14:29.12GreenlightPRI span 1/0: Up, Active
14:29.12GreenlightPRI span 2/0: In Alarm, Up, Active
14:29.12GreenlightPRI span 3/0: Up, Active
14:29.12GreenlightPRI span 4/0: Up, Active
14:29.24GreenlightSO you reckon unplug and it'll go Down ?
14:29.26IronManiamy module is missing
14:29.43[TK]D-FenderIronMania, as in not in the modules folder at all?  Or jsut not loaded?
14:29.51bulkorokI think the Up, Active makes Asterisk using the span...
14:29.55[TK]D-FenderIronMania, "module load
14:30.08bulkorokGreenlight: unplugging caple should make it down ^^
14:30.12*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (~Gaiax@unaffiliated/gaiax)
14:30.18GreenlightYea seems like sound logic, I'll try unplugging it. Many thanks!
14:31.07IronManiait is not loaded
14:31.34IronManiasecond, let me try
14:31.57IronManiaits gone
14:32.04IronManiaI don't have it in the folder
14:33.12IronManiai installed from source. did I forgot to install a package?
14:35.13kaldemarIronMania: do a "make menuselect" and see if chan_sip is selected under "Channel Drivers".
14:36.12IronManiathere are XXX
14:36.14IronManiaon this one
14:36.54bulkorokthen you don't have the desired packeges installed
14:37.12IronManiai check the dependencies
14:37.13kaldemarinteresting. chan_sip should only really depend on chan_local.
14:37.28kaldemarIronMania: have you run the configure script?
14:38.07IronManiait also depends on res_crypto, which depends on openssl
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14:41.18bulkorokcheck the steps 1 and 2 if installing from source:
14:42.27IronManiai didn't install DAHDI and libpri
14:42.32bulkoroktake espacially care of the -dev packages!
14:43.01bulkorok(dahdi and libpri is not that necessary)
14:43.46IronManiajippi, i could select it
14:43.49IronManianow it should install
14:43.51IronManiathank you!
14:44.31IronManiaI forgot openssl-dev
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14:51.59Chainsawleifmadsen: Any chance of the patch on being applied now that there is a test report and detailed bug linked in?
14:52.53leifmadsenChainsaw: did you check your memo I sent the other day?
14:57.19Chainsawleifmadsen: I did not receive any memos from you I'm afraid.
14:57.40Chainsawleifmadsen: Occasionally I get a "you have a new memo" notifier, which when I read it results in a memo from steev that I received in 2009.
14:57.56leifmadsenthere you go
14:58.01leifmadsenjust notified that you read it
14:58.03Chainsawleifmadsen: Ah, it is 3, not 1.
14:58.29Chainsawleifmadsen: What a shame. You were a good bug marshal. I shall be bothering others instead.
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15:04.17IronManiacan someone help me with the apps/app_echo.c ?
15:05.00leifmadsenwhat is your real question?
15:05.13IronManiai want to add a delay to the echo. so I would buffer the packets in a list and than play them delayed
15:05.14leifmadsenit's implied that someone will help if they can
15:05.46leifmadsenon Asterisk 10, there is a JITTERBUFFER() function, or you can potentially use a Local channel on earlier versions with the /j flag
15:05.47IronManiai assume i must send empty packages first and than send the delayed correct
15:06.07IronManiai try jitterbuffer first
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15:09.28Twitchnlnhas anyone got any experience with setting up cisco 7960 sccp handsets using chan_sccp?  I have one setup and working but am having some difficulty getting the line keys mapped correctly currently it will only take advantage of line 1, I would like to be able to use all 6
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15:20.35GreenlightI tried unplugging that E1 line, but it didn't seem to work, Asterisk still seen it as "Active". I've now swapped it with the 4th E1 so that it doesn't effect things. Im thinking though I must be doing something wrong, is there no way to tell Asterisk to not attempt to use a PRI span which is in RED alarm ?
15:22.44kaldemarGreenlight: that needs to be a dialplan change. if you try to dial a channel, asterisk will try to use it, what ever its state is.
15:24.28IronManialeifmadsen: worked perfect. just what I wanted.
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15:25.11leifmadsenIronMania: np
15:25.15IronManiawhen upgrading from 1.6.2 to 10.1.3, do I need to considere something or will a upgrade work.
15:26.18kaldemarIronMania: take a look at UPGRADE*.txt in the 10.1.3 source package for config and/or syntax changes.
15:26.45GreenlightSo, I split the E1's into seperate groups and have the dialplan failover?
15:29.58kaldemarGreenlight: app ChanIsAvail before a Dial or checking DIALSTATUS variable after a Dial will help with that.
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15:45.26Dovidi have two asterisk boxes. they both have G729 and G711A. trying to figure out why one of them keeps flipping between G729 and G711A
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16:16.06bbourdageI am getting a mmetme application not available when I try and use page in the dialplan. I have a meetme.conf, do I need to complile something extra , or load a special module ?
16:20.23malcolmdsounds like isn't loaded or doesn't exist
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16:22.10bbourdageYou are correct, it does not exist !.  I tried to search apt-get for a meetme option but could not find one ?
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16:27.22leifmadsenapp_meetme requires asterisk to compiled against dahdi
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16:29.29bbourdageThanks Leif, I am currently using the debian base package, are you reccomending that I add asterisk-dahdi to the machine ?, can I do that live ?,
16:30.25juninhogrhello everyone... does someone have experience with use of a linksys voice gateway spa3102?
16:30.51leifmadsenbbourdage: I don't know how the packages work sorry
16:31.30leifmadsenbut meetme requires dahdi
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17:13.30Chainsawmjordan: Any chance of the patch on being applied now that there is a test report and detailed bug linked in? Obviously correct comes to mind when I see it...
17:14.14mjordanIs there an associated Asterisk issue?
17:14.18mjordanin JIRA
17:15.59Chainsawmjordan: Two in Mantis, but no, none in JIRA.
17:16.10russellbwell everything from mantis was migrated.
17:16.26ChainsawMantis 17982 & 18010.
17:16.41russellb18010 ->
17:17.17Chainsawrussellb: Neat, thanks. The associated report is linked as well.
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17:19.04mjordanChainsaw: so, app_alarmreceiver is an extended support module, which means that development effort for it typically comes from the open source community contributors
17:19.19Chainsawmjordan: This effort has been put in, a patch is attached.
17:19.40Chainsawmjordan: Another, independent community member has given the patch the okay.
17:19.46gustoi have a problem
17:19.46mjordancorrect.  The next step would be to either have a developer with commit access review the patch and commit it, or preferably, put it up on Review Board
17:20.02gustoi have recieved a VoIP account from my provider, but it does not resolve
17:20.02Chainsawmjordan: I was hoping that your control panel had a button that did that, yes.
17:20.48gustoseems to be somehow referring to a SOA and giving no answers to A records
17:21.01Chainsawsighs briefly and will continue to apply this patch downstream then
17:21.26mjordanwell, its not game over yet :-)  If you contact some folks in #asterisk-dev, there's a chance someone would be willing to assist you with getting the patch in
17:21.59Chainsawmjordan: It is not the first time that I have drawn attention to this low hanging fruit.
17:23.26gustomy sipproxy is and registar ... it works from every internet connection, also from different providers and so on ... but was only reported to run on AVM FritzBox, so there is something the FritzBox must do differently with the SIP to get a connection
17:25.22mjordanChainsaw: you may get some additional traction if you post the patch to Review Board
17:25.40mjordanthat's typically where patches are looked over and get vetted.
17:26.03mjordanif you'd like, I can set you up an account
17:28.42Chainsawmjordan: My existing JIRA account seems to work there.
17:29.00Chainsawmjordan: It's on my todo list, thank you.
17:33.34Twitchnlnanyone played with chan_sccp? would love some pointers….
17:35.15gustodoes anyone have a VoIP provider who uses domain names that do not resolve to IP addresses?
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17:39.02chuckfgusto: all valid domain names resolve to ip addresses
17:41.47Qwellchuckf: not true
17:43.43chuckfQwell: really? I've not run into any that I'm aware of
17:44.08gustochuckf: try
17:44.58chuckfgusto: I get a host not found
17:45.19gustochuckf: yes
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17:45.34gustochuckf: that's what i get when i want to set up my VoIP account
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17:48.05chuckfgusto: it may be that there is something in the code on the FritzBox that translates the to an IP address.
17:49.05gustochuckf: that idea came to me as well
17:49.09chuckfQwell: and when I said that about valid domain names I was talking in terms of those accessable via the intertubes
17:50.03Qwellchuckf: still not true
17:50.29chuckfQwell: do you have an example?
17:50.45chuckfis genuinely interested
17:51.10_Corey_chuckf: The common practice of resolving a domain name pretty began when people became lazy and stopped typing www. to reach websites
17:51.20Qwellalso you don't need an A or AAAA record for PTR
17:51.54Qwell_Corey_: if you ever feel like being a guinea pig, I've got something for you to try. :p
17:52.04gustobut we are not talking about PTR, who cares about that ..
17:52.30Qwellgusto: I wasn't saying we were - I was just correcting an incorrect statement.
17:52.35_Corey_Qwell: As long as it doesn't involve DNS ;)
17:52.52Qwell_Corey_: nope, AsteriskNOW
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17:53.29gustobut no ptr record does not make a machine inaccessible
17:53.46gustoi have several domain names without ptr, but they all show to an IP
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17:54.01_Corey_Qwell: malcolmd sent me an up-to-date one recently I've got running...  let me know what you need
17:54.03gustonow we have the opposite ... we have a domain that shows to nothing
17:58.28*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (bca97ef4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:59.20tokozedghello, anyone can suggest normal application for monitoring asterisk live channels in realtime. Tried all I found, but nothing useful. Thanks
18:02.21chuckfQwell: ultimatly you need to have an ip address at the end of the DNS translations to get anywhere.
18:02.30Qwellchuckf: untrue
18:03.08drudge`whos using that new fpbx gui
18:04.05drudge`the 10rc3 or whatever they call it
18:04.21chuckfQwell: so if my server has no ip address, there is a way to type in<assuming that's a valid name> and reach it?
18:05.58Qwellchuckf: You are now saying 2 different things.
18:06.50QwellFine - you want an example?  dig will never give you an address for qwell.local
18:07.28QwellHowever, you could send that through something, and be able to reach it.
18:08.31chuckfQwell: no, I'm not. In order to get from a dns name to a box somewhere ultimately it is translated from the name to the ip. Maybe not a 1:1 relationship, meaning it may go from name-name-ip but ultimatly it is translated
18:09.17QwellThat is not the same statement you made earlier. :)
18:09.36*** part/#asterisk drudge` (~drudge@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
18:10.38chuckfI made a simple statement at first and just didn't clairfiy it enough apparently with the followup
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18:25.45jgowdyI'm unfamiliar with how quickly patches can be merged in Asterisk, is there any possibility that my patch for and will make it into 10.2 before it releases?
18:26.11Qwelljgowdy: not unless it's a regression from 10.1
18:26.31jgowdyIt's a regression from before that
18:26.41jgowdy1.8 and 10
18:27.36jgowdySeveral of the INVITE failure scenarios call transmit_response_reliable without setting the state in such a way that ACK won't be ignored.  Thus you get retransmit until timeout in all those scenarios.
18:27.40QwellI think that was committed already?
18:27.51Qwellor a very similar issue..  see 10.2.0-rc3
18:27.54jgowdyIt's not the same as what was fixed in rc3
18:28.00mjordanQwell: nope.  Its targeted for 1.8.12 / 10.3.0
18:28.29jgowdymjordan: the fix I'm talking about is targeted for 1.8.12 and 10.3?
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18:28.51mjordanAsterisk sending a 481 for an ACK?
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18:29.25jgowdyNo, in several of the 481 scenarios, it uses transmit_response_reliable but then ignores the ACKs, so it retransmits 481 over and over until timeout
18:29.47jgowdyBecause in the 481 scenarios, it doesn't setup the state such that handle_incoming won't disregard the ACK
18:29.48mjordanwhich is because it doesn't recognize the call-id in the ACK
18:30.02jgowdyno, it's because pendinginvite isn't set
18:30.04mjordanregardless of the root cause, that issue should be worked this month, which puts it on schedule for 1.8.12
18:30.06jgowdythe call ID matches
18:30.08mjordanand 10.3
18:30.19jgowdyhandle_incoming won't honor the ACK if pendinginvite is 0
18:31.19jgowdyand SIP pendantic bitches and derails us because initreq isn't set either, if you have pedantic on, which obv is the 1.8+ default
18:32.19jgowdyby setting initreq and pendinginvite in the error block of the first half of handle_request_invite, a whole class of scenarios of retransmit-until-timeout is fixed
18:33.11jgowdyreally anywhere that transmit_response_reliable is called in handle_request_invite, we should ensure that initreq and pendinginvite are set properly
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18:38.19_Corey_Qwell: All is normal after that firmwared update, btw
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19:02.07jgowdyAre there any plans still active to replace chan_sip with a "chan_sofia" ?
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19:04.58ajghah.. here's a fun one.. I'm setting up a new asterisk 1.8 server.. I can get a softphone (3cx) to register just fine IF the SIP account name is set to the extension. Otherwise it says no peer found
19:05.02ajgany ideas?
19:08.44leifmadsenjgowdy: I'm not sure there were any "plans" to do it
19:09.21leifmadsenajg: look at the sip trace and determine what the problem is
19:09.23p3nguinajg: You misconfigured your device in sip.conf.
19:09.28leifmadsenand that
19:09.57p3nguinYou called it [your-extension-number] instead of something more appropriate.
19:09.59jgowdyleifmadsen: cool, just curious
19:10.55ajgp3nguin: I've tried calling it other things and it breaks when I do that (changing the name in sip.conf, extensions.conf, and the ID on the softphone)
19:11.58leifmadsenjgowdy: the Asterisk SCF project is using pjsip, so my guess is, if anything were to replace chan_sip eventually, it would be that
19:12.07leifmadsencommon code bases across common projects is a good thing (tm)
19:12.35leifmadsenthe other thing to consider is licensing costs since Asterisk is a dual-licensed project
19:12.37ajghmm correction.. using users.conf instead of sip.conf
19:12.44infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable asterisk config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
19:12.53p3nguinThere's your mistake.
19:13.10leifmadsenwow, harsh :)
19:13.10*** part/#asterisk sysdef (sysdef@debiancenter/founder.developer/pdpc.professional.sysdef)
19:13.43p3nguinDo people who DON'T use FreePBX or Asterisk GUI ever use users.conf?
19:14.06leifmadsenno :)
19:14.20leifmadsenharsh, but not necessarily wrong
19:14.30ajgaah.. that'd explain where users.conf came from
19:14.55leifmadsenit's basically an experiment gone wrong
19:15.05ajggood to know
19:15.18jgowdyoh wow, I just discovered Asterisk SCF
19:16.00ajgalright.. let's see if this behaves a little less dumb if I remove asterisk gui and just do a stock server
19:16.55p3nguinjgowdy: Discovered... like the white man discovered North America?  ;)
19:17.21leifmadsenjgowdy: check out in the archives for the presentation(s) around Asterisk SCF. There is an introduction to it in the developers track on day one (video) you can watch. If the whole discussoin is there, I suspect it is at least a couple hours of data
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19:18.00b0otIs it possible to transode g711 call to g729 when going over a trunk
19:18.12leifmadsenjgowdy: there is also a lot of documentation being written on the wiki at
19:18.18leifmadsennote the project is in the early stages
19:18.30p3nguinb0ot: If you mean is it possible to transcode g711 to g729, the answer is yes.
19:18.42leifmadsenyou will need a license to transcode g729
19:18.59leifmadsen(as an elaboration on p3nguin's response)
19:19.18p3nguinYou don't transcode in the middle of a channel's path... asterisk performs the transcoding.
19:19.35b0othow much is a liscense
19:19.41leifmadsen$10 per channel
19:19.54leifmadsensimultaneous channel
19:19.57p3nguinAsterisk does not care what is on the other end of a channel -- if the end point supports the codec, it will speak that codec to it.
19:20.13jgowdyYes, I realize I'm timeline.jpg to this.  I'm new to Asterisk development, but I think I could be a fairly strong contributor.
19:20.33leifmadsenjgowdy: that's good news! Just wanted to set expectations and point you at the best information
19:20.37jgowdyNice that SCF is in C++, clean up a lot of these goto error_path things
19:20.44jgowdymuch appreciated
19:20.52leifmadsenjgowdy: there is #asterisk-scf and #asterisk-scf-dev fyi
19:23.33infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:23.44_Corey_b0ot: ~ is what you wanted
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19:26.03b0otdo you need to install zaptal seperatly for conf or is it included normally with sudo apt-get install asterisk
19:28.55tzafriryou don't need to install zaptel. You may need to install dahdi
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19:34.13GestahltWhats the difference between asterisk and
19:34.20Gestahlti dont get the version jump
19:34.34infobotAsterisk 10 --
19:36.36GestahltAh i get it
19:36.54leifmadsenAsterisk 1.10
19:36.57Gestahltis it my imagination or have devs lately something weird in their head regarding version numbering?
19:37.09GestahltJust like Firefox
19:37.16leifmadsenjust your imagination
19:37.19Gestahltsuddently they started to jump major versions
19:37.27leifmadsennumbers mean nothing really
19:38.43Gestahltyou are right
19:38.47Gestahltdoesnt really matter
19:38.54Gestahlti think i try tomorrow version x then
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19:46.19Gestahltwhats the "best" distro to use with Asterisk? Where is the least pain?
19:46.46QwellAsteriskNOW is easy
19:46.53Qwellbut, use whatever you like
19:49.06p3nguinI just did an emergency deployment last night using AsteriskNOW.  I had the guy at the site drop in the CD and boot from it, pressing 6 when prompted.
19:49.19p3nguin20 minutes later, I was configuring phones and asterisk.
19:49.59Qwellp3nguin: man, somebody should buy the maintainer of AsteriskNOW a beer or something.
19:50.05QwellI agree with Qwell!
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19:50.38p3nguinIs there a plan to put 1.8 in AsteriskNOW soon?
19:51.10Qwellp3nguin: 2.0.0 is available as of this morning.  It has 1.8-digiumphones (1.8 + support for the stuff our new phones can use)
19:51.18Qwellwell, 2.0.1-beta1
19:52.22Qwellp3nguin: but, it's very very easy to move to 1.8 in existing installs
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20:05.19Qwellp3nguin: you probably missed my answers
20:05.55leifmadsenp3nguin: don't worry, you didn't miss much
20:05.59leifmadsenQwell: oh burn!
20:08.31p3nguinThe last thing I saw was that it is very easy to upgrade.
20:10.45Qwellp3nguin: that is all
20:10.55Qwell(see topic in #asterisknow - it's literally 1 command)
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20:15.21asilvaHi, does anyone nows how to calculate the simultaneous calls based on CDR data ?
20:31.55lanningsure, the CDR has the start time and length
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20:34.25aberriosHi, I have a question about Pacemaker configuration with an rseries device. In the provided Pacemaker.cfg file we should change primitive GatewayStatus ocf:pacemaker:ping \
20:34.25aberrios14 params host_list="" multiplier="100" \  to reflect the ip of the Gateway, I wondered what "Gateway" referred to? The network gateway? The floating IP?
20:35.39aberriosAlso how would I go about removing the pacemaker.cfg that I installed with "crm configuration update pacemaker.cfg" and replacing it with a newly edited pacemaker.cfg one?
20:36.41Qwellaberrios: The network gateway.
20:36.48QwellYou can also just do crm configure edit
20:37.33aberriosQwell, thanks! I think i've buggered up the cluster config since everytime I try a "crm configure" i get something like "failed CIB signon"
20:37.50Qwellrestart corosync on both boxes
20:38.50sweataberrios: gateway to me always means the precise ip of my router at home..
20:39.37aberriossweat, mmmmm but with little current knowledge of pacemaker syntax "gateway" could mean a few things to me. Anyway I have the answer, thanks Qwell
20:40.07aberriosits been bugging me since earlier today. I'll get shell access back tomorrow and sort it out. Thanks Qwell.
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20:41.39Qwellaberrios: I thought that was in the user guide
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20:42.35aberriosQwell, The user guide was very thorough but I don't remember reading what Gateway refered to, it just mentions something like "The gateway to ping"... iirc
20:43.33Qwellaberrios: ahh
20:43.45Qwellaberrios: it would usually just be the first address in a traceroute
20:44.17Qwellit really just depends what you want to check.  it could very well be your Internet gateway address too, or just some random address on the Internet.
20:44.24aberriosQwell, So that param tells Pacemaker to ping the network gateway so that it can tell if its the gateway at issue rather than a node network issue?
20:44.56Qwellaberrios: basically
20:44.59sweatI think I need to be set straight on some concepts, namely I'm here in #asterisk because I *think* I need it installed on my router to eliminate a latency i'm experiencing with SIP on my android phone.. If I had 3G on the phone and SIP still had a major latency or lag I could say precisely the lag is coming off of the router and I need some type of home voip catalyst like asterisk (i'm assuming.) I've never used asterisk or a PBX server..
20:46.23sweatand hello everyone, sorry for not saying hi earlier
20:46.31aberriosQwell, Would me putting the incorrect IP address in (I actually put node1's ip in there) for the gateway cause drbd to not mount /dev/drbd0 to /mnt/asterisk ?
20:47.21Qwellaberrios: no.  but, you can't use the IP of a node, since the config is shared between servers.  Node B would be pinging itself.
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20:49.34aberriosQwell, hmm, well I'm sure we did everything according to the manual except for the wrong gateway IP. Also a small problem with GRUB and the USB keys for drbd (solved in BIOS). But when the nodes booted asterisk wouldn't start on either because of brbd not mounting /dev/brbd0
20:50.15Qwellunfortunately I haven't looked at any of that stuff for a few months
20:50.56aberriosQwell, should  /etc/init.d/drbd status show Secondary/Secondary or Primary/Secondary on first boot if everything is normal?
20:51.06sweatwould asterisk eliminate a delay in calls I make with my SIP device?
20:51.09aberriosQwell, I think more reading and playing is in order.
20:51.23Qwellaberrios: secondary/secondary means they're talking to each other, but neither is taking lead
20:51.38QwellThere may be something preventing it from trying to become master - possibly the gateway
20:52.09Qwellsweat: How could it?  If there's a delay getting the packets...
20:52.41aberriosQwell, if that is the case then that would explain why it wouldnt mount. When I force node1 to primary I can mount /dev/drbd0
20:54.21Qwellaberrios: Pastebin the output of `crm status`
20:54.42sweatQwell: how could I kill the delay in packets and would a 3G connection eliminate such a problem
20:55.22Qwellsweat: The delay would be caused by network latency.  A faster connection would reduce the latency, yes.
20:55.27aberriosQwell, I would if I had shell access. I left the site a few hours ago, but I've requested remote shell access. I've got more ammo to throw at the problem now. It just been bugging me all the drive home. Thanks for some answers!
20:55.45Qwellaberrios: ahh, k
20:56.01sweatQwell: I've been scouring my router's configuration for a way to set RTP since I read something about packets having a long latency but I've hit a dead end because I don't see anything in it about RTP
20:56.43sweatQwell: that's another thing, my internet at home is Cable, 1.5 megabits per second down and 256kb up
20:57.04Qwell256k is sufficient for a call or two
20:57.24sweatQwell: that's what I thought
20:58.57sweatQwell: i'm using as a SIP provider and google voice as a trunk to dial out to landlines but here's the thing, the latency happens both on calls outside and to calls to the machine hosting the service, and it happens with sip2sip--a free provider I tried in addition to pbxes
20:59.31QwellGet a less latent connection.  That is your only choice.
20:59.51sweatQwell: can you say that in a layman's way
21:00.11QwellYell at your ISP to unclog the tubes.
21:01.09sweatQwell: I thought that my connection is really great becuase it downloads nearly two megabytes a second and uploads over 200 kilobytes per second
21:01.48sweatQwell: from what I see on the phone HD audio says something like 64kb
21:01.58Qwell1.5mbit is fantastic for 1999
21:03.08sweati use a docsis 2.0 modem on comcast
21:03.20sweati think 20 megabits is the highest i can get at this time
21:04.17p3nguinDOCSIS 2.0 is limited to 38 Mbits/s.
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21:04.34p3nguinDOCSIS 2.0 is limited to 38 Mbits/s downstream.
21:04.48p3nguinDOCSIS 2.0 is limited to 27 Mbits/s upstream.
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21:05.39sweatthank you that's interesting to me
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21:07.24p3nguinIf you go to DOCSIS 3.0, you get to start bonding channels together for that speed multiplied by as many channels as the cable provider gives you.
21:07.51sweatI think what I really need is money, if only I had a job
21:08.00p3nguinWe currently have four channels on the downstream, and we have packages for 100 Mbit services.
21:08.14sweatare you shitting me
21:08.19sweatI can combine them
21:08.25sweatthat's insane
21:13.34asilvaHi, does anyone knows how to calculate the simultaneous calls based on CDR data ? or know a tool that does that?
21:15.24p3nguin(1431.55) <lanning> sure, the CDR has the start time and length
21:16.43asilvathat i know.. i meant like the sql code or a tool that would do without me having to struggle with SQL statements
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21:19.13[sr]hwllow my friends
21:19.35WIMPyHi [sr]
21:19.37[sr]need a small help, on which ports should I open so that the comunication works OK, the RTP ports
21:19.39[sr]hi WIMPy!
21:21.47[sr]WIMPy:  don't know whats wrong with my test machine, but GIT LCR doesn't compile with asterisk trunk, only 10 ou 1.8 branch
21:22.42WIMPyIt should work at least unil last mondays TRUNK.
21:23.20Twitchnlnanyone in here ever played with chan_sccp?
21:23.37WIMPyThe current version works for me, but I haven;t made a patch, yet.
21:27.15*** part/#asterisk nosaj (
21:27.32[sr]WIMPy: let me test again with last trunk
21:28.34Qwell[sr]: Whatever ports you've set in rtp.conf
21:28.56[sr]Qwell: great, good start, going to check that
21:29.10[sr]thats simples then... will give feedback in a few secs
21:30.13WIMPyAs I said: Use SVN from at least 9 ddays ago for the moment.
21:32.54p3nguintwitchnln: I use chan_sccp.
21:34.35Twitchnlnp3nguin: I've been able to get sccp extension registered on 7960 with 7914 sidecar, but I would like the 6 line keys on the 7960 to be line keys, it wants to make the first a line key then start the BLFs with second line key, instead of first button on 7914, have you experienced this?
21:35.41*** join/#asterisk Rewris (
21:35.54p3nguinI don't use a 7914 expansion.
21:36.33Twitchnlneverything that i've read says that you define the line keys in the sccp.conf with the button= variable, but I have been unable to get this to work as yet
21:37.42Twitchnlnit seems like the only way to get all 6 line keys working is to assign them individual extensions, am I correct about this?
21:37.49p3nguinMaybe I don't understand what you're doing.
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21:38.13p3nguinPhones is completely extension agnostic.
21:38.28p3nguinPhones do not care about extensions.
21:38.33p3nguinDo not assume that they do.
21:38.59p3nguinWhat do you want on the second line button?
21:39.04*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (
21:40.49TwitchnlnI would like the second line button to show the same extension as the first, in SIP<mac>.cfg file this would be done with line1_name/line1_password, line2_name/line2_password, but with sccp firmware I cannot figure out how to do this
21:41.43p3nguinUsing chan_sccp, all the configuration is done in sccp.conf.
21:42.01Twitchnlncorrect, but how do i assign 1 line to multiple keys?
21:42.33Twitchnlnso that when second call comes in it shows on line 2, third call shows on line 3, etc
21:43.28p3nguinThat's not how VoIP works.
21:44.12p3nguinYou only need to have one line key active to receive and make multiple calls.
21:45.02Twitchnlncurrently when second call comes in, it shows on line 1 key, so i put line 1 on hold, to answer line 2, now a 3rd call comes in, i put the second call on hold, answer the 3rd put them on hold and have 3 lines on hold on same button, how do I pickup the first line?
21:45.13p3nguinThe dial plan *could* be configured to send subsequent calls to other lines, but I don't know why anyone would want to do that.
21:46.17p3nguinPut any active call on hold, use the arrow up/down buttons on the phone to move up and down the screen to highlight the call you want to resume, then press the resume softkey.
21:46.55p3nguinAnd you don't have "3 lines on hold."  You have three CALLS on hold.
21:48.07Twitchnlncorrect, and i can work with that, i guess i just need to figure out how to tell the BLFs not to start on the line keys, but to skip them
21:48.12[sr]simples (and maybe stupid question), is there a switch in asterisk so that i can see the options that were passed on the build?
21:48.37p3nguinYou have the second line key configured as a speed dial and BLF for another phone?
21:48.55p3nguinWhat do you want to show up on line keys 2-6?
21:49.30Twitchnlnnothing would work fine if I don't need them to show as line appearances as you said
21:49.46p3nguinYou can configure 2-6 to be empty.
21:49.55p3nguinIs that what you want?
21:50.07Twitchnlnsure, that would work great
21:50.35p3nguinIn your sccp.conf, find the section where your phone is configured.  [SEP<MAC>]
21:50.48Twitchnlngot it
21:51.05p3nguinYou probably have description, button ...
21:51.37p3nguinList one button as a line and then use five as empty:  button = empty
21:53.30Twitchnlni've tried placing button=empty, but it just populates the first BLF there
21:53.52Twitchnlnbeen beating my head against a wall on this one all day
21:54.07p3nguinThat's pretty odd.  Empty line keys work fine for me without a 7914 attached.
21:54.08Twitchnlnand for once google has not been my friend
21:55.04p3nguinI copied that right out of my sccp.conf, so the syntax has to be correct.
21:55.37p3nguinWhich version are you using?
21:55.41*** join/#asterisk Gestahlt (
21:56.23p3nguinI'm using Release: 4.0.0 DEV r3206, but empty line keys have worked since a long time ago.
21:56.23Twitchnlnasterisk 1.4.21
21:56.31p3nguinUpgrade to 3.
21:56.34p3nguinIt is much better.
21:56.47Twitchnlni will give that a shot, thanks for your time
21:57.01p3nguinI used to use 2 on 1.4, then moved to 3 on 1.4 and it was much better.
21:57.31p3nguinAs soon as they added working support for asterisk 1.8, then I moved to 1.8 with version 4 dev.
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21:59.28TwitchnlnI will give v3 a shot, hopefully it will work better for me
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22:06.13[sr]RTP ports are UDP only am i right?
22:10.15[sr]atk = ?
22:12.58*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-stfwwllclzuedkve)
22:14.04[sr]not getting it.. :p
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22:15.11p3nguinRandom letters are like that.
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22:15.35p3nguinThat's why we use special combinations of letters called "words."
22:16.05[sr]i see, 'cause of my "tks"
22:16.18[sr]but i dont know the meaning of "atk"
22:16.50p3nguinatk is like tks... not a word and not an acronym -- it's random.
22:18.24p3nguinIn asterisk 1.4, is there any way to show the number of calls processed since startup?
22:18.37[sr]p3nguin: i get you know
22:18.38p3nguinIn 1.8, core show channels or calls will report that number.
22:22.35[sr]what's the minimum range for RTP ports? 100 is enought?
22:22.59p3nguinSince you shouldn't be running asterisk as root, 1024 is the least number that the asterisk process can use.
22:23.28p3nguinErr... you want to know the smallest number of ports within the range?
22:23.40[sr]not the smallest port
22:23.42p3nguinFigure on four ports per call for calls going through a NAT.
22:23.43[sr]i mean the reange
22:24.00p3nguinI just misinterpreted your question.
22:24.01[sr]like, 10000:10010
22:24.09p3nguinGood for 2 calls!
22:24.19[sr]ok so each call used 4 ports
22:24.30p3nguinIt can.
22:24.37[sr]that the max per call?
22:24.40[sr]sorry the question
22:25.09p3nguinI think that will be the max per call when there are only two end points in the call.
22:25.17p3nguinFigure on 2 ports per call leg.
22:26.22p3nguinFor a call where one person is on hold and one person is talking to another person, that would be 6 ports.
22:26.40p3nguinHow many calls do you want to support?
22:29.54[sr]i got it, its just for my knowlage
22:30.08[sr]not much for now, about 10 the max
22:31.10p3nguinI'd probably allocate 100 ports or so.
22:32.40[sr]allow me to ask other thing, i have an extra problem on the linux machine (as router), nf_nat_sip is loaded, i have sip_direct_signalling=0 sip_direct_media=0, but how should this options be?
22:33.47WIMPyDo not load nf_nat_sip.
22:33.55p3nguinI have it loaded.
22:33.55[sr]hum i see the nf_conntrack_sip params, i think i can specify ports there directly
22:34.00[sr]WIMPy: really? hum
22:34.01p3nguinnf_nat_sip              4432  0
22:34.01p3nguinnf_conntrack_sip       13916  1 nf_nat_sip
22:34.02WIMPynf_conntrack_sip can be helpful.
22:34.20p3nguinLooks like nf_conntrack_sip uses nf_nat_sip?
22:34.35WIMPynf_nat_sip is there to mangle your sip packets. That is most likely not a good thing.
22:34.48p3nguinI don't have any problems with calls.
22:34.52WIMPyThe other way round.
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22:36.10[sr]WIMPy: it does the trick!
22:36.27p3nguinWhat trick would that be?
22:36.28WIMPyYou only need nf_conntrack_sip if you don't want to open rtp ports.
22:36.36[sr]p3nguin: removing the sip modules,
22:36.56p3nguinI really do not understand what you're trying to say.
22:37.00[sr]but i have to test some sip clients from my phone network that I use inside the lan
22:37.19p3nguinIf it is on the lan, why would it be passing through a firewall?
22:37.40[sr]p3nguin: right now i'm outside of that network,
22:38.17p3nguinI still don't know what the problem is.  I have phones outside of the network and I have those modules loaded in my firewall.
22:38.38p3nguinI didn't choose to load them; they are just loaded.
22:39.16[sr]ok but i think i have it solved
22:39.30p3nguinWhat was the problem you were trying to fix?
22:39.53[sr]p3nguin: question is, i have to see if the sip client of my phone network works inside of the lan, to connect the network SIP server (to make calls from the PC)
22:40.14[sr]p3nguin: right now was just the RTP ports to the outside, to connect outside of the lan
22:40.31[sr]you were helpful
22:40.33[sr]and WIMPy
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22:43.20[sr]thanks, i can handle it from now :)
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23:24.26[sr]gotta go
23:24.29[sr]see ya
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