IRC log for #asterisk on 20120227

00:00.02drudge`the readme.txt for asterisk is telling me to check out doc/AST.pdf for secuirty info - im not finding AST.pdf or AST.txt anywhere
00:00.05ChannelZwell their they are blocking the return SIP traffic or something else is going on elsewhere in your network setup that those packets aren't making it back to you
00:00.23sawgoodcool ... I appreciate your help and time!
00:00.24drudge`was it deprecated for teh asterisk-admin-guide.pdf thats in the doc folder?
00:01.19ChannelZdrudge`: maybe, it used to be in the doc folder
00:02.03ChannelZsawgood: actually, what is your IP?
00:02.52sawgoodwhich side, sir?
00:03.15sawgoodwell, I'm remote at I belive
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00:03.28volga629<ChannelZ>: I got prompt fixed  just spent some money for proper recording and all working nice
00:03.30ChannelZTheir debug says it's coming from a 24.x.x.x IP but your registering using some 65.x.x.x IP
00:03.45sawgoodright 24 = client 65 = the ITSP
00:03.54ChannelZoh ok
00:04.20sawgoodI'm setting up address now
00:04.25ChannelZso then what's this 173 IP?
00:04.38sawgoodI'm SSH into the equipment from 173.x.x.x
00:05.00ChannelZyour Asterisk box is the 24.* ?
00:05.13sawgoodAsterisk at the ITSP too
00:05.16ChannelZok don't care about the 173 one then
00:05.26sawgoodI figured so
00:05.32ChannelZ(your ITSP lets you SSH to them?)
00:05.52sawgoodyes ... in this case ...
00:06.55ChannelZDo you have externip or anything in your sip.conf?
00:07.12drudge`i'll re-dl the sourcetarball from, maybe it'll be there
00:08.20ChannelZit's in my dir anyway
00:08.36sawgoodI think the ISP is blocking port 5060 on their OEM equipment ...
00:09.00sawgoodeven with a host=static IP (calls cannot arrive to the PBX)
00:09.14sawgoodI cannot register a softphone either
00:09.24sawgoodother port forwarding works 100%
00:09.32drudge`weird, that didnt have the AST.pdf or AST.txt in it either
00:09.58ChannelZyeah I just downloaded .9.3 and it aint there
00:10.43drudge`maybe they just re-named it to that Admin guide, is that new? or was that in the others as well
00:11.00ChannelZI just looked at both, yes that's what they did
00:11.11drudge`sweet, thanks ChannelZ
00:11.11ChannelZAsterisk-Admin-Guide.pdf is what AST.pdf was
00:11.43drudge`this one client is using a@h with 1.2 and freepnbx 2.6, if you cna beleive it
00:11.51drudge`they wonder why they have "odd/weird/random issues"
00:11.52ChannelZalthough it's quite a few less pages.  hmm.
00:12.10ChannelZWow, 1.2.. kickin it oldschool
00:12.13ChannelZGuess if it ain't broke..
00:12.42drudge`well, all the freepbx upgrading they did - while leaving asterisk un-upgraded - caused random things to not work correctly
00:13.33ChannelZwell even when you're running the right versions FreePBX doesn't always work correctly
00:13.37drudge`Friday i showed them freepbx with that new GUI and they instantly froze up and their butts puckered up, lol was funny
00:14.26drudge`i assured them i wouldnt use that GUI since they are used to the freepbx 2.7 interface
00:15.37*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
00:16.04ChannelZsawgood: you cannot register a softphone from inside or outside the network?
00:16.16ChannelZI assume outside
00:16.56ChannelZThey're probably blocking 5060 or doing something for their own voice service offering, can you use another port?
00:17.05sawgoodneat question ...
00:17.05volga629ChannelZ: Thank you for help and time. All working right now I will need do more staff like radio on hold, but it will be tomorrow
00:17.23sawgoodcan I put a port= (inside of sip.conf)
00:17.55ChannelZvolga629: sure have fun
00:18.52volga629again thank you
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00:22.53ChannelZwell you can put a port on the end of your externaddr but then that will break everything else connecting to you unless you change them
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00:23.17sawgoodI'm doing that now for testing
00:24.45sawgoodits weird how SSH and other port forwarded ports work but not 5060-5069 and/or 7001 now (which is what I changed things too)
00:26.40sbrathChannelZ: I gave up on the AudioCodes, I'm sending it back.
00:27.11ChannelZwell the way to really test it for sure is to shut down asterisk completely and use something like tcpcat to connect on those ports (udp) and see if they're really not making it to you
00:27.35sbrathis there anyway to force an include in a context in the dialplan to have higher preferece than s ?
00:27.38sawgoodvery good point
00:27.39*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:27.55ChannelZbut it sounds like you have a router in front of your linux box, and a modem in front of the router, so it could be getting chewed up anywhere
00:28.14ChannelZnot tcpcat.. netcat I meant
00:28.51ChannelZsbrath: huh?
00:29.07sawgoodI'm going to speak to Motorola soon aboubt the cable modem/gateway appliance
00:29.21sawgoodmaybe there is some SIP ALG engine running which is no fun!
00:29.40ChannelZwell you don't have a static IP at the moment, right? until tomorrow
00:29.55ChannelZso your modem is doing NAT to your side of the network
00:30.19sawgoodno nat from the modem (live IP) ... to a DD-WRT router (as DHCP between the two)
00:30.30sbrathI'm trying to get a routine to run in [macro-exten-vm] at the beginning of the call.
00:30.40sbrathIt's on a freepbx setup :(
00:31.10ChannelZso your modem is bridging
00:31.22sawgoodyes, I hope so
00:31.32sawgoodother port fowarding works ...
00:31.54sawgoodI can access * through the Motorola ... then DD-WRT ... port forwarding to Linux/*
00:32.28ChannelZwell I'd try a quick netcat test on both sides then
00:32.35sawgoodIn progress now ...
00:41.42ChannelZwhistles the Jeopardy theme
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01:20.16p3nguinsbrath: s isn't a preference, it's an extension.  And macros use extension s.
01:20.31p3nguinAnd we don't know jack about FreePBX in this non-FreePBX channel.
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03:36.09ChrisInSydneyI have just wasted 2 hours chasing a vm to email issue with Elastix and Exchange
03:37.14ChrisInSydneysbrath: Just been reading. Try on a basic Asterisk system. build a realy simple sip.conf and extensions.conf to test
03:37.39ChrisInSydneyworking in a FreePBX environment is just confusing
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04:47.40*** join/#asterisk Dovid (d508795a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:47.55Dovidis there any stats of how many download of asterisk per country?
04:51.39*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~matt@wikisource/
04:51.43mattwj2002hi all
04:52.55*** join/#asterisk ipengineer (
04:53.14mattwj2002hi Dovid
04:54.35mattwj2002maybe you could answer a questions for me that no one even acknowledged there a way to search for what providers has what DIDs available?
04:54.56Dovidmattwj2002: depends in wha country
04:55.34mattwj2002I am looking for a DID search engine of sorts
04:55.41Dovidnot really
04:55.52Dovidin the US there is
04:56.00Dovidwhere you can see who owns a sepcific number
04:56.44mattwj2002I don't even care about a specific number will show you who was assigned what but who actually has the number is anyones guess. there is no guide to who owns what. if you want you can do a LNP dip on every number and see who owns what
04:56.54mattwj2002just specific cities
04:57.10Dovidwhat are you looking to do? is there a specific DID that you want?
04:58.25p3nguinWhat area code and exchange are you looking to get?
05:00.18mattwj2002oh I see level 3 has one of those exchanges
05:00.37mattwj2002does level 3 have byod?
05:01.22Dovidlevel3 may have been assigned the range but numbers in that range can actually be with anyone
05:01.34DovidLevel wont deal with you <= 20,000 a month
05:01.46Dovidmaybe you can try some one that sells them
05:02.01Dovidi know they used level3 when i worked with them years ago
05:04.29mattwj2002okay cool
05:04.31ipengineeryou can go with they resell Level 3. We use them to get L3 numbers
05:05.09mattwj2002I appreciate your help guys....I was getting kind of mad at his channel
05:05.22mattwj2002I was not even getting acknowledged :(
05:05.36infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
05:05.45p3nguinNote the last part.
05:06.03mattwj2002or against our will
05:07.19beardy"Don't be demanding." is also a general rule.
05:07.29p3nguinSome ITSPs will say that numbers are carrier order only, and you basically have to have them put in an order with the carrier to even know if it's available.
05:08.17Dovidif Level3 owns the number then google level3 reseller or something like that
05:08.26p3nguinI looked in the list at and they don't have that exchange listed.  They don't even have any Ladysmith numbers at all listed, assuming there are other exchanges for that area.
05:08.34Dovidand as beardy says don't demand. people here don't like that
05:09.29p3nguinIf you want quicker answers, you should ask during regular USA business hours.  That's when there's the most activity here.
05:09.48ipengineerWe have a carrier account through bandwidth. I just looked up that rate center for you they service both ELS and LI numbers to that rate center
05:09.49Dovidp3nguin: where r u located?
05:09.59p3nguinIL, USA
05:10.10Dovidisnt it 11:00 PM out there?
05:10.16Dovidon the weekend
05:10.33p3nguinYes.  23.10, Sunday night.
05:10.33Tyrael1p3nguin... where in IL, near Chicago by chance?
05:10.43Tyrael1(from the burbs here)
05:10.44p3nguinsouthern part
05:10.47Dovidwow. an american that uses 24 hour time. impressive
05:11.45Dovidhere i thought i was the only one. i got in to the habbit when i worked in EMS.
05:14.35ipengineerDoes anyone on here know when asterisk SCF version 1 is supposed to be released?
05:15.15Dovidnever even had time to pay with it. from what i have read it will replace the need for Opensips for load balancing and redundancy?
05:16.28ipengineerYes and create a seamless API for multiple servers. Each server can function as an individual component of asterisk (i.e. voicemail server, registrar server, etc)
05:16.46Dovidfinally the evolution of asterisk has caught up
05:17.08Dovidno dumbed down docs on scf like there is for asterisk
05:17.29ipengineerYes.. I am ready to start playing with it. I believe they have a beta version but no good documentation
05:17.45Dovidthere is a basic wiki but no "real examples"
05:18.05Dovidi am not good with docs. better with examples. monkey see monkey do
05:18.11ipengineerI have seen a few examples but the wiki is terribly put together. it needs to be cleaned up
05:18.23ipengineeryep Im the same way..
05:18.28Dovidanything on voip-info?
05:19.03ipengineerI haven't looked. Nothing comes up on google and I would think they would be one of the top results if so
05:20.13Dovidthe average **asterisk expert** knows how to use a gui and click, click put in username 100 and password 100. sooo sad
05:27.56mattwj2002Dovid: I have asterisk running on an openwrt router! :D
05:28.18Dovidmattwj2002: Your an exception to the rule
05:28.36mattwj2002I am a hobbyist not a corporation though
05:28.46mattwj2002thanks but I am no expert
05:29.43mattwj2002I understand your point though
05:31.20mattwj2002I think there is a push to get more retards into IT too....I hear commericals about get trained in IT on the radio all the time....they want to lower the cost of the profession
05:35.10*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~matt@wikisource/
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05:45.26[TK]D-FenderAnyone who runs * off some premade GUI doesn't necessarily have any experiece with * at all...
05:51.33p3nguinSysAdmins are the same way.  Everyone is looking for someone who can use, or install and use, webmin.
05:51.42*** join/#asterisk odin_ (
05:51.45p3nguinIt's lame.
05:52.58*** join/#asterisk learath (47f6db23@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:53.01p3nguinYou want me to work on your stuff, AND you want me to use webmin or freepbx to control it?  I don't know how to use that shit because I don't have the *need* to use that shit.  I actually know how to configure things.
05:53.23learathboring :)
05:53.35learathwebguis are sexy!
05:55.21p3nguinMaybe in the same way manly lesbians are sexy.  *shudder*
05:58.09learathis there any way to manually toggle mwi status from the CLI?
06:03.12ChannelZyou could use 'sip notify' to re-inform a peer probably, if that's what you're asking
06:03.43learathhmm that'll just blindly send a sip notify?
06:04.05ChannelZno, read the usage
06:04.22ChannelZI'm not entirely sure what you mean by "toggle mwi status" anyway
06:04.40learathI want to force message waiting indicator status as a test
06:05.14learathto see if I have the phone configured correctly
06:05.40ChannelZsee sip_notify.conf, make a copy of the example clear-mwi but set it to fake number of messages.. use 'sip notify' on the peer to send the fake message
06:06.57learathdo I have to reload anything, or is sip_notify.conf reread when requested
06:07.53ChannelZSeems to be parsed on demand here anyway
06:08.40ChannelZor not.
06:08.53ChannelZit's read when chan_sip is loaded
06:09.00ChannelZso a 'sip reload' would be in order.
06:09.42learathyep, appears to be the case
06:10.04learathso set Messages-Waiting: yes and Content=>Voice-Message: 0/1 (0/1) or something like that?
06:11.49ChannelZdo 1/0 (0/0)
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06:12.23learathok thanks
06:13.43ChannelZnew/old (new-urgent/old-urgent)
06:13.55learathahhh ok
06:14.05learathI was guessing the other way around
06:14.12ChannelZthough it probably doesn't even matter, the device will probably light the light with any value
06:14.35ChannelZor should anyway
06:15.11learathnice theory, sadly it's a Cisco, so it's Special
06:15.14ChannelZguess it depends on what it thinks about old messages, even if they are 'urgent'
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06:45.22damex|laptophello, i was trying using asterisk for a while and started trying elastix now. after some testing i was found out that everything working except situation "asterisk not detecting situation, whan call ended by calling side (incoming calls) and continuing to ring till IVR menu" can anyone recommend me something to check? i can paste any configs out there.
06:46.17damex|laptopasterisk -rvvv shows that it continuing to play ivr menu recorded voice and then following timeout extension.
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07:44.23mirelabhello :)
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07:59.44mirelabhas anyone worked with HASH function?
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08:02.40mirelabI'm wondering how to read next row when I Set(HASH(test)=<SQL query>) from that test
08:02.54mirelabdocumentation is weak :|
08:04.08kaldemarconcentrace on the SQl query. does it give you more than one row?
08:06.17kaldemarif it does, the SQL function should give key-value pairs. they can be output in the dialplan with ${HASH(test,key)}.
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08:09.22ChannelZor you can just say "screw this noise" and write an AGI script in something else
08:11.04mirelabkaldemar: yes more rows
08:11.10kaldemar"mode" explains the multirow functionality in func_odbc.conf.sample
08:11.58*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:14.25mirelabkaldemar: ok i'll read it now :) thx
08:18.01*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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08:19.08schmidtsgood morning
08:19.41mirelabgood morning :)
08:19.54ChannelZHi ho, hi ho
08:20.52schmidtswow its monday and you have such a good mood? what happend?
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08:21.12mirelabalways with good mood :P
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08:21.22Dovidcause after monday comes tuesday, followed by wednesday then thursday and then FRIIIIIIIIDAY
08:22.20schmidtsDovid +1
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08:24.10v0lZyAgain, I turn to you in need of some advice
08:24.15*** join/#asterisk mzb (
08:24.44v0lZyI have to define an outgoing pattern for phone calls
08:25.04v0lZyI successfully configured it to some degree so that I make internal calls directly... and for external calls, I press 0
08:25.32v0lZyproblem is, I have to send my ITSP <countrycode><number>
08:25.40v0lZyso... for example
08:26.06v0lZyI press 0 to dial out, then 44 for UK then area code then number
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08:26.17v0lZybut when i call within my own country
08:26.28v0lZyoperator also expects me to put my own country code in
08:26.47v0lZyso.. 0, 386 for my country, then the rest
08:27.04v0lZything is, my users are used to dialing 01, 02, 03, 04 etc for different area codes
08:27.05v0lZythen number
08:27.15v0lZyso if my user dials for example
08:27.42v0lZy02<phone number> i have to inject 386 in between
08:27.55v0lZyso 0|+386<whatever else> ?
08:28.31ChannelZYou know of ${EXTEN} yes?
08:30.12ChannelZI'm bad at international dialing so I don't know what all these codes mean
08:30.30v0lZyits probably an askozia thing
08:30.52ChannelZso say someone dialed 025555555 you need it to really dial 0386025555555 ?
08:31.08v0lZymm... let me be a bit more specific
08:31.22v0lZytheres a difference between what they dial, and what I really need to dial, yes
08:31.29ChannelZsure, typical.
08:31.36v0lZymy users press 0 to initate calling outside my PBX
08:31.59v0lZymy provider requires that i always give a FULL number... like even if im calling within my own country, i have to provide my country code.
08:33.09ChannelZexten => _0XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/whatever/0386${EXTEN:1})   would take 05555555 that the user dialed and dial 03865555555
08:33.11v0lZythe convention here is that we dont do that on normal lines so people are used to 2 things. First... when dialing within your city, you do not enter your area code, just the phone number u want to dial. second: when u dial to another city but within your country, you do a 0<areacode><phone number>
08:33.38ChannelZyou can apply the technique accordingly
08:33.54v0lZythen they are used that for outgoing calls (beyond our country), they do a 00<country code><area code><phone number>
08:34.06v0lZynow what I want to do is this
08:34.14v0lZyI want my user to have to press 0 to initiate outgoing calls
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08:34.26kaldemarv0lZy: why?
08:34.33ChannelZsteering digits
08:34.46v0lZyim trying to mimic what we have
08:34.53v0lZyon our current ISDN
08:35.02v0lZy(my users are rather dumb)
08:35.06v0lZyand unadaptable
08:35.23mzbso much easier to ignore the leading 0 method and work from local up to full international, then customising digits per outbound
08:35.33ChannelZI've sort of answered whatever your question is
08:35.50v0lZyWell... in an ordinary scenario, if my user wanted to dial to a different city
08:35.52v0lZythey'd dial
08:35.56kaldemardrop the need to enter a 0 to dial out. then match 00 in the beginning for international calls and 0 to another area. otherwise, use the current area.
08:36.09ChannelZ${EXTEN} represents the extension matched by the dialplan.  You can use ${EXTEN:number} to skip over digits at the head, pull out whatever you want, and add any other digits you want
08:36.15v0lZy02<phone number> where 2 is the area code and 0 is the national consesus for initiating calls external to your local area
08:36.21v0lZyso they will be dialing
08:36.31v0lZy02 123 45 67
08:36.43v0lZyor 03 123 45 67
08:36.52v0lZyand if they want to call a mobile number
08:37.01v0lZythey go 040 123 456 for example
08:37.10v0lZybut if they dial outside the country
08:37.13mzbkaldemar: that sounds like a contradiction ;)
08:37.23mirelabv0lZy: yes as Kaldemar said read about asterisk patterns
08:38.02*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
08:38.03kaldemarmzb: not if you use patterns properly.
08:38.27mzbbut as it reads I can see how it would be difficult to understand
08:38.42kaldemar00Z vs. 0Z
08:38.52v0lZyif they dial outside the coutnry they want to do it wiht 00 <country code> <area code without the leading 0> <phoen number>
08:39.13v0lZyi have an aditional 0 in this system
08:39.24v0lZyAND ... my reception desk has an extension 00
08:39.28v0lZyhence... my dilema
08:40.02mzbcat /dev/reprogramme > /dev/v0lZy
08:40.11kaldemari don't see a dilemma there.
08:40.12mirelabDoes anyone know if * can trigger an event when Peer is unreachable
08:40.19mirelab[Feb 23 19:05:25] NOTICE[4068] chan_sip.c: Peer 'DLGW05' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 41
08:40.29v0lZy00 > dial reception, 002 123 45 67 > dial to area code 2, 000385 45 678 890 > dial to croatian
08:40.39v0lZymzb, lol
08:40.45mirelabso when that happens to trigger event that will send me sms or mail...etc
08:41.09jacc0@mirelab: add the code you want to execute in chan_sip.c after line 4048
08:41.10v0lZythis is how they want to dial
08:41.16v0lZybut my provider always accepts only
08:41.25v0lZy<country code><area code without leading 0><phone number
08:41.44v0lZyso if a user dials 0, then 02 , i have to send this as 3862<remainder>
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08:41.54v0lZyif they dial
08:41.54mzb^^ note the :1
08:41.55mirelabjacc0: uf i\m not yet ready to open the hood of *
08:41.57ChannelZlike I said 5 minutes ago
08:42.06v0lZy000385 i have to send this as 385<reminder>
08:42.10mzbv0lZy: the ':1' will strip the leading 0
08:42.27mirelabjacc0: and better not compile it with my knowledge of c++ "P
08:42.28v0lZyis there any other way to define patterens mzb?
08:42.31v0lZylike i am using askoziapbx
08:42.35v0lZyand it users a system with
08:42.56v0lZyits based on asterisk but has a gui.
08:43.33mirelabChannelZ: night
08:43.40mzblisten to what the guys are telling you ... there's only a very small gap between your understanding and what you're being told
08:44.22mzb<ChannelZ> exten => _0XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/whatever/0386${EXTEN:1})   would take 05555555 that the user dialed and dial 03865555555
08:44.31v0lZynight ChannelZ
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08:45.03v0lZymzb: but do i have to define multiple matching patterens'
08:45.28v0lZyi guess my dilema is is this a match in the form of first encountered digit.. or match of first encountered sequence of digits?
08:45.29mzbcombination of leading 0 and length of the EXTEN should get you there
08:45.48mzbthen it's all just order of logic
08:45.58v0lZyCan i have a patteren that matches 0[1-9] and a patteren that matches 00[1-9] and a patteren that matches 000[1-9] ?
08:46.44v0lZyI think im slowly getting it
08:46.46v0lZyhold on, let me try
08:47.15mzbwhen I get confused about something like this, I find it helpful to write or type a sample dialplan ... and then diagnose all the sample numbers I can think of until the dialplan is right
08:48.18Dovidmzb: As much as we just want you to listen to what we have to say, for myself i learn by example as well. same reason i never got in to SCF yet
08:48.44mzbyou want me to listen?
08:50.08mzbno idea what you're talking about Dovid
08:50.16mzbgood luck v0lZy, writing it all down will get you there eventually
08:52.20v0lZyill try
08:52.23v0lZythanks mzb
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08:54.49Dovidoops. i mized things up
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09:57.22rjvvlietAnyone how can help explain what could cause an T2_TIMEOUT with T.38 Fax receive using res_fax_spandsp
09:58.37itsurkghello all, newbie here. I just install dahdi 2.5, asterisk 10 and asterisk-gui 2.1 on centos. i have a xorcom usb device with 8 fxo ports. Well i can see 8 ports to configure while executing dahdi_cfg -vv command but the problem is it says "no channel type registered for DAHDI" when i make outgoing call. Any help would be appreciate.
10:01.36rjvvlietitsurkg: not that familair with dahdi but, check the CLI for the DAHDI Channels available, just type "dadhi" than press TAB
10:02.21rjvvlietitsurkg: it looks like you only configured the dahdi drivers, not the channels for asterisk.
10:03.04kaldemaritsurkg: you don't have chan_dahdi in asterisk.
10:03.31kaldemaritsurkg: how did you install asterisk?
10:04.11itsurkgkaldemar, i compiled the source
10:04.34rjvvlietitsurkg: in what order did you compile?
10:04.43itsurkgi can't type dahdi in asterisk cli no command
10:04.58itsurkgfirst i compiled dahdi asterisk and asterisk-gui
10:06.03kaldemaritsurkg: see in "make menuselect" that you have chan_dahdi selected under "Channel Drivers". if not, select it and recompile.
10:06.23rjvvlietitsurkg: the no command means that chand_dhadi is not loaded, do the compile could be cone wrong as kaldemar already sugested.
10:06.40kaldemaritsurkg: first see what "module load" gives you in CLI.
10:07.16rjvvlietitsurkg: look at the asterisk logs and be sure the compile of chan_dahdi when ok, check the menuselect if it has been detected.
10:07.28kaldemaritsurkg: you might already have the module but it won't load due to a config error.
10:08.10rjvvlietkaldemar: i think ill step aside ;-) you know mutch more of DAHDI.
10:08.37itsurkgError loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
10:11.52kaldemarok, that confirms you don't have it installed. proceed to make menuselect, enable the module and recompile.
10:13.12itsurkgkaldemar, thanks, i am on it.
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10:21.47itsurkgkaldemar, it shows XXX on chan_dahdi and i can't select. Any thing i am missing?
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10:23.15pavlixhello folks, is asterisk capable of prepaid credit billing?
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10:24.06WIMPyitsurkg: Did you configure after installing dahdi?
10:25.35itsurkgWIMPy, yes..i have already configured dahdi
10:26.15itsurkgdo i have to remove all before re-compiling
10:29.31kaldemaritsurkg: no, you need to run asterisk's configure script after installing dahdi.
10:30.55kaldemarXXX indicates that you don't have or asterisk does not know about dependencies for a module. configure makes it search libraries or headers that it needs for modules.
10:32.37itsurkgkaldemar, got it. I can see chan_dahdi now it is selected by default
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11:41.17pavlixis asterisk capable of prepaid credit billing?
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11:43.35kaldemarpavlix: sure. but not out of the box.
11:44.14pavlixkaldemar: it was rather hard to google more information, I got more spam than ham
11:44.57pavlixkaldemar: is the backend billing part built in or is it some external plugin?
11:45.16Dovidpavlix: Asterisk can do what ever you set it to do.
11:45.32Dovidasterisk is like a pen and paper. you can draw what ever you want
11:47.00pavlixDovid: so is C :)
11:47.25kaldemarpavlix: there is no built-in billing. asterisk prints call data records for calls, you must use something else to parse them and handle billing.
11:48.21kaldemarpavlix: you also need to handle balances in dialplan if you want them prepaid.
11:48.32pavlixkaldemar: ok but how would I stop running calls then<
11:50.48kaldemarpavlix: many ways to do it, which all depend on what the system is like.
11:51.57kaldemarpavlix: if only one call is allowed at a time for a certain customer, you can for example give a limit for the call length with option L() of app Dial. otherwise you'd need some nasty polling or similar.
11:53.14pavlixyep, the latter is what I'm afraid of
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11:53.20kaldemarsome solutions here, don't know if they're any good:
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12:07.13davidduffywe been using a2billing and it works ok
12:07.39davidduffyquite a robust billing platform
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12:47.45rjvvlietAnyone who can help explain what could cause a T2_TIMEOUT with T.38 Fax receive using res_fax_spandsp and possibly how to solve it, also happens with res_fax_digium.
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13:09.24zknHi, how to interpret the following: chan_sip.c:19829 handle_response_invite: just did sched_add waitid(1011820) for sip_reinvite_retry for dialog QFib4qT9EIWAN2oSo4GYc4mLfNxPoyvu in handle_response_invite
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13:21.06rjvvlietSorry to ask again:Anyone who can help explain what could cause a T2_TIMEOUT with T.38 Fax receive using res_fax_spandsp and possible solution,also happens with res_fax_digium.
13:28.18coppicerjvvliet: its usually no response from the far end. it could be you got some responses, but later communication hiccupped or stopped.
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13:30.38rjvvlietcoppice: thans, it only happens with one sender,while is using the sam path through the TSP. must say, seems happens less often using spandsp then when i was using ffa not sure why..
13:31.30coppicespandsp is more robust in some ways if you have quirky communication. if you have no communication at all it really doesn't matter which you use :-)
13:31.31rjvvlietcoppice: i now have a wireshark running whole day, hoping to capture the problem, any spandsp debugging i can enable.
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13:31.55v0lZyhello guys
13:32.03v0lZyI have one more problem (hopefully, the last one)
13:32.13v0lZyI've configured how to send the numbers to my ITSP
13:32.24v0lZyIt works as it should when i am dialing
13:32.31v0lZybut i get their number displayed when they callme
13:32.37v0lZyand if i hit redial, im missing the outgoing zero
13:32.49v0lZywas wondering if anyone has a solution to that? (its probably a phone thing?)
13:33.55rjvvlietcoppice: Yep thats true, still searching where the connection is  failing, the TSP tells me the do not generate the T.38 but their trunk provider does using Alcatel devices, the just pass it along using asterisk 1.4 Custom build.
13:34.24kaldemarv0lZy: add a 0 to CALLERID(num) for incoming calls.
13:34.56kaldemarv0lZy: that's one reason to drop the extra zero when dialing out.
13:35.40coppicerjvvliet: I haven't done much debugging against alcatels. I don't know if that means they aren't used much, or they just don't give much trouble
13:36.11v0lZyindeed i have that option kaldemar , thanks
13:36.13v0lZylets see if it works
13:36.41coppicerjvvliet: if you turn on the debug logging spandsp gives quite a detailed log of what's going on. you might not want it on all the time, as it can really fill the logs on a busy system
13:36.57rjvvlietcoppice: mmm, i'll wait and see what the capture brings.
13:37.33rjvvlietcoppice: What command is spandspp using for the debugging, asterisk is set to verb=4 Deb=4 but fax set debug does not seem to work.
13:38.16coppicerjvvliet: I'm not sure how it is controlled these days, but there is a separate selection for FAX debug level
13:39.10tzangercoppice: got a moment? I have an audio question for you
13:39.25rjvvlietcoppice: Yep, with the ffa module it wast setting the 'fax set debig on' of using the 'd' option on receivefax but nothing happens, unlus i'am really missing somthing.
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13:40.38coppicerjvvliet: I have no idea how much FFA logs, but spandsp is quite detailed. you won't miss the log it produces :-)
13:40.39tzanger is a clip from the asterisk demo coming from a PRI card I'm developing... the audio "phases" in and outand I'm wondering if you have heard this kind of error before
13:40.47rjvvlietcoppice: Also, i seem to have trouble forcing the fax maxrate to 9600, ffa does not houner it, and spandsp not always, still se the T38MaxRate 14440 comming by..
13:41.06tzangerit sounds to me like I'm sampling incorrectly and losing bits
13:41.34coppicerjvvliet: T38MaxRate is handled by the module, not spandsp
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13:42.58rjvvlietcoppice: a, oke, still finding out where the separation is in those modules,thought that part was de tech modules part.
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13:44.23coppicewell, T38MaxRate is SDP stuff, so I assume it is handled in the common module
13:44.25rjvvlietcoppice: THANKS..... just remembered something, there is a logger fax destination and spandsp seems to be using this
13:44.48tzangerthe funny part is that if I emit a constant pattern the remote card sees it just fine with hexdump -C. patlooptest sees errors though. I'm getting the logic analyzer out today to see more clearly but was wondering if you'd heard that kind of audio error before
13:44.49rjvvlietcoppice: whereas. ffa did not and logged to the debug channel
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13:47.08rjvvlietcoppice:Thanks, I'll take all suggestions and restart examaning the logs.
13:47.32rjvvlietcoppice: the fax log is 75M so got somthing to read ;-)
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16:35.47*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.1.3 (2012/02/23), (2012/02/23), dahdi-linux 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), dahdi-tools 2.6.0 (2012/01/04), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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16:38.26olliiwhat do i have to activate to announce date and time of a recorded voicemail message which is retrieved via voicemailmain (1.8.9 and 1.4.42) ?
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16:39.52leifmadsenollii: pretty sure that was just enabled by default...
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16:40.39cuscoleifmadsen: would you by any chance know if there is a way, on calling the Queue() app, disable the periodic_announce, or set its frequency ?
16:41.41[TK]D-Fenderollii, well documented in the sample config for voicemail.conf
16:41.42leifmadsencusco: not off the top of my head, probably need to set frequency to zero or something
16:41.45leifmadsencheck the documentation
16:41.50[TK]D-Fenderollii, its a box parameter
16:41.52cuscois there a var, that I can set? I tried the announceoverride option but I can't find info about that flag
16:42.07cuscoIm reading
16:42.18cuscoannounceoverride doesn't say much
16:42.34olliileifmadsen: yeah...but no it tells me the callers cid:
16:43.17leifmadsencusco: check documentation via as well
16:43.17ollii[TK]D-Fender: i'll check that...thanks
16:43.18[TK]D-Fender"message envelope"
16:43.38p3nguinblizzow: How did you get the one that you have currently installed?
16:43.49olliiyeah ok...the german translation of envelope makes no sense for me in this context ;)
16:43.52olliii try that
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16:47.04blizzowp3nguin: I believe it was compiled from source.  (I inherited this system)
16:47.24p3nguinThen you'll have to build the correct (new) version in the same manner.
16:47.53olliiaccording to the sample voicemail conf, envelope should be on by default...i tried setting it manually to yes/no but no change at all
16:48.02cuscoalso in there is no explanation on the flag announceoverride
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16:48.48b0otIs there anything that would allow asterisk call managers to communicate with one another and update each others extensions (trunks etc) when a remote call manager addes new extensions
16:48.57b0otI thought it was called dhadi or something
16:48.59p3nguinollii: After you edit voicemail.conf, you have to reload the voicemail module.
16:49.08olliiyeah i did that
16:50.57[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, what is a "call manager"?  "update extensions" , add extensions?  HUH?
16:52.13p3nguinSounds like human concept rather than something pertaining to asterisk.
16:52.16b0otSo if I have extensions 3001, 3002, 3003 on my local asterisk box and a remote box adds an extension 4001 my box would get a "trunk" where if I dialed 4001 it would know to send the call to the remote call manager
16:52.46b0otI thought there was some sort of distributed system that could run on top of asterisk that would automatically update and sync information
16:53.09[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, No, nothing of the sort
16:53.27[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, This is a bunch of dumb text files, not some integrated system for a specific appliaction.
16:55.01b0otThere is no way to have asterisk box's communicatae with one another in any automatic fashion?
16:55.18b0otmaybe it was called DUNDi
16:55.20b0otor something
16:55.50[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, What are you expecting?  You haven't defined how "extensions" are even being added... or what you're usage of the term even means
16:56.47[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, And for DUNDi, you must already specify the "trunk" to use.  It just uses it as a search path for valid dialplan extensions.
16:57.37[TK]D-FenderDUNDi does not "advertise".  When queried (by a call) it will make match if there is one.
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17:02.16blizzowIs there a quick way to see the voicemail status (enabled vs. disabled) of all my extensions?
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17:03.57[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, "extensions" don't have voicemail
17:04.34p3nguinBook, anyone?
17:04.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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17:51.36catphishwhen receiving a fax with receivefax, do i need to do subsequent processing in extension h?
17:52.02QwellWhy would you?
17:53.13rjvvlietcatphish: only i you would like to further process the received TIFF file, like emailing
17:53.32catphishthat is exactly what i want to do
17:53.44rjvvlietcatphish: take a look at
17:53.44QwellWhy would that have to be done in h?
17:53.50catphishright now i have an email script in the same extension after receivefax, but it often doesn't execute
17:54.20catphishi guess execution stops after receivefax because the remote hangs up at that point
17:54.22rjvvlietQwell: because the fax processing continues in the h extension when the receive is successfull
17:54.55catphishunfortunately i have fax extensions in the same context as others
17:55.02rjvvlietcatphish: the FFA quide has een perfect example in Receive and send faxing.
17:55.35rjvvlietcatphish: best is to use e sepparete context.
17:56.03catphishyeah, that makes sense, will just be really complicated to set up in my environment :)
17:56.07rjvvlietcatphish: i have an contaxt named [app-rx-fax]   and use a goto after setting some VARs
17:57.27rjvvlietcatphish: Complicated?  when you use the normal extension so set some Vars and then use goto(app-rx-fax,s,1)
17:58.03catphishsure, that's fine, just means i need to create the app-rx-fax context
17:58.12rjvvlietcatphish: is what i do, i just set the email adres on the real fax exten did.
17:58.16catphishnot a huge job i hope
17:58.30p3nguinqwell: The call will die after the fax has been received, so most people deal with it in h.
17:58.47rjvvlietcatphish: Yep, you have to do some work. hey come the softwrae is free ;-)
17:58.57b0otDoes cisco have anything like dundi?
17:59.05Qwellb0ot: ask them
17:59.32b0otWell I was just interested to try to get a better understanding of what Dundi is used for
17:59.44catphishrjvvliet: i know, was just hoping for a workaround on this occasion :)
17:59.55catphishi'll make a context and jump to it, thanks
17:59.57rjvvlietcatphish: Sorry ;-)
18:00.27WIMPyb0ot: To look up numbers, just like the name says. Not unlike ENUM.
18:01.09catphishrjvvliet: i am responsible for - cool product, unreliable fax receiving!
18:02.21rjvvlietcatphish: looks nice, are u using spandsp or ffa ?
18:02.55catphishthinking about it, it's not a big problem at all, the fax-receive context can be hardcoded and just use some variables
18:03.15rjvvlietp3nguin: thank also gave me some ideas
18:04.17rjvvlietcatphish: oke, just fount that res_fax_spandsk does not honour FAXOPT(modem) setting :
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18:05.00catphishrjvvliet: thanks, right now i'm basically using defaults
18:06.02catphishbut i can move it out to its own context and pick up some variables, thanks p3nguin for the info on the other settings, will try some of that
18:06.33rjvvlietcatphish: i'am working on a nice fax handler and also replacing a system() perl script for an AGI script
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18:06.59catphishi don't even use perl, i just shell out to mutt
18:07.33catphishin fact my solution is quite similar to p3nguin's - it just needs some extending to handle failures
18:07.47rjvvlietcatphish: a saw that, i wanted to give the user a little more info about the fax,also its converted to PDF.
18:07.49catphishand i like the tiff2pdf
18:08.38catphishthe pfd you linked to has lots of useful looking settings
18:08.47catphishbut i suspect in most cases the defaults are working
18:09.39rjvvlietcatphish: looks like p3nguin does more in the dialplan then me, I started using scripts to soon i see....
18:09.59catphishi like the dialplan method as my dialplan is very dynamic
18:10.27p3nguinI do everything I can in dial plan since I don't do programming.
18:11.08catphishmy dialplan is in mysql, but looks like i'd be better hardcoding the receive-fax context and just jumping to it
18:11.26rjvvlietp3nguin: catphish : as we can see there are always more ways to do the same ;-)
18:11.52catphishindeed, my systems have hundreds of companies sharing one asterisk instance, so it pays to keep things neat
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18:14.44rjvvlietcatphish: p3nguin : i Wish you the best, gotta go.
18:15.01catphishyou too, thanks for the help
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18:22.09GomexIs there some service to record a good voice for URA in asterisk?
18:22.39GomexQwell, sorry, in english I think is IVR
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18:40.39gokulHello, my asterisk app records the voices and plays back to users, but when I choose wav format for record, the playback fails. whereas gsm works
18:40.52gokulAny way to make it work in wav
18:57.14akrohnwav has to be a specific format gokul. I think it has to be mono with 8000 sample rate
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18:57.42akrohngokul, more info:
19:13.25gokulakrohn, found another issue with my context, actually I was specifying as filename.wav in the context
19:19.57learathanyone here use broadvoice and have MWI working?
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19:42.55pais MP3Player still working?
19:44.51Qwellpa: There's really no reason to use it
19:45.00Qwellin fact, there's no reason to use MP3s at all
19:45.04pahm why?
19:45.20pawhat should one use?
19:45.35Qwellsome native format
19:48.34pawell.. ideally yes
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19:55.15Steel_Reignhello all
19:55.39Steel_Reigni have question about connecting two asterisk servers with sip
19:56.21Steel_Reigni have the trunk setup like this
19:57.20infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:57.21Steel_Reignmy question is this what do they mean by username?
19:57.54Steel_Reignthanks wimpy
19:59.07Steel_Reignwhat is this username and where does it come from?
20:01.53akrohnso your phone can log into the server
20:02.13akrohnyou can make it whatever you want it to be Steel_Reign
20:03.17Steel_Reignok so is it just a name added in the trunk or does it have to be an extension?
20:03.49akrohni didn't read everything you wrote... we have a similar thing going on.
20:03.58akrohnone sec
20:04.41glazIt can be anything, and if not specified it will use whatever you put in the [] as the username
20:05.01glazso username is optional
20:05.32akrohn ... you don't need username, as glaz said.
20:05.33glazmy sip trunks only have type, context and host
20:06.01*** join/#asterisk Georger (
20:06.20Steel_Reignok thanks glaz. i a, just trying to connect two servers with sip and found a bunch of tutorials and they all fail
20:06.39Georgeri have centos
20:06.39Georgercurrent config of snmpd was working in past for 1.4 asterisk
20:06.39Georgeri installed from repositories asterisk-snmp and enabled the subagent
20:06.39Georgersnmp is working in machine but cannot fetch info about asterisk
20:06.48Georgersnmpwalk -v 2c -c public ASTERISK-MIB::astVersionString
20:06.48GeorgerASTERISK-MIB::astVersionString = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID
20:06.55infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:09.15Steel_Reignlol i got the same message georger
20:09.40Steel_Reigni just installed pastebin on my linux machine now
20:10.19Georgeri pasted here
20:10.42Georgerasterisk 1.8 and snmp
20:11.49*** join/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
20:13.25Georgeri guess outdated mibs or agentx not working?
20:16.28Steel_Reignok i guess its working kinda because i see the activity on the destination server but i am getting "number not in service" message
20:16.39Steel_Reignanyone know why?
20:19.07learathturn debugging on?
20:19.12learathit is usually pretty clear
20:19.26learathsuch as "403 F Off"
20:20.32blizzow[TK]D-Fender: I'm a little confused.  If "extensions" don't have voicemail, what does?
20:20.37learathanyone use broadvoice?
20:21.17WIMPyYou can send extensions to voicemail.
20:21.47[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, extensions.conf <- extensions
20:21.55learathI'm trying to get MWI working
20:22.01[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, And extension is just some number in your dialplan
20:22.40[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, A line in your dialplan may USE the Voicemail app.  But there is no inherent existance of any such thing unless you created it
20:23.05[TK]D-FenderSteel_Reign, Guess you'd have to look on that destination server...
20:23.39blizzow[TK]D-Fender: Meaning I just have to manually cross-reference voicemail.conf and extensions.conf to see what numbers exist in both?
20:24.27[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, You're stating that in a form that seems to assume tehre is any relationship (1:1, etc) between them
20:24.39[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, It is what you want it to be.
20:25.02[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, I could have a million lines of dialplan to process my calls and never ever use the voicemail app whatsoever
20:30.34blizzow[TK]D-Fender: I think I understand.  I have to have something in my extensions.conf that triggers the voicemail application.  I could make that trigger any myriad of things.  Once the voicemail application is triggered, it reads through voicemail.conf and does a voicemail dance for whatever number the extensions.conf is configured to pass to it
20:30.53[TK]D-Fenderblizzow, Correct
20:32.05learath[TK]D-Fender: is there a way to in the general section, set "each extension will get it's own extension as a mailbox, by default"?
20:32.19learathIE just set mailbox=$myextension or whatever?
20:32.24[TK]D-Fenderlearath, I don't think you have been following at all here...
20:32.30learathquite possible :)
20:32.48[TK]D-Fenderextensions = extensions.conf .  voicemail = voicemail.conf.  NO RELATIONSHIP
20:33.05[TK]D-Fenderlearath, There is no "default"
20:39.41ChrisInSydneylearath: Hi, all seems confusing ? Its a bit like Funkadelic, George Clinton, Bootsy Collins, Parlaiment, those guys. Sometimes you cant realy explain it in english, but if you experience,m then it makes perfect sense
20:40.19learaththat sentance made my brain hurt :(
20:42.28ChrisInSydneyNot as much as extensions, dial plans, voicemail and sip endpoints by the sounds of things
20:42.41ChrisInSydneywe have all been there
20:42.48learathok that makes more sense.  yeah
20:42.55learathI've got dialing and extensions working
20:43.11learaththough broadvoice is all kinds of fucked up, just trying to get MWI working, which they in theory support
20:44.48*** join/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
20:46.00nnyhi, kill me. I am dealing with a sip provider and they are diagnosing DTMF. I have tcpdumped the interface and shown the DTMF is leaving ala RFC2833 (packet based). Their latest suggestion is to remove dtmfmode=auto from [general] but retain it in the per definition. my gut says this is pointless and I need to escalate the ticket. thoughts?
20:46.13nnypeer definition*
20:47.16ChrisInSydneylearath: So they have Voicemail and MWI, and you are trying to get their VM to trigger an MWI on a handset registered to you rbox ??
20:47.21ChrisInSydneyyour box
20:49.01learathin theory I should just set unsolicited_mailbox=$mailboxnumber
20:49.11learath(I put my mailbox number in there)
20:49.18learathbut that's not working for whatever reason
20:49.40learathalso, because they are dumb, insecure=invite is required
20:49.54akrohnnooooooooo =/
20:49.54ChrisInSydneyNever donr that, but from what I have read it is available
20:50.15learathsadly they document it as "insecure=very" which no longer works
20:50.23ChrisInSydneylearath: Most of the ITSPs we use here need insecure invites
20:50.23*** part/#asterisk Steel_Reign (~Steel_Rei@
20:50.36learathinteresting.  seems like a bad idea to me.
20:50.37nnylerath afaik is insecure=port,invite
20:50.49ChrisInSydneynny: beat me to it
20:50.51learathnny: yes, but port does not actually seem to be required
20:51.01learathit works fine with just invite, YMMV
20:51.24nnylearath: my provider does the same thing, conincidentally they aren't that great at service and complain when anything isn't per their limited instructions
20:51.50learathnny: yeah.  broadvoice's docs are flat out wrong, based on asterisk 1.0 or something
20:52.27learathand of course I bought a cisco phone, which adds it's own layer of fun :)
20:52.33nnylearath: i am diagnosing DTMF and mine jsut told me to remove dtmfmode=auto from [general], when I have dumped the interface sent them screenshots and proven it's not anything pre pbx. They're kind of stupid
20:53.17nnythe biggest problem is they ignore evrything i say and take some extra bit of info as a possible solution, I erroneously showed them my sip.conf and now they are playing scientist on my client's dime
20:53.50*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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20:55.07learathjust write a script to iterate through every possible sip.conf :)
20:55.38ChrisInSydneynny: You using RFC or SIP INFO ?
20:56.07nnyChrisInSydney: Looks like RFC from the packet capture
20:56.09ChrisInSydneylearath: You usually do Cisco ??
20:56.20nnyChrisInSydney: the thing is, I have a dump of the interface between them and the client
20:56.22learathnah, I just like their voip phones
20:56.24nnyand it shows clearly the DTMF
20:56.27learathbut the 9951 was probably a mistake
20:56.30ChrisInSydneynny: Have you tried SIP INFO ?
20:56.34learathI probably should have gone with the 7961 or whatever
20:56.34nnyhowever they keep jumping back to the pbx/phones, like they ignore it
20:56.54nnyChrisInSydney: their suggestion is dtmf=auto and let SDP sort out the method, I can't argue with it, it's upstream of the pbx
20:57.17ChrisInSydneylearath: I have a bunch pf SPA525G2 with lockups on an IPFX system. Fortunately not my problem.
20:57.36ChrisInSydneynny: Try to force a preference
20:57.54ChrisInSydneynny: I did have issues with Snom 870s and DTMF in earlier firmware
20:58.02ChrisInSydneyseems OK now
20:58.06nnyChrisInSydney: check the link
20:58.14ChrisInSydneytrying to
20:58.20nnyChrisInSydney: that's the network interface of the PBX -> Provider
20:58.32ChrisInSydneydamn YChat
20:58.43nnyChrisInSydney: which means the dtmf packet is leaving the network and supposedly hitting their gateway
20:59.26*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
21:01.01*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
21:01.08ChrisInSydneytry agian
21:01.21*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:02.26ChrisInSydneynny; Thats cool, what app is that ??
21:02.55nnyAsterisk has known issues when setting the dtmfmode under general as well as the trunk. Can you please try this and let us know of your results?
21:03.03nnygod damn these companies
21:03.17nnyChrisInSydney: wireshark with tcpdump set to output to a file that it can interpret
21:03.40ChrisInSydneyI must upgrade
21:04.07learathwireshark is pretty awesome
21:04.54nnytcpdump -i eth0 -s 65535 -w dtmftest -> save file to pc, open in wireshark, tools telephony calls
21:06.51paulcI discovered that the other day - awesome to play back the audio.. and got me onto the "we transmit 'nothing' rather than 'silcence' whilst recording" - pointed me in the right direction to solev my problem, and now we have happy happy users
21:07.03Georgeranyone for the snmp issue?
21:07.04paulcdoffs hat to infobot
21:11.00learathwhat was your problem/solution?
21:13.31*** join/#asterisk catphish (~charlie@2001:9d8:2005:12::3)
21:14.12catphishif i use Goto(context, s, 1) then the call ends, will context,h,1 be executed?
21:14.21catphishor the hangup from the original context
21:14.43ChrisInSydneyGuys: Have to run
21:14.47ChrisInSydneygood luck
21:15.32[TK]D-Fendercatphish, it hangs up where you are
21:16.10catphishi think that's what i want :)
21:17.29catphishi've forgotten what an extensions.conf looks like, too much time with the luxury of realtime
21:25.54*** join/#asterisk Henchman21 (~rakata@
21:26.15Henchman21sweet just got my spa-3000 in the mail and got it hooked up dialing asterisk and picking up the phone woohoo
21:27.25*** join/#asterisk iamgalen (~galen@
21:28.08[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
21:29.12iamgalenHas anyone even come across diagnostic messages from the Digium transcoder cards?  Specifically the Wildcard TCE400P. My net searches have come up with zero results.
21:30.16jgowdyI'm trying to change the log level for the console
21:30.24jgowdyhelp says "logger set level DEBUG"
21:30.32jgowdyI get no such command
21:30.38akrohncore set verbose 10
21:30.45akrohncore set debug 10
21:31.07akrohnthat will also change the logging levels in your log files
21:31.47akrohnfor a more permanent solution, modify logger.conf
21:33.12learathso, does anyone know how to manually toggle MWI flags inside asterisk?
21:33.21learathIE, I'd like to force MWI on (and off) for extensions
21:33.26learathhopefully via cli commands
21:33.53akrohni think i'm wrong. but. i want to say it is phone-specific =/
21:34.18akrohnor something equally annoying
21:34.54jgowdyFrom what I heard, MWI is phone specific
21:35.23learathbut asterisk has to keep track of it somehow right?
21:37.29akrohnclosest to it: "just use externnotify= and a script that touches the msg<num>.txt file in the user's vm directory"
21:38.22akrohnhere's a good (but old) article:
21:38.31learathok thanks
21:43.49nnyso consensus, what do you guys do for SIP based providers? Seems like this one always has had DTMF issues ( I suspect upstream from them, their usual response is they change the route/vendor upstream.)
21:43.49nnyI constantly have to suggest a provider to our client, and after 6 years I have yet to find one that doesn't suffer from some variance of this issue
21:44.29nnyclients*. I refer tons of traffic to them and it seems i always regret it
21:44.52akrohnVoIP Innovations rocks, imo
21:45.02akrohnbut i think they are reseller only
21:45.39nnyakrohn i'd be ok with reseller if they had a billing portal and service that didn't require diagnosing dtmf heh
21:45.59akrohnthey have a portal and really awesome tech support / CS
21:46.16*** join/#asterisk kamikazemicrowav (
21:46.21nnyseems they do have a portal
21:46.56nnyinteresting. I have been meaning to look into that as an alternative method to just suggesting providers. It's risky, but the revenue seems appropriate for the risk if you have enough clients
21:47.00*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
21:47.16nnybesides, i end up doing 75% of the diagostic right now as it is anyways :\
21:47.55akrohnthe base price you mean? we ported a bunch of our toll-free DIDs over there in order to use up our monthly allotment
21:53.07pigpenso, I as asked by a user if polycom has a phone that has "more line buttons" so they can "monitor" everything (lines, extensions, hints) on a single phone.  (Small office, stupid request)
21:53.22pigpenNaturally, they didn't like the cost of the side "car" for their polycoms?.
21:54.16pigpenSo does anyone have any recommendations of desktop (windows I am afraid) "viewers" of sort, so they can watch sip "in use" type devices.  (yes, they are using sip gateway as well)
21:54.52_Corey_pigpen: If they can wait a few weeks, Digium's D70 phone might do the job pretty cost-effectively
21:55.22pigpenyou know, I did mention Digium's phones?.to that may be the best choice.  I guess in the mean time i need to get one to play with.
21:57.37pigpen_Corey_, so does the button light up on the side list?
21:58.00pigpenoh, shit that is a "display"
21:59.27*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
22:00.31_Corey_pigpen: Hmm, I haven't configured the sidecar stuff yet actually...  ;)  I'll let you know tomorrow
22:00.56pigpenvery cool?pls let me know.
22:01.10pigpenI have a customer that will move to them 100% if all is good.
22:01.17pigpen5 per store, 380 stores.
22:01.32pigpendam they look like a polycom.
22:01.40pigpentks bty.
22:01.51learathok, so the cisco phone does mwi with asterisk fine
22:01.55learaththat's beautiful
22:01.56_Corey_yeah, they're nice...  no worries.  if you need a reseller, let me know!  ;)
22:02.17pigpenyeah, I am a reseller, setup with a good distributor.
22:02.32pigpenI am sure if they sell the other digum stuff they will the phones too.
22:02.41woleiumhola peeps :-)
22:03.23woleiumis anyone aware of a good resource for diagnosing problems with asterisk, after the fact?
22:04.27woleiumour phones started saying "unavailable" whenever we tried to make calls about an hour ago. A reboot of the server has restored functionality, and I can't seem to find anything relevant in the logs.
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22:24.03blizzowwoleium: /var/log/asterisk/full would be a good place to start.
22:25.18woleiumthanks blizzow, i have been reviewing that file, but there aren't any exceptions that I can see
22:26.46blizzowyou may want to check if there is anything in the system logs as well.  See if something was hampering the asterisk process.
22:27.05woleiumsure, checking now
22:27.54woleiumone thing i did check before i rebooted was a 'sip set debug peed [my_extension]' and tried to make a call
22:28.05woleiumthere was no output
22:28.20woleiumwhich suggests that the server was unavailable to the phone
22:28.42woleiumhowever a sip show peers showed 16ms ping :-/
22:29.08woleiumi guess that's cached though...
22:29.59*** join/#asterisk Steel_Reign (~Steel_Rei@
22:30.16woleiumhere is the relevant bit of the 'full' log up to the reboot, if anyone fancies lending a trained eye :-)
22:30.54Steel_Reignquestion. if i am trying to connect to asterisk server together and make the trunk do i also need to make the outbound routes for them?
22:36.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:37.10Steel_Reignhello D-Fender
22:37.30Steel_Reigngot a question for you have been so helpful in the past
22:37.40Steel_Reignif i am trying to connect to asterisk server together and make the trunk do i also need to make the outbound routes for them?
22:38.23*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
22:39.32hackeronwhen I start asterisk I see [Feb 27 22:38:25] WARNING[3883]: loader.c:393 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_smdi_interface_unref -- any ideas what is causing it?
22:40.34[TK]D-FenderSteel_Reign: How else do you expect your system to know what to pass between them?
22:41.18Steel_Reignno idea buddy just trying to learn all this stuff. Thank you once again.
22:43.47nnyso I am testing dtmf, i have a tcpdump like here
22:44.32nnythe other end wasn't responding, does a tcpdump of the interface used to communicate with the SIP provider prove that at the very least the issue is post pbx?
22:45.54nnydtmf logs show that the pbx was receiving (ex: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/109-00000002, duration 120 ms) and the dump was showing the packets in stream.
22:46.10nnynow.. shit it works.. and I don't know why
22:46.20nnybut every tother test prior and nothing.
22:46.58nnybut testing the same provider/number on another pbx worked. I updated to the latest 1.6.2.X on the test system, but I did this last time the issue arose and nothing changed.
22:48.07*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (
22:48.44nnyso 1.) there's a bug between and that was dtmf related that wouldn't show up in normal tests 2.) the provider changed something or 3.) magic
22:51.46*** part/#asterisk nosaj (
22:55.06nnykill me
22:55.15nnySSRC is different in my dump
22:55.47nnyit's since been fixed, looks like i have yet another thing to search for when reporting DTMF issues
22:56.26ChannelZI've been having all kinds of dtmf problems lately
22:57.40*** part/#asterisk Steel_Reign (~Steel_Rei@
23:02.55nnyChannelZ: well to asterisk's credit this is an older issue, although why they would change the SSRC value (not RFC compliant at all) is odd and beyond me
23:03.03nnyjesus that was a bitch to spot
23:03.26nnyi kept jumping between the working and non working one.. my brain was going Einhorn.. Finkle.. Einhorn.. Finkle...
23:04.13nnynow i feel bad for badmouthing the provider, although you'd think they'd have a way to see packets being ignored on their gateway
23:04.27nnyoh nothing wrong here.. except all these dtmf packets being rejected
23:07.23ChannelZMine have just been choppy and some remote IVRs (my bank) throw up on them all the time.  I think it must be my ITSP but I need to narrow it down better, maybe it's my bandwidth. Need to get some packet prioritization happening.
23:29.41*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
23:32.07nnyChannelZ: hmm i'd think with dtmf the choppy part would only be an issue if you were using inband pre provider/upstream
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