IRC log for #asterisk on 20120219

00:06.07*** join/#asterisk edguy3 (
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00:32.38*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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00:44.26dijibsoup y'all
00:46.37[TK]D-FenderNO SOUP FOR YOU!
00:47.20*** join/#asterisk rossand (
01:05.54*** join/#asterisk nzkiwi1 (
01:06.47nzkiwi1hi. I am having problems with asterisk and TLS
01:07.06nzkiwi1I have now tried Blink client and that does not work either
01:07.19nzkiwi1however my PBX does work when talking to another asterisk box
01:07.26nzkiwi1with TLS
01:07.54nzkiwi1tcptls.c:235 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed
01:08.01nzkiwi1anyone recognise this?
01:12.08dijibive always soup'in'
01:12.16dijibi am
01:12.31dijibwhy is SeRi not in here
01:12.38dijibhome life.. hope he's been working on it
01:15.36nzkiwi1no one? are you just here for yourselves?
01:24.03dymnzkiwi1: have you tried googling before?
01:24.12dymis this interconnection between two * boxes?
01:24.26dymwhat exactly are you trying to do, and where do you get this error?
01:27.15nzkiwi1I have spent hours on info obtained from Google
01:27.30nzkiwi1I have done everything with the official docs
01:27.42nzkiwi1the two are directly connected
01:27.49nzkiwi1across a lan
01:27.53dym2 asterisk servers?
01:28.07nzkiwi1the asterisk server is connected across the net
01:28.12nzkiwi1both on public IPs
01:28.18nzkiwi1that works. Nothing else does
01:28.36dymnzkiwi1: you're not providing essential information
01:28.41dymAre we talking about 2 asterisk servers?
01:28.44nzkiwi1a yealink T28p phone or a blick client. both work with udp but not tls
01:28.49dymOr a Client => server Connection?
01:29.25nzkiwi1I have the blick client on my laptop which is directly connected to the asterisk server
01:29.36nzkiwi1blink sorry
01:30.27nzkiwi1I can make calls from the voip phone or the blink client but not receive. sip show peer xxx shows them as unreachable
01:30.37dymcan you reach the server?
01:30.50nzkiwi1can ping both ways
01:31.04dymyou connect using a client - what does the asterisk CLI say?
01:31.38nzkiwi1tcptls.c:235 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed
01:31.45dymis this the asterisk cli?
01:31.50nzkiwi1at the moment it is giving me this message every minute or so
01:31.55dymand a direct reaction to your connect?
01:32.05nzkiwi1it is the cli
01:32.59dymdo you have a directive named "tlscipher=DES-CBC3-SHA" in your sip.conf?
01:33.11dym(poking in the dark here)
01:33.19dymcomment that please (just to try)
01:33.29nzkiwi1ok brb
01:33.30dymthen retry
01:34.24nzkiwi1tlscipher = DES-CBC3-SHA
01:34.38nzkiwi1I have also set tlsdontverifyserver = yes
01:34.38nzkiwi1tlsclientmethod = tlsv1
01:34.49dymWhats with the first one you just quoted - is that there?
01:36.25nzkiwi1tlsdontverifyserver = yes
01:36.29nzkiwi1and no change
01:36.54nzkiwi1still getting that message and cant call to client (says unrecahable)
01:38.04dymthen the client isnt even registered
01:38.09dymyou should first get that sorted out
01:38.14dymwhy is the client not registered
01:38.23nzkiwi1it is registered
01:38.26nzkiwi1it says so
01:39.00nzkiwi1same with the yealink phone. it registers but is unreachable
01:39.57nzkiwi1I work with networking and servers all the time and this is one of the most confounding issues I have ever had
01:40.51nzkiwi1it does not make sense and noone seems to know the answer (tho doing a search on the messages shows others have had these issues back as far as 2008/2009)
01:41.32nzkiwi1this pbx can talk tls fine to the ITSP who also runs asterisk. everything else nup. only UDP
01:50.37dymhow do you know the phone is registered?
01:52.06nzkiwi1it says "registered" and in sip show peer it shows the ip it is on
01:52.12*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
01:53.08nzkiwi1I will be back in abt 10 minutes
02:07.28nzkiwi1googling tcptls.c:235 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed shows others have experienced it but has no useful info
02:10.40*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
02:18.18dymnzkiwi1: Then you're stuck with either continuing research, or posting on the asterisk forums/bugtrackers
02:19.29ChrisInSydneydym, nzkiwi1: Thats what I said
02:19.37ChrisInSydney:-/ still no luck then
02:20.02nzkiwi1the blink client makes no difference
02:20.23dymChrisInSydney: Nah, I had a look around, but no chance.
02:20.39dymnzkiwi1: Did you try to reduce the sip.conf to the very basics?
02:20.51dymyou seem to have quite the bloated one
02:21.36nzkiwi1my sip.conf is simple. you must have me confused
02:21.46dymnzkiwi1: well, you had tls settings on there
02:21.50dymwhich is by far no default
02:22.42nzkiwi1the sip.conf is fine
02:22.51dymThis is contraproductive.
02:22.54dymHow can you be sure of that?
02:23.12dymEvery forumpost regarding this issue was related to a false tls setting
02:23.21dymfalse or incompatible even
02:23.31nzkiwi1which setting?
02:23.57dymDid you try breaking the config down to the very connection basics?
02:25.24nzkiwi1I started with a tried and provne sip.conf and added in the settings as specified in the official documentation
02:25.59dymthats quoting you...
02:26.29dymproven as in - it worked for you without TLS?
02:29.05nzkiwi1here are all the TLS settings in the [general] section:
02:29.36nzkiwi1tlsenable = yes
02:29.36nzkiwi1tlsbindaddr =
02:29.36nzkiwi1tlscertfile = /etc/asterisk/certs/server.pem
02:29.47nzkiwi1tlscafile = /etc/asterisk/certs/ca.crt
02:29.47nzkiwi1tlsdontverifyserver = yes
02:29.47nzkiwi1tlsclientmethod = tlsv1
02:29.47nzkiwi1tlscipher = DES-CBC3-SHA
02:29.50nzkiwi1that is it
02:30.05dymyou dont just paste random content into the channel. use a nopaste next time.
02:30.37dymyes, a website to paste code onto
02:30.48dymso you can post its link here and not flood the channel
02:35.07dymdid you try commenting the tlscipher parT?
02:36.04ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: I go slammed for pasting in something I didnt mean to. I cut two lines to past in, but F&^%ing oultlook decided I should have my previous paste form the clipboard or afond 20 lines of code
02:37.43nzkiwi1I just has a look at the file tcptls.c and by my redaing it was last updated in 2008
02:37.57nzkiwi1copyright 2007 - 2008
02:38.29nzkiwi1I have previously tried commenting the tlscipher part and no difference
02:40.08nzkiwi1I have just tried that again and I am still getting 2 faults: File * open failed and the peer is unreachable. whether these two are elated or not I dont know
02:40.17*** join/#asterisk afink (
02:40.22dymplease nopaste the output of "sip show peers" and "sip show registry"
02:40.52dymis your debug level set to 9?
02:40.59dymif not => core set debug 9
02:41.04nzkiwi10 right now, sometimes 60
02:42.01dymno such level :D
02:42.20nzkiwi1it says '0' sip registrations
02:42.30dymhow is your phone connected?
02:44.38dymwhat is this output?
02:44.58nzkiwi1which is weird because other phones are connected which work (they are set to UDP)
02:45.30nzkiwi1that is the output of the testing peer
02:45.49dymi meant the actual command "sip show peers"
02:48.14nzkiwi1that is a partial c&p
02:48.24*** join/#asterisk afink (
02:48.24dijibwho wants a sangoma card. as a break from your tls woes
02:48.35dymwhich is the client in question?
02:48.45dymdijib: which one?
02:49.04nzkiwi1199 is the test. 100 and 102 are set to UDP and work
02:50.44nzkiwi1the pbx is multi homed. wan is public IP and lan is
02:50.52nzkiwi1no nat is used
02:50.57dymwhere is the client?
02:51.05nzkiwi1199 client?
02:51.17nzkiwi1on a public IP
02:51.32dymso outside your net
02:51.49nzkiwi1I have a range of public IPs
02:51.52dijibdym: a-200r
02:56.37nzkiwi1has anyone here got tls working to a voip client or phone? could they please advise me which version of open ssl and asterisk they are using?
02:57.03dymnzkiwi1: want a good hint?
02:57.11dympost on the forums.
02:57.55nzkiwi1been there done that. no worthwhile response
02:58.28dymyou expect more from posting on IRC on the weekend?
02:59.06nzkiwi1all the O.P's were on weekdays
02:59.20dymCan you link me to your post?
03:00.15dijibage, mfg 2007. it has a single FXO module so 2 of the 4 ports working, expandable upto 24ports
03:00.33dijibconsidering reasonable trade.and shipping
03:00.45nzkiwi1it is presently at the top of asterisk support
03:01.28dijiblink to what? i have no ad. i can surely find info on the card thouh if thats what you rlooking for
03:01.37dijibim looking myself for additional ata's
03:01.43dymdijib: chill. talking to nzkiwi1
03:02.14dijibhe needs to cut cheques. im here for the * social
03:02.30dymdijib: name your price
03:02.44dijibwhat services have you rendered?
03:03.00dijibto the aformentioned party
03:03.34dymthat post is only 2 days old
03:03.59Kobazhmm, if you ignore forwards in Dial (with the 'i' option), how would you get the forwarding destination in dialplan
03:04.14dymdijib: none whatsoever
03:04.33Kobazthere's a SIPLASTERRORNUM=302  and SIPLASTERRORTXT=Moved Temporarily
03:04.35dymnzkiwi1: i'd suggest to give it some time
03:04.46Kobazand there doesn't seem to be a reference to where it moved to
03:05.31nzkiwi1that is the most recent post. There was a couple before
03:08.54dijibtyping takes times
03:10.48dijibi really wanna trade this card for something, i dont care if its a motor or whatever i could beinterested
03:11.12nzkiwi1I only use VoIP here
03:12.43dymdijib: chocolatebar?
03:12.56dymMars/Twix - your choice
03:13.39Kobazhacks some asterisk
03:23.03dijibchocolattebar will not suffice, i already have one of those
03:26.09dymi could eat half of it, pre-sending
03:26.16dymthat'd make it pretty much unique
03:26.29dymalso seen as probably no one else has the same teeth configuration
03:26.34dymhow about now?
03:41.52dijibneither dym p3nguin would need more the deposition than you
03:42.31dymwhatnow? :D
03:42.49dymsit still, take a deeeeeeep breath, re-think what you were gonna say - THEN re-type :D
03:42.52*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (~ccesario@
03:43.15dymim gone now anyways :D
04:11.10*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (~cS@
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04:40.58*** join/#asterisk funkylonehat (7114566b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:41.17funkylonehatHi guys, anyone else having the chanspy == poor voice quality on asterisk 1.8?
04:42.35funkylonehatnot much traffic?
04:44.28*** join/#asterisk funkylonehat (7114566b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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04:56.48funkylonehatHi Leif
04:57.29*** part/#asterisk k6b (~k6b@2001:41d0:1:70e3::d00b:1e)
04:57.52funkylonehathi all,
04:58.03funkylonehatworking on an issue with chanspy on 1.8
04:58.27funkylonehatquality of the call deteriorates when using chanspy to monitor with just the b option
04:58.41funkylonehatnever had issues with 1.4, recently migrated to 1.8.6
04:58.50funkylonehatany pointers anyone?
05:01.07funkylonehat* timing = dahdi_dummy, transmit_silence=yes on asterisk.conf
05:01.23funkylonehatsame results with and without monitor. on 1.4 same setup worked without issues
05:03.02*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
05:06.27funkylonehatanyone here?
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10:39.01*** join/#asterisk Goni (
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11:50.14GoniI am facing hard time with this regex, can someone point out what I am doing wrong here?
11:50.22Goniexten => s,n,ExecIf($["${CALLERID(ani)}" = "${REGEX(^[a-zA-z0-9]+$)}"]?Set(CALLERID(ani)=1923))
11:50.45Goniin my case if I have any a-z or A-Z in the CLI, I want to change it to something static
11:51.33WIMPyThere go 6½ hours of silence.
11:52.19Goniso you were actually reading out the silence :)
11:53.44*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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15:00.24dymOh, and here I thought there was activity on here
15:00.33dymDamn non-ideal highligh colours!
15:05.15*** join/#asterisk azertyu (
15:05.30azertyuhello there
15:05.57*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
15:06.47azertyui just followed this tutorial
15:07.07azertyuafter setup i can't able to make / receive calls
15:07.41infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
15:08.46azertyuand here is the log
15:08.57azertyuasterisk cli log
15:09.52azertyui can't understand where is the problem ? can anyone help ? thanks
15:10.00WIMPyazertyu: You need to ask in #freepbx. They know how to configure that thing. (hopefully)
15:10.44WIMPyBut looks like you tried to call an extension that doesn;t exist.
15:11.15azertyuwhat is the extension ?
15:11.25azertyuwhat extension ?
15:12.04WIMPyHave you tried to read the log you pasted yourself?
15:13.12azertyuyes of course
15:13.20azertyuabout talking about 7777 extension?
15:13.59azertyuhave i need to create that in sip extension ?
15:16.00WIMPyextensions go to extensions.conf, but if you're using freepbx, you better not change that manually.
15:18.25*** join/#asterisk neurosys_ (
15:18.29dymGood advice.
15:19.08azertyuWIMPy: how to with freepbx  ?
15:19.22dym#freepbx <-- try asking there.
15:19.24azertyu& wt to do ?
15:19.33dymThis is not a channel for freepbx advice.
15:19.35azertyuare you there ?
15:19.43dymazertyu: Ask on #freepbx
15:19.58azertyuno onz e there
15:20.05dymThen you'll have to wait.
15:20.06azertyuare you there ?
15:21.04*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
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16:28.03mechbangircI am trying to slim down asterisk, Need only minimal functionality with realtime support. However I am using IF function and I could find out which module is required. I get an error IF is not registered. Asterisk version
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17:46.33Assidi have my android phone working fine.. for the most part.. but i seem to be facing an issue with using my nokia e71 with asterisk
17:46.53Assidif the call is incoming.. theres audio.. if its outgoing from the nokia.. theres NO audio whatsoever
17:47.20Assidi alos get the following:  NOTICE[6017]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2241 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 127 received
17:57.59Assidanyone know any other sip client for nokia e71
18:04.03Assidanyone know why im getting this error : Unknown RTP codec 127 received
18:07.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
18:09.10Assidsup [TK]D-Fender
18:13.01Assidanyone know why im getting this error : Unknown RTP codec 127
18:13.08Assidits happening when im using my nokia e71
18:13.21Assidis staring into thin air
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18:26.47*** join/#asterisk veryhappy (
18:27.22veryhappyhi, got a question i installed also german on my asterisk a few files are still in english tho
18:38.19[TK]D-FenderDarn caps....
18:39.24*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
18:44.50veryhappyno problem [TK]D-Fender :D i also know the problem with the caps :D ok under which packet could i install this sounds?
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18:47.13[TK]D-Fenderveryhappy: if you're missing a few.... well they're just missing.. it isn't another package......
18:47.31veryhappyfor example: vm-urgent
18:47.42veryhappyand the numbers on the voicemail
18:48.03veryhappylike "press 1 for new messages, 2 for folders...:" and so on
18:48.23[TK]D-Fenderthey are jsut missing.  Go ask whoever packaged up those sounds
18:48.40veryhappyin the internet or where?
18:49.31[TK]D-Fender"Go ask whoever packaged up those sounds" <-----------
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19:23.31veryhappythx cya
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20:30.13neurosys_anyone feel like helping what I would believe is a n00b issue. But i simply cant figure it out
20:31.46neurosys_Have * behind a Cisco 1941. Turned ALG off and did port forwarding on ourt 5060 and 10000-20000. set externip to the ext ip, and localnet. Phones locally and remote register fine...
20:32.23neurosys_But when remote tries to call thru the PBX, call connects but no audio. IF i call the PBX directly, audio works. But routing out of the trunk, no audio.
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20:38.52ChrisInSydneyneurosys_: What port range  have you got set in rtp.conf ?
20:40.09ChrisInSydneynat=yes; canreinvite=no; directmedia=no ?
20:40.37ChrisInSydneyand a SIP trunk ?
20:41.19ChrisInSydneyits implied I assume ( someone will correct me if im wrong)
20:42.02neurosys_Hmm im looking at the cisco router and I dont see the 10000-20000 range explicitly set to forward to the PBX. Think that could be the issue?
20:42.17ChrisInSydneysounds like you might me on to something
20:42.51neurosys_There is an ACL to allow it, but not an actualy forward.
20:44.04ChrisInSydneythat'll do it
20:44.50neurosys_So the reason it would work taking directly to the PBX is the RTP is generated by the PBX, but when connecting thru the trunk, the trunk initates RTP after the SIP ack?
20:45.45ChrisInSydneysounds plausable
20:47.38ChrisInSydneyworking now ??
20:47.55neurosys_Trying to remember how to fwd ranges in IOS
20:49.16ChrisInSydneyI dont speak Cisco, I am learning though. I'm up to enable -> configure terminal. Then it all gets too confusing from there othe rthan that the tab key and the ? are my friends
20:51.09ChrisInSydneygood luck. Have to go and get some "real work" done. Need a coffee first. 8am here
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20:54.37neurosys_hmm turns out there is an explicit port forward. So im stuck again
20:56.51ChrisInSydneyneurosys_: sip debug and look at the IP addressing SDP. Its hidden somewhere in there
20:57.52neurosys_ChrisInSydney, searching...
20:58.20neurosys_ChrisInSydney, looks correct to me
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21:27.15helix9I've got a quicknet pci card, and I see it initialized in /var/log/dmesg, but I'm not getting any /dev/phone* devices
21:27.31helix9Would it be a different name?
21:27.50helix9It's an Internet Phonejack, also
21:33.02ChrisInSydneyThats why I usually run my extenal handsets through openVPN, or I have a system with a public IP and do some dialplan stuff there
21:34.24*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
21:35.11helix9was that for me Chris?
21:35.15ChrisInSydneyneurosys_: Dont know what happened there. :-/
21:35.32ChrisInSydneyNo for neurosys_
21:36.01helix9no prob
21:36.27ChrisInSydneyhelix9: I probably cant help you with your issue.
21:36.50ChrisInSydneynever seen / touch / smelt one of those. Are they a digium copy ?
21:37.41helix9I don't think so, but I'm not sure
21:37.56helix9it's a single port FXS pci card
21:39.42ChrisInSydney doesnt exisit anymore
21:40.37helix9yeah, I bought the card off Ebay to see if I could give myself a free Google Voice landline
21:40.57helix9I see it in lspci, and the ixj driver loads, but doesn't give me a /dev/phone device
21:41.06ChrisInSydneyIm always inclinded to go SIP all the way and use an ATA
21:41.14helix9an ATA?
21:41.35ChrisInSydneyAnalog(ue) telephone adapter
21:41.45ChrisInSydneySPA3102 for example
21:42.51ChrisInSydney says your card is supported. I also just read that you need at least a 486 66MHz CPU with a free PCI slot
21:43.03ChrisInSydneyon another site
21:43.36helix9yeah, it's a pretty old model
21:43.44helix9from 2001, I think
21:43.58ChrisInSydneyso am I, but I try not to let on too much
21:44.24ChrisInSydneyI call it a mid life renaissance
21:45.06helix9I'm not seeing a /dev/dsp either
21:46.24ChrisInSydneyThe relevant configuration file is "phone.conf" and the channel name is
21:46.33ChrisInSydneyexten = 999,1,Dial(Phone/phone0)
21:46.43ChrisInSydneyjust bots I am seeing
21:49.36ChrisInSydneywow, Im looking at posts from 2001
21:50.45helix9yeah, I keep seeing articles where it said the device was changed from /dev/ixj to /dev/phone, but unfortunately I don't see either
21:51.31ChrisInSydneyAFAIK, most of this stuff is wrapped up so that zaptel could talk to it. But zaptel has been replaced with dahdi. I am not too sure if the stuff like the quicknet and voicetronics cards works anymore
21:52.34ChrisInSydneyif I was you i'd sell it and buy an unlocked SAP3102 which will give you pass through to your existing PSTN
21:52.52ChrisInSydneythats the wondeful thing about ebay
21:53.00helix9yeah, I might have to do that
21:53.30ChrisInSydneyyou are pretty much guaranteed to get the amount of the guy that you beat back in your hand, unless you were the only bidder
21:54.02helix9it was a buy it now auction
21:54.12helix9hopefully I'll be able to sell it off again
21:54.49ChrisInSydneyhow much did it cost ?
21:55.00helix9I paid about $60 for a lot of six cards
21:55.13*** join/#asterisk GGD (
21:55.27helix9wish I had gone with an ATA instead
21:55.36*** join/#asterisk Who-m3 (
21:56.48ChrisInSydneyhas some stuff re zaptel
21:57.05ChrisInSydneyYou could try with zaptel and ast 1.4
21:57.42ChrisInSydneymust fly, good luck
21:57.47Who-m3Looking for a bit of assistance.  Trying to set up fax capabilities using Asterisk. Wanting to receive a fax on a set DID and it be translated into a tiff image, which can then be e-mailed as a pdf (I've got the conversion script ready).  Every time I try to receive a fax, it fails.  I've tried using FreeSwitch as a stand alone interface, as well as a bridge for my Google Voice number.
21:57.47Who-m3Asterisk recognizes it's an attempted fax, but fails to move forward.  I'm not sure what I've missed.
21:58.04Who-m3Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, as I'm pulling my hair out now...
21:58.28helix9thanks, I'll take a look
21:59.10Who-m3Oh, running on CentOS 5.7 64bit
22:16.46*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
22:22.57[TK]D-FenderWho-m3: show us
22:22.59infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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23:14.12jayteeI knew I should have called the 800 number for Tractor-Trailer driving school instead of taking that first IT job 23 years ago. Damn you Microsoft and your crappy Exchange software! You're trying to kill me, I just know it!
23:22.19afink_do you guys recommend using a different password for each internal extension in sip.conf?  Or would one strong one suffice?
23:24.56*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
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23:39.25ChrisInSydneyafink_: Depends. Are you on a public IP ?
23:40.20afink_I am not but I have ports that pass through as though I am
23:41.47ChrisInSydneyafink_: Have you got external handsets ??
23:42.10afink_I have one over the internet SIP provider though
23:44.16*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (
23:45.47ChrisInSydneyafink_: Are you likely to call in then redirect the call to a mobile / cell or another outside number ?
23:46.42ChrisInSydneyI was hoping to cut the port forwarding for you.
23:47.25afink_I will able to after I get rid of the one SIP provider and that will help immensely
23:48.18afink_for now though, I have commented out all of the unused extensions, ACLed them, passworded and when I have time will change the username to not match the extensions
23:50.32ChrisInSydneyI have used identical hard passwords > 14 characters and had no "real" problems
23:56.42ChrisInSydneyafink_: Set up some router rules to limit the IP addresses that can connect on 5060 to your ITSPs subnets
23:57.22afink_Great idea thanks
23:58.55ChrisInSydneyThen you can relax a little bit more. Definately use ACLs and definately use different passwords to the SIP device names

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