IRC log for #asterisk on 20120218

00:00.03NirSuse or to do so
00:01.01NirSbtw, how's the weather in Karachi these days ?
00:01.02Scar-Gby the dialplan, you mean the extensions_additional.conf ?
00:01.16Scar-Git's a bit cold
00:01.31Scar-Gcold for us but i think normal for you guys
00:01.38NirSwell, where I am, we have shit storm running outside
00:02.56robl^laptopshit storm?!?!  that brings up very unpleasant imagery,
00:08.40*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
00:10.30NirSit's never too cold in Israel, but this winter is really cold
00:10.46NirSbtw, scar, what context should I be looking at ?
00:11.53NirSok, where's the bit that you are referring to exactly ?
00:11.55NirSwhich line ?
00:12.05Scar-Glet me paste
00:12.30Scar-Gexten => s,n,Dial(${OUT_${DIAL_TRUNK}}/${OUTNUM},300,${DIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS})
00:12.40NirSI guess you are referring to the confirm thing that I'm looking at ?
00:12.48Scar-GDIAL_TRUNK_OPTIONS = D(12345:12345)
00:13.14Scar-Gperhaps you need to look at extensions.conf too ?
00:13.34NirSno, I can see the globals section, that's finer
00:14.10NirSso, what you say is this, you want to dial the call, once the call is answered and bridged, you want to issue a set of DTMF sequences, right ?
00:14.24Scar-GAnswered AND BRIDGEd
00:14.41Scar-Gbut we are only able to send when it's answered AND NOT bridged
00:14.49NirSI need to understand something
00:14.52Scar-GAfter bridged.
00:15.13NirSyou pick up the phone, dial a number and once both sides are talking you want to issue a DTMF sequence ?
00:15.33NirSI fail to see the logic in that, can you please elaborate ?
00:15.49Scar-GI just want to do it using asterisk.
00:16.16Scar-GExplaining the logic would be a bit complex.
00:17.26NirSwell, I'm not really sure you can do that
00:17.49*** join/#asterisk haroldp (
00:18.01NirSas far as I know, once a call is bridged, in order to send DTMF's on the bridge, it needs to originate from one of the sides
00:18.05NirShi haroldp
00:18.20Scar-GHello haroldp
00:18.48Scar-GThis guys here says that it can be done VIA AMI :
00:19.13Scar-Gto put it in one line :
00:20.25haroldpI just got a new SIP trunk (new voip provider?  jargon?) and updated extensions.conf and sip.conf with the info.  I can call out, but when calling in askerisk logs the error, "chan_sip.c:14205 check_auth: username mismatch, have <MYUSER>, digest has <s>"
00:20.26NirS"Provided that DTMF sending is complete before the speech path is established, there should be many ways." this means - prior to the bridge being established
00:20.46haroldpwhat obvious thing am I screwing up? :)
00:20.52Scar-Gthe last line says : If you want to do it after the speech path is established (bridged), I think you will need to use AMI.
00:21.03NirSharold is your provider setup with a static IP number?
00:21.41haroldpum... I dunno. as in, did I configure my IP with them? or?
00:22.19NirSthere IP number
00:22.24NirStheir IP number I mean
00:22.34NirSScar, actually, there may be a way to do so
00:22.46Scar-GI'm listening.
00:23.06Scar-G( or rather seeing )
00:23.31haroldp...I have a hostname for their server.
00:23.35NirSbut, in order for this to work, you'll need to originate a call to a Local channel, pass to it the originating channel, then use the SendDTMF application to sent the signals to the original channel
00:23.58NirSand, looks like it will only work on 1.8.X and upwards
00:24.23NirSharold, do you have insecure=port,invite as part of your trunk configuraiton ?
00:24.39NirSScar, let's put it this way - this won't be easy
00:24.47haroldpI have insecure=very
00:24.56Scar-Ghmmmmm hmmmmm
00:26.11NirSwell, that should be enough in general
00:26.25Scar-Gthanks mate
00:26.26NirScan you paste your trunk configuration to
00:26.54NirSyou're welcome
00:27.12NirSharold, what kind of switch are trying to connect to exactly? who is this provider ?
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00:36.34NirSI'm back
00:37.11haroldpNieS: my provider is
00:38.02NirSlet's take a look
00:38.30NirSand you are using SIP ?
00:38.33haroldpok, sorry to be slow.  everything wants to break at the same time :)
00:38.42haroldpyes, SIP
00:39.45NirScan you show me your configuration ?
00:40.52NirSare you using their username based authetication or IP based authentication ?
00:41.17haroldpthat is sip.conf
00:41.46haroldpI replaced my username with MYUSER and my password with **s
00:44.25NirSwell, you should remove the [authentication] part of the config, it's not required for this trunk
00:44.47haroldpok. I'll try that.
00:44.57NirStake a look here - taken from their website
00:46.25haroldpI was hoping to replace old auth info with new, but oh well :)
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00:59.25haroldpI'm making progress.  I have all new errors :)
01:00.15NirSput on pastebin
01:03.32haroldpchan_sip.c:22461 handle_request_invite: Call from 'MYUSER' ( to extension 'MYVOIPDID' rejected because extension not found in context 'mycontext'.
01:03.47NirSthat's good
01:03.54NirSthat means that the call was accepted by Asterisk
01:04.12NirShowever, the DID you are dialing isn't configured in the associated context
01:05.18haroldpyet there it is.  obviously i am still doing something wrong
01:09.10NirSthat means that your inbound context is incomplete
01:09.13haroldphere's a excerpt from my extensions.conf:
01:09.57NirStry doing a 'sip set debug on' then see what DID they are sending the call to
01:10.10NirSmaybe you have to tweak it a bit on your side
01:11.52haroldplooks right
01:13.37NirSplease put on pastebin
01:13.55NirSin addition, please put the output of your console on pastebin
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01:29.48[TK]D-Fenderharoldp: Doesn't exist... just like it says
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01:58.16dijibanyone in need of an FXO?
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01:58.44dijibone of these times someones going to say yeh! right here, pay you $150 for your sangoma card dijib
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02:26.13dijibok guys problem with startx on centos
02:26.19dijiball text is blocks.
02:26.21dijibwhat do?
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02:52.08p3nguindijib: Do you have an xorg.conf?
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03:31.17SeRiwow is been a while. whats going on guys.
03:38.51*** part/#asterisk rrittgarn (
03:45.52haroldpfailed to set the 'context' right in sip.conf
03:45.58haroldpfixed and working now.
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05:25.40dijibp3nguin: no i dont have an xorg.conf
05:25.55dijibinstall xorg?
05:26.39dijibSeRi: you in here?
05:28.29p3nguindijib: Xorg can work without one, usually, but try to create one and see if it succeeds.  As root, run "xorg -configure"
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06:04.39dijib4~i lost
06:04.44dijibwork on it tomorrow
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08:24.32*** join/#asterisk shihan (shihan@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe96:8f5c)
08:26.31shihanhowdy all, im a bit stuck... i have a simple setup, a few internal sip phones and an upstream voip provider, calls between the sip phones work, calls inbound from the voip provider work, but i cant get calls outbound working... it appears to try and send the call to the provider, but end up with this "chan_sip.c: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to...." and i dont know what im missing really
08:26.57shihanasterisk 1.8.4 btw
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08:42.50ChrisInSydneyshihan: Pastebin your relevant sip.conf. Change the passwords !!!
08:43.20ChrisInSydneyill have a look
08:43.53p3nguinIf it happens in the next few minutes, I might look.
08:44.28ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: got one for you
08:45.20ChrisInSydneythe nat security nag that comes up if you have name=yes in general and nat=no in the peer definition
08:46.32ChrisInSydneywhats now best practice if you have your box behind nat and handsets routable, and vice versa, where you have your handsets behind NAT and a public IP
08:47.31shihanthanks, here ya go:
08:47.39ChrisInSydneyPreviously, I have been using different nat=yes / no depending on where the box was. with 1.8.9 it  now complains
08:48.14ChrisInSydneyshihan: iinet ? an aussie too ?
08:49.04shihanyeah :)
08:49.12ChrisInSydneywhere ?
08:49.20shihansame place, sydney :)
08:49.58ChrisInSydneycool, I'm in the eastern beaches area :-)
08:50.22shihanheh, im more out west, chatswood :)
08:50.33ChrisInSydneyChastwood is north
08:51.03ChrisInSydneyused to live in Chatswood west, down near the park on lady game drive
08:51.05ChrisInSydneynice area
08:51.16ChrisInSydneyclose to stuff
08:51.28shihanoh right, i was thinking manly area when you said eastern beaches.. doh
08:51.41shihanactually im really close to there
08:51.42ChrisInSydneynah, randwick / coogee area
08:52.46shihanup on johnson street
08:54.05ChrisInSydneyIs that your entire sip.conf, or just the relevant bits ??
08:55.01shihanthe entire thing
08:55.14shihani tried to simplify it cause i was getting rather confused
08:55.23ChrisInSydneyK, I'm going to throw some stuff at it
08:56.04ChrisInSydneyput the [general] at the top. most people expect it there. Small thing
08:56.25ChrisInSydneyYou should only need alaw.
08:56.38ChrisInSydneygsm is a bit crap and I dont think iinet support it directly
08:56.52ChrisInSydneyalaw is standard for aus
08:57.32ChrisInSydneyput the same in your extension setting
08:57.37ChrisInSydneyso you match codecs
08:58.16ChrisInSydneyNow, I am assuming, like sensible people, your asterisk box is behind NAT, so you will have to put a local net and externip setting
08:58.29ChrisInSydneythat helps the audio get through
08:58.43shihanwell, actually i moved it into my router, poor choice?
08:58.56ChrisInSydneyahh, what router ??
08:59.11shihanits a generic x86 box running openwrt
08:59.45ChrisInSydneythats cool, you will just need a secure dialplan, and it wouldn't hurt to run fail2ban
09:00.15ChrisInSydneyso you dont need the externip stuff as you have probably bound to
09:00.33shihanyeah, currently is bound to
09:00.55ChrisInSydneyso its directly addressable from inside and outside the lan
09:02.10ChrisInSydneyWhirlpool rocks
09:02.29shihanactually, i tried that very config and mine just kept timing out registering
09:03.03ChrisInSydneybut there are only some bits that are relevant in that post
09:04.06ChrisInSydneyDid you see: Note:' IP Address of your state SIP server' is the ip address in dotted notation. Asterisk does not currently operate with iiNet if you use a host name here. A side effect is you will get the 'number disconnected message' when you dial a known good number if you use a name and not a dotted address.
09:05.07ChrisInSydneyThat could be your "challenge"
09:05.17shihanahhh, no, i missed that bit
09:06.05shihanoh, no, i did read that bit, but ended up going "oh, its 1.6"
09:06.33WIMPyAsterisk has always supported hostnames.
09:06.38ChrisInSydneyI havent got any clients on iinet for calls, hang on, I may have one.....
09:06.45WIMPyThey must have some sort of DNS issue if that doesn;t work.
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09:07.18ChrisInSydneythat one was on internode
09:07.50shihanoky doky, changed it to ip address.. still the same thing with oubound calls
09:07.51ChrisInSydneyjust looking at this
09:08.15ChrisInSydneypastebin the error in the cli
09:09.09ChrisInSydneyduh, just found it !!!
09:09.16ChrisInSydneyno username=
09:09.37ChrisInSydneydns shoudl be OK
09:10.20shihanoh wow, thats embarresiing
09:10.26shihanworking now
09:10.36ChrisInSydneyput a username=02987654342 in there
09:11.16ChrisInSydneythats cool. Whats embarrasing is hacking asterisk on a saturday night in Sydney !!!
09:11.32shihansad, but true :)
09:11.42ChrisInSydneyso what sort of handsets you got ?
09:12.18shihanacutally, all software, 2 android sipdroid's, a mythtv box (eventually) and a desktop client here (linphone)
09:12.39*** join/#asterisk nzkiwi1 (
09:13.07nzkiwi1is this the best place to be for support?
09:13.24ChrisInSydneycool. Been using Snom mostly. Nice, but a little exe. They come up on ebay reasonably often and they are easy to set up
09:13.41ChrisInSydneythis, the forums, the wiki
09:13.44infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
09:13.49nzkiwi1tried the forums
09:13.59nzkiwi1spent hours on Google
09:14.26nzkiwi1My phone is unreachable when using TLS
09:14.38nzkiwi1with UDP is fine
09:14.42shihani have one of these as well,, but i really have no intention of using it i dont think... requires poe or an adapter and i just cant quite be bothered with it atm
09:15.11shihani havent seen snom before tho
09:15.17ChrisInSydneyshihan, you will need to run it with unistim I think
09:15.23ChrisInSydneythey aren't exactly SIP
09:15.44shihanyeah, i did get it running once... wasnt hard... but that was a pretty simple setup at work on a poe switch
09:15.53nzkiwi1someone must have seen this before and solved this?
09:16.02shihani was really quite annoyed when i realised the phone didnt come with a power adapter
09:16.09ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: Ive never done TLS, but it sounds like a certificate issue. You getting any authentication attempts ??
09:16.23ChrisInSydneyshihan: from ebay ?
09:16.37nzkiwi1asterisk works fine when talking TLS to upstream provider
09:16.55ChrisInSydneyI think you can pick up a tplink 4+4 PoE switch for around $60
09:17.11shihanchris, naah, this was "here, have this" from a guy i was working with at the time who was doing a network rollout and replacing nortel eq with cisco
09:17.16nzkiwi1with tls can make calls from phone but not receive them (asterisk thinks phone is unavailable) it does register tho
09:17.37nzkiwi1I have a 16 port level 1 switch with PoE they are ok
09:18.07ChrisInSydneyLevel 1. They work. They're cheap too
09:18.21shihani havent had a good reason to bother plugging it in at home yet... so far im hoping the sipdroid software phones on android will perform ok
09:18.46ChrisInSydneyshihan: Media5 is free, if you pay for it, you get g722 !
09:19.08nzkiwi1with TLS does the phone need a server cert?
09:19.27shihanoh, its on android as well, i didnt realise
09:20.11ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: From my verrrry vague understanding, it needs the CA and plus its own public and private
09:20.29ChrisInSydneyI may be talking (typing) crape here though
09:21.11ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1 So if you do a sip show peers, unavailable ?
09:21.29nzkiwi1I have installed the CA cert and even tried a server cert
09:21.42nzkiwi1sip show peers = unavail
09:22.07nzkiwi1installing the server cert makes no diff
09:22.21ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: what is the handset ?
09:22.30nzkiwi1yealink T28p
09:22.58ChrisInSydneygood, cheap phone, looks awefully like a Cisco, but with buttons
09:23.02ChrisInSydneylatest firmware ?
09:23.10nzkiwi1v61 f/w
09:23.54ChrisInSydneydo you need TLS on the phone ? (easy fix / lets me avoid the question)
09:24.18nzkiwi1right now no but I need to get it working so I am not stuffing around when I need it
09:24.31ChrisInSydneyCould you just get away with [S|Z]RTP ?
09:24.40ChrisInSydneyfair enough
09:25.02nzkiwi1plus I am just about to buy more of these (unless I cant get it working)
09:25.04ChrisInSydneyI'll have a quick look at my Snom
09:25.39nzkiwi1SRTP works (even though asterisk shows errors in the cli) but I am led to believe is ineffective without tls
09:27.18ChrisInSydneyyou are stretchng me with this. I have just reset my Snom870. I'll have a lok there. I also have a yealink t38 but its not plugged in anywhere meaningful
09:27.50nzkiwi1I just ordered a T38 though will cancel if I cant get the T28 working
09:28.14nzkiwi1not spending $380 for something that doesnt 100% work
09:28.44ChrisInSydneyCost me Aus $190 for two
09:28.51nzkiwi1which model?
09:29.03ChrisInSydneyspecial last year
09:29.07nzkiwi1how the hell you manage that?
09:29.16nzkiwi1that is a major special
09:29.20ChrisInSydneydealer XP
09:29.33nzkiwi1even in ozzy I would pay over $200 AU$
09:29.41ChrisInSydneynot any more
09:29.49nzkiwi1dealer price here $330 + 15 % GST
09:30.03ChrisInSydneyforgot the 10% tax
09:30.21nzkiwi1it went up from 12.5 - 15%
09:30.28ChrisInSydneyhow much for a Snom 870, they must hurt
09:30.33nzkiwi1under a tory govt too
09:30.50shihanchris, thanks for that, thats working really well now, thats awesome
09:31.14nzkiwi1snom 821 is 375+gst
09:31.27nzkiwi1snom 870 not listed
09:31.42ChrisInSydneyshihan: Just make sure that your inbound context only allows inbound, and you ip limit your handset registrations
09:31.53ChrisInSydneywho is the wholesaler ??
09:33.00nzkiwi1I considered getting it from ozzy but if I buy local I can trial it for a few days 1st
09:33.23nzkiwi1I have gone thru all of that and more...
09:33.28ChrisInSydneyI thjink Alloy are in NZ too, bnut ythey can be expensive -> an iozzy site
09:34.37ChrisInSydneyI think I have found some cheap Cisco 7971G-GEs, but they are a bit of a dog of a phone
09:35.32ChrisInSydneydoes it need a .pem, or a crt/key combination ??
09:35.52nzkiwi1one file. .pem works
09:36.19ChrisInSydneyhave you tried with a softphone ??
09:36.40nzkiwi1no because I wont be using a soft phone anyway
09:36.44ChrisInSydneyshihan: Cool.Gald to have helped
09:37.09ChrisInSydneyI guess, get it working somehow, then make sure the Yeakink isnt screwed
09:37.15ChrisInSydneyfirmware wise
09:37.26nzkiwi1I produced a .pem file from the CA cert and imported it to the yealink. It imports fine but doesnt work
09:37.40ChrisInSydneyLets you check that the certs are good
09:38.24WIMPyGreat. My Line has one-way audio.
09:38.33nzkiwi1i used the script included with asterisk and the by hand method. either way with same results
09:38.53ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: depends on which way, you could give it to my ex wife
09:39.03nzkiwi1f/w rules?
09:39.15ChrisInSydneyyou behind NAT ??
09:39.38ChrisInSydneyhandset <-> NAT <-> Ast
09:39.41nzkiwi1no. asterisk has public IP and phones are on LAN to asterisk
09:39.56ChrisInSydneydual home
09:40.14nzkiwi1phones are on 192 IPs but no nat
09:40.41nzkiwi1pbx is directly on public IP out of our range
09:40.51ChrisInSydneywhen you boot the phone, do you see anything in the CLI ??
09:41.10nzkiwi1nothing unusual
09:41.17nzkiwi1do u want em to try?
09:41.23ChrisInSydneyno authentiaton attempts ?
09:41.33nzkiwi1auth attempts come after boot
09:41.38ChrisInSydneyyep. Reboot the phone and watch
09:41.54nzkiwi1welcome inititalising
09:41.59nzkiwi1pls wait
09:42.16p3nguinchrisinsydney: You either enable nat or disable nat in the general section only.
09:42.41nzkiwi1normal screen
09:42.45nzkiwi1auth attempst now
09:42.50nzkiwi1all done
09:42.54p3nguinchrisinsydney: The nat setting doesn't force anything, really, it just makes it nat-capable.
09:43.17p3nguinSo if you have asterisk behind nat, nat=yes in the general section.
09:43.29ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: So, if I need some NATed handsets and not NATted trunks or vice versa, I would use nat=yes ??
09:43.33p3nguinSo if you have phones behind a different nat, nat=yes in the general section.
09:44.00p3nguinIf you do not have asterisk behind a nat and no phones behind other nat, nat=no.
09:44.14ChrisInSydneyif I need NAt then nat=yes and it wont break anything for routable connections
09:44.26p3nguinThink of it like "make this system nat friendly" by setting nat=yes.
09:45.39p3nguinI'm not sure what you mean by routable connections.
09:46.09ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: ahh, because I am playing with direct rtp things, using OpenSer on the router and an asterisk on a public IP. I would like to route the SIP through asterisk, but the media to be direct between the handset via OpenSER and the ITSP
09:46.36ChrisInSydneyroutable = no nat between and pingable
09:46.41ChrisInSydneyin both directions
09:47.05p3nguinFor example, my phone is connected directly to a cable modem?
09:47.46p3nguinHaving nat=yes will not break it.  nat=yes just means it will be nat friendly if necessary.
09:48.04p3nguinBut you can force it to not be nat friendly by saying nat=no.
09:49.03ChrisInSydneyOK then:
09:49.18p3nguinI always forced my providers to nat=no because they are never behind a nat.  Now everything is nat=yes because my asterisk is behind a nat and I have other phones on the internet behind other nats.
09:49.30ChrisInSydneyshould work even when nat=yes
09:49.58ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: Same here
09:50.06p3nguinI have no idea how things work with nat and a proxy together.
09:50.11ChrisInSydneyhandsets are behind NAT, providers are not.
09:50.19ChrisInSydneyset nat=no you get a nag
09:50.41p3nguinBut with the changes, I have put nat=yes in general and removed all other instances of the setting from all peers.
09:50.44ChrisInSydneyplaying with dd-wrt and mikfish / openser
09:51.22ChrisInSydneyso best practice, set nat=yes in [general] and forget about the trunks
09:51.22p3nguin# grep ^nat /etc/asterisk/sip.conf |wc -l
09:52.20ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: So what happened, you could see the auth ? does it work now ??
09:52.58p3nguinComparing against an old sip.conf backup I have, it has 18 lines of nat settings in it.
09:53.09p3nguinphones, providers, etc.
09:53.27ChrisInSydneystandard on every peer / user
09:53.28p3nguinHuge difference.
09:53.31ChrisInSydneyfor me anyway
09:53.42ChrisInSydneymaybe no longer
09:53.55nzkiwi1chris - it registers ok, it is unreachable
09:54.00p3nguinYes, I have a nat setting on almost every peer entry in that old file.  But now I have only the one in the general section.
09:54.07nzkiwi1just tested and is unreachable with TCP
09:54.17nzkiwi1as well
09:54.24p3nguinTCP?  SIP is UDP.
09:56.11nzkiwi1it is usually udp
09:56.21nzkiwi1can be set to TCP
09:59.11ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: Im in the process of putting our first production system on 1.8, so I'm doing a clean up while I have the opportunity.
09:59.25ChrisInSydneythat was one of the cleanups
10:00.54ChrisInSydneyI'll stick to te nat=yes, failling that, im going to code up an option nonatnag=yes for the conf in chan_sip.c
10:01.42p3nguinJust set it to nat=yes and go on with life as usual.
10:01.53ChrisInSydneyeasier that way
10:02.14ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: Maybe check it against a softphone
10:02.38ChrisInSydneysee what it does. Yeakink are ok but....
10:03.14nzkiwi1everything I find on Google suggests that is an ongoing problem with asterisk
10:03.25nzkiwi1there is reports of this issue from 2009
10:03.49ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: which ver u runnin'
10:03.54nzkiwi1I know the PBX works with TLS
10:04.11nzkiwi1cos our upline uses TLS
10:04.26nzkiwi1it's the phone I need to get working
10:04.36ChrisInSydneyNow you are stretchng me, like the wallabies, I'm throwing in the towel ;-)
10:04.59ChannelZI don't know what that means but it sounds dirty
10:05.09ChrisInSydneycan you get the phone to talk directly to the ITSP ?
10:05.23nzkiwi1the ITSP uses asterisk as well
10:05.50ChrisInSydneygood test then ;-)
10:06.11nzkiwi1no it isnt
10:06.20*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:06.34nzkiwi1then I will have no info on what is happening at the other end
10:06.58ChrisInSydneybut you can test if the handset receives a call = the handset works
10:08.13nzkiwi1I have spent hours and hours on red herrings.
10:08.42nzkiwi1I want it working with my setup which is no different to the ITSP, and is probably newer software
10:11.38nzkiwi1I have followed all the OFFICIAL documentation, used a phone that is certified with asterisk and the latest software. Everyone says go to the forums. I have posted up 3 threads and no answer
10:11.44ChrisInSydneydivide and conquor: find something tat works and build from there.
10:12.30ChrisInSydneyI have posted more lonely threads than I have had answered, but most of the issues I post are SoB issues
10:12.57ChrisInSydneyBTW, does anyone know how to stop: setup_srtp: No SRTP module loaded, can't setup SRTP session messages
10:13.01nzkiwi1I have done everything by the book
10:13.45ChrisInSydneyWireshark, sip debug, have a look at the chatter
10:13.58ChrisInSydneysee if you can make it work on somethng else
10:14.09ChrisInSydneysee if you can get something else to work.
10:14.12nzkiwi1the yealink phones are what I have
10:14.26nzkiwi1I do not want to use a softphone
10:14.28ChrisInSydneyOnce you get something working, build from there, one step ata  time
10:14.32ChrisInSydneyat a
10:14.52nzkiwi1this has worked since 2008 when we switched to voiup until now
10:15.02ChrisInSydneyits not a permanent solution, its a debugging tool
10:17.40ChrisInSydneynzkiwi1: You are not usig real time I assume
10:18.25nzkiwi1asterisk RT or RT kernel?
10:18.59ChrisInSydneyast RT
10:20.53ChrisInSydneyIf I was in your position, I would....
10:21.01ChrisInSydney1: Test the phone direct to the ITSP
10:21.25ChrisInSydney2: test another phone / softphone / smartphone SIP client against asterisk
10:21.29ChrisInSydneytry and get something to work
10:21.45nzkiwi1Give your customers a rock solid guarantee that your product works with Asterisk. Digium’s product and service certification program offers advanced alignment with Asterisk, the open source communications market leader.
10:21.53nzkiwi1from asterisk exchange
10:21.57nzkiwi1(a digium website
10:22.03ChrisInSydneyThen work out what has changed and go from there
10:22.09nzkiwi1the t28p is listed as certified
10:22.19nzkiwi1I say bollocks
10:22.32nzkiwi1it clearly does not work
10:23.14ChrisInSydneyI may be inclined to agree. Then again, I have Cisco SPA525G2 handsets, on Cisco catalyst switches playing up and locking up
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10:23.46WIMPyThe days of things working are clearly over.
10:24.02nzkiwi1I am going to write an email to digium
10:25.04ChrisInSydneyAt least with the stuff I try to work with, you can always edit the source, even if it is to dump some debug stuff to stderr or a file
10:25.11nzkiwi1I am not testing this with the itsp as their TLS support is in beta and it does nothing to help me make it work in my system
10:25.26nzkiwi1that's nice if you know how to code in C
10:25.28ChrisInSydneyit will tell you that the phone works with TLS,
10:26.10ChrisInSydneyyou just need to know how to printf / fprintf. If you know php, you can navigate c enough
10:26.22nzkiwi1it is of no use because I cant see their CLI
10:26.53ChrisInSydneyyou dont have to. you register the phone, them try to call it
10:27.02nzkiwi1to state my case I need hard evidence - files, logs etc
10:27.20ChrisInSydneyif it rings, then its reistered, if it doesn;t then it probably never will
10:27.32nzkiwi1I said before it does register
10:27.42nzkiwi1it shows as uneachable
10:27.48nzkiwi1but does register
10:27.57ChrisInSydneyThen, try a soft phone against asteris, if it works, then there is ain issue with the t28
10:28.25nzkiwi1I have already tested the asterisk with TLS
10:28.29nzkiwi1and it works
10:28.39ChrisInSydneybetween what and what ?
10:28.44nzkiwi1I use TLS to talk to our ITSP
10:28.53nzkiwi1TLS and SRTP
10:28.58ChrisInSydneyok so you register to the ITSP,
10:29.10ChrisInSydneyyour handset registers to Asterisk
10:29.18ChrisInSydneythats backwasrds
10:29.33ChrisInSydneywhat about a fixed IP on the handset
10:29.35nzkiwi1ITSP with TLS shows as "REACHABLE"
10:29.46nzkiwi1it is a fixed IP issued with DHCP
10:29.53nzkiwi1on the handset
10:30.06ChrisInSydneyset asterisk to send to the IP of the phone
10:30.15ChrisInSydneyas opposed to a register
10:30.19ChrisInSydneydoes that work ?
10:30.26ChrisInSydneybreak the problem down
10:30.26nzkiwi1using host = ?
10:30.49nzkiwi1it knows the IP on the because it shows when I do "show sip peer 100"
10:31.00ChrisInSydneyDo you have host=dynamic ?
10:31.20ChrisInSydneychange it to a static, whatever the syntax for that is
10:31.32ChrisInSydneysee what happens
10:32.57nzkiwi1it says 'peer is not supposed to register'
10:33.45nzkiwi1it is set as type=peer
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10:34.12ChrisInSydneythen turn off registration and turn on accept direct IP calls on the handset.
10:34.32ChrisInSydneyhe he he he he
10:34.55nzkiwi1by removing the "register name"?
10:34.59ChrisInSydneynow try
10:35.34ChrisInSydneydid you have type=peer ?
10:41.05nzkiwi1should I change to type=peer?
10:42.03nzkiwi1either way does not work
10:42.46nzkiwi1also getting a lot of
10:42.49nzkiwi1tcptls.c:235 handle_tcptls_connection: FILE * open failed
10:43.00nzkiwi1which seems to happen when the phone has a server cert installed
10:44.41ChrisInSydneyshould be a friend
10:45.04nzkiwi1thats what I had to start with
10:45.17ChrisInSydneyhave you look at the SIP debug / pcap stuff on the phone ?
10:45.49nzkiwi1on the phone?
10:46.07nzkiwi1type=friend must be set as host=dynamic apparently
10:48.08ChrisInSydneyOK then split it to peer  and user entries and test it with host=ipaddr
10:48.27nzkiwi1type=peer does not work
10:48.36nzkiwi1that has been tested
10:48.40ChrisInSydneypeer is for outgoing only
10:48.48ChrisInSydneyuser is incomming
10:49.09ChrisInSydneyso have yoiu tried host=dynamic / type=friend ?
10:50.50nzkiwi1host = dynamic and type = friend is what it was
10:50.58nzkiwi1type = user Purely numeric hostname (100), and not a peer--rejecting!
10:51.09nzkiwi1on a call to the phone
10:51.57nzkiwi1dynamic friend works fine for UDP and it's what I use
10:53.04shihanlol, its my lucky day, wont load... such is life
10:53.26nzkiwi1as soon as I select TCP or TLS calls to the phone fail cos it is "unreachable" even tho it is registered
10:53.37nzkiwi1calls from the phone work
10:59.59ChrisInSydneyhave you look at the SIP debug / pcap stuff on the phone ?
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11:02.31nzkiwi1be back soon
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11:24.35nzkiwi1you there Chris?
11:28.09ChrisInSydneyyup. Fighting with isphone. Cant get caller ID working outbound
11:30.30nzkiwi1TLS does not work with ITSP.
11:30.37nzkiwi1it does with asterisk
11:30.44nzkiwi1not with the yealink
11:30.48nzkiwi1outgoing calls work
11:30.51nzkiwi1incoming not
11:30.59nzkiwi1just like on my ast system
11:32.16ChrisInSydneyahh, now try the softphone on asterisk and ITSP. If that works then t28 is not up to the our rugby side
11:37.19nzkiwi1which s/w you recommend?
11:37.53ChrisInSydneyno idea. Not sure whats out there. Can anyone else make a suggestion ??
11:56.07nzkiwi1is that thru a ITSP the CID doesnt work?
12:01.47ChrisInSydneyfixed it, sort
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12:16.13nzkiwi1I'm just running a batch of windows updates on my laptop (havent used it awhile) before using it with a softph to test
12:27.10nzkiwi1bye chris
12:27.27nzkiwi1I will come back at some stage
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13:41.43SriniIf on a 2 span PRI card, both lines connected,  how will asterisk choose to send the calls out? Where we will define this?
13:44.08WIMPyYou choose.
13:44.30WIMPySensibly via One to three groups.
13:44.47WIMPydeflates the O a little
13:49.27*** join/#asterisk Srini (Srinivasa@
13:50.52SriniOn a PRI card with 2 spans, both connected to 2 different service providers, How do I choose to send a call out on a particular span?
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14:06.19WIMPyYou choose.
14:06.23WIMPySensibly via one to three groups.
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14:50.17SriniWIMPy, thanks! Yes I got it going that way
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15:26.42saxahi iz Zapateller() still used in * 1.8.x ?
15:27.00saxaor is it renamed to maybe Dahditeller() ? :)
15:31.55kaldemarstill Zapateller.
15:35.35WIMPyIf someone needs a quad BRI or two, there are two on ebay in a few moments.
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16:29.30saxathx kaldemar
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16:54.19nkuttlerhi. i've never used asterisk and wanted to know if it's possible to forward a call and to play some audio file to the recipient before he gets the caller. how complex would this be to set up? experienced linux admin.
16:54.46nkuttleror would i use a different tool for this?
16:55.14WIMPyThat's easy.
16:55.21WIMPyOnce you've got it running.
16:55.26nkuttler;) nice. thanks
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17:13.14saxasimple question with rtp ports. If I limit the range of rtp ports on my * server from 10000 to 10200 UDP, do I need to configure something on the phones outside the nat also to make them work , or do asterisk inform  the phones that the range is the one in rtp.conf ?
17:15.00WIMPyThe later
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17:24.22saxaWIMPy: so nothing is needed to set in the phones, correct ?
17:25.35saxaWIMPy: last time you have been able to connect from your phone on my asterisk and hear the voicemail and echo test and so on, I'm trying to do that from my italian office too, but no success, it calls I see the activity on the console and no audio
17:26.00saxaand I tried that with 2 different phones
17:27.27saxaI can hear the moh if I call thru my italian asterisk box connected to the one in brasil
17:28.01saxabut if I call directly via my hardphone connected to a SIP account in Brasil I don't hear anything
17:28.07WIMPyEach device tells the other one where it expects RTP.
17:28.56saxaso why your phone was able to work ?
17:29.09WIMPyI assume your phone is behind NAT? And the Asterisk you used?
17:29.28saxaboth are behind the nat
17:29.39saxaalso the asterisk in IT is behind a nat
17:29.40WIMPyThe same net?
17:29.52saxa* to * I connect via IAX2
17:30.06saxaso there is no problems at all
17:30.16WIMPyDouble NAT. Good idea to use IAX.
17:31.12saxabut I want to understand why my other phone I have in the Brasilian home doesnt work anymore
17:31.35saxaso thats why I'm trying to connect directly to the * box
17:31.39saxavia SIP
17:31.45[TK]D-FenderNo need for IAX2 there...
17:32.11saxaIn fact I set up 2 accounts on my phone
17:32.22saxaone is to my local * box
17:32.32saxaanother one connects to * in BR
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17:34.02WIMPyI don't see why there should be a difference between using Asterisk and a phone.
17:34.10saxaI see this on the console on the * server in Brasil
17:34.32saxaWIMPy: * to * goes via IAX2
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17:34.47saxaphone to * goes via SIP
17:35.15saxabut this is just for my testing purpose
17:35.31WIMPyOk, I thought you tried * to * via SIP as well.
17:35.33saxaI want to understand why phone to * via SIP doesnt work
17:35.42saxano * to * is ok
17:35.47saxaforget about it
17:35.54saxait works and no problem at all
17:36.32saxasince I limited the ports to 10000-10200 I tought it need to be set up also in the phone
17:36.43saxabut you said, its no needed
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17:37.04saxaso now I'm asking myself, why i have no audio.
17:37.39saxaI will try to put my phone directly to the network
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17:51.11autofsckkhello, is there a way to uninstall freepbx and just keep asterisk?
17:53.16[TK]D-Fenderman rm
17:53.42autofsckkbut what about the symbolic links on /etc/asterisk?   just delete those tho?
17:53.52WIMPywas about to write the same :-)
17:53.55autofsckkha  too
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17:56.49tompawAnyone from China here? :>
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19:01.37saxaok setting my phone in IT to a static public IP , registers to my box in BR and it also works
19:01.59saxaso definetly there is something wrong with the NAT on the phone side I have
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19:38.36WIMPyOr your Asterisk configuration?
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20:05.37afinkanybody know what would cause all phones to lose registration all at once?
20:13.21afinklooks like a sip DOS attack
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20:26.07oneadvent_can someone in the united states send me a fax please?
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20:54.38Kobazanyone have an example of corporate directory ldap on polycom
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21:13.49digitalironyso, I am having an odd issue
21:14.23digitalironyAudio issues over SIP, no nat. I tried asterisk 1.6 and 1.10
21:15.39digitalironyits almost like one way audio, but is not. I did a record test.gsm, then playback. it does record me, jusy either it only gets a small amount of audio, or it plays it back very quickly so I can only hear a 5sec recording in 1sec
21:16.27digitalironywhen I call between peers, I can hear audio for just a split second, but then it just dies
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21:27.43digitalironySo, to add to this. I notice on my sip client when I first make the call, it show it as using pcma, then as soon as I send audio, it changes to 'no data'. Its as if asterisk isn't accepting audio after a few seconds
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21:41.35AviMarcusAnyone got a lead on Switzerland DIDs that would be good for a calling card?
21:49.40afinkI did a reload and got a sip response bad event from IP that I do not know and isn't present in sip.conf.  I should be worried about this correct?
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21:53.03[TK]D-FenderDepends... perhaps you should be really looking at what that is in response to
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22:16.37tmrhmdvFor over a week I had problems installing asterisk on Amazon EC2 and almost gave up learning it. Today, I gave it another shot and installed it to a VirtualBox server. Now everything's working. I'm reading the "Asterisk: the Definitive Guide". I'm so excited and thrilled and wanted to thank the creators/community of asterisk and that book's authors. You guys are awesome!
22:17.29ChrisInSydneytmrhmdv: And partially OCD
22:17.49tmrhmdvIYes :)
22:19.18ChrisInSydneyQuestion for you people: I am trying to change the outgoing caller ID on a new provider I am testing. I am assuming that if Set(CALLERID(num)=0987654321) and SIPAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:${CALLERIDNUM}>) dont work, it cant be done
22:19.48ChrisInSydneysendrpid=rpid and sendrpid=yes have also been tried
22:20.47ChrisInSydneyThe web interface on their management console works, I can manually put a different number in there (They block mobile / cell numbers),
22:21.31ChrisInSydneydid a sip trace, all looks OK.
22:21.46ChrisInSydneyBTW SIP provider obviously
22:22.09[TK]D-FenderChrisInSydney: ${CALLERIDNUM} <- this is an Asterisk 1.0 variable.  Please fast forward 6 years to today....
22:22.37ChrisInSydneySorry, been listing to my woodstock bootlegs
22:23.10ChrisInSydneyAbout the same era of voip-info
22:23.58ChrisInSydneywhere I cut and pasted from :-/
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22:24.43[TK]D-FenderI recommend referencing that function you seemed to want to set
22:26.23ChrisInSydneyfixed, and no it doesnt work
22:26.46ChrisInSydneyheader looks ok
22:27.29ChrisInSydneyEven set it in sip.conf, so looks like they have locked it down. Pity :-/
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22:28.46ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: Thats the only things I can really change it, CALLERID(num) and an explicit P-Asserted-Identity: ?
22:32.36[TK]D-FenderThose are the usuals
22:33.01ChrisInSydneyIt is possible to set the following options for handling identity information:
22:33.07[TK]D-FenderDo you sewe it going out right now?
22:33.12ChrisInSydneyHelp screen from the UI
22:33.43[TK]D-FenderWell then, that's that
22:34.05ChrisInSydneyRemote-Party-ID: "0299999999" <>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=no
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22:35.41dymhi everyone
22:36.28ChrisInSydneyhey dym
22:36.38dymHah! Chris - long time no "read" (:
22:36.41dymHow are things?
22:36.48dymGreat to hear
22:37.03ChrisInSydneyhang on, 2 year old is demanding my attention
22:45.36ChrisInSydneymust go. Time for domestics
22:45.42ChrisInSydneySunday morning here
22:46.21dymtake care buddy
22:46.47oneadvent_what is domestics?
22:47.52dymwell - things you do at home
22:47.59dymcleaning up, etc (:
22:48.32oneadvent_oh i see ok thanks
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