IRC log for #asterisk on 20120205

00:03.54*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
00:08.11*** join/#asterisk zyphlar (
00:23.57*** join/#asterisk sterne (~user@
00:26.41*** join/#asterisk Ionic (
00:27.15p3nguinIs there any temporary method to increase verbosity and/or debug via dial plan?
00:29.18p3nguinI suppose that'll work okay before a Dial, but that means I have to use System() in extension h to turn verbose back down again?
00:30.14WIMPyIt's certainly not a nice thing, but it should work.
00:33.17p3nguinI couldn't think of any other ways.
00:35.38p3nguinMaybe using Dial's g option would allow me to run System again after the Dial ends.
00:37.01WIMPyOnly if the callee hangs up.
00:38.48*** join/#asterisk GGD (
00:53.23saxap3nguin: i think yes, i'm not sure since the other day i was playing also with the phone settings and i don't remember if i disable it or not.
00:53.30saxap3nguin: let me check
00:55.02*** part/#asterisk rdm (rdm@unaffiliated/qubix)
00:58.11saxap3nguin: yes it is enabled
00:58.19saxasee the screenshot
00:59.41saxai have removed the ip from the setting you see marked in here and it stopped working
01:01.03p3nguinI told you three days ago to disable nat traversal on the phone.  It's no wonder it wasn't working.
01:02.03p3nguinNormally, you disable nat traversal on the phone and let asterisk handle the translations.
01:02.24p3nguinIf you enabled nat traversal on the phone but did not otherwise configure it correctly, it's no wonder it failed.
01:12.21saxai tried to disable it 3 days ago, but it was not working
01:12.31saxaso then i enable it again.
01:12.54saxaok let me try to disable it.
01:13.54saxado i disable it completely or do i leave the send keep-alive signal ?
01:13.57WIMPyIf you've got Asterisk on the other side, never enable STUN or any other nat helper options, unless you know very exactely what you're doing.
01:14.19WIMPykeep-alive can't do any harm.
01:14.20saxathats not my case :)
01:14.38saxai do not know 100% what am i doing
01:15.15saxai'm sorry but i'm kind of new to this sip thing
01:17.10saxaok but now it does not work anymore
01:17.38saxai was able to hear the voicemail login only when i set the ip in the phone
01:17.59saxastun is disabled
01:18.41WIMPyIs nat enabled for the peer on Asterisk?
01:19.07saxain the peer section and in [general]
01:19.36WIMPyAnd the router you use now has not SIP nat support?
01:20.09saxaon the asterisk side for sure not
01:20.12WIMPyThat was a linux thing?
01:20.37saxaon the client side i will check it to be 100% sure
01:20.49saxaWIMPy: how you mean that ?
01:21.17WIMPyThe router
01:22.11saxaunfortunately on the aterisk side i have a huawei hg521 modem/router
01:22.31WIMPyOn the client side
01:22.37saxaso now i added the ip on my phone, and with stun disabled it does not work either
01:22.45WIMPyDo you have other clients connected?
01:23.17saxaon the client side i have a computer, few wifi clients and this sip phone
01:23.42WIMPyClients at other locations
01:23.50saxaall are connected to the linksys
01:24.05saxano clients at other locations
01:24.17saxai can add your phone if you want to test
01:24.26WIMPySo we can't even be sure on which side the trouble happens..
01:24.41saxado you wanna test ?
01:24.59saxagive me a sec. I set up an account for you
01:25.40WIMPyNot sure, when. I'm busy writing some important shit ATM.
01:25.48WIMPyBut I might be half done.
01:29.52saxaok seems now i can again here the voicemail.
01:33.02p3nguinI'll register to your system if you give me an account.
01:37.22saxaok as said, if i put the ip in my phone then i can hear the sounds, otherwise is muted
01:39.41saxap3nguin: let me know when are you ready.
01:40.10saxap3nguin: in case please try to ring 1005 which is my phone here
02:04.53p3nguinsaxa: I'm ready as soon as I get the credentials/info for your system.
02:05.21saxap3nguin: right now WIMPy is registered
02:08.41*** join/#asterisk willbradley (~wbradley@unaffiliated/willbradley)
02:15.16*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
02:23.22WIMPyErm, is register => no longer supported?
02:23.36p3nguinOf course it is!
02:23.41p3nguinWhy wouldn't it be?
02:24.23WIMPyWell, I've go two ITSPs configured, one with callbackextension and one with a seperate register line, and the later is no longer shown on 'sip show registry'.
02:25.26p3nguinDo you have the register statement in the correct place?  It must be in the general section, before the authentication section if it exists.
02:25.45WIMPyThe same place it has always been.
02:27.07WIMPywonders if the web I/F tells me since when I'm offline.
02:29.58WIMPyHmm. Mine tells me I registered 35 minutes ago.
02:30.02WIMPyThat came from AMI.
02:30.07WIMPygives it a kick.
02:30.46saxais doing a factory reset of the phone to see if it helps.
02:30.59WIMPyHe, test1 is still reachable.
02:31.14WIMPyOh, it's back.
02:31.33WIMPymust have happened while testing.
02:32.04WIMPyBut sip reload didn't help, but after core restart now it's back.
02:32.14WIMPyI hate this shit.
02:35.11saxafactory reset of the phone has not helped :(
02:36.53WIMPyDo you have the possibility to restart the router on the server side?
02:37.47saxabut will then need to wait about 10 min to reupdate the IP
02:38.00WIMPyHave you tried that?
02:38.16saxaof course , many times
02:38.28WIMPySometimes routers keep some information that confuses themselves.
02:38.34saxabut in my opinion something is wrong somewhere in the middle
02:38.50WIMPyThat would surely be an explanation.
02:39.00saxait worked like a charm on your box
02:39.11WIMPyBut it's the least likely place.
02:39.12saxafor you worked on my box
02:39.36saxaits just my phone that doesnt work with my box :)
02:39.54saxano longer , because it was working :)
02:41.05saxasee, if i put my external ip in the phone to use it , the thing start to work
02:41.07WIMPyVery strange.
02:41.31saxaso something for some reason is not comunicating to asterisk where my phone is
02:41.53saxaalso if it registers with the correct ip
02:42.18saxai mean the phone registers itself on the box with the correct ip
02:42.51saxabut as [TK]D-Fender said, for some reason the rtp trafic goes to my internal ip
02:43.01saxathe privat one
02:43.27WIMPyDo you have localnet configured on Asterisk?
02:44.00WIMPyIs the Asterisk on a public IP directly?
02:46.05saxathis is how it looks rtp packets when i use the wan ip in this phone setting and it works.
02:46.24saxai have localnet setting in sip.conf
02:46.44saxaWIMPy: no asterisk is behind a nat
02:47.05saxai have opened the 5060 port and the 10000 to 10200
02:47.39WIMPywonders if Aasterisk somehow gets confused into thinking the phone is local.
02:49.00saxabut it sents the packets to the correct local ip
02:49.16saxait sends packets to 192.168.12.x
02:49.37saxabut asterisk itself its on a
02:49.49saxaso there is no confusion
02:50.02WIMPyI still wonder why I couldn't hear you, either.
02:50.26saxabut i heard you perfectly
02:50.40WIMPyon your server.
02:50.47saxaoh yes
02:50.58saxahave no idea
02:51.09*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
02:51.30saxaanyway i will leave the phone like it is now since it seem to work , at least partially it works
02:52.07saxathen i will try to buy a new phone and will see if this one will work
02:52.25saxaany suggestion of the new phone i should buy ?
02:52.34saxai have to buy it in any case
02:52.49saxawill put that one i have to use it on a local net
02:53.03saxaand will use the new one in my home
02:53.11WIMPyI like the old Snoms, but everyone will have a differen opinion there.
02:53.14saxacisco ?
02:53.33saxai bought the grandstream because they were cheap
02:53.43saxaabout 35 euros
02:54.58saxaok sleep time.
02:55.10saxathanks for all your help and time
02:55.16WIMPyGood night
02:55.23saxac u , night
02:58.21*** join/#asterisk GGD (
03:17.44*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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03:50.11*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:55.28*** join/#asterisk arnotixe (
03:56.01arnotixehi all I have this issue from time to time (weeks between): Iax2 kind of "gives up".
03:56.02*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:57.18WIMPyIs that one of the early 1.8 versions?
03:57.22arnotixeiax2 reload usually fixes it in a matter of mSeconds. Is this something related to dynamic DNS on the remote end maybe? If so, can I tell asterisk to never give up, and to lookup the remote IP somehow?
03:57.47WIMPyDo you use dnsmgr? If no, turn it on.
03:58.46arnotixegoogling dnsmgi
03:59.06WIMPydnsmgr in Asterisk
03:59.31arnotixehmm at least there's no /etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf...
03:59.43arnotixeshould I just copy
03:59.53arnotixeseems quite simple that file
04:00.32WIMPyYes, but uncomment the two options.
04:00.45arnotixeok. then restart asterisk maybe?
04:01.15WIMPyNot sure how much needs a restart for a new option.
04:02.01arnotixeok I restarted all anyways, it's just my home pbx. seems to have come up again. How do I check if it's loaded?
04:02.52WIMPy'dnsmgr status'
04:03.32arnotixeah I tried that but before reloading... Now it's much better, says "enabled" :D
04:03.48arnotixeI'll leave it like this for a while to see if it hangs ever again.
04:04.45arnotixeWould this be necessary on both ends? The server I'm connecting to has a dynamic DNS name, but this here end has no name actually.
04:05.22WIMPyOnly where you use the dynamic name.
04:05.36p3nguinYou can restart dnsmgr with dnsmgr reload.
04:05.42p3nguinNo sense in restarting the entire thing.
04:06.01arnotixeoh so the dnsmgr must be running on the machine with the dynamic dns?
04:06.45p3nguinNames just make things easier to remember.
04:07.06WIMPyNo. use as in where it's used in the configuration.
04:07.48WIMPyIs it possible to send another connected line update during a call?
04:09.56arnotixeok maybe that same issue causes the SIP subscriptions to hang as well, I've turned on dnsmgr on both sides to see what happens.. thank
04:10.31WIMPyYes, that's where I found I needed it.
04:10.56WIMPyOtherwise it wouldn't recover after an DNS issue.
04:18.39*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
04:29.57*** part/#asterisk sterne (~user@
04:37.55*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (
05:15.53*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nsystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
05:46.27*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
05:52.00*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
05:54.57WIMPyHmm. My outbound registration vanishes every time I do a 'sip reload'.
06:14.17*** join/#asterisk bipul (~root@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
06:14.40p3nguinSounds broken.
06:14.49p3nguinIt should re-register, but not vanish.
06:15.41WIMPyYes, that's the way I remembered it. But somethign has changed, it seems.
06:15.50p3nguinWorks correctly for me.
06:16.04p3nguinAsterisk built by rob @ cpe-e650 on an i686 running Linux on 2011-12-20 23:27:42 UTC
06:16.46WIMPytrunk from yesterday
06:17.15p3nguinThat's why I only use stable software.
06:17.51WIMPyNot something I'd use with Asterisk.
06:23.50*** join/#asterisk Russ (
06:26.58WIMPyAh. It's dundi that throws the tons of mutex errors.
06:29.40*** join/#asterisk zyphlar (
06:31.23*** join/#asterisk roham (~ali@
06:46.22*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
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07:30.09*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (
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08:09.20*** join/#asterisk singler (~singler@
09:15.05*** join/#asterisk [ALT][F4] (
09:15.24[ALT][F4]afternoon ..
09:16.10[ALT][F4]guess that's another dump questions .. but does anyone have a FAQ or somethings regarding voice-drops while active SIP calls in the intranet ?
09:16.25[ALT][F4]like every 3 minutes i have total silence for about 5 sec.
09:21.05kaldemarsounds like network issues.
09:21.15[ALT][F4]network issues excluded since it's intranet (phone - switch - asterisk)
09:21.43[ALT][F4]yeah i was thinking the same … but its quite straight forward setup
09:21.56kaldemardo you see anything in asterisk when that happens?
09:22.07[ALT][F4]no zero log entries
09:22.15kaldemarnot log, but CLI.
09:22.50[ALT][F4]have not try CLI yet.
09:23.07kaldemarthat's what you should do. is RTP going directly between phones?
09:23.36[ALT][F4]this may be related: if i just pickup the SIP phone … and hang up .. the phone shows "no service" for about 10 sec.
09:23.48[ALT][F4]also sometimes in idle it just drop the registration
09:24.05[ALT][F4]thats why i as suspecting its some asterisk setting
09:25.05[ALT][F4]90% of calls are placed trough SIP trunks or Analog trunks .. so RTP is unlikely a issue ..
09:25.07[ALT][F4]is it ?
09:25.31kaldemaryou're ruling out possible issues quite lightly.
09:26.59kaldemarespecially if you're using SIP providers, do not rule out network issues since there is other network besides your own switch involved.
09:27.49[ALT][F4]oh yes .. absolutly agree … but its happening in the same fashion if i use analog trunks
09:28.03kaldemarSIP debug or RTP debug during an incident may tell you something useful.
09:28.57[ALT][F4]i may just call the remote mailbox for a test … with debugging on ..
09:29.22kaldemarwhat is the phone you're using?
09:29.50[ALT][F4]Funkwerk IP50 .. on Atcom IP04 PBX
09:30.32[ALT][F4]but i have the same issue on another phone (analog with Linksys PAP2)
09:30.34kaldemarso it's not a phone-switch-asterisk setup but phone-pbx-switch-asterisk at least?
09:31.15[ALT][F4]no its Phone - switch - Asterisk
09:31.38[ALT][F4]the ip04 is a pbx with asterisk running on it ..
09:32.10[ALT][F4]so the ip phone connects via UDP directly to asterisk
09:34.45*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
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09:43.30[ALT][F4]loging on … talk since 15 minutes with the remote voicemail .. but no drop :(
09:43.39[ALT][F4]demonstration effect i guess
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10:34.27*** join/#asterisk Rich[ard] (
10:36.45Rich[ard]Hey all, i have just setup my own AsteriskNow server, and have come to a halt because of outgoing calling plans, for an example, in the GUI i have setup a rule so i can dial 111 for my ISP's voicemail, so i added rule _XXX! x being 0-9, or am i doing this completely wrong?
10:37.35*** part/#asterisk khem_ (~ws@
10:39.52*** join/#asterisk Charrit (
10:39.59Rich[ard]Could anyone please assist me
10:44.08*** join/#asterisk pnunn (~pnunn@
10:53.00*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
10:53.16dandate2if i'm just going to setup a bunch of ip phones is the catalyst 3550 preferable to the 2950?
11:04.16Rich[ard]Anyone available
11:05.20Rich[ard]Seriously this many people in the channel and no one free to provide assistance?
11:10.51*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
11:12.50Charrit3550 is always preferable to the 2950, but 2950 is a very good choice, you don't need to go further
11:13.14Rich[ard]* dandate2 (~dan@ Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
11:14.12CharritRich[ard], what's your problem?
11:14.55Rich[ard]Just requiring assistance with AsteriskNow in regards to Outgoing Calling Rules
11:15.46*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
11:16.02CharritI don't use AsteriskNow, but what's the problem? perhaps may I can help
11:16.26Rich[ard]dandate2, I believe Charrit had a reply for you
11:16.36Rich[ard]<Charrit> 3550 is always preferable to the 2950, but 2950 is a very good choice, you don't need to go further
11:17.05dandate2any performance difference or just crazy features i might need if i also hook up a bunch of servers to the network?
11:17.55Charritcat 2950 has a good performance for servers too
11:18.33dandate2oh heh see i'm only trying to run ip phones and nothing else
11:18.48Charritmy recomendation for your setting up is to put telephony in a separate vlan to the network servers using the switch capabilities not the phone tagging
11:18.51dandate2thats why i'm wondering if the 3550 would make any difference for me, the 2950 is available locally
11:18.59dandate2available for sale local i mean
11:19.39dandate2yeah our pbx is located in the united states and i'm trying to hook up all these ip phones in the philippines
11:20.18dandate2i could order a 3550 from texas but it might not arrive =
11:20.18NuggetDon't mess with Texas.
11:20.28Charrit3550 is a level 3 switch and if you're asking about what to do with it... probably you don't need it
11:20.36*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
11:20.42dandate2LOL good advice!
11:22.21CharritI wanted to write layer 3, not level 3
11:34.33*** join/#asterisk luke0512 (
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11:35.57Rich[ard]Is there any dial plans so i can dial 0 to get out and then dial what ever i want exept adding more dial plans?
11:41.17Rich[ard]Can someone help me, those are the rules i am using, but unable to make phone calls
11:44.07dandate2i think you need to make a speed dial or a combination that will never be used like *0 or #0
11:45.37Rich[ard]Sorry dandate2, did quite get you, so i would put *0 or #0 into the pattern?
11:45.53Rich[ard]sorry setting up a pbx for the first time
11:46.13Rich[ard]and thanks for the reply
11:53.55luke0512does someone know a useable howto to configure a hfc card with cologne chip connected to an intern S0 bus
12:03.09luke0512 <-- my network/multimedia structure
12:05.02luke0512from modem there are 3 different kinds of connection
12:05.25*** join/#asterisk xertres (
12:05.38luke0512one is ethernet to fli4l one is cable TV and the third is ISDN
12:19.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
12:39.39dandate2does the catalyst 2950 not POE my ip phones?
12:42.28dandate2i mean to ask, does it come with inline power?
12:48.05luke0512joins the sunshine outside and bbl
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13:51.32*** join/#asterisk Srini (~Srinivasa@
13:51.43SriniHi Room
13:52.23SriniI am trying a digium te220 on centos (vicidial distro) and seeing DAHDI_SPANCONFIG failed on span 1: Invalid argument (22)
13:52.29SriniCan someone help please?
13:55.11SriniMy configurations are at :
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19:44.12mautashi, anybody in here?
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19:52.09infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
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20:57.58ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: Mornin'
20:59.32ChrisInSydneyGot 1.8 installed and running on a virtual host.
20:59.44ChrisInSydneyManaged to get the P-Asserted Identity working on transfers too
20:59.48ChrisInSydneyon Snoms
21:00.59WIMPyIncluding the new destination?
21:01.18ChrisInSydneyBoth sides
21:01.43ChrisInSydneyunless I was haloucenating
21:01.54WIMPyI only see the information that the call is diverted, but the new destination is not displayed.
21:02.03ChrisInSydneyWhat handsetd
21:02.08WIMPyNot before it answers anyway.
21:02.13ChrisInSydney(need coffee)
21:02.18WIMPySnom 360
21:02.25ChrisInSydneyonce it answers, that when it happens
21:02.34ChrisInSydneyget v8 firmware on it
21:02.42WIMPyOk, so not more than I've got.
21:02.48ChrisInSydney7.3.30 doesnt cut it
21:02.54WIMPyI've got v8 for ages.
21:03.12ChrisInSydneyI've been holding back on the 300 series
21:03.23WIMPyIn v7 the mini browser is too slow to be usefull.
21:03.29ChrisInSydneyhappy enough now though
21:04.15WIMPyFast approaching the nineties...
21:04.39ChrisInSydneyHas its advantages, you still made mix tapes
21:05.00ChrisInSydneyYou had Nirvana and Soundgarden to look firward to :-)
21:05.05WIMPyNot sure that was an advantage.
21:05.14ChrisInSydneynot for Kurt it wasnt
21:05.29ChrisInSydneyThen we got stuck with Courtney
21:06.17ChrisInSydneyActually, the Ninetees was a pretty cool reneaisance in the music business, lots of cool stuff
21:06.43ChrisInSydneyback to the...whats this decade called ?
21:07.32ChrisInSydneyI works for the Cisco SPA525G2 without the rpid in sip.conf
21:07.45ChrisInSydneyThe Aastra 6731 is not behaving
21:08.17ChrisInSydneyI think that there is a setting burried in there somewhere. only via TFTP though
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