IRC log for #asterisk on 20120204

00:01.35TheRedOctoberGreetings all.  I keep getting a SIP 405 Response: Method Not Allowed on an attempted SIP trunk from a CUCM7 box as provider...can anyone suggest why I am getting this?  Authentication is set up properly, from what I can tell
00:09.09*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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00:26.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
00:27.48*** join/#asterisk GGD (
00:27.55*** part/#asterisk MACscr (
00:35.03saxastill without audio on his nat problem :(
00:40.13p3nguinDid you ever check for ALG?
00:42.15ChrisInSydneyGood point
00:56.24WIMPyTheRedOctober: I had to at least disable qualify and session timers.
01:15.01*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
01:16.55saxap3nguin: yes, i have tried with SIP ALG enabled and disabled.
01:17.18p3nguinAlways disable it if you intend to let Asterisk control the NAT stuff.
01:17.36p3nguinDid you ever pastebin your configs?
01:49.42*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
01:53.21*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
01:56.18*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
02:02.38ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: Had a strange thing. Something in the #dd-wrt channel caused my x-chat2 to exit. Had to clear the history. Wierd, but not suprising
02:05.05*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
02:14.04*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
02:15.15*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:17.55SeRip3nguin: you in?
02:17.55p3nguinSeRi, Leave a message after the beep.  *BEEP*
02:18.25ChrisInSydneySerRi: Tell p3nguin the bridge is still up
02:25.26p3nguinI know it's up; I hear your musicz.
02:25.50ChrisInSydneyAl Kooper
02:25.54SeRip3nguin: whats going on!
02:35.12p3nguinI'm fighting with a Bourne shell problem.
02:36.10WIMPyGive it a Bourne Ultimatum to comply.
02:36.21p3nguinI have this shell script that I am working with... I have six systems, and the script works perfectly fine on five of them.
02:37.32p3nguinFour GNU/Linux, all work well; two FreeBSD, one works well, one blows up.
02:38.00p3nguinOn FreeBSD 6.4, it works well.  On FreeBSD 7.3, it blows up.
02:42.40*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
02:45.21p3nguinNow it's really pissing me off.  I wrote a new script just for testing purposes, and it seems to work fine!  I'm using the same type of format, even.
02:53.23ChrisInSydneyis it /r/n ?
03:00.51*** join/#asterisk chendy (~chatzilla@
03:08.07p3nguinI'm not sure what you mean by that.
03:08.38p3nguinThe problem I'm having with the one script is pertaining to \r
03:08.42ChrisInSydneydo you have a carrage return / line feed in the file. Its got be that way a few times.
03:08.54ChrisInSydneydos v unix format
03:09.06ChrisInSydneygot me
03:09.09p3nguinI just press enter on the end of the line.  I'm using vim.
03:09.26ChrisInSydneywell I'm fresh out of ideas then
03:09.39p3nguinI'm going to do more testing and possible recreate the conf from scratch.
03:12.20p3nguin++ $'\r'
03:12.44p3nguinWhen a variable is null, that's what it shows me if I run the script with bash -vx.
03:16.22*** join/#asterisk irishpilot (
03:17.00p3nguinSolved!  I guess the conf got some special characters from the pastebin.  I deleted it and recreated it by hand, and now it works.
03:17.24ChrisInSydneycould have been a stray
03:18.01irishpilotHey guys
03:18.26*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:19.02p3nguinWhat's weird is that I pastebinned the files from one system and downloaded it in raw format from the pastebin on both of those FreeBSD systems.
03:19.30p3nguinOne worked, one choked.
03:26.30*** join/#asterisk radic (
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03:36.13irishpilotanybody know anything about using Originate Action
03:36.17irishpilotoh the Manager AMI
03:37.54[TK]D-FenderSo where re you stuck on it now?
03:38.01irishpilothey Fender
03:38.12irishpilotwow thought you'd be asleep as it's daytime here in New Zealand
03:38.39irishpilotI am :(
03:38.56irishpilotI am writing the Java part to call the ChanSpy
03:39.04irishpilotso been reading over and over our conversation last night
03:39.15irishpilotmy problem is originateAction.setChannel(callerChannel);
03:39.53irishpilotcallerChannel needs to be a SIP/1234 sort of thing
03:40.18irishpilotmy understanding was that I want to break into our Dial() channels
03:40.41irishpilotso I should be calling a "channel" not an extension SIP/1234
03:41.08irishpilotremember this: "[TK]D-Fender: irishpilot, "Originate "Hey, left side, call this dialplan that does chanspy". OK "Well that force answered, didn't it?  OK, go to your DIALPLAN I pointed you to".  What is there?  PLAYBACK.  What else is there?  Nothing?  (DIES)"
03:41.49irishpilotsure I can use Originate to call an extension but not an active channel
03:41.54irishpilotor am I totally ost?
03:43.14irishpilotthe man says Originate(tech_data,type,arg1[,arg2[,arg3]])
03:43.26irishpilotfor the DialPlan
03:44.06irishpilotthe AMI man page says: Channel - Channel name to call.
03:44.31irishpilotso maybe I can originate to an already active channel
03:45.13[TK]D-Fenderchannel: Local/spy@spycontext/n
03:45.45[TK]D-Fenderexten => spy,1,Answer
03:45.58[TK]D-Fenderexten => spy,1,ChanSpy(thechannel goes here)
03:46.06[TK]D-FenderThat is the left side
03:46.14irishpilotok all cool with that
03:46.22[TK]D-FenderThis "call " is dialplan on BOTH sides
03:47.41[TK]D-FenderYeah, fix the prio's
03:48.14irishpilotSo this is my context done
03:48.18irishpilotcontext spycontext {
03:48.24[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: PASTEBIN.
03:48.29[TK]D-FenderNever flood like that
03:48.55irishpilotsorry was just showing the 7 lines I did
03:49.01irishpilotdidn't mean to flood ya
03:49.03infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
03:49.28[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: You did too muchin there.  the left side is ONLY the spy
03:50.00irishpilotoh ok
03:50.17irishpilotso I just ChanSpy there and remove the rest
03:50.24[TK]D-Fenderanswer, spy
03:50.27[TK]D-Fenderthat's all.
03:50.36irishpilotthe channel for there
03:50.41irishpilotnot sure yet which one it will be
03:50.45[TK]D-Fenderthe other side waits 1-2 sec, then do a Playback for your warning.
03:50.48irishpilotbut will come back to it
03:50.50[TK]D-Fenderor integrate the dealy into it
03:50.56irishpilotIm starting to get ya
03:51.02p3nguin<irishpilot> so I should be calling a "channel" not an extension SIP/1234    <-------- SIP/1234 is a channel, not an extension.
03:51.17[TK]D-FenderThat is a device
03:51.23[TK]D-FenderA local channel is a device as well.
03:51.37[TK]D-FenderYou can have 1 set of dialplan talking to another.
03:51.47irishpilotI didn't realise that
03:51.58irishpilotso now I create another dialplan
03:52.16[TK]D-Fenderwith the other half
03:54.32irishpilotI think I have it
03:55.25*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:55.29irishpilot(Im liking this paste bin stuff, apologies for flooding the code earlier, it's been 15 years since I've used IRC)
03:55.50p3nguinWe didn't like flooding back then, either.
03:56.07irishpilotWhat I mean is back then there was no such thing as a paste bin, cool concept
03:56.14p3nguinI see.
03:57.48[TK]D-FenderI miss the days of slowing down so as not to fill the teletype buffer :)
03:58.09p3nguinBuffer Overflow
03:58.30irishpilotthe old 14,4 modem
03:59.13irishpilotwhere I lived in the far beyonds of Ireland you would have to wait about 10 seconds for a line of text to even send as the connection was so slow
04:00.41irishpilotare we on the same page with that contact fender, I reckon we are :)
04:02.02irishpilotone is spying and the other is playing
04:03.29irishpilotI just originate a call now to both I guess from my "watcher" script
04:03.58irishpilotand then Bridge Action them together perhaps
04:04.23irishpilotalthough no you said not to use Bridge Action last night
04:04.23ChrisInSydney<p3nguin>. Just got some feedback on the call
04:04.32ChrisInSydneysomeone is there
04:06.33*** join/#asterisk picard276 (~chatzilla@
04:06.52picard276hey guys having a problem wiht .call files
04:07.00picard276im trying to process more than one at once
04:07.11picard276but .. if i run a call file... asterisk will not process the next call file until that one is completed?
04:07.23[TK]D-FenderChannel =LEFT SIDE.  Context,Exten, Priority, = RIGHT SIDE
04:07.39picard276i have to manually set the channel?
04:07.42[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: No,
04:07.47[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: that wasn't for you
04:07.50picard276ohh kk'
04:07.55[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot:  that was for you.
04:08.01irishpilotyep :O)
04:08.07[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: Same topic though.... * will take them ALL at once
04:08.24picard276but like i drag the callfile into the spool.. its running
04:08.24[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: And potentially congest
04:08.34picard276and then if i drag another one... (just one more call) it wont work
04:08.38picard276it seems to only do one at a time
04:08.41picard276(only trying 2 calls)
04:08.47[TK]D-FenderNo, and what the hell is "drag"?
04:08.51picard276copy them
04:08.57picard276into the spool
04:09.00[TK]D-FenderNEVER copy, only MOVE
04:09.10picard276ok... ive done with moving too
04:09.17picard276i move them both
04:09.22picard276right after each other
04:09.25picard276only the first one gets processed
04:09.34[TK]D-Fender* will take them all unless some get locked, or the datestamp is in the future, etc
04:10.36irishpilot@fender: Not sure what you mean by Channel =LEFT SIDE.  Context,Exten, Priority, = RIGHT SIDE. Are you saying on the Originate we set the channel to be "spyhalf" and the context extn pri as the playback message "playhalf"
04:12.05p3nguinI think he's referring to channel originate CHANNEL <application|extension> DATA.
04:12.14p3nguinRather than Originate().
04:12.26[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: Yes
04:13.01[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: When the Local channel you call gets answered it gets dumped where you tell it to
04:13.14p3nguinIf you're doing it on the CLI, you don't even need the "playhalf" in an extension at all.
04:13.38[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: end result : dialplan talking to dialplan.  However the Channel side latches on to another call, so when it gets audio... out it goes.
04:13.49p3nguinchannel originate Local/spyhalf@spycontext/n application Playback somewarningmessage
04:13.50[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: No, triggered from a script
04:14.04[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: He's got a quirky project.
04:14.11p3nguinI'd guess the script still does that.
04:14.24[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Payed support call, 5 minute nag to "bill for 5 more minutes"
04:14.30picard276got it thanks TK
04:14.35irishpilot@fender: giving it a whirl brb
04:14.39[TK]D-Fenderso press somthing to keep the call alive
04:14.50p3nguinBut I don't know the 1st thing about AMI, so I don't really know.
04:14.51picard276one more question.. this is easy... Where can i find the code for DISA online (the freepbx/asterisk) like dialplan how its passing stuff?
04:15.02[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Using originate + chanspy to hook in to play the nag
04:15.06p3nguinIf it's a shell script using asterisk -rx, that's where I do stuff.
04:15.24p3nguinchannel originate Local/spyhalf@spycontext/n application Playback somewarningmessage    <------
04:15.39[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: For this aprt, its the same net effect.  He does need a bit more, but I went over all of this with him 12+ hours ago
04:15.56[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: that makes no sense
04:16.15picard276im looking to basically.. pass callerID and a Phone Number to a Custom context
04:16.25picard276so similar to DISA (except i have the numbers already predialed... )
04:16.36picard276so i want to pass my custom Numbers and caller ID to a custom context
04:16.58p3nguinWhere can you find it?  src/asterisk-
04:18.10p3nguinDISA is made to do one thing:  provide you a dial tone to make a call after you are already "in" the system on a call.
04:18.25p3nguinIf you're just making calls to numbers, you use Dial(), not DISA().
04:18.32[TK]D-FenderHow is a number "predialed" and what is the point of DISA?
04:18.48[TK]D-FenderDISA is to give you tone so you can dial.  If you have the number what do you need DISA for?
04:19.08picard276im using a call file
04:19.13picard276so i have a number im passing thorugh the .call file
04:19.19picard276but i want to pass that number to my custom context...
04:19.31p3nguinSo define that context in the call file.
04:19.39p3nguinContext: your-context
04:19.51picard276but when im passing to the context i want to pass a #
04:19.57p3nguinSo do it.
04:20.00picard276right.. how?
04:20.04picard276in the .call file?
04:20.08picard276thats where im confused
04:20.13p3nguinExtension: 3145555555
04:20.22picard276gotchytaa Thanks p3nguin!
04:20.39p3nguinMaybe you need to read the section on call files again.
04:20.41infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
04:21.55p3nguinCall files are sort of like a "spooled" version of a CLI originate.  You provide a channel to attach to, then an application or extension to run once attached to the channel.
04:22.58*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
04:24.01p3nguinAre you trying to make a call to one phone, then connect that call to another phone?
04:28.10picard276ok that extensio nworked well p3nguin
04:28.21picard276yes p3nguin
04:28.23picard276the problem...
04:29.09picard276when i start the call to my phone ...
04:29.18picard276it automatically starts going to the extension
04:29.30picard276it does not wait to call me phone... it just starts dialing the context and extension before my phone has a chacne to pick up?
04:29.35picard276and i have WaitTime: 30
04:29.55picard276but i think that wait time is only to see if hte call will be connected.. it doesnt make the rest of the application wait until my call is connected... ):L
04:31.49*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
04:33.24picard276if u get what i am sayin
04:33.40p3nguinYou want to call your phone, then dial another number.
04:33.46picard276yes (;
04:33.53picard276but its dialing before my phone gets connected
04:33.56p3nguinPastebin your call file example.
04:34.03picard276kk one sec
04:35.39p3nguinSIP/flowroute/1949..... is your phone number?
04:36.03p3nguinAnd what does the from-context have in it?
04:36.15picard276its just the basic thing to call out
04:36.17picard276nothing specila
04:36.27picard276it runs a dial(sip/flowroute/${number}
04:36.40[TK]D-FenderAnd if it answers right away then that is what Flowroute does
04:36.53picard276but ...
04:36.58picard276if i use Application:
04:37.01p3nguinAnd it's wrong if they are doing it.
04:37.11picard276in my .call file.. not using context, and Extension
04:37.12p3nguinI can't believe that would do that.
04:37.13picard276then it works
04:37.17picard276aka the call waits to be picked up...
04:37.23picard276once its picked up it runs the application
04:38.23p3nguinIt should behave the same way in either case, be it an extension or an application.
04:38.29picard276right i knw
04:38.34picard276but its not ):
04:38.41picard276should i get rid of WaitTime?
04:38.54p3nguinTry it on the CLI with originate and see how that goes.
04:39.29p3nguinchannel originate SIP/flowroute/1949yournum extension 1949othernum@from-context
04:40.18picard276kk one sec
04:40.39p3nguinBy the way, the "from-context" name is extremely confusing for a context intended to be used for dialing out to the PSTN.
04:41.05p3nguinto-flowroute, maybe... or out-context?
04:41.16[TK]D-FenderFreePBX <-
04:41.30p3nguinNasty nasty words.
04:41.40picard276when done from CLI works properly
04:41.41p3nguinThe originate works correctly?
04:41.46picard276yeahup (;
04:41.54p3nguinSo what would be different using a call file?
04:42.01p3nguinThe concept behind it is identical.
04:42.04irishpilothey Fender, I've a problem. To test I made a basic dial plan to  Set(__DYNAMIC_FEATURES=pleaseextend) and then a Dial(SIP/556,,U(watcher)g); All great, I call, when I answer the call on 556 it waits for the watcher script to exit - but the watcher script thread is asleep for 5 minutes. So my call never gets answered because asterisk is waiting for the watcher to finish. Is there a way to make it concurrent? I used a U to go sub,
04:42.04irishpilotmaybe that was why you said use a macro m ?
04:42.06picard276haha ? no originate
04:44.21picard276yeah idk p3nguin?
04:44.24picard276kind of wierd no?
04:45.10[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: Not what I told you.  I gave you a complete sample already and you aren't showing what you're  doing in that gosub as it is....
04:45.11p3nguinIs it some kind of bug?
04:45.23p3nguinI don't typically use call files.
04:45.34p3nguinI use them, but not very often.
04:45.53irishpilotthe go sub just goes and calls the watcher AGI, nothing special. That all works, but calls and waits for it
04:46.32irishpilotI am looking for the 'complete sample' you mention, Im not sure where you wrote that. Rereading your messages from today and last night
04:47.12picard276its the callerID functionality
04:47.22irishpilotyesterday you said: TK]D-Fender: irishpilot, m() only launches your external watcher and the GOES AWAY.
04:47.32irishpilotdid you mean "then goes away"
04:47.34picard276its going straight to from-context because im passing the callerID variable.. ?
04:47.40picard276p3nguin ... could that effect it?
04:47.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:47.50irishpilotI'll give it a try, also I guess you meant capitol M as small m is for music
04:47.52p3nguinI wouldn't think so, but take it out and find out.
04:48.02ChrisInSydneySo sho is on the VUC
04:48.13p3nguinI'm still here.
04:48.24ChrisInSydneyIs that you ??
04:48.37irishpilotyou sent this too: TK]D-Fender: irishpilot, m() only launches your external watcher and the GOES AWAY.
04:48.50ChrisInSydneyahh. Tired if Al Kooper ?
04:48.51irishpilotand then [macro-payupbastard] exten => s,1,System(/somewhere/ ${ARG1} &)
04:49.04irishpilotwill try that
04:49.11p3nguinNot necessarily tired of it, no.  It sounds pretty bad, though.
04:49.39p3nguinThey killed us.
04:50.00p3nguin12 hours
04:50.03irishpilotNow I have         Dial(SIP/556,,M(macro-payupbastard)g); will try that
04:50.15picard276p3nguin what do u think?
04:50.23p3nguin(2247.51) <p3nguin> I wouldn't think so, but take it out and find out.
04:50.24picard276im putting the CID info in and then its autopassing too fast?
04:50.28ChrisInSydneyAutomatic do you think ??
04:50.39p3nguinI'm not sure.
04:50.59ChrisInSydneywe'll have to ask next time
04:51.02p3nguinMaybe someone in #vuc saw your question and checked the conf.
04:51.25p3nguinI asked before and they wouldn't give me a straight answer... just kept bitching about the fact that we stayed connected.
04:52.01p3nguinThere's no reason they need to be recording it, anyway.
04:52.07p3nguinThe "show" is over.
04:53.01p3nguinI guess what I'm trying to say is, "If they don't fuckin' like it, they can kiss my big black ass."
04:54.46p3nguinWay to kill a chat.
04:55.32*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
04:55.39[TK]D-FenderChapter 12 of "How to Not Win Friend and Not Influence People" :)
04:56.18coppiceFriend in the singular isn't setting your sights very high
04:57.10ChrisInSydneyNot that anyone was chatting
04:57.23ChrisInSydneyYou dont "Sound" black ;-)
04:57.24irishpilotstrange does anybody know about macros in AEl? "No such context 'macro-payupbastard' for macro 'payupbastard'"
04:57.40irishpilotI didn't realize Macro's needed a context
04:57.44irishpilotor do they?
04:57.46[TK]D-Fendermacro IS a context
04:57.49p3nguinI don't look black, either, for the record.
04:58.01irishpilotthats what I thought
04:58.09irishpilotstrange it is telling me No such context 'macro-payupbastard' for macro 'payupbastard'
04:58.23[TK]D-FenderI don't see race.  People tell me I'm white, and I only believe them because I can't dance.
04:58.42irishpilotmust be something to do with the name. I call it macro payupbastard() {
04:59.05irishpilotOh ok I was calling it as SIP/556,,M(payupbastard)g
04:59.10[TK]D-FenderDon't go dreaming that random white-space is legel
04:59.11irishpilotwill add macro-
04:59.18[TK]D-FenderM adds it
04:59.35*** join/#asterisk GGD (
04:59.38[TK]D-FenderPerhaps AGI does have a special syntax actually..
04:59.48[TK]D-Fenderhard to say... it's all fake and I never recommend AEL
05:00.25irishpilotya it didnt like it
05:00.25irishpilotNo such context 'macro-macro-payupbastard' for macro 'macro-payupbastard'
05:00.55irishpilotthat was from Dial(SIP/556,,M(macro-payupbastard)g);
05:02.25*** join/#asterisk GGD (
05:02.27picard276yea i think something is wrong with the .call stuff?
05:02.34irishpilotfixed that
05:02.50irishpilotneeds to start as: macro macro-mymacroname() {
05:03.10irishpilotnow it says lacks 's' extension, priority 1 but I'll just add an s
05:05.16p3nguinpicard276: Did you ever take out the extra settings and try again?
05:05.25p3nguinI've been waiting like 20 minutes.
05:05.27picard276what settings?
05:05.29picard276im sorry
05:05.34irishpilotno doesn't like s=> in the macro either
05:05.49p3nguin(2247.34) <picard276> its going straight to from-context because im passing the callerID variable.. ?
05:05.52p3nguin(2247.40) <picard276> p3nguin ... could that effect it?
05:05.54p3nguin(2247.51) <p3nguin> I wouldn't think so, but take it out and find out.
05:06.11picard276well where will i send the call to if not from-context?
05:06.58p3nguinYou asked me if the caller id value was breaking it.  Take out the caller id value and test again.
05:07.07irishpilotI think I found a bug with AEL. app_macro.c:311 _macro_exec: Context 'macro-payupbastard' for macro 'payupbastard' lacks 's' extension, priority 1
05:07.14[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: Where did you even come up with that name?
05:07.30picard276what do u mean TK?
05:07.30irishpilotit freaks up if you put an s=> {} in there
05:07.44[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: that shows nothing IN s
05:08.03[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: "from-context" <------------- where did you even come up wirth this?
05:08.14picard276its the main context
05:08.15picard276its just a Dial
05:08.22picard276from freepbx
05:08.24[TK]D-FenderContext is not a DIal
05:08.33[TK]D-FenderAnd since when is THAT name used by freepbx?
05:09.21irishpilotyou can't have an S however as its a macro, if you put it in then it freaks out
05:09.25picard276it works fine
05:09.30picard276if i get rid of the CallerID
05:09.56[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: That is not a proper context to use in FreePBX.
05:10.08[TK]D-FenderCallerID may be it's own issue, but that's another matter
05:10.16picard276its with any context though
05:10.18picard276this works completely fine
05:10.22picard276unless i pass the CallerID
05:10.49p3nguinIt may be its own issue, too.
05:12.24picard276yea it could be a .call asterisk bug
05:12.33p3nguinWhat's your version?
05:12.49[TK]D-FenderNo, I seriously doubt it's a bug.
05:13.02[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't a version or even a branch
05:13.06picard276asterisk 1.6
05:13.11[TK]D-FenderNOT A BRANCH.
05:13.19[TK]D-Fender1.60 = branch., 1.6.1, 1,6.2
05:13.23p3nguinNot even a stick.
05:13.33p3nguinNot even a twig.
05:13.42[TK]D-FenderNor a splinter
05:14.02[TK]D-Fenderpicard276: And that isn't the problem.  First problem is you aren't looking
05:14.15[TK]D-FenderIt's a congenital issue
05:14.46p3nguinLike herpes?
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05:15.16bluregardgood evening all
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05:18.07irishpilotI think macro
05:18.16irishpilotI think Macro's are broken in AEL in 1.8
05:18.49irishpilotcan't call it at all, keep getting that Ive no S=> in my macro which makes no sense as its not a context its a macro
05:19.17[TK]D-FenderNo, otherwise plenty of other people would have freaked by now.
05:19.59p3nguinA macro runs extension s in the macro-context.
05:20.28irishpilotif you put it in penguin it bails out
05:20.35irishpilotand the manual says not to use it
05:20.49p3nguinConsider using .conf instead of .ael.
05:20.53irishpilotcheck this
05:21.00irishpilotI have an AEL that is 3000 lines long
05:21.02[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: PM
05:21.08irishpilotto convert that to AEL would be a nightmare :(
05:21.15irishpilotfrom ael
05:23.46ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: just loiaded 1.8. Looks like the attended transfer caller ID issue doesnt work in 1.8 either
05:23.53ChrisInSydneyis there something I am missing ?
05:24.19p3nguinIt seems to work for me, so I don't know.
05:24.30ChrisInSydneyas a comparrison, it does work with Milkfish (OpenSER) on my dd-wrt router
05:25.30ChrisInSydneyA calls B, B calls C, B talks to C, B presses Transfer, A and C are now talking. C sees Bs number still
05:25.41ChrisInSydneyshould see A
05:26.17p3nguinAfter the transfer completes, it should update if your channel technology supports that.
05:26.31irishpilot ok this is just a basic hack together
05:26.33irishpilotnot the end product
05:26.43[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: You didn't pay attention earlier.
05:27.08irishpilotits not finished Fender, I just want to see Watcher work
05:27.11[TK]D-Fender23:48]irishpilotand then [macro-payupbastard] exten => s,1,System(/somewhere/ ${ARG1} &)
05:27.24irishpilotyou didn't pay attention to me :p Im running Java
05:27.27irishpilotnot a perl script
05:27.27[TK]D-Fenderyours looks NOTHING like what I gave you as a sample
05:27.39irishpilotyours is conf not AEL
05:27.39[TK]D-FenderAGI is blovking and this is NOT supposed to be an AGI
05:27.43ChrisInSydneySIP / SNOM
05:27.55[TK]D-FenderSystem != AGI
05:28.03[TK]D-FenderLook what else is in there.
05:28.05irishpilotyou said "language doesn't matter"
05:28.05[TK]D-FenderThis matters
05:28.14[TK]D-FenderAGI isn't a language <-
05:28.22irishpilotAgi calls the language
05:28.41[TK]D-FenderAGI is a dumb concept for hooking stdin/out for live interaction.
05:28.47[TK]D-FenderYou aren't supposed to be doing this
05:29.08[TK]D-Fenderthat blocks the call from really bridging.
05:29.21irishpilotso I am forced to use Perl
05:29.22[TK]D-FenderI said launch and external scripst.  as in not tied to anything.
05:29.28irishpilotor Php
05:29.28irishpilotor something from the shell
05:29.33irishpilotand can't be java?
05:29.41irishpilotor I guess could be a java command
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05:34.42ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: What handsets are you using ??
05:35.09p3nguinCisco 7900 series
05:35.19ChrisInSydneyI have 2xSnom w v7.3.30 / 8.4.32 + an Aastra + a Cisco SPA524G2
05:35.23ChrisInSydneyall the same
05:36.00ChrisInSydneyBlind xfer works. Attended doesnt
05:36.02p3nguinI also use SCCP, not SIP.
05:36.12ChrisInSydneyThis is all SIP
05:36.41ChrisInSydneygotta go. Family are draging me off to get a life
05:36.51ChrisInSydneyThanks. Type soon
05:51.08irishpilotOk I've good news Fender
05:51.22irishpilotand it works
05:51.50irishpilotI used a GoSub U option on the Dial as Macro's don't work in AEL if you follow the manual so I'll lodge a bug on that later
05:52.07irishpilotthe U option doesn't block as it comes back and calls as we wanted
05:52.13irishpilotcall the script that is
05:52.20[TK]D-Fenderit isn't the U that is not blocking
05:52.26[TK]D-Fenderit was your use of AGI
05:52.27irishpilotI know
05:52.36irishpilotso you're ok with the U option instead of M
05:52.45irishpilotas M just won't work
05:52.47irishpilotwith AEL
05:53.18[TK]D-FenderIt was done wrong somehow
05:53.39irishpilotIll work on that another time as once the U works then great
05:53.47irishpilotwill see how the originate works now
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06:21.12irishpilothey Fender I am close now, almost done! Just the Originate doesn't like my request with the "playhalf" and "spyhalf", here is what I mean:
06:21.54irishpilotTo test it is working I tried putting in an extension so SIP/556 and that worked and it connected me to the playhalf message as expected.
06:22.28irishpilotI just need to get actual channel in there somewhere, which is where I am confused as this will be a 3rd channe;
06:23.43irishpilotIts the originateAction.setChannel("spyhalf"); that I must be wrong
06:27.34[TK]D-Fenderirishpilot: I handed you the channel format
06:29.57irishpilotI don't understand then
06:30.03irishpilotbecause I did what I thought you said
06:30.07p3nguinSIP/556   <-- put in the channel parameter
06:30.07irishpilotleft leg right leg
06:30.13p3nguinSIP/556   <-- not an extension
06:30.25irishpilotok P but I can't call an extension
06:30.32irishpilotas the call is already in progress
06:30.34p3nguinYou could if you wanted.
06:30.52irishpilotno I can't, let me explain
06:30.57p3nguinYou can.
06:31.01p3nguinWell, we can...
06:31.04p3nguinMaybe you can't.
06:31.23irishpilotjust before the Dial() takes place we goSub to the Java programme
06:31.38irishpilotthen we immediately come back and bridge the channels in the dial
06:31.53irishpilotmeanwhile the java programme is running in the back
06:32.03[TK]D-Fender[22:45][TK]D-Fenderchannel: Local/spy@spycontext/n
06:32.10[TK]D-Fender3 hours ago
06:32.25p3nguinIf there is an active channel, you can spy it.
06:32.31[TK]D-FenderI gave you the sample for the whole thing
06:32.42p3nguinAnd I gave you the originate command.
06:32.46irishpilothang on
06:32.49irishpilotno you didn't'
06:32.54p3nguinYeah, we did.
06:33.06irishpilotok just a sec
06:33.18irishpilotwhat goes in there
06:33.20irishpilotas I don't know
06:33.33p3nguina channel's name
06:33.36irishpilotoriginateAction.setChannel(Fenderchannel: Local/spy@spycontext/n");
06:34.11irishpilotguys I know this seems totally easy to you but to me its completely new
06:34.25irishpilotI am doing my best and reading everything you are saying respectfully
06:34.42irishpilotI am also very grateful for your help
06:35.12p3nguinIf you want to originate to a part of dial plan, use Local channels.  Local/spy@spycontext/n is a valid Local channel name to originate to.
06:35.12irishpilotso please don't think I intentionally not getting you
06:35.35p3nguinThat's the "left" side.
06:35.50p3nguinThen the right side can be either an extension or an application.
06:35.53p3nguinYour choice.
06:35.56[TK]D-FenderThe rest looked about proper
06:36.10irishpilotI appreciate that
06:36.19irishpilotthe word Local
06:36.38irishpilotis that to be replaced with the channel that called the script
06:36.41p3nguinLocal channels are used to turn a point in the dial plan into a device.
06:36.46[TK]D-Fenderthat is a literal word
06:36.51[TK]D-Fenderletter for letter
06:36.53irishpilotok so I use it as you put
06:36.58irishpilot2 secs will run it
06:37.15[TK]D-FenderYou will have to use SetVar's in your originate to apss the channel name as a var that you can call up in your ChanSpy
06:37.27[TK]D-FenderNo sense in running.  You didn't give it the target
06:37.41irishpilotI thought I did with originateAction.setExten("playhalf");
06:37.54[TK]D-FenderWith Originate you can preset var values so you can use them immediately
06:38.08[TK]D-Fenderno, we need the actualy CALL name to hook into
06:38.08irishpilotok let me see how to do that brb
06:38.10[TK]D-Fenderthat is run-time
06:38.40[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender23:48] irishpilot and then [macro-payupbastard] exten => s,1,System(/somewhere/ ${ARG1} &)
06:38.48[TK]D-FenderWhich is why you see me pass it to the script
06:38.58irishpilotyep ARG1 is the channel name right
06:39.06p3nguinIf you're just going to be playing a sound byte, why would you use Exten?  App[lication] would be more appropriate.
06:39.07irishpilotI just need to change that to ${CHANNEL}
06:39.16[TK]D-FenderNow ARG1 shold have been from a macro where you actually passed it ${CHANNEL}}
06:39.27[TK]D-FenderSo you could probably just do it direct from there
06:39.47irishpilot2 secs p3 let me get this running first
06:39.49[TK]D-FenderOr not.... I think you needed the first leg, not the spawned Macro/gosub one.
06:40.10irishpilotthe reason we used an extension is to use playback from there but I guess it could also be the app playback
06:40.13[TK]D-FenderIndeed this has to be from the callling side, so m() is the best way unless Gosub also supports args
06:40.14p3nguinThere's a word I'm thinking of to describe this.
06:40.32[TK]D-Fenderbed time here, later all...
06:40.41irishpilotyikes nooo :)
06:40.44irishpilotdon't go to bed on me :)
06:40.50irishpilotIm almost there :)
06:40.57[TK]D-FenderThat's what SHE saud
06:41.10irishpilotI thought of it after I said it!
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06:53.42irishpilothey P3 I think I have it working, only I am not hearing the "warning" message played through Spy, I have the output of it, can show you if you like on pastebin?
06:54.12irishpilotseems to be playing to the wrong channel:    -- Executing [playhalf@spycontext:2] Playback("Local/spyhalf@spycontext-644a;1", "somewarningmessage") in new stack
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06:57.47irishpilotMaybe ChanSpy needs another argument to break into the channel or something
07:04.51irishpilotthat worked! needed whisper mode on
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09:59.53saxap3nguin: yes, i pastedbinned my sip.conf 2 days ago, and Fender confirmed it was ok. It is here:
10:00.34saxap3nguin: any corrections are welcome, but I used that sip.conf file when it was working.
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12:03.22ChrisInSydneyHi all. I have a loaded question:
12:04.41ChrisInSydneyCan Ast 1.8.current manage the caller ID of attended transfers. For example A calls B, B places A on hold. B calls C, talks. B then presses Transfer to transfer A to C. C should now see A on their caller display
12:04.47ChrisInSydneyCurrently sees B
12:05.21ChrisInSydneyThe handsets are Snom. I also have some Aastra and Cisco SPA524G2s to try against
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12:22.41ChrisInSydneyfixes it
12:26.21ChrisInSydneyThats half the story. The display for A still says B even though they are talking to C
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14:04.42kaldemarChrisInSydney: try rpid_update=yes
14:05.19ChrisInSydneyin sip.conf under the peer defiition ?
14:08.11ChrisInSydneyGot caller ID on call pickup working. Needed a firmware upgrade to 8.4.32 on the handsets. The 7.3.30 doesnt do it :-(
14:09.13kaldemarChrisInSydney: under [general]
14:10.28ChrisInSydney<kaldemar> Ill give it a go
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14:21.38ChrisInSydneyI'll do a sip trace
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15:13.03ChrisInSydney<kaldemar> Looks like you need to set CONNECTEDLINE(number,i) and CONNECTEDLINE(name,i) for it to work
15:13.28ChrisInSydneyYou also need the latest SNOM firmware
15:14.24ChrisInSydneyMoreover sendrpid=yes and rpid_update=yes have to be explicitly turned off otherwise I get a 604 error from the ITSP
15:15.13ChrisInSydneySo, back to the drawing board as to getting this migration completed. More planning, dial plan rewriting  and testing
15:15.26ChrisInSydneyoff to bed for me. its 2:15am
15:15.38ChrisInSydneynight all. and thanks for the help :-)
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16:13.38volga629AstriCon 2012 will be held October 23-25 in Atlanta, Georgia Is this real info ? How place reservation ?
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16:14.54ujjainWhat is more respected here? Elastix or Trixbox? Or is this question evil?
16:17.38pabelangerujjain: neither to be honest, each have their separate rooms
16:17.56pabelangervolga629: yes, I thought I seen info on the site
16:18.20ujjainpabelanger, thanks :)
16:19.08pabelangerujjain: actually, its not.  Just,
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16:19.48ujjainpabelanger, I can't visit. I live in another world.
16:20.03pabelangerujjain: Mars?
16:20.07pabelangerway cool
16:20.11volga629excellent I was unable make last year, but in 2012 I will thank you
16:20.14ujjainI used Asterisknow before, but it's pretty horrible and insecure by default, too many standard passwords and requires much knowledge to change passwords.
16:20.53ujjainthere are like 5 default passwords that need changing, it's insanely insecure, even if you edit the amportal.conf passes and mysql passwords, no good guides, documentation
16:21.56pabelangernever used it to be honest
16:22.02pabelangerbut that seems bad
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16:49.51[ProB]CrazyManhi, I connected for testing one asterisk box Bristuffed 0.4.0 with one BRI Channel 13/15 with signaling bri_net to an other asterisk box (new install) and jnet dahdi driver 1.0.13 on Channel 1/2 with signaling  bri_cpe now I get on first box
16:50.34[ProB]CrazyMannow i get on the first box following error No D-Channel availible! using Primary channel 16 as D-Channel anyway!
16:51.13[ProB]CrazyManon the newer box I get: Detected alarm on channel 1 and 2 : Red Alarm
16:51.49[ProB]CrazyMando I have to enable somethin if i connect to Bri cards ?
16:59.18p3nguinsaxa: Which end point is the one giving you trouble?
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18:22.58WIMPy[ProB]CrazyMan: Those are pretty ancient versions. You should use at least 1.8 for that kind of experiment.
18:23.51WIMPyOr one version.
18:24.42[ProB]CrazyManI know but the olde one is the production server, and I want to migrate to 1.8, therefor I want to test if dialplan and every thing is working bevore I change to the new version
18:24.57[ProB]CrazyMantherefor I want to make test with one line
18:25.47[ProB]CrazyManif I connect to bri cards, do I have to enable on one the terminator ?
18:26.00WIMPyIs the link jumpered or cabled for crossover?
18:26.08WIMPyYou need termination on both ends.
18:26.33[ProB]CrazyManok its a normal ethernet cable between, do I need a crossed cable?
18:26.53[ProB]CrazyMando the cards the crossing not by their own?
18:27.39WIMPyIf you have jumpers for NT mode, that's for doing the crossover part.
18:28.11[ProB]CrazyManok so one side ist jumpered to NT mode
18:28.41WIMPyThen the ethernet cabel is right.
18:29.04[ProB]CrazyManso what does this red alarm mean?
18:29.17WIMPyNo link
18:29.21[ProB]CrazyManthe alarm comes every 5 seconds
18:29.58[ProB]CrazyMancurrios it detect the alarm but in the same second it cleared the alarm
18:30.15WIMPyI've never used bristuff, so I don;t know if that supports powersave, which dahdi doesn;t seem to like very much.
18:31.08WIMPySo maybe it does.
18:31.53[TK]D-FenderD-chan on 16 is an E1 PRI stndard number for the 1st PRI port.
18:31.58WIMPySo can you make calls? Does it stop then?
18:32.07[ProB]CrazyManif I try to do a call threw this channel it tells me that everybody is congested
18:32.09[TK]D-FenderNot something I would expect to see off anything BRI related.
18:33.42[ProB]CrazyManI'm not shure if it has something to do with the older asterisk because there I alsways get the no D-Channels availible on that channel in also 5sec interval
18:39.07kaldemar[ProB]CrazyMan: older chan_dahdi used to do that for all configured spans that were not up.
18:41.36saxap3nguin: i think is the nat where * is behind
18:42.24saxap3nguin: at least the thing stopped working after i opened some ports on that nat.
18:42.46p3nguin(1059.18) <p3nguin> saxa: Which end point is the one giving you trouble?
18:44.27saxathats it
18:44.42saxathe end point where * is behind imho
18:45.04saxabut to be honest, it does not work the client connected to the * server
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18:45.35p3nguinDo you know what an end point is within the scope of this discussion?
18:46.40p3nguinIt's going to be a phone or phone adapter.  We're not talking about Asterisk; Asterisk is not an end point.
18:53.45saxap3nguin: i have an grandstream gxp285 phone behind a nat and it connects to a server in my office behind another nat.
18:54.06saxaso that phone does not work anymore, does not work means i have no audio at all.
18:54.27saxathis is one of the 5 phones i have connected on that * box.
18:54.34saxaall others work ok
18:54.37p3nguinI'm going to ask only one more time and then I'm moving on to something else.
18:55.09saxai do not understand you what you mean with an end point if its not the client.
18:55.44p3nguinOf the six devices that you have configured in your sip.conf, WHICH ONE is giving you trouble?
19:01.28saxap3nguin: maybe this explains better my setup
19:01.44saxap3nguin: casasip
19:02.01saxap3nguin: in the pastebin client == casasip
19:02.46p3nguinThe probably could be that double NAT that you have your phone behind.
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19:03.01p3nguinYou have two choices.
19:03.09saxai thougt that
19:03.30p3nguinPut the modem in bridge mode to disable NAT on it... (my choice)
19:03.30saxabut it was working before in the same setup
19:03.44p3nguinOr don't use the NAT in the wireless router.
19:03.49saxai have disabled everything possible in the modem
19:04.21saxaok thx for the advise, I will try to see if there is way to put the modem in the bridge mode
19:04.21p3nguinYou missed part of the statement:  Put the modem in bridge mode.     <---------
19:04.24p3nguinbridge mode
19:04.27p3nguinnot NAT mode
19:04.33saxai got it yes
19:04.52saxawill try to connect firstly my phone directly to the modem
19:04.57p3nguinIf you can bridge the modem, the router will be the first node on the customer premises.
19:05.05saxaand disconnect all other stuff.
19:05.11P-NuTHi all, I know IAX2 supports RSA authentication, but does it support RTP encryption?
19:05.11P-NuTIf not, what are my options for that? And, what is the strongest encryption I can get with asterisk?
19:05.19saxaok let me try this.
19:05.25p3nguinIf you cannot bridge the modem, I can help you configure the router to not use NAT.
19:05.27kaldemarP-NuT: IAX2 doesn't use RTP.
19:05.46saxathx p3nguin
19:06.04saxalet me try first to see if there is a way to put the modem in the bridge mode.
19:06.11P-NuTkaldemar: Ok sorry, my point is that I reeealy want to encrypt the audio with the strongest encryption. Suggestions?
19:07.35kaldemarP-NuT: IAX2 does support encryption though, see for more information. other than that, you could also use SIP and SRTP.
19:07.59P-NuTkaldemar: what about zrtp?
19:08.33kaldemarP-NuT: zrtp is not supported by vanilla asterisk, yet.
19:09.09kaldemarP-NuT: i recall running into a 3rd party patch/addon that enables zrtp.
19:13.13P-NuTkaldemar: If IAX does not support encryption, then what does the line encryption=aes128 in users.conf do?
19:14.31kaldemarP-NuT: i said it does support encryption. i told you it doesn't use RTP.
19:16.00saxap3nguin: i did a test, conncetion the phone directly into the modem, it got one lan ip and it registered to the server, calling the voicemail i have not been able to hear anything, so same thing as with previous connection setup i have.
19:17.24saxathe phone got the ip on the nat from thomson modem.
19:17.46saxas/nat/lan side
19:18.57p3nguinDo you have any port forwarding enabled on the Thomson modem/router?
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19:23.03P-NuTkaldemar: Oh sorry I am blind!
19:24.34saxap3nguin: i have disabled everything.
19:24.56p3nguinHow about bridge mode?  Did you find that setting yet?
19:25.22saxano, there is no way to put the modem in the bridge mode, at least i have not find it
19:29.30bbourdageAnyone have an idea on the voicemail directory question I posed previously ?
19:33.53saxabbourdage: i have no idea, but i know that you can separate any field with the comma.
19:34.23saxaso in the field you can have as many spaces as you need
19:34.35saxai'm not sure if this is what you want.
19:35.35bbourdageThanks, I will try that.
19:36.20*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
19:37.04saxaanybody knows if i need to enable TR069 ?
19:37.17saxaor should i disable that ?
19:38.10jpsharpOn a DSL modem? No, don't disable that.
19:38.22WIMPyThat is for auto-provisioning.
19:38.34jpsharpWhat he said.
19:38.58WIMPySo if you want to change things, better turn that off.
19:41.32p3nguinWhat he really needs to figure out is how to put it in bridge mode so he can get rid of double NAT.
19:49.10WIMPyJust remove the account settings?
19:49.24WIMPyOr is it bridged?
19:51.07saxajpsharp: yes, on a dsl modem
19:52.12saxaone problem is that the modem has a very poor ui, so i have not seen any option to put it in a bridged mode.
19:52.54saxai'm trying to find that , but there is only few options wia web, will try to acces the modem by telnet/ssh, if it has access.
19:52.55Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:53.04WIMPyHow is the modem side operating? bridged? pppoe? pppoatm? whatever?
19:53.14jpsharpIf its anything like the Cisco DSL modem I have, its in a really obscure place.
19:53.35WIMPyOk, just remove the pppoe settings and you should be able to use it as a bridge.
19:53.35saxait is a Thomson TG508
19:54.02saxaok let me try
19:54.12WIMPyYou might even be able to do both at the same time, but as you probably only have one account...
19:54.43WIMPyYou plan to do the pppoe on a pc then?
19:56.42jpsharpAccording to the manual, the configuration should be in the settings for PVC0.  It should have the selection of bridge, pppoe, and pppoa.
19:57.24jpsharpBut yeah, you put it in bridge mode and you'll have to have something else that runs PPPoE.
19:58.11jpsharpUnless your provider is just doing DHCP instead of the sucktasticness that is PPPoE.
20:01.10p3nguinThe WRT54G should be able to handle the PPPoE settings if they are needed after putting the modem in bridge mode.
20:02.54saxaWIMPy: i setup also a bridged conncetion
20:03.08saxanow i have pppoe on pvc0
20:03.14saxaand bridge on pvc1
20:03.39saxai need to play a bit with those settings to see if i can reconfigure the whole thingy
20:04.05p3nguinI've never even heard of pvc0 and pvc1.
20:04.36saxathis is how is named here in the thomson
20:05.01p3nguinRight, but I don't know what those devices represent.
20:05.06saxabut yes, anyway i need to find now if i can do pppoe on the linksys
20:05.17p3nguinYou can.
20:06.25saxanow there is a problem , i need to find out the password from my isp
20:06.35saxato set up the wrt54g
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20:10.11p3nguinThat part may be more difficult, depending on how competent they are.
20:11.01p3nguinTell them you need to configure your modem in bridge mode and that you need your credentials to put into your router connected to the modem.  Maybe they'll be able to figure it out and tell you what you need.
20:11.02ketascan't dump that out?
20:12.32ketasi luckily got rid of that pppoe on my adsl
20:12.38ketasthank god
20:14.24P-NuTkaldemar: Does IAX2 encryption only encrypt the audio, or does it encrypt the setup info and everything?
20:15.53p3nguinp-nut: In IAX2, there is no separate media stream.
20:16.12p3nguinIt's not like SIP and RTP.
20:17.16kaldemarP-NuT: it also encrypts the messages.
20:32.01P-NuTkaldemar: and aes128 is the highest encryption available?
20:33.56saxap3nguin: i got the pass from my isp, they have it in automatic answers.
20:34.42saxaanyway i was unable to start the modem in bridge mode
20:34.59saxai mean, I have not been able to configure it to work
20:35.00p3nguinWhat do you mean unable to start it?
20:35.06saxawill need some time to play with it
20:35.55saxabut to me this seem not a big problem, because connecting the client directly into the modem, and having only one nat, it connected to asterisk server, but no audio at all.
20:36.24saxaalso because before it was working with this same setup.
20:36.39saxaso if it worked before why it should not work now anymore.
20:37.11saxai understand that having 2 nats in the middle can be of a problem
20:37.18p3nguinLet me explain one thing.
20:37.27saxago ahead
20:37.39p3nguinThe NAT of the modem/router is not the same as the NAT in the Linksys router.
20:38.05p3nguinUntil you eliminate the NAT in the modem/router, we don't know if that is causing the problem.
20:38.31p3nguinFor example, a Belkin wireless router connected to a cable modem in bridge mode does not work with SIP phones.
20:38.57p3nguinBut a Linksys wireless router connected to the same cable modem in bridge mode might work with SIP phones.
20:39.14p3nguinNot all companies make their devices equal.
20:39.30saxaok I got it, but this one was working.
20:39.42p3nguinYou keep saying that, but it isn't working now.
20:39.56saxaactually the first time you have helped me to configure up the whole thing.
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20:40.23saxap3nguin: yes, unfortunately I was not messing anything on my client side when it stoped to work
20:40.30saxabut yes, i agree with you.
20:44.17saxai'm trying to find out why it does not connect in bridge mode
20:44.55saxai have put the password, but i have no way to configure the static ip in the pppoe in my linksys wrt54g
20:45.20saxain the thomson i have the static ip in my pppoe config.
20:45.31saxaany idea how can i do that ?
20:46.38saxaok probably i can set this up in advanced routing
20:46.47WIMPyI wouldn;t expect that to be neccessary.
20:52.16saxai have an option to leave nat enabled in bridged mode
20:52.24saxado i leave it on ? probably not
20:57.45saxaok I should be in bridged mode now
20:57.53saxalet me check few things
20:57.59saxaand i can confirm it
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21:01.37saxaok yes, I'm in bridged mode right now
21:01.45saxano nat, no dhcp on the modem
21:01.58saxaso only nat i have is the one from wrt54g
21:02.26saxabut yes, no audio at all on my phone
21:03.26saxagood, bridged mode seems faster.
21:03.44saxait is faster, since there is one nat less in the path
21:04.01saxathe above is what i get from my server
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21:18.51saxahmm, still no audio
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21:20.55saxaName/username              Host                                    Dyn Forcerport ACL Port     Status
21:20.59saxacasasip/casasip                              D   N      7741     UNREACHABLE
21:21.07saxaheh, but i canplace a call
21:21.33saxaof course with no audio, but i see it starts the voicemail on * , i can see that on CLI
21:22.42saxaok I got it now
21:23.05saxai just set up to use the external ip on my phone
21:23.40saxathanks to all
21:30.16saxaok, now is still something wrong as i can not place calls outside over DAHDI
21:30.53saxaif I call my mobile phone, I see that * places a call, but i do not hear anything back.
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21:42.25p3nguinsaxa: You enabled nat traversal on the phone?
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22:50.25*** join/#asterisk titou (~aurelien@2a01:e35:1386:d790:215:f2ff:fe46:2483)
22:50.48titouhi all
22:51.27titouI would like to give SIP calls from a low badnwidth
22:51.39titoufor this reason I guess the LPC10 codec would help me
22:52.20titouunfortunately my SIP provider doesn't accept LPC10 codec but only alaw and ulaw
22:53.13titouthus I would like to know if asterisk is the right software to create a gateway between my SIP client which would use the LPC10 codec and my SIP provider which uses alaw/ulaw
22:53.32titou(ie. install asterisk on my server located on a high wandwidth internet connection)
22:53.47WIMPyIt can do so, yes.
22:53.58titouis it easy to implement?
22:54.35WIMPyDepends on what you want.
22:54.52WIMPyIf you're easily pleasy, yes. Otherwise, no.
22:57.24titouok I will see
22:57.52titouand are we still able to hear something with the LPC10 codec ? :)
22:57.58titou(I mean the quality is not definitly so bad?)
22:59.04WIMPyYou may want to try different codecs with different settings.
22:59.13WIMPyThere's plenty to choose from.
22:59.51titouy connection is around 4ko/s I don't think I have a lot of choice in the codec I can use :(
23:00.23WIMPyNo go
23:01.01WIMPyThe RTP headers will hardly fit, let alone any voice.
23:01.45titouyou mean it's unthinkable to give a SIP call with that kind of connection?
23:03.21WIMPyErr, wait. You mean octetts?
23:03.40WIMPyAh, ok.
23:03.52titousorry ^^
23:04.04WIMPyAdd some delay and that should be ok.
23:04.38titoumy connection comes from a 3G usb key
23:04.59WIMPyWithout 3g?
23:05.00titoubut here I only have EDGE connection
23:05.21WIMPyNot a good situation.
23:05.29titouthat's why the bandwidth is so small :s
23:05.57WIMPyThat probably means lots of jitter as well.
23:05.58titouok then I'll try and I will see :)
23:06.10titouthank you for all these information WIMPy
23:07.09*** join/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
23:08.51fornaxHi, I'm running dahdi- on a gentoo machine with the recent 3.2.1 kernel and get the following BUG message: Can someone give me a hint what went wrong and where to file a bug?
23:09.40WIMPyUsing punctuation after an URL is evil.
23:10.23WIMPyvzaphfc? What version is that?
23:10.33WIMPyYou should try the dahdi-hfcs.
23:13.09fornaxhow can I get the vernon of vzaphfc?
23:13.31fornaxit is the last stable built published for gentoo
23:14.36WIMPyActually I'm asking about vzaphfc itself. It's not a version I know about.
23:14.59WIMPyThe old one I know is just zaphfc and that has been replaced by dahdi-hfcs.
23:15.58fornaxhm, okay, interesting, I'm running the gentoo builds for many years now and the kernel update and the switch to the new package resulted in this problem. I have a cheap hfc-s card.
23:17.13WIMPyDid you make sure the kernel drivers aren't loaded?
23:18.11WIMPyOh, that was in the pb. Don't seem to be loaded. ok.
23:18.12fornaxare there new kernel drivers that overlay the dahdi drivers?
23:18.28WIMPyNot new.
23:18.42WIMPyYou have several drivers to choose from.
23:18.52fornaxhm, okay, so I made an oldconfig and did no enable something new that related to dahdi
23:19.25WIMPydahdi is not in the kernel.
23:19.43fornaxI know that the original dahdi drivers need to be patched to be used with hfc-s cards. Maybe something went wring
23:19.54WIMPyBut mISDN is. But at least that wasn;t loaded according to your PB.
23:20.28WIMPyThe zaphfc (and related modules) aren't part of dahdi.
23:20.37WIMPyThey are 3rd party add ons.
23:22.29fornaxokay, so maybe they made something wrong when they patched the recent dahdi sources and I'm one of the rare people that have such a plain hfc-s :-( Now, I seem to have to downgrade the kernel or have to look for a card that works out of the box with asterisk
23:22.34fornaxbut they are so expansive
23:23.18WIMPyThat should be the most used card there is.
23:23.53WIMPyI prefer to use the kernel drivers, but if you want to use dahdi, use dahdi-hfcs. No the older stuff.
23:24.00fornaxokay, but why is its such a problem to apply correct patches for it or make dahdi support it out of the box?
23:24.28fornaxhow to do it with the kernel drivers? I never thought that this is possible? Using a bridge over misdn?
23:24.38WIMPydahdi is a Digium thing. That may already be the answer.
23:25.09WIMPyThere you've got a list of the possibilities.
23:25.12fornaxokay, sure, this is the answer. But I always thought that dahdi is the best and clean solution
23:25.59WIMPyThere is no good solution and which is the best, depends on your needs.
23:26.22fornaxokay, I see dahdi-hfcs is unrelated to dahdi, interesting, so I could probably uninstall dahdi and try dahdi-hfcs?
23:26.47WIMPyNo, you need dahdi as well.
23:27.16WIMPyIt's a framework with sub-drivers, just like many other things.
23:28.18fornaxokay, so i worked very much with dahdi and the integratio of zaphfc and just want to find a solution that is stable and survives upgrades
23:29.15WIMPyThe hfc support had to be updated regularly to work with current dahdi versions.
23:30.06fornaxso maybe misdn is an option
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