IRC log for #asterisk on 20120202

00:12.08*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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01:08.56*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:12.02*** join/#asterisk |Physis| (c909cab5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:36.17*** join/#asterisk GGD (
01:51.14saxa[TK]D-Fender: ;        nat = comedia           ; Use rport if the remote side says to use it and perform comedia RTP handling.
01:51.36saxaI think you were talking about this, correct ?
01:56.29[TK]D-Fendersaxa: I'm not solid on what the different new settings were as I'm not running 1.8 right now...
01:57.10*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
01:58.18rue_mohrthere is a fault between the T1 channelbank I have and asterisk, the asterisk state machine dosn't recognize the 'hang up' signal from the channelbank, I have a line stuck again, how can I , via the asterisk prompt, for the call tieing up the line to be hung up
02:01.05saxa[TK]D-Fender: thats probably what i need to change nat=yes setting.
02:01.10saxawill try it now
02:02.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: "soft hangup [channel]"
02:02.40rue_mohridea on hwo to get the channel number?
02:03.10rue_mohroh I only have one co channel :)
02:03.47rue_mohrphony2*CLI> soft hangup dahdi/7      dahdi/7 is not a known channel
02:04.01rue_mohrwhat did I forget?
02:04.47[TK]D-Fenderto look at the channel list.
02:05.07[TK]D-Fenderdahdi/7 is a devicename, not a channel name
02:05.18rue_mohrwhats the channel name?
02:06.09rue_mohrjust 1 thru 8?
02:06.17[TK]D-Fender"show channels concise"
02:06.24[TK]D-FenderASTERISK channels, not device specific
02:07.18rue_mohrNo such command 'show channels concise'
02:07.59[TK]D-Fendershow channels
02:10.13*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
02:10.17rue_mohrNo such command 'show channels'
02:10.53rue_mohrchecks the version of his [TK]D-Fender
02:11.22[TK]D-FenderI was betting on you remaining completely decrepit given your history ;)
02:11.37[TK]D-Fender"core show channels concise"
02:12.01rue_mohrnothing, ..... hah, its hung up now...
02:12.41rue_mohrok, now I know tho, and I set a max message length of 300 seconds, no more 2.5 hour messages while the channelbank waits for asterisk to figure it all out
02:13.21rue_mohrI'd love to know how to fix the state machine for the t1 signalling
02:14.14[TK]D-FenderWhat are you using on that, wink-start?
02:14.33rue_mohrno, its polarity reverse
02:14.55[TK]D-FenderYou are a glutton for punishment....
02:15.01rue_mohrall I know is asterisk often says "unknown state" from the t1 channelbank
02:15.12carrarchange it to a PRI
02:15.14rue_mohrI dont know how to work out what the state is, or how to code it in
02:15.23rue_mohrcarrar, for my 1 line house!?
02:15.30rue_mohrthats $1300/mo here
02:15.31carrarYES!! :)
02:15.57rue_mohrisdn not available, our co's are too old
02:16.06[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You're using a channel-bank and T1 card .... for 1 analog line.
02:16.06carrargo SIP
02:16.18rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, AND 7 PHONES!
02:16.25[TK]D-FenderYou'd be better off with a X100P cheap-ass POS for $15
02:16.35rue_mohrcarrar, you want me to tell you about our jittery droppy isp?
02:16.48carrarget a different isp
02:16.58rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, no I'm not, the channelbank does local bridging, so I dont get any echo or nuthin
02:17.03carrarget some qos
02:17.06rue_mohrcarrar, none available
02:17.16rue_mohrnot for less than $500/mo
02:17.16carraroh well
02:17.24carrarlike TK says, X100p
02:17.33carraror a 400
02:17.38rue_mohrx100p would be echo hell
02:17.49rue_mohrecho hell, I'v worked with them before
02:18.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: It's you..... technology hates you.  Time to take up basket-weaving...
02:18.34carrarGet a 400 series card
02:18.44rue_mohrfor a 7 phone house?
02:19.09rue_mohranalog bridging rocks, even if its within a t1 channelbank
02:19.19carrarget the echo cancellation modules with it
02:19.27carrarsince you think you have bad echo
02:19.28rue_mohrnow your talking $800
02:19.37carrarok, then keep bitching
02:19.57rue_mohrto fix the fact that * has a fault in its t1 state table that *sometimes* causes me to get 3.5 hr voicemails
02:20.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I'd sooner blame your channel bank.
02:20.23[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: then again... what T1 card do you have that on?
02:20.31rue_mohrits a newbridge ...
02:20.31[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And you know all of 1.6 is EOL... right?
02:21.06rue_mohrnewbridge mainstreet 3624
02:21.30rue_mohrif I installed * on the pbx yesterday whatever version it was would be obsolete today...
02:22.02rue_mohrI hold off so I'm not having to *continiously* learn new commands, I get to learn a lot of stuff all at once
02:22.39[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You're 4 branches behind now.
02:22.41rue_mohrif you look up the mainstreet 3624 on voipinfo, I think you will find me and kb1 wrote the book
02:23.01rue_mohrok, less proper support, whats the new version get me?
02:23.29rue_mohrI need to reinstall anyhow, the computer its running on has now killed....
02:24.11[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Your branch was up to which is 6 behind even what you should have minimum.
02:24.11rue_mohr6 hard drives, and with all the times I'v recovered and transfered the data, a few things are ...odd, it duplicates every number it plays
02:24.18carrarwhy not get a Adtran and convert your T1 to a PRI T1?
02:24.29coppiceoooh, newbridge networks. a name from the dim distant past
02:24.32rue_mohrmessage 1 1  message 2 2  message 3 3
02:24.42[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: ChangeLog- 16:022.6M
02:24.55[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Congratulations, exactly 2 years old.  Happy Anniversary!
02:25.06rue_mohr:) see, its an appliance!
02:25.48rue_mohrI have a box of voippack VOG4000's
02:26.05rue_mohrbut again, latency delay and echo
02:26.15carrarmove to a city
02:26.19carrarget out of BFE
02:26.37rue_mohrI dont know what ninny came up with voip packat timing but they knew nothing about telco audio
02:26.59rue_mohrcarrar, chill chill, Its only intermittently a problem
02:27.21rue_mohrI want to fix it, I'm a coder, I just dont know * code enough to be able to do it
02:27.33rue_mohrI know there is a state machine on the D channel of the T1
02:27.47rue_mohrI know its getting a sequence it cant interpert
02:27.54rue_mohrI dont knwo where the state machine code is
02:28.11carrarD channel of the T1
02:28.14carrarSo then it's a PRI?
02:28.23rue_mohrI dont know what sequence its getting... I also apparently forgot to stop pressing return every 8 letters
02:28.25[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You're speaking PRI to your CB?  Thought you said "polarity reversal" which would indicate RBS CAS
02:29.02rue_mohrpots co<---> channelbank<----t1--->asterisk with t1 card
02:29.23rue_mohrchannelbank<---> pots phones
02:30.26rue_mohrits true, the unsolicoted callers cant dial, so they hit a menu that times out and hangs up, they are blocked
02:30.41rue_mohrin 7 years I'v recieved 1 call
02:31.33rue_mohrthe cabevision/isp provider, he was really exited when I asked for voip service and everything, till he found out he couldn't sell it to me here
02:32.41rue_mohrso there, its just a t1 between the channelbank and *, everything else is analog
02:33.02rue_mohrtho, I'd really like to try one of the isdn cards in the channelbank and see if I can get a nortel digital set working
02:33.31rue_mohrI think kb1 got some nortel phones going with *, but iirc they were ip phones
02:34.39rue_mohrI was going to switch the channelbank out for an mics with a t1 card, but its been sitting too long without power and its key expired
02:35.59rue_mohrI thought the station cards might use an internel t1 bus, but upon prying it all open, all the chips are proprietory and I cant work out anything
02:36.31rue_mohrif I could only find a nortel engineer that designed the stuff
02:39.19rue_mohrI have some old toshiba geaer I think might be easier to hack
02:40.50rue_mohrok thanks, gnight
02:40.52*** part/#asterisk rue_mohr (
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06:50.06meestCan anyone tell me what the purpose of the swritechunk fild in the dahdi channel struct is for?
06:59.14*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
07:00.45*** join/#asterisk Mawkee (
07:01.18MawkeeHas any insomniac asterisk guru seen this error before: Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1?
07:01.29MawkeeCan't find too much useful info on this on google
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08:51.50ajithpHi all
08:51.51ajithphow to divert call in asterisk while busy in line
08:52.27kaldemardefine "line"
08:53.18*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
08:54.00ajithpLine in the sense am calling a number '5001' and '5001' busy in answering another call.
09:02.05ajithpCan i divert a call while busy in asterisk ??
09:04.18kaldemar5001 is just a number. it is crucial to know what is behind it. otherwise the answer is a general "check its status and function accordingly in your dialplan".
09:05.26kaldemarare you talking about a phone? if so, what kind of a phone? analog, SIP, IAX2, something else? a line as in a voip connection to a provider? POTS? ISDN?
09:08.23*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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09:22.21ajithpkaldemar: I am using an IP phone. Am calling to this IP phone from another IP phone
09:23.08ajithpIts is a SIP connection
09:24.00*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
09:25.23ajithpWhile calling an Sip connection if it is bust talking to another IP phone using SIP, can i divert the call to another SIP connection through Asterisk configuration
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09:34.16kaldemarajithp: use DEVICE_STATE function to check its status before dialing. if it is busy, do your divert. "core show function DEVICE_STATE" in CLI will show examples.
09:35.40*** join/#asterisk stix (~stix@
09:36.13ajithpThak you. i will try that
10:08.03*** join/#asterisk n0tk (~n0tk@gateway/tor-sasl/n0tk)
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10:15.26*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:20.43*** join/#asterisk Mandla (~Mandla@
10:21.46MandlaIs there a way on configuring the use of individual pin code for using the phone in Asterisk?
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10:25.23kaldemarMandla: sure, for example with the Authenticate application in dialplan.
10:26.17MandlaYah, but all users should enter a certain pin code for them to call.
10:26.32kaldemaror a custom prompt with Playback and reading the pin with Read.
10:27.43kaldemarphones or users having their own pin codes is no problem. just a matter of deciding how to handle them.
10:27.53Mandlakaldemar, i want to know who used the phone when, where.
10:29.59Mandlakaldemar, i want to keep track of phone usage by individuals.
10:30.28kaldemarno problem with that.
10:30.40*** join/#asterisk orn (
10:30.47MandlaHow do i do that?
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10:31.04kaldemarafter checking the PIN, you could for example put it to CDR(accountcode) and use CDR fot tracking or do something custom.
10:31.45Mandlakaldemar, any written article on the web that i can follow?
10:32.56kaldemarnot that i know of. google away and maybe you'll find something.
10:34.12Mandlakaldemar, thanx
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11:40.41cjkhi, i updated from 1.4 to 1.8. now some sip clients can not register when they send the packets to my fqdn ( but when they enter the IP Address, then it works.  Any idea?
11:41.59bitwizecjk: Any warnings or errors in your output?
11:42.44cjkbitwize, nothing in the logs
11:42.54cjkasterisk sends a 401 Unauthorized
11:42.55cjkthats all
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11:45.30dymHello there! (:
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11:46.05bitwizecjk: ok, have you tried the fromdomain attribute in configuration?
11:46.28cjkbitwize, yes, but cant it be linked to the realm
11:46.30dymIm having a problem with pattern matching of phone numbers of different lenghts. I want to match 6 and 7 digit numbers with this extension: exten => _12345[5-9][0-9],1,Goto(test,1,1) for some reason this wont work, only if the number is dialled faster
11:47.58cjkis there a way to ignore the realm that the client sends?
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11:50.16kaldemarcjk: that pattern will not match 6 digits. it only matches 7.
11:50.48kaldemarcjk: sorry, not you.
11:50.54kaldemardym: see above
11:52.52*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
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11:54.10cjkis there a way do see why asterisk rejects and incoming sip registration?
11:54.12cjksome debug level?
11:54.57kaldemarenable verbosity and sip debug
11:55.45dymkaldemar: sorry - here is the current setting: it still doesnt do "match as you go" and strikes on the 6 digit numbers with "not found".
11:57.14kaldemardym: can you show a CLI output of such a call?
11:57.40*** join/#asterisk Jimmy890 (~chatzilla@
11:59.56dymkaldemar:   -- Span 1: Extension 123456@dahdi-in does not exist.  Rejecting call from 'x'.
12:00.10dymthis wwad dialled with an additional 7th digit but fell through
12:00.36dymthis falsifying is annoying :D let me repost with proper numbers.
12:02.02kaldemaruse pastebin
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12:05.43dymi see one error :D
12:06.48dymforget everything :D
12:06.52dymIt was layer 8 based :)
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12:46.26jofryhi folks
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13:17.55*** join/#asterisk Srini (~Srinivasa@
13:18.06SriniHi Room
13:18.46SriniWhile configuring digium card, are there only two files involved? system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf?
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13:25.22kaldemarSrini: if you use the init script that comes with dahdi-tools, the module for your card needs to be listed in /etc/dahdi/modules.
13:26.11Srinikaldemar, Yes the module is visible
13:26.38Srinikaldemar, wct4xxp
13:27.23Srinikaldemar, dahdi_hardware also is showing the wct4xxp
13:28.17SriniBut the alarm is not turning green - so trying to understand what could have configured wrongly
13:29.13kaldemarSrini: which alarm?
13:30.34SriniI mean the light on the card next to the pri port is showing up red light. The dahdi_tool is showing BLU/YEL/RED
13:31.16kaldemarconstant red?
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13:49.43Srinikaldemar, it is blinking not constant
13:50.03Srinion the pri modem side the light status is green
13:51.43kaldemarif its blinking, then the driver module for the card is not loaded.
13:52.17Srinikaldemar, Thanks for that lead! I will check the driver modules again....!
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13:59.33eZzis it ok if a remote leg sends a multiple 183 with a different contact field path ?
13:59.52eZzmeaning sdp's
14:04.33Srinilspci is showing  wct4xxp - does that  mean the module is loaded?
14:05.02SriniI mean lsmod
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14:07.45kaldemarSrini: yes. the mode or config might be wrong however. do you have a T1 or an E1?
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14:10.14[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, dahdi_hardware also is showing the wct4xxp
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14:38.36AaronCharpentierHey guys, we currently use CBeyond for our VOIP handler, and it runs through an asterisk box that we have local. The connection is a T1 line (1.5) but it's too slow for the amount of employees we have. We have a 35 up 35 down fios line, is there any way to connect the pbx/asterisk box up through this? Or does it have to be through a channeled T1/T3, etc.
14:40.06[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, VoIP is IP.  it goes over whatever IP routing tech your server can talk to
14:40.37[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, CB sells you the upstream link so they can gurantee the quality (QoS end to end), and gouge you on the price
14:40.53AaronCharpentierThought so, the server is connected through both the T1 and the Fios line, but configured to run through the wildcard T1 handler.
14:41.06AaronCharpentierYeah, we can't even cancel it but we just want to stop using the T1, it really sucks.
14:41.43AaronCharpentierCould we in theory just remove the T1 Card, and force the machine to route through the fios connection? The updates etc all run through fios when sshing in, never had to work with an asterisk box before.
14:42.22[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, make sure your server's default route points to the proper gateway to go out your FIOS, make sure your NAT setting (if applicable) are appropriate to the new link, forwarding, etc and go for it
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14:42.48*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
14:43.05[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, You saying you installed a T1 card direct in your server to talk to CB?
14:43.25[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, I've heard of them using a router on your side and SIP from there to your box, but that all
14:43.31AaronCharpentierAwesome thanks a ton, one quick question - until now I've only had to deal with extensions.conf voicemail.conf and users.conf, I'm very familiar with linux - my question is where in asterisk can I define the server routing.
14:43.56AaronCharpentierWildcard TE121, Card 1 - Port undefined (span_1)  OKESF/B8ZS23/24PRI - CPE
14:44.02[TK]D-Fenderrouting is OS level, not * level
14:44.05AaronCharpentierThat's the card they installed in our server.
14:44.22[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, OH, you had a straight PRI with CB?  well.. then that's jsut a regular PSTN link
14:44.45[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, And I guess that's out the window.
14:44.54AaronCharpentierSo how does that change it for me being able to go into Fios? Impossible now?
14:45.11[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, You can leave it in as-is, handle calls that still come in however you want, and setup the new stuff on the side.
14:45.31[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, Changes nothing at all... makes it easier.  Means you didn't have 2 IP interfaces on your server
14:45.41[TK]D-Fender(that we would have guessed at)
14:45.53[TK]D-FenderNor outing to change then if it already goes out FIOS
14:46.00infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
14:46.12[TK]D-FenderGuide if your server is indeed on a private IP behind NAT
14:46.36AaronCharpentierThat's the thing the traffic is going through the T1, but the server is *also* connected to fios through it's regular lan port, the T1 line goes in at the wildcard
14:47.09AaronCharpentierI'll read that guide and see if it helps out with my confusion, I feel bad pestering you guys.
14:47.48*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
14:48.41[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, No, your T1 is "voice", not "data".  Don't think of it as "routing" or "network" at all.  Your server sounds to have just a single NIC and networking-wise is going through your FIOS like any other PC there
14:50.54AaronCharpentierI see, I guess what I was asking is if we can route the voice through the fios, since we're constantly encountering issues with the voice (choppy, dropped calls)
14:51.44AaronCharpentierBah, I can't get out of the whole "Data is data" even if it's voice mindset.
14:52.32AaronCharpentierCBeyond tells us the T1 looks fine, when they do their little remote check. But the quality of service for the system has been nothing but crap.
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14:59.17[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, Yeah, forget QoS, that's a network thing.. you're straight PRI.  So you can have BOTH on your server at the same time, no issue
15:00.21AaronCharpentierThanks, any ideas as to where we should look as far as call quality is concerned then? We're using grandstream GXP280's...they're honestly kind of crappy.
15:01.10[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, Phones are on the local LAN right?
15:01.35[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, Unless your LAN has some serious traffic, then it's just between your server and CB
15:01.36AaronCharpentierConfigured within to connect to the SIP server (the asterisk box) which also has an ip on our local lan
15:02.51AaronCharpentierHow much traffic are we talking before we call it serious? We have about 25 phones connected, 30 users on the internet, a zimbra server and an ftp server.
15:03.41[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, basically LAN flooding.  SIP phones take up nothing so unless you've got them inline with PC sucking off a file server something fierce the odds are low that it's between your server & phones.  So that means the link to CB is the flakey end
15:04.09[TK]D-FenderAaronCharpentier, Especially if everyone is getting hit
15:04.47AaronCharpentierSome days are better than others, some people have consistently bad calls - others do not. I'll call CB today, it must be like you're saying, some kind of flakey connection between us and the server.
15:08.34[TK]D-FenderNo, your server to CB
15:09.03AaronCharpentierSorry I know, I mean us as in our asterisk box, and server as in CB
15:09.12[TK]D-Fenderphone>server = OK (do you ever have issues calling the guy next to you?), phone > outside world = bad
15:09.56AaronCharpentierAye, just a misunderstanding in the wording that's all. I knew what you meant =)
15:10.41AaronCharpentierHey thanks so much for your time you've been more than helpful, I'm sorry I had to ask so many questions but I fully understand now, I'm sure I'll be back at some point with a new problem ;-)
15:10.55dymWhen dialing out with asterisk - is there any way to "catch" a congested line within the dialplan? Say i have an automated call and i wanted to jump into a certain context on the line beeing congested - possible?
15:11.24[TK]D-Fenderdym, Depends what you're dialing out of and if it returns a distinguishable state
15:12.03dym[TK]D-Fender: SendFax via DAHDI
15:12.36[TK]D-FenderSendfax doesn't place calls, Dial does.
15:12.42[TK]D-Fenderand DAHDI isn't a specific tech.
15:13.10dymwell i dialout via a dahdi card
15:13.15dymand then connect sendfax
15:13.22[TK]D-Fender...yes, and what KIND of card is important
15:13.42[TK]D-FenderWhat signalling?
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15:20.44mattsqzanyone out there using a nortel ip 1535 or lg lvp-2800?
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15:30.55ddickensonis there a way to use variables in the dialplan to do something like: exten => s,n,${DB(family/key)}  and have the variable fill in the rest of the statement?  I keep getting No Application errors even though the variable is set in AstDB with the proper info to finish statement
15:31.47ddickensonsay the variable had this set "NoOp(This is a test)"
15:32.16[TK]D-Fenderddickenson, You can't use a variable in place of an appname like that
15:32.40[TK]D-Fenderddickenson, You could use an ExecIf and reference it in there though.
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15:35.58ddickensonI had a theory on how I could allow users to set a variable by calling an extension and basically picking either "1" or "2" and that variable if placed prior to my time of day routing information would either enter a NoOp statement that the dialplan would just fallthrough or a GoTo statement redirecting to another context
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15:37.59ddickensonDoes that sound like ExecIf would do the trick?  Ill have to do some reading as im not yet familiar with that app
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15:51.05eZzwill repeat a question,
15:51.06eZzis it ok if a remote leg sends a multiple 183 with sdp with a different contact field path ?
15:51.10eZzmy voip company sends 183 with persistent contact with sdp only in case if their uac can reach an user. In other case - sends a different contact path within one call-id on 183 (only in case the remote uac can't reach an user for some reasons)
16:02.22dym[TK]D-Fender: Sorry - yes PRI
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16:08.49[TK]D-Fenderdym, then yes you should get a usable DIALSTATUS and HANGUPCAUSE to track this
16:09.32dym[TK]D-Fender: So say I send a fax via the PRI and the Dial hits a congested line - will it fall through to some extension?
16:09.50[TK]D-Fenderdym, your dialplan moves on like normal.
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16:19.54nathan1981Hi all, I am seeing a strange problem with one of my server which passes traffic between our users and our provider. On some calls the server is not sending the RTP through to the client after forwarding the 183. Anoyingly it seems pretty intermitant. Most calls seem to work OK and if the client responds with RTP the call seems to always work if they not there is no audio until we recive and
16:19.54nathan1981then pass the 200 OK on to the client and then they pass audio. example call ladder =>
16:20.16nathan1981asterisk 1.4.3 no 'r' in the dial plan
16:20.54eZznathan1981: I have the same issue
16:21.44nathan1981i have check the SDP in the invites and 183's for working and non working and they all look the same
16:21.49[TK]D-Fender1.4.3?  Seriously?  LIke 40 updtes behind a branch that is 5 entire branches behind?
16:22.27nathan1981yeah pretty old
16:23.45p3nguinI don't know if it's really fair to say a particular branch is 5 branches behind current when they were being developed or at least maintained concurrently.
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16:25.37eZznathan1981: does your provider is bandwith ?
16:25.38p3nguinIt is, however, really friggin' old.
16:25.42[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Everything pre 1.8 is security only IIRC
16:26.01eZz1.8 has the same btw
16:26.24p3nguin"were being developed or at least maintained concurrently"
16:26.35p3nguinNot in development now.
16:27.05[TK]D-FenderSecurity-only means that if what they are looking at is a "bug" then it isn't going to get fixed thus would be a dead duck to them.
16:27.40p3nguinpast tense
16:27.46nathan1981I was more looking to see if anyone had seen a similar problem and had a work around
16:28.25[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Yes, but they ARE asking NOW (current tense) :)
16:28.28p3nguinRegardless, 1.4.3 is still extremely old and may even be considered a fossil by some.
16:29.00[TK]D-FenderI believe the word you're looking for would be antediluvian :p
16:29.09p3nguinI wasn't addressing if it was old or not.  I was addressing the fairness of the statement.
16:29.19[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, And I countered on the same :0
16:29.47[TK]D-FenderI'm all about "fair"...
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16:30.07anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: out of curiosity, what version you are using in production?
16:30.45[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, My office is on a really old version itself which I am in the process of ripping out entirely.  At home, 1.6.2, and pening an upgrade
16:31.17[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, Can't do as much at the office because I'm ripping out one GUI and migrating the whole base to new hardware, OS, * ver and GUI
16:31.47anonymouz666hmmm here I am using the latest 1.4 in pbxs, latest 1.8 in distributed call centers
16:32.57p3nguinI don't have any better stability using 1.8 than I had in 1.4.
16:33.10p3nguinI only gained a few features by moving up.
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16:33.37SuperNullanyone know of a place that has the text that is said by each sound file in the sound pack ?
16:33.57p3nguinYes.  It is included with the sounds.
16:34.07SuperNullo rly.
16:34.10anonymouz666p3nguin: true
16:34.14p3nguincore-sounds-en.txt and extra-sounds-en.txt
16:34.19SuperNullderp. thank you.
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16:36.49nathan1981As its stand my problem only happens with some types of client hardware and only some voip providers (e.g. global crossing), there is nothing in logs relating to an RTP problems. It only seems to effect less than 1% of customers and they all seem to have Siemens systems.
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16:48.55w32blasteris this the correct place where can I ask about module development? (I am new in in asterisk module dev)?
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16:49.24w32blasterok, thanks
16:49.37vitaliytcan someone help me with a music on hold issue?
16:50.28infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:51.56vitaliytIve setup MOH on asterisk 1.8 and its setup so that if i call ext 1001 it auto answers and plays music, the issue is that it can only handle one user at a time, to the second caller I just get a fast busy...
16:52.18p3nguinShow me the entire extension 1001.
16:52.21infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:52.23p3nguinPastebin it.
16:52.41vitaliytone moment
16:54.37p3nguinThis is what it should look like:
16:54.42vitaliytI can paste the CLI output as well...
16:55.24p3nguinNot yet.  Make the change and then try two or more calls again.
16:55.37vitaliytis CHANNEL a defined value?
16:55.51vitaliytor is it just channel?
16:56.02[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, if the dialplan was good for one, it's good for both
16:56.28p3nguinWhat I put in the pastebin is what you should copy verbatim.
16:56.37vitaliytgot it.
16:56.55p3nguinYou're using deprecated and possibly broken apps in an old-style dialplan.
17:00.08vitaliytp3nguin: ok, same issue. fast busy to 2nd caller.
17:00.14p3nguincore set verbose 3
17:00.35p3nguinMake one call, then make the second call.  Pastebin the output.
17:02.25vitaliytit looks like it doesnt even see a 2nd caller...
17:03.05vitaliytah crap
17:03.07vitaliyti know why....
17:04.54p3nguinDid you ever try call #1 from that other phone, or was it always call #2?
17:04.54vitaliytok, i fixed it. the phone system that im using know, i registered 1001 to point to the asterisk but by default i left the max trunk capacity to 1, dumb me.
17:05.09p3nguinSounds misconfigured.
17:05.25vitaliytyea, its working fine now with multiple callers.
17:06.01p3nguinAnd, as a bonus, you've updated that part of your dial plan to the current century.
17:06.16vitaliytyep, thanks for that.
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17:10.22vitaliytwhile im at it, every time someone enters the MOH the music file starts from the begining, ive read that it should continue from where it left off, is that accurate?
17:11.23vipkillawhat does "CHANUNAVAIL" mean in asterisk's CDRs?
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17:12.10Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz???
17:14.24vipkillaanybody in here?
17:14.37Kattyi mean, yes.
17:14.50vipkilladoes anybody know what "CHANUNAVAIL" mean in asterisk's CDRs? makes no sense to me
17:15.12vipkillaand google is turning up 0 results on my inquiry
17:15.35Kattychan unavailable..means....
17:15.51vitaliytvipkilla: really? you googled "asterisk chanunavail" and you got 0 results?
17:15.54vitaliytare you serious?
17:15.59Kattythe channel is...unavailable
17:16.03vipkillayes it is strange
17:16.24vipkillawhat is difference between BUSY and CHANUNAVAIL in asterisk's CDRs?
17:16.30Kattybusy means the line returned a busy
17:16.37Kattythe chan unavailable was not there to use
17:16.45Kattyit's gone on vacation
17:16.46vipkillai dont understand... what was returned?
17:16.57KattyHELLO DEAR LINE
17:17.00KattyLINE: GO AWAY I"M BUSY
17:17.03KattyHELLO DEAR LINE
17:17.05Katty(no answer)
17:17.10Katty(no answer)
17:17.44Kattythat's the difference.
17:18.01Kattyyou could check your qualify= in sip.conf
17:18.02vipkillaso it means the call never connected to anyting?
17:18.06Kattyif it's a sip chan that's unavailable.
17:18.14Kattyyes. all the asterisk got back was crickets.
17:18.17Kattyapparently it's gone on vacation
17:18.23Kattyhave you checked the bahamas? i hear it's lovely this time of year
17:19.10vipkillathanks Katty
17:19.17dymIs there a way to "simulate" a congested channel in the dialplan?
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17:19.37Kattyunplug your t1
17:19.45Kattyoh wait, that's not a simulation
17:20.28dxd828Hey guys need some help, just shutdown and moved my Asterisk server (been up over 100 days) get to the web panel and it just show a white blank page at /admind/config.php
17:20.31dxd828any ideas?
17:20.48[TK]D-Fenderdxd828, #freepbx <--------
17:20.49eZzphp error
17:20.56Kattyhi fender bender
17:21.11[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew
17:28.42p3nguindym: Congestion()
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17:35.01dymp3nguin: thanks got that already (:
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18:27.06FLeiXiuSHow can I pass variables between contexts?  Do I set a global or is there a fancy way to pass them through Dial?
18:28.13p3nguinThey pass on the channel.  Context has nothing to do with it.
18:28.40p3nguinBut if you are spawning new channels off the parent channel, you'll need to think about inheritance.
18:28.56FLeiXiuSp3nguin, Thats what my issue is then...
18:29.18FLeiXiuSI'm passing variables from one context (created by AMI) to another and I'm loosing the var.
18:29.35p3nguinAgain, context has nothing to do with it.
18:29.45[TK]D-FenderFLeiXiuS, Thre is no concept of scope for * variables.
18:30.11p3nguinIt is limited only by the current channel.
18:30.53FLeiXiuSOH!  That explains everything.  I was thinking vars were contained via contexts.
18:30.55p3nguinIf you are creating new channels off the original, prepend your variable with one underscore when you set it.  That will allow it to be inherited by one new level.
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18:31.51p3nguinContexts are only containers for extensions.
18:31.59p3nguinExtensions are where it all happens.
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18:53.57mattsqzwoot! now the wifi phone on the boss' sailboat is on the office pbx. fantastic. i dont even want to know how much a pbx vendor would have charged to set that up.
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20:08.27HiveI've got this web interface I'm making that lets users edit their phone system.  I'm trying to figure out how to handle reloading config files after they are changed by the users.  In total, 6 config files could need to be updated whenever changes are made.  I'm wondering if it would be better for me to execute a 'config reload whatever' for each file, or just 'core reload'.  Any input?
20:10.08[TK]D-FenderHive, Depends on which files.
20:11.32Hiveextensions.conf, musiconhold.conf, voicemail.conf, sip.conf, extensions_additional.conf, another_extensions_additional.conf  (those last 2 aren't the real names :P)
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20:12.28[TK]D-FenderIIRC voicemail and musiconhold have to have the actual module reloaded, not just the configs
20:12.28Hiveim trying to figure out the best way to do this without bogging down the server
20:13.02Hiveahh ok good to know
20:13.37HiveI guess asterisk handles 'core reload' pretty quickly now anyways
20:13.50Hivebut im just not sure which would consume less resources on the server
20:13.57Hive6 individual reloads, or a core reload
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20:15.00[TK]D-Fenderindividual shold because it's not reloading things you weren't specifically caring about...
20:15.47omaniwe have a analoge pbx. will change to voip. but what I dont understand is, how it is possible to have our numbers like (1234-131 and 1234-132) although we have only a numberblock from 00-29
20:15.55omaniam besten brauche ich jemanden, der deutsch kann.
20:16.24Hiveseems like a logical answer, thanks D-Fender
20:20.33p3nguinmoh reload and voicemail reload should be just fine for reloading their respective files.
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20:37.42p3nguinI personally cannot stand "reload" and/or "core reload".  It really gets under my skin for an unknown reason.
20:38.19p3nguinTherefore, you will never catch me doing it.
20:43.28Hivewhat do you use instead?
20:44.40leifmadsenmodule reload <something specific>
20:45.08leifmadsenor if the module has it's own thing, then you can use something like p3nguin pointed out with:  moh reload, voicemail reload, sip reload, etc...
20:45.20leifmadsenreload what you need, not everything at once
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20:45.53Hiveohhhh i misunderstood p3nguin, i thought he meant any reload such as config reload <something specific>
20:46.01p3nguinor if the module has its own thing.
20:46.02HiveI guess you meant just "reload"?
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20:46.46p3nguinI meant, literally, reload.
20:48.22p3nguinKeep in mind that from time to time you may run into a module which does not support reloading.  For those, you need to unload and then load again.
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21:01.29[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBL
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21:18.05karl370I have a question in regards to sms text messaging.  Is there specific hardware that's needed? or does some protocol need to be supported on the line? I have a PRI line.
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21:25.29leifmadsenkarl370: essentially, you can't do it with asterisk
21:25.47leifmadsenwhile app_sms exists, it's for a very specific situation that almost no one has
21:25.59leifmadsen(some particular european carrier)
21:27.11karl370that sucks.
21:28.42leifmadsenmight want to look at other software for SMS (if it exists)
21:29.05Joelthe best way to SMS is to use an email to sms gateway
21:29.35karl370That's fine for sending them, but how about receiving them?
21:31.41karl370ok, maybe I'm not following exactly then. I know the carriers allow you to email to something like and then the text will go to the 7145551234 phone number. What happens when they reply to the txt?
21:31.53Joelgoogle email sms gateway
21:32.15Joelthat's an email address, not an email sms gateway.
21:33.09Joelany decent service will even provide you with a developer account where you get X amount of messages to test with
21:36.39*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
21:37.57*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
21:38.53Joel for example
21:58.55*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
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22:05.03min3rI went to a local thrift store and got a 2wire ATA, internal wifi card, and ISA hardware modem, standard PC ac power adapter, and ethernet cable  for $10
22:05.50min3rToo bad they wanted $50 for a win95 box with no HDD. plus another $30 for the monitor, and $5 for the old keyboard
22:05.57min3rbut i got all the above so cheap.
22:06.09min3rthey have no idea how to price items
22:06.40*** join/#asterisk bintut (
22:12.42*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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22:14.53leifmadsenisa hardware modem?
22:15.01leifmadsenwho even has a computer who can run that anymore ;)
22:15.15leifmadsenpeers at the box of hardware he has that contains a USR 33.6 ISA modem
22:30.58*** join/#asterisk bbourdage (
22:44.31*** join/#asterisk rdegges (u4891@gateway/web/
22:44.54*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
22:44.54rdeggesHey all, quick question about using MeetMe + DAHDI in 1.8 latest--
22:45.23rdeggesI'm currently using DAHDI dummy--is it possible that I'd get better performance if I was using a hardware source for timing? Like a cheap digium fxo card or something?
22:45.27rdeggesOr would that make no difference whatsoever?
22:45.53rdeggesI'm having stability problems with asterisk =/ We crash once a week or so, and the only app we use is meetme.
22:46.09rdeggesThe logs don't give any useful information other than a generic 'frame' error.
22:46.40rdeggesI'm trying to figure out whether I should possibly get some cards in our boxes to possibly improve stability or not :x
22:47.08[TK]D-FenderIt's should crash on you... that sounds like something else....
22:47.48rdeggesYou're suggesting it's another issue? :o
22:49.24rdeggesI've been having this issues like __forever__. Upgrading Asterisk revisions hasn't helped at all =/
22:49.47rdeggesWe're running ubuntu-server (64-bit), latest kernel revision, latest dahdi, latest asterisk stable.
22:49.50rdeggesStill the same thing though =/
23:00.37*** part/#asterisk wwalker (~wwalker@
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23:58.16kessiushi pabelange and  friends, one day off, and miss irc

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