IRC log for #asterisk on 20120129

00:14.32*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
00:34.21*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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00:58.11*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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01:21.31fornaxhi, is somewhere there that already added a cisco phone via sccp to asterisk?
01:22.23fornaxI have trouble configuring my 7914 expansion module for my 7960 but cannot find the right documents
01:29.55*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
01:57.09*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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02:25.59*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
02:44.55*** part/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
02:45.47*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (ba51b3c1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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03:55.22*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
03:55.57volga629When web meet me installed where I can find info what need to be added to dial plan
03:56.25volga629to create dynamic conference room
04:18.35*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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04:58.50*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (~TriJetScu@2001:470:e97f:1000::1)
05:14.34*** join/#asterisk Hyphenex (
05:15.24Hyphenexhey everyone.  I've not had the best of luck with the cards to put in the computers, so I'm just wondering what those boxes are that terminate a PSTN line to SIP just with an Ethernet port
05:19.28Hyphenexdo they work ok?  Is there a recommended one I can get and hopefully not have much/any echo on it?
05:19.50carrarAudioCodes makes nice ones
05:20.44HyphenexThanks carrar, I'll check them out.  Any models I should be looking for?
05:22.07volga629Is web meet me should insert conference number in asterisk config ?
05:25.28p3nguinI have a feeling that no one here knows what web meet me is.
05:25.51carrardouble checks the channel name
05:26.27volga629yes exactly I will glad do some reading and understand how it should work
05:26.40volga629the right way
05:27.01infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
05:27.04carrarstart there
05:30.04volga629thanks, my pbx is running but web meet me just can't get How exactly it should work what web meet me doing when create the conference in web gui
05:33.12carrarmight talk to the people who wrote web meetme
05:33.45volga629I have web met me setup with mysql, web interface running no issue, but interaction between we meetme and asterisk ?
05:33.54carrarmight talk to the people who wrote web meetme
05:39.05p3nguinIs assembly considered a programming language?
05:39.51carrarlow level
05:39.53carrarbut yes
05:40.06carrarI was a mad 6502 assembly programmer
05:40.17p3nguinCan AGI be written in assembly?
05:40.34alucardx-mattthere's a 6502 in the Atari 2600 isn't there?
05:40.36carrarbe written in anything
05:40.57carraralucardx-matt, I believe so
05:41.02carrarI learned on the Atari 800
05:41.31alucardx-mattwhich is very similar to the atari 5200
05:42.08*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
05:46.22p3nguinI think the correct answer was that assembly is not a programming language... it is machine code and is needed to run code written in programming languages.
05:46.25Hyphenexcarrar: The AudioCodes are pretty expensive, is there a single FXO model out there that is known to have little echo?
05:51.36p3nguinI have pretty good luck with an SPA-3102.
05:52.32Hyphenexp3nguin: I'm looking at that, about $60 and not any echo from the forums.  Can I use the FXO port so when my home phone number calls, I can divert it over SIP?  I don't think I'd have any use for the FXS port
05:53.36p3nguinYes.  You can use the FXS to connect a phone to it, the FXO to connect your telco's line to it, or both.
05:54.06p3nguinIt can also serve as a router (internet gateway).
05:54.36Hyphenexsweet, might just get one then :)  Have you found there's any echo on the FXO port? (I'll be using this for all inbound calls to my SIP phones)
06:00.23ectospasmctrl-M /input return
06:00.56ectospasmHyphenex: there are many factors that determine whether you have echo, not just the FXO module...
06:01.36Hyphenexectospasm: If I don't have any echo on my normal phone, can't I assume I could get a module to replace the phone and I shouldn't get any echo?
06:02.15ectospasmno, that's not a safe assumption.
06:02.45Hyphenexdarn, what do they do differently? :P
06:02.53ectospasmthe connection could be totally different, even though not functionally different
06:03.14ectospasmHyphenex: different hardware involved
06:03.47Hyphenexso it's not the case of just buy expensive enough equiptment that should have the smarts to just "deal with it"?
06:03.51ectospasmit can be impossible to tell if you'll have echo when you connect an FXO port to a POTS line, until you actually plug it in and test.
06:04.09ectospasmHyphenex: well, if it comes with an echo canceler, that will help...
06:05.01ectospasmthe software echo cancelers that ship with Asterisk may work well enough for you...
06:06.21ectospasmand with that, I must go to bed...
06:08.48HyphenexThanks ectospasm
06:13.18p3nguinUsing an ATA, you won't be using Asterisk's echo cancellation.
06:13.53Hyphenexyeah I was thinking that.  but I wish there was something you'd know would just work
06:40.38*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
06:40.45doolittleworkmoning people
06:41.42doolittleworkcan anyone poin tme in the right direction to reset the web admin password for a snom 812?
06:42.30doolittleworksorry 821
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09:44.47*** join/#asterisk bitwize (bitwize@
09:45.02bitwizeQuestion: If I have a couple of managers connected through AMI and all of them listening for originate-response events, do all managers get the event when it occurr or just the manager who initiated the originate-action?
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10:34.31*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~taleghani@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
10:34.53AliRezaTaleghaniI don't know why, or how to debug it...
10:35.20AliRezaTaleghanibut suddenly, my "ReadExten" Application had stopped to work
10:35.52AliRezaTaleghaniall the server is ok, and all other Dialplan parts are working properly....
10:36.11AliRezaTaleghanibut as the dialplan, reach to "ReadExten" application, it will stop!
10:36.50AliRezaTaleghani** I test the Media file, with "Read"and "PlayBack"... both are work as usuall
10:37.16AliRezaTaleghanibut ReadExten dosen't work and just go to silent...
10:39.59bitwizeDoes the ReadExten-application catch the DTMF-signal and lets you go further in the dialplan?
10:41.10bitwizeIf not, how are you transmitting the DTMF from the phone? Inband, 2833 or both?
11:21.27AliRezaTaleghanibitwize: the mather is that, i am not able to hear any thing on, caller Channel to mention the call he should input digits...
11:21.37AliRezaTaleghanibitwize: all just go silent..
11:22.52AliRezaTaleghaniofcourse  if the caller input anything... they will not be catch in dialplan...
11:23.25AliRezaTaleghaniafter a while, channel will time out and go to 't' (timeout) extention...
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11:45.41*** join/#asterisk pnunn (~pnunn@
12:20.25bitwizeAliRezaTaleghani: ok, have you looked at the output in logfiles/console? Any warnings/errors?
12:20.54bitwizeenable loglevels and output targets in logger.conf
12:30.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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13:15.22AliRezaTaleghanibitwize: i had changed to verbose mode 15 and nothing special has been catched
13:16.52bitwizeAliRezaTaleghani: ok, have you enabled errors and warnings to be printet in console?
13:17.47bitwizelook in logger.conf,  you should specify something like: console => error,warn,dtmf etc....
13:18.37bitwizeget the correct syntax at
13:27.59AliRezaTaleghanibitwize: yep.. i had done them all and ofcourse enable debug level for the calls which fail on problem
13:28.07AliRezaTaleghanijust 10 min ago i found the problem...
13:28.30AliRezaTaleghanii the matter was that we disable the module pthream timming
13:28.36AliRezaTaleghaniand it was the reason
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14:21.42*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (~powerkill@
14:27.15*** join/#asterisk euphor][a (
14:27.39euphor][ahi guys
14:29.42euphor][aThinking of virtualising asterisk by creating a vm. Currently I have two asterisk servers with 4 EuroISDN circuits in each. Does it sound reaosnable to terminate the circuits using some hardware, delivering the calls to asterisk via IAX2, and if so, what hardware might do this? Thanks
14:34.07*** join/#asterisk unlab (~unlab@
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14:41.41*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
14:48.27WIMPyYou want to virtualize two boxes and additinally replace them bu two others?
14:50.13WIMPyAnd protocoll conversions are always lossy.
14:54.00euphor][aI have two boxes I want to replace with two virtual machines
14:54.18euphor][aand some hardware, not a full server, to terminate PRI lines and connect them to the VM
14:54.32WIMPyAnd two additional pieces of hardware.
14:54.49euphor][awhatever hardware is needed
14:55.11WIMPyYou could go to xorcom and use USB.
14:55.33euphor][aSomething like this ?
14:55.48euphor][aok let me look at Xorcom
14:55.49WIMPyYOu could use gateways, but I woudn't recommend that.
14:56.11WIMPyOr use just another Asterisk as gateway.
14:56.58euphor][aI could use another asterisk box, but then I might as well have that instead of the virtual machine
14:57.19euphor][atrying to use the most basic equipment I can to do the job rather than a custom asterisk server
14:57.34euphor][aonly throwing the idea out there
14:57.38euphor][amay be it isn't feasible
14:57.59WIMPyIt's surely possible.
14:58.11WIMPyYou have to devide if it makes sense to you.
14:58.41euphor][alooing to virtualise my current environment, and would like to virtualise the asterisk servers too
14:58.55euphor][abut they are core to the business, so it needs to be a viable solution
14:59.28euphor][aYou're think Xorcom Astribank?
14:59.44WIMPyIs it two servers at different locations?
15:00.25euphor][ajust two servers for redundancy
15:00.29euphor][aat one location
15:03.23euphor][aastribank looks good, although the USB would only be connected to one server, providing a single point of failure
15:03.51*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (ba52a0a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:04.09WIMPyYes, if you want redundancy, you need two of them.
15:04.18euphor][aaah, I see it has two USB ports, one for backup
15:04.28WIMPySo I guess you've got two PCI cards now?
15:04.40WIMPyStill a SPOF.
15:05.12euphor][ayes, and yes, still SPOF with current setup
15:05.17euphor][abut trying to eliminate with new one
15:05.42euphor][avirtual machine enviromnent has no SPOF from end to end
15:05.49WIMPySo it;s going to be an expensive virtualisation.
15:06.03*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
15:06.22euphor][a3 servers, 2 switches, 1 SAN
15:07.13WIMPyCould be interesting to connect a pice of hardware anyway.
15:09.30*** part/#asterisk bbourdage (
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16:02.06luckman212Is there any way to have Asterisk start playing back Voicemail messages from the NEWEST message to the oldest?
16:09.32*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
16:13.10[ProB]CrazyManhi, I have an short question, if I have two asterisk boxes and want to test dahdi communication threw some BRI cards, and one card is signalling = bri_net, what signalling do the receiving side should have? bri_cpe?
16:15.29[ProB]CrazyManand if i have on one site bri_net_ptmp I should have on the other side bri_cpe_ptmp? what happens if i have this combination: bri_net --> bri_cpe_ptmp ?
16:15.31*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:15.56WIMPyYou won;t be able to obtain a TEI.
16:16.25WIMPyThe other way round will probably work partially.
16:17.18WIMPyErr, and yes to the first question.
16:17.29[ProB]CrazyManso next question if I run dahdi_genconf, how does it detect the the modes ?
16:18.37WIMPyIt doesn't
16:19.16[ProB]CrazyManok thx
16:19.20WIMPyWell, I think the latest version detects the TE/NT jumpers, but ptp/ptmp can't be auto detected.
16:26.26*** join/#asterisk god-x6 (~poorelanc@funtoo/user/godmachine-x6)
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16:37.22timbreckhi, i'm reading conference quota information from mysql (using func_odbc), and am trying to compare it to the result of MeetmeCount : exten -> _ZXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${CONF_CNT} >= ${CONF_QUOTA}]?i,1)
16:37.22luckman212sorry to repeat but,  nobody knows if it's possible to have Ast   playback voicemail  starting with the newest messages first?
16:37.39timbreckdoesn't seem to work, i'm guessing because func_odbc returns a string ?
16:38.03timbreckor am I writing things wronf?
16:38.23WIMPyluckman212: You could always do your own VM.
16:39.19luckman212WIMPy: I could?
16:40.41timbreckis there anything blatantly wrong about my snippet?
16:41.13WIMPyluckman212: Wee, I don;t know if you could, but it's vertainly posible.
16:41.32luckman212WIMPy: heh.   that's more like it
16:42.04WIMPyAnd obviousely I can't use a keyboard.
16:42.14luckman212WIMPy: would probably be easier for me to dig through the c code and change the existing behavior to a LIFO
16:42.44WIMPyThat's another possibility
16:43.12timbreckah sh*t yes, -> instead of =>
16:43.17timbreckso sorry .. :p
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17:13.54naifI'm selling OpenBTS hardware - anyone interested?
17:14.37fenrusthat would be so awesome
17:15.02naifi used it for experiments, it's working, but now i'm not using it anymore
17:15.13naifit works with asterisk to make GSM 900mhz network
17:19.19fenrusthis would have been so awesome to build for a scout centre in the archipelago
17:20.01WIMPyIt's hard to get a test licence for 900.
17:20.22fenrusyea, pretty much what i recon
17:20.42fenruswell see what the swedish goverment says :)
17:27.26naifi just didn't care about the license
17:27.40naifas long as you don't bother other GSM users by using your own MCC/MNC
17:28.01naifand filter your allowed IMSI-only
17:28.21naifit may still be "slightly illegal" but for sure will not disturb anyone
17:28.35*** join/#asterisk kl4m (
17:30.18WIMPyI've been told the transmission itself is no longer illegal here. But it you accidentally disturb something you're not only an official terrorist but also liable for damages.
17:31.42WIMPyA test licence isn't expensive, but hard to get for 900.
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17:36.58twanny796exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/asterisk1/1001,30 & SIP/asterisk1/1000,30)    ... I'm doing this to call two stations at the same time, but I don't think it's correct,??
17:37.37WIMPyNo, don't repeat timeout and options.
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17:52.34twanny796WIMPy: ok, ;)
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22:42.42Renehi all!
22:43.44Reneis anyone using the findayly+fincheck scripts to retreive their credit-balance from the voipbuster/voipdiscount servers?
22:55.28*** join/#asterisk fornax (~fornax@
22:56.14fornaxi have two cisco 7914 on my 7960 and my second does not show any entries. does anyone has the same setup and can help me?
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23:18.00ChannelZI don't even understand the question
23:24.37fornaxChannelZ: The CISCO 7960 has the ability to add to expansion modules 7914. These can be configured using the /etc/asterisk/sccp.conf. You can add speed dial, lines etc as buttons that should show up on both devices. The configuration works so that the buttons are set and the lcd shows the lines on the first 7914 but the second does nothing. So my question is if someone else already got two 7914 working with a cisco 7960?

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