IRC log for #asterisk on 20120128

00:03.42pabelangerpatrickod: no
00:07.54patrickodah that's a shame.
00:19.45*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
00:19.55dandate2can a remote agent use bluetooth to utilize a softphone?
00:20.38*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
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00:22.59jdavidowI don't understand the question?
00:23.15jdavidoware you asking IS there a bluetooth SIP phone?
00:23.41jdavidowerr, sip/iax/pots/etc?
00:25.58jdavidowa bluetooth headset will show up as a speaker/mic device, so very likely (you may need to add a bluetooth receiver to the computer though!)
00:26.34jdavidowand keep in mind, bluetooth is only like 2-5meter range.
00:39.58*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-axlayxkgviicpkxv)
00:46.16*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
00:50.55*** join/#asterisk jdavidow (~jdavidow@
00:55.15*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
01:02.02*** join/#asterisk jdavidow| (~jdavidow@2001:470:1f11:5cb:1e4b:d6ff:fee0:ede5)
01:18.35*** join/#asterisk Gaiax (be19ebae@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:18.47Gaiaxalguien por aki?
01:25.04*** join/#asterisk kl4m (
01:32.15patrickodpabelanger: do you know if it's possible to use realtime configs and phoneprov ?
01:37.47*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
01:38.44*** join/#asterisk min3r (1000@
01:40.09min3rIm using linphone on my local computer, and connecting to an asterisk server. I kept getting calls from "aa" at 200@mylocalipaddress. Im not running asterisk and ext 200 is not an extension on the asterisk server nor are there any other connected IPs to the server. What is going on ?
01:40.40min3rI ran "ss" and did not see any IPs except the IP for the asterisk server.
01:41.31min3rI have received calls from people scanning and receive like 20 calls at once. but this was one call at a time back to back
01:43.44min3rWould these calls be coming from the asterisk server or my local machine (Even though its not running asterisk) Is someone connecting to the softphone ?
01:44.07infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
01:44.10[TK]D-Fendershow us
01:44.42min3rShow you what exactly
01:45.06min3rWhen the calls were occuring I did not see them in the asterisk cli
01:46.52[TK]D-FenderEnable SIP DEBUG at * cli to see the requests
01:46.58min3rAlso, I do not see anything in the /var/log/asterisk/full. So im assumming maybe it did not come from the asterisk server
01:47.39[TK]D-FenderNo, first forget logs.  * live CLI with SIP debug.  that is what is really happening right now.
01:49.29min3rI ran sip debug on
01:49.35min3rthe calls are not occuring at this moment though
01:50.05min3rWhat Im trying to find out is generally what is occuring when these types of things happen ?
01:52.00min3rNow I just see my softphone from my ip address. and udp read requests from the server ip.
01:54.35[TK]D-FenderMaybe you were being scanned from the outside.  But it isn't happening now and there is nothing to see and time travel is kinda stuck on +1s/s  so that's not going to get too far
01:55.03*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (~Gene@
01:55.17[TK]D-FenderSo I'd recoend locking down your peers that you do have, doing the sae to your dialpla, and perhaps setting up fail2ban to look for brute force attempts
01:55.44min3rWell, normally when I see a scan i receive lots of calls at once. this was 1 call at a time, once i hung up. fail2ban is on
01:57.25min3r[TK]D-Fender, what type of scan/scanner is generally used that would make a sip call?
01:58.11p3nguinWow.  That sounds pretty cool...
01:58.40p3nguinRecording of a call when the disk hit 100% usage, the sound is wild.
01:59.11p3nguinLike digital diarrhea or something.
01:59.13min3rp3nguin, almost like a echo techno/feedback noise ?
01:59.34p3nguinYou've heard this sound on movies.
01:59.42p3nguinYou can just hear the bits.
02:00.00min3ryeah you can simulate the sound sound by calling yourself and setting the record to Master volume rather than microphone
02:00.11min3rIve ran into that using arecord to record local calls
02:01.31*** join/#asterisk GGD (
02:02.20p3nguinI was suddenly getting a flood on the console:  WARNING[3467]: format_wav_gsm.c:224 update_header: Unable to find our position
02:02.34p3nguinAs soon as I cleared some free space, it stopped.
02:04.57min3r[TK]D-Fender, are they making a "skinny" connection or doing something else ?
02:10.57[TK]D-Fendermin3r: You haven't shown any debug.  How would expect someone to be able to answer that?
02:11.12min3rim speaking in general, nm man
02:11.38[TK]D-FenderYou're asking me is it is one specific protocol that is being used.
02:11.44[TK]D-FenderI can't know.  We don't see anything
02:11.45min3rI dont have any debug to show, as we mentioned it's not occuring at the moment
02:12.04[TK]D-FenderStatistically it'll be SIP
02:12.06min3rWhat do people generally use / do when they make such a scan
02:12.14[TK]D-FenderSkinny is a Cisco proprietay protocol.
02:13.04[TK]D-FenderAnd they'll use soe sort of script to find a responsive server, try to reg as a known device and then start trying to dial numbers to defraud you of LD on your outbound
02:14.01min3rsince they were able to call my ext, were they able to register? or can they contact my ext without registeing ?
02:14.13min3rit was coming from ext 200 which is not a valid ext on the server
02:15.56*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
02:16.33min3r  -- found that site. im checking it out.
02:17.34[TK]D-FenderLook in your CDR to see what calls actually stuck
02:20.38min3rThey didnt make any outgoing calls
02:21.00min3raccording to my cdr-csv
02:21.37[TK]D-Fendermin3r: well so far we're grabbing at ghosts.
02:21.50[TK]D-FenderSo secure what you have now
02:25.14*** join/#asterisk Sedorox (brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
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03:44.32*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
03:49.26*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:56.31Tech_TravisAny troubleshooting advice on why Dahdi recognizes my TDM410P in the OS but in the Asterisk CLI the command module load fails?
03:57.10[TK]D-Fendershow us the before & after....
04:02.49Tech_TravisIs this what you meant by before and after?
04:06.26[TK]D-FenderTech_Travis: Good start.  start * manually "asterisk -gvvvvc"
04:06.45[TK]D-FenderTech_Travis: And pastebin.  That should probably bomb on load
04:06.57[TK]D-Fenderinclude all of your dahdi configs in the next PB
04:25.48*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
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04:29.16*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
04:31.24[TK]D-FenderThat looks like it's actually ok...
04:31.29[TK]D-Fender"dahdi show status"
04:31.36[TK]D-Fender"dahdi show channels"
04:31.37*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
04:32.17[TK]D-FenderYou have pretty barren configs that you'll need to rework, but it might list the 1 you have if you're lucky
04:32.42*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
04:39.58*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:40.43Tech_Travis[TK]D-Fender: I don't think it's my week for good luck.
04:42.52WIMPy'core set verbose 9'
04:42.55[TK]D-Fendermodule unload
04:42.58[TK]D-Fendermodule load
04:43.00WIMPy'core set debug 9'
04:43.09WIMPy'module load'
04:47.50WIMPyDid you turn up verbose and debug on that one?
04:47.55[TK]D-FendertechPerhaps you've had a kernel update etc and chan_dahdi needs to be recompiled...
04:48.10Tech_TravisWIMPy: yes, to 9, but still no change.
04:48.26WIMPyThe second paste only shows an unload.
04:48.39Tech_TravisWIMPy: oops,
04:51.33Tech_Travis[TK]D-Fender: When I upgraded to * 1.8.9 today I did a recompile on libpri, dahdi complete and the new *, but I can run through it again.
04:51.45WIMPyHmm. That was not very helpful.
04:52.04Tech_TravisWIMPy: yeah, it's been like that all day.
04:52.09WIMPyThe output f Asterisk, that is.
04:52.57Tech_TravisWIMPy: no matter what I've tried in configuring dahdi it's been the same output.
04:54.12Tech_Travis[TK]D-Fender: I did come across some posts mentioning a kernel PAE issue but wasn't understanding what they were referring to.  I can try to dig up those posts again.
04:54.50WIMPycat /proc/dahdi/*
04:56.10Tech_TravisThe only other thing I can think of is that this is not in production so the analog line isn't plugged into the card yet.  Would that make a difference in not being able to get * to see dahdi?
04:56.27*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
04:56.54p3nguinOh lookie... dies a terrible death.
04:58.04WIMPyDidn;t you want to disable jabber in order to get rid of those messages anyway? *eg*
04:58.35WIMPyOk, so the card seems to be working so far.
04:58.39SeRip3nguin: you ever got your issue resolved?
04:58.47p3nguinWhich one?
04:59.02[TK]D-Fenderok, off for the night... later all
04:59.05SeRithe google voice one
04:59.09p3nguinNo and yes.
04:59.27Tech_Travis[TK]D-Fender: thanks for taking a look.
04:59.30p3nguinUltimately I took care of the problem.
05:00.20p3nguinLog in to gtalk using an IM client.  Show all buddies.  Delete (not block) all the spammers from your list.  Log out of gtalk IM client.
05:00.41p3nguinI did it with Pidgin.  Right-click, remove.
05:01.05SeRiok but it worked even though the otehr user has you in their contact?
05:01.32p3nguinThat part doesn't matter.
05:01.50p3nguinThe part that matters is that you were somehow subscribed to those users.
05:02.08p3nguinRemove the subscription, done.
05:02.17p3nguinYou can block them before removing if you want.
05:02.44p3nguinI'm never signed into chat, so I don't worry about getting messages from them.
05:02.46SeRiwell I just removed them. Going to try it out now.
05:02.58p3nguinIf they start sending messages, I'll block them.
05:03.19Tech_TravisWIMPy: it was also doing this on Asterisk before I upgraded to
05:03.26p3nguinIt was earlier today when I removed them, and I haven't seen one more single PRESENCE PACKET notice.
05:03.51p3nguin1.8.9.0 did not work out for me.
05:04.14p3nguinI'll have to retest in a few days or weeks.
05:04.41SeRiok here is hwat flods my logs Got presence packet from
05:04.45WIMPyTech_Travis: I can only think of it disliking somethign in the config file. But if it won;t tell, it's hard to say.
05:05.18SeRiGot presence packet from, someone not in our roster!!!!
05:05.46SeRiIt's floding my logs right now
05:06.29Tech_TravisWIMPy: any thoughts on which config file to start tweaking?  chan_dahdi.conf perhaps?
05:06.55WIMPyThe only other file it reads is users.conf, if you've got one.
05:07.48SeRiso that means they have not add it you to their google chat
05:07.59SeRicause I removed mine but I am still seen the msges
05:08.17Tech_TravisWIMPy: I started building chan_dahdi.conf from scratch so it is pretty bare.  Am not using a users file.  What are the must haves in the chan_dahdi.conf file?
05:08.58Tech_TravisWIMPy: all I've got are trunk signaling and channel
05:10.07WIMPyTrunk? Yes, signalling and channel are essential.
05:12.24Tech_TravisWIMPy: I tried it with trunk=DAHDI/1 and without trunk in the file under the [trunkgroups] section.
05:14.19WIMPytrunkgroups are for NFAS only AFAIK, so you shouldn;t have that.
05:14.33p3nguinseri: I removed the users from my IM client and the shit went away.
05:14.43Tech_TravisWIMPy: okay I'll take it back out.
05:17.43*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
05:20.45p3nguinseri: I had been getting the flood periodically for several days.  After I removed those turds from my list, I haven't seen one more single notice about presence packets from users not on the roster.
05:22.07SeRiyea. I just found that if they have you on their list their client will send you a present packet and since they are not in your list asterisk will complain.... so what I did right now is set for each one of them and it supressed the messages... at least so far.
05:22.12SeRip3nguin: ^^
05:22.58p3nguinTry adding them to your list in IM.  Then block them.  Then remove them.
05:23.08SeRigood suggestion
05:23.50p3nguinThere's no way I would add configuration for turds in my jabber.conf or gtalk.conf.
05:25.52SeRiwell so far it has not complaint since they been blocked...
05:26.51SeRinow I need to find out why is not able to dial out
05:27.47p3nguinBad extension, probably.
05:27.49Tech_TravisWIMPy: I think it might be working now....
05:28.07SeRichan_gtalk.c:1864 gtalk_request: Could not find recipient
05:28.17SeRiUnable to create channel of type 'gtalk' (cause 0 - Unknown)
05:29.13Tech_TravisWIMPy: Well, since it never worked to begin with I don't have a frame of reference to know if it is fully functional now or just partly.
05:29.14p3nguingtalk and jabber not loaded correctly?
05:29.46Tech_TravisWIMPy: but now in the CLI I have some entries for dahdi
05:29.59WIMPy'dahdi show status'
05:30.04WIMPyor ...channels
05:30.44SeRip3nguin: which module needs to be reloaded when you make changes?
05:30.50SeRigtalk or jabber?
05:30.58SeRiI for got which one needs a manual reload
05:31.34p3nguinunload, then load
05:32.38SeRibingo :)
05:32.41SeRiall works now
05:32.48SeRijust for got to reload them
05:34.11WIMPyLooks like it's working.
05:34.55Tech_TravisWIMPy: that what I like to hear!
05:42.02*** join/#asterisk lanning (
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05:43.10Tech_TravisWIMPy: thanks for taking the time to help me out.  I appreciate it.
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09:39.28krotoshi all
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10:06.40anaxagorasGood morning, channel
10:08.12anaxagorasI got the time to test asterisk a bit and have an installation running with sipgate-account and several softphones, etc. Everything telephone related works flawlessly.
10:09.25anaxagorasMy problem is regarding jabber. I enabled the gtalk module and can send messages, but receiving jabber messages is working. How can i check, if the receive application is installed?
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11:50.08sehhhey people
11:50.18sehhanyone using mISDN?
11:50.36*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
11:52.14sehhwhen there is an incoming call, the first thing I see in the asterisk console, is this line:
11:52.26*** join/#asterisk bitwize (
11:52.28sehhany ides what "failed" is all about?
11:55.07kaldemaryou don't get a number in
11:56.04kaldemarso it falls back to exten s since no extension in from-zaptel matches "nothing".
11:56.05sehhi'm sorry i don't understand, you mean Caller ID number? or DID from the trunk?
11:56.22kaldemarDID. the dialed number.
11:56.52sehhwhy is my DID empty?
11:57.28kaldemarno idea.
11:57.53sehhif DID is empty then I can't route incoming calls based on which line they called
11:58.00sehhthis is a problem for me
11:58.36sehhis there a way to debug this? maybe I've broken it by some configuration parameter?
11:59.58kaldemari don't know about mISDN, with DAHDI you can enable debug on an ISDN. what version of asterisk are you using?
12:00.37sehhi'm still using 1.6
12:01.03sehhthings work fine, incoming and outgoing calls
12:01.23sehhbut now I need to route calls based on the DID
12:01.35sehhbut it's empty (as you confirmed)
12:03.15*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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12:03.40cuscoin s extension use DumpChan() to see what you have
12:07.21sehhI don't really know how to do that
12:07.37sehhmaybe mISDN is the problem and it is not passing on the DID info
12:15.20bitwizeI have a question regarding cancelation of calls originated through AMI, is it possible to cancel the originated call before it is answered?
12:20.55kaldemarsehh: try "pri intense debug span 1" or "pri se debug span 1" or something like that. i'm not 100 % sure on the command.
12:21.30kaldemarsehh: you'll see what you get in from the line in the signalling.
12:33.56sehhkaldemar, thanks man, I'll try it and report back
12:34.24cuscobitwize: you can just return Busy(); instead of Answer();
12:35.14sehhkaldemar, seems like that only works for PRI lines, while mine is a BRI
12:35.41sehhits an ISDN line and I'm using a Beronet 2-port ISDN
12:35.48bitwizecusco:  i see, but this senario is when i originate a call from my asterisk server to the pstn
12:36.59cuscoyou can define for how long the dial takes
12:38.00kaldemarbitwize: manager has a hangup action, use it for the created channel.
12:38.55bitwizeI know, but I need this feature when a user initiates a new call and for some reason want to cancel that call before its answered, and i have to do this through AMI.
12:39.22bitwizekaldemar: how do i know the created channel before I receive the originate response from AMI?
12:40.33kaldemarbitwize: you don't. but you do before an answer. from a new channel event or by listing current channels.
12:41.56kaldemarif that doesn't suit you, maybe you should turn the origination around.
12:44.23bitwizeahh of course, I can see this in the channel-created event i suppose? Can i map these events to the correct originate-action with some key? Maybe the action-id from the originate action?
12:45.22bitwize(sorry for my bad english)
12:50.28*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
13:01.05kaldemarbitwize: you know the channel you're dialing don't you?
13:04.51bitwizekaldemar: true, I thought that my provided channel name was renamed with some added value
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15:12.20krotoshi :)
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16:58.03WIMPyGeneral warning: If you're using ext4, don't use a kernel >3.1.5. Soewhere between 3.1.5 and 3.2 something nasty happened.
16:59.03WIMPyhad a great night with ext4-fs errors. The reproducible kind on both 3.2 and 3.2.2.
17:15.47*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
17:16.55DennisGhi everyone
17:17.13DennisGis it possible to use dynamic/wildcard contexts?
17:17.54[TK]D-FenderContext names are fixed
17:18.30DennisGtoo bad..
17:18.40DennisGmaybe i have to say my problem in a different way
17:18.51WIMPywonders what that might be used for.
17:19.25DennisGi wanna put al my ivr's and sip phone routing in my database, because these are very dynamic
17:20.14DennisGbut my Asterisk system is a multi tendant system. So multiple companies use this to save rackspace and keep the costs low
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17:21.15DennisGaka i have like 10 customers with each 1 ~ 5 ivrs with multiple steps. In total the ivrs have around 250 ~ 500 contexts
17:21.58DennisGthats why i wanna use some dynamic contexts or something like that to get the realtime switch to work
17:24.03[TK]D-FenderSince that's not how it works you're going to have to use another approach just like the rest do
17:24.38DennisGoke and what is a good approach in best practices terms?
17:25.17DennisGi can use "empty" contexts in the extensions file and point them all to my database. If Asterisk don't care if there are like 500 contexts in the system
17:26.11[TK]D-FenderDoesn't as far as I know
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17:27.50DennisGOke thanks! then i gonna build a script that generates around 1000 contexts so i can add some new customers haha. I think that Asterisk gonna hate me if I issue a reload command
17:29.10cuscoDennisG: what I do, I have a sql table with ddi's and whenever a call comes in I actually query the sql for the context associated with that ddi
17:29.58cuscobut there must still be some dialplan in that context, ofcourse
17:30.49DennisGCusco: oke so you build your extensions.conf via the database?
17:30.59DennisGlike a DIY realtime system
17:31.57cuscono, I buil them by hand. If you want some tool to build ivr you should checkout 3rd party solutions such as 'edgebox'
17:33.16DennisGooh oke, no i build my IVR systems by hand. But my customers wanna have regular changes to there IVRs
17:33.25DennisGthanks anyway for the edgebox solution :)
17:34.06DennisGI thought it was possible to let my customers change the IVRs by themself via a custom GUI (via a website) that speaks with Asterisk realtime
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17:34.25cuscoyou can have them run agi scripts
17:34.33cuscothat would be easier to implement
17:34.42cuscoanyway all of it means work
17:34.55DennisGI know but Agi scripts are very heavy (have I heard)
17:35.09DennisGbut that was on Asterisk 1.4, maybe it's now different
17:36.40DennisGAre Agi scripts still so heavy?
17:45.40cuscoagi is a script
17:45.49cuscoand a scirpt will only be as heavy as any script
17:45.56cuscomore lines, the heavier
17:46.01cuscouse a profiller to find out
17:47.00DennisGOke then i gonna use agi hehe
17:47.26DennisGbut first have i to find out what's the best approach for this
17:47.30DennisGthank you very much cusco!
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20:54.07volga629I have asterisk 1.8 and web meet me is not working e: failed to authenticate as 'meet_me'
20:54.43WIMPyDid you set up that user?
20:54.49volga629I tried change 10 all setting and check permissions, bu no luck
20:55.13volga629yes user the there I can see from CLI
20:59.01WIMPySo if the user exists, the remaining parts are the password and the SCL.
20:59.35volga629Error connection to the manager!
21:00.06volga629I have for right now
21:02.34volga629might be some thing with webmeetme ?
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21:26.18ChannelZwhy is that listed twice?
21:27.49bitwizevolga629: Have you assigned the correct ip-range for that manager in manager.conf?
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21:37.03volga629what you mean range like access list ?
21:38.30volga629enabled = yes
21:38.30volga629port = 5038
21:38.30volga629bindaddr =
21:39.04volga629access-list is
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21:39.46WIMPyThe last line doesn't make sense.
21:40.04ChannelZyeah, it's "permit"
21:40.18volga629deny all allow all
21:40.31ChannelZthat doesn't make any sense either
21:41.37ChannelZit's not a range.  You're not listening
21:41.54ChannelZthat's all
21:42.33volga629that in my manager.conf
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21:48.20volga629what is right way add this  exten => s,n,MeetMe() ?
21:48.33ChannelZthen it seems like your password is wrong
21:49.40volga629I checke already, but let me check again and will something simple no special characters
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21:52.05ChannelZAs for your extension, not sure what the question really is, that is a right way to add it assuming it's a part of other 's' exten priorities (since you specified 'n')
21:53.37volga629how I can find where to add this for web meetme
21:54.50ChannelZwell it's an extension, so it goes in extensions.conf - how this relates to "web meetme" I have no idea
21:55.14ChannelZIf I had to guess it probably has to go in some specific context
21:56.29volga629That allow dynamic room interaction ?
22:00.33volga629still getting   == Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate after password change
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22:03.28ChannelZdid you reload manager?
22:03.50ChannelZand turn on verbose a little and you'll see more notices from manager as to what it possibly doesn't like
22:03.53volga629yes run reload on asterisk
22:03.54ChannelZcore set verbose 3
22:10.48volga629It look like working I removed % from password
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22:41.37bitwizeQuestion: If I have a couple of managers connected through AMI and all of them listening for originate-response events, do all managers get the event when it occurr or just the manager who initiated the originate-action?
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23:05.02jamicqueHi, is there any way to extract extra SIP headers from REFFER in dialplan? Coz SIP_HEAER function only shows the headers from invites...
23:06.10pabelangerjamicque: no, just the INVITE message
23:07.13jamicquepabelanger: I guess that no by SIP_HEADER and any other func.
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